Nicky`s Chinese Food Fails Health Inspection


Nicky`s Chinese Food Fails Health Inspection
FEBRUARY 16, 2016
VOL. 127, ISSUE 28
SG Passes Resolution Demanding
UCMC Takes
Action Toward AEPi
Steps Toward
Trauma Center
Student Government (SG)
passed a resolution Monday endorsing demands for University
action in response to the Alpha
Epsilon Pi (AEPi) e-mails leaked
last week. The Multicultural
Greek Council held an event of
its own on Thursday addressing
the emails and recent calls to ban
Greek life from campus.
At Monday’s Assembly Meet-
ing, Student Government passed
a student resolution authored by
members of the Muslim Students
Association (MSA), Organization
of Black Students (OBS), and
Students for Justice in Palestine
(SJP) in response to the e-mails.
The resolution states that while
the office of Campus and Student
Life (CSL) condemned Islamophobic, racist, and sexist language in
the e-mails, it did not specifically
address attacks against Palestinian-American students. It goes
Continued on page 3
versity is doing to prevent sexual
assault. In these turbulent times,
the University’s silence and inaction speaks volumes. They are not
compliant with federal law and
furthermore, there is no system
of accountability, much less transparency,” second-year Julie Xu, a
member of PSA who spoke at the
protest, said.
According to University
spokesperson Jeremy Manier, the
University immediately began an
investigation into the allegations
against Lieb after receiving reports of his misconduct during an
off-campus retreat in November.
Following the investigation, University Title IX Coordinator Sarah
Wake concluded in January that
Lieb had violated the University’s
Policy on Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct in
January. Lieb, who took a leave of
absence at the onset of the investigation, resigned on January 21,
before the disciplinary process was
After the students spoke, Meg
Dowd and Simone Brandford-Altsher, second-years and co-leaders of
PSA along with fourth-year Olivia
Ortiz, delivered the list of demands
to Isaacs’s office, but were not able
to speak to him personally. Protesters then dispersed, chanting
“We’ll be back” and leaving their
signs outside of Levi.
According to the PSA, the Uni-
The University of Chicago
Med ica l Center ( UC MC ) is
planning to submit a Certificate of Need (CON) within the
next few days to the Illinois
Health Facilities and Services
Review Board to increase the
number of licensed beds and
expand the emergency department in its faci l ity according to a recent press release.
These developments are crucial steps toward the UCMC’s
goal of opening a Level I adult
trauma center.
“In an effort to expand access, UChicago Medicine is
now proposing a bold plan to
invest in facilities and programs that will deepen and
broaden their commitment to
the community and expand
their ability to prov ide the
highest quality health care
to the South Side of Chicago,”
according to a UCMC press
Currently, the UCMC is a
certified Level I trauma center
for pediatric emergencies, but
is not equipped to deal with
adult trauma. To be classified as a Level I adult trauma
center, the UCMC must have
general surgeons on duty at
all times and specialists on
call, as well as programs to
help rehabilitate and educate
patients and community members about health.
If the CON is approved, the
UCMC will be able to expand
its emergency room facilities
and add more patient beds to
the hospital. It will then have
to get plans approved by the
I llinois Department of P ublic Health and the Chicago
T rau ma Net work t o beg i n
work on a full adult trauma
cent er. E R s ca n dea l w ith
medical problems like heart
attacks or strokes, but trauma
centers a re needed to deal
with serious injuries caused
Continued on page 3
Continued on page 5
Chicago Ends Weekend
1-1. Defeats Case Western
Contributing to the Maroon
Page 12
If you want to get involved in
T HE M AROON in any way, please
email apply@ chicagomaroon.
com or visit
Karyn Peyton | The Chicago Maroon
Students march with the Phoenix Survivors Alliance on Thursday to
present a list of demands to Provost Eric D. Isaacs.
Demands Presented at
Scalia Began Career in Federal
Judiciary as Law School Professor Survivors Alliance March
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who passed away
this weekend, spent five years
as a professor at the University
of Chicago Law School before
beginning his work at the commanding heights of the federal
When Scalia, an inf luential conservative voice on the
Supreme Court, joined the faculty in 1977, the Law School
had a reputation as a center of
conservative legal thought. The
law school was prominent in the
law-and-economics movement,
and the political science department had roots in the “Straussian” methodology of careful
reading of original texts, a tradition that influenced Scalia’s
On a personal level, UChicago appealed to the Scalias because it had a policy of paying its
faculty’s children’s tuition to any
Continued on page 4
Nicky’s Chinese Food Fails
Health Inspection
Nicky’s Chinese Food, a Hyde
Park Chinese restaurant, failed a
food inspection on February 4 due
to rodent droppings and improper
temperatures in the restaurant.
Since opening in 2012, the
restaurant, has failed four food inspections and received five passes
contingent upon certain changes.
Reasons behind previous inspection
failures included poor employee hygiene practices, rodent infestations,
and unsanitary equipment, utensils,
and working conditions.
The public report on the February 4 inspection documents over 30
mouse droppings, as well as improperly stored food.
Despite the failed inspections
and poor reviews on Yelp, third-year
Nicholas Coyle enjoys eating Nicky’s
Chinese food.
“I’ve ordered from Nicky’s consistently for the last year,” Coyle said.
