Corrientes - Argentina
Corrientes - Argentina
THE DEVELOPMENT OF POTENTIAL FORESTRY BUSINESS IN CORRIENTES PROVINCE Corrientes - Argentina OCT.2010 Forestry Sector Corrientes - Argentina MAIN ATTRIBUTES AND POTENTIALITIES • It has the highest growth potential compared to the rest of main productive sectors in the local Economy. • The year growth rate of the afforested area in the province is the highest in the whole country. • The average growth rate of the forested mass is very high, approximately 40 m3 hectares per year. • Corrientes Province has the biggest afforested area in the whole country (around 420.000 hectares). Forestry Sector´s Gross Domestic Product (2008) USD 190 million (3,8% of the Province´s GDP) Annual Production (2008) 8 million tons per year. Nowadays the majority of the production is sold in the home market; allocating a significantly lower quantity of production to the foreign markets. In both cases, mainly products with low added value are traded. Corrientes - Argentina FORESTRY SECTOR This sector is the one that has the highest growth potentiality between all the feasible productive sector in Corrientes Province. The causes of this comparative advantage are the followings: The productivity of foreign species as pine and eucalyptus, with growth rates that are between two or three times bigger than the ones in traditional areas in the north hemisphere. Annual Growth Rates –m3/hectare CONIFERS EUCALYPTUS The existing potential for the development of a solid productive chain of the Forestry Sector in Corrientes Province. Source: Simpson Timber Co., Aracruz Cellulose, Jaaka Poyry Investment Corrientes - Argentina CARACTERÍSTICAS Y POTENCIALIDADES DEL SECTOR • De acuerdo a la Dirección de Recursos Forestales de la Provincia de Corrientes, la provincia cuenta con 420.000 hectáreas en el año 2010, lo que representa el 34% del total nacional. • Existe una gran disponibilidad de tierras aptas para el cultivo: 3.300.000 has; de las cuales 1.200.000 son consideradas muy aptas para esta actividad. • La Mesopotamia es la principal región de bosques cultivados, donde se concentran cerca de 1.000.000 de hectáreas. Esto representa más del mas del 80 % del total del país. • El sector tiene un alto impacto multiplicador sobre el empleo. Por cada puesto de trabajo que genera el sector se crean 1.4 puestos en el resto de la economía. Corrientes - Argentina FORESTRY SECTOR SUPPLY-DEMAND RELATIONSHIP SUPPLY‐DEMAND RELATIONSHIP Projected Demand Growth at 5% 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Supply Oferta Total Demand Demanda Source: Banco Mundial Corrientes - Argentina LOCALIZATION Pine Pine Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Concepción Saladas Goya Esquina Santo Tomé Gdor. Virasoro Ituzaingó Pine Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Monte Caseros Paso de los Libres Total of Hectares planted with Eucalyptus by political sub-division and Distribution of Planted Forest Sawmills that Consume Eucalyptus The distribution of the planted area is mainly concentrated in five political intraprovince divisions (Santo Tomé, Ituzaingó, Paso de los Libres, Concepción, San Martín and San Miguel). More than 80% of total planted forests of Eucalyptus and Pine are in the mentioned political subdivisions. Corrientes - Argentina GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION NORTH EASTERN REGION SOUTH EASTERN REGION • • • • This region is composed by the political subdivisions of Santo Tomé and Ituzaingó. Its main cities are Gobernador Virasoro and Ituzaingó. It is the forestry and industrial most developed area in the province. The most planted and processed specie is Pine. Its Economy is very related to Misiones Province Economy. Relative importance of this Region: This area alone represents 47% of local raw material consumption, 46% of installed power, 50% of labor demand of the sector, and 44% of final production. It also has the most advanced technologies. • • This region is composed by the political subdivisions of Monte Caseros and Paso de los Libres. The most planted and processed specie is Eucalyptus. Its Economy is related to the forestry industry near Uruguay river, mostly from the province of Entre Ríos. Relative importance of this Region: This area alone represents 9.6% of local raw material consumption, 8% of installed power, 7.3% of labor demand of the sector, and 10.5% of final production. These percentages are from the province´s totals. It is specialized in the production of pallets. It sells its wastes to boards manufacturers from Entre Ríos province. Corrientes - Argentina GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION NORTH CENTRAL REGION SOUTH WESTERN REGION • • • • It is composed by the political subdivisions of Concepción, San Miguel, and Saladas. Pines and Eucalyptus are planted in similar proportions in the region. Relative Importance: This area alone represents 22% of local raw material consumption, 22% of installed power, 19% of labor demand of the sector, and 22% of final production. • • It is composed by the political sub divisions of Esquina and Goya. Pines and Eucalyptus are planted in similar proportions in the region. It has more than 11 thousand hectares planted. In this region a leader forestry industry is installed. This enterprise employs almost all the workers employed in the forestry sector of the