Info Guide


Info Guide
1 information Pack
Lak Loi
Tel: 0795 180 7982
Jeet Kune Do Classes:
ST PAULS (Central London)
Please note, you do NOT have to be a Fitness
First member to join.
Fitness First
95 Queen Victoria St
London, EC4V 4HN
7:15pm – 8:15pm
7:15pm – 8:15pm
Fitness First is located between Mansion House
(Circle / District Lines), Blackfriars (Circle /
District Lines) and St. Pauls (Central Line) Tube
Within a stones throw from the Millennium Bridge,
just walk 50 yards eastbound along Queen
Victoria Street, and Fitness First is on the corner
of Queen Victoria Street and Lambeth Hill
City Centre (St. John Street, Leicester, LE1 3WL,
0116 253 8668,
Offering the best in martial art practices and
fitness from around the world. New Locations are
being offered around the UK, which include:
Leicestershire (Newbold Verdon; Kirby Muxloe;
R a t b y ; We s t e r n P a r k ; N a r b o r o u g h R d ) ;
Portsmouth; London; and the list continues to
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What is JKD?
What are the benefits of JKD?
Do I need any prior martial arts experience?
What is the best martial art?
Do I have to be fit and healthy to practice JKD?
How long will it take to learn to defend my self?
How many classes do I have to attend
Is there a grading system?
How long will it take to become a JKD Instructor?
If I move, can I continue my JKD training in another JKD school where I left off with
Can anyone learn JKD?
What should I wear & what equipment do I need?
Who teaches JKD?
What is our JKD Lineage?
Where is JKD Taught?
How do I enroll?
Wednesday Night Group?
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What is JKD?
Jeet Kune Do (JKD) is the name Bruce Lee gave to
his combat philosophy in 1967. Originally, when
Lee began researching various fighting styles, he
gave his own martial art his own name of Jun Fan
Gung Fu. However, not wanting to create another
style that would share the limitations that all styles
have, he instead gave us the process that created it.
JKD as it survives today - if one wants to view it
“refined” as a product, not a process - is what was
left at the time of Bruce Lee’s death. It is the result
of the life-long martial arts development process Lee
went through. Bruce Lee stated that his ideals are
not an “adding to” of more things on top of each
other to form a system, but rather a winnowing out.
The metaphor Lee borrowed from Chan Buddhism was of constantly filling a cup with
water, and then emptying it, used for describing Lee’s philosophy of “casting off what
is useless”. He also used the sculptor’s mentality of beginning with a lump of clay and
hacking away at the “un-essentials”, the end result what he considered to be the bare
combat essentials, or JKD.
JKD LONDON is home of the late Bruce Lee’s “Old School JKD” (or pure JKD), covering
all three JKD development periods: - Seattle; Oakland; and particularly LA China
Learn to fight like Bruce Lee, master his moves, training techniques,
philosophies, speed & power!!!
In summary: 1. JKD means "The Way of the Intercepting Fist"
2. Developed by the late Bruce Lee
3. Scientific art of street fighting
4. Non-classical martial art with no katas/forms
5. Freestyle fighting method, which is not rigid
6. Practical combat application
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7. Fast, powerful and energy efficient
8. Bio-mechanically correct
9. Attack, not defence
10. Mind and body conditioning
11. Philosophical and liberating
12. Tactical and deceptive
13. Simple, Direct & Non-Classical!
What are the benefits of JKD?
1. Self preservation (not just self defence)
2. Weight loss
3. Stamina
4. Coordination
5. Strength
6. Flexibility
7. Confidence
8. Image
9. And much more…
Do I need any prior martial arts experience?
No. However, the unfortunate truth about people who
usually turn to martial arts is that they have usually been
the victim of violence and/or other threat(s), and feel
incapable and lack the confidence to defend them self.
Do not let this be you, and arm yourself with the streetfighting artillery to defend yourself before it’s too late.
