Review Report 2013 - Wellington Heath Parish Council


Review Report 2013 - Wellington Heath Parish Council
Report on the findings of the 2013 Parish Plan Questionnaire
The last Wellington Heath Parish Plan was published in 2006 following an extensive
consultation with local residents. It set out a series of prioritised actions for the Parish
Council to pursue to address issues of concern identified during the consultation
process. The Plan can still be viewed on the parish website at It is for the most part still relevant but the action points need refreshing,
hence the need for this ‘Review’. Following discussion within the steering group, it was
decided to canvas parishioners on the improvements they would now like to see in
order to produce an up to date Action Plan for the Parish Council to work on over the
next few years. During 2013, volunteers worked to create a questionnaire and
endeavoured to put together a concise and updated Parish Plan report.
Both the results of the survey and the new action points are to be published. This
document is the first of those publications. The revised action plan will be published in
the New Year.
With 126 returns, over 70% of the parish helped create this report, a community spirit
that is reflected in the content. Read on to get the full story.
Summary of Findings
Parish residents who returned the questionnaire (respondents) feel very positive about
their local community. Over two thirds of respondents cited the strong community spirit
and friendliness as key features of the parish. In addition, many liked the landscape,
rural views and their associated peace and quiet. Among suggested improvements, the
re-establishment of the pub and improvements to road surfaces featured most
The great majority of those people who responded are dissatisfied with the condition of
local roads, citing potholes as their main concern. Concerns also included poor road
drainage and the patchwork of repairs that is evident in our roads. More than half of all
respondents would like to see more effective winter gritting; some thought by the
county council, others with local help. About a fifth would also like to see regular verge
trimming, ditch clearance and hedge cutting (although a similar proportion oppose
verge trimming). Most respondents think that local speed limits are adequate but that
more passing places could be provided where feasible, particularly around Beggars Ash.
A majority suggested some change to improve safety at Beggars Ash near Hilltop Farm
but no clearly preferred action emerged. Those who use the local bus service are
satisfied with it and few support the creation of a car share scheme, although more do
when snowbound. A small minority of residents are concerned about the lack of parking
at the railway station. Most are happy with local countryside paths but there are many
suggestions for extending the network of these paths.
Almost all who completed the questionnaire reported that they feel safe living in the
parish and over half are satisfied with the Neighbourhood Watch scheme. While many
are satisfied with local policing and the fire service, several commented that they would
like more police patrolling locally.
Questions relating to housing and development were answered by only around half of
all respondents. Over a third of those who commented would like no further affordable
housing development in the parish and almost as many oppose general housing
development. However, many respondents did offer suggestions for development sites
in various locations. Of local utilities, slow broadband and in certain locations, water
drainage concerned residents the most. With respect to planning considerations, the
priorities most cited were the adverse effect of any development on local infrastructure
such as roads and sewers, on trees and hedgerows and the proximity to existing
The great majority of respondents are satisfied with our recycling service. About a fifth
expressed some environmental concerns; the environmental effect of crop spraying was
cited most. Most respondents do not see litter as a major issue, although some mention
Ledbury Road and some other areas as a problem. A large majority would like to see
provision for disposal of dog litter, initially as a pilot scheme. The suggestions most
mentioned for improving activities and facilities in the parish were the return of the pub
(by a very substantial proportion of respondents), provision of a playground area and a
village shop. While many feel that communications in the parish are effective, a
majority of all respondents would welcome further improvement, primarily through the
introduction of e-mail.
There were comparatively few responses on education. Additional support for those
with special needs was proposed by about a third of respondents, focussing mainly on
the needs of those elderly or infirm.
Young people in the parish responded that they feel safe and appreciate the rural
setting in which they live. They enjoy local events such as the pantomime. Several
commented that they would like to see some play facilities in Pool Piece and more clubs
at the village hall, such as drama and dance.
Section Reports
Roads, Transport and Footpaths
The great majority of those who responded are dissatisfied with the condition of the
roads and are concerned about the dangers which affect drivers, mothers with
pushchairs, cyclists and walkers. The main concern is potholes exacerbated by the poor
standard of repairs; the next most common complaint is ineffective drainage or
damaged verges. The long standing recently repaired but fast deteriorating craters by
The Swallows Farm and adjacent faulty drainage and running water were most
mentioned. Others included The Common / Horse Road and Ledbury Road / Beggars
Ash, especially near the pumping station, but hardly anywhere in the village escaped
adverse comment. Drainage issues are most serious in Burtons Lane but are also a
localised problem elsewhere.
While a few respondents expressed appreciation for the work done to clear drains and
ditches, a similar proportion would like increased attention given to these. About a fifth
of households expressed an interest in a scheme to arrange trimming of their roadside
hedges. Over half of all respondents sought improved snow clearance. Reliable
clearance of snow and ice by Herefordshire council was most sought, especially on the
bus route. Locally intractable roads, particularly steeper hills or where poor drainage
promotes ice, were also highlighted. These included The Common, Horse Road, Floyds
Lane, Church Lane and steeper sloped sections of Ledbury Road / Beggars Ash. A third
of those who responded offered to assist with snow clearance. Gritting suggestions
included coordination of volunteers and forward planning, local communications about
road conditions, repaired and additional replenished grit bins, acquisition of a grit
spreading trailer and the possible use of local contractors / tractors. Overall, there is
little enthusiasm for week day car sharing with only a few positive responses. However,
almost a third expressed an interest in car sharing when snowed in.
Two thirds of respondents are content with the current speed limit whilst around a third
would like it lowered, with several suggesting a 20 mph limit. Some of these
respondents proposed a localised limit for Horse Road, Floyds Lane and The Common.
Others sought a 20 mph limit throughout the village, sometimes expressing frustration
about violation of the current 30mph limit. There were a few calls for extension of the
30 mph limit, although others observed that most drivers are sensible about speed
apart from a persistent few. Most respondents commented that they particularly value
our rural setting. This was reflected in suggestions about traffic controls such as ‘Please
do not urbanise the village’ whilst others welcomed the speed calming influence of
narrow lanes. A few sought speed bumps; conversely there were also comments
specifically against them. A few suggested the use of periodic speed indicator signs and
a desire for increased speed enforcement.
A little over half of respondents supported the provision of additional passing places in
the parish where feasible, with a third against. Of those in favour, the area around
Hilltop Farm was most frequently cited for attention, while recognising the constraints
of doing so. A number of other areas were proposed by a small number of respondents.
The narrow section of road near Hilltop Farm and the desire for a safe walking route to
Ledbury were key issues in the last village plan, although negotiations with land owners
since then have been unsuccessful. The 2013 questionnaire sought to explore
alternatives for this section of road; the introduction of a single lane system or the
implementation of traffic calming measures in that area. Over half proposed changes to
improve safety but with no one preferred action emerging. Two thirds of respondents
were opposed to the introduction of a single lane with around a quarter favouring it.
Respondents were more equally divided on the introduction of traffic calming measures
with slightly more opposed to it than supporting it. Comments and suggestions ranged
from widening the road close to Hilltop Farm to concerns that change would lead to
street furniture and destroy the character of the road. A few respondents reported
concerns specifically for the safety of cyclists and pedestrians here and elsewhere.
Around a half of respondents are content with the 675 bus service, almost as many do
not use it and very few sought changes. The Staplow bus services are understandably
little used by most villagers and hence satisfaction was reported by only a small number
of households. Similarly very few report that they use the ring and ride service but
those that do are mostly positive about it.
