W ELCO M E tO TH E LO N G IN ES MASTE RS For over ten years I have been driven by a desire to reinvent Show Jumping and give this noble sport the exposure that it deserves. It all started with the Jumping International de Bruxelles in 2004, in association with the legendary Nelson Pessoa, and since then I never ceased to grow the seeds of my dreams. The first step into my international venture was taken in 2009. The challenge of reviving the Jumping International de Paris, alongside the Salon du Cheval, was at the origin of a new event concept. The first Gucci Paris Masters opened its doors to huge success. Our international quest had just begun. Inspired by tennis with its emblematic Grand Slam events, my ambition was to bring the Masters to wider publics and audiences: three continents, three global capital cities, three events. With Longines as title sponsor and thanks to their trust and support, we set sails to Asia in 2013 and unrolled the red carpet of the Masters in Hong Kong. In September 2014 all the spotlights turned to Los Angeles for the inaugural American edition of the Longines Masters. In December 2014, the FEI officially recognized the three Masters events as a Series. Today we are proud to celebrate a new era, as Longines becomes title sponsor of the Series. Long life to the Longines Masters! C H R I S T O P H E A M E E U W , Founder and CEO of EEM 7 LO N G IN ES MASTE RS E E M P R ES E NTS To reinvent Show Jumping! What an ambitious goal Christophe Ameeuw and his team at EEM have set for themselves! For over ten years they have been dedicated to bringing equestrian sports to the international front stage. Inspired by the Grand Slam in tennis and its legendary tournaments, EEM gathers under one roof the best of the sport, entertainment and glamour. 2009 was a crucial milestone for EEM with the revival of the Jumping de Paris and the creation of the Gucci Paris Masters, as it marked the beginning of their international development. EEM then set off to conquer new continents. An Asian edition took place in Hong Kong in 2013, followed in 2014 by the first American stage of the Longines Masters in Los Angeles. This first edition on the American continent was welcomed by renowned sports channel ESPN with the headline “The Next Big USA Sport”. In 2015 the intercontinental trilogy becomes the Longines Masters, presented by EEM. 8 LO N G IN ES MASTE RS LO N G IN ES MASTE RS Established in three of the most important cities of the world — Los Angeles, Paris, Hong Kong — this unique circuit is internationally renowned. The events bring together Olympic-level sport, entertainment, lifestyle and glamour. The best Show Jumping horses and riders in the world compete during four days for a total prize money of 1 million US Dollars at each stage of the Masters. The Longines Masters are now a Series recognized by the FEI and propose a unique challenge in the international indoor circuit: the Masters Grand Slam. The main goal is to consecutively win the Longines Grand Prix of Paris, Hong Kong and Los Angeles. This international achievement will be rewarded by an additional prize of 1 million Euros. Two consecutive victories will correspond to a bonus of 500,000 Euros, while 250,000 Euros will crown two non-consecutive victories in two of the three cities. With a TV broadcast reaching 550 million households in over 120 countries and a huge media exposure, the Masters seduce a wider audience each year. The events gather nearly 50.000 visitors onsite, with people coming from all over the world. 11 “ T he r e is something about the outside of a ho r se that is good fo r the inside of a man . ” S ir W i n sto n C hurchi l l LO N G IN ES MASTE RS LOS AN G ELES longines G ran d P ri x W inner 2014 — Jos Verlooy with Domino N e x t L ongines M as t ers o f L os A ngeles O c t o b er 1 - 4 , 2 0 1 5 14 “ H e has galloped th r ough young gi r ls ’ d r eams , added r ichness to g r own women ’ s life , and se r ved men in wa r and st r ife . ” TONI ROBINSON LO N G IN ES MASTE RS PA R I S G U C C I G ran d P ri x W inners 2009 — Jos Lansink with Valentina Van’t Heike 2010 — Marco Kutscher with Cash 63 2011 — Pénélope Leprévost with Mylord Carthago*HN 2012 — Marc Houtzager with Sterrehof’s Tamino 2013 — Kevin Staut with Silvana HDC 2014 — Martin Fuchs with PSG Future N e x t L ongines M as t ers o f P aris Decem b er 3 - 6 , 2 0 1 5 18 “A ho r se doesn ’ t ca r e how much you know until he knows how much you ca r e . ” P A T P A R E LL I LO N G IN ES MASTE RS H O N G KO N G L ongines G ran d P ri x W inners 2013 — Patrice Delaveau with Lacrimoso 3 HDC 2014 — Henrik Von Eckermann with Gotha FRH 2015 — John Whitaker with Argento N e x t L ongines M as t ers o f H ong K ong Fe b ruar y 1 9 - 2 1 , 2 0 1 6 22 LO N G IN ES MASTE RS SHOW JUMPING With four days of sporting prowess and high-level competitions, the Longines Masters stage the magic of Show Jumping while offering unforgettable shows and introducing innovative competition formats. The world best horse-rider combinations of the FEI Longines Rankings will find in each destination the signature events of the Longines Masters. Friday is dedicated to speed, with the Longines Speed Challenge, known as the fastest event in the world. Created in 2010 by EEM, this competition is a demonstration of speed, agility, power and precision. Faults are less penalizing than in other competitions, allowing the riders to reach the best results by being the fastest — an incredible competition against the clock and a crowd engaging show. Saturday unfolds under the sign of glamour, entertainment and generosity with the Gucci Gold Cup and the Pro-Am Style & Competition for Charity, a costumed competition for the benefit of charity organizations. Sunday is time for the best of the sport with the Longines Grand Prix, an Olympic-level event with a course at 1,60 m to close in apotheosis each edition of the Longines Masters. Alongside these events, the main ring of the Masters also hosts the best junior riders, amateur and professional, with the Prestige Trophy and the Invitational Trophy, where the rising stars of the sport rub shoulders with the current elite riders. 