MaccaBee 5-22-2015


MaccaBee 5-22-2015
4 of Sivan, 5775
May 22, 2015
Instead of winding down, the last few weeks of school buzz with activity.
Weary teachers finish up lessons, help with end of year programs, and
begin to pack up their classrooms. Students become more excited, yet
often struggle with the impending transition from structured school day to
summer fun.
In the midst of this annual whirlwind, I like to pause, find a few moments
of quiet, and take stock of the many wonderful things that transpired
during the school year.
In the curricular arena, exciting project-based learning took place in all of
the classes. After much time and preparation, students had an excellent
showing at Science Fair and PSIA. We launched Asayfaht Boker,
Morning Meeting- a welcoming way to begin our school day as a
community. We implemented our new Elementary School Jewish Studies
curriculum. Eighth grade participated in a Rabbinic Seminar facilitated by
esteemed Jewish rabbis and educators, and initiated The Passion Project.
The Board of Directors transitioned into new leadership. We underwent
the strategic planning process with Independent School Management
which will serve as our guide for the upcoming years. Development went
through a number of changes and through it all, our excellent team
organized a celebratory gala and silent auction at Brazos Hall, and the
Annual campaign which is close to completion.
Nancy Wolf stepped in as our Interim Principal fulfilling each and every
duty with grace and a smile. Helen Gilbert led the Principal Search
Committee with great perseverance, until we found the perfect candidate in
Tisha Brown.
Parent Association was also busy! They sponsored a school-wide Shabbat
dinner and the first annual Daughter Dance attended by the community.
They worked with Mrs. Glickman and held two Book People Book Fairs.
Our Faculty Lounge may be featured on HGTV with its recent makeover.
Save the Date ................. 2
As the school year comes to a close, please be sure to thank our
outstanding faculty and administration. And thank you, parents, for
partnering with us to make our school great!
Annual Campaign…....... 4
I hope to see you all at graduation!
Cheryl Hersh
Head of School
Tributes .......................... 2
AJA Happenings............ 3
Monday, May 25
Memorial Day - AJA Closed
Tuesday, May 26 Intergenerational End of Year Presentation and Reception from 2:004:00 pm in the JCC Community Hall. RSVP to Annie Skelton at 512-735-8088 or
Thursday, May 28 - Monday, June 1
Middle School Trimester Exams
Thursday, May 28
Sifriyat Pijama in the AJA Library from 5:00-6:00 pm
Mrs. Lefton’s 1st grade class’s Play from 1:00-3:00 pm in the MPR
Friday, May 29 4th Grade Field Trip to Body World at the Museum of Science and
Technology from 8:45-11:45 am
Tuesday, June 2
 National Junior Honor Society Induction from 2:00-3:00 pm in the Congregation
Agudas Achim Chapel
 4th Grade Play from 9:00-11:00 am in the JCC Community Hall Stageside
Wednesday, June 3
Elementary School Field Day from 9:00-3:15 pm
Thursday, June 4
 Eighth grade Graduation Ceremony from 5:30-6:30 pm in the JCC
 Fourth Grade Field Trip to Bob Bullock Museum from 8:45 am - 12:15 pm
 Kindergarten Graduation Celebration from 9:00-10:00 am in the MPR
 Middle School Field Day from 9:00-11:30 am
 Third grade End of Year Duck Tour from 8:15-10:30 am
Friday, June 5
Last Day of School! Early release at 12:00 pm.
Cheryl Hersh made a tribute in memory of Daniel Cohen-Zion, brother
and brother-in-law to Lily and Yigal Saad.
The following people made tributes in memory of Stephen Gerald,
father of AJA alum, Haruka Gerald.
Arno Selco
Margaret Koppelman
Sixth Grade - Big Bend
The sixth graders have been
enjoying their wilderness
adventure in beautiful Big
Bend National Park. From
climbing mountains to
counting constellations, the
kids are experiencing Texas
in all of it’s glory (not to
mention all the ways their
curriculum applies!)
