ASPIRE! July 5, 2016
ASPIRE! July 5, 2016
We’re in This Together. ~ 541-294-3498 ~ 165 Alabama Ave. SE Bandon, OR. ASPIRE! is a publication of Aspire Media LLC. ASPIRE Business of The Week Esscents Candles & Accessories Renee Miner moved to Bandon, Oregon from California in her search for the perfect location to realize her dream of opening a candle store. In April of 2014, that dream came true with the Grand Opening of Esscents Candles & Accessories in Old Town Bandon. A beautiful specialty shop, Esscents is your source for all things candles and wax melts. Miner has a passion for candles – the colors, the scents, and the artistic beauty of these flame illuminators has always captivated her. She wanted to open a store that carried the finest products and offered a wide variety of styles for every need and every occasion. She has also spent years becoming a subject matter expert and takes great pleasure in being able to guide her customers to the exact candle to meet their needs. She is happy to share her knowledge and artistic eye helping people beautify their home, create centerpieces for weddings and other events, and choose candles that will please all the senses. Esscents carries U.S. made candles, including the high-end quality of Northern Lights, the intricate scents and long-burn of Salt City, the brightly-colored pillars of Illume, the reputation of Tyler, and many more brands and products. Esscents has recently begun offering custom gift baskets for all occasions. Gift-givers can choose Wilson’s Market & Deli More than just a convenience store. Come in as a customer, leave as a friend! Tuesday, July 5, 2016 their own candles or have Renee create the perfect assortment in prices ranging from $30 - $300. They can ship anywhere in the world and welcome everyone to stop in and experience the beauty of candles, or visit them at NOW HIRING CAREGIVERS! ~ Sophia’s Taco Revolution! ~ Tacos, Baja Style Burritos, Chalupas, & so much more! Made From Scratch ~ Fresh Daily In-House Smoked Meats Thank you for shopping local. Like us on Facebook! 541-347-3083 ~ 90 June Ave. SE ~ Bandon Call Pacific View Today 541-347-7502 Pacific View Senior Living Community 1000 6th Ave West ~ Bandon You asked, we listened. WE HAVE MOVED TO OLD TOWN BANDON! 165 Alabama Ave. SE ~ 541-329-1019 Olivia’s Cottage A heartfelt “Thank You” to all of the welcoming merchants in old town! Publisher’s Corner By: Amanda Carlton In case you hadn’t heard, Aspire Media, LLC and the ASPIRE! paper’s offices have moved! I am proud to announce our new location in the heart of Bandon’s Old Town. It is so exciting to be right in the heart of the action in our beautiful community, and our friends and neighbors throughout Old Town have been so welcoming and supportive. I’m proud to be associated with such fine merchants and business owners. Our new location is amazing, and I have to give a huge “thank you” as well as a plug for my dear friend, Olivia Andor. Olivia’s Cottage, one of Bandon’s most unique boutiques, has moved as well, and ASPIRE! is happy to have made the transition with her. The new retail storefront for Olivia’s Cottage and her diverse assortment of products to help you feel beautiful, inside and out, is located at 165 Alabama Ave. SE, and Aspire Media, LLC is located in the same building. Nestled between the Minute Café and the Arcade Tavern, our new office is right on the Old Town circuit, WASH AWAY THE WINTER! CARPET CLEANING RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - FLOOD RESTORATION PRESSURE WASHING - GUTTERS AND MORE! LICENSED AND INSURED Start your summer off with a fresh, clean house, inside and out! CALL JERRY TODAY! 541-551-5316 Tyler Salt City Candles & Accessories Illume® Capri Blue® Aspen Bay Paddywax 541-329-0084 Like us on Facebook! OLD TOWN BANDON 120 2nd St. SE and we’re thrilled about the increased visibility and convenience. We look forward to helping our marketing clients and advertisers in such a central location, and are excited about being able to get the word out about our services in a bigger way through Old Town’s many events and networking opportunities. Some things, of course, will not be changing. You, our readers, can still count on our on-time, professionally produced publication each and every week, and our commitment to engaging, relevant content has not lessened. Our advertisers and small business owners can still rely on our high-quality, affordable marketing and design services, including