Reports from the Chapters in the CDS Northern Region
Reports from the Chapters in the CDS Northern Region
CALIFORNIA DRESSAGE SOCIETY JUNE 2015 V. 21, I 6 NORTHERN REGION CHAPTERS: FOOTHILLS, LAKE COUNTY, MARIN, MENDOCINO, NORTHCOAST, RENO, SAN FRANCISCO PENINSULA, SHASTA, SIERRA NEVADA, SONOMA, SACRAMENTO VALLEY, VALLEY OAKS PHOTOS BY MCCOOL PHOTOGRAPHY Reports from the Chapters in the CDS Northern Region Foothills Chapter Report - 2014 Christine Hendricks, Patrice Palmaer ~ Chapter Chairs January-Attended CDS Annual Meeting and Symposium-with Patrice and Krista. Awards dinner at Cabos April 11, 2014 with a fund raising raffle. May-Hosted USDF Adult Clinic with Hilda Gurney-PEC. Donated $100.00 to Northern JR/YR June-Hosted USDF Instructor Certification Testing organized by Michele Ng. Participants: Kalli Bowles-thru 2nd level-FH chapter member, Lisa Pembleton-thru 2nd level-LA Chapter member, Alejandro Salazar-thru 2nd level-FH Chapter member, Gina Duran-thru 4th level-East Bay Chapter member, Ana Gilmour-thru 4th levelFH Chapter member, Jaki Hardy-thru 4th level-Sonoma Chapter member, Suzann Regulamuto-thru 4th level-LA Chapter member, Jennette Scanlon-thru 4th level-FH Chapter member. Aug. 14- FH Summer Party at Nina’s. Sept-Amateur Clinic-Julie Woods-at Santa Rosa Equestrian Center. Sept-Several members went to USDF/CDS Championships, Burbank Colleen Reid won a USDF Honorable mention in the category of First Person Experience Article for a GMO with 500 or more members for her article “Instructor Trainer” in the CDS Letters. October- successful Autumn Rated show-PEC. Annual Year End award party, Holiday Party, fund raiser, and Toys for Tots drive. Fund raising raffle: items donated by members, trainers, and Christensens Tack raised $740.00 for the chapter. Foothills Year End Awards: Open-Alejandro Salazar on Wiseton68.919-highest score on the year, name will go on our Perpetual Trophy-Halter with name plate, Adult Amateur-Victoria Hipsley on Spot on-68.649-Halter with name plate, Jr/YR-Paige Gilliard CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 U O N Y G R R O I IDER C N U J S L The California Dressage Society D I C N I 5 is proud to offer a C 1 S Junior / Young Rider Dressage Clinic 20 Sponsored by Club 100 One clinic in the north and one in the south! CDS prides itself on offering top quality educational events for the members. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to learn from top instructors in a friendly group event. The JR/YR clinic format is one evening lecture and two riding days. Each Chapter will pay $100 and select one Junior or Young Rider by draw to represent the Chapter. The Rider will pay no clinic fees, but is responsible for travel, hotel and stabling expenses. Riders can apply to Club 100 for help with travel and stabling. CHECK WITH YOUR CHAPTER TODAY AND GET YOUR NAME IN FOR THE DRAWING Northern Clinic: June 19-21, 2015 with Charlotte Bredahl at Starr Vaughn Equestrian (Elk Grove), organized by Beth Coffey-Curle curle@mindspring/com 775-849-0136 Southern Clinic: October 2-4, 2015 with Charlotte Bredahl at Epona Farms (Thousand Oaks), organized by Kristin Young 949-677-1334 CDS Central Office 831-659-5696 Charlotte Bredahl Charlotte Bredahl and Monsieur were on the Olympic Bronze medal winning dressage Team in Barcelona in 1992. She was also on the Silver medal winning US team in 1997 riding Lugano. Both horses she trained from start to Grand Prix. Charlotte is an International Dressage judge (4*) and travels all over the world. In 2014 she judged the US National Dressage Finals and Team selection for the World Games. She was also named Honorary Instructor by USDF and received the Gold Medal of distinction awarded by USEF. Very recently Charlotte was appointed US Assistant Youth Coach. She is very excited about that, since she has always had a passion for helping Youth. June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 2 President’s Column by Kevin Reinig This year I got the opportunity to be a steward at the World Cup in Las Vegas. My wife has attended the World Cup a couple of times before when it was in Las Vegas but I always stayed home to care for the horses. I was very excited to not only go to the World Cup but to get a chance to see behind the scenes. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I guess I expected it to be like a normal CDI with more security and in a lot of ways it was. No grooms or riders could be in the barn without a steward present. The horses were watched all the time, by stewards during the day and night watch at night. My first job was to get there at 4am so when the grooms arrived they could come in and care for the horses. Schooling started at 5:30am and it was a tight schedule with the jumping and dressage using the same arenas. There would be dressage schooling, then the court would come out for jumping schooling, then the court would go in for dressage competition, then the court would come out for jumping competition. This is the way it went every day and the crew setting up the arena was amazingly fast and precise with these changes. There were two barns, an international barn, and domestic barn. The international barn was a quarantine barn and had all the horses from Europe. The horses flew strait into Las Vegas Airport and were transported directly to the barn along with the grooms and equipment. The domestic barn had the US horses and foreign horses that had been in the US for a while. Only stewards had access to both barns. Thursday was the first day of competition and my job was to close the gate. You might think that gave me a great spot to watch the competition but unfortunately after closing the gate I had to close a big curtain as well so I could only watch the live feed on the monitor to see what was happening in the arena. Now I’ve worked at a few CDIs so I thought I knew what to expect and as far as the competition it was pretty normal but at big events such as this one there is another aspect that I was not familiar with and that was production. While on the competition side we keep the show moving and enforce the rules of a normal show, on the production side they are in charge of everything the audience in the arena and on the live feed see. The warm up was in a tent outside the arena and the horses had to come down a narrow tunnel into the arena. Logistically getting the horse out of the area and the next one in safely and timely was challenging. The stewards were concerned with the safety of the horses, riders, and people around and production was concerned with getting the horses in the arena. It seemed like there was no one person in charge directing everything and this was frustrating for me. I stayed focused on my assigned job and everything went fine. I will say production was concerned with getting the horses in the ring on time and keeping the show moving, now the horses on the other hand as we all know don’t much care about a production schedule and were more concerned about what was lurking in the shadows. Overall everything went great and aside from a 15 second delay during the awards ceremony which production was all worked up about and the horses didn’t much care about. With each day we got it more dialed in and by the freestyles we were a well-oiled machine. Working at the World Cub was an amazing experience. I learned so much from all the people who worked so hard to make the event a success. I tell you it doesn’t matter if you are at the World Cup or chapter schooling show it is the hard work, love of horses, and pride in a great event, that shapes the experience for everyone. California Dressage Society CDS Central Office Paula Langan • manager/editor P. O. Box 417 • 9 Del Fino Pl #202 Carmel Valley, CA 93924 (831) 659-5696 • fax (831) 659-2383 Tue, Wed, 2-7pm • Thur, Fri, 1-5pm Dressage Letters: June 2015, Vol 21, Issue 6. Published monthly by the California Dressage Society, 9 Del Fino Place #202, Carmel Valley, CA 93924. Periodicals #5940 at Carmel Valley, CA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to P O Box 417, Carmel Valley, CA 93924-0417. Printed by APi-Marketing June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 3 President Kevin Reinig (916) 616-4581 Vice President Ellen Corob (805) 440-2947 Scholarship Committee Chair Pat Hart (714) 299-6507 Treasurer Diana Muravez • (760) 728-6325 Insurance Equine Insurance Donna Parker 800/321-5723 Junior Rider Kristin Young • (949) 677-1334 Diana Muravez • (760) 728-6325 Elizabeth Coffey-Curle • (775) 849-0136 C ON T EN T S Articles CDS Northern Chapter Reports............ pages 1, 4-6 CDS Southern Amateur Clinic.............. pages 9-12 CDS Junior Clinic................................. page 2 Chapter Corner...................................... page 26 World Cup Las Vegas............................ pages 19-21 Travel Log............................................. page 28 Southern Junior Championship............. page 22 Northern Junior Championship............. page 27 Qualifying in 2015................................. page 30 Who Is Qualified?.................................. pages 31-32 CDS Championships............................. page 33 CDS Futurity......................................... page 43 Monthly Departments Activities Calendar 29 Bulletin.................................................pages 16-17 Classifieds............................................pages 45-47 Letters 8 Membership Renewal Form 48 Monthly Clinics 23 President’s 3 Show Calendar ....................................pages 24-25 Show Results .......................................pages 34-42 USEF, USDF, FEI ...............................pages 13-14 KEVIN REINIG, CDS PRESIDENT NORTHCOAST BASKET ALL PHOTOS BY MCCOOL PHOTOGRAPHY on Jamboree Outrageous-65.429-Halter with name plate We encourage all members to communicate with the Chapter their successes and news for our FB page and our online website. Lake County Chapter Report – 2014 Liz Rohnstock ~ Chapter Chair 2014 was a busy year for the Lake County Chapter! We increased our membership this year with 5 new members. We had schooling shows in April and August and a CDS Rated show in May. We had several clinics that were well attended. In July and October we had Judy McHerron come, one was a regular lesson clinic and one was a “ride your test clinic.” In August and November we had lesson clinics with Sue Curry. Then in September we had another “ride your test clinic” with Sharon Marshall. Our small Chapter really enjoyed the different experiences with these outstanding clinicians! We also had monthly ongoing horsemanship clinics with Dave Claus. We had local riders from Lake County and they were introduced to basic dressage, 20 meter circles, connection to the bit and also some great groundwork exercises. These clinics were May through September and we had a great turnout. In June we had a general meeting and presented Dave Claus our Chapter Founder with a commemorative plaque and also helped him celebrate his 80th Birthday! At that meeting we had Ester Siegel give a talk on EFT after several riders noticed how calm and collected she seemed to be when she was showing! She gave us a demonstration and we all practiced the technique. In September we sent our member Marci McDaniel-Davis to the Amateur Clinic at SREC. In December we had a holiday party with a potluck and a gift exchange! Looking forward to 2015 with clinics and shows and so much more! Reno Chapter 2014 Report ELIZABETH COFFEY-CURLE, CDS DIRECTOR terms and definitions we all know. The main focus of our project is to introduce dressage to a new audience in the community. Along the way we also hope to broaden the horsemanship awareness and appreciation of those who participate. Shasta Chapter Report - 2014 Connie MacGregor ~ Chapter Chair The Shasta Chapter of CDS is made up of riders and dressage enthusiasts from far northern California. In 2014, we had approximately 50 members on our roster, which is a relatively small number for the large geographic area that our chapter encompasses, but our members are a dedicated bunch with many of them actively participating in the shows, educational event, and fund raising efforts that occurred throughout the year. Our year began with a clinic conducted by Catherine Eardley, an accomplished British dressage rider who trains under the same instructors as Carl Hester and Charlotte Dujardin. Although it rained and covered facilities are limited in our area, we were able to find a suitable location and enjoyed two days of a well-attended and insightful clinic. Catherine is a witty and knowledgeable instructor and we hope to have her back in the coming year when her schedule allows. In March, we sponsored a free saddle fitting lecture and educational event entitled “Saddle Fitting for the Equine Athlete” conducted by Robyn Dorius of Advanced Equine Bodywork and Saddle Fitting. We reached out to horse groups of all disciplines in our community and had approximately 50 people in attendance. Robyn discussed saddle fit, biomechanics of horse and rider, horse musculature, and answered audience questions. One of our members provided a horse on which Robyn painted the primary muscles and skeleton for a visual aide. In April, we held our annual schooling show followed in May by our annual threestar rated show – both of which were held at the Two Bar Trail show venue in Palo Cedro (just outside of Redding). Show attendance has been noticeably down in the past years likely due to our being located at the extreme northern end of the Sacramento Valley, which means significant travel and expense for non-local riders. However, we succeeded in attracting riders from southern Oregon and a few from the greater Sacramento Valley and we were able to cover the cost of hosting both shows. Because we are striving to make our shows better and more attractive to riders from outside of our immediate area, an online survey was conducted during the summer soliciting our members’ input and seeking ideas for improving our shows. The response was great and many good ideas were shared. It was decided that we would continue with our annual schooling and rated shows, and we are working with Camelot Equestrian Park in the Durham/Chico area to create a new show series that we hope to begin in 2015. In June, several of our members volunteered to conduct a yard sale as a fund raising Barbara Boatman ~ Chapter Chair The Reno Chapter enjoyed an educational and non-stressful year. The biggest project of the year was continuing the development of a program to broaden the dressage horizons into new territories. In 2010, the chapter received approval to start a dressage program within the Washoe County 4H program. The basic 4H focus is to develop the personal growth of members. Activities and events are designed to help youth become contributing, productive, selfdirected members of society. 4H is a program for children from the ages of 9 to 19. All leaders and instructors work on a volunteer basis. The program uses the current USDF Introductory tests, the training and first level Prix Caprilli tests, and the current Western Dressage tests. A basic manual has been written that includes the June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 4 LAKE COUNTY BASKET JULIE EITZEN ALL PHOTOS BY MCCOOL PHOTOGRAPHY FOOTHILLS BASKET project for the chapter. Members donated a variety of items for the sale, which succeeded in adding additional dollars to our accounts. Remaining items were donated to a local pet rescue thrift shop. In August, we were well represented by our dedicated rider and a host of members who attended the Adult Amateur Clinic held at Santa Rosa Equestrian Center in Santa Rosa. This was followed in October by two of our young rider members who participated in the Junior/Young Rider clinic at Starr Vaughn Equestrian Center in Elk Grove. Our year was capped-off with a wonderful holiday party held at one of our member’s beautiful country home. The potluck dinner was well attended by members and their families and friends. A pianist inspired many to gather around and sing carols, while others socialized and swapped horse stories. Yearend high point awards were handed out. Some of the new things that our chapter accomplished this year includes establishing a Facebook page on which we can share upcoming events, happenings in the horse community, and news of what our members have been up to (visit us at Shasta Chapter CDS); we also continue to work on developing our webpage. As we optimistically move forward into 2015, several of our members will be debuting new horses at our shows and shows outside of our immediate area; others will be moving up the levels on their long-time horses; and all will continue to volunteer their time and effort to make the Shasta Chapter of CDS a success. We hope that those of you who can will make the trip up to our part of beautiful California to meet us and to participate in our shows and events. Sierra Nevada Chapter Report – 2014 Stacee Collier ~ Chapter Chair The Sierra Nevada had a great year. We hosted two 3-Star shows and one 1-star show with great attendance and volunteers. We have raised over $3,000 for the Chapter’s Stacey Berry Memorial Scholarship. We hosted silent auctions at our annual awards party NAN MEEK, DARK HORSE MEDIA BIZ BASKET SHOPPING ANNETTE PRESSAS and during the Dressage in the Sierra evening event. The Chapter sent two juniors to the Junior/YR clinic, and one amateur rider to the Adult Amateur clinic this year. We added a new Trainer Award to our year end awards, which was great fun to see how many students and trainers participated in it. We are looking forward to another successful year ahead! Sonoma Chapter Report - 2014 Tracy Underwood ~ Chapter Chair We had a somewhat difficult year with waning involvement. We found ourselves having to postpone DWC to 2016 due to scheduling conflicts and the need for more volunteers. We are attempting to refocus and provide valuable programs benefitting the bulk of our membership, the amateur riders. We continue to try to provide benefits to our members and ways to enrich their dressage knowledge & experience. Towards that end we sponsored and/or organized the following during 2014: -Chapter Awards Party -Equine Nutrition Clinic -Shelly Siegel Show plans for 2015 – Awards Party Jr/YR gathering(s) Shelly Siegel Show May 29-31, 2015 Sonoma Summer Show Aug 16 Valley Oaks Chapter Report – 2014 Suzanne Breen ~ Chapter Chair The Valley Oaks Chapter is centered in the south eastern Sacramento area and surrounding foothills, with over forty members in the chapter. Board meetings are open to all and members are encouraged to attend. We usually meet once a month at a local restaurant. ALL PHOTOS BY MCCOOL PHOTOGRAPHY CHRISTINE HENDRICKS June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 5 PAUL MARCHAND SIERRA NEVADA BASKET TRACY UNDERWOOD, CDS DIRECTOR Our accomplishments for the year 2014 are as follows: We donated a chapter basket for the raffle at the CDS annual meeting. Our basket theme was “Dark and Delicious” including delicious chocolates, red wines and port, and a certificate for a custom wine blending and tour for eight donated by a Napa winery. Our steering committee voted to organize a USDF L Program for our area. Session A took place on November 16 and 17, 2014. The planning and preparation for this was a major undertaking, and we are excited to continue the program in 2015. We supported both the CDS Linda O’Carroll Memorial Adult Amateur Clinic and the CDS Junior/Young Rider Clinic by sending a chapter member to each event. MICHELE DODGE AND LIZ ROHNSTOCK ALL PHOTOS BY MCCOOL PHOTOGRAPHY ALL PHOTOS BY MCCOOL PHOTOGRAPHY SONOMA BASKET We co-sponsored the Friday night pizza party for the North CDS Junior/Young Rider clinic along with the Foothills and Sacramento Valley Chapters of CDS. We held a CDS rated dressage show in conjunction with the Northern CDS Junior Championships. Our special award was a beautiful neck ribbon for the High Score Valley Oaks member. Our chapter sponsored classes at the CDS Championships and Northern CDS Junior/Young Rider Championships. We held our second annual holiday party in December. This was a sponsored social event for all members and guests with a dinner, door prizes, desserts, socializing, and introductions to the next year’s board members. MARGO BROWN MICHELE DODGE AND CHRISTINE HENDRICKS NORTHERN REGION 20022003200420052006200720082009 20102011201220132014 FH FOOTHILLS 229288293278274260251207 199182182161147 LCLAKE COUNTY16273032312623 2530181824 MA MARIN 116122128131120129121 91 85 73 56 53 52 MEMENDOCINO 3939313125212521 2016161210 NCNORTH COAST 4946393434332523 2418262725 RERENO 2625272922242730 2921251316 SFPSAN FRANCISCO 313316329297291282276242 236215189200179 SHSHASTA 7086878183797464 6763534951 SN SIERRA NEVADA 103111115118138139123101 104 87 87 88102 SO SONOMA 333324318348338324288263 351244227193199 SV SACRAMENTO 184165168179185186178171 175143141127122 VOVALLEY OAKS 6461485653433829 3333393544 DIRECTORS: TRACY UNDERWOOD, KEVIN REINIG, ELIZABETH COFFEY-CURLE June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 6 Independent Saddle Fitting - Featuring: Vertically moveable tree for optimized freedom of shoulder and individual adaptability to the horse’s physique Horizontally moveable part of the saddle tree for optimized movement of the horses back and individual adaptability to the horses physique. CONTACT: ZSUZSU ILLES INFO@REBALANCESADDLEFITTING.COM ALL BRANDS AND STYLES OF SADDLES – WESTERN AND ENGLISH (818) 427-9733 June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 7 • LETTERS LETTERS • • LETTERS LETTERS • • LETTERS LETTERS • • • For the Juniors I wanted to reach out and say “Thank You!” to the Sierra Nevada, Valley Oaks, and Sacramento Valley Chapters for each donating $100 to the CDS Jr North Clinic Meet & Greet Pizza party to be held with Charlotte Bredahl and all of the chapter junior riders on Friday, June 19th. Your Chapters’ continued support and generosity of our CDS junior members allows CDS to continue to promote and educate the next generation that will be leading our sport forward. Sincerely, Beth Coffey Curle CDS Junior North Clinic Coordinator Performance programs. This level of funding is only possible because of generous Gold Medal Club contributions from people like you, whose love of equestrian sport motivates them to give to our country’s equestrian teams so they can compete and win at the highest levels. Thank you for being a part of the Gold Medal Club Team! With the Pan American Games this year and the Olympics Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, we truly appreciate your generosity and commitment in making sure our athletes and US equestrian teams have the support they need to continue the winning legacy this country has worked so hard to achieve. Bonnie Jenkins, Executive Director Dear CDS, Central Amateur Clinic On behalf of the United States Dressage Federation we gratefully acknowledge your donation of $500 in support of the 2015 US Dressage Finals. The US Dressage Finals is providing a much anticipated opportunity for adult amateur and open division competitors at Training Level through Grand Prix to step onto the national stage. Your gift will have a significant impact on the success of the event and the future of dressage in America. For the past 42 years, USDF has been dedicated to education, recognition of achievement and promotion of dressage. The continuation and success of our programs could not be accomplished without the commitment and dedication of benefactors who, like you, share our mission. Please accept our sincere appreciation of your gift. Stephan Hienzsch, USDF Executive Director Dear CDS, I am grateful for your support of the Center for Equine Health through your recent gift. Your donation qualifies you for a renewed membership in the Silver Stirrup Society. Like you, our Center’s faculty believes in high quality veterinary care that must keep pace with the changing health needs of our horses. We must continue to develop new knowledge to make sure all of our animal friends live longer and healthier lives. Your gift gives us the ability to seek and implement new treatments and procedures to improve veterinary care and extend the bong that humans and animals share. Thankyou for your most generous contribution. It means a great deal to our CEH team and to me to know we have your support. Claudia Sonder, DVM - Director, Center for Equine Health Dear CDS, Thank you for your contribution in support of Michigan State University. It is most sincerely appreciated. Your contribution was designated to The College of Veterinary Medicine / Mary Anne McPhail Equine Performance Center. Robert Groves, Vice President for University Advancement Thank you, thank you, thank you to CDS for a wonderful Amateur Clinic with Volker Brommann. I got into the clinic fairly late and at a particularly busy and chaotic time in my life. In the rush to prepare there were moments when I wondered if it would really be worth the time and effort to attend. In the end I went, and I am SO glad I did! Volker was a pleasure to work with and did a masterful job of helping everyone improve even when the pairs in the lessons seemed to have vastly different issues. My horse can get tense and isn’t always through in the connection; once he got tense he would almost always stay tense for the remainder of the ride. Volker gave me a simple and effective way to deal with this and time to work on it. The first day brought obvious improvement. By the end of the second day I could ask for things that would previously have started a spiral of increasing tension, knowing that when my horse got tense it was easy to get him relaxed again. This made a huge improvement in what we can accomplish in a ride. Thank you, Volker! As always, Dorreene and Kent Gilmore were fabulous hosts, both in their home and at their beautiful facility in Paso Robles. Thank you also to Ellen Corob for organizing the clinic. She worked tirelessly and once again the clinic ran beautifully. Helen Dilworth Santa Cruz Chapter Central Amateur Clinic It was such a wonderful opportunity to ride in this CDS Amateur Clinic. Volker Brommann is a high caliber trainer and clinician. His straightforward teaching was wonderful and clearly understood by all riders. He was really passionate about teaching the riders and involving the auditors. The one pivotal tool I learned in my lesson was the importance of the straightness of the horse’s shoulder in the building to the upper levels. Thank you to CDS for organizing theses Amateur Clinics and thank you to my SLO Chapter for allowing Ambiance and me to participate in this educational event. Also huge thanks to Dorreene and Kent Gilmore for the use of their fabulous facility. Also thanks to Ellen Corob for putting it all together for us here on the Central Coast. Regina Gregory Dear CDS, Thankyou for your wonderful Gold Medal Club contribution (restricted to Dressage) to the USET Foundation. The USET Foundation will provide $2,500,000 in grant funding in 2015 that will help support our athletes through the High June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 8 SOUTHERN ADULT AMATEUR CLINIC: MOUNTED MARIA MICHAELSON, HEATHER NEELY MICHELLE HILL / GRAND ESPOIR STANDING: JAN BENNETT, SUZANNE MORTON, KATHLEEN WHETSELL, VOLKER BROMMANN, MICHELLE HILL, ERIC GRIMM, LIZBETH ROGUSZ, VALERIE GOODMAN, ANITA SOHUS, VALERIE GABRIEL, CAROLINE UNDERWOOD JAN BENNETT / PICO PHOTOS BY CAROL TICE Linda O’Carroll Adult Amateur Clinic Southern I was given the opportunity to participate in the Southern Regional Adult Amateur clinic with Volker Brommann. My goal for this clinic was to gain confidence with my new equine partner, Pico. Mr. Brommann was kind and encouraging, not only helping me reach this goal but also went out of his way to point out several of Pico’s outstanding qualities. Mr. Brommann gave instruction in how to ride Pico’s walk to its best. After implementing his suggestions, I could feel the improvement immediately. I still need to find a consistent connection with Pico that is round over the back in trot and canter but even with my limited skills. Mr. Brommann was encouraging and provided insight in how to obtain this goal with practice. I have so many people to thank for this success. Mr. Brommann for his expertise clear direction and positive instruction. Carol Tice, who worked many hours organizing this event to provide the riders and auditors with a positive experience. Peggy Klump for providing physical support (shipping horses, assisting with “set up”, providing a lesson on Friday as well as spending her time to view my rides). Peggy also provided the needed encouragement so that I could perform my best. Suzanne Kramer Morton and Anita Sohus, my barn mates, who encouraged a positive happy working environment. Amber Gerhardt who graciously allows me to lease this wonderful equine partner, Pico. I’d also like to thank Stern Training Stable for hosting this event and the LA and Pomona Chapters of CDS for the gift of the clinic. After this weekend. I would encourage my fellow CDS members to make application for the clinic next year and ask to be placed on the waiting list if not chosen. Jan Bennett LA Chapter Thank you for sending me to the Southern Adult Amateur Clinic with Volker Brommann. What a great time! The Stern Training Stable is quaint, beautiful, and oh soo relaxing. My pony, Clooney AT, was the most relaxed I have ever seen him. Volker was the epitome of the professional and personable. The wisdom and tidbits that we received have already helped us in our training. I was lucky enough to ride with a fellow CDS member Valerie Goodman and her pony Bryan. Clooney and Bryan became fast friends as did Valerie and I. Volker did have an issue though as to what to call us because both our names were Valerie G. So it ended up that he called us by our horse’s names. Volker was kind and helpful with some humor mixed in. When he told me my pony was probably smarter than me I laughed and agreed. When he told me I was too nice, again I laughed and agreed. Each horse was different and he addressed each horses issues with sound suggestions that were easily attainable. The question and answer sessions were very educational and he spoke with confidence and experience. This was an outstanding clinic! And thank you to Carol Tice for arranging the whole thing, what a great job. Gratefully, Valerie Gabriel and Clooney AT I didn’t really know what to expect over the long weekend. I was a little anxious as this was the first time my horse Bryan and I had gone anywhere overnight together. This combined with a new clinician and riding in front of strangers help plant a few butterflies in my stomach! My good friend Sheryl Steckel (aka: groom/hand holder and best pal) hauled us to Stern Ranch in Riverside. Upon arrival we were greeted by Robette Stern whose hearty welcome made us feel relaxed right away. The stalls were airy and well bedded, the dressage courts groomed and watered. That night, we had the opportunity to meet the other participants and listen to Volker Brommann as he filled us in on his experience, philosophy on training and most importantly, his expectations for each and every one of us over the weekend. Bryan settled in like a champ and we were ready for Saturday’s first lesson. All I can say about the first lesson is that Volker figured us out (and our “issues”) in less than 15 minutes! A careful evaluation of our warm-up was done then WHAM it was time to get to work. Volker’s eye is excellent and his method of teaching allowed me to add more tools to my training box. Carol Tice was a comedian – she thought it would be quite funny to pair me with another rider with the same initials (Valerie G.) also riding a sport pony. Needless to say, we went through a myriad of nicknames throughout the weekend, finally settling on “The flying change girls”. I was often referred to as “Bryan” during our lessons while the other Valerie, who owned “Clooney”, kept being called “George” by Volker! Watching all of the riders ranging from Prix St. George’s to Second Level was very educational, and I picked up a gem or two from each rider. A big thank you to CDS for the Adult Amateur Program, Carol Tice for her amazing organizational skills and sense of humor, Volker Brommann for taking such great care with not only myself but