OREGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION EXECUTIVECOMMITTEEMEETING February 28,2002 MembersPresent: RogerHamilton,President ShonnaWilliams, Vice President JohnVan Allen, Vice President,Finance/Treasurer JevanWilliams, Vice President,Competitions/Secretary AGENDA A quorumbeingpresent,RogerHamilton openedthe meeting. 2. MINUTES A motion to approveminutesof a Boardmeetingheld on November13,2001 was made,seconded,and approvedunanimously. A motion to approveminutesof an ExecutiveCommitteemeetingheld on November9, 2001 was made,seconded,and approvedunanimously. J. REPORTS a. PRESIDENT- No report b. VICE PRESIDENT- No report. VICE PRESIDENT,Legal - No report. +. d. TREASURER- JohnVan Allen reportedthat reserveshave sottentoo low and OASA hasa cashflow problem.Mr. Van Allenpreseuted his analysisof the cashflow situation,which is not as good as he would like, but he expectsit to improvesignificantlyin the next several months. Mr. Van Allen reportedthat OASA currentlyhasroughly $9,600in the bank. e. REGISTRAR - No report. f. SECRETARY - JevanWilliamsreported thatOASAhasnominated TedZyelinskefor the USASARegionIV Hallof Fame. OTHERBUSINESS a. OASA PLAYER FEES - As predictedat the OASA ExecutiveCommitteemeeting of November9th,2001 and the OASA Boardmeetingof November13th,2001,the USASA has changedits fee structure. At the February24,2002 meetingof the United StatesAmateur SoccerAssociation (USASA), the fee structurechargedto memberassociations(suchas OASA) was changedas of September1, 2002 from one of about$12.00per player and $50 per team,which includedUSSF fees,USASA feesand liability and accidentinsurance, to one of $5.50per player (USSF and USASA fees)plus insurance(whateverits cost) for an estimatedtotal of about$16.00to $16.50per player and no team fee. Numberswill not be finalized until next month, when an insurancecontractis to be signed;this contractis expectedto hold insurancefeessteadyfor threeyears. A motion to eliminate OASA team fees effective August 31,2002 and to increase the annual player's fee to $35.00 effective March 31,2002 was made, secondedand approved. b. DINNER- A motionto contribute$1,000to FORUS SOCCERFOLTNDATION SUPPORT helpsupporttherecentUSSFFoundation with thesupportprovidedby most dinner,consistent statesin RegionfV, wasmade,seconded, andapprovedunanimously. c. TIMBERSruMBROTOURNAMENT- A motionto sanctiontheTimbers/Umbro 7 V. & Women'sTournament wasmade,seconded, andapprovedunanimously. Sincerely, w\v 42vw+JevanWilliams,Secretary OREGON ADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING March 6,2002 MembersPresent: Roger Hamilton, President BarbaraSkotte,Vice President,Legal Doug Morasch,Vice President,Registration/Registrar John Van Allen, Vice President,Finance/Treasurer JevanWilliams, Vice President,Competitions/Secretary 1. AGENDA A quorumbeingpresentRogerHamilton openedthe meeting. 2. EASTSIDECOED HIGH SCHOOLDIVISION A motion to allow the EastsideCoedLeagueto againrun a high schooldivision with feesof $50 per teamand $15 per playerwasmade,seconded,and approvedunanimously. Sincerely, \ tt* t^/ JevanWilliams, Secretary OREGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTOf,.SMEETING Members Present: RogerHamilton, President ShonnaWilliams, Vice President BarbaraSkotte, Vice President,Legal JevanWilliams. Secretarv Doug Morasch,'Regi strai John Van Allen, Treasurer Eric Beck. SRA GingerBradbury,EastsideCoed Mary Tremblay,EastsideCoed HughKalani,GPSD DaveSchade, GPSD LindaButler,NUWS NancyWalsh"NUWS LianeWhitaker.NUWS OthersPresent: Jill Bothwell Walt Weyler 1. AGENDA A qu-orypbeing present,RogerHamilton openedthe meetingand handedout an agenda("A" attached). 2. MINUTES A motion to approveminutesof a Board meetingheld on November 13,200I was made, seconded,and ipproved unanimously. A motion to approveminutesof an ExecutiveCommitteemeetingheld on February28,2002 was made,seconded,and approvedunanimously. 3. REPORTS a. PRESIDENT - Report in writing "B" attached. b. VICE PRESIDENT - No report. c. VICE PRESIDENT, LEGAL - No report. d. TREASURER - No report. e. REGISTRAR - No report. f. SECRETARY - JevanWilliams reportedthat he had eiven new Board memberDave Schadea notebookthat is desimedto give informatioi to new Board members. Mr. Williams also handedout datalhowin! OASA's playerregistrationsby month. g. REFEREES 1. SRA - Eric Beck reportedthat Oregonhas 1,073currentlyregisteredreferees, 41 instructors,and 22 assessors.T-herehave been 14 evaiuationsand 3 assessments sinceJanuary. Classesfor new refereesare scheduledmonthlv through September,and i 11 refereestook a USSF advancedclinic in Januiry. The Board discussedthe quality and quantityof Oregonrefereesand the effects of refereeassignmentson games. 2. OREGON REFEREE COMMITTEE - No report. h. COMMITTEES i. COMPETITIONS- Will meetsoon. 2. DISCIPLINE AND APPEALS - Barbara Skotte reported that the committee has heard one casewhere they found that referee abusehad occurred and gavea 4Yrmonth penalty. 3. BYLAWS AND RULES - No report. 4. FIELD DEVELOPMENT - The Board discussedPortlandfields, the needfor more fields and the fact that leaguesmay needto do more field lining and maintenance.Dave Schadenotedthat we needto look at religious organizations who may have land that they would be willing to let us use. 5. OASA NEWSLETTER - No report. LEAGUES j. 4. 1. I. GPSD - Dave Schadereportedthat they will have 72 teamsstartingApril 10'h playinga 12-weekseason. 2. NUWS - Linda Butler reportedthat the leagueis now payrngrefereesby grade, $40 for a grade8, $44 for a grade7, $48 for a grade6 and $52 for a grade5. Ms. Butler reportedthat they have about 80 teamsand needmore fields. 3. EASTSIDE COED - Ginger Bradburyreportedthat the leaguehas "more than 60 teams,with 12 on a waiting list". They could take more teamsif they had more fields. Ms. Bradburyreportedthat they will be running a high school leagueas they have donein the past. 4. OPSL - In writing "D" attached. 5. CASA - No report. 6. CCSL - No report. OASA OFFICE - No report. FINANCIAL MATTERS The Board discussedthe OASA's financial situation. John Van Allen reportedthat he believesthat althoughthings are not greatright now, we are headinginto our busy time of the year and willbe finJby the enil of thJfiscal yeardue to the pTayerfee incrdase. 5. OTHER BUSINESS a. USASA MID-YEAR MEETING Roger Hamilton reportedon the USASA's mid-yearmeetingand the fee restructuring disdussedin his Pri:sident'sreport. Sincerely, 1 '\' a tuv L P ' /L - ' - JevanWilliams,Secretary 2 Oregon Adult Soccer Association 1750S.W.SkylineBlvd.SuiteI2 | O Portland,Or.97221-2533o (503)292-1814o Fax (503)297-4513 Boardof Directors Meeting:WPortland,OR h -V- , BarbieAnderson EricBeck .1 GingerBradbury -7-linoi gutt"t Christopher _Terry -j{- Bob Dietz ruiniFortino z Tim Gero v, RoqerHamilton vHr6h ---l-ooJg Katani Morasch , BenNunez -TO"uid -Ye^rbara Schade Skotte -Klrir smith -Y Mary Trembty -V7 Jonnv"n Allen -V7ru"ncv Walsh --V LianeWhitaker Jevan --:[Zsr,onnaWilliams Williams Total =22 Quorum=12 Others: 4 ', t | 1) af Lt"'a-- Ll \w117 \,Jcylt/ r-r"oh Q r/o>7 EastsideCoed State RefereeAdministrator EastsideCoed NorthwestUnitedWomen'sSoccer GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict GreaterPortlandSoccer District CascadeArea SoccerAssociation NorthwestUnitedWomen'sSoccer EastsideCoed OASA President GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict OASA Vice President,Registration CentralCoastSoccerLeague GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict OASA Vice President,Legal OregonPremierSoccerLeague EastsideCoed OASAVice PresidentFinance/Treasurer NorthwestUnitedWomen's Soccer NorthwestUnitedWomen'sSoccer OASA Vice President,Competitions/Secretary