DearTexas Longhorn Lovers - Texas Longhorn Marketing Alliance


DearTexas Longhorn Lovers - Texas Longhorn Marketing Alliance
Friday, March 18, 2011
DearTexas Longhorn Lovers,
elcome to the New 2011 Texas Longhorn Legacy Sale VII – truly THE BIG EVENT
OF THE YEAR for Longhorn breeders and enthusiasts across the country! Year after
year, this extraordinary sale has continued to excite the Longhorn industry by establishing
new records and setting the highest dollar averages in the business. How does the Legacy do
this? Because only the finest quality Longhorn cattle are selected for the sale, which draws an
extraordinary audience of over 500 of the top breeders from across the nation.
As you look over this year’s magnificent sale offerings, take note of the outstanding consignments from many of the most successful Longhorn programs in the country. These are the
cattle that can be beneficial to every breeder – both old and new – and can often boost a
breeding program to the top of the industry.
This year, the Legacy will be hosted at the luxurious Hyatt Regency Hotel in Richardson,
Texas. Located in north Dallas, the Hyatt offers a perfect venue for this special event, with
spacious dining and lounge areas. Plus, it is convenient to shopping and many other attractions nearby. The friendly Hyatt management and staff are committed to providing you a very
special weekend.
Cattle arrive
Cocktails & BBQ Buffet
Welcome & Presentations
Auction fun & Te xas Longhorn Legacy
Spotlight Heifer Sale
Saturday, March 19, 2011
All Day
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
Spa, Shopping and Cattle vie wing
Welcome & Special Longhorn
Legacy Sale Awards
Te xas Longhorn Legacy Sale VI
Hyatt Regency noRtH Dallas
701 East Campbell Road
Richardson, TX 75081
Phone: (972) 619-1234
Fax: (972) 907-2578
So join us for a fun weekend with good friends in a great hotel. You’ll be surrounded by fun
people, great food, TV news cameras, bright lights, excitement, and best of all – breath-taking
Longhorns. It is a one-of-a-kind event that could only take place with Texas Longhorn cattle.
On behalf of all the sponsors of the 2011 Texas Longhorn Legacy Sale VII, thank you for being
here. We hope you have a great time!
to make ReseRvations anD
Receive special $119 Rate:
Online reservations:
Promo code: G-TLLS
Phone reservations: (972) 619-1234
Ask for Texas Longhorn Legacy Sale special rate
loc ation:
Located on Hwy 75, north of I-635 and south of Pres. George Bush Turnpike. Approx. 30 minutes from Dallas/
Fort Worth International Airport, and only minutes from downtown Dallas. Surrounded by shopping, dining,
spa, and entertainment opportunities.
BoW & sylvia caRpenteR
Bs RancHes of texas
ow and Sylvia are strong supporters and participants at Texas
Longhorn events including the Longhorn World Championship
and the Texas Longhorn Legacy Sale. Bow is a selective buyer, adding excellent genetics to his breeding program. His sale consignments
always bring top prices. If Bow is not out in the pasture with his Longhorns, he is out pursuing his other passions which include hunting
and auto racing.
Phone: (210) 771-3636
Lots: 8, 18, 25, 38, 41, 57
Doug & Dianne Hunt
Doug Hunt longHoRns
oug and Dianne, who live in Diamond Valley, Utah, have been
married for 53 years. Doug has been a full-time rancher for the
past 10 years, and has been raising Longhorns for more than 25 years.
The biggest accomplishment for the Doug Hunt Ranch has been Hunt’s
Command Respect, one of the greatest herd sires in the breed. Hunt’s Command Respect has made Doug a living with 25 sons that are over 70”, 10
daughters over 70” and the longest total horn son in history. Doug is excited
about the Hunt’s Command Respect son, Respect Me. Doug has been the
breeder of seven different bulls that have sired Longhorns that have won at
the Longhorn World Championship or Showcase. Besides winning numerous bronzes, Doug has been honored with the Breeder of the Year award.
Phone: (435) 680-4822
Lots: D2, S2, H22, H25, E34, 12, 27
2010 longhorn World
2010 longhorn World
RicHaRD caRRoll
Re caRRoll RancH
ichard Carroll is a true Longhorn enthusiast. He has hundreds of the
country’s top Longhorns and whitetail deer on his beautiful 3500
acre ranch in south Texas. The Legacy Sale is one of Rick’s true loves.
Although he stays very involved and busy with his Houston-based business, he takes time to be a part of the Legacy Sale every year. He has provided a lot of support for the sale, including the purchase of Royal Reputation for $150,000 and many other exceptional Longhorn cattle.
Phone: (830) 683-5388
Lots: E28, E29, 37, 51
Wes & caRol cHancey
c&W RancH
e s and Carol Chancey moved to Austin 15 years ago and imW
mediately fell in love with the Texas Hill Country and Longhorn
cattle. Before long they had purchased their C&W Ranch in Lampa-
sas, TX and began raising Texas Longhorns. Their excitement for their
cattle has always been apparent, and they have hosted many “family
days” and children’s activities at their ranch. What started as a weekend
getaway soon became a full-time addiction, and they retired to their
ranch in 2005. Today, Wes continues his Longhorn fixation by serving
as the CEO of the Texas Longhorn Marketing Alliance.
Phone: (512) 556-8186
Lots: H8, H20, 36, 56
laRRy & Denise steWaRt
lazy l longHoRns
zecH & Janine DameRon
cleaR cReek pecan plantation
maintain an office in Midland, Texas, live on their pecan
in Gardendale and ranch 1,800 acres in the heart of the Texas
ech splits his time between a medical practice and a pecan/ranchZ
ing operation in Forestburg, TX. Clear Creek Pecan Plantation
was founded in 1973. Zech has always been successful in breeding and
Hill Country where they continue to develop proven bloodlines like Rio
Diego, Maximus ST, Gunsmoke and Gunman. Known for their string of
legendary bulls, they are dedicated to using natural methods to breed the
next generation of Longhorns. When not ranching or training horses, the
Stewarts find time for their four children and their families, oil and gas
production, and commercial real estate development in various parts of
Texas. Larry, a former member of the TLBAA board of directors was
a founding member of the TLMA and currently serves on its board.
Phone: (512) 734-2846
Lots: H6, 17, 23, 24, 42, 54
2010 longhorn World
acquiring exceptionally long-horned cattle, including the famous Starlight who measures more than 83” TTT.
Phone: (972) 247-5466
Lots: H7, H11, E33, 55
2010 longhorn World
RicHaRD & Jeanne filip
BentWooD RancH
en years ago, the Filips began growing an exceptional group of
foundation cows at their Bentwood Ranch. Drawing on the proven genetics within the Longhorn industry and their own outstanding
2010 longhorn World
bulls, the Filips have incorporated the best of all Longhorn breeding.
Richard is the Treasurer and serves on the Executive Committee of
the Texas Longhorn Marketing Alliance, and both he and Jeanne are
active in sponsoring many Longhorn events throughout the year. Richard and Jeanne are owners of RE/MAX of Texas with annual sales in
the billions and over 285 offices statewide. They also founded Texas
Sentinels Foundation, which builds houses for disabled veterans and
their families.
Phone: (979) 249-3785
Lots: H17, 3, 26, 40
Rex mosseR
mosseR longHoRns
ex’s goal has always been to assemble and to breed the very best
Longhorn cattle. The Mosser Family Memorial Scholarship Fund
was established in memory of Vicki & Philip Mosser and is one of Rex’s
proudest commitments to help educate young people. He is a well-known
Texas Longhorn breeder and is very supportive of the Longhorn industry.
Phone: (713) 252-0218
Lots: D1, H10, H12, 32, 43
2010 longhorn World
Joe gRaDDy
WiRegRass longHoRns
Jim & BaRB steffleR
sHamRock valley RancH
iregrass has been in the Texas Longhorn cattle business for over
25 years. Joe has made some amazing accomplishments in the
quality of cattle produced. Bulls that got their start on his farm include
he Stefflers, owners of the Shamrock Valley Ranch, have been
raising Texas Longhorns now for 12 years. They have built their
breeding program by using the best genetics possible. Pedigree is their
main focus, using AI and ET to maximize their success. The Stefflers
are using females such as Shadow Jubilee, who at 86 1/8” TTT is the
longest TTT female in history, Eternal Tari (82” TTT at 8 yrs old) and
the incredible Texana Van Horne (77 11/16” TTT at only 5 yrs old) in
their embryo program. They are mating these great females to the top
bulls in the industry to produce tomorrow’s Top Shelf Longhorns. Jim
and Barb also sponsored the 2009 and 2010 Legacy Sales.
Phone: (810) 667-3408
Lots: H23, 20, 33, 45
Gunsmoke and Wiregrass Phenomenon. Today, Joe uses several top
sires. Joe has shown world champions, sold several valuable cows and
still has ambition to produce the best. It all starts with a plan.
Phone: (334) 691-2238
Lots: H19, 14, 44, 48
Ben & ann gRavett
g&g longHoRns
he Gravetts began raising Texas Longhorns at G&G Longhorns
in 1988 as a natural extension of their interest in agriculture. The
ranch has evolved into one of the leading programs in the breed. For
2010 longhorn World
many years, the Gravetts hosted a sale in Culpeper, VA, to offer their
cattle and also provide a place for their customers to market through
consignments. The Gravetts are the founders of the successful Millennium Futurity. They also host the annual Cherry Blossom Sale. Always
willing to serve, Ben has been active on several boards at the national
level, along with being a major supporter of the breed through contributions and donations.
Phone: (540) 349-4434
Lots: H16, H24, 13, 29
Dan & katHy coppoletta
pRime souRce longHoRns
an and Kathy are natives of the Chicago metro area. They married on July 2, 1966 after Dan was commissioned in the U.S.
Army. After leaving the service in 1969, Dan took a position with E.I.
Du Pont and a company in Camden, South Carolina, which led the
couple to Dallas, Texas in December 1969 in a Du Pont sales position
selling cellophane, polyethylene and polypropylene to converters who
printed and laminated those packaging materials for packaging coffee, cookies and snack foods. In May of 1974 they moved to Houston
to a new sales position. Then on to another sales position in 1978.
Kathy and Dan formed their own packaging sales organization, Prime
Source Packaging, Ltd. in 1996. Kathy also had her own career in
the drilling and exploration business with NL Industries, BP, and then
finally with Anadarko in the Woodlands in their Alaska Exploration
Group where she still contributes after 17 years. After purchasing their
ranch in 2004 in Cat Spring, Texas, Kathy suggested adding some
Texas Longhorns to their property since Longhorns represent a well
known part of Texas history and lore. In 2007, the two purchased three
excellent Legacy quality cows and a great herd sire. With their herd
now numbering about 70 they are now breeding for big bases and
straight out lateral horns. They look forward to the 2011 Texas Longhorn Legacy Sale and making new friends.
Phone: (979) 992-3111
Lots: H5, 35
H.c. & lynnDa caRteR
caRteR longHoRns
.C. began his career in Austin real estate after studying architecture at the University of Texas. He founded his own real estate
company and is known as the quintessential entrepreneur and a self-made
businessman. Mr. Carter has bred Texas Longhorns for more than 23
years. He has served as a TLBAA director and committee member and,
along with Charlie Schreiner III, founded the South Texas Longhorn
Association affiliate. Their Longhorns, as well as their home ranch in
Dripping Springs, have been used in television commercials and films.
Phone: (512) 894-0039
Lots: 59, 60
ButcH & kelly geuRin
mountain cReek longHoRns
mike & Jeanie casey
faiRlea longHoRn RancHes
his father-son team represent Mountain Creek Longhorns. They
are prominent Texas Longhorn breeders who strive to establish a
new level in the AI and ET industry. Because of the Geurins’ success
aking the Most of the Best” is the motto for Mike and Jeanie
of Fairlea Longhorn Ranch, LLC. Over the years, they have
owned such great bulls as JK Creekmore, Chuck Wagon, LL Wrangler,
and others, and they are currently partners in the syndicate which owns
Top Caliber. They are also currently the proud owners of Lakota Chex
and Dancer Chex, both representing the best of Bob Loomis’ breeding.
They surround their bulls with some of the top females in the breed
in order to maximize every calf’s chance for greatness. In order to
better serve their customers, in 2005 the California-based Caseys
expanded their operation to a second ranch in Bowie, Texas. A
founding member of TLMA, Mike currently serves as secretary of the
Phone: (415) 662-2541
Lots: H14, E32, 2
2010 longhorn World
rate, cattle are brought to Mountain Creek Longhorns from across the
United States to their AI and ET breeding facility, the world’s largest
site designed especially for Texas Longhorns. They are leaders in the
Texas Longhorns industry turning their knowledge into a business that
benefits all breeders as well as raising exceptional Longhorn cattle.
