Fall 2012 - Bitter Root Humane Association
Fall 2012 - Bitter Root Humane Association
Volume 12, Issue 4 Fall 2012 Bitter Root Humane Association T 262 Fairgrounds Rd. P.O. Box 57 Hamilton, MT 59840 406.363.5311 meow@brvmontana.com www.bitterroothumane.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kathy Good, President Susan Behrman, Secretary Wendy Trelut, Treasurer Sue McCormack Jenny Laing Christie Anderson Kathie Butts Mary Fox he season is sneaking up on me. Here I am planning for Frosty Paws and the Festival of Wreaths. That must mean that multiple holidays are descending on all of us. And at this writing I am still preparing for the deluge of children that hit my house on Halloween! Let’s see ... what will the dog costumes be this year? Along with Frosty Paws we have a new event; we are debuting the “Festival of Wreaths.” There are 30 artists, businesses and friends of the shelter with great design talents preparing uniquely decorated wreaths. There are designers, furniture stores, restaurants, artists, decorators, boutiques .... what fun! They will be so very unique and special and very different from each other. These wreaths are 24” and a beautiful, very high quality synthetic spruce, so they will be keepsakes for years! Come see them on display at Frosty Paws, pick out your favorite or see them the following week Nov. 15, 16 & 17 & Nov. 23 & 24 at the former Provisions building at 107 So. 2nd in Hamilton. Take your best shot and bid on your favorite, benefiting BRHA. We will have the big “Whine Down” wine, snacks & bid & buy party there on Sat., Nov. 24 from 5-9 pm. We also want to thank the sponsors: Raymond James Financial, Barnings Chiropractic, RWS Retirement Wealth Strategies, Catalyst Physical Therapy & New Horizon Physical Therapy. We couldn’t have done this year’s Frosty Paws without your help. I would also like to thank KLYQ News Radio, Ravalli Republic and Daria Mochan of Dancing Tree Photography as well as Picturesque. My favorite part of the event will be “Star” our Guest of Honor at Frosty Paws on Sat., Nov. 10 from 10-4. (see page 4) I have missed her so much. Do you think she will remember me? I want to take this minute to tell everyone what a delight our new Operations Director is. Eve Burnsides is such a wonderful addition to our team. She was barely in her chair when the fires and evacuations hit and she fearlessly dove into the organized chaos. Eve is an incredible team player and we are lucky to have her. She will be at Frosty Paws running our Proud 2 Adopt Shop on Sunday, Nov. 11 from 12-4pm. Come say “hi” and welcome Eve. -Vicki Dawson From Eve, our new Operations Manager: contact the Board directly at brha@bitterroothumane.org STAFF Vicki Dawson, Development Director Eve Burnsides Operations Director Char, Medical Specialist Mariane, Front Counter/ Adoption Counselor Erin, Ryan, Renee & Kelly Newsletter Editors: Sue McCormack & Vicki Dawson & many contributors of stories 2 A very busy Fall! I have only been here a short time but I have to say that I am completely impressed with the staff and volunteers who do so much every day for these animals. The level of dedication and the care given them is heartwarming. I am glad to be a part of this wonderful organization. A community is defined by its actions and to this community, I’d like to say “thank you” to the individuals, businesses and organizations who so generously offered their support during the fire season as well as those who work with the shelter throughout the year. There is such a contagious joy when one of our animals gets adopted - everyone here has a fuzzy heart...and that brings me to my next observation... This is an infectious place to work! I started on a Monday and by Thursday I had adopted sweet little Simon dog, an old man with a gentle soul.. and so in his honor... Dogs and cats Puppies and kittens Three fat rats - I’m not kiddin’ Rabbits are here- they are such dears They all get cuddles We calm their fears Let’s find them homes So no more will they roam Well, that’s about it, So I’ll end this poem. Bitter Root Humane Association - Eve Burnsides Fall 2012 A wee munchkin update At our last posting, we learned that a little dog, whom we dubbed Munchkin, had come to us with a broken pelvis. She underwent surgery in Bozeman at Gallatin Veterinary Hospital, performed by Dr. Mark Albrecht. When she came home, she was under the care of a wonderful foster family, the Carbins. Ann Marie Carbin took care of Munchkin, whom she called Elsa, for more than a month. During that time, Elsa went to a physical therapist in Helena where she was given an exercise/ therapy regimen. Anne Marie also took Elsa for sessions at Missoula Water Dog where therapist, Vara Chapman, worked