Purple Gang (aka Sugar House Gang) Part 4 of 4 - The Vault
Purple Gang (aka Sugar House Gang) Part 4 of 4 - The Vault
92.. .,_ --~ " """ I_=-r:_m;Remn».92m.a ',l" 9 ,~: !"'-I--n~_,__ ', { 1,1, -;~~ / i""'5OC6 Nlemommium -UNITED STATES GOVERNl9 --IA. .1 l|92 TQ ; 921 DATE: April 23, 19!!,s7u92-in 1-=1-id DIREUIUR, FBI »F¬1E'§7 ?sac, nzsmoxw {____ -"v/1 Mr. _J;_-_|]0H__h -R Ru:i|'|-_| _H. F-Ir.'11. _92, _____ Mr. Tn;-5., mini- SURVEY ,92 sung? = GENERAL CRIME 92 2 DETROIT FIELD DIVISION _ _ _ . _ -/-_, _/_, /1I1 I = [J I ,,.,/_:_7,;,// ____I M13-:i="i|T| _______ __ I-I7QI;;;};__£:1,,-,§";-....92~. "Hr. |:.~m;_,,, Mr. Pcnnin"um Reference is made to letter dated *'Apr1J."1'1., 1910, it above-ML Qilis-zrT92,_|mm_ that the outline of the report dated April11+, 19b5, atDetroit wouldl-E captioned matter from transmitted to the Detroit Field Division to the Bureauin the immediatefuture. the Bureau, stati . if ._ _ a K! ,-..-1. Enclosed herewith arefivecopies of theo1,tline of thereport asrequested. §_~i§927... -> , HW 4*- 62-'1. 1 __ ,92_92@v Enclosures! ' rf_r 92 ' O * ._ -,.T - ... ,1". ______,_ , _. ,..l_v._ , p __ 92 r .V -tr/' L. -.._...._.. , .~. __ /' "' 924 _92 r _ ,~_.T .V. L! 92. '3 -L _,_--_. 7 _ ' / /51. PI V xi {_H! -v ' ' ' ' , Q:|.._.».-..-.-.150--.-.-a~,.. ¢_... I-#l92 -» -. --»- .- _ 5-". _// -- __u _ _ »1' ..._ _._-'_~:=vu.r~|._ -..-----I __ .92 _-V. ;|,-_ I.-,3: IV...I ._'_ ,__- _-,j' =.92.... .: ,,_.,-_,..., ..,_ _ - .__ 3, _~"-M" I _...... _,u ,, ..__._..__., _., ~. - -J1 7-_-'--0|-_. w -..-.-,,7}" I E pg k 5,, " , .__' '- l. V. _______ .. ' _, .- _: f; Y -'7,-~ 92 . 92 -'1.. . _. , ---92-~_, > _ ~ .. ,e.7 _ ' , .r -- _ . |I'92I-_Y- -------_.,¢-.--_~--_.. ':_-l :=, __-:*- _ ..._. . __ __-. _ _-.._r...-._. ,,-- ._. - "51. - -92q,',3. . in . .___.. - , _ . ,. . _-, . . . _ ,_ ., _, _ ~..;_.._»--' --..-' _ '-Ilfm ' "38"~-' -,,_,,._.._..,,92 . -. .. >. ., -. --- - _ --' .~ _ _ __ .,_,_-_,, ,_..-.___,., .., . -" -"' a-..- 92.. M - - -.- - ...._ ._ _ _.. -.1.-L-4 ._.-W-l_...-i-_-i-..._....._._.-____._ __.__.__4_-.|.;.1- J-. ' Ii I 92.jI' Detroit, Michigan April 21, 1916 . GEfiE"'ni.- u"R'u-£1 SUF.ir'El', DETROIT FIELD DIVISION. OUTLINE " REPORT OF APRIL lh ,19145 r A. ORGANIZED GANGS BATTLE CREEK , Detroit gambler, heads well organized Italians vern and 92 . 92H market in Detroit. Grou rs e 1-1.0 ~ajyjxé! ,__cl__ub Battle Creek and are closely ass awith manager IQ, O ' Bowery Jin night club, EH Hamtramck, Michigan. Detroit whichsupplies Battlecreek mare. and Be:cl Jones aospital he C388 has pro ce s rutorship Group secured Fort Custer contracts bl payoffs to mess sergeantsand officers. _acquainted wi.th_ Bureau fugitive. semen Detroitfmrple Gang. oi 1920s and l930s clarified as entirely Jewish in makeup._! East SideGang of same period was composedof Italians with a fen Greek and Armenian associates. Many former members of both gangs still in Detroit and still loosely associated together. EDDIE-ZSAP 19%, alleges ts hav;b Murder still n-nu-nl'92"| an:-Ian ingered by murdered in mtrcit in IDER, former Pll!p1'91 Gangster. M0 unsolved. gang presently making with? deal for gambling franchise down-river in on.sec na92 _.y Parkwit! police bottles 150in canluestioned of Agent by and gang associate arrested and revealed dissention with former associate. n---transports Illinois weekly; places 1 by Highland 100 to 150 cases of liquor ~ ,' liquor from Chicago Detroit to each week on acommercial truck with cooperation of driver, follows truck to Detroit with showgun in his _' car; unloads truck on outskirts of Detroit and takes liquor to hideout in ' *-92 92. ,r_ . -_ -,,, v _. cc __ _-. --..- .,. r"_' -- ' -- -.¢-- I92_ 1____ -50-__ "'-" .4!-T. 92 .,> ~¬ kiln ~' I *-- 1' :...Tu P. . r";:. . __<: _ '. _I Q.1 5 92 ' | 92*, ,i _:. -92 i " . <: r '-? -,1: .'_.~ _' = »= I - *711 -new ._ --~H_ Y_ 1,. _S,_j!"?_> _:¬,-:._ g -,-..}.---. .~,.--__- ' - -~~ -- ----~ , - _,|v--T"; fl_ ~< '--.. . 3,; n n. 1» / F ..' .-,_ . Ear L _I 1 ; 92- . __. rk_' _ ¢-" 1 -1 -I '..'. _--;_J_','/_. 921' .- --92-1 - . ._..-,.. ..H,_.-___ -_._-»-V 92 . ..-V _ ._ W V -,___§ *' ,__'.._- shers! u:-cannfInvestigation '.*-.'-?~@==.»-*-"if!."c,~: . linitrb EtatecDepartmentnf ustirz - _, . . ..»,,-.' . s92. . !; ~'. .-.'-P.-. l I08 IBQOIQB,cl11fOIl1i-I 7 H33 2: 19115 I -" t'' 1 4 . 92 .,: , -. W=>ww!-£1.1 !w.Pl1@¢1<»§1 - _M ., c momm mm- .2./J-.3-A» C1} -1:.- _ . H -1 '92 -_ -5 _ -_ .-. -.. ' L25;*LF".1.9i-.3.-'1!-.;1_.5-'5-.'1 ' - _. .. -Y'>;' 3__--.1 4* a-4 -4 =; '.n allcd ogu, f!.__ 92. 4 E '0' ~. " I 3, '.-. 1 -. J 4-' ..- VI muVLu Vega, [0 @111,,__-L"; cud gg .__ ; -.. . .arr; Q,mup 0 -" Q' rm..1. .'.-. .1";'i u. .Q were willing to put up $100,083 for I1 invoatigltion by a lkillid inveltigator to dcternino tho activities, - ihn . TI-1! ockinz __ -___ backg:-omdand identities at nrioul to Lac Yczaa at the present till. _ _, Thin influx of gangsters in alleged]; cmling 1 causation or invoatnsnt in the commit! kg ropntlbll mm»interest-|. ud Irndicatu of L00 Angelo: bucimc rlccnt-17 been umBy1 will they had contcuplltill making invcstnanta in Lu Vcgu they had decided against it presence ct Imam hoodlum in t_ city. 1 1'35. ; . imhd are cons . U@ '1 X J! 1;,-;,__. .....-.1. '_' -ft Z'5' . . .1-_r21: : _--... _' . _,_ :3 .""Q§ . ._v_' ; -' -wing-Yk-:1. - .',~ _1v..@~__. _. . .-t.---.1. _ limit oxistad in acct umbetween ten ma treaty cnmm popll -and statod Honda Vegan for the pm-pen at uasenunt, cabling gun, hr $110,090 M 850,000 1» to *-P cw" but within the put thrcc laticn I hind!in I lush um in Bond: which 1.; , month: _ zheum iIlicutod<I»T1Z¢3:7 Pr???" fr - , thornin 1 truiandoulmount01' big mm; anilablc andit in _no__t_ tin ' . .' -.1 ~ ' #8. feel: that gamblingand prostitution, since they cumct be logislaticnod ' E out of existence, should be pcrnibtod to uiat 1ngitinltcIl.7 and machI. 92-- " ¢_-.-_--. _ 1E . ;~4~. ~.,;:-:- sou:-ccor rcvema to the ltatc. Bo ltatcd that prior to the war a $25.@ m ck "0?92 _ because cal tho I - wk c. J wu I'I!W=~I.'!'.~"*?-1!1=!'=*' _- 1Il'1bcgl.nb1in¢concoslicnlathilhut01ar0ro92¢l:1y :1'5-.'T3 mt. Ind ail-tr "II "-11111"" " . . _ P: _ "i'1i§i 60111-lF! "II "WM RECORDED 3;inljiizii ' -.1 . 15;, " . _ _. ~~ . -_..._-- .. __ C; -*1 V. .._-_ i___ . ~.__'L. , .92" i-. e-.._' .~ .- -. A. A_!_,_,,_.,__.s,-.92_..:......-..._ ... _ H, .3. _§._.,,.__92_,J_.92,,,,.,,,,,.,-.s,,.-.-_- e, .3!e . _, . 92 .. . A_'- ___, -..'.~' -.r.-. Ra Il..-z.-<" - 1_, »-2- I33;? mm run 0I _an iLoe it -. . rm: nnmcroa 5 __ _ _ e , igeles. eld _bX_792 C~! _hdsreported]Jpu.r- 1chaseda _ad 5-2-15 _.--.-...._..e. large ac on o ated that sAngeles A*.Y°1"> trac ne a agaa for .- e ae econ as possible. In a well known Los Angelee attorney, ger an oodltls, have purchased alarge -e A closed purpose. ' 92 .1 tated that ginneqaolis intereete, in the persons ed _e- ' , one of when is are new in Lee Vegas ende to__;. '"_ upgambling concessions.He has ard it stated tint one of Q-ring ' &P-UV? 92 .1 brothers was formerly a naebar of 1eGang of Detroit. " " 1'1: Rex cm. recentlyinop-med Les Vegee 1-in1. who for-ee rubling ehips ct! Qnamed the coast of California. pere associated with hie in venture. ~ .2.%.Y,';'. ;tated that he ispereo ' - to put up $10,000 -.toward Mr investigate conditions in Lee Vegas andhe believes ifthepeopleottheoityeinheehoI:thsthood].1Baretald.egowerend ,settling in the community, subsequent elections would provide honest officials. .. J v: .- Q 3- V He advised 1- » 92= ~.---.= lillill dollars E and heand elt busines net othe 1be ac ». not .., fmteree - -- Ii -;-=~ his considerably J; more had -r= e. to eel]. »m.a um *;:1__ A; the elections llay 8,19115 4. an so would be pleased to do - gation M "" " ""*"" work egae indicated that .-that baeed onthe into:-eeen which had arnished, and we were notin a position toreccmend anyone who could am wndmt ma 1-nnstisafiw tr» . R. why ""i iehtleiia /1 -- Q" -W -4 this *' vouched fer _;i,V_fif.:.:: at this mm-cited "-** * "-"- -- --"* nethulatoee ecewraqe time e e . _- .- A. ; { _V ' Wbriberf '_on t part 01' IPB erticialais I-as ,. 5-; -- I, _. :,_V:_L _. _ 5' 1- _. . . .-=-In _'_e' - -'. .-. -- _r .3; __ '_:'- _ -"92 ,.__, -1,.-_.__ -'7'. -' F-... ;,.: F _ they there was no imreeti- that could be ecucted is this setter, f"_;: 1they _- at a not pmia.~w"na<ue.e.. who I111 he interested in ca. weifare ofthe =13; o ~My t to have paid he desired M " _ I.._. .. _ .___ -' . l_._ _¢-. - _. r-. :_.jF . . ,.,-,.._~._.92.<._-_:-e, . . .|.__ . .-< n-., _ _. .. _ 3;-..'».-.,.. ,-- .12.; .' 1.... ._ .#92-. .1 ,,~.,, ., 1-9 .{1q.I.~.92, . _a-'.¢-,_-*- Y ' -¥ - ;_~...-53" --; £1..1_._ed--._ .j'--.:;¢_*-.-: ~. ~- 4» ; --.---'-I-. "'1!- . -I-_-' . _ _ _.92_ ..192,_vW,_ .3-__|.92 _,_ . RN .- . ..,-..,-.. ,.. .-_~. e. . ._~ _. - -._.'-. ' -;31.-.:*,-,.~;;_4;-;..., '1. -.-J. -'.' ..@-":2;-92'~.-.1- §"_"-f-i--£-;92-;¢,."'~<,.*_:-ii,-= ___;g;92;.;q-=_-5-;'_-1"3<<-__sf -, i " ". :-; ~,1». ..-H e__-.-e..._.-M.i-;.¢_-3-_._-;.-<=l.;.....:-.4-Q-.....-.i.ede-1;. - -" l- _..- . -_ - -: -_ _ ._ -.' _ _- ¢- u-.1. .. -92I-4'.--" - ',- .'-' . '.-~ ___,92___.".-1" ._.~. .-._.~..-. __ ,,._,'.y;ir,;_~_;_:"_.,.w,-...~ *..92.92~.;_-. .5 4 __-,____.,._;.,..,.....-.-._._.-._.... ot- i*J' '= ~92 ~_.§_ o o_r...-_.__._= .._.,._ _. P_ s _ ' . _ >___M_ I _ H _ _ 7 __ .___V__ _,__m__,_,___h,.A_.._=_._...,i._.__,~_,, M.M,.;_......._<-__._...-in.e.--.;;.A.. fl-=-r..~ ~ ' - F __ :9?! . - -~.,_ 92 1,--.1-, __ _ -. Z" ---.3,-e.-e»y»'r'¢"!F"""""'_""' """"""""92" '-*-W "w """"""-n """"' '§l!"I""-'=»s!!¥-"II"-1=*='¢=' " 1 .-. : iii; -:1-Z_Fv I_ __J._'J _'-=-A ' __l_.1:_;qu;};-_-Li; __£..!,;1.,-__,i:J_: 2:_._ _-Ijr; J}: :..r|§,_l'-err . _1__ -_I-J:-- go,- l '_E ff?--. ' '. ' ' ' 1' ' I . -,-._-+ ~_ '; L»',""T'_92:A';"_ *_92 * P I-;,'-. -1;-,_:92_g.__!.. -_ . , wt= l-1;.-¢ - -- -- 1' ;, 1 ~-"-.1' 92 " -1* - .1-s 1_-r:' J ,<._t .. ~ -K ". - ' I. - . _. 5 -- ., ,-._'.~_ _;- -_ .__. _ H _.{ . . |-V -"V; :_ V? 4. o E P .._-.'_,A-Ir.:_'_. _ , , iv-_ _=. .e i a ' V1 P < * -{J -.~=_.=@'>#i,s-gs; . -~'-1* -Q an."-.' #23 »" 'E-42>-?T:-E n--=% ;*- '1 -'*3"=:-s - .1 é_ t _ ,_ Ae Y.' ,_:.-~::1;-; ~__- -':.1 '1' 92 >' -92 .R_ If-~ -5 ' -' .- _ ii;_ Q2-_ 1 V; ' -_:-=-.,;__' 1---. -' 92 I -r.:.92; ._._ - -2 _ J Q . 1%, ~ -' 2; '"I* "--»"'-~"" .. -spa:-I~--1-a '-'-,__"_.¢1;__ _=. _--.1 5;, Re:_ it ___ 1-; _V.4,§=._ - -. V, -. -:°,:;.**:.:%°* Ins AngelouField Division Bax. <2-1-mv!, Uezss Clubends g t QT!-"»U' m P; *' ' stsb1i;lnents. a ~;=; > ' |.. >.-_. for his tho are well L-**?==-'- --fit-sin his legitimte ' 9-$131 -- " Gill ecqu business not be , 1%.;-Y _ snoton Streetomed OI.l0l117h8 in erecting andmode:-hi? that he hes thirty ganiblers working the hoodlum: and ere noet emcious thst interferred with by this element. -rm sm. Lube Gity_0ffioe ubeing requested 1-.0 oontac$_____ or eooess to his souroes ofinforntiog in LesVegas;whore h infonst:I.onooncemingthe bribery of ;'_?=:_1;' ..,- _ IPB officials. This hsttezr bereported to theBureau by tin oeit LakeGit; -..1 1 ~5...» ' 7 - --,1; 4,, an ..-,_~..'. ':"..'.:.;. .' -;:-'" __~~ ,1-, 1".-;-,x;92 , -~2~.'°..,:r.,_. .1».. ; i l Thereis every H offer to inreetigsts'oohd§.4f $---we . -4 ions - C.» .,. :{>'* *4;-_.; in it M interested in Lss Vegas res also made to in vier of his peasnt poei '?-*;é¢'92§~.epprosoheswere use 92 >' ""e..* ' ' .-r"J{s;'~. ' _, <1 _- 1' '!"<already been received Undoubtedly,-' to other has mm informants to the effect _;'.;:-_. the feet that these gentlemen celled st this office '-'-3'" 4?»: - 7.13-1-'; . ...--"...- 1:1 I'- . __1. _ _ U, QiT11? Q 5 -. A'4-» .- .- :;7'." -.-" .~_ -".7--; ,92,. 4 .-. " I_~_-¢ "U"_* 1-t. >-=.> "into the boodlm ties .. situation The essence of - in Les Vogue ' the infomstion that end euro of . " . oonteineci in this In i.nveetigs' t . . -,-_-I lenormcim beiu fhrnished the Belt Lslne Office "g eppeerthat theseindividusils willeeke excellentcontactsfor is i for assistance in its investigations. It" t inthaxerw. ".211.-. . V '-;-~,. .-_--_. , __ ~. w _. _ _ __ - 92 A-3-' if-73*. *_':;=_@;.1.-1-~..J__. a , Respectflllly suhitteci, F 1 k 3' R.-" -1; -'4» --92 -1 4,,'.:: ;-A-~-;-.-,.. = J;-5-= _,.___,,--.., _n§:=-_-Ih:**. " ,9; .5"? - 92 -Y55- - _, __. .. 11* ;92;:-92" _ ,_._f- - L Q =.."" -. 5-_"~z "'*1;,_ ii" - _:-1.;f-'-'P1' _ ."' " -- ; s »: - 92 1 A V -- 1? _. . vK 7' _. . -_ , . 1 .'.92..-if 92q7.;..'. -J _ -.t1"- I . ._ .- '1---5.-T-1.1--..;,',,'-.1--. :,..'"a=' _4 -_ .. . e._-1 -._-._ ___:_._ , . ..~' : = _F,£~7.3lE=Fl3!?:T+§{?T??¬%§i?°; _ -n. um, sec. . - , -.-1 -1;-I ' ' ' _ . - » - L- 0' - - t.' -':w->'.§":.=";&# 1" "' ~I~_FF? '""'i"*,-1 It-l-I-.0;-I-»-4!I-»?' ». ...._,- -,f;<::. ':_=I§I_é?fFi'_-<v ;;-a.r.:.-_I .-- . |, I , ' ,,-"-1._ - .-.Y1,4 1-. I ' ' ' - _-"-;-.~=-1_;_-tit ' law-' '$ __ .. , -1 - .- - ' .f' ti -._ iiv, 3......-_4,.. _' ._ A -_~I_I._:_~_ ;:_,_, _.~Z.,-.g'_p.-§-'' . ~.92 -_~,; ---,-:_,=:.~ ~ ,_<_,$.; l F . ,._ _i"_k:[ 5*. '_ *="¢' . it;0*" L--=;-3.: 1: ..-1 <.=-.-2-_.IL_. _ --f-If-"-inn-' __ -' 4 3%?-..-.--.-. ._;',.~., -."?_.' ,., - -s.-w--':~¢.a» _ u .:,- ./1» ,_. "ts/92!;!£_; 1 E_ -I - ____ -_.J. -.92_ . Q ' " .--.3 3,-;_;|,?.,' 1'0 1'?-' *§-"5"-1<'>.' ' - 1 . - =_-.U-, _ .~1'; -1-' ' - " ~ -w--.=.>' "* ~=l. '--'=1~,-""1.-'. -12'.-'~. ., ts 1 _Lf;|_ :5 -:4:';"-:- AL"~~- i / .__ <-"1 _,.. -fir , "%;§"?3~- -*2!.;;-.--_- » ~= ' . -*:. sJ,->' if ., 92¬r%?r~f--'?~$'_E' _ __ :44... _ _-"_',§_-'. 551ii-"L3. _,-;,:" -"~*:<'*:".?" -- _.._.92!. _. ..| 1 '1' "Z f-92'}.'.-~. 1; '-if"= J?" -2.-.-K;-I;-;_:.@L2_e.i55!i-*'=-" 1' '; ._, ' ie-*=*~.~¢--»> x .1 -:_._1-_92;-M.-. L 0}, J -.- I 1 -7:? * 1?1; 9'' - - . 7'1-~.; ~' * .-'~ --_' Q*' 4% , .__.L,_ 1.._ -if-Ei .M-,-_~-H 'H.,,;_:I_. -."" V_i__5___. "-.5-92':'§' -Q T:--I-2 ;. - -j Y2: --» " of =1» - 2.-'-,;;.J,% __ ,. 7 -'-'1-.1 .1.1-.» ,4. .-- -»n_. , s_Hv;qT¢:-214;? ..;~,,_ f.;______._;_ *-- F- 1.1, -1.._-~,_-»~,§;~:-.=92-#*~.<~ ;*7 H ~:~-*~:"_-,'5_*-=-1-~."§--~_--_s..?;.,5'3 J aw =-'. L xiii.-_ .-it" .t'-, . V. ._ .|,"hyr§ ..;_....' ~._,. ., _..,-1-".,;92-,._ _;.,¥';-.;-A-_ j.=¥@»i;r-'~' , . .. - L~~92|-_-&-§¥_-¬_:~492""¥:92r_¬;?;JIFIF¬~-g;-F -;--3-:_'I Ag: ---.--1,-~ » .-.-:.u F -, *5-";-5?;-11:1-*<:~-._ 92-._i192§::§;»-* Iii .. .92 -K-," -;=-?r3_-,_*e:s;.~.&*?!$,e_.*a-:_,-.--- ," "'|I' J-'-§=;=r="$*..';-;2:--§==oa:- ".*".¬§:$'!-%.I':§ k.~_ -,,'~-=- ,-¢ ';'.»'.' ..- .'-'r,»q"f-i , . -' -:7, - -,-.,':;- 1-_-I ----- .- -WL V 7 _ -*7 __________:-~ 7_¢-'- .1. 1- .t NH 94-282 89917? s:oo'n=1n.n October 15, 1945 GENERAL cR:;n;_stravEI -foqrnnre QQIIAEQK FIELD gzumng cams; cozmgrons II! xlsvqgnrg, . A. onomuzn GANG _I First Ward Mob U992LM92 e erred roux ra known First severe. well Ward hoodlum pending Bureau received Hon re investigation. son reb :I uentin seen in company $80918-:00 Black Market of war. It is activities of believed mob First Ward will continue maintenance ofillegal stills. Hob practically extensive operations ceased with ens in gambling am. There is e noticeableincrease in floating _pI"~ dice games and numbersthan banks usual in theNewark area. "-3-'1 was transferred frm United members of re reassociates and is stil arrested Newark still retains loyalty mob. der o _F the rtiary, "who: .. most of his gang is incarcerated. called and released on probationfinanciel assistance for families of most b92 -»192 ! Newarkand gambler brother of unsolved and receiving little 188 Franklin Street, Newark, New Jersey, recently and charged ring operating along entire big time Ital the investigative attention. as leader of h Atlantic seaboard. count for rfeit ration coupon has been one of many ears. Arrested with the were 92 / Hf! t11>~ 0 e x t l>3 l92/Q 915-WEB_4IL§eRl!@eC0NDIQ°!5ee3lE 192'1'Ia*!*Tl§ H1951-e92_1§P5a_.1.iE3' J5-3531 L. ORGLNIZEB he-ii-m=~ no organize gangs in Atlantic the Naval 1=J;QE_F-'1'EB.S 1.!0&1'EB_$ JLHD d ra ck e teer in c reported as s leader s considered recs ed that s summit t, Le New neat to BEN: of o was Hig s. union activities It will oi these activities, was dealing in the black market and - ongshorsnen employed st the,pder. uher stated the National mad airplane in the Jersey. Regarding it was reported 1=m& selling the we um as Highlands. 3- TNDIYIDULL F GAHC5 than one time detective who had Investi ation to to dBank, Her Jersey s carry s message t time. rm» is the C authorities in New aliiddletosn on charge of Towns mtuder. that tonlerly had a York residence in euth p,rs£lected County New ersey, hich ck to this country Isa Iysteriously from Italy destroyed by and ter to fire. oi "*!re1;o-report a shortage ina p05tIlBBtei"s in account. was tne s a em to ing sell brief case radios the to government through polims c mm the  was a postal inspector Investigation w c was New York City detective outfit was and was dismissed from the service because founded investigated by oi Investigation and I rso Buxeau did work for s cos they received a uz these Office in office total of investigations Working along dismissed. the tim same it tmr oh s Office was taken at Atlantic over Genera Highlands and he su eeqtien 17 lost his conducts a notion store resides in Asbuxy Park, --t _,_ -; ~.. r " f* ._, --I in Atlantic New Jerseys '"< <-' 1 '=*-'' ~ i I,- " ,*- ., Jobs Highlands, and , ms ' *"__""' -_" ' ' r- -..1' ~ ~,.-*_- - "" *-. _ _ k W £2 AO HK 91¢-282 HJG sGM! ' ed1rieed for JONAS g ml was . pI"i1Tab investigat prohibition era and according t TUHLNnae mP~~;==:* om*2 3g 3*??? ro;;.:::::riiimrmztn eve :c...s:~ Llomnout watching because oi hisconnection; H515 pastTUMLH and connections Iith ' In the credit files maintained hisalleged ' ' by the Lb:-cha an at a$2250 mortgage Ix-0m on the property 0 was noted AsburyPark, NewJerse t that n was reflected that no date nae liste the date of transfer o Ga PCILEICILL l the force e re - 17 --F small E. D. 9P it this mortgage. 'II'iTH 0:"i?uiiI""""¢,:.u 0% that..he ' took ever did not think that there POLICE EFFICIENCI two othermen on his force and although is coneidezed POLICE HE-UP ightly regressive 0 BIT!-I ORGANIZED CRIME There is no known police tie-up with organized crime in Atlantic High1e.ndee " Fe INFORMANT GUVERAGE ; conaide aource wit es in A be contacted .__-_..- ere e- t -- ic Highlands» from time or Q Qt-t-ereQ the bci-e14_h oi it-lent-Lo Highlandea /// H C0 p. la t. Q 7 NK 94-282 PLACE PAGE NUMBER POLISH came 195,197 256 POOL ROOM, 2518 Atlantic Ave., Atlantic City, N.J. POOL new {THE}, no az. Jersey st., E.Lizaatn, N.-I. ?92PUBL1c SERVICETOBACCO co. 92§HRPIE GANG 9292 INBOW INN, State Highway 62 7 _ #26, NorthBrunswick, N.J. -RAMIIORST QRAT HOLE", Elizabeth, N.J., Five &Ten small store across from Club 92RECEI-IT TICKET SERVICE THE!, cor. Broad8: Caidwell Stm, _Elizbeth, N.J. 9292 BEACON RED GRILL, RESTAURANT, Route Spring, 35,Latte Heights, N.J. ILLEY'S JEFFERSON 53 Jefferson Ave , Elizabeth, N.J. 111 151,152,1 156,158 158 -- gznnuzm WINERI, Egg Harbor, N.J. »,.-_,,__ ' EPUBLICANCITIZENS COMMITTEE 92RBSTAURANT, HOTEL AND BARTENDERS UNIONS, Atlantic City, 63 N.J. x{R.ESTAUIiANT HOTELAND NORMRS UNION, Atlantic City, N.J. E1 AMUSEMENT COHPANY _ 61 I 12'! §lHODEFISH ISLAND MARKET, Rhoda Ave. Island , Atlantic 64 238 92ROSS FENTON -FABMS, Ocean Township, N-J. 21 9292RUSTIC TAVERN, Route 40,Mariton PIKE, Delaware Townsnip QAINSBrookside HOTEL, Mt. Freedom, Road, N.J. 277 164,165 §cm¢s11:m-s ROOM TAP 92CRANTC'N So. Carolina Ave., EAR, Atlantic City, N.J. 235 ,EASIDE HOTEL, AtlanticCity, N.J. 279 §§HEIu's TRUCKING EXPRESS co. '92SHIRKS EXPRESS MOTORCOMANY, Philadelphia, Penn. 1,2,3 Nbrtvza SLIPPER _ NARY, 269 Morris Aw-3.,Elizabeth, N "igrixcaCAFE SLIPPER j H!fCL92i! I.-I4-qr , 92I _l' ULUJ ,AVOUI ~' I 92ftICHFIELD HOTEL, Atlantic City, N.J. _ _92B.I'I'Z HOTEL, CARLTON Philadeipnia, Pa.92ROSEVILLE BAR AND CHILL ,N.J. -5 3.; ZRESTAURANT, 13 Church tit., Paterson, N.J. 2/7 ANDWICH SHND, front of cafe in Turner Hall operated by -RAYMOND BORN, Newiork Ave., Atlantic City, N.J. CHAPIROS CIGAR STOKE, 302Morris Ave., Elizabeth, N.J. 232,%8,255; 263 tEABOARD TRUST co. EANK!92Hoboken, N.J. 785" CLUB, 785 Palisade Ave. ,Cliffside s mnocx Park INN 92_;.,__-.__u0n HOTEL, Newark, N. J. .J. b '7 n 122,12s,129,1o 13s,140,1&3, 200 224 -317... -..-v "1~"*4',m-q-..-an M--ca 106' 72,73 na-4J D 61 _.,. I5-Y. ___. 92 " 4R _-'; _-. . 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Hg --l~_ t"}1{ 14, 92-HP _ , -._ 3 ;_- - .--i. .3 r.Q; < . 1 4 -Via? _=-IMG "80-It. y. _1 ... _; ' -1..' r .,- _.- §~;'~.;;-#135 L< .;-.~.i'Q¢_ .1.-;'r..1*92'.-_~' _.-'1: ""3 -*z>£ -.'¢ 1 ~ "_<_¢ " t-'_ £5 -1-7-. ._"M - .. "" .1 '_ . . ., 1: u - . _...',_'. -r:i'i'.:i'F K *1 _ _ .-S T 5 $'_*' . - _-1 - f.._ »- Q-." rn - -_.,-_..-_|; ' ».~'1;:-. l*'.""=£t~.. ,_-.l _-_. .1-L _. >_ .1--' ;-F__-1,. ._- 3-. 92-'__ * .-».. .__. -f,.-~_-1 -L... »-.~r-1..l $1. ~71- :-;- -;-. '_; Iv -r..,,., .'-.": v,-- 6!: '. '_7..::,-"_'=|'=. -+"~._-3: -_ _ .- ".~_, »., --,_ ._ -.,. _._' . IHQ -"$3 1 1'. .-1.-. 921.-92 .5 "".-3* 1 .1 _-1"_."T."FS".'.-.-*:._'* 51'".5._.- Ar. _-:._L,1 ..-1; .- -:.='.f~>~= a; I. .r P0 .1-.'.-:2 1- 'f:.;~92}!92_;.-_ * .1; ' ' ii.-"~ ._., . 1. " -'--5'.~al "I-. mu. 92 . .. 1,' Jun 1, . - --1 5. bhg fur q-.H-n -» -.. . _. .- . _'~1nf91_'mat__ion ' 14.5--.-. 1 -5. 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'- V e. * I L-"1i 1"1; '"7' ' ' 4-" _--' n¢="61mna q0N[JvHIOI§*, mo, -_-_- -- - i w~',-f=Y,'~a,.5'~..'_-;'-_~v- '"1": *:-.;.:=:<"-'"r~~r"s'.~a.-:~:,»:21:i:~: -=11; :_ - Deer lira '' by-I / ~ u--» .c92.1'1; ._,92~. 11°F eielly beating 9er F len °mans epening e. of gambling eetebliehnent anger ROBBIE nun in thenear e re. ~ ' ib ."- .1 _, . _ i V.__ ;__ ,-'_ -= A.._ 4=Aqr__ 11,1 the .-riz.i:-...._f=*1.-. r"*1 ~_ requee-e_ peee---e Records end gotogrephe the or tourindividuals involved be to him. -I-eeording the to informationfnrnilhed ROBE-" ashf no"M71-'°' i I °. *>T"Y?