Festi eaths Festi eaths - Bitter Root Humane Association
Festi eaths Festi eaths - Bitter Root Humane Association
Bitter Root Humane Association Volume 14, Issue 4 Fall 2014 l a of Wr v i t s eat Fe h s A fundrais er for the Bitter Roo t Humane A festive e vening to Associatio everlastin begin the g wreaths holiday se selection featuring ason. Exp n o th lo f decorate re our ga d fresh eve e talents of local a llery of un rtists, busi iquely de rgreen wre corated an abund nesses an a th s and swa ant select d support gs, small ion of antiq ers. Shop decorativ a ue and vi e centerp ntage orn ieces and aments AT THE BE A Delicious Hors D’oe uvres & Decade nt Desserts UTIFULLY DECORAT ED DALY MAN SION $20 per Perso Tickets Lim n ited Wine, Beer and Spirits Silent Auction from 5:30 to at No-Ho st Bar 8pm Antique & Vintage Ornamen ts Live Auction Fresh & Evergreen Wreaths & Swags Saturday, GOLD SPON SOR of Select Wreaths at 7pm Nov. 22 • Tickets in 5:30-8:30 Live Music pm • Daly advance encourag or purcha ed • Plea se from th se call Mic e BRHA a A limited hele at 2 amount o t 262 Fair f tickets m grounds R 10-1375 ay be sold oad. at the doo rd Mansion GOLD SPON SOR uring the event. Shelter hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri - 1-6pm; Wed - CLOSED; Sat - noon-5pm; Sun - 2-5pm Member of Humane Society of the United States • Montana Animal Care Association • Bitterroot Chamber of Commerce JACKIE, A HUGE HEART 262 Fairgrounds Road P.O. Box 57 Hamilton, Mt 59840 406.363.5311 e.org brhafront@bitterroothuman org ne. ma thu www.bitterroo BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kathy Good; President ent Jim Coulter; Vice Presid Kathie Butts; Secretary Linda Williams ; Treasurer Linda Turner Mary Fox Rhonnie Leonard ly at contact the Board direct .org brha@bitterroothumane STAFF Eve Burnsides Operations Manager Michele Craig Volunteer Coordinator Char Medical Specialist Jennifer Front Counter/Adoption Counselor Amber, David, Nate Eric, Tristan 2 an Mom, Ann Marie Carbin Lovingly submitted by her hum xia, Jackie lacked balance and Born with spino-cerebellar ata rned to ters for most of her life. She lea coordination in her hind-quar she grew enjoyed taking long walks. As use custom-made wheels and ner. and she grew tired a little soo older, her walks became shorter y much larger than her little bod Jackie’s heart was figuratively pack and brave, eager to hang with the would indicate. She was very she had . In her younger years, before determined not to be left behind gather from a standing position and her wheels, she would kick off house the ugh thro or n law across the enough momentum to careen repeated soon as she fell and valiantly for several yards. She got up as loving, nted to go. She was cheerful and the effort to get where she wa nce o knew her. She saw no differe loved and admired by all wh s ten dog to up d stan uld wo dog, and between herself and any other . Sensing companion animals liked her times her size. Fortunately, her ut her llenged her misconceptions abo her limitations, they never cha diminutive size. er someone’s lap. But, recently, rath Jackie’s proper place was on rs doo out lie to ed ferr pre gth of time, she than occupy a lap for any len outdoor p naps. She came in from an in the shade, taking long dee n special ow her on nap a settled into nap one day in late August and cushion. Then,,,,,,,,,, God called her name so gently That only she could hear. No one heard the footsteps Of the Angel drawing near. Softly from the shadows There came a gentle call. She closed her eyes and went to sleep. And quietly left us all. - Author unknown Bitter Root Humane Association Fall 2014 GUNNER/SUMMIT was very turned into BRHA he When Gunner was rstand why he . He just didn’t unde nervous and scared asn’t he? Yes, was a good dog, w had to be there. He d. Staff and ained very frightene he was! But he rem tempted him him from his kennel, volunteers coaxed and finally s dish, walked him with wet food in hi gression! A young other dogs…no ag introduced him to his story la were intrigued by couple from Missou just to hang e to the shelter daily and began to com climbers are avid mountain out with him. They joy their g dog that could en and wanted a youn w name and ately Summit (his ne adventures. Ultim end a lot of would ultimately sp a location where he ere going to Linds and Brian w time) decided