January 10, 2016 - St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church
January 10, 2016 - St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church
Administrative Secretary Susan Schmidt Receptionist Sylvia Peter Music Director Janice Cox Youth Minister Marilyn Goerig Parish Catechetical Leader Nancy Fenner School Principal Gwen Edwards School Secretary Amanda Stary Cemetery Supervisor SAINT PHILIP THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH FOUNDED 1909 DIOCESE OF VICTORIA IN TEXAS 304 W. Church St., El Campo, Tx. 77437 979-543-3770 • fax: 979-578-8831 PARISH SCHOOL: 979-543-2901 • fax: 979-578-8835 Parish Homepage: www.stphilipapostle.org Parish Email: apostle@stphilipapostle.org School Homepage: www.stphilipschool.org Pastor: Reverend Michael Rother Parochial Vicar: Rev. Francis Nguyen Kirk Stary Parish Administrative Council Deacon Jarrel Nohavitza Deacon Jerome Grahmann Deacon Larry Hoelscher Gerry Mikeska Bobby Jean Kainer Scott Strnadel Tish McAlister Bob Little Claudia Raun Ray Viktorin School Advisory Council Stephanie Jensen Jeff Little Colleen Rasmussen Rhea Prasek Duane Korenek Chip Jenkins Jason Zalman Cemetery Committee Linda Alvarado Lynn Cox Dot Hermansen Mary Jane Kaiser Gracie Priesmeyer Jerry Socha Bereavement/Outreach Committee Evelyn Grahmann Irene Nohavitza School Endowment Trustees James Bouligny Gary Trochta Kim Socha David Zalman Larry Hoelscher Linda Bolcik Gloria Marek Donald Sutton Spiritual Direction Deacons: Deacon Jarrel Nohavitza Deacon Jerome Grahmann Deacon Larry Hoelscher Community Mission Statement…We, the people of God of Saint Philip the Apostle, in the loving and evangelizing spirit of St. Philip, form a family community that challenges each of us to proclaim and live the gospel messages of Jesus Christ in the world through worship, evangelization, Christian formation and service. Sunday Eucharist Schedule Saturday (Vigil of Sunday)................................................................. 5:00 p.m. Sunday .......................................................... 7:00 a.m.; 10:00 a.m.; 6:00 p.m. Holy Day and Weekday Schedule Holy Days ...........................................................................(check the Bulletin) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, First Saturday ......................... 8:00 a.m. Wednesday ....................................................................................... 5:30 p.m. Friday during School Season ............................................................ 8:30 a.m. Wednesday at Nursing home ............................................................ 1:30 p.m. Perpetual Adoration and Rosary Perpetual Adoration........................... Monday 8:30 a.m. until Friday 5:00 p.m. Rosary ...............................30 minutes before weekday and weekend Masses Sacrament of Reconciliation Wednesday 4:45 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.; Saturday 3:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.; by appointment and season schedule during Advent and Lent ~ PASTORAL CARE INFORMATION ~ Sacrament of Baptism: Please inform the Parish office at least six months before due date. Further instructions and baptismal materials will be provided at the Parish office. Sacrament of Marriage: Please register at the parish office as soon as possible, but at least six months prior to anticipated date. Ministry to the Sick and Homebound: Call the Parish office when a family member is sick and would like a visit or would like to receive Holy Communion, Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick. Patricia Hoelscher Safe Environment Coordinator Susan Schmidt New Parishioners and Status: Welcome to St. Philip Parish! Call or come by the Parish office to register. Also notify us when moving out of the parish or when you have a change of family status and address. SAINT PHILIP THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH 2 Prayer Intentions at Mass Jan 11 – Jan 17 MON 8:00 a.m. + Mary Ann Kainer TUE + Edith Poncik 8:00 a.m. WED 1:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Parishioners Intentions + Syl and Clara Kaspar THU 8:00 a.m. + Frank Konvicka FRI 8:30 a.m. + H. R. and Martha Watson, Edwin and Judy Orsak SAT 5:00 p.m. + Charles Urbanovsky Sr., Mary Ann Krauskopf SUN 7:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. + Leonard Staff + Travis Kirk Parishioners Intentions LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR JAN 16 & JAN 17 • SATURDAY– 5:00 p.m. Lectors: Essie Leslie, Shebra Adler Cantor: Lea Hynes Altar Servers: Myles Svatek, Luke Thompson, Carson Whitington Hospitality: Gary and Claudette Tupa, Robert and Alma Lormand Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Bill Goerig, Lileette Ilse, Allan Janak, Jeanie Janak, Don Mc Alister, Tish McAlister • SUNDAY– 7:00 a.m. Lector: Cecilia Polasek Altar Servers: Carter Hlavinka, Jace Zalman, Jeb Zalman Hospitality: Aaron Faas, Gerry Graham, Terry Priesmeyer, Ed Polasek Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Linda Bolcik, Michael Bolcik, Linda Conner, Margie Swobodea, Jason Zalman • SUNDAY– 10:00 a.m. Lectors: Glenn Frels, Ginger Harris Cantor: Kathy Bodungen Altar Servers: Karolyn Brown, Hendrick Hundl, Philip Hundl Hospital/Meridan: Glen and Alexis Jasek Nursing Home Ministers: Kim Melanson, Lisa Bubela Hospitality: Russell Dettling, Ray Viktorin, Karen Jenkins, Stanley Sellers, Frank Jalufka Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Kimberly Couvillion, Mike Couvillion, Mary Kay Price, Ron Price, Claudia Raun, Michael Watz Vocation Prayer Cross: Chris and Laura Pustejovsky CLOW: Natalie Irby • SUNDAY– 6:00 p.m. Lector: Megaan Faas Cantor: Jerrid Berglund Altar Servers: Ariel Barker, Melanie Barker, Thomas Gaines Adult Coordinator: Shannon Fuechec Hospitality: Tate Fuechec, Grant Fuechec, Joshua Cantu, Reid Zboril, William Wallace Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Wayne Bard, Lynn Cox, Alexis Jasek, Glen Jasek, Greg Witcher, Sherrie Witcher \ The Baptism of The Lord January 10, 2016 A Message From Our Pastor First, on behalf of Fr. Francis and myself, I want to give our deep appreciation for all the Christmas blessings and generous gifts. The kitchen counter and refrigerator were full of goodies. The meals and Christmas goodies have definitely expanded our waistlines. The monetary gifts have helped with obtaining a few necessities and wants. The thoughts, prayers, and blessings have especially showered us with grace upon grace the Advent and Christmas Seasons. Thank you for all you have shared with us. We are truly blessed to serve this parish. I also want to request your prayers these next two weeks for the priests of the diocese as we go on retreat. May the retreat serve to both fill us spiritually that we may grow in relation with God, and give us rest to return to our parishes recharged to serve you, the people, like Christ more and more each day. I will be going on retreat this week and Fr. Francis, next week. The Christmas Season ends and our priest retreats begin on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. This event done “to fulfill all righteousness” marks the end of Jesus’ private life and the beginning of his public ministry. Jesus’ baptism by John was God’s way of making holy this act and instituting then the Sacrament for His Holy Church. We begin our Christian walk with God through Christ the Son as Baptism draws us up into the salvation won for us by Jesus Christ. We, like Jesus, become a public symbol of God working in the world. We are Jesus’ hands and feet in the world. His light shines our from our hearts to the darkness of the world. Therefore, this feast is for us a reminder that Jesus’ mission that all know God begun at his baptism did not stop with his death, but continues through us, the baptized. REMEMBER IN PRAYER Pray For The Sick... We are going to update the prayer list. Please call the rectory at 543-3770 and give the name of your loved one who is seriously ill and in need of our prayer. The list will be deleted every four months and a new list will be started, in order to keep the list updated. Hattie Drozd, Elaine Gaskamp, Scott Arbuckle, Melody Macha, Tina Evans Welcome the Newly Baptized... Amber Netardus Flowers- January 10 Christmas Donated by Donors of our Flower Offering Sacrificial Giving: 1-1-16 ....................................................