“It’s the only place in Hyde Park
where I can get good ‘bad’ Chinese
Continued on page 5
On Thursday afternoon, approximately 35 students marched
from Booth Quad to Levi Hall to
deliver Provost Eric D. Isaacs a
list of demands by the Phoenix
Survivors Alliance (PSA), and to
request a meeting between PSA
and Isaacs. According to PSA organizers, Isaacs has denied previous
requests to meet with them.
PSA is an RSO that provides
information, advocacy, and support to sexual assault survivors at
Protesters chanted slogans
such as “U of C is out of line/Take a
look at Title IX” and “Rape culture
is contagious/Come on, admin, be
courageous,” and held signs which
read “Silence is violence” and “Less
theory, more action.”
Outside Levi, student speakers
from PSA spoke in favor of PSA’s
demands and outlined ways they
claim the University fails to comply
with Title IX. Speakers referenced
Jason Lieb, a former professor in
the Department of Human Genetics who was hired despite previous
allegations of sexual misconduct
and who recently resigned after
violating the University’s Policy on
Harassment, Discrimination, and
Sexual Misconduct.
“Recent events on campus have
called into question what the Uni-
Photographer Wil Sands
Shoots Ukraine’s Frozen
War in Mother Russia
Page 8
“I couldn’t help but think of the
historic Paris Commune.”
Run the World
Page 61
“ You can agree with the
Panthers or not, not her tactic
is encouraging conversation
and unavoidable awareness of
a black American fight. ”
Rozhdestvensky Shines in
Last-Minute CSO Shuffle
Page 8
Gennady Rozhdestvensky filled in
for Riccardo Muti last Friday.
The women’s basketball team
lost in overtime to Carnehie Mellon Friday, only to defeat Case
Western on Sunday.
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and non-commercial publications without
the prior consent of The Chicago Maroon so
long as the redistributed article is not altered
from the original without the consent of the
Editorial Team. Commercial republication of
material in The Chicago Maroon is prohibited
without the consent of the Editorial Team or,
in the case of reader comments, the author.
All rights reserved. © The Chicago Maroon 2016
Evaluating Course Evaluations
Three thousand nine hundred and
twelve years. That’s how much time UChicago students have spent on classwork since
Autumn 2006.
At the end of every quarter, UChicago
gives each student the option to fill out a
course evaluation. THE M AROON searched
through every single evaluation since Autumn 2006 in order to compile some statistics on classes at the University.
In order for a class to be considered, it
had to have a minimum of 40 students enrolled beginning in autumn 2006, with an
average enrollment of at least five students
per class. For comparison, the average class
at UChicago has 20.07 students and takes 6
hours, 52 minutes, and 30 seconds of work
per week.
Figure 1 shows which classes take the
most hours per week. Third quarter South
Asian Civ in India takes the spot as the most
time intensive class on campus. At 121 students enrolled over five classes, it’s also not
an incredibly small class. It was surprising
it won, though, as neither of the first two
quarters made the list. It’s also important to
note that South Asian Civ in India is a class
taken by students who are studying abroad,
so students’ schedules are different than if
they were on campus.
Honors Analysis also makes a strong
showing, with both first and second quarter
Honors Analysis making it into the top four
most time intensive classes.
Computer science, chemistry, and social
sciences take up most of the remaining spots.
Computer science has four spots in the top
15, chemistry has two, and social sciences
has four. Chem 101 and Sosc 190 are the
only 100-level courses on the list. Chem 101
in particular is actually required for many
students in the College and is one of the most
time intensive classes.
The Sosc classes on this list appear to
primarily be Civ classes. Civilisation Européenne comes on the list twice, making
one of the toughest sequences in the whole
college. It’s again important to note that
these classes are taken by students who are
studying abroad in France.
Econ only has one class in the top 15,
Computational Methods in Economics. It’s
also not incredibly popular, with only 55
students enrolled since autumn 2006. We
also see one physics class make into this list,
the third quarter of Experimental Physics, a
sequence infamous for weeding out physics
Before we get looking at the classes, let’s
take a minute to marvel at the scale of these
numbers. Since 2006, there are specific
UChicago classes that have taken decades
from their students. The top four most time
intensive classes at the University, since
autumn 2006, have collectively taken more
time than the entire University has been
around. We spend a lot of time doing homework.
There have been 1525 classes total at the
University that meet the minimum size requirements above. So the classes in Figure
2 represent roughly the top 1 percent most
time intensive classes.
There are a lot of required classes in the
top 15, which is to be expected. Hum Writing
Seminars easily clinches the top spot with
just over 64 years taken. The way course
evaluations are structured, Hum Writing
Seminars captures the time required for
every Hum class, which every student at
the College has to take. However, Human
Being and Citizen manages to come in 14th
by itself, sucking 24.56 years of time from
After Hum, there are a lot of Sosc classes
on this list. This is completely to be expected,
as there are fewer Sosc classes to sign up for,
and each student is required to take three
quarters of Sosc. Self is on here for all three
quarters, meaning the whole Self sequence
has taken over 106 years of time since Autumn 2006.
Stat 234 also comes in ninth. Stat 234
is an advanced introductory statistics class.