A fifth of households reported difficulties connecting to train services, roughly equally
divided between inadequate station parking and the difficulty/danger of reaching the
train without a car, either on foot or via poorly timed bus connections (the latter
difficulty also applying to connections with other bus services).
Two thirds of respondents are content with local footpaths with only around a tenth
dissatisfied. Over 50 suggestions for footpath improvements were thinly spread over
about 35 different proposals, hence none are specifically discussed in this report but all
deserve further investigation. A fifth of respondents offered to volunteer to maintain
footpaths. There were about 40 suggestions for new footpaths, 17 of which were for a
route to Ledbury, which some also recognised may be unrealistic. The remaining
footpath suggestions covered almost 20 other routes.
Community Safety
In this section, most of the questionnaires provided responses to all the questions.
Almost all residents living in the parish feel safe. A greater police presence was
suggested as an improvement. Over half of respondents were satisfied with the
Neighbourhood Watch scheme. Of the minority who were not, concerns included the
lack of feedback on local crime. Better and more regular communication is suggested.
Half of the total number of respondents had no experience of local police activity but
over a third were satisfied with local policing provided by West Mercia Police. More
regular police patrols were suggested by a minority. While most respondents had no
experience of the local Fire and Rescue Service, just over a third of respondents were
happy with it. A similar picture emerged in relation to the ambulance service.
Housing and Development
Only around half of respondents provided answers to one or more questions relating to
affordable housing. About a fifth of all respondents were against any further
development in and around the village. A few of these respondents cited the steep
slopes in the village as being unsuitable for affordable housing due to the high cost of
the ground works required. The most popular locations suggested for development
x Land behind Farmers Arms between Floyds Lane and Pub Lane
x Land on Ledbury Road opposite Twinkelow Cottage
On the question of suitable sites for private development around two thirds of the total
number of questionnaires did not provide answers and of the minority that did, almost
half were against further development. Suggested locations were much the same as the
previous question on affordable housing in slightly smaller proportions.
With regard to existing mains services, approximately half either did not answer the
question or had no problems with these services. Of those that did answer, over half
complained about broadband speed and a minority had problems with drainage in
different parts of the village. Other small minorities included problems with power cuts,
mobile phone signals and water pressure.
The Parish Council sought guidance through the questionnaire about which of six
named factors is deemed important when considering planning applications. The results
were as follows:
Capacity of infrastructure:
approximately half responded of which most felt this
was important and that the roads were nearing full
Access, parking issues:
About a third answered this question with about half
citing The Common as having a parking problem and
the need for future development to have on-site
Impact on local facilities:
This question had little response but of those who
responded some felt it was important but several did
not feel the impact would be noticeable.
Visual impact:
Only a third answered this question of which a third
felt it was important. A minority felt the issue was too
subjective to comment on but any new development
needs to ‘fit in’.
Design and materials:
Over a third answered of which most felt this issue
was important. A minority did not feel it was
important so long as the proposed development was
‘in keeping’.
Proximity to other dwellings:
Well over a third responded of which most felt the
matter was important.
Effect on hedges, wildlife, etc:
Well over a third responded of which most felt the
matter was important.
Other factors:
Very few other issues were raised. One or two
mentioned noise and light considerations and water
run-off due to areas of tarmac and concrete.
Wildlife and Environment
A range of environmental issues were raised by almost a fifth of respondents. The most
frequently mentioned related to crop spraying and the fear of toxins as well as noise
disturbance. Some suggested that it would be useful to have warning of spraying. A few
were concerned about bonfires being lit at inappropriate times. Other issues to emerge
related to the increased use of poly tunnels, trees being allowed to grow too tall and
blocking light and views.
In response to improving the environment and supporting wild life, a sizeable minority
responded advising there should be less trimming of verges, greater care in cutting
hedges so as not to disturb nesting birds, and more space left wild for native plants to
grow. Some did, however, want regular maintenance of nature reserve areas within the
village. Several residents welcomed the planting of native bulbs in our verges and
would like to see this increased. Other comments related to building or re-establishing a
village pond and encouraging people to put up nest boxes.
A significant minority felt that litter is a problem in certain areas of the village,
particularly along the Ledbury Road and Raycombe Lane. Two thirds of those who
responded did not see this as a major issue and recognised the work done by
volunteers in picking up litter around the village. The great majority of respondents
were happy with the recycling service provided by Herefordshire Council but some
wanted ‘garden waste’ collections. One third wanted to see a shredding machine after
Christmas to dispose of Christmas trees.
Dog fouling is still seen as a problem by many; two thirds of those who responded
would welcome a pilot scheme for dog litter bins. Many felt that people who do not
clear up after their dogs should be ‘named and shamed’ in the Parish newsletter. Other
suggestions included increasing warning signs, use of dog wardens and frequent
reminders in the newsletter.
Whilst most respondents felt flooding caused by surface water is not a major problem,
there were a significant number who do have issues. Areas of particular concern include
the area outside Priors Court and Hollow Lane, parts of the Ledbury Road and Church
Lane from the oak tree to The Swallows.
Other issues raised by individuals included the creation of a local bird society group,
entering the Best Kept Village Competition to provide a focus for improvement and
concern over the health of the Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee oak tree.
Groups and Activities
Less than half of respondents commented within this section. There is an extensive list
of activities within the parish quoted in the questionnaire and a few respondents
commented that there are some, inevitable, time clashes with other individuals’
activities. Of the dozen suggestions for other activities no one activity stood out as a
major need, yoga attracting the most mentions.
Over a third commented on how the quoted list of current facilities could be added to or
improved. Foremost was a wish for the village pub to reopen. A village shop came next,
followed by a need for Pool Piece to be improved, particularly for the children of the
village. Two of those wishes are on the way to being granted.
Almost half of respondents made suggestions on the use of the village telephone box.
Most popular were the suggestions that the telephone box could be used as a book
exchange or information point; though some thought it makes a nice historic
monument, and a few thought BT should dump it! Conversely, a few offered to
maintain it.
Parish Communication
About a quarter of all respondents commented on ways of improving communication.
Of these, about half thought parish communication is currently effective. There were
several very positive comments made about the parish newsletter. No strong negative
comments were made. The most common improvements suggested related to parish
notice boards. These were found to be too high, hard to open, too small, too cluttered
and not adequately managed as old notices are often not removed and one notice
board near the scout hut on Hollow Lane is not maintained. A small number of
respondents wanted more extensive use of the website. Unfortunately there appeared
to be some lack of familiarity with what capabilities and information are already
available, particularly on the website, where some requested improvements, such as
RSS feeds (automatic updates) and information for newcomers, are already available.
With respect to introducing new methods of communication, the most common
suggestions were for more use of e-mail, with a smaller number suggesting text
messaging. The use of electronic communication by the parish was favoured by over
half of all respondents with the great majority of these providing an e-mail address and
a few households a mobile number. However, a considerable minority did not want to
be contacted by electronic means.
Very few respondents expressed concerns about transport to school. A small number
raised concerns regarding aspects of safety, for example, for children boarding the bus
by Elm Tree Cottages and the size of the bus for local roads. Provision for adult
education classes was thought to be good by most who responded to this question.
Several thought that help for those retired to acquire skills and interests was also
adequate. Even so, a few individuals expressed a wish for some specific activities such
as computer skills to be provided.
Special Needs
Almost a third of respondents reported that they would like to have some additional
support from a parish group for their needs, although a slightly larger proportion did
not want it. Of those that were positive, several focussed on providing for the needs of
the elderly or infirm, for example, having a list of volunteers to assist them, and making
regular calls on the elderly to help keep them in touch.