Phone: (940) 995-2540
Lots: H15, 9, 39
2010 longhorn World
fRank & micHelle HevRDeJs
DeeR cReek faRms
rank and Michelle live in Houston but spend as much time as
possible at Deer Creek Farm in Brenham, Texas. They are very
proud of their Longhorn cattle and put a lot of effort into their
program. Their favorite cow, Cooter Creek, is a three-time world
champion. Family, especially their three granddaughters, is the most
important part of their lives and nothing is more fun than having the
girls come up with names for new calves. When not on the farm in his
jeans and boots, Frank is in Houston running The Sterling Group, a
private equity firm he founded 28 years ago. Michelle is very active
in a number of non-profit organizations, especially Bayou Bend with
its spectacular gardens and outstanding collection of American art and
furniture. Visitors are welcome at Deer Creek Farm which consists of
262 acres, several lakes and some of the biggest live oak trees in Texas.
Phone: (713) 341-5711
Lots: H18, 22, 47
2010 longhorn World
lane, les & lisa cRaft
cRaft RancH
lmost two years ago, the Crafts decided to venture out into the Longhorn
industry. It was something they did not know much about. The first sale
they purchased cows from was the Hudson Valentine sale. The breed became an
addiction, and they have loved it ever since. Les and Lane are trying to get some
of the top Longhorns in the industry. They have enjoyed every minute they get
with these Longhorns. It’s special for them to see people come together because
of such an amazing breed. Les is the owner of Admiral Glass Company which
was founded in 1984. Admiral Glass Company is a premier high performance
contract glazing company specializing in building enclosures. Lane is currently a
student at Texas State University in San Marcos studying Business Management.
Phone: (281) 732-3438
Lots: E30, E31
JoHn & uRsula allen
allen RancH
or 17 years, they have been building a magnificent set of cattle at their ranch
in the beautiful Texas Hill Country. The Allens are recognized in the Longhorn industry as breeders of quality Longhorn cattle. Together, they continue to
2010 longhorn World
assemble a world-class set of Texas Longhorns using their own set of superior
bulls as well as an energetic Embryo Transfer program. They have been generous sponsors of the Longhorn World Championship, and they continue to support industry events.
Phone: (325) 446-4625
Lots: H1, 1
Jim & BaRBaRa atWell
Royal HeRitage faRms
oyal Heritage Farms was established in 1980 mostly as a hobby farm. In
1993, they bought 13 head of average Longhorns and quickly became
hooked on the majestic animals. After purchasing five Emperor daughters, they
2010 longhorn World
gained a passion for top quality cattle with the longest horns. They are currently
using AI, ET and natural breeding to improve on an already successful breeding
Phone: (252) 814-4761
Lots: S1, 16
Jason caRteR
caRteR RancH
he Carter Ranch was started in 1997 by Terry Carter with a few horses, a couple
Longhorns, and the T/J brand. It wasn’t long before Jason Carter joined the team.
Last year’s Legacy Sale was the Carters’ first Legacy Sale as a sponsor and a consignor.
Terry passed away just before the sale and wasn’t able to experience the success they
had. Jason will continue with Carter Ranch, their Longhorns, and the participation in
the Legacy Sales. Shrek Chex, a 2006 Rio Grande son, is their senior herd sire and his
first two calf crops are showing great results. The Carter Ranch’s junior sire is the one
to watch for though. Sittin Tall is a son of Sittin Bull and Bar BQ’s Maiden and could
be the best Sittin Bull son to come yet!
Phone: (281) 813-3580
Lot: H27
el coyote RancH
l Coyote Ranch is located in a semi-arid region known as the Wild
Horse Desert. El Coyote combines the origins of ranching tradition with
today’s technology to make the past come alive. Today, El Coyote Ranch is
represented by an elite herd of Texas Longhorns. They are functional cattle
bred in the old tradition using today’s ideas and technology. El Coyote strives
to produce a quality total package Texas Longhorn. By utilizing foundation
genetics and some of the industry’s headliners, they breed for cattle with proven
genetic potential, horn growth, conformation and color. This blend of past and
present is proof that Longhorns can fulfill the demands of today’s cattle market.
Phone: (361) 294-5331
Lot: 21
felix serna, manager
RoB & maRcy fenza
noRtHBRook cattle co.
ob is the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Liberty ProperR
ty Trust, a self-administered, self-managed real estate investment trust with more
than 750 commercial and industrial properties. He is a graduate of Pennsylvania State
University and is an active alumnus. Rob chairs the Development Committee for the
College of Arts and Architecture and is a member of the National Council on Penn State
Philanthropy. In addition, he serves on several business and non-profit boards, including,
FM Global Advisory Board, Natural Lands’ Trust Advisory Board, the Chester County
Agriculture Advisory Board, the Chester County Economic Development Council, the
Charter High School for Architecture and Design, the PENJERDEL Council, and the
TLMA Board of Directors. Marcy has been in the real estate management and sales
business for over 20 years and currently provides consulting services to clients in New
Jersey and Pennsylvania. She also manages Doe Run Properties Llc., a real estate investment and management company. She is a Court Appointed Special Advocate for
children through the CASA organization of Delaware County, Pennsylvania and is an
active member of the Development Board for the Penn State Hershey Cancer Research
Medical Center. The Fenzas have made their mark on the cattle industry, owning many
superior Texas Longhorns. They are generous donors and participate in as many Longhorn activities as possible.
Phone: (610) 793-5193
Lots: H4, 15
2010 longhorn World
JoHnnie & pat RoBinson
RoBinson RancH
he Robinsons became involved with Texas Longhorns in 1999. Since that time,
they have worked to continuously breed great cattle using great genetics. Their
cattle bring top prices at Texas Longhorn sales. Well respected in the Longhorn industry, the friendly couple participates in Texas Longhorn events both as buyers and
sellers. Johnnie serves as Chairman of the Board for TLMA.
Phone: (214) 542-4867
Lot: 28
Rick fRieDRicH & tRacey BRoWn
RiveR RancH
ick Friedrich lives in Pearland, Texas with his fiancée, Tracey Brown
(aka River Ranch Barbie). He is occupied most of the week operating his
construction company, Independent Steel Erectors. Several days of each week
2010 longhorn World
are spent at his Texas Hill Country ranch working with Longhorn cattle and/or
deer hunters near Fredericksburg, Texas. The ranching business in this small
German community is definitely a family tradition. In fact, all of the neighbors
on the west fence line are relatives and his parents live on a neighboring ranch
where they also breed and raise Longhorn cattle. He practices the ranching
policy of keeping the quantity low and giving quality a chance to advance.
Phone: (713) 305-0259
Lot: 46
steve & cyD JoRDan
JoRDan RancH
ince beginning in the Longhorn business in 2006, Jordan Ranch has
quietly put together one of the premier herds in Oklahoma. Focusing on
quality, not quantity, they have been building their program around their bronze
2010 longhorn World
winning bull Mr. Poco Bueno Chex, purchased from Bob Loomis at 21
months of age. Steve likes base in his bulls and twist in his cows and has
tried to buy cows from established programs throughout the industry. As Steve
states “we really enjoy the people in this industry and try to make 3 or 4 fun
events per year. The Legacy and Longhorn World Championship are a must.”
Phone: (580) 233-3233
Lot: 34
laRRy & BaRBaRa sHepHeRD
stone BRoke RancH
arry and Barbara Shepherd call Stone Broke Ranch, in Cameron, Texas home for
themselves and 90+ head of Longhorns. The two horses, five donkeys, four
dogs, along with their seven children, sixteen grandchildren and the two greatgrandchildren that frequent the ranch, basically help maintain balance in their
lives and keep things interesting. The Shepherds’ addiction to Longhorns dates
back to 1997 when the first one graced their pasture in Cypress, Texas. When five
acres would not support the number of Longhorns they had acquired, the Shepherds headed for Cameron just so they could “have more Longhorns.” In 2009,
after the sale of his fabrication company in Houston, Larry “retired” and was
immediately promoted, by Barbara, to the position of ranch manager at the ranch
in Cameron. With M Arrow Dazzler now serving as their primary herd sire, the
Shepherds look forward to taking their breeding program to the next level.
Phone: (979) 364-2632
Lots: H13, 52
eorge has been in the Longhorn business since 1981. He has served as
past president of the TLBGCA as well as a national board member. He is a
founding member of the TLMA.
Phone: (936) 825-2462
Lots: H2, 7
2010 longhorn World
Joe & Becca munscH
JBm longHoRns
2010 longhorn World
oe and Becca of JBM Longhorns got into the business in 1991. Joe’s goal
quickly became to have a topnotch herd. He began using well-known bulls,
including Lamb’s Power Play and then Boomeriffic, a long-horned son of Boomerang CP who is now owned by Jeanne and Richard Filip. He is a member
of the Horn Enterprise Partnership which includes the herd sire Sittin Bull. Joe
and Becca are generous sponsors of numerous Longhorn events. Joe currently
serves as Vice Chairman on the TLMA board. A 32-year veteran of the public
golf and private club industry, Joe is now the president and CEO of Evergreen
Alliance Golf, LTD.