region. Corrientes - Argentina PRODUCTION DESTINATION Pines: Between 30% to 35% of total production is sold as raw material for the elaboration of Pulp. Eucalyptus: About 40% of the production is destined to the pulp industry. Between 50% and 55% is destined to sawmills for its processing and around a 15% is commercialized for the elaboration of poles (40% of them are sold to Impregnation Industries). Source: DRF - MPTT Corrientes - Argentina FORESTRY SECTOR WOOD INDUSTRALIZATION The Installed capacity is approximately 2,000,000 tons per year in Corrientes Province. The provisioning is mostly local. Around 70% of the sawmills and industries get the raw material for processing from plantations that are within a radius of 100 kilometers. Sawmills Distribution by type of raw material used Native Wood 7% Remanufacture 3% N/A 5% Planted Wood* 85% * 95% venden el mercado interior. FUENTE: DRF Corrientes - Argentina FORESTRY SECTOR HIGH INDUSTRIALIZATION POTENTIAL Revealed Value Chain – High Industrialization Potential (95%) Domestic Consumption (75%) Sawmills (5%) Exports Planted Forests (17%) Manufacturing (93%) Domestic Consumption (7%) Exports (3%) Impregnation (100%) Domestic Consumption (5%) Boards (100%) Domestic Consumption Fuente: Banco Mundial Even though there are sawmills distributed all over the province the most concentrated areas are the political sub-divisions of Monte Caseros, Santo Tomé, Mercedes, Concepción and Ituzaingó. Corrientes - Argentina FORESTRY SECTOR FOREIGN TRADE The exports value total U$D 15,715,958.13 per year. The exports are composed by different products from raw wood to manufactures. The added value inside the Province´s borders is low compared to its potential. Others 4% Firewood.3% Wood Continously Shaped 41% Raw Wood 5% Other manufacturin g 23% Sawed Wood 24% Sourse: Nosis Exi-Explorer The main destinations of forestry exports are United States (46%), France (13%), Canada (10%), Spain (5%) and Ghana (5%), among others. Corrientes - Argentina FORESTRY SECTOR 2015 POTENTIAL SCENARIO By the year 2015, keeping the present growth rhythm of 30,000 hectares/year, a total of 15,000,000 tons of raw material will be available for processing every year. Each planted hectare implies the activity of one kit (truck-trailer). This equivalency and the growth rhythm of 30,000 planted hectares per year imply a total activity of 300,000 kits per year. This could have an indirect effect on the labor demand trough the growth of trucks activity. In the short term, it is necessary to increase the industrialization capacity. Nowadays this capacity is of 2 Million tons per year. In five years the expected production of raw material will demand an installed capacity of about 7 times the present one. If this level of the industrialization capacity is achieved, then about 15,000 new direct jobs will be created. These jobs will be distributed between sawmills and carpentries . Corrientes - Argentina FORESTRY SECTOR 2015 POTENTIAL SCENARIO Corrientes has the necessary conditions for developing a forestry cluster with worldwide importance; If the cluster is developed, then costs will be reduced, advantages multiplied and the efficiency of the whole productive sector will be also improved. If the necessary investments in industrialization capacity are made, increasing and diversifying the present forestry industrial sector, then the Gross Local Income generated by the sector will be about U$D1,576 million a year. (this is 8 times the present Local GDP generated) Corrientes - Argentina FORESTRY SECTOR INVESTMENT POTENCIALITIES Pulp Factories -Medium Density Fibreboard- Phenolic PlywoodDecks: Extraordinary Growth rhythm were shown in planted forests with these specific purposes (in some cases about 50m3/hectare/year). With high density sowing, the availability of large quantities of young trees that can be used to obtain the raw material needed for the industrialization processes. Wood Dryers: Dried wood aloud its use for more goods than wet wood. This is why the added value that can be gotten through the drying of the wood is higher than the one that can be obtained form wet wood. This process improves wood quality and gives a dimensional stability for eucalyptus wood and a spots prevention for pines (in both cases are caused by phytosanitary matters). Sawmills and Remanufacturing (solid wood, molding, etc). Electric Power Generation through Renewable Wastes. Electric Power Plants based on Biomass Technologies: Plenty of wastes with no other use. Corrientes - Argentina CONCLUSIONS According to different studies, Corrientes Province is the one with the Best conditions (present and future) for the localization of industries related to the forestry sector in the whole country. That is due to its high potential, the quantity of raw material available. Besides this favorable conditions, the suitability of soil and climate traduced in high rates of growth must be considered. There is a commitment assumed by the members of the Provincial Government tending to strongly support this kind of productive and industrial strategic development. Its strategic Importance is due to the potentialities to exploit spillovers that could improve not only the directly related Economy sector but the rest of the Economy´s Sectors as well. Corrientes - Argentina
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