2007 - Oregon Adult Soccer Association
2007 - Oregon Adult Soccer Association
OREGOI\ ADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION BOARD OF'DIRECTORSMEETING January22,2007 Members Present: RogerHamilton, President JevanWilliams. Secretarv ShonnaWilliams, Vice president John Van Allen, Treasurer Doug Morasch,Registrar Anthony Jacksg&Vice president,Legal Patrick Duffv. SRA Linda Butler. NUWS TerryChristopher, GPSD NikosFilis. GPSD Ron Storzbach,GPSD JustinBigelow,Gresham Adult Coed GingerBradbury,Eastside Coed MaryMorasch,EastsideCoed KristinKralicek.NUWS OthersPresent: Anne Brashero Nick KemI. AGENDA A quorum being present,RogerHamilton openedthe meeting and handedout an agenda(,,A,, attached). 2. MINUTES A motion to approveminutesof a Board meeting -----Qheld - -' on November 13,2006was made, seconded,and approvedunanimouslv. 3. REPORTS a. PRESIDENT - Report in writing, emailed. b. VICE PRESIDENT - No report. VICE PRESIDENT, LEGAL - No report. d. TREASTIRER - John Van Allen-reportedthat wehave approximately $25,000 in the bank which will get us throughttrettow period th; yJ5i' "-f e. REGISTRAR- No report. f' SECRETARY-JevanWilliams reportedthathe hasbeenduly notified that Kristin KralicekhasreplacedchristyBrewsterasa memb*r."p*r""id;Nuwb. g. REFEREES l. SRA - Reportin writing (,,8" attached). 2. h. OREGONREFEREECOMMITTEE_No report. COMMITTEES 1. _No reporr. COMPETITIONS 2. DISCIPLINEAND ApPEALS_No reporr. 3. i. j 4. FIELDS- AnneBragheroreportedthattheprojectto resurface Fieldis Strasser held up in red tapeaid Deltd#7 is offline uintiitheyfigureout drainageissues. LEAGUES 1. GPSD- No report. 2. NUWS - No report. 3. EASTSIDECOED- Mary Moraschreportedthat their annualmanagers meeting is at the endof February. 4. OPSL- No report. 5. CASA - No report. 6. CCSL- No report. 7. GRESHAMADULT COEDESU- No report. 8. LIGA DEL VALLE - No report. 9. HPSL- No report. 10. LA LIGA DE SALEM - No report. OASA OFFTCE 1. OPERATIONSMANAGER - AnneBragheroreportedthat shehasreceived positivefeedback thattheofficelooksmuchbetterfollowingcleaning,painting andnew carpeting. 2. WEBMASTER- JevanWilliamsreportedthatsomepeople,notablyRene Gonzalez, havehadproblemswith theOASA website.Mr. Williamsis working on a fix. OTHERBUSINESS a. REGIONIV COTINCILMEETING - RogerHamiltonreportedthat AnneBraghero, PatrickDuffy, ShonnaWilliamsandhehld attended theinostrecentRegionIV council meetingandworkshopson behalfof OASA. b. TEAM REGISTRATIONINFORMATION- After discussion, theconsensus wasthat leaguesdo not haveto usethe OASA teamregistrationform, and,in fact,thepreferred methodis to sendthe informationin an Excelspreadsheet. Sincerely, - (' ^.- \C-r-a- !\-- JevanWilliams, Secretary 2 Oregon Adult SoccerAssociation 1750S.W.Skyline Blvd.Suitel2l o Portland, o (503)292-18t4 o Fax:(503)297-45t3 Or.97221-2533 Boardof DirectorsMeeting: January 22,2007 Portland, OR. MauricioAguilera BarbieAnderson l 'V JustinBigelow GingerBradbury HenryBradburv , -V-linou Bufl"t -a--7-- v'. TerryChristopher V PatrickDuffv --d . PedroFelix NikosFitis Rene Gonzales _ J-'-Roger Hamilton \ ./''AnthonvJackson ---,- Kalani _Hugh Liane Z- /, Kirchner _Yt KristinKralicek \' ..DougMorasch Y MaryMorasch Nunez _Ben R BonniePelley VictorSanabria / lgnacioSanchez V , RonStorzbach --\lorrn VanAllen .lrl"uan Williams ShonnaWilliams \,' Total =26 Qu o ru m=1 4 La Liga De Salem EastsideCoed ESU FC Adult Coed EastsideCoed EastsideCoed NorthwestUnitedWomen'sSoccer GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict State RefereeAdministrator CascadeArea SoccerAssociation GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict OregonPremierSoccerLeague OASA President OASAVice President,Legal GreaterPortlandSoccer District NorthwestUnitedWomen'sSoccer NorthwestUnitedWomen'sSoccer OASA Vice President,Registration EastsideCoed CentralCoastSoccerLeague NorthwestUnitedWomen's Soccer HispanicPr emierSoccerLeague Liga Del Valle GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict OASAVice PresidentFinance/Treasu rer OASA Vice President,Competitions/Secretary OASAVice President N, c , l( \= O.thers: ,,AnneBraghero, OASAOffice NormMyer EricBeck k r - ut t - _ d E", 4 c ,\ OREGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION Agenda Approveminutes of Boardmeetingllil3/06 Reports: . Ofeicers: a a a a a a President Vice President Vice PresiderrfLegal Treasurer Registrar Secretarv Referees: o StateRefereeAdministrator OregonRefereeCommittee Committees: Competitions Discipline and Appeals Fields Leagues: . GPSD . NUWS . EastsideCoed . OPSL . CASA . . . . . ccsl GreshamAdult League LigaDel Vdl€ HPSL Laliga de Salem Office: . OperationsManager -Webmaster . DiscussRegionIV Councilmeetingand workshops Teamregistrationinformation rt""*-' Adjourn l'\ OregonAdult SoccerAssociation StateRefereeAdministrator Repoft January 22,2007 1. Eduardolrigoyenhas recertified as Oregon'sonlyNationalReferee 2. MohammedAl-Abbas,Ron Lagraffand Ben Warrenhave upgradedto State Two Referee(grade6) for 2007. 