Phone: (903) 473-3458
Lot: 31
2010 longhorn World
Buck & sHaRon aDams
Buckhorn Cattle Company
110 N Broad St
Guthrie, OK 73044
Phone: (405) 282-9800
Lot: 5
Jason caRteR
Carter Ranch
22610 Glenmont Estates Blvd
Magnolia, TX 77355-3699
Phone: (281) 356-1683
Lot: H27
JoHn & uRsula allen
Allen Ranch
2068 S Laird Road
Harper, TX 78631
Phone: (325) 446-4625
Lots: H1, 1
mike & Jeanie casey
Fairlea Longhorn Ranches
PO Box 526
Nicasio, CA 94946
Phone: (415) 662-2541
Lots: H14, E32, 2
Jim & BaRBaRa atWell
Royal Heritage Farm
6201 Marvin Taylor Road
Grifton, NC 28530
Phone: (252) 814-4761
Lots: S1, 16
steve & Rene’ azingeR
Lazy A Ranch
1306 Goliad
Houston, TX 77007
Lot: 58
Wes & caRol cHancey
C&W Ranch
1281 CR 2200
Lampasas, TX 76550
Phone: (512) 556-8186
Lots: H8, H20, 36, 56
mike & DeBBie BoWman
End of Trail Longhorn Ranch
PO Box 40
Benton, KS 67017
Phone: (316) 778-1717
Lot: 19
Dan & katHy coppoletta
Prime Source Longhorns
1032 Dunlavy Road
Catsprings, TX 78933
Phone: (979) 992-3111
Lots: H5, 35
BoW & sylvia caRpenteR
BS Ranches of Texas
2526 N Loop 1604 W Ste 104
San Antonio, TX 78248
Phone: (210) 667-2451
Lots: 8, 18, 25, 38, 41, 57
lane, les & lisa cRaft
Craft Ranch
6655 Polk
Houston, TX 77011
Phone: (281) 732-3438
Lots: E30, E31
RicHaRD caRRoll
RE Carroll Ranch
PO Box 214
Barksdale, TX
Phone: (830) 683-5388
Lots: E28, E29, 37, 51
zecH & Janine DameRon
Clear Creek Pecan Plantation
108 Newcastle Ct
Coppell, TX 75019
Phone: (972) 247-5466
Lots: H7, H11, E33, 55
Hc & lynnDa caRteR
Carter Longhorn Ranch
PO Box 249
Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Phone: (512) 894-0039
Lots: 59, 60
el coyote RancH
Felix Serna, Manager
PO 711
Kingsville, TX 78363
Phone: (361) 294-5331
Lot: 21
RoB & maRcy fenza
Northbrook Cattle Company
205 Northbrook Road
West Chester, PA 19382
Phone: (610) 793-5193
Lots: H4, 15
fRank & micHelle HevRDeJs
Deer Creek Longhorns
8 Greenway Plaza, Ste 702
Houston, TX 77046
Phone: (713) 341-5711
Lot: H18, 22, 47
RicHaRD & Jeanne filip
Bentwood Ranch
PO Box 28
Fayetteville, TX 78940
Phone: (979) 249-3785
Lots: H17, 3, 26, 40
matt & noelle Hill
Junction Hill Cattle Company
11806 Rue Saint Honore Court
Junction, TX 77377
Phone: (281) 636-2243
Lot: 50
River Ranch
11510 Tara Place
Pearland, TX 77584
Phone: (713) 305-0259
Lot: 46
Bill HuDson
Hudson Longhorns
4625 Corydon Ridge Road NE
Corydon, IN 47112
Phone: (601) 268-7555
Lot: 10
geoRge & lauReen gennin
Gennin Longhorns
737 Quaker Run Road
Madison, VA 22727
Phone: (540) 923-5486
Lot: 49
Doug & Dianne Hunt
Doug Hunt Longhorns
7971 N Jade
Saint George, UT 84770
Phone: (435) 680-4822
Lots: D2, S2, H22, H25, E34, 12, 27
ButcH & kelly geuRin
Mountain Creek Longhorns
Drawer 429
Saint Jo, TX 76265
Phone: (940) 995-2540
Lots: H15, 9, 39
steve & cyD JoRDan
Jordan Ranch
PO Box 98
Ardmore, OK 73402
Phone: (580) 233-3233
Lot: 34
Joe gRaDDy
Wiregrass Texas Longhorns
880 Metcalf Street
Cottonwood, AL 36320
Phone: (334) 691-2238
Lots: H19, 14, 44, 48
Dick & peg loWe
11585 Round Lake Road
Horton, MI 49246
Phone: (517) 688-3030
Lot: 11
Ben & ann gRavett
G&G Longhorns
11921 Elk Run Road
Catlett, VA 20119
Phone: (540) 687-0050
Lots: H16, H24, 13, 29
ReD & cHaRline mccomBs
Red McCombs Ranches of Texas
755 E Mulberry Ave, Ste 600
San Antonio, TX 78212
Phone: (210) 731-4714
Lot: H3
Davis gReen
7 Bar Longhorns
3590 Sauls Road
Aubrey, TX 76227
Phone: (214) 725-7713
Lot: H21
Bill & JuDy meRiDitH
Tallgrass Cattle Company
475 N West Road
Wellington, KS 67152
Phone: (620) 867-2296
Lot: 30
JoHn & DeBRa Helm
Helm Cattle Company
PO Box 2160
Red Oak, TX 75154
Phone: (817) 8978535
Lot: 4
Rex mosseR
Mosser Longhorns
9617 O. S. R.
Midway, TX 75852-3155
Phone: (713) 252-0218
Lots: D1, H10, H12, 32, 43
Joe & Becca munscH
JBM Longhorns
300 Rs County Road 3418
Emory, TX 75440
Phone: (903) 473-3458
Lot: 31
Jim & BaRB steffleR
Shamrock Valley Ranch
3839 Shamrock Drive
Lapeer, MI 48446
Phone: (810) 667-3408
Lots: H23, 20, 33, 45
JoHn & DaRlene nelson
Cloverbloom Ranch
51361 Weld County Road 17
Wellington, CO 80549
Phone: (970) 897-2444
Lot: 53
laRRy & Denise steWaRt
Lazy L Longhorns
141 CR 3731
Lampasas, TX 76550
Phone: (512) 734-2846
Lots: H6, 17, 23, 24, 42, 54
JoHnnie & pat RoBinson
Robinson Ranch
11812 CR 1104
Celina, TX 75009
Phone: (214) 542-4867
Lot: 28
kuRt & glenDa tWining
Silver T Ranch
9 Ryddington Place
Dallas, TX 75230
Phone: (512) 466-5917
Lot: H9
stan & loRna seaRle
Stan Searle Ranch
2500 E Hwy 105
Monument, CO 80132
Phone: (719) 481-3735
Lot: H26
Joe & loRinDa valentine
Panther Creek Ranch
PO Box 950
Marlin, TX 76661
Phone: (254) 584-2218
Lot: 6
laRRy & BaRBaRa sHepHeRD
Stone Broke Ranch
8004 County Road 259
Cameron, TX 76520
Phone: (979) 364-2632
Lots: H13, 52
geoRge & peggy WilHite
Texas W Ranch
11674 FM 1227
Navasota, TX 77868
Phone: (936) 825-2462
Lot: H2, 7
Colette leigH
Benefiting the mosser Scholarship Fund
pH: 299
Reg: C267321
DoB: 7/17/09
BReeDing: Exposed to Gene Lee 12/8/10-Sale
Bl RoDeo cHex
texana tattletale
Benefiting the texas longhorn Heritage Foundation
Respect me
Hunts JupiteR monaRcH
pH: 703
BuRnin DayligHt
HuntS miSS legaCy
pH: 45
DoB: 4/30/10
BReeDing: Not exposed.
Jim & Barbara atwell
top caliBeR
comments: OCV’d. This young heifer is exposed to Gene Lee, the longest young bull that I have ever
raised. At 33 months, 10 days, measured 73-1/4” TTT. This young heifer’s grandmother is the great Starlight
cow. With this young cow let’s raise some $ for our young college people. Donated by Rex Mosser.
RHF SHaRp SHooteR Semen oFFeRing
DoB: 3/31/07
WoRking Woman
Bl laDy lou
comments: OCV’d. This is the 1st Respect Me daughter we have ever sold. I feel if you are going to donate
one it should be one of the very best. I have done that with Hunts Miss Legacy. Her dam is by Hunts Jupiter who
I think was the 1st 1 ton, 70” horn bull in the breed. Her dam’s mother was Biddy Woman who is also the 2nd
dam of the great Working Woman--what a great female family. Donated by Doug and Dianne Hunt.
Hunts commanD Respect
kelo cHex Bl039
RutleDge’s tWiligHt
comments: This amazing young Top Caliber son won TTT, Total and Complete Horn plus Junior Get of
Sire at the 2010 Longhorn World Championship. Only three bulls in the entire competition had more complete
horn than his 204.5” and they were over twice his age. Sharp Shooter is consistently putting horn and color on
his offspring!
Hunts commanD Respect
latte 34
Hunts JupiteR
BiDDy Woman
ReSpeCt me Semen oFFeRing
Doug & Dianne Hunt
Hunts commanD Respect
latte 34
Hunts empeRoR
miss RoDeo ameRica
Hunts commanD Respect
expResso 16
comments: Respect Me is a very fast growing lateral horn bull that is 84+ inches as a 4 year old. I don’t believe in pre-
dicting, but I feel like he has a realistic chance of being 90”. Looks like he will be bigger than his sire. My 1st calves are outstanding--more horn and taller than I have ever raised. Come see them. He has won 9 bronzes. Never been beaten at Longhorn
World Championship or Horn Showcase. Semen offered at half price or $150/straw with 10 straw minimum. Buyer pays $150
shipping. Buyers at The Legacy will have the option to purchase the same amount at the same price for the next two years.
Sittin Sun
Rob & marcy Fenza
Reg: CI255743
pH: 138
DoB: 3/17/08
BReeDing: AI’d to JP Rio Grande.
sittin Bull
somBRaH’s sunBuRst
Hunts commanD Respect
lp somBRaH
Jets supeRioR HeiR
comments: OCV’d. This is as good as it gets. A huge framed, long-horned Sittin
Bull heifer bred to JP Rio Grande. Sittin Sun is the best heifer we have ever offered at
a public sale. She has explosive horn growth and is predicted to be one of the longest
horned cows ever. She sells with a reserve.
allenS 266
John & ursula allen
Reg: CI261837
pH: 266/08
DoB: 5/19/08
BReeDing: Exposed to Dupree Chex 4/11/10-Sale Date.
gun slingeR
sR Dixie cHeRRy
gun smoke
eot cHeRRypickeR’s leWeze
Dixie cReole
Delta cHeRRy
comments: OCV’d. We are proud to offer a top heifer with some of the very best breeding
you could ask for. Her sire is out of the top producing Gun Smoke and his dam is the famous
Cherrypicker’s Leweze. He has full sisters that have sold for 25,000 and 59,000. Her dam Dixie
Cherry is a gorgeous cow with twist that has produced lateral horn for us. She is double-bred
Emperor and all Hoffman breeding. If you want to start at the top, this heifer is the one for you.
She is bred to one of the best sons of Rio Grande, Dupree Chex. Millennium eligible.
pRime gingeR
Dan & Kathy Coppoletta
Reg: CI268463
pH: 29
DoB: 12/21/08
BReeDing: Exposed to Sittin Rock 1/20/11-3/16/11.
.50 caliBeR staR
fiRefly 87
ppf gunmakeR
sHiloH’s easteR Hope
caily RangeR
comments: OCV’d. Awesome young heifer from the breeding program at Prime
Source. Sired by 50 Caliber Star, son of the the great PPF Gunmaker, just two years
old at Christmas 2010. Look at her 14.5” bases and 54” total horn and 53.25 “ TTT.
Ginger is growing toward 50 Caliber Star’s 16” bases. Exposed to Sittin Rock, a
September 2009 son of Sittin Bull.
tX W FiReligHt
george & peggy Wilhite
Reg: C259574
DoB: 8/15/08
pH: 812
BReeDing: Exposed to TX W Blitzkrieg 3/1/10-11/1/10.
eot coWpoke
easteRlys empRess
eot HenRy
eot cRystal
WiRegRass measle
comments: OCV’d. This is the longest horned heifer we have raised. At 27 mos.,
measured November 30, 56-1/4” TTT, 61-3/4” total horn, 11-1/4” base. Very gentle.
Pasture bred to our 70” Blitz son, TX W Blitzkrieg.
Rm taRi’S touCHDoWn
Red & Charline mcCombs
Reg: 250313
pH: 544
DoB: 4/22/08
BReeDing: Exposed to Iron Mike ST 5/1/10-10/15/10.
toucHDoWn of Rm
taRi’s tReasuRe Bl991
supeR BoWl
sage sHaDoW fm138
Delta taRi fm182
comments: OCV’d. This heifer can put your breeding program on the map. She is by far
the largest tip-to-tip RM branded 2008 heifer we own at 63-1/2” on 10/28/10. Not too shabby
for 30 months! Her half-sister Awesome Emily sold at the Legacy for $42,000. Her dam is a Tari
Graves granddaughter and one of the great producing cows of the entire breed. Her pedigree is
loaded with breed greats and stacked with horn genetics. Her sire Touchdown is proving to be a
superb producer of fancy, big horned females. She is one of the best you will find. An added and
important bonus is that she is safe in calf to the great Iron Mike, a bull that has been producing
big-time offspring. This is the kind we try to add to our program. This is your opportunity.
gt moRmoRaia
larry & Denise Stewart
DoB: 2/8/08
pH: 29/8
Reg: C259027
BReeDing: Exposed to Maximus ST 4/28/10-Sale Date.
teJas teflon
taBle Wine
JDH pHenomonally sWeet
gt geRonimo
texana gaRlanD
comments: Mormoraia has already proven herself at a young age. With some
trophies on her record this young cow has produced an outstanding heifer that we are
keeping as a replacement. Her pedigree includes some of the best bloodlines in the
industry including Starlight and Phenomenon. She has been exposed to no other than
Maximus ST that has been proven himself as an excellent cross with Phenomenon
bloodlines. Take a good look at this young lady that should reach the 80” TTT mark.
RJF San anton RoSe
Zech Dameron iii
Reg: CI259494
pH: 45/8
DoB: 7/5/08
BReeDing: Exposed to ZD General Patton 6/6/10-8/26/10. Exposed to
Temptations Rowdy 10/10/10-Sale Date.
sDR san anton texa
fancy sHaDoW Jet
fm gRaves
slateR 013
slateR tRaci 13/6
comments: OCV’d. Beautiful 2 year old heifer bred to Temptations Rowdy, out
of Lambs Temptation cow, who has produced four 80” offspring. There is no better
horn breeding.
ZD ReBel BonitaS gal
Wes & Carol Chancey
Reg: 255073
DoB: 11/18/08
pH: 191
BReeDing: Exposed to Exposed to ZD General Patton 6/1/10-10/8/10. Exposed
to CWR Rio Whisky 10/10/10-Sale Date.
J.R. gRanD slam
J. R. ReBel
J. R. ReBa
fRank a. scott
Hl Bonita’s gal
Bonita scott
comments: OCV’d. Combine Grand Slam and Coach genetics, and you might get
a horn explosion. That is certainly what happened with this eye-popping young heifer.