web site design & main- YOUR AD HERE! 541-294-3498 ~ 165 Alabama Ave. SE Unscented Scented Tapers Gels Soy & more! Ask us about our custom Gift Baskets! tenance, graphic design, logos, and advertising assistance. In fact, we’re hoping that this move will help us step up our game and help more Bandon businesses succeed and thrive! Stop by during business hours and check out the new location. We’re in this together, and that “we” is growing in numbers all the time. We look forward to meeting you, too! CORRECTION! Last week’s edition had a typo in Larry’s Express Lube’s website. The correct website is Visit Larry’s Express Lube Today! Magician and Master Mentalist Greg Kirk entertains and amazes with his unique blend of illusion and mental magic. Available for private & public events. MAGICIAN & MENTALIST! GREG KIRK MASTER MENTALIST 541-260-1109 We’re in This Together! Book your party today! ASPIRE Event of the Week 9th Annual “Golf for Health” Classic Friday & Saturday, July 8-9 ~ Bandon Crossings Once again, the Southern Coos south of Bandon on the 101. flu clinic and disaster drill. Health Foundation along with Participation in this annual To kick things off the night before, sponsors from around the Bandon fundraiser directly benefits the there is also a Sponsors’ Appreciation Dinner at Bandon Crossings community are gearing up for Southern Coos Health Foundation, a non-profit which funds catered by Edgewater’s. Competithe 9th annual “Golf for Health” tions at the event include a 5-hole, the Southern Coos Hospital and Classic golf tournament. Spectators and competitors alike should 3-par contest, a four-person scramHealth Center, keeping them on ble, a putting contest, and tee-off plan on a weekend full of fun, food, the leading edge of medicine and for the Classic will be at 11:00am challenges, and prizes, including a technology. They also provide on Saturday. There is also a silent chance to win a trip to the Master’s! immeasurable support, resources, auction and live auction, conductAnd what better place to host this and education to the community ed by professional auctioneer, Dale exciting event than at a course that at large. This is a weekend of fun Hartley, and a skills challenge the 2009 PGA Travel Guide listed for a truly worthy cause. Last sponsored by Cascade Tel. For as a “favorite hidden gem!” That, year’s event, for example, helped more information or to register, of course, is our very own Bandon purchase a needed bone-density visit Crossings Golf Course, located just scanner and supported the annual Bandon ® Hardware ACE is your neighborhood place for Craftsman® tools! Craftsman® 6-Drawer Ball-Bearing Tool Chest & Cabinet SALE Red Hot Buy! $9999 Valid Jul 1 - Jul 31 Stop in Bandon’s Ace Hardware today to see more Red Hot Buys! Craftsman® 104 Pc. Mechanic’s Tool Set SALE $49.99 Valid Jul 1 - Jul 31 Bandon Ace & Radio Shack 840 Oregon Ave. 541-347-2506 Open 7 days a week 7:30am - 8:00pm ASK DR. GREG ASPIRE Total Life Counseling 541-329-2333 rehearsing your responses – as silly as it sounds – can help you remember to keep your cool when they actually arise. Do you notice any physical sensations when you’re about to blow your top? Burning ears? Trembling hands? Pay attention to your next few episodes, and learn what your early warning signs are. Then, when you feel them next time, take a breath and practice some sort of relaxation or calming technique (deep breathing, repeating “stay calm” to yourself, etc…). If you find you still cannot control your temper, you may want to talk to a therapist about the root causes of your anger, and to learn more techniques like the ones I’ve mentioned. olf for Healt h al G u n ic ass Cl 20 16 ut he rn nd at So io n 5-Hole 3 Par Contest Four-person Scramble Putting Contest Tee off at 11am Saturday $125 per player Dear B.B., Anger is a perfectly normal, healthy emotion that can help us make positive changes in our lives. However, when the anger is in control of us instead of the other way around, how we act on that emotion can be extremely destructive. Learning to recognize your “triggers” and your early warning signs is an important first step. Are there situations that always “set you off?” If so, planning and 9 A n Dear Dr. Greg, “I have a problem with my temper. I have a really short fuse. When something upsets me, I go from zero to a hundred in, like, two seconds. When I was a teenager, I used to get into a lot of fights, and I got in trouble for arguing with