More importantly, it’s required for the Econ
major, which is undoubtedly where most of
its hours come from. It’s also one of the more
difficult classes Econ majors have to take,
as it’s substantially different from the rest
of the major. I suspect Econometrics A makes
this list for pretty much the same reason.
Finally, all four quarters of the core Econ
sequence show up on this list. The sequence
has collectively taken just over 135 years of
time. About one-fourth of people who have
declared a major are Econ majors, which
explains this number. What’s more interesting is the attrition that the Econ sequence
faces. There were 3,743 students enrolled in
Econ 200, 3,168 in Econ 201, 2,867 in Econ
202, and 2,521 in Econ 203. This means that
roughly 70 percent of people who take Econ
200 will end up finishing the Econ sequence.
In order for a department to count in
these rankings, a department needs to have
at least 1,000 non-unique students enrolled
since autumn 2006. This means that if I
signed up for two French classes, I would
count as two different students.
Figure 3 shows the 15 departments in
the College with the most reported average
hours/week, and Figure 4 shows the 15 departments in the College with the lowest re-
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
Figure 3:
Figure 4:
Figure 5:
Figure 6:
ported average hours/week.
Figure 5 shows the 15 departments in the
College with the highest average rating, and
Figure 6 shows the 15 departments in the
College with the lowest average rating.
There are several interesting things
to recognize, but we’ll just point out a few.
First, language classes at the University are
highly rated, with six of the top 15 rated departments being language departments. No
quantitative departments are in the top 15
highest rated departments though. However,
math has the 14th highest rated 100-level
classes, and Econ has the 11th highest rated
100-level classes. The rest of the field is dominated by humanities classes.
Physics is rated very low overall. This is
part of a larger trend, namely that there are
many more quantitative departments that
are rated lowly.
A few words on methodology. The course
evaluations are completely voluntary, so
there’s a significant amount of response bias
built into the evaluations. However, we found
that 48.51 percent of evaluations are filled
out, so the opinions reflect at least roughly
half of the campus’s opinion. Evaluations
are also skewed towards students perceptions at the end of the quarter, so if a class
becomes much harder towards the final, then
students might rank it as more difficult. Regarding how the data was collected, we used
a Python script to search all of the course
evaluations. However, we didn’t want to overload UChicago’s servers, so we put a fairly
long delay time in between requests to the
server, and we waited until after add/drop
to run the script. If anyone else is interested
in running analysis on the data, shoot me
an email and I’ll send it to you; there’s no
reason we need to put unnecessary strain on
UChicago’s servers.
University Receives $469 Million in Sponsored Research Funding
The University of Chicago received
$469 million in sponsored research
funding in 2015, marking a slight increase from $451 million in 2014, according to a summary released by the
University News Office.
University researchers and faculty
members put together funding proposals for their research projects, which
the University then submits to various
funding organizations. Decisions are
made by a peer review system wherein
experts in the field judge the viability
and impact of the proposed research.
According to the annual report released by the University Research Administration, an office that provides
suppor t for resea rch fund ing and
compliance, a total of 2,393 research
proposals were submitted in 2015 from
all over the university, amounting to
$1,765 million in proposed research
funding. 2,250 of the proposals were
accepted, with $469 million in total
awards given.
T he biolog ical sciences div ision
received more than half of the total
funding, pulling in $293 million. The
physical sciences division ranked second, receiving $60 million, followed by
the social sciences division which received $17 million. The School of Social
Service Administration ranked fourth
with $7 million awarded, and the Divinity School fifth with $5 million.
The federal government provided 70
percent of the total research funding,
amounting to $329 million. The National Institute of Health (NIH) was
the largest federal sponsor, providing
$233 million. The National Science
Foundation came in a distant second
with $54 million.
One of the NIH award recipients
was A ndrezej Joachimiak, a senior
fellow at the Institute for Genomics
and Systems Biology and Computation
Institute. He received $6.2 million on
research that aims to develop more advanced methods for determining protein structures.
The other 30 percent of research
funds came from private foundations
and corporations. While most research
in the biological and physical sciences
divisions were federally funded, many
notable social sciences research projects were supported by private foundations.
James Heckman, a professor of
economics, received $2.1 million from
the Pritzker Family Foundation for
research on early childhood development. The research aims to find the
most influential intervention program
to maximize human potential in the
first five years of life.
Protesters Tried to Present Demands to Isaacs
Continued from front
versity is in violation of Title IX by failing
to offer comprehensive education regarding
the prevention of sexual assault, revealing
names and information about survivors of
sexual assault, neglecting to offer adequate
training about mandatory reporting responsibilities, and violating the Clery Act, which
legally obligates colleges to report crimes on
campus, by not sending security alerts regarding sexual assault on campus.
The PSA also says that Belinda Cortez
Vazquez’s appointment as both student Title IX coordinator and associate dean of
students for student affairs is a conflict of
interest and violates a Title IX mandate
saying that the Title IX coordinator’s role in
that capacity must be their primary position.
PSA’s demands include requiring Title
IX training for all University faculty, hiring
more non-student staff members for the offices of Resources for Sexual Violence Prevention and Student Emergency Response
Systems, and allocating additional funds to
those offices.
They also demand that the University
hire more staff to work alongside Title IX
coordinator, release a transparent budget of
funds allocated to sexual assault programming, create a committee to allow student
input on hiring decisions, and provide a
timeline for new hirings.