$3,308.00 1-3-16 ..................................................$12,257.25 Maintenance. ............................................$331.00 School .........................................................$66.00 NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS JANUARY 17, 2016 FIRST READING - Isaiah 62:1-5 For Zion’s sake I will not be silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not be quiet, until her vindication shines forth like the dawn and her victory like a burning torch. Nations shall behold your vindication, and all the kings your glory; you shall be called by a new name pronounced by the mouth of the LORD. You shall be a glorious crown in the hand of the LORD, a royal diadem held by your God. No more shall people call you “Forsaken, “ or your land “Desolate, “ but you shall be called “My Delight, “ and your land “Espoused.” For the LORD delights in you and makes your land his spouse. As a young man marries a virgin, your Builder shall marry you; and as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride so shall your God rejoice in you. SECOND READING - 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 Brothers and sisters: There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit. To one is given through the Spirit the expression of wisdom; to another, the expression of knowledge according to the same Spirit; to another, faith by the same Spirit; to another, gifts of healing by the one Spirit; to another, mighty deeds; to another, prophecy; to another, discernment of spirits; to another, varieties of tongues; 3 to another, interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit produces all of these, distributing them individually to each person as he wishes. GOSPEL - John 2:1-11 There was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding. When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” And Jesus said to her, “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servers, “Do whatever he tells you.” Now there were six stone water jars there for Jewish ceremonial washings, each holding twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus told them, “Fill the jars with water.” So they filled them to the brim. Then he told them, “Draw some out now and take it to the headwaiter.” So they took it. And when the headwaiter tasted the water that had become wine, without knowing where it came from — although the servers who had drawn the water knew —, the headwaiter called the bridegroom and said to him, Everyone serves good wine first, and then when people have drunk freely, an inferior one; but you have kept the good wine until now.” Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs at Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him. Key Scriptural Passage: And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:2) We would like to thank the following families and individuals for their memorial donations to the Christmas flowers in loving memory of: Schweinberg and Freeman families by Joe & Suzanne Freeman. Questions for Discussion: Adult: Do you think that God was “well pleased” by your actions in recent weeks? Why? Child: What good thing could you do this week that would be pleasing to God? St. Philip Youth Fried Chicken Dinner… St. Philip Youth will sponsor their annual fried chicken dinner and drawing Sunday, Jan. 10, 2016, at 11:00 a.m. with plates to go only at the KC hall. We are especially in need of more funding as we continue to have more and more students attending conferences and retreats. Some of these are Steubenville, Rocky Mountain High Retreat, Teen ACTS Retreat, and the High School Spectacular and Discipleship Week. Meal and drawing tickets are available from any High School CCE student, or the rectory. For more information, call Marilyn Goerig at 541-9264. Readings For The Week: Monday ........................... 