-3 -. i thee: ef the indieiei of iuni office men ere referred to ee principle eonteete or the in.fornation'oo'neerning eeeh indivdueil mareete tnet ail in the FURDRE88 eeee, e e being tllrfiell Division enaleeuree e.ethe letter oi inepecto: with ;o f Apguet ¢, 1ss992_q1¢ fllljzir indiqeped tbat mum s _B2,-re S,,heve en,, eeeoeie -- get bb hilyqeqmzorcnaaer, r;LIHOOLI r1rz an , rfor cone tine end formerly"--j RUBY Ii operated theCheeter1ie1d_8yndice.te opereting in Detroit Iieli, "' , i " __ l'l_e_l& __ _ _'1 ,_ . ._f.".l_-,.,;%e_:"3 '*"*1'he Bureau is requeeteditefnrnieb 5» {eeori3;§l{i§;¬i greph of the tour individual: referred Field Division is requested to furnish be eonteined " " to above if eveileblef" The _Be'tre&# any edditienel interaction that in the tile: of the Detroit Office which ie of the £0:-nation furnished to eee' not letter referred to above. .tQ3 e.. b-1 _ Qt Eel. the neat eetititieefour ego one at there I-re low eo-oenere eently rel on the indiutiml of the Beak Club in Reno, Federal Peni 'E'°'°"{@<;,". - » 30 EP3!.§3 .. ;_:_J u.i _ 3. . * _'.,,__j ..:. §Ii.;.' -' znnf-f§|'_!r ' ;_,1...;---e92-" - ,_ .. .4 ,. .92- r.4;;;;=_mEU ___;;_if .; 7" .K _ _=.2 H -921»~., ,_.f<.- -- " -_-.¢.; . - ,__ :-_92.-V.q'¢-__-=._1§'»_;¢-lnr . 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A more mwa --A A A A~ A *A .~~A -..~ A.:=..3=?oe -....-gy. . 9292 ' ,-. *, ,1, 3+1¢;=,~»._ ,k " RESEARCH REE " .. .» -=. " A: A~**g,<.w 0 1?.'. -. ~_- .A <-~A ~92|._. .. . A - .i~. 92 -, _- , ._-' --_ , A-...',;AA. _:_~ x,. ._ . . . -. . . 1 -". -.~A,-~ Av -:='A"*1' .31" <-..-i:.;*= -1&1; _'-' . : ; '* 1"l..._,_a.<:i__ 9M l .~-.0 , ..'_ 1-,; 1»d ._'~ -"-W1-3;, -' ,._-_-I-I 1.»..:.-.>-~92. .;¢1_-.>_.4". e--1: -'A_-_;"i-r v .-. '-,§92§_ 33.,-_-. ..,<.f'" - >.,,-Al > -T""-1: "_- -4- 7" . 2 ac'r=¢/ .'-. ___,,_ _¢_ g. ,-_- -I n. ..I F1 F W 1.,-"»:>=~ ~» * <#~1-4¢i-,_ -"4 . °"I.i.=.;1=?'.-'=. .P'*»~1*_ - . . 92 - v $ . " .wk :1 -I1 o .- -J u, ¥__z':_!-.,; - A=-AA 7.. _1-at q,,f,;.9292g:92<2e' t qfggaijsvaf T}!y _ 2:; -<1»; A1» - , 5;"! . :.@=A-F.» r -A:»AA*..:.~A;. A.e.-.<1 A-;: 2-*-he-1>*.=¢..» ...-. *9 24' -' - . ~ 1*", 5 92A»-_ _ 7}»5-QPA 91,.. _-.1:-3"- A.r ;.-4 F3:FI _ -.2" £11 _,.1»-}% '__~ 7.:-.».§> 2"-11-7' -~.--_ -,'L,?.»j~;.j:=. ' _ .w.:¢92{. ;i=,.. ',' 5' _92 *-.jA ' Reference 1e made to_.the 1ett'er_.tron the§a1t <A-"A! .' ' _ >1.*' I . " - .. ,,.., -:__ =2.-~f.u,4 A.~'.' -' Ki ;_ ' .'.. 1-§?=~~»< 31 1» i"."'92-A.. '3' -I. . 03-}- J1 ;~ , 92 . . .,.- ._ . Officeto theDirector under _1net-ant caption dated Jen 5. ,~_ _,.. ;..,~ ~1' v ,_ ' A-'-A which theDetroitjteld n_1v1=1» nunqdepuu tofurnish background 111:0;-;_;_ lotioncontending 1.mco1mfz'1rzemn.n,Aau1a!;n':£1xs, nmmtmg gamblers vtho were alleged to he former olthej. 9-4' ....J __._ _ k ' 1,- -~.'_', _ .5: -9-,5. P: ._'4.3.;. ., ... . 1! . 4..-, _O___:Gl.D_ 13 1,-_,-I ' W I A_._i I?uhI VV e-_ -_.... I it- ..- Q .3 __:..-_~rd- $5.,-it-._A A 1 review $21.1» :11" of theom-¢1_r. Fieldmmm renal.-¢,; thatin 1933and1939thetaloue'.ganhl.i.ng eyndiea Iaelmoen anthe L . "l'"MI-1ll_I-.-r._,-91; ~.'.' -pg ,?§!_:-':T.'f92ifT.".* .? ,'_': P ' *§%;%A%;;§1:?-;*.£Che_eterIield Syndioate" "deriving its hale tron thglieetereld House uhiehit opeted in B;§.t._I!g_ti1't, Iliehi. an. The principal tigm-es in A;.A'..-.-& l. .1 _-1-I; umsyndicate iere mm vmamxnma 'f',"'z lu.-mxs, nmm su1.1.mn and if - 21| _17*"-I--0 _:x, -' -_ 3.'*'§A ' " 1., A:-_.* ""1 ...- 925:¢:_.;:gi.i1' .- .33.. 1. A u_!_.§:nJ __ . .:::~>'.A ,f_1-{ffA . 3.32:"-~ _92, ' -Q ._,» A--'1" FITZG-ELQLD. this g1"Ol.1p erassaid to haveoperatedeJ.eothegambling eeaino through one DIG! ,5"A j dnringthe .... mew -- of 1936 at tn¢!.p,qn1_ 1_=¢_J.=_c1=p> an , 1. "L4 i ,,. .. a ' "' in addition a gambling house Ln t 1.939 _ __ Blair Shores,-Iio11lge1:',~;*&# _: muyksleme Heath IeeAme tohave been mu an control of um group. A-. re". ";.- :;I-v_r'.-A.._---.53;- .1 .~ ' , ,1, 92 " 6.4~.i;_ ". 2 ..-.1 ,.~-A~-A-_ In additionto on-ape, roulette,oardeandhingein the above named p1aoaaA'i? the Chesterfieldsynd.Lcate_1|ae also said to haveoperated the largest hook in theCity ofDetroit, "_f Q?_..;,_-;.._ , . .. ¢._ A _At .. A -. ;_' '_ fr. :1 _.A --.-A-1_;} _;A-.._'__.";» .A 5A Y at the outset 1+. mm beaot-ed that thore 1;" no In thetn» toindicate thatany of1.1» above named individuals were A . 92;.-A ""- 92:,_A eh*2. . '*.'§ ,1 _ _. .£3F,92 '7 *.A* __.. .A . . .-. .-L,...._.._!._, hereof the notorious PirplnGan;whichfunctioned in Detmltin 1920': andearly 1933'» ThePurpleGangwana groupof choicereckeboere?j;:;;A=§ "I ...§'-V» =Aend "" hoodlum rhoderived thegreater partoftheirincome P-§I';:i~.;u__ ar andthe bile of eugarandmeltduringprohibitionden, an--=:.1t_juL,§hmuzb .- ._.-_-r.-*.'1=s E7-,' -951 ' ~;i 4.-¬"_. ->1»-I ~~_»A 1-; 2' ehekedolne andholdupe of gambling houeee, iheolciee, andhoune_eI;pgoetltue.§:;§ _ tlon. It the present timethe PurpleGang 1eeeld to hedethmt11.l._D¢tro1t, .-I _-. A,--. ._;. yr. . A.92' 1-,"-_._-'1----. ,' ';..|_ -1._ r .. 3Z-:'¢._'rj "i.7. ;.;__' _..' ,._;§;-.:}g;Z.A 1 - -,.--_:.,.-A.;*.' * -'>-¢'-w~,*'»A . "':5. '?§'¬',l-1.5-£;_ -3 heenorganization land nape or its torauer leebere {roetile totlle tome ill, contact 1d.th andassociate Iith aenhere ofthe11'o:'mer_heeter Syndicatg ti on tun. lelbere er W hatthere isnomi ea Fl__fthe _ ->- f ete eld _Syndicate _K mm... _ A..A;._ 11." should-be noted that at theAprg§entg __r.n 1? open gambling inDetroit and thegambling houses _ __ -.-1. I I vi;-; .'= A, .1-: . *~;iA.;-A. 0.. _-.¢{-._ ':..!-A -1._ .'. .-F:_4=j§;92-.--= RIFLE-F __~ . . kw; _ -A, eloued down torthelastflee _Io1.n._f0$"l§&t1031_t attention oi thiev_o_££1o_eto.i.udi.o_atet1ut anyog eld syndicate dieeneeed above areunow 313-189" I __1. if "$1'A~e.'»i.'" .92'l,'§},92§ 7' 5"; .. _ .-..A r_ " ,{$,n,.>'-'=¢i=' -_7-. ' .:r- V - . A .-. - _.: -- <-Y_ .7 -_ " o mien withinthe ¢==921f1~.=*'!'..,.'Y! ...11.,-"'... _92-i<.-_, ..--._ _. .__,T__7_ ._ , ... . * A .l_ _'_ -1.-Ff!-1-I , §.7~.-~.~=-g . Av -J1 ~~ "1§;:r»-;.:»-f~?.;§§',;-.A..Alz.. _ -'~ .":~ A'* -, I. . 1"? -£1! '¢."';¬-2.41-,"~,A" ' A'A' ..-'*-a" -1'. A" " '-L . ' " ~.. -A' -4"-' --.=~:A ...-: :~:=.~=.._-":A2 A- A. if :.:'A ,A. A -L :A. ..-. -. __ , .J _ I qr JQM;-r...~._.* _._-5-.=. 1AV_-,¥,.:'.. nut,Q-"' F. ___ @631 r ._.,__ ':~g._ -.. ";';Jv..:£f__:_ _... gf_..A_-e5_:_*..-._. =._. A -_»~ "-u j<£LA _;§¢_¢_.___::;,,_-,. ,,.1 x. .-u__._ V,__ .__' _ ____,_..§ __H_.4 - Egg-_{'-¢_ --,";lh_ 1.":_ _~. _5__ .--,I_- ',-F-:,_-. _.;. Id :"?92."*' -K 3. _. _. ' -Y;-+":~'.' »---" *"1'-1-.-=- . .. .- .-.-.,,-.- _-"iv I " -:f_=._; .-..¢_ ,.--g;-%,:§gZ§i-"'*@l;;,'.'L'.',;,;--..>,.: L:-=, -- . = .;:' '5 *' iv _q-£.*__;$?jI~__m__y. , __+;,j__.;*':-'-._.-1 . _-.-;""='Z . 're§|i-.ui. 1-- ?1§- :-'l"-;-. »:.~' 1. _ 4:, 1 ' M. ,,-5"--E-.'-'.*-"¬".." ;,~.;.-. 5;-.____-_'-_r 9 J -' _' '~_ v=,'_'.r ' ' -~--. "1; :£,-.. " - -.1-.-.";.~:=*2----- -. - 3. - .. s.92 _ #.. [£1 2'."->1" ;Y*i-l-.-- .- ¥Hm---> 1-'----.,..' - -f:.;:_;.-iv -,r?:{ *-Z-_-§3':.' f,?_1;¢ -7 :-'"~§§~i'.. 5-.»-+-.92fé;;_"»-rbiroctor, .. FBI" , -7_<_---,5,'. ._,.-.,'.#_-_"_ -iv}. my ,¬.. ' '5 "-""..-.?r!.??' -'1 l . ,. . _.-_ __ -V -_ ..._ M *-. ~."'_' ._ .... ;-- . _.>_ _;;._~g7,_. , g- _ _...-0__92.'-.' -: --"' "n - V -:- ' g/non 1 s1c' New York 1 5-1~44--=... --._5.;.-F-7;-"Q-. 1-'4 __,_,__---I" . .--1' ' '. n" . -" ' " v-. -"em. ' . .A-..-.'=~I_~..=:-701"" -"-1-;1:;;»~ --.-.§--1"" -:,-.».-. '» -:9? ";h'-if-1T:.J-"-""§'"' -§§'§'j'-I ' ' ""' -.1. ,924 _l ___,_ r l.'»r~' Fifi "-'~~z;=;~h_»-..-..----'- - -" -" . sungaqq-.-__ canm sums! *-1* '1|f'92>'ging -3-5, trnnsnited herewith _,,. - -' __ .~_-..,-F2:§:-"_-._3- -_._ . _-.~.-=_ __1_ _,.,>;%,r92"~r? ,._ . .._ "-. .. 92 .-2 . --4_ _-1. - -. ' In harmony with Bu:-0 »¢- ~ 92 - .,-.- 35*;-L--116 new Yorkcgtyl . -F5, , :,~ .--1-.-;-.1: B-3;-5-: an telet ':¢,f.!:. .-.3; -...$=91.°'Pr¢ .1~. -. . 92i1>..; 1 .=-u -19;-1-94¢"-. --=1 ,2 -"~s.--: r~._ _.:_.,-5 _- -_-__ __-_:,;;-:-;':2':'.':92;:?. 1': 11': . - _ - v=-R.-1 - -*2»-a -=1_:.2=.t,--. .,._ 1; - ._re_-92,4'; 5;, pin» .1.- .'.';.=. .w-- -,;- .-;-- '. ...-_§92-,1;--.1;-92 .-f_, - M" °"F"- :':.'.'.=& .9 -..1."-1:1,--7 »=-="' _.___..~.. » :.-.. $1.4. G.|:x-.:a.._._....... ,>..r" .'~- , -"=11... 1*» -.'_92. ;|q§,:.J.__U;_-'-_;.._;i.?§;E:;A.._i .__: -_ . K' ' T5? .;-*' .-. 3%, 'é'.'!*.*".--& ,. 1 <. j 92 V V_. . *__._.___ - ~ ._-_-._%~>.-.=-- - --1-= q._h-""'J92v§< I. -.2-1.,-~ -._'_*._--_. , . *J-"--- R-NM-EN-'11 .-_; -._. <7{""E'7y" . ll-l.£/-"~ . ;§:1-= : ~.- ->,__ '-- ' [gy_P.~!!;.....-...... Hdjed hr ,f-.--.@§?.--'§92.92:--2:--.. .62 . ....;..- 5-. ii-1 1i ., - -".,.,¥-...-5.1,. -92-. _.. .-: -=- ' -. 5--=4 . ,'RQ_.~_u.,_-92= lf. r'-~,. |C->=-_g,p 1. -_' 1».__ 2 -y "--' ;. _.§;92§ {_ -;--F-?;.- I. - Ll" . u _. - . .__ -.e- =;v-~-.=.*~-><+.:.1r-,1: -*4 . .-.?_.a_r_,,92.A. .3 ._ _,_ e}-Q --¢<_' - -' ~'-';;.._ , . ' - :.-f.',.--¥-'---£3. ,:3$'_ .,..'; ..-- -I-.1: J -'' -»' - -.~-0 - .-1--"~"*~ 5-r_ ' -'__ .-._., '.v_!J A-=_-. if-:1 ., x1 11..'1-T. - ' . :~.;-.- --'- 2. ,'..-..2;_.-'_-1 . .;--'§~% . . .. -' ~i;--:-M _ ?-~.;-=.- _*-.._;-H "--gs , P11?-. . -rm . . .. =="=-.-=->-~=--.2 .-.~-,:;_____._:' W-. E.=.-1'-*-* i~°*!7.":-- . ype ._ . . _-¢;»~_= 2=.n.'.._ -- _.,-.-r" .-_- _ -- r A ,.;¢..-- --~ " '-;i ."-1.-.. .. hr? 012, 1946, tl-gqgf lumnnrfy showing ox-!.ng_ lnd jice condi. . i --.;-.-"*.-k:.-"-i..-.i._ :1-.>,_92~»" _-- __-1.-_ :.9_Y';.1_ -'. _._.-..... onl - -w 5-"¢i'A '_V..,..--¢ _ I, .:_,-.-...',- _._ .:.r--.~--. _ .'.; ,, - - e:.."' _1!92 _~! -5-.75.: _' Z=-> é-w ~;_"" 1, 1"-I-.-14. ' ' -T'»~ . .,1; " . "..1' .. -";"{.'--v' -1 ._..;_;F._ 92 . 92 .7 __,.._92, Q-u ,0 ' 4 ' . _ _,_ '1-"=1" .1 , '= 1. . _1_~§if_.., -Q _' _ -'1 ---_.-1'5; -.;>.> 214%.:- . - It "" V. ' . _-if, . -_- .-_..'.,.-a;.+.~ .1 92. _. <..- '.-.2 --¢r..' ..-1.;¢Q:;@;~w1-é. . .._> -__ ._.. -H-<q-:_1-jg ~14. . . '1 . . . . _ *--.-~»:-.-.----;=:;=-¢@v=1-* . -"" ,. ~:-1%»? . -;-,,--.--.»*..< Y... --"0 .. -. .-I J_ ~ . __V_. -I-. ,..iw;:._-l-_ ."5-."1."'* ' _ ' , ... §.> . -'-.-,.» .'.. | .__. . - u.,- .y..e.. .. .-- ._:.-g-".* -' __ 3" ___ ._',.-.=~ "'.'--',.;-. .-.,.i.-17.1» " ' . ,"I.-1";-'-' .- ' A-_-w " ' -. 7% .m.r: . ~.-,~-9292';', . . .1-::@.-.1 l._,_:_. . _' -. . I--_.._r-___-v - ,,7: . '3'5;-. -st"-* |.92. ~1 - ."1_r¢.-;.;-.».,:'_-.. "-1 _ . ,_. -. - .-.~ -- ..-..:a-= - - " .5.-*7-mfa; Li: -"a."1:-*3?-*'l-."'~.E-=-#~'. -_::-I-="i--*. _4;f 4..:-'-Z; -Q-.~-3°.-' -' _._?-$.I.u:__V._¬_. ' r t A'_f_._. _ 34' "' ..=. I '__V_,V___-L, 2": -.. _.» _ . ,.-.._ . , .<. -_ »~ . ,--.4' . _ __: _ , U __._-_._., __ U _ _ , . . .1. -a~.-.@%-__-1.... 92_,1.4»-=~&._. ;|_. _....._ __:-..Y.._ ¢--. : -:-_A" _ -, , _'' ' '¬""- _'.C'*-;1_-"->5 1.-I-'..-;"_,.'~;f ~11-_ an '_? z... .» -";é-'.& -4 .~M L _,1,_.h~. "15-=-..._1'_*f"§qr, Q ' .;-Eu 5 -'-4 L, Q.. . '1 ~__I__._»b.._'r,g;;i__. .i - in -!'..£'.' *2 92 . ..-._,. --.-__...-.-=-.~--kw 2-. -. , ---. . ..-.-2! -P"§P7 ..1:_ ' 1.; " ,_, "5".» "~'+-L. "$5?"-i.'§" --'-'5'."3!;¬§'%Y7'."§I.-%""5i'. ,..1 ,.' 1.. 1"? g_ ' .._.=i'--é -. .¢1-_ -_ {;~;_;-f1;_*";-;: jl ___._ _.,. . "'.- 1'-.--.~r.e»~---:-_-*=-.:-,'-W-7'1 .:.-.-":=.-~ - --- :..;.-4.1--~'---='. ' . -. . mi ___ .. .-92,.-., » , »<..>~. ~.* * 1 _,' ' 1*,» ;_ -= J _ 1 . ..:='-ilk _-_,;»-92=-_--_ ~ v- _._ .._-»;~-V -4 -- _' -'n. »{_. :- ". .»-.-1"-~--'-* 11$-ai ""'§'»-'-<-.;" '-1'-I -92-*-""--9.!<:-'= ""' _ _-;.# . -_.- -K! ._.v.-1 -_f_;_5 _.- **1.1,_'-1-r;= r. ' . *0 ' ' ,___ _ 7-.~. >» ~-3. - .-.,_-;-¢f :2 '-'.L . .. .._.-< :'-}§.;é*§;~'-r 92 .'-.:_.--»'-- ..».:»3}5§¢_=. --: .1.~-~.~ _-92 _n ,4: .~,~-----. .,~--4 -.:.- ;"':'92 "IA. N='~".' _ ,_ _ -<qr»-F. _1. N .. __ Q ..-'-_'-~_-."Y -.._.--_;».= ' >.¢}- - '"-.§|.H ' "" . __ .i_.:__-LI.-92.~_ __im.*._;A I _ »$3, s- ,-. 1 --_r_ 1-4 I _. .»'_ J?_Q;3"i-,,%-X? iii.!.,¢.¢.'92-7"/-r!»-1 F r DE 62-l?83 2. tion for §sst,Side or_ps5ofGsng__ ;lthou?h this gang has been inoperative as an organizeten years, Confidential Inforuent DE-l38 provided the following over 'nformstion thioh was consiiered interesting. According to DE~l36, the height of the organization of the East Side Gang was in the late twenties and early thirties, at the same old time that the Purple Gang was operating. He stated that although the Purple Pang was Jewish in its makeup, and the East Side Gang was largely Italian, the two organizations on the whole got along well together and little, if any, inter-gang warfare resulted. He pOit6d out that the Purple Gang dealt in hmlt and Sugar as well as shskedowns, The Italian gang manufactured bootleg liquor, smugrled liquor across from Canada and handled some narcotics. He related that gambling was conducted was well defined and never resulted In the early or both organizations, in fatal arguments. thirties, but the gambling however, after the murder of radio .1nouncer JERnI BUCKLEY in Detroit, the East Side Gang began to have its difficulties. Arguments broke out between the members of the gang itself and the beginnings of the "Clean Up Detroit Movement" which eventually resulted in the Ferguson Grand Jury began to be felt. Rith the elimination of pT0hibitlOL laws, the Jest aide gangsters began to go legitiwmteig into the liquor business. Those who had s greet deal of money began to fo into the wtmlessle manufacture and distribution of liquor, and those down the scale "nally begun to go into the retail business, either in their own name or in . "ntered inn» ofthree p01SOI1Sthe name of a "front" workine In is himself ienlined, Eventuallv ilieitimete hoenn we is moved nbsonco groups. nvde king to ta remnants odes away from considorel F and three groups offered to combine stem only on who regarded tically practically forced h'n into In the meantime, ging il'egitinnte uhsolutelf legitinmte, aotivii Aft Quilt E toys" nn soc , 0 Fiju, now definitely men of the rackets in Detroit. hi: disposal .nu prese1' uo '" ower *'?s wha left in Detroit P'£?KfTj the rackets. Ho. l against of his activities between to as UL uestionably the nni through pressure PFC, where the Jlhe n order them. saidto have<:»'31_L =perst1ons of nll three the C#iitiOH that he be 9 for he the "big . ~15./:92 r bi =1-,! Informant related, however, thafcloes nothave at welior5anized gone , 0, rated during the some well-knit, Lute twenties 1.-Ci early thirties.Hestated tha.t_have 24 ~94 r -j' I if, u _ .1 .i __92,_;~,_-',;:.|_5» 92.,,.. . ,' A'_' . -Q,-"' |..: '--_.-1 , -. ,,e_.~.;., _ £1" ;_;;_ 2%: ~"§ !1,.5U.';3: .. ;_-__-_.f9292:; 1., -:-,»_-; ' -, __. ' 3'0"? . {w,. . .H ,~_j;~:__-7. _,,,;: V _ _ , V. _ . . . V I 92 _ ., _-,_4 J;-§:§Ii--H" .In; _-_._-.5 -H-....». 4.; . . _w, __¢,_92_..._.;..__;.c___:__= ._;;,'.g|.-.-' 1% _ '-- I--a, '.'~ >-' ' "#- »: ., D. I r '_ fxz I 1 " -» A L- ' ,_. I av;--: -3,1,; ,,'-': _.; ..92"ra.-.> _ 7 e I 7 _ _~.-.-. A -.e' :5' ,'-__ __;_»-11_;_,92-V,,,_____J -is---E :§J;;.-,. ;;§92§¢;;¢;;a': _if;.;' ;_-,,,,q,A=,_;_,»;@;.j_z=,,..-*_; __,=,_-__=f?_3i.-§:_<92 ' ~ A~ ;-.:_&;;f:§$x;%3-.--gA-;_-"3--';+__ x4 .* ~ ?92_w;~:_:f : It_"jIi~;~J . *5 x!__ . s1Jz<92§aY - .::;__::: J g_; -,_-v=f___._ Iv:,__ _AL -It -i92_ :_:...:;._4¢;I.__,;v";___ 5;.-_92 92 . _,592 ._,._ P}, H 92. bu 1 =-s¬= __, 5*--;~;=~': , *1-em I 73: - ,,,§ gi -kegs ' WA - 4 . ' ' -tee;-i _ _ ' .1 . A '.: . ....:.r:.:..-._{ ' _, X- __';. c, . ;<-, 92 . - . , ,- . ,-7.1.;4. showthe numberof offenses ~ "' wanna . committed in NeW_Iork C ' j the police, in major categories, 1944 and 194s= 0 . 00 1:, A l: UV "31-" ea.-¢ ?,i.w4M_@ -i%Wg:@?;n;- ?~?*"'The following statistics s 0»__ . x._ _.___ . .4 _92 _ General Crime Qgnditipnqf$?§%w7 V, W _" ~ . ' ' JQm$@Qle¬-~k; i,H '- C. -:3-§ °_~?.-3' ..aka r.__ ,_: »..:<4-=--* 92--92o;. 4 _.=- ,. IrU'L_* 1.9,.U.I*1 1345 ' =_:_..;. 4.= ~ s.,-: ion .» . . 7; "goesour - r .' ~ié.' 92|AGGRA- BL1RGLlLRY-""i':%1%.=:-s;»I - :-¢0u»:u-.o1,IcENrvmsn BREAKING 011 ' ' ",1: .'-I ' ' " :.<"f§"7.' =I" " "{-q::-!1+ "' " H '1'. .' -- ' "'"* '-1944?§§.§$5"§" 226 = 1,015 2,490 ' 4,596 ~ _'I Y1-3:51} EQJQQAU GHTEP: is R05 B_i:._§{1: A§7SJ§LT_LT HENTERIIQG _31.r3;i' Q-J F . '>3l={;".j}.-3'1 1" ' '1 "¬" u .' 1? W. -3??7'-Y-92 1945 -j J" ' J ' It will an increase ,-21""-§ ._92_ _,r 3;»-' 1 . 304 ,'; 1,419 ir 2,596 " _ 4,351aaWMJ --. be noted from the above most crime categories 11,992 12 41Q __ ._f_:.-'1, statistics during that there the year 1§45- has oeen It6?VL6s with various officials of the New York Police Department has resulted in information being received that this increase in crime has been caused 79 indiaiduals_engaged in unrelated violations; ad not by any increase crganized gang activities. These officials hate pointed out that such increase was expected after the wags They_a1so advised a major of crime in'Eew York.City is present1y'being committed by ne one prioeigsl crime condition in NewYork City that has been 15+ 4 an encugn to receive publicity aptarircly irvclves iacchnen employed by is thievery have been committed, in which thinner and weaker construction - e on the waterfront his thi collusion Lstwssn thieves, lcngshcrsms , and p?lV ts shipping companies. Recently e number of burglaries the bottoms Of safes, which than the remainder of the are made of safes, been smashed open. _ " !",.:92 92..-,~.-,.-..-. _ .-1.-V 9292 _% ,_v»-;r-..,_ *4 ,7}--f» . ~'__ '->1 ~-.,_ -.-aw t u. es--_,,. .11 -'~ <;,.e-'1. . E" .9. _'_.k ;: 1 *_, . H , 3 _ :._;_,.-J.*;_i_ _»i-;-,-,';.g.1 . . __ '~».*7" =Statistics .are not as Yet' ._ to the New Yer show thetrendof jewel theftsin New YorkCitj3¬?Hgwever, offic the ew York Police Department and other infcrmantsheve S. is presently in the hands of buyers in Florida, their headquarters there, thus makingFlorida a *"":.1_ ~5 V. . =.e-=--A stateu been no large increase in ouch thefts in Ne York Gity curing past. "these officials '15»-B pointed out'tha'l: "-.-.1r;.¢e incst of the e . 1-. .'. <Kw . 54 v . ,=. , ~ -B. e- 1-_-"¢"";.92»'1,._-. ~ ,-. L. --1+=--He *»'-'=.'. "+21%;-..*>..¢-I. K jewelry salesmen are malinv haven for the Jewel hicwee. _=.."5dv Q. ' I -.-. .~,.T3-e=_3<i2-17>».-" _. =._-=_, W I A R <1.92 i92/4 Gambling The three iQrliviQ}|§]§ in Qtm] York .-my ...»@ feature of 11.-1e g;emn1';n_r; setup in New York City {_T,Bmbli111{ operations cerrie on by oi Ifew York City. is known inter-:sts in view the large is the actual head ezter. in E.'.-erida. One informant of gambling: the actual centered outside ad the United of 21 large gelnbling country. hrothvr of operates at irno. allowed. eworks nears to tracks outside such tracks as Pimlico be s. probable wirurer s taken a hors laces syndicate ".-8U5i1_.:,-.1r -. 0 Jew end the amount of with him his . ' -' a York, and Havre odds are considerable amount :1 large States- The representative of this tyril t ' * ' F'* is 1-fno has associated brothers , It is es zlmateo th -' s_y"z1d.ir'+.92te c51- *1; recc 0 s oi -$100,000-OO ecmy. he V said szambling activities to agreat is in charge sectioni in New Aunique tof has activities throughout been cryingon his which operates in marv is that operators are to .181-"5 slot machines Orleans, Louisiana. -rece-ntly has Q; m;;;m;@;;ng;ing where De Grace. high, and of bets on this money on this h rs-=, thus to droP and allowing thets-L,:..Jiea_te JExf -1. Tl U 92.. Z-'71 é'i'.Di? Ju-:5 13.. k -... :no.her large boolcrliaiier inrfew York City is neu:-: .»=-tars. at 535 ;.t l"ortyninth Street. lie hi:-~ =" ~unts _s.r.gin,r-' up to .,;"150.0C= s week. Ho i_;,- c -;-'r1e"=~to1s in the lav;-= For city, end has bets ::t'ner lvooicriskers to handle. pays the is described laid off He has '-he nni men morkinf for as one of the to him that are ton connections too in >-olitical :71} as roles. A collector na=:nec}- first nan"-6! not lmown. picks .. nos of" dollars for him daily. Qwho livesreceiving: the ct Fotel Salisbury, York I-Lew City, :> c '1.1§ C;Dm.u:isbi 92.Y181", bets in lorgte sums f ~.~-1 , ;1,;;v; _¢y;. ~.3 reselling: them. He has handled tots in en.--unts as large 11' 000.00- 18 :1-.r.. uJsni+.., has made his heedqur-rters 'i§:iH- ~'s;".l~1er. lie is un§1s.:u-cistc Of "n F "4 York ity recently P~1w@=1ph1a. er-d is u _W'no 1'-as 1.-L-nnecte' the 2UCE1j;L'Il5R-££~tAPI~'-itn wan.-=, tcl" 1:. eIiew i. izrrrz ;1;smole-r who is still active. L.1Ffl[k1U_Ll925{K, nmember formerly of t1'1O_;@."?il_l7'£{_}___l of IT--.-quit, 92 i<.}"._~an, i.now located at the Park the 4-"a:-@1511 J"i:cl<£¬l.1 in laew Yorkl City- -51.- C¬'!.lJI'!i1 and Hotel is operatitq. in Q nu- I-v--manr-6-l -3. -a - '92 ' ~I ,' ..1;/11106 ._.-_:'.___ ., ' 0' ! .. ' I... i 711415712 ' ;-1~-"EL"*»~~.-°.Er5L"% ,1,9.»-V -=~.--------==- 7 .1 ' -~ ~simctq/».FE1 *'2, =_ I , _¢f__. .._-. . --~---"1--<~ =.~ _. ,; 1, '-' :DATE= A Til. »191.5 ¢'-_ 7Q$1__.54.-...;;; *' ' .. 1-_ _r%rm j ' ' ' 4 i ;_ .Iir92 .27x 1- 1. ' -1!.- Ii I- -"Jr "-,_IV: .. 5",3 *1; -92.'~92 ..- *-s¢éu_|1-:01: T -' ' ...._..-..-.1- -. ___ _____ , u1'1*T1:a:1.uu1v1:=I<1N _ -. ,__,¢-_.n-_-y-|¢;_'> ' -. --1. '' .1; T"""'_L"':"_.--vv-'3 ,' V "'5' ' NJ I _ é- ¢. _ 92 " _J0_ W -. _ _ ,_ -. . 17- :1-'= .i." .- 5,=_?;.'_ - - : 92. !:fr. l'.'--_' .3 I § - tf. v9;;comprises crime? the é1 "TH 1"" .==., auzwagrg. -1: wit;-alt Plld Div --'. - éa ' ---- ' ___. 8 On 5,.-.n-=-..v . 1; ;. 92 -'3; ' "" H'3. ab 0___ ___92___ ._ ___ A --H-e-r1.-;;;_";_-,,, M __ ' l. VA--~ _ "'- "*"' '-..d . Territorv ,___-- _ ,. ' *' . -.*~fj-»:---92.¢~=--r .- -11.?" " "*1. ¢-- ~l*-'-1 , ~ 3in "f-7'5. --"~ ='~;*»-xi _-:'"=_-wed dict-stud by - the5'di°'at'°d -"'= - l.'_,_92 L;*1;*92v." *-. I-nu min?and sections, covering 8..»--the -s*8$-9 -1**». aw -.., . .1--I kit? . .._r-_ _, Ann Arbor ---- Battle Crébk Bay City_*_ - I _. BentonI '1-larbor I Dotrn igt '1 if or. _ F Flint * 92 +31-and Hapi <13 fl¢>3i"T;~92/ Jaqkaon . 11 I -é . 11 1._ J 2.11 AJ, Lrs.nsinR, y 92 J 1' . ' ._ :_ Marquettea _- >~--1- 92 1. 1," If ' ' ,5 _ - 1.1 5&8"-&' I ' . furnishing inform .. ., ., _' -{in 1-, this I'1!°T?mdm as uH';c-.1 1-Pare 'IE 1'I1_i*'11>.iM' OI '..'. -16 1" II .'92 " _ ' H '}h=;e of :'..1=.-m..u.a.-.-5 the i"1§"5_"'§}",i~';f§:,,:e Baibtiathe pgcc'1tra.ryW193; , '92 .1 9 92| -. . 1 21. 1."r:- ¢ F.-*3.' ; .-,2 5- 1' .'_ 1-I ' 1yy,1ah ,.92l _U.x"| '70jr /. .1 I J._,_ @_ .92. . . . ml:-. _.-.3'!'.§;_-4<.@ _____A_ . _._ .- ;_ -, I; H: ._V _ __ la.1 I -, _|VI, . _'92 - -_ 5 ., :' I :._ -_-_ I ,K.1. 8.. L_ .I.1-.-3 fl. - 1- ia. I _, ~ -r. It-_~ -,_ ., '.',-' . i f ' . 