Priscilla - Womens Republican Club of Naples Federated, Inc.
Priscilla - Womens Republican Club of Naples Federated, Inc.
THE Trunkline A PUBLICATION OF THE WOMEN’S REPUBLICAN CLUB OF NAPLES FEDERATED February 2014 LUNCHEON/MEETING—FEBRUARY 14, 2014 Letter from WRC - President Dear WRC Members, Now that the Super Bowl is behind us, we can concentrate on the upcoming Special Election to elect a Representative for US Congressional District 19. Several candidates from Ft. Myers, Marco Island, Bonita Springs, Punta Gorda and Estero have announced they intend to run so the next couple of months should be exciting. As voters, we must educate ourselves about these individuals so we can make intelligent decisions when it comes time to cast our ballots. As your President, I will do my best to provide you with information about the candidates. However, you must also do your part in researching and listening to the candidates so you know where they stand on the pertinent issues, especially immigration, the economy, jobs and healthcare. Ask yourself if they are truly conservative Republicans or are they Republicans in Name Only? Another major issue facing Florida voters in the November election will be the proposed amendment to legalize “medical” marijuana. If 60% of voters go for it, doctors could prescribe marijuana for patients with “certain medical conditions” and “debilitating diseases.” Florida’s Atty. Gen., Pam Bondi challenged the initiative, maintaining the amendment language was too broad and the ballot summary misleading. She stated, “the proposal hides the fact that the amendment would make Florida one of the most lenient medicalmarijuana states, allowing use for limitless ‘other conditions’ specified by any physician.” A slippery slope?? I think so. A recent study showed fatal crashes involving people who were stoned have tripled over the last 10 years (from 4.2% to 12.2%), while fatal accidents involving alcohol have remained steady at 40%. Another cause for concern is John Morgen of “For the People,” Charlie Crist and other liberal, progressive Demorats, including President Obama, think marijuana should be legalized and are spending millions on this issue. I’m against almost anything they support!! For this reason alone, I’d think twice about supporting this proposed amendment to Florida’s Constitution. Priscilla Our next luncheon meeting is Friday, February 14, 2014. Our guest speaker is the Karna Bodman. Our menu this month is a Grilled Chicken Breast with Lemongrass Veloute, Jasmine Rice and Seasonal Market Vegetables. Dessert will be Black Forest Cake. NOTE: Vegetarian and Gluten-Free Vegetarian plates are available. Please request when making reservations. The WRC Luncheon Meeting will be at the Hilton Inn Hotel on U.S. 41, just south of Pine Ridge Road. The social hour begins at 11:30 a.m. The luncheon program begins at noon. The cost is $25 per person. Please make your reservations ASAP, but no later than Tuesday, February 11th, with Pat Wagner at 598-9833 or See you on February 14th!!! 2014 - UP-COMING EVENTS Feb. 9 “The Story Killers: Common Sense Case Against Common Core” with Dr. Terrence Moore of Hillsdale College 2:00pm - Library Headquarters on Orange Blossom Drive Feb. 10 Exclusive Showing of Raphael Shore’s “The Honor Diaries” 6:00pm - Hilton Hotel - Naples Feb. 22 Lincoln-Reagan Dinner Keynote Speaker: Former UN Ambassador John Bolton Waldorf Astoria, Naples 6:00pm VIP Cocktails; 7:00pm Dinner & Program March 6 Drug Free Collier - 6th Annual Fundraiser Luncheon Ritz Carlton - Tiburon March 14 WRC Monthly Luncheon Guest Speaker - TBA April 11 WRC Monthly Luncheon Guest Speaker - TBA April 22 SPECIAL PRIMARY ELECTION WRC OFFICERS—2014 Priscilla W. Grannis - President - Kay Andrews - 1st VP - Cynthia Miles - 2nd VP - Randy Burke—3rd VP - Roberta Patton - Recording Secretary - Pat Wagner - Corresponding Secretary - Rose Parapiglia - Treasurer - Michelle Morgenstern - Asst. Treasurer - KARNA SMALL BODMAN Karna began her career in San Francisco as a TV news reporter and anchor first for KRON-TV and then KGOTV. She later moved to Washington, DC to anchor the Ten O’clock news on Channel 5, host a nationally syndicated program on business and economic issues as well as a three-hour news/talk radio show. When Ronald Reagan was elected President, he stood in front of Blair House and named Jim Brady as his Press Secretary with Karna as Jim’s Deputy. She had almost daily meetings with the President and traveled on Air Force One. She was also sent to South America and the Far East to give speeches to government, business and student groups on the President’s economic priorities. Next, she was named Senior Director and spokesman for the National Security Council. She attended arms control talks with the Soviets and traveled with the team that briefed the leaders of Great Britain, France and Italy as well as Pope John Paul II. Those were “evil empire” days, so it was a unique experience to chat with the Soviet Union’s General Secretary Gorbachev at that first Summit meeting in Geneva. When Karna left The White House to become Senior Vice President of a Public Affairs firm, she was the highest ranking woman on The White House staff. By now, she had written TV news scripts, briefing papers for the President, newspaper columns and magazine articles, but she had always wanted to write novels. She hopes you will