SITE MAP - Bonnaroo
SITE MAP - Bonnaroo
NO VEHICLES PERMITTED LE BON TENTS FAMILY CAMPING ACCESSIBLE CAMP GROOP CAMPING Manchester Police Department - (931) 728-2099 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE / TOW TRUCKS / LOCKSMITH: TH 10 VE HA 9T AV E AV E TH 11 S ST 1ST ST WES WEST THE WOLF ZED HIGHWAY A AY TOLLBOOTH M EDDLEBERRY AVE 56. CAMP ALLISON REYNOLDS MP DWAY BROA WEST AV E 4 JOH JOHN TTAGGART TA AGGART AGGA RT 31. CAMP CLOUD C LLOUD CITY M LAKIN RD 52. CAMP A ACE VENTURA TUR TURA 44. CAMP LY G MI PIN FACAM ST N I E IBL G SS KIN CE AR AC AY P D ACCESS CENTER LOST L & FOUND MA THUNDERLIPS TENT ONLY L CAMPING LY MICKEY GOLDMILL POD PO 3 ND ST GA D 4 CAM6P. 3R ADRIE N! POINT VIP RV 1 VIP RV OASIS VIP A In the event of severe weather, all fans will be messaged via Stage Announcements and over a PA system from each POD. You can also tune into Radio Bonnaroo for info You can also tune into Radio Bonnaroo (WFTZ 101.5 FM) for info. GY PEGG PEGGY SON OLSON DON ROGER STERLING STERLING DRAPER 62. CAMP CAMPGROUNDS C CAMPG ROUNDS NO LIST S ST No weapons of any kind, fireworks, illegal substances, vending, glass containers, pets, glowsticks, laser pens or similar focused-light devices, bicycles, scooters or personal motorized vehicles will be permitted (this includes but is not limited to: golf carts, ATVs, motor scooters, powered skateboards, and airboats). NASHVILLE SHUTTLES DROP-OFF/PICK-UP & AIRPORT SHUTTLE DROP-OFF/PICK-UP For safety reasons any form of transportation that would carry you faster than a walking pace will not be allowed. This applies to all areas - camping, parking, in Centeroo/Main Venue, everywhere. T AVE VIP C WOOD PRE S E N TE D BY TBS LAND THE BONNAROO CINEMA WEATHER 69. CAMP MR. MILLS SOUTH 1S PATRONS WITH DISABILITIES PETE CAMPBELL E MEMORY LAN 70. CAMP VIP TOLLBOOTH VIP F 68. CAMP 7. 7 CAMP 67. 67.CAMP VIP H VIP B LOCKERS L OAN O JOAN HARRIS 2 VIP E ONLY L LY PENNY LANE 66.CAMP POD PO STT BROADWAY S EAS VIP Stop by the Access Center for further information about the Access Program and services. We are located just north of the Tower entrance to Centeroo. DUTCH T TCH VIP RV 2 ST STT 1ST ST S EAS TY T BETTY FRANCIS BOBBY B BY BROW O N OW BROWN 61.CAMP VIP RV 3 VIP G LE VIP SIBLE CCESSIB AC ACCES A ING ACCESS C CAMP PLANET ROO BIFF T TANNEN VIP RV 4 E AV VIP FERRIS BUELLER 57. 7 7. CAMP 65.CAMP JOHN KREESE JOHNNY LLAWRENCE LA AWRENCE AWRENCE 64. CAMP 56. CAMP EAST 2 45 . CAM P CLUB LANGBER NO P PA ATTR AT RO ON N VEHI CLES BEY 47. 7 CAMP 7. YOND THIS GOLF CART TAXI G N DILLO GA S ST 3RD ST S EAST 43. CAMP 63. CAMP 60. CAMP 55. CAMP SLO SLOANE LOANE LO OANE PETERSON ED ROONEY ROCKY K KY BALBOA O OA APOLLLO CREED 9 54. CAMP 42. CAMP VAN V IVAN A AGO DRAGO E AV H 30.CAMP 5T EMPEROR 26. 2 CAMP JEFF SPICOLI 41. CAMP RV OASIS R2D2 40. CAMP 39. CAMP PRINCIPA PRINCIPAL P L PA VERNON DARTH D DA RTH V VADER 18. CAMP POD PO 27. 2 7. 7. CAMP DET DET OOD OSEW ILLY’ R DET. ‘B 25. CA CHEWBACCA CHEWBAC A CA AC 21. CAMP 23. CAMP FOLEY 7 17. CAMP 1100 50. CAMP ROGER R ROGE R PODACTE PODA PODACTER R GOLF CART FESTI FESTIVAL S VAL STI V TAXI T THE GROVE LANDO CALRISSIAN ST ST WEST 1 22. CAMP AXEL 11. CAMP 10. CAMP THE GEEK D IE BLV BOOG VINCENT VEGA 20. CAMP JABBA THE HUTT 19. CAMP BOBA FETT 36. CAMP BRIAN JOHNSON PRINCE AKEEM D PS R 8. CAMP MARSELLUS WALLACE W WALL ALLACE ALLA ACE 35. CAMP CAMP CLAIRE STANDISH STA ST TAN ANDISH H 37. 7 7. CAMP GROOP CAMPING WEST S ST 2ND ST S ATE KINGOFFER AMP AMP LLA 87. C MIRE 72. 73. 79. C JAFFE J COM ST ST CAMP CAMP QUAG HAM ME RCE NORT AMP SEMMI CL O CLEO 80. C AVID ST D DERSON 90. CAMP E OWELL OWEL MCDOWEL MCDOWELL O R Y AR R 75 D O WH N W E POD PO KR MI . C L GL E POLA N ER E TH 4b. CAMPRO 74b. 74 7 D A T A HID NS SCHOOL LANE BEARS ME CH MP MP UKE A C EAST . 