with Elsa during several sessions helping her to redevelop muscle and the use of her back legs. Anne Marie worked with Elsa continuously and lovingly, following prescribed therapy of stretching and exercise. Elsa went from barely being able to stand to walking a half mile twice a day. We think Elsa is a strong little girl with an indomitable will to live. We also think Anne Marie Carbin is a miracle worker. In September, Elsa was adopted and went to her perfect forever home. She has been renamed (for the last time) and is now Tessa. Tessa feels this is totally appropriate for her as it is short for “Countess” and she bears the name regally. She is at home with canine sisters and feline brothers, and she continues her daily walks and loves to wander the expansive lawn and grounds with the other dogs. She walks on all fours to the barn, downhill and uphill. She follows family members up and down a flight of stairs many times each day. She is, as Dr. Boer suggested, just being a dog and loving every minute of it. We at BRHA are grateful to donors to the Dani Fund who make saving furry babies like Tessa possible. We are so thankful to Dr. Boer and staff, Dr. Albrecht and staff, Varen Chapman at Missoula Water Dog, and especially the Carbin family for their countless hours of love and dedication. They all saved Tessa’s life which she is delightfully enjoying to the max! Tessa A winning phot o Becky Marsh loves her beag le. Her winning took the hearts photo of all voters in BR HA’s booth at th Ravalli County e Fair. The Paws for Compassion Fu nd at BRHA is th recipient of the e funds generate d by the Annua Photo Contest. l Fair Becky’s photo of her beagle ea ting snow won down with the hands fair booth dono rs. You can certa why! Thank yo inly see u Becky and gi ve that beagle us! a hug for A lifesaving gift JC & Sarah Howell have donated a gift that will save many lives. As technology changes, BRHA’s ability to scan for microchips is influenced by the age of our scanner. Unfortunately the microchip manufacturers have not gotten on the same page so there are a variety of frequencies, some of which are proprietary. At the HSUS Animal Expo this year, we learned of a new, universal scanner. It reads multiple frequencies and technologies, including the European ISO standard. Their $300 donation means that all chips get read and no one goes unidentified. It even syncs with the computer to record a large number of chip serial numbers for later reference. Thanks JC & Sarah! Your generosity will save lives! RAYMOND JAMES FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. Member NASD/SIPC Paul M. Kink Branch Manager Diane Thomas-Rupert Financil Advisor P.O. Box 1887 172 Golf Course Road Hamilton, MT 59840 Fall 2012 Bitter Root Humane Association (406) 363-4293 (800) 800-6766 Fax: (406) 363-4303 imr@montana.com 3 A Star is coming? r e n r o C s ’ t n Preside o Kathy G ent Presid od, BRHA Well, some summer, huh? Dogs, horses and people alike didn’t get to spend as much outdoor play time because of the smoke and unhealthful air quality. A big thank you goes out to our dedicated staff and volunteers for providing care and attention to animals who had to be evacuated due to the Sawtooth fire. Cats, dogs and birds stayed with us during the evacuation period. My animals and I were all evacuated and found housing with friends, so I know the gratitude of those pet owners who found care and shelter for their pets with BRHA. As I look now at the clear air and bright colored trees across the valley, I hope that we have a few weeks of our normally beautiful fall weather to enjoy. During the summer, our board, staff and volunteers have been busy organizing a couple of opportunities for you, our donors and supporters, to help with the funding needed to run the shelter. We have created a custom license plate which we hope you will support and proudly display on all your vehicles in the coming years. And of course, Frosty Paws is just around the corner. This annual fundraiser should be even more fun this year. Not only do your furry friends deserve a picture with Santa, but so do you. Come sit with Santa for a portrait for your holiday cards. Kids in the valley have so few opportunities to meet Santa; this is the perfect opportunity for them too, so bring them down for some precious Kodak moments. Many vendors will be there with fun, unique items for your holiday shopping lists. But a big highlight this year will be our Festival of Wreaths. Come and enjoy the handiwork of local businesses and artisans who have donated time and decorations to make custom, one of a kind, beautiful keepsake wreaths. Remember that all proceeds from the entire Frosty Paws/Festival of Wreaths events go to pay for