- The Priory School
- The Priory School
Friday 13th February 2015 Next week is week 2 Priory News The Priory School has been awarded a na onal prize... On Friday 6th February the school received a le er from the Minister of State for Schools to no fy us that we had been awarded a £5000 prize for how well our pupil premium students did in their GCSE exams. We are extremely proud of this na onal recogni on and it is a credit to the hard work that my colleagues and you do in suppor ng our students, your children. The progress made by our Year 11 students between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 is the best in North Her ordshire, second best in Her ordshire and we are one of the top 90 schools in England showing the greatest sustained improvement in GCSE examina on results last year. Please see a copy of the original le er on page 2 of the newsle er. Mr G Edwards HEADTEACHER’S COMMENDATION Quiz ‐ Well done to last week’s winner, Luke Bonner 8TV. Please remember to collect your prize from Mrs Nearney. Riddle: What always goes to bed with shoes on? Answer: A horse Dates for your Diary 2015 Friday 13th February ‐ HALF TERM ‐ ——————————————–———————————————— Can you solve the ques on below? Drop your answer into recep on by 20th February 2015 for your chance to win a prize. Monday 23rd February Return to school Ques on: What tastes be er than it smells? Tuesday 24th February Yr10 Blood Brothers Theatre Trip Numeracy Corner Thursday 26th February Learning Day Height chart Run a height chart at home (you can make or buy one). Discuss growth, working out the amount grown and the differences between siblings and parents. Ask rela ves and friends to be measured. Monday 2nd March Yr9 Op ons to be handed in Tuesday 3rd March Miss L Jesson Yr7 Shakespeare Cinema Trip Learning day Our next learning day is taking place on 26th February. All students will be off metable and taking part in a programme which is designed to enrich their learning Year 7 will be visi ng places of worship in the local area Year 8 will have a Healthy Living day in school Year 9 will have a Holocaust day in school Thursday 5th March World Book Day Monday 9th March School produc on ma nee Year 10 will be visi ng the Globe Theatre Year 11 will be taking part in a revision programme Year 12 will be having their normal metabled lessons Year 13 will be having their normal metabled lessons Mrs F Nearney Tuesday 10th March School produc on Did you know? You can now order The Priory School uniform online at North Herts School Wear using the following link: h p://northhertsschoolwear.co.uk/store/ Wednesday 11th March School Produc on Thursday 12th March School Produc on CORE LIBRARY Just to remind students that the LRC has a collec on of set texts, text books and study guides for the Core subjects of Maths, Science and English. They are available between 8.45am and 4.30pm daily, for reference and overnight loan. Key Revision and Exam Informa on Mrs Plum and Mrs Stovin P&E and Sociology Revision sessions: Use our online revision sites to help you at home. P&E – stretch and challenge course Monday 12:45 in A14 KS3 Mathle cs KS4 MathsWatch Sociology – Thursday lunch me at 12:45 in A14 KS5 MEI MATHS English Literature: BBC Bitesize Mrs K Southall All students studying Maths have access to these. If you have lost your login and password please speak to your teacher. Miss L Jesson Timelines Plan your Revision Cue Cards Past Papers Revision Methods Annota ons Mnemonics A endance Form 7AA 7HB 7GG 7LC 7MC 7NP 8AM 8LA 8MF 8NJ 8SO 8TV 9CF 9DM 9LP A endance to 6 February 2015 99.77% 93.96% 96.36% 96.08% 95.89% 95.65% 96.08% 94.48% 94.61% 96.07% 93.66% 93.82% 96.80% 95.26% 94.90% Merits to date 964 651 941 532 362 647 703 416 447 300 464 226 395 382 449 Form 9MH 9RS 9SB 10BS 10CH 10EG 10RC 10RO 10TC 11DJ 11DP 11NW 11RL 11SF 11VM A endance to 6 February 2015 96.06% 95.99% 95.62% 96.22% 96.60% 95.97% 94.33% 93.32% 95.88% 97.27% 94.58% 95.60% 95.34% 97.48% 95.49% Merits to date 187 132 241 159 250 131 144 255 107 146 160 46 114 51 43 The school’s a endance target is 96%. Mr D Nearney REVISION “Test Next Week….Your Homework Is To Revise” “ But How??” Students, how many mes have you been told to go away and revise for a test but not really known where to start? Well, let us consider some of the essen als. What will you need to do in the test? It is likely you will have to recall some facts, use skills learned in lessons and write down some answers to ques ons: Seems straight forward. So it makes sense then that these are the things you should prac se when you revise. “Ok, I will pop on BBC Bitesize, read a bit of my revision guide and maybe look through my book”. “Then get Mum, Dad, li le brother, dog (delete as appropriate) to test me. All good. I’m ready to go.” Really? Didn’t we have skills and wri ng in the list of things needed to succeed in the exam? These are some mes forgo en in your revision. You must pick up a pen and write things down in your revision. A er all – this is kind of crucial in the exam. So, prac se the skills of using those equa ons for Maths or Science, prac se persuasive wri ng for English and using sources in History. Get some exam papers, find some essay tles you could answer, write mind maps, write post‐it notes……write, write, write. Seems obvious eh? It might be harder work but if you prac se the wri ng at home, you might just find the test that bit easier. Good luck to all students entering the exam season. Mr L Foster SPORTING EXCELLENCE JADE GORDON GARDNER YEAR 8 Jade is a year 8 student at The Priory School and a very talented footballer. Jade plays in goal for To enham ladies under 13 squad. Well done Jade!! EMILY COX YEAR 9 Emily came 3rd in the East Regional Schools Trampolining U14 girls intermediate compe on in December 2014. This qualified her to enter the Zonal Compe on which took place in January this year in which she achieved 9th place out of 32 compe tors. Massive well done Emily! ELLIE NELLIS YEAR 10 Ellie is a year 10 student at The Priory School. Ellie is a very talented swimmer, she regularly swims and competes for Hitchin swimming club where she has made some fantas c acheivements. Well done Ellie! Mrs E Bethell Year 7 Homework Shelves Uniform Consulta on To