my teachers. Now that I am older, I am getting into trouble at work because I lose my cool when people do stupid things. This has also really affected my love life. Every relationship I’ve ever had seems to end because of fighting. Every girlfriend I’ve ever had tells me I have anger management issues. I’m starting to think maybe I should take them seriously. I just can’t seem to keep my cool when something sets me off.” – B.B. Co o s H ea u lth F o Save the Date! Spend a weekend with fun, food, and prizes! Chance to win a trip to the Master’s! for the 9th Annual Bandon Golf for Health Classic Friday & Saturday, July 8 & 9, 2016 Bandon Crossings Golf Course For more information on playing or tournament sponsorship, please call 541.329.1040. To register a player or a team, please visit the tournament website. ASPIRE! Classifieds INTERESTED IN GROUP EMOTIONAL WELLNESS? Local counselor assembling group DBT Skills Training Classes For more information or to get on a waiting list, call: (541) 329-2333 --------------------------------------ORGANIC CRANBERRIES Frozen, 5lbs- $25 or 40lbs- $160 Delivery possible! 541-290-2638 --------------------------------------PACIFIC VIEW NOW HIRING CAREGIVERS Join our passionate team and build a rewarding career making a difference in people’s lives Apply in person at 1000 6th Ave., Bandon - --------------------------------------7TH ANNUAL COQUILLE GARDEN TOUR July 16th – Children’s activities, contests, and tours Tickets: $12 at Benefits the Coquille Garden Club, an Operation Coquille project for beautification. For more information: (541) 396-1606 --------------------------------------- ARE YOU BURIED IN CONFUSING PAPERWORK? Medical bills; Insurance Forms; Financial records; Bank statements; Estate planning preparation; Household bills. Let me help you de-clutter, organize & catch up, on a one-time or continuing basis. Bookkeeper with 30+ years exp. with personal and business finances. Confidential, efficient, excellent references. 541.329.0630 or 541.404.0948. --------------------------------------IT’S CRAB DERBY TIME AGAIN! Catch a “tagged” Dungeness crab anytime between July 1 and Sept 10 and you could win prizes throughout the event. Grand Prize drawing during the Cranberry Festival Register at Tony’s Crab Shack (541) 347-2875 --------------------------------------FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS Offered by Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center Every Tues. morning, 10:30am – 12 Bandon Community Center (The Barn) OLIVIA’S COTTAGE HAS MOVED TO OLD TOWN! You asked, we listened! We have moved to Old Town Bandon. 165 Alabama Ave. SE right between the Minute Cafe and the Arcade Tavern! Come see our gorgeous new space! --------------------------------------TIRED OF DEALING WITH THE HASSLE OF MARKETING YOUR BUSINESS? Need a professional, affordable website for your business? Aspire Media, LLC’s small business marketing services can save you hassle AND money. (541) 294-3498, --------------------------------------Call to place your classified today! 541-294-3498 --------------------------------------- SCAM ALERT! CALL BEFORE YOU CLICK! All of your insurance needs, in one location for you & your entire family! ain INSURANCE AGENCY If you’ve got it, we protect it. 1075 Alabama - Bandon 541-347-3211 Call today for a free quote! Auto & Home Renters Classic Car Landlord Motorcycle Commercial RV & Boat Protection Condo Umbrella & so much more! If you get a pop-up on your computer telling you to “Call Customer Support” Your first call should be to Bandon IT 1.541.223.7745 ~ 1.888.236.6241 Tech Tips with Aaron Barnes Bandon IT 541-223-7745 Keep your hands on the wheel Last week I presented the lecture “Technology 2016 – New and Emerging Tech” and a good portion of that focused on AI (Artificial Intelligence) and the future of self-driving vehicles. The next day news broke from the NHTSA and Tesla Motors that the first fatality accident had occurred involving a self-driving vehicle. The vehicle was the Tesla S Series using the Autopilot feature. There are three important things to take from this. First those purchasers of this Tesla model are informed and fully aware that they are “beta testing” the product; Tesla makes it clear that this is new technology that may have faults, and that drivers should remain fully attentive with at least one hand remaining on the wheel. A portable DVD player was found still playing a movie in the Tesla vehicle following