April 24, 2016 - St. John Fisher Catholic Church
April 24, 2016 - St. John Fisher Catholic Church
A D M I N I S T R AT I O N Msgr. David A. Sork, Pastor, dasork@sjf.org x105 April 24, 2016 Welcome To Saint John Fisher Rev. (Vincent) Khoa Mai, Assoc. Pastor, khoamai@sjf.orgx103 Rev. Bernard Kalu, Student Resident x125 Msgr. Eugene Gilb, Pastor Emeritus (egilbret@aol.com) 310-941-8972 PARISH OFFICE 310-377-5571 8 am - 7:30 pm Monday - Thursday 8 am - 5 pm Friday 9 am - 3 pm Saturday 8:30 am - 2 pm Sunday Parish Administrator, Gayle Plecha, gplecha@sjf.org x106 Campaign 21 & Columbarium, Andrea Fowler, agfowler@sjf.org x154 Director of Religious Education Margaret Johnson, mjohnson@sjf.org x136 Coordinator of Confirmation and Youth Ministry Katie Dante, kdante@sjf.org x145 Director of Evangelization Misty Jesse, mjesse@sjf.org x130 Pastoral Council Seeks New Members SJF’s Pastoral Council is looking for new members. The Pastoral Council is Msgr. Sork’s advisory body regarding the pastoral life of our community. We would like several adults and one high school youth to serve for the next two years. You can obtain an application form in the Parish Office or online at www.SJF.org and turn it in to the Parish Office. If you have any questions feel free to contact Hanan Tanios, Pastoral Council Chairperson, at pastoralcouncil@sjf.org or 310-377-5571. Though We Are Many, Together We Are One Thank you to all who have made a pledge in support of Together In Mission. “Through Together in Mission we can Bulletin Editor, Lissa DeLuca, ldeluca@sjf.org x104 share our mighty deeds and give healing and faith to the OFFICES OF FAITH FORMATION 310-377-4573 communities that simply would not be here without them.” If 8:30 am - 12:30 pm - Sunday (when class in session) you haven’t had a chance, we encourage you to make a pledge by using one of the envelopes in the pews or on-line by 8:30 am - 5:00 pm - Monday - Friday visiting: www.OurMissionLA.org. SJF Library - Open to Public Goal: $193,100.00 Pledge: $154,693.76 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm - Friday Or call for availability Paid: $117,133.76 SCHOOL OFFICE 310-377-2800 7:30 am - 3:30 pm -Monday - Friday During School Year Principal, Anne-Marie Hudani, principal@sjf.org x140 Secretary, Joanne Selvaggio, jselvaggio@sjf.org x139 MUSIC MINISTRY Music Director Grant Hungerford, sjfmusic@sjf.org 310-377-5571 x115 PASTORAL COUNCIL Chair Bernie Maynard, wcouncil@sjf.org LOST AND FOUND Next week is the parish yearly appeal for the Cardinal McIntyre Fund for Charity, which has given hope since 1951 for those in crisis situations throughout the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Your contribution goes directly toward emergency needs for children, adults, and families. You are their hope! Your gift provides one-time emergency help for: •Food, utilities, transportation, •Medical, housing or funeral expenses. Envelopes will be provided in the pews. Would you like to be a St. John Fisher Parishioner? Fill out the form below and drop it in the collection basket to receive a registration package full of useful parish information or send us an e-mail: info@sjf.org. St. John Fisher Catholic Church 5448 Crest Road, RPV, CA 90275 310-377-5571, www.sjf.org Chair Hanan Tanios, pastoralcouncil@sjf.org WOMEN’S COUNCIL Cardinal McIntyre Fund for Charity 310-541-1826 Name(s):_______________________________________ Address:_______________________________________ Please stop by the Parish Office for lost items. Our shelf is City: __________________________________________ filled with items such as eye glasses, umbrellas, cell phones, Telephone:_____________________________________ etc. Items not picked up will be donated to PV Resale. 