She measured 51-1/4” TTT on her second birthday, which puts her on a track to 77”
TTT at maturity. This is a future superstar for the breeder who takes her home. Don’t
miss out!
lR CoaCH’S RoCKette
Kurt & glenda twining
pH: 42
Reg: C266649
DoB: 4/4/08
BReeDing: Exposed to Buzz Saw 5/10/009-Sale Date.
gt Rock n Roll
Don Juan of cHRistine
miss ReDmac 256
tWo step a lot
comments: OCV’d. A striking young heifer with excellent color and great early
horn growth. Solid pedigree going back to Classic, Starlight and Coach. She is bred
back to Buzz Saw who was 77” TTT in Oct. 2010. This should be a great cross with a
horn explosion.
paige leigH
Rex mosser
DoB: 8/22/08
pH: 265
Reg: C263592
zD kelly
BReeDing: Exposed to Gene Lee 7/20/10-Sale Date.
suzie leigH
DiamonD W pay casH
Delta uRsula
lucky lee
me too leigH
comments: OCV’d. This young heifer is bred to Gene Lee, the best bull I have
ever raised. Gene measured 73-1/4” TTT at 33 months, 10 days. This young lady’s
sire is ZD Kelly who is 81” TTT. Look at the horn and body on this one; with Gene
Lee the sire of the baby it is a big win win.
RRR miSS ReBel 871
Zech Dameron iii
Reg: CI265789
pH: 871
DoB: 10/7/08
BReeDing: Exposed to ZD Jamadan 6/15/10-9/5/10. Exposed to Temptations
Rowdy 10/10/10-Sale Date.
J.R. gRanD slam
J. R. ReBel
J. R. ReBa
H-v ReDHaWk
BaR k supeRReD laDyHaWk
BaR k’s supeR laDy
comments: OCV’d. This beautiful young heifer has it all. She measured a
whopping 50” at 24 months of age. Nice lateral horns and bred to ZD Jamadan who is
over 73” at 3 years of age. This heifer is bred for HORN.
aveRy leigH
Rex mosser
Reg: CI263594
DoB: 10/30/08
pH: 267
BReeDing: Exposed to Gene Lee 8/31/10-Sale Date.
zD kelly
Rm supeR Bev
DiamonD W pay casH
Delta uRsula
supeR BoWl
comments: OCV’d. This young heifer has been exposed to Gene Lee, my best
young bull. At 33 months, 10 days, Gene Lee measured 73-1/4” TTT. Take a great
heifer home with you. This young lady’s sire is 81” TTT ZD Kelly. This breeding is
at the top of the list.
SBR tRinity
larry & Barbara Shepherd
Reg: C268368
pH: 14
DoB: 3/3/09
BReeDing: Exposed to SBR Coaches Draft Pick 8/10/10-Sale Date.
m aRRoW Just WHistle
sR tWist again
pk WHistles & Bells
gf g-man
peppeRmint tWist
comments: OCV’d. This one is going to be hard to part with but we wanted to
send one of our best heifers to represent our breeding program. Sired by Phenomenon son, M Arrow Just Whistle. Her dam, S.R. Twist Again, is our largest bodied
cow and carries the longest horns in our herd. Trinity is without a doubt the complete package we all look for. Great color, conformation, pedigree and of course,
horns. Exposed to SBR Coaches Draft Pick. For more information on Trinity, visit
us at
paCiFiC tommie
mike & Jeanie Casey
DoB: 3/10/09
pH: 917
Reg: 252423
BReeDing: Exposed to Dancer Chex 807 9/22/10-3/16/11.
lakota cHex
ccc sue z Q
faRlap cHex
nigHt safaRi Bl833
Jm sue
tRcc ReBa mac BRoWn
comments: OCV’d. Here is a nice blue daughter of my 73-1/2” TTT bull, Lakota
Chex. Lakota turns out fabulous daughters and Tommie is no exception. She should
be comfortably over 50” at 24 months. She is free of Johnes, BVD & Bovine
Leukemia. She is bred to Dancer Chex, my Rio Grande son with over 87” of total
horn before his 3rd Birthday. Dancer has won his class at the Longhorn World
Championship the last 2 years in a row. Millennium Futurity eligible.
aWeSome Julie
mountain Creek longhorns
pH: 19/9
DoB: 7/23/09
BReeDing: Not exposed.
top caliBeR
tc pueBlo sHaDoW
Reg: 255245 (ET)
Hunts commanD Respect
tHe sHaDoW
pueBlo Rc
comments: OCV’d. This outstanding Top Caliber daughter has horn genetics
stacked as high as they get. This heifer’s sire has over 84” of TTT horns and her dam,
which sells as Lot #39 on Saturday night, has over 90” of total horn and weighs over
1400#. This heifer is starting to roan up just like Top Caliber. She sells unexposed so
that you can breed her to the bull of your choice. Millennium Futurity eligible.
mama mia
Ben & ann gravett
Reg: 253259
DoB: 4/15/09
pH: 239
BReeDing: Exposed to SDR Duke 6/15/10-9/20/10. Exposed to Repo Man
Bo Jangles cHex
Delta taRi fm182
WHelming king
DouBle fistful
DouBle m
comments: OCV’d. Here’s one of the better Bo Jangles heifers out there out of
arguably the best Whelming King daughter ever raised. Her dam measured 73.5” TTT
in Oct 2009 and was last sold by Mike Casey for $20,000.
RJF Sittin play
Richard & Jeanne Filip
Reg: 252193
pH: 23/9
BReeDing: Exposed to LLL Maxamillion 12/1/10-Sale Date.
sittin Bull
JBm playful vision
Hunts commanD Respect
lamB’s poWeR play
comments: This heifer is the second best we have ever raised. She should be over 57”
TTT @ 24 months. Her sire, Sittin Bull, needs no introduction. On the bottom side you see
Lamb’s Power Play, a full brother to Phenomenal Archer 240, the sire to Temptations Fancy
who is over 85” TTT. RJF Sittin Play comes to you bred to LLL Maxamillion (Maximus ST x
Horsehead Show Time). This heifer is for the serious breeder wanting to move their program to
the next level. All offspring are Millennium Futurity eligible.
ZD tommieS Xp limeStone
Frank & michelle Hevrdejs
DoB: 4/13/09
pH: 195
Reg: 255074
BReeDing: Exposed to ZD General Patton 6/1/10-10/8/10.
tommie vixen
xp limestone laDy
Delta vixen
xp payne 93
xp payne 64
comments: OCV’d. This is a chance to add some real horn genetics and nice
color to any program. 48-1/2” TTT @ 20 months! Lots of base as well. She is bred to
ZD General Patton and should calf in March 2011. Top line includes Unlimited and
Tommie Vixen. Horn may exceed 75” TTT.
WiRegRaSS leoma
Joe graddy
Reg: C267292
pH: 65/9
DoB: 4/29/09
BReeDing: Exposed to Wiregrass Walker 5/1/10-10/1/10.
gun smoke
WiRegRass guns a smokin
HoRse HeaD sHoW time
levi 6
WpR WiDe n WHite
illini gem-DanDy
comments: Two trophies for 1st place in her category at the Championship in Durant,
OK. She doesn’t only have horns, she has genetics that include Gun Smoke, Horse Head Show
Time, Levi 6, Illini Gem-Dandy. It doesn’t just happen. You have to work at it to get this kind of
production. She will not be a two year old until April 29, 2011. I am proud to put a Wiregrass
name on her. She is bred--I didn’t intend it, but it happened--bred to Wiregrass Walker (Wes
Watson program). I think this heifer will fit most any program.
CWR Bovina
Wes & Carol Chancey
DoB: 5/25/09
pH: 912
BReeDing: Not Exposed.
Jp mucHo gRanDe
Jp gRanD kaitlyn 5
Reg: 253479
J.R. gRanD slam
tx W lucky laDy
J.R. gRanD slam
J. R. kaitlyn
comments: OCV’d. You will rarely find such star power in one pedigree. Grand
Slam top and bottom. TX W Lucky Lady and JR Kaitlyn. Her sire is the full brother
to JP Rio Grande. This is going to be a big-bodied foundation female for some lucky
owner. With 44” of horn at only 17 months, she is tracking to exceed 78” TTT. Don’t
let this beauty get away.
gt Keep tHe FaitH
Davis green
Reg: C263719
pH: 1
DoB: 4/19/09
BReeDing: AI’d to Awesome Martin Luther 11/24/10.
vJ tommie (aka unlimiteD)
Jm sue
Jm manDy
HeaDlineR ff248
national tReasuRe
capital cHill
comments: OCV’d. This big bodied young heifer has all the right stuff to be
really nice, just 23 months old. Her horns are beginning to twist and I expect her to
be 50+ by two. A JM Sue daughter out of National Treasure, a cow I own with Stacey
and Scott Schumacher. National Treasure is a nice flat horned 70” TTT cow. AI’d to
Awesome Martin Luther on 11/24/10, pregnancy results will be announced.
Millennium Futurity eligible.
top aSpiRationS
Doug & Dianne Hunt
Reg: CI265438
DoB: 5/6/09
pH: 944
BReeDing: Exposed to Respect Me 8/12/10-10/12/10.
top caliBeR
RHapsoDy in Blue 063
Jim & Barb Steffler
Reg: CI268378
pH: 59
DoB: 6/14/09
BReeDing: To be announced at Sale.
Jp gRanD canyon 450
Rc DiamonD lil
J.R. gRanD slam
J. R. lee ann
temptation’s tHe ace
Rc ReD eclipse
comments: OCV’d. This beautiful big bodied heifer is bound to have a ton of
horn. She has 2 over 80” bulls in her pedigree!! She is tracking to be over 50” TTT
by her 2nd birthday. Her pedigree goes back to Gunman twice and with Temptations
The Ace as her grandsire, she is going to be a great one!!
Sittin univeRSe
Ben & ann gravett
DoB: 11/23/09
pH: 399
BReeDing: Not Exposed.
sittin Bull
lll galaxy
Reg: 253824
Stan & lorna Searle
pH: 51/9
BReeDing: AI’d to Drag Iron.
Hunts commanD Respect
SHamRoCK teXaS lil
top BaR laDy
DoB: 4/19/09
top caliBeR
nigHtHaWk 838
cRoWn-c ellena 111/4
comments: OCV’d. One of a kind--a daughter of Top Caliber (84+”) and bred
to Respect Me (84+”), the two longest horned bulls in the history of the breed. Very
pretty colorful heifer. This is one of those times you may hope for a bull calf.
smoozy BaR
Reg: 255236
Hunts commanD Respect
BaR s pRincess 78
comments: OCV’d. We are bringing you one of our best--BIG bodied--Top
Caliber heifers! Tremendous horn growth, perfect disposition! The Total Package! Your
opportunity to own the Genetics of the Future, ready to raise her first calf! She sells
AI’d to the sensational Drag Iron for a fall calf.
tJ Kylie’S KloWn
Jason Carter
Reg: CI268443
pH: 168
DoB: 12/22/08
BReeDing: Exposed to Sittin Tall 5/2/10-10/3/10.
Jp Rio gRanDe
sHRek cHex
Bl ReD safaRi
BoomeRang c p
lll snuggly
Delta snuggle
comments: OCV’d. Here is an outstanding big bodied, big horned heifer out of
our Rio Grande son, Shrek Chex, and a Boomerang daughter. This is Shrek’s oldest
daughter and the first one offered at public sale. This gentle, colorful heifer measured
51” TTT at 24 months and those horns are already rolling back. She is bred to our Sittin
Bull son, Sittin Tall, who was over 54” TTT at 20 months and is projecting to be around
63” TTT at 24 months. Sittin Tall’s dam is the over 72” TTT Bar BQ’s Maiden owned
by Ben Gravett and he may be the best Sittin Bull son yet! Here is your chance to own
the two hottest bloodlines today combined into one, Rio Grande and Sittin Bull!!
Hunts commanD Respect
J. R. pHenoman
g&l staR of pHenom
comments: OCV’d. This is one of our best Sittin Bull heifers we’ve ever had at a
year old. She has the body and horn. She’s bred right on top and bottom. From
historical programs of Owen McGill and Ron and Jo Jones to sires like Sittin Bull,
Hunts Command Respect, Roundup, Phenomenon, and J.R. Rendezvous. There’s no
guessing this heifer will be a producer. Measures 25” on 9/15. Millennium Futurity
tF unlimiteD alluRe
Doug & Dianne Hunt
Reg: CI262581
pH: 94
DoB: 1/25/09
BReeDing: Exposed to Respect Me 8/1/10-10/30/10.
J.R. gRanD slam
gR gRanD unlimiteD
Queen unlimiteD kk
gunna Reflect
alluRing Reflection
comments: OCV’d. Beautiful striking heifer. Safe with calf by Respect Me, 84” in
his 4th year. I think he has a realistic chance of getting to 90”. This heifer should be in
her 50’s by sale time.