that nt update re is their most rece take him home! He tianson plete Sanders/Chris about the now com climbing famly. r on giving a one-yea We were planning d still an , r”) ne un “G (formerly update on Summit for all the anted to thank you will, but for now w it a great done to give Summ great work you’ve life. essly impressed with We have been endl ns, and PLAY! learn, read situatio to y ilit ab it’s m m Su house for him him to our friend’s ok to e w t gh ni st La e evening o dogs. After just on tw r he ith w ay pl to o energetic d he tire out her tw di ly on t no er th ge to end and not alking up to our fri w as w he t bu , ps pu ng him. t enjoying her petti bu g, in at ler to ly on ng, go for with us in the morni He loves to wrestle r. In just one ing into a great hike rn tu ’s he d an , ks wal d has explored mbo Mountain an Ju up en be ’s he k wee d volunteers called e of your dedicate On n. ai nt ou M e Blu at side until we t we couldn’t see th bu l”, al fb oo “g a him goofball qualities ce the first day his Sin e. m ho m hi t go privilege to watch and it has been a ht ig br e on sh ve ha . eerful, and trusting him be playful, ch ased dog food taken to his meat-b ly al re s ha it m m Su y day so ls consistently ever ea m o tw g tin ea is and t on his bones t that needed mea ge ’ll he l fu pe ho e we’r in good time. him he t your working with I know that withou k forward loo e W he is today. as r fa as be t no would its of of Summit on summ to sending pictures e wanted w en th but before , ns ai nt ou m ’s na Monta ank you. cerest gratitude. Th sin t os m r ou nd te to ex ents ur current furry resid Wishing you and yo ings. more happy beginn Fall 2014 Bitter Root Humane Association 3 r te in W in ts e P r fo g n ri Ca g to the skin in cold • Never shave your do ur yo for re tter in cold ca r nte wi t ou ab Long haired dogs do be er. ath we We have talked before eater for short ke sure our furry family er. Consider a coat or sw ath we pets. We all want to ma fy ppy, warm and com haired dogs. members are safe and ha things we can do to of s lot are ere Th us. o affects diet. th inside wi Finally, cold weather als US and PetMd offer HS A, PC AS . ety saf ir assure the d in a lot of • Dogs that are engage the following suggestions. a lot of energy nd pe or activities ex tdo ou r ila sim r nte se in their Cats and dogs both encou and may need an increa er. ath we d col in s protein, and on rly ati ula situ needs and d supply, partic foo e olv us inv Some of the most dangero freshwater supply. ts lan coo d an ze ee tifr An marily chemicals. Dogs and cats that custo • attraction tive ac s are a deadly sweet fluid les e com live inside may be they are ily coz to animals, especially if ep sle y the and sedentary as of fresh fluids. ed ne y dehydrated due to lack ma ey Th in their warm beds. garage e uir req Keep pets away from the s ay alw a little less food, but spills; don’t and clean up accidental rs’ bo fresh water. neigh allow them to wander on y ma e being proactive tsid ts ou Join all of us at BRHA in properties. Dogs and ca th wi d ate tre all of our furry friends walk on ice-cleared paths and thinking about how ed est e ing en wh , ich ls, wh ather. If it is cold outsid snow removal chemica might fare best in cold we ct tra ive est dig ere sev use d to them. during grooming, can ca for you, it is also just as col ck inside from ba e com all u yo en Wh problems. s and stomachs to clean walks, towel off feet leg ls. them of salt and chemica ngs are important. Some common sense thi tect them from freezing. • Keep cats inside to pro rmth under cars, so Outdoor cats seek out wa the car hood before honk the horn or bang on starting. Care You Can Trust ey Th . ice or sh in snow • Don’t let dogs off lea 406 / 363-7600 d become lost. an nt sce ir can lose the 246 Marcus Street ree shelter even for • Provide warm, draft-f ilton, MT 59840 rs Ham lte she g tside do indoor dogs and cats. Ou Barnings for the dog to Dr. Mandy Barnings | Dr. Jack need to be large enough to gh ou en all , but sm comfortably sit and stand at. he dy bo n retain their ow are important. Some skin and hair care n remove essential, • Frequent bathing ca C. skin, causing flakiness RVICES, IN protective oils from their use d ANCIAL SE an IN tly F en qu fre s C les IP SD/S and itching. Bathe Member NA their baths. k moisturizing products for Paul M.anKaginer ad de