3.27 refereesfrom aroundthe stateattendedall or partof the USSF I n t e r m e d i a te R e fe re eC l i n i ci n Januar y. 4. The USSFAdvancedRefereeClinicwill be taughtin Portlandin May as partof an intenseweekendof refereeinstruction at all levels. 5. GPSD has identifieda groupof approximately 12 playerswho are interestedin becomingreferees.The StateDirectorof lnstruction is makingplansto havea separateentrylevelclassfor adultsonly. 6. The OregonRefereeCommitteeis developingplansfor more "development & guidance"evaluationsof refereesby assessorson adultgamesduring2007, to improvethe qualityof our officials.This will be separatefrom upgrade assessments. 7. As of 12131106, we have2,075refereesregisteredin Oregon,mostof whom a r e u n de rth e a g e o f 1 9 . 8. As SRA, sincethe lastOASA boardmeeting,I haveattendeda national refereeadministrator meetingin WashingtonDC and a USASARegionlV referee meetingin San Francisco. administrator 9. The managersof the variouspartsof the OregonRefereeCommittee ( i n s t r ucti o n a ,sse ssme n pt,ro fessionalism, etc.)m et all day Satur daythe 20thto t a l ka b o u ti ssu e s,d i scu ssp o l i cychangesand planfor 2007. One of the topics we discussedat lengthwas "whatdo OASA,the leagues,the managersand the playersneedfrom us and are we givingit to them?" lly submitted, Respectfu PatrickDuffy OregonStateRefereeAdministrator OREGON ADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING February 28,2007 Members Present: RogerHamilton, President JevanWilliams, Vice President,Competitions/Secretary John Van Allen, Vice President,Finance/Treasurer Doug Morasch, Vice President,Registration/Registrar Anthony Jackson,Vice President,Legal 1. AGENDA A quorum being present,RogerHamilton openedthe meetingand handedout an agenda ("A" attached). 2. MINUTES - A motion to approveminutesfrom a Board meetingheld on January22,2007 was made, seconded,and approvedunanimously. 3. REPORTS 4. a. PRESIDENT - Roger Hamilton reportedon a subpoenafrom the City of Portland. b. VICE PRESIDENT - No report. c. VICE PRESIDENT,Legal - No report. d. TREASURER - John Van Allen notedthat for the 2008 OregonSoccerClassicwe shouldconsideran increasein refereefees,which probablywill result an increasein team fees. e. REGISTRAR - No report. f. SECRETARY - No report. g. OPERATIONS MANAGER - Anne Braghero reported on an upcoming clinic for women players. OTHER BUSINESS a. OPSL REQUEST - The ExecutiveCommitteediscusseda requestfrom OPSL regardingplacing playersin bad standing. The ExecutiveCommitteeis unclearon what is being requestedand did not act on this request. b. SELECT TEAMS CAMP - The ExecutiveCommitteediscussedthe revisedRegion lV and USASA SelectTeam program. It was determinedthat Anne Braghero will put togethersomeinformation and JevanWilliams will post it on the OASA website. Any playerwho is selectedwill be responsiblefor all costsof attending. c. NATIONAL CIIPS - It was reiteratedthat there will not be any OASA monetary support for any team choosingto enter. Anne Braghero will attend any National Cup regional or national eventsinvolving OASA teams. d. PERSONNEL MATTERS - The Executive Committee went into executive session to discusspersonnelmatters. e. BUSINESSCARDS- A draft wasapproved. f. TIMBERSTICKET voucHERS & OASA NIGHT - Somequestionscameup abouttheprocess,but otherwiseeverythingis proceeding. g PICANTEAINIVISIONTOURNAMENT- The ExecutiveCommitteediscussed y*1oy: yays to supportthis eventandothertournaments in a way that makessense to OASA. A motionfor OASA to offer a tournament playercard,beginningAugust1,2007, which: . . . ' will cost$20, *il!!