Royal Reputation emBRyo HeiFeR By Jp Rio gRanDe
Richard e. Carroll
DoB: 12/9/10
BReeDing: N/A
pH: N/A
Jp Rio gRanDe
Royal Reputation
photo of Dam
J.R. gRanD slam
tx W lucky laDy
Dixie RiveR
texas tRisH fm276
SnoWy maiD emBRyo HeiFeR By Jp Rio gRanDe
Richard e. Carroll
pH: N/A
DoB: 11/4/10
BReeDing: N/A
Jp Rio gRanDe
snoWy maiD
Reg: N/A
J.R. gRanD slam
tx W lucky laDy
maDe By empeRoR
gf snoWy RiveR
comments: This heifer is top of the line and here for you to see. No Guessing.
She is out of the great bull JP Rio Grande and one of my best cows. Her dam, Snowy
Maid, is another Emperor granddaughter who measured 71” TTT in May and still
growing strong with lots of total horn. Don’t miss this opportunity.
aWeSome StRaWBeRRy emBRyo By Sittin Bull
les and lane Craft
DoB: N/A
pH: N/A
BReeDing: Implanted
sittin Bull
aWesome stRaWBeRRy
photo of Dam
comments: I am a Legacy Sale #1 fan, so I am offering my best. This embryo
calf is by one of the most sought after bulls, JP Rio Grande. What an opportunity! Her
dam, Royal Reputation (sold at Legacy IV for $150,000) measures 84” and still
growing. This heifer calf is on the ground running and playing. Emperor offspring
still growing horn. No concerns here. Getcha some horn genetics.
photo of Dam
Reg: N/A
Reg: N/A
Hunts commanD Respect
aWesome viagRa
aWesome Rose
comments: Sittin Bull is one of the hottest Herd Sires out there right now so
why not put him with one of the hottest cows? Sittin Bull and Awesome Strawberry
will make a strong combination of genetics. This is one you do not want to pass up
on! This embryo has high potential to be something very special. Both of these top
Longhorns speak for themselves.
aWeSome StRaWBeRRy emBRyo By Jp Rio gRanDe
les and lane Craft
pH: N/A
DoB: N/A
BReeDing: Implanted
Jp Rio gRanDe
aWesome stRaWBeRRy
photo of Dam
Reg: N/A
J.R. gRanD slam
tx W lucky laDy
aWesome viagRa
aWesome Rose
comments: Here is your opportunity to own one of the finest embryo’s out there.
You have the Longhorn World Championship 3 time Ultimate Bull JP Rio Grande
and an outstanding cow Awesome Strawberry, who measures 70+ inches TTT. Awesome Strawberry is one of the finest daughters I have ever seen out of the great Awesome Viagra. This is a mating of a lifetime. Don’t miss out.
e32 pHenomenon’S ClaSSy laDy emBRyo HeiFeR By gun SmoKe
mike & Jeanie Casey
pH: N/A
DoB: N/A
BReeDing: Implanted 8/31/10.
gun smoke
pHenomenon’s classy laDy
photo of Dam
Watson 83
Delta JuDy
l aBsolutely pHenomenon
yo classy Jackie
Sippin latte emBRyo By Jp Rio gRanDe
Zech Dameron iii
pH: N/A
DoB: N/A
BReeDing: Implanted 7/27/10.
Jp Rio gRanDe
sippin latte
Reg: N/A
J.R. gRanD slam
tx W lucky laDy
sittin Bull
latte 34
comments: A match like no other. Sippin Latte has a ton of horn, and we all know
she is one of the best young HORNED cows in the industry. Match her with JP Rio
Grande and you get a calf that will be coveted by every breeder. Guaranteed to set a
new standard for Longhorns in 2011. Recip is a 60+ JR Grand Slam daughter to boot.
HuntS ReSpeCteD leXi emBRyo By Jp Rio gRanDe
Doug & Dianne Hunt
pH: N/A
DoB: N/A
BReeDing: Implanted 10/16/10.
Jp Rio gRanDe
Hunts RespecteD lexi
photo of Dam
comments: This embryo is a full sister to my cow RM Miss Kitty, who measured
81” TTT at the 2010 Longhorn World Championship as a 5 year old. No magic here.
Gun Smoke is also the sire of my 78” consignment, Wiregrass George Anna.
Phenomenon’s Classy Lady measures 76” TTT. Treat yourself!
photo of Dam
Reg: N/A
Reg: N/A
J.R. gRanD slam
tx W lucky laDy
Hunts commanD Respect
Hunts WHo empRess
comments: This embryo is by Rio Grande out of Hunts Respected Lexi. I have
always said you have made it as a breeder when you hope and pray your cow will have
a bull calf. This is such a case!!
SHiloHS petunia
John & ursula allen
pH: 507
Reg: CI224569
BReeDing: Heifer calf born 8/16/10 by Top Caliber. Exposed to Dupree Chex
12/3/10-Sale Date.
J.R.J. -man
J. R. J. s.
DoB: 1/14/04
sHamRock Dixie cHoctaW
cHoctaW cHex
sR Dixie maJestic
comments: OCV’d. This superstar cow is a heavy milker and a top producer who
measured 74” TTT on 11/30/10. She combines the great Gunman breeding with Loomis and
Hoffman blood that insures predictability. She is out of a strong cow family that goes back to
the great Monarch’s Majestic cow. This cow will hold her own with the elite cows of the breed
and she has the bonus of a heifer calf at side by the great Top Caliber. She has been exposed to
the Rio Grande son Dupree Chex for a possible 3-n-1. Serious breeders should give this strong
consideration. Millennium eligible.
WiRegRaSS geoRge anna
mike & Jeanie Casey
Reg: 248022
pH: 2332/3
DoB: 1/10/03
BReeDing: Exposed to Dancer Chex 807 5/31/10-3/16/11.
Watson 83
gun smoke
Delta JuDy
HoRse HeaD pRofessional
HoRse HeaD auspicious
HoRse HeaD pitty pat 677
comments: OCV’d. 78-1/8” TTT as measured at the 2010 Longhorn World
Championship. You don’t get many chances to buy a gentle cow of this caliber. She’s
a good milker, she’s fertile, she flushes well, and she has an awesome pedigree. Also
you don’t need to worry about diseases--she’s been tested negative for Johnes, BVD
& Bovine Leukosis. Plus, she’s bred to Dancer Chex, my Rio Grande son who has
won his class at the Championship 2 years in a row. He had over 87” of total horn at
the Championship before he was three.
CC SHeZa WHip eR Wil
Richard & Jeanne Filip
Reg: C226342
DoB: 5/29/04
pH: 4/10
BReeDing: AI’d to Safari BL Chex on 2/3/10.
sHeza Ditty Bl046
BaRt’s sWeetHeaRt
sage sHaDoW fm138
little Ditty
comments: We bought this cow awhile back and flushed her once. She did very
well the one time we flushed her to Sittin Bull and the calves are doing great. She
comes to you bred to our new partnership bull, Safari BL Chex, who is over 79” TTT.
We would like first option to buy back the calf she is carrying. CC Sheza Whip Er
Wil is 75-3/16” on 11/12/10. All offspring are Millennium Futurity eligible.
WiRegRaSS lauRa
John R. Helm
pH: 13/2
DoB: 3/4/02
Reg: C215458
BReeDing: AI’d to Boomerang C P in 12/10.
WiRegRass pHenomenon
HoRse HeaD HeaRt stoppeR
HoRse HeaD BolD DeButant
HoRse HeaD supeR elixiR
HoRse HeaD Buttons
comments: OCV’d. The Legacy demands the best. Here she is. Longhorn World
Championship and Horn Showcase champion near 80” TTT. Awesome producer.
Great conformation with beautiful horns. AI & breeding information announced prior
to and at the Legacy. Retaining exceptional offspring. You will go to the bank with
this dam and you won’t be disappointed.
lll eRiCa
Buck & Sharon adams
DoB: 10/1/03
pH: 7/3
Reg: C225888
BReeDing: Exposed to Farlap Chex 12/1/10-3/1/11.
oveRloRD c p
inDian giRl 636
Delta eRica
Delta tWiligHt
comments: OCV’d. On her way to an 80” TTT cow. Seven year old Boomerang
daughter with over 75” TTT now! We have retained two outstanding daughters for
our herd. Bred to Farlap Chex for a potential Longhorn World Championship
champion! Current palpation and measurements available on sale date.
BoomeRang c p
teXana tequila
Joe & lorinda valentine
Reg: C233720
pH: 513
DoB: 1/3/05
BReeDing: Exposed to Hot Playboy 9/1/10-11/15/10.
aWesome viagRa
monaRcH 103
aWesome BaBe
fanDango’s Dusty BaBe
comments: OCV’d. Another outstanding Awesome Viagra daughter that has added great
genetics to our program. “Tequila” turned 70” TTT as a 4 year old. She now measures 72” TTT
(Nov 2010). Her dam Awesome Babe is by the great Monarch 103. We are retaining her previous
heifers--the last by Tejas Star and magnificent. She is bred back to Hot Playboy who is 72-1/4”
TTT (Nov 2010). This mating will be outstanding and packed with super genetics. We are happy
to present her to you at The Legacy. Palpated 12/9/10 “safe in calf”. Sells with 2 straws of JP
Rio Grande semen for following year’s breeding.
HuBBell’S Rio RivieRa
george & peggy Wilhite
Reg: CI253377
DoB: 4/24/07
pH: 710
BReeDing: AI’d to Tempter 7/8/10.
Jp Rio gRanDe
HuBBell’s RivieRa
J.R. gRanD slam
tx W lucky laDy
tHe sHaDoW
RiveR Rose
comments: OCV’d. Royal breeding. Out of the three times Ultimate Bull JP Rio
Grande. Measurements on November 30 were 69-3/4” TTT, 80” total horn, 12-1/2”
base. Will be heavy bred to Tempter. Has been projected by Mark Hubbell to reach
78” TTT.
BS goRgeouS maKeR
Bow & Sylvia Carpenter
DoB: 3/15/09
pH: 120
Reg: CI268307
BReeDing: Exposed to Mesquite 1/2/11-Sale Date.
gR gRanD unlimiteD
possum Queen
DoDe’s BluBoy fm884
goRgeous laDy
viB’s 249 D
comments: OCV’d. Obviously the breeding of Peacemaker 44 and Gorgeous
Lady worked. Plus I have her full 2010 sister that looks just like her. So I’m doubly
excited. This young heifer will just be 2 on 3/15/11. She has a lot of TTT plus total
horn and has the thickness to go with the width. This is an outstanding heifer that
is on her way to producing some awesome calves. Bred to Mesquite. Mesquite has
produced some incredible heifers. Bringing well over $20,000 each. Take a good look
peacemakeR 44
niCo legaCy
mountain Creek longhorns
DoB: 1/20/99
pH: 919
Reg: 248666(AI)
BReeDing: Exposed to Awesome Martin Luther 6/1/10-3/1/11.
RangeR’s measles
Delta genie
Big D’s texas staR
comments: OCV’d. A 1400# Emperor daughter that sports 73-1/2” of TTT horn.
This cow has been a very good flush cow for us as well as raising several natural
calves. This cow is a tremendous milker. She is bred to Awesome Martin Luther
which should produce a black or black and white calf. Millennium Futurity eligible.
aWeSome SugaR BaBy
Bill Hudson, Jr.
Reg: C259787
pH: 01/8
DoB: 6/16/2008
BReeDing: Exposed to KC Just Respect 6/21/10-7/14/10.Exposed to Sit-
tin Bull 12/7/10-2/1/11.
aWesome viagRa
aWesome ellie
aWesome RangeR 05/0
aWesome petite
comments: OCV’d. Awesome Sugar Baby measured 57-1/2” TTT on her second
birthday. On 10/16/10, at 28 months old, she measured 61-5/8” TTT. If she keeps
growing at this same rate, she should be close to 70” TTT on her third birthday. She
is heavy bred to KC Just Respect, our 75” TTT herd sire. This heifer is destined for
greatness. I do not know if I have ever had one with this much horn at this young age.
RRR miSS Hot StuFF 868
Dick & peg lowe
Reg: CAI267587
DoB: 9/5/08
pH: 868
BReeDing: Exposed to RRR Q Jay’s Edge 909 7/15/10-11/1/10.
caHills Hot fRanci
J. R. Hot Damn
magpie 781
comments: OCV’d. Miss Hot Stuff is what we all are striving to raise. She is a
big beautiful heifer with a ton of horn. She was 61-1/8” TTT at 26 months old. She
won bronzes at the World Championship and at the Horn Showcase. Her dam is in the
70’s TTT who is out of JR Hot Damn, a Grand Slam son. Her sire is Roundup, and
we all know what he has done, some of the biggest horned animals in the breed.