81 PH D LAT R 51. CAMP 74a. CAMP 7 WAY TOLLBOOTH OL ER ATE VA VATE PRIVA ROSE DR RAND RANDALL RANDA D LL DA JA PETE T TY 78 P PROPERTY W M E “ ” A K KE OP . C A RAYMOND R RA AYM AY YMOND PINK K FLO FLOYD LOY LO OYD YD NO 82. C ER DU ST HE AMP LNUT ING P SSING PA TRESPASS STANTZ S ST TANTZ TA NT TIM LIA DR 7.. CAMP 7 77. MOR POD PO AY AY RAY RA 83. CAMP YR LLY BILLY . CAMP 76 53. W WOLD NTINE VALENTINE VALE V CLARK GRISWOLD LLOUIS ORPE III CAMP WINTH D R DR PETER R H NC A 84. CAMP R B VENKMA VENKMAN K N KMA HY WOLD W SWOLD GRISWOLD Y GRI ST STTY RUSTY RUST BUS 71. CAMP LLOIS LOI S DR. EGO EEGON GON EINHORN EI N SPENGLER SPENGLE PENGLER R OLD O 9. CAMP HAN SOLO L LO MP GRIFFIN POC VE 1ST A LUKE SKYWALKER SKY KYW KY YWALKER WALKER 6. CAMP HANSEL 16. 6 6. CAMP ? AVE MAURY R RY BALLSTEIN S STEIN 15. CAMP M ADA TAXI PETER E 2ND AV HONEY BUNNY BLUEBERRY RD POD PO GOLF CART TTAXII TAX GOLF CART TAXI CRAFT/MERCH VENDORS 49. CAMP 48. CAMP WEST 4TH ST WEST ST 3RD ST S S ALL PODS INCLUDE T 1S ZZOOLANDER OOLANDER # RTH 6 3. CAMP POST REDEMPTION CENTER GENERAL STORE G R ST KATINKA K KA ATINKA ATINKA OFFICIAL MERCH VICTO POD PO CAR PARKING ACCESS POD PO TOLLBOOTHS 85. CA BUSHY BRANCH RD WEST S ST 2ND ST S 7 7. CAMP SHOWERS BEVERAGE CLEAN VIBES TRADING NO WEST TOLLBOOTH 2. CAMP 5. CAMP ICE WATER REFILL SAFETY STATION PLANTATION ST Hullett's Service Center - 931-224-0158 RV WATER PUMPING: United Site Services - (800) 864-5387 MUGATU A ATU FILTERED WATER MAIN HOSPITAL: Medical Center of Manchester - (931) 728-6354 POLICE: Coffee County Sheriff's Department - (931) 728-3591 4. CAMP INFORMATION SITE MAP IMPORTANT IMPORT RTA RT TANT NUMBERS BILLY LLY ZANE ATM SHADE TENT BARN 1. CAMP RESTROOMS 6T H CHARGING STATION PHONES AVE NO VEHICLES PERMITTED MEDICAL 7TH TENT ONLY CAMPING HA VE RV & COMPANION PARK MIST TENT M FOOD & BEVERAGE ST VIP 8T CAMP & PARK VENUE ENTRANCE VIP D HEADQUARTERS CAMPING AVE CAMPING GOLF CART T TAXI PRIMARY R RY MEDICAL COMPOUND ? CENTEROO ROO & MAIN VENUE R HOURS OF OPERATION Centeroo is the heart of the festival, where you’ll see performances, check out the vendors and explore all kinds of activities. It opens at noon on Thursday, June 9th, and will stay open non-stop, just like Las Vegas, until Sunday night at 10 pm. Adjacent to Centeroo is the Main Venue, where the What Stage is located. Its hours are different from Centeroo. The Main Venue opens at 3 PM on Friday & Saturday and 2 PM on Sunday. The Main Venue closes after the What Stage headliner takes their last bow on Sunday. The parking lot and campground will close at 3 pm on Monday, June 13th, 2016. BROAD BROADWAY O WA OAD WAY AY N I MA When you enter these areas, you’ll be searched and you must show your all-powerful wristband. You do not need to purchase another ticket for the various activities throughout Centeroo, with the exception of the Ferris Wheel and the Big Ass Water Slide. However, there is limited capacity to some areas and entry to the tents will be on a first come, first serve basis. FLUSHABLE TOILETS! DESIGNED TO CONNECT YOU FUEL THE FUN! PRESENTED BY GNC BIG ASS WATER SLIDE No cans or bottles of any kind, food (small snacks ok), alcohol (water ok), video recording devices, professional photography equipment or cameras with detachable lenses longer than two (2) inches (point-and-shoots without additional lenses are fine), totems taller than 6 feet and thicker than 1/2 inch (all totems must be made of light material: swim noodles, foam type material, cardboard tubes, fabric, paint, string, yarn, light plastic, balloons and/or blow up items - totems made of wood, metal and/or PVC