_e_goodfo{.o.p]othreedaysduringthe tournamentonly, will NOT be valid for anyleaguegameland canbe convertedt-oa regularOASA playercarduponpaymentof an additional$15 andcompletionof oth-ernormalrequirements, wasmade,seconded, andapprovedunanimously. Sincerely, JevanWilliams, Secretary OREGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION ExecutiveCommitteeMeeting February 2812007 Aeenda . Approveminutesof Board meetingheld ll22/07 . Reports: . . . . ' . . President Vice President Vice President,Legal Treasurer Registrar Secretary OperationsManager . to OASA DiscussCity of Portlandsubpoena . DiscussOPSLdebtcollectionrequest . DiscussRegionIV SelectTeamscamp . Discusswhetherto provideanysupportfor teamsenteredin NationalCups . Discussbusinesscards . (personalcell phortechargesre Discussreimbursement Manager'sexpenses of Operations OASA;Comcast) . DiscussPortlandTimbersvoucherdeal& OASA night . request DiscussPicanteAjnivision . DiscussOASA goalkeepersclinic , Other: . Adjournment. OREGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING March 19,2007 Members Present: Roger Hamilton, President JevanWilliams, Secretary ShonnaWilliams, Vice President Doug Morasch,Registrar Anthony Jackson,Vice President,Legal Patrick Duffu. SRA JustinBigel6w, GreshamAdult Coed Kristin Kralicek, NUWS Mauricio Aguilera, LLDS TerryChristopher, GPSD NikosFilis.GPSD Ron Storzbach, GPSD GingerBradbury,EastsideCoed Marv Morasch.EastsideCoed LinciaButler,NUWS BonniePellev.NUWS LianeKirchner.NUWS OthersPresent: Anne Brashero Juan Pedr6 1 t- AGENDA A qugrqrybeingpresent,RogerHamiltonopenedthemeetingandhandedout an agenda("A" attached). 2. MINUTES A motion to approveminutesof a Board meetingheld on January22,2007 was made, seconded,and approvedunanimously. A motion to approveminutesof an Executive Committee.mee-tihg held on February28,2007 was nia'de,seconded,and approved unarumously. a J. REPORTS a. PRESIDENT - Report in writing, emailed. b. VICE PRESIDENT - ShonnaWilliams reportedthat the PGE Park 7-a-sidehasjust concluded. A women's clinic is full and one or more additionalclinics will be tield this summer. A women's 7-a-sidein conjunctionwith EastsideUnited youth soccerwill be held this summer. c. VICE PRESIDENT,LEGAL - No report. d. TREASURER - Emailed. e. REGISTRAR - No report. f. SECRETARY - No report. g. REFEREES 1. SRA - Emailed. 2. OREGON REFEREE COMMITTEE - No report. h. COMMITTEES 1. COMPETITIONS - JevanWilliams reportedthat Oregonhastwo entriesin the USASA National Cups,Kells in Men'^sOver 30 and 6USa Orangein Men's Under23. Mr. Williams reportedthat FC Portlandis planningto hold anotherAdult Soccer Fest Septemberl-2,2001 andhasrequestedaffiliation and that he has tentatively grantedit. A motion to ra-tiff affiliation of the 2007 FC Portland Adult SoccerFestwas made,seconded,and approvedunanimously. i. 2. DISCPLINE AND APPEALS - Anthony Jacksonreportedthat he has received a clarificationof the rules relatingto refereeabuseand assault. 3. FIELDS - Linda Butler reportedthat Duniway is going to be closed. Delta field 6 is currentlyclosed,while after Memorial day field 6 will reopenand field 7 will be closed. LEAGUES GPSD - Terry Christopherreportedthat they had somefield problemsto startthe season.They have 71 teams. NUWS - Linda Butler reportedthat they have 82 teamsand are doing okay on fields. Bonnie Pelleyreportedthat they have a redesignedwebsiteand teamsnow can register(but not pay) online. EASTSIDE COED - Mary Moraschreportedthat they have 56 coedteams. OPSL - No report. CASA - No report. CCSL - JevanWilliams reportedthat they have 12 men's teams and4 coed/women's teams. The CCSL would like to host an OASA meetingin Newport. The Board discussedthe conceptof holding a meetingon the coastand all presentagreed that they would considerattendingas long as the timing worked out. GRESHAM ADULT COED ESU - JustinBigelow reportedthat they will have 8-16 men'steamsand 6-10 coedteams. LIGA DEL VALLE- No report LA LIGA DE SALEM - Mauricio Aguilera reportedthat they arejust getting organized. j. OASA OFFTCE OperationsManager - Report in writing. Webmaster- No reporl. 