11 .l- 1 Jr ' ~ 2_ .41 tgambler who is aclosefriend ofthe old iated, "Chesterfield Syndicate." according gunner for Ohio btate 921'C had some contact with -t asser e d th{Q well as criminal. underworld as anyone in the tation among the underworld of being out his contacts with interest in his old time but 1 ill¬TUNto the gambling due hoodlum friends Club largely who are money in the rackets to avoid above handling his set-up emba1-rassing forever contacting will most'IIE¬IYconfine his fact that Florida whic and has built up a repuindividual. He stated that has made plenty of the Uptown asaing favors.He statedthatnis not <he present acquainted the in as Unite ates a reliable .;Oll.~'92Y, however, is now getting old, and sold Peni him and hot propertyat future activities for gambling at the to present time is very good. -hat he : hasaset up all arr generally re;;arded as anight club in the C-ulfstream Track in for Florida and told 4_ .operate iami He ocated U stated that in Octdoer, l9.l|.5 eft he is !T5"T1'.L'§jht andclub establish some crap tables in going to enlarge the rear. A _ ., I QI§OP~GiE_;_.t}OIiD_l1ERG,__}vas: Geo_rj_'.-J._ do_ldbe__r5, Gserss. V;-1°, sslissrai @_g,§s<>rss_ss_l9:b_ers -_.'onfi¢i@ntial InformantU, whose identity is the '1wreau,related that Gt!-n1!Bl";HG is one of the "charter known to members" of the U1.-1 ,.,,.92.. u,_..r-,, f_-92.-..-_'1-,4-,_,.. 4..+,92 4-1", 1.-.......'1A r-r;..,_¢ 92 .l.92l st:-1-92.».A L-'L1 J.- §~ll92J. .I-lP_l1l. 1AULLDv IJFI-Eli,1.-:.-.1. lilll-LK-Ill, 11.1 Lil/L,-1,-.;e,92.-.,92.: 92,l aV921J.92Jj_'C'JLl 92;1LL[Ll-¢L1_|,1_U J._1192.|92J LII-J-LC; Fo stni ed thit G }L1!I2nI{G lives at 1926 Collinggwood Street, -lhich is an apartment house which 's=_92I..}BLJRG. the present At time he ce in the In-IationalBank Building in Jetroit attorney, who Detroit, '--iichigan, he owns jointly with his wife, stated that GOLDBERG is said to is mentioned elsewhere in &,l#'Y'l'f' have 83. jointl_,' /1.=ith _/ __, this report. ~» °'?{"?}i¬ GOLUBQLG, he 1'e.i_ated,alleged is to have made thousmds of dollars dealing in illicit liquor during prohibition days and his wife is al so said to have a great deal of money in her own name, GQLDBLIHG is said to have invested this money wisely and at the present time has very few financial worries. Informant C had no information reflecting that - [$5 JobLBL:JF De >2-1383! , 1:A 1*"-E; I1..- _. . . ;a»-lea ;-7% 1 ' '- GOLDBERG at the is present time engaged any in illegitimateactivities _;§§:if§; but stated that GOLDBERG's background would indicate that he is the type @"* of individual who would potentially be interested in crime and vice if it paid him enough money and he could conduct it at small risk to himself. Informant stated that he has heard that GOLDBERGhas an interest in the Grand Rapids Brewinr Company, Grand Rapids, Eichigan, which is said to be controlled byn alleged corrupt Liichigan Republican politician. Informant Cnarrated that GOEB d bonding, house and was alsoabusiness partner oor who operated the Alaska Herring that GCLDBZR3, who is arrested numerous Harketing Association about 50 tines but years old has never The files }ClD3ZRG was the Subject of the at the in etro present time, been convicted Detroit Field of abankruptcy . tated has been of any offense. Division show case in a that 1929 and 1930 involving the Radio Corporation of Detroit, lhO3h noodward Avenue, asuccessor of "Credit Sam's"at the same address, of which GOLDBERG wasthe president. She ouroose of the Eadie Corporation was said to be to buy and sell automobile accessories, Investigation developed that GOLDBERG was buying spark plugs stolen from the Oakland Eotor Company and was selling them below cost and other allegations indicated that he was engaged in other illegal forms of business in connection with this store, Investigation disclosed that after GOLDBERG allegedly went bankrupt in the Radio Corporation he moved to Chicago for a short time, where with H51?! SCHORR, Detroit Purple gangster, he operated the Schorr jilvoge Co;;anf at 22nd and Habash Streets, Acheck of the morgue of the "Detroit News" revealed numerous references to GOLDBERG. An article dated Hay 10, l922, stated that one JCEL DEISCCLL has applied for a warrant Charging GOLDBERG with assault and battery. DRISCOLL hadpreviously recovered SCLDEZQE for failure to abU£l18S5 turn over matter. $200.00 in judgment against connection with a * An article EATTGE isin jail a$200.00 collections in dated June 9, 1922, stated that under $15,000.00 bond charged with the one RAY statutory rape at a fourteen~year-old girl. On the preceding ednesday evening, the article related, SEnaRD F. NICHOLS, Assistant Prosecutor, an apoliceman concealed themselves in the girl'sresidence and shortly thereafter GEORZZ GCLDBEH3, who at that time resided at 55h Holbrook, and GEORGE CCRDELL, 2703Sherman"' Street old~time Detroit racketeer and hoodlum! cane into the house and offered the girl's father a price - 67 to drop the suit. Both GOLDBERG and ' rib .r , _ak '=?l{I 7i' - LEL:JF 1 36 62-1383! 1;; ' _1 ~ v-1 __1§;;e " __;;:-;_ A.-1 w-|+h h<:+~rm~+1nc' 111¢:i"Ir as-Q I11!!! § O, -25-, -L .= 2»-1' --. '0 iirirszmi ~ ~--* .5' offices in the city and county. i I 5 i 3 An article case and stated that and the judge held that the action against referred to is "real a motion this same for anew trial GOLDBERG shouldhave been a civil one. The civil case mentioned that his occupation dated June 2, 1923, GOLDB;RG's attorney had filed one, not a criminal This article was thereupon settled out GOLDBERG had moved to 691 Kirby of court. Street and that estate broker." P 5 .i at that An article dated August_2, 1923, mentioned that GGLDBERG time was a sugar nerchant at 9il5 Oakland étreet, it stated that several anonymous letters had been sent meantime he had been charged in Jufe CCTTER 1 E i § sent aguard to bring Rnews him threatening Recorders Court him into article dated his life. In the with disorderly conduct and court. July 25, 1923, stated that GZLEEEEG operated the sugar house at 9nl5 Cakland $treet in partnership with one ISADOR; SLKTOE. On July ll, 1923, CAKTOR killed a gunman named FRANKSPEDE and was released on his examination on his plea of self-defense. SP3DBs gangster friends, names not given, had thereafter been threatening GCLDBEEG's and CANIORs lives. GOLDBERG was said gang as a"watchman" at the business by three detectives, all of to have hired an an-member of arival sugar house and was also guarded at his place of two uniformed policemen and adozen "friends," whom were armed, GOLDBERGand CLNTORwere quoted as saying that the latest outbreak between "rival gangs" was when GOLDBZRGrefused to purchase 200 tickets to the liichigan Greyhound Racing Club which was located at Gratiot and Eight Kile heads. The GOlDE3RG's an CANTORs lives according to GOLDBERG. Anews alleged gunman who had been threatening is one of the article dated main stockholders Harsh 7, l92L, March 21, 1923, GOLDBERGand CARTCRhad been seated with CONRAD in front of * " _ n _ ._.' ' . ..13.:Z'.?éi1Q'-,.. ab-.1. -_.-H -.»---w _'92.....-.D .,------u.¬'_t::_;~;:,r4-A-;;;__,;,r An article dated January lb, 1923, related that GOLDBERG, who at that time was employed'au a broker, was convicted of stealing 300 cases of oleo from the Universal Carloading and Distributing Company located on the corner of lhth and Porter Streets. GOLDBERG claimedthat he was secretary of the "Uplift Club," an organization of 1,000 members existing for the purpose cf passing on the qualifications of candidates for political 1 ' the sugar house. An automobile cane in this stated that track, on aman named SOL ._ by and a hail of =4 j I _;..i 34 92 T? 4-1.-;.|...I-J. » De 62- brief visit there and sucoosedly left Hew York before the first 192b, toreturn to Detroit. Accordingto this aTtiCle, he nor heard of since that date and An article éreceiig eaturizy hone at it is 13, 192A, night GCLUBELZ was returning 55¢ Holbrook Street in he has been feared that dated April the company of February, has not in hi related th:t on the s eutonobi;; to his fie ncee, 5531; of his been seen killed. JACOBS and er brother, 5gIILL JALLEU, age 17, who was driving GOLDS3RG's stiomobiie. As GCLJEQEG pulled up in front of his home an automobile containing seven .Ar ,. ._. . led SAIULL JhCOBsO or ei;Lt men roared by and a fusillade of bullets ll The article zentioned that CsITCRs whereabouts An article dated bullet-ridden body April 19, were still unknown- 192A, mentioned that day in had been discovered the preceding CLET¬Rs the Zest River in Few York City by the ew York Police Department and it was determined that he ted been de'§ for two weeks. .I_ }uT, leaders of an op?o:1;; bootleg gang, __ ||y~-A_ rw-v ~-w - -end .1 is1J4 JU# w;R::: hid see: 0 - oyergtcrs, inciuiin ;:cr. oi? Cf; Ti: GCLDIQIE was quoted es hTiS: said "sOuIs TH; KC?" RIICIARDO i32ZL,L1lG: oootleggers 3tLJEL33 and ._I "'' ed en: slind that he in article sus§?:ted these in the "Jetroit Hews" dated lay steted that Gilhiiii H35 estatutory chsrre." The into court the County ;i§ '5 izur11:. z to come tkit supposed tc iypeer in Circuit judee of tie court because he ociieved that 20, Court that , day "on was told that GOLDBERG refused gunmen were we ing for him in Buildinf. plsiffili alifs UQLL L;; 21;; 2; i¢::riers jourt htG;TIllC, did _; article TCS; nU}3;HILL£ of -ii Jsliu, examination the freceiing not ajpear related thft dated Lujust 16, l92L, had been arrested July ted been set to Friday, GOLDEQLZ, LYTIIIQ 28, 192i, eii cjfrjei be held in the and the examination was pos chief ritness against tponed until ingest 29- in article had been loccted and served . ieptember 5, 192A, related that GGLDEEES subpoena in the above-described case a answered all after several poetponements. He was brouzht to court Judge FRAKH cuestions put to-hi: nith the ensxer, "I dont remember. fact that ;IL1£I recommended a perjury warrant for him in view of ie signed statement he Lei previously named n article ECGZZILLC as dated Sejtezber 6, l?2 t, stated ZURPEY dismissed the homicide charge against in a slayer. ROGERILLO that that Judge day as a result *0 ii: i:! ti s LEL:JF i I De 62-1383! i _ . -e -. s,;a, .1-v It-_____ ___ 9.. ."'_s. __ _.~.:92!:>I . ~. .,,._ -r - _: 1. 1 < an article of the same date stated that Assistant s . Prosecutor FRANKB. FERGUSON said that no perjury warrant could be issued against GOLDBERG becausethere is no way to prove that he gave a false statement under oath. ' A "Detroit Hews" article dated February summarizingthe available information concerning _..a-I . n in After the prohibition laws were passedmost of their customers were bootleggers 5 5, 1925, GOLDBERG stated that GOLOEERG and CAETOH had sold sugar in partnership before the tolstead act was put into effect. J fr due to the fact that sugar was a necessary in- gredient to the making of bootleg whiskey. GOLDBERG and CANTOR began to get rich on this business and hi-jackers and blacknailers began to put pressure on them.' After SFEDE was killed GOLDBERG and CANTOR imported SO CCIRAD,"a KewYork gunmanan killer? to act as their bodyguard. The article mentioned that after COKHADwas killed the case against FERO and BLRRCYZ,above-describ ed as his murderers, was dropped. This article mentioned that GOLDBERG has made over $100,000.00 in the sugar business by selling to bootleggers and in his will a trust fund has been set up leaving a substantial amount of moneyto the men who kill Lciil Detroit i his murderers, if he is murdered. An article dated July 25, 1933, related that Judge W. SKILILZI has set up a one-man grand jury to investigate rackets in and said that he wanted to subpoena GOLDBERGto question him about recent hi-jackings of sugar. GEORGE KRISE, Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, said that he had been informed that GOLDBERG had been shot a week previous when an attempt was made to kidnap him on Hazelwood Avenue and that GOLDBERGis missing at the present time. an article dated July 2?, 1933, stated that Inspector HILLIAH J. COLLINS of the Detroit Police Department was quoted as saying that GCLDBSRG was the victim of an attempted holdup on July 15, 1933, when he left his apartment house at 1920 Collingwood street. COLLIKSstated that GOLDBEZRG was struck on the head during the altercation that followed and at the present time he is recuperating at Bear Lake near Eanistee, Lichigan, but, according to his wife, would cometo Detroit if he is wanted. A follow-up article dated July 31st stated that GOLDBERG was served with a subpoena by KRI33 and mentioned that GOLDBERG is now a partner in the Alaska herring Company. A news article 1 United States 1 Attorney dated July 30, l9tO, stated that the Genera1's Office - 7] is making an investigation of state .0 r w -.e I.-_ ;:_-~ 2;?" you LBL:JF 1 _. u p De 62-13s3! " - s .. ... ._ ,W = _v-"-"{"',¢:1§.r:' " ..?-1; - I_. .. .3 , _, ;_r , -' 4-5"';~_|_¢;4.'. A. graft,_including alleged connections of state politicians with the State?;§§§§** Liquor System apparently this refers to the HcKAYliquor conspiracy case.!?i The article stated and since has been involved principally the the state, peel of prohibition ventures GOZDBERGdropped out of public that throughout that when GCLDEZRGwas subpoenaed before a Federal ceding Lbnday he refused to_answer questions I notice a number ALFRID I J 1 L. the re- business brand Jury on the pre- and was subsequently sentenced J. EGINET for contempt the sane day by Federal Judge EDHARD "indefinite term" in Xilan Prison. The article stated that a with of liquor business. Until 18 continued, he was nanager of an out-state winery work he has not been employed. The article stated months ago, the article and since he left this ? in to serve an his attorney is '1Y. A follow-up article dated August 1, l9L0, stated that on the preceding Hednesday GQLDBQRGhad appeared beiore the Grand Jury and had answered all questions put to him, as a result of which he was freed of contempt charges. files The of the Detroit Office revealed that on Seytesber 17, 1939, ABE QEKBIHSKY, 171 Ottawa Street, Northwest, Grand Rapids, Kichigan, related to agents of the Detroit Office that a few years ago he purchased the Puritan ineries GBCRSE GOLDBERG to 1937. and his wife, run SADIE, Other in at Pan Paw, Kichigan, He stated As collateral GGLDBZRG put up 60,000 Company. it for shares of capital stockholders in this he sold a loan in it and hired to GEORGE GOLDBERG connection with the sale, stock of the Grand Rapids Brewing company at that time were FRANK D. islet andISADCRL SCHEARTZ andCHARLES LEITER,alleged Detroit hoodlums ~» hay.! ;-.._. Et.'92-H6-c.rm mc. o ol and .is wi e, r- uhU - a ' maintain agents an tna account GEORGEGOLDBERG there. that SADIE JACOBDGOLDBERG has been employed as the office Ir.._'|_._1....: ,-I 'H_,..I.:_._ Yr___:___..-._J. !92_._...,-....»- 'lP7I'7!'92 C_ A__ _-cl» QA._...-..lJ__[]QuSL1_LG1. RC5 D11-lg }_,|q{_,_1_pI,|,192:.'l1D UDIl1P921lIlJ', jf U FIUUJLIJLIL 92-I UIIFUU, 4 In reflected iichigan of the that tineries, company 1939 as of that being the records of the Bureau of He stated manager of the 1'.-._ _-..--w 1-1-.-...n -LUI Milli] Jl:d.l'§ 0 Credits in Detroit date GBORGEC. GOLDBERGwas the manager of the Incorporated, located at 19159 John R Street, as follows: AHDRII F. HURCHER SADIE J. SOLDBERG l.T.Ff?FTJ .1 _ .T.LY President VicePresident ' Qonref : *rv 'T1-ea qnrpr the officers {ii Z!: 72.} De 62-1353! r f Y7!/ -H These records reflected that in 1923 GOLBBERG entered=§$§ the wholesale sugar and hops at 862A OaklandAvenue, Detroit, which business was known as the Oakland Sugar House and subsequently became the rendezvous of the Oakland Sugar House and Purple Gangs. He was also reported to be an officer of Credit Sam's, Incorporated in 1925, which company was engaged in the auto accessory line and shich on February 9, 1927, was destroyed by fire. /--n1-92 ';!_P1 and HEKRI in J. Q ,2? '_:"o_;JB_l...1 SCHORR entered the auto the latter part of the same year that 1>92n=;~§_ §92P92l:§92_ ' H:.D *_r= r'.:>c§-um-var; 5*" an nc-in nand fire and investigation developed uu-........92':--., ur.--ulu_,<-u vd cu.B92,".-1 L--vi--.|,92.#uL'J nd merchandise greatly exceeded the that insurance carried on the store a dGOLDBERG left Chicagovalue cf the Qerchaniise destroyed an accessory business in Chicago and in According to these reports, GCLDBERG wasnext known in Detroit as the president of the Dand C Printing Company in 1930, which comfany want into bankruptcy in 1931 and in 1932 GOLDBERGwas engaged as a salesinn scl=? stocks and bonds in bankrupt companies in Detroit. In 1933a:1d he ap§earE;" as c'.'.I'1¬IS of the Brewery Company Holding of Iuskegon, uicnigan, which purchased the assets of the Huskegon Brewery '* Breting "cc zzj in June 193A. The na;e of xgany nith headquarters at On August Detroit Office in connection 9, siderable information concerning his as to 1-I"-92 us - -. "was with the personal history was changed Grand Rapids, 1939 GOLD? time he verified his into detail LC I-.1 Lla: this business Grand interviewed at the 'quor conspiracy case at e out which above a' con- tho financial '. - 55 _..a... "" - LL -.-2 -.' u" --Vl association tith going ctions involved. H._ 92_ H, are e:uip:ent the ~r;:d N, through and after karids Brewing lle related rerv sell intire his and viii that started abusiness from a ate .at he 193b, modernizing the he distributed warehouse on East hoodbridge ' }:no*.'e out that 'eerr' n ;* ing is to 192i, ED133133 stated that Avenue was operated oy 1933 and ere 193A he came to Detroit where Cogqeny beer A, Detroit. street in and he to the Eichigan. h'= o p=rat'on of the 1 he ricinal at the s ug abus'n r less 1n Oakland Sugar House on Uakland out that they pulled out in 192k same address. He stated that due to the pressure puton hi; by racketeers tho attempted to musclein on the business out remuneration turned the business over to_ - 33 in his life &Ld that l stated that the last he had never filed an income tax year he had never made enough money to i I 4- -fl § ."', Ir " 1 Is LEL:JF De 52~13a3} ,. -in file - }92;__;-:@_,. , :='" '3 ' '1. .. returns. GOlDB3R3'sdescription, according to the observation of agents and the records of the Detroit Police Department, is as follows: Sex Color Race Place Year of birth of birth Age Height Height Occupation 3 | l numerous arrests of Hair Eyes Build Lzle White Complexion Jewish Teeth United States 1896 50 5 feet 8 inches 175 P°unds Features Larital Broker, status Residence Dress real merchant, salesman, estate operator Black Brown _92 __-.-g_ Q e 1 IIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I II -II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I II II I I I I I I ;;:_>._. I92 ~ .I I I I F 92 I I i I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I -II I I I I I I I I I I I II I I II I I I I I I I I I I II I I II I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I 260 136 I I I I II I I I I I Park! I I I I II I I I I I I I I II I I I I II I I II I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I .WmHM-mI.. I I I II I 4 I I I I II I 222 ll 251 251 351 170 9 91, 119, 137 199 1.69 » . » ?t'¢:¢§LwK% 175 I :IHIM_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I O I 200 195 II I I I I I I 175 I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I 310 ;@@u* .1 '1' _ .: 92. I II I I II I I I I II I I I I II I II I MI ~x I I I §$$¢ I I I i I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I 0 I I I I I I II II 3h 1&8 Q I I I I I I II I I I -I I I | II I I I I II I II I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I1 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I_-IIIImMI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i e I I I I I I I I I I I II I 0 I I I I I I O1"! 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U For of availability upon retumof the govemment agency ies!; ___F_._:___eT_ as the information originated with them. You will material to the FBL withheld for the following reason s!: your information: ___, _ __ ___ __g _ _ ___g M The following isto be used numlézr reference for these pages: regarding -" EAU-6 82 ' -' Q41 '25/i 5/ -L,/£1 we cmuiésaw ;2g,fJ-1 p/ zrg BSA xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X DELETED§ Priest XXXXXX §7rxX§5'<§>5?§§§§§§xxxx §No DUPLICATION FEE X I 1'.'1f'92T1 |'r|TTC T!A l[;92 X XXXXXX FBI/DCIJ .~_._.» -Jl§l=-:-?:?-'~ 1~'f':'_?":--_i:e-92---- -~ ~g :-h;-- -__:_~~_~e>-_:_~_-~ M-e~:-1»---~ 44 ~~~' --__--..-u.=-__i~_-1-.._,l ---_.._»_---M,._.-~_-_..__.n__:_.. ... ..-._.._.._____.__..__i;,___,_____ __-_ __'__" if.-,.' 4-92 Q na n -, JC» 1 a.92/92 owe! .¢~< J 4|- In addition to the above, it is noted from the criminal record that 1stop was placed againstname the~wayEwe Bureau October on 1939 31, at the request of the South Caroli Patrol, Columbia, South Carolina. apparently wanted for questioning in connection with arobbe Fireerms th the of Cash Depository Lamar, at Carolina. South of Florence city limits ofT Count adv to close se just outside the this place of business because of gambling, disturbances, and fights wh' erecontinually taking placehis at place of business. According toon one occasion he was known to have the hospital stated it assaulted two for several was a the present soldier s, OnoE i whom days I well-kzm time and that had to on a charge of tr at attempted rape the next term of in ' sustu ned. Plso W ;iL5 g business at a means ofL serted that _ also with es. no be laced the latter sti.tea_>z-esently awaiting by the use of the District trial a gun and would come up for Court, Florence, South Carolina. &aid he was observing very cloely the activities ofboth Eco verifientssile connection past with bani-: robberies in and that he would prosecute them to the highest degree if sufficient evidence was obtained in connection with their violation of the liquor laws. Sheriff 41 eV1 inity of having had Florence County and sa some connection with the dhe was suspected well-known Purple at one tnne as Gang. In connection with a report that '33 fi * . ., av .92 _..-'_-,-J 92 - vs .J'5.2 1' .-:_ 5 4l75o<2,7-79! . s. _ L _,».=-i;-4 r-.1.