es ov rem ly M on t ch no Bran • Frequent brushing s-Rupert healthy blood tes ula stim o Thomadv als t e bu n ir, ha ia 93 D isor A l (406) 363-42 Financia skin and hair. 66 circulation and healthy (800) 800-67 06) 363-4303 or (4 y jell x: m Fa leu tro Massaging pe 87 na.com • P.O. Box 18 imr@monta een foot pads rse Road moisturizers on and betw 172 Golf Cou 59840 MT skin. Hamilton, helps prevent chapped ES JAM D N O M Y A R 4 Bitter Root Humane Association Fall 2014 Bark ‘n the Park It was a dog lover’s dream: a beautiful day, a shady riverfront park, activities, food and fun with our favorite four legged companions! Indeed the Second Annual Bark ‘n the Park shaped up to be a great community event enjoyed by all! To officially kick off our event we had our Bark ‘n the Park costume parade: there were around forty fabulously attired dogs and humans, showing off their costumes while marching through the park! It was quite an amusing spectacle. The winner of the best costume for the parade? None other than “Sherlock Bones”. The fun was just beginning: there was an “Activity Course” for pets and their people to try out some simple and safe agility moves. Next was an agility demonstration by Natasha Osborne and Pathfinder Agility…and then a great clicker training demo from Missoula based “Sit Happens”. Hot dogs, ice cream and other delights kept the guests from getting hungry. The array of interesting dog related vendors provided a relaxing diversion: from homemade dog treats to cozy pet beds, there was something for everyone. The doxie races brought out the competitive spirit and provided some great photo ops for all the participants. But the highlight of the day had to be the Fall 2014 pet contests: Biggest, Littlest, Best Tail Wagger, Best Kisser, Best Pet Trick and Peanut Butter Lick provided entertainment and laughs. Watching a multitude of mutts of every shape and size chomping on peanut butter covered spoons was absolutely hilarious-the winner of the contest, Mini, ate the spoon as well! All of us at the Bitter Root Humane Association were so encouraged and excited by the turnout, we can’t wait to do it again next year! Thank you to all of vendors, volunteers and participants who made this event one of our best! Bitter Root Humane Association 5 Animals and information: Community Outreach Update Root Humane One of the most fulfilling volunteer opportunities at the Bitter n Team. ucatio ch/Ed Outrea Association is being part of the Community l care, anima on tips ing provid by Volunteers can really make a difference visit to able are We ls. anima pet training, and how to be safe around presentations schools, civic groups, clubs and other groups to do customized ing animal regard info ing provid as about the BRHA Animal Shelter as well care and humane treatment of animals. nd s at Recently we had the honor of presenting to two 2 grade classe dog her ht broug Myers Corvallis Primary School. Our Volunteer Diane s we provide Stella and shared information about the BRHA, what service graders had second The ls. and gave tips on how to be safe around anima l shelter. anima the to e donat been gathering supplies, pet food and toys to ished establ was BRHA the This relationship between Corvallis Primary and d reache she nd when Irish e Debbi several years ago by 2 Grade Teacher Mrs. grade second her to year out to the shelter to establish a presentation each classroom. g our love We always look forward to visiting the classroom and sharin so much show n childre of animals with the children. We also love that the ver whene shelter the for generosity and compassion by bringing donations if ation Associ ne Huma we visit. Please call Michele Craig at the Bitter Root you! you are interested in having us do a presentation for ANIMAL ZEN….BY JEN Peanut butter and apples, eggs, beef, carrots and peas-hot dogs and cheese…Yum! And that’s what the dogs are having! Variety is the spice of life –for all creatures. It’s especially true in a shelter environment. Nutrition, exercise and love are all important factors in the life of a shelter animal, but they also need stimulation and something to keep their minds sharp and their furry souls happy while they wait for their special someone to come along and take them home. Jennifer, our amazing front desk admin/adoption specialist person recently attended a training seminar put on by the ASPCA. While