2 4. OTHERBUSINESS A. CREDITCARDS RogerHamiltonrequested that the Boardapprovecreditcardsasappropriate, sothat our OpErations Manageiandothersdon't havei6usepersonalcreditcardsio mai<e regular prirchases on behilf of the OASA,providedthat onecanbe foundwith reasonable"terms andno personalguaran{y.A motionto approvecreditcardsaspresented wasmade, seconqec, ancapproveo unanlmously. f. TOURNAMENT CARDS At its lastmeeting,the ExecutiveCommitteeapprovedthe creationof a tournament playercardgoodT6roneweekendonly at the costof $20,with an effectivedateof AugustI,2007. LianeKirchnerrequested thatthe datebe movedforwardsothatthe tyih Swi:eneyMemorialTournamdntcanutilize toumamentplayercardsthis year. A motionto modifu the effectivedatefor OASA tournamentplayercardsto July 1,2007 wasmade,seconded, amended to require30 daysnoticeto the OASA offrcesothat staffingcanbe workedout, andapprbvedunanimously. Sincerely, JevanWilliams,Secretary 3 OregonAdultSoccerAssociation StateRefereeAdministrator Report March,2007 AlongwithRogerHamilton, I represented OASAat the USSFAnnual GeneralMeetingin LosAngeles.Themeetings wereverydullbut,overall, fairly informative. JuanMunizhasbeennamedOregonAdultRefereeof the Year. Juanis a StateTwo Refereeand hasbeena refereesince1991. Dueto hiswork situation, he alsorefereespartof the yearin NewJersey. We currentlyhaveone NationalReferee.We have28 StateReferees, grades5 and6, for 2007.We had26 in 2006.We currently have64 grade7 referees,comparedto 61 at the endof 2006. Thereare currently25 refereesin somestageof the upgradeprocess.Totalrefereeregistration currentlyat 1,266. Theannualtestingandassessment requirements for re-registration areslowly, butsteadily, beingraised. DickHorner,StateDirector of Instruction, hasscheduled a refereetraining weekendfor May19 and20,witha National Instructor anda varietyof local instructors. Thiswillhelpfurtherdeveloptheskillsof ourexistingreferees, instructors andassessors. We havealsobegunmonthlyrulediscussion meetings for the upperlevelrefereesin the Portlandarea. Assessors were give games. to feedback assigned to referees on severalOPSL Whilethese werenot refereeupgradesituations, it is partof an effortto raisethe generalskill levelof our referees. gameswillbe March31 in Theannualclinicfor thosedoingprofessional Kirkland, Washington. Twopre-clinic meetings wereheldwiththe localreferees whohavebeeninvitedto participate. So far in 2007,therehavebeenno issuesraisedof misconduct by referees. OREGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION Ags:nda Approveminutesof Board meeting llL2l07 Approveminutesof ExecutiveCommittee meeting2128107 Reports: . Officers: . President . Vice President . VicePresident I"egal . Treasurtr . Registrar . Secretarv . Referees: . StateRefereeAdministrator . OregonRefereeCommittee . Committees: ftmpetitions ' . Discipline and Appeals Leagues: . GPSD . NUWS . EastsideCoed . OPSL . CASA . CCSL . GreshamAdult I*ague r Liga Del Valle . HPSL . La Liga de Salem Office: . OperationsManager . Webmaster Reporton Region IV Council meetingand USSF and USASA AGN{s Approve obtaining OASA credit cards Other business: a Adourn r5 Subj: Date: tr.Om: Page1 ofl TreasurersReport 0311312007 11:48:17 A.M.pacificDaytight Time Jeyanw com,Gingersoccer, ter@, wa@nwf44qbox. Jevanw,norm@mbtmarketin g.com, qasge-ry4f4@!0sn.com", r=ogerhami|ton@comc,awjackson@bpa.gov, @, thatmetaj tsaa@ nqt,JMAcAs@5odJ,NEf @ @comcasr" Kalam@lslsn[le.aatn, 8$tarzbaah,lianekirchner@hotmail.ioiloougmorasch@eattt,rinx.n€t, bomgvoelley@post.harva , president@oregonwomenssoccer.com, soccerorer, patd@AMGEARPDX.CaM, marymalassh@eadhlnk.!et, victor@eiitenatnconrfif isn'@pox.euu, _GBsd_sal'd, shoman{llliamg@wircxforumarg, gonzalerene@gmail "Com,hFerxoxe@holmait.;;; t<lctr@$ey.ssiilz-c_ut. krcJLeeh" TreasurersReport My reportsince I will not be at the meetingis that we are in good financialshapegoinginto our busy seasonwith moneyin the bank. Approx$36,000 JohnVan Allen AOL now offersfree email to everyone.Find out more about what'sfree from AOL at AOL.com. Tuesday,March 13,2001 America Online: Jevanw OREGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE May 28,2007 MEETING Members Present: Roger Hamilton, President JevanWilliams, Vice President,CompetitionsiSecretary ShonnaWilliams, Vice President John Van Allen, Vice President,Finance/Treasurer Doug Morasch,Vice President,Registration/Registrar Anthony Jackson,Vice President,Legal 1. AGENDA A quorumbeingpresent,RogerHamilton openedthe meetingand handedout an agenda("A" attached). 2. MINUTES - A motion to approveMinutes of a board meetingheld March 19,2007 was made,seconded,and approvedunanimously. 