Parabolic troughs


Parabolic troughs
The CSP for Small and Medium Sized Installations
• CSP technologies and review of commercial
– Point-focus systems
– Line-focus collectors
• Challenges for the development of CSP for
small and medium sized installations
The CSP for Small and Medium Sized Installations
Naples, April 10, 2015, EnergyMed
CSP Technologies
• What is a Concentrating Solar thermal Power (CSP) plant?
– A CSP plant is a system where beam solar radiation is concentrated
and then converted into thermal energy at medium/high
temperature (150°C - 800°C). This thermal energy is used in a
thermodynamic cycle to produce electricity, to feed an industrial
process, for solar heating/cooling applications,…
CSP Technology
Line- focus
Central Receiver
system (CR)
Parabolic Trough
Collectors (PTC)
Parabolic dishes with
Stirling engines
The CSP for Small and Medium Sized Installations
Naples, April 10, 2015, EnergyMed
Linear Fresnel
Reflector (LFR)
CSP Technologies
• What is a Concentrating Solar thermal Power (CSP) plant?
– A CSP plant is a system where beam solar radiation is concentrated
and then converted into thermal energy at medium/high
temperature (150°C - 800°C). This thermal energy is used in a
thermodynamic cycle to produce electricity, to feed an industrial
process, or a solar heating/cooling system.
CSP Technology
Line- focus
Central Receiver
system (CR)
Parabolic Trough
Collectors (PTC)
Parabolic dishes with
Stirling engines
The CSP for Small and Medium Sized Installations
Naples, April 10, 2015, EnergyMed
Linear Fresnel
Reflector (LFR)
CSP Technologies: Point-focus systems
Central Receiver (CR) systems
Parabolic dishes
Heliostats field track the sun and
concentrates solar radiation into the
receiver (focus) located in the top of a
Parabolic dish (reflector) tracks the sun
to concentrate solar radiation into a
flat or cavity receiver
Stirling engine + electrical generator
Concentration ratio
200 to 1500 suns
>1000 suns
Tracking system
Fluid temperatures
@570°C for molten salts or
steam); @1000°C for air
@850°C (compressed gasses
He or H2)
Typical capacity
10-200 MWe
3-25 kWe (Stirling engines)
Storage with MS
Not proven
The CSP for Small and Medium Sized Installations
Naples, April 10, 2015, EnergyMed
CR plants: Large commercial systems
PS10 (Abengoa); since 2007; Spain; 11 MWe; DSG; No storage; No hybrid
PS20 (Abengoa); since 2009; Spain; 20 MWe; DSG; No storage; No hybrid
Gemasolar (Torresol); 2011; Spain; 20 MWe; MS; 15 h storage; No hybrid
Ivanpah (BrightSource); 2014; USA; 377 MWe; DSG; No storage; No hybrid
GEMASOLAR, property of Torresol Energy
Ivanpah, Brightsource Energy ©
Property of Torresol Energy © Torresol Energy
Parabolic dishes: Commercial systems
• MARICOPA plant (USA) from Tessera Solar (2010-2012):
• Total power 1.5 MWe; 60 dishes with 25-kWe units ; Decommissioned
• INFINIA power plant in Villarrobledo, Spain:
• Total power 1 MWe: 333 dishes 3-kWe units; Not operated
• Difficulties to develop commercial projects due to:
• Higher cost compared to other CSP technologies and specially comparing
to PV and CPV technology
• Few suppliers of Stirling engines
• Reliability and durability of Stirling engines
The CSP for Small and Medium Sized Installations
Naples, April 10, 2015, EnergyMed
CSP Technologies
• What is a Concentrating Solar thermal Power (CSP) plant?
– A CSP plant is a system where beam solar radiation is concentrated
and then converted into thermal energy at medium/high
temperature (150°C - 800°C). This thermal energy is used in a
thermodynamic cycle to produce electricity, to feed an industrial
process, or a solar heating/cooling system.
CSP Technology
Line- focus
Central Receiver
system (CR)
Parabolic Trough
Collectors (PTC)
Parabolic dishes with
Stirling engines
The CSP for Small and Medium Sized Installations
Naples, April 10, 2015, EnergyMed
Linear Fresnel
Reflector (LFR)
CSP Technologies: Line-focus collectors
Linear Fresnel collectors (LFC)
Parabolic troughs (PTC)
It has a fixed receiver pipe while
mirrors track the sun. Concentrator has
a trough shape divided into multiple
small reflector lines.
Parabolic trough (reflector) tracks the
sun in a single axis to transfer the
energy to the fluid circulating through
the absorber (moving receiver pipe) .