enjoy her new thriller, CASTLE BRAVO as well as CHECKMATE, GAMBIT, FINAL FINESSE, and her short story, THE AGENT. She is currently working on #5, TRUST BUT VERIFY. Her books have hit "#1 in Thrillers" on Amazon -- she hopes you will enjoy her stories! She is married to Dick Bodman -- they maintain homes in Naples, Florida, Washington, DC and Rancho Santa Fe, CA. LEGALIZE “MEDICAL” POT??? VOTE “NO” Drug Free Collier’s Sixth Annual Community Awareness Luncheon—March 6, 2014 In spite of the valiant efforts of Florida’s Attorney General, Pam Bondi, to keep the proposed amendment legalizing “medical” marijuana off the ballot, John Morgan (“For the People”), Charlie Crist and the other progressive, liberal Democrats of Florida succeeded in getting the amendment on the ballot in 2014. Now it is up to the voters of Florida to “just say no” to this amendment in November 2014. Drug Free Collier understands that substance abuse and addiction can happen in the best of families. With 90 percent of all addictions beginning during the teenage years, we recognize that we must focus our energy on reaching young people in order to protect them from the lifelong consequences associated with substance abuse. Protecting our children from the harmful impact of drugs and alcohol has never been more critical. Today, we find ourselves at a compelling and pivotal point. Persistent messages about the legalization of drugs are everywhere and our children are listening. Even our President says smoking pot is not harmful. Nothing could be further from the truth. Drug Free Collier is actively working to change this, however. Campaigns such as Operation Medicine Cabinet®, Responsible Alcohol Vendor Training, and school-based prevention clubs known as the CORE Society are just some of the important initiatives we have successfully implemented. We are committed to raising awareness and finding solutions. As members of the Women’s Republican Club of Naples and active members of our community, you can help us save and change lives, by supporting our Sixth Annual Community Awareness Luncheon. This year’s event will take place at the Ritz Carlton Golf Resort on March 6, 2014. As the largest drug awareness campaign in our community, Drug Free Collier’s annual luncheon generates a surge in local interest and energy directed towards keeping our kids and our community drug free. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Lisa Boesky, a renowned psychologist, national expert and author of When to Worry: How to Tell if Your Teen Needs Help – and What to Do About It. Dr. Boesky has been featured on CNN, 20/20, Bill O’Reilly and other national programs. Her high-energy, interactive presentation will include proven, practical tips for communicating with teenagers and children of all ages. Drug Free Collier will also honor Collier County Sheriff Kevin Rambosk for his significant efforts to help our local youth. In addition, attendees will be delighted with a special performance by Jessie Michaels, a Naples teen singing sensation. FOX 4 co-anchors Patrick Nolan and Emily Dishnow will serve as masters of ceremonies. Tables fill quickly and each year the event is sold out. Individual tickets are $100. Table sponsorships start at $1,250. For information call (239) 377-0535, or visit We hope that you will be able to join us! Submitted by WRC Member Mimi Scofield on behalf of Drug Free Collier PIN THE “TALE” ON THE DONKEY Sex, Lies and Videotape By Janet Gordon Hillary has begun to rally her base. She says the clock is turning back on women in the US. But because Democrats cultivate shallow thinking with the help of their racial and gender grievance industry, their base won’t know that women are suffering because of Obama Democrat policies. Democrats’ War on Women The most recent employment report showed that the number of women employed declined in December to 67,862,000, a drop of 20,000 jobs held by women compared to the previous month. Women not in the labor force climbed to a record high of 55,028000, an increase of 203,000 compared to the previous month. So, who is really waging that war on women? Liar, Liar, Pantsuit on Fire We won’t expect Hillary to tell the truth; she cannot, if the past is any indication. Remember when Hillary said * Chelsea was jogging around the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 ... except that Chelsea was in her own apartment in bed watching events on TV; * that Hillary was named after Sir Edmund Hillary… except that Sir Edmund climbed Everest five years after her birth; * that she and Chelsea were under sniper fire in Bosnia while landing… except that she was presented with flowers at the end of the ramp when deplaning; * that she learned how to make money in the futures market from the WSJ… except that the WSJ didn’t cover the futures market at that time; * that Hillary was instrumental in the Irish peace process; * that she played a role in the ‘90s economic recovery; * that she didn’t know about the FALN pardons; or * that she negotiated the release of refugees in Macedonia… except that they were released the day before she arrived. The New York Times is on board and going back to that old saw “Benghazi was a reaction to a video” and the supporters on the left will parrot it back in unison. That’s why you need to have facts and humor. Why? You know the left prefers Democrat rhetoric to actual facts and