for time or space Love has no limits


for time or space Love has no limits
Bitter Root Humane Association
Volume 15, Issue 2
Summer 2016
Love has no limits
for time
or space
Our crit
stay as
as nece
in order
to find
Shelter hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri - 1-6pm; Wed - CLOSED; Sat - noon-5pm; Sun - 2-5pm
Member of Humane Society of the United States • Montana Animal Care Association • Bitterroot Chamber of Commerce
Kathy Good, President
262 Fairgrounds Road
P.O. Box 57
Hamilton, MT 59840
Kathy Good; President
Kathie Butts; Vice Presid
Judy Allison; Secretary
Linda Williams; Treasurer
Mary Fox
Sue Devlin
Mary Gehl
Barbara Garten
Sue McCormack
Eve Burnside
Operations Manager
Michele Craig
Volunteer Coordinator
Medical Specialist
Front Counter/Adoption
Amber W., Amber H.,
Kelly, Isac
I really can’t think of anything sadder than seeing a senior dog
surrendered to a shelter or rescue just because it’s to too old. Just because
it doesn’t move very fast. Just because it has some kind of health problem.
Just because people would rather have a puppy. So many excuses, few
good reasons.
Older dogs are often the last to be considered for adoption from a shelter.
But really, they wag their tails and give kisses just like younger dogs. They
stay devoted to just anyone who will love them.
Older dogs, for the most part are already trained and will try anything
to please. You can tell already what their personality is. Except as they
sometimes have to stay longer in in a shelter rather than a good home,
older dogs can become depressed. If that sight of their plightful eyes doesn’t
get you in the gut, probably nothing will. Older dogs are likely to already
fit your life style. If you are a senior, a senior dog is really a perfect match.
And they are usually less demanding. I have shared my life with many
senior dogs from the shelter. Toy was a very special one who came to live
with me when she was thirteen and lived until nineteen. Ya gotta getcha
We at BRHA feel so strongly about the joy in adopting an older animal,
we will let a senior come at no charge to your home to live if you are a
senior yourself with a qualified application. Please consider a senior when
you are once again in a situation to share your love with a four legged
Join Our New Mail List!
We are so excited an
d hope you will be too
! Very soon we will
publishing an email
newsletter periodicall
keep all our membe
and supporters up to
date on new resident
s to the shelter, newl
upcoming events an
y added
d important news th
at can’t wait till our
& mailed ‘Paw Print
next printed
s’. You can make su
you’re always in the
simply by sending us
an email requesting
that we include your
address on our list! Se
nd your requests to:
In other tech news,
our PayPal link on th
e website, www.
, went down during
March, April and M
may have noticed th
ay. You
at your donation wa
s credited back to yo
card. Our problem ha
ur credit
s been fixed, and we
are once again able
your kind gifts. Than
to access
ks from all of us, Boar
d, staff and the critte
Bitter Root Humane Association
Summer 2016
The Dani Fund…What is It?
Back in 2008 a lovely, young mixed breed dog came to the shelter. Her name
was Dani. She quickly became a favorite of the Dog Squad volunteer dog walkers.
Dani didn’t realize that she had a problem; she was a very happy and playful pup.
But it was obvious that she had suffered a broken front leg that had never been set.
It didn’t really slow her down but would definitely become an issue as she aged.
The surgery necessary to correct the problem was expensive; much more than
BRHA could afford. The volunteers decided to do something about it and started
a collection to help Dani. The dollars came quickly for her operation, she had her
surgery and found her forever home showing off her lovely straight leg. Hence…
the Dani Fund.
Since that time funds for specific surgeries have continued to flow into the
Dani Fund. Over the past eight years more than 20 animals have received
life altering operations: Lady had a lens reattached to her eye, Tessa had a bilateral pelvic break repaired, Rufus had his hips fixed, Sasha had a broken leg
set, Roxy had her torn ACL’s repaired. The list goes on.
The latest dog to benefit from the Dani Fund is “Hiway”. He is a five-month
old pup who was hit on a highway in Wyoming. A Hamilton resident on his
way home from a job in Wyoming witnessed the accident, saw that no one
was going to stop, so he picked up the animal. He was obviously badly
hurt but seemed to realize that something good was happening. The rescuer
stopped at several vet offices and animal shelters, but none would accept
the animal without payment. Or if they did take him, they indicated he would
be put down. So the gentleman drove home and brought Hiway to BRHA; it was Memorial Day
Weekend. He finally got to a vet on Tuesday after the holiday, was determined to have a shattered hip bone and
broken scapula and a monstrous case of mange. But what a delight he is! A perfect candidate for the Dani Fund.
His first surgery is complete and soon it will be time to address the scapula. He will in time go to his permanent
new family where he can enjoy a long and happy life. Thanks to all of you who contributed additional dollars to
the Dani Fund to benefit this sweet guy.