OASAVice President A OREGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION Board of DirectorsMeeting March6,2002 Agenda Approveminutesof Boardmeeting ll/13/01 Approveminutesof ExecutiveCornnritteemeeting2D8l02 Reports: . Officers: a President a Vice President a Vice President,I,egal a Treasurer o Regiskar a Secretary Referees: StateRefereeAdministator a OregonRefereeCommitoee a Committees: Standing: . Competitions . Discipline andAppeals . BylawsandRules AdHoc: a Fields a OASANewsletter Leagues: . GPSD a NUWS a EastsideCoed a OPSL a CASA a CCSL . Officeldanager Reporton USASA Md-Year Meeting andRegionIV Councilmeeting. l**o*t*., Adjoum OASAC b RePort bYmonth Registration, Player 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 01oct 01Nov01Dec01Jan02Feb02 01AugO1Sept O1Juty Mar01Apr01Mayg1June : 4,738 Totalplayersregistered 395 Ave per month: =-D PageI of I Subj: Date: From: To: OPSL Report AM PacificStandardTime 3161200211:13:25 Tim,Smi"!h@nike.go_m rpge-rhamrltqlt@yll--ojldnet.alt.le!,je-yan\ry'@sAl,,So!I Sent from the lnternet LDetails) Roger& JevanSorry,my mistake,I didn'thave the OASA meetingwrittendown on my calendarand thus I have made other plansfor tonightwhich I can'tget out of, Here'sa quickrecapfrom the OPSL. OPSL Report: The OPSL ChampionshipMatchtook placeon January27th with #1 seed FC Swooshdefeating#2 seed IPS by the scoreof 3-1. FC Swooshcompleteda recordsettingundefeatedseasonfinishingwith a recordof 13-0-1 whilerecording B shutouts,scoring57 goalswith only 11 against. In the semi-finalmatchof IPS vs. Penerola very unfortunatesituationarosein a heatedbattlebetweenthese2 teams. Severalyellowand red cardswere issuedduringthe match,the end of the game was calledoff, and policewere calledto the scene. the majorityof the cardedplayershave been dealtwith by the league,but there are stilla few pendingtssues(to be discussedat the next leaguemeeting)concerningthe violentconductof a Penerolplayer. There'sa good chancethis playermay be suspendedfrom the leagueand in whichcase we wouldwant to coordinatethis suspensionon the rulingwith the OASAjudiciarycommittee. At the nextOPSL meetingwe will also be addressingthe numberof teams in the leagueas well as decidingon which teamswill be returningfrom this season" The issueswith the Penerolteam will also be addressed. Cheers, Tim -----OriginalMessage----From : RogerHamilton fmailto: rogerhamilton@worldnet.att. net] Sent: Wednesday,March06,200210:50 AM To: Tim Smith; BarbaraAnderson;BarbaraSkotte; Ben Nunez;Bob Dietz; Dave Schade;Eric Beck;Ginger Bradbury;Hugh Kalani;JevanWilliams;Jill Bothwell;JohnVan Allen;LianeWhitaker;LindaButler;Mike Calder;NancyWalsh; Nini Fortino; ReneeScott; ShonnaWilliams;SteveGould;Terry Christopher;Tim Gero Subject: OASAPresident'sReport Attached is my report. Roger Wednesday,March 06,2002 America Online: Jevanw INC. ASSOCIATION, ADULTSOCCER OREGON MEETING 3OARDOF DIRECTORS March6,2002 MembersPresent: President RogerHamilton, VicePresident lnnaWilliams, Legal BarbaraSkotte,VicePresident, JevanWilliams, Secretary JohnVanAllen.Treasurer DougMorasch, Registrar EricBeck,StateRefereeAdministrator Eastside Coed GingerBradbury, Coed Eastside MaryTremblay, HughKalani,GPSD DaveSchade, GPSD LindaButler.NUWS NancyWalsh,NUWS LianeWhitaker, NUWS MembersNot Present: Eastside BarbieAnderson, Coed MikeCalder. GPSD TerryChristopher, GPSD BobDietz.CASA NiniFortino, NUWS-Regrets TimGero,Eastside Coed BenNun e zC, C S L Tim Smith,OPSL-Regrets OthersPresent: JillBothwell WaltWeyler BriefSummaryof the BoardMeeting: Boardof DirectorsMinutes11l13l01andExecutiveCommitteeMinutes2l28l02 were approved. 2. Leaguesreported,the recurringthemewas the needfor morefields.Dave Schadesuggestedaskingreligious whichmay havelandavailable.NUWS has changedto pay refereesby gradestartingat $40 for organizations a grade8. 3. The boardhad a good discussionaboutreferees,especiallyquality,quantity,and matchingthe correctreferee to the correctgame,this is often missedby most assignors. 4. The boarddiscussedthe USASAfee restructuring and playerfee increaseand the resultingOASA fee restructuring and playerfee increase. 5. The ExecutiveCommitteehelda briefmeetingand approvedthe EastsideCoed leagueagainrunninga high schooldivisionwithteamsplaying6 gameseachand payingOASAa $50 teamfee and $15 per player. 6. 2OO2MEETINGDATES Saturday, June 8, 20002 Monday,September23,2002 Monday,November18,2002 , - contactme: JevanWilliams 9:00AM ANNUALMEETING 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 14167SE SiebenParkway/ Clackamas, OR 97015/ Voice:(503)65S-73S0 Fax:(503)658-4384Cell:(503)975-7380 E-Mail:ievanw@-aol.com Attendanceat OASA boardmeetings1122196-present NUWS: J. BleY L. Butler M. Marshall R. TeenY N. Walsh L. Whitaker N. Fortino B l12 12116 417 1t3 17124 5/B 517 67o/o 75o/o 57o/o 33% 71o/o 63Yo 71% NUWS5 1 / 7 7 G PSD : R. Aveling B. Be ll P. Bowman J. Brinkman T. ChristoPher M. Calder H. Kalani D. Schade J. Slaughter L. Smithwick B. YosePh 1t3 11117 4111 3t4 4t9 11124 14124 111 4111 B l13 3/9 33Yo 65% W-Coed B. Anderson J. Fedunik 5/9 6115 560/o 40o/o E-Coed B. Anderson G. Bradbury T. Gero D. Morasch M. TremblaY 4tB 22124 9111 9/9 23124 50o/o 92% 82Yo 100o/o 96% P. Kirk R . O 'Neill T. Smith 3/6 112 10/16 50% 50% B. N unez 6/16 3BYo B. Dietz 3116 19o/o E. Beck 14t24 SBYo R. Hamilton D. Morasch B. Skotte J. VanAllen J. W illiams S. Williams D. Youmans R. ZYelinske 24t24 15t15 18124 15115 24124 23124 4t6 4t9 100% 100% 74% 100To OPSL CCSA CASA SRA OASA March7 ,2OO2 Revised: OO"/o 360/o 75% 44% 46Yo SBY, 100% 36o/o 62Yo 33% 49o/o GPSD 621126 W-Coed 11124 460/o E-Coed 67176 88% OPSL 14124 5B% 63o/o ccsA 6/16 39o/o CASA 3i16 19o/o SRA l j OY o g60/0 67% 44o/o 14124 OASA 1261140 Totals 358/523 59o/o 90% 6B% Notice of u Meeting of the Bourd of Directors of OregonAdult SoccerAssociation,fnc. To: The Directors You areherebynotified that the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directorsof the abovenamed corporationwill be held on Saturday,June 8, 20t02fromg:00 to Noon. The location of the meeting will be in the clark Room at the JantzenBeachDoubletree Hotel (909 N HaydenIsland Dr) The purposeof this meetingis electionof the following executivecommitteepositions:vice president, Secretary,and Registrarand suchbusinessas may properly be broughtbefore the meeting.coffee will be servedin the morning and Turkey sandwicheswill be servedat I 1:00 AM. Dateof notice:May 9,2002 JevanWilliams Secretary MeetingSchedule: 2002 Dates Monday, September23'd Monday,Novemberl8,h 6:30 - 8:30PM 6:30 - 8:30PM Draft agendabelow. If you are unableto attend,and wish to file a report in writing, pleaseget it to me via the meanslisted below. Phone:503-658-7380 Fax: 503-658-4384 Email: jevanrv(g)aol.corn Mail: 14167SE Siebenpkwy / Clackamas,OR 97015 OREGON ADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING May 26,2002 Members Present: RogerHamilton,President ShonnaWilliams, Vice President BarbaraSkotte,Vice President,Legal Doug Morasch,Vice President,Registration/Registrar JevanWilliams, Vice President,Competitions/Secretary 1. AGENDA A quorumbeingpresent,RogerHamiltonopenedthe meeting. 2. MINUTES A motion to approveminutesof a Boardmeetingheld on March 6,2002 was made,seconded,and approvedunanimously. A motion to approveminutesof an ExecutiveCommitteemeetingheld on March 6,2002 wasmade, seconded,and approvedunanimously. 3. 4. REPORTS a. PRESIDENT- No report b. VICE PRESIDENT- No report. c. VICE PRESIDENT,Legal - No report. d. TREASURER- No report. e. REGISTRAR - No report. f. SECRETARY- No report. OTHER BUSINESS a. OREGON SOCCERCLASSIC - At the mid-point,the OregonSoccerClassicis goingwell. The ExecutiveCommitteewishesto thanksNUWS, EastsideCoed,and CCSL for providing lots of volunteertime to help out. b. OREGONADULTSOCCER.COM- JevanWilliams reportedthat he is waiting for a few more bits of informationbeforethe site will be readyto go live. Sincerely, \u l*---' -r.