Katy Cypress 4
Katy Cypress 4
Katy Edition • October 2014 NEWS Major projects in the area Clay Rd. Co loni a l Pk wy. Ave. D rR ea lsh r. er D esn Fry Rd. S. nd Kn olls D r. Shawn Epps 99 e . George Bush Park w r Pk y. W e st h e i 3 Cane Island Parkway Segment 1 m R an ch B lv d an di n g L n . Ro Fa lc o lvd. G re e n B Fu in g ty Park Row Dr. The first phase of construction on Cane Island Parkway Segment 1, which stretches from Hwy. 90 into the Cane Island master-planned community, reached completion in early October. The second phase of construction, which is managed by the city of Katy, began construction in September. S. Pe e k Rd. co Ci n Spr d d. Ka Hi gh la nL nR to as Katy Fl ew ell en Rd . d. G . Project update Westgreen Blvd. ngslan d Blv d. Ki ak R Pin O 1463 Compiled by Jim Levesque 10 S. Mason Rd. C ane Island Pkwy. 90 Franz Rd. Rd . Bartlett Rd. 99 TOLL News or questions about these or other local transportation projects? Email us at ktynews@impactnews.com. B a r k e r C y p re s s R d . Katy 1 4 Mason Rd. 3 Fry Rd. Katy For t B end Morton Rd. Green house Rd. TRANSPORTATION UPDATES 9 Timeline: The city estimates construction on Segment 1 up to 1-10 will be complete in early November. The Texas Department of Transportation’s work on the I-10 overpass should conclude in June 2015. Cost: $2 million Funding sources: City of Katy, private developers 2 1093 Map not to scale Project spotlight Kelli Ray Shawn Epps New project 1 Franz Road extension 99 TOLL 2920 St er Ai rli 249 2 FM 1093 widening TxDOT along with Fort Bend County will widen FM 1093 from the Grand Parkway to Spring Green Blvd., with two frontage roads eventually extending into Fulshear. In addition to the widening of the road, its right of way will be changed to include all 100 feet of METRO’s right of way on the south side of FM 1093. The project received environmental clearance from the Federal Highway Administration in May because it posed no significant impact to the environment at the time. Due to modifications to the project, additional clearance is needed. That clearance is expected to be issued in March 2015, officials said. Timeline: Construction is expected to begin fall 2015 and will last 24 to 30 months. Cost: No estimated project cost available at this time. Funding sources: TxDOT, Fort Bend County . 290 Rd Cypress ne months after it begins. private landowners and developers bn 4 Timeline: The street extension project is expected to be complete approximately eight Cost: $3,370,150 Funding sources: City of Katy [via Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County funds], 45 ue An extension project on Franz Road in Katy from Avenue D to Bartlett Road is set to begin within the next two months. The extension will create two 12-foot-wide lanes in each direction, divided by a median. The work will be done in two phases. Phase 1 of the extension will see Franz Road meet Cane Island Parkway; Phase 2 of the project will extend the existing street to Bartlett Road. 1960 Map not to scale 4 The Grand Parkway Segments F1, F2 and G As construction on three segments of the Grand Parkway—F1, F2 and G—continues, several surrounding roadways in the Fairfield area are being prepped to connect to the toll road. Cypresswood Drive in Fairfield previously ended at Crescent Lilly Drive, but construction is underway to expand the roadway farther west. When complete, segments F1, F2 and G will connect Hwy. 290 in Cypress with Hwy. 59 in Montgomery County. For more information on the project’s progress, construction information and all lane closures in the affected area, visit www.grandparkway99.com. Timeline: The project is estimated to be completed in December 2015. Projected cost: $1 billion Funding sources: TxDOT