Futurity eligible. Don’t miss out. She is bred to RRR Q Jay’s Edge 909, a WS
Jamakizm son, for a spring calf. Should be a great cross!
HuntS ReSpeCteD leXi
Doug & Dianne Hunt
pH: 01
Reg: CI231063
BReeDing: AI’d to JP Rio Grande 7/20/10. Exposed to Respect Me 8/20/1010/20/10.
Hunts empeRoR
Hunts commanD Respect
miss RoDeo ameRica
DoB: 7/30/04
Hunts WHo empRess
Wm empeRoRs Runamuck
l tickleD pink
comments: OCV’d. Hard to part with this cow--best I have raised in 25 years as
a breeder. She is Showcase champion 2 times--TTT and complete horn. She is the
longest horned daughter of Hunts Command Respect in the world. I think the calf
will be out of Respect Me. I have a Respect Me heifer out of her this year, one of my
very best weanlings. Her horns are 78+. I think she will be 79+ by sale time and 80”
in her 6th year.
SoCiety gal 328
Ben & ann gravett
DoB: 5/8/08
pH: 328
Reg: 253266
BReeDing: Exposed to Sittin Bull 5/15/10-9/20/10.
einstein cHex
soutHeRn loco
eot outBack BomBeR
WpR DeButante
comments: OCV’d. What do you look for in a predictable producer?
Conformation, color, body, attitude, all crossed with the right bull! Here is a clean,
feminine, correct, gentle as a dead pig heifer with wonderful horn growth bred to the
hottest bull out there. This is what legends are made of. Millennium Futurity eligible
means her calf is too! This is one cow whose calf could win you some money at the
Futurity. Confirmed safe for a June 2011 Sittin Bull calf.
soutHeRn Risky Business
WiRegRaSS tiaRa
Joe graddy
Reg: 255284
pH: 887/8
DoB: 6/11/08
BReeDing: Exposed to Wiregrass Walker 3/1/10-Sale Date.
gf Heavy HitteR
HitteRs little Rug Rat
gf maRfa
gun smoke
WiRegRass peaRl
WiRegRass QuiBBleR
comments: This brindle heifer is very much like the one that I sold at Red McCombs’
sale in 2010. Her sire is GF Hitters Little Rug Rat who is sired by GF Heavy Hitter, who has a
pedigree like we wish we had in all our cows--”GF Fifi, Houston Solution, Acampo, G-Man”.
Put some of the Wiregrass in with it and it works--”Gun Smoke, Dixie Tide”--and she is bred to
a Gun Smoke son crossed with Horse Head Show Time. You could spend ten years trying to put
this together and not get it done. You buy her from a program.
aWeSome anDie
Rob & marcy Fenza
Reg: C239984
DoB: 5/16/05
pH: 10/5
BReeDing: Bull calf born 9/3/10 by NB Gin Boom. Exposed to Brandywine
Max 11/23/10-Sale Date.
aWesome viagRa
aWesome aBBy
BoomeRang cp
Jmc pHenomenal aBigail
comments: OCV’d. Awesome Andie is a tremendous Awesome Viagra daughter
out of Awesome Abby who is out of the great JMC Phenomenal Abigail and
Boomerang. She is a good mama and has given us 2 colorful flat-horned heifers and
a flashy bull calf by Gin Boom. If you want to add Awesome Viagra genetics to your
herd this young producer is a genetic goldmine. She is exposed to our Maximus son,
Brandywine Max.
BuRnin DayligHt
Jim & Barbara atwell
Reg: C218809
pH: 217
DoB: 4/11/02
BReeDing: Exposed to RHF Belle Shooter 7/14/10-8/26/10.
kelo cHex Bl039
RutleDge’s tWiligHt
Bl nigHt cHex
Bl laDy lil
i’m a Hot sHot too
l seRina tWiligHt
comments: OCV’d. This is a very special cow from the top of our herd. She is
the dam of our Top Caliber son, RHF Sharp Shooter, the reigning Longhorn World
Championship Horn Champion and Junior Get of Sire winner. Sharp Shooter will be
on display and his semen will be available at the 2011 Legacy Sale. Burnin Daylight
won the TTT competition at the ‘09 Championship. She has two more sons in our
herd with horns tracking those of Sharp Shooter. She sells with reserve. Calf due
April or May.
Deigo’S SanDHill
larry & Denise Stewart
Reg: C199565
pH: 1/0
DoB: 5/26/00
BReeDing: Exposed to Maximus ST 2/21/10-Sale Date.
Deigo’s empeRoR
sanDHill 602
Dixie empeRoR
Deigo’s tiny
texas fReckles
sanD cReek Quisty tWist
comments: Sandhill has consistently produced tight, colorful, flat horned offspring for us. Sporting over 70” of horn, she is an easy keeper that stays in good flesh.
She makes lots of milk and is a great and attentive mother. Her pedigree is filled with
some of the legends of the breed and her babies demonstate her breeding. She is being
exposed to our brindle 76”+ Maximus ST bull for a colorful, big-horned calf in the
spring of 2011.
eot outBaCK BetSy 441
Bow & Sylvia Carpenter
Reg: C228293
pH: 441
DoB: 8/19/04
BReeDing: Heifer born 9/10/10 by Hot Playboy. Exposed to Hot Playboy
11/1/10-Sale Date.
oveRloRD c p
BoomeRang c p
inDian giRl 636
Dixie JokeR
Delta cHeRyl
comments: OCV’d. Here is a complete Longhorn cow. One of the best cows that
Boomerang CP sired and out of the great Delta Betsy cow. She sells with a heifer calf
out of my Joe Valentine bull Hot Playboy and bred back the same way. Tremendous
horn on this cow with conformation to go with it. Great 3-in-1 package.
Delta Betsy
lll leWeZe’S 7e5
mike & Debbie Bowman
Reg: CTI242500
pH: 7E5
DoB: 6/3/05
BReeDing: Exposed to Majestic Admiral EOT 29/5 6/17/10-9/24/10.
Watson 83
gun smoke
Delta JuDy
eot cHeRRypickeR’s leWeze
taBasco’s lezaWe
comments: OCV’d. This outstanding cow is a true “Legacy” consignment and is
a multiple Horn Champion! We have a bull & heifer out of this cow and it’s time to
share her with the Longhorn world. She has been palpated bred to our Boomerang CP
son “Majestic Admiral” for a 2011 spring calf that will be outstanding. She is a
milking machine and will enhance anyone’s program! She should be in the 80” TTT
club on or before her 6th birthday!
teXana van HoRne
Jim & Barb Steffler
pH: 426
Reg: CT239487
BReeDing: Exposed to WS Amazon 8/15/10-9/30/10.
HeaDlineR ff248
Dixie top Deck
Delta van HoRne
Delta vixen
comments: OCV’d. One of the very best cows in the breed! Youngest true black
cow to reach the 70” mark (42 months)! Grew 2-1/4” in last year to reach 77-3/4 as a
five year old!! Destined to be in the mid 80’s. Her pedigree is as good as it gets. She
is the 4th straight generation of females to go over 70” TTT & has an 83” paternal
grand dam!! Tremendous horn, outstanding color & fantastic pedigree!!
el Coyote Ranch
DoB: 10/24/99
pH: 967
Reg: C200488
BReeDing: Exposed to Expeditious ECR 10/2/10-3/18/11.
Don Julio
steRling pRincess
Delta DiamonD
Jk steRling 262
s-e RangeR pRincess
comments: This is your opportunity to own an outstanding female with an abundance of
horn and genetics. Julio’s Princess is an own daughter of Don Julio and Sterling Princess. She
measures 68” TTT and an award winning 102-3/8” of total horn. She sells bred to our exciting
young Tari Graves grandson Expeditious ECR. Julio’s Princess can provide a solid foundation
for any program; don’t miss the opportunity to own this outstanding female. Updated breeding
and measurement information will be available on sale day.
BH tigeR StRipe
Frank & michelle Hevrdejs
Reg: C219031
pH: 35
DoB: 5/14/03
BReeDing: Exposed to Cowtown ST 4/1/10-8/16/10.
not gunna
not Dot
l commanD’s payBack
BH spottie Dottie
ltl vision’s vivian
comments: OCV’d. Big striped brindle cow with very nice twisty horn. She is
bred to Horn Showcase winner, Cowtown ST for a March calf. Great top lines include
Texas Star, Gunner and Not Gunna. The calf could really be outstnding. Palpated 3
months bred to Cowtown ST on 9/14/10.
eot SenSoR’S tWo eyeS
larry & Denise Stewart
Reg: C209712
DoB: 10/25/01
pH: 173
BReeDing: Exposed to Rio Diego 11/19/10-Sale Date.
so fouR eyes
ck HaWkeye
WittRock 412
comments: This impressive, flat horned cow has produced some spectacular
offspring for us by two different herd sires. We are keeping her 2010 heifer as a
replacement. Two Eyes, who is a descendant of the famous Four Eyes cow, is a good
mother that breeds back like clockwork. She is a perfect example of what her sire was
capable of with big sturdy horns and nice tight lines. She is exposed to Rio Deigo
(75-5/8” TTT) for a summer calf.
J. R. gleeFul
larry & Denise Stewart
Reg: C224863
pH: 566
DoB: 5/19/96
BReeDing: Exposed to Rio Diego 10/26/10-Sale Date.
Julio’S pRinCeSS 967
J.R. Joyful
gf g-man
J.R. Rangago
J.R. Joy
comments: This big bodied, gentle Gunman daughter measured 75-7/8” in
October of 2010. She has produced some very nice offspring and even her
grandbabies are making a name for themselves. In fact, history may well demonstrate
that this gal had a major influence on the breed. She is being exposed to Rio Diego
who measured 75-5/8” at 41 months for a cross that will surely produce a colorful,
flat horned calf.
allenS 235
Bow & Sylvia Carpenter
Reg: CI249687
pH: 235/07
DoB: 5/15/07
BReeDing: AI’d to JP Rio Grande with sexed semen. Exposed to Hot Playboy
1/20/11-Sale Date.
gun smoke
gun slingeR
eot cHeRRypickeR’s leWeze
lll caspeR
Remington 519/9
gHost RiDeR 005
comments: OCV’d. This beautiful cow is NOT even 4 years old yet. She has more horn at
this age than any other cow I have ever had and that even includes Sabrina who sold for $84,000
a couple of years ago. She has excellent color, size, udder and conformation. Another fine
example of a real Texas Longhorn. This is the cow of the future. Again this is what we are
wanting to breed. I’m keeping her late 2010 heifer calf out of Hot Playboy. AI’d to JP Rio
Grande and exposed to Hot Playboy.
BH BoomeRang’S pHenomena
Richard & Jeanne Filip
Reg: 250565
pH: 71
DoB: 2/12/07
BReeDing: Exposed to RJF Sittin Rounder 12/1/10-Sale Date.
oveRloRD c p
inDian giRl 636
s&l’s pHenomenal tRuDy
Delta tRuDy
comments: Mr. Bowman has proven this time and time again that Boomerang
CP works best over a Phenomenon daughter. This young lady is on her way to 80”
TTT and should be well into the 100’s in total horn. She comes to you bred to RJF
Sittin Rounder. The only reason she is here is we have to bring one of our best to the
Legacy. 70-3/4” TTT and 84-13/16” TH on 10/10/10. All offspring are Millennium
Futurity eligible.
BoomeRang c p
HuntS ReSpeCteD Jenny
Doug & Dianne Hunt
Reg: 240339
pH: 11
DoB: 5/25/04
BReeDing: Exposed to Respect Me 7/20/10-11/10/10.
Hunts empeRoR
Hunts commanD Respect
miss RoDeo ameRica
Hunt’s JupiteR
Hunts JupiteR WHyoming
Hunts WHo empRess
comments: OCV’d. This is one of my very, very best cows. Her 1st 2 calves were
herd sires, one for Jimmie Jones and Nancy Dunn, the other for Todd Johnson. She
has placed in both Longhorn World Championship and Showcase measurement contests. We flushed this cow to WS Jamakizm, a great brindle 82” horned bull. We got
6 grade A embryos. We will send 2 of these embryos to the winning bidder at no cost.
Jenny is in her upper 60’s TTT and 80’s total horn. She is bred to 84” Respect Me.
pC oaKieS ReD RoSe
Johnnie & pat Robinson
DoB: 3/12/02
pH: 440/2
Reg: C220272
BReeDing: Exposed to JP Grand Triple Slam 5/10-3/11.