-1.- -JevanWilliams, Secretary Page1 of I Subj: Date: From: To: (no subject) Time Daylight PM Pacific 4:11:17 61512002 Rt-Wgpezr Jevanw OASAbosrdsre: Hugh to tNTe (64-A2), the 6P$Dmember$ As af our Board&&eeting Kolsni Terry Christpher kinetics.com) Wqlt Weyler{Walt*Weyler@ lton iBrent-Hqmilton@msn.com) Brenf*Hcmi just wontedta keapyouuPto date. d ag - ) VV ^ ?n {uf I n 1o's5'.> c\1 h a n o 'llztrr ,.11 II 3 - C: G Z sq 1-i 35<> (-' l.v) L, 0 rn',Et1 La a"J'1 IrrriQ oR I1oG z So s * 6 1 L:- c1I zS Lt 9p3- q 6 6 - l-Fr: Thursday,June 06, 2002 America Online: Jevanw OREGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRE^CTO2RS MEETING Members Present: RogerHamilton, president ShonnaWilliams, Vice president Barba{,q.S.kotte, Vice President,Legal JevanWilliams, Secretary Doug Morasch,Registrar John Van Allen, TrEasurer Eric Beck, SRA Linda Butler. NUWS L BrentHamilton.GPSD HughKalani,GPSD BenNunez.CCSL GingerBradbury,EastsideCoed Mary Tremblay,Eastside Coed Tim Smith.OPSL Nini Fortino.NUWS AGENDA *,:3f#il 2. being present,RogerHamilton openedthe meetingand handedout an agenda(,,A,, MINUTES A motion to approveminutesof a Board meetingheld on March 6,2002was made,seconded, and approvedunanimously. A motion to approveminutesof an Execulivecommittee meetingheld on March 6,2002 was made,seconded,and approvedunanimously. A motion to approveminutesof an Execut-iveCommittee meetingheld on May 26,2002was made,seconded,and approvedunanimously. a J. REPORTS a. b. PRESIDENT - Report emailed.The Board discussed usesfor email. VICE PRESIDENT - No report. c. VICE PRESIDENT,LEGAL _ No report. d' TREASTTRER- John Van Allen,,t^"p:f"d that oASA is current on all obligations and has money in the bank to puy unt,"tpatedexpen."r. c"n"iuritfi;;;;;lre ot<av. e. REGISTRAR- No report. f. SECRETARY- Jevanwilliams passedaroun4a list of Board membersfor membersto check' Mr. williams will pubhsfltr" tirt at alatei iite.--' 0 REFEREES l' 2. SRA - Eric BeckreportedtlaJye have1,36-0 currentlyregisteredreferees,22 assessors, 38 instructorsand l g assignord_ si"t"* ir"u" beenheld:o-f peoprewho tookifie t;i, 2'94;;ieo ""itft;;j-;;";;;; andbecamenew referees. TenJ0-1 refer'ees haveutt"n'pi.o'i; ,p#dJd; grade8 to 7,9 successfully. Fivereferees aretryingto ufffade from graoe7 to 6. OREGONREFEREECOMMITTEE_No report. h. COMMITTEES 1. COMPETITIONS - Report emailed. 2. DISCIPLINE AND APPEALS - BarbaraSkottereportedthat therehad beenan allegedrefereeassault,but shehad not seenthe report yet. Ms. Skotte,Roger Hamilton and JevanWilliams summarizedthe problems and issuessurrounding a team registeredwith OASA which had enteredthe Men's Over-3ONational Crlp. 3. BYLAWS AND RULES - No report. 4. FIELDS - Linda Butler reportedthat PortlandPublic Schoolsmight sell some properties. Ms. Butler commentedon sharingof fields by leagues. 5. OASA NEWSLETTER - No report. LEAGUES t. GPSD - Hugh Kalani reportedthat GPSD has 76 teamsplaying spring/summer. Thing are going well, with lack of fields being the biggestproblem. The Board discussedproblemswith the OASA fax machineand phonelines, questionsaboutoffictj staffing and concernsabouthow the OASA office handlesred card notifications. j. 4, 2. NUWS - Linda Butler reportedthat NUWS has 80 teamsand no major complaints. a J. EASTSIDE COED - Ginger Bradbury reported that the leaguehas 78 teams, with 60 playng coed and 18 in the league'sgirls high schooldivision. 4. OPSL - Tim Smith reportedthat 4 of the OPSL's 7 teamsplayedin the Oregon SoccerClassic. Nine playersareplayng on the OregonSelectTeam. 5. CASA - Report in writing "C" attached. 6. CCSL - Ben Nunez reportedthat the CCSL has 10 teamsplayng indoor and outdoor. OFFICE MANAGER - No report. OTHER BUSINESS a. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The floor was openedfor nominationsand ShonnaWilliams was nominatedfor Vice President;JevanWilliams for Secretaryand Vice President,Competitions;and Doug Moraschfor Registrarand Vice President,Registration. RogerHamilton askedfor other nominatio"ns, and therebeing none,nomTnations wereElosedand the aboveslate was electedby acclamation. b. DELTA PARK DONATION The OASA has received a requestfor donation from Portland Parks for maintenanceat Delta Park ("D" attached).A motion to have OASA donate$500 toward the Delta Park fields was made,seconddd,and approvedunanimously. A resolutionrequestingthat eachof our member leaguesin the Portland areaalso give as much as possible was made,seconded andapprovedunanimously. c. MADRAS SOCCERLEAGUE A motionto approvethe MadrasSoccerLeaguefor membershipwasmade,seconded, andapprovedunanimously. d. LYNN SWEENEYMEMORIAL TOURNAMENT A motionto approvetheNUWS leagueputtingon the 2002Lynn SweeneyTournament wasmade,seconded, andapprovedunanimously. Sincerely, -S ..^,'- Vi-l- JevanWilliams,Secretary 3 Oregon Adult Soccer Association l75OS.W.SkylineBlvd.Suitel2l o Portland,0r.97221-7533o (503)292-1814o Fax (503)297-4513 OR June8,2002 Portland, Meeting: Boardof Directors BarbieAnderson .V/- EricBeck \/z GingerBradbury v/ LindaButler E- TerryChristopher K .i Bob Dietz Nini Fortino I ti^Gero -TJ-Brent -Ynoger Hamilton Hamilton HughKalani --W JesseMacias OougMorasch V/Ben Nunez \/ Skotte --\---- Barbara V \/, Tim Smith MaryTrembly U "V John Van Allen ' . ttt"ncyWalsh i1 Walt Weyler K LianeWhitaker ,..t' JevanWilliams vt ShonnaWilliams Total =23 Quorum=12 Others: N= | 5' Coed Eastside StateRefereeAdministrator Coed Eastside UnitedWomen'sSoccer Northwest SoccerDistrict GreaterPortland CascadeAreaSoccerAssociation UnitedWomen'sSoccer Northwest EastsideCoed SoccerDistrict GreaterPortland OASAPresident SoccerDistrict GreaterPortland League MadrasSoccer Registration OASAVicePresident, CentralCoastSoccerLeague Legal OASAVicePresident, OregonPremierSoccerLeague EastsideCoed OASAVice PresidentFinance/Treasurer NorthwestUnitedWomen'sSoccer GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict NorthwestUnitedWomen'sSoccer OASA Vice President,Competitions/Secretary OASAVice President OREGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION 1750S.W. Skvline Blvd.. Suite l2l torttanO, OR 97ZZl (503)292-1814 (s03) 297-4s13(FAX) TO: OASA BoardMembers FROM: RogerHamilton DATE: June7.2002 RE: Report June8 BoardMeeting As always,I hopethat you canmakethe meeting. Minutesof the Boardmeetingheld on March 6 andthe ExecutiveCommitteemeetingsheld on March 6 and May 26 weresentout by e-mail on June4. OregonSoccerClassic After severalyearsof decliningattendance, we werebackup to 40 teams. We hadreally no problemsthis yearat all, otherthanthe fact that the Men'sOpenCup championshipgamewas a blowout. A copyof the final standingsis enclosed. RegionIV SelectTeamsTournament The OASA is hostingthe eventagainthis year. Jevanhasbeenorganizingthe volunteers andwe shouldbe readyto go. It runsfrom June13-16,which is next Thursdayto Sunday.If you arenot oneof the volunteers. at leastcomeon out to seesomeinterestingsoccer. Delta Park Suoport PortlandParksand Recreationhasrequestedthat eachof the primary soccerorganizations (OASA, OYSA, PYSA, etc.)providesomefinancialsupportfor field improvements.A copyof therequestis attached.We will discussit at themeeting. 