JKD LONDON strongly encourages anyone without martial
arts experience to start with JKD, as it is one of the most
practical and effective martial arts. Each class will leave
you with the knowledge that you have learnt some new
self-defence / street-fighting technique, increasing your confidence and self-belief.
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As for students that have had some prior martial arts experience, usually in a classical
martial art such as Karate or Kung Fu, JKD LONDON requests that you keep an open
mind when learning JKD to get the best results. JKD LONDON encourages you to
develop your own JKD complimenting it with what you already know, to develop you
as a more rounded martial artist.
What is the best martial art?
This is the age-old question, which is best answered
by asking yourself the question, “What do you want
out of martial arts?” Please refer to the What is JKD?
section for more information on what JKD offers.
If you are looking for the following, then JKD is NOT
for you: 1. Classical/dramatic martial art;
2. Katas, forms and presentations;
3. Traditional or cultural arts;
4. Discipline, honour and respect; and/or
5. Controlled sport with rules & regulations.
No two people have the same “Jeet Kune Do” – JKD is a personal martial art. This is
because JKD is an Open Martial Art with a “Use What Works For You!” philosophy. It
has a No Holds Barred approach, therefore there are No Rules because it is designed
for Practical Combat (or Street-fighting) to diffuse the situation or incapacitate your
aggressor – as there is No Sportsmanship/Referee on the Street. There is No Style or
System, but a Toolset of Philosophies and Fighting Techniques based on
Biomechanical research performed by Bruce Lee himself. Bruce Lee discovered this
by studying many different martial arts (in particular Wing Chun Kung Fu, Western
Boxing, and Fencing). These fundamental Fighting Techniques were designed to be
Simple and Direct, so can be easily applied to real life situations, and can be
enhanced to continue your personal development as a martial artist by incorporating
other martial arts techniques which work for you, so as to develop your own “Jeet
Kune Do”!
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JKD is taught in class using individual, partner and group-based drills, and sparring
(intermediate / advanced students only), with an emphasis on simulating real-life
situations. Though this is a full-contact martial art, we use the principle of “Partner
Preservation”, where we try to simulate reality as much as possible without causing
injury to our training partners so we can continue training. To do this, we use safety
gear such as head guards, goggles, boxing/MMA gloves, groin guards, shin pads, and
strike shields such as focus pads and kicking shields during the training.
Do I have to be fit and healthy to practice JKD?
As long as you have no impending medical condition(s), there
is no reason why you cannot train in JKD. When we sign you
up, we ask you to fill out a Physical Activity Readiness
Questionnaire (PAR-Q) Form and Informed Consent Form, as
part of the medical screening process.
These forms will
highlight any medical risks, and your instructor will advise
How long will it take to learn to defend my self?
You learn effective fighting techniques in each class, therefore
the benefit is immediate!
How many classes do I have to attend?
Bruce Lee stated “Train Hard, Fight Easy”. In short, the more
you train, the more the drills start becoming second nature,
which makes you a better fighter when you are put in harms
To make training more accessible, JKD LONDON offer multiple classes per week, with
a variety of price plans to suit each individual students’ needs, with no contractual tieins so you are always in control! Please call for more information and bookings on
0795 180 7982.
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JKD LONDON also encourages their students to train in their own time to stay on top
of their game.
Is there a grading system?
JKD LONDON offers the Urban JKD grading scheme and
syllabus. Grading is reviewed quarterly at the discretion of
the Instructors, based on the performance of individuals.
The gradings are assessed by both your instructor and
Chief Instructor.
Please note, gradings are chargeable to cover the actual grading itself, administration,
time & travel costs for both your Instructor and the Chief Instructor to assess you.
However, this does not guarantee that you will pass the grading – this is down to your
personal performance on the day.
How long will it take to become a JKD Instructor?
How long will it take for you to become a professional
Obviously, this is a difficult question to answer, as it
depends on several factors, which ultimately reflect in the
quality & performance of your JKD. As they say, “The more
you put in, the more you get out”.