Key Points about the parish
People were asked to report what they liked about the village and the great majority
provided their views. Most respondents cited the sense of community spirit and the
friendliness they found. Many also pointed to the rural setting, the landscape and the
views; almost as many mentioned the associated peace and quiet. Other positive
features valued included the village hall and the range of activities available. A few also
mentioned the convenience of access to Ledbury, the good local paths for walking and
the parish newsletter.
There were also many suggestions for improvements; the most frequently quoted being
a re-opened pub. Various aspects of the roads were also cited: the quality of the road
surfaces being the main one; traffic speed and heavy traffic another. A few expressed a
wish for a safe cycle/pedestrian route to Ledbury. Many other suggestions were made
by a few people, for example, reducing dog fouling;
eliminating bonfires; improving broadband speed; tackling snow and ice more
About a third of all those who returned the questionnaires have responded ‘Yes’ to
volunteering for one or more of the various volunteering tasks listed. A team of 42
volunteers in a Parish of our size may be considered a good pool of people. There may
be additional individuals who didn’t return their questionnaires who may also be happy
to volunteer for various tasks if a call was made. Of the volunteering tasks listed, the
most subscribed to were:
Snow clearance and gritting
Litter clearance
Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
Providing support for the elderly/disabled and
Helping to organise and run various village events
The least subscribed to were:
Car share schemes
Emptying dog litter bins and
Cleaning and maintaining of the telephone box
The main reasons for not volunteering seem to be due to age/ill health or disability and
the lack of time due to employment commitments.
Part 2: Young People’s Questionnaire
The youth section of the questionnaire was completed by 22 young people: Nine were
aged 7 and under, four were aged 7 – 11, nine were aged 12-17.
The main messages from the responses were that young people in the parish felt safe,
enjoyed the peace and quiet and appreciated the animals and nature on their doorstep.
They thought that Wellington Heath was a nice community with good walks. Several
also commented that they enjoy the village pantomime.
Young people who responded made some suggestions on ways to improve our village.
These were:
Provide faster broadband
Re-open the pub
Identify some flat ground for playing on
Mend the pot holes in the road and
Slow down the traffic.
When asked what additional facilities they would like to have, many suggestions came
to light, including playground equipment, a football goal area, a local shop and some
new clubs at the village hall (dance, drama, cooking, crafts, karate).
Young people were asked about what they would like to see at Pool Piece. Responses
included swings, slides, roundabouts, a zip wire, basketball hoops, skate ramps, rope
swings and more seating.
Questionnaire responses in detail
1.1. Are you satisfied with the current condition of the
Summary of Answers (Detailed responses are found
on the parish website)
73 x Relate to potholes/resurfacing
24 x Relating to flood/drainage/water
20 x Patchwork of repairs not good enough(i.e. only
temp fix) and too slow in coming
4 x Relating to painted white lines
3 x Relating to narrow roads and passing
3 x Relating to Kerbs
1 x Mini roundabout at Horse Rd Junction
1.2. If no please indicate what improvements you would
like to see and where?
Summary of affected parish areas :
23 x Highlighting the Swallow Farm section
13 x Highlighting The Common
9 x Ledbury Road
8 x Beggars Ash
30 x More gritting required generally
11 x More gritting needs to be done by Herefordshire
10 x More organised clearing by volunteers and local
paid farmers
9 x Plough/Grit/Clear all BUS ROUTES
7 x More grit bins required
2 x Happy as it is
1 x Update to website page for info
1 x Guidelines on how to use grit bins
1 x No extra gritting - the grit bins provided are
sufficient in emergencies. Salt causes potholes and
surface erosion and should be used sparingly - better
training for plough drivers so that driveways are not
1 x Council need to send out inspectors to see our
issues in the snow
1 x Council leaving it too late to grit our village
Summary of affected parish areas :
34 x Highlighting top of The Common
22 x Highlighting Horse Road
10 x Highlighting Floyds Lane
7 x Highlighting Church Lane
9 x Strim verges and hedge cutting
9 x Happy with what is done already - keep up the
good work!
8 x More regular Drain & Ditch Clearing
4 x wash/strim around road signs
3 x Tree pruning and branch cutting - near roadsides
2 x Encourage more locals to cut their hedges
2 x Re-motivate us litter pickers - some seem to have
given up
2 x concern about cutting verges/hedges too early in
the year and affecting plant/wildlife
2 x without the need to rely on volunteers
2 x potholes
1 x The verge of The Pleck could do with regular
maintenance. It seems the Little Pleck only gets
1.3. What snow clearance or gritting measures would you
like to see provided or organised by the Parish Council
within the village?
1.4. What other minor works would you like to see done
Summary of affected parish areas :
0 x highlighting The Swallows
2 x Highlighting The Common
2 x Ledbury Road
1 x Highlighting Horse Road
1.4. continued
1.5. Would you join a scheme to facilitate more regular
and cost effective cutting of roadside hedges?
1.6. Do you think current speed restrictions are adequate?
19 x In favour of 20 mph limit
13 x In favour of sticking to 30 mph (mainly
throughout the village and into Staplow)
10 x Speed restrictions are fine as they are - enforcing
them is just impossible
2 x In favour of more "Show your Speed" signals than cameras
1 x in favour of a greater Police presence to catch
1 x The majority of drivers stick to the speed
limit/drive carefully
1 x a "Please Drive Slowly in our Village" sign
1 x Rumble strips down some roads
[Note: 11
(out of the 19 above) x In favour of 20 mph limit only
in certain roads - mainly The Common, Horse Rd,
Floyds Lane, Ledbury Rd] [Note: 8 x (out of the 19
above) In favour of 20 mph limit throughout the
whole village]
Summary of affected parish areas :
13 x Highlighting The Common
12 x Highlighting Horse Road
8 x Ledbury Road
7 x Beggars Ash
1.7. If no please indicate what restrictions or speed
controls you would like and where.
1.8.1. The creation of passing places where feasible?
Summary of Answers (Detailed responses are found
on the parish website)
29 x Relating to Ledbury Road/Beggars Ash
3 x No problem noticed
2 x Anywhere on the bus route where passing
currently requires reversing
2 x Past Hope End, towards Petty France
2 x Don't think this is practical/achievable
1 x Opposite Priors Court - currently verges are
ruined and people get stuck e.g. scaffolding lorry in
1 x Below Upper House (WH9)
1 x Around tight corner before Pegs Farm
1 x Technically passing places are needed in all single
carriageway roads
1 x Vehicles are getting wider and 4x4 are often
purchased as a considered choice
1.8.1.b If you answered yes please identify areas where
you consider passing places are required.
Summary of affected parish areas :
17 x Beggars Ash (Hill Top Farm)
12 x Ledbury Road (Hill Top Farm)
7 x highlighting The Swallows
7 x Highlighting between the Oak tree and Raycombe
1.8.2. The creation of a single lane system along Beggars
Ash at the narrow section close to Hill Top Farm?