-1 1.,!xxxxxx IQ xxxxxx xxxxxx FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATIONSHEET [I] Page s! withheldentirely at this K El indicated, explain location inthe file. One ormoreof the following Statements, where this deletion. Deleted under exemption s!,T material available for release __ with no segregable to you. El Information pertained only toathird party withno reference to youor thesubjectof your request. Information pertainedonly to athird party. Your name is listed in the title only. Documentisl originating with thefollowing government agencyiiesl _ ____ e_ __ __e__ ,was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. Pageiai referred for consultationto thefollowing government agencyes!; , __ ,*_ _ as theinformation originated with them.You will be advisedof availability upon return of the material tothe Fi3i. l"_l i.__i Page s! withheld for the following reasonislz /Z1 For your information: __ _ ____ E The following numbertoisbeused for reference regarding these pages: 402.35/»1¢-4@_= /5171,01;/-f? 7' _ i XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX § nansraoPAGEKS! X 2; NO DUPLICATION FEE Ar-on THIS PAGE -. IPl ,..92m-0:-u-»4-.1.64 ' j_,~ 5: _,4 ,92 - -" .' 5 I . Ojjtlé M620F;Z?§dZ£m -UNITED s'rA'rE _ -. TO=mg, ,1, mggv FROM :J_ .W J, RYAN J DA-1-1;, 24,w1:3 Octo .1:11.? r;iw' SUBJECT; GAPGA --'-' 292/ hr. ' * ,-' hi: § CKTBU . .£11-.=v.92-Y ___" M, , Mr.G1aVJ.|_ ur. Lac-. _~A , 92 __,,_-._-,_.--_./ vx. 'IrBl!yi_ _______ I21. Egar92_ T DIP. D92.ll'he . Mr Ha-rbc-___________ Tothe advise that an "the_"mreau aPP6ara..to_ l 92 ide tical with re nest mde _o_ _ sf-one Treasury We *1 T Department, Wa con_cerni§lg_a__gra1p,,05E_gangsl}ers at}; °"f--;____*-#_ H Q__ _ ,T 95155 Grace Ranch o, eh___ie,J.ocated._.on..fthe_.eutsi<iri:-s Bean.i________ or T11,q§9_r§,_11*:izm-W he "I~ww=- ,6 , , Y 92 __ 92b U91"?Ci'92.LL1C nagxamuun . .,.. =1 ,' 1 7/ On with October 1946, 7, ureau the H51; of_a___§9_nnere ___Depar|_:_mem N communicated the Bureau andq._g.jr._92_.se3_ 33, Detroit ,ru_1.- 1 1 numerand gangst_.er,,had pumhaaed ar_anc_h__nea:_r _cson, nth a _zom, and hadmo1_ed__:i,n number of. hieformer ass0o:lates__£1pm_pe§;1o;1.l§,_e ThB_B11r6811 .°f..¬!1Bt0Ii,1.5, 1 TreasuryDepartment, reqnestedrthat the theeriminal record:-:_,q£ 1} tfne,_£ol_1,eaj.,.ng individuals_._ -._.._.__-_ ee:e_1~:~eeen*-Iv at the raaeh__e;_ ,1?e!.;e_,i1iea l'.______ """"' --e-_a_._i_ .____._._,..ec_~a,,v1_eg .... r a'~ Lb92 IY- P ,Iea ' ir;div.idua1s__haye beenpossibly__;'1.de_n_ti£ied_ by___1;he___Ident 1 on Division_,a.nd eri.m:L1;1.a],_ reoords_ag7e_ being forwaded tofbhe Bureau o£_Custma, Treasury Department,Washington, D.C. Available phot-ographe 91 the above are , likevriee beingfurnished to the Bureauof Customs,in addition to_£_hQcl_o,gt_a_.t_ic _ °.°Pi_?_§2.£.-.§i_4?8°1'2i'iQE5- N .1a ;&1A-N -;* 7,_J-946, A_s§_i§_t§.n§mj}§.reotor L.B. l~Iic11o1s,,_;7eo_9i!.& -= from __at ifnieh time he_§_tated_t_hat_a _eit-eatii-?5.i _.1.~-i='i__='=.e*" = m1¢ wpe with___the _n_1::eet_o_1;_9n in.£orma1 mas. Van a¢:1qe<1.rha1>.a smleaesa hademvd 1nwaw<>=@=.=;'_.a=%4F2.e :. -A -=~= that Chief or Po harassed_membere,,_ sting the on p1C8J"1.1I'l1Sh_Dff8l'lBBB su a J&YIB1king_and the,_like, stated that he would endeavor to obtain the names of the indivi<b,1&.§l §3_ thmish sea! Cj! names the to Bureau. 5- /l Q92J .- . Areview of the into ti n reoeiired El!-h the Lnirestigationu t-he Eg;».'5'"' Q1; _ wh of_ the__1;:ey £'i_gu_res_ the invqon in went te__Tuce_gn, _A_rizong.,_ which he o1 J of_ 1:rr1'¢é;' generally purchaeni ranch for approximately $<:5,000 on Febmary27, 1945. has 9:,. a -'I592=?.°*¥P*P<1*F°.."-If Piem °fadd"-1°"-=1 Pwveri-an adding to the ranch and it is est» ma pun anemone MR 08 aw 16ms .63-F/97.3/0'7 ' ' . ' G - 4| 92_ byjl "/ 1CJ ' - t 1' ' ,0 ._-' r 1' ' - _ _Q1, __.>.. ' ' /" _ ,4 92_, oi 4,. __ ! _ V 92 . memorandum forHr. A. Rosen Lbi"»Y<§~ approximately £550,000. _'1f1.19._P.Y.10en.uc_0;§_£_ ' that the ranch at this time is worth 1 : has__adyieed__thetrLiceYo1i_ has _a;a;s_0_o_ia§ed,wij:h__hoor:11.umso o£_Italia.n,_e.x;braction, and it is noted that __mentione_d___above staying at»_t¥!§_r§=.1.¢h The that 'bz.iAug921s'b 1'7 and of the above named received from more or _we:'e_reps1_I;1g_ed Phoenix Officehas further advised the TucsonPolice Departmentarrested six indi . Aording co rma to info tion ' the Phoenix I!6¢68.B1I_ .e- he expects_to__i.ive hat '111oson_.ga.;:_;a§_J_@§{-ia.l_:idi11g citizen. /Z Ih9_ $uprpea"g__of _Cu$i:O1'¢1_§_, Tmasiry Department, pgin 1: cozrmunication to 1" their the Bureau that it__app_e§._re_pg§§i1;1e_thz3__ d .hiS._gI'_Q1I,_; h3_Y.°."-9-<19"°1?9.iF..h%dq921&.r'§er$-§1t_.'1?29_§Q!1e_-§L1f!e@I!&e.§ -e e_..Bimes and ii we =11-héT<.>P£@49n-2£ .;.e__Burea.u -01? .011*=1'»<>1§, S7-i..=:v,;1?,_§P21;*-=.2@nt,_111a*; !2h<-5I52i92= Exiii-9w£r9moHe=d¢0_=@eI1=. J QM T1 "---9,. »' LyJ'19§§_PE1? I -E The above is for your L/1L4.@,wu information. 5C§0N T0 E TAKEN The information appearing in the Bureepl aruee wmfrespeet tothe " individuals mentioned all of the available above is being obtained data for the information for the purpose of of the Dimot-ore consolidating -3- 3;, ____-.- L-oi.--P-:v:_'%e-A ; ;- I:-:2 r +--v--_ 1 in e. .' 'rv'_ ,_ --""i_"""*" ' " ' 7p _ i I I_ 1 1 . l 92 _ . 1--W o - A . _ __._,'.._..,.._.>.__> _J I . J ' ',--P"-'. - -' . ' J ..' - >z:-'-_-." .1~.."*~=M'_-_-.' . i J; 5;. _.4,_U_i_. ' " ' a-rAM>.|uu:ru|I.uPIa.Il w,._ . F-*.. ._H_. , -.=_~.Q __k___ 11¢ %Mr;»H,» .u~t »'- J u___, 3 ' " "" "." . *rr¢mw@~ "= PM -2.» >¢-.¢--4n._ _ §--"._-.;_v-.-*.=<<.'a.-_'; ;_92_1_t;_» 1 .s_1 r Oice Memorandum TO F __ e ¢' 4.7. - ! UNITE "- C j.is' GCVERNME1 . -. room " . Y5} -, ' SHBjECl': ynrmif ' 1,. 4'-4 I.;-°E-. = J "*. ...,.,...;.-.,_. -..:_..,,,. . §%r"-*- l .mw*""" . i - 7 Iicoc§0 iarfy Star _e ~_ -4._I who -e stc-eo reccl2ed _1 t;e ?;3 _ or too one ioo tert "';e c.I UM p_r5 ; no? Lf i cc in 92 the ed r.° Toshington tfe ikio F har I' F¬C¬1U¬ t re . been Pll - ..! fer: Q ._v.,. . representative c rerber t . * » 1, L .__._£;r:. /Kr 4 ii _=92.._-.. :;ire i',__L c term ;i' ¢ cuoli Ye r oi io hurer to been know ti r role Gang ihe e.- .»- F tis L he if .a -->i-o.4 trial heard * -_ one roe that very someone " had wk ether we had any indication that paroled, oheckinf absence, J4 e Chic State Penitentiary anyone in the Iar to parole V first decree and tat the out would be by pardon after tree ccul5.get awted After 9 air for of toteforwation Fetitettiary fore5 ryrder Yo t eci to:rCu§§ t in_ noJ d 1rlda - o 't7".C L 1. e cooere '£cf ntere Q ted 1.to e nctt er since $¬T-"'='>*;; "t of t t kiw Cat SC $0 §¬ ": J nst the that it roe agai Jae? .r.L iv-{.8 lilli Halli-""__"'_'_ of thatLicavoli h @@J Etc in I hm: n =i....=-1% .l92bnI yesterday coacerning_t§e above formerly . fig? 1-l_______,,_____ .'_';. " ' 1- ~~ . DATE: 8-E-4? ,- ,1. ;._,, gioavoli. I . . _ . tie files I c ck today n Q_92_9292.'-I» c1F mentioning oiled-be 39 this and to er. advised 1:6 received c rumor on one occoéion that GL8; T perhaps this :6 beeq pcrcled: that, 0 , :.,._' - *4a. F course weor had no official . . in it cod ?od no e finite inforrotion p Y'Pw'"I:P 9292 -.92.-92.-L-ml.-if -it at W he ai¢t wart to make appropriate o roof. -».: I. E31 et ontoct icry to secure d ejinite information, 3-C ...,,,.1 ..':.,._|_ 7eed 92-1* * do tie. tEis Q T ;ne e '-,-u F-:'*-.-r.~ J» -'5--y-. -L, | win-u -45: vuvo ital; reflect tct on G"¬ mos he C?'o State Penitentiary paroled from t v-..._ re", -_-»~ "/*_P"-rv :"~:';e7,.-.4 '~. '.92JI-an C,".'_='. v.L;:'C parole *"-tire was roooster y, b +o+ "Q%6 -. fe Yo secured It Parent fr by Fe ?etroi-. in . 1946. h!;cr- tyf.u'!coon rnirrot benote-<5 +.»w+-eefi to it be wc Wag used in is invoirec any P "cg. in _""--.n_ tti iniiuidual I aers x Ii, his ia brother, .__ ... nitely .I._'.'1'.'" Detroit. who is -_-__---V: ,_._;-.,___ understood ' ' 5 iozter JNDEXQD ' Laeif1 by one its "' i ml.__ UI AF-"V I- 92 2]. Q .,_ 4 » I- xiv. - H,Al I 92 92 ' - _> .T,_hag ______ _ J I"- " '92.nr::1 . - .1 I | ' it! I .-:.- l!lf92 DETROIT ECTOR 2/2?/as 2&5 PM KN EST H " ' r. P1-|1n': I URGENT I'M l"'. CRIME SURVEY, DETROIT DIVISION. REOURTEL FEBRUARY TWENTY F}VELLAS _ FTROIT TIN STHIS DATE STATES QUOT ANERS BUSINESS SNAREVD it/J " .._. at FBI ; --/I _. .-_. UHQUOTE. THIS REFERS H---__....__...........__...._.__-_,, I-..-1. _,___..._...__ 3 TO VTIONED IN REFERENCES TEL mmOPERATED Tu%@_gp UPl{OI._S:1f}EnRélN c0._m:TRo11,_ r-11_g;_11_rm921 ALONG ;WITH E92IORI1I§I92I AF0:<r NENLEII. 0?T}|'El OL%KUR_RLZ cn.1qcWm¢n oavzi AAS BEEN ALLEGED THIS BUSINES TO BE A FRONT FOR TAMERS GAMBLING ACTIVITIES IS ..<;~u; BEFORE THE usnc,DETROIT IN ABANKRUPTCYIPROCEEDINC. . lO92;;CEIVER 1-"0 Q PLANNED YOCALL IN INTERVIEW HE IS QUOTED UPHOLSTERIHG CO. STATES TO PAPER . FBI TO INVESTICATE FIRMSASSETS.Ii ANOTHER AS STATINC! THI S HE MILL GIVE THE WHOLE -I THING IO THEFBIASIT LOOKS LIKETHERJIS SONQKIND OFFRAUD. NO REQUEST IDENTITY k INVESTIGATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED BYTHIS OFFICE TODATE:% OF ROCKEY PLAYERS MENTIONED IN AEVEHLED. I . FOR DETROIT PD CONTINUE PREVIOUS TELETYPE NOT YET TO DENY ANY WIRE TAPING IJFORVATIOL CONCERNINC WIRE TAPINC NICHICAN OLE BOARD. HOE YOUR INFORMATION ADVISED Ph OF A NY BEING FURNISHED II .J ACTIVITIES. NEUSPAPEES AND YOU WILL EY LE KEPT ' _ _ . V li* !»92:J:'L!;}D '_ _,.¢' !.L'a.¥i '- H DEVELOPMENTS . O-COi92IiJO1I! 34 R2-lids I I IFN 1,1 1 .J ' a-id--I ' ' if-.i%%i ..i-*.:,.. _.~ -j r __,_.,_._.V..¢ .!} A % +-.-L, .1 - . -. _»¢~..%=;§§:;1=";@§," *1? "3 §"§?éi:§. |-. ii '1 "' Pa -- 1, -=-.-q,1-»-..-<<~w_-r -. __.__, ~11; ;.= *;;¢; ~;-a ;r:~ ».~=,, =:W1 J~!7u7_; I . gnw f i§r92vn§soar irccnn »-»'*?" = s H. ~ei§"' ;;~;;;;AMoves**ij_?ct1v1t1e '="¢;92%$-1;-,'f§i5'-' = =A1-». £3 ";;_ F -1':?{__:fa:?3;f'»TT**92L~¢1-- '~-< x 92 ~"- - _ . .~ ~w-~~2v-_--3-s1<i1§;'=¢£~§;»i»i:=»#;s~;-92;,..@;»¢-* ,£:'<*+ - av?'1*#;~ Hi. T0110!------' .1-,__...92___,_._ __J _. , , &*:*'*<"-.; . _ . .", _,,__3_4. TI; ~ E. CKII-----" Q-'5.'=,.-":;f$e92§'é1llli:! 311__e" ":i3ri1ek~.!§'1er byow-=i"£iii§? pm-éaméi ti::i:'ig§.:g:?1, L»-1': § -_ 111-. n-aa.._....---¢Danle1"Pof-th SUHivan,' ler M1gml Crlme*C0mmiss;iq'nA ML 192'irb0|/l...-~-"1 1 faf.-4;'ln'§.' T"_' '=. .;-".,;:a'.-'. I on are partfctf-}"' .w n""g.f'?,I$;i»i' __'_.. ' '»~' 'i 92. 1ar¬rb;1te;em" - .-J - My, ]",n!!.'"I _...._---~ T92{!'. 1?"-1"? -----' "" ' .j_ ..92' - -'li<r.¥'£~2 ks: ¥92.§3-'l ":72-' ' =" *':"7,"'='-_=' Q" United sumG793 criminal W Hr. rmv----------T , @»~"Pi-obably no omit-izaé ~"'$ lug caused Quch teifrélf as t§92e 1-'=E;'i»'1+: . ' ,f__:.. L '*-1 Q 1»:-.¢ _.¢"' nu. Gcfn ------ur. Barbe -----I51. Hob! ------- -15:.I"enr923=!" "" *- Lgnkit thereco dim... 1 llr. C='-3 T=""*-' _ .1» , _ e I clroll. Iion ».&'h ;|_ : _._ Wo_p icciardl. IN _;92~92:' Ii 92~ 4". .92'r,<- '1, -,I;j_1§i-092§U'!'0I look at huoo -E92; l -$6.!'7 I blunted sword. = 'il~'-92'= ' ~21? ._ .. _ "§'.a§ '31-fl. - :_1 {W .:2»--. .' -. .-'_§ndfailed l.o'name '1F1'§l'l'], _|j.,';~_;i _ mbler. gt-icy, although Q' , '_92 ?~p_n¢ra£um__aQFb|:=n1=*.#2ar-9:;' ' 5 i lb J lg 7?§'1a:zi§é.§d_A'1"[-'.e:!t;' l ¥1='1=1;1=er: 1|1mug out of4 w% I wltif tear-smlnrd blindlonl and .. F"'1 5'. , Flelsher wllthe 41-. F "pIme' Hth thnt..group--¢he'i a * 92-L, J.-K ~:<<~r.l*~ _-'-:%u'_k,"ir11'ole lréaln Iii _L l_ude'r oftheniob.92 I1-_ merm"-' 4 l- .-in? mi with; 820 ll 1 Toledo ; $1. 2.92. .,- '. 3;. i s._. A. lschorf bad 1 small be 7 - '__lnt.o 1 'gambIlng gure. .3 I ullt b ' =g-,-5,; dice_,opel'a1nr|_inthe r ..;:,;_;,;be1nu: oi-Qthe _i,. _._.to .._,'.._. ngll; '_., 1,, ,-, : 3 " ._ 4-_'~j> . 1-. A 92-. .¢;-7 E?->> X9; 3 . i. _;-»..3 _.__ » RI a Ii -w-: 1a -92.~ Ff . Meridian ave. Mlaml. K-1 - e iv - ln May 19515,. fdmmded I118 3 ;-11'-."' terrlflc memory .{';;.§ -1;tIonqn'a and who: "w:-ong."' Be' ' .=_$".i Int. hu 1know: traitfor JL.:_' ~- heHe whdl itact ~- .3 . .1 oh,'Ir_oI|'ever, haoporata L 92 E , V l[!!l'Dllh§9lIl!|l|III&|I"' ;§§mGreénupa inB1-award __ _é_..-I ,.»,, 1mm -2: wi =i3iDEXED151'4? 3 gga+;9 Y? g-jbup to.G a1?u:Ihl%' £X__g5 53 the _. J5'.stmr'p|rt-"~ i" 11% w ;:er.____ , ,!=l_IP°'¢*!h¥¢13' -mi,-' e ,1 -'-.1~='.*-1=1.=_.>:=~ri=r~;~=~»1~.=c@ __ _ _ Z}-1 1-*-=1.=: an earned him the title of 1' ,.~+;_@_t_i; '¢¢.su@.+¢A'§;=;=1;&"-5: ' 'mi »;1;a=a;@; ""nd6w}n-92_ " '. ' vf irho bbughtn 1_:ome'nt Rlvltiu é_"' ;"="92 _ iv-. - 3: . ">-_-. 92_ :=1»u=;" A '5, . - NOT ___. ____ RFPORDED . MM 141949. ' +__ --_ _..--_ _ ----- , ,. 4;. ' e. '*92, ._..; . . ...~__~ 1,; :2; ---_--., .. 4__.-;»~._.....4v, I .*8 4- To an -.-.;|__ -.1:-_; ' iii} 1 -".I.".k_:. 921-. 92 . 92 92_:;*._! ' _T.?.'~*.i i--u ___ 9292 n i _**; ,- ._..,,.._.. ;_._4. ' .1uu-.p~r,92¢--'+~-=-.-¢_<_e. . 92 .~ -,.__,,.7":,, --1-.» ..__.._..-3,...-____._,_, 92_ ' ,~ -1"';,._. e 4, .'_ . . _-.¢. .. ..¢u;='_,','-:_ r|"',-_u£-7-e ;,;».-_T;,;_;~§§-Y_fM IT§f~92& ..>,:"l§_'!' "~-"I W~"._,.e,___ K, I 92 +W ' A: . , .. "§'§ ,_. -,J ..' n *4-" - xi Detrortisgoliufp. '. w " » {1-, -' '. '7? 251;;-"_] - ~.~ I 92 1IV. '5-§'-E: .W ' _§£92 __.¢_-j '-r i 5 ' -.._.=;i.__"{g }92 _a:.s_:_:,. ¢ .9292 _¢92___ 92- W 92. ,"" 243- . ;_I*F. ~11-q 4"-'. 92 ?%'f "1?-.. ::"=- I - "Ni -.--_T. '1 w-I "192%.' R AUH. r --'1-1 .9292 ._; ry. ,7 I xi.-~ :5;-~."3"92 31:1: S."" .-:1 .; _13;.v- . 92-. : ~_gf§__ 92-1 ._;_. : ~ - 5.1-. ¢__. .5 _, R ? :4 !" 5; § ~.é 1 -.1,». .E~ ._-3 ., . _,, . xi gt 1 0-: ..~ .3 r. 'T'~' 92. 4 '2 a .... , 92_ _ ii I -".; 1'I-.' : - Tia: _,,,_ * -:.>: F1. ._ 4 - __#.~ :-P ; 1,8-, 5 AZ;".' . ~.~'~J' ',-j-5;. - +3 1 -;.;,;-.01 '. _._92__._ -_'__.._.,__,-z ,_-.4!_. arrest InMiami-Beach _._ ";j.*3 -3=5-*5:-_¢I~d_92_I»s 1;;-.15-;-,;.;u ;__f Iv '~ -;1m:»;=1@;;é b<=»¢ -u-1w==w¢I_._-92ifff-A ; y*"_"-*-:-2.*._ -V- '._1.- .~_ »_1 -=:...1'. ,-»-.!3r'~-; ¢_r . ,_-*_ o1.-:.92. J»;--Q:-., -v1* --' 11!. 'I0hon------.. Hr. Clan ...... .... .. oharge. hewas ,_ atIn 4if?-"-» -a; 1f Miélm92kBf:ch court.--,_.~= ,,3;;¢_¢ 1? e n¢».=~1 '*';= ,1 "1-1-.ém=. -' .. ' iiidScnt|:.h~ !92'g61ri.so lwell'~ 92 .X,.w ' ;' _I . IT 3 1 *2 G ' an *Mogvese A.»c.t.|./.l..!L-t.-I/-e.$.»'-. . . '1'?-'; 92 4" ._.92 -3-Ra. . '1_5$w'i - ijci .92_., 4 .5 5 :","'*" "es-"'» : Q'1': knownmre ~-'- I1 ll JoeBomoaeto 1;kriown an >.:.§w1: 1.5 BUGbIO@ __ IH IRE ne ->=n'w_r.v'.-. =.=<>!.* ,1'=.r.1+==1.*1<r==.=1 ,92i:|.1rd»erl.~..',1=.;;1,--r.r,~,*-' . _ MI. I';GI.5-B_--.----»~ Hill Gond.7_--._.... _ --n-...--- .-- ..-.....-- *~;f'=3oe inn u-led_md ncquhledl ..with two other hoodl sintoe] _1IM murder 0! Jem .~ é ular Detroit radio $10 cer. rogqmmarlto wujilp with Missal-one oi {ourl_n .-I iehichMael 1118been,ques-;. tioned outingjhll _ t.lmell92 :1V1 themurder oi,-Jlllfo _ ones ln_' 4|.Detroit "blind pig"IL _'n an»1_..,»_1;1c¢a92t01-I-re. the Storkclub.Both pee-; ' __/5 ~.».-,_'|.~_._ _dluppeaxedDetroit police .,, _|i3hed.end wrote thelate _1lr.3?prosecution when keywitnesses JODQQOH thebooks. Hewasone of St.Louistoughutgnngsten, hut nottoughenough_.,*,- _ Bmmarltopt:-elnle I I home at @705 Abbott ave,an gparlnent house in Her ll» - '.v¢-.;4=-M3-; . -~ .-=~ . we 1947, according toDedemany . _4leodbook265.Pnge 231.1110 35° §'m';'@ 'Hi "e . -3 . _Another ladwhoshy!in-the§'1 background andwhoinironterit go1e:_IJcavo1i jtmnt"lsRio- chrdl; "I; Kiew,Iorier isvho wo1_'ked,hIl _wl!..*t_Q"Deu-bltiby my ofBuffalo. ,1 5%-'==:; '1 2 1 ___u7 jWop",lh_u _|our imu-du51-reetlwtlv-e or lbc;on .1coupleol drug ind; no - _oomrle- been H2. .Ll6.ll.-..---__... I158.1*ii:ho.n-....-....Br. Regen.-._.....Mr. Ira; ....--...._ Ink. Il;:m....---__._.. 111-Gurnow. ...'..-_..__ Mr. Kuhn ....... .HL B1013-_-.-----. M3. T¢n_nLT.£1.on .--M1, Golan'I.|mm_.. . _I Mane! partner with Lloawoll _,°£|;pun[" lqrE L.! _J. ' Bom.maritoThu" i scoreor_1 mom 0!u'r_e8T-S, one 0!which wuineonnecl1on withoneor HI. Glnin ...-..-.._- J.. v . ____ 2,,_.____.:_.__5V 53-t;f__Z.,i 1% 4* .»..-~ 1 - -. .1 f F31 ff}; Lug-.-r-===" * *0" _._ i . - ._.-.- __ 7iii:-ncriaiiiiii F Q- _-_.-i qll 9": Figureaifzaq-Glccson .~.:-nod was if .iieen§cd -.__s:¥;|rndstmwe~H With 1.JCT - dropped. charges By iiiiiieiin Lamf 1/ --' ._. -'-- -.--"- Q ~-*.erald and his partn=1, Danny 3; 2%? had had any He hi92rMh hEl,mi]-_92i1|'plc of Detroit mu Hit '$'CiiT§ ope. atcd they |i1'iSullivan _d Micni ran. i --No. iii:-_v hard no direct zieuil." the chief said. "The Cd1i;"_£lC" court costs bf $33,000 am. P. tine of $700. Fitzgerald's costs were $18,000" and he was ned $300. T919 ____ Athird defendant. former Lincoh ugemid shat iiinii. iii-' 92;9292'l.i'E11OiI.'i.i Q/ Mayor I' William H!mCK£iEI] of . -------:r ,=> ea-mnallv hum out at i.il il-i gr5;» Downon Lcovhigiiome -J-8 $- For His if-we G.-'92l92iBi_.ER". 1:l..'l';*- Casino By theAsseelolr-d Pros; !!'tEl92'O, Nor. Hltkincoln Nev.. P »~oumbhr. {Continued From , First Pavel iFlI._:l[;t%;1d, prominent Nevada andway with Flint. Mich, has yet to face the icourt. He isin Florida,where he has lone pleaded such severe illness that he cannot return to .Michiean. i As the {rambler was given erne;-laency treatment. he dictated a. twill. Its contents were not re- G1cz Gluvin__ [Iarbo the gang as far as invcstii;'at0i'5 found." ever Rf! ha-.__ iwiuuu icriticaliy in,iurr~d by sheteuni Close associates said Fitzgerald Rosco iblasts iii an ambush shooting here now has no business or other conMichigan or other lat micinieht. Y nections in parts of the East. 1Although the 5".-yea. -old casino lot no one who couldhave hada. Why. he is like abanker." said motive for shooting Fitzgerald. OD¬l.=iiOl' rcnutcd was to have one who would not permit use oi iThen headded: or icarricd large sums of money. his name. He doesn't'smol-re --I-ll "in this world. you never know iDetcctivr* Sr-rel-. Michael Salonisaii drink and is one of the best busiwho hates you. The way they are -declared: "It couldn't have beeni nessmen in Reno." at-China babies and killing chilIn Michigan Investigation. 1, . W irobbery." rcn these days. you can never 3% Fitzgerald. and Sullivan. 60, have been revv1i.'_'c." .-.v ' It must ll what. might happen." ithe policeofcer added. Hwere among chief targets in MichMrs. Fitzgerald said also she . Filz:_Ct'Hlco-operator i. of the- igan's biggestinvestigation oi ad no idea why it would have gambling. . .Nvvacln Club. big doirntoivni "Pele. R0 ihappened. "No attempt has been gganiblintl house. was shot down? Only last year, after along bat.imade in the past. she said. She tle against extradition. the two Nease ias he started to leave his homei ;aclded her husband never had even costs for the club shortly before mid-_ were assessed nes and ndy___ lbccn threatened in the 13 years totalinls $52,000. inielit. 'they have been married. By that time they had long .4? vi Rh iTivo cl.:irecs 92=rerc red int since left Michigan and set up i its back at close ranazr. gambling operations in Nevada. Found by 92'92'ife. = where gambling is legal. ." -"' _ l.'4 In the course of Michigan's inFit-2..1'fl'¬1iCi. afllTl|l' niehi club vestigating several official heads -@Iq .ncratol' in Macoml! County, ieil. State police and county othMich.. was found by his wife involved in bribery Main. 33, sholll_92' the nitclblasts cials were .1 .5"? 1 of the shotun awoke in."|n_v resi- cliarges. Macomb County. hard by Dr'dents in hi:- e>;ciii:<ivr- Soutiivvcst troit, was the hot spot of gam'Rcno nciahborhood. blind in Michigan. Mrs Fiizerralri snid she ran out Over the years millions of doll.of the house to the :nin.:t and t, ;»t lars turned on the dice and cards. .i.1 92 i found her husband slill'nptd on n and both Sullivan and Fitzgerald r -the floor. , i. were reputed to have had e big ' Ht i92l!iJill l-Li_V had iiist. opened hand in the operations. If ,r_'ai:1§:c's n92'viii¬'ad Thedoors. Michigan's one-man grand jury phi. in the huildinu was on, mit- systcrn was credited with the nal t inine his body to the dark alloy. mop-up. I Fli2_lt"l'2"liCishot wasby adouHad I.i92'I:d Unmolestcd. iblc-harreicci sli0t_:un held only Since then. after abitter legal "inches from his right szde io92.t';ii'-:i ght. over the constitutionality oi the hack and the main charee such procedure. Michigan diss ".'Ci'E!d spine. 1-to his was ]!;1rux continued the one-man grand jury. lyzed from the waist down. docExcept for their troubles with tors said at Washoe Hospital. . the rrrand jury. however. FitzClmnrcs Arc Slim. tlerald and Sullivan led moderately Tlicy imiicziteci his clmnccs to unmolcsted lives as Michigan ill-'1" 92vc!r "92'ti'_y as heslim" was P.'3l'riiJiCt5. 'novr'd aroom tn 9292'ilC'i'L transfuBoth had operated for sears in an-any runiillur-rt. lhe Detroit area and their only I ions 9292'r-re Polire L. R. Gi' t~other lll L Chief of troubles were when they niu one churec niisseci Fit-?.:r-raid occasionally ran afoul of police. cnli1 'i_92'. added that ii. tvziridinu Originally the two were charged as DEC 13 1949 fiom one shell was buried in the in Maromb County with corrupttvotind and ihni this and pu9292' it!' ine and bribing State ofcials in burns shoued the ililli was held aeamblina __ _.___conspiracy. alinrisl ndaiiist 1'-itz;;:|";*.iri.l; hotly. When. in Ausrust. 1948. they 'Michi_ean aamblinefiaure. was vealed. 1 Sullivanareporter told he knew Tracy ii/1oh Fictch . 775/ i-DR some niln .110hnri lit-_~ 9292ziit-.im92-9 l1 up their extradition ght '|lll2 the at .-'l of the§l£li2l"|and ir Sm-I-endm.Pd_ they were pm._ 31 I -an ' /.5. l 1 MI. 'i0'!1rm --_._-- b Mr l-_.i-4 _v.._..---»N12. -~ "-"I ---'-"" " 1 Hr Gian-in ------- l92l- Nmrhnis _-_. I ~_ _92 Mr ET .l._ ':r92--w- MLTQQ NI. ilu.'rJ - - ---Y l Hr ..".l"..c."l MI. I-lulu -l---~-l Tole. Roam _...... -- lielly 'lake'l 92 In Rackels /92 1,1 . Mz. Neczse __-'----- =/l / /I Revealed l I. 5 New /%¢- revelations about '1- M1 -the f_a,rf1ung a iv ies of lbookie Fran rickson ;were expected _oday when Judge Mullen in General Sessions sifts deeper into Ma. _mountain of records seized in the May 2raid of Erickso_ns headquar- ters at 487 Park ave. Ahearing before Mullen yesterday revealedthe ro1y'- hpoly Erickson as atpitftncrof notorious underworld char- acters" in a Florida. gambling lcaeino whose take in one year was eeaasss. Erickson'sown books also showed him connected finan- r gcially _witl1 mergbers De-of troit'T-'1_5urple ng andwith G, 92Brooklyn's _Joedonis. 