with every rider there. And finally to Robette Stern who deserves a big thank you for donating her lovely facility. Valerie Goodman I would like to thank CDS and the Pomona Chapter for the opportunity to attend the Adult Amateur Clinic at the Stern Training Stable. Volker really helped me identify the issues I’ve had and provided a basis upon which to continue our progress to Third Level. The relaxed atmosphere as well as June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 9 KATHLEEN WHETSELL / WINSLETT VALERIE GABRIEL / CLOONEY AT, VALERIE GOODMAN / BRYAN, VOLKER BROMMANN the professionalism of Volker added to the experience. It’s was particularly helpful to see that we all have the same challenges. I learned as much watching the other participants as I did while riding my own horse. I would encourage all Adult Amateurs to participate in this program, regardless of their experience level. I would also like to thank the management of Stern Training Stable for the use of the facility and the hospitality of the staff and employees. Their behind the scenes work made the weekend very relaxed and stress free. Additionally, Carol Tice did an amazing job organizing the event. Eric Grimm The Amateur Clinic with Volker Brommann was amazing! The riders representing their Chapters definitely showcased the high quality of CDS amateur riders. Volker worked so well with everyone; giving them clear instruction and progressive exercises to take home and work on after the clinic. His ability to explain the theory made it real and directly applicable to each of us. Volker is very approachable and the all-amateur format I feel, allowed the participants to ask questions and participate in conversations that they might not have felt as comfortable doing in a clinic with professionals riding. As an instructor and trainer, I really appreciated Volker’s input and suggestions for my husband and student Eric. Volker was able to help Eric clarify something we have been working on and take it up a notch. Volker also took the time to discuss with me ideas he had to help Eric in the future. It was a rare opportunity to work instructor to instructor in such a candid and honest way. Thank you CDS for the opportunity, Carol Tice for the organization and to Stern Training Stable for the lovely facility. Faith Grimm I was lucky enough to be able to ride in the Adult Amateur Clinic with Volker Brommann on the weekend of April 10, 11 and 12th. Thank you to the ICC Chapter for this great opportunity, to Robette at Stern Training Stables for hosting the clinic. The facility was great, especially the covered arena, and the care they gave our horses was outstanding. Robette was a joy to talk to. I also would like to thank the Pomona Chapter for providing us with the Pizza dinner on Friday night. What an awesome experience this was, I had fun and learned so much. Not only from my time with Volker, but also by watching the other amazing riders. I was lucky enough to have my family video my ride, I am still watching and learning. Thank you ICC Chapter and Volker Brommann for allowing me the opportunity to grow in my passion for this sport. Michelle Hill and Grand Espoir The opportunity to ride with a high caliber clinician such as Volker Brommann was invaluable. It was also ERIC GRIMM / REMISE PHOTOS BY CAROL TICE MARIA MICHAELSON / WASABI inspiring to make new friends with fellow amateurs and share our experiences of trying to ride better while balancing work, family and finances. As a clinician, Volker was very realistic about what can be accomplished in a two day clinic and did not overwhelm riders by making too many corrections. Volker enhanced our riding by repeating things that many of us have heard at home using his sense of humor with comments like: “Walk like you are trying to catch a bus, not window shopping for shoes”; “Your horse has two healthy hind legs, he does not need your hands to support him”; “Your boots cost over $1,000.00, you should use them and keep them on the horse” and my favorite (constantly used by my own trainer) “Plan then ride”. With humor and encouragement, Volker helped me experience the 2-tempi changes for the first time and improve my aids in the canter pirouettes to keep from blocking my horse while turning. My grateful appreciation goes to the CDS members who donate their time and resources to make the amateur clinic possible. In particular, thank you to Carol Tice who worked tirelessly all weekend to make sure we were all happy, well fed, and entertained. Also, thank you to Robette of Stern Training Stables for allowing us to use her facility, and to my trainer Peggy Klump for providing horse transport, coaching, and moral support. Suzanne Kramer-Morton (Watik Wadai aka Voom) Thank you once again for the fantastic opportunity to be a part of the Adult Amateur clinic this year. I was able to get this chance due someone else’s misfortune as I was on the wait list. This was a great chance to ride with a wonderful clinician. Volker was very down to earth and had a quick sense of humor. Balance, straightness and consistent tempo was the common element for all the riders that weekend. We all had improved rides the second day and lots of happy smiles, I think even the horses were smiling. Volker said he could not make big changes but only small “tweaks”. But those small “tweaks” made some very big and positive changes. We had such a great group of riders of all levels and very gracious hosts at Stern Stables. “Thank You” Stern Stables and “Thank You” Carol Tice! Maria Michaelson and Wally (aka Wasabi) I would like to send a HUGE THANK YOU to both the California Dressage Society and in particular the Los Angeles Chapter for sponsoring the Linda O’Carroll Southern Region Adult Amateur Clinic and my participation. I had been watching my email waiting to find out whose name would be drawn from the hat and was thrilled to find out it was me! I had ridden previously with Volker Brommann prior to his relocation to northern California and was excited to be part of this wonderful annual educational opportunity. Carol Tice did an amazing job scheduling the riders and making June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 10 SUZANNE MORTON / WATIH WADAI HEATHER NEELY / ENCHANTE, VOLKER BROMMANN sure everything hummed along each day – from move-in, to our group dinner at a quirky Mexican restaurant/sculpture garden, to final departure, without missing a beat. The host facility was in a quiet setting (although the proximity to a regional airport made it difficult to hear some of Volker’s instruction when watching the other riders, particularly on Saturday, but it didn’t seem to faze any of the horses) and all the horses settled right in and were relaxed during their lessons. I overheard several riders commenting on how they did not have the nervous, tense horses they were expecting. Always a good thing! Our host Robette and her wonderful foreman Manuel kept the grounds immaculate, the stalls clean, the visiting horses fed and the arenas well-maintained. We all appreciated all the work that went into spiffing up the barns and the covered arena in advance of this event. Volker Brommann is an amazing instructor with a wonderful sense of humor and an eagle-sharp eye that dials into each horse and rider with amazing accuracy. He systematically and patiently worked each horse and rider combination through the training scale – Saturday’s rides focused on relaxation, rhythm, and contact and having us riders constantly going back to these basics while maintaining an active tempo that kept the horse in their own balance. Sunday, he built on these skills in a progressive manner, stacking the building blocks to keep the horse supple and happy in their work. Each horse and rider combination improved on the second day, and smiles were in abundant supply. I was fortunate that my coach was able to watch my ride on the first day and helps me continue with Volker’s exercises during my schooling at home. I cannot emphasize enough how wonderful it is that CDS underwrites these clinics. Think of all the work that goes into hosting these in three locations so that we adult amateurs have the opportunity to spend two days fully immersed in dressage, learning from highly qualified instructors, snacking (!), and auditing other rides. EVERY adult amateur should put their name in the hat or send in their check to reserve a spot on the wait list or, at the least, take a day to audit. You will learn a lot and your horse will thank you. Heather Neely I just returned home from participating in the Linda O’Carroll Memorial Adult Amateur Clinic with Volker Brommann and have to express my thanks to everyone involved. The opportunity for amateur riders to immerse themselves in a weekend of training with a top professional is beyond compare and I am very grateful that CDS has provided this program for riders like me. I am also very grateful to the Tehachapi Chapter for selecting me to represent our chapter this year. Every aspect was beautifully organized by Carol Tice. Thank you Carol for all your hard work! When I arrived on Sunday morning to find my horse, Luke, had tweaked his shoe, she ceaselessly networked to find a farrier. Fellow rider, Michelle, was able to contact her farrier who came out and reset Luke’s shoe; I cannot thank everyone enough for pitching in to help me out. LIZBETH ROGUSZ / LUKE ANITA SOHUS / CEZANNE A special thanks to Robette Stern for graciously hosting this event at her lovely facility. She and her staff were so friendly and helpful, we felt quite at home. Of course, a big thanks to Volker for providing his time and talent. Throughout the clinic I was greatly impressed at how he could make small adjustments to what the rider was doing that resulted in a big improvement in their horse’s movement. He also provided simple and effective exercises to correct problems. His knowledge is astounding, and he has a sense of humor that put the riders at ease. I came home with pages of notes. Thank you for helping me work through some tension issues at the beginning of the first day and for showing me how to bring out the best of Luke’s movement. We are already putting what we learned to use at home. Finally, thanks to all my fellow riders. Everyone was so friendly and supportive and I enjoyed getting to know you and sharing this great opportunity. Liz Rogusz and Luke Thank you for the opportunity to ride in the CDS Amateur Clinic Southern Region in Riverside with Volker Brommann. It was a fun weekend. Thank you to Carol Tice for organizing it (and many other clinics), to Robette Stern for allowing us to use her property, and to the Pomona Chapter for the pizza dinner and daily snacks. Stern Training Stables, along the Santa Ana River, has been in Robette’s family for over 60 years, and she can do it all, from being a world champion on her paint horse to driving a mean tractor to drag the arena. We were grateful for the covered arena although fortunately it was not crazy hot. I have audited several CDS Amateur Clinics, but this was my first time riding in one. Many thanks to barn mate Petra Jorgensen for videoing us on Sunday--seeing is believing, as they say. Volker is a great clinician, low key, encouraging, with a dry humor and many great visual analogies. At the Friday night pizza dinner he talked about the format and expectations for the weekend, and stressed that we were all where we were due to our hard work with our own trainers, so he would just look for tweaks that could make improvements. He wasn’t sure what to expect of my 24-year old schoolmaster Cezanne, but from our first steps Cez showed that age is only a state of mind. He seemed to quite enjoy the attention and showed beautiful forward trot work with his huge suspension and big overcrossing on his half passes. Volker encouraged me to encourage Cez to step more under behind: “you have a long Cadillac, make it more compact, like a Fiat!” He also chided me on the size of my circles, noting that if I start my turns down center line a little short rather than starting too large, then I can adjust. We also practiced flying changes; Volker described changes as “just canter departs.” We shared our rides with barn mate Jan Bennett and Pico, and did some fun figures together. As we halted together, Volker commented on the too large distance between us, at which we June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 11 pointed to each other’s horses and said “He kicks, and He strikes!” so Volker was glad to listen to the riders! Anita Sohus I was delighted to have the opportunity to attend the Volker Brommann Adult Amateur Clinic at the Stern Stables in Riverside. The Pomona Chapter generously donated the healthy and hearty pizza and cookies on Friday night. Quite sure the bountiful snacks fueling us riders during the weekend was also from the Pomona Chapter!!!! During my group lesson, with the bashfully talented Lizbeth Rogusz and her lovely boy Luke, a foggy Saturday morning first to go, luckily my horse Ruby settled in well and was on her best (as can be behavior). Volker Brommann was able to help polish some weaknesses I have and was able to advise us on how to help correct movements that we are just learning. Since the clinic, it has been great using the new exercises I was shown during the clinic. What a wonderful experience watching the other participants and their equine companions show off. What an eclectic group of horses and ponies! Thank you to the San Diego Chapter for pulling my name out of the hat. I was so honored to go and be part of such a well organized and hosted CDS event. Caroline Underwood and Aruba I’ve always wanted to attend the CDS Adult a BLAST! It was a great opportunity to learn from an outstanding clinician while also bonding with fellow dressage enthusiasts. Volker Brommann not only had a great sense of humor but he zeroed right in on the weaknesses in my riding and sent me home with tools and exercises for improvement. Thank you Volker. Special thanks also to Carol Tice who worked very hard to organize the clinic and make it very nice for all the participants. And thank you especially to the San Juan Capistrano Chapter of CDS for selecting me as this year’s Amateur Clinic participant. Kathleen Whetsell Jan Bennett / Pico - Los Angeles Chapter Valerie Gabriel / Clooney AT - Los Angeles Chapter Valerie Goodman / Bryan - Palos Verdes Chapter Eric Grimm / Remise - Pomona Chapter Michelle Hill / Grand Espoir - Inland Communities Chapter Maria Michaelson / Wasabi - Pomona Chapter Suzanne Morton / Watih Wadai - Santa Barbara Chapter Heather Neely / Enchante - Los Angeles Chapter Lizbeth Rogusz / Luke - Tehachapi Chapter Anita Sohus / Cezanne - Los Angeles Chapter Caroline Underwood / Aruba - San Diego Chapter Kathleen Whetsell / Winslett - San Juan Capistrano Chapter Amateur Clinic and this was finally my lucky year. The clinic was Proud to sponsor 2015 RAAC High Score Awards – Elite & Novice Divisions June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 12 • USEF USEF • • USDF USDF • • FEI FEI • • USEF USEF • • USDF USDF • • • U.S. Dressage Combinations Ready for European Competition The U.S. Dressage team is ready for an exciting summer of European competition, as American combinations will contest renowned shows. Following successful fundraising efforts and the continued generosity of the USET Foundation, USOC, and USEF Sponsors and Members, an additional 13 combinations have been awarded grants by the USEF to compete and train in Europe. Dressage Pan American Games European CDI Observation Event Squad Members of the Squad arrived at Gut Ising in Germany on April 30 having traveled well on the flight arranged by The Dutta Corp. As part of its sponsorship of USEF Dressage Programs, The Dutta Corp. covered a portion of the expenses for the trip. European Competition and Training Grants The following combinations have been awarded European Competition and Training Grants: Shelly Francis (FL) with Patricia Stempel’s Doktor and Danilo Catherine Haddad-Staller (FL) with Rowan O’Riley’s Mane Stream Hotmail Brian Hafner – CDS (Penngrove, CA) with his own and Rebecca Hafner’s Lombardo LHF Charlotte Jorst - CDS (Reno, NV) with Kastel Denmark’s Kastel’s Nintendo Devon Kane (FL) with Diamante Farms’ Destiny Tuny Page (FL) with her own Alina and Woodstock Kasey Perry – CDS (Orangevale, CA) with Diane Perry’s Trostruplund’s Scarlet European CDIOs Promising American combinations are set to compete in four European Nations Cups over the summer. CDIO5* Rotterdam, CDIO5* Hagen, CDIO5* Falsterbo, and CDIO3* Hickstead USEF Developing Dressage Program Two participants of the USEF Developing Dressage Program, supported by the ongoing gift through the USET Foundation Trustee Akiko Yamazaki/Red Husky Foundation, have been awarded grants to train and compete in European U-25 competitions. Chase Hickock (FL) with Hyperion Farm, Inc.’s Sagacious HF and Genay Vaughn – CDS (Elk Grove, CA) with Starr Vaughn Equestrian, Inc’s Hanoverian stallion Donarweiss GGF will compete at two European CDI-U25s in July. USEF Dressage Young Rider European Tour Based on the ranking and selection process for the USEF Dressage Young Rider European Tour, the following combinations have been named for the U.S. Team for CDIO-Y Hagen, in Hagen, Germany, June 16-21, 2015 (in ranked order): Catherine Chamberlain – CDS (Murrieta, CA) with Kimberly Pribble’s Avesto Van Weltevreden, *Chamberlain will also be an alternate on her own gelding Verdicci. Ayden Uhlir (FL) with her own Sjapoer, Barbara Davis (FL) with Michael Davis’ Feivel Mousekewitz. Cassidy Gallman – CDS (Poway, CA) and her own Hanoverian gelding Grand Makana will serve as first alternates and Lindsey Brewin – CDS (San Ramon, CA) and her own Dutch gelding Vaillant will serve as second alternates. Both Chamberlain and Uhlir have received grants to compete on the USEF Dressage Young Rider European Tour. The USEF International High Performance Programs are generously supported by the USET Foundation, USOC, and USEF Sponsors and Members. 2016 Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championship USDF has selected the dates and locations for the 2016 Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championships, presented by SmartPak and supported by Merial. Region 1 (September 16-18) at the Senator Martin Center, Williamston, NC Region 2 (September 22-25) at the Lamplight Equestrian Center, Wayne, IL Region 3 (October 14-16) at the Georgia International Horse Park, Conyers, GA Region 4 (September 8-11) at the North Iowa Events Center, Mason City, IA Region 5 (September 15-18) at the Stanley Park Fair Grounds, Estes Park, CO Region 6 (September 15-18) at Donida Farm, Auburn, WA Region 7 (September 29-October 1) at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center, Burbank, CA Region 8 (September 22-25) at HITS on the Hudson, Saugerties, NY Region 9 (October 13-16) at the Great Southwest Equestrian Center, Katy, TX These championships recognize the outstanding efforts of riders in each USDF region and provide an excellent opportunity for spectators to view the top competitors in their respective regions. Additionally, the top amateur and open riders at each of the championships, who have submitted a declaration of intent, and completed all other requirements, will receive an invitation to compete at the US Dressage Finals presented by Adequan. Kathy Sedlak of Great American Insurance Group added, “Our role as title sponsor of the regional and breeders championships has afforded a great opportunity to acknowledge outstanding individuals and the sport of dressage.” Competitors qualify for Great American/ USDF Regional Championships by competing in designated qualifying classes throughout the year at USDF-recognized competitions. For more information on the regional championship program or the US Dressage Finals presented by Adequan, visit the USDF website at www., or contact the USDF competitions department at Founded in 1973, the United States Dressage Federation is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to education, recognition of achievement, and promotion of dressage. For more information about USDF membership June 2015~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 13 or programs, visit, e-mail, or call (859) 971-2277. USDF Spring Executive Board Meeting - Terry Wilson This year’s USDF Spring Executive Board meeting was held April 16-18 in Las Vegas so the Board members could meet in the mornings and attend the World Cup during the afternoons. Executive Director Stephan Hienzsch presented a lengthy report on the “state of the Federation.” Membership has been holding steady with PMs increasing while GMs are decreasing. The Federation’s priority must be how to help GMOs maintain their members. will be getting an upgrade in 2015 including the ability for members to track progress toward awards recognition. The website needs to undergo a major redesign, providing an “easy-to-navigate, visually captivating experience.” The 2015 online Stallion Guide was published with additional editorial features; “On the Levels” DVD sales and online subscriptions are doing well; the weekly podcast continues to gain an audience; and eTRAK Facebook’s redesign and new content are having a positive response. The staff created a promo video that played on the arena screen throughout the World Cup as well as an ad in the event program and a booth at the trade fair. The FEI Trainers Conference with Stephen Clark in Florida was again very well attended. Plans are underway to hold two conferences in 2016, one in California at El Sueno Equestrian Center in Somis. As for competitions - the Competition Managers and Secretaries Mentor Program has received an appreciative response. The Vintage Cup will be divided into open and adult amateur, and there will be Dressage Seat Equitation Rider Awards. The lapel pins will be colored and represent the number of scores at various percentages. Plans are underway for the U.S. Dressage Finals with all 2014 sponsors renewing for 2015. USDF is partnering with the Intercollegiate Dressage Association to create a new type of competition for the IDA Nationals - a National Quiz Challenge. Hilltop Farm will be sponsoring this challenge. Visit the IDA website for further information or to test yourself. This year’s Convention will be in Las Vegas with Region 7 as the host. Plans are to hold education sessions on Wednesday evening, Saturday and Sunday. Also there may be sessions during the BOG for those who do not need to attend the General Assembly. Full Convention registrants will be able to “attend” all education sessions regardless of schedule conflicts via an access code to online recordings. Again we are lucky to coordinate with the AAEP and so have the special opportunity to arrange for some veterinarians conduct educational sessions. The Competition Management Committee plans to hold a special session focusing on sponsorship, financials, • USEF USEF • • USDF USDF • • FEI FEI • • USEF USEF • • USDF USDF • • • and insurance concerns on Saturday afternoon between the BOG and the Awards Banquet. The 2016 Convention will be in St. Louis. It was decided to hold the 2017 Annual Convention in Lexington since the member survey indicated that Lexington should be added to the rotation. Proceeding through the various committee reports, the EB passed several important changes suggested by these groups. 1) The Historical Recognition Committee proposed a new “Member of Distinction” award for those who have been influential in the promotion of dressage in their areas, but who may not qualify for the Hall of Fame or Lifetime Achievement. The EB totally agreed, passing this proposal. 2) The Technical Delegate Committee proposed a fund be established through The Dressage Foundation that would annually award an education grant to a T.D. who is working to gain promotion from “r” to “R”. The fund would be named in honor of Veronica Holt. This proposal was also passed. Region 5 announced that it had already set up such a fund and received donations. 3) The Freestyle Committee proposed requiring competitions offering freestyle classes to provide sound systems. When competitors provide their own systems, often the sound is not audible to both the judge and the rider. There are many potential problems with this proposal, and the discussion focused on how technology is both complicated and changing so rapidly that making rules may not be a good idea. It was decided to send the issue back to the Committee with a recommendation to ask USEF for a “guideline” about an “appropriate sound system” and to work with competition managers to address the types of media and sound system formats. USDF and USEF are working together on the continuing education for freestyles. USDF has approved a test program written by Terry Gallo and is providing the requested educational materials. USEF must approve continuing education programs based on time, place, and presenter and then conduct online testing of the participants. 4) The proposed Para Dressage Rider of the Year award was accepted. 5) The Youth Programs Committee asked that the High School Dressage Club Program be discontinued and replaced by the implementation of a youth dressage rider recognition pin program. They also recommended changing the Shining Star Program so that any youth, not just USDF members, may be awarded a Star. These requests were all granted. 6) The Sport Horse Committee will be holding a pilot program sponsored by and held at Dressage at Devon to introduce young people to the USDF Breeders Series concept and to teach safe handling techniques. This Committee also submitted the Rules and Guidelines for the Materiale Championships to be implemented in October in conjunction with the Breeders Championship Series Finals. The proposed Rules and Guidelines were approved. 7) The RC Site Selection Working Group approved the Regional Director’s recommendation that the 2016 championship be conducted by CDS at LAEC, September 29 to October 1. 8) An Adult Clinics Task Force has been formed to explore the future of the Adult Clinic Series. They are to focus on the educational goals, the intended audience, the types of riders, EQUINE INSURANCE CDI OB21295 a division of Parker General Insurance welcomes Tracey Lert, Producer Cell: (831) 818-6443 Office: (800) 321-5723 Fax: (626) 445-5100 License # 0676841 EQUINE MORTALITY • FARM & RANCH COMMERCIAL PACKAGES TRAINER LIABILITY • EQUINE SURGICAL & MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE CARE, CUSTODY & CONTROL WORkERS’ COMPENSATION & EMPLOYERS LIABILITY Donna Chopp & Joe Parker • P.O. Box 661030, Arcadia, CA 91066 • (800) 321-5723 June 2015~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 14 the locations, and the relationship between these clinics and those run privately or by GMOs. Ellen Corob will represent Region 7 on this Task Force. enjoy your time in the saddle we have you covered! EQUINE MORTALITY TRAINER LIABILITY CARE, CUSTODY AND CONTROL FARM & RANCH COMMERCIAL PACKAGES EQUINE SURGICAL & MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE WORKERS’ COMPENSATION & EMPLOYERS LIABILITY follow us! CDI OB21295 . A division of Parker General Insurance (800) 321-5723 June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 15 Donna & Joe Parker • BULLETIN BULLETIN • • BULLETIN BULLETIN • • BULLETIN BULLETIN • • • Executive Board calendar Board. The committee shall receive nominations from the Active Membership and shall, where necessary, nominate individuals for office. Nominations from the membership shall be made by submitting a petition to the nominations committee, signed by ten (10) Active Members. 2. Candidates to submit a Declaration of Intent to run for the CDS Board to one of the members of the Nominating Committee and indicate which position they are running for, i.e. Election Results Director at Large or Regional Director. The bylaws committee recommended changes Along with this declaration should be the to keep CDS more contemporary and current required petition with ten signatures of CDS with the needs of the society. CDS held a special members in good standing and a short biography election for the membership to vote on the to be published on the ballot. suggested changes. Voting closed April 2, 2015. 3. Deadline for receiving Declarations of The voting was carried out online with paper Intent will be August 15, 2015. ballots mailed to those without email addresses 4. Ballots are to be emailed to the membership on file with CDS. and CDS will conduct online voting and the Approve 412 last day to vote or return your ballot will be Disapprove 29 September 15, 2015. Bylaw changes have been voted in. Current 5. Ballots shall be counted five days after the bylaws can be seen on the CDS website under deadline and the CDS Board President shall be Forms. notified. 