1 Sm 1:1-8/Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday........................... 1 Sm 1:9-20/Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday...................... 1 Sm 3:1-10/Mk 1:29-39 Thursday ......................... 1 Sm 4:1-11/Mk 1:40-45 Friday.............................. 1 Sm 8:4-7,10-22/Mk 2:1-12 Saturday .......................... 1 Sm 9:1-4,17-19/Mk 2:13-17 Pro-Life Corner…Abortion on demand was built on lies and continues today with lies and deceit. “We fed the public a line of deceit, dishonesty, a fabrication of statistics and figures. We fabricated polls which indicated that 85% of the public favored unrestricted abortion, when we knew it was only 5%. We unashamedly lied, and yet our statements were quoted (by the media) as though they had been written in law.” - Dr. Bernard Nathanson Pray For Those Serving In The Military and Law Enforcement Capt. A. J. Peters USMC, Nathan Cox, E-5 MM2 Zachary Elledge US Navy, E-3 Jonathan Elledge US Army, Lance Corp. Casey Winfield, USMC, US Army Staff Sgt. David Haugh, Robert Drapela, Coast Guard, LCPL Christian Wied, USMC, Master Chief Sub-Lant Zachary Montello, Private Mason Miller, USMC, Spec. Christopher Alford, U S Army Sanctity of Life Program Wednesday, Jan. 27 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Church. There will be a prayer vigil for the unborn. The speaker will be Lianne Janak, a local parishioner and the topic will be “How to be Pro-Life in our Everyday Life.” Parents and non-catholics are welcome and encouraged to attend. Mark your calendar for the St. Philip School Annual Faith Trot on Saturday, January 30 at 9:00 a.m. Preregistration fee is $10.00 per child, $20.00 per adult, and $60.00 per family (4 or more). Pre-registration deadline to guarantee a t-shirt on race day is Jan. 18. Entry forms are available at St. Philip School office. SAINT PHILIP THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH St. Philip School Endowment Fund Donations Oct – Nov 2015 In Memory of: Patricia Duncan: M/M Melvin Henke, M/M Donald E. Green & Family, M/M Jeff Snyder, Lee Roy Krauskopf, M/M Paul Holcomb. John D. Arnold: M/M Thomas P. Losier, M/M James Bruce, M/M Jason Zalman, Deacon Larry & Pat Hoelcher, Edna Krenek. Louise Vesely: Dick Chomout, Mary Treybig, Deacon Larry & Pat Hoelscher. Mary Ann Kainer: M/M Francis Stock, M/M Lawrence Socha, M/M Robert Faas, M/M Daniel Kasper, Taiton Extension & Education Club. Margie Mills: Deacon Larry & Pat Hoelscher. Nyoka Skrovan: Catholic Daughters of the Americas #1374. Lorraine Dennis: Catholic Daughters of the Americas #1374. Tom Richard: M/M Jim Bouligny. Carolyn Hill: M/M Ellwood Hermansen. In Honor of Ruby Jean & Andrew Rod 65th Wedding Anniversary: Bettie Konvicka. General School Fund In Memory of: Louise Vesely: Josie Marcaurele, Mary Jane Hobbs, Mrs. Alice Mae Blaha, Evelyn Lincke, Ouida Bergstrom, M/M Robert Strnadel Family, M/M Eric Burrow, M/M Ronnie Leopold, Gary Tupa Family, Frank P. Sablatura, Lorraine Kana, Lisa Bubela In Honor of Ruby Jean & Andrew Rod 65th Wedding Anniversary: Gayla Dluhos & Pete Merta, M/M Jerome Dorotik, Alice Blaha. Ray Cornelson: M/M Gary Gadeke, M/M Gary Charbula, Lorraine H. Cranek. Mary Ann Kainer: M/M Kermit W. Harton, Mary Triska, M/M Daniel Marek, M/M Norbert Eggemeyer, Lorraine H. Cranek, M/M Donald F. McDonald. 