the crash. Secondly the average fatality rate for “human” driven cars is currently one per 94 million miles. The Tesla Autopilot program had reached 130 million miles before this incident had occurred. While any loss of life is tragic, it is important to note that there has been less loss of life with the use of Autopilot. Lastly it will not be until 2020 that new vehicles are equipped with V2V (Vehicle 2 Vehicle) communications. This will allow all vehicles equipped with V2V to talk with each other in assisting with crash avoidance. Had that technology already been in place today it is unlikely o x o Think outside ox x x the box. x oo of Call today for creative, affordable marketing solutions for your business! Marketing Consultation ~ Graphic Design ~ Websites Social Media ~ Print Ads ~ Copy Writing ~ TV & Radio Scripts ~ so much more! We’re in This Together! 541-294-3498 ~ 165 Alabama Ave. SE the aforementioned Tesla crash would have occurred. The two vehicles would have been able to “talk” and “see” each other, avoiding a collision. In the interim I would ask no matter what level of technology your vehicle has, please keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel. Those around you will thank you for this. SALE! 25% OFF* Valspar ASPIRE Interior Paint! Coquille Supply We carry a full line of paints by Clark and Kensington®, Royal® and Valspar®, rollers, supplies and brushes, including Purdyhigh quality supplies which are manufactured here in the Pacific Northwest! TALK TO US TODAY! *Valspar ASPIRE interior paint only. Everything for your home but the view! Like us on Facebook to receive updates, deals and more! 10054 Highway 42 ~ Coquille OR 541-396-4264 Upcoming Events Heroes Corner~ SGT Janeane Richards Friday & Saturday, July 8-9 9th Annual Golf for Health Classic Bandon Crossings Saturday, July 9, 7:30pm Bandon Ballroom Dance Odd Fellows Hall Monday, July 11, 7:00pm Classic Film Night “The Last Butterfly” Bandon Public Library Wednesday, July 20, 7:00am Circles in the Sand – Labyrinth Face Rock Wayside Saturday, July 23, 7:00pm “The Tempest” Sprague Community Theater Fridays & Saturdays until December Old Town Marketplace Farmers Market Old Town Bandon Be Your Own Kind Of Beautiful Loida Salcedo ~Licensed Aesthetician 541-329-1019 At Olivia’s Cottage ~ Call today! SGT Janeane Richards United States Marine Corps Neva Janeane Gabbett was a smalltown, all-American girl in the late 1940s and early 1950s. In her hometown of Meeker, Colorado, she achieved local fame as the Rodeo Queen of Rio Blanco County, and was an avid basketball player. After graduating high school in 1950, she sought a bigger honor than the rodeo crown, and she enlisted in the United States Marine Corps to serve her country. By then she had married and become Neva Janeane Richards, although she always went by Janeane. It was a groundbreaking time for women in the military. Only two years earlier in 1948, Truman had signed the order to give women other than nurses a permanent role in our country’s armed forces. But with the Korean conflict ramping up, men and women were badly needed. Janeane was proud to do her part to support the military effort. She achieved the rank of Sergeant and served as a General Supply Clerk at California’s Camp Pendleton, one of the most important training bases for soldiers who were to be deployed to the Korean War. She was responsible for tracking inventory, signing out equipment for training, and overseeing the maintenance and general upkeep of the supplies that were necessary to the Marine Corps operations and training. Her commanding officers observed that she was a person of excellent character, and commended her service. Although she was only 5’ 2”, she also held her own playing basketball for the Marine Corps against women 6 inches taller and more! She was honorably discharged in 1952, at which time she was earning $122 per month. Her family had not been informed of her discharge date or travel plans, so they had no idea when she was coming home. She couldn’t keep the secret from her dear mother, though. She wrote in a hasty note home: “I was going to surprise you but I couldn’t hold it back any more.” She returned to the civilian world and lived a long, productive life. She is survived by her loving and grateful family, some of whom live right here in Bandon. thank you veterans ASPIRE! Published Tuesdays By ASPIRE Media LLC Address 165 Alabama Ave. SE PUBLISHER Bandon OR, 97411 Amanda J. Carlton Contact EXECUTIVE EDITOR Phone: (541) 294-3498 Gregory K. Fodrea E-mail: Web: We’re in This Together! 