1.8.3. The implementation of traffic calming measures
along Beggars Ash at the narrow section close to Hill Top
1.9. If there are other road safety measures that you
would like to see implemented please list them below
It is noted that 64 respondents felt that some form of
traffic calming should be considered when taking
1.8.2 & 1.8.3 together
5 x Footpath at Hill Top Farm
4 x Widening road at Hill Top Farm
3 x Traffic light at Hill Top Farm
2 x Use of mirrors at top of Common and Ledburyend of Horse Road
2 x Not in favour of speed humps
2 x In favour of Stop/Pedestrian warning signs at Oak
Tree Junction
2 x In favour of red electronic LED speed signs
2 x Cut back hedges/verges
1 x Try to cut down on the amount of signs
1 x Smaller width buses
1 x Painted centre lines
1 x Extra signs like "Slow Children"
1 x Buses to avoid narrower roads
1.10. Are you satisfied with the current bus service to and
from Wellington Heath? (service 675)
2 x Need to be more frequent
2 x Links with Hereford Service
2 x Excellent service and asset
2 x Drivers need to be more cautious - with older
drivers in village
1 x The Common to be visited more
1 x Summer Sunday Service
1 x Scrap the service
1 x Links with Ledbury train station
1 x Late Service back from Malvern on weekends
1 x Damage to verges
1 x Bus needs to go to Great Malvern Station
1.11. If no please indicate what changes you would like.
1.12. Are you satisfied with the current bus service to and
from Staplow? (services 417 & 673)
1 x Don't use
1 x Staplow? - Who he?
1.13. If no please indicate what changes you would like.
1.14. Are you satisfied with the current ring and ride
1 x happy to volunteers to give lifts when required
1 x Push Herefordshire Council to clear roads near
1 x The introduction of a £15 annual charge or
surcharge on single journeys was misguided
1 x charge should be per car journey and not per
1.15. If no please indicate what changes you would like.
1.16.1. Car Share: During weekdays?
1.16.2. Car Share: During periods of snowy/icy weather?
14 x Too little parking at station
5 x Bus timetable needs to sync with train timetable
5 x walking to station difficult -especially in snow
2 x train cancellations/disruptions
2 x Limited Ticket Office opening hours and poor
advertising of train times
1 x Improved availability of Taxi services would be
helpful. Listing Taxi service details in the Parish
Newsletter could be considered
6 x Improve road surfaces and most problems
2 x Badly carried out road repairs
2 x Roads need to be safer for walkers & cyclists
2 x Bus service is a great help
1 x Ledbury Rd just north of our house has no drains
and has subsided causing water from road to flood
our garden
1 x 30 mph speed limit is fine - its just the enforcing
of it
1 x No to traffic lights
1 x Most issues caused by non-villagers passing
1 x The lane down from Pegs Farms has a spring near
the corner. Drainage is inadequate and this runs
down the road.
1 x A more frequent bus service will result on more
1 x An impact on roads if more houses are built -due
to increase in use
1 x Speeding cars in the village
1 x Floods in Hollow Lane - 6 cars got stuck costing
£250k insurance pay-outs. Spring near the corner of
Peggs Farm.
1 x Bus & trains need to sort timetables out so they
1 x Washing of mud on Burtons Lane more frequently
1 x Why has nothing been done about the damage by
Wharf Cottage near the Oak Inn
1.17. Please list any difficulties you may have in using, or
connecting to, the train service in Ledbury.
1.18. Do you have other comments related to roads and
1.19. Are you satisfied with the current condition of the
1.20.a Footpath Improvement1: Conversion of more stiles
to gates
Summary of Answers (Detailed responses are found
on the parish website)
4 x WH12/LR20 where it crosses the stream - stile to
narrow bridge to stile
2 x WH12 where it crosses gallop
2 x WH13 I used to use this often but cannot get my
dog over the stiles now
2 x By field after wood WH11 (Raven Hill)
2 x Wherever possible including WH10 and WH11
1 x WH1 - stile is a bit rickety but does not necessarily
need a gate
1 x Along footpath on ridge above Swallows currently
an area for horses
1 x WH4 Uplands WH6 WH7 WH9 WH10 Cannon
Heath Wood WH11
1.20.a2 Footpath Improvement1: If yes then where?
1.20.b Footpath Improvement2: Provision of steps or
1 x Oakeys Lane WH18
1 x Please do not urbanise my village
1.20.b2 Footpath Improvement2: If yes then where?
1.20.c Footpath Improvement3: Vegetation clearance
2 x Harry's Walk is not clear. Is there a scheme to
clear paths, otherwise we can do it
1 x WH7 LR20 - Orchard planting will close path in 2/3
1 x Jacks Lane - entrance from Burtons Lane
1 x WH9 - there are quite a lot of small logs on the
path and the nettles are growing.
1 x Oakeys Lane WH18
1 x along WH12 and across the small bridge over the
1 x Needs to be done generally
1.20.c2 Footpath Improvement3: If yes then where?
1.20.d Footpath Improvement4: Better surface conditions
3 x Oakey Lane - due to steepness it can get very
1 x Harrys walk
1 x Bottom of Dogberry field and the other side of
gate (WH15)
1 x WH7 - boggy. Water from irrigation?
1 x WH10 - almost impossible to walk at times cultivations and vegetation
1 x WH3 - impossible to follow path because of
cultivation. Huge detour to walk around crop
1 x WH13 due to encroaching by livestock
1 x WH4
1.20.d2 Footpath Improvement4: If yes then where?
1.20.e Footpath Improvement5: Better footpath signage
2 x at end of orchard on WH12
2 x more signs generally needed
1 x at start of WH15
1 x from Harry's walk to Uplands farm WH7
1 x Quickest Route to the Station needed
3 x Footpath into Ledbury for students and other
2 x Harry's Walk WH7 has a drainage issue half way
1 x Reminder signs to dispose of dog deposits on the
paths most frequented by dog walkers
1 x The lower path which runs along the west side of
Frith Wood from "The Frith" is uneven and slippery
and has fallen away in places and the fence is giving
1 x Mark roads with walking area to reduce risk of
accidents with Pedestrians on Ledbury Road
1 x A right of way around Ravenhall Wood
1 x A booklet and map describing the footpaths in the
Parish and adjoining Parishes
1 x Removal of barbed wire especially on or near
1.20.e2 Footpath Improvement5: If yes then where?
1.21. If there are other improvements you would like,
please specify what and where.
1.22. Would you like to see new paths agreed with
Summary of Answers (Detailed responses are found
on the parish website)
8 x Wellington Heath
2 x Loxter Ashbed
1 x Wellington Heath
1 x Raven Hill Wood
1 x WH15 - bridge marked as ford on map
1 x WH16 to WH15 along the boundary
1.23.a New Footpath 1 from:
8 x Ledbury
2 x Bosbury
1 x Raven Hill Wood
1 x WH16 - bridge back over stream
1 x WH15 to WH12
1 x Raycombe Wood and Oyster Hill
1 x WH11
1 x Frith Wood gateway
1 x Below Frith Cottages
1 x Raycombe Lane
1 x Join Tattersall's - Bottom Lodge path (outside the
parish but owned by a parishioner and would be
much used by parishioners)
1 x Bromyard Road
1 x WH16
1 x Frith Wood
2 x Ravenhill Wood
1 x Along route of old canal
2 x Raycombe Wood & Oyster Hill
1 x Along route of old canal
Aggregated Answers for Q1.23.a to Q1.23.d2 above:
8 x Wellington Heath to Ledbury,
3 x WH11 (North end of Raven Hill Wood) to
Raycombe Lane,
2 x Loxter Ashbed (Near Raycome Farm) to Bosbury,
2 x WH15 - after crossing the bridge over brook at
Dogberry field to WH12 (by Siding Wood)
1 x Wellington Heath to Raven Hill Wood
1 x Raven Hill Wood (WH11) to WH16 - bridge over
stream (below the Mackie's field)
1 x Frith Wood gateway (Near LR19) to Join
Tattersall's - Bottom Lodge path (outside the parish
but owned by a parishioner and would be much used
by parishioners),
1 x Below Frith Cottages (below Beggars Ash) to
Bromyard Road (avoiding the traffic)
1 x WH16 - bridge over stream (below the Mackie's
field) to Frith Wood
1 x Along route of old canal to Along route of old
1.23.a2 New Footpath 1 to:
1.23.b New Footpath 2 from:
1.23.b2 New Footpath 2 to:
1.23.c New Footpath 3 from:
1.23.c2 New Footpath 3 to:
1.23.d New Footpath 4 from:
1.23.d2 New Footpath 4 to:
2.1. Do you feel safe living in the Parish?
2 x More police patrols
1 x Personally we have been OK. However, theft and
vandalism and fly tipping have affected neighbours which concerns us.