The eighth graders, along with chaperones, Coach Bull and Mr. Aguero
have had so many incredible adventures in New York City over the past
week. They visited FAO Schwartz, went to a Mets game, ate all kinds of
Kosher treats, and so much more. They also went to the Museum of
Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, toured the United
Nations, saw Wicked on Broadway, went to the Museum of Jewish
Heritage and the 9/11 Memorial Museum. What a great way to
celebrate with their classmates before graduation and the next chapters
of their lives’ begin.
Victory dogpile
as AJA’s soccer
team celebrates
winning 1st place
in the
Go Maccabees!
Thank you everyone who has made a donation to
“Inspire the Future Annual Campaign.”
We have reached out to many of you asking for support for AJA’s 2014 –
2015 Inspire Annual Campaign, and thank you for the wonderful response. For
those we have not yet reached, we ask for you to join the others with your
meaningful gift.
You may not realize that tuition and fees only make up a portion of the operating
income needed to offer all of our students the best education available. We rely
on donations and fundraising events to bridge the gap. Your Annual Campaign gift
of any dollar amount absolutely matters. This year our goal is 100% parent
Please help us meet that goal by making a gift at one of the levels below:
Annual Campaign Giving Levels
Inspiration Circle - $18,000+
Empowerment Circle - $7,200 - $17,999
Impact Circle - $3,600 - $7,199
Leadership Circle - $1,800 - $3,599
Tikkun Olam Circle - $1,000 - $1,799
Community Circle - $500 - $999
Friends of AJA – up to $499
You may make your donation by contacting our Development Associate, Robin
Littrell at or call Robin at 512-735-8350
ext. 8374, or donate securely online at
Thank you for your commitment, your support, and your trust in Austin Jewish
Academy as partners in your child’s education.
Shavuot and Memorial Day
Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks, celebrates the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai, and
coincides with Memorial Day Weekend this year. Checkout the JCC's holiday
hours here.
For details on an all-night Tikkun Leil Shavuot community learning experience on
Saturday, May 23, scroll down.
Bollywood Meets Borscht Belt
Sunday, May 31 4-7 PM
JCC Community Hall
Join the Hindu and Jewish communities for a night of multi-cultural entertainment, food and fun!
Enjoy a vegetarian/dairy Indian dinner followed by Jewish dessert,along with traditional music, folkdancing and comedy performance with San Francisco's Samson Koletkar, the world's only Indian Jewish comedian.
Splash Bash
Sunday, June 7
10 AM-2 PM
JCC Pool, 7300 Hart Lane
Dive into summer and see what the JCC has to offer! Admission is free and all
are welcome. The family fun includes swimming, live music, free sno-cones,
prize drawings, a bounce house, food for purchase and more. Plus, new members will save $75 on registration fees! Click here for more information.
JFAMs Facebook is Live!
Join the Jewish Family community via this totally inclusive social media page to
connect with others and find fun activities around the Austin area. We encourage
you to utilize this opportunity to become more involved and engaged.
If you are in the midst of family planning, or currently have children at home, this
is for you! Be on the lookout for an invite, and share with your friends!
Food, Fun, Schmoozing and Networking
Tuesday, June 16 6 PM
La Mancha Tex Mex Tavern, 2203 Hancock Drive
The Austin Jewish Business Network (AJBN) will be hosting a Happy Hour to
enjoy some social time with one another. Attendees may dine and drink while
enjoying an evening of networking and camaraderie! All Jews, those partnered
with Jews and Shalom Austin community members are welcome. Attendees also
must be living in or moving to the Austin area. Bring friends who meet the above
criteria, business cards, promotional materials, resumes, etc. For more information, contact Jennifer Lava at 512-925-2962 or
On behalf of the staff at Austin Jewish Academy,
we would like to wish you and your families a
Shabbat Shalom!