4. Margie Mills: Pat Coffman & Bobby Roye, Delores Strnadel. Ernest Michalwiz: M/M Robert Faas. Martha Ott: M/M Karl Ermis. John Arnold: Delores Kocian. Band Donation: M/M Lawrence J. Merta. Library Fund: In Memory of: Martha Ott: M/M Bill St. Clair. Scholarship Fund In Memory of: Donald Ermis: Donna Ermis, Brent & Meredith, Delaney, Cayden, & Conner Ermis, Brandon & Jackie Ermis. Margie Mills: Monica Bubela, M/M Dennis Edwards. Louise Vesely: Monica Bubela. Myrtle Fucik: M/M Dennis Edwards. Arnold Kram: M/M Dennis Edwards. Cafeteria: In Memory of: Estella Stewart: M/M Evan Hicks. St. Philip School Endowment Fund Donations Dec 2015 In Memory Of: Edith Poncik: M/M Jack Poskey, Gayla Dluhas, Renee Boutelle, M/M Lawrence Socha, M/M Augie Malik, M/M Ronny Collins, M/M Gregory Popp, Barbara Junek, Sheryl Treadwell & Jane Blaha, M/M Norbet Eggemeyer, Rosalie Kollaja, M/M Bennie Hundl, M/M Robert Faas, Georgia Ferris, M/ M Phil Dornak, M/M Vic Hyek, M/M Larry Pavlu, Deacon Larry & Pat Hoelscher, Mary Triska, M/M Chris Pustejovsky, Bettie Konvicka, M/M Daniel Kaspar, Mrs. Donald F. McDonald, M/M Gary Charbula, M/M Leon R. Macha, M/M Larry Hensley, Lorraine C. Cranek, Jennie Mae Treumer Family, M/M Victor Petrash. Mary Ann Kainer: M/M Ellwood Hermansen. Thomas P. Richards: M/M Ellwood Hermansen. Patty Duncan: M/M Chris Pustejovsky. Emma Preuss: Bettie Konvicka, Mrs. Donald F. McDonald. Laddie Svatek: M/M Daniel Kaspar Family. (Will continue with memorials next week) Victoria Gabriel Project: An Ecumenical Outreach! Helping a Mother in a Crisis Pregnancy and Protecting the Dignity of Life As the year 2015 ends and 2016 begins, we, the Directors and Officers of the Victoria Gabriel Project, want to take this opportunity to thank, YOU, the women and men who volunteer, the material and monetary donations for the GABRIEL PROJECT – helping the Moms and their babies - giving the “gift of life” - we thank GOD FOR YOU!! The Gabriel Project in the Diocese of Victoria has been so blessed in 2015!! People from the faith community are calling our hotline to volunteer, make material, and monetary donations. Your involvement has helped us with our outreach to these Moms and their babies. The volunteers assist these Moms first and foremost, by listening to them, showing an unconditional love for them and their babies. They help them to realize they are worthy human beings (as God intended), learning to take care of themselves, become self-sufficient, as well as her taking care of her child. Adoption is always a choice made available to her. Please help us continue his work by volunteering just a little of your time – remember just a few hours a month could save a life! The Victoria Gabriel Project is having a Volunteer/Donor Appreciation Dinner on Thursday, January 21 at St. Mary’s Activity Center at 6:30 pm! They have sent out invitations, but if you have not received one from them, please call. If you have volunteered, donated, or just want to learn about the Victoria Gabriel Project, contact Barbara before January 21 to RSVP. (361) 649-1612! Our Local Gabriel Project Meets the First Monday of Each Month in the St. Philip Meeting House at 7:00 p.m. Call Judy Barrett at 713-598-7682 for more information. 5. 2015 Gift To Christ…We would like to thank the following families and individuals who have contributed to the appeal of GIFT TO CHRIST: The total thus far is $21,957.00. M/M Ben Altenhoff, Renee Boutelle, M/M Fred Prihoda, M/ M Terry Brandl, M/M Gary Williamson, M/M Joseph Janda, M/M James Socha, M/M Josh Glaze, M/M Joe Janish, Dr. John and Anna Wissinger, M/M Joe Vacek, M/M Eric Merta, M/M James Harp, Rita Vackar, Claudia Nunez, and M/M Leo Popp. SAINT PHILIP THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH Calendar of Events… Sunday, January 10 - St. Philip Youth Fried Chicken Dinner at 11:00 a.m. at the KC Hall. Plates to go only. Monday, January 11 - Bible Study Group Session at 10:00 a.m. - God’s embrace will meet at 5:30 p.m. in Room 1. Tuesday, January 