3. REPORTS a. PRESIDENT - No report b. VICE PRESIDENT- Played7-a-sidedid not happen. c. VICE PRESIDENT, Legal - Anthony Jacksonreportedthat had had presenteda report writing sessionas a part of a refereetraining. d. TREASURER - John Van Allen reportedthat financesare fine, approximately $40,000in the bank.We havereceived$787.13from a Timbersinternationalsame. e. REGISTRAR - No report. f. SECRETARY - No report. g. OPERATIONS MANAGER - Anne Bragheroreportedtwo U-23 men's teamshave enteredNational Cups.Ms. Bragheroreportedthat one player appliedto attendSelect Camp,"B" attached.The ExecutiveCommitteeapprovedthis player attendingthe camp.Ms. Bragheroreportedthat LLDV had approachedher aboutthe possibility of purchasingadditionalaccidentinsurance,for an additional$5 ($3.75????)per player per year,the importantthing being that every player in the leaguemust be coveredby the additionalinsurance.The ExecutiveCommitteediscussedthe logisticsof offering this option. A motion to approveoffering this additionalinsuranceto any leaguewhich wishesto participate,at the cost of $5.00per player was made,seconded,and approved unanimously. 4. OTHERBUSINESS a. TheExecutiveCommitteewentinto executivesessionto discusspersonnelmatters. b. A motionto allow for hiring a personto work up to 15hoursper weekin the OASA r office wasmade,seconded, andapprovedunanimously. c. TheExecutiveCommitteediscussed 2008meetingdatesandsawno reasonto change schedule,JevanWilliams will presentdatesat the-June16,2007boardmeetins. e Sincerely, JevanWilliams, Secretary OREGONADI]LT SOCCERASSOCIATION OREGON AI}I]LT S(rcCER ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING --, _ErjcutiveComittee Me€ting M:ry26,2OUl Aeenda ApproveminutesofBoard meetingbeld 3/19/07 Reports: . . . . . . . Presidqrt VicePresident VicePresident,fcgal Treasurer Rcgishar Secretary OperationsManager Disoss meetingdat€sfor 2008 T. &ecutive Session . Discussemployees . Adjommt March 19,2007 Menberc Pres€nt: Roger Hamilton, President Jevan Williams, Secretary Shonna Williaru. Vice President DougMorasc\ Registrar Antlony Jackson, Vice President, Legal Patrick Dufi, SRA Justin Biselox GresharnAduh Coed Kristin K;dicek NuwS Mauricio {guilira" LLDS Terrv Christooher. GPSD Mk6s Filis- GPSD Ron Storz5acL GPSD Ginger Bradbury, Eastside Coed Mary Morasc[ Eastside Coed Linda Butler- NUWS Bormie Pelley, NLIWS Liane Kirchner. NIJWS Others Present: Arme Braghero Juan Pedro AGENDA A quorumbeingpresent,Rogerllamilton openedthe meetingandhandedout an agenda('A' attached). MINUTES A motion to aDDroveminutes ofa Board meetine held on Januarv 22. 2007 was made. seconded, and ipproved unanimously. A motioi'to approve miriutes of an Executive Cornmittee meeting held on February 2E,2007 was made, seconded, and approved unanimously REPORTS a PRESIDENT - Report in writing ernailed- b VICE PRESIDENT - ShoruraWilliems reported that the PGE Park 7-a-side has iust concluded. A women's clinic is full and oie or more additional clinics will be held this summer. A women's 7-a-side in conjuction with Eastside United youth soccer will be held tiis surmner. VICE PRESIDENT, LEGAL - No report. d. TREASIIRER- Emailed. e_ REGISTRAR - No report. f SECRETARY - No report. E. REFEREES l. SRA - Emailed. 2. OREGON REFEREE COMMITTEE - No reDort. oREGOi\ ADUII SOCCERASSOCTATTON -BoARD oF DrRnt#o#:r#)NiriiftEiuNc Memberspresent: president Roger-Hamilton, Wil liams, Secretary {.yu1 John VanAllen,Treasurer ?o.lg Morasch,Registrar Anthony Jackson. Vicepresident, Legal PatrickDuffv. StiA !!ane Kirctuier,NUWS LindaButler,NUWS BonniePelley.NUWS Justin Bigelow, GreshamAdult Coed Nikos Fifis.GpSD Hugh Kalani. GPSD SeneGonzales,OpSL uarbara^Anderson, EastsideCoed ulnger ura9bury,EastsideCoed Lenry Bradbury,EastsideCoed Mary MoraschjEastside -;J" OthersPresent: AnneBraghero l. AGENDA beingpresent,RogerHamiltonopenedthe meetingandhandedout an agenda(,,A,, *,3itiJ}f 2. MINUTES fifi:l:il?ffH:l:minutes of aBoard meeting heldMarch]s,2007was made, seconded, and A motion to approveminutesof an Exer committeemeetingheldon May 26,2007was X,loapproved un*i-o,*tfJ.t ila;;;ii5d', J. REPORTS a. b. d. PRESIDENT- Reportemailed. VICE PRESIDENT_ Reportemailed. VICE PRESIDENT,LEGAL _ Report emailed. TREASURER- JohnVanAllen reported,that he is preparinga draftbudgetwhichwill Theo;t;,srnffi;change is addiig a-rrne rtemrbr coachins S,il,SLdistributed. e. Mr. VanAllen reportedthatOASAhas approximately $27,000. REGISTRAR_No report. f. SECRETARY- No reporr. g. REFEREES I 2. atraining session, fm;1""51';,:?;tP;:ttrtJ:fi';*?t[H[:?qed oregon OREGONREFEREECOMMITTEE_ No reporr. h. COMMITTEES 1. COMPETITIONS - JevanWilliamsreportedthat he hastentativelyapprovedtwo tournamentsrequestsfor affi liation. Mr. Williams reportedthat other competitionsmatterswere reportedin the President'sreport (OreqonClassic)and OperationsManag.rc i.port 6alional Cups and SeldctTeams) i. 2. DISCPLINE AND APPEALS - No reporr. 