26 LO N G IN ES MASTE RS MEETING POINT Each year, in each destination, the best horses and riders in the world will gather for these exceptional events. The program is full of options for sport lovers, but also for neophytes who wish to discover the magic of the equestrian universe. The Longines Masters are also a rendezvous for personalities of the worlds of art and show business, as well as industry leaders and decision makers. The events are the occasion for them to meet and invite their VIP partners and premium clients, as they provide wonderful operations of networking and public relations. The 2014 edition in Los Angeles welcomed Bruce Springsteen, Bill and Melinda Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Andre Agassi, Steffi Graf, Bob Johnson, David Caruso, James Caan. In Paris, Jean Rochefort, Charlotte Casiraghi, Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet are regulars every year. Something intangible drives celebrities and the public to the Longines Masters events: a common passion for horses and high quality shows. In Hong Kong, horse lover and Longines Ambassador of Elegance Aaron Kwok was present every year to hand over the Trophy to the Longines Grand Prix winners. 29 LO N G IN ES MASTE RS L I F E S TY L E The Longines Masters celebrates art, gastronomy, show and enter tainment. Along with the competitions, the public can also enjoy amazing equestrian shows, Dressage demonstrations, Master Classes with the best international riders, after-parties, live music, and private concerts in the lounge. At the heart of the Prestige Village, in an elegant atmosphere, art galleries expose their exquisite selection of contemporary art. Children have a dedicated space with animations, games and treasure hunts, while ephemeral boutiques of prestigious brands delight the amateurs of exclusive shopping experiences. 30 LO N G IN ES MASTE RS PA RT N E R S H I P Throughout the years EEM has built a solid and trustworthy relationship with prestigious partners that have greatly contributed to the success of the Masters and continue to support the Longines Masters in their wonderful journey. Gucci, that for six consecutive years has branded with its colors the Parisian edition, remains a privileged partner of the Longines Masters in the three continents, thanks to the emblematic Gucci Gold Cup on Saturday night. The Longines Masters are also made of the presence of faithful partners that associate their name and image to these prestigious events: Airbus, Dassault Falcon, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, Emirates, Massimo Dutti, Land Rover, Hyatt, Ceneca, Opera Gallery, Mercedes Benz, Laiterie de Montaigu, Barons de Rothschild, Shanghai Tang, Amade, Eurosport, TVB, Equidia, LA Times, The Hollywood Reporter, Le Figaro, L’Equipe, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Equestrio, Hong Kong Tatler. 33 LO N G IN ES MASTE RS C H A R I TY The Longines Masters are strongly anchored in charitable commitment and are proud to count AMADE Mondiale amongst their partners; an engagement that has now spread over the three destinations of the Masters. Founded in 1963 by Princess Grace of Monaco, the AMADE Mondiale is now presided by Princess Caroline of Hanover. The organization promotes and protects the rights of the most vulnerable children in the world. In 2009 EEM created a unique and original event associating toplevel riders and personalities in a competition for a good cause. EEM established in Los Angeles and Hong Kong a network of other charity organizations with which the events are engaged: The Andre Agassi Foundation, Feeding Hong Kong, Autism Speaks, New Children for Tomorrow, Baby2Baby, and many more. 34 CO N C E P T & D E S I G N BY DA N TOST U D I O, B R U N O D A N T O and D AV I D C . J O H A N N E T. P H O T O G R A P H S O F K O T O B O L O F O ( P ages 6 , 9 , 1 0 , 2 7, 2 8 , 3 1 ) A N D B E N J A M I N L O W Y ( P A G E S 1 5 , 1 7, 1 9 , 2 3 , 2 4 - 2 5 , 3 2 ) . KOTO B O LO FO Fashion Photographer Koto Bolofo works for Vogue, Vanity Fair and GQ. He also brings his lens to advertising campaigns for such brands as Hermès, Louis Vuitton and Dom Pérignon. BENJAMIN LOWY Covering Irak for Time Magazine and World Press, award winner Benjamin Lowy is best known for his work in war zones. His work has been featured at selected galleries and museums like the MoMa (San Francisco) and Tate Gallery (London). For the Masters of Los Angeles, he captured life behind the scenes. C O N TA C T H ead q ua r teR S E E M W or l d Rue B lavie r 3 , 7 1 9 0 é caussinnes , B elgium P hone : + 3 2 ( 0 ) 6 7 4 8 5 1 8 4 / F a x : + 3 2 ( 0 ) 6 7 4 4 2 8 7 7 M ail : info @ eemwo r ld . com www. M A S T E R S G R A ND S L A M . C O M
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