there, she learned of the stimulating and positive effects of providing treats for the dogs stuffed inside of Kong toys. 6 Bitter Root Humane Association Eve Burnsides, Operations Manager Jennifer spends a lot of time in the kitchen chopping, stuffing and getting the Kongs ready each day, but it’s worth every minute when you watch the dogs’ reactions. They are happier and look forward to that break in their day. The dogs have to work at getting the treats out and this keeps their minds and paws occupied, lets them play with the toy and just be dogs-chewing, slurping, drooling-all the good stuff! Volunteers help a lot with outdoor activities… getting our animals’ senses stimulated… and it really shows when they take them out of the shelter. Hiking, attending an adoption event, visiting retirement homes or just riding around in the vehicle gives our animals a sense of what a normal life could be. Next up-Doggie Yoga! Just kidding, but Jennifer is talking about aroma therapy… Fall 2014 August 15 through November 10, 2014 BRHA gratefully acknowledges the support and generosity of so many who wish to honor the memory of loved ones. We are humbled by the dedication and love of animals that those departed loved ones exhibited, and are truly grateful to their families for suggesting that memorials be sent to the BRHA for the benefit of the animals. IN LOVING MEMORY OF PETS For Jackie For Bailey For Booker For Smokey For Sari For Nicky & Jade For Cash For Star For Harriet -“Harry” For Tom For Phoebe & Stella, Judith Lane Friends For Olivia Boulter IN HONOR OF From Ann Marie Carbin From Regina & Kandall Boham From Linda Brook From Bernie & Linda Helldorfer From Dona Fisher From “Brownie” Foss From Herb & Melinda Depp Charlotte & Charlie Oliver From Thelma Ballatore From DeeDee & Tom Sanders From Glenda Krueger From Linda Packet From Kent & Diane Myers ForKanandi, wonderful adoptee From Suzy & Jon Bertsche For Lily McLaughlin’s From Linea Maxwell & Birthday Yvonne Hirsch For Corinne Kunkel From Eli & Deborah Tullis For J.C. & Sarah Howell From Sallie Anne Bryan birthdays For Maggie Stelzl’s birthday From Dave & Carole Mackie For Shelley Loranger’s 25 years of service From PayneWest Insurance Inc. IN LOVING MEMORY OF PEOPLE For Michael Schugrue From Pat & Scott Stewart For George Vandergrift From Dave & Sue McCormack Nancy Engleman & The Poker Girls Phil & Dorreen Romans Margaret Reardon Carmen Ortiz DeeDee & Tom Sanders Janice McEndarfer Sharman Akre Terry & Marianne Hammerschmidt Ann Seymour Rachel Field & Keith Lyum Kate Shandra & Jan Arnold Claudean Brewster Lynn & Andrew Blair Inland Sales Group, Inc. (IL) Mike & Dee Stearns For Toni Morehead From Jean Miller For Beverly Thompson Kelso From Herb & Melinda Depp For Howard Rapp From Diane Thomas-Rupert r Root Humane Association Bitte Allegra proudly supports the EC 1151 N. 1ST, SUIT 840 HAMILTON, MT 59 406.363.7645 ALLEGRAHMT.COM PAREL MAIL • SIGNS • AP DESIGN • PRINT • Fall 2014 Bitter Root Humane Association 7 Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Hamilton, MT 59840 Permit No. 38 262 Fairgrounds Road P.O. Box 57 Hamilton, MT 59840 PASS IT ON to a friend when you are finished reading your newsletter. By increasing readership and awareness you will be performing a valuable service for the animals we’re trying to help. You can assist us in cutting costs by advising us of your change of address or duplicate mailings. We would appreciate your help in updating our records. New Membership & Renewal Application Membership fees are due for 2015. Your address label indicates the year that your current membership expires. For example: Joe Doglover (14). This supporter’s membership is due for renewal for 2015. If you have any questions, please call Sue McCormack 642-9840. Your continued support is so important to all the animals. Thank you!! Seniors: $10 ea ___________ Individuals: $20ea ___________ Business: $30 ________________ Name: _______________________________Email: _______________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________________ Extra Donation: _____________________ ( ) Please send me information on the Kennel Sponsorship Program ( ) Please have the Volunteer Coordinator contact me ( ) Please contact me with information on the Foster Program Bitter Root Humane Association PO Box 57 Hamilton, MT 59840
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