In a statement, Manier disputed several
of the PSA’s allegations of Title IX noncompliance.
“As University policy states, ‘Mediation
will not be used to resolve complaints of alleged sexual assault, which require more
formal investigation.’ Staff members and
others who respond to cases of sexual assault work diligently to maintain the confidentiality of those who have come forward to
report instances of sexual assault. The University also routinely issues security alerts
regarding crimes that occur on campus and
related properties, which represent continuing threats to the campus community. Alerts
may not be sent if there are factors that reduce the level of threat to the community,
such as the apprehension of an alleged perpetrator,” Manier wrote.
He also said that the University is currently implementing additional training related to sexual assault prevention.
“Sexual harassment and sexual misconduct are forms of sex discrimination that
violate the standards of our community and
will not be tolerated by the University of
Chicago. The University provides confidential counseling services and other support
for members of our community who experience sexual misconduct. As part of its commitment to prevent sexual misconduct, the
University is already in the process of providing increased training on related issues,”
Manier said.
In an e-mail sent to students, faculty,
and staff on Monday, Isaacs announced several changes to the University’s policies and
programs regarding sexual misconduct.
Isaacs mentioned several changes the
University has already put into place, including offering new preventative training for
graduate students, redesigning the training
required for first-year students during Orientation Week, creating umatter.uchicago.
edu to provide a space for University policies
and resources related to sexual assault, and
improving education regarding confidentiality, consent, and reporting obligations.
The University is also planning to increase training through mandatory sexual misconduct awareness and prevention
training for all University students, faculty,
and staff beginning in July and additional
training for faculty and administrators involved with addressing sexual misconduct
complaints. The University will also reallocate resources to quicken investigations and
to release annual statistics regarding sexual
In a public response to Isaacs’ email, the
PSA praised the changes but stood by their
demands, including more support for Resources for Sexual Violence Prevention and
Student Emergency Response Services, as
well as a meeting with Isaacs.
“We are very excited to see the University making these changes. However, we
cannot ignore that there are many changes
yet to be made,” PSA wrote in the statement.
The federal government granted
most of University of Chicago’s peer
institutions the bulk of their funding.
It sponsored approximately 81 percent
of research at Stanford, amounting to
$988 million during 2015-2016. 82.5
percent of Princeton’s research funding
came from federal agencies, amounting
to $242 million in 2014. The NIH and
National Science Foundations were the
largest federal sponsors at both institutions.
Adam Thorp | The Chicago Maroon
Talk Considers Diversity in Greek Life
Continued from front
on to list incidences of racism and attacks
against SJP members on campus since
2010, including a racist Halloween costume
in 2014 and vandalism of SJP posters. Forty-two student organizations endorsed the
The resolution demands that the University suspend its relationship with AEPi,
which would entail discontinuing any funding of the fraternity and prohibiting its use
of campus spaces until the members of AEPi
formally apologize to the Muslim Students
Association and African-American and Palestinian students. It also demands yearly
sensitivity training on diversity and sexual
assault for members of Greek life.
“I think the fact that it passed as a resolution in Student Government indicates
that they are a representative body for students here, so it really means a lot,” thirdyear Stephanie Greene, President of OBS,
In a statement sent to THE MAROON, the
members of SG’s Executive Committee explained that “it is our stance that the University has a responsibility to clarify its relationship to its Greek life organizations…
and to establish and enforce guidelines that
will hold groups accountable for the racist,
misogynistic, and Islamophobic actions exhibited by its members.”
Authors of the resolution met with the
administration Wednesday, and will continue to meet with Vice President for Campus Life Karen Warren Coleman, according
to second-year Sara Zubi, a member of SJP
and co-author of the resolution. The administration “conceded that it is probably time
to consider investing in defining the relationship between the University and Greeks,
especially since Greek life involvement is
increasing on campus,” according to Zubi.
Warren Coleman and Dean of Students
Michele Rasmussen released a statement to
THE MAROON after the meeting apologizing
for their initial exclusion of Palestinian students in the criticism of the AEPi e-mails.
“We strongly believe that we all must
continue to work together on ensuring our
campus community is welcome to everyone,”
the statement said. “CSL staff remains committed to meeting with individual students
and groups about issues of concern and constructive ways to move forward.”
This response follows the Panhellenic
Council’s decision to suspend AEPi from its
annual Greek Week this year. Additionally,
a letter published by the Leaders of Color
Initiative earlier this week called for the
University to hire a more diverse faculty
and to expand the Core Curriculum in light
of the e-mail release.
The Multicultural Greek Council, which
includes Latino, African-American, and
Asian interest fraternities and sororities,
held its own event on Thursday night in response to the e-mails and to calls to ban all
Greek Life on campus.
This event featured speakers from Multicultural Greek Organizations on campus,
a DePaul graduate representing Delta
Sigma Theta, and Loann J. Honesty King,
a long-time Chicago historian and member
of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority. Delta Sigma
Theta and Alpha Kappa Alpha are both African-American interest sororities.
Panelists explained that Multicultural
Greek Organizations (MGOs) were founded
in response to the exclusivity of other Greek
organizations. Some of the panelists argued
that this history shows that Greek life can
illustrate progress as well as racism and
“I do not believe that sororities and fraternities are an incubator for racist or sexist activities,” King said. “This is a society
problem, and this comes out [in Greek life]
because fraternities and sororities…provide
an atmosphere…where people can share
what they’re thinking without exposure.”