3. Some of the iteme . from l mong the truckload of diaries, lerlgors, journals. payroll books, folders and other club records seized inThe raidwere returned io Erickson by Judge Mulle is sl.ri -Hy personal. But the job of sorting out t. est was so involved and de. t it.h_ suchvolume that Mullen h d. put off ruling on them until to- ay. lNDE1E9 6 - e, a.?-~15/~/7-3/A _T I31-!_,_.,,_.____ ¢.1-~88 ~,.. -.51? .. -'.'M. 7 6'-/6*-50 Fran "BY -_</w/en 3»; DA n{vinyl 8.1950 i '~ ronmnnen Br N. Y. oiiiiioi llll g. . I F. / 92 . _i_ __i__ __ ___/' ' ' e _,.' _.p-up#IIt__17 -v v; _____V_,_._.,.,,,_,__,,_,._..,,,..,,,.__,,4 . 1* -» _.,_____,_:.u -_n. ..__.,,,.. Ihau.-1l'92,i._*,-, ,,. .. iv H /_ '01 :__92 92"".|' - oaourmwomc ron ACTION: ;. Many of ordered back the records into the were . Assistant District Attorney Hcottl in charge oi the Reslts ureau, read from the Bricks n apers in court and was expect hands of tiie DistrictAttorney'sThus office.odo so agein todsy, uneoveri the man who admitted before ll uri-her details. Congressional committee that hll Iotmo m FOLDER. - ' broke the law every day lost, through his attorney, Sol Gelb, 1 spirited fight to get the mo1lnt|!.lIL_ liq,-but Costello's name as inluded in two of three typewritles. la -_ ntranscripts placed on record Meal experts said the District s051:;-esentlne an inventory list Attorney; 0fl'lcealready has taken from the Ericklaid thegroundwork for $911! f nmaterial headquarters. eea-ding against Erickson -jtl lThe Costello materialwas unothers under e. new legal preseoovered in afolder listed under .U Ma. stark. _-' . t"1IQWall Street Corporation." Stark, checkcashcr for bll-i documents dealing with oil time gamblers in New .lcI'lGI|"' interests owned by Costello and . He: deferred discussing aY ' referring sterinl F1;g;%to oi evidence returned histo ' i l;le|1&qel. in recently the cl|.tp_l_lt QThe folder, wellas two -asother was convicted here consplllcfg of E"l"i5'"'to violate the Jersey New gambl-. are M 75 "ed in; law; and was given months, ' The District Attorney, ldid not reveal whether on _v Mullen. hat folder l .1 promissory 1-lotgivgg, ";- "fl Erl contained also notes showing ;Go5fcllo borrowed"$25,000 twice and his associatesb??§<L_l_1'9£| would F35Eridi-"5-__0m d_al"'Fl cu5gd of conspiring in New to violate the gambling in Florida. and possibiy .4 Q -states. ' tl'N'lI'§§. 1946, "18 tlltll, SCI- 33. 1947, and both were payablo .:il_n oneyear at 4 pcrerlt. - "IA!-so in the folder were letters i]Qm'Costell0 Erickson to eoncer ~ BARE ERICKSON INCOME, I ' -in: 1-interest payments tto o to t e 'k_e for funds advanced Assistant DistrictAlto;-iuy'gt Scotti. at the first session dig-l.ll'Q'.!j . [Mall Street Corporation and hearing. revealedErickson-t new hldated Jan. 5. 1948. whi income. as shown byhis ownhleo. . "*.'l' 14. ColumnJ. In 1948--.F169,815'5R 1'} , unlit ued an-Page $l94.B41.35: _m-l,1.-;il.i1Ttiz" 1946 I. I945-514!-.562.40; 1944 -SIS,-1' alr.u|; lHs.sou|u,.i.-la.lu; ' I s-ls.ii11.11: iii-llsal.12-t: _ nd 1940-$51.sr.-ms. -st This adds up to t1.D64,1ll. but ri es not so back into the full 15 o so years of Ericksons operations. _ _"L X _ _ ____ T . by ». 1*-' "*.~ i _..e...- _.4" .1.-' ' -' . -i~ F*+T-;--o-c: -r ~' - "-'_-_':-' ' "'_""" 92 I' .- l_. ' be f_-"-'@._ . " , -=_-92<-- '' ' -*2" --~ I H- onttnucd From First Page - ll: nked Flank 101' a$1.000 check .the Salvation Army." That l.1ank-you was written just 5, yea: before Costello gave .. dinner at the Copacabana night ;iub for the benefit of the Sal- vation A:-my Among the 150 whol aid $100 each to attend were rnany well-known politicians. The records-revealed Ericksonk main Florida interest was ln the olonlal Inn at Miami, though he nso had a piece in another, the Erica. Ratcn in Boca Raton. It as the Colonial Inn that cleared .:1e neal'S700,000 in 1946. Scotti disclosed the profits of ' Colonial Inn and their dis,.hutlon for 1946 and 1948. In 1940. he said_ the Purple ~-ring took 331-3 per cent for a ital of 5222.800. The rest of the profits were divided amoni vine men. :ILOFITS LISTED. Those named and their llEI FRANK ERICKSON, l profits 16-16 Listed a.s..e;nployes also were: lnlrarn 51... Forest Hills. L. 1., 5 LOUIS A.'.CANTOR, 595 West net cent. Charities $2338.02. 1,5125 and $13,950 forBriggs and End ave., salary $5,986.80. lhare ,ol' profits $34,276,911. $13,950 for Lansky were deducted. HAam,"'cH.92n.aL, Lei532 S. %BRATT, Hollywood, Eei-t.-. F1a.. ave. Brooklyn, salary $7,- "jg pcent. Charities $3,651.03. aarr of pr its $51,415.40; 492.?'0hk MA ~,CRAWFOIl.D, 145 W. RICHARD%lELVlN. 58th Hallanst.. listed as employed by rlalc, Fla.. 'l',{ cent. per Same .iI!ures as fo Bratt. the Blatz Brewing Corp., salary $2.410. VINCEN'1zL~_92L0, Hollywood. I"la., 'l'1/_pe tent. Same gures src1sc0, 15 B...-i-it; loos. 939 w. 47th r.0u1sr:flnl, Ocezm avc.,, Brooklyn, salary s for tt. ~.t._ Miami Beach, 4per cent. 92an-|g fig s is for Erickson. JOSEP' OTO,~92 See Adonis," ilallandale, I;la., Fame fl rat 5per for Erickson. cent. $3.550. . WILLIAM I'*FERNBACHER. 2-18 Springvallcy rd., Oradell, N. J. being sought by police for qucstioni l, salary $4,150. JAC NSKY, Hollywood. Gl3ORGQ'?:[-JIDT. Over70 Fla" 10'er cent. Charities Si.076.5. Share of profits. $63.- %53.38. L MEYERf._ ANSKY, Hollanda e, Fla., 10 per cent. Same fie res as or Jack Lansl-:3. look ave.. Great Neck. L. 1., a former New York City policeman, salary $3,750.30, plus $1,600 received by Heidi. from the police pension fund. EORG%ADLO, Hallandale Fl ..10 per ent. Same sure DAVIILJKEDOFSKY, 2150 Creston avc., Bronx, salary 4 1' 0 / ,- . I. it- r'~c-I I V Shared; With Adonis li 1311222; .___ Gla.vi1'.§__ ,_/ Nicboil i ,92 92 '~. AndPilrple GangHeads ll ./if / .3 Letters From Costello in----.Q._... Jo /'" lej lolderalso;contained let-_ te irsa92_ Costeiloto Erickson conceriiiglntest ca aymen rc son or monies adva IT; d Funds to Charities 'lracy__ "rt: Ha1'bo_ 92 l§ I'o'__t_hanlre"1' ran_;i; +B'l'ee. Gaéighk knownas ' Jim y's5>Zii<§._sna BlueEyes,"Me Bert RerlucedNet; Notes l For$25,000Signetl l i ByFrankCostello,- iliricltsoni f check to the Salvation Army." 152 ioliieraso a ae er r George Wolf, Costello's lawyer, to Erickson concerning payment of $10,000 on the November 9, 1946, lo n. his folder, as well as two other d uments dealing with oil inter. - db n cl es s Eli lr C os 1ri___ s Scottilatter ofdesc the bed Detroit Fjgfrtheimer and Rubenwllathews, ' eas members two were by Purple gang, a notorious combine Belmont il92l.e9292r York, May '1.- ll:Joe into, - ti mentioned Jack Neaae {}llHT!.TlTrou h 1 ivate Fran _,__;,_ ,.les, ..._.~.-- ' own rickson -- which has been broken up. . ' Erickson's net income, as shown Mohr_______ Roo:n____ by his own les. gave these gures: Tele. 1948 - $169,819.58. 194'? - 55-94: 8 1.35: 194fi~$lt]4.3-54.7]; 1945-» telOO;92ll';9yEt§1;:o bee rslcigdaupon b I541,562.48: 1943. 9taii1TFz9 Wall street 555-_aHal92P"?' mc f 1944$H8,571.l0; 9?%°1"'"V1"!.-nlél 1 '7 11> l..92".&# me land Here, __£$.kY,_brothers; SF."_I;/éagga,. Q" It 3" 7;92_;'} Elli Ymbrrow whether these papers, i 'l3795 | the Lansky'o_1g_Li];_ '92 l 0 don_i§J_ 1"--rlrA rlirnnflv n uu f "92l13S _:.*e?~! . ~*§*:--L --*r'-in---"" f= Judgle Mullen.Hewilldecide to J '$1°°-352-1° 1942 $4531- Us SUC __u25is£;@r1d fisiiil-=8 =8 letleTGalé'Ilinu¬r§r"5, I918, in 1 -l1$Bl,12B.07 and 1940---$57 wanasa few others, areto be 1-ell the Deers a d memb_e_1;gp[ The documents also containek x_returns to Ericksorfs employe , furned toErickson, whomaintainsita 92l£l;9I_li£ ur_p_le_Gang." meg, havenothing todowith hisigrhich showed they received from T11 documented proof t-game 2.000_to $4,000 each. There also. Ia;agdisimviuietshe Qgiqnlal Innigs acancelled Erickson check for} 5,000,datedlastMarch28, which raidedE?f_!_istri<:_t__1§tE:ir'ney FiT.'i'l¬ bll g U t , . ' !n,.Hallandalc,17 miles north oft he big-time bookie paid to GoodMiami Beach and 2 miles south of{bod.Vand CO..a brokerage rm. . isive cart Hisclosed'Tli5fEF_iEli¬6h Hollywood, Erickson, according to r I ' ?;"'iE§»; n_n[< mam BPS Qf H145 92 l'3"~"r"""'*§;:;1._.».."" his own, papers, had halt of a E i- son used Val.".l0l,l$ 95 ;5 §f'l-Iogan May 2- A comprehen- TILE P3PEIs also showed thatl lcol-im 1ne':i_1_'§l'te'd:__§§5,53B.?§ gambling jointin BocaBaton,Fla.,hisown-including Jac ennonjl l lastyear.Thewins total9292'2ts,a ' 1Wes'TE<2wsm.bec-_1Tf§45,_.d New Jersey bookie ntencedi lac-i n¢-|~Q901181' ,3l,s1_9_*1§--13 _0P@_1=T[11B B r 92 t'-"J!-nl tn aua L.-.1.-....1.1__.,| 92.IUU192l|ldl92l.ll $34,3é'.'.B0, but aiterer-zpenses to inn 5 iC0lonia_ml lnn, a IjlQlLO£i_O_l1S___g thenetprot was$8024.80, whi lF1'aJ1 e t be.an ll . , 1'°92§ o trader,beli was spli i__,between Erickson a'lii|emplo3le, and Harr Ylgibhards, at one Johr%!'RourI-re, each recei -$10 aweek ciumrn ' held ini Eling_Lii_§._l2li_S_l1n_1¬i1t in Hailanda.e, a. Lriekscn _liaql_55gj-3};-_n_t orEH? ing34012.4 . Thiswasfortheyearl_$1 l ois, 91.;i3i.i76;9%. 'i1i1.@1'll7_e. 00,000, bail as a material iness in the investigation. I is -$§£¬,2§..32.!/i_n§r§@nl,_1orriding October 3]. 1949. 22,800.10, went to _men de- lle <1 According to wit- Ericks0n's own? m l hedule, thehouse collected $42.B,|§_ftgr Erickson {nnedhe!-01.8}; :7 and paid out to winners $392 - "ate subcommme 1 ias_FrTeml> r r S P1Tr£1"¢i.@iI1isTQ'i"ii12Q§F5iT7"7'Wa11ts Papers Returned e in lta. a March 17, 1949. From January 12 11 "*5: out "£h6" Aii this and more came in to April 10, 1949 - during the g general sessions.where Sol Gelb. Y height of the short season-- the-n 5 been a bocYi' IErickson's counsel, tried without l1Q..0l1_a.4,:e,a,|,'___ Boca Raton house took in $754,083? 5 i success to have returned to his 9.20 from December 18,1948, toiii clientall of the voluminous papers iselzr.-d from Ertckson's of Judge John A. Mullen held th t all papers which indicate gambli ._opcrations may be retained Hogan, who is conducting a gra jury investigation of Erickson. llndpaidout $689,541 to winnersl . E monrn -15 it0 92; While thenetincome forthe! , Colonial Inn for the 12-month pe- g .v d 1 riod endingOctober3!, 1946,totaled $685.538.'i6, this was re- ducedby $40,760.50 for "charities." , Among the items seizedwas I - jolder headed "79 Wall Street C_orp." in which were two prom- lfissony notesshowingthat Frank 1.Costel1oborrowed $25,000 tw e om Erickson. One note i ted November 9. 1946, the oth which were not described in cg|_r|'t_ ' I£ri 'kson's papers wcre. read in coiirt by Alfred J. Scotti, assistant district attorney in charge of the -iarkcts bureau. , Scotti said that Erickson W S jonnected withtopnotch undel -ptember 23, 1947. BothweI ead oil the names of those wh p yable in one year at the rate ad pieces of the Colonial Inn. B ii percent interest. _ e dcs Joe Adonis, whose real name i _ . .--; 5.11" 1 ;.»'»<;> » ~ < " ~~~*U world characters, and then 13 K6 .2-75%/7' ""' O Times . :_,"_]U|~' IJU ;-,,_ 1 , Wash. .--...-14" ' "7 Wash. Wash. N.Y. 0 . 3 3-I §__ i 1 '_lil'fiY_i Hera1d _, _ __._, _ _____n_ Date: 1 1» .I92 '1 ma--marl: mnmNO.6| OiceMam Jam - UNITEt FRI Di ='-actor. »'t.t%.<»n-don: ."-xnsistrmt :5- ..92 '1 "R! 1-I12, SUBJECT: 1~-~,9219. 1950 A. ROSEN ?-iami. SIFRWEY C0I5CER?fI?=?GPROMINENT UNDER£JDRLD -_ ---._ --."._ __- -...-_.r __..,.__ ..___w;,,.-~ 1-1:. in H§}_II-ii V1JHIZ BY UN_l'l.'jU -}'J'F-'l'J35 }".'1'l'U.Ul'.i'fI5 CF?IT~'~T~I suwvv . c 1. .-. : ., " " 4 -.-.1. ~...-=2-"J1? .' '!.92_., 92H21 F 92-1 . I i ReRnrvnu lettwr dated Nay 12,1950, forwarding a 1i=t09 4;5t£@$L !.'r'0in'inrz."=t u:'|:i='>r92-.-'0'r'1d fiffllres. 95 Hf-I;P*f t The 1:__ r GOVERNMENT DATE: Director .-~*""92-~. . ~ r'=fm-annex! liist c.ontains the name of J£J.'?;..51-?»F?S[T|tIT-T, New fork T<~H.c¢;D:.m1*f.~~-raft. r.921n2be»~ 107793, 92'-rho ms alleged to bu active in the 'r 4I ?'FE9-'22-~: = xi:-">3r-18:1 ='*!1e:*e='i ' J " to h-==.v::bnen the s::ni=-aw, H' of rm~..,-.'1-1»-7;?----7-Q-__*_ T".-.=._1'----' H F']:o rict1-I_|vOSt_Lr[:;_;_t]0j'92 JE92r!|-|1t1; in ]_9l_._2-[$3. iv?-1 ---¢._.-;_~ r;r.<>192- .~ , 01" .?|r.- Tfinrnj =h:2 __"'e1<:s , "-." 1""-v but t hirs Oi"f,*_1:'e Ca-"<t9i:1 "in-"livirluf-1' its he1.'i_eved to be a former lender ",'7".1?E, *=.i<=*Joc:_1r*'_"§w~n.=:r,ein, iUI'F1'1@ Gn.n,=v. T10 I¬fE1"i?Z1C¢? to identical - TE ' 92~'?7*§,h JOSFIPF in the Detv-0-it, TI;icl1i:jar», I HEW.-1TET!~I h-2::FRI #21-390and Detroit As no ir?s1ntif'ice=.t"ion 1'eco1-1] is :a.vai1able.§10 is -92'.1#f-1? 1.i|"-t-I201 Er. "LL: 5'i i:1--*-C.'>]_ 92-r,H.hthe Tn'.|"'Ir:v "+r*!'-M?--'w;'.f. "-*"~_'T="-".="7"1. Police L"c-part:-lent#'I.!J|9Fnot p-nz:sib1.r:to :lefinitP.Ty 'i,nrH92ri_r1uF-] 92-Ihrw V-9 F--1-r "'0z"|.* '1']-*1 ~41 / l.=92. ~.Z<_'!1'*~""?-"-_. '-~-10 is ccnmon1.!r <1=0'-11 as "l4C"i-YT?-"l.'"'TT_I1_.lER, F: 1'0"-1.':92 Y-writs!" of th-;_-!ur-_n']~ F1-2119,war; intervii ewed Pt his 1'»3."-idwnce in HoT!.l*r-;r,~c-3, I-_1.0r~5<1'= in 3*-:~r:.h, . 1'~,?I'~-, rm-"3-advised that JOEY '%F1R1!S"EIN now in U0 fm"ru'mhed no L-plf fie data as to his where-vb:-'.1ts or nct"i.vities. Cali form"; E?!-.I*F%1I-3 1*-":T:>t£-cl th.'-at Um 01*,irr"'mr1 T-Ur-pleCvnrri,nc]11d #d_.-';';[3_}7I, F{_!:'iCP-JD and JOSEPH U .92 1'¥F".]*rT~I."|T'rLT7'T, HI!I!T'-'!~'FT.FTC1'{l"", .".I?-PTif,*1'1,}<§E?, I%?nVIPIF¥}I92'{]'I-T1?-1*?-'7 -TU"f1 hf1v".zsc:li'F11.-1! 1-,. ~_~ &:e'| 1 m':<>"..'.92 Uytroi t lloodhlm,1-1O¢;?,_I..-*1'?[},'.*i1"?, 1-7%,.-P» _.'_1!:;=.1 "i:1-,er-- "PH-,PfI in ?~'-f92Y'Cl1; } .$q"-},-5*-5 ?§I7'.;'i, F1OI.i92'J-'1. =m<?3-'ii 1".i1'., 'i JGZT-".'?_.''7.FS'."I.T-"7 "!f..E3 .'1-1:2 *1"--.'~.m-ti iv -::~:;:-ww---n:-P L1; Fri? I-='c>.E:<rrj. !J1T. i"?-1}1N5'I"T~"-f.-'3", in Um direction of F=?:'r7-'!. F}::.~1¢; car-=->%':!?-iota? " which he sald were mainly concerned with boot- 1 -.-,--""i'n <. @;,saw»/055 RECORDED 92 ,In-. ---I t..Y";<~:;92 ;=._"'.'1fI -';v'9292_ . 92--1-~ , U _ rm >1 . 1 IF '9292l WHY -F1":-M1011! ti 1"A-92 t-1" 1" __',1, v ._/"' J17 _ 92 Kx;2» if I, ~srvn1?:U%wrT1QK!' ,_r"-Yr =¢?=H.=92.T=@ A .-.F1'1."';r<t1' , _ 1' r L ;".1;0.'~_'-;-'- /' 92||| , .1 . u Pr ,' g*: 4 ,A ' '.-. E '1? x //< ./1;- r ' H1. Tullon_.._-__ 1!:; 1... aff.was --_.__.i CIeqq92..____.....___ G92uv'in __-.__.. H1. Nichol; _______ Hosea....... _- 1,, "arr eg'L'%Il Bureau nf inuentigamm ...-.-av -, <' ilniteh Etahzliepartmmt nf Justice Tluqv__...___ Hark -- _-_.-.-Ielmoul___i 900 Standard Building Cleveland 13, Ohio ii 2 _ .1 May 23, 1950 Mom _z_._._._ a ~ AIR MAIL SPmCIAL -.. nzuvsmr / T010.Rodi '_...._......_... 11:.Ntclso r K5! Gs! I a _J _ 1 Y , .- Director, FBI -v 92 92 Attention;_ikssistantj DirectorA. / Re: SURVLY COI~ECEriNI192iG PhO£LINr1.NT UNDEFL?iUhLDI~IL}U}iLS Bi:.ING FADE BY UNITLD STATLS ATTORNEYS <=RIae§v@vH __ as ___ |092 ,lYC> is i Dear Sir: Re Bureau letter toChicago dated May 12,1950. F} " J Information has d by confidential mantsof this office that past several years on Par M inior- " "" for the ew rive in etroit, Michigan. In view of this fact, $*> .- a copy of the summaryon this individual pI¬;p8IEd by this office is being forwardedto the Detroit Office and the Detroit Office is being requested to preparethe necessarysupplemental summary as outlined in referencedBureauletter. Ori inals are being enclcs _ /1 2 Very truly . t~ ' 1. --192t.!=t _;T.,§, EnC. _ I I 69L }_ _ 8 .; r-- "F '~|I~ -' "if :2. i ,4 69.9-@W' _,__' ' " 92> _9292' R. J. ABEATICCI-KEG SpecialAgent_in C ar e T es" | _ N! alfi; - Z vi cg:netroit =;,n¢3[o='e-é FECOQDED _ JHQ=];_]{,~_-' , J»-;;;"M ' |¢ U_ECEH92[:i.* Q kn» e. 92D</I l * /Woairo _ 72 s X1» M 1/ [UJ92' 92 yr A} M I YT .1- V 5* G yours, t x92 In-'1/92 SJ ,4 9-/09! ~r}[E , _ if _ . ;- --' . b_ » r § I I _I I "92L / V __ 4%.-vf '_- , "' _:IE'.T- 5 b".'I' .': '3-=-" ihr» .92'-;". i . ' ~u *»=1'",*-"~=~1 " _/.__ __._ _ 1 QI ~._ Qs,-._ .92w92- - -419:1»!-1!-lIv9292k-92 -_. __ r-r ,3 , ' _ . 92 ' x '1 ¬ my 23.0 195°. 4-, st _- ' Q J} -.5I.7is *7 GI; .~; Q; -.92. - BYWYQ! ' ..r _3::;_-_'_92 PEEQSONAL s1_s'roRY ggnisgcxsaouun '§k~."' born December eg- He is --1 2h, 1899 in Boston, Massachusetts divorced, address '$& .' _.4 ~;: st; E_ ~_. ..Y1 U@Y& that GRIZJINAL inACTIVITIES 0" .92' ~59 ,1 __,¢__.. 92_ .1: I4 & as eh blfc! t one 'time IBS reputed to be a member oi the notorious grpjle Gang 0 eroi , Michigan, which gang controlled aconsider- However, when interviewed at one timeaBureau byAgent denied that able amount ..,, I_~_ of the criminal activities he had ever been affiliated with in Detroit, the Purple G, Hichi an altho and Toledo, eadmitted Ohio. that he attended grammar school with _§Q_E_ and B STEH,brothers,later who became members of the Purple Gang and that-"Fe continued this association by trading in ~a g.¢ , bootleg Irhiskey we dew with twith we other members of that notorious the prohibition era. vised Bureau Agents that about twenty-ifive years ago he left Detroit, Michigan for Akron, Ohio where he was H engaged forapproximately four years in the bootleg alcohol business before r ' he moved to Cleveland, Ohio, at which place he continued to interest in bOO'bl¬ggj_ng activities on alarge scale and subsequently nmscling into gamblin B: P : inball slot ;--I fa" cmne& " 92 :, machine and "other rackets. himself his way r O'1! - ~= ;. um-_ . -pngr. -- --U1? _1 .-=- l"':,r1| _____.___., ,.i_[_.__ L ggr; ~6.-15 fw I "I -R / P-1|. VI Iu ._._ /,» "nc9yTYlnu WA Hrnom 1 I ' IRECTQR LOS ANGELES t s 4-on PM - ATTENTION... ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, A0 ROSEN CgBGENT I,1 3 i ' /Q1:gli O $1 41, KEFAUUER TO COMMITTEE INVESTIGATE ORGANIZED IN INTERS CRIME Lrvy, -I .. ___ __ ___ - .-.----»~ - COMMERCE FUGITIVE c1 nnsL THREE wxrmzsssg. LA FO%S?2 roun DA ADVISED JOQ%§ICA PROBABLY RANCH ON TUSCON, NEAR ARIZ L TD B "9'M - EASTERN HOOULUM.,FILES THIS O IL OFFICE INDICATE POSSIBILITY RANCH owmun PETEZ¬;cAvoL1, EY m£M&E@X§uRPLE FORMER DETROIT.ca u PX FURNISHED BACKGROUND AND PHOTO BY LETTER THIS DRTE WITH REQUEST AS CERTAIN IF SICA ON ABOVE RANCH. .PI, HOOD W HOLD LINE ¥9292vUVtED -99 ]¢ 3;-j/?3 B //0 PLS L¢u131wn INDEXED-99 92 ~.,_4- 9 81' §"Y*i~=/M-* 1951 [X-54 . - W 1. ' _ .' 92 I _.' . - _"1._{ .r ..= ' E . --- 7V,. 1_ ' - ' . ..' ~' - .'- ; .' _-:1-I' '_,.I-.7"-" :7: ' '-. '5 " ._;<__#92:.-~.92 1;.. _-,'.-: E:';_g_},. .',r&# ~-" ' , .92 .,~. _~,.:w1'_ .lgIr".-n_f .;Pia-, -92%¬~gIg:;;~.'-=» ,.}"_;_.-_,__ __£_,___¥i% _' __*_» ..j_._Itb-F; H L*H,._ W ._- 7 '214-I-I-I-t __ -.-A. _--_- .: 1 "_-__;_;_%_ V 3; *:__92"-;.,5___!:__ I9--_ - -:- _;_ .'__7*? If __ .._'r_: '"M.-# -*5 ' " " :1-'* - --R»-==f--I-'1-~Z%H-U-'=.=-. "~"'--»:"'i~ -."'-'*»%*='-.&# ¥'?-.-i;**%_:7"33*--15'"-**==-1@R.¥=s.*~=T. .:-M224-*3 f _4. .. I . ...-......... .- - n _lhlllwi V _,,:P__ 92l 4 .n.L _.-92 _ f ;'-I-W '_ ;' .. *R st / 4- >:4 , _ _-.-~*"i ,- H ' '00-7 "Q . I Q._ _ _ , _ __|_ _..._... .._____+...._._....__._ j _%_'.._ OFEIJ2-ll-C-rF"DIRECTOE, FEDEi5iAL OF BUREAU mvEsTR'I¢nr0N , 1 TO I 0 -' or:-P101.-1.1. INDICATED BELOW BY CHECK MARK ;_ Mr Mr Mr Tclson Mr 0166:; Mr Mr Glavin Ladd ____ Mr Mr Nichols Mr Bosen M I" _ i-__..___,i Tracy Mr Harbo Mr Aldcn I'.-:1 - / Belmont _ Lcughlin ___Vf__ Mchr m_ Ncasc ________ Miss Gandy __"_ c _» It w {x "'1.Id-H ' 92. 1" / E . /- . K '--1'; '*_;'; Y:-_--__i_, /_,* I ' 1 . 92 _. , _. . bee Me _ ___ Note and Return m__ For Your Rccommendall dhat are the facts? Remarks: 4 _ ___ 4._.__. _+- ._ "'1 __ 1-. 0 ........_' ."_>92' d,,,,»-- -~1@-.. 92#§. /l . /. -1"-92N17 9292T"I "*IF-'"- IIAM} DAILY IYEWS V/-.51 - /1 ' x I {W 9 1; ml, _ 4/ 1;, , .'¢7$""" 1 ,1 15 __-92... -- 92 1: '4 B ~:1 . 1- 92_92*. ' >11 ; /1'/,-»>92192..; _ ~'//I 1/" 92929292.-. 11%, 11 B M '1..- 1 1 -1.1.95 E1 3 511% $11!. "'7"£.,. '1? m_ 1 $5? 731.-1 F . l-g; .1qu11:' 1:;11:11al 11: 11111 =;1.1m1. 1? 1' um - 1'111111c1's 921l1iV.~'921r" ran 0111 T92;1.~;.<;1L1.- 11100111=l1111:1"_s 1 it in 1.l1eE92'c1'gl;111e; 1111 2111{nadc P1u_4r* stills :11~..1r ]l1:1l<~:1i1. ]_11";11;1 ti. _-1.. .W H, 1 , *1 J1._1114'. ..l.__l1_ I 11 411.4 1!0ll<d Jmrllz by i'1'c1ghi 1111", 111' .,. -.-A-4-|92 Ti 1 -.r..iJ., F102 muck, and in z..11c1s1=.'ill"1 1NULJu -1' J 111:1-11 $111-1111:; .~Q clally 1'0i:.f. W111~~r ..111i News Staff not sl*1c1w'.' :1 sag .510}; 92111uiu I 92 ' '_l,-92 -9211 _ -_~. .llé _1r;!U--__w'_u.'+ 921i111 ahrav 92'l0.=11i. -'!1'-{E911 SHERIFF _T0 Wiih rum - run11er>, 1119?. ;I1i1s week 3l9292 r11:1. T511 .1.ze1.l off- track l1or.<.~<- boi- jackers and Coast .3uar.:ls1_nen '1 1'1 for Ll1:1l. the 0-11lciz-l shooting a1 each Ohcr, His:: andvole said cayne bay 1.-1:15 not5af1- ..i1er ,1111ri1; again:-2 hunk - 11'1;:l1i11f; dark. Pulicp-111.-11, def"-uficz, zon~"-:_vp0cr'11i1-111." hlsluiy b gfables and evc-r',' .01? 1l1er 1r.-pcating 11>:-If. ._/'1 of - robably mus! of 1h'e paupi of law en..::rcen'1en1 of1'1c.e1" 111.1-v.=.'1",' had lhc rank c1.por11:r.iiy 1 -1. .-:1~ voted for Sheriff Kelly 1pjIr=-111:-21$ 251071 ir1u1ng0appalled. and ihosa who and 01112:". .21; fa-xingt him laugl-ed n r.r.n many leak, ' 1_er111 laugh. -1. - _! 11111-11_ .11111-111: 11:11. 9211l - ll1"s en1l111@§11s111 for on; r1n_ l1111 sc1'1111u111";1'. A1211-0151-' I: 1-nulil 1,111i111. Il1r~ .929292;11.1. -.= 11-. 1:[elm-ctcrl 111.1in 311.32an ,~-11111111" 192li..1.1 l.1-;11l1 :11111 11-.11' 1-_1 llehas 111r11 11111: 1-1 H1 :'1111l1-111-, rim-..~.1111.~=. J£92'1-1-3' 1111111 1111111:-111Lnl.< for an 1-1-:1 11' 11" .921r111.!<1.1: I92!-. ."i. ' 5'. - 1" 1 1- :'cf01111 H1111 !I>1~*;I4=11 92923 1 :1 lllllv |11i92"1' 111.1121 ;*_1:.1_; 1___I92,1_ -1'1; 19511 in .92li;11111;1:1-1 11l111 111115 11 H10 i1;11'1; 11111."11. 1311111111 1:11111~h11 lilf11:111. 11l.l1i.1_92.s 921"11c 11111" 11111-11. 111.11".1r111l_92' 921n11rl1'1 we arc 11' 1-1; l1u.'1l'ti.< l..1' :1ll.~ "111 922.111 1111-l1 11l1~1l back in H10 111111-.< '192'hc:1 1'-_'.~'1rll:¢_ 11"l1"'.r l11'11;.;'l1!.1!1.~ H11: .11-111 g;.111!;li11u, 19211'1'['.1i1E3S -.1'1r1.1c1':-'. 1.11-.1 11.-1111! I-~.f11:11! .-1!: 1.1.--licd inS-111111 l"l111 11.-. 11 l' 11111 M-16-' 92 11 110 arc. 111; shuulc! 1<1:o~1- ;1lil1l1-11-11 ;1r1_92' 1-I 11011521111 h1111l~in 1"1;;1"ln1".92ami ;.; 1h05c days 9292" 'r9 111.0. 192'1,1la_1' p1.1ni1":=. 1l.u f ~1:i1i re - examine £111 1'01-~ 1 1_ _l F. :1-111e1r1b1'1". and :0 bu-k l 11 ;1ur eyes npen. 0921ndai.ions 101-Hie ;;_111 -92921ilh om} the of p1'cl"1il1i111§n, 4 empires '1."r~1'e in '1 11;laid _-1.02111.