RangeRs impact
Wix RangeRetee 505c
tRi-W killin time
tRi-W okies Rose
tRi-W okie fine
comments: Oakies Red Rose is one of the prettiest Longhorn cows we have
owned. Her lateral horns are in the 79-80” TTT range. We have several embryo
calves from the mating of her and Grand Slam. Take a close look at this one. They
don’t come much better.
impacts ReaR aDmiRal
lll laSSie
pH: 69/5
Reg: 253325
BReeDing: Exposed to Sittin Bull 5/25/10-9/20/10.
gun smoke
lll classy lass
Watson 83
Delta JuDy
WHelming image
pHenomenon’s classy laDy
comments: This is a cross we’re all looking for--Gun Smoke cow bred to Sittin
Bull. This Larry Stewart bred female is exactly what Gun Smoke is notorious for
producing--a lot of horn, correct body, color. Imagine what her calf will be. This
is what foundation females are made of. She and her calf are Millennium Futurity
eligible. Confirmed safe for April 2011 Sittin Bull calf.
tCC DaiSy
Reg: C250501
pH: 710
DoB: 3/29/07
BReeDing: Exposed to Blue Caliber 6/1/10-12/1/10.
BoomeRang cp
tg flasH
2B empRess
eot JunipeR
Delta JunipeR
comments: OCV’d. Outstanding 3 year old TG Flash heifer. Blood tested and
palpated bred to our young herd sire Blue Caliber, son of Top Caliber. She should
reach 70” TTT by sale date. She is Millennium Futurity eligible. Hard to part with her
but take a good long look at her and picture her in your herd.
pRingle giRl
Reg: C217187
DoB: 4/19/03
pH: 20/3
BReeDing: Heifer calf born 10/19/10 by Sittin Bull. AI’d back to Sittin Bull.
eot WHelming coDy
WHelming pRingle
koDiak 249
WHelming sissie
WHelming king
pRingle pop
comments: OCV’d. This is a great looking cow straight from the heart of the
G&G Longhorn program. Beautiful twisty horns that are perfect. Great udder and
calves every 11 months. Beautiful heifer calf at side by none other than Sittin Bull.
Plus she will be AI’d back to Sittin Bull
cp laDy linDsey 20/4
WHelming laney
WR tRails
ciRcle D 20WR linDsey
comments: OCV’d. This cow is bred to Feisty Lee Jr. who has proven himself
time and time again. Feisty Lee Jr. is the sire of both bulls that have bred 3 of the
other heifers in this sale. A great cow that raises great calves.
eteRnal taRi HeiFeR By Sittin Bull
Jim & Barb Steffler
BReeDing: Not Exposed.
sittin Bull
ecR eteRnal taRi 206
Hunts commanD Respect
Don Julio
eteRnally taRi
comments: OCV’d. Here is your opportunity to obtain genetics from the very
TOP of the breed. An own daughter of one of the hottest, best producing bulls in
the breed out of an 82” TTT grand daughter of Tari Graves. Eternal Tari has already
produced a 2 year old heifer that’s in the mid 60’s TTT!!
pHenomenal love 019
Steve & Cyd Jordan
Reg: C200513
pH: 019
DoB: 3/18/00
BReeDing: AI’d to JP Rio Grande.
DoHeRty 698
Delta love WoRks
Delta cHaBlis
comments: OCV’d. El Coyote bred foundation cow. She is large bodied with
72”+ TTT. A very fertile, good temperament cow with no holes. She is the best cow
we have ever purchased and has been instrumental in starting some great genetics for
our herd. We retain two heifers. She will take any herd to the next level. This is the
real deal!!!
Joe & Becca munsch
Rex mosser
WHelming king
Bill & Judy meridith
WHelming linDSey
Reg: C213281
pH: 30/2
DoB: 7/4/02
BReeDing: Exposed to Feisty Lee Jr. 2/22/10-Sale Date.
Ben & ann gravett
DoB: 7/1/05
Dan & Kathy Coppoletta
Reg: CI238890
pH: 236
DoB: 2/3/06
BReeDing: Exposed to Star Base Commander 8/27/10-10/16/10.
poWeR play BcB
RutleDge’s DingeR
miss someWay someHoW
RutleDge’s miss someWHat
comments: OCV’d. Sommerstar is out of a “Dinger” daughter and goes back
to the awesome Tabasco. She is confirmed safe to Starbase Commander for an early
June 2011 calf. She’ll take a top place in a composite division. She measures 13”
bases and 101” total horn and 65” TTT.
photo of Dam
SunHaven Diego’S ginny
Wes & Carol Chancey
pH: 207
Reg: 251155
BReeDing: Bull calf by Dancer Chex born 9/6/10. Exposed to CWR Rio
Whisky 9/6/10-Sale Date.
fcf fRontieR Justice
fcf Justice Deigo
RutleDge’s miss Diego
DoB: 6/29/07
Bueno cHex
cp miss HonDo’s 574/2
comments: OCV’d. Here is a three-year-old beauty that it hurts to sell, but it’s
time to spread the wealth. She has long, lateral horns that are tracking to exceed 76”
TTT. She has a great bull calf at side by Dancer Chex 807 (JP Rio Grande son), who
won his class at the 2010 Longhorn World Championship. She is bred back to young
superstar Rio Whisky (our Rio Grande son) for a dynamite 3 in 1 package.
BR miss gingeR
DoB: 1/23/04
pH: 20/4
Reg: CI231664
BReeDing: Exposed to RZ Drifter 8/23/10-10/18/10.
J.R. seQuential
HoRse HeaD Hunky DoRy
HoRse HeaD fRosty
comments: OCV’d. JP Grand Dory is a JR Grand Slam daughter that has it all.
A true Longhorn in every way with lots of color and horn. She sells exposed to RZ
Drifter (a JP Rio Grande son with 70” TTT @ 34 mos.). I have kept 2 colorful heifers
out of her and am proud of them. Will have pregnancy results at sale. A true Legacy
J.R. gRanD slam
Bayou maJeSty
Bow & Sylvia Carpenter
Reg: CA182738
pH: 344
DoB: 2/8/97
BReeDing: Exposed to Peacemaker 44 9/15/10-Sale Date.
RangeR’s measles
Blue HoRn monaRcH
Bayou mistRess
Bayou Belle
comments: OCV’d. Here is one of the elite cows of the breed and a great pedigree to go with it. She has produced some exceptional calves that sell real well. She
has many years left to produce more terrific calves. Bayou is a big cow that always
looks great. Her horns are way in the 70’s and should reach 80”. I’m keeping her
2010 heifer calf as her replacement and she is bred back the same way to Peacemaker
44. Millennium eligible.
tC pueBlo SHaDoW
mountain Creek longhorns
Reg: 226491
DoB: 4/1/99
pH: 497/9
BReeDing: Exposed to Awesome Martin Luther 6/1/10-3/1/11.
tHe sHaDoW
pueBlo Rc
gooD fRiDay
letHal Weapon
comments: OCV’d. A huge framed brindle cow that sports over 90” of total horn.
We have several bulls and heifers out of this cow and all of them are showing
tremendous horn growth. Lot # H15 is an own daughter out of this cow and Top
Caliber as proof. Pueblo sells bred to Awesome Martin Luther, our 74” black bull for
what should be a black or black and white calf. Millennium Futurity eligible.
Richard & Jeanne Filip
gun smoke
pcc Rave
Watson 83
Delta JuDy
J. R. Dani
comments: Here is one of the best animals to come off of the Lazy L Ranch.
Her sire, Gun Smoke, has produced an 80” TTT daughter as well as many that are in
their 70’s. His dam Delta Judy was a great producing cow. She comes to you bred to
LLL Maxamillion, one of our herd sires that is doing a great job putting size, color,
conformation, and great disposition on all of his calves. All offspring are Millennium
Futurity eligible.
Richard e. Carroll
lll gunSmoKeS miSS Raven
Reg: CI258784
pH: 30/7
DoB: 10/9/07
BReeDing: Exposed to LLL Maxamillion 5/20/10-Sale Date.
Jp gRanD DoRy
yo SaSSy SupeRBoWl 4609
Bow & Sylvia Carpenter
Reg: CI243896
pH: 4609
DoB: 12/29/05
BReeDing: Exposed to Hot Playboy 7/1/10-Sale Date.
supeR BoWl
yo sassy WinD 4320
BounceR BlenD
Rm WHiRlWinD WR 7/7
yo sassy WHiRl 3358
comments: OCV’d. Sassy just turned 5 a couple of months ago. She has it all and
then some. Check out her pedigree. Great color to go with those tremendous horns.
I’m keeping her 5/5/10 heifer calf out of Mesquite. She is a beautiful brindle. Sassy
comes off the YO and as with most cows off the YO she may be a little skittish in the
sale ring. But she works really nice in the pens and the chute. Great mama and is bred
to Hot Playboy for a spring calf. I feel this is a tremendous offering for years to come.
lll gunmanS miSty
larry & Denise Stewart
Reg: CI233682
pH: 37/3
DoB: 5/3/03
BReeDing: Exposed to Rio Diego 10/26/10-Sale Date.
gunna zWink
cRoss oveR Belle
Rocket man
gunman’s mist
viRtual vapoR
comments: Misty is the total package. Size, color, disposition, horn and did I
mention color! She is one of the first ones that people notice in the pasture and a
pleasrue to be around. Her calves are super gentle and colorful and have always sold
as fast as she could produce them. She is being bred to our Champion Bull Rio Diego
for a summer calf.
RR gunna Be oveR
alySSa leigH
Rex mosser
Reg: C255321
pH: 244
DoB: 1/24/08
BReeDing: Exposed to Super Star Lee 6/19/10-Sale Date.
DiamonD W pay casH
zD kelly
Delta uRsula
vJ tommie (aka unlimiteD)
ecR tammy 216
Queen makeR
comments: OCV’d. This young cow has been a great young cow. I hate to see
her go. Alyssa Leigh is exposed to Super Star Lee who was 65-7/8” at 33 months.
This young heifer will look great in anyone’s pasture because she does in mine.
WiRegRaSS Kaila
Joe graddy
DoB: 4/16/09
pH: 56/9
BReeDing: Not exposed.
Reg: 253075
gf Heavy HitteR
gf maRfa
gun smoke
WiRegRass foxxy-ReD
WiRegRass meRcuRy
comments: This young heifer is from a practical program where I do my very
best to produce a better program than what I produced last. This heifer has genes
from Glendenning’s bull GF Heavy Hitter, son of G-Man, and on his dam’s side,
Houston Solution and GF Fifi. Then from the Wiregrass program Gun Smoke and
Wiregrass Mercury, who is from the Phenomenon bloodline. This heifer will be a
mighty good one and will develop into an outstanding cow. Use your program to
continue developing outstanding cattle by using what I have produced. Enjoy!!!
HitteRs little Rug Rat
SHamRoCK Sittin StaRlite
Jim & Barb Steffler
DoB: 6/23/09
pH: 159
BReeDing: Not Exposed.
Reg: CTI268379
Hunts commanD Respect
BoomeRang cp
staRligHt’s DeligHt
comments: OCV’d. If you like premium heifers this is the one for you!! Lets talk
pedigree--A Sittin Bull daughter out of Boomerang & Starlight daughter! Let’s talk
horn--Sittin Starlite measured an incredible 43.25” TTT at only 16 months old! She
projects to be past 60” TTT at 2 years old and well into the 80’s at maturity.
sittin Bull
love St
Joe graddy
Reg: CI247949
pH: 72
DoB: 3/29/07
BReeDing: Exposed to Wiregrass Guns A Smokin 3/1/10-5/1/10. Exposed to
LPA Guffer’s Red 5/10/10-Sale Date.
iRon mike st
faitH st
Hunts commanD Respect
maximus st
st Hope
comments: This is one combination that you don’t go out and find very often. Sired by
Iron Mike, dam Faith ST who is sired by Maximus ST. Being bred to Wiregrass Guns A Smokin
sired by Gun Smoke, dam Horse Head Show Time. For those of you that know, this is about as
much Longhorn genetics as you can put together. Love is beginning her blue roan color
development. This is a color that you don’t find very often. The bull Wiregrass Guns A Smokin
has a gene that produces this color. So you might get a calf that will also develop into a blue!
This is an easy going cow, good mother, and has a good milk factory. Enjoy!!!
585 SHooting StaR
george & laureen gennin
Reg: 247819
pH: 132
DoB: 2/24/03
BReeDing: Exposed to Grass Roots Big Super 6/1/10-9/1/10.