12 - Bible Study Group Session at 10:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. - KJZT will meet at 6:00 p.m. in the Sacred Heart room. - Upper room prayer group meeting at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, January 13 - CCE Grades K-12 at 6:30 p.m. - Bible Study Group Session at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, January 14 - Bible Study Group Session at 9:00 a.m. Thank you to all who have given to the St. Philip the Apostle Catholic School 2015 Annual Appeal. St. Philip Catholic School sincerely appreciates your support. Thank you to the following who most recently contributed: M/M Bob Little, M/ M Joe Freeman, Lorraine H. Cranek, Barbara Green, Delores Kocian, Deacon & Mrs. Jerome Grahmann, M/M Pat Cunningham, Elsie Reck, Charles Maerz, M/M Larry Hensley, Lorraine Kana, M/M David Janik, Annie Drastata, Bettie Konvicka, and M/M Bruce Korenek. Mark Your Calendars for a Unique Marriage Retreat in 2016… Father Gary Janak, along with five married couples, will be sponsoring a weekend retreat for married couples. Choosing To L.O.V.E. is a retreat for couples seeking to enrich their marital commitment, by focusing on what brought their covenant into existence—their marriage vows. It is not a weekend for couples experiencing serious problems in their relationship, but for couples seeking to be faithful to their marriage vows and in need of strengthening the core of who they are as husband and wife. The retreat will be held at the Baptist Encampment in Palacios, on February 26-28, 2016. Space is limited. The cost for the retreat will be $250.00, which includes lodging, food and materials. Scholarships are available. Application forms are available at the St. Philip the Apostle Parish Office in El Campo, Our Lady of Victory Cathedral in Victoria or by emailing pastor@olvcathedral.org. The following parishioners have not picked up their 2016 church support envelopes. Please come by the church office as soon as possible to pick them up. Donald Beal, Russell Bergstrom, Angeline Bilek, Christopher Bird, Vlasta Boehm, Leona Boone, Paul Bruton, Lorena Catete, Patricia Dybala, Sandra Foytik, Anna Garza, Anthony Gerla, Lillian Hansen, Leon Hlavinka, Joyce Hoffer, Paul Hoffmann, Wilbert Howard, Glen Jasek, Clint Kacal, Ronald Kaluza, Eleanor Kana, Bernard Mach, Larry Morris, Beatrice Netardus, Anthony Ott, Ben Rumbaugh, Stanley Rod, Richard Schmidt, Jocelyn Smith, Scott Strnadel, John Tumlinson, Joe Vacek, Linda Wiesner ,and Doris Wilson. St. Philip Catholic School Super Prize Drawing Winner for Friday, January 1 is Mike Blommer. **Bulletin Sponsor of the Week:** PROSPERITY BANK Let us support our bulletin advertisers and encourage others to do the same. Deadline to submit information for the Church Bulletin: Tuesdays at Noon Please call Sylvia at the parish office: 979-543-3770 or email: sylviap@stphilipapostle.org WP HK (979) 543-5335 PHILIP J. HUNDL ATTORNEY AT LAW Cathy & John Hrncir, Parishioners 979-578-3258 <> 979-541-3825 PARISHONER wphk-law.com (800) 929-1725 CUSTOM STEEL BUILDINGS Metal Buildings - Barns - Carports Patio Covers - Building Component Sales 979-543-6941 www.lewingbuildings.com Tristan Couey, Parishioner 1007 S. Wharton St., El Campo, TX Save money on your electricity costs! Call us. Ross W. Anderson, DDS, FAGD 979-543-4291 Doctor of Dental Surgery Fellow Academy of General Dentistry --El Campo Dental Implant Center of Wharton County ~ Parishioner ~ 115 N. Washington, El Campo 979.543.2300 Dr. Carolyn Bubela, Chiropractor - Parishioner - 979-532-4476 docc@crescentchiroandacu.com Paul Kucera & Chris Merta 979-543-4141 Crop Care by Air TRADEWIND AG, INC. WRECKER, TIRE & TRUCK REPAIR, LLC Mark & Kristine Cochrum 2507 W. Loop 979-543-7374 Kelly and Wendy Garner 979-543-5712 Parishioners Paul and Patricia Bruton Parishioners 979-533-9264 “Where Our Customers and Service are #1” Gary & Jan Charbula, Owners/Parishioners Parishioners 979-543-1949 119 N. Mechanic at Jackson Street • El Campo 979-543-1884 979-543-6666 “Our Business is Promoting Your Business” Parishioner Raymond L. Viktorin, Jr. Parishioner 201 W. Webb St., El Campo 979-543-6836 · 979-543-1685 www.kmandl.com Member AICPA CONNER & SONS WATER WELL SERVICE PLUMBING SUPPLIES 602 E. Jackson 979-543-3493 Member TSCPA Catholic Daughters #1374 ‘Unity and Charity’ Meets 3rd Mon. of Month Linda Conner, Parishioner BBQ & MIKESKA’S CATERING Pa ris hio ne rs Modern Cleaners Same Day Service on Request! 