6. Candidates shall be notified by the Board Guidelines for the President as soon as possible. Positions open for the 2016-2018 terms Nominating Committee 1. The Nominating committee is to be named Southern Regional Director Northern Regional Director by the CDS Board. It shall be the duty of this Director At Large committee to present a list of nominees for Consider getting involved with CDS and run for all offices open for election to the Executive the Board. All minutes of the Executive Board meetings are sent to your Chapter chairman. If you are interested in knowing what went on at the Board meeting, ask your Chapter chairman to read the minutes at your Chapter meetings. Next Meetings: June 9 (Orange County), August 26 (San Jose), November 16 (Orange County). Roster Updates and Corrections Lynae Ormsby L graduate 8757 Sequoia Wood Court, Elk Grove, CA 95624 916-230-3317 East Bay Chapter Chair Georganne Benesch 925-606-0465, CDS Young Horse Futurity The California Dressage Society Young Horse Futurity is held with the CDS Championship, and is divided into age groups of 4-Year Olds, 5-Year Olds and 6-Year Olds with Open and Amateur in each age division. Entrants will ride two USEF tests, each of which is judged by two judges. Four-Year-Olds will ride Training Level Tests 2 and 3; Five-Year-Olds will ride First Level Tests 1 and 2; Six-Year-Olds will ride Second Level Tests 1 and 2. The total number of points determines the placings. There are awards to first and ribbons to 10th place in each division. Horses may have shown at any level prior to nomination, no previous show restrictions. All nomination fees received go into the purse which is divided among the six highest total scoring entrants in each division ~ Adult Amateur or Open, as follows: 1st - 30%, 2nd 25%, 3rd - 20%, 4th - 15%, 5th - 5%, 6th - 5%. REGIONAL ADULT AMATEUR COMPETITION 2015 NORTH RAAC June 20-21 Sponsored by Equine Insurance QUALIFYING SCORES NEW Basic Level 3 scores from 2 different judges Introductory C test at 65% or higher Novice only Training Level 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher First Level 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher Second Level 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher Third Level 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher Fourth Level 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher Prix St Georges 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher Intermediare 1 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher AWARDS COOLERS ~ NECK RIBBONS HIGH SCORE ELITE HIGH SCORE NOVICE ROSES AWARD SACRAMENTO VALLEY CHAPTER CDS CONTACT: CHRISTIANE NOELTING 707-454-0565 VACAVILLE, CA QUALIFYING: SEP 1, 2014 - JUNE 8, 2015 June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 16 • BULLETIN BULLETIN • • BULLETIN BULLETIN • • BULLETIN BULLETIN • • • The CAL BRED Futurity: is open to horses already entered in the CDS Futurity who were foaled in California or Nevada. The Perpetual Trophy, ribbons and cash awards are based on the highest placing, regardless of Adult Amateur or Open status or age division. The Cal-Bred purse, which consists of all nomination fees from entered horses, is divided on the same percentage basis as the CDS Futurity. Be sure to get your young horse nominated for this year’s Futurity! Last year’s Futurity and Cal Bred Purse was over $16,000. Eligible 4 Year Olds Eligible 5 Year Olds WYLEIGH PRINCESS / HAN Eligible 6 Year Olds •COMPETITION GRANTS• GRANTS• •COMPETITION Each calendar year competitions will be chosen for financial assistance. A certain amount of money will be budgeted for each venue and this amount will be distributed equally among qualified participants who have sent in a Letter of Intent before the competition. The competition grant money will be funded by the $3.00 rider fee from each show; the sale of CDS merchandise, the general fund and donations. If anyone wishes to donate money specifically to riders going to national and international final selection trials, they may send it to the CDS Competition Grant Fund. Note: All riders hoping to go to the 2015 North American Junior Young Rider Championships, or to the Selection Finals of International Teams, or National Championships, and USEF ParaEquestrian National Championship should contact the CDS Central Office for a Letter of Intent as soon as possible. Only riders with Letters of Intent on file will be considered for Competition Grants for final selection trials. The co-ordinator of the Junior /Young Riders must fill out a Letter of Intent for the entire team. Payment will normally be made upon return from the event for which the grant has been made. The final cut off date for Letter of Intent is before the event. Some of the recent show contributions were: Regional Adult Amateur Golden State Dressage Festival CDI 4/2-5 480.00 Competition - RAAC AHANC 4/9-12118.00 The mission of these competitions is to Temecula April Madness 4/11-12 249.00 provide an opportunity for all CDS Adult Spring Dressage 4/11-12 120.00 Amateur riders to qualify and compete against East Bay Chapter 4/11-12 204.00 others of similar skills and experience. The Del Mar National CDI 4/23-26 672.00 regional nature of these shows will help provide Sierra Nevada Chapter Spring 4/25-26 174.00 our membership with a developmental path Yarra Yarra Dressage 4/26 213.00 to gain competitive experience, to promote San Luis Obispo Central Coast Dressage 5/2-3 174.00 excellence and increase awareness of and Shasta Chapter Spring Show 5/2-3 63.00 support for CDS Chapters. Starr Vaughn I 5/8-10 282.00 Winners of each level, Training through Intermediaire 1, Novice and Elite, will automatically be considered qualified for the CDS Championships. Shows selected for 2015 NORTH –Sacramento Valley Chapter and Noelting Dressage (Vacaville) June 20-21 (***). CENTRAL - Gavilan Chapter and Gilroy Gaits (Hollister) July 3-5 (***). SOUTH – Los Angeles / San Juan Capistrano Chapters (Burbank) August 20-23 (***). Riding is a Team Sport Dressage Letters per household Are there many CDS members in your household? Are they all receiving Dressage Letters? If you would like to receive just one issue of Dressage Letters please contact the Central Office and let us know so we can eliminate the duplicate mailings. Call 831-6595696, or email Central Office The CDS Central Office phone is 831/6595696; hours are Tuesday and Wednesday 2-7pm and Thursday and Friday 1-5 pm. If you cannot call during office hours, please feel free to leave a message of any length and your call will be returned as soon as possible. If you would like to e-mail a request or question: If you need Chapter labels, rosters, omnibus or other supplies, please make your request in advance. FAX 831/659-2383. Check out CDS on the internet: Jaclyn Pepper on Taboo placed 4th in the Young Rider Team test at the Festival of Champions in Gladstone, NJ. Jaclyn uses Circle Oak Equine, in Petaluma CA, to keep Taboo in tip-top shape. We’re on your team! June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 17 2015 Markel/Cornerstone Markel/Cornerstone Talent Talent Search Search 2015 Over $10,000 $10,000 in in prize prize money money and and awards awards Over Four, Year Old OldHorses Horses Four,Five Five and and Six Six Year Markel/Cornerstone Talent Search Markel/Cornerstone Talent Search is looking for the next Horse Stars. is looking for the next Horse Stars. Horses qualifying with two scores Horses qualifying with two scores of 65% or better for the four and five of 65% or better for the four and five year olds and 63% for six year olds, year olds and 63% for six year olds, in a designated qualifying class, in a designated qualifying class, are eligible to participate in the finals are eligible to participate in the finals at Cool August Nights in Burbank. Horse at Cool August Nights in Burbank. Horse may be ridden by different rider in finals. may be ridden by different rider in finals. Talent Search will have designated qualifying classes at each of the following shows: Talent Search will have designated qualifying classes at of the following shows: Festival ofeach the Horse March 26-28 Woodside Spring Dressage May15-17 15-17 May Dressage at Flintridge May22-24 22-24 May Star Spangled Dressage June26-28 26-28 June 2014 4 Year Old Markel/Cornerstone Talent Search Winners Tie Congratulations to Sabine Schut-Kery and the talented Hanoverian Hilda Gurney & Lotta SilverNational and Willy Arts & Famebria stallion Sanceo, owned by Alice Womble. Champion Markel/ DG USEF Young Horse Program and Markel Talent Search participant. We wish them every success on the road to the Pan American Games. CDS LA Chapter Summer Show July July4-5 4-5 Woodside Summer Dressage July July10-12 10-12 Woodside Finale Finale Dressage Dressage Woodside Aug. Aug.14-15 14-15 Cool August August Nights Cool Aug. Aug.20-23 20-23 class. Money will willbe beawarded awardedinineach eachqualifying qualifyingclass. Prize Money Lisa Seger • Lisa Seger Insurance Lisa Seger • Lisa Seger Insurance Your Horse, Farm, Ranch and Winery Resource Your Horse, Farm, Ranch and Winery Resource (877) 776-8398 • (877) 776-8398 • . www Offices in Newport Beach, CA & Phoenix, AZ Offices in Newport Beach, CA & Phoenix, AZ CA License No. 0F64340 CA License No. 0F64340 FINALS AT COOL COOL AUGUST AUGUSTNIGHTS NIGHTS FINALS AT Over in prize awards Over $6,000 $6,000 in prize money money and and awards For information on on the the Talent Talent Search, Search, contact For more more information contact Glenda at,, call call (818) (818) 841-3554 841-3554 or or visit visit Glenda at the website the website June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 18 BENT JENSEN (DENMARK) CHARLOTTE BREDAHL (USA) AND CARL HESTER (GREAT BRITAIN) World Cup Entertainment “GREASE” JAN EBELING AND CHARLOTTE BREDAHL PAS DE DEUX “GREASE” JAN AND CHARLOTTE Several months before the World Cup, Glenda asked me to do a Pas De Deux with Jan Ebeling. I told Glenda I didn’t have a Grand Prix horse, but my mare Chanel was getting there. She had just started the one tempis and piaffe. The passage was easy for her and pretty confirmed. After I consulted with Jan, we said yes and then had to come up with a plan. We knew we had to be in costumes and tried to come up with a famous duo. Earlier this year I had gotten to know Olivia Newton-John and always loved her songs. When I first brought up Grease to Jan and Amy, they were not too excited. NICOLE BHATHAL AND JUDGE MARIA SCHWENNESEN WORLD CUP SCRIBES: BRENT HICKS, MARTHA None of us could come up with another pair, who all ages could GOODNEY, KATHY KING, NICOLE BHATHAL, MAUREEN VAN TUYL, PAULA LANGAN relate to, so the Grease theme was confirmed. Karen Robinson put the music together and once we practiced it, we all loved it. Then we had to come up with a choreography, that wasn’t going to Scribing at 2015 World Cup Dressage, Las Vegas stress out my very green Grand Prix horse Chanel. We made long By Nicole Bhathal, Southern Regional Director for CDS uncomplicated lines, but with all Grand Prix movements included. What a wonderful opportunity I had to scribe for FEI 4* judge The weekend before, I was in LA teaching Youth clinic at Epona Maria Schwennesen of Australia at the 2015 World Cup Dressage Farms and managed to find time to practice with Jan. On Monday Finals in Las Vegas! I first scribed for Maria at the San Juan we drove to Vegas. Capistrano CDI competitions back in March. I was impressed not So exciting to arrive at the Thomas & Mack arena and be only by her high expertise but also by her funny sense of humor surrounded by the best horses and riders in the world. Every day and humbleness. She has a way about her that makes you feel so we got to watch them all train. Because this was also a Jumping comfortable scribing, even for the world’s best horses and riders. World Cup, times were tight to get into the main arena. Twice Jan She is quick, precise, and always “spot on” with her comments. A and I had to practice at 6am. On Wednesday afternoon, we got to true inspiration to be around. practice in front of quite a few spectators, who had come to watch Sitting on ground floor next to Maria was sensational! Up close the warm up. It was a good confidence builder, because neither one you can see all the rider’s subtleties, hear the horse’s breaths, and of our horses reacted to the crowd at all. feel the vibrations from their hoofbeats. To watch Valegro earn his Thursday was the Grand Prix and the rides were fantastic and 10s right before my eyes was something I will never forget. All the Valegro was close to perfection. On Friday it was time for Dressage horses and riders were just so talented. A true cut above the rest. Showcase introducing some of our upcoming superstars including I am currently in the L program to gain a broader understanding Steffen Peters on Rosamunde and Sabine Schut Kery on Sanceo. of the evaluative techniques of judging dressage. It is a long, hard Then it was time for our fun Pas De Deux class. Jan and I were road to becoming a judge but experiences like these make me want last, so we didn’t get a chance to see the rest of the group perform. to keep going on this journey. I am grateful and honored to have Warm up was fun, with some incredible costumes including Elvis been a part of World Cup and one day I hope to be ringing the bell with show girls. I thought for sure the feathers would unravel for the top horses and riders to go down centerline! Chanel and other horses, but they were all fine. As soon as we The atmosphere was electric at World Cup and just exactly what entered the arena the spectators started laughing because of our dressage needs to elevate our sport. It was super to have “selfies outfits. I laughed every time I looked at Jan in his wig. The horses with the stars” and so many wonderful vendors and equine artists. were great, so it was easy to relax and just have fun. At the end of This is the new age of modern dressage and the future is bright! the ride we got some hilarious comments from World Cup judges Stephen Clarke, Linda Zang and HC Mathiesen. We ended up winning. Such a fun time and the audience really got into it. They loved the fact they were allowed to cheer and clap throughout the ride. Saturday Valegro was again in his own class winning the World Cup Spectator freestyle with a flawless ride. So inspiring to watch. Being on the I was a spectator and I LOVED IT!!!!! I was also at the World inside of the World Cup was such a great experience, especially Equestrian Games in Normandy, France, in August 2014 and it being able to watch the daily training. I also loved seeing so many was great to see some of those horses again, and TO SEE THEM IMPROVE, EVEN THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Very inspiring. old friends from all over the world. Ellen Corob Charlotte Bredahl June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 19 CHARLOTTE DUJARDIN / VALEGRO, EDWARD GAL / GLOCK’S UNDERCOVER CHARLOTTE DUJARDIN / VALEGRO THE THOMAS AND MACK ARENA PHOTOS BY BRENT HICKS ANDE CHRISCADEN SHAREEN PURCELL NICOLE BHATHAL CHARLOTTE BREDAHL LAURA GRAVES AND VERDADES IN THE HONOR ROUNDS World Cup – Las Vegas, 2015 STEFFEN PETERS by Maureen Van Tuyl Well, here we were – again in the depths of the Thomas Mack Pavilion, wondering how the judges’ stands would be set up this time as now there would be seven judges instead of the previous number of five. Paula, Brent, Kathy and I prowled around the “bowels” of the building trying to figure what changes had been made to the underside of the seating areas, trying to locate where “F, K, H and M” would be set up. We found them and then wondered how the judges would be able to see, and quite importantly how we would be able to write – tables too low, chairs too high and so on. This facility is not that user-friendly for putting on an international dressage show. Once all the logistics were settled we could be excited about what we had really come for – the horses and riders – the competition itself! The outcome for the winner was predictable – Charlotte Dujardin and Valegro. No one had any doubts about that. However, the opportunity to see them up close and personal was terrific! Also, then we wondered about the rest of the competitors – Edward Gal, Peter Minderhoud, the Glock horses, Isabel Werth, our US horses and riders, and all the other competitors we had not seen – all very exciting! Where I was sitting for the Grand Prix, with Lilo Fore at F, looking out like the Muppets, we could almost reach out and touch the horses. The riders could certainly look us right in the eye! The opening ceremony had Elvis, some dancers and streams of flame shooting out right in front of us. The heat was a bit frightening (I kept hoping the black curtains hanging down in front of us were indeed fire-proof), and the light from the flames was blinding! Then fireworks, an obnoxious smell and smoke. I felt sorry for the first competitor. The platform was raised, the lights came up and we were ready to go! Showtime! We were all very familiar with the Grand Prix Test itself, so no surprise there. E-scribe, Kari McKlain, an “S” judge herself had no trouble keeping up with inputting the scores and so we just marched along as a team. The rides were fun to watch – scores all in the mid to high sixties, then moving on up into the 70s and 80s. Our US riders did well, Steffen ending up in VALEGRO CHARLOTTE DUJARDIN / VALEGRO 3rd behind Edward Gal, who some people felt was overscored by some of the judges, resulting in his coming in 2nd. Unexpectedly, Laura Graves’ Verdades spooked at the World Cup Trophy itself, placed off the side of the arena and spotlighted. Valegro put in a lovely test, getting more than one “10” from Lilo – lovely extended trots. Friday morning, our crew went early to watch the warm-ups for the freestyles – and the VIP public was also allowed in – a first time for that. Friday afternoon though was super fun! Sabine Schut-Kery rode the Intermediare I test on Sanceo, and Steffen Peters rode a Grand Prix Freestyle on Rosamunde. But then the afternoon took a less serious turn with some costume “pas de deux” judged by a celebrity panel of judges – Linda Zang, Stephen Clarke and Han Christian Mathiesen. The Pas de Deux were hilarious and the judges’ comments great too. These were followed by a super quadrille of Elvis and the three flames – Guenter Seidel, Beth Ball, Michelle Reilly and Sarah Christy. Really well done and funny! However, what World Cup is all about is the freestyle competition itself – this was great! Really enjoyed seeing so many horses and riders we hadn’t seen before! Interesting freestyles – again Valegro won, Edward Gal second, and a young German rider third on a horse we hadn’t seen before – Unee Bebe. We were all exhausted, and are now looking forward to the next time World Cup comes to Las Vegas! Reem Acra FEI World Cup Dressage Final by Shareen Purcell The World Cup dressage competition in Las Vegas, April 2015 was the fourth time for this venue. The level of competition has changed and improved so dramatically since even 2009, when Steffen Peters and Ravel deservedly took the Gold in the Grand Prix and the Freestyle. It was very exciting to actually get to see live the legendary Valegro. You just don’t understand HOW much different he is without seeing him in person. And it is always very exciting to be in the company of so many people who love and June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 20 appreciate the sport, especially from all over the world. The warm up on Wednesday was just giving the riders time to get in the arena with people there and get used to it, either in pairs or alone. It was interesting to see how they warmed up and reacted to the environment on this non stress day versus the show days. The Grand Prix There was really good feeling about the Grand Prix. Charlotte Dujardin and Valegro of Great Britain were WAY ahead with 84%. Of course it was generally fabulous. It was big, flowy relaxed movement in almost everything. Edward Gal and Glock’s Undercover of the Netherlands were 2nd at 79%. He has a SUPER relaxed piaffe/passage. Steffen Peters and Legolas of the US were 3rd at 76%. This is probably one of the most masterful jobs riding I’ve ever seen, and the best I’ve seen the horse. Laura and Verdades were 5th at 74.2%. He had little looky loo at things, but they were no big deal, and she handled them very well. If she had been able to ask more from him, I think she could have rivaled Edward in her score. Valegro is in a whole different world. I’d say he’s like a robot because he NEVER wavers, but he’s SO fluid and relaxed it has no connotation of mechanical at all. You can’t really appreciate this until you see him live. Other horses make slight wavers and errors. He doesn’t. The Freestyle Charlotte and Valegro used “How To Train Your Dragon” music and did a lot of very difficult moves with no errors, including his always spot-on passage and piaffe. It’s hard to argue the 94%, with two 99% scores on the artistic side. If this pair can’t be the example of perfect, it’s hard to know who can be. Edward Gal And Glock’s Undercover used a suitable opera-ish Italian music highlighting his super piaffe and passage. He had a few very tiny errors in spots and came up with an 84%. The German Jessica Bredow-Wendl on Unee BB tried every difficult thing she could, so I can see why she ended up where she did in 3rd at 80.393%. Laura Graves and Verdades of the US were a much anticipated duo. One can easily see her 79.9% could hit mid 80% when she has his full attention. It’s very exciting to see such talent coming up. I thought some of the riders were doing some amazing creativity and difficulty, which was great to see. I thought the top riders did a lot with difficult piaffe/passage. Laura Graves does the half pass to 2’s in a half circle two tempis with Verdades. Thursday, the extra day, was entertainment, but not part of the World Cup. Last time they only allowed the top 12 to go to the freestyle and combined the GP and freestyle score. Now all riders who got over 60% (everyone) went on to the freestyle. That’s a good thing. We got to see Sabine Schut-Kery ride Sanceo at I-1, and Steffen ride the AMAZING Rosamunde doing Ravel’s GP freestyle. Just, wow. That mare has everyone buzzing about how talented she is already. There were three cute pas de deux with a Dancing With The Stars type judging. Jan Ebeling and Charlotte Bredahl-Baker “won,” deservedly, with their Grease theme. The 2017 World Cup is set for Omaha, Nebraska. Will it be a draw? Will the new arena being built in Vegas be the answer? What will continue to make the best riders and horses in the world come? REGIONAL ADULT AMATEUR COMPETITION 2015 CENTRAL RAAC July 3-5 Sponsored by Equine Insurance AWARDS COOLERS ~ NECK RIBBONS HIGH QUALIFYING SCORES SCORE ELITE HIGH SCORE NOVICE NEW Basic Level: 3 scores from 2 different judges Introductory C test at 65% or higher Novice only ROSES AWARD Training Level: 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher First Level: 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher GAVILAN CHAPTER CDS Second Level: 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher Third Level: 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher CONTACT: LAURIE DANIEL SMITH 510-672-3260 Fourth Level: 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher GILROY GAITS, HOLLISTER, CA Prix St Georges 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher QUALIFYING: SEP 1, 2014 - JUN 21, 2015 Intermediare 1: 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 21 27th ANNUAL CDS S0UTHERN Junior/Young Rider CHAMPIONSHIPS August 14-16, 2015 Photo by Teri Miller Galway Downs, Temecula, CA Held with the 3* rated Temecula Chapter Dressage Show NEW DATE & LOCATION 2nd Annual Banner Decorating Contest Silent Auction • Great Food & Fun Prize list available June 15 Manager: Regina Antonioli 805.306.1885 • Secretary: Diana Muravez 951.201.0686 • June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 22 • MONTHLY MONTHLY CLINICS CLINICS • • MONTHLY MONTHLY CLINICS CLINICS • • • All clinician listings are free, as a service to chapters and clinicians, however the listing must be renewed every six months or the listing will be dropped. A limit of 6 clinics per person and clinics must be in California, NV or OR. JEC A BALLOU Fairfax: Suzanne Lindelli 415/261-7283 Grass Valley: Velvet Perry 530/272-6916 Sacramento/Foothills: Leslie Mirise 916/316-3147 SUE BARTHOLOMAUS Placerville: Amy Davancens 530/626-5316 CARLA BAUCHMUELLER Briones: Carla 510/423-1936 Stanford: Carla 510/423-0644 BARBI BREEN-GURLEY Atascadero: Deb Hirons 805/235-5041 Napa: Sherry Harker 707/328-4177 Ross: Pamela Andrews 415/272-5176 VOLKER BROMMANN Northern CA/ Reno, NV: Volker 775/354-8455 DENNIS CALLIN Northern CA: Nadine Pestana 925/606-0371 Sacramento: Terry Castanias 707/678-4550 Southern CA: Darlene Johnson 310/545-7368 TERRY CHURCH Hollister: Elise Lalor 408/250-1206 Nicasio: Stephanie Meux 415/519-4863 Petaluma: Stephanie Meux 415/519-4863 Woodside: Liz Arrington 650/329-0823 LYNN CLIFFORD LaHonda: Debbie Behrakis 650-486-1662, Woodside: Debbie Behrakis 650-486-1662 JENNIFER CROMWELL Rolling Hills Estates: Jennifer 310/678-9440, CHARLES DeKUNFFY Nipomo: Thomas Walker 805/489-3105 Palm Springs: Charles deKunffy 650/464-9241 SUSAN DERR DRAKE Arroyo Grande: Tasha Wilke 805/471-1209 Santa Ynez: Paul Drake 805/452-0414 KAMILA DUPONT Arroyo Grande: Ellen Corob 805/440-2947 JAN EBELING Elk Grove: Michele Vaughn 916/869-7942 WILL FAEBER / KAREN LOSHBAUGH Las Vegas, NV: Esther Hillner 702/592-8381 Rancho Santa Fe: Karen Loshbaugh 858/232-6091 MELISSA FISCHBACH Santa Rosa: Lisa Fuetsch 707/588-9934 Mendocino: Melissa Fischbach 707/937-2133 HEIDI GAIAN Hollister: Heidi Gaian 831/297-2621 Pleasanton: Laura 707/217-7307 Stanford: Rachel 650/465-0107 Woodside: Heidi 831/297-2621 SUSAN HOFFMAN PEACOCK Corona: Susan Peacock 909/227-6404 Grass Valley/Auburn: Brenda Beam 530/268-6882 Hansen Dam: Erin Vallarino 951/532-4342 Lake Forest: Ashley Martin 949/636-3950 Norco: Lori Fairchild 951/817-1794 ERIKA JANSSON Santa Rosa: Erika 707/326-7612, MELONIE KESSLER Los Alamos: Melonie 805/501-1816 Sacramento: Melonie 805/501-1816 Santa Clarita: Melonie 805/501-1816 LOUISE KOCH Palos Verdes: Sheryl Steckel Santa Barbara: Louis Koch 310/541-1145 NATALIE LAMPING Cordelia: Janet VerPlank 707/864-8361 Fresno: Jackie Eckhaus 209/250-6333 JOHN LASSITTER Dixon: Teree Castanias 707/678-4550 MICHAEL LIEBERG Reitlehrer FN— Pferdewirtschaftsmeister Central CA: Evelyn Major 805-705-1862 Northern CA: Evelyn Major 805-705-1862 Southern CA: Bonnie Beauregard 818/209-4777 TRACEY LERT Corvallis, OR: Mary Arnold 541/752-4331 Gilroy: Tracey Lert 831/475-4946 Los Gatos: Tracey Lert 831/475-4946 Pleasanton: Carolyn Adams 925/829-5828 Oakland: Judy Martin 510/336-0850 Wilton: Mari Naten 916/687-8035 ALLISON MATHY Anderson: Jana Hamlin JACLYN MEINEN Hollister: Jennifer McCormick 949/246-1850 Monte Sereno: Jennifer McCormick 949/246-1850 Morgan Hill: Jennifer McCormick 949/246-1850 Saratoga: Jennifer McCormick 949/246-1850 Woodside: Jennifer McCormick 949/246-1850 JIJI MELLON Scotts Valley: Dorothy Wise 831/438-8432 Woodside: Jiji Mellon 650/851-5638 KIMBERLY MONK Fallbrook: High Point Farm 760/207-7117 Reno: Pam Moss 714/296-9300 Temecula: Denise 951/972-2653 J ASHTON (JEFF) MOORE San Diego: Peggy Dean 619/850-6633 Sonora: Kathy Sibley 209/588-8486 CHRISTIANE NOELTING Agoura Hills: Renata Malhalic 818/879-1040 Carson City, NV: Holly McGee 775/240-4306 JOAQUIN ORTH All locations: Windy 949/293-3330 MIKE OSINSKI Sacramento: Audrey Carlson 916/660-9012 ALYSSA PAGON Castro Valley: David Acord 925/858-6843 Los Altos: Megan Leonard 408/482-1539 Sunol: Alyssa Pitts 650/906-5561 KATHY PAVLICH Highland: Ruth Corrao-Harris 951/315-0592 MICHAEL PINEO Watsonville: Louise Smith 831/768-8925 ERICA POSELEY Davis: Jan Martel 530/758-4088 Malibu: Becka 310/254-4096 Morgan Hill: Julie Creasy 408/983-0446 Placerville: Stacy Sutton 530/647-1602 Solano County: Lori King 707/745-5750 PATIENCE PRINE-CARR Moss Landing: Patience 831/238-6559 Sacramento / Elk Grove: Jennifer Walker 916/671-9637 VICTORIA REA Norco: Victoria 949/400-9823 SanJuanCapistrano: Victoria 949/400-9823 SUSANN REGALMUTO Gavilan Hills: Sharon Hittner 951/789-6873 Los Angeles: Susann Regalmuto 951/515-7133 Reno: Maggie Loving 775/848-7433 DONNA RICHARDSON San Juan Capistrano: Sandra Hansen 949/246-1561 SABINE RIJSSENBEEK Sacramento: Marty Courtney 916/719-5789 CLAUDIA ROBERTS Los Angeles: Melinda Hallmark 818/563-1243 Lake View Terrace: Claudia Roberts 818/256-6080 METTE ROSENCRANTZ Los Angeles: Laurie Fee 310/455-1116 JENNIFER ROTH Carmel: Jennifer Roth 831/601-8191 Gilroy: Adria 408/888-4696 Loomis: Laurie Green 916/663-9557 Portola Valley: SANDY SAVAGE Dixon: Teree Castanias 707/671-8686 JUTTA SCHOTT High Desert: Donna Herndon 760/947-6421 Las Vegas: Lynne Guarino 702/897-9514 Lodi: Cheryl Stokes 209/763-5536 Riverside: Venice 951/789-6225 So. Oregon: Carol 541/846-9495 CHELSEY SIBLEY Copperopolis: Kim Lemke 209/479-6845 Walnut Creek: Carol Di Maggio 925/330-0722 AMBER SMIGEL Temecula: Amber 949/355-5622 MELISSA SIMMS North California: Tressa Boulden 707/829-0491 June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 23 GAYLE SMITH-HARO Indio: Sophie Aveau 760/702-5388 Hemet: Gayle Smith-Haro 951-204-5159 AXEL STEINER Murrieta: Lynn Binkley 951/677-0624 MAJOR MIGUEL TAVORA Riverbank: Christine DeMont 209/996-6457, cdemont@ Stanford: Nicole Prows CHRISTINE TRAURIG Hollister: Heidi Gaian 831/297-2621 Los Angeles: Lori O’Brien 310/713-6377 San Marcos: Linda Smull 619/669-4913 DAVID VENTURA Brentwood: David Ventura 925/634-9466 Garden Valley: Sharie 530/333-1097 Loomis: Jane 916/390-7690 Oakdale: Shana 209/848-2715 NICK WAGMAN San Diego: Jacqui Grande 760/233-2135, info@ Santa Rosa /Fieldstone Farm: Sandra Labrucherie 707/837-8997 JANE WEATHERWAX Petaluma: Cynthia Hall 707/484-6056 San Diego: Pinky Roberts 760/749-3181 Sunol: Angela Ridgway 925/895-2377 LESLIE WEBB Santa Barbara: Kip Goldreyer 805/683-4683 FLORA JEAN WEISS Moorpark: Pam George 805/583-8832 Bradbury: Anna Armstrong 626/357-4599 Covina: Shelly Sanders 626/523-5744 Norco: Jennifer Schuckman 951/751-3222 San Fernando Valley: Flora Jean 818/768-3552 Tehachapi: Debbie 661/821-3410 LENA WEDENMARK Malibu: Camilla Fritze 310/457-2027 Moorpark: Camilla Fritze 310/457-2027 KRISTINE WHITE Malibu, Rancho Mirage, Indio: Kristine White 661/268-1447 JOAN WILLIAMS Felton: Helen Scanlon 831/594-5985 Saratoga: Suzanne Hickman-Smith 408/220-5389 Watsonville: Diane Nell 831/334-0522 Woodside: Niki Rabier 650/766-4521 • CALENDAR CALENDAR • • CALENDAR CALENDAR • • CALENDAR CALENDAR • • • * CDS recognized *** CDS, USEF, USDF recognized JUN 6 * ICC SPRING DRESSAGE (HIGHLAND) JUDGE TBA – DUSTY WILLIAMS 909-794-9187, JUN 6-7 *** SAN DIEGO DRESSAGE IN THE RANCH (RANCHO SANTA FE) - REGINA ANTONIOLI 805-306-1885, JUN 6-7 *** FAIRWIND FARM (SANTA ROSA) - SUE CURRY SHAFFER 707-483-0860 JUN 6-7 *** SAN FRANCISCO PENINSULA 48TH ANNUAL DRESSAGE (HOLLISTER) JUDGE M OSINSKI, D SCHMUTZ - KELLY DOUGLAS 408-348-2230 JUN 6-7 *** DRESSAGE AT SPIRIT EQUESTRIAN (SOMIS) JUDGE S CASEY, S HOTZ – PATTY LITTMANN 818-584-5436, JUN 6-7 *** FRANKTOWN JUNE DRESSAGE CLASSIC (CARSON CITY,NV) JUDGE J MACARTNEY - LYNNE GARNETT 775-831-4261, JUN 7 * SLO SPRING FLING (PASO ROBLES) JUDGE B HICKS – SUSAN LUNIEWSKI 805-602-6585, JUN 7 *** DRESSAGE IN THE ALMONDS (LODI) JUDGE T LERT, CC MOSS-GIOVANETTI – NANNETTE TOSH-ROBB 209-368-7731, JUN 11-14 CDI GOLDEN STATE DRESSAGE CLASSIC CDI 2*/ CPEDI (RANCHO MURIETA) JUDGES LOPEZ, TBA – CONNIE DAVENPORT 530-274-1323, JUN 12-13 *** GALWAY DOWNS SUMMER DRESSAGE (TEMECULA) JUDGE B BREEN-GURLEY- ROBERT KELLERHOUSE 951-303-0405, JUN 13-14 *** SUMMER DRESSAGE II (SOMIS) JUDGE TBA – SUZI KUYKENDALL 818-269-2911, JUN 14 * PO STEPPIN INTO SUMMER DRESSAGE (WEST COVINA) JUDGE TBA – LAUREN WETZEL 714-261-0443, JUN 19 *** CAPISTRANO SUMMER SERIES I (SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO) JUDGE P KLUMP – KATHLEEN KING 949-661-7092, JUN 19 *** DRESSAGE DERBY IV (VACAVILLE) JUDGE M KESSLER, D RICHARDSON - CHRISTIANE NOELTING 707-454-0565, JUN 20-21 *** DRESSAGE DERBY V AND SV EQUINE INSURANCE/RAAC NORTH (VACAVILLE) JUDGE M KESSLER, D RICHARDSON - CHRISTIANE NOELTING 707-454-0565, JUN 20-21 *** OSIERLEA DRESSAGE SHOW (SAN JUAN BAUTISTA) JUDGE L KOCH - LAUREL BRUUN 831-245-9686, JUN 20-21 *** DRESSAGE AT MISSION PACIFIC (SOMIS) JUDGE D RIEHL RODRIGUEZ – PATTY LITTMANN 818-584-5436, JUN 25-28 *** PCASHC REGION 3 ARABIAN SPORT HORSE (ELK GROVE) JUDGE TBA – RITA MASON 916-541-1725, JUN 26-28 *** STAR SPANGLED DRESSAGE (SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO) - GLENDA MCELROY 818-841-3554 JUN 27 * ICC SUMMER DRESSAGE (HIGHLAND) JUDGE D SCHMUTZ – DUSTY WILLIAMS 909-794-9187, JUN 27 * LAKE COUNTY CDS SUMMER SHOW (KELSEYVILLE) JUDGE L BRUUN – JULIANA VIDICH 707-279-1903, JUN 27 *** CASCADE DRESSAGE I (TULELAKE) - KIM COLEMAN 541-882-8482, JUN 27 *** MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DRESSAGE I (WATSONVILLE) - MELINDA HALLMARK 818-681-1479, JUN 28 *** CASCADE DRESSAGE II (TULELAKE) - KIM COLEMAN 541-882-8482, JUN 28 * TEH MOUNTAIN SOLSTICE DRESSAGE SHOW (TEHACHAPI) JUDGE C LINDHOLM – LOIS QUINN 661-821-6323, JUN 28 *** YARRA YARRA DRESSAGE (PLEASANTON) JUDGE C ROUTSON – PATRICK ADAMS 925-829-5017, JUL 3-5 *** DRESSAGE AT THE GAITS AND GAVILAN CDS - EQUINE INSURANCE/RAAC CENTRAL(HOLLISTER) JUDGE D BABCOCK, F DEARING– LAURIE DANIEL-SMITH 510-672-3260, JUL 4-5 *** PEC DRESSAGE SHOW (WILTON) - MARI NATEN 916-687-8035, JUL 10-11 * JUST FOR KIDS DRESSAGE SHOW (VACAVILLE) JUDGE L MCENESPY - CHRISTIANE NOELTING 707-454-0565 JUL 10-12 *** WOODSIDE SUMMER DRESSAGE (WOODSIDE) – GLENDA MCELROY 818-841-3554 JUL 11-12 *** SUMMER DRESSAGE III (SOMIS) JUDGE TBA – SUZI KUYKENDALL 818-269-2911, JUL 12 * SLO SUMMER FLING (LOS OSOS) JUDGE TBA – JOHN REES 805-221-7427, JUL 12 *** WOODBRIDGE MID SUMMER CLASSIC (PETALUMA) - DAWN BENNETT 707-490-5753, JUL 12 *** DRESSAGE IN THE ALMONDS (LODI) JUDGE TBA – NANNETTE TOSH-ROBB 209-368-7731, JUL 17 *** CAPISTRANO SUMMER SERIES II (SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO) JUDGE C HOFFMAN – KATHLEEN KING 949-661-7092, JUL 18-19 *** DRESSAGE IN THE SIERRA (CARSON CITY) JUDGE J FOY – CONNIE DAVENPORT 530-274-1323, JUL 18-19 *** DRESSAGE AT SPIRIT EQUESTRIAN (SOMIS) JUDGE B ROGERS – PATTY LITTMANN 818-584-5436, JUL 19 *** MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DRESSAGE II (WATSONVILLE) - MELINDA HALLMARK 818-681-1479, JUL 24-26 *** COASTAL CLASSIC I & II (WATSONVILLE) JUDGES B BREEN-GURLEY, J A MOORE – VICKY STASHUK MATISI 831-818-0429, JUL 24 *** GOLDEN STATE WARM UP 1 (ELK GROVE) JUDGES K WYSOCKI, W SOLYNTJES – CONNIE DAVENPORT 530-274-1323, JUL 25-26 *** GOLDEN STATE WARM UP / COOL DOWN (ELK GROVE) JUDGES K WYSOCKI, W SOLYNTJES – CONNIE DAVENPORT 530-274-1323, JUL 25-26 *** MID SUMMER DRESSAGE AT EL SUENO (SOMIS) - SUZI KUYKENDALL 818-269-2911, JUL 26 * TEH MIDSUMMER DRESSAGE SHOW (TEHACHAPI) JUDGE D SCHMUTZ – LOIS QUINN 661-821-6323, JUL 31-2 * VALLEY OAKS JUNIOR BENEFIT SHOW (ELK GROVE) JUDGE R BRUECKMANN, B ROGERS, L HENRY – MICHELE VAUGHN 916-869-7942, JUL 31-2 * NORTHERN JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS (ELK GROVE) JUDGE R BRUECKMANN, B ROGERS, L HENRY – MICHELE VAUGHN 916-869-7942, AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG 1-2 1 2 2 8-9 8-9 8 9 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** DRESSAGE AT MISSION PACIFIC (SOMIS) JUDGE C TRENTLEMAN – PATTY LITTMANN 818-584-5436, YARRA YARRA DRESSAGE (PLEASANTON) JUDGE B HICKS – PATRICK ADAMS 925-829-5017, YARRA YARRA DRESSAGE (PLEASANTON) JUDGE B HICKS – PATRICK ADAMS 925-829-5017, PO MIDSUMMER DAYS DRESSAGE (WEST COVINA) JUDGE TBA – LAUREN WETZEL 714-261-0443, SAN DIEGO SUMMER SHOW (DEL MAR) - REGINA ANTONIOLI 805-306-1885, DRESSAGE AT