-;hii*.c 1111-1'ch:111ls' l1*m;l 1l'1c111.~'-'~192'1.~s wiil: ¬<-1-l11111f1.c-1-11 11's, theindays of pr11hibi.._,1In-.1i ':1l 1:11:11: =lr192>1111-11. >11 :111rl 1when Miami 921-"asa11001- " 1 r.' .,-,"- _,__ -.11"1,-: la-~.' the 11111115 agaizisi 1 ;..1L1~ 11-[1 - 75/4/7-.2 ?/4 Tqrnccl fo Gmnblzngl J .1,/¢. -- ,r--. ls 3 vy converted to gambling. who ccl 8. EYOLIPo[ l'11l.'ll . I-11{fed Rainwater, Frank Ilyclo, that" helped 111 Slaton, Big Sam Culten ' 1.; ctttrettcn H19 bliuktes. . -1':-5 Cltarlie Levitt, Friodmarii l-1.1, -....: E-later: were S"n5*° '1hnse were attwng the tin 92-.1111 er-..11;11ir111. 'lltcI ft-'ln92I cnllcn-.e~'i lrihtlle tn my 1|... l-0-_ 1*d outin the late: ifllltl S; ldfwas ca 1l I:l "H10 " let - 41.11; l on ti-0 .1.make room l°T 5 9'°p ° - head gaml1ling-synrliczttes. '_l4.-I-'1 -5-:G syrtiltt-..¢r S :1; 1'! ygunger men who formed what tn1-1."- 1 of1'-1it'a1e '-lgde and Slalon headed the {tr-I0 at big bookie empire. that n- illcli 0--'~.1t'cl:~'." 92I':1f.¢-ltlwi 92'.'l10 came to ._.r- known as the Mitaped up in Hialeah in the the 11111I im0l;irI.< .0 ear-c lh<.~_'~' 1- y 1930's., Hyde became llt<* ill1'l'c. - .31» .41 =-t,J;1.i'. aiini Syndicate, Eddie Pad-Fell, tltll nut mini ha.-l-; hvls from .11 t 1':-1 id: county agent for Moe Arv- itilerle "t'~1:,.:rougl1, ill farlltc big l1u_92>. nberg, head 0F the nation: lllf -'-nd Ace Deuce Sulqmon Whiz were the gcod people ~|' . -11l'['.92:~"l1' re wire service. He paddled 1'.-are amom, that pawl}.-rful or Da:.. and Erowarc doing all -;- race result information to tjroup. Z ' ".B l..'1 '1.'llit 1. 2.. this time? They aw.-re sitting aller bookies and had about .:..1il;1l1:11t..- Z'.92. ' <. '7. 11 that 92lr.'1.11i 1;-:.c:t sills nl with their eyes s.qt,?:.cr1e-;l as - sub-agen1s__-/1.-1: l1-'1_92' 1.1-rr- 10; ' 1l:~ 1;1|1:.I1uua"$T'<92.ti tight shut as they ceulo aquinch mlephunes mzpplir-d the life I ll. 1-~11 .-é-92.92Y1fllt'il.lQ,_lt1uk .'li1'lb3'T.ri'1' .-.::1_n0. -..t;. the P11. them. Both Miami nrwsraapers Is of the bookie organizaQ 3'1 ,.| vrtl",*".'T:11uitl b;tI92'-.-_92'_ 5.1111 {T1- expose-cl the situation, de-.-:rihin:-.-'1'.f--"1. I -|, By 1935;. 1311 ltuokic 1..t-ket hett. Jar]-1 l-'1L<-1l1;".11-'1:-1 lid- 1- ed in -1;-.1 l'1I.l 1.1!! ':'.:'r1ll£ I-" .- 31 .-1 detail how and where dz-d l!}1l!'.£ and Slalom l'lE'192'l liljc Rt-<c-l1i"I1<t!:. ht.-__j;1tt1i92':1!I~, :11» illegal g ambiing we: .:~pe'!'ating_ .,_~ 1 'l~f-"ll -'¢.-_ :92i r PI. I_l5~ -...te a$ZlU,{|:l1=_ }¬-.! a year lt£<ll't£, ct11tt.~=1r-.1.» 01 <-tear Thu» ;;.111blc-rs leu-alt:--'i :::1 i .-1.»~ .~ <1nc-ss. Law eltlurcetncnt of_'92¥t....-1-11. 'I.'1_'.. -Lti<'i .~*;ittl:: f1'u|1t .-141111; lnzarlt ll !.-?.'.~;': 0121' 111-1'11. as .::on -1 -1l< tried to cripple it by Iv-.< !I: Iltrwi l1l1r'~1~ - !mctl.:.-,1. callwi the sturtcs 53%;-tclaI_i<I1'1-l1n:* 1.l.;:I. pl.'l192}"i'1L '.-.a" -.i11_e_ awaythe trIl -gltotlus. 'il;r~_v cctttliitwtl aI1l 1~.l1=- $.- L} 1113111". 92'a111 I .trl,:e Jefferwit B. Br0921'11r.92 ur>l'1;'1-gt-;:i1,-J il.c;';1~. to ttlticlt tliiltt. :~t::|tc1 lull al.5.§,I. .'_-' . Sheriff < el:y IT le -Imd the St:.11.hern Bell Tclne I3 ljltg I11 ll.tI L.|tl_. "111-11J'.92. hgri at-.: F?-rttc by 1"-iii-". -ne a1'1d'Trl¬f.1:1ph C0. to "irttcitud uul .:.t0 iitblc gatttlr .92.t-l i:.'I .§'ilit" ' ntsh lIl3l.Pf?l1 ll'l92: service to ll hl 1. I<»_92" -1.'92 1 " pt _~-:9-=' tic in 19315. Ilydt-s lJ9292}'CI', B 'l1- H1 -.~.;1.i .'If..li' 1 .1=:enL G1b1i11_ won the hislt-*1"!-. . has .1 ..-. 111111"-1111..-._92' --. iI*92.' lIi E» il.;.111. ' 92 . cdccisisn arguing that iii-. l -uk in j_T=-r In; 1 tfI.»l'l_ '.1:11i$&t1>n_0uO.r10f1 a _92'u;.: 1-. . .i .u£lt his client admitted hi: 1-.ur :11-I -1. ,J; lack-', ;'11;I 11:1 mu. miitnz-1lr~I.l ~ al0l<-ntaliet, a cumnton 11'.il!iu11 }'v;:t' a hriitr-.< 1*. 10 2:111 5:" 9292.'1,:. .1 :. ~. ,i!|..l i.t92 ;' 92la_L cw..r. zrier the phone cotttpatty! r-*92' 1-nl'111c'e111£'1tt hig am} n1'iit."1-1~., lulu-£11 ;n0t a dclcttdant of titc ;1I.1;' 1-=...11.:_I rrti-"r: .-.~.-.1n: :1 111.-1 -I"vii-:. l' 1 nvtt-1' 1.1 .=.l<1;1ll. it: -uh". l ;r92 l t1101'al5. ltutttl 92t 1.111. 2'0:-tr or I.921Ih :'-.1» .=.|- 1-1 -1-ml werefew def:-=-slant? his Wt? i li]'u92.92..l'.1 II ::=5n=t .92 l--'. ,l..- _-1. 'i:1z- t" -J11 .1.» 1.: 1111h1Ia1'111{.'_' tl. I1-;1l.1 tltttcll :~..1'' -1"-lt hut. cadei. Dan Hardie, Da e . j-Ht-tile all this wasl1.:npI.-1.ing, iii 111'01". .- l!;1l'lr1r1 in -toll: l. .lIttil-92l.1 is 1. _921 .1:-1'11-L'i:[ , l:111_92' .:1;;l;.1.'1.;.~ .-.--iff in 19712-1:11:11, <1.-d 1'9the lcrtal law made@112 baa?-: tl.|i*»92.'.i.i ...92..=. ~.t 92. 1»; L tha* garnblittg l._~re was rt;n ii-'11l1" t;.,1-.I. ll1 1l1";|m:1:1. 11:1 lt:1- L-u.=tr..'.1-'-I.. ..-en TOgarnbiing and drove ' 1|! ci= '1' l-=1: ll. ho.--.11; tn.-'.I|1 bays." ii! -"/i:t:i .t'<1t'n force the gambling laws. For I" 9292 1~ . 92 -. sn't of much aboast, slryte 1.;-'11. -~_ Sltvrill 1' 1: Lax}; titaniis he was removed by GovThe tccenl Y; rtumltr of the hotttc tOv:r1 1.. |IJl.. . :11 -'.'O1tlu.~ a ~1.1l1 in;{i;Znor Dave Shaltz on the try witl" the "cl"--" la. .ha- I 1 , ha..' ki'lings 1lt:ir on '1».lttli. ":1; :oum's heshowed faulty .itv r-I:.'c l:;._. .. cigment. ' l;Il"~rl 2. .1|1.1._;;/"$l1'... _1, l.tr lte J0 . 1 . of ends. Bu. acr eem: or ,1 7"" ' 'YJ-..92'I l-1 tl"'r.§; Ia 11.. -::_tll -lost of the 1I9292'11 9292-as n;iuit1sL 7=I'P te i 92I.i w§.'. litey could make it .~l J92l'tl :».. , 11:i.'<11 billi.!'di0s d1|92'<92. 1L 92tI:t92 ii tin .11?-.-.:1 .ourl.*--.-. . . 11-l't.7cr. m.li'.m'> The 1-1.:111.1125 -2:1 = l:|. lll92 i-H11; ~ 9292i.tt:.t11 :.t|.; -utinrt d 't':ltlr-. .111:.1tti:t11.Iz r--.r92i',I::1:ly--'.-1 alas: 2?! in. rl"'11-.;.g:| I..l.921-:' :11.92.-.:._ 1*.-mgltl lhr~_92' l1:1 l 111 l1:192'.- ;:.'1|11l1:es-:1 .11-.111:-t l. as l.'921.§' __'.'rIn.1t:.:.'-I ..L1li'1:_:¬_f;.n11|".-'..'l.0.~I.i-J11 It .1 it z1ll1:;11'1 9292'1t1l0r lr--l1'l.~l:-. slay I011-qer :..1 5,PiIaertrl 1T1-2". -I :1 " 1, '.L,rT1r;~i_ti_;_lt>:_",r-l' ll. =tl 1;1l';ot'l :111Ii .~a1rl '92l ' 92.-t. i I.la iegitizrt-are ft 1'l.=i~ ll .,.tt!.| 11.13, <-1---111-1! trl 11:15 an :1-111:1" 3 whert they are11t c Ck-an-Up Attempt 92 |-l .1 !T.l!T ""r':=.:.'|l_I |"lu92-.:-1'-1 :92'r!'.=1:92'1~1".< :tj1.l bv F-cries .~l1.-I..I or ._.:e. 111.!: Ka92'a1t.'=..;.;lt_ tli1ecl.1t' tlI"lll92' rtl 21:11: 1t..1~'=- =~ ~.~.:.i1."|{i 5 ~l;1ntl tviiltut-.l ;=l192' t .-tr S3..[EI_1,' fut" l92llEiI1ll..mnrlc !l|..|1 ll.-§1I_,92t1Il::.=l ';.i. 92-.irt0:_ I... t-15.; the ..:I.I!1111.~~;11---~...111|~.;! liI ¢l'l'1~}_lJL'si.rE t'ut:||1'l i;- tl1'. 5 .1--11;: attettipt tn cl-"-tt up l|l|"' it-ll1:'92.-» 9292'|lit l';:lf ll,-1;. Ill.r lear:"=:=' c1l_92' l!{>t9292It-v11 1935 amt 1937. l-1lH."r.111 1-:1'~92' .-:1. - li"1|t92 |:1"r-r1i;rI:1lr:,; up 1'31. 1. .ll' tr.i:1t 0! tit" :11-Igly rli-J not lt:192'r: 11112 lwcl-tittg i'.i.~ s.11,r1 l*l.»t-.t1l1".il ."l-l 1': 92.l>' llnwe lilui-;1 in i 1l_92Q ~11-u;-r;--.-92 nln -.iuttv |IlJi.. .,.I -<-H.--._-. u. l|1= police force or at city 15I- rI-1011-92". ~ 1 will-.1 hi:-1 l1 i]'..l-lE npmmr-' his bed =l 11 1-;a;<._An|te11t.crg, the rag-0 ll:1r1} lT'.;>-.92r-ll_ :11 .-El<;;p;.|,.- 5ll[.p9rS Li!IS 92>.'l1.:lc.1;>-':;ll't~i"' Hull. i-I e in I l 'ttzt11L. 111}t:~1-ll--Z jnin lI.u -incl the 1 t.alh:ol>c anti c-trpel C 15p;i]'!El,Miami the Trtliut e. S 1. ti .<921..l1.:1l ' 115.1--I. 1:1: aviflt ll1t' l. .p hilarious 1.» 1:-li all to l'iP'l.u92/ct - aitackcd liavanztuglt. 'l]1e til; -:11 :1" till-rl_92' 1111-l.~ bystale I: ;l.r' -11; 1- .. ..I. , radio auriience in a 1. hum, under the guise oi} a lli'.';:t192" ";11r1r-2 ... Iit'll.1. .1.. . 1 1'.-.=!f0:'|115:."-ce, -1'nI.s crusade agnittel all ?1'l1;1 11.13111 . I . . -.._-I_P_ .e -. e I; p .- ,_1.-"11-11-.~ I.» 1-c=al.ancl.1=11<1gir_1_e1i_. --_1cIYt1. .'.1l1i1-ll ll.i;.:t~;:Ur £92.7U'TI»'Jil;'r'[; .1.{TUE'il'Q{.l .<.~.1l1u ::.'trtl1!i|1_L; -lirl. .l1lu"t- ¢l1'|I..:= ~.".1- :.<l lhg vwiltl -<*]lllit1:1 ll.1~:r sltr-.Efl"1-. t1ll'lt"»1-- .1~'ltl?-'--"Q nt .11=_92' 1:r.'1:'e tho 1.: 1|-|yue mm jaployed l_100llet;g'E1'R 9292"l1n_ rnsi l l~l'l;lt:- gat1.l11l;'; hisnarr- a I. . U.<_ lJ192' 115'-1r .=;" -<1 2-... st.-11-1|: t92'..1=$-'5 yilte public morals tut ig l. E1E1_1l..r1, High Minini l':|1~r1ct'.ii,- .1"king opcttcdal-lllltjltl 1111;-sli I :h92Ill92|l.I92i92 .'_92ri-= sl. ~' in lll.~;.',a. ;.':t'..lt bolt};{It +"=11r11. 'Jl1{ gzanrl _i.11y .'-'..l.1-lIt <l lll'.'. -2Iii L: F_92 U _§_»n_92_M_"_VH_92<h_V n xv} a __ _ W21 __ ?{|dh H _ u lAH _H'_N__92__m*__ x :hI_ L _ __ HN_"_m__ lm_HH_1_ IE "p____ _l:_ H1 _m_v f___/W___ __ L_§____ :M__m_§Ww_,_wM'9292%___ V_ A d£'{h7_____ 1 4 _,___ -">-iv-¥ I3__'__9292__l 1" _ &H A G_ __f4____ H3? H? ___d_'_'V __ UM:__J$___w% J? '___n; _h 5 _> ,V ¬_ nA_J_ I_D 92 _'_._nU_m___H_~_92'___®~_"_ __92A_»q__l_ ,!M_"m__¢4", A 1 ii h 19_ 1___§ _, _4,?_'&____? rm L _H %WA_%d,W_ ~Q%r //WA 92 v_ _,_ ltg W: J __ E __'%$q__92j1 "Mm yam ___92__ _£__H___W u WW: %'U"wbd____tpS_$ A QV A l92""__ ____ _ y92 A: ,1; at 9292_H_»_T_H 1 _ pi P ,A I! _Vn_I_a_ 3 2; _ __ __:_"__ ¬A_92___' HhM¬_ __ _"_A__ H :____ r/_ _ v ~_N"__IW4_92U _¬'_____m:_ M L_ ¥_ 92_[ 92 !_£_n_/_ '_____,A_ HHH__ H__v ___x_,_H_ 3 J! x _ _1__ '_ _£ M1" R __ aw rA _c__N 4* W ;W __ V_ __"_92;T R M ;__92u.__ rW f_ IH _&_ ___O Q? °_H_ 5 v _> w__w___'__ P __'wN_J'__,¥ _w_}V__WT _/¬___v_m __&~_HH_92 __ H92. Anvdx '__§_A < ___9292 l_ J VA _3_ X ___ ILHHUwm_ V _u_ _r_ _ _A _ nxv _ ___$W_ztv_ N 5 R 3 hm"! :_*___ ___; J? _h H J5 Ev J ILHNRI gwix H_n_|$u92_92WV'__£___ V __ ______|______J_ _H_'&_vUm___{m__K__vy@ 92 _92_;_ ___ 7 it _ _;_"__M__; k_r _ 2J__ '_ Wmmi M_¢WH__wW_,_*l,_ /_____ _§,_A_ V y w _f ___ Kn. it 3 W iH_ 5' xiv _V_¬_ 5 A _h92__ V_ ~°_92_<___ 92 H_w_M"_v, IVFW _ 1I_ L1 ViQ HQ-0-92 __ n_M_x_ H! _" _ 3 H&%H $_:_'__ yr I,_ _ J 6 p_ U_"_/R _H __p_|_ MW _¥_ v_ ___N____|W_$HH x jg; aw"! N! __h_ _1__'h V __r_____?__ 92 _ A IJ2; _5 ""__ 5 __ §g__%!_wk_92_w___ _*___ -V ,mi U? iv _ _I _ 1F MW __ Qr_ K £Q__H_M_;%_$_$ ij._$%_! __"_n__|H _m::M E *1 9 ? A ,__h U_1_H____v_ _" _r :___ ___:92_ v_ >~__N_l_92_q_ _,__h__ __u__ _> Im £1 bf jg i6__v__H|W92 1% n X _ __ 1_ U 2__ m'__h_NlH___M x 92w_1&_ /_____:m_W_ __fv"_u___f _ }_b_'_ 92 AH» _ N V92__H_92___H____~_, 3 92_ H d___v_g_!_A _U'__L_u__w'__ _: _ __xI_»__r §4_I_~?___ Hf ___92*_ U: '_ ___u_~__ _ V___ mug I_I0 p_p_TJ_# W ___ __ MW_u_Y_%___ _l__,_£____w"u,_Jh'M__ F_ }_H_ru__ E _n__<;t, _____l_HH92_ _ ' M___HWM§___%_5_? *_ _L V 5 _W "w___UIh I__ mm"WMd_¢§m_jFW _ AH_m 3 Jtn _ VV_hHVW__$gw IWu" un_92hmg$A_ _H_M92WwH__H_ __"__ WI _§ §__ U/R6? PWQNQ V 1 *3 __r__A J m___h ' __ _ __$_?| H__£_i? _W_{_§_H__7/_______ ___ NH ____m E___ l_ Q *1 wt: V N __ _|4H____w_ __v_M___92____. 3 _ ______E; __ $2 ___3 mW__wHM_h__h_ ,M_N_*_{H!mwmm IMN, V f_ _ __}:_____A_f FX W _._¢____ WK J L ___q__ H_ _ __+_§§_, __q QyW __ w__ E ___u____ >_*__~_TArJ" W V 1 !'__'___~? _ $ 5 _92__ __ _kA_:HI,w _ W YD H; w Q V_m,__ gut E _ __ LL 3? IIn ___* JNI _'_ 4 __ _ J55 YJ _[ _ W _92_ A H __ 12, >y____H__*__uY '929 K V M_},ri__ ____ E $63 3%! __ ' in ghl 92_ é y,__ i¬_§ Q W >' g _ !>3 b A 92 /K {_i_ ,to _ IEx _:__IA__u92uM,_"Y ___2_P_W# ____ HMMmm_MwM__ ",_°92M_92,_ J 0 ;_tw__92___ V __Y_:"____9292%§_ __ mm 3__92_ ___Q__ AIL-I i_ m_A_,| U _92_ w _H@__ y,H_______ :___W§_Hw__,b _V Q M! I__tMvH_k_ Y uwwwi __ _~ L____m?P In I_&__WH,_____ ___""mu_,[ __m"mm"H__H T; Wgw _'______'_ _ sq ?W UW v _"_ 1 :_:__ ___Hn"___r___i __H____ __ < 7 xmi _ 5 H T! _M__ M5 ¬&L an _h"____w_¬>_ 57° v W3 U__,M_w92 ______'__ m_|___n__/ _%W_"m,1_JM¬¬,M_WM N&w"_ __@_ _U_92fA? ___HUwM_"__VV__ Khwmmnnmuuuuunky __ __P___hv__ "WE I_JY.F°1_"h.%A§AH_ gr I:&£_"w_H JW_Y0_4 __H _ Ab U b;_ 92_Wm zHv Q ____ _r_ww_ 3 :2 F 92_ ,__ __"___ yu __hW"".92 _' I_ M _4%w___r,IHi_|U1_"H_w_"mW my L W _;_*__n LI A; _m__U'__"M_i_u A ___¢ _w___ _:_92 4 5: 4_ _I K_ M T W H' R g k it Ming __¬__'_w_ ¢__ gJ_k__ ___ H __ __H_"__Ii_" _92 Hgnn ___k__ "_h_~ "__ _ n ___92_ '__ _j __ [H '1 __;_L__:_ Vt G _h._JAJ I: 92>__ __¥_¬r_ M _W@H_ _<§__ Q 92_ _M_____ F.-92..Lr: 3w A m_ __ 7? Im_mM_" "_Wp_, M _ M7? kw Thu :d_.»92____FH'4__ u______ __HM 2 F _N_ ;_ N: MK _' _» 92___¬_ IL HQ ____ '_!__92_ __§ !<_ Hi ___' Na _~___ H_ K ______?:__m___h__ __hW 92 __ ._.,!rL_ _ ~ '. r6 _A if ';92m, K g 3 1 A U 3 I; 1__ ran "ML k |__§___ in _ '___:_ v T ' u é _ FE WW __l____h {LN __W__$_______w_}__wwM _ __ V F_ AV ____ _U___m_;_m __'¬ _ I 1 __"_'" wk V, 3} I__ __ __ _ £__'_ H u_ _'92__ ___H___ gem ,5 t__,__I____,_ A! _ KM k__W__H '3__,H ___m V1 _:__ wll V ___£__ 92 Ikt IM _ k_92r$d__ _q A_ I,1 _, ___ rpm 4 92 Jwwuqé _M__J__n_'__"_ 3?_J|u%HJ_'%W_wl___v__ is 92__ _ ___|92__ '_____,_~ _' kw _. ____A_} H m __ /and H >_ _h V _' _92____ u ,_,: :_ ___ M 2 IJ_$_______I__ ' _ _> Fm }__*!_-H_ H __ ;_,__~____ _ 1' N tA N, _k_g ,-92-1l~'___q'_{_ 1_ _' __ > n ~___ ___"_,_ ___ _ _ gm V _£__ _M_ H w_%W¬_h_9__rw_H%__A h W; __ M5 ____L3H_M In u £w§_ V. ¢ lf__h__}_Hm__m W m_ _92_ ;v¢___§ ENE, U w I92 __'~___*K_,M_Wm___92___ __t|__Vb_W___¬ El; An; V3 an 3 ya _N__$_vM_mP__w V wk __£?w_HMW_92 b _I, J: _ __ hr; Q" :3; J?F _ H H_§_ ____ ___ _! _N__ __ & A _>___q___ 92 _ _N___m_ *_ _,___ _U"_ _%_v_w_I__r _#39;A_ _____§_ _» ___ E: rF MA %_4w_h__|b"*H___J __x_H£HW?YQwW_%_ 5 H :a_ Ir 2 MR if _92AL192W' Lvvhu M '4 _h__:w__ ~_ ___JMA_'_ V P Q 92__v~&92_' £_4U___923M v{__¢'_I J "0 My l____92{$ H? 7 Hg C %m_!;_w_$__H_ :___v v__ m H; :£_{L _ ~ 'U_P_ R __ mfg? >_ IT I_§u_ _ "______ E $&vm H_IH_{_H 1 _ :r !A_ %NmM____ é__I%iwt _ éé A _ ___A'_"_;_ _____ S 92 92!__'_ _ Wh__H__M_____ Hrr R____; E M H___:_!__*u§vW 6 _§_UHv%_WH4A__h&_@_%r__}_ i_ _ Mr MR U} § ' __ R A P WWW? Q _F _&_M_92_ __ 5 AWW ____~W;i V _I_!'92_92_§ ,X_¥___.§_ K3 a T d___4_j$;h ' _ K __ UV N Jr N< M_x_$_§ 4*,E __*__ 4 MM ____4_ _i_ f' < mp i~_w_&_ '_ ,7 %vJ_ wt _mwm__ Am% AX, J_____PfU92xN __ _ S ,__ $5 } p ' ___¬_ _i_ 9 I92 4 "ymw_?_ _ A __ __fHm_W EW _ K $1 _ gm? 5 ___92 B _ an J? IQ h__ 5 E 2 J? _ @r___ V _W_q_A ,9 §__ /K __ 1!; _H ' 92 J % Gk 2 __$_é'H __ ._ &92F_ w______"_._n___ S *_ I_ IR an LN _ 3U|_ _ M is r HF C _ Y n U O a U f_ _____ _._r_,___.j:..__ _, __,_,...,__ _ _-1 _. _F If,-x, -. -=: 1 H. ' _ I J . -' .,.--F; 7 .. I " 92_ i~ -n /, V 92.'__."Q" W, _ I' / THE __ .. iJi:,.J ' .92 Tl.92ll:.S. SUNDAY, APRIL Q, 4;: VK __ . .. .';*,'=¢.k,..._92 . _~,._ _.- ,, "C lg._,,. ,.t. - 1, 1901 D s1 he-»' A =-,» e» £.,. ti' '31%-I .11 Q ,._-Q 21. STORY OF-MURDER, _INC: F-lee Bl -i . Murdcr Incorporated are agnini time Ls UH" result of licariazys held, . 'i'_'3i It! alzer, ism! Kefauver £I§?Il°l§ Revelations inst@r§§S.-=L°iiiYl"°f;iZli§I" Disinte: Sordid @i=m~m»~ii~.q ¢>~~-_~-ii, i»~~~¢ Account rm! of Combination at Work ._ |rl:'§;',¢Isg" I_ i.'k-_!_,oa.st','tl1elrur_ple Detroit, Gang cw here by the Kefauverin crime-in--; l Hi; 5 vestigatiilg crmlmittce. Wllclt fol-|; 5_;_¢.;,:;;-: ..l_. .63., arecon-rtrnction of Tllii for lows 1'-s story of Murder'hlc0r'pornt-"ditsi . .-ism» 9:1,, activity. its methods, its .l]1icTll!-It r-3 sln'pba.sed on wit-Hi has brcn_ how lca.ru£l'|'. its pr-air sinceucirrity in" wars,the Nineteen Thirties. i new,>By EMANUEL ...w_ . . , 77 7' W I_-| ~- W7 E$S IN CRIME __,, .- - WW r ...._.,......._,,____ ___. _ " ' " .. state's evidence and helped convict -'*.;§':=.=:éi;q I -..-_.-,g_,. .. .._» _;._ M .-4 ~... i1"-.92'.4"~' the professional killers. Among those executed in the .. i;--- ;_..@,f_1@-;.;~__;é:~.w~'{* Wee J { 2;;-ts; a,m@..,- _i?: ~1 .. . _ . lelertric chair at Sing Sing werel _ ___~_W _ sonic LANG UAGES e ecl E #2 §§§ l . iPittsbnrgh Phil" Strauss, HapFOR PI~]RL1921UITER ' f§l1 ~ '.'.="-'=»j*';?-.I9<'» i, ~. py Maionc, "The Dashcr" Abban*§"".5*=1t .. i il .1 " " 1 iH."i< IV. -1 the - ' - '_ 1:. , ;~~»,.-._- ' _.~>":;-»r92-,1». dando and "Bugsy" GoldsLcin.-.='tl. Murder Incorporated was sgi-|.l'lg " 1 ' 5' 7 ' " 1 -» ' <1 g.5§'i!"f of 1"at'.l{etcers, with a sizable nuanltogether, eight men were executed, ~ .»» .>.~ i _' .<2-==.--:5.-. ~.~q.,.-"C _". -'1' ',_i:,:<*. ..;_.=1._; . than fiftyothers were ber of professional lTlll1'Cl81¬1S on its :;-W _- ' .» ' "_,..._, W.-=_ land more sentenced to long prison terms. §$=-sg . " ' K staff, which operated in the Nine-1 ~:' ;i1..=.# -We teen Thirties in Brooklyn. .1ts own ,> ,, 1Unsol92'ecl lliystery =,==>_..-.;, .-»=-----,w,_' .-=.; ' EN.-Irx-is ' iiiili "-..-..' members didnot refer to it l?_92'»=;»---5->=-=1? thnt, . . _=" . _r.= ,-,--' R9185 himself was killed Nov. 12, 1" qr,,..~-,< - ' ANY indelicatc name: To the under-; l1941, when he plunged from the remiry I Learn another languagenow! Gain . world it was the Brooklyn trhapterl .1 h|l' Small classes, extra-rapid privatel£'$ a.1';im.I l Combination," an infor-j ll{l"92 heof "The lheing heldin protectivecustody, Arnorr: "f the mally organized but strong conlas u :mnl. 'rial witness. His death '- i ¢»».»' , 1ife. |federation of criminals who staked ,hqw iholds, perhaps, the key to it major lzmily 1out claims to various areas of the IANGUAGESRE coll not ~L2>;5'1<e'Qiici1:l1te§ Next York. i in upon ._,, "I iC|_6. !'l1 il?i ! @ window aof hotelwhere. wasi he 'i-' . A",.. i » g: 11: ~ 92 _ {Elf- an end. 1t was used todisciplinc the ge_ingspersonnel, to eliminate " "competition" and to dispose of SA. "troublemekers"that is, lawabiding citizens who got in the i way. 1 63 Men Miirtlered Alt"--gcther, ,Klgiiir_cle_1:_____]ncgrpo- "4 il&tEd_ _andits Tanhatn affili, ii ate-s"sre known to haveexecuted ='sixty-three men in and around J New York between1931and 1940. - About as many were prr=t:»ahl;.' I "wiped out in other parts oi the couritry. This may look like a. sanv guinary record, but there I i2"a cl I I Roles Blririin "nl?,',"i!_'-i.;!i§h| 'l'£@¥3§§V F AlieHidTl-92Is!" §t?£;g%?f?1 If 5 porated were'J epiyroto, better FP;'°tEL°- I For8,Ion".ime ,§o£,§%¬E /Vy me Brol-ilyn {q»radox behind it. Flourishing as did in the years inutiediately , following the repeal of prohibition, Murder 1n_coi"porated decided . it would be wise policy, in view of the danger of public outrage and P0liCe crackdowns, to exercise strict control over gang killings. i ,192Iu.rder was performed purely for lDtlSll'1BSS reasons, not for personal 1 I ha'ti'ed or revenge. / Le denied ell ili el Ii iii in H-.t>ruu_», Attributed to;l,1ln92_._l-nd sa.i01' mi. Zing sen n rupecuible builriesa man I*'g1t_lin dre-u lnclory er. Hazleton 1. for ril/lill '4 ' Adonis, new 52, has been Am,-tiltci Pius refusal to answer questions asked by the Kefauver coirimittee. . I;Ills ITher¢ is also pending against hiIT1 .1 New Jersey indictment, charg Theleaders If M_rclerIncor-I J cited contempt of the Senate for, Wt;F1ns_ xq I _._. _ I Ihim with Operationof gamthere. or '{.,'8 eriaklg '14-;"ku" Buehalter - thepli92ll of so Iment ...... incl"u:+l-'!'down a limited number of bOt1lilv.'}.=| wa.-i fl':ctrociit_d in is-ii for the bling establishments. Like Anas and legitiniote business men {or murder of itn; .' Itasia, he sa._vs he is a legitimate _,; }bnslness man, his major enter, These three top meg tool-1' for n ie lowereelttions 9292'92i theM11101: mrnnag 0st;;_92» 'fn_;~ 01' the prise beingthe haulingof new, ll themselvesdifferent spheres of cri- | I. I terprlse. Adonis hatl the92g:~irn'ohr92§' piinlis,"the ;,i»nericIlav-', exieplj onQC,-;ion,,] pinchautomobiles in the New York area. -I I§':iU-u-wee]; Puzzle of Reles' Death iwetienr __ei~<l--.=-,¬-n=n.-=.,Fr-i-=.-thetoughs. hooclliinzs. strc,-11;,"-;iii':1 menpair;-..:7gl_,[ &F'_5 laivyers withpo-- The death of Releshimself adds I oi'ganizi'tion, Anastasia Ti:-ichief zincl killersapprentices, liticnleo_ {113,usuallyin 3 C0r01I"*".l"i final t0tlt?hQf 111',-Merv, Inf Mur'der Incorpoi.'i.Lcris own nelirliborh ,'-lemocratio clubs, I10the £1-Ctivitics of MurderIncorand his sludtr-H I-~ crctpolice, the manwhocor.-Soiirt-es of Inc-nine It 92.85é_| d-lli92'iSl. RG10}; 9292,rh g known es Joe' Abe Kid I 'H0nis"" . Twtisfgeles, and A!her:t]g' nasf3Tei;t rai:.k gl92-'l'l to:,'@lIIlg' cur tl1ie92'es. oninli-iar éfgc-s_ through their concession and the political eon; I n -"-_i - Q is --.. i92 {ll +_- ;-.-. .1 III, i%i92'?-h I Ilti. 92EI?ZI.IfiU .fAE FUIi3l , ., _ ll '6I Mr. O'D92-yeitold lhe Q-iled the execution of,-.PaIl<.y un-Ofallthegong :-enterpiis-rs, theidey.-,;|1m,: idtheundoing ofthePlied. Kefauver committee he ht-lici-ml Icierlingsor sqtiealei-s as well as mostprofitable wasextortion froiii-gang,1,1140, ;g hearingof O, C R6195 fell as lie wastryii-lg1;,H. lthe murderof persons outside the longshoreiuen. This was accomof the "l'1_r5, .1-.g';u-Q9 90',-ts he 1-HPB.The police say he die-i in an I >- wf-IfJiliowyou if E how to liH'!iIi'hi' £14"'-P-' :-20" P-.iv._;P.'.i-'r... -:1. -.,.- M , I Eang who interfered with its ac-'l1LPmPlto play ii. Practice? Jot4 ' av-. " 1 l.l92'ltIIES, Usually deiith sentenc-'5 localsof the International Long-vine. a Ink I0"-'9l'Il.BCI. out I -.-wt '-~ .; .0T11@.»' $33hetiedsome sh----i; :i,-_ Assntintiin, A. F. I.., L}; . I were hilncli-d down by kangaroo sh--rt-men's If geiher and let liiiiiselt out "U111; courts" or top indiviiliisis in "The II, window,intending10 en|,|,-;5 92._w_ II ttest. I Combination," and woi-ct oi the !}Ji'u0l'il}':i iveteriroiii. This aspect ' i" dow on the oor beloi-.'_ Then I . ,_,;we ga,._g>s_ cpc,.;,,,,,,,3 WM_LevIe92VaS}tEfIlhllla_tO live.He this explanationgo.-5,he ;92'-iii-mg "contract" was sent to Anastasia. rate rsifeKsreiiie%No rniirtler was permitted witliou wziii: t..r~ri-igiiii Tu92~¢~r;..i;:,l 1";---:,;';*Li-:;'.-.4," 1:.-¢' :6 _',;.1.,' _- ..'.92~=o r'.~:~.»_ -:-"*1;--;-w opyaks, ti» return 'l.lP§~lI.lIII'S, _,'V I his direct £ltlI.hOll?"r!llt'.ill_ 11 9292;ii»- _~,e~,=-,=_-_. the dO0i of lug room and _.,u_.-W-;_-.,. plished byacquiring control ofsixip1e;1d¢§g1r: cse of_"Pretty" Le-I Ii-mcli had,-orisdictinn on ll1£]1¬Illl'*I1 PI'92l].'ll:iE[l I jointly managed by.iKl'l.&5Ll92ST,f1T|dI:vaf 3 *3 of thlin? I-he Hang it ii ' officials, the thugs were able toImt° Cg§§°'?l_>'}1;l'i92l1I1I=F5Dw§-4-i-f I -fr-wz. at i it-1 E. his six-man ]'l0ll guard. B ' .fi=i'ce l J!l'-"E5l'lOitl.'lCit tofor}:overahhen bum gnarl-I' H Br°°I"' I H" I; 1 _H ,1 , *._ 1!,-n_ Rt-195 |+"i;1,ing J-11210 rnuhl But Senator CharlesW, Tobey, 7:-sn§:!.L5i.i l list-its-1_i elnchm ,__m1_ vi Republican of 192'e92-.Hampsluii-e, 11,-- l*iI"!."'