A Time for Community Action_Drug Free Collier Newsletter_July 2016
A Time for Community Action_Drug Free Collier Newsletter_July 2016
7/7/2016 A Time for Community Action! Drug Free Collier Monthly Newsletter July 2016 Dear Coaliĕon Partners, Drug Free Collier and its partners recently hosted a community forum to address the growing heroin and opiate epidemic. With hundreds in aĥendance, it's clearly a concern Collier County understands. "The number one cause of death naĕonwide is no longer car crashes, it's overdoses," said Dr. Andrew Kolodny, a leading naĕonal expert on the prescripĕon opioid and heroin crisis. During his June visit to Naples, Kolodny spoke to more than 70 local physicians and 115 community members. As a coaliĕon of concerned ciĕzens, Drug Free Collier is working to change the landscape for our youth and prevent the epidemic of addicĕon, said Rey Pezeshkan, President of Drug Free Collier. "Communiĕes have been hard hit," said Marty Harding, facilitator with the Hazelden Be y Ford Founda杻Შon and moderator of a panel discussion with experts from the Collier County Sheriff's Office, NCH Healthcare System and Collier County Emergency Medical Services. Dr. Andrew Kolodny and DFC President Rey Pezeshkan Parĕcipants also received a free copy of Hazelden's Heroin and Prescrip杻Შon Painkillers: A Toolkit for Community Ac杻Შon plus informaĕon on local resources for treatment and family support. "Finding soluĕons requires all of us coming together," said Pezeshkan. "This forum offered Collier County a new plaĔorm to address this growing epidemic," he added. "We appreciate the feedback we received from all the parĕcipants and are encouraged by the surge in local interest and energy directed towards prevenĕon," Pezeshkan added. A newly formed parent support group is Panelists: Elisabeth Novakovich, NCH; Det. Morgan Rogers, CCSO; and Capt. Anthony Maro, just one example of the posiĕve outcomes generated from this community event. Collier County EMS Local volunteers debunk common myths about heroin and opioids Panelists: Brenda Iliff, Kiersten Hewi壺 https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1125224471745&format=html&print=true 1/4 7/7/2016 A Time for Community Action! and Marty Harding, Hazelden Be壺y Ford. For addiĕonal informaĕon about this workshop or to find other ways to get involved in protecĕng our children from substance abuse, please join us at our upcoming events listed below or contact our office. Special thanks to the following partners for making this community event possible: Advance Medical; Central Florida Behavioral Health Network; David Lawrence Center; Florida Department of Children and Families; Hazelden Be壺y Ford Founda꛶on; Kaleo; Park Royal Behavioral Health Services; The Willough at Naples, plus Hazelden Publishing for awarding CEU's and NCH Healthcare System for CME's. Together, we can change and save lives! Sincerely, Your Friends at Drug Free Collier COMMUNITY EVENT ‐ FRIDAY, JULY 22 Join us to hear Monte S꛶les, a former federal prosecutor and leading drug prevenĕon expert! Friday, July 22nd 6 ‐ 7:30 PM St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church 625 111th Ave N. Naples, FL 34108 The event is free, but RSVP is requested. Refreshments will be served. Parents, Youth and Community Members are all invited. Contact Carly Gibb at 239‐302‐6717 or email: CarlyG@drugfreecollier.org NEWS & OTHER UPDATES Download flyer HERE. Don't Let Florida Go To Pot ‐ Informaĕonal Flyer Educaĕon, Prevenĕon are the Focus of DFC ‐ Florida Weekly Opioid Overdose Deaths by State ‐ Becker's Hospital Review Opioids Hiħng Collier, Lee Hard ‐ Naples Daily News Summer is a Peak Time ‐ Life in Naples There is HOPE ‐ Florida Weekly Wake‐Up Naples ‐ Naples Chamber Event PLEASE TAKE THE CADCA SURVEY https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1125224471745&format=html&print=true 2/4 7/7/2016 A Time for Community Action! PLEASE TAKE THE CADCA SURVEY Prescrip�on drug abuse and misuse is a growing problem for our communi�es. Fortunately, coali�ons here in Florida are working every day to reverse this dangerous epidemic. As YOUR coali�on, we are teaming up with law enforcement, parents, youth, high schools, business groups, faith communi�es, and other organiza�ons to prevent prescrip�on drug abuse from becoming a problem in our neighborhoods. We are at the forefront of this fight and we need your help. We invite you to take a few moments to complete a brief, anonymous ques�onnaire designed to learn more about a륤鮿tudes, percep�ons, and behaviors regarding the use, storage, and disposal of prescrip�on pain medica�ons. The findings from this survey will be used to iden�fy community pa嫧䝄erns in order to support coali�ons across the country in developing effec�ve messages. To par杻Შcipate in the 3‐minute survey, please click ‐ HERE . Please address any survey specific ques�ons to our na�onal partners at Community An�‐Drug Coali�ons of America (www.cadca.org) by sending an email to Robert Busch at rbusch@cadca.org. Thank you for your �me and efforts in making this a safer place for everyone. GET INVOLVED Join us at our next Coaliĕon Meeĕng Friday, July 8th at 8:30 a.m. David Lawrence Center 6075 Bathey Lane Naples, FL 34116 Help us protect our children from substance abuse. New partners welcome. Please RSVP at 239‐377‐0535. Join Our Social Media Circles to Learn More... https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1125224471745&format=html&print=true 3/4 7/7/2016 A Time for Community Action! Support Solu꛶ons Contact Us Who are We? Drug Free Collier P.O. Box 770759 Naples, FL 34107 info@DrugFreeCollier.org Phone: 239‐302‐6717 Drug Free Collier, P.O. Box 770759, Naples, FL 34107 SafeUnsubscribe™ {recipient's email} Forward this email | Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by carlyg@drugfreecollier.org in collaboration with Try it free today https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1125224471745&format=html&print=true 4/4
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