unending expenses of running the shelter. We truly need and are grateful for your support. Kathy When Star came into our lives in December 2005, we had no idea the impact she would have on all of us. Dr. Smith’s Willow Mountain Vet Clinic called us asking if we would take a badly burned dog that had been turned in for euthanasia. I couldn’t get to Corvallis fast enough. Star was burned over her entire left side and the top of her head; the scars fully involved 25% of her body. She had had no vet care and we still question why she survived the dehydration, the pain, the cold, the chances of massive infection. The neighbors had taken her in, in Cody Wyoming and left her untreated in a barn in winter. Now they were in the Bitterroot and didn’t want her anymore. Dr. Smith’s staff recognized what a special, wonderful dog she was and she needed a chance. Her continued healing included a race to the store for Aloe and Vitamin E. She never quit kissing us; she knew we loved her. As she healed, her big sense of humor started coming out. When she saw that Aloe/Vitamin E, she would run into the bathroom giggling all the way. She loved everyone while she was with us; this dog didn’t have an angry bone in her body despite the suffering she had been through. I soon learned why she had lived. Her purpose became evident. Star went with me and the Kids First program to over 20 schools, mostly junior highs, to teach about the other victims of meth. You see, Star was burned in a meth lab explosion. Star’s skin is covered with deep, massive scars. The scars on the top of her head were so dry and tight, she Proud 2 Adopt Shop Lions and tigers and bears, oh no .....Dinosaurs and dragons and chickens, oh yes. And Holiday Gifts for your best friends, family and granddogs! The Proud 2 Adopt Shop will be at Frosty Paws this year with a huge selection of toys, beds, treats, collars & leashes, Holiday treats & toys for some great gifts. Look for the puzzles and toys that work their minds and keep dogs & cats busy trying to solve the puzzle! We were able to pick out some of the best, cutest gift packages, fun toys for outside (my dogs LOVE to play in the snow), Gift packages and toys for kitties top the list too! And yes, the dinosaurs & dragons, chickens & birds are coming too. 4 Bitter Root Humane Association could barely blink her eyes closed. Still she loved us. The impact she had on the kids will forever be in my memory. I know she captured the kids’ hearts; I know she planted messages with them. I know they understood that she was still able to love. One day she was curled up in a round dog bed; it was then I noticed that her ragged scar edges came together ... a complete puzzle. Star had been sleeping when the explosion hit her; sleeping. Star will be the Guest of Honor at Frosty Paws this year; along with her mom who is an RN specializing in burn care. Star is 11 now as seven years have passed since we first met her. Frosty Paws is Sat., Nov. 10, 10-4 & Sun., Nov. 11, 12-4. Come meet Star. Fall 2012 Our brand new Montana license plate We dreamed of a license plate that was local Bitter Root Valley, Montana. A plate that would help fund our care of the animals at Bitter Root Humane’s animal shelter. A plate that would represent the animals that pass through our shelter and our lives. A plate that shares the joy we feel in meeting each one. Dorinda Troutman has created an absolutely beautiful vision of our wonderful “Shoney” and his kitty friend. This Montana license plate will be released for sale by the state for YOUR vehicle on January 1, 2013! $20 of every plate comes directly back to BRHA. It is our dream come true! Help us cover the valley ... the state ... with this beautiful artwork honoring the loved animals in our lives. From BRHA’s Facebook page.... Fall 2012 Bitter Root Humane Association 5 Adoption Tails BRHA gratefully acknowledges the support and generosity of so many who wish to honor the memory of loved ones. We are humbled by the dedication and love of animals that those departed loved ones exhibited, and are truly grateful to their families for suggesting that memorials be sent to the BRHA for the benefit of the animals. Shelter dogs and cats Pass their time in loving care Waiting just for you. - JL In Loving Memory of Pets ... To: Holly, beloved Springer To: Roscoe To: Tinker & Mr. Hobbs To: Skye To: Eli To: Callie To: Dusty From: Lucille Benson From: Larry Fullbright From: Sue & Dave McCormack From: Barbara Bayer From: Roberta & Allen Burruss From: Cindi & Dick Haynes From: Kate Shandra & Jan Arnold From: Sue & Dave McCormack Ready dog at door Anticipating long walk Before early dark - JL In Loving Memory of People ... To: Carl Tieken To: Jim Dannenbrock To: Larry Niezgodzi