=-5 I fv1$q i__10 . ltm_Ii=_vn the .v.t.n|-y '!4T_-3;;-rl1"'-, J9 Wu! Ji $11-z__Ii Theganginaintaiiied its hoiuof,-igain withM, OD,,.,_,_ _ ,. i be called this "peek»u-1300 ga;g'; -Hp Q;-girh*1-:~~ igieicentage of tieii duly wziges beSent to l Ijust forthe privilege ofworking. the tear it inspired among Hi " L iiecent ' fin attired-t.'r92e thi-or!; that P-I-;-.= pi'oinisetiir~niii1|_-y in |'92".12l'.'l fr»: irithat I if-ey hex: been ilamwri fi'r>::i New Ci'0lilu -nuNew I-,--It Levine's 1 !5l!Lgn!r_ ii.:<lit ..i-E -.rli-dew in du-!r¢_92!.'1?ir mun r..i'ir' i ': Tliciri:lllii0S92W.IE often ft"l 92Cl on lil5.. L,"h,|_,_é U, ,.n.__!,h,____,_ citizensand timid hoodlunisalilic. forming or. the Testr-1Le ;::."-i. .i "' rill start or-' April I9 . '-A ----~~e-;*--2,11 ' my-1|.I "rriiii-cénme ls .==-"¢"$'"' 1-.'.5.** ;_.__=,__,'_,,,_,_.,,-_..-4.-..||.'-1-i-h .s Z .'~l§ . TownHalli liiloughvutthe Ui-gm ,puncturetl to death with ice. picks, 1 :.":_fn~r | . . -~ -- siSli:nt, Bur!- '!'e'.'3~iL:5_ I. Also lV{li'I3bI2 as a Cane:poi.n'cr92ce Coilrse {lit san or liine pits, oi uriieche Sm, 5. _,n<_I,,,l,-:2 L¢,.,,._c_ iieutiu-at ie 1'1.-'1--'1 Au -r-..»;.' ..--.- 'ri:, who essigned the inc-n to iin tin- alive aej 'after kerosenewas poiired1,,Dill-,i.. ?I.-.lime .. ..I .nv -In Info-rmefion, tall or write. _ ; F -ilI'l'-'1". -1! l':;'.;|.'i C-..i - I ,rlioi1*.} Rules was the field Coin ion them. One_i2;in;.:sir-r was[l_Ll!'i1]'l¬f'l;A_I8FU_]-._.92iH'_-I ,__mnbhu_: ,m_'_M Ed-ip-,1] ol emery aI92d.C::ncti~.iration ;;-.:.1i.-r-1--_§ =1 rte :.;;;..,-.=-J TH W.91! $I.,N Y.C.SChuy|cr 4-8799 I1'1'lHTlllL'lv who directedthe operitIinio the 1*-astlliver with his feet; ___,_____ mo rvai '~' --I 11:1 vl 5'-6 "3' Murdervictims weregairottetl, mam!Mr 0,. V: Mu Y P iin Ci!-I |i;_'|~.£i.s! A.:..-iziiutis And Tani I-wt. 1'-J-:lr'£ 5 f~lii92.-rwhirl :lIlf.[l-_92&dd92.i'1tl1 II-,lCEL92 I'!illl slut; |.:-, mnmhmf !:l! up H £m_|s_ oh,byOm. t 7 I ' I I oan .I ioulevard irntn i 'm!___~ _lFE? tions of the killers, the revenue- anchuredtwo withnl-it J . . '7. lcollectors, the beat-upfaijtiets and -ti. "'2--1" *--Ar-11t'i"'--~ " ThE_,ViCl'.im5 w_'e|'e'n-1ost'L:|:°nmLl other rank - and _rile ..n_1errtbers, av-wy-.Ti -. on, _+= er" -. »i=é-t.;*_- 1 T: i92:i7-35 ." sometimes participating personal- members or 11;, gang .51 ha 4"" tr. turned informer Or were IHIPQCL-4 ly in Lhe important or "special" ed 1. Of Bql-lealingl, men who wanteqii, iobs. . ' to "retire," members who embed-;zied organization funds or nonFtlnctinn of the Troops member racltetcers who were comBelow these three men in the live table of organization were the lums hat} no hesitationnhout, wip-3 L-= .,=;;.r:;. iv ling. boat- "troops," who performed mu]-der ling out la92v-abiditig citizens iC tot»; i . fo'= recompense. Their acti92'1l;ie5 Vtntong these were PeterPanto, al _ I * :~-i",-"""1;-,;.= l . ,,.'_v. V .. peting for business. the Buthood~l *-.- >e,,-in l @1 1' _ J? 1S ECourses coo:-.iiu..r-'..92;e "i"?-'-Fiiilfilil and practical agriculture and geni eral education. Dormitories and large ca..n15'~_ts. Extensive forms. orchards. gremhouscs, nurseries, dairy aorl poultry plants for practical instruction of students. 4 Class enters lune 18. i951. Four year rrvtrsc, B.F..degree. For Catalogue write to Dean of ML? Students, Farm School PD.Bucks I mu. County, Pet. lywere not restricted to murder, young longshoreruan who mrtci-¢| Q. pta;_lil:92al1y ltrouble" by trying to lend a.revolt; They Vere Paid regular salaries, iagainst the gattg an the cloclts;;" i, ;_.;_ .1J; from $150to $250aweek, but they 8 4. -;.v»<»>,;;_'" wog lunion official, and Joseph Rosen-I t3_ .,nee N i Ff-I-Ii '<=> '.' 4: xi 4:;-1 !$ Whey also received their oWtta. loud, rent, your vaca- also served_as ,_. r-- collectors. jand Morris Diamond, atcamstcrsl little domains of slobmachine conces- attuck OVH'lEI of both whom op 1.4 P m >:,,~ 53-. --= . J-, l sion here, astring of '*brothelslposeci gangsters garrl . E i T"T"' K K; *'" -iI1!the '1' T in the T. Q':----_---. !_L_.; II Iwish I could would!earn iii mnde|tceLlre guoluoooooooooeaooeooeowcoooaoeeeeecooeuoeeeeI ii 2! brtngs you 92 dries Inr you : the time to bg '-ht-it you t ecountry, rm. Just iooit ONE of I 71:t.i, the mostrerrr-arkable '00d in living -wn businessvtlilchbusiness ti *1'5i.:'-_ cabins-it lure ;. ,92_ vt'Ul'llfl'l I Gil?! . 1, This allv-"orstecl, silky finish gahardinc * thou! rm-mini. ~'l"npcnnt :>pf_Cially nearedfnr us! -in you do vtanl .2-man poultry four '1tc'92v'=prirg-tottetl colors has hren eisw up land and w :<'specialiy processedfor 9292ater repellenG 92 ~ A9 fltrms. resort cg-', still lctainittg its natural silky soft zrriv-;;_orange V l alt' 3leI1Fi_ tell-n is well 4, haw to y-t -:-ow.-1 ways I.-i tr. rt: -rt haw teal tidrnrnrlrrtre? 9292l and tour "I about the . ii - _;. DE!-lTiSTR92' Q _r- .. ._<,_, _ _:_:- 21:: 1; ,==~- .i Z¢u'92"r'1"i»':' -~ -.--. .=-~ ~.-=-~. --1-.--2-'§,.. .__ "--. ~ U -';=;:;:-. ' --"c ~ ::-~ . -".-.~!»f>£;'-.'&~=' -- ie *1? re Do you have stack ofmagazine back issuesa;l newspaper sup- l. l_ ;:;*"i-liElliiRi SEH yx n4, .I Topcoats evermade rv.,.l=i-=1. the <='a':.R .-_-_ 1,2/-.¢;,_:¥' i}"W " ' **->?"* -¢ ten to tell us that this one exciting young magazinegives them "F i CE 2| SC:-.-. . p 7' Mecltamcal l]8llliSl1l .1W31$! Consetutivu Yea! g _COMPLETE AND i PRACTICAL TRAlT~l!NG ilv DENTAL TECHNOLOGY IN AMERICA'S OLDEST SCHOOLIi ; Day and EveningClasses New Forming cl 5APPROYED we V£TEKAH$-- é 5Bet Freq 32-page Booklet "B" of wkthan texture. Slylcti, '.l'.'iilr-tctl Fitletl in and plements you'92e rats PLACEMENT ssnvtc: been saving to aclearerpicture the 125 llesl Si S1». ll.l'. l, ll.'l. £1-l -H331 :_ they everhad l>¢l'o:c.'I'o acquaint lht inimitable GENE Bt!ermanni'r read whenyou "navethe'liI11¢"? tan Wiihillgiil st. mint. Hli:*.*.L! 2-e!-5 thousands of new readers with {not ;t92':t]l.'|l_;lc zttiywhere clsel. . Do you nd that many of your N» *9 - i R .1 J ~.=-'5.--=ii These and Jllr are i1'j_:;|| 'B;.5__e§ It: ti noin _i! I"_iwi The Rcponerfwemake thisSpel?{OF£F.$i£**5 .. Trial Offer: send today lcr even opened?if so, you're onlyCiai 1 5 jg; the ncxrSissuesat hallthe news- A §.._ typltl of millions who can! _:_ i ST... aren't deltcep up with today: torrent ol T stand price. llyou ¬i|t;;l|'lJot|l92l1~ unrl lirraslcd . . .. In lighted with the very rst issue, words and itlce. . . . bu! who Jliil r92Hl'l~f!92'l'lFh' 'lf i _=__¬$.. One hundred and thittv-{we tloilats your moneywill be refunded in mm! to keep well-t'n1'ormed." e llV111 It: ,;..»' your money gr lull! . Hundreds oi readers have writ-I: how1'1 rt Q1 jFll7lli¬.,.1J'Mro.rri_llll--9¢"I1fli|-U9292'D FULL .'i'n1£ 2. swam uouasas tlt! o'n~r'{ grey stm llr|vmed_ vim Sthfrl.cu >-=-rs Y r. Strnrih lrw .RFP|'lUV-T! VFTEF-I-I05 TD?! I Pf. and ma.1 vi»; intr.ar:|.92x Olltt-r T--p-wt-isind-t GD|9292'E-- bkITl..'92'lil£tlil'lEtTTAll "';§{ciI.?.Ti.& it I780 Sway Hm! lL 1~E27.'| '= ' . 3...?-:=.c. -u--Q---on-t--.u-q-_--u-u-.u-u-.-. l dz-fittitc IELl92ons lay it's time 92'uu tli.=.cn92''iF"1L 'rr i the H! Er l"l0t15:.' Fashion. of present subscriptions are never . 3. 92-92' H; 7"¬l¥EZ,5;§ 81.a l 9H9! ma Qt ccepi ihisiriel z.umnto nut our lViE.LA. 3» DENTAL MSISTIHG __ I 92 --um -'-no.1! _ _L.1.|_ .n-1.1.-Jhnnao /" --w f- 292/{677201"¢§§*.§i6iZz'i77Z -UNITED S'IA'l:u "Jolson ld T0 : 7!, M. Ldd DATE: January4, 92§iaa?.[l&# K!?r"1 _' ' A. H. Belmont /'K, J9 F*° c.1. 1954 Jl;;"' M/ 92 §T§&# Nob! 92_-._ w=JB<1'r= DREW PEARSON BROADCAST ¥'l?iT'F?J -es-sans r".=3;"'1 954 ¬;l...lT HIS! Cal The itemspossible of interest to the Bureau were mentioned onfollowing Drew Pearson's broadcast transcribed =f}i of{ January 3, 1954. .-.-.--L 1. Senate Democrats will holdan important saunas next week to decideon blocking the confirmation of Robert E.Lee, Senator ."cCarthy's man,onthe Federal Communications Commission. . »I ,' _, ' to Robert E. Lee's recent appointment asamember 0jthe Federal K In aprevious broadcast on Communications Commission. October ll, Pearson at l953, Pearson that time ref rre stated Lee's name~ was mentioned in thereport ofthe Senate Election Committee on f ~ the Butler-Tydings Senatorial Election furnished to the Justice pepartment for that Democratic Senators President to appoint would consider it affront jbr the ,7 Q Senators would battle against Bureau from January l0, 1938, to before the 1950. Mrs. apersonal consideration andthat thdse=92 Lee's confirmation in January. ER,// Va aformer Robert Lee, Wilma testified report was if had predicted aman whose name was mentioned in areport which the Justice Departmenthad under Election of in 1950, which action. Pers Bureau Agent, was employed June 28, 1946. Lee Senate Committee Lee testified 92 _92> by the and his wife§ - Investigating the Maryland she headed avolunteer group _5 mailing out thousands ofpostcards favoring Senator Butler. She 9292 was questioned of this on the concerning $6,000 project. Testimony part of either Lee which she received to did not indicate any or his wife. cover expenses improper activities / '2 . .1.--.'-L White House, aproposal to invite ewclu iue: Barr ruman to President Eisenhower sit on the powerful is considerinr National [Security Council which fires American policy for peace or war. Eisenhower feels experience. It administration and itwould be helpful to have the benefit would also bring more Democratic support show that Ike disagrees with Attorney of Iruman's for his General . -_-¢-.~ .....-1;92.._. t -_ _ i _ __ Brownell regarding given a vote Truman's loyalty. on policy However, Truman would not be decisions. He would serve only as adviser. COMJIENT: None. For your information. T'7",Ef'3j. ¢.92_ 4-_-4» . --_---1.. 92 ,of this in the Pearson; Greenlease money was What happened to the mysterious ' ' ' Ion the dollar. I'm not p redic t ing sold the money to #300 O00 paid idnappingi!/I predict itwill* ' deuelop,that most sold to th _ ,Pur le p Ga ' ng in Detroit-for 25 cents k' the Purple yet what persons might have Gang, COMMEMT; matter According to the Kidnapping Desk, is still in progress. Consideration these . funds possibility of racketeers, extensive cities, including up with any material Qettin coverage Detroit to . investigation has been given g int 0 t he hands of which is 0' ur investigation substantiate being to the foregoing * I.» X, _,_.> of in this to the hoodlums and made in various date has not allegation. ~ "F /¢ _"92 come Q-1o1_n..v. l-11-so! ; | i " - .s"92 ' U son |/ -I? 92 l J> i l 1 92 l 35 M/_ F sons ____.._ :2 e,e.mont J 2 ' .1 Q? DeL Z10; "Pi M 6 -.-Ii Colloho ' Mo? uireji 53%;: 1/ 1/ Tro ter , W?won _ l/ Te e _V 1:-92*' T, a §. __. E . _ .: L . 92._ I ' g.at-clustering 955:, really, like grapes . ; THE DETAILED and fright- _full'y accuratere-enactment ofll " I ¬-J{"- .____ ._ -.-A---1 ..'e Hoods Malse Disturbing Room ____ Ingram 4 Goody i____ r. pr" 1 I ' Q Le, etlmf Not t if, _/ .3 . 92I _. ,- , _ _.',»_ __ a. 01' Yldeitalt I rhmous crimes is a fairly new around the Biograph Theater; theywerelatertomowi and fertile field of dramatic where down Dillinger, and then _e Xpl0l"lUU1'|-f,;'. Lear ofbank robbery. i /71/l/j.>'7Le=/L G/0/¬lF:c,<?¢/ flashed back to his blood!" '. 3_ ,C!-in-IQ g Q0 d_. ness knows is The education of Dillinger; -_'j'¢--73$ in prison under Harry Pier-' _old stuff. But meal criminals, " / plannedi _ pont,the marvelously r@r~=@-it-:1 as-hi=~?'i§:iii';I"f;.1' -- and executedrobberyof banks, _p a i nstal-tingly --to:-ical charac-. ; casingof- that _92:F==;-~> "' _ l the meticulous banks, the rather casual kill-1 "1211 arebrand = l gnaw andrather-disturbing protagonists-- ;I hesitate to ing of cops and a sheriff alll onespellbound. dramati-I _92' -=held cally speaking. But also it<. '92" 92=" botheredme a little. A good C">='~b! hort course in hank robbery.; kept thinking though I s'l1p~i 11111 _'-hem her°°5a' °_"'°T um oseit could also be called a IIPWE'ma"l}'?e5 4md~ m3rea5' ood short Li"television. 5cr°es- course in the pre-5 vent'ion ofbankrobbery, too. 1 ; ffhe movie mob isway aheadi But you can't escape thei The '-"of TV in this regard with eeling that this is the glori-i Fauch movies as Al Capone." ication of gangsterism,even? ;°"_1'iie Purple -Gang," The Rise hough thisis a veryhonesti £andl Fall of, Legs Diamond," ocumentary. Thebadguys-5 -_Jack the Ripper" Wushinqton Polland a 1 Time: Herold The Washington Daily News _ The Evening Star ______i___ New York Herold Tribune 1 New York Journal-American _,___ New York Mirror ii NOWYork Dally New: Z,__,___, New York Port .._._i_i_ The New York Times i The Worker i? The New Leader i.....__ The W011Street Journal ___._ Date all of et it in the end--but for an which are doing rather alarm- hourtheyhaveleda pretty! ingly well at the box office, glorious and adventurous life: ggpeclally with the teen crowd. With all the movies around. 1; -On television we have had ant help feeling that hero? 'Pla§house 90: "SevenAgainst orship of hoodlums is betngi has Wail," about the st. Val- sed to turif a 'pretty profit orsome notvery 5»CI'tlpll1Ol-15' ;g'ntine'a Day:massacre, __and >_most recentIy""JohnDillinger L-_aYearw Kill which cas filmmakers andI hateto see] V get mixed upin this sort; 1 . ; _put on_as a special the other of thing. algae _'This pa_rtieuIar show was to ' I must say I found the Dii-. have been the first of a se-i linger story, which was pro- ries called "The La92vbreakers"| rduced by JohnHouseman andwhich somehow got side-F tracked.It was very ,-'_-i directed by Mel_Fe1-her, ab- __ __ fl/-555/Q 1? ______ M ~;sORDED LY fascinating,if 'moralrooted,and produced,'_.1.=_i_-g _'; t 'sturbing. It startandhadgreat_'- - . ,IL:;A' i. i ' 7 ' .,e_..._<_.e _ ,-,,t _ . 44$: -Z i /'7 - _ AR 7 pdbo FE81719 92 ,1. iv .l ~ . 92 w '1 -. II 11;: n.1;svsaguvu ';:i|.|:§li_. 2: k5gill ' Jarqlvulmn value; ova W. __ . §layedDlllinger with quiet au-Hope, RedButton!- cad-how thority. ' . they tore him-to ribbons!,Red Shelton,sia Caesar.Jack _ ANOTHERW£EKE!92'_D spellPaar; Jackie Gleason -well, cial, which I found utterly deI" name anybody. ' tlightfui, was "The Devil and They chewed "up the whole: 'Daniel Webster" with Edward G. Robinson and David Wayne. profession fairly mercilessly This was Stephen Vincent Be- scatteringquips like hail. Geinet's dramatization of an old bart and Brooks are formid- New Hampshirelegendaboutable comics in £5. w. v -s their own right. how Daniel Webster, won a When they got on the subject farmer's soul from the Devil in a nocturnal court oi law.of the laugh machine, I fell ,The farmer had sold his soul down laughing. The comedito the Devil in a moment bl helpless, and perh_aps justifi- ans,/ Gelbart impliedI now able, exasperation with the Jwarm up the machine. The 4...92.... -I-.-no LIIVB 1..-..- a_ ;........I.I JULUH92lUl.lI| lull92.IJC aursrry more. Youjustaskthe! Wayne was a very gracious, any charming, thoroughly Yankee min who runs the machine Devil, whose gile at leading a how his finger is feeling." It mortal astray was a_ delight was all edged_asbroken glass to behold. Robinson was the and very perceptive. None of Everyimagethe greatNewthe boyswiii_everworka ain ¥England spellbindcr, who un- it 92 but they had their mornen of ,dcrta1-res at the risk oi his ' Tu iown soul a legal defense £103! Copyright. iaso.New - ' 'against hopeless odds. The Tribune. _ '-:7 '» -' play abounds in delicious t irony and fine flourishes of speech, which alone made the drama worth watching. It's rnot otten that we hear the language spoken with any style and gusto and proper appreciation on television. It was trash, different, and grown-up drama. x Tl-IE 0 '1 B E R little TV goodle-for us New Yorkers anyway was a three-hour seminar on the David Sussirind show of comedy writers. Scratch a gag writer, _I've al- ways said, _and you1l nd a ifrustrated comedian -and sometimes agvery good one. lSusskind got-together six of the best comedy writers in i the busines.-;MeI Brooks, Mel Tonkln,Larry {_lelba_rt, Charlie Andrewswhois more produoer in recent years, though he: been a writer!, Jack Doug- S.'.z=J_=!°'L¥$a1'§*,-.=-ie= _ ~ A - t. - -»-.:.-_-'-r~' 92>-ii-Q D-_l9 Rev. 1-li-60] 4, ,.="' __- @1t/92/e if» r I9": Tolson Mohr I -/ Q r. 92f:1-v'._ ,. .. W I .»/ Y Ir} / I,'/ I /' at _._,1 -Callahan .}:!;.**E. $3 _¬---i Malone _Z-i...-MCG uire ._ Tele. Room ii? _.1,-§ _. DeLooch Flosen Tamm ______ Trotter ____._ W.C. Sullivan : ,92 . %*~_-' ' .§.:-..~ --$33. _r-cw Parsons Belmont ___.____. _.__...._ Ingram Gantiy .';- " "' ' -" i _ ----_ t-II'I_ I - -' . ~- _1. ..- 1- """""P"'*iI~""92f}!"tP!-§PIi""'l'PW men tn;-'= sf i'§T5FAN_° °F§ '-Q5 W1-A - °'A_'_*9N°fo 5,0 of four and an expelled student -- to, rob Bbank. "_"'_j " ' i Rwg/1_Gahgseier Film ei-» Aroutine. feattii-iiddue to plodding deveiopment,_ the lm: chic! l ettraction 1! the appearance in ita"¢ast' of up _. .i £11» K and-coming .steve_ moo I}! nos: PELSWICK"' L - irgrovided 92_>Y_KB1:£kiSi_J_B¢18.I.5 who; cm-rent]: Never So #gm Inamood _ Pent? '"' HE RISE AND FALL OF LEGS DIAMOND," DOW tne oevotco 'I§§;'<'$? "P;-=21 ..-At .,_ l 55;! -:5 *3E ,1? "; ,3. 9 I _!_.. ' at neighborhoodtheatres, is the latestentry in i. ii "Ho11ywoods new gangster lm cycle. Like the recent A1 Capone" and The Purple Gang, it sets its story -Yagainst the background oi thespeakeasy-protection marriedto mp onlyher'1rornJ['._~,.,-i W ~tesumng against mm Ind hr Elaine _Stewn.rt_ as a. scorned. -_. And cast as rough, woman -il tough. characters also involved inme! ftracket days of the19203 -1-seams: I rm um orwas nut. zolnas-on oreJesse White. 3 MOND. at nrlghbmhood thntru.A Robert -Lowery, Judson Pratt, Warner Bron. pictureproduced in Hilton Warren Oates. Gordon Jones "n bit sketch! in remrnk and Joseph Ruskin. ~ _- i nlnl tint: lo! lzlnutu. 1-known detail but it contains Till CA8! Twin-billed at most or oi L...-: '.;".:."'.':'"'.... ........... ...E'..=: D-low:-. Ziufcient excitement for the Mia ...........,...... _..I.uen Stroll potion fans. AEood Perform IOU-ii! -------H."--¢..lll.lnt SUIWINLouis Bank Robbery whic * I10 Bram-r ...... .......l-Ieue White by R&YDant-on in the F I Lt. Mood: ....... ....--Simon Olkllnd has todo withthe attemp ~."'; ' title role and plenty or Pro- Arnold .'......... ......Robert MIR! -~11 hibition-en. atmosphere add nu wmn .........----..Jud.|on run. Eddie Dllmindu-..i.--..Wlrnn Oilll *2??? up to lively meiodmmatics. Clmrlnln -- ...-...--....?mn.k Deter: . ,., Bit. Guild! ......---....Gordon Jon?! ; According to this account. Ill! llll .>¢.-..-..--Joseph Hllllln .,;' *5 SI.egs" Diamond was emun mm . . .. ...............DinnI Cannon 3 r -.-.? faith 5plan.Asmall-timethiel *2. " i who got his nickname throuzh his conic-uppanee It the hands of the newly-formed crime _*-hie prowess in dancing,he's ~ '_. jahown 001111111 to New York syndicatz. . 3 guh-duel; Lori other §;£,*-cm P%delP¢and sett-L113 criminal activities are briskly | I. gjob I8 bodszuard tornmbler 1"";]92;-nold Rothrtein. The star! maneuvered by director Budd -. Y3 CU =.-T .tnoel his schemes to tgke ~'92I92 -,9' . "the oertown:underworldhis part with convincing ruth -- the murder 0! hi8 -. 92 , .92-. __~_= cu -. - Q ,.'»,.§ A A," 3 machln 11 ;"'Punctuated with lh dlrectld by Budd locigun bullets. the scriptma? h_=Bper!llu| Ueherz ifiti-en by Joesph Landon Run. theatres "TheisBl, Greatc '_¢'§f"% ~'I Bog cher. mo Danton piers . PM F5°11 h??L-1" 5° . Feminineinter-Fain_'fei1 Ti , 126/7/Végjfg» £45 ' 3'! r} O/V //»//ES 1/V The Washinqton Pout u'nd___ Times Ho:-old The Vlalhlnqlon Dally News _._ Tho Evening Star ._....i-._._... New York Herold Tribune j New York Journal-American Z New York ll1rl'or-i--Novr York Daily News ..._.._._._ New York Pelt iii? The New York Timon ___._ The Workor The New Louder _Z--~ no o92ll'l' "Q:/é0'1¬/r!/lThIwl5l 1 :1 -" l HGTRECORDED I r1 .h-Q ,.: er 7, :' fp Tr-lsllé imihr ,Q{___?_ .341. III92l5--'h_< » A7l92"Sées B|c1c|<'|T Mr. rwuiwrgé I- c monL......_ i llll. 'I'.ll;ll92;92__ _' I 1 ' Purple Bookingsthe New York, Jan. 19. - On basis of its rst in Michigan, 3B11.llYnq four-day grosses where it had asatura- .3. , tion booking, and in early engage- .-I In its Llllllli. 1_______ , .-ll. 1'otLcr,_______ Mr. W.C.Suillv.nn ments in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire, Allied Artists The Purple Gang" is expected to become one of the companys biggest money-makers, according to an announcement made today by Morey R. Goldstein, AA vice-president and general sales manager. II/l/if __,____ 5.yi 1 Ni . Tole. Room Mr. lngram_________ l Miss Gandy_____ """"i"-3--___._ rst engagements, The Purple Gang topped the business done in the same houses by Al Capone, oneof the companys bigst boxofce $3-de . hits," -Galdatain / A /it 5/ea /4' 94/- so 1NOT RECO T-.15I-P"92 126 DEC 21 C/?;,@,r; 7¢c>L//£5 ll"9269244¢4-/6.§7£I"le 6104/" .s ELI L1 VARIETY HOLLIIO0D,- CAL Iromzn 1', / JANUARY F 20, 1960 62DEC 22 l95 ;_ 3 1 ¢ I .;;* ah H-' 1 1' I . ' , I , .VT-7,'t¬ ll.£.!l:r! Allied Arllala releaseIf i LlndoleyParsonsprudueilan.Slur: Barry Sullivan,loberi Blnhe. Elaine Eda-in]-|Il|features Mare Znll, Jody Lawranee, JosephThrkeli with 511:1Dllfqunlla, Victor Creator-ia, Paul Dnbnir, KathleenLorlhan, NenlurPal:-a,lain Krugnun, Manrlla Ilngo, Norman Hanan, John Indrlaano, Dirk Landon. In-ale; Ly Cnlgreuan Jaea Roosevell.Directedby I-rank HeDona|d|written by Inch De"lll| i-aniera,Ellis Carter; sdllnr, MauriceWrlnliti Inuit. Paul Dunlap; long, llunnln Wild." by I00 Cray, Leo burl, A Harrington Gilibsi an dlreeiliin, David Hilton; aei decoration,Franli Lonabarduisound, Tani Lanibenq annhuai din-eiar, Unhley Ppuuu ,Ir. Pnlzned nl the alaailln,Inn, 6, i%. Runninglime, 35 nnina. / If I In a prolog. Congressman James Roosevelt assures the audience that the incidents, based on fact, can 1 I E happen again. Barry Sullivan, as ii police ofcer, and Robert Blake, as the youthful gang leader, do ne jobs *3 1,iw@ . /-5Plr2_~l{irple Gan'gl§ _ '1 e. as do a number of supporting I i! glayers including Marc Cavell andi "_ --ill}: oseph Turkel!. Others tend to n "_92 4? 