ifo i brerll 0) io wcLp tf - Texas Association of School Boards
ifo i brerll 0) io wcLp tf - Texas Association of School Boards
FORM B fflS TASB BOARD C MD1D TE BIOG PBIC L SKETCH TODAY S DATE: ! i ifo ii brerll bre NAME: ll / 1 ADDRES CITY: /cJaT -T-i/ BUSINESS sidence phone: CELL PHONE: We communicate with our Board members primarily via e-mail and the Internet. Please list your preferred active e-mail address. E-MAIL SCHOOL DISTRICT: _ Tl\ W7 LOCAL TERM EXPIRES: YEARS ON BOARD: (Month/year) Upon expirption of current term on your local board, will you seek reelection? Yes L/No BOARD POSITIONS HELD/DATES: 13 OCCUPATION: U l/t ~ [si e, Ivl£ - £4-/t 0 /6 y , CURRENT EMPLOYER: •5 Kit DATES: EDUCATION-HIGH SCHOOL: T /TSc OTHER EDUCATION: S jl/ sOLLEGE: LL/ ch> EES: HOBBIES/SPECIAL INTERESTS: p <9( i VI - j sp a f U/Ol J- f lli BUSINESS/PROFESSIONAL/CIVIC GROUP MEMBERS (Offices held and dates): _ l/[C€ ftre£ ri \i 'j fl. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS (Use reverse side if additional space is required.): y tue lfCey hb>o<?>r Please attac|i a short bio and include a current picture in JPEG format. 0) io wcLp tf Henry i bid I. Sergeant-at-Arms Position 5 Term Expires 2017 Henry Dibrell counts it a distinct honor to have served as a Katy ISD Board of Trustees member since May 2011. He is a passionate champion who has dedicated much of his life to education and the advancement of excellence in the next generation. Whether in his investment of time with the Katy High School Band Booster Club or mentoring and coaching his flag football athletes at Crosspoint Church in Katy, Henry is devoted to his community. Dibrell is also a graduate of the Texas Association of School Boards leadership class and a current fellow with the Center for Reform of School Systems. Never being one for the status quo, Henry continually seeks out ways in which to grow and further his own education and leadership skills. Not only does he play a vital role in local education, but also intertwines his faith and conservative roots into his activism. One of his most recent endeavors has been the start-up of Campaign Crate, a dynamic political consulting firm that creates a one-stop shop for candidates to be supplied with all of their campaign needs in one place. Dibrell was also recently elected to the board of the new Katy Pachyderm Club. Dibrell is no stranger to local Republican politics and is active in promoting conservative values within the county and state. Dibrell is a 10 year resident of Katy, . He is a licensed minister and holds a B.S. in marketing from Northwestern State University. Dibrell is also a member of the Blue Key National Honor Fraternity where he received the Dean Nicolus Award. He is a diversified leader who seeks to create advancement of every individual possibility for the students of the Katy Independent School District.