help you get the best possible marks for your homework, the Library has provided Year 7 students with a special set of shelves featuring books you will need in all subjects for this term’s homework. Why not make use of them during lunch me or a er school in the Library Homework Club? The last day of the uniform review consulta on is on Friday 13th February – see the website for more informa on. Mrs S Plum Mrs K Southall Careers—Raising Aspira ons Na onal Careers Week – 2nd to 6th March 2015 We will be marking Na onal Careers Week (2nd to 6th March) with a school‐wide project involving both staff and students. The focus of the week will be the Inspire Me Project, an exhibi on in the Gym and around the school which has at its heart the aim of encouraging students of all ages and abili es to think about their future careers path. Informa on on display will show which careers paths school subjects can lead to; what specific areas of work involve in terms of training, progress and salaries; appren ceships; leaflets on featured jobs, and a series of posters showing interviews with inspiring individuals completed exclusively for our school, including Dame Kelly Holmes (Olympic Gold Medalist); Martha Lane Fox (founder of lastminute.com); Shami Chakrabar (Lawyer and Director of Liberty); David Shepherd (Managing Director, Topman); Professor Mary Beard (Professor of Classics, Cambridge University and television presenter); Dr Jane Goodall (Anthropolgist and UN Peace Ambassador); Nick Grimshaw (Radio 1 DJ); Ma hew Renirie (Managing Director, Morgan Stanley) and Camila Batmanghelidjh (Founder & Director, Kids Company). In addi on, we will be showing careers‐related TED Talks and there will be laptops for students to browse websites such as Careersbox, which shows real people doing real jobs. Teachers and support staff have also got involved: posters showing informa on about their own careers paths will be displayed on classroom and office doors, and they will be wearing badges adver sing Na onal Careers Week. Drop In – Tuesday 3rd March On the Tuesday of Na onal Careers Week, we will be opera ng two drop‐in sessions for students from ALL SCHOOL YEARS, from 7 through to 11. “Welcome to the Sixth Form” with Lynne Luckman Lynne Luckman will welcome students who want to drop in to the Sixth Form Block at break, lunch me or a er school to have a look around and have a chat about life in Sixth Form at The Priory School. Even if it’s a long way off for you, please do come along! Lynne’s office is through the main entrance to the Sixth Form Block, turn right and just before the double door into the Common Room, on the right. It will be clearly signposted on the day. “Careers Ideas” with Zella Neighbour Zella Neighbour, our independent careers adviser from Youth Connexions, will also be holding a drop in for students. Zella is open to answering any ques ons that students might have, from how to apply for an appren ceship, what college offers, to thinking about different types of jobs and how to get there. Zella is a mine of informa on, so please do come along to the Mee ng Room by the Café (on the SLT Corridor) at break or lunch me for a chat. We look forward to seeing you there! Careers—Raising Aspira ons (con nued) Year 10 Careers Evening for Parents and Students ‐ Tuesday 3rd March at 7pm and 8pm in the Main School Hall As part of Na onal Careers Week, we have invited Year 10 parents and students to a new annual mee ng. Primarily, this will be an introduc on to our work experience programme for parents, but there will also be short talks on life in the Sixth Form at TPS, appren ceships and university, and the opportunity to view our new department website and the Inspire Me Project in the Gym. Due to expected high numbers, there will be two slots available, at 7pm and 8pm, and bookings can be made now using the online system or by email to kate.allan@priory.herts.sch.uk. Work Experience Week – 13th to 17th July 2015 Following on from the Parentmail sent out to all Year 10 and 12 parents in October, last week Kate Allan met with Year 10 and 12 students to explain the work experience programme further and how they now need to get involved. The key point for parents at the moment is to please talk with your child at home about the possibility of finding a private placement, so that they spend their week working in an area of their own choice. The school can help with this process, but students need to come and talk to us before the end of term. Further informa on about Work Experience Week and the process leading up to it will be presented at the Careers Evening for Year 10 Parents and Students, with updates sent to you by Parentmail therea er. Please contact kate.allan@priory.herts.sch.uk for further help and informa on. If you are a parent who can offer a work experience placement to one of our Year 10 or 12 students in July, please do get in touch with Kate Allan to discuss: kate.allan@priory.herts.sch.uk. Thank you! Mrs K Allan Youth Speaks Over the last week, both our Intermediate team and our Senior team took part in their second semi‐ finals in the Youth Speaks public speaking compe on. Unfortunately, the Senior team of Nicole de la Cruz, Hannah Price and Georgie Prebble were unable to secure a place in the District Final despite a fantas c effort which was engaging, interes ng and very well‐rehearsed. The Intermediate team of Megan Reed, Daisy Doyle and Stan Taunt did progress to District Finals and were also fantas c in their commitment and performance. However, due to an unfortunate and unforeseen clash of dates with our produc on of West Side Story, we were unable to con nue to the next round and have withdrawn from the compe on at Intermediate level. All the students involved have been absolutely amazing and are a credit to the school and themselves. We are constantly impressed by their commitment and talent and are immensely proud of them all. Mrs Spanyol and Miss Anderson Horse Show at Bury Farm—NESA Congratula ons to Maisie Swain and Alice‐Rose Willson who represented The Priory School on 24th January as new members of NESA—Na onal Schools Equestrian Associa on. Excellent results: Well done to both girls who will be receiving Headteacher’s Commenda ons. Mrs D Scoot