Third-year Anthony Jackson, president
of Alpha Phi Alpha, an African-American
interest fraternity at UChicago, added,
“when I see calls on social media to ban all
fraternities on claims that all Greek organizations promote a certain lifestyle, it is
just untrue.”
Greene, who co-authored the SG resolution, agreed. “While MGOs…fall under the
overall Greek guidelines, these AEPi problems aren’t problems of MGOs,” she said.
Michael Hayes Hired as New Assistant Vice
President for Student Life
On February 15, Michael Hayes became
the new assistant vice president (AVP) for
Student Life at the Center for Student Life
(CSL), a position that had been open for more
than a year.
Michele Rasmussen, dean of students at
the University, said in an official statement,
“[The] AVP for Student Life serves a critical
senior leadership role in Campus and Student Life. As AVP, Mike’s portfolio [will include] the Center for Leadership and Involvement, the Office of International Affairs and
the University Community Service Center.”
The role was last held by Elly Daughtry
who left the University in 2014. According
to Rasmussen, the position was not immediately filled because she and Vice President
for Campus Life and Student Services Karen
Warren Coleman wanted to evaluate how the
AVP position would look going forward.
The hiring of Hayes is just one of the
changes made to the CSL recently. These
changes include the hiring of Karlene Burrell-McRae as director of the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs and associate dean
of students in the University, and David
Clark as AVP for the Campus Life leadership
team, as well as the launch of the Center for
Identity and Inclusion in 2015.
According to Rasmussen, Hayes was
hired in part for his reputation while working at Washington University in St. Louis.
“During his time at Washington University in St. Louis, he demonstrated a deep
commitment to students and we knew that
he would be someone who would want to
spend a lot of time with students at UChicago, getting to know their issues and concerns as they navigate the University,” Rasmussen said.
Hayes was an executive director for campus life at Wash U since 2009. There, he
worked with Wash U’s leadership initiative
and undergraduate student government. His
department also helped advise student organizations, including all the multicultural and
LGBTQA groups.
Leslie Heusted is the director of the Danforth University Center and Event Management at Wash U, and worked closely with
Hayes during his time there.
“[He brought] a cohesive approach to student group advising through…establishing
relationships and being able to be consistent with policy enforcement, and also being
supportive and an advocate for the student
Jordan Finkelstein, student body president at Wash U, also worked with Hayes.
With Hayes’s support, Finkelstein and the
rest of student government created a bystander-intervention training program to
help curb sexual assault and relationship
violence. The project took off in December,
and it already has a lot of student participation. “We wouldn’t have been able to do
it with such scale without Mike’s support,”
Finkelstein said.
Finkelstein reiterated Hayes’s positive influence on campus. “[Hayes] is very
student focused. He’s always available to
students and he offers good input. [He is]
focused on creating the best student experience possible.”
“I think that [Hayes’s] presence will be
missed for a long time. He impacted this community in a way that is really impossible to
measure,” Heusted said. “I think his ability
to bring people together and his ability to
help people understand the possibilities is a
wonderful trait that [the University of Chicago] is lucky to have.”
Before working at Wash U, Hayes served
in leadership roles in student life at the University of Maryland and Cornell University.
Hayes told THE M AROON that he is enthusiastic about his new role. “I’m excited to
come to UChicago and eager to get to know
the students who are such an important part
of this great community of scholars,” he said.
Human Rights Sequence Will Be Added to Civ Core
The College will offer a new Core civilization studies sequence focused on human
rights next fall quarter. The creation of the
sequence was spearheaded by Mark Bradley,
a professor of history and the faculty director at the Pozen Family Center for Human
Rights (PFCHR), and was approved by the
administration last fall.
Any student in the College may enroll in
the two-quarter sequence, which is expected
to have two sections of 19 students each.
The first quarter of the sequence will
cover broad conceptual problems in human
rights including universality and human dignity. The second quarter will use the broader
themes studied in the first quarter to examine specific topics such as indigenous rights.
As in other Core courses, students will
be expected to read primary texts in philosophy and literature, but will also critically
examine films and paintings. Some major
figures that could be studied in the courses
include Hannah Arendt, Eleanor Roosevelt,
and Thomas Aquinas.
According to Susan Gzesh, executive director of the PFCHR, the move was spurred
by the introduction of the Gender and Sexuality in World Civilizations sequence in the
fall of 2014.
Gzesh said that the study of human
rights will aid the Center’s aim of incorporat-
ing the study of human rights into a liberal
arts education. “If one of our overall goals is
making sure that human rights is now seen
as a respectable and established theme of a
general liberal arts education, getting a human rights option into the Core further institutionalizes that goal—that human rights is
an appropriate and important topic for global
citizens to be studying,” Gzesh said.
Gzesh also said that the PFCHR is working on redesigning the University’s human
rights minor in order to accommodate students who are pursuing a minor and wish to
enroll in the civilization sequence.
Adam Etinson, a visiting assistant professor in philosophy and lecturer in human
rights, hopes that studying human rights
might force students to “expand [their] moral
“I think it’s very probable that you’ll see
some sensitization amongst students to the
core values that get written into human
rights like tolerance, inclusiveness, and respect,” Etinson said.