1 x Yes safe but improve pedestrian access to Ledbury
would make me feel safer when walking
2.2. If no please indicate what improvements you would
2.3. Are you satisfied with the current neighbourhood
watch scheme?
12 x Better communication is needed from police &
representatives (none for the past 2 yrs. - Since
Alison Dore left?)
3 x More info needs put on website and newsletter
3 x We used to get an email update but this was
1 x Need more neighbourhood watch signs up
2.4. If no please indicate what improvements you would
2.5. Are you satisfied with local policing provided by West
Mercia Police?
16 x We need police patrols - many of us haven't
seen any in the past 5 years
1 x Perhaps a community bobby visit once a week?
1 x We have had vehicle and property theft from
garage with no proper follow up
1 x Only used police once to report lads in a car
ramming a gate
1 x Where are they based?
2.6. If no please indicate what changes you would like.
2.7. Are you satisfied with the local Fire and Rescue
1 x neighbour had a fire a couple of years ago and the
service appeared to be appropriate
1 x Glad we still have a Ledbury fire station
2.8. If no please indicate what changes you would like.
2.9. Are you satisfied with the Ambulance Service?
Summary of Answers (Detailed responses are found
on the parish website)
Summary of Answers (Detailed responses are found
on the parish website)
2 x Very slow response, over stretched due to
Ledbury station being closed(Hereford unavailable so
Bromyard van sent)
1 x In emergency I was quickly picked up and popped
in to Hereford hospital. Excellent service
1 x Emergency paramedics could not store drugs at
their base at the Ledbury police station - required a
trip to Hereford County Hospital
3 x Roads are very dangerous for cyclists
3 x Shortage of safe path to Ledbury means
pedestrians are not safe
1 x Considering the large amount of elderly in
Ledbury / Wellington Heath the lack of ambulance
service is terrible
1 x Stones on verges, privately placed are dangerous
1 x Vetting of casual labour on farms, orchards, etc.
1 x Residents should look out for each other,
especially if they know their neighbours are away
1 x Had a couple of rude canvassers in the past selling
wares out of a large bag. Perhaps a neighbourhood
warning system would be good?
1 x We are thankful to live in such a safe
neighbourhood with everybody looking out for each
1 x People should walk facing oncoming traffic
1 x A handyman service to help the elderly or
vulnerable to fit security locks and lighting
1 x Wider roads/better surfaces would improve
access by the emergency services/benefit prams etc.
26 x against any more development - there are too
many homes already
8 x The Farmers Arms - if business fails
8 x Fred Cobb's land next to the Farmers Arms
8 x Against development in village, when there are
more suitable flatter areas on the outskirts of village
7 x Field on Ledbury Road opposite Twinkelow
2 x field opposite entrance to Ochre Hill
2 x The Pleck and Little Pleck
2 x Surprised that affordable housing is possible given
the slopes and groundwork
1 x Ledbury Road below Horse Road
1 x Opposite Church
1 x Field by "The Lincoln" on Beggars Ash (Jim Low)
14 x Cannot think of anywhere suitable
7 x Against any more development - there are too
many homes already
5 x Fred Cobb's land next to the Farmers Arms
5 x Field on Ledbury Road opposite Twinkelow
4 x The Farmers Arms - if business fails
4 x Ledbury Road below Horse Road
1 x Swallow Farm bank opposite new development
Coney Kennet's orchard x 3 houses
1 x No executive homes, only affordable housing
1 x Prefer individual character houses neatly spaced
1 x felt they could not comment as they were new to
the village
1 x Disagree with the Hereford Council Core Strategy
and believe groups of houses spoil the character of
the village. Prefer individual character houses neatly
spaced out
38 x Broadband too slow
10 x Water Drainage (The Common, The Old Cider
House, Horse Rd, Floyds Lane, Pub Lane)
4 x Electric power cuts
3 x Poor mobile signals (O2 being the best)
3 x Water Pressure too low
2 x Poor telephone line signal
2 x Low slung telephone cables or badly maintained
1 x Water pressure too high (causes leaks)
1 x Chlorinated Water
1 x No mains sewerage on Burtons lane
1 x Occasional problems with spring water welling up
in road outside my house ('Cappella' - Horse Road) dangerous in icy weather
2.10. If no please indicate what changes you would like.
2.11. Do you have any further comments about
community safety?
3.1. Can you suggest a suitable site, or sites, within the
Parish for affordable homes for local people?
3.2. Can you suggest any suitable sites for new housing to
be developed for sale on the open market?
3.3. Are you aware of any existing problems with mains
services (water supply, drainage & sewerage, gas,
electricity, telephones, broadband, etc.)
54 x think this is an import issue, and that roads are
already at capacity of use
4 x mentioned the heavy use by lorries during
development of the new properties and the
disruption caused
2 x of the opinion the current roads will easily cope
with 6 more properties
21 x Already too many cars parked on roads
(especially The Common)
12 x think this is an important issue
6 x Development must have off-road parking for at
least 2 cars
4 x Parking on road, ruins the look of the village and
inconsiderate to neighbours
17 x Think this is an important issue
8 x Do not think there will be any noticeable impact
as we have so little services
38 x think this is an important issue
6 x this is subjective and difficult to answer and as
long as it fits in -then its ok (as there are already
varied styles)
39 x think this is an important issue
8 x Less important - as long as in keeping
1 x Some coherent policy required
1 x Avoidance of large tracts of tarmac
47 x think this is an important issue
2 x feel that it’s not so important
52 x think this important
1 x queries the impact development would have
2 x Noise and light issues
1 x Water run-off due to concrete/tarmac/roofing
1 x consider height of development/landscape
1 x Sustainable building. Green credentials
1 x Publish planning application on website
1 x small developments done sensitively - I cannot
see a problem
9 x we have enough housing already
6 x A number of smaller homes are required for firsttime buyers, retired/young/ couples/singles
2 x Needs to be integrated with existing homes and
not all grouped together - (but not isolated from the
rest of the village either).
1 x Water run-off due to concrete/tarmac/roofing
1 x Affordable housing is open to serious abuse and
we have experienced this. In the long term these
properties become available only to rent by private
1 x undergrounding of electricity and telephone lines
if possible
10 x Crop spraying (fear of toxins and noise
5 x bonfires
3 x plastic covered fields
1 x The disturbance caused by the building works at
Elm tree cottages
1 x Some trees are allowed to grow too tall
1 x Grey water seepage into Pool Piece to be still
1 x Charred trees at the village pub
20 x Less mowing/strimming of front verges
(especially in the summer months)
8 x Plant wild flowers e.g. snowdrops on your own
5 x Regular maintenance of nature reserve areas such
as the Pleck
5 x Encourage all households to create a "wild" part
of their garden
3 x Less Crop spraying (or environmentally safe
methods of pest control)
3 x Encourage all households to provide nest boxes
for all bird types and feeding stations
3 x more daffodil planting - was a very good
community idea
1 x A village pond would be nice, and would attract
several species of wildlife
3.4.a Planning Consideration 1: Capacity of infrastructure
(roads, sewers, etc.)