SPIRIT EQUESTRIAN (SOMIS) JUDGE D BABCOCK – PATTY LITTMANN 818-584-5436, GREENVILLE EQUESTRIAN CENTER DRESSAGE (LIVERMORE) JUDGE S CURRY - ERIKA IBSEN 925-260-0928, GREENVILLE EQUESTRIAN CENTER DRESSAGE (LIVERMORE) JUDGE S CURRY - ERIKA IBSEN 925-260-0928, June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 24 • CALENDAR CALENDAR • • CALENDAR CALENDAR • • CALENDAR CALENDAR • • • * CDS recognized *** CDS, USEF, USDF recognized AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG 14 14-15 14-15 15-16 15-16 15-16 16 16 20-23 21-22 22-23 22-23 23 23 24 29-30 *** *** *** *** * *** *** *** *** *** *** *** * * *** *** CAPISTRANO SUMMER SERIES III (SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO) JUDGE M KESSLER – KATHLEEN KING 949-661-7092, SUMMER DRESSAGE IN THE VALLEY (LOS ALAMOS) JUDGE H GURNEY- NANCY SHELD 805-698-1092, , WOODSIDE FINALE (WOODSIDE) – GLENDA MCELROY 818-841-3554 TEV SUMMER SPECTACULAR (TEMECULA) JUDGE HD VLATTEN, B ROGERS, K PAVLICH – REGINA ANTONIOLI 805-306-1885, SOUTHERN JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS (TEMECULA) JUDGE TBA – REGINA ANTONIOLI 805-306-1885, LETS GO SHOW IV (SYMLAR) – GLENDA MCELROY 818-841-3554, SHELLY SIEGEL SHOW (SANTA ROSA) – TRACY UNDERWOOD 707-975-2097, DRESSAGE IN THE ALMONDS (LODI) JUDGE TBA – NANNETTE TOSH-ROBB 209-368-7731, COOL AUGUST NIGHTS/LA-SJC EQUINE INSURANCE/RAAC SOUTH (BURBANK) – GLENDA MCELROY 818-841-3554 STARR VAUGHN SUMMER DRESSAGE (ELK GROVE) JUDGE TBA – MICHELE VAUGHN 916-869-7942, GAVILAN CHAPTER SUMMER SHOW (SAN JUAN BAUTISTA) JUDGE J CURTIS – SHELLEY CLARK 650-740-0196, SLO FALL FLING (PASO ROBLES) JUDGE TBA – JOHN REES 805-221-7427, STARR VAUGHN SUMMER DRESSAGE (ELK GROVE) JUDGE TBA – MICHELE VAUGHN 916-869-7942, TEH COOL MOUNTAIN DRESSAGE SHOW (TEHACHAPI) JUDGE U WADEBORN – LOIS QUINN 661-821-6323, MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DRESSAGE III (WATSONVILLE) - MELINDA HALLMARK 818-681-1479, DRESSAGE AT SPIRIT EQUESTRIAN (SOMIS) JUDGE K WYSOCKI – PATTY LITTMANN 818-584-5436, SEP 6 *** YARRA YARRA DRESSAGE (PLEASANTON) JUDGE S RECTOR – PATRICK ADAMS 925-829-5017, SEP 11-13 *** DEL MAR INTERNATIONAL (DEL MAR) - REGINA ANTONIOLI 805-306-1885, SEP 17-20 *** CDS USDF CHAMPIONSHIPS (RANCHO MURIETA) – LAST DAY TO QUALIFY 8/24/15 - CONTACT GLENDA MCELROY 818-841-3554 OCT 10 *** WEST COAST CONNEMARA SHOW (PASO ROBLES) JUDGE W QUARLES - DARIAN HALL 707-481-0728 OCT 17 * STACEY BERRY MEMORIAL DRESSAGE SHOW (CARSON CITY) JUDGE C ROUTSON – CONNIE DAVENPORT 530-274-1323, OCT 17-18 *** DRESSAGE AT SPIRIT EQUESTRIAN (SOMIS) JUDGE B HICKS – PATTY LITTMANN 818-584-5436, OCT 18 *** FOOTHILLS FALL CLASSIC (WILTON) - MARI NATEN 916-687-8035, OCT 24-25 *** THE SPOOKTACULAR HALLOWEEN DRESSAGE SHOW (DEL MAR) JUDGES S CURRY, S HOTZ, S CASEY MALONE – LISA BLAUFUSS 619-665-6463, OCT 24-25 *** DRESSAGE AT MISSION PACIFIC (SOMIS) JUDGE S KOLSTAD – PATTY LITTMANN 818-584-5436, OCT 24 *** GREENVILLE EQUESTRIAN CENTER DRESSAGE (LIVERMORE) JUDGE M KESSLER - ERIKA IBSEN 925-260-0928, OCT 25 *** GREENVILLE EQUESTRIAN CENTER DRESSAGE (LIVERMORE) JUDGE M KESSLER - ERIKA IBSEN 925-260-0928, OCT 25 *** DRESSAGE AT FRESNO COUNTY HORSE PARK (FRESNO) - FHP 559-221-2509 OCT 25 * PO ALL HALLOW’S EVE DRESSAGE (WEST COVINA) JUDGE TBA – LAUREN WETZEL 714-261-0443, NOV 7-8 *** STARR VAUGHN DRESSAGE II (ELK GROVE) JUDGE TBA – MICHELE VAUGHN 916-869-7942, NOV 21-22 *** LAS VEGAS DRESSAGE FALL FLING (LAS VEGAS) JUDGE J MACARTNEY – SUSAN GILLIAN 702-816-1573, DEC 4-5 *** DRESSAGE HOLIDAY SPECIAL (BURBANK) – GLENDA MCELROY 818-841-3554 BREED JUN 6-7 JUL 24 JUL 25-26 AUG 15-16 AUG 20-23 *** *** *** *** *** SAN FRANCISCO PENINSULA 48TH ANNUAL DRESSAGE (HOLLISTER) JUDGE M OSINSKI, M KESSLER - KELLY DOUGLAS 408-348-2230 GOLDEN STATE WARM UP 1 (RANCHO MURIETA) JUDGES K WYSOCKI, W SOLYNTJES – CONNIE DAVENPORT 530-274-1323, GOLDEN STATE WARM UP / COOL DOWN (RANCHO MURIETA) JUDGES K WYSOCKI, W SOLYNTJES – CONNIE DAVENPORT 530-274-1323, STARR VAUGHN SUMMER DRESSAGE (ELK GROVE) JUDGE TBA – MICHELE VAUGHN 916-869-7942, COOL AUGUST NIGHTS (BURBANK) – GLENDA MCELROY 818-841-3554 OTHER EVENTS: JUL 11-14 Pan American Games (Toronto Canada) JUL 14-19 NAJYRC (Lexington KY) AUG 19-23 Markel /USEF Young Horse Dressage Championships at Lamplight Equestrian (Illinois) AUG 19-23 Markel /USEF Developing Horse Dressage Championships at Lamplight Equestrian (Illinois) AUG 19-23 USEF Dressage Seat Medal Equitation Finals at Lamplight Equestrian (Illinois) AUG 19-23 USEF Nationals Finals for Pony, Junior, Young Rider and Young Adult Brentina Cup at Lamplight Equestrian (Illinois) DEC 9-13 USEF Nationals Finals presented by Dutta Corp. for Intermediaire I and Grand Prix Championships at Adequan Global Dressage Festival grounds (Wellington, FL) June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 25 Chapter Corner by Julie Eitzen The North Coast Chapter of CDS is excited to share about a recent event that we hosted! Kevin and Ericka Reinig joined us for a wonderful weekend of education, inspiration and entertainment! Kevin taught a handling clinic while Ericka taught lessons under saddle. We had many auditors and we all were very inspired by the experience. We also held a successful fundraiser, featuring a catered dinner, tasty wine and Kevin as our speaker and entertainer! He had the whole room in stitches over his stories. We then had an awards ceremony, where Kevin handed out the CDS plates to members who had shown successfully the previous year. The whole weekend was a wonderful success for our Chapter, both financially and educationally. We sincerely thank Kevin and Ericka for coming all the way up to the North Coast! We may be a small Chapter, but we pride ourselves in hosting many educational and entertaining events! LEFT TO RIGHT: SHEHLEE JOHNSON, JULIE MCGILL, WINDY CARPENTER, VICKI FREY, SARAH POYEN, CLINICIAN - KEVIN REINIG, JULIE EITZEN, TYLA MILLER, ZOE POYEN, CELSIANA WILLIAM, JAIDEN KILBY, CLINICIAN - ERICKA REINIG ABOVE RIGHT: KIM GROOMS, JENIFER APPEL, JENNA KILBY CLINICIAN - KEVIN REINIG ZOE POYEN, CLINICIAN - KEVIN REINIG White Horse Dressage Petra Beltran Teacher of Academic Riding, Licensed European Classical Dressage Instructor, Lessons & Training 650-678-1242 Teri Rohm 510-825-2399 Reed Huyette 949-291-4224 June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 26 CALIFORNIA DRESSAGE SOCIETY 27TH ANNUAL NORTHERN JUNIOR/YOUNG RIDER CHAMPIONSHIPS JULY 31 - AUGUST 2, 2015 STARR VAUGHN EQUESTRIAN CENTER ELK GROVE, CA JUDGES: ROBIN BRUECKMANN, BEVERLY ROGERS ENTRIES CLOSE JULY 4, 2015 LAST DAY TO QUALIFY JULY 26, 2015 Hollywood Theme This Show offers Open classes, Warm Up classes, Special Challenge Trophies, Special Events, Ice Cream Social, Pizza Party, DJ, and more. Come Join the Fun! Prizelist Online CRAIG STANLEY 35660 Avenue 13 1/4 Madera, CA 93638 559-978-2760 Starting and showing horses For Professionals and Amateurs References on Request June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 27 Travel Log by Maureen Van Tuyl Saumur – 2015 This is the third year I was able to scribe at the international competition in Saumur, France. It is both a CDI*** and a CDIO and runs for four days with three competition rings. This year I was told entries were down somewhat, and that seemed to be true, especially in the Big Tour. In the past, Carl Hester and Charlotte DuJardin had come, not with Valegro, but with their other big name horses and even a group of juniors and young riders, but not this year. Maybe the World Cup even had an effect on Saumur. However, it is always an interesting show – classes all the way from the new FEI Children’s test up to Grand Prix. There were lots of ponies – a group in the CDI and a group in the CDIO – about 48 all together, and ponies from all over! Since we have practically no FEI ponies, this is always fun to see. I arrived in Saumur from Paris by train, and the weather was beautiful. I was dropped off at the hotel, then later Bernard Maurel came by and drove me out to the show grounds, the Ecole Nationale d’Equitation, something that does not exist in the U.S. This is the home of the Cadre Noir, the group of French cadets in existence for many years. Their stables and training center had been right in the center of the town of Saumur, but had been moved out to the Ecole Nationale d’Equitation sometime in the 70’s or 80’s. I don’t know how big the Ecole is but it consists of administrative buildings, and hundreds of stalls, and many building with indoor arenas. There are outside arenas, many trails through the forest – huge. It is owned by the French government. For this competition, there were the three competition rings, two of which have fine sand footing. I bring this up because, sure enough, the first day of the show it rained – and it continued to rain for the rest of the whole competition. The one ring where the Grand Prix was going to be held had different footing, which did not hold up so well and then the classes scheduled there were moved into the big indoor. I was mostly scheduled in the outdoor rings, and I was very thankful I had thought to bring with me a long coat which is actually a good raincoat. There were 26 judges, a combination of 3*, 4* and 5* judges from all over the world. This year there were no American judges and no Canadians either, but Australians, British, Brazilian, Russian, Dutch, Belgian, Spanish, Italian, German, Austrian, and Wanted: Riders excited to make the changes necessary to improve. Take your riding to the Next Level! of course, French judges. I knew some of the judges, but many I had never met before. They did not all stay all four days. Each afternoon we would find out where we were assigned and with whom. Everything has to be done in English, and finding scribes who can scribe well and in English is not that easy in France. The organizer even resorted to advertising on Face Book and did find at least one English speaking scribe that way. I scribed for a British judge, and Australian, a Spaniard, an Austrian, and for Bernard more than once. In one class though, Intermediate A I believe, it turned out all the participants were French or Belgian, and Bernard decided I should write in French! Great! My French is pretty good, but I do not know all the French dressage vocabulary. I managed, though, and fortunately Bernard doesn’t give long involved comments. He sort of switched back and forth between English and French, and I was OK, but when he gave the numbers in French, it took a minute for me to remember that in Europe a decimal point is actually what for us is a comma so “6.5” becomes “6,5” with him saying the comma “, virgule” of course in French. No other judges challenged me like that, and actually, most of the judges I wrote for do not speak French. The British and the Australian judges both 3* judges gave a lot of comments, many more than the other European judges, especially the more experienced judges. Friday afternoon not only did it pour, but the wind came up, and trying to keep enough area dry to write on was really a challenge. We got very inventive, using a tray as a shield against the rain blowing in, and I discovered of all things in my coat pocket, an unused plastic doggy poop bag which I used also as part of the sheltering of the tests. A couple of differences from how our tests are is that for one thing, the tests are not labeled as they usually are here so you have to get to your booth at least 15 minutes early to write all the pertinent information on the top of the tests. Another difference, for the judge at “C” is that after each test they get a list of all the scores for each movement that all the judges have given. The point being that then during the breaks, the judges can discuss the discrepancies if need be. We don’t have this scoring program in the U.S. and we could probably put it to good use. I really enjoyed the pony classes. There were some absolutely gorgeous ponies and well ridden. One German riding pony, a palomino stallion was just gorgeous. The children’s class was interesting too. The riders are 12 – 16, I believe, and they did not ride ponies, but horses, and in a snaffle if I recall correctly. One 12 year old girl was mounted on a beautiful Sandro Hit stallion. He had a wonderful attitude, not to mention lovely movement. I don’t know what our California riders would have done if faced with four days of rain, but these horses and riders were just fine. They kept making announcements that plastic rain gear was allowed but I only saw one rider with a rain jacket. Obviously, European horses and riders are used to rain. And the sand footing held up beautifully, never slippery or too cuppy. After the show I stayed on a few days in Saumur, visiting a friend Lyse Martineau, went to a few chateaux nearby, then returned to Paris and back to San Jose, where it hasn’t really rained since December. As for next year, I’ll just have to see. A la prochaine … Call Erica Poseley at (831) 206-9613 or email Watch Erica's video series; Search "Erica Poseley" on YouTube June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 28 • ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES • • ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES • • ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES • • • Do you have an event coming up? Let the Central Office know and it can be listed here for free and on the website under activities. JUN 5-7 Jeff Moore Clinic at Peppertree (San Diego) contact Peggy Dean 619/850-6633, JUN 18 Lake County Chapter CDS Clinic with Jaki Hardy contact Juliana Vidich 707/279-1903 JUN 19-21CDS Junior Clinic at Starr Vaughn with Charlotte Bredahl (Elk Grove) contact Beth Coffey Curle 775/849-0136, curle@ JUN 20 Temecula Valley Schooling Series at Black Dog Farm (Murrieta) contact Lynn Binkley 951/677-0624 JUN 27 Dressage in the Wine Country (Santa Rosa) contact tracy@ JUN 27 KHM Dressage Schooling Show (Gilroy) contact Katie Hoefs-Martin 650/714-7526, JUN 27 Woodbridge Farm Show Series (Petaluma) Judge P Schofler - Dawn Bennett 707-490-5753 JUN 28 Schooling Show at Faith Ranch (Somis) Judge N Chastain-Price contact Aria Edry 818/331-9924 JUN 28 Midsummers Night Dressage Schooling Shows (Watsonvillel) contact Melinda Hallmark 818/681-1479, JUN 28 Hansen Dam Schooling Show Series hosted by Pacific Dressage, LLC and Robele Farms contact Claudia Roberts 818/256-6080, www. OCT 2-4 CDS Junior Clinic at Epona Farms with Charlotte Bredahl (Thousand Oaks) contact Kristin Young 949-677-1334, OCT 11 Dressage Schooling Show - Camelot (Butte Valley) Judge N Bhathal – Tara Anderson 530/809-1147 OCT 18-19Riding with Collection and Throughness with Alfredo Hernandez (Chino Hills) contact Tiffany Kell 714/364-7300 OCT 24 *** Schooling Show at Fresno Horse Park (Fresno) - FHP 559-221-2509 OCT 25 Schooling Show at Rancho Royale (Ojai) contact Jan Threinen 805/217-2776 OCT 31 ICC October Schooling Show (Highland) Judge R Bell contact Dusty Williams 909/794-9187, NOV 1 Schooling Show at White Birch Farms (Moorpark) contact Jen Nunes 805/603-0309 DEC 6 Hansen Dam Schooling Show Series (rain 12/13) hosted by Pacific Dressage, LLC and Robele Farms contact Claudia Roberts 818/2566080, JUL 7-9 Dressage clinic with Andreas Hausberger, Head Trainer at the Spanish Riding School (Carmel Valley) contact Jennifer Nuckton 831/915-0375, JUL 14-16 Dressage clinic with Arthur Kottas (Watsonville) contact Joan Williams 408/512-2890, JUL 18 Midsummers Night Dressage Schooling Shows (Watsonvillel) contact Melinda Hallmark 818/681-1479, JUL 20 Quadrille Clinic with Melissa Creswick at Franktown Meadows (Carson City, NV) contact Elizabeth Coffey Curle 775-849-0136 JUL 25 Woodbridge Farm Show Series (Petaluma) Judge C Baumann- Dawn Bennett 707-490-5753 AUG 1 AUG 1 AUG 9 AUG 16 AUG 23 Temecula Valley Schooling Series at Black Dog Farm (Murrieta) contact Lynn Binkley 951/677-0624 KHM Dressage Schooling Show (Gilroy) contact Katie Hoefs-Martin 650/714-7526, Hansen Dam Schooling Show Series hosted by Pacific Dressage, LLC and Robele Farms contact Claudia Roberts 818/256-6080, www. Schooling Show at Faith Ranch (Somis) contact Aria Edry 818/3319924 Midsummers Night Dressage Schooling Shows (Watsonvillel) contact Melinda Hallmark 818/681-1479, SEP 4-5 Riding with Collection and Throughness with Alfredo Hernandez (Chino Hills) contact Tiffany Kell 714/364-7300 SEP 10-13 SVC Adult Camp at Eventful Acres Oregon House SEP 12 Temecula Valley Schooling Series at Black Dog Farm (Murrieta) contact Lynn Binkley 951/677-0624 SEP 12 KHM Dressage Schooling Show (Gilroy) contact Katie Hoefs-Martin 650/714-7526, SEP 13 Hansen Dam Schooling Show Series hosted by Pacific Dressage, LLC and Robele Farms contact Claudia Roberts 818/256-6080, www. SEP 20 Schooling Show at Faith Ranch (Somis) Judge C Roberts contact Aria Edry 818/331-9924 SEP 26 Woodbridge Farm Show Series (Petaluma) Judge tba - Dawn Bennett 707-490-5753 OCT 2-4 CDS Amateur Clinic with Volker Brommann at Starr Vaughn Equestrian (Elk Grove) contact Lindsay Bridges 775/772-3134 June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 29 Qualifying in 2015 Regional Adult Amateur Competition North ~ June 20-21, 2015 SV Chapter and Noelting Dressage. Location: Noelting Dressage,Vacaville. Manager/ Secretary: Christiane Noelting 707-454-0565. Call for Prize List. Qualifying: Sept. 2, 2014 -June 8, 2015. Central ~ July 4-5, 2015 GAV Chapter and Gilory Gaits. Location: Gilory Gaits, Hollister. Manager/ Secretary: Laurie Daniel-Smith 510-672-3260. Qualifying: Sept. 2, 2014- June 21, 2015. Call for Prize List South ~ August 22-23, 2015 SJC and LA Chapters. Location: LAEC, Burbank. Manager/ Secretary: Glenda McElroy 818-841-3554. Call for Prize List. Qualifying: Sept. 2 2014-August 8, 2015. Basic Level (Intro C) Training Level First Level Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Prix St Georges Intermediaire 1 3 scores of 65% or better with two different judges (Novice only) 3 scores of 60% or better with two different judges (Novice / Elite) 3 scores of 60% or better with two different judges (Novice / Elite) 3 scores of 60% or better with two different judges (Novice / Elite) 3 scores of 60% or better with two different judges (Novice / Elite) 3 scores of 60% or better with two different judges (Novice / Elite) 3 scores of 60% or better with two different judges (Novice / Elite) 3 scores of 60% or better with two different judges (Novice / Elite) The Novice division is for riders who have never competed at a CDS Championship Show. The Elite division is for riders who have competed at a CDS Championship Show. Rider and Owner must be current CDS members when qualifying scores are earned. Rider must have paid the CDS RAAC Qualifying Fee of $25 for 2015. Rider must have a USEF Amateur Card. First place will receive a cooler. Ribbons 1st through 10th at Training and First Levels. Ribbons 1st through 6th at Second through Fourth Levels. There will be a High Score Roses Award for Elite and Novice divisions at each level for riders over 50 years of age. You must sign up on your entry form. Divisions: Basic – First; Second – Fourth; and FEI. Winners from each level will be automatically qualified for CDS Championships. CDS Junior Championships Junior Championships will be held July 31 - August 2 in Northern California at Starr Vaughn Equestrian Center, Elk Grove and August 15-16 in Southern California at Galway Downs in Temecula. Contacts: Michele Vaughn 916-869-7942; Regina Antonioli 805-306-1885. A horse/rider combination must be a current member, as well as the owners, at the time scores are earned and must achieve the following for qualification at the various levels for the CDS Junior Championships. NORTH Closing Date is July 4, 2015. Qualifying cut-off date is NORTH July 26, 2015. SOUTH closes Aug 9. Juniors and Young Riders may qualify at all levels. Training Level First Level Second Level Third Level Fourth Level FEI /JR FEI /YR 3 scores of 62% or better with two different judges 3 scores of 60% or better with two different judges 3 scores of 57% or better with two different judges 3 scores of 57% or better with two different judges 3 scores of 57% or better with two different judges 3 scores of 57% or better with two different judges 3 scores of 57% or better with two different judges Previous Junior Championship winners may not compete at the Junior Championships at the same level with the same horse at Training, or First Levels. Prize lists will be available online: Champions and Reserve Champions at each level will automatically qualify for the CDS Championships. Qualifying for the CDS Championships The CDS Championship Show will be held September 17-20, 2015. The location will be Murieta Equestrian Center, Rancho Murieta, CA. The CDS Futurity will be held in conjunction with the CDS Championship Show. In order to qualify for the CDS Championships Rider and Owner must be current CDS members. You must be a member in good standing at the time you earn your qualifying scores. Scores must be earned during the current show season at CDS recognized shows. The CDS Central Office automatically records scores earned by members during the current show season at CDS recognized shows. It is recommended that each competitor keep his own yearly show record to verify against CDS records at the end of the show year. The qualifying dates are from September 2, 2014 to August 24, 2015. Three divisions will be offered at the CDS Championship Show: Open, Adult Amateur and JrYR at Training through Prix St Georges. Two divisions: Open and Adult Amateur at Training through Grand Prix. Freestyle classes are open divisions. Open Division: Open to all competitors. Adult Amateur Division: Open to competitors holding an USEF Adult Amateur card who are 22 years of age and over. Juniors and Young Riders are riders who are 21 years of age and under. Champions and Reserve Champions from the CDS JR/YR Championships will be automatically be qualified for CDS Championships. RAAC winners will be automatically qualified for CDS Championships. You need to declare your division at the time you enter the Championship Show. There will be no cross entering of divisions. A horse-rider combination must achieve the following for qualification for the CDS Championship Show: Qualifying Scores may be earned at any test of the level. Training Level Am Training Level JRYR 5 scores 63% or better 4 different judges, Horses must be at least four years of age 5 scores 63% or better 4 different judges, Horses must be at least four years of age Training Level Open First Level-Am First Level-JRYR First Level Open Second Level/Am Second Level/JRYR Second Level Open Third Level/Am Third Level/JRYR Third Level Open Fourth Level/Am Fourth Level/JRYR Fourth Level Open PSG/Am PSG/JRYR PSG Open Int - 1/ Am Int - 1 Open Int - II Am Int - II Open G P AM G P Open Freestyles (1st-GP) 5 scores 65% or better 4 different judges, Horses must be at least four years of age 5 scores 62% or better (any tests) 4 different judges 5 scores 62% or better (any tests) 4 different judges 5 scores 64% or better (any tests) 4 different judges 5 scores 61% or better (any tests) 4 different judges 5 scores 61% or better (any tests) 4 different judges 5 scores 63% or better (any tests) 4 different judges 5 scores 60% or better (any tests) 4 different judges 5 scores 60% or better (any tests) 4 different judges 5 scores 62% or better (any tests) 4 different judges 5 scores 60% or better (any tests) 4 different judges 5 scores 60% or better (any tests) 4 different judges 5 scores 62% or better (any tests) 4 different judges 3 scores 60% or better 2 different judges 3 scores 60% or better 2 different judges 3 scores 62% or better 2 different judges 3 scores 60% or better 2 different judges 3 scores 62% or better 2 different judges 3 scores 60% or better 2 different judges 3 scores 60% or better 2 different judges 3 scores 60% or better 2 different judges 3 scores 60% or better 2 different judges 2 scores 62% or better 2 different judges When two (2) or more judges score a single ride, the combination of judges counts as ONE judge and the average of their scores counts as ONE score. The top two (2) Horse-Rider combinations that have competed in the Horse of the Year CDS Championships Competition at Training Level or First Level are NO LONGER ELIGIBLE to compete at those levels for CDS awards. Freestyles are exempt from this restriction. Entering the CDS Young Horse Futurity All horses entered must have been born in 2009, 2010 or 2011. Horses who compete as 4 Year Olds may nominate again the following year as 5 Year Olds and again as 6 Year Olds. Horses may have shown at any level prior to the Futurity. A nomination fee of $100 must be paid prior to July 1, 2015. If paid after July 1, the fee will be $150. Nomination fees are held in a special account and put into the purse the year the horse is nominated for the Futurity. There are no restrictions, other than age and no qualifying for the California Dressage Society Young Horse Futurity. Overall winner to receive the Futurity Perpetual Trophy. Ribbons through tenth. Futurity tests may not be read. NO whips are permitted. CDS 4 YR. OLD FUTURITY - OPEN - Training Level Tests 2 & 3 CDS 4 YR. OLD FUTURITY - AMATEUR - Training Level Tests 2 & 3 CDS 5 YR. OLD FUTURITY - OPEN - First Level Tests 1 & 2 CDS 5 YR. OLD FUTURITY - AMATEUR - First Level Tests 1 & 2 CDS 6 YR. OLD FUTURITY - OPEN - Second Level Tests 1 & 2 CDS 6 YR. OLD FUTURITY - AMATEUR - Second Level Tests 1 & 2 Entering the CDS Cal-Bred Futurity Open to horses born in 2009, 2010 or 2011 and who have been foaled in California or Nevada and are entered in the CDS Futurity, any section. The perpetual trophy, ribbons and cash awards are based on the total percentage scored, regardless of Adult Amateur or Open Status and regardless of age group. The Cal Bred purse, which consists of all nomination fees from entered horses, is divided on the same percentage basis as the CDS Futurity. Ribbons through tenth. Fee schedule: $150 if paid by July 1, 2015; $200 if paid after July 1, 2015. Qualifying for the USDF Regional Finals The 2015 Regional Championships will be sponsored by Great American Insurance Group as the title sponsor. The Region 7 Finals will be held September 17-20, at Murieta Equestrian Center, Rancho, CA. In each region, USDF Regional Champions may be named at each level, through Grand Prix in three divisions: Open, Adult/Amateur, and Junior/Young Rider. To qualify for the Regional Championship, horse/rider combinations must earn a total of two qualifying scores in official Great American/USDF Qualifying Classes, at two different USEF/USDF recognized competitions, from two different judges. USDF qualifying scores for Region 7. Level Open Am Junior Training Level 68 63 63 First Level 66 62 62 Second Level 64 61 61 Third Level 62 60 60 Fourth Level 62 60 60 FEI Junior Rider Team 60 FEI Young Rider Team 60 PSG 6060 60 Int.-1 60 60 60 Int. -2 60 60 60 GP 60 60 60 Freestyles: 63% Membership requirements - Owners must be Participating Members of USDF at the time scores are earned. Riders must be Participating Members at the time scores are earned. The horse must be registered with USDF and USEF at the time scores are earned. Owners and riders must be USEF (Senior, Junior or Life) members. Last date to qualify is August 24, 2015. June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 30 2015 CDS RAAC Listed below are the Horse/Rider combinations that have qualified for CDS Regional Adult Amateur Competition so far. The scores are up-to-date to APRIL 30, 2015 only. Scores after that date have not been entered in the computer yet. If your records differ, please send an email with the dates and scores of your shows. Those listed with a * have PAID the $25 nominating fee for 2015. TRAINING LEVEL RAAC *DIANE ABRAHAM / DASHA *SARA BARTHOLOMEW / PEEK A BOO GEORGANNE BENESCH / LION KING *DANTIA BENSON / GEDEVASEGAARDS DIESEL DANTIA BENSON / GIVANTO MMW *EMILIA BERGAMASCO / ESCUDERO ALLISON BONANNO / STATESIDE SPS JESSIE BONNEAU / SKIES THE LIMIT LINDSAY-ELISABETH BRIDGES / D’HOT TODDY *SUE BRIGGS / CELTIC MAGIC TINA BURKE / ALTANERO *KAREN BURKS / TIM TERRIFIC *MARGARET BUTLER / HERMOSO LXVIII *JOHANNA CONSTANCE / EL MOJITO JOHANNA CONSTANCE / LORETTA LYNN *MADORA DANIEL / RONALDO ALEXANDRA DUARTE / GEORG GAMAY STEFANIE ERLWEIN / FINEST HOUR *VICTORIA FRONTIERE / EROS KAIA *ALISHA HAMPTON-ESCOBEDO / KILLARNEY CREEK *LORINDA HANES / MAD MARDIGAN HOLLY HARPHAM / GAUGUIN’S IMPRESSION WENDY HAYS / BRIA GRACE DANCING STAR *KATE HELFFRICH / COQUETTE ROBIN HENDERSON / PHOENIX *LISA HERMES / EHRENZ *TANYA HILL / FOXY BROWN GCF *MICHELLIE JONES / THE X FACTOR DEBBIE KEVINS / BODE MAUREEN LAMB / DALLAS DO RIGHT *MONICA LAWRY / FUERSTENDANCE NICKI LUCAS / WOUT FAN BOMMELSTEYN *KARLA MASON / PRINCE ALBERT LAUREN MCKEAND / GEMBRIA DG *MARY JO MCLEOD / URQUIJO JIM HANNE NOURI / KLOSTERHEDENS SUNITA *CICELY NYMAN / RICHARD PARKER KAREN O’NEILL / CADANZ’S FLEMMING LYNDSAY OLSON / SPIKE SHAREEN PURCELL / QUINTESSENTIAL REBECCA ROBINSON / ZEPHYR *MICHELLE SAWYER / SOLITAIR LAURA SWEET / STRENGTH OF TEN BEARS *NICHOLA TAYLOR / DORRIT *ELIZABETH THIERIOT / RONAMEER DG *CAROLINE UNDERWOOD / ARUBA CAROLINE UNDERWOOD / CHOCOLATE AFFAIR CAROLINE UNDERWOOD / H TWO OH LENAE WYATT / PAISLEY *HEATHER ZANDER / WISETON FIRST LEVEL RAAC CASSANDRA ANDERSSON / EXCLUSIVE STORY ELIZABETH AUSTIN / DOMINEQUE GEORGANNE BENESCH / LION KING ADRIENNE BESSEY / DRAGONFLY ALLISON BONANNO / STATESIDE SPS JESSIE BONNEAU / SKIES THE LIMIT *SUSAN BOOTH / WUNSCHKIND NATALYA BRANDT / SAMBUCA SUE BRIGGS / CELTIC MAGIC *JANICE BROOKS-GARY / CUMULUS 2 DEBI BRUM / FLASHBACK *KELLY BURNS-GAOIRAN / LEGEND WOODS ZIA *MELISSA COSTIGAN / KLEARY’S CLOVER GIRL *SHARON DAILY / LIVE WIRE *CLAUDIA DEFFENBAUGH / CELTICO III *RICHARD DEVIN / IMMERJOY *ERIC DI BENEDETTO / APOLLO *MAREN DOLLWET / W ROYAL WINNER *KATHRYN DONOVAN / SAND STORM ADVENTURE *KAREN ERICKSON / BRANDO NANNA ERICSON / OCTAVIA OVS SOPHIE EVANS / MAXIMUS SEELCHEN FEIBUSH / DRACULA GAIL FERNANDEZ / AAIKE K CARON FRISONE / SMOKE & MIRRORS *GAYLE GORDON / DARK BY DESIGN *SANDY HARPER / FREYA DG HOLLY HARPHAM / GAUGUIN’S IMPRESSION KRISTINE HEGGLIN / HOLSTEIN’S HARLEQUIN *DEBRA HILBERG / LARKEN ALDRYDD *VICKY HIPSLEY / SPOT ON *LOYE JAEGER / UNICUM *EVELYN JAMES / WALDEMAR *CRISTINA KAYVON-PIERCE / BALTIMORE *TRACY LADD / MAXIMUM CREDIT SARAH LAFAYETTE / SANTO LUGANO *ALLISON MACLEAN / BENEDERO *TIFFANY MAHONEY / SANS SOUCI CHRISTINA MARTINEK / MIKIE LARA MOSER / VISION QUEST *KAITLIN MYERS / SWEET BLUE SKYS LISA O’HARA / LADDIE LINDA OTTEMOELLER / RUBICON MEIKE PETRY / LUIGI *TORY PORTER NAMES / ERRABELLA DEBRA PULVER / DEMI *ROCHELLE PUTNAM / VALOR WENDY RADER / REXS CRESCENT MOON *JULIE RIGGS / BENISON *BRIDGET ROGERS / SASOU-KENAI *SUZANNE SATRAGNI / ULLA RUTH SHIRKEY / WYLEIGH PRINCESS *SABINE SHORT / DEXTER BETH SHRIEVE / FINNEGAN *DONNA STANGELAND / WAROUJO ADELE STEIN / FENIX RISING *LARA SYMMONS / BARONESS VON FIRE DUCHESS *ANGELA TINSLEY / FUEGO AMOR CAROLINE UNDERWOOD / ETCH A SKETCH *KATHRYN WEEKS / WESTFOLD *JENNIFER WESTOBY / MISTRAL DE OURO JENNIFER WRIGHT-WARREN / RHODES GEORGE *ASHLEY YOUNG / HCA ROMANOV LEGACY SECOND LEVEL RAAC CASSANDRA ANDERSSON / COUGARETTE *LESLIE AYRES / ECLIPSE DG *LILY BAKER-LUBIN / ROXANNE *TERRY BENEDETTI / EXCHANGE + JANICE BROOKS-GARY / CUMULUS 2 RICHARD DEVIN / IMMERJOY PAIGE GILLIARD / JAMBOREE OUTRAGEOUS SANDY HARPER / FREYA DG KRISTINE HEGGLIN / HOLSTEIN’S HARLEQUIN LORI JOHNSTONE / PANAMA JOE CASSEY MELLO / MIKOLAI CASSEY MELLO / NIKOLAI LISA MORROW / D’ARTAGNAN DG LINDA OTTEMOELLER / RUBICON TORY PORTER NAMES / ERRABELLA SHAREEN PURCELL / QUILLA ROCHELLE PUTNAM / GORRYT-B ‘VON JORL’ JEAN RUSSITANO / PLATEEN BECKIE SAMUELS / THOR DO RETIRO RHONDA SMITH / ZEPHYROS *HELEN STACY / D’ARTAGNAN ADELE STEIN / FENIX RISING MICHELE TING / DAKAR THIRD LEVEL RAAC KIMBERLY ANDERSON / RENZE H *PAMELA BAKAR / VIRTUOSO DO VOUGA SUSAN BELANGER-MARTIN / DANTE ALLISON BONANNO / LEOPOLD SPS *ROBERTA BRITTING / W GLENSTORM *ANNE BUCHANAN / SKYHIT *MARSHA BUSEKIST / SALTANDO DO NORTE MARGIE COCHRANE / DRESDEN *ELISE CUTINI / WYNNTERZ WHITE FEATHER LAURIE DAINER / LITTLE BIG MAN CLAIRE DAVIES / MACKENZIE ERIC DI BENEDETTO / WYNTON ALEXANDRA DUARTE / DOMIMUS DENHARTOG SHARON ENGEL / MORE LUX RAAC NORTH June 20-21, 2015 SV~ Vacaville 707-454-0565 * FALKNER / DIAMONDE SOPHIA *KENDALL FORBES / FLYING W FARMS PRINCESS KARMA *JACKIE GOLDEN / SUNDANCE GOLDEN *BRANNON