2002OREGONSOCCERCLASSIC FINAL STANDINGS Women'sTeams Men'sTeams OpenCup OpenCup FC Swoosh Team Hefeweizen FC PortlandBlue Canarios IPS SeattleAmericans DeportivoYeraCruz WestVilla I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 2 3 4 FC Pride Cascade FC Seattle AbbeYcats First Division I 2 JA i Pampers Juventus Charlie'sTavem Penarol SecondDivision I 2 J A a 5 6 GingerSquidgeFC Kaos United FC FC Bend United FC Bend Footballers LEI FC Libertad Third Division I 2 J 4 5 5 Straight Shots Regulators FPM United Last Call Blue Lightning SC RandomAssortment Over-30 I 2 3 4 5 6 Kell's Over-3O AlamedaUnited FC Moon and SixPence Summertime SuckinWind OCSC SecondDivision I 2 3 4 5 6 Cadence Pretenders GatewaYSPortsMedicine Full Sail Liberty Monarcas {t OREGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION Boardof DirectorsAnnualMeetine June8,2002 Aeenda . Roll call andvalidation ofvotingrights . Approve minutes of Board mwting3l6l02 . Approve minutes of Executive Committeemeetings3/6102and614/02 . Repods: . Officers: . President . Vice President . Vice President,Legal . Treasurer . Registrar . Secretarv . Referees: . StateRefereeAdministrator . OregonRefereeCommittee . Committees: . Standing: . Competitions . Discipline and Appeals Bylaws and Rules ' . Ad Hoc: : i:t3iNewsretter . Leagues: GPSD NTJWS . EastsideCoed . OPSL . CASA . Office ldanager . Election of officers: . Vice President . Vice President Competifionsand Secretary . Vice Pnesiden!Registrationand Registrar . Discussrequestedzubsidyfor Delta Park fields . SanctionLynn SweeneyMemorial Toumament . l-business: . Adjoum Page1 ofl \ D Subj: Date: From: To: Re: 6/8/02Meeting Time 511012002 3:39:11PM PacificDaylight ED-|ETZ59 Jevanw DearJevan, May 10,2002 Sorry,butlwill notbe available for theupcoming OASAMeeting. CASAcontinueson the sameas always. Thisyearwe have11 teamsdownfrom12 teamslastyear. Lastyearwe had4 teamsvyingfor the League Championship. Thisyearwe have6-7verycompetitive teams,anyoneof whichcouldtakethetopspot. So, slightly smallerbutmorecompetitive at thetop, Thisyearteamsareplayinga 10 gameregularseasonandthen2 additional playoffgames.Theseasonbegan April21standwillendonAugust11th. OthernewsfromBend:TheCentralOregonIndoorSoccerCenteropenedin Januaryof thisyearandhasbeena big hit,verypopularwitheveryone. That'sall, Sincerely, BobDietz, CASA Saturday,May 11,2002 America Online: Jevanw ll20 5W FifrhAve., SuirelJ02 Porrland, OR 9720+ Phone(503)821-PLAY Fax(503)821-6007 ^, v Enxtringaccess rt Ieisureoppornmirie: andenhancinS Portland s n.turql bedrll) PORTLAN D PARKS & RECREATION To SoccerAdministrators: The soccerfields at the EastDelta SportsComplexarescheduledfor turf renovationbeginningthe weekof May l3e. The costof this projectwill run closeto $6,000for sandandtop dressingthefields. We will alsobe aeratingandsliceseeding thefields aswell. I am hopingthat the usersg[oupscanassistus with this expenseor part of it. Pleasemakecheckspayableto the City of Portlandandmailthemto Delta SportsComplex ATTN: RonBoley 10737N. UnionCt. Portland,OF.972l7 At this time I am not askingfor a setamount,I am askingfor whatyou feelyour budgetscanallow. You know how muchyour groupusesthe facilitiesandthe benefits your playershave. We as staffenjoyprovidingthe bestpossibleplayingfields;however we needyour support.Hopefullyyour boardsandyou will approvesomefinancial assistance.We look forwardto hearingfiom you soon. If you haveanyquestions, you maycall me at 503-823-3112or you maye-mail me at pkronb@ci,portland.or.us. Again,thankyou very muchfor your assistance in the pastandhopeyou cancontinuesupportingus this summer. Respectful fully, %4 RonBoley DeltaSportsComplex Manager Jim Francesconi.Commissioner r Charles lordan f)irertor o Visit nrrr wphsirp xr www porrlandp:rrksors Page1 ofl Subj: FW: Official notice Date: 81612002 12:28:38PM PacificDaytightTime From: Bfq_nl_Hamiltop@MgN,COM To: kalani@bctoniine.coq CC: Jeyany{@eq!-_aq_m Sentfrom the lnternet(Details) Hugh: when you get the minutesfrom the manager'smeetingdone will you send a copy to Jevan. Jevan: This shouldprovidethe documentation of my electionas presidentof GPSD,if not let me knowwhat evidenceyou need. As f9r as GPSD representatives to the oASA board- thereare no changes at thistime. Thanks BrentHamilton -----Original Message--From:Jevanw@aol.com [mailto:Jevanw@aol.com] Sent:Tuesday,August 06,2002 10:37AM To: Brent_Hamilton @msn.com Subject:Officialnotice Brent: I understandthat you are now Presidentof GpsD. one of the few times that OASA needsto be officialis when a leaguechangespresidents.So, please send me somethingtellingme that you were elected,appointed,etc., rather than some sort of coup. As far as OASA is concernedthe only special"power"that league President's have is the appointmentof boardmembersfor theirleague. CurrentGPSD representatives to the OASA boardare: TerryChristopher BrentHamilton Hugh Kalani Walt Weyler Pleaselet me know if you wish to make any changes. Jevan TuesdayS"*:, 06,2002 America Online: Jevanw OREGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING August10,2002 MembersPresent: RogerHamilton,President ShonnaWilliams. Vice President JohnVan Allen, Vice President,Finance/Treasurer JevanWilliams, Vice President,Competitions/Secretary I. AGENDA A quorumbeingpresent,RogerHamiltonopenedthe meeting. 2. REPORTS 3. a. PRESIDENT- No report. b. VICE PRESIDENT- ShonnaWilliams reportedon the WUSA all-stargameto be held at PGE Parkon September21,2002 and the "gala" dinnerto be held on September20th. c. VICE PRESIDENT,Legal - No report. d. TREASURER- JohnVan Allen reportedthat financesare fine. Feesarepaid to USASA. Mr. Van Allen will presenta budgetat the September23,20028oard.meeting. e. REGISTRAR- No report. f. SECRETARY - No report. OTHER BUSINESS a. A motion to havethe OASA buy onetable (9 seats)to the WUSA all-star"gala" dinnerat a cost of $540 and to encouragethe largeleagues(EastsideCoed,GPSDand NUWS) to also purchasetableswasmade,secondedand approvedunanimously. b. A motion that no OASA-sanctioned gameswill be playedon Saturday,September2I,2002, the day of the WUSA all-stargame,wasmade,secondedand approvedunanimously. c. Ted Zyelinskeand Clive Charlesbecamethe first peoplefrom Oregonto be inductedinto the USASA's RegionIV Hall of Fame. OASA will celebiatethe occasionby inviting special guestsand honoringthesetwo men at our September23,2002,6:30 PM Boardmeeting. Sincerely, JevanWilliams, Secretary Notice of u Meetingof the Bosrd of Directors of OregonAdalt SoccerAssociution,fnc. To: The Directors You areherebynotified that a Meeting of the Board of Directorsof the abovenamedcorporationwill 23,2002 from 5:30to 8:30PM. The locationof the meetingwill be in be held on Monday,September the Parsonsroom at the KennedySchool(5736 NE 33'd).The purposeof this meetingshall be the honoringof USASA Region IV Hall of FameinducteesTedZyelinske and Clive Charles;and such otherbusinessas may be broughtbeforethe meeting.A full dinner will be servedat 6:00 PM . Please RSVP becausewe must pay for the dinnerprior to the event.Meeting will commenceabout7:00 PM. Dateof notice:September,16,2002 PLEASE ATTEND THIS MEETING IF POSSIBLE,This is the first time that Oregonhashad people inductedinto the Hall of Fame.Pleasecome to help us honor thesegiantsof OregonSoccer. JevanWilliams Secretary Meeting Schedule: 2002 Dates Monday,Novemberl8'h 6:30 - 8:30PM Draft agendabelow. If you are unableto attend,and wish to file a report in writing, pleaseget it to me via the meanslisted below. I don't know if any leagueis interestedin buying a tableto the WUSA All-star gala dinner,but just to clear up any possibleconfusion,the dinner is Thursday,September19th.