3. BYLAWS AND RULES - No report. 4. FIELD DEVELOPMENT - The boarddiscussedfields, field development,and feeschargedfor field use. LEAGUES l. GPSD - Nikos Filis reportedthat GPSD is consideringschedulingreferees ignoringtheir grade. 2. NUWS - Linda Butler reportedsomeproblemsrelating to Delta Park field closures. 3. EASTSIDE COED - Ginger Bradburyreportedthat they have changedtheir nameto PortlandCo-ed Soccer,somsteainswere move'dto differenl divisions, somefield problems,H.S. leagueis startingwith approximatelysilt"il;; th;; have a newwebsite at portlandcoedsoccer.-com. 4' OPSL - Rene Gonzalez{gportedthatK^ell's Over 30 madeit to the Regionalfinal only to loseto the defendiirgNational Champion. Mr. Gonzalezreportedon a new Adidas 6-a-sidetournament. 5. CASA - No report 6. CCSL - No report 7. GRESHAM ADULT COED ESU- JustinBige-lowreportedthat in light of EastsideCoedsnamechangethat they wouldlike to cfiatrgethe nameto: Gresham United FC. Mr. Bigelow reportedthat they will have 6 coedteams and,4to 8 men's teams. j 8. LIGA DEL VALLE - JevanWilliams on having E---leportedthat they are planning an affiliared rournamentin August,no fuither detairsydt. 9. LA LIGA DE SALEM - No report. OASA OFFTCE 2 Webmaster- JevanWilliams reportedthat he has had some time and some technical issuesgettingthe site updated,but work is ongoing. 4. OTHER BUSINESS a. A motion to approvethe EastsideCoed Leaguechangingtheir nameto PortlandCo-ed Soccerwas m-aile,secondedand approveduianimoultyl b. A motion to approvethe GreshamAdult Coed Leaguechangingtheir nameto Eastside UnitedFC was'made,secondedand approvedunan'imously." c. A motion to ratify affiliation of the Copa del Norestetournamentwas made,seconded and approveduninimously. d. A motion to ratify affiliation of the Adidas 6-a-sidetournamentwas made,secondedand approvedunanimously. e. ELECTION OF OFFICERS-RoeerHamilton turnedthe meetins over to JevanWilliams and the floor was openedfor noriinations.RogerHamilton was iominated for President; Anthony Jacksonfor Vice President,Legal; aid John Van Allen for Vice President, Financeand Treasurer.Mr. Williaml asFedif therewere any additionalnominations. Therebeing none,nominationswere closedand the abovec-andidates electedby acclamation. f. MEETING DATES 2008 - a motion to approvethe following datesfor 2008 OASA Board meetinss: Mondav. Janu"arv2I.2008 6:30 PM Mondav.March-l0.20086:30PM Saturddy,June 14,2008 11:00AM Monday,-November 10,20086:30PM Was made,secondedand approvedunanimously. Sincerely, JevanWilliams, Secretary 3 OREGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION Agenda IntroduceBoard and guestsand validate voting rights Approveminutesof Board meeting l/22/07 Approveminutesof ExecutiveCommittee meeting5126107 Approvechangeof namefrom EastsideCoedto PortlandCo-Ed Soccer Election of ofrcers: . President . Vice President Financeand Treasurer . Vice President Legal Approve meetingdatesfor 2008 Monday,January21,2008,6:30PM ' . Monday,March'Q 2008,6:30PM . Saturday, June14,2OO8,ll:00 AM (annual meeting) . Monday,November10,2008,6:30PM Reports: . Ratif sanctionof Copadel Noroeste Officers: President Vice President Vice President lrgal Treasurer Registrar Secretary a ;:,-;;-;|;;,;' Otherbusiness: a a Referees: StateRefereeAdministrator OregonRefereeCommittee a Committees: Competitions Discipline and Appeals Fields Leagues: . GPSD . NUWS . Portland Co-Ed Soccer . OPSL . CASA . ccsl . . . Greshafiridd$.f,€ague Liga Del Valle La Liga de Salem Office: . OperationsManager . Webmaster Adjourn ; ;';:i'i ;r r r.,n t' o"-g f,z- OregonAdult SoccerAssociation . Fax:(503)291-4513 (503)292-1814 1750 S.W.Skyline81vd.Suite121'Portland,0r. 91221-2533. Boardof Directors AnnualMeeting: June16,2007Portland, OR. --7 BarbieAnderson JustinBigelow GingerBradbury HenryBradbury --T LindaButler Christopher -Terry Duffy TPatrick Pedro Felix , ----T NikosFitis aene Gonzales 3- vv v-v --ry : 'v _- RogerHamilton AnthonyJackson H u g hK a l ani L i a n eK i rchner KristinKralicek DougMorasch Mary Morasch BenNunez BonniePelley l q n a ci oS anchez Ron Storzbach John Van Atten -TJevan williams S h o n n aWilliams |...