3.4.b Planning Consideration 2: Siting of access/effect on
road usage/parking issues
3.4.c Planning Consideration 3: Impact on local facilities or
3.4.d Planning Consideration 4: Visual impact (near and at
a distance)
3.4.e Planning Consideration 5: Quality and compatibility
of design and materials to be used
3.4.f Planning Consideration 6: Proximity and effect on
other homes
3.4.g Planning Consideration 7: Effect on hedgerows, trees
and wildlife
3.4.h Planning Consideration 8: Other (please specify)
3.5. Do you have any further comments on housing and
4.1. Are there any local environmental issues which
concern you? If so please specify.
4.2. If you have suggestions as to how to improve and
encourage wildlife and wild flowers in the Parish please
list them below:
4.3. Do you think litter is a problem within the Parish?
Summary of Answers (Detailed responses are found
on the parish website)
19 x Ledbury Rd (12 x suspect Fruit Pickers,
4 x passing cars)
11 x Raycombe Lane
7 x Aware that villagers volunteer to pick up litter
1 x Raycombe Lane
4.4. If yes please indicate the worst affected areas and
how you think things could be improved?
4.5. Are you happy with the recycling service provided by
Herefordshire Council (green bins).
4 x would like garden waste collections
1 x additional bin for recycling (large family)
1 x recycle bins in the pub car park
1 x textile and cloth recycling should be offered
4.6. If no what improvements would you like to see?
4.7. Would you use a shredding machine after Christmas
to dispose of your Christmas tree if it were centrally
located in the pub car park?
4.8.Would you support a pilot scheme for the provision of
dog litter bins at strategic locations within the village?
Summary of Answers (Detailed responses are found
on the parish website)
10 x council to actually blame & shame, fine people in
order to make an example
5 x reminder signs
5 x poo bins good but emptying of bins may be
3 x Dog wardens required
3 x Persistent comments in the newsletter
91 x No Problem
16 x Problem
7 x Major Problem
4 x Floods outside Priors Court and Hollow Lane
3 x Ledbury Rd road surface floods badly in rain
3 x The Common road surface floods badly in rain
2 x Church Road between Oak tree and The Swallows
1 x When there is severe storm rain the surface water
courses down Floyd's Lane
1 x Drains block easily down Burton's Lane
1 x Two drains above Lantern Lodge do not work
since their outlet pipe goes nowhere
1 x Bromyard Road through Staplow - surface water
3 x glad hedges aren't cut as regularly as it helps
2 x Dog fouling
1 x bonfires
1 x local bird society created
1 x thanks to the Scouts for placing bird/dormice
boxes in the Pleck
1 x problem with rats
1 x would like the return of Best Kept Village
1 x against badger cull
1 x The oak tree at the junction to Church
Lane/Ledbury Road should never have had gravel put
around its base as its dying
2 x Zumba - too early in the morning. Needs an
evening class as well?
1 x Ballroom dancing/clashes with other commitment
1 x LETS has gone on-line exclusively, so for those
who use paper & pencil it makes membership
1 x Perhaps publish all these in mag with dates and
contact details
1 x not on a day that I can attend
1 x would appreciate flicks/sticks for a wider choice
of film but well done for it existing
1 x Village Archives Group - no transport. Garden
Club - no transport.
1 x Painting and Drawing Classes - would like to do
when on.
3 x Yoga
1 x Tai Chi
1 x Sewing club - social. Knitting club - social
1 x A wildlife club for children and adults
1 x Courses in practical things like woodwork, brick
laying, dress making etc.
1 x astronomy group
1 x aerobics
1 x Quiz nights
1 x A photography group & use of Photoshop
1 x Flower arranging
4.9. What other measures do you think the Parish Council
should take to minimise or eliminate dog fouling?
4.10. Do you have flooding problems with surface water or
storm drainage?
4.11. If you have a problem with flooding, please give
4.12. Do you have any further comments on wildlife and
the environment?
5.2. Of the listed groups/activities are there any which you
would like to participate in but can't? If so please
indicate which activity and why.
5.3. What other activity/group would you like to have in
the Parish?
15 x It would be great to get the pub sorted
10 x Village shop
6 x Proper children's area - ball games etc.
3 x children's items at Pool Piece
2 x Post Office
2 x more benches at cemetery and other places, e.g.
path to Frith Wood
2 x Consider a bar extension to the Memorial Hall if
The Farmers Arms does not re-open
1 x Trimming of trees to improve views
1 x Travelling Post Office bus
1 x More bridleways for horses to use
1 x installation of webcam to watch wildlife in the
pleck. e.g. nesting boxes
1 x Adult outdoor beams for exercising (Pool Piece)
1 x A village pond
19 x use as a book/magazine exchange
18 x use as an information box for visitors/notice
12 x Keep but maintain as an historic village feature
6 x let BT decommission it and get rid of it/ sell it
1 x Electric car recharge point and resuscitation kit
49 x Important
47 x Very important
1 x Don't want a pub
13 x we need a pub
7 x need a village shop
1 x There is a lack of B&B type accommodation in the
area generally
1 x Do not want to be drawn into community
ownership of public house
1 x Looking forward to Pool Piece completion.
17 x I believe communication is excellent/generally
4 x Parish newsletter - excellent and attractive
3 x Parish Notice Boards are prohibitively
overcrowded, too high, not big enough, full of old
notices and hard to get to and open and shut
3 x RSS Feeds on website or push out email to
distribution lists
2 x more content on website, and people should use
it more
1 x Feel that Parish Council meeting minutes should
be available on the website
1 x The Parish Notice Board opposite the scouts is not
1 x only found out about the Parish Meeting a few
days before - too late
1 x I did not know you had an annual parish welcome
event. I moved here in January 2008
1 x Communication is good. It's the commitment that
needs boosting in the village.
1 x don't we have neighbourhood watch as well?
otherwise I think village comms are fine
11 x email
6 x texting
2 x Facebook
1 x Twitter
1 x Construct a map with an index of houses for locals
and delivery drivers
5.4. What additional facilities or facility improvements
would you like to have in the Parish?
5.5. If the Parish Council acquired the telephone box from
BT what use would you put it to?
5.6. How important do you think it is that a public house
be maintained in the village?
5.7. Do you have any further comments on local facilities?
6.1. What changes or improvements would you like to see
in the formal means of communication used by the Parish
Council and other groups?
6.2. What other means of communication would you like
to see used in the Parish and for which purpose?
6.3. Would you be willing to be provided with community
information by means of e-mail, text message, Facebook
or Twitter?
6.4.a If yes please provide your E-mail address:
6.4.b If yes please provide your Mobile phone number:
Summary of Answers (Detailed responses are found
on the parish website)
63 people (86%) x gave email addresses
10 people (14%) x gave mobile numbers
1 x Good bus service to John Masefield. Shame no
public bus to serve after-school clubs which end at
16:30 at John Masefield
1 x Funding for bus service for older children to
Ledbury: is this at risk of being cut?
1 x The school bus is very large for the roads
1 x Have had problems with a group of loud
inconsiderate children on bus [have raised with
1 x The school bus in the mornings is approx. the
same time as the 675. Children might be better off
with a bus pass for after school activities etc.