(not the 20thas reportedin minutes),I haveheardthat Seattlearealeaguesarebuying severaltables,it is expectedto sell out soon,so don't delay if you are interested. JevanWilliams 11433SE BethanyDrive HappyValley, OR 97236-7124 P h o n e5 : 03.698.1356 Fax: 503.698.9678 Email: jevanw@aol.com OREGONADULTSOCCERASSOCIATION Boardof Directors Meetinq September23,2002 DRAFTAqenda ' ' ' ' Celebratethe lives and contributionsto soccer in Oregonof Clive Charlesand Ted Zyelinske. Introduction of guests. Approveminutesof Board meeting Approveminutesof ExecutiveCommitteemeeting8110102 Reports: . Officers: . President . Vice President . Vice President,Legal . Treasurer . Registrar . Secretary . Referees: . State RefereeAdministrator . Oregon RefereeCommittee . Committees: Standingtorp"titions ' committee State Cups USASANationalCups USASA U20lU23Championships USASA Coed Cup . USASANationalOver40/50/55Championships . OregonSoccer Classic . Kennedy/McAdamsCups . SelectTeams . 2003 - 2004 RegionlV SelectTeamsTournament . Other Disciplineand AppealsCommittee Bylawsand Rules Committee . . . ' . . lo'"''L';sfft:fl:ffi:iuffifir:" Leagues: . GPSD . N U WS . EastsideCoed OPSL CASA . . . CCSL MSL Office . Web page Otherbusiness: Approve2003 meetingdates Reporton USSFAnnualmeeting Adjourn. OREGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING September 23' 2002 Members Present: RogerHamilton, President ShonnaWilliams, Vice President BarbaraSkotte,Vice President Legal JevanWilliams, Secretary John Van Allen, Treasurer Doug Morasch, Registrar Eric Beck, StateRefereeAdministrator BenNunez,CCSL Ginger Bradbury,EastsideCoed Mary Tremblay,EastsideCoed Terry Christopher,GPSD Brent Hamilton. GPSD Walt Weyler, GPSD Linda Butler,NUWS Nini Fortino, NUWS Nancy Walsh, NUWS Liane Whitaker,NUWS Others Present: Justi Baumgardt-Yamada Jill Bothwell Norm Myhr Tote Yamada Laurie Zyelinske RicardoZyelinske I. AGENDA A quorum being present,RogerHamitton openedthe meetingand handedout an agenda("A" attached). 2. MINUTES A motion to approveminutesof a Board meetingheld June8,2002 was made,seconded,and approved_^ unanimously.'Amotionto approveminutesof an ExecutiveCommitteemeetingheld on August10,2002 was made,seconded,and approvedunanimously- 3, REPOR'I-S a. PRESIDENT- Reportin writing, emailed. b. VICE PRESIDENT- No report. c. VICE PRESIDENT,LEGAL - No report. d. TREASURER - John Van Allen handedout a budget for the 2002-2003fiscal year. The budget reflectsthe changesin the USSFfuSASA fee structure. Mr. Van Allen reportedthat OASA is currenton all obligationsand hasapproximately$20,000in the bank. e. REGISTRAR- No report. f. SECRETARY - No report. c. REFEREES l. SRA - No report. 2. ORECON REFEREECOMMITTEE - No report. h. COMMITTEES l. COMPETITIONS - No report. 2. DISCTPLINEAND APPEALS - BarbaraSkottereportedthat they havea hearing comingup. 3. BYLAWS AND RLILES - No rePort' 4. FIELDS - No report. 5. OASA NEWSLETTER - No report. i. LEAGUES j. |. GPSD - Brett Hamilton reportedthat they have92 teamsand someproblemswith red and yellow cards. 2. NUWS - Linda Butler reportedthat they have7l teamsand no major field issues. 3. EASTSIDECOED - No report. 4. OPSL - No report. 5. CASA - No report. 6. CCSL - Ben Nunez reportedthat they have6 teamsplaying outdoor and l0 indoor. They havean exchangeprogramwith CASA and invite other leaguesto join in. 7. MSL - No report. OASA OFFICE- Jill Bothwelldiscussed someproblemswith the way leaguesareaskingthe OASA office to handlered cards. It was agreedthat JevanWilliams and Jill Bothwell will bring a proposalto the next Board meetingfor uniform procedures. Brent Hamilton raisedand the Boarddiscussedsomeconcemsabout communicatingwhen the OASA oflice is going to be closed. 4. OTHER BUSINESS a. VIDEO - The Board watchedthe USSF2002 Men's National Team highlight video. b. USASA REGION ry HALL OF FAME - RogerHamilton announcedthat Ted Zyelinskeand Clive Charleshqd beel approvedfor the USASA Region IV Hall of Fameand presentedplaques to RicardoZyelinske for the Zyelinskefamily and to Justi Baumgardton behatfof Clive Chailes. Duplicate plaqueswill also be permanentlydisptayedin the OASA office. Sincerely, - *'i '* ...[ ' JevanWilliams, Secretary 2 Oregon Adult SoccerAssociation OP l T 5 0 S .W.S k y l i n e Bl vd.S ui tel 2lortl and,Or.9722l -2533o(503)292-l 8l 4oFax( 503) 297- 4513 Boardof Directors Meeting: 23,2002 Portland, OR September BarbieAnderson /', EricBeck X GingerBradbury '-{. LindaButler (, TerryChristopher Dietz _Bob _J._Nini Fortino Tim Gero --T-'f BrentHamilton 'X. RogerHamilton HughKalani JesseMacias Doug Morasch 'Y B e n N u n e z )( BarbaraSkotte T i m S mi th --------l---i- '-(, MaryTrembly _\_Jonn VanAllen -,Y.,'NancyWalsh W"lt Weyler X X LianeWhitaker X JevanWilliams X SfronnaWilliams Total =23 Quorum=12 l..l= t'-l Others: X NormMyhr X JillBothwell (, JustiBaumgardt { ToteYamada - TiffenyJt4il-lbrett Elsie-Milbrett MkeJoYee -Sonnytepson f RicardoZyelinske / L:aurieZyelinske EastsideCoed StateRefereeAdministrator Eastside Coed Northwest UnitedWomen'sSoccer GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict CascadeAreaSoccerAssociation Northwest UnitedWomen'sSoccer Eastside Coed GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict OASAPresident GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict MadrasSoccerLeague OASAVicePresident, Registration CentralCoastSoccerLeague Legal OASAVicePresident, OregonPremierSoccerLeague Eastside Coed OASAVicePresident Financeffreasurer Northwest UnitedWomen'sSoccer GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict Northwest UnitedWomen'sSoccer OASAVicePresident, Competitions/Secretary OASAVicePresident OREGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION Board of DirectorsAnnual Meeting September23,2002 Agenda r IntroduceBoud and guests . Approve minutes of Board meeting6/B/02 . Approveminutesof ExecutiveCommitteemeetingg/lo/02 ' Reports: ' l*"""'iiil$?11,0"", ' . . Vice president,Legal Treasurer : fff,'Tfifl l*"""''8ff":"f;;::*Hffi:'J . Committees: . Standing: . Competitions . Discipline and Appeals . Bylaws and Rules Ad Hoc: . Fields . OASA Newsletter l"u*"r'oaro : . . ' . XX!.co"a OpSL CASA CCSL Madras SoccerLeague Office Manager . Reporton USSF and USASA annual meetinss ' PresentRegion IV Hall of Fame awardsre Ted Zyelinske and clive charles . l*business: Adjoum g Oregon Adult SoccerAssociation BUDGET JulY2002 throughJune 2003 lnc o m e Assoc. fees Leagues PlaYers 900.00 $ $ 175,000.00 s 175.900.00 Total Assoc. Fees CompetitionInc Over 40/50 CuP Co-ed CuP National CUP Oregon Classic Select team State CuP[ 700.00 $ $ 14,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 1.000.00 $ 19.700.00 Total ComPetition Income lnvestment Dividends lnterest 1,000.00 30o.oo $ $ Total Investment Misc. Income APPeal fees Red Cards added Fines NSF Charges $ 1.300.00 $ 630'00 100.00 500.00 30.00 $ $ $ Total Misc. lncome Publications Advertising $$- Total publications $ 197.530.00 TOTAL INCOME Expenses DePreciationExPense Bank fees F .l.B. NSF checks Paine Webber Visai Mastercard $ $ $ $ Totallnsurances $ 805.00 $ 3,000.00 675.00 $ $ 14,000.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 1.000.00 $ 23.425.00 Total ComPetition lnsurance Business 3,000.00 60.00 60.00 85.00 600.00 Total Bank Fees ComPetition Over 40/50 CuP Co-ed CuP Kennedy CUP NationalCuP Ore. Classic Select team State CUP Tourn. Travel $ 55C.00 $ 550.00 Meetings OASAQtrt meeting meeting National/regional TotalMeetings $ 1.500.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 16.500.00 Office $ 2,250.00 $ 4,500.00 6s0.00 $ 5oo.0o $ 100.00 $ 250.00 $ $ 3,500.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 6,600.