2 Email Address:_________________________________ WORSHIP Help: One Hour a Week to Pray? MASS SCHEDULE From 9 am to 9 pm Monday through through Friday, Friday, people people pray pray for for one one hour in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Chapel, honoring honoring the the Real Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Sacrament. What What you you pray, pray, how how you pray, in the silence of your heart, heart, is is up up to to you. you. Can Can you you spend but one hour each week with with our our Lord? Lord? Pray-ers Pray-ers are are welcome to sign up for any hour. hour. Some Some of of the the hours hours we we especially need people people for for are are Thursday Friday 10:00 9:00am, am,12:00 1:00 pm, pm, 1:00 3:00 pm, and 2:008:00 pm,pm; 3:00and pm,Friday 4:00 pm, 10:00 7:00 am,pm 11:00 andam, 8:00 12:00 pm. For information, Carlyn 310-377-5571 or pm, more 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm,contact 3:00 pm, 4:00Quinto: pm, 5:00 pm, and 8:00 pm. Rose For Loggin: morerloggin@aol.com. information, contact Carlyn Quinto at 310-4802291 or Rose Loggin: rloggin@aol.com APR. 23, SATURDAY Interested in Learning About the Catholic Faith? APR. 26, TUESDAY New Inquiry Series starts Sunday, May 3rd! Please join us in the Parish conference room at 10:30 am to ask your questions and to learn about the process of becoming a Catholic. The Jubilee Year of Mercy began on December 8, 2015, the fiftieth anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council. Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound Pope Francis writes, “It is absolutely essential for the Church and Eucharistic Ministers act as representatives of Christ in bringing for the credibility of her message that she herself live and testify the body of Christ to those who are ill or homebound. By the to mercy.” There are many way we can respond to the call to live minister’s compassion and concern, he or she fulfills the words mercy. Here are a few ideas: of Christ, “I was sick and you visited me.” Please consider •Put Two Feet of Love in Action. Use this guide to consider spending a few hours each month in this much needed ministry. how you can strengthen both charitable works and social Contact Cecil ia a t: 3 2 3 - 3 09 - 7 3 5 0 or e ma i l : justice at home and as part of your faith community. Visit cecilia.eh.park@gmail.com www.usccb.org/two feet for more information. •Get Involved Locally. Explore the map as PovertyUSA.org to find local organizations that practice mercy by learning about Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion andyou addressing poverty. Would like to help distribute Holy Communion at Mass? A •training Engage class Your isFaith Community. With your planned on Saturday, May faith 9th. community, For more use Pope Francis’ prayer for the Jubilee Year, and the information about the requirements to serve as an EMHC, please resources mentioned below, to pray, reach out, learn, and see our parish website. You can also pick up an application act in duringoffice. the year. Visit WeAreSaltAndLight.org. the parish •Participate in Action Alerts on issues of life and dignity from the U.S. Catholic bishops at www.cgrcengage.com/ Child Care Available During 9 am Mass catholicbishops. did youBull know care is for the little ones •Parents, Pope Francis’ of child Indiction of available the Extraordinary Jubilee during 9 am can Massbein the below the Gym? Let of the Mercy readAuditorium at http://w2.vatican.va/content/ yourf rchildren Mrs. a n c e s ccome o / e nand / a p have o s t _al efun t t e time r s / d with ocum e n tMary s / p a and paMrs.francesco_bolla_20150411_misericordiae-vultus.html Blessie while you get a few minutes of peace and serenity at Mass! WelcometotoThis ThisSacred SacredSpace! Space! Welcome WelcometotoSt.St. John Fisher Church. This beautiful sanctu-is Welcome John Fisher Church. This beautiful sanctuary ary is designed to be of a place and for serenity for all. designed to be a place peace of andpeace serenity all. Please be Please be of considerate of otherscell by phones, silencingplacing cell phones, considerate others by silencing all food placing food and drink, gum, including gum, in the and drink,all including chewing in thechewing trash cans outside the trash cans outside the building, and treating the building and building, and treating the building and furnishings with respect. furnishings with respect. should made feel to Every effort should be madeEvery to helpeffort all who comebe to Mass help all who come to Mass feel welcome. welcome. 