- Total =25 =13 Q uorum Jrl= pthers: r,/Anne Braghero,OASAOffice NormMyer EricBeck La LigaDe Salem EastsideCoed ESU FC Adult Coed EastsideCoed EastsideCoed NorthwestUnitedWomen'sSoccer GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict State RefereeAdministrator CascadeArea SoccerAssociation GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict OregonPremierSoccerLeague OASA President OASA Vice President,Legal GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict NorthwestUnitedWomen'sSoccer NorthwestUnitedWomen'sSoccer OASA Vice President,Registration EastsideCoed CentralCoast SoccerLeague NorthwestUnitedWomen'sSoccer Liga Del Valle GreaterPortlandSoccerDistrict OASAVice PresidentFinance/Treasurer OASA Vice President,Competitions/Secretary OASA Vice President Friday,June15,2007 Report for OASA June 16,2007Annual General Meeting From: Anthony Jackson Vice President, Legal Chair, Discipline and Appeals committee Accomplishmentsand milestonesover the past year: o { numberof Discipline and Appealscommitteehearingswere held this pastyear. The reasonsfor hearingsincluded: o Playeralteredcard misuseattempt. o Multiple refereeabuseallegations. o Multiple refereeassaultallegations. o October,2006- Marked the occasionof ReneeFrance'sone year anniversaryas an excellentmemberof the Discipline and Appealscommittee. . November,2006- The right for playersto appealleaguesuspensionsentences, which last longer than the leaguesseason,to the Discipline and Appeals committeewas enacted. o February,2007- The Discipline and Appealscommitteereceivedclarification of the rules pertainingto refereeabusebasedon the USSF council approved amendments to USSF Policy 53I-9. . Ma/, 2007 - After much preparationassistancefrom Anne Braghero,I presented severalgamereportswriting sessionsas a part of a refereetraining program (calledBig Training Weekend)conductedby the OregonRefereeCommittee. . June4,2007 markedthe occasionof my two year anniversaryas an OASA board member,VP of Legal and chair of the Discipline and Appealscommittee. Page1 of2 Subj: Date: From: To: CC: USASA Mid-Yearmeeting 10:23:51A.M.PacificDaylightTime 811412007 Jevanw nene9Z301@yahoo.com, thatmetal@comcast,net, Ginggrsoccer, soccerwqlf4@msn.coLtr, terimore@oregoncoast.com, Gpsdcard sff lee@Orcgonadullsg-ccer.qom ACTION REQUIRED - Pleaseread! USASA Mid-Year meeting October18-21,2007 Ft. Lauderdale,FL. Host hotel: SheratonYankeeTraderHotel 321 N. Ft. LauderdaleBeachBlvd. (RouteAIA) ' Fort Lauderdale,Florida 33304 Phone:(954) 467-llll Rate: 149.00per night Cutoff Date: September27, 2007 For hotel reservations,call I-888-627-7108and mentionthe USASA Midyear Meeting and Workshops. Eachyear the OASA invites our memberleaguesto travel to the Midyear meetingof the United States Adult SoccerAssociation.The OASA ExecutiveCommitteestrongly encouragesleaguesto senda representativeto meet other soccerleaders,people who run leaguesfrom around the country, this is a great opportunity to learn and to network with others,get new ideas, and important information for your league. The OASA provides$1,500to be divided (up to $500 per league)amongleagueswishing to senda (we have never had more than two leaguessenda representative). representative OASA will alsopay per league.Beyond this, all other supportfor airfare, the $00 registrationfee for one representative hotel, meals,etc. must come from the respectiveleagueor individual(s). from your leaguewishesto attend,pleasenotifuthe OASA f you or a delegate ffrce no later than September31,2007 so that we may registeryou. entative Schedule: Thursday, October 18th SASAGolfTournament(RSVPRequired) istration elcomeReception/Chairman Forum - 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m, ', October 19th B:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ion II Meeting 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ion I I I M eet i n g B:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. IV Meeting B:30 a.m. - 12:30 p,m. 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. SASAPick-UpSoccerGame 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p,m. SASAHallof FameDinner(RSVPRequired) 6:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. turday, October 2oth nental Breakfast 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. stration 7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. s hops 8:15 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. Exhibits 8:15 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. istration ion I M eet in g Tuesday, August14,2007AOL: Jevanw Page2of2 & Coachof the YearLuncheon LauderdaleBoat Tour (RSVPRequired) day, october 21st tal Breakfast All Day 1 2 : 0 0p . m.- 1 : 3 0p . m. 7 : 0 0p . m.- 1 0 : 0 0p . m. 