BRHA Pasty Night at the MineShaft
For those of you that have dined at the Mineshaft, you know
what great food is in store...for those of you that haven’t, then
this is the night to come! Friday, July 8th during the hours of
4-8pm our wonderful friends at the Mineshaft Pasty Co., located
at 111 N. 2nd Street in Hamilton, will be hosting a family “Pasty
Night” for the Bitter Root Humane Association shelter. The
night will feature not only their regular menu but a special
German style “pasty” just for us (and rumor has it there may
be a beer cheese sauce too!), the Cupcakery will be creating a sinfully
unique cupcake, great music by William Cook & the Top House and libations from Wildwood
Brewery will be available with their great brews on tap.
Come join the fun, bring family and friends anytime between 4-8pm, dine in or
carryout, and a percentage the nights sales will be go to support the Bitter Root Humane
Association shelter! For more information contact the Kristen at the Mineshaft (406) 3618170.
Summer 2016
Bitter Root Humane Association
It’s Time to Volunteer
By Michele Craig, Volunteer Coordinator
You may have thought
you spend time with.
about volunteering at the
Spending 10 enjoyable
BRHA but for whatever
minutes cuddling that
reason you never actually
scared cat might be a life
started…Well guess what?
changing interaction for
Right now is a great time
that cat. Maybe that cat
to start!
had not had a positive
There has never been a
experience with humans
better time to volunteer at
before and you were
the shelter!
able to provide comfort,
• We have that
love and develop some
energy! Come on
trust. This act of kindness
The MOPS crew and their completed project
in and you might feel
could greatly improve that
a “buzz” of activity.
cat’s adoptability and a
At BRHA you will
reduced stress level in the
see things happen.
Check out our bright
We have a job
front office and new
for you! Do you like
landscaping. From
the outdoors? Activity
special events to
and challenges? Then
fundraisers to plans to
maybe dog walking is
bring in more dogs…
right for you. Do you prefer gently holding cats
we all work to make
or playing with kittens? Being a cat socializer
the shelter better
(Advocat) might just be your thing! Are you
every day. That
more of a morning person? Consider coming in
includes planning for
and helping with dishes and laundry! Not ready
the future!
for a weekly commitment? We can work with
Jen, Ava and Amy showing off
• We are an integral
BRHA dogs!
part of this
• Even if you are not comfortable around animals
or at an animal shelter, there are many ways
• BRHA has been around for 40+ years! We
you can help. Special event planning, parades,
are committed to this community and we are
gardening projects, fundraisers, marketing,
grateful for this partnership. We are here for the
designing flyers or distributing posters are just
duration and you can count on us. We are here
a few off-site ways to help. Maybe you are
to help homeless/lost animals find their way
a teacher and would love to share humane
home. We are here to take in animals that are
education basics with elementary students?
no longer wanted. We are here to support the
Maybe your time could be spent bringing your
community in case of disaster or emergency. We
own dog to nursing homes or retirement facilities?
are here to provide information, resources, food,
Maybe even think about having a fundraiser
advice and referrals for the community. Did
with us?
you know that the BRHA won the community
If you are open to
resource award form the Chamber of Commerce
learning, committed to our
in 2010?
cause, now is the time to
Your volunteer time directly
come and make things
helps each and every animal
Bitter Root Humane Association
Summer 2016
It’s been a busy Spring both at the shelter and all around the community as folks have been showing their
support for BRHA by holding some awesome fundraisers on our behalf. A big thank you from the board, staff and
all the critters....we couldn’t do what we do without all of you!
Alissa Johnson & Christian Crites, of
Stevensville, chose to highlight BRHA for
their Senior Project at the Stevensville Super
One by collecting donations and giving
the public information about the shelter’s
Blacksmith Brewing Company, 114 Main
Street, Stevensville, hosted a awesome “Pint
Night” for BRHA on First Friday in May. A great
night of wonderful brews and a chance to see
old friends & meet new supporters!
Spring Tea annual event was sponsored by the
BRHA Auxiliary and this year’s “home host” were
Nancy & Craig DeZell!
Yellow Bus Group held a wonderful gettogether for their group and enjoyed a great
dinner in support of BRHA!
“Cuts-For-Mutts” sponsored by Best Lil’ Hair
House and Wags & Woofs, 333 S. 1st Street,
Hamilton, had humans and pets alike getting the
full fashion treatment. Event goers not only got to
get their “cuts” but enjoyed some games, raffles &
“dogs” under the big tent!
If you or your group would like to host an event
in support of the shelter please contact us to share your ideas!