HEATH / PEC WOMANIZER *MATTY HURTADO-SOKOLOW / PAVAROTTIE *GRACE KAMPHEFNER / PETITE GABRIELLE *COLLEEN KINNINGER / ESPANOL XLI *BLYTHE LEHMANN / DONNA DOMIRA SUSANNE MATTERN / DARIUS *LINDA MOELLER / AVENTIS MICHELE MOON / FRANKEE GOES TO HOLLYWOOD LAURIE MURPHY / DONEGAL MCSWEENEY VICTORIA MYER / TRUE TEXAS COLORS SHAREEN PURCELL / QUILLA PATRICIA RUPPERT / RIBBONS JANE RUSSELL / LORD BYRON ELIZABETH SHAFER / DIGNO HM *LAUREN SPEAR / IN THE MIST BETH SPUHLER / BOLEVUS MICHELLE STEVENS / AMOROSO SUSAN STEVENSON / RICOCHET ANNA WESTFELT / SULTAN S *LESA WHETZEL / ESCORIAL FOURTH LEVEL RAAC GINA ATTON-THOMAS / UPENDO ALLISON BONANNO / LEOPOLD SPS AMALIA BOYLES / WELTERBE JANICE CLINE / XEREZ DE QUINTANA *ALIX CURRY / DON FREDERIC ERIC DI BENEDETTO / WYNTON DEBI GROMACKI-BLYTH / CODA *JASMINE GUFFEY / PRANKSTER *CRYSTAL HEATH / LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS JANINE KARAS / MORRIS CODE *THERESE LOTMAN / DUFY ASHLEY NAGHASH / FEIVEL *BRIDGET WALKER / ARARIPE DOS PINHAIS SUSAN WALKER / WINZER 207 ANNA WESTFELT / SULTAN S CATHERINE WHITT / MIRAGE AKIKO YAMAZAKI / CHOPIN R PRIX ST GEORGES RAAC REBECCA ARMSTRONG / TANZARTIG *PB* *KRISTINE BERNARD / WAIKELO ADRIENNE BESSEY / DIDO NICOLE BHATHAL / SIR CEDRIK H *ANNE BUCHANAN / MARTINI CHRISTINE EKSTRAND / BRAXXTON VERONIQUE GILLARD / SCHMEICHEL *BEVERLY GNAU / HIGH HAPPENING EMILY GOLDMAN / WRIGLEY *PATRICIA HART / ALDENTE LISA HOUSTON / OSO PERFECT KHARA JOHNSON / FURST DANCE JANINE KARAS / MORRIS CODE *LAURA MALONEY / WESTER AMANDA MCDONELL / BRADY BOY ANN ROMNEY / DARLING ANN ROMNEY / DONATELLO *SUZANNE SMITH / SPENCER JOANNA SPEED-ROSE / ZINEDINE JOAN C WRIGHT / TRISTAN INTERMEDIAIRE 1 RAAC SONIA ASSEMI / DANCING QUEEN ADRIENNE BESSEY / DIDO *MARY BRANN / PETIT SYRAH CHRISTINE DE MONT / SEQUOIA HILARI FLEMING / RUBICON SF ELMA GARCIA / INTERMEZZO ELMA GARCIA / WENESA JULIE HOXMEIER / GLESTRINA KHARA JOHNSON / FURST DANCE CHARLOTTE JORST / ADVENTURE CHARLOTTE JORST / ASTERIOS DEBRA PULVER / TOPPER ANN ROMNEY / DONATELLO JENIFER WATKINS / APFELKORN 2015 CDS JR/YR Listed below are the Horse/Rider combinations that have qualified for CDS Junior/Young Rider Championships so far. The scores are up-to-date to APRIL 30, 2015 only. Scores after that date have not been entered in the computer yet. If your records differ, please send an email with the dates and scores of your shows. TRAINING LEVEL JUNIOR YOUNG RIDER MARY CATHERINE BUCHANAN / KIT AN CABOODLE LUNA CLEMENTS / RHAPSODY AVA DINGLEY / MAKENNA KAI EMILY ECKART / SAVANNAH BLUE LYDIA FENOGLIO / ALIQUOT CHARLOTTE GREATWOOD / BLACK DOG’S TOP OF THE MORNING CHARLOTTE GREATWOOD / GATEWAY NIGHT LIGHT GEORGIANA HAMILTON / AFRICA SHANNON HARGER / REAL BUBBLES GRACE HENDERSON / ATLANTIS KIRSTEN HICKEY / APOLLO’S PADDEE BAR ALEXANDER JACOBSON / JOEY SOPHIE KASLOW / GAVILAN BREEANNA KENNEY / CAMNO ESTELLE KISTNER / BASIL FAWLTY PEYTON LESSER / TARIM TZ KRISTYNA LUKACOVA / MIDNIGHT OIL ARIANA MARNELL / WIZARD OF OZ ERIN MELVILLE / SONG OF THE HEROS HANNAH PAROLINI / MISSY ALEXIS RZESNOWIECKY / RECHEIO DO RETIRO JANAE SHEW / LET’S BE FRIENDS LISA TAKADA / TIARA’S ROSE HALINA THOLE / ROSIE FIRST LEVEL JUNIOR YOUNG RIDER AIMEE ALLEN / ASPEN AIMEE ALLEN / PINOT KATELYN BOCEK / RIENZO ALEXA BROWN / TIGGER MADELEINE CORONADO / RUFUS BL LYDIA FENOGLIO / ALIQUOT JESSICA FOREST / CLASSIC MOJAH RACHEL GAINES / FABRIZIO LEAH GRAVES / KINGSLEY KATHARINE HEDBABNY / SUMMER MAGIC BROOKE HODGE / HAZEN SOPHIA HOLM / BORENCIO DG ANICA HOLT / BETTER THAN A BENTLEY SOPHIE KASLOW / GAVILAN MCKENZIE KELLEY / FUERST HIT KIRSTEN LUEDDE / CP GUNCYN ROSES ISABELLA MACCHIONI / DANATELO EMMA MARSHALL / MAESTRO RHEANNA MCCONNELL / WHOM SHALL I FEAR EMILY MIDGLEY / DE LOVELY CHEX SABINE MOLLOY / REMBRANDT SHAYLA OWEN / KODIAK BRYCE QUINTO / BEEN VERIFIED BRYCE QUINTO / DJEDEFRE ALEXIS RZESNOWIECKY / RECHEIO DO RETIRO JANAE SHEW / LET’S BE FRIENDS JESSICA SLINKARD / SATURN’S SERENADE EMILY SMITH / LONDON SARAH SMITH / STREET MELODY STEPHANIE SMITTKAMP / LIFE IS LIFE JORDAN YANKTON / ROSANTOS SECOND LEVEL JUNIOR YOUNG RIDER GRACE ALI / LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS LAUREN ASHER / CHIANTI KATHARINE HEDBABNY / SUMMER OF MAGIC LAUREL KERNER / SOREN OLIVIA LAQUA / SYDNEY EAMON LEONARD / AIDA SABINE MOLLOY / REMBRANDT MADISON PAULSON / FOREVER WITH HAMILTON ANNIE RAY / CALVIN KLEIN SARAH SCHERER / RELAXX CELSIANA WILLIAM / HEART THROB BRIANNA WILSON / REMEMBRANCE THIRD LEVEL JUNIOR YOUNG RIDER HEATHER BAINE / PALADIN LILY BENNETT / SEOUL BROTHER ANNA BUFFINI / ROOSEVELT SFS CATHERINE CHAMBERLAIN / SOPHINA GENNA FELD / JOLIE SUNNIE HEERS / LEGO CELIA JANSEN / MERRICK RVRW EVA LARSEN / LAFFRAN SPONTI EAMON LEONARD / AIDA KENDRA MITCHELL / IDOL HOUR KELSEA NATAREN / ME IMAGINE THEA O’DELL / ZEE DE MAN MADISON PAULSON / FOREVER WITH HAMILTON VERONICA SANDOVAL / BRILLIG FRANCESCA SHELD / REAGAN MIA SLAUGHTER / HARRINGTON L FOURTH LEVEL JUNIOR YOUNG RIDER AIMEE ALLEN / ALEROS + ARIANNA BARZMAN-GRENNAN / PATRIOT B ANNA BUFFINI / ROOSEVELT SFS ASHLYN DE GROOT / DALINA DG ALEYNA DUNN / LAETITIA MADISON PAULSON / FOREVER WITH HAMILTON BRIANNA RELUCIO / WYNSUM FEI JR JUNIOR OLIVIA OWYEUNG / ZAMAIRE ANNIE RAY / CALVIN KLEIN PARIS RICHMAN / SOMETHING ELSE C SHELBY ROCERETO / CHAPEAU MIA SLAUGHTER / HARRINGTON L VERONICA WEST / NOBLEMAN FEI YR YOUNG RIDER LAUREN ASHER / LYSIAS DANIELLE BONAVITO / WYOMING LINDSEY BREWIN / VAILLANT KATE CASSIDY / PELLEGRINI CATHERINE CHAMBERLAIN / AVESTO VAN WELTEVREDEN CASSIDY GALLMAN / GRAND MARKANA ERIKA LARSON / GUNNER FEI JR/YR JUNIOR YOUNG RIDER KATE CASSIDY / AAVINGON ANDANTE CATHERINE CHAMBERLAIN / VERDICCI AINSLEY FARADAY / COEUR DAS SAMANTHA JENNEY / FLARINUS ANGELICA OLIVER-MAYS / PICASSO VDA JESSICA PIERCE / STERLING PARIS RICHMAN / TALENT GENAY VAUGHN / DONARWEISS GGF JR YR CHAMPIONSHIPS July 31- August 2, 2015 Elk Grove 916-869-7942 JR YR CHAMPIONSHIPS RAAC SOUTH August 22-23, 2015 SJC & LA ~ Burbank 818-841-3554 June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 31 August 15-16, 2015 Temecula 805-306-1885 RAAC CENTRAL July 4-5, 2015 GAV ~ Hollister 510-672-32604 2015 CDS CHAMPIONSHIPS Listed below are the Horse/Rider combinations that have qualified for CDS Championships so far. The scores are up-to-date to APRIL 30, 2015 only. Scores after that date have not been entered in the computer yet. If your records differ, please send an email with the dates and scores of your shows. TRAINING LEVEL AMATEUR SARA BARTHOLOMEW / PEEK A BOO HOLLY HARPHAM / GAUGUIN’S IMPRESSION ROBIN HENDERSON / PHOENIX SHAREEN PURCELL / QUINTESSENTIAL MICHELLE SAWYER / SOLITAIR CAROLINE UNDERWOOD / ARUBA CAROLINE UNDERWOOD / CHOCOLATE AFFAIR TRAINING LEVEL JR YR PEYTON LESSER \ TARIM TZ KRISTYNA LUKACOVA \ MIDNIGHT OIL JANAE SHEW \ LET’S BE FRIENDS TRAINING LEVEL OPEN TINA CALDWELL \ DONATELLO IV JOCELYN HAMANN \ BENELLI ROSE SARAH LOCKMAN \ DEHAVILLAND BRENDA PETERS BEARE \ LAMSON LISA RAGO \ DAVIDSON’S BLACK SHAMAN NICK WAGMAN \ GUSTO DG JESSICA WISDOM \ FALCON FIRST LEVEL AMATEUR DEBI BRUM / FLASHBACK KELLY BURNS-GAOIRAN / LEGEND WOODS ZIA SHARON DAILY / LIVE WIRE ERIC DI BENEDETTO / APOLLO SANDY HARPER / FREYA DG TIFFANY MAHONEY / SANS SOUCI KAITLIN MYERS / SWEET BLUE SKYS LISA O’HARA / LADDIE MEIKE PETRY / LUIGI DEBRA PULVER / DEMI ROCHELLE PUTNAM / VALOR RUTH SHIRKEY / WYLEIGH PRINCESS LARA SYMMONS /BARONESS VON FIRE DUCHESS CAROLINE UNDERWOOD / ETCH A SKETCH FIRST LEVEL JR YR ALEXA BROWN \ TIGGER RACHEL GAINES \ FABRIZIO SOPHIA HOLM \ BORENCIO DG KIRSTEN LUEDDE \ CP GUNCYN ROSES ISABELLA MACCHIONI \ DANATELO EMILY MIDGLEY \ DE LOVELY CHEX SHAYLA OWEN \ KODIAK BRYCE QUINTO \ BEEN VERIFIED BRYCE QUINTO \ DJEDEFRE EMILY SMITH \ LONDON FIRST LEVEL OPEN SEANA ADAMSON \ ROYAL TRADITION JACKIE AHL-ECKHAUS \ SI DONNA MVS DAVID BLAKE \ HEIDE STAR TINA CALDWELL \ DONATELLO IV DAGMAR FORTMULLER \ FYLA MORGANE GABRIEL \ FOR WILLIE SANDY GARDNER \ CALYPSO HILDA GURNEY \ IRIS BIRTHE LAUFER \ DELON BETHANY NEHSE \ SONHADORA WML SUSAN NELSON \ ROYAL FASHION RIANA PORTER \ CHANCELLOR REBECCA RIGDON \ LA FARIAH BEVERLY ROGERS \ ETOILE ALEJANDRO SALAZAR \ MERRIEWOLD LEGACY CHRISTINE STEPHENSON \ ISSIRA ANGIE TAYLOR \ RONRICO MALLORY THOMPSON \ R LUCKY TRIPLE SEVEN CHRISTINE UNRUH \ AVANTAGE MERRIE VELDEN \ SANDERSON LESLIE WEBB \ HARMONY’S DALTON JESSICA WISDOM \ ROCERO SVS SECOND LEVEL AMATEUR CASSANDRA ANDERSSON / COUGARETTE LILY BAKER-LUBIN / ROXANNE JANICE BROOKS-GARY / CUMULUS 2 SANDY HARPER / FREYA DG KRISTINE HEGGLIN / HOLSTEIN’S HARLEQUIN RHONDA SMITH / ZEPHYROS HELEN STACY / D’ARTAGNAN ANNE BUCHANAN / MARTINI CHRISTINE EKSTRAND / BRAXXTON VERONIQUE GILLARD / SCHMEICHEL SECOND LEVEL JR YR BEVERLY GNAU / HIGH HAPPENING LAUREN ASHER \ CHIANTI EMILY GOLDMAN / WRIGLEY LAUREL KERNER \ SOREN PATRICIA HART / ALDENTE BRIANNA WILSON \ REMEMBRANCE LISA HOUSTON / OSO PERFECT SARAH SCHERER / RELAXX KHARA JOHNSON / FURST DANCE JANINE KARAS / MORRIS CODE SECOND LEVEL OPEN LAURA MALONEY / WESTER HILDA GURNEY \ IRIS SANDRA HANSEN \ STONEWALL FANDANGO AMANDA MCDONELL / BRADY BOY ELIZABETH LANDERS\HIS HIGHNESS CRUSADOR ANN ROMNEY / DARLING ANN ROMNEY / DONATELLO SARAH LOCKMAN \ CHRIS-CRAFT SUZANNE SMITH / SPENCER TERRI ROCOVICH \ REDOWA STAR ALEJANDRO SALAZAR \ MERRIEWOLD KIRIN JOANNA SPEED-ROSE / ZINEDINE JOAN C WRIGHT / TRISTAN ALLIDA J TAYLOR \ RICARAO MICHELE TING / DAKAR THIRD LEVEL AMATEUR KIMBERLY ANDERSON / RENZE H PAMELA BAKAR / VIRTUOSO DO VOUGA MARGIE COCHRANE / DRESDEN ELISE CUTINI / WYNNTERZ WHITE FEATHER LAURIE DAINER / LITTLE BIG MAN ERIC DI BENEDETTO / WYNTON ALEXANDRA DUARTE / DOMIMUS DENHARTOG MAURYA FALKNER / DIAMONDE SOPHIA MATTY HURTADO-SOKOLOW / PAVAROTTIE MICHELE MOON/FRANKEE GOES TO HOLLYWOOD LAUREN SPEAR / IN THE MIST BETH SPUHLER / BOLEVUS SUSAN STEVENSON / RICOCHET THIRD LEVEL JR YR ANNA BUFFINI \ ROOSEVELT SFS SUNNIE HEERS \ LEGO CELIA JANSEN \ MERRICK RVRW KENDRA MITCHELL \ IDOL HOUR KELSEA NATAREN \ ME IMAGINE OLIVIA OWYEUNG \ ZAMAIRE SHELBY ROCERETO \ CHAPEAU VERONICA WEST \ NOBLEMAN THIRD LEVEL OPEN SARAH CHRISTY \ SHAKESPEARE NICHOLIA CLARKE \ FINESSE NICHOLIA CLARKE \ QUINCY JESSICA HAVEY \ HELLO HALLI JACKIE MCRAE \ FYNNEMANN HEATHER OLESON \ BOLERO OLIVIA WENTWORTH-STANLEY \ GERALD FOURTH LEVEL AMATEUR ALLISON BONANNO / LEOPOLD SPS AMALIA BOYLES / WELTERBE JANICE CLINE / XEREZ DE QUINTANA CRYSTAL HEATH / LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS JANINE KARAS / MORRIS CODE BRIDGET WALKER / ARARIPE DOS PINHAIS FOURTH LEVEL JR YR ALEYNA DUNN \ LAETITIA FOURTH LEVEL OPEN ELIZABETH BALL \ CARAVAGGIO CYNTHIA BELL \ ALLURE DO CANAA NICHOLIA CLARKE \ FINESSE NICHOLIA CLARKE \ QUINCY NICHOLIA CLARKE \ ROULETTE TRACEY LERT \ ELYSIAN JO MORAN \ FRANCHESCA JO MORAN \ RHR SMOOTH JAZZ NACHO MORAN \ BELVEDERE SHANNON PETERS \ BARCELONA RIANA PORTER \ DAX CRAIG STANLEY \ WINTERSOHN RACHEL WADE \ CAMBRIA PRIX ST GEORGES AMATEUR REBECCA ARMSTRONG / TANZARTIG *PB* KRISTINE BERNARD / WAIKELO ADRIENNE BESSEY / DIDO NICOLE BHATHAL / SIR CEDRIK H PRIX ST GEORGES JR YR LAUREN ASHER \ LYSIAS DANIELLE BONAVITO \ WYOMING LINDSEY BREWIN \ VAILLANT KATE CASSIDY \ AAVINGON ANDANTE KATE CASSIDY \ PELLEGRINI CATHERINE CHAMBERLAIN\AVESTO VAN WEST CASSIDY GALLMAN \ GRAND MAKANA SAMANTHA JENNEY \ FLARINUS ERIKA LARSON \ GUNNER ANGELICA OLIVER-MAYS \ PICASSO VDA JESSICA PIERCE \ STERLING PARIS RICHMAN \ TALENT PRIX ST GEORGES OPEN ELIZABETH BALL \ AVANTI GINA DURAN \ FARALLON BARBARA FILKINS \ LEANA KRISTINA HARRISON \ ARLO KRISTINA HARRISON \ WENDIEGO CHRISTIAN HARTUNG \ WINTESSA N TRACEY HILL \ CELINA HEATHER KENNEDY \ BABUSHKA RTH HEIDI KNIPE-LYONS \ EQF BARYSHNIKOV KIMBERLY KULESA \ VENTO DA BROGA EMILY LASHER \ DREAMY POLLY LIMOND \ BONNO SUSAN L MARTIN \ VETO NELLIE MARTIN-GILES \ WISCHNEWSKI KIMBERLY MCGRATH \ BRIGHTON KIMBERLY MONK \ FLAIR NACHO MORAN \ ROMEO CARRIE O’NEILL \ SPARTAKUS MACKINZIE POOLEY \ STARLET M TRACY ROENICK \ APASSIONATA PEARLIE ROHRBACHER \ CHARMAN METTE ROSENCRANTZ \ DE NOIR 3 GUENTER SEIDEL \ REY DEL MUNDO KATE SHUSTER \ QUIERO TIFFANY SILVERMAN \ SEBASTIAN AMBER SMIGEL \ DIJON SANDRA VERDA-ZANATTA \ WILHELM NICK WAGMAN \ DON JOHN LESLIE WEBB \ EISENHERZ LESLIE WEBB \ HARMONY’S ARMANI OLIVIA WENTWORTH-STANLEY \ ZELDZAAM INTERMEDIAIRE-1 AMATEUR SONIA ASSEMI / DANCING QUEEN ADRIENNE BESSEY / DIDO MARY BRANN / PETIT SYRAH CHRISTINE DE MONT / SEQUOIA HILARI FLEMING / RUBICON SF ELMA GARCIA / INTERMEZZO ELMA GARCIA / WENESA JULIE HOXMEIER / GLESTRINA KHARA JOHNSON / FURST DANCE CHARLOTTE JORST / ADVENTURE CHARLOTTE JORST / ASTERIOS DEBRA PULVER / TOPPER ANN ROMNEY / DONATELLO JENIFER WATKINS / APFELKORN INTERMEDIAIRE-1 OPEN ELIZABETH BALL \ AVANTI WYNNE FASSARI \ ZILANO MARTI FOSTER \ ROSENBALL SUZANNE GALSTERER \ WROXANNE JAKI HARDY \ FINESSE KRISTINA HARRISON \ ARLO KRISTINA HARRISON \ WENDIEGO CHRISTIAN HARTUNG \ WINTESSA N CAROLINE HOFFMAN \ MARKANT KRISTINE HOWE \ LOANSHARK CHEMAINE HURTADO \ WINTER NEBEL HEATHER KENNEDY \ BABUSHKA RTH SUSAN L MARTIN \ VETO KIMBERLY MONK \ FLAIR CARRIE O’NEILL \ SPARTAKUS LUCIA RAPALYEA \ AMANI TERI RICH \ WIDELO TRACY ROENICK \ APASSIONATA METTE ROSENCRANTZ \ DE NOIR 3 GUENTER SEIDEL \ REY DEL MUNDO SHAYNA SIMON \ HARLEY DAVIDSON SANDRA VERDA-ZANATTA \ WILHELM TANYA VIK \ HOLY WONDER LESLIE WEBB \ HARMONY’S ARMANI OLIVIA WENTWORTH-STANLEY \ ZELDZAAM DAVID WIGHTMAN \ BARBARO SB1 SABINE BARON WRIGHT \ WINONA JAN EBELING \ FRH RASSOLINI HILDA GURNEY \ WINTERSNOW BRIAN HAFNER \ LOMBARDO LHF MONICA HOUWELING \ RIFRADIN ANNE B HOWARD \ RONDO TRACEY LERT \ UDO ARI LOPEZ \ CORLANDER II BEATRICE MARIENAU \ STEFANO B KIMBERLY MCGRATH \ WINSLOW LESLIE MORSE \ KING’S EXCALIBUR HEATHER OLESON \ VICTOR SHANNON PETERS \ WELTINO’S MAGIC STEFFEN PETERS \ ROSAMUNDE KATHLEEN RAINE \ BREANNA MICHELLE REILLY \ UMEEKO TERRI ROCOVICH \ UIVER METTE ROSENCRANTZ \ CENNA METTE ROSENCRANTZ \ MARRON GUENTER SEIDEL \ ZERO GRAVITY SHERRY VAN’T RIET \ SIR DEAUVILLE MERRIE VELDEN \ SANDOMERE JESSICA WISDOM \ NORTH FORKS CARDI FREESTYLES FS-FIRST OPEN ALEXA BROWN \ TIGGER RICHARD DEVIN \ IMMERJOY CRISTINA KAYVON-PIERCE \ BALTIMORE SHELBY KEARNS \ KEYS TO MY HEART VERONIKA MORRIS \ GAUKE FS-SECOND OPEN INTERMEDIAIRE-2 AMATEUR YVETTE DIURI / BRANCO VAN DE VOGELZANG SHERYL ROSS / LANCASTER FS-THIRD OPEN SHELBY ROCERETO \ CHAPEAU SUSAN STEVENSON \ RICOCHET INTERMEDIAIRE-2 OPEN JACKIE AHL-ECKHAUS \ WISDOM MVS CATHERINE CHAMBERLAIN \ VERDICCI JAN EBELING \ BREITAN SANDY GARDNER \ SANDRO’S ACE ARI LOPEZ \ CORLANDER II AMELIA NEWCOMB \ TRUMP DONNA RICHARDSON \ VELOZ DE QUINTANA REBECCA RIGDON \ VERSACE CARLY TAYLOR-SMITH \ VOLARE CHRISTINE TRAURIG \ DON DIOR GENAY VAUGHN \ DONARWEISS GGF FS-FOURTH OPEN GRAND PRIX AMATEUR MARK CARTER / BELLINO TAMI CARTER / DONNATO CHRISTINE EKSTRAND / FLEUR ROUGE CHRIS FEDERER / SAM GERIDA CHARLOTTE JORST / NINTENDO SUSAN WREN / LALIQUE FS-GRAND PRIX OPEN ELIZABETH BALL \ LIAISON BARBI BREEN-GURLEY \ VINDICATOR JAN EBELING \ FRH RASSOLINI HILDA GURNEY \ WINTERSNOW BRIAN HAFNER \ LOMBARDO LHF BEATRICE MARIENAU \ STEFANO 8 KIMBERLY MCGRATH \ WINSLOW HEATHER OLESON \ VICTOR STEFFEN PETERS \ LEGOLAS 92 MICHELLE REILLY \ UMEEKO GUENTER SEIDEL \ ZERO GRAVITY JESSICA WISDOM \ NORTH FORKS CARDI GRAND PRIX OPEN ELIZABETH BALL \ LIAISON BARBI BREEN-GURLEY \ VINDICATOR CATHERINE CHAMBERLAIN \ VERDICCI SARAH CHRISTY \ ZAMORIN VALERIE COLSANT \ VIRTUOSO NEW FS-INTERMEDIAIRE 1 OPEN ELIZABETH BALL \ AVANTI KRISTINA HARRISON \ WENDIGO CAROLINE HOFFMAN \ MARKANT KRISTINE HOWE \ LOANSHARK SUSAN L MARTIN \ VETO NELLIE MARTIN-GILES \ LAOS DE BRASILIA TRACY ROENICK \ APASSIONATA ELIZABETH TRENCHARD \ DONATELLO PAMELA WANGENHEIM-HAWKINS\CHEVALNOIR for Championships 1. NEW earlier date... September 17-20, 2015 earlier last date to qualify AUGUST 24 2. Junior Young Rider Division Training - Prix St Georges 3. Automatic Qualification Junior Championship Champions and Reserve Champions 4. Automatic Qualification RAAC winners at each level Novice and Elite June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 32 2015 September 17-20 Great American Insurance Group USDF Region 7 Championships 48th Annual California Dressage Society Championship Show Breeders Championships West Coast Final MURIETA EQUESTRIAN CENTER ~ RANCHO MURIETA, CA PRIZE LIST AVAILABLE ONLINE: WWW.CALIFORNIA-DRESSAGE.ORG CONTACT GLENDA MCELROY 818-841-3554, June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 33 • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • • FESTIVAL OF THE HORSE CDI 3/26-28/15 San Juan Capistrano, CA CDI Grand Prix Judges DeWolff, Weatherwax, Rockwell, Schwennesen, Minor 1.Steffen Peters / ROSAMUNDE / 73.780 2.Guenter Seidel / ZERO GRAVITY / 69.480 3.Brian Hafner / LOMBARDO LHF / 69.020 CDI Grand Prix Special Judges DeWolff, Weatherwax, Rockwell, Schwennesen, Minor 1.David Blake / IKAROS / 68.843 2.Guenter Seidel / ZERO GRAVITY /68.725 3.Kimberly McGrath / WINSLOW / 67.608 CDI Grand Prix Freestyle Judges DeWolff, Weatherwax, Rockwell, Schwennesen, Minor 1.Steffen Peters / ROSAMUNDE / 77.750 2.Jan Ebeling / FRH RASSOLINI / 71.450 3.Elizabeth Ball / LIAISON / 69.800 CDI Prix St Georges Judges DeWolff, Weatherwax, Rockwell, Schwennesen, Minor 1.Guenter Seidel / REY DEL MUNDO / 71.184 2.Leslie Reid / FINE AND SMART / 70.921 3.Charlotte Jorst / KASTEL’S ADVENTURE / 69.711 CDI Intermediaire 1 Judges DeWolff, Weatherwax, Rockwell, Schwennesen, Minor 1.Charlotte Jorst / KASTEL’S ADVENTURE / 71.00 2.Guenter Seidel / REY DEL MUNDO / 70.789 3.Elizabeth Ball / AVANTI / 70.711 CDI Intermediaire 1 Freesytle Judges DeWolff, Weatherwax, Rockwell, Schwennesen, Minor 1.Tracy Roenick / APASSIONATA / 72.625 2.Susan Martin / VETO / 70.100 3.Dawn White-O’Connor / ARISTO / 69.850 CDI Young Rider Team Test Judges Rockwell, Schwennesen, Weatherwax 1.Catherine Chamberlain / AVESTO VAN WELTEVREDEN / 67.895 2.Danielle Bonavito / WYOMING / 64.342 3.Ehren Volk / VAYA CON DIOS / 63.728 CDI Young Rider Individual Test Judges Rockwell, Schwennesen, Weatherwax , Minor, DeWolff 1.Catherine Chamberlain / AVESTO VAN WELTEVREDEN / 66.8425 2.Cassidy Gallman / GRAND MAKANA / 66.553 3.Danielle Bonavito / WYOMING / 63.237 CDI Young Rider Individual Test Judges Rockwell, Schwennesen, Weatherwax , Minor, DeWolff 1.Catherine Chamberlain / AVESTO VAN WELTEVREDEN / 69.775 CDI Junior Team Judges Rockwell, Schwennesen, Weatherwax 1.Veronica West / NOBLEMAN / 65.631 CDI Junior Individual Test Judges Rockwell, Schwennesen, Weatherwax , Minor, DeWolff 1.Veronica West / NOBLEMAN / 67.763 CDI Intermediaire II 16-25 Judges Rockwell, Schwennesen, Weatherwax 1.Genay Vaughn / DONARWEISS GGF / 65.965 2.Catherine Chamberlain / VERDICCI / 62.149 3.Ariel Thomas / HERALDIK STAR / 57.105 CDI Grand Prix 16-25 - Rockwell, Schwennesen, DeWolff 1.Genay Vaughn / DONARWEISS GGF / 66.705 2.Catherine Chamberlain / VERDICCI / 64.031 3.Ariel Thomas / HERALDIK STAR / 55.775 3.Bryce Quinto / BEEN VERIFIED / 65.588 Second Level Test 1 - Open (C) Creswick, 1.Allida Taylor / RICARAO / 63.788 Second Level Test 1 - Amateur (C) Creswick, 1.Emilyne Jankunis / SOMMER SONNET / 66.515 Second Level Test 2 - Open (C) Creswick, 1.Marti Foster / DAMARIO / 65.128 Second Level Test 2 - Amateur (C) Creswick, 1.Helen Stacy / D’ARTAGNAN / 62.179 Prix St. Georges - Open (C) Osborn, Second Level Test 2 - Jr/YR (C) Creswick, 1.Lucia Rapalyea / AMANI / 61.974 1.Brianna Wilson / REMEMBRANCE / 63.333 2.Amy Wellburn / CAPE TOWN / 58.026 Second Level Test 3 - Open (C) Creswick, Prix St. Georges - Am/Jr/YR (C) Creswick, 1.Terri Rocovich / REDOWA STAR / 65.244 1.Anna Buffini / WILTON II / 65.921 2.Eleonore Elstone / GOLDEN BOY / 65.122 2.Ann Romney / DARLING / 61.579 3.Marti Foster / DAMARIO / 60.610 3.Tobi Coate / LOGAN / 58.026 Second Level Test 3 - Amateur (C) Creswick, Intermediaire I - Open (C) Osborn, 1.Helen Stacy / D’ARTAGNAN / 61.098 1.Sabine Baron Wright / WINONA / 68.421 Third Level Test 1 - Open (C) Osborn, 2.Marti Foster / ROSENBALL / 63.947 1.Heather Oleson / BOLERO / 68.333 3.Alyssa Doverspike / AVALON / 61.316 2.Marie Meyers / DE RUSSIE / 68.182 Intermediaire I - Am/Jr/YR (C) Creswick, 3.Nick Onoda / SAMSON / 66.515 1.Ann Romney / DONATELLO / 65.000 Third Level Test 1 - Amateur (C) Creswick, 2.Debra Pulver / TOPPER / 64.079 1.Elise Cutini / WYNNTERZ WHITE FEATHER / 61.818 3.Jenifer Watkins / APFELKORN / 61.711 Third Level Test 2 - Open (C) Osborn, Intermediaire II - Open (C) Osborn, 1.Rochelle Kilberg / SAMBA HIT V / 77.051 1.Jackie Ahl-Eckhaus / WISDOM MVS / 70.395 Third Level Test 2 - Jr/YR (C) Osborn, Intermediaire II - Am/Jr/YR (C) Osborn, 1.Tesia Penner / FLY AWAY / 56.154 1.Sheryl Ross / LANCASTER / 65.789 Third Level Test 3 - Open (C) Osborn, Grand Prix - Open (C) Osborn, 1.Nicholia Clarke / FINESSE / 73.846 1.Kerry Marit / NOAH / 64.000 2.Jess Havey / HELLO HALLI / 70.128 2.Victoria Fedri / VIKTOOR / 63.300 3.Catherine Chamberlain / SOPHINA / 69.872 Training Level Test 2 - Am (C) Creswick, Third Level Test 3 - Amateur (C) Creswick, 1.Lindsay Bridges / D’ HOT TODY / 70.385 1.Ashley Naghash / REINALDO ANGELO / 59.231 2.Lorinda Hanes / MAD MARDIGAN / 61.923 Third Level Test 3 - Jr/YR (C) Creswick, Training Level Test 3 - Am (C) Creswick, 1.Celia Jansen / MERRICK RVRW / 64.359 1.Dantia Benson / GEDEVASEGAARDS DIESEL / 63.864 Fourth Level Test 1 - Open (C) Osborn, 2.Lorinda Hanes / MAD MARDIGAN / 58.636 1.Jan Ebeling / SANTO DOMINGO / 77.703 First Level Test 1 - Open (C) Creswick, 2.Nicholia Clarke / QUINCY / 75.135 1.Dagmar Fortmuller / FYLA / 62.778 3.Nicholia Clarke / FINESSE / 70.541 First Level Test 1 - Amateur (C) Creswick, Fourth Level Test 1 - Amateur (C) Creswick, 1.Debi Brum / FLASHBACK / 68.889 1.Colleen Church Mcdowall / DORIAN DARK / 62.703 First Level Test 1 - Jr/YR (C) Creswick, 2.Bridget Walker / ARARIPE DOS PINHAIS / 61.757 1.Madeline Wells / NOELLE’S EPIPHANY / 63.704 3.Ashley Naghash / FEIVEL / 61.486 First Level Test 2 - Amateur (C) Creswick, Fourth Level Test 1 - Jr/YR (C) Creswick, 1.Debi Brum / FLASHBACK / 71.406 1.Aleyna Dunn / LAETITIA / 65.405 First Level Test 2 - Jr/YR (C) Creswick, 2.Anna Buffini / ROOSEVELT SFS / 63.784 1.Rachel Gaines / FABRIZIO / 68.281 Fourth Level Test 2 - Open (C) Osborn, 2.Celia Jansen / HENRY J / 66.094 1.Nicholia Clarke / QUINCY / 73.750 First Level Test 3 - Open (C) Creswick, 2.Nicholia Clarke / ROULETTE / 70.139 1.Jackie Ahl-Eckhaus / SI DONNA MVS / 70.588 3.Jo Moran / FRANCHESCA / 68.750 First Level Test 3 - Amateur (C) Creswick, Green Horse Training Level Test 1 (C) Creswick, 1.Debra Pulver / DEMI / 65.147 1.Jessica Wisdom / FALCON / 71.957 First Level Test 3 - Jr/YR (C) Creswick, Green Horse Training Level Test 3 (C) Creswick, 1.Rachel Gaines / FABRIZIO / 68.676 1.Jessica Wisdom / FALCON / 68.636 2.Ashleigh Elstone / GOLDEN BOY / 65.735 Green Horse First Level Test 1 (C) Creswick, 1.Jessica Wisdom / ROCERO SVS / 70.185 FEI Freestyle Test of Choice (C) Osborn, 1.Kristine Howe / LOANSHARK / 65.250 Prix St. Georges - Masters (C) Creswick, 1.Suzanne Smith / SPENCER / 69.737 2.Patricia Hart / ALDENTE / 65.789 Third Level Test 1 - Masters (C) Creswick, 1.Susan Belanger-Martin / DANTE / 59.091 2.Linda Poel / WYLYE / 58.182 Fourth Level Test 1 - Masters (C) Creswick, 1.Kim Elliott / ZIDANE / 60.946 Prix St. Georges - Open (C) Creswick, 1.Alyssa Doverspike / AVALON / 68.421 2.Amber Smigel / DIJON / 63.947 3.Amy Wellburn / CAPE TOWN / 63.421 Prix St. Georges - Am/Jr/YR (C) Osborn, 1.Joanna Speed-Rose / ZINEDINE / 67.763 2.Ann Romney / DONATELLO / 65.263 Intermediaire I - Open (C) Creswick, 1.Sabine Baron Wright / WINONA / 70.526 2.Lucia Rapalyea / AMANI / 67.500 3.Marti Foster / ROSENBALL / 59.737 Intermediaire I - Am/Jr/YR (C) Osborn, 1.Ann Romney / DARLING / 60.921 2.Christina Johansen / NIMBUS / 59.211 Intermediaire II - Open (C) Creswick, 1.Sabine Schut-Kery / RONDO / 70.000 2.Jan Ebeling / BREITAN / 68.684 Intermediaire II - Am/Jr/YR (C) Creswick, 1.Sheryl Ross / LANCASTER / 67.895 Grand Prix - Open (C) Creswick, 1.Barbara Breen-Gurley / VINDICATOR / 68.400 2.Kerry Marit / NOAH / 68.200 Grand Prix Special - Open (C) Creswick, 1.Victoria Fedri / VIKTOOR / 65.882 Training Level Test 1 - Jr/YR (C) Osborn, 1.Celia Jansen / HENRY J / 65.870 Training Level Test 2 - Amateur (C) Osborn, 1.Lorinda Hanes / MAD MARDIGAN / 60.000 Training Level Test 3 - Amateur (C) Osborn, 1.Lorinda Hanes / MAD MARDIGAN / 58.636 First Level Test 1 - Open (C) Osborn, 1.Cindy Jensen / FINE TUNE / 70.000 2.Anna Wood / SILBERPFEIL / 70.000 First Level Test 1 - Amateur (C) Osborn, 1.Debi Brum / FLASHBACK / 72.778 2.Angela Tinsley / FUEGO AMOR / 66.481 First Level Test 1 - Jr/YR (C) Osborn, 1.Bryce Quinto / DJEDEFRE / 64.630 2.Madeline Wells / NOELLE’S EPIPHANY / 64.444 First Level Test 2 - Open (C) Osborn, 1.Jenifer Luce-Zakhary / BELLA DONNA SMS / 68.125 2.Dagmar Fortmuller / FYLA / 67.969 First Level Test 2 - Amateur (C) Osborn, 1.Debi Brum / FLASHBACK / 71.563 NEW VIDEOS! DUTCH SUPER MOVERS! Breeder of Champions! SOLD Photo: Hokuloa $11,000 3 year old filly (born end June, 2012) will mature at 16.2 - 16.3hh Uphill, energetic and willing a talented FEI prospect! Top foals - 4 yr. olds by Uphill, UB40, Contester II, and Ijsselmeer. All registered Dutch (KWPN) Both sexes, all sizes. Good characters and FEI potential. $7,500 - $12,500. YouTube-Videos. Search: liolomasdutchwarmbld 831/623-2555 45 min. south of SF Bay Area. June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 34 Training, lessons, clinic, sales 707-326-7612 Now accepting new clients! Located at Santa Rosa Equestrian Center • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • • First Level Test 2 - Jr/YR (C) Osborn, 1.Jordan Yankton / ROSANTOS / 67.656 First Level Test 3 - Open (C) Osborn, 1.Jessica Wisdom / FALCON / 74.118 2.Jenifer Luce-Zakhary / BELLA DONNA SMS / 72.500 3.Christine Stephenson / ISSIRA / 69.853 First Level Test 3 - Jr/YR (C) Osborn, 1.Jordan Yankton / ROSANTOS / 68.824 2.Bryce Quinto / BEEN VERIFIED / 67.647 3.Rachel Gaines / FABRIZIO / 63.971 Second Level Test 1 - Open (C) Osborn, 1.Marisa Festerling / FABIUS / 70.455 2.Allida Taylor / RICARAO / 66.970 Second Level Test 3 - Open (C) Osborn, 1.Terri Rocovich / REDOWA STAR / 66.341 Second Level Test 3 - Amateur/Dover Medal (C) Osborn, 1.Helen Stacy / D’ARTAGNAN / 62.927 Second Level Test 3 - Jr/YR (C) Osborn, 1.Brianna Wilson / REMEMBRANCE / 61.707 Third Level Test 1 - Open (C) Creswick, 1.Olivia Wentworth-Stanley / GERALD / 68.939 2.Marie Meyers / DE RUSSIE / 66.061 3.Ericka Reinig / LONDON HEIR / 65.606 Third Level Test 1 - Amateur (C) Osborn, 1.Elise Cutini / WYNNTERZ WHITE FEATHER / 62.121 2.Christine Martin / LETRADO 15 / 52.273 Third Level Test 1 - Jr/YR (C) Osborn, 1.Mia Slaughter / ANNABELLA SMS / 48.030 Third Level Test 3 - Open (C) Creswick, 1.Rochelle Kilberg / SAMBA HIT V / 69.231 2.Jess Havey / HELLO HALLI / 66.410 3.Catherine Chamberlain / SOPHINA / 64.615 Third Level Test 3 - Amateur (C) Schwennesen, 1.Ashley Naghash / REINALDO ANGELO / 56.154 Third Level Test 3 - Jr/YR (C) Osborn, 1.Celia Jansen / MERRICK RVRW / 67.436 2.Tesia Penner / FLY AWAY / 48.974 Fourth Level Test 1 - Open (C) Creswick, 1.Jo Moran / RHR SMOOTH JAZZ / 70.270 2.Nicholia Clarke / QUINCY / 68.919 3.Nicholia Clarke / FINESSE / 68.378 Fourth Level Test 1 - Amateur (C) Osborn, 1.Bridget Walker / ARARIPE DOS PINHAIS / 64.865 2.Ashley Naghash / FEIVEL / 60.270 Fourth Level Test 2 - Open (C) Creswick, 1.Nicholia Clarke / FINESSE / 65.417 2.Donna Richardson / DIGNO HM / 61.389 Fourth Level Test 2 - Amateur (C) Osborn, 1.Amalia Boyles / WELTERBE / 61.806 2.Akiko Yamazaki / CHOPIN R / 60.833 Fourth Level Test 3 - Open (C) Creswick, 1.Lauren Bamford / PASO DOBLE 40 / 61.111 2.Ericka Reinig / LONDON HEIR / 57.111 2.Donna Richardson / DIGNO HM / 57.111 Green Horse Training Level Test 1 (C) Osborn, 1.Amanda Olson / SPUTNIK / 71.739 2.Ray Ariss / TAPATIO 2010 / 69.565 Green Horse Training Level Test 3 (C) Osborn, 1.Ray Ariss / TAPATIO 2010 / 67.273 FEI Freestyle Test of Choice (C) Rockwell, 1.Kristine Howe / LOANSHARK / 66.875 2.Caroline Hoffman / MARKANT / 60.000 Young Horse Test of Choice (C) Creswick, 1.Lehua Custer / F.J. RAMZES / 76.200 2.Dirk Glitz / ELIAN ROYALE / 74.000 3.Lindsay Bridges / D’ HOT TODY / 73.600 Prix St. Georges - Masters (C) Osborn, 1.Patricia Hart / ALDENTE / 65.132 2.Laura Maloney / WESTER / 60.132 3.Judy Wheatley / ROMEO / 55.395 Third Level Test 1 - Masters (C) Osborn, 1.Laurie Murphy / DONEGAL MCSWEENEY / 61.515 2.Susan Belanger-Martin / DANTE / 61.364 Fourth Level Test 1 - Masters (C) Osborn, 1.Kim Elliott / ZIDANE / 58.243 Markel/USEF Qualifying YH FEI 5yr old (C) Osborn, Minor, 1.Lehua Custer / F.J. RAMZES / 67.800 Markel/USEF Qualifying YH FEI 6 yr old (C) Osborn, Minor, 1.Catherine Chamberlain / SOPHINA / 83.000 USEF Qualifying Developing Horse PSG (E) Rockwell, (C) de Wolff, (M) Weatherwax, 1.Nick Wagman / DON JOHN / 68.431 2.Jan Ebeling / SANTO DOMINGO / 67.059 Markel Talent Search - 4 Yr. Old (C) Osborn, 1.Dantia Benson / GEDEVASEGAARDS DIESEL / 69.565 2.Sean Cunningham / RAGAN / 57.174 Markel Talent Search 5 Yr. old (C) Osborn, 1.Lehua Custer / F.J. RAMZES / 70.000 2.Jackie Ahl-Eckhaus / SI DONNA MVS / 69.074 3.Ray Ariss / TAPATIO 2010 / 63.704 Markel Talent Search 6 yr. old (C) Osborn, 1.Marisa Festerling / FABIUS / 73.636 Training - 2nd level National Pony Cup (C) Osborn, 1.Madeline Wells / NOELLE’S EPIPHANY / 66.481 3rd - FEI Level National Pony Cup ToC (C) Osborn, 1.Celia Jansen / MERRICK RVRW / 68.718 2.Sean Cunningham / CLOONEY AT / 67.424 Prix St. Georges - Open (C) Osborn, 1.Amber Smigel / DIJON / 61.579 Prix St. Georges - Am/Jr/YR (C) Minor, 1.Joanna Speed-Rose / ZINEDINE / 67.895 2.Katlin White / KALVIN KLINE / 60.921 3.Tobi Coate / LOGAN / 52.632 Intermediaire I - Am/Jr/YR (C) Minor, 1.Christina Johansen / NIMBUS / 66.053 2.Jenifer Watkins / APFELKORN / 60.263 3.Mary Allyn / ROCK ON / 57.237 Intermediaire II – Open (E) Rockwell, (C) de Wolff, (M) Weatherwax, 1.Jackie Ahl-Eckhaus / WISDOM MVS / 64.912 2.Sabine Schut-Kery / RONDO / 59.035 Grand Prix - Am/Jr/YR (E) Rockwell, (C) de Wolff, (M) Weatherwax, 3.Lindsey Schulz / Laredo 183 / 0.000 / Grand Prix - Open (E) Schwennesen, (C) Rockwell, (M) de Wolff 1.Wendy Christoff / TREFFER / 65.100 2.Kerry Marit / NOAH / 61.200 Training Level Test 2 - Amateur (C) Lindholm, 1.Lorinda Hanes / MAD MARDIGAN / 55.962 Training Level Test 3 - Amateur (C) Lindholm, 1.Lorinda Hanes / MAD MARDIGAN / 52.500 2.Lindsay Bridges / D’ HOT TODY / 47.500 First Level Test 1 - Open (C) Lindholm, 1.Anna Wood / SILBERPFEIL / 74.630 2.Laura Wilton / ANGELITA DE GRACIA / 62.593 First Level Test 2 - Open (C) Lindholm, 1.Laura Wilton / ANGELITA DE GRACIA / 61.406 First Level Test 2 - Amateur (C) Lindholm, 1.Angela Tinsley / FUEGO AMOR / 61.250 First Level Test 2 - Jr/YR (C) Lindholm, 1.Bryce Quinto / DJEDEFRE / 69.219 1.Jordan Yankton / ROSANTOS / 69.219 3.Celia Jansen / HENRY J / 65.781 First Level Test 3 - Open (C) Lindholm, 1.Jan Ebeling / FIRENZE / 74.412 2.Jessica Wisdom / ROCERO SVS / 68.529 3.Christine Stephenson / ISSIRA / 68.529 First Level Test 3 - Jr/YR (C) Minor, 1.Jordan Yankton / ROSANTOS / 67.353 Second Level Test 1 - Open (C) Lindholm, 1.Allida Taylor / RICARAO / 69.394 Second Level Test 3 - Open (C) Lindholm, 1.Terri Rocovich / REDOWA STAR / 71.707 Second Level Test 3 - Amateur (C) Lindholm, 1.Helen Stacy / D’ARTAGNAN / 62.927 2.Emilyne Jankunis / SOMMER SONNET / 54.146 Second Level Test 3 - Jr/YR (C) Lindholm, 1.Brianna Wilson / REMEMBRANCE / 66.707 Third Level Test 1 - Open (C) Osborn, 1.Akiko Yamazaki / DONOVAN / 75.303 2.Jane Arrasmith / BRIGHT LIGHTS / 70.909 3.Sean Cunningham / CLOONEY AT / 68.939 Third Level Test 1 - Amateur (C) Lindholm, 1.Elise Cutini / WYNNTERZ WHITE FEATHER / 65.758 2.Christine Martin / LETRADO 15 / 56.667 Third Level Test 3 - Open (C) Lindholm, 1.Jess Havey / HELLO HALLI / 72.436 Dressage and GYROTONIC ® Training USDF GOLD MEDALIST Caroline Hoffman I N T E G R A T E D 818-326-9001 T R A I N I N G Susann Regalmuto 829502-1101B • USDF Certified Trainer & Instructor • USDF Silver & Bronze Medalist • IALHA National Champion • Training Through FEI • Specializing in Warmbloods & Baroques • School Horses Available for Lessons and Lease Located at Middle Ranch. Covered Arena, 100' mirror wall, 8 lighted riding arenas, 2 outside Dressage courts, specialized footing, access to miles of beautiful trails. (San Fernando Valley / Los Angeles area). Middle Ranch • 11700 Little Tujunga Canyon Rd., Lake View Terrace, CA 91342 951-515-7133 • • June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 35 2.Heidi Gaian / DAUMLING / 71.667 3.Shannon Dahmer / THE KING OF ROCK N’ ROLL / 69.231 Third Level Test 3 - Amateur (C) Lindholm, 1.Ashley Naghash / REINALDO ANGELO / 59.231 Fourth Level Test 1 - Open (C) Osborn, 1.Susan L Martin / DOMINUS / 70.000 2.Ignacio Moran / BELVEDERE / 69.730 3.Christine Stephenson / PIK’S ALLEGRO / 63.108 Fourth Level Test 1 - Amateur (C) Lindholm, 1.Colleen Church Mcdowall / DORIAN DARK / 65.811 2.Bridget Walker / ARARIPE DOS PINHAIS / 64.865 3.Ashley Naghash / FEIVEL / 64.054 Fourth Level Test 1 - Jr/YR (C) Lindholm, 1.Anna Buffini / ROOSEVELT SFS / 68.919 Fourth Level Test 2 - Open (C) Osborn, 1.Jo Moran / RHR SMOOTH JAZZ / 71.111 2.Jo Moran / FRANCHESCA / 70.000 Fourth Level Test 2 - Amateur (C) Lindholm, 1.Akiko Yamazaki / CHOPIN R / 71.944 2.Amalia Boyles / WELTERBE / 69.444 Fourth Level Test 3 - Open (C) Lindholm, 1.Ericka Reinig / LONDON HEIR / 68.333 2.Lauren Bamford / PASO DOBLE 40 / 64.556 Fourth Level Test 3 - Jr/YR (C) Lindholm, 1.Aleyna Dunn / LAETITIA / 67.444 Green Horse Training Level Test 1 (C) Lindholm, 1.Jessica Wisdom / FALCON / 74.348 Green Horse First Level Test 1 (C) Lindholm, 1.Ray Ariss / TAPATIO 2010 / 64.259 FEI Freestyle Test of Choice(E) Schwennesen, (C) Rockwell, (M) de Wolff, 1.Bridget Martin / TEODORO / 65.583 2.Ann Romney / DONATELLO / 64.833 3.Caroline Hoffman / MARKANT / 58.000 Prix St. Georges - Masters (C) Osborn, 1.Suzanne Smith / SPENCER / 68.026 2.Laura Maloney / WESTER / 65.658 Third Level Test 1 - Masters (C) Lindholm, 1.Susan Belanger-Martin / DANTE / 62.121 Third Level Test 2 - Masters (C) Lindholm, 1.Elizabeth Shafer / DIGNO HM / 62.308 2.Laurie Murphy / DONEGAL MCSWEENEY / 60.513 Third Level Test 3 - Masters (C) Lindholm, 1.Elizabeth Shafer / DIGNO HM / 64.872 Fourth Level Test 1 - Masters (C) Lindholm, 1.Kim Elliott / ZIDANE / 63.243 • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • • GOLDEN STATE DRESSAGE FESTIVAL - CDI 4/2-5/15 Rancho Murieta, CA CDI Prix St. Georges (E) Lamping, (H) Maurel, (C) Smith, (M) McMullen, (B) Schwennesen 1.Elizabeth Ball / AVANTI / 70.842 2.Leslie Webb / HARMONY’S ARMANI / 69.579 3.Leslie Reid / FINE AND SMART / 67.868 CDI Intermediaire I (E) Schwennesen, (H) Lamping, (C) Maurel, (M) Smith, (B) McMullen 1.Elizabeth Ball / AVANTI / 70.579 2.Leslie Reid / FINE AND SMART / 69.974 3.Leslie Webb / HARMONY’S ARMANI / 69.053 CDI Intermediaire I Freestyle (E) Maurel, (H) Smith, (C) McMullen, (M) Schwennesen, (B) Lamping 1.Alysha Sauve / SPECIAL EFFECT / 69.625 2.Sandra Verda-Zenatta / WILHELM / 68.400 3.Gloria Schriever / MINICOOPER S / 66.875 CDI Grand Prix (E) Schwennesen, (H) Lamping, (C) Maurel, (M) Smith, (B) McMullen 1.Brian Hafner / LOMBARDO LHF / 69.400 2.Heather Oleson / VICTOR / 67.440 3.Joni Lynn Peters / TRAVOLTA / 65.840 CDI Grand Prix Special (E) Maurel, (H) Smith, (C) McMullen, (M) Schwennesen, (B) Lamping 1.Joni Lynn Peters / TRAVOLTA / 66.745 CDI Grand Prix Freestyle (E) Maurel, (H) Smith, (C) McMullen, (M) Schwennesen, (B) Lamping 1.Brian Hafner / LOMBARDO LHF / 73.350 2.Heather Oleson / VICTOR / 70.425 3.Jessica Wisdom / NORTH FORKS CARDI / 68.400 CDI Young Rider Team (E) Smith, (C) Lamping,(M) Maurel, 1.Lindsey Brewin / VAILLANT / 67.237 2.Cassidy Gallman / GRAND MAKANA / 66.228 3.Samantha Jenney / FLARINUS / 62.281 CDI Young Rider Individual (H) Schwennesen, (C) Maurel, (B) McMullen 1.Cassidy Gallman / GRAND MAKANA / 69.254 2.Lindsey Brewin / VAILLANT / 67.149 3.Danielle Bonavito / WYOMING / 65.175 CDI Junior Team (E) Smith, (C) Lamping, (M) Maurel, 1.Olivia Owyeung / ZAMAIRE / 64.955 2.Annie Ray / CALVIN KLEIN / 62.568 CDI Junior Individual (H) Schwennesen, (C) Maurel, (B) McMullen 1.Olivia Owyeung / ZAMAIRE / 63.114 2.Annie Ray / CALVIN KLEIN / 62.149 CDI Intermediaire II (16-25) (E) McMullen, (H) Schwennesen, (C) Lamping, (M) Maurel, (B) Smith 1.Genay Vaughn / DONARWEISS GGF / 65.158 2.Ari Lopez / CORLANDER II / 64.632 CDI Young Rider Grand Prix (16-25) (E) Smith, (H) McMullen, (C) Schwennesen, (M) Lamping, (B) Maurel 1.Genay Vaughn / DONARWEISS GGF / 67.953 2.Ari Lopez / CORLANDER II / 65.605 Training Level, Test 1 (C) Lamping, 1.Craig Stanley / GOLIMBRIA DG / 67.174 Training Level, Test 2 (C) Lamping, 1.Jessica Wisdom / FALCON / 73.654 2.Craig Stanley / GOLIMBRIA DG / 70.000 3.Alexandra Duarte / GEORG GAMAY / 64.231 Training Level, Test 2 - AA/JR/YR (C) Lamping, 1.Sara Bartholomew / PEEK A BOO / 69.615 2.Lauren McKeand / GEMBRIA DG / 63.462 3.Diane Abraham / DASHA / 58.654 Training Level, Test 3 (C) Lamping, 1.Jessica Wisdom / ROCERO SVS / 78.636 2.Stephanie Schauer / FORTE SGS / 62.273 3.Laurie Lowrey / SAPHIERA L / 58.182 USEF Rider Test - Training (C) Lamping, 1.Ann Blanton / KIDD / 64.000 First Level, Test 1 (C) Lamping, 1.Seana Adamson / ROYAL TRADITION / 67.407 2.Elizabeth Austin / DOMINEQUE / 63.519 First Level, Test 2 (C) Lamping, 1.Leslie Webb / HARMONY’S DALTON / 69.688 2.Merrie Velden / SANDERSON / 68.125 3.Pamela Andrews / GATELY’S ROCK-A-BILLY RIFFIN / 66.875 First Level, Test 3 (C) Lamping, 1.Jessica Wisdom / ENCORE SVS / 68.529 2.Rebecca Clough / CRANECREEK SWEET WOODRUFF / 63.529 3.Allison MacLean / BENEDERO / 63.088 Second Level, Test 1 (C) Lamping, 1.Paige Gilliard / JAMBOREE OUTRAGEOUS / 61.667 2.Rebecca Clough / CRANECREEK SWEET WOODRUFF / 60.455 Second Level, Test 2 (C) Lamping, 1.Paige Gilliard / JAMBOREE OUTRAGEOUS / 62.436 Second Level, Test 3 (C) Lamping, 1.Jennette Scanlon / MONDAVI / 68.293 2.Tracey Hill / LARKE / 65.976 3.Michele Ting / DAKAR / 65.610 Third Level, Test 1 (C) McMullen, 1.Heather Oleson / BOLERO / 67.121 2.Vicky Stashuk-Matisi / SPRINGFIELD / 64.848 3.Jennette Scanlon / MONDAVI / 64.545 Third Level, Test 2 (C) McMullen, 1.Jessica Wisdom / DIAMONDHEAD / 68.462 2.Vicky Stashuk-Matisi / SPRINGFIELD / 67.692 3.Beth Spuhler / BOLEVUS / 63.333 Third Level, Test 3 (C) McMullen, 1.Danielle Casalett / ATLAS / 64.744 2.Alexandra Duarte / DOMINUS DENHARTOG / 63.077 3.Ariane Rezvani / WIMENTA CL / 60.897 Third Level, Test 3 - AA/JR/YR (C) McMullen, 1.Laurie Dainer / LITTLE BIG MAN / 65.000 2.Victoria Myer / TRUE TEXAS COLORS / 60.897 3.Roberta Britting / W GLENSTORM / 58.974 Fourth Level, Test 1 (C) Lamping, 1.Rachel Wade / CAMBRIA / 69.324 2.Tracey Lert / ELYSIAN / 66.351 3.Caitlin Hamar / WERVELWIND / 63.243 Fourth Level, Test 2 (C) Lamping, 1.Ashlyn DeGroot / DALINA DG / 69.167 2.Tracey Lert / ELYSIAN / 68.472 3.Craig Stanley / WINTERSOHN / 65.556 Fourth Level, Test 3 (C) Lamping, 1.Danielle Casalett / ESCORIAL / 68.000 Prix St. Georges (C) McMullen, 1.Hayley VanDerKloot / MYSTERE / 68.421 2.Leslie Webb / EISENHERZ / 65.526 3.Tracey Hill / CELINA / 64.474 Prix St. Georges - AA/JR/YR (C) McMullen, 1.Joan Wright / TRISTAN / 61.184 2.Veronique Gillard / SCHMEICHEL / 60.263 3.Katie Dougherty-Kunde / WILLOUGHBY / 57.895 Intermediaire I (C) McMullen, 1.Hilari Fleming / RUBICON SF / 67.105 2.Wynne M. Fassari / ZILANO / 63.684 3.Sonia Assemi / DANCING QUEEN / 60.263 Grand Prix (C) McMullen, 1.Anne Howard / RONDO / 64.200 2.Pamela Andrews / TIC TAC / 54.100 3.Zakir Abdoukadyrov / SANDRO DIEGO / 50.600 Freestyle - Intermediaire I (C) McMullen, 1.Nellie Martin-Giles / LAOS DE BRASILIA / 69.125 Grand Prix Freestyle (C) McMullen, 1.Madeline McKallip / DONNA CARINA / 61.250 Training Level, Test 1 (C) Lacy, 1.Rebecca Robinson / ZEPHYR / 65.217 Training Level, Test 2 (C) Lacy, 1.Craig Stanley / GOLIMBRIA DG / 72.115 2.Kathi Haworth / GATSBY / 66.923 3.Alexandra Duarte / GEORG GAMAY / 64.808 Training Level, Test 2 - AA/JR/YR (C) Lacy, 1.Jennifer Appel / FINALE / 71.731 2.Sara Bartholomew / PEEK A BOO / 69.038 3.Diane Abraham / DASHA / 68.077 Training Level, Test 3 (C) Lacy, 1.Jennifer Appel / FINALE / 73.409 2.Jocelyn Hamann / BENELLI ROSE / 70.455 3.Diane Abraham / DASHA / 66.591 First Level, Test 1 (C) Lacy, 1.Jessica Wisdom / ROCERO SVS / 74.444 2.Riana Porter / CHANCELLOR / 68.704 3.Seana Adamson / ROYAL TRADITION / 66.667 First Level, Test 2 (C) Lacy, 1.Jessica Wisdom / FALCON / 70.938 2.Kathi Haworth / FABULOUS DSF / 68.906 3.Ericka Reinig / DORRIT / 67.656 First Level, Test 2 - AA/JR/YR (C) Lacy, 1.McKenzie Kelley / FUERST HIT / 66.719 2.Allison MacLean / BENEDERO / 64.844 3.Katelyn Bocek / RIENZO / 62.813 First Level, Test 3 (C) Lacy, 1.Morgane Gabriel / FOR WILLIE / 72.353 2.Leslie Webb / HARMONY’S DALTON / 71.618 3.Seana Adamson / ROYAL TRADITION / 68.088 First Level, Test 3 - AA/JR/YR (C) Lacy, 1.McKenzie Kelley / FUERST HIT / 66.029 2.Sophia Holm / BORENCIO DG / 65.000 3.Rebecca Clough / CRANECREEK SWEET WOODRUFF / 61.471 USEF Rider Test - First Level (C) Lacy, 1.Ann Blanton / KIDD / 57.000 Second Level, Test 1 (C) Bruun, 1.Leslie Ayres / ECLIPSE DG / 64.394 2.Lily Baker-Lubin / ROXANNE / 64.394 3.Pamela Andrews / GATELY’S ROCK-A-BILLY RIFFIN / 63.636 Second Level, Test 2 (C) Lacy, 1.Celsiana William / HEART THROB / 66.410 2.Jackie Steiner / ULTIMO / 58.333 Second Level, Test 3 (C) Schwennesen, 1.Lisa Morrow / D’ARTAGNAN DG / 65.244 2.Celsiana William / HEART THROB / 65.000 3.Michele Ting / DAKAR / 62.683 Third Level, Test 1 (C) Bruun, 1.Stephanie Schauer / HF CENSATION / 64.394 2.Vicky Stashuk-Matisi / SPRINGFIELD / 63.939 3.Ashlyn DeGroot / DG EDORIJKE / 63.485 Third Level, Test 2 (C) Bruun, 1.Jessica Wisdom / DIAMONDHEAD / 70.897 2.Carrie Harnden / CABRIA JW / 61.923 3.Shannon Fitzgibbon / MAGNOLIA / 58.462 Third Level, Test 2 - AA/JR/YR (C) Bruun, 1.Blythe Lehmann / DONNA DOMIRA / 66.154 2.Beth Spuhler / BOLEVUS / 63.974 3.Roberta Britting / W GLENSTORM / 56.282 Third Level, Test 3 (C) Bruun, 1.Heather Oleson / BOLERO / 70.513 2.Alexandra Duarte / DOMINUS DENHARTOG / 64.615 3.Anne Anderson / WARCLOUD / 64.231 Third Level, Test 3 - AA/JR/YR (C) Bruun, 1.Laurie Everson / LOMBADY K / 65.641 2.Laurie Dainer / LITTLE BIG MAN / 64.872 3.Victoria Myer / TRUE TEXAS COLORS / 64.744 Fourth Level, Test 1 (C) Bruun, 1.Tracey Lert / ELYSIAN / 72.703 2.Volker Brommann / LADY BUG / 66.622 3.Jennette Scanlon / ZOLTAIRE / 60.946 Fourth Level, Test 2 (C) Bruun, 1.Rachel Wade / CAMBRIA / 69.306 2.Riana Porter / DAX / 67.222 3.Rachel Wade / PEPEROOGA’S PARNOO ORI / 66.389 Fourth Level, Test 3 (C) Bruun, 1.Susan Treabess / KAMIAKIN / 65.889 2.Ericka Reinig / LONDON HEIR / 57.556 Prix St. Georges (C) Lacy, 1.Tracey Hill / CELINA / 67.500 2.Leslie Webb / EISENHERZ / 65.658 KRISTINA HARRISON Katrina Tinsvold - Assistant Angele Farms Christiane Noelting Dressage Center •Training •Lessons •Sales •Competition •Clinics TRAINING • LESSONS • CLINICS • BOARDING • SALES Breeding Hanoverians and Oldenburgs from top German sires USEF Team Member Paddock Riding Club Los Angeles, CA (818) 522-4174 6954 Lewis Road, Vacaville, CA 95687 Phone (707) 454 0565 • Fax (707) 454 0566 Wyvern Farm Dressage USEF Grand Prix “B” list rider USDF Gold, Silver, and Bronze medalist USEF Grand Prix “B” list rider USDF Gold, Silver, and Bronze medalist Accepting limited clients at a new facility in Sonoma County! Accepting limited clients at a new facility in Sonoma County! Martinez, California Brian Hafner 805-400-0231 T RAINING Brian Hafner 805-400-0231 LESSONS S ALES CLINICS WWW .B RIAN H AFNER D RESSAGE . COM Lessons, Training & Sales Tracey Hill Trainer Chuck and Liz Lewis, Owners T LESSONS S ALES CLINICS (925) 229-2200 WWW .B RIAN H AFNER D RESSAGE . COM June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 36 USEF Grand Prix “B” list rider USEF Grand Prix “B” list rider • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • • 3.Alejandro Salazar / LUXEMBURG / 63.947 Prix St. Georges - AA/JR/YR (C) Lacy, 1.Joan Wright / TRISTAN / 63.684 2.Veronique Gillard / SCHMEICHEL / 60.921 3.Katie Dougherty-Kunde / WILLOUGHBY / 60.789 USEF Developing Horse PSG (C) Schwennesen, (B) Smith 1.Alix Curry / DON FREDERIC / 63.309 Intermediaire I (C) Schwennesen, (B) Smith 1.Alejandro Salazar / LUXEMBURG / 62.434 2.Sonia Assemi / DANCING QUEEN / 52.105 Grand Prix (C) Schwennesen, (B) Smith 1.Anne Howard / RONDO / 62.900 2.Pamela Andrews / TIC TAC / 58.800 3.Zakir Abdoukadyrov / SANDRO DIEGO / 52.000 Freestyle - Intermediaire I (C) Schwennesen, (B) Smith 1.Nellie Martin-Giles / LAOS DE BRASILIA / 66.313 Training Level, Test 1 (C) Bruun, 1.Rebecca Robinson / ZEPHYR / 66.087 Training Level, Test 2 (C) Bruun, 1.Craig Stanley / GOLIMBRIA DG / 68.077 2.Jocelyn Hamann / BENELLI ROSE / 66.538 3.Alexandra Duarte / GEORG GAMAY / 62.308 Training Level, Test 2 - AA/JR/YR (C) Bruun, 1.Jennifer Appel / FINALE / 71.731 2.Karen Burks / TIM TERRIFIC / 65.000 3.Diane Abraham / DASHA / 64.423 Training Level, Test 3 (C) Bruun, 1.Jessica Wisdom / FALCON / 71.591 2.Maureen Lamb / DALLAS DO RIGHT / 70.000 3.Jennifer Appel / FINALE / 70.000 First Level, Test 1 (C) Bruun, 1.Jessica Wisdom / ROCERO SVS / 67.222 2.Katelyn Bocek / RIENZO / 65.185 3.Ruth Hall / UP HYRE PRIMETIME / 60.556 First Level, Test 2 (C) Bruun, 1.Kathi Haworth / FABULOUS DSF / 68.906 2.Alejandro Salazar / MERRIEWOLD LEGACY / 68.438 3.Dagmar Fortmuller / FYLA / 66.563 First Level, Test 2 - AA/JR/YR (C) Bruun, 1.Susan Smith / WESTIN / 67.188 2.Kelly Burns-Gaoiran / LEGEND WOODS ZIA / 65.938 3.Katelyn Bocek / RIENZO / 65.781 First Level, Test 3 (C) Bruun, 1.Leslie Webb / HARMONY’S DALTON / 68.824 2.Alejandro Salazar / MERRIEWOLD LEGACY / 67.647 3.Morgane Gabriel / FOR WILLIE / 66.029 First Level, Test 3 - AA/JR/YR (C) Bruun, 1.Kelly Burns-Gaoiran / LEGEND WOODS ZIA / 66.471 2.Susan Smith / WESTIN / 66.471 3.McKenzie Kelley / FUERST HIT / 59.706 USEF Rider Test - First Level (C) Bruun, 1.Ann Blanton / KIDD / 65.000 Second Level, Test 1 (C) Bruun, 1.Grace Ali / LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS / 64.091 2.Lily Baker-Lubin / ROXANNE / 63.636 3.Katherine Hedbabny / SUMMER OF MAGIC / 63.636 Second Level, Test 2 (C) Barglow, 1.Alysha Sauve / CALISTO / 65.256 2.Alejandro Salazar / MERRIEWOLD KIRIN / 65.128 Second Level, Test 2 - AA/JR/YR (C) Barglow, 1.Grace Ali / LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS / 66.667 2.Celsiana William / HEART THROB / 65.769 3.Leslie Ayres / ECLIPSE DG / 60.000 Second Level, Test 3 (C) Barglow, 1.Celsiana William / HEART THROB / 70.366 2.Lisa Morrow / D’ARTAGNAN DG / 69.390 3.Michele Ting / DAKAR / 68.780 Third Level, Test 1 (C) Lacy, 1.Eva King / DRAKE / 68.333 2.Shannon Fitzgibbon / MAGNOLIA / 63.939 3.Carrie Harnden / CABRIA JW / 61.364 Third Level, Test 1 - AA/JR/YR (C) Lacy, 1.Sara Bartholomew / PEPEROOGA’S PARNOO ORI / 65.00 2.Ashlyn DeGroot / DG EDORIJKE / 64.242 3.Pam Bakar / VIRTUOSO DO VOUGA / 59.091 Third Level, Test 2 (C) Lacy, 1.Ericka Reinig / GIGI / 69.359 2.Kendra Mitchell / IDOL HOUR / 64.359 3.Roberta Britting / W GLENSTORM / 57.436 Third Level, Test 3 (C) Lacy, 1.Heather Oleson / BOLERO / 70.641 2.Jessica Wisdom / DIAMONDHEAD / 67.564 3.Katey Augsburger / SIRELLA / 62.436 Third Level, Test 3 - AA/JR/YR (C) Smith, 1.Lesa Whetzel / ESCORIAL / 66.667 2.Beth Spuhler / BOLEVUS / 65.641 3.Roberta Britting / W GLENSTORM / 62.436 Fourth Level, Test 1 (C) Lacy, 1.Volker Brommann / LADY BUG / 64.865 2.Gail Baum / WIMENTA CL / 64.459 3.Katey Augsburger / SIRELLA / 59.865 Fourth Level, Test 2 (C) Lacy, 1.Rachel Wade / CAMBRIA / 69.444 2.Tracey Lert / ELYSIAN / 68.056 3.Craig Stanley / WINTERSOHN / 65.417 Fourth Level, Test 2 - AA/JR/YR (C) Lacy, 1.Arianna Barzman-Grennan / PATRIOT B / 60.000 Fourth Level, Test 3 (C) Lacy, 1.Susan Treabess / KAMIAKIN / 68.111 2.Ashlyn DeGroot / DALINA DG / 67.111 3.Arianna Barzman-Grennan / PATRIOT B / 61.556 FEI Test of Choice (C) Lacy, 1.Erika Larson / GUNNER / 60.789 2.Maureen Lamb / RITELLO / 59.583 Prix St. Georges (C) Lamping, 1.Tracey Hill / CELINA / 65.132 2.Ariane Rezvani / BANDALOR MQ / 64.211 3.Flannery Banks / TOPBILITY / 63.421 Prix St. Georges - AA/JR/YR (C) Lamping, 1.Katie Dougherty-Kunde / WILLOUGHBY / 62.500 2.Kris Bernard / WAIKELO / 60.526 3.Joan Wright / TRISTAN / 60.000 Intermediaire I (C) Lamping, (B) Maurel 1.Sonia Assemi / DANCING QUEEN / 61.645 2.Hilari Fleming / RUBICON SF / 60.395 Grand Prix (C) Lacy, 1.Wendy Christoff / TREFFER / 67.200 2.Pamela Andrews / TIC TAC / 61.000 3.Zakir Abdoukadyrov / SANDRO DIEGO / 56.500 Training Level, Test 2 (C) Schwennesen, 1.Karen Burks / TIM TERRIFIC / 65.769 Training Level, Test 3 (C) Schwennesen, 1.Jessica Wisdom / FALCON / 73.864 2.Maureen Lamb / DALLAS DO RIGHT / 67.045 3.Karen Burks / TIM TERRIFIC / 66.364 First Level, Test 1 (C) McMullen, 1.Nichola Taylor / DORRIT / 53.148 First Level, Test 2 (C) McMullen, 1.Jessica Wisdom / ROCERO SVS / 72.813 2.Merrie Velden / SANDERSON / 71.094 3.Jennifer Westoby / MISTRAL DE OURO / 66.406 First Level, Test 3 1.Dagmar Fortmuller / FYLA / 70.735 2.Riana Porter / CHANCELLOR / 69.412 3.Jennifer Westoby / MISTRAL DE OURO / 64.118 Second Level, Test 1 (C) Schwennesen, 1.Grace Ali / LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS / 67.424 2.Leslie Ayres / ECLIPSE DG / 66.970 3.Katherine Hedbabny / SUMMER OF MAGIC / 64.848 Second Level, Test 2 (C) Schwennesen, 1.Grace Ali / LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS / 65.128 2.Katherine Hedbabny / SUMMER OF MAGIC / 64.487 Third Level, Test 1 (C) Maurel, 1.Sara Bartholomew / PEPEROOGA’S PARNOO ORI / 60.758 2.Cristi Cobb / CHARLESTON / 59.242 Third Level, Test 2 (C) Maurel, 1.Eva King / DRAKE / 66.026 2.Carrie Harnden / CABRIA JW / 59.487 Third Level, Test 3 (C) Maurel, 1.Ericka Reinig / GIGI / 65.769 Call or email me for a complimentary strategy meeting Merrill Kagan-Weston Your Marketing Solutions Pard’ner! Print • Mail • Marketing Promotional Products 13020 Earhart Ave • Auburn CA 95602 888.282.8764 • A division of API-Marketing June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 37 2.Kendra Mitchell / IDOL HOUR / 65.385 3.Jessica Wisdom / DIAMONDHEAD / 62.051 Fourth Level, Test 1 (C) Maurel, 1.Gail Baum / WIMENTA CL / 59.730 Fourth Level, Test 2 (C) Maurel, 1.Riana Porter / DAX / 67.917 2.Ericka Reinig / LONDON HEIR / 55.139 Fourth Level, Test 3 (C) Maurel, 1.Susan Treabess / KAMIAKIN / 67.778 2.Arianna Barzman-Grennan / PATRIOT B / 57.889 3.Ericka Reinig / LONDON HEIR / 54.000 FEI Test of Choice (C) Maurel, 1.Maureen Lamb / RITELLO / 57.083 Prix St. Georges (H) Smith, (C) Maurel, (B) Lamping 1.Veronique Gillard / SCHMEICHEL / 62.982 2.Kris Bernard / WAIKELO / 61.096 3.Flannery Banks / TOPBILITY / 58.246 Intermediaire I (H) Smith, (C) Maurel, (B) Lamping 1.Sonia Assemi / DANCING QUEEN / 64.430 Grand Prix Special (H) Smith, (C) Maurel, (B) Lamping 1.Anne Howard / RONDO / 64.281 Grand Prix Special (C) Maurel, 1.Sarah Silva / CAMILLAWOOD / 57.451 Materiale - 4/5 YO Stallions/Geldings (C) McMullen, 1.Jessica Wisdom / ROCERO SVS / 72.500 Materiale - 4/5 YO Stallions/Geldings (C) Bruun, 1.Jessica Wisdom / FALCON / 86.400 Materiale - 4/5 YO Stallions/Geldings (C) Lacy, 1.Jessica Wisdom / ROCERO SVS / 74.400 Materiale - 4/5 YO Stallions/Geldings (C) Schwennesen, 1.Jessica Wisdom / FALCON / 79.100 FEI ParaEquestrian Team Test (C) Bruun, 1.Ashleigh Flores-Simmons / BINERO / 66.765 FEI ParaEquestrian Team Test (C) Maurel, 1.Ashleigh Flores-Simmons / BINERO / 70.294 FEI ParaEquestrian - Individual Test (C) Bruun, 1.Ashleigh Flores-Simmons / BINERO / 66.143 FEI ParaEquestrian - Individual Test (C) Maurel, 1.Ashleigh Flores-Simmons / BINERO / 69.714 AHANC 66TH ANNUAL HORSE SHOW 4/9-12/15 Rancho Murieta, CA Introductory Level - Test A - Open Janet Curtis 1.Trinette Gilbert / ARIZING MOON / 63.125 Introductory Level - Test B - Open Janet Curtis 1.Trinette Gilbert / ARIZING MOON / 67.188 2.Dakota Weinberger / VELVET BASKETTE / 49.375 3.Lucy Bartlett / ANGYLS AMONG US / 49.063 • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • • Introductory Level - Test A - ATR Janet Curtis 1.Ariel Conrad / GLITTER N GLAM / 60.938 2.Lucy Bartlett / ANGYLS AMONG US / 54.063 3.Dakota Weinberger / VELVET BASKETTE / 53.125 Equitation Seat - JTR Janet Curtis 1.Madeleine Coronado / RUFUS BL / 69.00 2.Delaney Lardie / NISAN ROYAL WINIE / 63.00 3.Lucy Bartlett / ANGYLS AMONG US / 53.00 Training Level - Test 1 - Open Janet Curtis 1.Michelle Mahoney / MAGICO / 65.435 Training Level - Test 1 - ATR Janet Curtis 1.Reno Tischler / PA MAXIMUS MADRE / 60.652 2.Jillian Larrabee / MEGAS BIG BUCKS / 59.783 Training Level - Test 2 - Open Janet Curtis 1.Michelle Mahoney / MAGICO / 66.731 2.Jennifer Tobie / TS ENSPIRED / 58.462 3.Valerie Baker / MF AMIRAH SAMRAH / 58.269 Training Level - Test 2 - ATR Janet Curtis 1.Delaney Lardie / NISAN ROYAL WINIE / 65.962 2.Cassidy Riedel / MINA ASSEEFAH / 53.077 Training Level - Test 3 - Open Janet Curtis 1.Jennifer Tobie / VANILLA LEGEND / 73.182 2.Mark Schuerman / SERESON BAY / 68.636 3.Jennifer Tobie / TS ENSPIRED / 63.182 Training Level - Test 3 - ATR Janet Curtis 1.Mercedes Zipperle / NGUYEN STAR / 62.045 2.Delaney Lardie / NISAN ROYAL WINIE / 61.364 3.Kas Baker / SURREAL BEY+ / 58.409 First Level - Test 1 - Open Janet Curtis 1.Dee Dee Kramer / FAEDRA CPAR ++++// / 49.444 First Level - Test 1 - JTR Janet Curtis 1.Victoria Roberson / TALISMAN T / 56.852 First Level - Test 1 - JTR Janet Curtis 1.Kas Baker / SURREAL BEY+ / 56.852 First Level - Test 1 - AATR Janet Curtis 1.Ashley Young / HCA ROMANOV LEGACY / 66.111 2.Nina P Murch / ASHQUAR SHAAH / 59.815 3.Mercedes Zipperle / NGUYEN STAR / 56.852 First Level - Test 2 - Open Janet Curtis 1.April Dinan-Scollard / FI BEYTA +++/ / 66.719 2.April Dinan-Scollard / PA MAXIMUS MADRE / 65.313 First Level - Test 2 - ATR Janet Curtis 1.Madeleine Coronado / RUFUS BL / 65.156 2.Reno Tischler / PA MAXIMUS MADRE / 64.844 First Level - Test 2 - AATR Janet Curtis 1.Ashley Young / HCA ROMANOV LEGACY / 64.219 2.Patricia Jackson / AUL SABA / 60.441 3.Nina P Murch / ASHQUAR SHAAH / 58.438 First Level - Test 3 - Open Janet Curtis 1.Jennifer Tobie / VANILLA LEGEND / 68.088 2.Mark Schuerman / SERESON BAY / 68.088 3.April Dinan-Scollard / FI BEYTA +++/ / 62.353 First Level - Test 2 - ATR Janet Curtis 1.Madeleine Coronado / RUFUS BL / 60.441 2.Victoria Roberson / SB RABBA REX / 52.059 Second Level - Test 2 - Open Janet Curtis 1.Terry Benedetti / EXCHANGE+ / 67.051 Second Level - Test 3 - Open Janet Curtis 1.Terry Benedetti / EXCHANGE+ / 69.268 2.Jennifer Tobie / ENFERNO QF / 68.902 3.April Dinan-Scollard / SANTAMENTE MADRE HF / 54.878 Second Level - Test 3 - ATR Janet Curtis 1.Terry Benedetti / EXCHANGE+ / 69.268 Third Level - Test 1 - ATR Janet Curtis 1.Joanne Baum / JAZZY CADENCE / 62.727 Intermediate I Janet Curtis 1.Danielle Casalett / AURORA MR+// / 63.289 Introductory Level - Test A - ATR Margo Hoagland 1.Ariel Conrad / GLITTER N GLAM / 63.438 Equitation Seat - JTR Margo Hoagland 1.Madeleine Coronado / RUFUS BL / 69.00 Training Level - Test 3 - ATR Margo Hoagland 1.Christine Raposo / BEWITCHED BEY / 53.182 First Level - Test 1 - Open Margo Hoagland 1.Victoria Roberson / TALISMAN T / 32.222 First Level - Test 1 - AATR Margo Hoagland 1.Anne Santer / ZZOE S A+++/ / 54.63 First Level - Test 2 - ATR Margo Hoagland 1.Madeleine Coronado / RUFUS BL / 56.875 First Level - Test 2 - AATR Margo Hoagland 1.Ashley Young / HCA ROMANOV LEGACY / 67.5 2.Patricia Jackson / AUL SABA / 59.375 First Level - Test 3 - ATR Margo Hoagland 1.Ariel Conrad / MOONLIGHTT SPECTYR / 57.794 2.Madeleine Coronado / RUFUS BL / 54.853 3.Terry Ruppert /SANTAMENTE MADRE HF / 53.676 3.Victoria Roberson / SB RABBA REX / 53.676 Second Level - Test 1 - ATR Margo Hoagland 1.Ariel Conrad / MOONLIGHTT SPECTYR / 54.545 Second Level - Test 3 - Open Margo Hoagland 1.Jennifer Tobie / ENFERNO QF / 64.268 2.Terry Ruppert / SANTAMENTE MADRE HF / 56.463 Second Level - Test 3 - ATR Margo Hoagland 1.Ariel Conrad / MOONLIGHTT SPECTYR / 55.61 Third Level - Test 1 - ATR Margo Hoagland 1.Joanne Baum / JAZZY CADENCE / 63.939 2.Jordan Baker Roberts /NAVAGATORS ORION +++// / 55.00 Pacific Slope Champion Training Level - Test 3 - Open Barbara Breen-Gurley 1.Mark Schuerman / SERESON BAY / 68.636 2.Victoria Roberson / SB RABBA REX / 67.045 3.April Dinan-Scollard / PA MAXIMUS MADRE / 65.455 Pacific Slope Champion HA/AA Training Level, Test 3 Open Barbara Breen-Gurley 1.Jennifer Tobie / VANILLA LEGEND / 72.955 2.Delaney Lardie / NISAN ROYAL WINIE / 60.909 3.Carol L Fricke / IRIE C / 52.045 Pacific Slope Champion Seat Equitation, JTR Barbara Breen-Gurley 1.Madeleine Coronado / RUFUS BL / 66.00 2.Kas Baker /SURREAL BEY+ / 65.00 Pacific Slope Champion Arabian/HA/AA Training Level, Test 3 AATR Barbara Breen-Gurley 1.Mercedes Zipperle / NGUYEN STAR / 60.227 Pacific Slope Champion Arabian/HA/AA Training Level, Test 3 JTR Barbara Breen-Gurley 1.Kas Baker / SURREAL BEY+ / 64.091 2.Reno Tischler / PA MAXIMUS MADRE / 62.727 3.Cassidy Riedel / MINA ASSEEFAH / 59.318 Pacific Slope Champion Arabian First Level, Test 3 Open Barbara Breen-Gurley 1.Mark Schuerman / SERESON BAY / 66.176 2.Tamara M Cook / MURACO C / 65.882 3.April Dinan-Scollard / SANTAMENTE MADRE HF / 63.824 Pacific Slope Champion HA/AA First Level, Test 3 Open Barbara Breen-Gurley 1.Jennifer Tobie / VANILLA LEGEND /66.765 2.Carol L Fricke / IRIE C / 56.471 3.Dee Dee Kramer / FAEDRA CPAR ++++// / 53.676 Pacific Slope Champion Arabian/HA/AA First Level, Test 3 AATR Barbara Breen-Gurley 1.Ashley Young / HCA ROMANOV LEGACY / 61.176 2.Terry Ruppert / SANTAMENTE MADRE HF / 61.176 3.Anne Santer / ZZOE S A+++/ / 57.794 Pacific Slope Champion Arabian/HA/AA First Level, Test 3 JTR Barbara Breen-Gurley 1.Madeleine Coronado / RUFUS BL / 62.353 2.Reno Tischler / PA MAXIMUS MADRE / 58.676 Pacific Slope Champion Arabian/HA/AA Second Level, Test 3 Open Barbara Breen-Gurley 1.Terry Benedetti / EXCHANGE+ / 69.756 2.Jennifer Tobie / ENFERNO QF / 66.951 3.April Dinan-Scollard / FI BEYTA +++/ / 60.122 Pacific Slope Champion Arabian/HA/AA Second Level, Test 3 ATR Barbara Breen-Gurley 1.Terry Benedetti / EXCHANGE+ / 65.488 2.Ariel Conrad / MOONLIGHTT SPECTYR / 60.732 3.Terry Ruppert / SANTAMENTE MADRE HF / 55.61 Pacific Slope Champion Arabian/HA/AA Third Level, Test 3 ATR Barbara Breen-Gurley 1.Joanne Baum / JAZZY CADENCE / 57.308 2.Jordan Baker Roberts / NAVAGATORS ORION +++// / 54.231 3.Kelly Davis / AEROGRAMM +// / 48.718 Pacific Slope Champion Arabian/HA/AA Intermediate I Barbara Breen-Gurley 1.Danielle Casalett / AURORA MR+// / 53.571 EAST BAY CDS 4/11-12/15 Livermore, CA Training Level Test 1 (C) Creswick, 1.Shannon Harger / REAL BUBBLES / 63.913 2.Crystal Forsell / CRISMA / 62.174 Training Level Test 2 (C) Creswick, 1.Lisa Hermes / EHRENZ / 74.615 2.Brenda Peters Beare / LAMSON / 70.769 3.Jane Ewer / ROSENSTOLZ / 68.654 Training Level Test 3 (C) Creswick, 1.Jane Ewer / ROSENSTOLZ / 65.455 2.Brenda Peters Beare / LAMSON / 64.545 3.Emily Eckart / SAVANNAH BLUE / 62.045 Training Level Test 3 AA (C) Creswick, 1.Lisa Hermes / EHRENZ / 67.273 2.Shareen Purcell / QUINTESSENTIAL / 64.091 3.Jill Leon / CANADIAN MAESTRO / 63.636 First Level Test 1 (C) Creswick, 1.Jane Ewer / KATY PERRY / 69.074 2.Mary Muellner / WINTERGREEN SIENNA / 68.333 First Level Test 1 Jr/Yr (C) Creswick, 1.Janae E Shew / LETS BE FRIENDS / 67.963 2.Gabriela Grant / LAYLA / 66.296 3.Audrey Concepcion / WINCHESTER DG / 64.259 First Level, Test 1 Adult Amateur (C) Creswick, 1.Evelyn James / WALDEMAR / 65.185 2.Tracy Ladd / MAXIMUM CREDIT / 64.815 3.Shareen Purcell / QUINTESSENTIAL / 64.630 First Level Test 2 (C) Creswick, 1.Tracey Hill / BIJOUX DE BRAVO / 75.781 2.Mary Muellner / WINTERGREEN SIENNA / 68.281 3.Jane Ewer / KATY PERRY / 67.656 First Level Test 2 Jr/Yr (C) Creswick, 1.Isabella Macchioni / DANATELO / 75.000 2.Gabriela Grant / LAYLA / 67.656 3.Audrey Concepcion / WINCHESTER DG / 65.781 First Level, Test 2 Adult Amateur (C) Creswick, 1.Tracy Ladd / MAXIMUM CREDIT / 65.625 2.Evelyn James / WALDEMAR / 65.625 3.Natalya Brandt / SAMBUCA / 63.594 First Level Test 3 Q (C) Creswick, 1.Isabella Macchioni / DANATELO / 69.559 2.Bethany Nehse / SONHADORA WML / 65.441 3.Lara Symmons / BARONESS VON FIRE DUCHESS / 65.441 First Level Test 3 AA (C) Routson, 1.Sherrie Near / UMA / 66.176 2.Lisa Ohara / LADDIE / 65.294 3.Ruth Shirkey / WYLEIGH PRINCESS / 63.382 First Level Test 3 (C) Creswick, 1.Laurie Moore / Prostor / 70.147 Second Level Test 1 (C) Routson, 1.Tracey Hill / BIJOUX DE BRAVO / 68.333 2.Sherrie Near / UMA / 62.879 3.Melissa Paich / PROSTOR / 62.424 Second Level Test 2 (C) Routson, 1.Megan Lee / PRINCETON / 61.538 Second Level Test 3 (C) Routson, 1.Laurie Moore / Toronado Bf / 65.000 Second Level Test 3 AA DOVER MEDAL (C) Routson, 1.Shareen Purcell / Quilla / 62.439 Third Level Test 1 (C) Routson, 1.Lily Bennett / SEOUL BROTHER / 67.121 Hunters · Jumpers · Dressage Alejandro Salazar USDF Bronze Medalist (530) 306-6818 Located at Black Rice Farm Diamond Springs, CA · professional, positive environment for riders of all levels · school horses available for lessons and lease · indoor lighted arena and outdoor jumping arena training · lessons · clinics · sales Creati ng Champions KEFA P E R F O R M A N C E H O R S E S TRAINING, LESSONS, SALES, BREED SHOW PREPERATION, & STARTING UNDER SADDLE KEVIN & ERICKA REINIG 916.616.4581 June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 38 • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • • 2.Laurie Moore / JENSE / 66.818 3.Debra Hanisch / AKTIVA / 63.333 Third Level Test 2 (C) Routson, 1.Laurie Moore / JENSE / 67.436 2.Megan Lee / PRINCETON / 62.179 3.Kimberly Anderson / RENZE H / 57.821 Third Level Test 3 (C) Routson, 1.Shareen Purcell / QUILLA / 64.615 2.Heather Baine / PALADIN / 63.846 3.Brenda Peters Beare / PANTERRA / 63.077 Fourth Level Test 1 (C) Routson, 1.Anja Ibsen / GREENVILLE EQUESTRIAN CENTERS / 67.027 Fourth Level Test 2 (C) Routson, 1.Cynthia Bell / ALLURE / 63.472 Prix St. Georges (C) Routson, 1.Gina Duran / FARALLON / 71.842 2.Heidi Knipe / EQF BARYSHNIKOV / 66.053 3.Shelley Clark / MARABOU / 63.158 FEI Intermediare I (C) Routson, 1.Laura Anderson / MJ COMMUNICATOR / 64.211 2.Joan Williams / FIDELIS / 61.053 FEI Grand Prix (C) Routson, 1.Brianna Dutton / TIBET / 63.000 2.Kelly Casey / HIGHLIGHTS CAPPUCCINO / 61.000 USDF Freestyle Test of Choice (C) Routson, 1.Carol Alonso / EL GAVILAN / 65.500 FEI JR or YR Individual Test TOC (C) Routson, 1.Shelby Rocereto / CHAPEAU / 65.789 2.Erika Larson / GUNNER / 61.579 FEI JR Team Test (C) Routson, 1.Shelby Rocereto / Chapeau / 67.432 Opportunity Training Level Test 1 (C) Creswick, 1.Justine Frazier / PHOENIX CINZA / 58.913 Training Level Test 1 (C) Routson, 1.Shannon Harger / REAL BUBBLES / 62.609 2.Lynn Dolphin / AMANTE / 61.739 3.Rebecca Schulz / DODGIN TRAFFIC / 61.304 Training Level Test 2 (C) Routson, 1.Jane Ewer / ROSENSTOLZ / 76.538 2.Brenda Peters Beare / LAMSON / 68.269 3.Lydia Fenoglio / ALIQUOT / 65.577 Training Level Test 3 (C) Routson, 1.Jane Ewer / ROSENSTOLZ / 76.591 2.Brenda Peters Beare / LAMSON / 70.682 3.Georganne Benesch / LION KING / 63.636 First Level Test 1 (C) Routson, 1.Jane Ewer / KATY PERRY / 70.185 2.Rheanna Mcconnell / WHOM SHALL I FEAR / 64.259 3.Lydia Fenoglio / ALIQUOT / 62.407 First Level Test 1 Adult Amateur (C) Routson, 1.Georganne Benesch / LION KING / 67.222 2.Evelyn James / WALDEMAR / 65.556 3.Tracy Ladd / MAXIMUM CREDIT / 63.148 First Level Test 2 (C) Routson, 1.Lara Symmons / BARONESS VON FIRE DUCHESS / 68.750 2.Jane Ewer / KATY PERRY / 67.344 3.Shayla Owen / KODIAK / 67.031 First Level Test 2 Adult Amateur (C) Routson, 1.Evelyn James / WALDEMAR / 69.219 2.Nanna Ericson / OCTAVIA OVS / 65.156 3.Tracy Ladd / MAXIMUM CREDIT / 65.000 First Level Test 3 (C) Routson, 1.Lara Symmons / BARONESS VON FIRE DUCHESS / 71.029 2.Melissa Paich / PROSTOR / 67.500 3.Shayla Owen / KODIAK / 66.176 Second Level Test 1 (C) Creswick, 1.Sherrie Near / UMA / 65.152 2.Kathryn Fischer / MISTY MAY / 56.818 Second Level Test 2 (C) Creswick, 1.Megan Lee / PRINCETON / 62.564 Second Level Test 3 (C) Creswick, 1.Laurie Moore / TORONADO BF / 60.488 Third Level Test 1 (C) Creswick, 1.Lily Bennett / SEOUL BROTHER / 64.848 2.Rebecca Cushman / CALVIN / 60.303 3.Melissa Paich / PULZAR / 59.394 Third Level Test 2 (C) Creswick, 1.Laurie Moore / JENSE / 63.077 2.Megan Lee / PRINCETON / 60.000 Third Level Test 3 (C) Creswick, 1.Jennifer Dainer / ZENETH / 65.000 2.Brenda Peters Beare / PANTERRA / 61.923 3.Rebecca Cushman / CALVIN / 60.256 Fourth Level Test 1 (C) Creswick, 1.Anja Ibsen / GREENVILLE EQUESTRIAN CENTERS / 66.622 2.Jennifer Dainer / ZENETH / 65.541 3.Crystal Heath / LUCY IN THE SKY WITH / 62.297 Fourth Level Test 2 (C) Creswick, 1.Crystal Heath / LUCY IN THE SKY WITH / 61.944 2.Linda Wool / ERISA EDWARD JORDAN / 60.833 Prix St. Georges (C) Creswick, 1.Heidi Knipe / EQF BARYSHNIKOV / 66.711 2.Lisa Wiley Woelfel / BRADY BOY / 61.447 3.Courtney Peck / DRESSAGETRAININGONLINE.COMS / 61.053 FEI Intermediare I (C) Creswick, 1.Joan Williams / FIDELIS / 62.763 2.Laura Anderson / MJ COMMUNICATOR / 61.711 FEI Grand Prix (C) Creswick, 1.Kelly