JKD LONDON expects a high standard of JKD from their students, and this is evident
in the calibre of students that are offered gradings – this is a privilege not a right!
Make no mistake, the gradings merely serve as a means to assess your understanding
of the core curriculum, but is by no means an accurate measure of how effective you
are as a street fighter.
As Bruce Lee stated… “Belts are only good to hold up pants”. The emphasis of JKD
therefore is not on selling you belts as other commercial martial arts clubs do to hook
you in, but to develop you into an effective street fighter and fine tune your deadly
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weapons. Your effectiveness as a fighter will become self evident when you start
training and developing your fighting through developmental to freestyle sparring.
As Bruce Lee said, "If you want to learn to swim, jump into the water. On dry land, no
frame of mind is ever going to help you."
If I move, can I continue my JKD training in another JKD
school where I left off with JKD LONDON?
This would depend on the discretion of the JKD school you decide
to move to. If you decide to join another Pure JKD/Jun Fan Gung
Fu school, your JKD skills will be completely transferable. The
new school may require you to complete one of their gradings to
ensure that your JKD performance has not lapsed and meets
their standards.
Can anyone learn JKD?
Martial arts is for everyone, both women and men of all
ages from children to adults. UMA encourages vulnerable
groups such as children prone to bullying at school;
women living and/or travelling through high crime/risk
neighbourhoods; and so on… to be prepared for the worst.
What should I wear & what equipment do I need?
Tops: - All students have to wear their JKD LONDON T-Shirt in class to create a sense
of unity & equality. This can be purchased from our Pro-Shop.
Bottoms: - Wear comfortable tracksuit bottoms or shorts, to allow for a free range of
Footwear: - Wear comfortable, flexible, fitted and flat-soled trainers.
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Equipment: - You can order all essential training
equipment from us. All our equipment is of the highest
quality, tried & tested, and competitively priced. We will
not accept any equipment that is purchased elsewhere, as
we cannot ensure it's reliability & safety. On top of that,
we expect our students to support their own JKD school,
so we can continue to work on spreading Bruce Lee's art
& philosophy of Jeet Kune Do.
Essential equipment can be purchased over time so you
do not have to buy all the equipment at once, but we
strongly recommend that you order the mandatory training equipment to fully partake
in all training as early as possible after you join, which includes: -
1. Boxing gloves, up to 16 oz (mandatory);
2. Shin pads (mandatory);
3. Gum shields (mandatory);
4. Groin guard (optional);
5. Head guard (optional);
6. Focus pads (optional); and
7. Kicking shield (optional).
This equipment (and much more) is all available at
discounted prices from our Pro-Shop.
Who teaches JKD?
Lak Loi runs JKD London, which is an Old School JKD academy based in St. Pauls
(Central London).
"The purpose of this group is to preserve and promote Bruce Lee’s art of Jeet Kune
Do, to help define and teach the core curriculum, not to confine us but to liberate us,
and to discover our personal expression of Bruce’s art", Tim Tackett.
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Lak Loi is:-
1. Certified JKD Instructor under Tim Tackett (1st
Generation Senior First Instructor and
of The Bruce Lee Education Foundation & The JKD
Wednesday Night Group) to
teach JKD; and
2. Certified JKD Instructor under Kwoklyn Wan (2nd
Generation Instructor under Tim Tackett
European Director, also Affiliated with Sifu Lamar
Davis II, Hardcore JKD
JKD Linage
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How do I enrol?
Various fitness studies have proved that you should
stick to any new program for a minimum of 3 months
before you start understanding and seeing the benefits
of all your hard work. Unfortunately, most people quit
before this time and never reap the rewards. This is
why, from the beginning of May we're offering a 3
month induction program for all serious applicants.