101 W. Jackson St. El Campo, Tx. 77437 Laundry—Dry Cleaning—Alterations Quality Garment Care—Exceptional Service! 221 W. Jackson St., El Campo 979-543-3771 979-543-1474 Stacie & Kevin Dluhos, Parishioners Rick & Keri Graff, owners CHRISTIAN GIFTS & JEWELRY, BOOKS, MUSIC ROSARIES, STATUES, MEDALS & MORE M-F 9:30-5:30 • SAT. 9:30-3:00 JEANIE AND ALLAN JANAK Oil Field Supply, Ltd. 3505 W. Bus. 59 S Hwy., El Campo, Tx 1817 N. Mechanic St. El Campo, Texas 77437 Greg and Sherrie Witcher, Parishioners 714 N. Mechanic Kennemer, Masters & Lunsford, LLC Certified Public Accountants www.triskafuneralhome.com 979-543-2850 - 1603 N. MEHCANIC, EL CAMPO Complete Service: Commercial ● Residential ● Agricultural WITCHER ADVERTISING TRISKA FUNERAL HOME HEAVENLY HELPERS (800) 382-6609 (979) 234-2074 Realtors K.C. Hall—El Campo Clay and Polly Wilkins Kevin & Jennifer Pavlas, Parishioners Susan Radley 979-543-4465 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tupa, Parishioners Frank Bubela & Robert Lormand Lisa Bubela, owner TMF (Parishioner) 214 N. Mechanic St. El Campo, Tx. 77437 Council 2490 2nd & 4th Tuesdays Parishioners Jimmie and Ceci Triska 979-578-8400 Toll free: 877-578-0100 979-543-6211 Knights of Columbus Family owned and operated since 1929 El Campo, TX 77437 MP-12855 803 W. Jackson El Campo, Tx. Hall Rental: 979-543-4359 The Computer Center 117 N. Washington 588 Sandy Corner Rd. El Campo, Tx. TECL 19686 County Road 408 Parishioners GARY TUPA PLUMBING 218 Merchant St., El Campo 543-5471 Hwy. 59/Blue Creek Rd 543-8252 Come join us for dinner after Mass! 907 S. Wharton St. El Campo, Tx. 979-543-6284 Fellow Parishioners 979-543-9664 (phone & fax) Rice Farmers CoCo-op “Supporting the Church And Community” 106 Market 979-543-6753 Gravel Limestone Select Fill Frank and Gloria Marek, Parishioners 979-543-3791 For your hair care needs 1106 N. Mechanic (Hwy. 71) 979-541-9261 979-543-3853 Tommy & Rena Dluhos, Parishioners 979-543-6462 Regina Polasek Jank, Parishioner EL CAMPO SPRAYING, INC. Lawn Spraying - Weed Control - Vegetation Management Brush Control - Tree Spraying - Deep Root Fertilizing Pool Maintenance and Supplies 979-543-7811 2601 N. Mechanic 979-543-0277 Keith & Lynette Strnadel, Parishioners - Ed Strnadel Jr. Family; Parishioners 979-543-6821 Lone Star Glass Co. 979-543-1234 909 S. Mechanic, #B 2012 W. Loop El Campo, Tx. Diane Bard, Clinic Mgr., Parishioner Karl M. Ermis, O.D. Michael B. Caplan, M.D. Christopher G. Fuller, M.D. Kayci Ermis, O.D. Lupe Ramirez J.J. BUBELA’S FLOOR CENTER, INC. Graduate, St. Philip’s Class of 1955 3 Houston Locations Carpet * Vinyl * Ceramic Tile * Wood Blinds * Laminate & Wood www.lonestarglass.com Residential Commercial Industrial TRUCK WASH At Expressions by Cathy New Construction/Remodeling KNEBEL ELECTRIC MAREK & MAREK Regina’s Leonard & Marilyn Goerig 979-543-5385 Gooseneck & Utility www.accessstoragetexas.com GOERIG BUILDERS Farm Mfg. Oilfield Fab. TRAILER SALES Anthony & Nancy Collins, Parishioners 979-543-8698 Mike & Pat Holub, Parishioners MONICA BUBELA 1207 W. LOOP, EL CAMPO 979-543-5500 TECL17703 Lawrence and Addie Knebel Dennis and Gwen Edwards Parishioners 1301 N. Mechanic St. El Campo, Tx. 77437-2633 979-543-2200 Fax 979-543-1906 979-543-3532 Office 543-3407 Hm. 543-8865 Hm. 207 E. Watt, El Campo www.prosperitybanktx.com
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