1 x my concern is safety of children getting on school
bus by Elm tree cottages due to car speeds and
building site
2 x Good, but public & school transport does not
support this
1 x children seem to have enough after school
activities at their individual schools
1 x Most schools offer these and used to enable a
later pickup due to work commitments so unlikely to
be required in the village
1 x Would be nice to have an after school club for age
4+ as village kids could get together
6 x A good existing range
2 x photography evening class
1 x Would welcome University of the Third Age
events at the Memorial Hall
1 x limited range
1 x I have a PGCE in adult education and could give
literacy classes if paid
9 x No Concerns
6 x Sufficiently covered already
2 x Happy to use University of the Third Age (U3A) in
1 x Lack of computer classes
1 x Limited choice
1 x vintage cars
1 x steam boats
1 x apple juice/cider making
1 x forestry etc.
7.1.1. Concerns re: Travel to and from school.
7.1.2. Concerns re: Availability of after school activities for
7.1.3. Concerns re: Availability of adult education classes
and activities.
7.1.4. Concerns re: Availability of nursery facilities
7.1.5. Concerns re: Education, skills and interests for those
8.1. Would you like to have organised support provided by
a Parish group, in addition to whatever informal support
you might have from your friends and neighbours?
Summary of Answers (Detailed responses are found
on the parish website)
4 x For the elderly/infirm - a list of volunteers
prepared to give help & lifts to and from facilities
2 x call on the elderly and keep in touch
1 x better communication regarding events
1 x we live in Bosbury and tend to do things locally
1 x email details of forthcoming events
1 x Web site would be good for those who rarely get
1 x More advertising
35 x Great community, friendship and companionship
26 x Rural setting and attractive countryside
26 x Peace and quiet
6 x safe place to live
5 x attractive landscape and views
4 x Wonderful village hall, with great facilities
3 x church
1 x Varied walks - also that a lot are dog friendly
1 x Communication - Newsletters, notice boards. The
Parish Newsletter is excellent, well presented,
designed and informative.
24 x the friendly people and the community spirit
19 x Peace and quiet
18 x Rural with nice views/walks
8 x Convenient for Ledbury
6 x well-maintained footpaths
3 x safe place to live
3 x I like having the parish newsletter
2 x Having a bus service
1 x There are no street lights in the village - long may
that last!!
1 x Plenty to do in village
8.2. Please specify what you think could be done by the
Parish Council or other Parish organisations to improve
your ability to use Parish facilities or participate in
activities in the Parish.
9.1.1 Wellington Heath Positive thing about the village :
Answer 1
9.1.2 Wellington Heath Positive thing about the village :
Answer 2
Summary of Answers (Detailed responses are found
on the parish website)
28 x Community minded people volunteering to work
on all our behalf and organise events/parties etc.
12 x Many activities available here and in Ledbury if
10 x Rural with nice views/walks
6 x Convenient for Ledbury
4 x Great Village hall
3 x wildlife
3 x safe place to live
3 x Good school bus service and transport links
3 x A very good and caring Parish Council
2 x Excellent Parish newsletter
1 x Sky at night: a constant delight ; increasingly at
risk from Ledbury lights and some in the Parish.
9.1.3 Wellington Heath Positive thing about the village :
Answer 3
Aggregated Answers for Q9.1.1 to Q9.1.3 above:
87 x Great community
54 x Rural setting and attractive countryside
45 x Peace and quiet
21 x Wonderful village hall, with great facilities
14 x Convenient for Ledbury
12 x safe place to live
6 x Excellent Communication (Notice boards, The
Parish Newsletter )
6 x well-maintained footpaths
5 x attractive landscape and views
5 x Having a good bus service & transport links
3 x A very good and caring Parish Council
3 x The Church
1 x Likes that there are no street lights in the village
1 x Sky at night: a constant delight
1 x Varied walks - also that a lot are dog friendly
20 x pub to open again
10 x Quality of roads i.e. potholes
9 x Great as it is
6 x Safe walking/cycling route to Ledbury
2 x Bonfires restricted to burning DRY material - NOT
2 x village shop
2 x no pub
2 x Speeding traffic
2 x Broadband improvement
2 x Not to over develop
1 x Improvement of Pool Piece
1 x Some 1960s/70s development was not in keeping
with a village setting. Encourage a very small amount
of high quality new development. Self build?
Encourage replacement of poor architecture
1 x constant barking dog
1 x The unfriendliness of a section of the people
1 x if the Farmers Arms to come alive again. How
about cake and cappuccinos?
1 x Low flying fast jet
6 x Speeding & heavy traffic
4 x Less Dog fowling
3 x Potholes
3 x better broadband speed
1 x Heavy goods vehicles allowed in Floyd's Lane
1 x better accessibility in snow/ice
1 x Power tools - we all use them - perhaps agree not
to use them on Sunday?
1 x 20mph speed limit on Horse road and The
1 x There are not enough volunteers in the village
1 x Get rid of Polytunnels
1 x Undergrounding of more overhead cables
1 x Creeping suburbia
9.2.1 Wellington Heath important change you would like
to see :Answer 1
9.2.2 Wellington Heath important change you would like
to see :Answer 2
Summary of Answers (Detailed responses are found
on the parish website)
4 x Potholes
3 x Safe cycle route into Ledbury
3 x better broadband speed
2 x Speeding & heavy traffic
2 x better accessibility in snow/ice (Ledbury Rd, The
Common, Horse Rd)
1 x village shop
1 x Roadside Hedge Cutting
1 x Its supposed to be a smoke free zone
1 x I think Hollow Lane is the forgotten part of the
1 x Half burnt hedge around Farmers Arms and
rubbish in Fred Cobb's field that has been there for
over a decade
1 x Dog fowling
9.2.3 Wellington Heath important change you would like
to see :Answer 3
Aggregated Answers for Q9.2.1 to Q9.2.3 above:
21 x Want the pub to open again
17 x Quality of roads i.e. poor surfaces & potholes
10 x Speeding & heavy traffic
10 x Broadband improvement
9 x Village is Great –Keep it as it is
9 x Safe walking and cycling route to Ledbury
5 x Less Dog fowling
3 x Bonfires3 x Want a Village shop
3 x better accessibility in snow/ice (Ledbury Rd, The
Common, Horse Rd)
2 x No pub
2 x Not to over develop,
1 x constant barking dog
1 x 20mph speed limit on Horse road and The
1 x More Roadside Hedge Cutting
1 x Improvement of Pool Piece
1 x Low flying fast jets
1 x Power tools - perhaps agree not to use them on
1 x Undergrounding of more overhead cables,
1 x Creeping suburbia
1 x Get rid of Polly tunnels
1 x The half burnt hedge around Farmers Arms and
rubbish in Fred Cobb's field that has been there for
over a decade
1 x Encouragement of better architecture in keeping
with the Village setting
1 x The unfriendliness of a section of the people
1 x Heavy goods vehicles allowed in Floyd's Lane
1 x There are not enough volunteers in the village
1 x I think Hollow Lane is the forgotten part of the
8 x Please minimise development and keep the
village as rural as possible
3 x Housing development in the Ledbury near the
viaduct could have an adverse affect on the parish
due to use of the Ledbury Road as a back way to the
Malvern's etc.
2 x Not too much more development
2 x I am against further housing development
1 x Safe cycle route into Ledbury
1 x Potholes
1 x I think we may have missed opportunities to hear
talks from fruit farm owners in the past but we would
love to hear how they run their businesses
1 x Desperate need for a stop/halt sign at junction of
Ledbury Road and Church Lane (by Oak Tree)
1 x Grass verges cut too soon, need to give flowers
chance to seed, bulbs too deep
1 x What we don't want are traffic lights and
suburban traffic calming measures
1 x It would be great if we had a Sunday paper dropoff point
1 x Would like a mirror at exit to Ochre Hill
1 x Extend the village - do not infill the spaces. The
spaces are so important to the feel and character of
the village. It is better to build in adjacent fields
rather then destroy the 'openness' of what we have.