Casey / HIGHLIGHTS CAPPUCCINO / 64.200 USDF Freestyle Third Level (C) Creswick, 1.Shelby Rocereto / Chapeau / 67.667 FEI JR Team Test TOC (C) Creswick, 1.Shelby Rocereto / Chapeau / 70.000 FEI Young Horse Final (C) Creswick, 1.Ruth Shirkey / WYLEIGH PRINCESS / 68.900 USDF Introductory C (C) Routson, 1.Rebecca Schulz / DODGIN TRAFFIC / 70.750 Opportunity Training Level Test 1 (C) Routson, 1.Justine Frazier / PHOENIX CINZA / 68.696 TEV CDS APRIL MADNESS 4/11-12/15 Temecula, CA Prix St. Georges Open (C) Richardson, 1.Emily Lasher / DREAMY / 66.184 2.Kate Shuster / QUIERO / 66.184 3.Joseph Newcomb / WARDANCE / 61.579 Prix St. Georges Amateur (C) Richardson, 1.Rachel Friedrichs / NATHANIEL’S QUEST / 57.632 Prix St. Georges JR/YR (C) Richardson, 1.Jessica Pierce / STERLING / 64.342 2.Angelica Oliver-Mays / PICASSO VDA / 58.553 Intermediaire I Open (C) Richardson, 1.Kimberly Monk / FLAIR / 67.763 2.Tiffany Kell Brinton / ESPRIT / 65.526 Intermediaire I Amateur (C) Richardson, 1.Julie Hoxmeier / GLESTRINA / 62.632 2.Seelchen Feibush / JESSE VAN DE SEEDYK / 59.342 3.Kimberly Hudson Watts / ZINCA / 56.184 Intermediaire II Open (C) Richardson, 1.Shannon Dahmer / LAKOTA LACE / 60.395 Grand Prix Open (C) Richardson, 1.Valerie Colsant / VIRTUOSO / 65.100 2.Kathy Pavlich / ULTIMO / 59.900 FEI Test of Choice (C) Richardson, 1.Julie Hoxmeier / GLESTRINA / 65.789 Training Level Test 1 Open (C) Gaian, 1.Gayle Smith-Haro / RECELOSO XXXV / 66.304 June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 39 Training Level Test 1 Amateur (C) Gaian, 1.Debbie Kynaston / CONSTANTINO / 55.870 Training Level Test 1 JR/YR (C) Gaian, 1.Kelsey Markee / MAKE A WISH / 62.609 2.Lauren Southard / FARVITNUGGEN / 59.565 Training Level Test 2 Open (C) Gaian, 1.Joseph Newcomb / BELLEO / 70.962 2.Tiffany Kell Brinton / SIR ARTHUR’S SEAMUS / 66.923 3.Sarah Lockman / MARIA / 64.423 Training Level Test 2 Amateur (C) Gaian, 1.Lynn La Caze / MOONRAKER / 66.346 2.Sue Briggs / CELTIC MAGIC / 65.769 3.Karla Mason / PRINCE ALBERT / 63.654 Training Level Test 2 JR/YR (C) Gaian, 1.Kelsey Markee / MAKE A WISH / 61.154 2.Lauren Southard / FARVITNUGGEN / 60.577 3.Laykyn Hughes / HEZA LONG SHOOT / 56.538 Training Level Test 3 Open (C) Gaian, 1.Joseph Newcomb / BELLEO / 72.955 2.Bekki Vrono / FAIT ACCOMPLI MMW / 70.227 3.Sarah Lockman / MARIA / 64.091 Training Level Test 3 Amateur (C) Gaian, 1.Sue Briggs / CELTIC MAGIC / 64.318 2.Debbie Kevins / BODE / 63.864 3.Lynn La Caze / MOONRAKER / 62.500 Training Level Test 3 JR/YR (C) Gaian, 1.Laykyn Hughes / HEZA LONG SHOOT / 57.273 First Level Test 1 Open (C) Gaian, 1.Bekki Vrono / FAIT ACCOMPLI MMW / 69.074 2.Lena Nordlof-Davis / STANLEY / 66.667 3.Amy L Miller / AUR MYSTIC ILLUSION / 66.667 First Level Test 1 Amateur (C) Gaian, 1.Cristina Kayvon-Pierce / BALTIMORE / 67.407 2.Julie Siegel-Turner / LER CLEOPATRA / 61.852 First Level Test 2 Open (C) Gaian, 1.Sarah Lockman / DARK MATTER / 68.281 2.Mallory Thompson / R LUCKY TRIPLE SEVEN / 67.500 3.Amy L Miller / AUR MYSTIC ILLUSION / 66.094 First Level Test 2 Amateur (C) Gaian, 1.Julie Siegel-Turner / LER CLEOPATRA / 51.406 First Level Test 3 Open (C) Gaian, 1.Amy L Miller / ARISTOCRAT CD / 70.000 2.Mallory Thompson / R LUCKY TRIPLE SEVEN / 63.971 3.Angie Taylor / RONRICO / 62.941 First Level Test 3 Amateur (C) Gaian, 1.Seelchen Feibush / DRACULA / 64.853 • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • • 2.Cristina Kayvon-Pierce / BALTIMORE / 64.853 3.Sara Eigner / BRIBON LAR / 58.676 Second Level Test 1 Open (C) Richardson, 1.Amy L Miller / ARISTOCRAT CD / 69.242 2.Angie Taylor / FIDELITY / 62.727 Second Level Test 1 Amateur (C) Richardson, 1.Stephanie Bennett / PIKARD / 60.152 Second Level Test 1 JR/YR (C) Richardson, 1.Sabine Molloy / REMBRANDT / 67.424 Second Level Test 2 Open (C) Richardson, 1.Dan Scheid / GLORY / 56.410 Second Level Test 2 Amateur (C) Richardson, 1.Caryn Carpenter-Cadez / ADONIS / 64.231 2.Lori Johnstone / PANAMA JOE / 60.256 3.Lauren Munos / WELLIENTON / 59.872 Second Level Test 3 USDF/Dover AA Medal (C)Richardson, 1.Susanne Lanini / JUST IN KAYCE+II / 67.195 2.Caryn Carpenter-Cadez / ADONIS / 61.829 3.Lori Johnstone / PANAMA JOE / 61.220 Third Level Test 1 Open (C) Richardson, 1.Emily Tears / GRYFFINDOR / 64.848 2.Ryan Bell / FLAMBEAU / 60.455 Third Level Test 1 Amateur (C) Richardson, 1.Sara Eigner / UTE MOUNTAIN ROBIN ASH / 58.030 2.Kristine Overlaur / TEMPRANILLO / 57.121 3.Lauren Munos / WELLIENTON / 56.364 Third Level Test 1 JR/YR (C) Richardson, 1.Sabine Molloy / REMBRANDT / 65.000 Third Level Test 2 Open (C) Richardson, 1.Angie Taylor / PIK A KRUSADER / 54.359 Third Level Test 2 JR/YR (C) Richardson, 1.Thea O’Dell / ZEE DE MAN / 63.974 Third Level Test 3 Open (C) Richardson, 1.Emily Tears / GRYFFINDOR / 63.846 Third Level Test 3 JR/YR (C) Richardson, 1.Thea O’Dell / ZEE DE MAN / 63.846 Fourth Level Test 1 Open (C) Richardson, 1.Kimberly Monk / ESPARTACO XVI / 65.946 2.Gayle Smith-Haro / JMF BLACK HAWK / 63.108 3.Jaclynn Kenward / ROSE ROXANE / 55.811 Fourth Level Test 1 Amateur (C) Richardson, 1.Krystal Woolbright / GRAND CHAMPION / 63.378 Fourth Level Test 2 Open (C) Richardson, 1.Gayle Smith-Haro / JMF BLACK HAWK / 65.694 2.Tiffany Beck / TOBIAS O.H. / 61.667 Fourth Level Test 2 Amateur (C) Richardson, 1.Janice M Cline / XEREZ DE QUINTANA / 61.944 Fourth Level Test 3 Open (C) Richardson, 1.Katherine L Rich / NIKOLAS / 63.111 2.Tiffany Beck / TOBIAS O.H. / 56.222 Fourth Level Test 3 Amateur (C) Richardson, 1.Christine Stevens / TENEDOS / 58.667 FEI Freestyle Test of Choice (C) Richardson, 1.Ryan Bell / D’ARISTOCRAT / 66.250 Pas de Deux Level of Choice (C) Richardson, 1.Sarah Pinney / ROHAN / 73.500 Joy Rothe / ROLEX / 73.500 USDF Introductory Level Test A (C) Richardson, 1.Amanda Johnson / DIEGO DEL REY / 70.625 USDF Introductory Level Test B (C) Gaian, 1.Amanda Johnson / DIEGO DEL REY / 75.625 2.Paula Nilsson / JOLI CHEVAL / 68.438 3.Christine Arthur / JUSTICE LEAGUE / 62.188 USDF Introductory Level Test C (C) Gaian, 1.Christine Arthur / JUSTICE LEAGUE / 61.250 Opportunity Training Level Test 1 (C) Gaian, 1.Tiffany Kell Brinton / BALISTO / 64.565 2.Danielle Madsen / CASPIAN / 63.696 3.Paula Nilsson / JOLI CHEVAL / 62.826 Opportunity Training Level Test 3 (C) Gaian, 1.Debbie Kevins / BODE / 63.182 2.Carolyn Mort-Hampson / SEA DANCER / 59.545 3.Danielle Madsen / CASPIAN / 58.182 Opportunity First Level Test 3 (C) Gaian, 1.Seelchen Feibush / DRACULA / 64.265 Prix St. Georges Open (C) Gaian, 1.Kimberly Monk / FLAIR / 66.316 2.Joseph Newcomb / WARDANCE / 63.684 3.Kate Shuster / QUIERO / 63.553 Prix St. Georges Amateur (C) Gaian, 1.Rachel Friedrichs / NATHANIEL’S QUEST / 53.026 Prix St. Georges JR/YR (C) Gaian, 1.Jessica Pierce / STERLING / 63.816 2.Angelica Oliver-Mays / PICASSO VDA / 60.921 Intermediare I Open (C) Gaian, 1.Ryan Bell / D’ARISTOCRAT / 63.816 2.Tiffany Kell Brinton / ESPRIT / 63.553 Intermediare I Amateur (C) Gaian, 1.Julie Hoxmeier / GLESTRINA / 65.395 2.Kimberly Hudson Watts / ZINCA / 64.737 3.Seelchen Feibush / JESSE VAN DE SEEDYK / 63.158 Intermediaire II Open (C) Gaian, 1.Emily Tears / LOPACA / 59.474 Grand Prix Open (C) Gaian, 1.Valerie Colsant / VIRTUOSO / 61.500 Intermediare I (C) Gaian, 1.Julie Hoxmeier / GLESTRINA / 64.605 Training Level Test 1 Amateur (C) Richardson, 1.Abigail Carrillo / ABSOLUT DREAM / 61.087 Training Level Test 1 JR/YR (C) Richardson, 1.Lauren Southard / FARVITNUGGEN / 62.826 2.Kelsey Markee / MAKE A WISH / 59.783 Training Level Test 2 Open (C) Richardson, 1.Sarah Lockman / MARIA / 67.692 2.Mallory Thompson / ZEPH / 66.923 3.Tiffany Kell Brinton / SIR ARTHUR’S SEAMUS / 62.885 Training Level Test 2 Amateur (C) Richardson, 1.Abigail Carrillo / ABSOLUT DREAM / 65.769 2.Karla Mason / PRINCE ALBERT / 65.577 Training Level Test 2 JR/YR (C) Richardson, 1.Laykyn Hughes / HEZA LONG SHOOT / 63.654 2.Lauren Southard / FARVITNUGGEN / 62.115 3.Kelsey Markee / MAKE A WISH / 61.154 Training Level Test 3 Open (C) Richardson, 1.Joseph Newcomb / BELLEO / 65.000 2.Tiffany Kell Brinton / SIR ARTHUR’S SEAMUS / 62.955 3.Mallory Thompson / ZEPH / 62.727 Training Level Test 3 Amateur (C) Richardson, 1.Sue Briggs / CELTIC MAGIC / 63.864 2.Abigail Carrillo / ABSOLUT DREAM / 63.182 3.Debbie Kevins / BODE / 62.045 Training Level Test 3 JR/YR (C) Richardson, 1.Laykyn Hughes / HEZA LONG SHOOT / 59.091 First Level Test 1 Open (C) Richardson, 1.Amy L Miller / AUR MYSTIC ILLUSION / 71.667 2.Lena Nordlof-Davis / STANLEY / 71.667 3.Bekki Vrono / FAIT ACCOMPLI MMW / 69.815 First Level Test 1 Amateur (C) Richardson, 1.Cristina Kayvon-Pierce / BALTIMORE / 68.889 2.Sue Briggs / CELTIC MAGIC / 56.852 First Level Test 2 Open (C) Richardson, 1.Mallory Thompson / R LUCKY TRIPLE SEVEN / 71.406 2.Amy L Miller / AUR MYSTIC ILLUSION / 70.313 3.Lena Nordlof-Davis / STANLEY / 69.844 First Level Test 2 Amateur (C) Richardson, 1.Gary Devian / RAPTOR / 60.781 First Level Test 3 Open (C) Richardson, 1.Amy L Miller / ARISTOCRAT CD / 67.353 2.Mallory Thompson / R LUCKY TRIPLE SEVEN / 67.059 3.Angie Taylor / RONRICO / 58.529 First Level Test 3 Amateur (C) Richardson, 1.Sara Eigner / BRIBON LAR / 61.618 2.Seelchen Feibush / DRACULA / 60.735 3.Gary Devian / RAPTOR / 58.971 Second Level Test 1 Open (C) Gaian, 1.Amy L Miller / ARISTOCRAT CD / 65.909 2.Angie Taylor / FIDELITY / 60.303 Second Level Test 1 Amateur (C) Gaian, 1.Lauren Munos / WELLIENTON / 64.394 2.Stephanie Bennett / PIKARD / 59.545 Second Level Test 2 Open (C) Gaian, 1.Sarah Pinney / CIELO / 67.949 Second Level Test 2 Amateur (C) Gaian, 1.Lori Johnstone / PANAMA JOE / 60.769 Second Level Test 3 Open (C) Gaian, 1.Barbro Ask-Upmark / ORIVE YET / 69.878 2.Sarah Pinney / CIELO / 65.732 Second Level Test 3 Amateur (C) Gaian, 1.Lori Johnstone / PANAMA JOE / 60.854 2.Kristine Overlaur / TEMPRANILLO / 57.561 Third Level Test 1 Open (C) Gaian, 1.Emily Tears / GRYFFINDOR / 65.606 2.Ryan Bell / FLAMBEAU / 65.455 Third Level Test 1 Amateur (C) Gaian, 1.Stephanie Bennett / PIKARD / 60.303 2.Kristine Overlaur / TEMPRANILLO / 55.000 Third Level Test 1 JR/YR (C) Gaian, 1.Sabine Molloy / REMBRANDT / 60.152 Third Level Test 2 Open (C) Gaian, 1.Angie Taylor / PIK A KRUSADER / 58.077 Third Level Test 2 Amateur (C) Gaian, 1.Lauren Munos / WELLIENTON / 59.487 Third Level Test 2 JR/YR (C) Gaian, 1.Thea O’Dell / ZEE DE MAN / 62.436 Third Level Test 3 Open (C) Gaian, 1.Emily Tears / GRYFFINDOR / 62.821 Third Level Test 3 Amateur (C) Gaian, 1.Mary Devian / LAVONT / 62.949 2.Lauren Munos / WELLIENTON / 56.795 Fourth Level Test 1 Open (C) Gaian, 1.Kimberly Monk / ESPARTACO XVI / 63.514 Fourth Level Test 1 Amateur (C) Gaian, 1.Krystal Woolbright / GRAND CHAMPION / 60.000 Fourth Level Test 2 Open (C) Gaian, 1.Tiffany Beck / TOBIAS O.H. / 61.667 Fourth Level Test 2 Amateur (C) Gaian, 1.Janice M Cline / XEREZ DE QUINTANA / 64.722 2.Mary Devian / LAVONT / 61.667 Fourth Level Test 3 Open (C) Gaian, 1.Katherine L Rich / NIKOLAS / 61.333 Fourth Level Test 3 Amateur (C) Gaian, 1.Christine Stevens / TENEDOS / 60.000 USDF Freestyle Test of Choice (C) Gaian, 1.Cristina Kayvon-Pierce / BALTIMORE / 71.800 USDF Introductory Level Test A (C) Richardson, 1.Kimberly (Kimy) Wall / ALANA / 62.500 USDF Introductory Level Test B (C) Richardson, 1.Kimberly (Kimy) Wall / ALANA / 64.688 Opportunity Training Level Test 1 (C) Richardson, 1.Danielle Madsen / CASPIAN / 63.696 2.Skye Woolsey / BERRY BERRY SPECIAL / 60.652 Opportunity Training Level Test 3 (C) Richardson, 1.Tiffany Kell Brinton / BALISTO / 65.682 2.Danielle Madsen / CASPIAN / 63.636 3.Skye Woolsey / BERRY BERRY SPECIAL / 60.682 Opportunity First Level Test 3 (C) Richardson, 1.Seelchen Feibush / DRACULA / 61.600 DEL MAR CDI W 1* Y/J YH U25 DEL MAR NATIONAL 4/23-26/15 Del Mar. CA $1,500 FEI Prix St Georges Cunningham, Colliander, Osinski 1.Leslie Webb / HARMONY’S ARMANI / 68.114 2.Tracy Roenick / APASSIONATA / 67.675 3.Susan L. Martin / VETO / 66.623 $1,500 FEI Intermediaire I McMullen, Rockwell, Cunningham 1.Tracy Roenick / APASSIONATA / 69.649 REGIONAL ADULT AMATEUR COMPETITION 2015 SOUTH RAAC AUGUST 20-23 Sponsored by Equine Insurance AWARDS COOLERS ~ NECK RIBBONS QUALIFYING SCORES NEW Basic Level 3 scores from 2 different judges Introductory C test HIGH SCORE ELITE at 65% or higher Novice only HIGH SCORE NOVICE Training Level 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher ROSES AWARD First Level 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher Second Level 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher LOS ANGELES / SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Third Level 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher Fourth Level 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher CONTACT: GLENDA MCELROY 818-841-3554 LAEC, BURBANK, CA Prix St Georges 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher Intermediare 1 3 scores from 2 different judges 60% or higher QUALIFYING: SEP 1, 2014 - AUG 8, 2015 June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 40 • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • • 2.Kristina Harrison / WENDIGO / 67.546 3.Christian Hartung / WINTESSA N / 67.368 $2,500 FEI Intermediaire I Freestyle Colliander, Osinski, McMullen 1.Susan L. Martin / VETO / 70.333 2.Cyndi Jackson / RISKY BUSINESS / 68.083 3.Kristina Harrison / WENDIGO / 67.333 $5,000 FEI Grand Prix Test Colliander, Rockwell, Cunningham, McMullen 1.Charlotte Jorst / NINTENDO / 67.18 2.Beatrice Marienau / STEFANO 8 / 67.14 3.Kimberly McGrath / WINSLOW / 66.82 $5,000 FEI Grand Prix Freestyle Rockwell, Cunningham, McMullen, Osinski, Colliander 1.Jan Ebeling / FRH RASSOLINI / 71.5 2.Kimberly McGrath / WINSLOW / 69.55 3.Michelle Reilly / UMEEKO / 68.625 $2,000 FEI Grand Prix Special Cunningham, McMullen, Colliander, Rockwell, Osinski 1.Charlotte Jorst / NINTENDO / 70.118 2.Terri Rocovich / UIVER (IVER) / 62.922 $500 FEI Young Rider Team Test McMullen, Osinski, Rockwell 1.Catherine Chamberlain / AVESTO / 70.219 2.Catherine Chamberlain / VERDICCI / 67.368 3.Cassidy Gallman / GRAND MAKANA / 66.491 $500 FEI Young Rider Individual Test Rockwell, Cunningham, Colliander 1.Catherine Chamberlain / VERDICCI / 69.123 2.Catherine Chamberlain / AVESTO / 69.035 3.Cassidy Gallman / GRAND MAKANA / 66.36 $500 FEI Young Rider Freestyle Rockwell, Colliander, McMullen 1.Catherine Chamberlain / AVESTO / 72.045 2.Cassidy Gallman / GRAND MAKANA / 67.542 $250 FEI Junior Team Test McMullen, Osinski, Rockwell 1.Veronica West / NOBLEMAN / 68.198 2.Kaylee Williams / PIKABEE / 62.973 3.Paris Richman / SOMETHING ELSE C / 58.649 $250 FEI Junior Individual Test Rockwell, Cunningham, Colliander 1.Veronica West / NOBLEMAN / 66.272 2.Kaylee Williams / PIKABEE / 61.842 3.Paris Richman / SOMETHING ELSE C / 59.388 $500 FEI 16-25 Intermediaire II Osinski, Rockwell, Colliander 1.Ari Lopez / CORLANDER II / 65.482 $500 FEI 16-25 Young Rider Grand Prix Cunningham, McMullen, Colliander, Rockwell, Osinski 1.Ari Lopez / CORLANDER II / 65.116 $250 Prix St. Georges Amateur Canace 1.Ann Romney / DARLING / 61.842 2.Anne Buchanan / MARTINI / 61.053 $250 Prix St. Georges Open McMullen 1.Jan Ebeling / BAKARI / 71.053 $250 Prix St. Georges Open McMullen 1.Jenifer Watkins / APFELKORN / 66.974 2.Kate Shuster / QUIERO / 66.447 3.Lehua Custer / WINTER’S STAR / 65 $250 Intermediaire I JR/YR/AM Rockwell 1.Sabine Baron-Wright / WINONA / 68.816 2.Khara Johnson / FURST DANCE / 64.342 3.Marianne Horn / WEST L.A. / 57.105 $250 Intermediaire I Open McMullen 1.Jan Ebeling / BREITAN / 67.763 2.Marti Foster / ROSENBALL / 65.526 $250 Intermediaire II Open McMullen 1.Valerie Colsant / VIRTUOSO / 59.8 2.Nicholia Clarke / ALOHA / 63.816 3.Amelia Newcomb / TRUMP / 63.026 $250 Grand Prix Jr/Yr/AM McMullen 1.Dallas Jackson / RAMSGATE D / 57.8 $100 FEI Test of Choice Canace 1.Patty Mayer / MR. INCREDIBLE / 56.667 First Level Test 1 Open Osinski 1.Christian Hartung / QUINTANO / 74.259 2.Christine Unruh / AVANTAGE / 72.593 3.Mackinzie Pooley / FAIRWAY / 69.63 First Level Test 1 Ad/Am Osinski 1.Jacqueline Kessel / LEONS FAME / 57.963 2.Allen Kalchik / ARCOLA / 57.407 First Level Test 1 Jr/Yr Osinski 1.Margaret Manhard / HEIRESS L / 66.667 2.Jessica Forest / CLASSIC MOJAH / 66.296 First Level Test 2 Open Osinski 1.Mackinzie Pooley / FAIRWAY / 71.406 2.Leslie Webb / HARMONY’S DALTON / 70.938 3.Beverly Rogers / ETOILE / 70.938 First Level Test 3 Open Osinski 1.David Blake / HEIDE STAR / 71.029 2.Amelia Newcomb / D’AMORE / 69.118 3.Beverly Rogers / ETOILE / 66.618 First Level Test 3 Ad/Am Osinski 1.Rochelle Putnam / VALOR / 64.412 2.Adele Stein / FENIX RISING / 63.529 3.Tiffany Mahoney / SANS SOUCI / 62.647 Second Level Test 1 Open Osinski 1.Birthe Laufer / DELON / 69.091 2.Marti Foster / DAMARIO / 66.515 Second Level Test 1 Ad/Am Osinski 1.Benedetto Eric Di / APOLLO / 65 2.Rochelle Putnam / VALOR / 58.788 3.Rochelle Putnam / GORRYT-B VON JORL / 56.818 Second Level Test 2 Open Osinski 1.Kim Elsner / NEXUS GF / 69.487 2.Marti Foster / DAMARIO / 66.41 Second Level Test 3 Open Osinski 1.Kim Elsner / NEXUS GF / 72.561 2.Cyndi Jackson / ROSA FINA / 68.537 3.Marie Medosi / ALTANERO / 66.585 Second Level Test 3 Ad/Am Osinski 1.Rhonda Smith / ZEPHYROS / 66.098 2.Molly Schiltgen / LEISL TF / 63.902 3.Richard Devin / IMMERJOY / 60.488 Third Level Test 1 Open Canace 1.Birthe Laufer / DHAULAGIRI / 60.758 Third Level Test 1 Ad/Am Canace 1.Molly Schiltgen / FILA / 64.848 2.Tiffany Mahoney / EHRENGOLD / 62.879 3.Colleen Kinneger / ESPANOL XLI / 61.818 Third Level Test 1 Jr/Yr Canace 1.Tesia Penner / FLYAWAY / 61.818 Third Level Test 2 Open Canace 1.Christian Hartung / FLYNN / 67.564 2.Margit Deerman / PANADERO XLVI / 62.821 Third Level Test 2 Jr/Yr Canace 1.Tesia Penner / FLYAWAY / 55.513 Third Level Test 3 Open Canace 1.Glenda Needles / ODYSSEUS / 72.692 2.Jessica Havey / HELLO HALLI / 69.359 3.Shannon Dahmer / THE KING OF ROCK N ROLL / 66.282 Third Level Test 3 Ad/Am Canace 1.Colleen Kinneger / ESPANOL XLI / 61.41 Fourth Level Test 1 Open Canace 1.Nicholia Clarke / FINESSE / 71.351 2.Nicholia Clarke / QUINCY / 68.514 3.Ignacio Moran / BELVEDERE / 65.27 Fourth Level Test 1 Ad/Am Canace 1.Benedetto Eric Di / WYNTON / 62.568 2.Therese Lotman / DUFY / 53.243 Fourth Level Test 2 Open Canace 1.Nicholia Clarke / FINESSE / 71.667 2.Birthe Laufer / BEAU LOXLEY / 69.028 3.Nicholia Clarke / QUINCY / 68.75 Fourth Level Test 2 Ad/Am Canace 1.Therese Lotman / DUFY / 61.944 2.Susan Walker / WINZER 207 / 57.639 Fourth Level Test 3 Open Canace 1.Janet Peters / CAYENNE / 62.111 $250 Prix St. Georges Open Canace 1.Amber Smigel / DIJON / 67.5 2.Polly Limond / BONNO / 67.237 3.Shannon Dahmer / FWF COMANCHE FIRE / 66.711 $250 Prix St. Georges JR/YR/AM Canace 1.Khara Johnson / FURST DANCE / 75.789 2.Pat Hart / ALDENTE / 72.368 3.Anne Buchanan / MARTINI / 67.368 $250 Intermediaire I Open Canace 1.Teri Patton-Rich / WIDELO / 72.105 2.Elizabeth Ball / AVANTI / 69.342 3.Ryan Bell / D’ARISTOCRAT / 66.316 $250 Intermediaire I JR/YR/AM Canace 1.Jenifer Watkins / APFELKORN / 70.132 2.Elma Garcia / WENESA / 67.763 3.Julie Hoxmeier / GLESTRINA / 67.242 $250 Grand Prix Open Canace 1.Elizabeth Ball / LIAISON / 70.6 2.Barbi Breen-Gurley / VINDICATOR / 68.9 3.Valerie Colsant / VIRTUOSO / 64.6 $250 Grand Prix JR/YR/AM Colliander 1.Dallas Jackson / RAMSGATE D / 56.1 $100 FEI Test of Choice Canace 1.Julie Hoxmeier / GLESTRINA / 68.947 2.Amelia Newcomb / TRUMP / 66.447 First Level Test 1 Open Pavlich 1.Mackinzie Pooley / FAIRWAY / 76.481 2.Sarah Lockman / DEHAVILLAND / 75.926 3.Tina Caldwell / DONATELLO IV / 74.259 First Level Test 1 Ad/Am Pavlich 1.Allen Kalchik / ARCOLA / 64.63 First Level Test 1 Jr/Yr Pavlich 1.Morgan Hurtado / HELLAVA STORM / 58.704 First Level Test 2 Open Pavlich 1.David Wightman / SILBERPFEIL / 80.156 2.Natalie Hinnemann / COPA CABANA MRF / 74.844 3.Christian Hartung / QUINTANO / 74.688 First Level Test 2 Ad/Am Pavlich 1.Jacqueline Kessel / LEONS FAME / 65.312 First Level Test 3 Open Pavlich 1.Mackinzie Pooley / FAIRWAY / 78.676 2.Leslie Webb / HARMONY’S DALTON / 74.706 3.Glenda Needles / DOUGLAS VL / 69.706 First Level Test 3 Ad/Am Lacy 1.Rochelle Putnam / VALOR / 56.029 Second Level Test 1 Ad/Am Pavlich 1.Benedetto Eric Di / APOLLO / 65.152 2.Rochelle Putnam / GORRYT-B VON JORL / 62.273 3.Adele Stein / FENIX RISING / 62.121 Second Level Test 2 Open Pavlich 1.Carly Taylor-Smith / ROSALUT NHF / 76.282 2.Kim Elsner / NEXUS GF / 70.256 3.Sarah Lockman / CHRIS CRAFT / 68.077 Second Level Test 2 Ad/Am Lacy 1.Dr.Julie Johnson / ALAINN / 49.744 Second Level Test 3 Open Pavlich 1.Sarah Lockman / CHRIS CRAFT / 70 2.Amelia Newcomb / D’AMORE / 68.537 3.Sandra Hansen / FANDANGO / 67.195 Second Level Test 3 Ad/Am Pavlich 3.Richard Devin / IMMERJOY / 64.024 Second Level Test 3 Ad/Am Pavlich 1.Rhonda Smith / ZEPHYROS / 69.024 2.Molly Schiltgen / LEISL TF / 65.61 Second Level Test 3 Jr/Yr Pavlich 1.Laurel Kerner / SOREN / 68.293 Third Level Test 1 Open Lacy 1.David Wightman / ENCORE AF / 70.455 2.Shayna Simon / ZAMIGO / 62.121 Third Level Test 1 Ad/Am Lacy 1.Molly Schiltgen / FILA / 66.97 2.Anne Buchanan / SKYHIT / 65.606 Third Level Test 1 Jr/Yr Lacy 1.Sunnie Heers / LEGO / 61.97 2.Tesia Penner / FLYAWAY / 60 Third Level Test 2 Open Lacy 1.Sarah Lockman / CALIMERO / 64.615 2.Dawn White-O’Connor / UTILERO AG / 59.744 Third Level Test 2 Ad/Am Lacy 1.Elizabeth Shafer / DIGNO HM / 63.59 Third Level Test 2 Jr/Yr Lacy 1.Tesia Penner / FLYAWAY / 59.359 Third Level Test 3 Open Lacy 1.Christian Hartung / FLYNN / 72.179 2.Jessica Havey / HELLO HALLI / 70.651 3.Sarah Lockman / CALIMERO / 65.385 Third Level Test 3 Ad/Am Lacy 1.Elizabeth Shafer / DIGNO HM / 65 2.Marla Gidlow / VENTURO / 53.846 Third Level Test 3 Jr/Yr Lacy 1.Kennedi Templeton / ULLIMAN / 66.154 2.Sunnie Heers / LEGO / 60.385 Fourth Level Test 1 Open Lacy 1.Emily Lasher / DREAMY / 66.892 2.Erin Heintel / SPARKY / 64.73 Fourth Level Test 1 Ad/Am Lacy 1.Barbara Luck / DIVAS LADY / 55.135 Fourth Level Test 2 Open Canace 1.Nicholia Clarke / FINESSE / 71.667 2.Nicholia Clarke / QUINCY / 70.972 3.Birthe Laufer / BEAU LOXLEY / 70.972 Fourth Level Test 2 Ad/Am Canace 1.Susan Walker / WINZER 207 / 60.972 Fourth Level Test 3 Open Canace 1.Tiffany Beck / TOBIAS O.H. / 66 2.Janet Peters / CAYENNE / 65.889 Fourth Level Test 3 Ad/Am Canace 1.Amalia Boyles / WELTERBE / 69.556 $250 Prix St. Georges Open Lacy 1.Jessica Havey / SIR CEDRIK H / 68.947 2.Ann Romney / DARLING / 67.895 3.Polly Limond / BONNO / 63.947 $250 Prix St. Georges JR/YR/AA Osinski 1.Ann Romney / DONATELLO / 67.368 2.Pat Hart / ALDENTE / 66.316 3.Anne Buchanan / MARTINI / 64.737 $250 Intermediaire I Open Lacy 1.Teri Patton-Rich / WIDELO / 74.079 2.Verena Schubert / WANTED / 68.816 3.Sabine Baron-Wright / WINONA / 67.763 $250 Intermediaire I JR/YR/AA Lacy 1.Elma Garcia / WENESA / 68.289 2.Julie Hoxmeier / GLESTRINA / 66.579 3.Khara Johnson / FURST DANCE / 64.605 $250 Intermediaire II Open Osinski 1.Carly Taylor-Smith / VOLARE / 67.368 2.Stephanie Busley / PETETA / 61.974 3.Shannon Dahmer / LAKOTA LACE / 61.579 $250 Grand Prix Open Osinski 1.Mark Carter / BELLINO / 67 2.Valerie Colsant / VIRTUOSO / 64.8 3.Shannon Peters / FLOR DE SELVA / 62.3 $100 FEI Test of Choice Lacy 1.Julie Hoxmeier / GLESTRINA / 66.053 2.Kennedi Templeton / ULLIMAN / 64.324 First Level Test 1 Open Canace 1.Catherine Chamberlain / BLING AF / 68.889 2.Sarah Lockman / DEHAVILLAND / 68.519 3.Jodie Cressman / LAUREN / 67.222 First Level Test 1 Ad/Am Canace 1.Allen Kalchik / ARCOLA / 61.296 First Level Test 1 Jr/Yr Canace 1.Emma Marshall / MAESTRO / 61.852 2.Isabelle Julie Herbert / LILY / 60.556 3.Margaret Manhard / HEIRESS L / 59.444 First Level Test 2 Open Canace 1.Leslie Webb / HARMONY’S DALTON / 68.906 2.Natalie Hinnemann / QUANTUM MRF / 64.531 3.Beverly Rogers / ETOILE / 64.375 First Level Test 2 Ad/Am Canace 1.Angela Tinsley / FUEGO AMOR / 58.594 First Level Test 2 Jr/Yr Canace 1.Margaret Manhard / HEIRESS L / 64.375 2.Emma Marshall / MAESTRO / 62.813 First Level Test 3 Open Canace 1.Glenda Needles / DOUGLAS VL / 72.941 2.Lehua Custer / F.J. RAMZES / 71.471 3.Christian Hartung / QUINTANO / 69.853 Second Level Test 1 Open Canace 1.Marie Medosi / MAIKE FAN TACOS EACH / 66.212 2.Emily Lasher / HEDGER / 59.394 3.Chemaine Hurtado / RODARTE / 56.667 Second Level Test 1 Ad/Am Canace 1.Janice Brooks-Gary / CUMULUS 2 / 66.364 2.Dr.Julie Johnson / ALAINN / 55.758 Second Level Test 2 Open Canace 1.Sarah Lockman / CHRIS CRAFT / 62.564 Second Level Test 2 Ad/Am Canace 1.Adele Stein / FENIX RISING / 55.769 2.Dr.Julie Johnson / ALAINN / 54.615 Second Level Test 3 Op Wadeborn 1.Marie Medosi / ALTANERO / 68.902 2.Sarah Lockman / CHRIS CRAFT / 66.22 Second Level Test 3 Ad/Am Canace 1.Rhonda Smith / ZEPHYROS / 66.098 2.Janice Brooks-Gary / CUMULUS 2 / 64.268 3.Richard Devin / IMMERJOY / 54.634 Second Level Test 3 Jr/Yr Canace 1.Laurel Kerner / SOREN / 67.927 Third Level Test 1 Open Wadeborn 1.David Wightman / ENCORE AF / 68.636 2.Dawn White-O’Connor / UTILERO AG / 61.97 Third Level Test 1 Ad/Am Wadeborn 1.Colleen Kinneger / ESPANOL XLI / 60.455 Third Level Test 1 Jr/Yr Wadeborn 1.Tesia Penner / FLYAWAY / 58.333 2.Genna Feld / JOLIE / 58.333 Third Level Test 2 Open Wadeborn 1.Christian Hartung / FLYNN / 71.154 2.Sarah Lockman / CALIMERO / 68.718 3.Margit Deerman / PANADERO XLVI / 57.692 Third Level Test 2 Ad/Am Wadeborn 1.Anne Buchanan / SKYHIT / 63.333 Third Level Test 2 Jr/Yr Wadeborn 1.Laurel Kerner / SOREN / 65.897 June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 41 2.Genna Feld / JOLIE / 59.103 3.Tesia Penner / FLYAWAY / 58.077 Third Level Test 3 Open Wadeborn 1.Sarah Lockman / CALIMERO / 67.821 2.Shannon Dahmer / THE KING OF ROCK N ROLL / 63.333 3.Marla Gidlow / VENTURO / 56.538 Third Level Test 3 Ad/Am Wadeborn 1.Jackie Golden / SUNDANCE GOLDEN / 65.256 2.Elizabeth Shafer / DIGNO HM / 58.974 3.Colleen Kinneger / ESPANOL XLI / 57.564 Third Level Test 3 Jr/Yr Wadeborn 1.Sunnie Heers / LEGO / 64.487 Fourth Level Test 1 Open Lacy 1.Elizabeth Ball / CARAVAGGIO / 71.081 2.Erin Heintel / SPARKY / 66.622 3.Triana Pangrcic / RIVERDANCE / 61.486 Fourth Level Test 1 Ad/Am Lacy 1.Linda Moeller / AVENTIS / 62.297 2.Benedetto Eric Di / WYNTON / 60.811 3.Barbara Luck / DIVAS LADY / 60.541 Fourth Level Test 1 Jr/Yr Wadeborn 1.Aleyna Dunn / LAETITIA / 64.595 Fourth Level Test 2 Open Lacy 1.Tiffany Beck / TOBIAS O.H. / 62.361 Fourth Level Test 3 Open Lacy 1.Tiffany Beck / TOBIAS O.H. / 65.116 2.Janet Peters / CAYENNE / 62.556 $100 FEI Test of Choice Open Canace 1.Marianne Horn / WEST L.A. / 65.658 2.Emily Lasher / DREAMY / 62.763 First Level Test 1 Open Lacy 1.Verena Schubert / PENINSULA CRUISE ON DIAMOND / 68.14 2.Emily Lasher / MAGIC IN THE DARK / 67.778 3.Mary Young / PLATINUM / 61.481 First Level Test 1 Jr/Yr Lacy 1.Emma Marshall / MAESTRO / 65.556 2.Isabelle Julie Herbert / LILY / 64.259 First Level Test 2 Ad/Am Lacy 1.Angela Tinsley / FUEGO AMOR / 65.938 First Level Test 2 Jr/Yr Lacy 1.Emma Marshall / MAESTRO / 64.688 Second Level Test 1 Ad/Am Lacy 1.Janice Brooks-Gary / CUMULUS 2 / 66.061 Second Level Test 2 Open Lacy 1.Sarah Lockman / CHRIS CRAFT / 64.359 Third Level Test 1 Jr/Yr Lacy 1.Genna Feld / JOLIE / 58.636 Third Level Test 2 Open Lacy 1.Sarah Lockman / CALIMERO / 62.949 Third Level Test 2 Jr/Yr Lacy 1.Laurel Kerner / SOREN / 70.513 2.Genna Feld / JOLIE / 61.923 Fourth Level Test 1 Open Lacy 1.Lauren Asher / LYSIAS / 64.324 Fourth Level Test 1 Ad/Am Lacy 1.Benedetto Eric Di / WYNTON / 60.811 $100 Young Horse Test of Choice Open McMullen 1.Lehua Custer / F.J. RAMZES / 76 $100 Developing Horse Open Practice Rockwell 1.Patty Mayer / CATO / 61.029 2.Beverly Gnau / HIGH HAPPENING / 61.324 $100 Developing Horse Open Practice Osinski 1.Jan Ebeling / SANTO DOMINGO / 69.265 $1000 FEI Freestyle Test of Choice Open Colliander 1.Elizabeth Ball / AVANTI / 72.5 2.Sandy Gardner / SANDROS ACE / 67.625 3.Elizabeth Ball / LIAISON / 66.625 $250 First-Fourth Level Freestyle TOC Open Cunningham 1.Jackie Golden / SUNDANCE GOLDEN / 67 2.Richard Devin / IMMERJOY / 66.5 3.Anna Buffini / ROOSEVELT SFS / 66.167 $250 USEF Four-Year-Old Test Open Canace 1.Sarah Lockman / DEHAVILLAND / 78.4 $250 FEI Five-Year-Old Test (Finale) Open Canace 1.Carly Taylor-Smith / ROSALUT NHF / 83.6 2.David Wightman / SILBERPFEIL / 78 3.Christine Unruh / AVANTAGE / 74.6 $250 USEF Developing Horse Prix St Georges Rockwell, Cunningham 1.Nick Wagman / DON JOHN / 69.559 2.Jan Ebeling / SANTO DOMINGO / 68.015 3.Patty Mayer / CATO / 64.632 $250 USEF Developing Horse Grand Prix Rockwell, Cunningham 1.Rebecca Rigdon / VERSACE / 67.062 USEF Test of Choice - Open Lacy 1.Catherine Chamberlain / BLING AF / 71.111 $500 Prix St. Georges Sweepstakes Open Cunningham 1.Jan Ebeling / BAKARI / 67.368 2.Carrie O’Neill / SPARTAKUS / 65.658 3.Jessica Havey / SIR CEDRIK H / 63.684 $500 PrixStGeorgesSweepstakes JR/YR/AA Cunningham 1.Ann Romney / DARLING / 64.479 2.Ann Romney / DONATELLO / 62.237 3.Khara Johnson / FURST DANCE / 61.842 $250 First Level Test 3 Sweepstakes Open Lacy 1.Emily Lasher / HEDGER / 58.088 $250 First Level Test 3 Sweepstakes Ad/Am Lacy 1.Adele Stein / FENIX RISING / 68.382 2.Benedetto Eric Di / APOLLO / 68.088 3.Jacqueline Kessel / LEONS FAME / 53.971 $250 Second Level Test 3 Sweepstakes Open Lacy 1.Sarah Lockman / CHRIS CRAFT / 64.146 $250 Second Level Test 3 Ad/Am (Dover Medal Class) Lacy 1.Rhonda Smith / ZEPHYROS / 65.732 2.Richard Devin / IMMERJOY / 62.439 3.Janice Brooks-Gary / CUMULUS 2 / 60.366 $250 Second Level Test 3 Sweepstakes Jr/Yr Lacy 1.Laurel Kerner / SOREN / 71.098 $250 Third Level Test 3 Sweepstakes Open Canace 1.Sarah Lockman / CALIMERO / 70.513 2.Birthe Laufer / BEAU LOXLEY / 68.974 3.Jessica Havey / HELLO HALLI / 63.846 $250 Third Level Test 3 Sweepstakes Ad/Am Canace 1.Stacy Williams / ASTERIOS / 68.462 • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • SHOW SHOW RESULTS RESULTS • • • 2.Anne Buchanan / SKYHIT / 66.795 $250 Fourth Level Test 3 Sweepstakes Ad/Am Canace 1.Amalia Boyles / WELTERBE / 66.222 $250 Fourth Level Test 3 Sweepstakes Jr/Yr Lacy 1.Aleyna Dunn / LAETITIA / 66 SIERRA NEVADA CDS SPRING DRESSAGE 4/25-26/15 Carson City, NV Introductory Test A (C) Hardy, 1.Cassandra Johnson / GINNOVI OF WINDY ACRES / 67.188 2.Stella Thornton / DIXIE / 62.813 3.Wendy Cook / CUT THUMB STAR (CUT OF THUMB) / 58.125 Introductory Test A (C) McClain, 1.Stella Thornton / DIXIE / 68.125 2.Kathleen Sigurdson / CINNAMON TEA / 64.375 3.Wendy Cook / CUT THUMB STAR (CUT OF THUMB) / 58.750 Introductory Test B (C) Hardy, 1.Cassandra Johnson / GINNOVI OF WINDY ACRES / 68.750 2.Savannah Gray / E.B. / 66.875 3.Stella Thornton / DIXIE / 61.875 Introductory Test B (C) McClain, 1.Savannah Gray / E.B. / 65.938 2.Wendy Cook / CUT THUMB STAR (CUT OF THUMB) / 65.000 3.Stella Thornton / DIXIE / 63.438 Introductory Test C (C) Hardy, 1.Savannah Gray / E.B. / 65.500 2.Espe Harmer / KURI / 59.500 3.Sabine Harmer / NEVADA MIST / 55.500 Introductory Test C (C) McClain, 1.Espe Harmer / KURI / 68.000 2.Savannah Gray / E.B. / 67.250 3.Sabine Harmer / NEVADA MIST / 61.750 Training Level, Test 1 (C) Hardy, 1.Jocelyn Hamann / MAY HANKS PINTADO / 65.000 2.Tina Burke / ALTANERO / 65.000 3.Alexander Jacobson / JOEY / 63.043 Training Level, Test 2 (C) Hardy, 1.Julia Mineikis / FRANGIPANI / 72.500 2.Jocelyn Hamann / MAY HANKS PINTADO / 67.308 Training Level, Test 2 - AA/JR/YR (C) Hardy, 1.Madora Daniel / RONALDO / 72.500 2.Elizabeth Thieriot / BONAMEER DG / 70.000 3.Tina Burke / ALTANERO / 67.500 Training Level, Test 3 (C) McClain, 1.Julia Mineikis / FRANGIPANI / 73.636 2.Jocelyn Hamann / BENELLI ROSE / 69.318 3.Elizabeth Evans / JUMPIN JACK FLASH / 62.500 Training Level, Test 3 - AA/JR/YR (C) McClain, 1.Elizabeth Thieriot / BONAMEER DG / 70.455 2.Madora Daniel / RONALDO / 67.273 3.Charlotte Babbitt / COYOTE RED RADISH / 67.045 Training Level, Test 1 OPPORTUNITY (C) Hardy, 1.Jamie Matsuura / ARSON / 64.348 Training Level, Test 2 OPPORTUNITY (C) Hardy, 1.Jamie Matsuura / ARSON / 62.692 First Level, Test 1 (C) Hardy, 1.Sarah Lafayette / SANTO LUGANO / 68.148 2.Kate Kassity / LEOPOLD / 63.148 3.Brooke Hodge / HAZEN / 62.778 First Level, Test 2 (C) Hardy, 1.Hilari Fleming / FABULOUS DSF / 67.344 2.Loye Jaeger / UNICUM / 65.000 3.Susan Booth / WISHFUL (WUNSCHKIND) / 62.656 First Level, Test 3 (C) McClain, 1.Morgane Gabriel / FOR WILLIE / 70.882 2.Hilari Fleming / FABULOUS DSF / 67.500 3.Loye Jaeger / UNICUM / 64.412 Second Level, Test 2 (C) McClain, 1.Julia Mineikis / SAVAROTH / 68.462 2.Rebecca Evans / ENCHANTRESS / 67.564 3.Jean Russitano / PLATEEN / 62.051 Second Level, Test 3 (C) McClain, 1.Julia Mineikis / SAVAROTH / 71.463 2.Rebecca Evans / ENCHANTRESS / 66.951 3.Jean Russitano / PLATEEN / 61.220 Third Level, Test 2 (C) McClain, 1.Lauren Spear / IN THE MIST / 64.231 2.Cassandra Peat / WILLEMSTAD / 62.692 3.Roxanne Strahan / MAGENTA / 61.282 Third Level, Test 3 (C) McClain, 1.Roxanne Strahan / MAGENTA / 65.513 2.Suzan Strahan / FINNEGAN / 61.154 Fourth Level, Test 1 (C) McClain, 1.Jocelyn Hamann / BOCELLI / 62.432 Fourth Level, Test 2 (C) McClain, 1.Rebecca Evans / CARBO II / 63.611 Fourth Level, Test 3 (C) McClain, 1.Rebecca Evans / CARBO II / 63.556 Prix St. Georges (C) McClain, 1.Stacee Collier / DACQUIRI / 62.237 2.Stacee Collier / DÉJÀ VU / 61.316 3.Jessica Paul / BANDOLERO CL / 57.368 Intermediaire I (C) McClain, 1.Rebecca Evans / WORLDPRINZ / 63.026 USEF Rider Test of Choice (C) McClain, 1.Ann Blanton / KIDD / 69.400 Training Level, Test 1 (C) McClain, 1.Tina Burke / ALTANERO / 67.609 2.Alexander Jacobson / JOEY / 63.696 3.Nancy McCue-Smith / WAPS SERANADE / 3 Training Level, Test 2 (C) McClain, 1.Julia Mineikis / FRANGIPANI / 75.962 2.Lesley Grove / COWBOY’S DR PEPPER / 66.538 Training Level, Test 2 - AA/JR/YR (C) Hardy, 1.Elizabeth Thieriot / BONAMEER DG / 71.538 2.Alyssa Buenting / BOLD ADVENTURE / 66.538 3.Madora Daniel / RONALDO / 65.962 Training Level, Test 3 SPLIT FOR AWARDS (C) Hardy, 1.Julia Mineikis / FRANGIPANI / 76.136 2.Lesley Grove / COWBOY’S DR PEPPER / 62.745 Training Level, Test 3 - AA/JR/YR (C) Hardy, 1.Elizabeth Thieriot / BONAMEER DG / 72.045 2.Madora Daniel / RONALDO / 69.545 3.Alyssa Buenting / BOLD ADVENTURE / 65.227 Training Level, Test 1 OPPORTUNITY (C) McClain, 1.Jamie Matsuura / ARSON / 66.957 Training Level, Test 2 OPPORTUNITY (C) McClain, 1.Jamie Matsuura / ARSON / 68.269 First Level, Test 1 (C) McClain, 1.Charlotte Babbitt / COYOTE RED RADISH / 68.704 2.Sarah Lafayette / SANTO LUGANO / 65.741 2.Claire Edwards / SF FULLI LOADED / 65.741 First Level, Test 2 (C) McClain, 1.Loye Jaeger / UNICUM / 69.219 2.Sophia Holm / BORENCIO DG / 68.594 3.Rielly Strahan / MARTELLATO / 64.688 First Level, Test 3 (C) Hardy, 1.Morgane Gabriel / FOR WILLIE / 70.882 2.Stephanie Smittkamp / LANCASTER / 66.765 3.Sophia Holm / BORENCIO DG / 65.735 Second Level, Test 2 (C) Hardy, 1.Ellen Bjorkman / HAYLEE / 65.385 2.Julia Mineikis / SAVAROTH / 65.256 3.Rebecca Evans / ENCHANTRESS / 60.769 Second Level, Test 3 (C) Hardy, 1.Julia Mineikis / SAVAROTH / 69.756 2.Ellen Bjorkman / HAYLEE / 67.439 3.Rebecca Evans / ENCHANTRESS / 65.244 Third Level, Test 2 (C) McClain, 1.Cassandra Peat / WILLEMSTAD / 65.641 2.Lauren Spear / IN THE MIST / 62.051 3.Suzan Strahan / KIRI KIN THA +/ / 60.513 Third Level, Test 3 (C) McClain, 1.Suzan Strahan / KIRI KIN THA +/ / 62.436 Fourth Level, Test 2 (C) McClain, 1.Rebecca Evans / CARBO II / 63.889 Fourth Level, Test 3 (C) McClain, 1.Rebecca Evans / CARBO II / 62.667 Prix St. Georges (C) McClain, 1.Stacee Collier / DACQUIRI / 64.737 2.Stacee Collier / DÉJÀ VU / 62.763 3.Jessica Paul / BANDOLERO CL / 58.553 Intermediaire I (C) McClain, 1.Rebecca Evans / WORLDPRINZ / 65.789 2.Hilari Fleming / RUBICON SF / 65.658 USDF Freestyle - Level 4 (C) McClain, 1.Lesley Grove / TRUE TEXAS COLORS / 64.333 Pas De Deux - State Level (C) Hardy, 1.Brooke Hodge / HAZEN / 69.500 1.Claire Edwards / SF FULLI LOADED / 69.500 YARRA YARRA DRESSAGE 4/26/15 Pleasanton, CA Training Level Test 1 (C) Roth, 1.Tammy Gollotti / ARTEMIS K / 63.478 2.Lyndsay Olson / SPIKE / 61.304 3.Shannon Harger / REAL BUBBLES / 56.739 Training Level Test 2 (C) Brunn, 1.Brenda Peters Beare / LAMSON / 66.538 2.Peyton Lesser / TARIM TZ / 66.346 3.Ariana Farsai / MISS ENCORE / 64.423 Training Level Test 3 Open/JR/YR (C) Roth, 1.Elizabeth Hendrix / FINO MALU / 76.591 2.Brenda Peters Beare / LAMSON / 73.636 3.Lisa Rago / DAVIDSONS BLACK SHAMAN / 62.955 Training Level Test 3 Open/JR/YR (C) Roth, 1.Jenna Driscoll / HERBSTLIEBE / 72.500 2.Peyton Lesser / TARIM TZ / 65.227 3.Hannah Lee / MARIUS K / 63.636 Training Level Test 3 Amateur (C) Roth, 1.Carolyn Lane / RUN ROYAL REIGN / 66.136 2.Stefanie Erlwein / FINEST HOUR / 62.955 3.Johanna Constance / LORETTA LYNN / 61.591 First Level Test 1 (C) Brunn, 1.Bethany Nehse / SONHADORA WML / 69.815 2.Elizabeth Hendrix / FINO MALU / 68.704 3.Wendy Rader / REX CLASSIC / 62.407 First Level Test 2 (C) Brunn, 1.Isabella Macchioni / DANATELO / 72.656 2.Lara Symmons / BARONESS VON FIRE DUCHESS / 67.656 3.Emily Smith / LONDON / 64.531 First Level Test 3 Open/JR/YR (C) Roth, 1.Isabella Macchioni / DANATELO / 73.382 2.Lara Symmons / BARONESS VON FIRE DUCHESS / 69.559 3.Bethany Nehse / SONHADORA WML / 69.265 First Level Test 3 Amateur (C) Brunn, 1.Meike Petry / LUIGI / 72.941 2.Ruth Shirkey / WYLEIGH PRINCESS / 65.882 3.Linda Ottemoeller / RUBICON / 65.588 Second Level Test 1 (C) Brunn, 1.Meike Petry / LUIGI / 67.879 2.Cassey Mello / NIKOLAI / 63.182 Second Level Test 2 (C) Brunn, 1.Kate Emmett-Wilder / TERRA COTTA / 69.487 2.Emily Flaxman / ROMEO / 62.051 3.Linda Ottemoeller / RUBICON / 60.641 Second Level Test 3 Open/JR/YR (C) Brunn, 1.Emily Flaxman / ROMEO / 60.976 Second Level Test 3 Amateur (C) Brunn, 1.Kate Emmett-Wilder / TERRA COTTA / 66.829 Third Level Test 1 (C) Brunn, 1.Eva Larsen / LAFFRAN SPONTI / 66.970 2.Angela Celestre / WINTERDREAM / 63.636 3.Ann L. James / FABRIANN / 60.606 Third Level Test 2 (C) Brunn, 1.Eva Larsen / LAFFRAN SPONTI / 68.205 2.Berit Long / FOCUS / 66.795 3.Alexandra Duarte / DOMIMUS DENHARTOG / 65.897 Third Level Test 3 Open/JR/YR (C) Roth, 1.Alexandra Duarte / DOMIMUS DENHARTOG / 62.436 2.Brenda Peters Beare / PANTERRA / 61.795 Third Level Test 3 Amateur (C) Roth, 1.Bettina Krueger / FERDINAND / 65.385 2.Harriet Shannon / VICTORY / 58.974 3.Debra Hanisch / AKTIVA / 54.231 Fourth Level Test 1 (C) Brunn, 1.Crystal Heath / LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS / 62.973 2.Bettina Krueger / FERDINAND / 62.162 3.Heather Baine / PALADIN / 54.459 Fourth Level Test 3 Open/JR/YR (C) Roth, 1.Heather Baine / PALADIN / 54.889 Fourth Level Test 3 Amateur (C) Roth, 1.Crystal Heath / LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS / 62.667 Prix St. Georges (C) Roth, 1.Heidi Knipe / EQF BARYSHNIKOV / 67.237 2.Gina Duran / FARALLON / 64.342 3.Rebecca Cushman / MAESTOSO II DANIELA / 62.105 Prix St. Georges (C) Roth, 1.Helle Rasmussen / MR. DONNERROY / 66.974 2.Sandra Holmes / WELTBESTE / 64.079 3.Kris Bernard / WAIKELO / 61.842 Prix St. Georges (C) Roth, 1.Samantha Jenney / FLARINUS / 65.526 2.Ainsley Faraday / COEUR DAS / 51.974 3.Madison Paulson / FOREVER WITH HAMILTON / 47.105 FEI Intermediate I (C) Roth, 1.Anne Seemann / VENECIANO / 67.632 2.Suzanne Hickman-Smith / ZURICH / 59.342 3.Laura Anderson / MJ COMMUNICATOR / 58.947 FEI Freestyle FEI-JR (C) Roth, 1.Olivia Owyeung / ZAMAIRE / 64.125 FEI JR Individual Test (C) Roth, 1.Teresa Adams / DONNCHADH- UTOPIA / 67.895 2.Olivia Owyeung / ZAMAIRE / 64.079 SHASTA SPRING DRESSAGE 5/2-3/15 Palo Cedro, CA Introductory Test A (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Brooklyn Aspling / ONE KARAT PRINCESS / 68.750 Introductory Test B (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Brooklyn Aspling / ONE KARAT PRINCESS / 68.750 Introductory Test C (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Shehlee Johnson / YACHT HARBOR / 55.000 Training Level, Test 1 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Judy McNames / SUNNY BROOK / 63.043 Training Level, Test 2 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Taj Peterson / ARMANI / 70.000 2.Judy McNames / SUNNY BROOK / 62.500 Training Level, Test 3 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Taj Peterson / ARMANI / 69.318 2.Carolyn Evans / FERRARI / 60.227 3.Carly LeDoux / CINCO / 59.773 Training Level, Test 1 OPPORTUNITY (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Mindy Nagel / CUSTOM TO THE MAX / 61.739 Training Level, Test 2 OPPORTUNITY (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Carol Wilson / FINNIGAN SF / 62.692 2.Mindy Nagel / CUSTOM TO THE MAX / 61.923 First Level, Test 1 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Sonja Biada / TIDE CREEK CALVADOS / 65.185 2.Anna Wheeler / LUCAS / 63.148 3.Carolyn Evans / FERRARI / 60.185 First Level, Test 2 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Cassandra Soule’ / SPLENDID IN BLACK / 70.000 2.Sonja Biada / TIDE CREEK CALVADOS / 67.188 3.Haley Hornaday / SF DALLAS / 62.656 First Level, Test 3 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Cassandra Soule’ / SPLENDID IN BLACK / 68.541 2.Haley Hornaday / SF DALLAS / 64.706 June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 42 First Level, Test 1 OPPORTUNITY (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Carol Wilson / FINNIGAN SF / 60.926 Second Level, Test 1 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Savannah Whisler / LOVELY LADY RP / 65.606 2.Meghan Walker / ZINEDINE / 65.606 3.DebbieJean Becklin / MON CHERIE / 60.606 Second Level, Test 2 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Melinda Van Sweden / LAN FERTIL / 67.308 2.Meghan Walker / ZINEDINE / 66.667 3.DebbieJean Becklin / MON CHERIE / 59.872 Second Level, Test 3 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Zoe Poyen / TINTERN LILLY ROBUCK / 67.683 2.Melinda Van Sweden / LAN FERTIL / 66.951 3.Joey Russell / BRIANA’S DIAMOND / 62.927 Third Level, Test 1 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Savannah Whisler / LOVELY LADY RP / 64.394 2.Marilyn Girt / DE STEPHANO / 63.939 FEI Test of Choice (tests not listed) (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Karen Piper / ERNST AUGUST / 61.053 USDF Freestyle TOC (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Anna Wheeler / LUCAS / 64.333 Training Level, Test 1 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Shehlee Johnson / YACHT HARBOR / 55.435 Training Level, Test 2 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Taj Peterson / ARMANI / 69.231 2.Sandra Cacka / TIDE CREEK CALVADOS / 60.769 Training Level, Test 3 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Taj Peterson / ARMANI / 71.136 2.Carly LeDoux / CINCO / 64.091 3.Sandra Cacka / TIDE CREEK CALVADOS / 62.500 Training Level, Test 1 OPPORTUNITY (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Mindy Nagel / CUSTOM TO THE MAX / 64.783 Training Level, Test 2 OPPORTUNITY (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Mindy Nagel / CUSTOM TO THE MAX / 66.154 First Level, Test 2 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Cassandra Soule’ / SPLENDID IN BLACK / 70.000 2.Haley Hornaday / SF DALLAS / 67.344 3.Anna Wheeler / LUCAS / 64.063 First Level, Test 3 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Cassandra Soule’ / SPLENDID IN BLACK / 70.000 2.Haley Hornaday / SF DALLAS / 67.206 3.Anna Wheeler / LUCAS / 66.471 Second Level, Test 1 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Meghan Walker / ZINEDINE / 67.121 2.Savannah Whisler / LOVELY LADY RP / 65.152 3.Debbie Jean Becklin / MON CHERIE / 58.788 Second Level, Test 2 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Meghan Walker / ZINEDINE / 66.923 2.Melinda Van Sweden / LAN FERTIL / 66.795 3.Zoe Poyen / TINTERN LILLY ROBUCK / 64.487 Second Level, Test 3 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Zoe Poyen / TINTERN LILLY ROBUCK / 69.512 2.Melinda Van Sweden / LAN FERTIL / 65.610 3.Joey Russell / BRIANA’S DIAMOND / 61.951 Third Level, Test 1 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Savannah Whisler / LOVELY LADY RP / 63.636 2.Marilyn Girt / DE STEPHANO / 62.879 Fourth Level, Test 1 (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Jan Malik / LANCIANO / 60.676 Materiale - 4/5 YO Mares (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Cassandra Soule’ / SPLENDID IN BLACK / 74.300 USEF Rider Test of Choice (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Joey Russell / BRIANA’S DIAMOND / 59.800 USEF Rider Test of Choice (C) Curry-Shaffer, 1.Joey Russell / BRIANA’S DIAMOND / 60.700 2015 CDS Young Horse Futurity Nomination Form The California Dressage Society Young Horse Futurity is designed to encourage young horses in dressage. GENERAL PROCEDURES ~ The California Dressage Society Young Horse Futurity will be divided in age groups: 4-Year Olds, 5-Year Olds and 6-Year Olds with Open and Amateur in each age division. Entrants will ride two USEF tests, each of which is judged by two judges. Four-Year-Olds will ride Training Level Tests 2 and 3; Five-Year-Olds will ride First Level Tests 1 and 2; Six-Year-Olds will ride Second Level Tests 1 and 2. The highest percentage determines the placings. There are two divisions, Open and Adult Amateur in each age group, with an award to first and ribbons to 10th place in each division. One warm up class will be offered for each age group. AWARDS ~ Each age group – Open and Amateur will be awarded a Futurity Trophy. All nomination fees received go into the purse which is divided among the six highest total scoring entrants in each division ~ Adult Amateur or Open, as follows: 1st 30%, 2nd - 25%, 3rd - 20%, 4th - 15%, 5th - 5%, 6th - 5%. 2011 4-Year Olds Training Level Tests 2 and 3 OPEN 2011 4-Year Olds Training Level Tests 2 and 3 AMATEUR 2010 5-Year Olds First Level Tests 1 and 2 OPEN 2010 5-Year Olds First Level Tests 1 and 2 AMATEUR 2009 6-Year Olds Second Level Tests 1 and 2 OPEN 2009 6-Year Olds Second Level Tests 1 and 2 AMATEUR 2015 FUTURITY RULES: ~ Age of Horse: All horses entered in the 2015 California Dressage Society Young Horse Futurity classes at the CDS Annual Championship Show must have been born in the years 2011 or 2010 or 2009. Horses who compete as 4-Year Olds may nominate again the following year as 5-Year Olds and again as 6-Year Olds. Horses may have shown at any level prior to the Futurity. $100 NOMINATION FEE PER HORSE MUST BE PAID PRIOR TO JULY 1. If paid after July 1, the fee will be $150. Nomination fees are held in a special account and put into the purse the year the horse is Nominated for the Futurity. There will be one flat fee for nomination ($100) due before July 1, of the year shown. If paid after July 1, the nomination fee will be $150. Fees are non-refundable. Horse must be nominated for each year it is entered in the Futurity. There are no restrictions, other than age, and no qualifying for the California Dressage Society Young Horse Futurity. Membership of Owner: The owner of the nominated horse must be a member of CDS at the time of nomination and must maintain that membership. Futurity Nomination does not include entry into the Futurity Class at the CDS Championship Show. This must be done separately. Premiums are posted online at FUTURITY ENTRY PROCEDURES ~ The 2015 Futurity will be held in conjunction with CDS Championship Show, Sept 17-20, 2015 at the Murieta Equestrian Center, Rancho Murieta, CA 1. Before July 1, nominate your horse by sending the nomination form and the nomination fee of $100 to CDS. 2. If you miss the July 1 deadline, you may nominate for $150. 3. At the time of nomination of a horse to the Futurity, the nominee is required to declare as Adult Amateur or Open. After the date of nomination, if the nominee chooses to change divisions, the nominating fees will be transferred to the new division without penalty. 4. Your horse is now nominated, but you still have to enter the CDS Annual Show. Before the Annual Show entry deadline, send your Annual Show entry to the Show Secretary with the class fees. CAL BRED Futurity: is open to horses foaled in ‘11 or ‘10, and ‘09, already entered in the CDS Futurity who were foaled in California or Nevada. The Perpetual Trophy, ribbons and cash awards are based on the highest percentage, regardless of Age or Adult Amateur or Open status or age division. The Cal-Bred purse, which consists of all nomination fees from entered horses, is divided on the same percentage basis as the CDS Futurity. CAL BRED ENTRY PROCEDURES ~ If you plan to enter the Cal-Bred Futurity, you must nominate your horse by specifying Cal-Bred on the Futurity entry form below and by sending the appropriate fee. The horse will remain eligible even if the ownership changes. Cal Bred Fee Schedule: pay $150.00 by July 1 of the Futurity Year. If after July 1, $200. 2015 YOUNG HORSE FUTURITY FORM 2015 CAL BRED FORM Horse’s name___________________________________ For horses that will or already have been nominated in the CDS Young Horse Futurity Breed ________________ Birthdate_________________ Horse’s name___________________________________ Sire: _________________ Dam : ___________________ Breed ________________ Birthdate________________ Breeder: _______________________________________ Sire _________________ Dam ____________________ Owner’s name __________________________________ Owner’s name __________________________________ q 4 YR Old q 5 YR Old q AA (22 years and over) q 6 YR Old q Open Address _______________________________________ City __________________________________________ Address _______________________________________ State/Zip _____________________________________ City _________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________ State/Zip ______________________________________ CDS Member Number ___________________________ Phone ________________________________________ Breeder _______________________________________ CDS Member Number ___________________________ CAL BRED Fee ( 7/1/15 ) $150 Futurity Fee ( 7/1/15 ) $100 (After July 1 Fee is $150) ____________________ Make check to CDS I submit this entry with full knowledge that the horse nominated herein is eligible according to the rules as stated above. Signature __________________ Date ______________ Mail to CDS Central Office P O Box 417, Carmel Valley, CA 93924 (After July 1 Fee is $200) _________________ Make check to CDS I submit this entry with full knowledge that the horse nominated herein is eligible according to the rules as stated above. Signature ________________________Date _________ Mail to CDS Central Office P O Box 417, Carmel Valley, CA 93924 June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 43 Luna Tunes Freestyles Award Winning Designer Cynthia Collins Music Selection Design/Editing Choreography Great Prices 11033 Baldy Mesa Rd. Victorville, CA 92392 (760)963-5869 Gerhard Politz MV MICHELE VAUGHN DRESSAGE LIFE COACH Goals. Planning. Achievement. 916-869-7942 Ad for Barbi 12/15/11 1:32 PM Riding Toward Excellence With Barbi Breen-Gurley Page 1 CDS DRESSAGE ARENA PYLONS FOR SALE USDFGold GoldMedalist Medalist ••USDF USEFSenior Senior Dressage ••USEF Dressage Judge Judge ••Instruction for adults & children Instruction for adults and children • Dressage • Dressage • Quadrille • Quadrille • Grand Prix Schoolmaster • Starting young horses ••Long term boarding Long&&short short term boarding Sea Horse Ranch Beach access, trails and riding in beautiful Montaña de Oro State Park 2566 Sea Horse Lane Los Osos, California 93402 Toll 805 Free: 888-582-0901 - 528 - 0222 Plastic nesting pylons, (black pylons with white pylons to mark the letters), spin molded poly plastic, cross link. Safe Arena design. Available in 2 or 3 meter section arenas. Rails not included. Easy Set-Up and storage. Call for design and price information VISA and MASTERCARD accepted CDS Central Office (831) 659-5696 • (fax 831) 659-2383 June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 44 Beautiful Riverman mare, 13 yr, 16.3H, shown through 4th level in Florida, now for sale in San Diego. Sweet, talented, hard worker, aims to please. AA/YR/PRO. Contact Teri Rich 928-978-0797 for details com/watch?v=TbwmQHkFaUI • CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS • • CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS • • • HORSES HORSES HORSES Beautiful Riverman mare, 13 yr, 16.3H, shown through 4th level in Florida, now for sale in San Diego. Sweet, talented, hard worker, aims to please. AA/YR/ PRO. Contact Teri Rich 928-978-0797 for details Isle of Japan – 11 year old, 16.2hh, TB, bay, gelding, schooling 4th Level. Lovely lateral work, beautiful canter. No vices. Sound and handsome. Perfect for adult or Young Rider with experience. $30K. Bea DiGrazia 831-659-4886. RELIABLE TRANSPORTATION Over 20 years experience TV monitor - GPS unit ~ Clean & safe oversized trailer Local - Long Distance - Ambulance Service Contact Jim Tice for quote (714) 777-2898 Ranch - (714) 329-0126 cell National Champion FEI schoolmaster for sale. Beautiful dark bay half Arab gelding currently showing Grand Prix. Sweet, sane, sound. Suitable for pro or serious amateur. $150K. Negotiable to right home. Patience 831/238-6559. Qualit y WARMBLOODS Breeding Services & Youngsters For Sale PURITANO Fully Approved Westfalen Stallion 17 H Chestnut $1500 LEGACY Fully Approved Swedish Stallion 16.2 H Grey $1500 $200 booking fee, LFG included $200 booking fee, LFG included HELEN DILWORTH KASTEL’S VITALIS [831] 425-7385 “Vitalis Leaves His Challengers in the Dust at Young Horse Championships” --The Chronicle of the Horse, October 2013 Charlotte Jorst scored two 10s on Vitalis en route to the 6-year-old national title. Available for breeding via frozen semen (Vivaldi – Tolivia, D-Day) Approved Westphalian offspring: VA L E N C I A A S sold for €200,000 a t T h e 2 0 1 4 We s t f a l i a n Autumn Elite Auction in October 2014. offspring: VENEZIA sold for €200,000 a t T h e 2 0 1 4 We s t f a l i a n Autumn Elite Auction in October 2014. “The Talent to Win and the Temperament to Enjoy the Journey” 2014 USDF Adult Amateur Prix St. Georges, Champion 2013 Markel/USEF Young Horse Dressage Championships, 6-Year-Old Champion 2013 FEI World Breeding Championships for Young Dressage Horses, 13th 2009 Westphalian Stallion Licensing, Reserve Champion “Venezia and Valencia As, Top Sellers of the 2014 Westfalian Autumn Elite Auction”, October 2014 A Stallion that clearly stamps his foals, his offspring highlighted the sales ranging from €200,000 to €420,000 each with their impressive rideability and gaits. s a l e s @ k a s t e l d e n m a r k . c o m · 8 8 5 0 Te r a b y t e C t . U n i t B . R e n o , N V 8 9 5 2 1 · 7 7 5 . 8 7 0 . 1 5 8 0 · c h a r l o t t e j o r s t . c o m June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 45 • CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS • • CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS • • • HORSES HORSES HORSES Highland Knight Percheron/Friesian cross, Black, 2013 foals by Uphill! Dutch Super Movers! Breeder of multiple 2013 Champions and Reserve Champions! Gelding, Born 2001, 16’3. Light to aids, kind eye, great WANTED Top foals - 5 yr. olds by Uphill, UB40, Contester II, on trails, sweet, gentle, willing, and fun to ride. In 2014, he was successfully shown by a 14 year old Junior winning with high 60’s and 70’s. They were High Point Champion of Golden State Dressage Festival at 72.419%. Will be showing 2nd level this season. Asking $20k negotiable to good home. Please contact Super nice Lusitano gelding, 1999, 15hh. Sound. No Michele Vaughn at 916/869-7942. vices. Fantastic temperament. Easy to handle. Clips, ties, trailers, great on the trail. Safe. Correctly trained Hannah’s Resolve - Young Friesian mare cross out to Second Level, schooling Third. Has been shown and of sire 1A Super Mario. Lovely gaits, exceptional good in the show ring. Would be very good for young temperament. 3 years April 27th. Started under saddle or inexperienced rider or small adult. A real gentleman. as Dressage prospect. Stunning black accent points with rare buckskin coloring. Currently 16h, likely to finish $8K. 415/662-2378 owner. at 16.3h. Call 714.235.2524 or email deesterelliott@ Flaneur – 17hh, 2010 Westfalen gelding by Flanagan. Incredibly handsome and charismatic with three fantastic gaits, scoring 8’s and 9’! Flaneur is schooling Stunning Florestan I mare—16.3 bay, 11 years, 2nd Level, changes played with (very expressive) amateur/JR friendly. 4th level, loving temperament, with incredible talent for piaffe and passage. Flaneur great trainability. $30,000 951/695-0808. is generous in character, supple, light to the leg Dhoc Holliday by Dauphin (Donnerhall) X EM and hand, would be super horse for a professional, Cheerleader (Cabalito) 2009 16.3hands. Dhoc is an junior or amateur. No vices, clips, trailers, trail rides. absolutely stunning 6yr. old bay gelding. He has $80,000. Kristen Aggers 707/328-8588, www. a swinging trot, a beautifully balanced canter and a lovely fluid walk with a huge overstep. Dhoc is brave and confident and a joy to be around. Currently schooling second level, he is beginning flying changes and half passes. Dhoc also easily jumps a 3’ course and shows talent for more. He is wonderfully athletic and expressive. He is in training with Sue Martin Dressage at Shelburne Farm in Hidden Valley. $75,000 Email Sue: 303/619-5365 and Ijsselmeer. All registered Dutch (KWPN) Both sexes, all sizes. Good characters and FEI potential. $6,500 - $12,500. 831/623-2555. Don’t Miss The JUNE 20-21 Dressage Show at OSIERLEA Prix St George—Black four stockings 16.2 Dutch gelding, 8 years, excellent show record, quiet yet sensitive, safe, beautiful, lovely mover. $65,000 951/695-0808. 334 Mission Vineyard Rd, San Juan Bautista Judge Louise Koch Entries Close June 10 contact Laurel Bruun 831-245-9686 Gilroy facility is looking for a dressage trainer with clientele. Outdoor all-weather dressage court and indoor arena with lights, and mirrors. Stall paddocks and additional turnouts available, bridle paths & lungeing arena. Please contact by email - abecerramendoza@ Rampart - Looking for a talented Young Rider, Brentina Cup hopeful, ambitious amateur, or an up & coming professional capable of creating a successful partnership with a talented, Grand Prix horse with remaining potential. Rampart, 2000, bay gelding, 17hh, is a rare son of Blue Hors Cavan. Lightly competed and ranked 3rd in California as a 5 year old and has been Champion or Reserve Champion at state/regional championships. Ranked number 1 Danish WB in the nation in 1st, 2nd, 4th and Grand Prix Levels. Ridden in a snaffle or double bridle. Owner has no time to maintain an FEI horse. He hauls, clips, bathes, etc with ease. Contact Kelly at or 805-226-8944. MELONIE KESSLER DRESSAGE SEVEN OAKS FARM Dressage training on your horse or ours…Ride a schoolmaster while your horse is on lay-up or growing up…Show a bomb-proof horse…Improve your seat…Learn new movements on our horses before you teach them to yours… 650-738-2186 June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 46 USEF “S” Dressage Judge USDF Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medalist located at SPIRIT EQUESTRIAN CENTER near Somis, CA • Accepting Horses and Students • Horses for lease. • Training through Grand Prix. • Available for Clinics 805-529-4947 home 805-501-1816 cell Somis, CA • CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS • • CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS • • • TACK/EQUIPMENT FACILITIES SADDLE-FITTING: Lameness, Pain, Training Problems, Insecure Seat all can be a result of Bad Fit. Call today for a biomechanically focused saddle fitting session. 818/427-9733. In San Juan Bautista – beautifully customized and upgraded 2500 sq ft manufactured home on 5.48 acres. Barn with three stalls (2 – 16x16, 1 – 16x20), feed room and hay storage. Separate tack room. Fenced and cross fenced with round pen and pastures. $699,800. Call Albion saddle with 18 inch seat, medium wide tree. Kitty Herbert at 831/637-7730. Good condition. Came with new horse. Does not fit him. Paid $3,000. Asking $2,000. Call Leslie at 925- Irrigated pasture board available year round 472-0290. on private farm in Los Alamos, CA. See www. . Basic rate is $500- per month Double Bridle. New, never used. Warmblood size in well fenced and supervised pastures. Rehab, training, complete with bits. Paid $450.00, asking $175.00. Call foaling and exercise are also available. Contact Wendy Dee at 714.235.2524 or email deesterelliott@gmail. at 805.714.7181 or com Boarding at Beautiful Dressage Facility available 2004 Sooner bumper-pull warmblood size aluminium in San Martin/Morgan Hill area. Stalls, paddocks, 2 horse trailer with walk in dressing/tack room. Straight pastures, full court w/mirrors, short court, round pen, load, ramp, walk thru. with extra roof insulation. XLNT all-weather footing, turn outs. Room for trainer with cond. Less than 5,000 miles. No. CA, Photos avail, clientele. 408/838-6455, $12,500. Lee Brown 209 785 0110. Precious Retirees, layups. Two minutes from Alamo Used & New Saddles for sale!! Reflocking & Fitting, Pintado Equine, Santa Ynez Valley. Where your horse 30 yrs experience. 925/286-1434 www.LemkeSaddle. is not a number. Honor the generosity he/she has given com your life by rewarding him with gracious last years. Custom Dressage Saddle for sale. Victory, 18.5” seat, Call for details on facility and care options. 805/688extra wide tree. Very good condition and comfortable! 4141. $2000/OBO. Jennifer 831-915-0375 jennuckton@ Used Revere Dressage Saddle. 18’ inch. Medium tree. Good condition, black with blue piping down each side. Sienna Winfield 831/484-9445. CDS DRESSAGE LETTERS CLASSIFIED RATES Advertising Rates Deadline for Advertising copy and payments: 10th of the month. Example: October 10 for the November issue. Full Page 7.5x10” $350 Half Page 7.5x5” $230 Quarter 3.5x5” $175 Business Card 3.5x2” $45 Online Classified Additional $20 to existing ad Multiple Rate Discount Run 12 for the price of 11 Run 6 for the price of 5.5 Classified ads are payable in advance 70¢ / word. $15.00 min. (SADDLE &TACK, $ 5.00 PER AD) Send to: Dressage Letters accepts no responsibility for statements and or claims made in any advertising. Truth in advertising is the responsibility of the advertiser. Easy to compute • 70¢ per word ($15.00 minimum) Deadline is the 10th of the previous month SMS Certified MSA Certified Master Saddle Fitting June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 47 DRESSAGE LETTERS is a publication of The California Dressage Society. Mail all items for publication to: PERIODICALS U.S. Postage PAID Auburn, CA 95603 CALIFORNIA DRESSAGE SOCIETY P. O. BOX 417 • 9 DEL FINO PL #202 CARMEL VALLEY, CA 93924 The California Dressage Society is a USDF Group Member Organization; and members are automatically USDF Group Members. June 2015 CALIFORNIA DRESSAGE SOCIETY 2015 MEMBERSHIP FORM CDS DRESSAGE ARENA PYLONS FOR SALE Active Membership�������������������������������������������� $70.00 Additional Family Member�������������������������������� $60.00 Life Membership............................................ $1,000.00 Regional Adult Amateur Chapter Competition . $25.00 Name ____________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ City ______________________________________________________ State ___________________________ Zip _______________________ Phone (______ ) ______________________ Chapter Preference _____ Email Address _____________________________________________ Or Sign Up Online: q Would you like to make an additional donation and be a Patron of Dressage? $___ CDS Supporter $25-$500; Silver Supporter $501-$2,000; Gold $2,000 - $5,000; and Patron $5,000+ q Would you like to add $100 for a Club 100 membership to benefit the CDS Juniors? q Would you like to add $25 for Regional Adult Amateur Qualifying? $ ______ Would you like to put your membership on your Visa or MC? Card # ___________________________________________________ Exp Date _____________ _q visa q mastercard v-code _______ Signature _________________________________________________ Annual Membership dues of $70 includes $23 for a 1-year subscription to Dressage Letters. Group membership in the United States Dressage Federation (USDF) is included with CDS membership. All CDS memberships go from December to December. Anyone joining after October 1 will be a member for the following year. Please check any of the following that apply: q Renewing Member q New Member q Qualified Riding Member (QRM) q Junior Rider ( / / ) q Amateur q Trainer/Instructor q Judge ___ q T.D. q EMT CALIFORNIA DRESSAGE SOCIETY P O Box 417 • Carmel Valley, CA 93924 • 831/659-5696 Plastic nesting pylons, (black pylons with white pylons to mark the letters), spin molded poly plastic, cross link. Safe Arena design. Available in 2 or 3 meter section arenas. Rails not included. Easy Set-Up and storage. Call for design and price information VISA and MASTERCARD accepted CDS Central Office (831) 659-5696 • (fax 831) 659-2383 June 2015 ~ Dressage Letters ~ Page 48