22 May 2016 - New Boston Church of Christ
22 May 2016 - New Boston Church of Christ
HAPPENINGS published every Thursday, except the weeks of Dec. 25 and Jan 1 by New Boston Church of Christ, 610 N. McCoy Blvd, New Boston, Texas. 75570. Second Class postage paid at the Post Office in New Boston, Texas. Publication No. 473490. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3578 to HAPPENINGS, 610 N. McCoy Blvd, New Boston, Texas 75570. www.newbostoncoc.org. Second Class Postage PAID at New Boston, Texas 75570 Church of Christ at New Boston P.O. Box 1165 610 N. McCoy Blvd. New Boston, TX 75570 nbchurchofchrist@aol.com Deacons: DeWayne Hardage Billy Johnson Mike Raney Jamey Thomas Jody Thomas Elders: Ernest Shelton .................... 903/628-2201 Johnny Thomas................... 903/628-1292 Russell Tyndell .................... 903/733-1137 Minister: Kevin Cauley…………….Cell # 430/200-7870 Office: .................................... 903/628-2891 Mon. - Fri ................... 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Secretary: Wilma Alexander SCHEDULE OF SERVICES: SUNDAY: Bible Classes ..................................... 9:30 AM AM Worship ...................................10:25 AM PM Worship ..................................... 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY: Bible Classes ..................................... 7:00 PM BIBLE LESSON TEXT Sun. May 22----First Missionaries Acts 13 Wed. May 25----Paul & Barnabas in Pisidia Acts 14 Happenings in God’s Family Vol. 45 No. 20 May 22, 2016 God’s Grace is Wonderful! OUR FAITH IN ACTION SUNDAY, May 15, 2016 Bible Class———————-—–-------58 AM Worship-—————-—-----------105 PM Worship—————-------------n/c Contribution——————–----$2,537.75 Average to Date—————---$3,004.18 Budget to Date—————-----$3,243.00 Wednesday, May 11---------------------79 God’s Salvation Plan HEAR the Gospel – Romans 10:17 BELIEVE on the Lord & His Word – Mark 16:16; John 8:24 REPENT of our sins – Luke 13:3,5; Acts 17:30 CONFESS Christ – Matthew 10:32; Luke 12:8; Romans 10:9 BE BAPTIZED for the remission of sins – Acts 2:38; Mark 16:16; Galatians 3:27; 1 Peter 3:21 LIVE a faithful, dedicated life – Revelation 2:10; 2 Peter:5-10 “Deeper than the ocean / and wider than the sea / is the grace of the Savior / for sinners like me. / Sent from the Father, / and it thrills my soul / Just to feel and to know / That His blood makes me whole.” -Jewell M. Whitey Gleason God’s grace is truly a wonderful thing; I don’t know that words can adequately express just how wonderful it really is. The world looks upon the concept of grace and sees favoritism, as if they themselves never have preferences. Grace stands starkly in the face of equality because, by its very nature, a gift given to one is not given to another, and the idea of “gift” is at the heart of grace. Yet at the same time, God’s gift is given freely to all who will accept it (John 3:16), and this makes His gift wholly equal, and the rejection of that gift the provenance of the one who would not receive it. Paul writes, “Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life” (Romans 5:18). So God’s grace is given to all freely, but we must accept it by trusting in the faithfulness of Christ Jesus. When I trust in Christ, I will give myself to Him and do what He desires, not because I think that I can earn anything by doing it, but because I have faith in His ability to save me. This is what makes salvation a gift and not a pay-check, because at the end of the day, I must confess with Paul and Jeremiah, “He who glories, let him glory in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:31, Jeremiah 9:24). Kevin Cauley MAY 22, 2016 SERVANTS AM PRAYERS Ernest Shelton Jody Thomas PM PRAYERS Dave Conley Charles Cauley Announcements: Kevin Cauley LORD’S TABLE: Ben Dooley; Jamey Thomas; Scott Hobson & Charles Cauley Sunday PM Communion: Jim Scarbrough VISITOR CARDS: Sawyer Hobson Remember in Prayer Jean Jones; Alan Wright (son of Renee’ Wright); Martha Downs (Bobby Higginbotham sister); James Shirley; Ricky Champion; Paul Curbow; Norma Crawford; Peyton Richardson (granddaughter of Janiece Richardson); Sandra Conley; Helen Smithson and Trevor Montgomery . Remember also our shut-in’s: Keith & Helen Clark, Phil Williams, Faye Anderson, & J.D. & Thelma Johnson. Keith Clark is now in Wadley Rm # 644, the Long Term Care Unit. NURSERY: Juanita Higginbotham ________________________________ MAY 29, 2016 SERVANTS AM PRAYERS Thomas McGee Weaver Mills “Happy Birthday” to Marie Robertson on 5/24; Robin Upson on 5/24 and to Roberta Watson on 5/25. “Happy Anniversary” to Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hobson on 5/24 and to Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Thomas on 5/28. Sunday PM Communion: Jim Scarbrough NURSERY: Paulette Taylor If you are unable to serve, please call Billy Johnson @ 903.628.5827 The Endurance, steadfastness & longsuffering Colossians 1:11 Calendar of Events May 21----Singing @ Lockesburg, AR Church of Christ 6:29 PM May 22----Nursing Home Worship Service May 27----New Boston High School Graduation @ 8 PM May 29----Ice Cream Supper honoring our graduate, Charles Cauley . Fruit of the Spirit Love Charity , goodwill, esteem 1 Corinthians 13 1 John 2:10 Romans 2:4 God’s love for us John 3:16 Goodness Joy Uprightness of heart, beneficence Gladness, a rejoicing spirit. Romans 15:14 Ephesians 5:8-9 Filled with joy. Romans 15:13 Gentleness Joy in our belief. 1 Peter 1:8 Meekness Receive the Word with James 1:21 Attitude toward those in the world. Titus 3:2 PM PRAYERS Scott Overstreet The ladies of the congregation are invited to a DeWayne Hardage Salad & Dessert Luncheon, Wednesday, June Announcements: Kevin Cauley 1st @ 11 o’clock in the Multi-purpose room. Each are asked to bring a new cup towel, or LORD’S TABLE: Ben Dooley; Jamey Thomas; Scott Hobson & Charles Cauley dish cloth or a new hot pad for the kitchen use. VISITORS CARDS: Sawyer Hobson Patience Faithfulness Confidence, trustworthiness Peace Kindness Harmony, concord, security Jesus is our peace Ephesians 2:14 Goodness, integrity The state of the saved in Christ Colossians 3:22 Romans 8:6 Like Jesus Hebrews 3:2 Be dependable/obedient in all our practices Luke 16:10-12 Righteousness Titus 3:4-5 Self-Control Temperance, master on one’s desires Part of the path to godliness 2 Peter 1:5-6 Lack of can cause one to tremble Acts 24:25 Dear Church Family, Thanks so much for the prayers, visits, calls, cards, food, and other acts of love and kindness shown to Weaver and me during my surgery and recovery. We could not have made it without you. We are blessed to have so many caring Christian friends. Love, Gerry Mills Camp Ida and Mountain Fork Camp registrations are available in the office. Camp Ida registrations are due in by May 25th and the New Boston session is June 26th thru July 1st. The parents are required to pay the first $35 and the elders have made the decision to pay the balance of $100 for Camp Ida participates. Mountain Fork has a $40 reservation deposit required by parents and elders paying the balance of $120. Sr. session 6/26 thru 7/1; 6th-8th grade 7/3 thru 7/8; 2rd-5th grade 7/10 thru 7/15. Please send applications as soon as possible. Limits for participates.