1 x Wellington Heath and Ledbury is becoming
increasingly a commuter village which may have an
9.3. Are there any other issues/suggestions relating to the
future development of Wellington Heath which you would
like to draw to the attention of the Parish Council.
adverse effect on the railway service
1 x Keep up pressure so that Wellington Heath does
not fall behind technological advances
1 x More housing is needed for our younger
9.3. continued
10.1.a Snow clearance and gritting
10.1.b Footpath maintenance and strimming.
10.1.c Car share scheme weekdays
10.1.d Car share scheme in snowy/icy conditions
10.1.e Litter clearance
10.1.f Emptying dog litter bins
10.1.g Cleaning/maintaining the telephone box
10.1.h Providing support for the elderly/disabled
10.1.i Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
10.1.j Maintaining the cemetery
10.1.k Maintaining Parish owned land/gardens
10.1.l Helping to organise/run village events
Summary of Answers (Detailed responses are found
on the parish website)
7 x Sorry - I am just too old! / unwell
2 x Neighbourhood Watch
2 x Village website
2 x Sorry but due to work commitments we cannot
commit until we retire
1 x possible volunteer for Cleaning/Maintaining the
phone box
1x possible volunteer for Snow clearance and gritting
1 x Our mobility is severely restricted unfortunately –
old & decrepit. Can sit and talk!
1 x Running hedge cutting scheme
1 x Would provide the odd tray bake for village
1 x Maybe emptying dog litter bins
1 x A village ring and ride scheme
1 x maintaining the old cemetery
1 x footpath maintenance
1 x wildlife enhancement projects
1 x snow clearing up to the junction with The
1 x If you don't get volunteers, but do have a
mandate via the survey, why not increase the
1 x We already maintain Jack's Lane byway and
1 x Helping to run groups at the village hall
1 x Jeremy already helps grit and clear the roads and
strims around Elm tree/Horse Road and notice board
71 x provided names
63 x provided phone numbers
54 x provided email addresses
10.1.m Other Voluntary Help, please specify
10.1.2 Your Name: (If yes to any of the above)
10.1.3 Your Phone No: (If yes to any of the above)
10.1.4 Your Email address: (If yes to any of the above)
11.a Children in this age category contributed to
answering this questionnaire? :Under 7
11.b Children in this age category contributed to
answering this questionnaire? :Age 7 - 11
11.c Children in this age category contributed to
answering this questionnaire? :Age 12 - 17
9 x Children
4 x Children
9 x Children
3 x swings & slide at Pool Piece
1 x Dance, drama club
1 x Log seats in the woods where children can meet
and play
1 x Decent sized football goal and somewhere level to
shoot from
1 x Village shop
1 x Climbing wall with a helmet and a harness
1 x Cooking club/class
1 x swimming pool
1 x horse riding lessons
1 x Clubs for the 4-8 Years old
1 x Karate and martial arts training in the village hall
1 x More craft activities i.e. jewellery
making/warhammer club/model making
12 What activities/facilities would you like to see within
the village?
Summary of Answers (Detailed responses are found
on the parish website)
6 x swings
5 x slide
2 x roundabout
2 x zip wire
2 x Climbing apparatus
1 x Facilities for older children, e.g. Skate park,
football park, indoor swimming pool
1 x An item for smaller children too – Swing or
1 x Basket ball hoops
1 x Big basket swing
1 x Skate ramp
1 x rope swing
1 x A long dark tunnel to investigate in the dark
1 x tree house
1 x more seats
1 x Some exercise equipment
1 x tyre swing
1 x Better broadband speed
1 x Table tennis club
1 x make games night every Friday
1 x Re-opened Pub to have something for the kids
1 x Roads could have a better surface for cycling &
could we have a covered bus shelter?
4 x Seeing the horses / sheep, countryside & nature
2 x The quiet
2 x walking -especially Frith Wood
1 x The Pantomime
1 x the nice community
3 x Seeing sheep/wildlife
2 x games night
1 x Mixing with people at the pop up pub
1 x Scenery & views
1 x Going on the bus to Town
1 x Going to Pool Piece
1 x peaceful
1 x the nice community
2 x Good walks
1 x Seeing birds/wildlife
1 x Calm and friendly
1 x Knowing each other
1 x Village Hall & clubs
1 x I feel safe
1 x buses coming, good transport
1 x Games night on Fridays
1 x Toddler Group
1 x Scenery & views
13 The Parish Council is hoping to make changes to Pool
Piece. Is there anything you would like to see included?
14 If you have any other comments or ideas you would
like to put to the Parish Council please list them:
15.1 Wellington Heath Positive thing about the village
(Young People) : Answer 1
15.2 Wellington Heath Positive thing about the village
(Young People) : Answer 2
15.3 Wellington Heath Positive thing about the village
(Young People) : Answer 3
Aggregated Answers for Q15.1 to Q15.3 above:
10 x Seeing wildlife, countryside views & nature,
5 x Village Hall - clubs/games night
4 x the nice friendly community
4 x Good walks
3 x The quiet and peaceful surroundings
2 x Using the great bus service (e.g. to go to Town
1 x I feel safe
1 x The Pantomime
1 x Going to Pool Piece
2 x The pub to be open and age and dog friendly
1 x More leisure centres
1 x Flat place
1 x Roads not great for cycling or skating - too rough
1 x Where and what can be built in the village
1 x faster internet
1 x More young people and less old people
1 x Better playthings
1 x more children's clubs
1 x Cars too fast on Horse Road
1 x No potholes so dad don't moan
1 x Corner shop
1 x Radio station for young people
1 x An outside theatre in Pool Piece
1 x more sports equipment at village hall
1 x Play Area - Hopefully in Pool Piece
16.1 Wellington Heath important change you would like to
see (Young People) :Answer 1
16.2 Wellington Heath important change you would like to
see (Young People) :Answer 2
16.3 Wellington Heath important change you would like to
see (Young People) :Answer 3
Summary of Answers (Detailed responses are found
on the parish website)
Aggregated Answers for Q16.1 to Q16.3 above:
4 x More playing facilities and clubs
2 x The pub to be open and age and dog friendly
2 x A flat play area
2 x Roads not great for cycling or skating - too rough
1 x more sports equipment at village hall
1 x faster internet
1 x Cars too fast (on Horse Road )
1 x More young people and less old people
1 x A village shop
1 x Radio station for young people
1 x An outside theatre in Pool Piece
16.3 continued
Much more detail on responses can be accessed through the Wellington Heath Parish Website:
This report is the result of extensive work by the Wellington Heath Parish Steering Group and our thanks
go to them for all their work in compiling the questionnaires, delivery and collection, inputting the data
analysing it and producing this report. The final task is to produce an Action Plan for the Parish Council to
address over the next few years. The Action Plan is expected to be published early in 2014.
Active Members of the Steering Committee: Patrick Adams, Mike Bain, David Billingham, Peter
Constantine, David Darwood, Colin Davis, Carolyn Evans, Wendy Hill, Richard Hurley, Wendy Hurley, Ray
Jardine, Jenny Jones, Gordon Kirk, Viv Leeds, Marcus Low, Nicole Newby, Frank Rozelaar.