competence. It’s time to call upon Maya Angelou and heed her words: “The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.” WRC NEW MEMBERS AND ADDRESS CHANGES Penny TAYLOR 995 13th Street North Naples, FL 34102 239-261-0331 Betty DiANRIOLE 1427 King Sago Court Naples, FL 34119 239-514-8601 Cindy LYSTER 5931 Barclay lane Naples, FL 34110 239-591-8655 Linda YEAGLEY 1422 King Sago Court Naples, FL 34119 239-594-7485 Holly McGRATH 2255 Crayton Road Naples, FL 34103 203-470-7312 Audrey MORELAND 6017 Pine Ridge Road, #127 Naples, FL 34119 239-348-1546 Don’t forget…to bring the manufacturers’ coupon booklets that are found in the Sunday edition of the Naples Daily News with you to our monthly meetings. Dodie Briskey will collect these coupons and we will bring them to Lee Memorial Hospital where volunteers sort and package the coupons for delivery to our military personnel. These coupons can make a huge difference in the purchasing power of our soldiers as they provide for their families on their limited salaries. (Though they put their lives on the line to protect and serve, they don’t receive $174,000, plus benefits like Thank you! Congressmen do). Send a Thank You Valentine to a Veteran There are eight VA Medical Centers in Florida and I invite you to join the annual "National Salute to Veteran Patients" this February. Send a valentine or letter of support to those who have protected our nation. This year's salute is February 9 through 15. More information can be found in the attached: Send your Dear Veteran Thank You Valentine to: James A. Haley Veterans' Hospital Attn: National Salute to Veteran Patients 13000 Bruce B. Downs Blvd. Tampa, FL 33612 On the Town with WRC Members!! Pat Wagner and Rose Parapiglia with Dr. Ben Carson at Johns Hopkins Symposium. Not shown: Judith Friedland & Priscilla Grannis Anne Brown at the MLK Jr. Parade in Downtown Naples Sharon Day, Co-Chair of RNC Jan Glassman & Priscilla Grannis at “Republican Women Make the Difference” with Sharon Day PAST !!! DUE Francis Rooney, US Amb. to the Holy See & Priscilla Grannis WRC MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR 2014 For those members who have already paid their 2014 Membership Dues—thank you! If you haven’t yet paid your Membership Dues for 2014, you can bring your check for $35 to the February meeting, or you can mail your check to P.O. Box 8816, Naples, FL 34101-8816. Members who joined September 1st or later are covered for 2014. Dues that are paid in September by any member are applied to the following year. LINCOLN-REAGAN DINNER Y ou are invited to an evening With A mbassador J ohn B olton & H onorary C hairs S enator & M rs. G arrett R ichter Saturday, February 22, 2014 Waldorf Astoria, Naples Cocktails at 6:00pm, Dinner & Program 7:00pm $150 per Ticket / $1100 per Table of 8 Sponsor a Student for $20 per Ticket AMBASSADOR JOHN BOLTON VIP Reception with Ambassador Bolton and Dinner - $625 per person For information on Sponsorships, please contact Kathi Gray at (239) 331.0042 or email: Tickets and sponsorships are available at /lr2014 If you are planning to attend the Lincoln Reagan Dinner and would like to sit with WRC members, please see Priscilla Grannis as she is organizing tables. ORIGINAL VERSION The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold. MORAL OF THE OLD STORY: Be responsible for yourself! MODERN VERSION The ant works hard in the withering heat and the rain all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while he is cold and starving.. CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. America is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so? Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper and everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not Easy Being Green ...' Occupy the Anthill stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house where the news stations film the SEIU group. Then Rev Al Sharpton's assistant has the group kneel down to pray for the grasshopper while he damns the ants. Rev. Al cannot attend as he has contractual commitments to appear on his MSNBC show for which he is paid over two million dollars a year to complain that rich people do not care. President Obama condemns the ant and blames President Bush 43, President Bush 41, President Reagan, Christopher Columbus, and the Pope for the grasshopper's plight…. Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid exclaim in an interview on The View that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share. Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer. The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the Government Green Czar and given to the grasshopper. The story ends as we see the grasshopper and his free-loading friends finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he is in, which, as you recall, just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles around them because the grasshopper doesn't maintain it. The ant has disappeared in the snow, never to be seen again. The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident, and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize then ramshackle, a once prosperous and peaceful, neighborhood. The entire Nation collapses bringing the rest of the free world with it. MORAL OF THE MODERN STORY: Be careful how you vote in 2014 and 2016.
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