To: Carol Leach To: Gary Nelson To: Bob Maxey From: Alice Foster From: Joseph & Kea Yanzick From: Joseph & Kea Yanzick From: Joseph & Kea Yanzick From: Joseph & Kea Yanzick From: Barbara June In Honor of ... For: Jenny West & Sean MacNee Marriage From: LuAnn & Alan Burgmuller For: JC Howell Birthday From: Louise Howell For: Diane Thomas-Rupert & Paul Kink From: Larry & Martha Jones For: Barbara Hill’s Birthday From: Pagtricia & chris Fleischer Community Partners It was fall cleanup time, and a couple of local businesses came through with donations to help. The weeds on our two acres behind the shelter had gotten out of control. The staff is busy with animal care, as it should be, so we get a little raggedy looking during the summer. 4J Spraying Services’ Jason Larson donated his services spraying his animal-safe spray killing the weeds. Kathie & EJ Butts donated $200 to help clean up the landscaping in front of the shelter and J&G Lawn Services doubled down and donated the rest of the landscaping cleanup. We are looking pretty spiffy now! The staff spent a Wednesday cleaning out the sheds, fence lines, and the garage. When all this cleanup finished, we had quite the dump pile. Bitterroot Disposal stepped up with a large commercial dumpster and unbelievably, we filled it! Thank you to everyone for helping the shelter keep up with all that it takes to keep our grounds looking and feeling pretty! 6 Bitter Root Humane Association s fall chill Autumn leave e glass ssed to outsid Cat nose pre me in Waiting to co - JL t the name Kids pick ou lebration A family ce dog. Adopting a - JL The best trip ever Out shelter door and to car A new forever home. - JL Fall 2012 Festival of Wreaths Uniquely decorated wreaths by local artists, businesses, & supporters Beautiful, exquisite 24” wreaths; high quality synthetic spruce. These custom wreaths will be displayed first at Frosty Paws on Sat., November 10 . 10-4 pm & Sun., November 11 . 12-4 pm Next, they move to the former “Provisions” store at 107 So. 2nd St., Hamilton. They will be displayed there November 15-17 & 23-24 You are invited to the “Whine Down” Party on November 24 . 5-8 pm Wine, Snacks & Good Fun! Bid & Buy that wreath by your favorite artist or theme! BID, BUY, WIN! Fire, Fire, Fire! The Bitter Root Valley was encased in smoke for over a month this August after a lightning caused fire flared up close to town. Soon, winds swept it across the face of the mountains that tower over our valley and brought flames in as close as three miles. A wind generated fire can be on top of you in minutes. Over 400 homes were evacuated and with the residents came their pets. Most people were able to have their pets with them, but 17 cats, two birds and five dogs found themselves temporarily residing safely at Bitter Root Humane. Our emergency response kicked into gear that first morning and all emergency services were notified that we were ready to help. Thanks to the staff and volunteers for helping out with these scared, displaced animals. All went back home as our fire crews were able to protect and save ALL structures. Thank you! Fall 2012 House of Insurance/ HUB International 201 N. Second Street Hamilton, MT 59840 406-363-3655 www.montanahouseofinsurance.com Rising and shining Is much easier to do With the love of pets - JL Bitter Root Humane Association 7 Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Hamilton, MT 59840 Permit No. 38 262 Fairgrounds Road P.O. Box 57 Hamilton, Mt 59840 PASS IT ON to a friend when you are finished reading your newsletter. By increasing readership and awareness you will be performing a valuable service for the animals we’re trying to help. You can assist us in cutting costs by advising us of your change of address or duplicate mailings. We would appreciate your help in updating our records. 24/7 Heating•Cooling•Plumbing 406-728-1111 New Membership & Renewal Application Every membership helps the animals & gives you a voice in our association! Please check your address label for date your membership expires. 2013 dues due soon. Thank You! Seniors: $7 each__________, Individuals: $15ea__________, Business: $30__________, Pets: $2ea_________. Please Print 2013 Memberships due Now ... Thank You! Your Name/s__________________________________Email____________________________________ Pets Name_______________________________________ Mailing Address_______________________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________ Extra Donation__________________________ ( ) Please send me information on the Kennel/Cage Sponsorship Program ( ) Please have the Volunteer Coordinator Contact Me ( ) Please contact me with information on the Foster Program
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