Absorber tube
Linear reflectors
Absorber tubes (receiver)
Parabolic trough
Rotation axes
Concentration ratio
>50 suns (depends on secondary
Up to 70 suns
Tracking system
Fluid temperatures
@500°C for direct steam
generation (DSG)
@500°C for DSG; @400°C for
synthetic oil
Typical capacity
10-200 MWe
10-300 MWe
Storage with MS
Not proven
The CSP for Small and Medium Sized Installations
Naples, April 10, 2015, EnergyMed
PTC plants: Commercial systems
• Systems with large commercial deployment
• SEGS experience, USA, since 1984; No storage; Hybrid
• Spanish power plants, since 2008 (Andasol 1); Storage with MS
• Worldwide deployment (USA, Middle East, North Africa, South
• > 3 GWe (>70 CSP plants) in operation; Typical HTF oil
Andasol – 3, Spain
Source: Solar Millenium AG
LFR plants: Commercial systems
• Kimberlina (AREVA), USA; since 2008; 5 MWe
• DSG superheated steam @40bar/400°C; No storage; No hybrid
• Puerto Errado-1 (NOVATEC), Spain; since 2009; 1.4 MWe
• DSG saturated steam @50bar; No storage; No hybrid
AREVA Solar (
• Puerto Errado-2 (Spain), Kogan Creek (Australia),….
5 MWe LFR plant in Kimberlina, USA
The CSP for Small and Medium Sized Installations
Naples, April 10, 2015, EnergyMed
Challenges for development of CSP for
small and medium sized installations
• Commercial applications for distributed STE plants of
small/medium size (high cost of the land, isolated
areas, …)
– Development of cost effective and reliable Stirling engines
– Modular designs of multi-tower plants of small size (100
• Development of micro-turbines for solar –driven Brayton cycles
• Development of small-sized heliostat fields highly automatized
The CSP for Small and Medium Sized Installations
Naples, April 10, 2015, EnergyMed
CR plants: Emerging concepts
• Modularity: small-sized heliostats + multi-tower systems
• Hybrid tower concepts (AORA Solar, eSolar, …)
– Hybrid “Tulip” tower concept from AORA Solar:
• Typical unit capacity: 100 kWe + 170 kWt (demo plants in Israel and Spain)
• Compressed air@1000°C (gas turbine) (backup fuel: LHP)
AORA Solar (
The CSP for Small and Medium Sized Installations
Naples, April 10, 2015, EnergyMed
Challenges for development of CSP for
small and medium sized installations
• Commercial applications for distributed STE plants of
small/medium size (high cost of the land, isolated
areas, …)
– Design of small-sized solar fields with PTCs 100 kWe5MWe):
• Designs of PTCs adequated for small/medium sized solar fields
• Use of enviromentally safe heat transfer fluids
• Improvement in the coupling of PTC solar fields and ORC for
reducing O&M costs
– Idem for linear Fresnel reflectors
The CSP for Small and Medium Sized Installations
Naples, April 10, 2015, EnergyMed
Challenges for development of CSP for
small and medium sized installations
• PTC/LFR technologies for small scale power systems
(e.g. co-generation):
– Coupling to ORC (<300°C) + Industrial Process Heat (IPH)
– Connection to the power cycle or IPH:
• Indirect (use of heat exchangers between solar field and process)
• Direct (steam generation directly in the solar field)
– Hybridization (concepts already proven):
• Solar field
• Power cycle
The CSP for Small and Medium Sized Installations
Naples, April 10, 2015, EnergyMed
Other market potential
• PTC/LFR technologies for industrial process heat and
solar heating/cooling applications
1EJ = 277.77 MWh
The CSP for Small and Medium Sized Installations
Naples, April 10, 2015, EnergyMed
Challenges for development of CSP for
small and medium sized installations
• Accompanying measures for efficient reseach and technical
– Stable legal framework and properly planned for the short, medium and longterm development of CSP technology.
– Dissemination of CSP technology, through specific degrees, masters, seminars,
etc., to increase the number of professionals with adequate training for
assuring the success of its commercial deployment .
– Fluid mechanisms and stable procedures to ensure effective communication
between different sectors (governments, R&D centers, and industrial sector).
– Funding programs, both at national and European level, to support R & D,
innovation and demonstration projects.
– Providing the industry specific regulations regarding standardization.
The CSP for Small and Medium Sized Installations
Naples, April 10, 2015, EnergyMed
The CSP for Small and Medium Sized Installations
For additional information on CSP commercial projects:
Spanish Solar Thermal Electricity Association (PROTERMOSOLAR):
European Solar Thermal Electricity Association (ESTELA):
Concentrating Solar Power Projects (NREL):
Thank you very much!
Loreto Valenzuela Gutiérrez
CIEMAT, Plataforma Solar de Almería
Web site:
The CSP for Small and Medium Sized Installations
Naples, April 10, 2015, EnergyMed