1,500 copies per week! Uncovering the Truth... It was a peaceful, uneventful weekend, but neither Samantha nor Steve could help but feel on-edge. The prospect of meeting Robert Tolbert on Monday morning was disturbing. Neither she nor Steve could even believe he was still alive. “The man must be in his nineties if he was a lawyer in 1949.” Steve had observed. “We can’t really go in with guns blazing, Sam.” Steve lectured as they lay in bed Sunday night. “We don’t really know what happened, and we certainly don’t have any proof of anything.” he continued. Samantha nodded slowly in agreement. “I know,” she replied, “it’s crazy. What would we even say? ‘Hi, Mr. Tolbert, a ghost has been telling us that you killed her’?” they both chuckled nervously. When the morning came, they were both emotional wrecks, but bravely drove into town, leaving their teenagers to care for the little ones. They pulled into the driveway of the charming Victorian-style house that had been converted to a law office, and parked in front. Samantha’s hands were trembling as she gathered up the diary and old legal paperwork. Hand- inhand they walked in. A stern receptionist in her fifties showed them to the firm’s conference room, a converted den with an antique cabriole-leg table and high-backed chairs. Neither of them felt comfortable enough to sit, so they stood awkwardly near the door. When it swung in suddenly, it caused both of them to jump a bit. “Welcome, folks,” boomed a jovial voice, “you must be Steven. I spoke with you last week.” Steve reached out to take the hand that was outstretched to him, but with a look of bewilderment on his face. The tall, broad-chested man who stood before him was older – perhaps in his mid-sixties – but certainly not old enough to have been practicing law in the nineteen forties. Samantha was thinking the same thing, and blurted out: “Are you Bobby Tolbert?” The salt-and-pepper-haired attorney turned to face her with a genuine smile on his face and chuckled. “Haven’t ever gone by ‘Bobby,’ Mrs. Austin,” the man shook her hand firmly, “but yes, I am Robert Tolbert…the third. Bobby was my father’s nickname. Never took a liking to it myself. Now how can I help you folks?” The look that passed between Steve and Samantha communicated volumes. Of course Bobby Tolbert wouldn’t still be practicing law. He was probably dead and gone. Steve’s posture relaxed visibly, but Samantha remained wary as they took seats around the dark wood table. Steve began confidently “We’re here to inquire about the Woodruff family. We’re the heirs to the estate property, and we’re trying to learn what we can about the history. As I mentioned on the phone, we’re particularly interested in Lillian Woodruff’s death.” The attorney’s smile faded. “Yes,” he began in a deep voice, “I’m afraid I can’t be much help there. She committed suicide after her husband died in the war.” Samantha shook her head and pulled out the diary and some of the Tolbert & Sons paperwork. “That’s the thing,” she began, not sure where the courage was coming from, “we don’t think she killed herself.” Samantha pointed to the last entry in the diary. “How well did your father know Lily Woodruff?” she grilled. A dark look passed over the attorney’s face. “I’m not sure what you’re insinuating, but I’m certainly not going to indulge your implications about my father.” he stood, “Our firm protects the confidentiality of its clients, so unless there’s anything else, I have work to do.” Steve and Samantha stood as the visibly angry man stormed out. They gathered their things and left in silence, both feeling they’d hit a dead-end. A Haunting Series - Week 9 By: Dr. & Mrs. Fodrea Miss a week? Back in Robert Tolbert the third’s office, the attorney watched them through the window, then picked up his phone and dialed. After a few rings, he heard a familiar, gruff greeting and spoke in a hushed tone. “Dad, we need to talk…” (Continued next week…) Olivia’s Cottage You asked, we listened. WE HAVE MOVED TO OLD TOWN BANDON! 165 Alabama Ave. SE Olivia’s Cottage Facials & Cosmetics Hair and Skin Products Flavor Infused Oils & Vinegar Italian Jewelry & Handbags All Natural Local Honey Unique Gift Items & So Much More! 541-329-1019 165 Alabama Ave. SE right next door to the Minute Cafe! DON’T WANT TO GO OUT? Shop online at
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