585 oveRWHelming toRo
585 special BRooke
toRo negRo
coopeR’s oveRWHelmeR
gf soutHBRooke
l special sally
comments: OCV’d. This is an outstanding cow to add to your breeding program.
Superb genetics, great mother with good milk, always produces outstanding calves.
Very gentle and easy to handle. Exposed to Gennin Longhorns’ Grass Roots Big
Super (77” TTT) for a spring calf. This combination has produced outstanding calves
in the past and this calf should also be superb.
aSoCl Deigo’S laDy empReSS
Rick Friedrich & tracey Brown
Reg: C212476
pH: 22
DoB: 8/11/02
BReeDing: Exposed to Sweet Chex 2/7/10-Sale Date.
l tHe investoR
Deigo’s investment
ltl Hot sHot sHaDy laDy
l commanD’s payBack
gJ miss culpepeR
ltl impRessive miss
comments: OCV’d. She is one of my best producers. She was 68-1/2” TTT on
11/26/10. She is well marked with small spots that are three different colors. Two of
her recent calves have been tri-colored. She is the dam of one of my 70” bulls
(Stopper). She is a big square cow. She is gentle and she raises a big calf. There are
no holes in this cow...she is a Legacy Lady in every way. Her TTT increased 2” in
2010. Her last calf was born 2/7/10. She was exposed to Sweet Chex from 2/7/10 to
sale date, so she should sell with a new calf at side.
HalleluJaH 07
Frank & michelle Hevrdejs
Reg: C198772
DoB: 3/5/00
pH: 07
BReeDing: Bull calf born 11/17/10 by LLL Maxamillion. Exposed to Dancing
Bull 12/10/10-Sale Date.
Watson 83
Watson 143
Watson 127
DH cReekmoRe’s gloRy
Jk cReekmoRe
l commanD’s gloRy
comments: OCV’d. Look at the perfect twisty 70” horns on this very
colorful cow. Lots of production left in her. Has a beautiful bull calf at side from LLL
Maxamillion. Put her in your front pasture and you will get a lot of attention. Had an
incredible heifer calf last year.
aSoCl FaDeD DReamS
matt & noelle Hill
DoB: 3/20/03
pH: 3/62
Reg: C215772
BReeDing: Exposed to TCC Champion 3/12/10-Sale Date.
coal smoke
impRessive cHoice
taBa Diego
Deigo’s June 714
and if you like horns, then you owe it to yourself to
consider adding Faded Dreams to your program. She is the perfect cow for the Legacy Sale. Beautiful solid
grulla coloration that dapples with her winter coat. She just measured 69” TTT. She has grown 2” this past
year, so she should break the 70” mark this next year. She is easily one of the largest horned grulla cows in the
business. To top it all off she is extremely gentle and well mannered. She is bred to TCC Champion, our 72”
(and still growing) black and white paint son of the great TG Flash. She has passed on her coloration to many
of her progeny. All offspring are Millennium Futurity eligible. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to take
home one of the best. For more information please visit
pH: 73
Reg: C222311
BReeDing: AI’d to Drag Iron on 8/4/10. Exposed to RZ Drifter 8/23/1010/18/10.
calpat’s coRDeRo
geRtie BH 117
ctl kings catulla
ctl veRas WonDa iii
comments: OCV’d. Demistar is a gorgeous tri-colored speckled granddaughter of
the legendary Phenomenon. She is sporting 73” TTT and still growing! I am retaining
a bull and heifer out of her. Lots of horn with color, too. She is one of my best and
I hate to part with her. Exposed to RZ Drifter (a JP Rio Grande son 70” @ 34 mos.)
from 8/23/10 to 10/18/10. Will have pregnancy results later.
Rtl silveR lace
CS Satin n laCe
larry & Barbara Shepherd
Reg: CI204461
pH: 91
DoB: 7/2/01
BReeDing: Exposed to M Arrow Dazzler 6/1/10-Sale Date.
J.R. seman
J. R. seQuential
tuRBo Jet
lp satin
lp silk stockings
comments: OCV’d. Known to us as “Lacy”, this spectacular cow consistently
presents us with some of our best and most colorful calves every spring. Lacy is a
J.R. Seman daughter and has the horns to prove it. Her brindle and tri-color speckled
face, spots and stockings, along with great conformation make her the ultimate
package for anyone’s pasture. Exposed to M Arrow Dazzler, Lacy should be ready to
calve again just about Legacy time. We are reserving her ‘09 heifer as a replacement.
For more information on Lacy visit us at
CB eileen
John & Darlene nelson
Reg: 245666
DoB: 8/18/06
pH: 7/6
BReeDing: Exposed to CB Marco Polo 6/16/10-9/17/10.
cB mems pRemieR
no DouBle
ot supeRioR’s DRoopy
DiamonD W pay cHex
cB pinaR
comments: OCV’d. Good looking young cow with lots of heavy horn. She was
sired by the well known bull Unlimited (AI) who was known to produce lots of horn.
The lineage on her dam’s side goes back to Diamond W Pay Chex and Highway Man.
What a pedigree! She was bred to CB Marco Polo (See the October Playmate in the
2011 Longhorn Celebrity Calendar). We saw her bred on June 16, 2010 and ultra
sound testing has confirmed that breeding date.
lll SeSame
larry & Denise Stewart
Reg: CI234264
pH: 7/4
DoB: 7/18/04
BReeDing: AI’d to Rio Diego 6/24/10.
Watson 83
Delta JuDy
J.R. gRanD slam
J. R. sassie
J. R. lassie
comments: This young lady is a daughter of the great Gun Smoke bull that
again won two bronzes at this year’s Longhorn World Championship. She is quite a
looker and we are keeping her last heifer calf as a replacement for her. She has been
confirmed bred to Rio Diego that measured 75-5/8” at 41 months old for what will be
an outstanding horn champion prospect calf.
gun smoke
Richard e. Carroll
DoB: 7/26/03
RC SmoKing Hot amBeR
Zech Dameron iii
Reg: CT258478
pH: 852
DoB: 5/3/08
BReeDing: Exposed to ZD Jamadan 7/1/10-Sale Date.
zD kelly
Rc smoking amBeR
DiamonD W pay casH
Delta uRsula
gun smoke
Rc WHite featHeR
comments: OCV’d. This is a beautiful 2-1/2 year old heifer who had 58” at 29
months of age. She has the “hook” which indicates lateral horn growth. She is out of
ZD Kelly, one of the best horn producers in the breed according to Rex Mosser. Bred
to ZD Jamadan. Retaining July ‘10 Drag Iron heifer.
allenS pHenomal ClaSSiC
Wes & Carol Chancey
pH: 149/04
DoB: 4/16/04
BReeDing: AI’d to Sittin Bull.
Reg: 253413
Rm WHiRlWinD WR 7/7
yo classic yates 3271
pHenomenal Bitty
l monaRcH’s Bitty Ho
comments: OCV’d. This beautiful roan would be a bright spot in anyone’s
pasture. She has a very feminine face with long swooping horns. Her pedigree is
packed--Phenomenon and Monarch on the bottom and RM Whirlwind on the top.
She produced a gorgeous Rio Grande heifer that we are retaining and has been AI’d
to Sittin Bull for a 2011 calf. What a combination!
yo classic WHiRl
WeStFaRmS painteD lily
Bow & Sylvia Carpenter
Reg: C241925
pH: 6/6
DoB: 4/30/06
BReeDing: Exposed to Hot Playboy 9/1/10-Sale Date.
DespeRaDo’s santa fe 67
Dynamite mc 46
Jackie lynn 76
mesQuite mc 59
Jackie lynn 311
Jackie lynn 2951
comments: OCV’d. Painted Lily is NOT even 5 yet and sports some terrific
horns that go with her beautiful coloring. Nice size cow with really good
conformation. She will be an asset for many years to come. This is the type of cow
we all want in our pastures. I’m keeping her 8/7/10 heifer calf out of Playboy as her
replacement and she is bred back to Hot Playboy for a summer calf. Look what you
have here and again not even 5 years old.
Rm SupeR CaRmela 350
Steve & Rene azinger
DoB: 9/30/05
pH: 350
Reg: CI243238
BReeDing: Exposed to Totem Pole 1/1/11-Sale Date.
BounceR BlenD
yo Reveille WinD 1720
Rm caRmela WHiRl
yo caRmelita WHiRl
comments: OCV’d. This is the Legacy so we brought the best we have ever
owned. Carmela is a cow with a great personality, good milker, very fertile, and has
been a good producer for us. She has a beautiful set of horns and will improve
anyone’s herd. We are keeping two of her heifers as replacements.
supeR BoWl
HCC geoRgia giRl
H.C. & lynnda Carter
DoB: 5/12/05
pH: 475
BReeDing: Exposed to Revenue 108.
Reg: 250747
vJ tommie
Jm manDy
impacts ReaR aDmiRal
B’s oma DaRlin
WRangleR’s DaRlin
comments: OCV’d. Here is another outstanding daughter of B’s Oma Darlin
sired by JM Sue. Just a baby with outstanding conformation and more horns than
you’ll see on most 8 to 10 year olds. Palpated on 1/3/11 and she is 7-1/2 months safe
in calf to Revenue 108, our VJ Tommie herd sire. She should calf by sale date.
Jm sue
096-HCC SpRingtime gal
H.C. & lynnda Carter
Reg: C244139
pH: 96
DoB: 3/25/06
BReeDing: Heifer calf born 6/14/10 by Revenue 108. Exposed to Rev-
enue 108.
Bo Jangles cHex
B’s oma DaRlin
Delta taRi
impacts ReaR aDmiRal
WRangleR’s DaRlin
comments: OCV’d. Here is one of the best “B’s Oma Darlin” in the breed. She
has produced sons and daughters that have been our best dollar producers. Palpated
on 1/3/11 and she is 3 months safe in calf by Revenue 108, our VJ Tommie top herd
sire. Heifer calf at side born 6/14/10 out of Revenue 108. Here is an outstanding 3 in
1 package.
sale Day pHones:
Jim Curry
(817) 319-5556
Tessa Millsap
(254) 315-6548
Bruce McCarty, Weatherford, TX
sale commentaRy:
Dale Hunt, Fort Worth, TX
sales office:
Bruce McCarty Promotions
cattle HanDling:
Hancock Cattle Services
(254) 379-3516
Dr. David Fry, DVM
Hotel HeaDQuaRteRs:
Hyatt Regency North Dallas
(972) 619-1234
aiR tRanspoRtation:
Dallas Love Field and Addison Airport
sale cattle Display:
Sale cattle will be available for viewing
starting at 8AM on Friday, March 18, 2011.
HealtH teRms:
All cattle selling will be accompanied with a
valid health certificate to be shipped anywhere
in the continental United States.
Reliable cattle haulers will be available sale
teRms & conDitions:
All cattle sell under the terms and conditions
listed in this catalog.
Cash or check at end of sale
All persons attending the sale do so at their
own risk. The sale host and/or the sale
management and/or consignors assume no
liability for accidents, theft or damages on the
sale facility site.
Each animal will be sold to the highest bidder with reserve.
The auctioneer in charge will settle any disputes as to bids, and his decision on such matters shall be final.
Terms of the sale are cash or check to the clerk at the conclusion of the sale. Checks are made payable to the
Legacy Sale.
Immediately after the animal is sold, it will be the sole risk and responsibility of the buyer thereof, but possession cannot be obtained by until payment is made.
A certificate of registration will be furnished and transferred to the purchaser on each lot in the sale, including
calves at side.
Bidders should consider individual state requirements before purchasing.
Breeder guarantees are strictly between the individual consignor and the purchaser at the sale. All calves at side
are given to the purchaser free and carry no guarantee.
The purchaser must look to the seller for fulfillment of all guarantees and representations made hereunder.
The seller has furnished the information on the pedigrees of the animals announced.
All announcements from the auctioneer block shall take precedence over information printed in the catalog.
All persons who attend the sale do so at their on risk. Sale management and anyone connected with the sale assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents that may occur.
The above terms and guarantees shall constitute a contract between the buyer and seller of each animal sold. No
cattle may be loaded up until after the sale. All cattle must be out by noon Sunday, March 20, 2011.
Prospective buyers or bidders at the sale should listen carefully to all announcements made from the auction
block by the auctioneer, pedigree reader, or seller on each animal that is sold. Buyers should acquaint themselves with terms concerning the breeder status, fertility, and health papers on each animal sold. It is the responsibility of the buyer to be aware of health regulations for transportation of animals into the state of their residence. By doing so, a buyer can save himself many problems and also enable himself to be more competent and
qualified buyer.