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 3,500.00 250.00 $ 350.00 $ Misc.Office Capitalimprovement Advertising Computer Deliveries Equip.repair lD supplies Postage Rent Supplies Telephones Temphelp Rent Visa/Mastercard $ 29.450.00 Total Oftice OutsideServices Payroll PhotocoPY $ $ 750.00 1.000.00 $ TotalOutsideservices PayrollExpenses SAIF WorkersComp GrossWages Payrollexpenses (Other) 225.00 $ 25.00 $ $ 40,oo0.oo $ 2.340.00 $ 42.590.00 TotalPayrollExpenses fees Professional Accounting 1.750.00 $ 2.000.00 $ 2.000.00 $ 3.000.00 TotalPublications $ 2.400.00 Ref.Development $ 2.000.00 $ 7.400.00 $ 95.00 Fees TotalProfessional ServicePrograms Playingfields Publications OASAnewsletter $ 2,400.00 TotalServicePrograms Taxes/Fees AnnualReport fees Corporation $ $ 85.00 10.00 TotalTaxes/Fees Entertainment items Promotional OASAMarketing $ $ 2,000.00 1,000.00 $ 3,000.00 Total Entertainment USASAFees NationalCupteamfees Playerdues Playerinsur. RegionlV dues $ 2,000.00 $ 17,s00.00 $ 42,500.00 $ 1,000.00 USASA Affiliation Total USASA Fees TOTAL EXPENSES NE T I N C O M E $ 100.00 $ 61.100.00 $ 199.065.00 $ (1,535.00) AssumPtions: 5000playersI at $35/player 1) I haveassumed playerinsurance playerduesand {i7i5l ''fe 2) | haveincreasedthe fees paidto nationalI to $3.50/ tournamentat $3500/year select reoional tne of tatancl il; oASA woutdoe tunoing 3) | have $4'500'00 ".ru.Jtn"t cardprinterin office foian additional 4) | did budget thatwould ( l.e.bonl r"""rr"r, stadiumor fieldrepairprograms 5) I knowof no othermajorexpenses effectServiceProgramsexpenses' and expensesidesof the equation 6) | haveetiminatlJtte teamfeesfrombothincome INC. ASSOCIATION, ADULTSOCCER OREGON MEETING BOARDOF DIRECTORS September 23,2002 MembersPresent: President RogerHamilton, VicePresident nnaWilliams, Legal borbaraSkotte,VicePresident, EastsideCoed MaryTremblay, GPSD TerryChristopher, GPSD BrentHamilton. WaltWeyler,GPSD LindaButler.NUWS NUWS NiniFortino, NancyW alsh,NUW S NUWS LianeWhitaker. JevanWilliams,Secretary JohnVan Allen,Treasurer Doug Morasch,Registrar Eric Beck,StateRefereeAdministrator Ben Nunez.CCSL GingerBradbury,EastsideCoed Members Not Present: BarbieAnderson,EastsideCoed Bob Dietz,CASA - Regrets Tim Gero,EastsideCoed Hugh Kalani,GPSD-Regrets JessieMacias,MSL Tim Smith,OPSL- Regrets Others Present: J usti Baumgardt-Yamada Jill Bothwell Norm Myhr Tote Yamada LaurieZyelinske RicardoZyelinske BriefSummaryof the BoardMeeting: 1. Boardof DirectorsMinutesof June 8, 2002 and ExecutiveCommitteeMinutesof August 10, 2002were approved. 2. JevanWilliams& Jill Bothwellwill draftproposeduniformproceduresfor Red Cardsto be presentedat the Novembermeeting. 3. FINANCIAL- John Van Allen presentedthe 2Q02-2003 Budget,reflectingchangesin USASAfee structure. OASA is currenton all obligations,$20,000in reserves. 4. The Boardwatchedthe USSFMen'sNationalteamhighlightvideo. 5. The Boardand guestssharedstoriesaboutCliveCharlesand Ted Zyelinske,RogerHamiltonpresentedHall of Fame plaquesto RicardoZyelinskefor the Zyelinskefamilyand to Justi Baumgardtfor CliveChades. Plaqueswill also be permanentlydisplayedin the OASA office. 6. 2OO2MEETINGDATES Monday,November18, 2002 7. 6:30P M Proposed 2003meetingdates Wednesday, March5, 2003 Saturday, June7, 2003AnnualMeeting Monday, September 22, 2003 Monday,November 17,2003 To contactme: JevanWilliams 11633SE BethanyDrivel{appy Valley,OR 97230/ Voice:(503)698-1356 Fax:(503)698-9678Cell:(503)984-0966 E-Mail:ievanw@aot.com PageI of2 Subj: Date: From: To: Noticeof meeting 2:32:04PM PacificDaylightTime 1012212002 Jevqpw jle@IwAapeibg-&Sp,m, SQ-C!E&QB' Im-S-ni!h@lr&q,'qonl, -srrplnew@o€Lplg, jlqrtrno@p{ayidense-qig, Grlgepqssel' fullef @hsd'k12.Qr.ss, RogerHalnrltpn@urorldlet.att.ne!, Socaeprqb,LqKste@y-ahqa.aam, BDJLTZ59,Leieye!:nhYn4@yahqq-Q.qn, -S,BqJerqrlbb, nomyb(Oe_xqr!9-qem, nqmyfi@atbiaam, lgere@telepsrl.cam, Gp-selsard, tmaeiaq@509.n-et, Brerrl!-{amt[s]1@mg]:1-caIn, Wat-lVBylcr@Kine,ties-qqm, $eccelwsf4@yahqs-sam, €en_N!nea, na!.lshua@lycos.cpm KalenL@lClqllne.larltHughKalani),terirnqrq@oregsnseaclaa$ prwalrh@er.psfland-qr.uslllarrsy Walslt),lianerryhLta&e@halmail-Qsr,"ltiang @e&ara4rderuol), WIitaker) Noticeof a Meetingof the Board of Directors of OregonAdultSoccerAssociation,Inc. To: The Directors You are herebynotifiedthat a Meetingof the Boardof Directorsof the abovenamedcorporationwill be held on Monday,November18,2002from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. The locationof the meetingwill be the back room at Chang's SE McloughlinBlvd).The purposeof thismeetingshallsuchbusinessas may Mongolian Grill- Gladstone(18925 be broughtbeforethe meeting. Dateof notice:October22.2OO2 JevanWilliams Secretary MeetingSchedule:TENTATIVE Wednesday,March5, 2003 Saturday,June 7, 2003 Annualmeeting Monday,September23, 2003 Monday,November17, 2003 Draftagendabelow. lf you are unableto attend,and wish to file a reportin writing,pleaseget it to me via the meanslistedbelow. JevanWilliams 11433SE BethanyDrive HappyValley,OR 97236 Phone: 503.698.1356 Fax: 503.698.9678 jevanw@aol.com OREGONADULTSOCCERASSOCIATION Board of Directors Meeting November18,2002 Tuesday,October22,2002 America Online: Jevanw Page2ofT DRAFTAgenda Approveminutesof Boardmeeting-September23,2002 Approveminutesof ExecutiveCommitteemeeting Reports: Officers: President Vice President Vice President,Legal Treasurer Registrar Secretary Referees: State RefereeAdministrator OregonRefereeCommittee Committees: Standing: Competitions Committee StateCups USASANationalCups USASAU2OlU23 Championships USASACoed Cup USASANationalOver 40/50/55Championships OregonSoccerClassic Kennedy/McAdams Cups SelectTeams Other Disciplineand AppealsCommittee Bylawsand RulesCommittee Ad Hoc: FieldDevelopmentCommittee OASA NewsletterCommittee Leagues: GPSD NUWS EastsideCoed OPSL CASA CCSL MSL Office Web page Otherbusiness: Approve2003 meetingdates DiscussRed Card Administrative fee Reporton RegionlV meeting& Summit Discussleaguerepresentation @ USASAMidyearmeeting Adjourn. Tuesday,October22,2002 America Online: Jevanw OREGON ADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING November 4,2002 Members Present: RogerHamilton, President ShonnaWilliams.Vice President John Van Allen, Vice President,Finance/Treasurer JevanWilliams, Vice President,Competitions/Seoretary I. AGENDA A quorum being present RogerHamilton openedthe meeting. 2, REPORTS 3. a. PRESIDENT - No report. b. VICE PRESIDENT- No report. c. VICE PRESIDENT,Legal - No report. d, TREASURER - John Van Allen reportedthat financesare fine, there is $9,000in the bank, andthe OASA is currenton all USASA dues. We havebilled USASA and RegionIV $7,000 for hostingthe SelectTeamsTournament. e. REGISTRAR - No report. f. SECRETARY- JevanWilliams handedout a reportshowingOASA web pageaverage"hits" per day and demonstratingthe surprisingpopularity of the site. ("A" attached) OTHER BUSINESS a. PGE PARK 7-A-SIDE TOURNAMENT - A motion to approvethe 2ndannualPGE Park ?a-sidetournament,provided that all playersand refereesare registered,was made,seconded, and approvedunanimously. b. NATIONAL CUPSSUBSIDY - A motionto eliminatethe OASA subsidyto teamstraveling to the Region IV playoffs for the USASA National Cup Competitionswas made,seconded, and approvedunanimously. c. LEAGUE REPRESENTATIVESTO USASA MID-YEAR MEETING - The Executive Committeecontinuesto encourageleaguesto sendrepresentatives to the USASA Mid-Year Meeting, as it can be a valuabletearningexperience.A motion to approvedefrayingthe cost, up to $1,500per year,of sendingleaguerepresentatives to eachUSASA Mid-YearMeeting, to be divided equally amongthe participatingleaguesbut with a maximum of $500 per league,was made,seconded,and approvedunanimously. Sincerely, 5' t ' - ' - \" ' r' l -' JevanWilliams,Secretary OASA Web Site 1 0 00 B OO 600 40o^ 20-o- B l1 7 B/26 9/9 9/23 1C./7 Ave. Hits Per day 1 C. / 2 1 Page1 ofl lsubj: Re:Resignation 1111712002 4:00:34PM PacificStandard Time rDate: ,From: tger.A-@telepgrlasm To: Jevanw@aol.com gingersoccer@aol.com ,CC: .Sentfromthe lnternet(D_._e"Iaild. Noticeto Boardof Directors Inc of the OregonAdultSoccerAssociation. To:The Directors Youare herebynotifiedthat l, TimothyGero,resignmy positionon the lt hasbeenan education. Eastside CoedSoccerAssociation. Goodluckwith yourchallenges in thefuture.Letme knowanytimeassistance is needed withyourprojects, I willlenda hand. 17.2002 Dateof Notice:November TimothyGero 1722SE CutterLane Vancouver, WA 98661 tgero@teleport.com Monday, November 18,2002 America Online: Jevanw Oregon Adult Soccer Association 1750S.W.SkylineBlvd.Suitel2 | o Portland,Or.97721-2533o (503)292-1814a Fax (503)297-4513 Boardof Directors Meeting:November18,2002 Portland, OR BarbieAnderson EricBeck X' GingerBradbury x' LindaButler Eastside Coed StateRefereeAdministrator Eastside Coed .4 JevanWilliams X ShonnaWilliams OASAVicePresident, Competitions/Secretary OASAVicePresident 'K- NorthwestUnitedWomen'sSoccer Christopher GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict _Terry Dietz CascadeArea SoccerAssociation _Bob Nini Fortino NorthwestUnitedWomen'sSoccer --\;1--. ,?,., ,, !? r t Ly r^jJ.,,EastsideCoed _{!