92a -I overact. Elaine Edwards does very nicely. _ Jaclc DeWitt's script allows such inanities as, What isthis, a hiJacl-i?_' when it's obvious to_ all 1; u that it is. At numerous points, characters lack suicient: motivation. Partly inake-up's fault, the teenagers do not show any signs re 1' LY a.,D 53*-¢ . 7: Purple Gang--3 Continuedfrom r_age_3!__ Director Frank Mcl?onaldhas avoided horror, and, with 2'1¢3l;9T taste, concentrated on terror. Violent deaths abound, but the more explicit details of cruelty B" oi'_ growing older as they become omitted. Since the victims ifi shotgunned, crushed, sealed in cement, etc., it's a mB1'¢Y-_ adults. _ But it's an action picture despite its pretensions to social sig'nicanceand,as such. it's topnotch. Since the crimes aren't pret. be deadly seriousslice-of-life sermon on crime it purports.to M. tied and the criminals not glam- orized, it should do no social hai-in either, however violent. the iin. i Dazzled by a urry of fascinating montages and stunned by the relentless march of viciousness, the audience won't cavil at a i matic i. lm aws. few dra- This is a fast-moving, violent about actual Detroit hood- lumisin durinftheProhibition era. i {J1-_T1ii Sf.-ll....----' I 92'|-__ and adult audiences llllke. it iooics like a b.o. winner. isiiilli ____......-1 llr. Pu:-=.--is i I-tr. st.- BIl_IT ll». r._Y I. . . D-L -. i - 1-!:92..l--'-» -iJ.. l.Al -' ii, 1 ll1-. 92: vRow Tl Ii" P.i_TT" _.__ --J , . 7 I '92'.'.f. 5-l at. ll.-l Missii"._:i":' G§921lL._92 . i i_.s_e.__.__. Its too melodramatic to _be_I semi-documentary," too episodic to be drama, and too superficial to Premise in the nal ~Mr. u somewhat withdrawn scene! is that under- age criminals should be treated as severely as their adult counterparts. Except for a few pedantic iemarl-:5 made by cops and welfare workers, the premise is neither de- Tcir Klo- fended norexglored. Cameraman llis Carter and lm editor Maurice Wright have done Outstanding Jobs. Paul Dunlaps music assists as does the tune "Runnin' Wild. David Milton, art director, did a craftsniiirily gob of ttuning the sets to the stock fed,ge, 92 And, of course, producer indsley Parsons has done an a c b of collecting and C0OldlIlBtlI.lT - ese talents. G181!- llsiniiiuiblening of newsreel and; Fuck footage with excellent st.agecl_ i aterial gives it an atmosphere ertain to engross and excite juv ' {Continued onPage 18! 1.-4-I 92 / , . V QZDEC 22 1960 92 l /drill , Bi r _j."--",__ Purple Gang I!I I- uooo cxpose Of Detroit Mob I "I ./ Amon the morestartlingincidents "THE PURPLE GANG" * Allied Arlistsl Producer LindsleyParsons /'Director Frank McDonald Written by................._....]ack Dewitt m s prqsnant l terrorizingof the detective wife lE|aine Edwardsl and the sinking of an informer ti-"-arc Ca-ell! in a i Wood, A. Harrington Gibbs Sound Tom Lambert Film editor..................Maurice Wright Cast: Barry Sullivan, Robert Blake, Elaine Edwards,Marc Cavell, jody Lawrence, Suzy Marquette, Iosephr Turkel, Victor Creatore,Paul Dub-ov,l. Kathleen LDCl-shaft, Nestor Paiva, Lou Krugman, Mauritz Hugo, Norman E Nazarr, lohn lndrisano, Dirk London and forewordby Congressman James 5. Roosevelt. Running time-B5 minutes! Exhibitorswho cleaned up with Allied Artists "Al Capone" have an auspiciousChancefor a profitable encore with "The Purple Gang" which concernsthat notorious gang of hoodlurns which operated in and around 5i Detroit in the l92O's and '3O's. While 3 there is not so much chance for national recognition of the action, there is enough shockingincident to attract lack DeWitt's script,this mob originally was a group of juvenile delinquents led by a young neurotic fear- somelyplayedby RobertBlakel. They graduatedfrom purse-snatching to high-jackingillicit liquorbeingrun in A l i l T;-.: '1 : F. i it lli.t§!*2 - i */ii ize the entirecity. When the Egan's Rats mob from East St. Louis tried to musclein with a seriesof gambler kid- L napings, the Purplesrubbed them out. The same thing happened when the cleanersanddyersassociation, desper- 5 ate for protection,brought in a branch i of the Mafia from New York. But at last the mob's deoredations were i stoppedby a relentless,honeD-'d!'tE'C5927E'TB§?ry Sullivan!. i NOT f/$-/9 - /-4' RECORDED LZEBEC21 J38 52,DEQ, 1113 l9l;'"'3 $1-N or-i-up-gqn 0--0" {,;,,,¢:5f¬/¬' 6: 01?./Pi C4 zozzrroon Ttr /6/i from Canada by the Olsen brothers ljoseph Turkel, Victor Creatore and Dirk Lond0nl_ Eventually, they made an unholyalliancewith them to racket- rzr itr- - 'Tnls'-Tl _.._._..e Til ii i .c_._. .. 'r92a.. sun Maurice Wrightworksmanyinter.,_ R"ll11""i esting stockshots fromthePE"°d "'"_° cl the montages andFrankMcDonal_cls l Ki '1' direction masters the trick_ of IBl92l"8 ll Y the film seem bigger thanit is. _ _I92- Ii:-. I Ml. Blake does an outstanding gob as 92 -,. the yggw young hoodlum whogoes into fits of claustrophobiawheneverhe Hits la: is put intoa cell or a _Pid<_IlY W33?"- r Ill , _ "i |-|E5 especiallyconvincing in making 7the agetransitionfrompurtlcto adult. '!'.l'l1 ______ __., Sullivanholdsthe production together i U.______._ } Ti or lc. Roi-:11 in the straight role of the dedicated £31 lt1g:'.'.:;1 ,.. .-. v-- l.l.'.i92'.92". ..____ .. I 92i.'. policemen,though he_'s _on Shah? Mi groundwhen he waxes indignant over the fate of a crooked cop. Kathleen Lockhartdoesa goodbit as a nun so Gamiy-___Q. Made for a medium budget, this on should do good business. -_i]a:|: Moffilt a sensation-hungry public.According to Lindsley Parsons production and X 1,.- "concrete overcoat." I Photography Ellis Carter Art directior1.....______.._.._David Milton Set decoration............Frank Lombardo MUSlF3l u-rs ...e_.__. -_,..._____.__,.___..._____Paul Dunlap Song:Runnin' Wild"....|oeGray,Leo and murder eta"Hist-" Pd welfareworkerl]0dYl-§W[E"¢¢]he BEPORTH zomrroon, canIFORIIIA JAJUAR! 6, 1960 7,/0/V 7Q92//{.5 .______- 92 ,-, f x0 9292 -_, ,....._~_.92__ 3 Q0 E~tF.G-55 7' / // ,- SAC, Detroit 1/16/6? CK-113FBI ifecfor, 1 -T- J*"e5 srmwszq G./fmzqinson, ea-I 31 ABA 3 ' /. Enclosed is postcard received acopy by Bureau of the ¥v~*# wd back of h92 Bufiles contain a from . na infsrmation identifiable with Hurst. You shoul during int¢rview ~ mt1y of to infcrwaticn of interes' .0 ackncwledga reccift determine whether cf car he has any Bureau. Fncl ;urc gvi-?v g:! ARI: ID d! - II'§JI.J; : Yriter furnishes é/L. are Ate; n ch;rge .c Energy of; Qurple names of individvals ihai h vim , Gungf and have Miolatai Act. ,- 92 92 92I $ //7-0-/-/90 '| 4 ! '1 f 92 /' ,' II BEST WY Mm --in -92 1 I.i|!fl n. 11-3-Ii--I O ' -. Dir-M".--| ____M:'. ._..__.- --.... -., .._.._..-r__ VJT; Q_'92. . '- _Mr. JUL Mm. "mm:-. |921r. 1M2. Mr. ,1-. M1. M1:.921":~"r|t:.~92'|*. ,. 1'! Mr. Mr.|92-i-mu i'.l1|:92l"l1, $17214} i92. =.92h.92r~, S731 M1. f92.nh:', 552'.NH. L..|l.92h:m. 5516 Fmrper, 523-I Cklhfad, 1621 Mr. Felt, 5256 _7 " _jV I.1»m -~_ Mr. M.-A. Jam-_ -2.154 Mie. L!.-'lm'n--" Vi I-rI1u:._ 71 'i¢1z'. Iv1:. I92:u|-:1, f. . Km!! " .m, mn!u-r_ .92 92M¢'l1<92w;|u. .13 . ""'9292n-. *f921:-s. L:u92!:r._ 1-WT ll! ' ' -110 -1112, 1742 A:.1=-. . Q §.|1 H I20-sen, 5706 Mrs. Crr>ok.~non 4aL9 Sullivan. 1026 951D _:M r. Shroder, i'|'iLT."92'el. T746 File Review,111:1 [B 'I'r.|tler, 413016 Niall Room, 5531 Wlvk, 56-10 ?192Ii;;s J12. _Mr¢.. Lia 1:1!, 5633 I.92'.'.192 5"?44 0!. Brown,5'7-H / /' ,1___;;Dgk_ 5 _ _-35- HEB lm: Room, 5633 Rtc: nrds Branch.7"-'12 Sen-inlize Spm:i.1I .m<l REt.1r:. _,'.'_92 v92:_/___;92 . I-He/ Sgnfill ihlr. 55:32. {*3 _~;1921:.l__f' ¢,1" £3 Mr. 1,.-.1.m92. _F;--rril-0 Umt, lr'lZ"l ."h=;nn]1.564U " " ___9292ir:-. _; _;£'cl1. Huih. ,|l|3:l pl.1;ne .-_' flu"; _v __M_r. ::_92"nu _I-» J_:;I92.':'. ,.;Sj.aon, 1031'-MD .1; ___Roo ., 6221113 Be ' 1 R00;k.e:'-SI-1|. m 4258, Lzlarzlry I rn 4205,apecchl /. 1 ~. :92t1;.-92,L§j92:=140 S-gf --.-, - -~v *.. .~» 92r~ =.._ b-'""-.-' -- "_.." .- "1 ~.---:1-'.»""1~i* 7. '.. ~- --. v-..;.._-,.- ..,9.>-.,=-- r.92hs ,,___!~.{. _:.,_-.1-1-:11. ;11.&¬-215? ;,92.In'.1;1._;PIl. 4:12-2113 Q5}:-_{_]'92lr. 92a":1;mn-.... 4:2-:.-=.~,1 Q10 ' Mr. m -'J.]1"i~'l',"7IV' . .~.vr~*92**_" __J921| COllRESIOND_fI92" F. EI7.C'TlUY92 _-Mr._¥,..¢je1r|1cicr. -1714-EITBA.92iLJ;1_OU_T{§' Clreedol-. 4714-Q32 _.921r. 51.1431, 4716--230 =~- -- ' __.921r. . 2 L? * ___Mr. La-2591, 4715-435 Mr. In-ck 4'-'14-416 4TT'D-I:-1&1]iiML}. :Mr:s I2.110110. .921:~= h.;.i_ 4736-I322. Sta;|lu92uu, 7.1-.-L-C1211 1 __46l..,,.r_.;-,_r4 ___1921r;-. '~'~ . <- -* __,__* M.-... in-11. 4736-923 }»1';us01:. 1?."-i*E|'33 rI9211z~. :nh§'_ 4TsO~2436 ':Mis= _921.».DTIVIS. 11?.-5L923 .=.:-st. 4728-6'5? 5 DE9292ilI. .F.§--59'1" ..~. _ 192'I15s Ykhss Fl :4[u92;nn. 4713-11 .. :1 N3iIe_y_ 1721; 1153 1=1.'; M15.I..::mnere,_ -1Tl.»2L53 _Nir.~. O_92'r-ns_ ="+-sun .'|!l:|r92._ TEE-H'I§i s Smiih,-111.-*21'JB 21:5 Mass. '71.:-~:». G-W1"!~iT Graves, 4732--313 VI!r~'.925u Sue M9 __ _192.¢: =~In :r, 92|T2l'v8T1I M.lb. 1?..:L=|1ln:"|-3:, QTQC--ii! -.50 CallI.I92< Your 1L|_=q|.|r.= ' ' I1 Call i W.-"pap r 1-u-- .- -/ Y092;1!|*.Iur'~.1::..w;1 "._ K_ Q-92 L H. ~.| ~ R-1.» |p:I-in»-wulaunu mu-n-..=.---an-v-.-uw "'-vi-ma.~. 92rnprimv .-92ui..-Rm» Nuns: KaleQE{ "n1'rl -. 1'. ». . m -ITI1-1 ;J;_ ,' m 47156 LPG 3 ]92'i;||*,§]1:u|, ..4 -:. 92r . n .'l1rL:. -£153 r K |J I I .| l92 ._ /' 1,~ z. L-¥" 92--» r92--- _, nu . -'-. K ' /U /pm I , -4 _@A.-.--_---v . : [I ' , .-_-. | !-1. f__ .1/' '92/V-C"J V Conn ._/ I------------H,-~ Mr. ilk-r ilhrr Zp» :3; ./ ' V "iv; ., _ ~" - _/-/~.' . . 1:>! 1yL> X- ;r'92 in! L ti .- .4_f_-".I"f-'_ 3, -- 7 1-._,; '~-;~,=;=.' 3..-e--Y i '»-Z"-'.»-i " .. A, -1'2"-5¢'~. _ _,_-;_ -,_-_-.,-a,.:_-..>....n... 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One or more of the indicated, explain " Deleted underexemptionlsl ___ material available following statements, where this deletion. __. ___ , ___ E with no segregable for release to you. W Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. II] Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. C] Documens! originating _E, with the following government agencyliesl 7__ . _. E __ _. was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. Page s! referred for consultation to the following governmentagencyliesl; __¬______._e._ ,, ___, be advised of availability , _as the information originated with upon return of the material to the FBI. them. You will Page s! withheld for the following reason s!: Ell For your information: _,___ _,___ ____ __ _ _ ___, _____ K1 The following number is to beused [for reference regarding these pages: Cog.-/_5oL.-.LK0V,70Q_/_5_g _ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX § DELETED PAGE S! 3 NODUPLICATION FEE X Xroe Ti-iiS PAGE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X FBI/DDJ ..-._7...4.>-_4.»...-..L._,_______ _ __ ;, .._92...-.r-.. __ k__ » -.'. ... - _ -1,. _ - _*-~~- Q; ~~ -1 '--. U--. -.. -..>,..-.._.--_e..-.-.-..¢_3..§_..__,_-,.¢,,..:_,,,;, _ . !_»-.e=-...._.r._.. _ - --- - --1-~_~»e ;-..»:.~.-..;'92..-_=....92....,, .._.___ ._, - >-" ,, ._, 5.,-, ,,- ___-_, ___ 1- 4 ,. 60- 34 C 4 : .11 .. ' ._-~ .-_ _-" r ,4. TE NE?! 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' ""92 of .,b' ZF::hrral1'£aurcau I-nucstigaftnn _ ' '1' - _ I '1&# I ML -_-Mr. Nathan .Hr.Tum-In ..-- _Iinitch §tatcs Bcpartuumt of Elastic: "'. 694501iiiaslyiugtnn, 0.1. B. 1? -I--1 us . Q11-' 92 § 29, t Mr. Clegzg..... .. Hr. Coffey --_..--. 3-!r. CrewI.......--Fir. Dawtt! ._... 12.2:.l.;4m...._.. Hr-r°:"ch Zr. 51".:-."1:92 ___-i.-.1-. :5;-so ..._ Fir. Luster _-....4 -.92fc1:Ali:rt.. .,2;.» H |A_ .5 5' :3 afl . Y: 4. . Qt-3 171-- _-H '92 -: c .-. _-_92,_ '92_~e. i I 1 I K4--:.' .-.' . '§ ' 1-'lE.3-!OP.A.»l&# son nmscron was é4:. ::;¢-..<;¢ ' 092 11:. TrI1e§& B82 FURDRES3 l $3...~'* .~ 1' Gm xi ____ __ -1- 92 .................. .. 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' 1.- |,,!{ ,. §'Lr I and brother ..92_7;- 1;? of ,both known of whom are §:;:?O%FjE?er;h:y tomembers be the aree o :53-.'-c; ,. l_f*'. 1.;--. 2'5-* 9 .' ___ Michigan, tD t cit Florida and Southern forms PURPLE cmc of Detroit. tten It mightbe stated that this list consistedof five or s1; t ypewrl pages Respectfully, :om~| zoom uoovrm DIRECTOR .. . ~. -x C _ " ,. ¢ MR. -'-JATHAN_... I .....;.::»:. pweam gjncegann Hf 2 _... 1 ~'-2. EDH V: é@ §i_§- §:pari:mmi nf gratin X l__I_'_ Yoteow I {92_L'n;_ l av-=1" '' .LE.-ITER ,___. }? h.:c-eg ilarch 3, ll?-4. .' Q: .LOCkE-_.,_."R. HOB!-QH,____,_. e .92 -' .-' ,*92 I ..-...__-_-.;4-an-92.-u i92L'»;"1=lZ921'=J;.1!E-1.371-.'._1*;C IIATFLAN I ' __ [.6 :.ec. last niglzt. eivisingt'g§j,___ II telephoneo . 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"1 tn t'.;:..t O'Connell case ano - ' o:;I_; to L-.e Prcsizient, t_".c ' torn-'-V General _;;ci:."'_ .=;;e;1L L-::"c:r~. i_n1;erv;e';e: 1ci he lien". 2.11;? eL_i.»2:* the Jlivlzicz i1; -;-Qt investigation. ?..].:1te£1 1.'i til I i;1ior1.,e:- ..r. 1-Tccnen L11: to I v;:_£ not :. t..e cc_1c92.1;.1e.=_-.nce.E eur1"0u:1 .i'-.;5 development the of ' lcuew; ;.:ti".-Ln; e..out. t.-i; er;-51:. ijr. -~*e11:_-.1 aclvisa ;.z.c1 te:ti1"iec'. t.."t Le $1.5 in 1. :'oo.n vltl. fo*:.r oi" the J memberi of ' L..;ax?u:*,,»le___';.1; ; rcpr:2e.1t:.t ;; _'-'e of tile BE --_-.rr;.;£nt of Justice 3.1; :41 entered i_:1t:> -Ciionnell in 1-. ciecuision oitLc.e- pl:-ens for I~:i¬.n:~;ping sue c>l9acJ.t_;. I telepnonei tr: E-Fer."lrnzi-I office and Actllg S_2£»ci.:-.l I.1. 9.;-i;1: in C;.=_:"ge B. iE:.Ll;=_--.".1 s:L¢_t.ec'. 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They stated thatthe? recalled Jim£5 a group of raoiceteers wholoaf in thePurpleCow Restaurant» . ne ml 1-_. -'3;_-Qxa A..." :4- _l- ---..-vi» 9292'-u92I92 you I92|B§92IB92l-II-IIU ulavao .7. -'":§j; with 3--..=__ _essociated buttheywere not sufficiently these 1513111-E0 sfci-F¥92_51Ein:ifh.'_ particular.withwhom the subjectassociates: norcoznoHey lo:-I-_-is 3., ..- ...-. 5' ' '74,. information about him.Arrangements weremade for them to advise thisofice --_ Ft M. ihyough "iI . 1 I . ;dvised e " aftnis they eoould seethesubject -1£&in" _ omoe_m°e;og1 ==E inIo-ungs' Ohio ex- 7". alltown, of whomprese y res -|C 1 =°- - _:.n e :.c,c-O. o I~.o , _ , |. Ii¢7_. .e ! =~ dvised thr +. v -~: ¥. 1.;it .,___ -_ ..-', -'"'-=-Q -'*_-ee--.-,_ 1- '~ -92 _,I-92-.---'~~~ -'k--_---~=_-;-.~ e , ..__' -_,_~_ ».--~:-92 _¢ I ,_ _r. .- .- ,_=.... . _. . . . ,;s_.__,, _ ._.;._;._;_...§_ 35,, -- "* -i ;' ---.'_ -~;q>1;¢3=92_-1__g_q:92--,;.-,_ -L-;;. ¢<-:,-2-s' - .11.; ,.'.|,_:'-g.-~=.-¢.-.... ~>- ----.--_ »'¢-:._:,,,-¢.-.*;.'..¢,-¢q.¢ ....;.f.,1=.=_.; -_=.;.;,»-... 5-.._ :1-.= ...e '-1..-92,;.,_,,.' 5.; ;_'.¢-J-7*-'17 r H? -. -»-e-9:-.. - _,_ .' __ ,-..".._-. ._-..» , , _ . -e ....-__'92 ,,. -2.; -~' _. 92 ~._._..;.: _i_:_-.! -1*.-..' - _ _--_-_._.-V _ _. .-__92 __.,-V-. . .*-;.,_.*f -§:'!"" ; ~. 4. -'.;'.1?=,_..,=,.-.¢;;Y--=-; 17 - ' ;--=." . -- 1._-..T-_-'-.:_'-ii; "' - '.""' ** '1' =--.---"-r-Y-s-~--$?-?=~'¢eé5' ._ '-'-@;, advised thatlwaocieai so Ooa u-itlgbigmfwnlilllns Ye--1.eo%1T._.tsr de 'T_Ie Le eqias worki'1'1gLf2l inthe Spring of 1914b I-m 8o$0 T-11??! ' ' "- - '--AI '* ' '92. - » e . ' was LICLVOLI of Cleve nd, oz-no. - V -V an-,.-,. : " gm-92_ ~ 7 :~ ,;' . _It .. -a..:-f~:!r':§r;.£u¢_.;,j:o: __ . _ .,_- ._ __ . '.-;-.-*'.'i. ¢':: ¢~ 1|-.< _occasions lestsu__n_1o1er, None ofthese three TI-it-§"»¢.5>'»*¢?3,-;;'11-1.5 bade. 'p'os1e1've idehtgfioatiomt .They wereelteied =.=1=a§'-=11 ;;;*¢' _[ .,.. _~-,. . "1! 2-.§"i;' , '_i..5_. -' I . V-5 1 3.. Z.Z"_'5-':§l&# r ..-_,__.-1 ;_';'~£§,-& '_ _ _,- .-' .*~ 9":32. ' .if -.1;§f;'. the F. Kill be partnersare suspected of havingemployed the that commit instant :9 p_'_,,,. ._- » .. . - -_;_~}!}~.~~Ff X §- gs. . _. .3- ,,.§,,. ' . '5-*=§2; 52/In the York repoet 9;special 1_gen92'» L_._s'm~t1.eY KEMP ceted karch 31, 19145 it 15ref that tne subgect fre uent-ed thetrJungle is reported to be m Lajcl ;.:;}-t _l at B murder. ""'f£"& .*?;" _1-A.-{.,7 ' Q,_- W _ _ Li{;Ti§...'.? 92I _ .2" " 0. _. .92 ¢ .-'. I 4-750 -7-79! ' !xxxxxx ~ ~ xxxxxx xxxxxx FEDERAL BUREAU DF FDIPA DELETED PAGE INVESTIGATION INFDBMATNJN SHEET _=~==_l/_ Page s! withheld entirely at this indicated, explain this deletion. location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where [:1 Deleted under eXempti0n S! material available it _ _ _ _with no segregable for release to you. Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. El Infonnation pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. £1 Document s! originating __ _i_ with the following government agencyes! E' 1~~ T __ t,_ , __ _ _,was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. Pagels! referred for consultation to the following government agencyes!; ____ie._..a___ i__7_ __ it t as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon returnof the material to the FBI. Page s! withheld for the following reason s!: El For your information: i __ _ X1 The following number is to be used for 3.9-_L9i0oQ. ~ f reference regarding these pages: Fu-5/ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ' XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX §DELETEDPAGE S! § XNO DUPLICATION FEE X VI.92!'92l'! l'I'92I'I'II'92 A/1|?! 17 APUB .l.[1lD l".f92L;i!11 A XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX F 81/DOJ _A__ ,. _.;.... "'" *""""""""' J UH g; I .4 ,__...-k-A----- _-_L_ 0 I ' " " """-'"_'_ H, 92 _L__ ' ___.',__a;n=-- 43675 5 FE'.T:1R.*._ S'.:'P.E...|'92".7 OF I!-TV'392.=I'IG.A'II ' | This Case 0,» 1 ¢g1;, _Y ' In-.7 Yon:-1 1.. . rats.i 1=i1e15°-~~ bi-15 _ i Fig: hde ht-j j 7 ID:-¥t7e 92-he: U92='1~.icE-. Period for Reparr, -hde by: U z;a¢e= 1-lads: *17 W . 923 * -;92q~'_' 1.-1,'.=.Y J£§_'92SZf;' I-57:35 ;7;,_1=_} __ ;l Characteroi Cs:e= _* __ _ b"1L'¢111*5-Ii? 2j,22,2'],i'I:; 1-_1' v-.' t92.*:I"i I. Title! - 7'1"'5S | ' ' 92':,*92 'Q' ,~ |,"_::';::;r-.-.:s_ +' .." 1. OI E53 "-7- 7? nu: X ll . -QQIIOOIIOIIII .92 :lI h 15n;0P$I£ oz-" F;.c1s= . _ _ -J I -7 _ -.,' ,_. 4 .. _ __ - FTEGITIYE5 J _ _ V 1 ~_é W 92 92 92 terctudc frcr 1J '10 _" Oczofer, 1§u tc June 15, 1957 n ura» reaiinx :_~"i¢""" $915 1 R ;-3; .. of their £2 ii"E w 5*5'5 idextifif , 92 <. w ; '7' .J'. rm. 2 ,-' ,4 . 1;. 92 -0&0 - as - in- , Y b/92 J F _0 ~'-. _-'- .%_ _ 92 . l_ JP recc"d I 92 TC 9.x?cub 'r 92 _3 -'5T"*34*92* kl.1, '_' -~ _ ESSOCIE-"C65 0 »* in 92 T2-;':.'ark, 3-. J. aucoungod ' 92 92 '1"; Short sentence Lccoruec 92 :4 - rim%JL import = 1 _* i ma-?_8 - L F? { ,9!-:Z§Oj#1. ~ 5+ :'ee=.u -onInfornr.*:.i -} 92 .1 -/ yer}: - ktjas {Info - .'.rgc 1-:- inc 1-1 ¥;c.s&.ir.;t.cr1Pit id - Liizrli Ir.1"or:.r.:i" h __ , _ _, ' 92 _ -1- 750-7-79! =1 xxxxxx ~- xxxxxx xirxxxx" FEDERAL BUREMI OF INVESTIGATION FU|Pi92 DELETED PAGE INFUBMATIUII J51 Pagets! withheld entirely at this location indicated, explain this deletion. [I1 Deleted under exemptionls! s material available for release to you. E3 Information pertained only to athird 1:3 Information pertained only to a third party. El Document s! originating ._ -_. _____ Page s! in the le. One SHEET or more of the following statements, ___ where with no segregable party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. Your name is listed in the title only. with the following government agency ies! _, _ u ., was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. referred for consultation to the following government agencyes!; ;r.l..___..i-_ _ _, _. . as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon returnof the material to the FBI. t Page s! withheld Cl for the following reason S!: For your information; _ __ _g_ _ _ Q! The following number is tobe used for reference regardingpages: these 1- _.. 4P J"! 1//I I/_ »'92 AI/T - IC/ XKXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX " c>1"' _ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XDELETED PAGE S! §N0 DUPL.iCAiION FEE X XFOR THIS PAGE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X ' J . W *§:,,1Q cats? 7 .c ""1.- , s I Q . < '0 92 6O_- 15 £o"1Q/ u.-. . . 3'. conversation was ks ur mar ere had regarding am ze1' db th California and ' e imormn td as e the mot, which re- finitel inti yPO to the I5 hide-out qrs beingthe in vicinity ofinfomation. California. Howwas not suostantiated by any denite I ever, this '4 __. Ii -1..- '1 U. =9» 11' I_';o bear tnis infonzzction cut, as set out atove on July l, 1955, Ir..Ior::nr.t "X" was again contacted and stated he that he corzm une 'iO| lqi to the had re ei -Wi-kh$ .1. .. _2,-_ Angeles, also received by in.form*.=.nt that planning to leave for Los Arigcles -.,~- near future .--on tha orria, and a in the near ss1:i iity that e ver, periodic th his to know contact may contacts will informant so t- ma}: be a like 1*: be made with Subject be zmintained by Informant splanning was also to leave received from aposition for the the inforraant 9'! ca? Z lies-ark Division may be in exactly when 1 IflfO!ITI.T.lU1'1 ,e the fact to appear in Los coast. to i Béhe effect that there a was privat-éittirport located outside of .k lar};T9-:;_5hip, ]_Ie92'.' Je-g;~e;-,'. shoolcIt henoted that Clark Tcwnshi i'*§~Eh.e"p1s¢e is operated which by a_s£ r.dice:te headed by "I..EFS'Y" }'Ci.AR1-I, is awho former :1e..'r.ber th{9'rrurple oi Detroit, Gang, 3-iichigan, and that 1 ¢ - 92 in the Clark Township East, mainly that he had heard notorious characters is the the State most notorious gambling, section of lie-1: Jersey. lnformnt advised there is a possibility that Subjects, or other who are under investigation, might be using 92 this airport as their ts-.:ir=,; off pointsAleadis be-ire; set out 92_,, to conduct appropriate investigation to locate this alleged airport. 'OF!C In view of the fact ems it is anticipated _ planning to proceed to California for alengt.y stay, -21]- .. .92.r.- 4'-"150 ,?-re! w -xxxxxx XXX-XXX xxxxxx FEDERAL aunsnu or INVESTIGATION FUIPA DELETED Z FQGE INFURMQTIUN SHEET Page s! withheld entirely at this location indicated, explain this deletion. E in the le. 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The following number is to be used for reference regardingthese pages: 110'/50/-/§7HQcQ/-0'39 _-_ XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx }>§ DELETED PAGE S! § x no DUPLICATION FEE Y iiFOR THIS PAGE ii XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX FBI/DOJ