material will NOT be allowed, this includes flag poles and heavy sticks), selfie sticks that extend longer than 40" and made of heavy material, laser pens or similar focused-light devices, lawn chairs, umbrellas or any other items that might impair the sightline of other spectators (including flags that contain metal pieces and/or that can be pounded into the ground). We reserve the right to add items to this list if necessary. We use an ultra-high security wristband system called RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) that equips each wristband with its own uniquely coded chip. Wristbands must be worn at all times. Your wristband will be scanned each time you enter/exit Centeroo, The Arch and when you enter/exit the campgrounds at the tollbooths. #ROOSHOES OUTFITTER BY TEVA SOLAR STAGE M WRISTBANDS ELECTRIC DEN BY SMIRNOFF ICE BY ALEX AND ANI CENTEROO & MAIN VENUE NO LIST S ST ST CLEAN VIBES TRADING POST/ CHECK IN MAIN INFO BOOTH OTH O THE ARCADE PRESENTED BY ANGRY ORCHARD HARD CIDER KALLIOPE CHECK IN B MERONNAR CHA OO NDIS E SOBEROO PLANET ROO CAFE BONNAROO WORKS COMMUNITY CENTER SILENT AUCTION, CENSUS AND MORE! F OOD T RUCK OASIS KIDZ JAM LOCKERS BONNAROO MARKET BR FESOO’E TIV RS AL NEW MUSIC ON TAP LOUNGE WHO CAFE #HERETOHELP CREATED BY STATE FARM All patrons will be subject to a search by security personnel. Please be advised that the security companies, facility, promoters and performers will not be responsible for any items confiscated during search procedures. If you have any questions or problems with your wristband (even if it itches) visit one of the two Wristband Customer Service stations located at the Tower entrance and The Arch entrance. AMERICAN POSTER INSTITUTE EXHIBIT THE ACADEMY PLANET ROO Do not tamper with your wristband in any way. Do not cut, burn, stretch, fold, spindle or mutilate it. Altered wristbands will be invalid and any person in possession of an altered wristband will be charged a replacement fee or may be ejected from the festival site. WHO STAGE M MUSIC & MERCH STORE FLUSHABLE TOILETS! M BREWED BBY MILLER LITE THE SILENT PRESENTED BY TBS DISCO THE BONNAROO CINEMA EAAACCHHEERRSS GUEST BL VIP P VIEWING AREA HELP KEEP THE SCENE CLEAN With great fun comes great responsibility. Please help Clean Vibes, our heroic trash and recycling crew, by keeping your site and the concert areas clean. Recycle, compost and pick up after yourself. ? VIP - Place all food WHAT GOES WHERE: COMPOST waste and other compostables RECYCLING - Place in recycling collection bins throughout site and blue bags at your campsite. All plastic containers, aluminum and tin cans, glass, clean mixed paper, drink cartons, plastic packaging and grocery bags can be recycled. in compost collection bins throughout site or in clear bags at your campsite. (Do not contaminate with trash.) All plates, cups, forks and other food service items sold by festival vendors are compostable. VIEWING AREA CIGARETTE BUTTS Place in butt bins located throughout Centeroo for recycling or collect and turn them in at the Clean Vibes Trading Post for prizes. LANDFILL - If it can’t be recycled or composted, place it in the landfill collection bins throughout the site or in a clear bag at your campsite. Styrofoam, chip bags, ice cream and candy wrappers should go in this bin. When the music stops, please clean up your campsite (get extra bags at your POD). Pick up bottle caps and any other debris. Tie up your bags and leave them at the edge of the road. We'll take it from there. Collect cans, cups, and bottles or cigarette butts using a bag from the Clean Vibes Trading Post in Planet Roo and trade them in for points to redeem for a variety of great prizes.