__jT4m€ero '/u Brent Hamilton Greater PortlandSoccerDistrict Y Roger Hamilton OASA President . .X Hugh Kalani GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict Jesse Macias MadrasSoccerLeague _ Doug Morasch OASAVice President,Registration "i BenNunez CentralCoast SoccerLeague Barbara Skotte OASAVice President,Legal xX tim Smith OregonPremierSoccerLeague Mary Trembly EastsideCoed ),, OASAVice PresidentFinance/Treasurer ',' John Van Allen Nancy Walsh NorthwestUnitedWomen'sSoccer { ,x' WaltWeyler GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict Total =23 Quorum=12 \l= f;' Others: -r- i; ' /) :. - .- .._ I, ORTGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION 1750S.W,SkyliocBlvd.,Suitc l2l Porthnd, OR 97221 (503)292-18r4 (303)297-4513(FAX) TO: OASA BoardMembers FROM: RogerHamilton DATE: November17,2002 RE: Report November18 BoardMeeting As always,I hopethat you can makethe meeting. Minutesof the Boardmeetingheld on September23 andminutesof the Executive Committeemeetingheld on November4 are enclosed. RegionIV Council Meetingand Summit RegionIV held its fall meetingon November9 in SanDiego. On the day precedingthe Councilmeeting,RegionIV held a summitmeetingat which a numberof its programswere discussed.Jevanand I attendedthe summit an4 asalways,spicedup the discussionwith challengesto the continuedexistenceof the National CupsCompetitionand the SelectTeams Program. Onceagain,we were unableto persuadethe Regionon our points,but this time our viewpointswereheardrespectfullyand we werenot alone. You shouldbe awarethat the current form of the RegionIV SelectTeamTournamenthasbeenmodified to a campformat andthe OASA will not be responsiblefor hostingthis eventeitherthis yearor next. Jevan(for a few hours),Eric Beck and I attendedthe Council meeting. The newly elected RegionIV Director,Bob McGeefrom Denver,chairedhis first meeting. The OASA contingent hassecuredseveralkey committeeappointments: ' . o Eric is the new RegionIV representative on the USASA RefereeCommitteeand assignorfor Region[V events Shonnawill representRegion[V on the Mid-Year Meeting Committeestarting March I (right after the next one is held) Jevan,after muchpleading,is backon Region[V's geekcommittee,now known as the WebsiteCommittee I am on a new Region IV Marketing Committee OASA Board Meeting Dates The Executive Committee hasproposeddatesfor meetingsnext year which will be presentedto the Board on Monday. Thesetrack with the 2002 dates. Pleaselook the datesover for possibleconflicts with other meetingsor events: Wednesday,March 5,2002 (6:30 PM) Saturday,June7,2002 (9:00 AM) Monday,Septernber22,2002 (6:30 PM) Monday,November17,2002 (6:30 PM) Veteran'sCup We have information and application forms for the 2003 Veteran'sCup (with over 40, 50 and 55 divisions),which will be held August6-10 in Hawaii. All of the informationalso is available on the Internet- There alreadyare 2 teamsfrom Oregonentered. This is a greatevent and you should encourageteamsin your leagueto considerit. I am going to sendyou more informationin a PowerPointpresentation. OREGONADULTSOCCERASSOCIATION MEETING BOARDOF DIRECTORS November18.2002 MembersPresent: President RogerHamilton, VicePresident ShonnaWilliams, Legal BarbaraSkotte,Vice President, JevanWilliams,Secretary , re a su re r J o h nVa nA l l e n T DougMorasch,Registrar LindaButler,NUWS N a n c yW a l s h ,N U WS EastsideCoed GingerBradbury, EastsideCoed HenryBradbury, MaryTremblay,EastsideCoed GPSD BrentHamilton, HughKalani,GPSD WaltWeyler,GPSD Tim Smith,OPSL Others Present: JillBothwell 1. AGENDA openedthe meetingand handedoutan agenda A quorumbeingpresent,RogerHamilton ("A"attached). 2. MINUTES A motionto approveminutesof a Boardmeetingheldon September23,2002was made, A motionto approveminutesof an Executive andapprovedunanimously. seconded, and approved 4,2002 was made,seconded, meetingheldon November Committee u n a n i mo u sl v. 3. R EP OR T S a. thatsomeUSSFsoccervideotapesare reported PRESIDENT - RogerHamilton availablefor checkout fromthe OASAoffice. b. thatshe haddoorprizesfor VICEPRESIDENT - ShonnaWilliamsannounced everybody.She alsoreportedthatthe 7-a-sidetournamentrun by PGE Parkwill 2,2003. beginFebruary c. LEGAL- No report. VICEPRESIDENT, d. TREASURER - JohnVanAllenpointedout thathis reportis includedin the minutes.OASAis currenton all 4,2002Executive Committee November fine, we are enteringthe slowpartof the year the financialsituationis obligations, andwe needto watchour condition.About$7,000is in the bank. e. REGISTRAR - No report. f. thatthe OASAweb sitehasbeena - JevanWilliamsreported SECRETARY phenomenal in mid successwithan averageof 595visitorsper daysincelaunching August. g. h. REFEREES 1. SRA- RogerHamilton reported thatthe positionis openandthatthe RefereeCommitteeis interviewing candidates.EricBeckhas accepteda positionon the USASARefereeCommitteeand continuesto fill the SRA positionuntila replacement is named. 2. OR E GONR E F EREE - No r epor t. COM M ITTEE C OMMIT T E E S 1. COMPETITIONS - No report. 2. DISCIPLINE ANDAPPEALS- BarbaraSkottereported theyhavebeenbusy witha refereeassaultfrom EastsideCoed,one from CASAand one caseof player,one allegedassaultfromGPSD,and somenew a misidentified allegations surrounding the Oregonentryin the2002USASANational Cup Competitions. 3. BYLAWSAND RULES- No report. 4. FIELDS- LindaButlerreported thatPortland is lookingat feesto builda trust fundto be usedfor fieldimprovements. 5. OASANEWSLETTER - No report. LEAGUES 1. GPSD- WaltWeylerand BrentHamilton reportedon a projectto createa databasewhichwill helpthemunderstand the relationship betweenreferees, cards,teams,playersand assignments. 2. NUWS- LindaButlerreported thattheyhad 1 redcardand 5 yellows, a few no-showrefereesand generallyfew problems. 3. EASTSIDE COED- GingerBradbury reported thatTim Gerohasresigned as an OASAboardmemberandthatJevanWilliamshasbeendulynotified thatHenryBradbury willfillthe position. 4. OPSL- Tim Smithreportedthattheyhavefiveteamsplayingwithone weekendleftbeforethe winterbreak. The Boarddiscussed refereeassignors andotherrefereeissues.Onething thatcameto lightis thatsomeof the leaguesare not sendingrefereereports to the OASAoffice. Followingeachgamein everyOASA-affiliated league, the refereemustmailor fax a report(includingrosters)to the OASAoffice. 2 j. 4. 5. CASA- No report. 6. CCSL- No report. 