Please note, that we no longer offer a free trial class
because this is causing too much disruption in class, and
we do not feel that one session does Bruce Lee's Jeet Bruce Developing JKD in His
Kune Do any justice. To preserve and promote Bruce Back Yard
Lee's art & philosophy of JKD, we found that some
people did not get the correct idea &/or impression
about "What JKD is" after just one session. We feel that
this would be counter-productive towards our mission to
preserve and promote Bruce's art & philosophy of JKD,
and on this basis we would prefer to only enrol students
who are serious about giving JKD a whole-hearted &
open-minded GO, and commit to a short period of 3
months! This also helps us to weed out the joy riders
from the seriously interested students, so we can
develop quality JKD students. After 3 months you can
simply continue training on a monthly direct debit fee,
with 1 full calendar months notice.
Please call me for prices and availability to book into the
Induction Program in advance. Please can you kindly
arrive 30 mins before your first JKD class once your
booking is confirmed for your registration. You will need
to bring the full fee for your Induction Program in cash
on your first day, plus your bank details to join.
The Wednesday Night Group
Left to right: Jim Sewell, Bob
Bremer, Tim Tackett
Please call me on 0795-180-7982 to book on to the
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Induction Program NOW!
Wednesday Night Group
The purpose of this group is to preserve &
promote Bruce Lee’s art of Jeet Kune Do,
to help define and teach the core
curriculum, not to confine us but to liberate
us, and to discover our personal expression
of Bruce’s art”, Tim Tackett
As a Certified JKD Instructor under Tim
Tackett, Founder of The Wednesday Night
Group & one of the Original Members of
the Bruce Lee Foundation, Tim Tackett has
granted me permission to have my own
Wednesday Night Group.
It is a non-profit martial art group.
However, this is a closed group, so new
members can join by invitation only.
Hence it is a privilege and not a right to be
able to train in this exclusive JKD group.
Chinatown Group :Left to right: Jerry Poteet,
Dan Lee, Bruce Lee, Steve Golden, Pete Jacobs,
Bob Breme
Jun Fan Gung-Fu Institute (Chinatown, 1967)
Bottom row (left to right): Dan Lee, Jerry Poteet,
Bob Bremer, Richard Bustillo, next 2 unknown
Top row (left to right): Dan Inosanto, Al Haber,
next 2 unknown, Tony Luna, next 3 unknown
Invitation to the group depends on a
number of variables, such as:- if you are of
sound character & possess the right
attitude; level of commitment to your JKD
training & development; whether you have
“The JKD Spirit”; and most importantly if
you fit into “The JKD Family”!
I sincerely hope you too aspire to be part
of this exclusive group one day, and are
ready to discover YOUR JKD PATH!!!
Cal Martial Art Camp (1983)
(Left to right): Hawkins Chun, Paul Vunak, Jesse
Glover, William Cheung, Dan Inosanto, Tim
Tackett, Ted Lucay Lucay
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What is The Wednesday Night Group?
Tim Tackett
The Wednesday Night Group is unusual for
a martial art group as it is non-profit. We
are called the Wednesday Night Group
because we meet every Wednesday night
in my garage in Redlands, California. The
purpose of this group is to preserve and
promote Bruce Lee’s art of Jeet Kune Do
which some call original Jeet Kune Do, but
we call Old School JKD. We teach JKD not
to confine us but to liberate us, to share
with others what we have learned, and to
discover our personal expression of Bruce’s
art. We are fortunate to have two original
Bruce Lee students to share their
knowledge of Bruce’s art with us. They are
Bob Bremer and Jim Sewell.