8:00 am 5:00 pm Calucci Family Joe LaBorde† Fr. Mai APR. 24, SUNDAY 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:45 am 12:30 pm 5:00 pm Parishioners Linwood Melton† Linwood Melton† Rhonda Loggin† Larry Maynard† Fr. Kalu Msgr. Sork Fr. Mai Msgr. Sork Fr. Bandsuch APR. 25, MONDAY 8:00 am 5:15 pm 8:00 am 5:15 pm Barbara Alberts† Barbara Alberts† Pura A. Flores† Florence Chidley† APR. 27, WEDNESDAY 8:00 am 5:15 pm Patrick O'Brien Larry Maynard† APR. 28, THURSDAY 8:00 am Yvette Velasco† 5:15 pm Christopher Loren Dixon† APR. 29, FRIDAY 8:00 am Anne Fisch† 5:15 pm Consorcia Giron† APR. 30, SATURDAY 8:00 am 5:00 pm Yvette Velasco† Joe LaBorde† Fr. Bandsuch MAY 1, SUNDAY 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:45 am 12:30 pm 5:00 pm Boyett E. Amagna† Parishioners Robert Legg† Felicia Adenihun† Eugene Zak† Fr. Kalu Msgr. Sork Fr. Caro Fr. Mai Msgr. Sork WEEKLY READINGS Monday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Sunday: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29 3 FA I T H F O R M AT I O N CHILDREN April 24, 2016 HIGH SCHOOL TEENS Home is Holy: Visit the Imprisoned God gives us ways to help others through the Corporal Works of Mercy. By doing small acts of kindness with great love we are following Christ and showing Mercy to those in need. The next Corporal Work of Mercy is “Visit the imprisoned.” Pray for prisoners. Support “Get on the Bus,” a charity that brings children to visit their parents in prison. Bring your children to visit people “imprisoned” by loneliness, sickness, or old age. Get involved in prison ministry, bringing the word of God to those in prison. First Communion Prep Begins in Grade 1 First Communion is a two year program that is usually begun in the first grade. Children must attend Religious Education classes or the Parish School for two years prior to making First Communion. If you would like to have your child make his or her First Communion in the spring of 2018, call or e-mail the Religious Education office to receive registration information. Registration for the 20162017 school year will be starting next month. First Communion Retreats continue First Communion retreats for the children in grades 2 and 3 who will be celebrating First Communion this May will continue this week. Retreats will be Friday, April 29, 6:30-8:30 pm, and Saturday, April 30, 9:3011:30 am. Parents should bring the children to their assigned retreat, and remember to return 30 minutes before the end of the retreat. Please bring your child’s completed Eucharist book, banner, and wallet-size photo to the retreat. Religious Education Classes End Soon! The last class for Sunday Religious Education, Preschool-Grade 8, will be next Sunday, May 1. Tuesday classes will end May 3. Registration forms for 2016-2017 will be available in mid-May. Thank you to all the families, children, catechists, and other volunteers for another enjoyable year of Religious Education! Margaret Johnson Director of Religious Education K-8 (310) 377-4573 ext 136 | mjohnson@sjf.org 4 New Students for Confirmation: There will be a special parent meeting in Barrett Hall on Wednesday, May 25, 7 pm for incoming students in grades 9,10, or 11. The SJF 2-year program is open to those teens wishing to start Confirmation preparation next September. Please contact Ricardo at rmata@sjf.org to get on our email list. Confirmation News Year 1--Everyone should be working on their second semester reflection papers due in May. Remember one PEW- Prayer Encounter and Worship, and one JASJustice and Service activity, are both required. Year 1-- Final Class in April: Sunday, April 24th, OR Monday, April 25th in Barrett Hall-- All Year 1 Candidates with a Sponsor or Parent. Gospel Recap: "Love Your Friends Despite Their Flaws" Jesus' challenge to all of us this week is for us to love one another as he loved his first followers. As we learn more about the apostles through the scriptures, we find that Jesus' chosen 12 were far from perfect. The Gospel shows Jesus constantly correcting them. He catches them fighting with each other, ignoring hungry people who need their help, and sending away sick people who need healing. But in every instance Jesus stands by them. He believes in their goodness and potential by coaxing and urging them to become the best version of themselves. We need to also gently challenge our friends to become better people, while at the same time recognizing our own flaws. If we feel safe with others who accept us unconditionally yet also challenge our weaknesses, we are more likely to change to become happier and