Call the shelter at (406) 363-5311
or email Mary at
Summer 2016
Bitter Root Humane Association
March 27, 2016 through June 20, 2016
BRHA gratefully acknowledges the support and generosity of so many who wish to honor the memory
of loved ones. We are humbled by the dedication and love of animals that those departed loved
ones exhibited, and are truly grateful to their families for suggesting that memorials be sent to the
BRHA for the benefit of the animals.
For Sweet Stella, the best dog ever From Herb & Melina Depp
Becky & Jim Cote
For Alfred Geesey
From Paulette Floyd &
Margaret Bottke
For Jane Banner
From Ellen Worth
For George
From Patti Rosa & Paul
For Eddie Bass
From DeeDee &
Tom Sanders
For Dolly
From Shirley Wheat
For Pegge Bruhnke
For Lily
From Dick & Cindi Hayne
For Max
From Mary Gehl
For Romeo
From Cathy Beringer
For Stetson
From Mary Gehl
For Chula
From DeeDee & Tom
For Hayne’s People & Pets
From Ann Bachman
For Sue Devlin’s 70th Birthday
From Brian Devlin
For Dick Sorenson L SERVIC
For Corky Slight
From Sapphire Studio
For Tim Thex
From Kea & Joe Yanzick
Branch M
Diane Th
P.O. Box
172 Golf
Hamilton urse Road
, MT 5984
Paul M. K
For Clayton Floyd
From Susan Muralt
Vaun & Diane Allen
From Michelle Fowler
From Carma Hale
For Barbara Fern Graham Wallis From Donna Dyrdahl
(406) 36342
(800) 800- 93
Fax: (406
) 36
imr@mon 3-4303
For David Howard
From Richard Smith
Janet Ferguson
For John Winn
From Victor & Anne Frugoli
Pat & Jerry Bell
Ken & Vikki Bell
Mary Winters
For Gloria goes da Silva
From EJ & Kathie Butts
For Casey Opp
From Joann Hosko
For Piere Landry From Alice Foster
For Eileen Toulouse
From Tori Nobles
the Bitter Root
gra proudly supports
1151 N. 1ST,
T 59840
Bitter Root Humane Association
Humane Association
Summer 2016
Volunteer Bakers
Do you like to bake? Do you have a favorite cookie or sweet treat
recipe you just love to share? Do you want to help the animals in
need this coming holiday season? If you answered yes to any of
these questions, then BRHA needs you!
It may seem early, but this unique fundraiser takes a lot of
planning so we are seeking bakers now for our upcoming “Cookie
Walk & Bake Sale” fundraiser planned for Saturday, December 10th. Homemade cookies of every flavor, shape and size are needed and
contributions of pies, cakes, breads, brownies and candies will also be greatly
appreciated. Cookie and sweet treat donations will need to be dropped off at the event site in Hamilton or
BRHA volunteers will be happy to pick them up on Friday, December 9th.
All proceeds from the event will be used by BRHA to help animals in need through our programs and
services throughout the coming year. If you’d like to help the cause (and have fun too!), please call or
email Mary at 642-3785/ or Michele at 210-1375/ and
pledge to bake! From
The Manager
Eve Burnside
Temperatures are slowly rising and the shelter staff and volunteers are working hard getting everything
spruced up and ready for another busy summer season!
The plant beds have been weeded and there is fresh paint in the office area-it’s a work in progress, but things
are looking good-Thanks to everyone who has helped!
Right now, we have been working with Missoula’s Animal Control and outlying shelters to bring animals in
danger of being euthanized into our facility. Dog Is My Co-Pilot transports this precious cargo in from high kill
shelters and deposits them safely into the waiting arms of several North Western shelter staffers.
Come on in and see our newest additions…If you don’t see someone who steals your
heart the first time…come back! You never know when that special creature will come
into the shelter. We are always happy to have you look around or just visit.
Thank You for your support!
Summer 2016
Bitter Root Humane Association
U.S. Postage
Hamilton, MT 59840
Permit No. 38
262 Fairgrounds Road
P.O. Box 57
Hamilton, MT 59840
to a friend when you are
finished reading your
newsletter. By increasing
readership and awareness
you will be performing a
valuable service for the
animals we’re trying to
help. You can assist us in
cutting costs by advising us
of your change of address
or duplicate mailings. We
would appreciate your help
in updating our records.
New Membership & Renewal Application
Your address label indicates the year that your current membership expires. If you have any
questions, please call Sue McCormack 642-9840. Your continued support is so important to all
the animals. Thank you!!
Seniors: $10 ea ___________ Individuals: $20ea ___________ Business: $30 ________________
Name: _______________________________Email: _______________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ___________________________________ Extra Donation: _____________________
( ) Please send me information on the Kennel Sponsorship Program
( ) Please have the Volunteer Coordinator contact me
( ) Please contact me with information on the Foster Program
Bitter Root Humane Association
PO Box 57 Hamilton, MT 59840