Dan Inosanto's Backyard Group
(left to right): Tim Tackett, Dan Inosanto, Richard
Bustillo, Dan Lee, Jerry Poteet, Bob Bremer, Pete
In 1973, Dan Inosanto honored me with
the rank of Senior First and I was given
Great Smoky Mountain Camp
permission to have a small Jeet Kune Do
(Left to right): Unknown, Larry Hartsell (writing),
group. In Dan’s backyard school it was Dan Inosanto, Tim Tackett
always stressed that JKD was something
special. There were certain techniques that
Bruce Lee did not want given out outside
of what we all felt were a small and special
group. Dan told us that Bruce said, “If
knowledge is power then why pass it out
After Bruce’s untimely passing (1973), and
when the summer martial arts camps
started Dan told Larry Hartsell and me that
Great Smoky Mountain Camp
since he promised Bruce to not teach JKD
(Left to right): Cliff Lenderman, Larry Hartsell,
openly, that we should teach JKD while he Francis Fong, and Tim Tackett
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would teach Kali. The three of us taught
together every summer until the Great
Smokey Mountain Martial Arts Camp
closed. Besides teaching in my garage
one night a week the only other JKD
teaching I did was the occasional
seminar I would do for camp students
who had a school of their own. Presently
I only do a couple of seminars a year. I
retired six years ago after 30 years of
teaching high school.
Great Smoky Mountain Camp
(Left to right): Unknown, The late Terry Gibson,
Unknown, Bert Poe
The most important addition to the group
was Bob Bremer. After he retired as a
crane operator, Bob started showing up
on Wednesday nights. From Bob we’ve
learned a great deal. We’ve learned
many of those small details that make
JKD work in the real world. We began to
really analyze everything we had
learned. He emphasized that JKD was
about efficiency in unarmed combat and
not the accumulation of techniques. He
showed us the importance of really
spending time on the basics so that we
would not need to keep adding and
adding techniques.
WNG Summer Camp (2008)
Kansas City, Independence, USA
For more information please go to The
Wednesday Night Group web-site:
Bob Bremer
Bob Bremer began training in the martial
arts with his children at Ed Parker's
Kenpo school in Southern California.
After seeing Bruce Lee demonstrate Jeet
Tim Tackett Seminar (2008)
Urban Martial Arts London
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Kune Do he enrolled at Bruce's school
in Los Angeles. Bob had the second
most lessons with Bruce Lee at the
Chinatown school and was fortunate
enough to train with Bruce at this
home on Sundays. He was also a part
of the original "backyard" class taught
by Dan Inosanto when the Chinatown
school closed. After retiring as a crane
operator Bob began attending Tim
Tackett's Wednesday night classes and
forever changed the Wednesday Night
Group's expression of Jeet Kune Do
Tim Tackett Seminar (2008)
Urban Martial Arts Leicester
Jim Sewell
I first got interested in Jeet Kune Do through Bob Bremer. Bob and I go back to the
early 1960's. I went with Bob to Ed Parker's place in Pasadena, California, two or
three times when Bob was taking kempo-karate. I never got interested in kempokarate because it looked kind of robotic to me.
One day Bob asked me to go to the Long Beach Sports Arena with him where Ed
Parker was promoting a tournament. This was the first time I ever heard of Bruce Lee.
Soon after that, Bob left kempo-karate and went to Chinatown (Los Angeles) to take
Jeet Kune Do (JKD). I wanted to see what JKD was all about. Bob invited me to come
along one day. I signed up the first time I was there! I didn't know much about
martial arts prior to going to Chinatown, but I could see that this art was different.
J.K.D. looked smooth, flowing and free. The only fighting I knew [prior to learning
JKD] was street-fighting. I used to watch my brother fight in the Golden Gloves
boxing tournament. He was also a good street fighter. When I went to Chinatown I
never wanted to be an instructor of J.K.D. I just wanted to learn how to be a better
fighter. Some guys are natural teachers. I wasn’t, I just wanted to learn how to fight
We have a lot of good guys that regularly train at the Wednesday night class. Bruce
Lee would be proud of these men. They know a lot about JKD and they can do it very
well. . When I first went to Chinatown and met Bruce Lee, I felt pretty inadequate.
Bruce was not a large man but he could generate so much power, speed and balance
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and he showed so much confidence. Here I'm the same age as Bruce but I'm 6'1" and
220 pounds. He had more power, more everything. I thought I wanted THIS! Seeing
Bruce workout was what kept me coming back. I wanted what he had.
Useful Links
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