holier people. Katie Dante Coordinator of Confirmation and Youth Ministry (310) 377-4573 ext 145 | kdante@sjf.org FA I T H F O R M AT I O N A D U LT S QUESTION OF THE WEEK May 1, 2016—Sixth Sunday of Easter Gospel: John 14:23-29 Jesus answered him, “Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” What difference has it made in your life when you made a decision in accord with Jesus’ teachings? Interested in Becoming Catholic GROWING IN THE WORD: GOSPEL OF LUKE Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic? Are you missing some of your sacraments, such as First Communion or Confirmation? If you answered yes to either of these, and would like to know more about RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) please call the Parish Office for more information or email Misty at mjesse@sjf.org. We will be having Inquiry Sessions on the following Sundays: May 1st, and May 15th, 10:30 a.m. in the Parish Conference Room. Please join us, this is an open invitation, no reservations needed. The year 2016 places us in Year C of the Lectionary Cycle with an emphasis on readings from the Gospel of Luke. St. John Fisher is offering a 6-week series on the Gospel of Luke starting Monday April 4th – May 9th. Come join us as we explore this Gospel; one filled with colorful images of compassion and gentleness. We will also have an opportunity to study the motifs of diabolical forces, the great reversal of rich and poor, and the schism of those who reject Jesus’ teaching. Time: Monday evenings: 7:00 pm-8:30 pm in the Auditorium. Presenter, Misty Jesse, PhD, DMin. Newcomers and drop-ins are always welcome! Living the Paschal Mystery Key words and phrases in today’s Gospel include: glorify, new commandment, love, as I have loved you. (John 13:31-33a, 3435) The “new commandment” Jesus gives is not simply to “love” but to love as He has loved us. Jesus’ commandment to love requires a new way of living: regard for the other without counting the cost to ourselves. Jesus’ death simultaneously reveals the full measure of his love and his glory. Our death, dying to self, reveals the full measure of love for others and leads us to share in Jesus’ glory. The gospels tell us in many ways that love means self-sacrifice. We live the paschal mystery only when our own lives emulate the love of Jesus: giving one’s all for the sake of another. In many human ways we already do this and could think of no other way to act: most parents sacrifice plenty for their children, we readily respond to others’ tragedies with gifts of money and service, we reach out to the perfect stranger on the street who is in need. In so many ways we already act out of the love that Jesus commands in this gospel. Perhaps this gospel flashback reminds us that we need only do the everyday things we are already doing with new meaning: we share in Jesus’ mission when we love. On the other hand, if an examination of our lives suggests that perhaps we are not as selfsacrificing as Jesus, than this gospel is an invitation to love more completely. What is at stake is a share in Jesus’ everlasting life and glory. Misty Jesse Director of Evangelization (310) 377-4573 x130 | mjesse@sjf.org BOOK CLUB DISCUSSION Come join us in discussing The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics by Daniel James Brown. We meet Tuesday, May 17 at 7:00 pm in Room 108 (Parish library). For a complete list of our books, please look for the SJF Book Club group on www.goodreads.com. For more information email Martha Newton at sjfbookclub@gmail.com. PREVENTING CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE IS A PARTNERSHIP MONITOR ONLINE ACTIVITY ON ALL DEPreventing child sexual abuse is a partnership. It VICES requires education, training, and actionthe from In the past, parents were advised to place parents, other adults, organizations, and children. family computer in an open area such as a Askitchen adults,or wefamily need toroom learnso to recognize adults that they might who are a risk to kids – ours and the others in the easily monitor activity. Today social contact, community. April is Child Abuse Prevention especially among young people, is conducted Month, gives on us smart all an phones opportunity to learn almostwhich exclusively and tabmore about what the Archdiocese of Los