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 8:00 JevanWilliams OASA Secretary Geta sneakpeekof theall-newAOL.com. Tuesday,August 14,2007AOL: Jevanw OREGONADULT SOCCERASSOCIATION BOARD oF DIREoc-r?*i*j[iluALMEETTNG Members Present: RogerHamilton, President ShdnnaBradburv.Vice President Dous Morasch.Registrar Anth"onyJackson,Vice President,Legal Patrick Duffv. SRA Linda Butler, NUWS Liane Kirchner,NUWS NikosFilis,GPSD GPSD Ron Storzbach, JustinBieelow.ESUFC OPSL ReneGoilzales, GinserBradbury.PortlandCo-EdSoccer Mar"vMorasch.FortlandCo-EdSoccer KatiaGillespie,ShootOut SoccerLeague OthersPresent: Anne Brashero Alyssa Le-desma Kevin Richards 1. AGENDA A quorumbeingpresent,RogerHamiltonopenedthe meetingandhandedout an agenda("A" attached). 2. MINUTES A motion to approveminutesof a Board meetingheld on June 16, 2007 was made,seconded, A motion to approv:eminutesof an ExecutiveCommitteemeeting and approvedlhanimously. -was made,seconded,and approvedunanimously. held on October 31,2007 a REPORTS f a. PRESIDENT - Report emailed. RogerHamilton remindedeveryoneaboutthe new parking situationat the OASA office. b. VICE PRESIDENT - ShonnaBradburyreportedthat the women's clinic sold out and was successful. The 7 v 7 toumamentlt pGB Park is tentatively scheduled. c. VICE PRESIDENT, LEGAL - No report. d. TREASURER - No report. e. REGISTRAR - No report. f. SECRETARY - No report. g. REFEREES l. are gettingdone SRA - PatrickDuffv reportedthat the upsradeassessments is Steve fasterthen thev weri: inihe past. The ne^riStateDirector of AssEssment Brooks. the 6RC Board is^plannineto have a retreat. Therehave beenfewer professionalismissues. StateDirect-orof InstructionDick Horner is settingup entry-levelclassesfor adults-onlyrefereetraining. 2. OREGON REFEREE COMMITTEE - No report. h. COMMITTEES 1. -No report. COMPETITIONS 2. DISCIPLINEAND APPEALS- AnthonyJacksonreportedthattherehadbeen threehearinsson refereeabuse/assault cases.Thenewdefinitionofreferee abusehashJlpedthe Committeemakeits decisions.It saysthattherehasto be an oral threatof physicalharm,notjust swearingat the referee.Of thethree cases,two playerswerefound innocentandonewasfoundguilty. 3. FIELDS- It wasreoortedthatStrasser field at Deltais becominsunsafeto plav on andcouldbe cloiedsoon.Nobodyknowswhenthereconstniction work wiil be doneastheCity currentlydoesnoi haveenoughmoneyfor it. Bloomington andEd Benedicta'reboth inawful shape. LEAGUES GPSD- No report. NUWS- LindaButlerreportedthatfield closurescauseda little problem.Thereis one moreweekleft inihe season. PORTLANDCO-EDSOCCER- Fieldclosureswerealsoa problemfor them. OPSL- ReneGonzales reportedthattheywill be havingtheir finalsthis weekend. CASA - No report. CCSL- No report. EASTSIDE UNITED FC - JustinBiselow reportedthat thev had 6 coedteamsthis summer. They also had a mei's 7 v ileague on Friday and Saturdayswith 8 teams. LIGA DEL VALLE -No report. LA LIGA DE SALEM - No report. SHOOT OUT SOCCERLEAGUE - Katie Gillespiereportedthat they are looking to expandtheir indoor and outdoorleaguesy^earround j. OASA OFFTCE OPERATIONS MANAGER - Anne Bragheroreportedthere hasbeena changein parking at the office, and it is now-permitparking. If you park withoula permit. your cIr will be towed, unlessyou ^arein one of the niire visitor spotsfor the whole buildine. Sheencouraeedthe leasuesto have their plaveri set their cards in advancebv-rnail.fax or e-riail. Shealso reportedthat everv lea"suehas affiliated forihe current vear exceDtOPSL. R-eneGonzaleziidicaled that he will make surethis sets done soon^.An e-mail was sent out to Board members with the number of iegistrations by month. WEBMASTER - No report. 2 4. OTHERBUSINESS a. NATIONAL MEETINGS- RogerHamiltonattendedthe recentUSASA mid-vearand RegionIV Councilmeetings,as-indicated in his written report. rh"i. *iti-ir" tilf.; increases at this time. b. 2008MEETING DATES- TheJapuarymeetingwasmovedfrom January2l to January14,so the 2008meetingsdatesnow are: Monday Monday Saturday Monday c' January14,2009 March-l0,2008 June14.,2008 November 10,2008 6:30pM 6:30pM il:00 AM (annual meeting) \ o' 6:30pM MISCELLANEOUS- Hillsborowill be havingthe 7 v 7 tournamenton Saturdavs againthis year, MontessoriEarthSchoolhash"ad5 men'steimi usinglt u",i-ii['ui n.fa up well. Sincerely, LianeKirchner,Secretaryof the Meeting 3
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To: Tim Smith; BarbaraAnderson;BarbaraSkotte; Ben Nunez;Bob Dietz; Dave Schade;Eric Beck;Ginger
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