The PFCHR was founded as the Human
Rights Program in 1997 as an interdisciplinary center for the study of human rights at
the University. The program was renamed
after a donation from Richard Pozen (A.B.
’69) and his wife Ann Pozen. It promotes the
study of human rights through a liberal arts–
oriented curriculum, support for research,
and funding for human rights internships
for students.
Axelrod Authors “Obama Theory of Trump”
On January 25, David Axelrod, director
of the Institute of Politics, published an article in The New York Times entitled: “The
Obama Theory of Trump.”
In his piece, he asserts that even in elections dominated by the candidates’ personalities, the most influential politician is not on
the ballot. Instead, it’s the president vacating
office, because the electorate tends to gravitate toward the political party opposite to his.
Axelrod cites the two notable examples
of a youthful, spirited John F. Kennedy replacing Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Jimmy
Carter, who ran on a platform of moral integrity, replacing Gerald Ford, previously vice
president to Richard Nixon.
Axelrod writes that the American public
gets to know even the subtler personality
traits of a president over his time in office,
and, with every cycle, it attempts to correct
what it perceives to be his shortcomings.
“There always has been a pendular nature to our politics, especially when you are
talking about the presidency. The American
people live with that incumbent and all his
idiosyncrasies for four or eight years, and it is
a natural impulse to try and correct for what
they feel the incumbent lacks,” Axelrod said.
Josh Parks, the first-year representative
of the College Republicans, emphasized that
this election has been defined by perhaps
what is the most glaring difference between
President Obama and candidate Donald
Trump—Trump’s abrupt, provocative de-
“The role of experience in the current election is clearly of little importance. This goes
not only for Trump and the Republicans, but
equally for Bernie, Hillary, and the Democrats. The country wants a problem solver—
someone who they believe can clean up the
mess in Washington and get the country back
on its rightful course,” he said.
Third-year Henry Bensinger, president of
the University of Chicago Democrats, agreed
that the role of etiquette in today’s politics has
been diminished, and spoke about how this
could be due in part to the way we conduct
our elections.
“I can sit next to the College Republicans
here and have a nice friendly chat, but out
there in D.C. or in the state capitols, they
don’t get stuff done because they’re too busy
yelling at each other. I think that in the way
primaries are set up, in a lot of ways they
reward extremism. In the Republican field,
where you have so many candidates, Trump
stands out. He might only be getting 20–30
percent, but that could put him in first or second place,” Bensinger said.
“Now some, and particularly active Republicans, have come to see deliberation as weakness. They are weary of nuance and complexity, which they feel are excuses for inaction.
Against this backdrop, Trump offers the
antithesis—the unencumbered, unapologetic
Man of Action, who damns ‘political correctness’ and promises to tackle every problem
through sheer moxie and will, to ‘make America great again,’” Axelrod said.
“Though we never much agreed on anything, I
liked Nino greatly as a person and as a friend”
Continued from front
college in the country up to the level of
Chicago’s tuition. This benefit was significant for the Scalias, who had seven children at the time. The large and growing
Scalia family lived in an old fraternity
house three blocks from campus.
Scalia’s teaching repertoire at UChicago covered contracts, administrative
law, constitutional law, and federal communications law, among other subjects.
In a biography by Bruce Allen Murphy,
students remembered Scalia, famous as
a Supreme Court Justice for his fervent
and creatively written opinions, as an engaging teacher who used a mythical apple
(linked, in Scalia style, to the Founding
Fathers), and as the example in each of
the hypothetical contracts in his Contracts class.
Scalia became the first faculty adviser
to UChicago’s chapter of the Federalist
Society, which, with his help and the help
of fellow conservative jurist Robert Bork,
evolved into one of the most influential legal organizations in the country. Founded
in 1981 by conservative and libertarian
law students at Yale, Harvard, UChicago,
and Stanford, the Federalist Society now
includes thousands of law students, practicing attorneys, and high-ranking public
officials and judges.
Scalia left the Law School in 1983,
when Ronald Reagan nominated him for
a position on the United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. When Reagan nominated Scalia for
a position on the Supreme Court, thenDean of the University of Chicago Law
School Gerhard Casper spoke on his behalf. Speaking from his experience supervising Scalia during his time at the Law
School, Casper noted during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing: “There are
few jobs more challenging than the task
of supervising the University of Chicago
Law School faculty.”
“I am well familiar with Judge Scalia’s
academic work and reasonably familiar
with his judicial work. Judge Scalia poses
what I would call a tenacious intellect. He
is intellectually refi ned and takes great
pleasure in measuring a problem,” Casper
told the Senate committee.
In 2012, Scalia returned to the Law
School to deliver the Schwartz Lecture, an
event held by a distinguished lawyer or
teacher experienced in the academic field
or practice of public service. During his
lecture, titled “The Methodology of Originalism,” Scalia advocated for his view
that the Constitution has a static meaning
that remains unchanged from generation
to generation, a key part of Scalia’s intellectual legacy.
Geoffrey Stone, the Edward H. Levi
Distinguished Service Professor at UChicago, reflected positively on Scalia’s visit,
praising the Justice’s generosity with his
time and energy. “He’s just been great,”
Stone said at the time.