Angeles lets. Technology continues to change rapidly. is doing to prevent sexualour abuse fromtohappening. All of us mustchild continue efforts stay For more information about the VIRTUS® abreast of the many new mobile device appsChild Abuse Prevention Adults and Children that may be usedPrograms by young for people to commucontact jvienna@la-archdiocese.org. Parish nicate with others and could potentially be Safeguard the Children Contact: Margaret used to manipulate or abuse them. For a copy Johnson, 310-377-4573 x136, mjohnson@sjf.org. of the VIRTUS® article “Mobile App Danger,” email: jvienna@la-archdiocese.org. Parish Safeguard the Children Contact: Margaret Johnson, 310-377-4573 x136, mjohnson@sjf.org. 5 S T E WA R D S H I P STEWARDSHIP OF OUR TIME & TALENT April 24, 2016 Dawn Unity-Respect For Other Religions April 10 - April 16, 2016 Hot Meals Delivered: 175 Sandwiches Delivered: 700 These efforts were funded by St. John Fisher Charitable Outreach (Obra Buena). If you would like to volunteer or donate, please contact Misty Jesse. Save the date, May 10th, for this informative Dawn Unity Panel discussion. Panel includes: Fr. Thomas Rausch, Professor Reinhard Krauss, President Mike Gazdik, and Reverend Jonathan Chute. Location: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 5845 Crestridge Road, 7:30 pm. Light hospitality will be provided. STEWARDSHIP MOMENT Year of Mercy Pilgrimage In today’s Gospel we return to the Last Supper to hear Jesus’ new commandment to love one another. Good stewards, as the recipients of God’s unending love, take this commandment seriously. Though we are reminded of his love throughout the year, it is Jesus’ actions and words during the feast of Passover that show us the extent of his love and the way we too can live a life of stewardship. Are we able to embrace this kind of discipleship? All are welcome to join a local pilgrimage on Saturday, May 7, to commemorate the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Schedule: 2:00 pm carpool departs SJF; 2:30-3:30 pm pilgrimage at Saint Anthony Church, Long Beach. We will pray the Rosary as a group. 4:00 pm arrive back at SJF to allow participation in confession and Mass. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Ratliff at cratliff@cunicocorp.com. ADULT FAITH & STEWARDSHIP CALENDAR Bible Timeline Session #3 - Apr. 1-May 24 (am/pm) Growing in the Word: Luke - April 4 - May 9 Mind and Spiritual Workshops - May 2, 9, 16 Year of Mercy Pilgrimage - May 7 Dawn Unity - May 10, Host: Church of Jesus Christ Food Pantry Bag Collection - May 21 - 22 Military Ministry Memorial Day Collection - May 21-22 Volunteer Thank You Lunch-Fr. Bandsuch -June 4 Family Promise of the South Bay - June 12 - 20 Family Promise of the South Bay - July 24 - 31 Family Promise of the South Bay - Sept. 4 - 11 Growing in the Word: Exodus - Sept. 12 - Oct. 31 PV Resale Volunteer Thank You - Sept. 19 Women’s Council Movie Night - September 23 Food Pantry Bag Collection - September 24 - 25 Altar Server Training - October 1 - AM Blessing of the Animals - October 1 - PM Red Cross Mobile Blood Drive - October 2 Ministry Fair - October 9 Scholastic Luncheon Series #1 - October 10 SANCTUS Retreat - October 15 EMHC Training - October 29 PV Resale Christmas Boutique - November 4 - 5 Empty Bowls Fundraiser - November 5 Military Ministry Veterans Day Collection November 5- 6 Military Ministry Veterans Day Celebration & Breakfast - November 11 Food Pantry Bag Collection - November 12 - 13 Our Lady of Guadalupe - December 12 Simbang Gabi - December 17 Scholastic Luncheon Series #2 - January 9, 2017 6 Fitness for Seniors A person is physically fit when he/she can do all of his/her activities of daily living (ADLs) without undo fatigue. ADL’s involve activities such as lifting, pushing, pulling, reaching, moving from place to place, driving, playing with grandchildren, etc. A person undertaking a physical fitness improvement program should perform exercises that improve muscular strength, flexibility, cardio respiratory capacity, balance and coordination. Come join our Fitness program at St. John Fisher, each Tuesday and Thursday, 10-11 am in the gym. The program is led by Mort Smith, certified fitness instructor with over 20 years of experience training members of the Seniors’ population. $5/class or 6 classes for $25. PV Resale Supports Richstone Family Center Located in Hawthorne, the Richstone Family Center is dedicated to preventing violence in families, schools, and communities. Because of the many hours of service provided by generous volunteers, including those from St. John Fisher, this life changing ministry received $3,982. Your support makes possible Palos Verdes Resale’s quarterly distribution of $100,000. If you would like to donate items to PV Resale please take your donations directly to the thrift shop or call to arrange a furniture pick-up. Palos Verdes Resale Thrift Shop 2321 Pacific Coast Highway, Lomita, CA 90717 310-534-1722 - Open Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Misty Jesse Director of Evangelization (310) 377-4573 x130 | mjesse@sjf.org COMMUNITY PRAY FOR THE SICK Liody Brown, friend of Ronnie Martinez Helen Dalton Armando Garcia, father of Angel Garcia Modesto Luviano, uncle of Jesus & Maria Lopez Onnig Karkousian Dorothy Willhite, daughter of Annie Schmidt Awesome Field Trip For The SJF First Grade The SJF First Grade had a grand day at the South Coast Botanic Garden. CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR… Josephine Appel Sr. Arlene Ashack Baby Leon Brooke Bagdasar Juliet Besa Janet Brennan Frank Califano, Sr Mary Canfield Marilyn Chappuis Margarita David Julie Dhingra Alex Egger Robert Escobedo, Lenny & Gloria Fink Katsuko Fujimoto Msgr. Eugene Gilb Melissa Guillilan Ethel Hörst Sarah Johnson Shirli Kabana Mary Jane Kamholz Jean Keller Irene Kosidlak Stephen Michael Lathrop, Jr. Ronald Low Anthony MacGilfrey David & Joan Matson Frank & Mike McCormick Ethel McMahon Edward Melone Thadd McNamara Andrew Mendez Carl Modecki Karen Murphy Orla Murphy Patrick O’Brien Nancy O’Conor Catherine Reese Evamaria Rewinski David Rodriguez Adam Rybicki Donna Scoular Hy Sing Joan Sing Matthew Slaught Nancy Taylor Jennifer (DeLuca) Tavares David Tomblin, Sr. Marisa Tufaro Joan Wolf Rosemary Zoolalian PRAY FOR THE DECEASED Margaret (Marge) Grieco, mother of Fr. Michael Grieco Edwin Reveche, husband of Ann Marie Reveche Patricia Vilicich, mother of Vicki Pepper PRAY FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL AND FAMILIES *** Introducing Our New TRANSITIONAL KINDERGARTEN A Full Day Program For The Year Preceding Kindergarten Enrollment is now open! Please call for more information and to schedule a tour of the school. St. John Fisher School A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence http://sjf.org/content/parish-school and https://www.facebook.com/ saintjohnfisherschool (310) 377-2800 Anne-Marie Hudani St. John Fisher School Principal (310) 377-2800 ׀principal@sjf.org 1st Lt. Andrew Alessandra, USA Capt. Glenn Baker Lt. Col. Robert Barry, Jr., USAFR Danny Bender, USN Seal Scott Bender, USN Seal ADC Michael R. Boubion, USN Capt. Ryan Brown, USA James D. Cheatham, USN Lt. Col. Andrew Foster, USA Cpt. Blake Gillman, USA Brian Kawagoe, USA Lt. James M. Keener, USN Maj. Jordan Mastroianni, Jr., USA Gen. H.R. McMaster, USA Private First Class Jonathan Perrin, USM Sean Raymond Reagan, USAF Michael Simonell, USAF Erik Stevenson, USN 1st Lt. Hannah Thomas, USA 1st Lt. Mark Thomas, USA Lt. Nicholas Tramontin, USNR Luis Vega, PO2, USN C. Stuart Vick, USN Capt. JAG Rachel Walkup, USA If you have a loved one serving in the Military and would like his/ her name on the prayer list and/or picture on the Military Board, please contact Joan, 310-377-5571. Pictures should be approximately 4" x 5", and may be dropped off at the office, ATTN: Joan Barry. IMPORTANT: Please include a contact name and phone number. The Military Board is in the church narthex. 7 COMMUNITY Christian Life Communities Christian Family Movement (CFM) meets one Friday a month to explore living out one’s faith in everyday life. Interested? Please call Joan & Frank Lee at 310-377-5571. Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy meets the second Tuesday of each month after 5:15 pm Mass. Call 310-3774573 for more information. Families of Nazareth: Mondays at 9:30 am meets in the Auditorium Conference Room; Wednesdays at 7:30 pm in the Faculty Room; Men’s group on Mondays at 7:30 pm in the Rectory Meeting Room. Call 310-377-4573 for more information. A-Men Scripture Study meets weekly at a local Starbucks on Friday at 6:30 am. David de Miranda at 310-377-5571. A-Men & Women Faith Sharing meets from 7:00-8:30pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. Meetings are held in the Multi-Purpose Room of the church. For more information, Hanan 310-377-5571. Monday Evening Faith Sharing meets weekly in a home near Silver Spur and Hawthorne. For more information, please contact Luz Smith, 310-377-5571. Mary Our Mother meets the second Wednesday of each month. Questions? Contact Jacintha Knapp 310-377-5571. April 24, 2016 Holy Land Pilgrimage with Msgr. Sork Oct. 23 - Nov. 3, 2016 Msgr. Sork is leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Land from October 23 to November 3, 2016. Visit our parish website (www.sjf.org) to obtain a brochure containing a detailed itinerary and pricing or contact the parish office! If you would like to join and follow the footsteps of Jesus in the Holy Land, please contact the parish office. Seeking a Videographer The Agape Ministry is anxious to enlist a trained videographer to accompany them to Tijuana for one day in July. You would be documenting the work being done there by two charities supported by our parish which help the poor and special needs children. If you have the equipment and would donate a day to this cause, please contact Barry Cossette a BarryBJC@hotmail.com for more information. PV Resale Needs Substitute Drivers . . . To occasionally deliver goods from the shop to the Sisters of Charity on PV Drive East. This is only when regular drivers are unavailable. If interested, call Diane Schott at 310-377-5571. Our Lady of Fatima Statue The St. John Fisher Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue is available for a one-week stay in your home. Monday Morning Scripture Study meets 10:00-11:30 am For more information, please contact coordinator, Our at Marian Residence. Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue Visitation Program, Jan Catholic Update with Eileen Loughran meets Wednesdays Kelly at 310-377-5571. at 9:30 am in Cityside Room. OPPORTUNITIES TO GROW AND HAVE FUN The Seekers, men’s group, meets most Thursdays in the Cityside Room at 10 am. Book Club meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in Room 108. For book information, contact sjfbookclub@gmail.com. Senior Fitness Class, every Tuesday & Thursday, 10-11 am in the gym. $5/class or 6 classes for $25. Sign up in Parish Office or at class. PRAYER GROUPS/DEVOTIONS Eucharistic Adoration, Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, Carlyn Quinto, 310-377-5571; Rose Logginrloggin@aol.com First Friday 24-hour adoration: 8 am Friday to 8 am Saturday For more questions on adoration, contact the parish office. Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Thursday 5:50 pm - 6:30 pm, Church Queen of Peace Prayer Group, Odette Smith, 310-3775571. Every Tuesday, after 5:15 pm Mass, Chapel of the Blessed Mother Rosary, Monday - Saturday: Before Mass at 7:25 am and after 8:00 am Mass, Chapel of the Blessed Mother Prayer Tree Marguerite Wilkie, 310-377-5571. 8 Holy Land Olive Wood Sales We would like to thank the St. John Fisher Parishioners deeply on behalf of the Catholic Christian Families of Bethlehem and Jerusalem - The Holy Land. Your generous support to have us in your Church and sell our olive wood religious items helps about 370 families of the Holy Land who are working in this industry to maintain their lives and living in the Land of our Savior Jesus Christ. Again thank you and may the Lord bless you. Catholic Night at the Hollywood Bowl Monday, July 4, 2016, 7:30 pm Ticket Price (Adult) $34.00 Bus (Round Trip) 7.00 Service Charge per person 2.00 $43.00 Children 12 and under $24.00 ($17.00 + $7.00) Hollywood Bowl’s annual salute to America’s birthday with the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, the U.S. Air Force Band, and the legendary rock ‘n’ roll band - Chicago!! Order forms can be found in the parish office. Orders must be received by May 6, 2016. For additional information, please call Madeline at 310-540-1710. Note: On July 4th, the bowl bus departs from the county courthouse on Maple Avenue. Only on the 4th of July. 5448 Crest Road ●Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 ● T: (310) 377-5571 ● F: (310) 377-6303 ● www.sjf.org