7. MSL- No report. OASAOFFICE- JillBothwell reported thatshethinksthatthe OASAofficeshould hiretemporary helpduringthe busyperiodin the spring. O T H ERB U S IN E S S a. R E GIONl V C OU N C IL MEETING & SUM M IT- RogerHam ilton andJevanWi l l i am s reportedon the recentUSASARegionlV meetings. b. REDCARDOFFICEPROCEDURES ideasto helpeasethe - The Boarddiscussed procedures. burdenon the OASAofficeand streamline and coordinate GPSD expressed an interestin chargingan administrative fee on top of OASA'sfee. Optionswerediscussed. c. USASAMID-YEAR MEETING- The Boardset a deadlineof December 5,2002for leaguesto declaretheirintention to senda delegateto the USASAMid-Year Meeting, whichwillbe heldFebruary 21-23at the HiltonSan Diego- MissionValley. GPSD,NUWSand Eastside interest.Eachleaguewishingto send Coedexpressed delegates to thismeetingmustcontactJevanWilliamsby December 5thwiththe names.AssumingthatGPSD,NUWSand EastsideCoedare the onlyleagues wishingto sendpeople,eachleaguewouldqualifyfor $500supportfromOASA;all othersupportfor airfare,hotel,meals,etc.mustcomefromthe respectiveleagues. d. MEETINGDATES- A motionto approvethe following dateswas made,seconded, and approvedunanimously: We d n e sd a y, Ma rch5 ,2 003,6:30PM Saturday, June7, 2003AnnualMeeting, 9:00AM Monday,September 22,2003,6:30PM Mo n d a y, N o ve mb e1r 7 ,2003,6:30 PM Sincerely, -\ 2. ut* \a,' ,\-- JevanWilliams, Secretary 3 r'-v OREGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION Board of DirectorsAnnual Meeting November18'2002 Agenda . 9123102 of Boardmeeting minutes Approve . Approveminutesof ExecutiveCommitteemeetinglll4/02 Reports: . Officers: . President . Vice President . Vice President,Legal . Treasurer Registrar ' . Secretary . Referees: . StateRefereeAdministrator . OregonRefereeCommittee . Committees: ' :t*ding'co*p"tition, . DisciplineandAPPeals Bylaws andRules ' ' lot""'ltsirewsletrer . Leagues: GPSD NUWS a EastsideCoed OPSL CASA CCSL MadrasSoccerLeague ' Office . Reporton RegionIV Council meetingand summit . Presentproposeduniform OASA office procedurefor processingred cards . at USASA Mid-Year Meeting Discussleaguerepresentation . Set2003meetingdates:March 5, June7 (annualmeeting),September22 and November17 . business: l""r Adjourn OASA Web Site 1 0 00 B OO 600 40c, 20^0 Bl17 8126- 9/9 9/23 10/7 1 C' / 2 1 1 1 / 3 1 1 / 1 7 Ave. H i ts pe r d a y Sinceinception:58,351Hits, an averageof 595 per day or 4,168per week. ba Y ruqre(WwJ ffiO'wW X*n <.o -E/ - l I "J OREGONADULTSOCCERASSOCIATION, INC. BOARDOF DIRECTORS MEETING November18,2002 MembersPresent: RogerHamilton,President ShonnaWilliams,Vice President F ^ baraSkotte,Vice President,Legal . n Williams,Secretary JonnVan Allen,Treasurer Doug Morasch,Registrar LindaButler,NUWS NancyWalsh,NUWS Eastside GingerBradbury, Coed EastsideCoed HenryBradbury, Coed MaryTremblay, Eastside GPSD BrentHamilton, GPSD HughKalani, WaltWeyler,GPSD TimSmith.OPSL MembersNot Present: BarbieAnderson,EastsideCoed Regrets Eric Beck,StateRefereeAdministratorTerryChristopher, GPSD Bob Dietz,CASA Nini Fortino.NUWS JessieMacias,MSL Ben Nunez.CCSL LianeWhitaker,NUWS - Regrets Others Present: Jill Bothwell BriefSummaryof the BoardMeeting: 1. Boardof DirectorsMinutesof September23,2002and ExecutiveCommitteeMinutesof November4,2002 wereapproved. 2. VIDEOS- RogerHamiltonreportedthatthe US Men'sNationalTeam highlightfilm and the U-19Women'sWorld Championship videoare bothavailablefor checkout throughthe OASAoffice. . FINANCIAL- JohnVan Allenthatfinancesare as reportedin the ExecutiveCommitteeminutes,currenton all obligations, comingintothe slowtime of yearso we needto watchexpenses.Around$7,000in the bank. 4. WEB SITE- JevanWilliamsreportedthatthe OASAweb site has receivedover58,000hitssinceit wentup on August18thor an averageof 595 per day.About1/3of the visitorsviewat leastone pagein Spanish,otherpopularpagesinclude:fields, leagues,links,tournaments and Board.lf you havenot doneso, checkout www.oregonadultsoccer.com 5. DISCIPLINE & APPEALS- BarbSkottereportedthatthey havedealtwithtoo manycasesrecently. 6. GPSD- Walt Wylerand BrentHamiltonreportedon a dB that GPSDis buildingto help lookat the relationship between referees,teams,playersand refereeassignment. 7. NUWS- LindaButlerreportedthat theyhavehad 1 red card,5 yellowsa few no-showreferees,few problems. 8. EASTSIDECOED- GingerBradburyreportedthatTim Gerohas resignedfromthe OASABoardand has beenreplacedby HenryBradbury. 9. OPSL- Tim Smithreportedthat FC Swooshwillplaythe OlympicClubof San Franciscoon Saturday,November24'n@ the NikeCampus,kickoffis at Noon.Everyoneis welcome.The leaguehas 5 teamsand will be lookingto add a few high-quality teamsfor nextyear. '10. REDCARDPROCEDURES feesthat GPSDwishes - The boarddiscussedvariouswaysof handlingadditionaladministrative to charge. 11. USASAMIDYEARMEETING- The boardset a deadlineof December5,2002 for leaguesto declaretheirintentionto send a delegateto the meetingwhichwill be heldFebruary21-23at the HiltonSan Diego- MissionValley.GPSD,NUWSand ECoedexpres,sed interest.Eachleaguewishingto senda delegate(s)tothis meetingmustcontactJevanWilliamsby December5'nwiththe name(s),assumingthat GPSD,NUWSand E-Goedare the only leagueswishingto sendpeopleeach leaguewouldqualifyfor $500supportfrom OASA,all othersupportfor airfare,hotel,meals,etc.wouldcomefromthe league. 12 MEETINGDATES- A motionto approvethe followingdateswas made,seconded,and approvedunanimously. Wednesday,March5, 2003,6:30 PM Saturday,June7, 2003AnnualMeeting-AM Monday,September 22,2003,6:30PM Monday,November 17,2003,6;30PM To contactme: JevanWilliams 11633SE BethanyDrive/HappyValley,OR 97236/ Voice:(503)698-1356 Fax:(503)698-9678Cell:(503)984-0966 E-Mail:ievanw@aol.com Notice of Board meetins The next OASA Board of Directorsmeetingwill be held, as previously scheduled,on March 5, 2003 at 6:30 PM I will notify you of the location of the meeting as soon as I have finalized it. I am looking for a place that has a quiet room for -20, if anyonehas any ideas I'd love to hear from you. The purposeof this meetingis: l. A bylaw change- this will be a "housekeeping"changeonly - the name of our parent body has changedfrom United StateAmateur SoccerAssociation,to: United StatesAdult SoccerAssociation.We needto have a chanseto our bvlaws to reflect this. 2. The executivecommitteehas decidedthat insteadof having the usualreportsformat,that it is time for us to have a discussionaboutthe OASA and soccerin Oregon- more of a "summit" or round-table discussion.Where are we now and where do we want to go? 3. Approve minutesfrom l ll18/2002 board meetingand212712003 Executivecommittee meetings. If anyone,any league,or any committee wishes to make a report pleaseemail it to me and I will distributeit. We hope and anticipatethat the format will help bring out new ideas and fresh perspective. Hopefully everyonewill be ableto attendand bring ideasand enthusiasm. JevanWilliams Secretary 2003 meetingschedule: Saturday,June 7, 2003 AM Monday, September22, 2003,6:30PM Monday,November17,20036:30 PM Noticeof a Meeting of the Board of Directors of Oregon Adult SoccerAssociation, Inc. To: The Directors You are hereby notified that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the above named corporation will be held on WednesdayMarch 5,2003 from 6:30 to9:00 PM. The location of the meetingwill be the multipurposeroom at the EastPortlandCommunity Center(740 SE 106'hAve. Portland,OR. Phone: 503-823-3450)The purposeof this meetingshall be a bylaw changeand suchbusinessas may be brought before the meeting. The bylaw changedealswith the changing of the name of our parent body to United StatesAdult Soccer.As previouslystated,this meetingwill NOT consistof reports,it will be a round-tablediscussion.Pizzaand soft drinks will be served. Date of notice: Februarv13.2003 JevanWilliams Secretary Meeting Schedule: Saturday,June7,2003 9:00 AM Monday,September 23,2003 6:30 PM Monday, November 17,2003 6:30 PM If you are unable to attend,and wish to file a report in writing, pleaseget it to me via the meanslisted below.
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