In the wake of Scalia’s death, several
current and former faculty members of
the Law School shared their thoughts
on Scalia’s legacy. Stone published his
remembrances in an article in The Daily
Beast. Stone’s relationship with Scalia
was sometimes rocky. After Stone published a blog post connecting an anti-abortion ruling to the Catholic majority on the
Supreme Court, the deeply Catholic Scalia
told his biographer he would not speak at
the University as long as Stone was part
of the faculty.
“Though we never much agreed on
anything, I liked Nino greatly as a person and as a friend, and I deeply respected
his intellect,” Stone wrote, using Scalia’s
nickname. “I may not miss his votes as
a justice, but I will miss him. He added
sparkle to the court and to the lives of
those who knew him.”
University 14th in Charitable Donations
The University of Chicago raised $443.79
million through donations from alumni, parents, students and friends in 2015, making
it the 14th largest fundraiser among higher
education institutions.
These statistics come from the 2015 Voluntary Support of Education (VSE) survey
the Council for Aid to Education (CAE) released on January 27. The CAE is a nonprofit
organization that aims to help “educational
institutions measure and improve learning
outcomes for their students,” according to its
mission statement.
Every year it publishes the VSE survey,
the national database of charitable donations
to higher education institutions.
The University of Chicago’s total donations increased to its current amount from
$405.35 million last year. The University
also jumped up three spots in the ranking of
institutions that raised the most money from
17th in 2014 to 14th in 2015.
This significant increase in donations
over the past year may reflect the success of
the University of Chicago Campaign: Inquiry
and Impact, which aims to raise $4.5 billion
total by 2019. The Campaign had already
reached 60 percent of its target amount in
October 2015, one year into the Campaign’s
public phase, when the University began to
solicit donors.
In an effort to reach its goal, the University introduced the Maroon Loyalty Society
in 2015, which recognizes those who have donated for at least three years consecutively
with benefits such as invitations to exclusive
events. Additionally, in April, the University’s first giving day, 24 Hour Impact, raised
$1.4 million. The next 24 Hour Impact is
scheduled for February 24-25, 2016.
Furthermore, the University received
donations from 41 percent of College alumni
this past year, which is among the highest
undergraduate alumni donating rates in the
Vishal Talasani | The Chicago Maroon
“[Nicky’s is] the only place in Hyde Park where I can get good ‘bad’ Chinese food.”
Continued from front
food. It’s also one of the only Chinese take-out
places open until midnight.” He particularly
enjoys Nicky’s sesame chicken.
James Lasker, a graduate student in the
department of astronomy and astrophysics,
visited the restaurant a little over a year ago.
Unlike Coyle, he had a negative experience.
“The restaurant was a fairly pleasant eating environment. It was somewhat quiet and
decently lit due to the large windows. However, it wasn’t exactly clean. The table was
dirty and the bathroom was very cluttered
with cleaning equipment...” Lasker said.
On his visit to Nicky’s, Lasker ordered
pork lo mein and dumplings. “I’ve had good
greasy Chinese food, but this was not it,” he
said. Lasker has not been back since.
Application to Expand
UCMC Capacity
Important Step to
Trauma Center
Continued from front
by blunt or puncture forces, such as
injuries from automobile accidents or
gunshot wound.
According to a February 8 press
release from the UCMC, the number
of beds available to patients in the
South Side of Chicago has decreased
by 54 percent in the last 40 years. The
UCMC currently has a 90 percent occupancy rate, and it is often required
to turn away patients due to high demand. Each year, the UCMC admits
over 25,0 0 0 patients and prov ides
emergency services to another 78,000.
In 2014, after two proposals to the Illinois Health Facilities and Services
Review Board, the UCMC relocated
154 others from an older facility to the
Center for Care and Discovery, and
added an additional 43 beds to the facility.
The UCMC began work on its plan
to expand the ER and become a certified trauma center in December of 2014,
when it submitted a CON application
to the Illinois Health Facilities and
Services Review Board, but decided to
withdraw it until it gathered more precise information by conducting “a thorough study of services, capacity, and
community need related to present and
future clinical capacity,” according to a
UCMC press release from last January.
Aristotle on the
Contemplation of the Divine
a lecture byy
h Kosman
hursday, Febr
ruaar y 18
18 | Classics
Classiccs 110
:30pm Rece
on; 5:0
00pm L
u re
Virtues of Thought
in Aristotle
astter class seminar
ryeh Kosman
riday, Feb
br uary 19
9 | 1:30-4:30pm
E. 58th St.
ouse, 12
220 E
his master
terr cl
classs sseminar
eminarr is oopen
pen too currentt und
undergraduate and graduate students.
ace is
is llimited
e and off
ered on a first come
coome first
fi serve basis. Registration is reSpace
ed.. Co
pies of the re
adings willl be pro
yeeh Kosman
is John White
ehead Professor
of Philosophy, Emeritus, at
Haverford College. He is aut
horr of several books, including The Activity of
Being: An Essay on Aristot
le’s Ont
tology and Virtues
of Thought: Essays on Plato
and Aristotle.
Presented by the Lumen Christi Institute and the Philosophy Department
Discount based on 'feels like' temp. at @ time of sale. Some exclusions apply. May not combine with other offers
Minimum Purchase: $100.00 MAROON.
Run the World
Beyoncé’s Performance at the Super Bowl Shows That the Black Panthers’ Ideology is Still Relevant Today
Brooke White
Mischief Manager
With the release of a new music video,
“Formation” and her controversial Super
Bowl performance, Beyoncé has been making headlines, in particular for both the music video and her performance’s relevance to
the Black Lives Matter movement. She has
been both praised as radical and decried as
During her Super Bowl half-time performance, the black leather costumes of
Beyoncé’s dancers featured black berets,
classically associated with the Black Panther Party. The choreography included the
iconic “Black Power” fist and an “X” configuration, which some sources have identified as an homage to Malcolm X. While
this imagery is all positive in its association
with both the Black Lives Matter and the
civil rights movement, and while Beyoncé’s
video celebrates blackness and black female
success, her performance could have a more
cautionary subtext.
Beyoncé is bringing these symbols back
because we need them; we still need Black
Power and civil rights activists because
perhaps we haven’t made nearly as much
progress as we are content to think. Yes, Beyoncé’s work was a tribute to various Black
Power and Civil Rights movement figures
but only because we need to be reminded
of their legacies so that we can continue to
carry on their work.
Flash back nearly 50 years ago to 1966
when the Black Panthers wrote their TenPoint Program that became essential to the
party’s platform: the program contained
demands almost identical to those of today’s Black Lives Matter movement. The
Panthers’ first point called for “the power
to determine the destiny of our black and
oppressed communities,” while their seventh
demanded an “immediate end to police brutality and murder of black people, other people of color, all oppressed people inside the
United States.”
So why, in 2016, did Beyoncé sink a cop
car, dress up as a Panther, and craft her performance as a response to police brutality?
Because, 50 years later, the same problems
still exist.
On July 1, 2015, The Guardian reported
that 547 people were killed at the hands of
U.S. law enforcement between January 1
and July 1: nearly 50 percent were white
and 28.3 percent were black. However, of
the 155 black people killed during this sixmonth span, 31.6 percent were not carrying
a weapon; that’s nearly 50 black people murdered without the threat of a gun, knife, etc.
Of the 268 white people killed, roughly 17
percent of them (44 people) weren’t carrying
a weapon. The takeaway? More black people without weapons died than white people
without weapons, even though more white
people were murdered in total.
Sunday’s Super Bowl attracted 111.9
million viewers, which is nearly 38 percent of
the American population. With over a third
of America watching the much-anticipated
performance, Beyoncé knew her Panther
reference would not go unnoticed. You can
agree with the Panthers or not, but her tactic
is encouraging conversation and unavoidable
awareness of a black American fight.
Brooke White is a second-year in the College majoring in political science
Wei Yi Ow
What Do You Do With a Humanities Major?
If All Our Academics Were to Leave Their Jobs, Our Society Would Lose Something Great
Sophia Chen
It was near the end of the school
year when my first grade teacher
Mrs. Tarr handed out coloring
sheets that also asked questions
about ourselves—writing practice disguised as arts and crafts.
I breezed through each question
with stunning confidence, and the
very last one was no different. It
asked, “What do you want to be
when you grow up?” With wobbly
seven-year-old penmanship, I an-
The independent student newspaper of the University of Chicago since 1892.
Eleanor Hyun, Editor-in-Chief
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Annie Cantara, Managing Editor Elect
The MAROON Editorial Board consists of the Editor-in-Chief, Deputy Editor-in-Chief & editors of THE MAROON.
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swered with total assurance: “a piano-playing ice-skating ballerina
And you thought the students
here were ambitious.
There are many ways to mark
the end of childhood, whether that’s
finally turning 18 or realizing bittersweetly that this year is the 10th
anniversary of High School Musical. Besides surreptitiously humming “We’re All in This Together”
instead of belting it everywhere as
we once did, maybe one of the most
apparent and also saddest signs that
we’ve grown up is realizing that we
no longer believe that fantastical
careers like rock star, princess, or
secret agent are possible for us.
It seems as though being an academic in the humanities also falls
into this category of impracticality.
Because most of its fields have already been carved out by its power
players, the remaining debates
are so nuanced that they often feel
pointless and pretentious. I recently
read Rani Neutill’s Salon article
“Sixteen years in academia made
me an a-hole” which details her decision to quit academia in order to
become a waitress. She was tired of
the pretentiousness within her field:
“I would grit my teeth at academic
parties, listening to conversations
where it was impossible for a person
to talk about anything other than
Hegel or T.S. Eliot. All I wanted to
talk about was ‘The Good Wife’…No
one seemed impressed. No one there
seemed impressed by anything other
than themselves.”
Neutill makes an appealing
argument by saying, “waitressing
had taught me more about the world
than academia ever had.” Rather
than the uselessness of discussing
things written by dead white men,
we want to believe in the value of
the “real world.” Maybe that’s why
Hegel is seen as a more obnoxious
party topic than business or science
even though the people who bring
them up have similarly huge egos—
we’ve internalized the notion that
small victories in the humanities
aren’t real accomplishments.
Maybe I’m preaching to the
choir at this school—since such a
high percentage of undergrads here
go on to grad school—but humanities academia is essential. It allows
the rest of us to work in everyday,
practical jobs (and enjoy “The Good
Wife”) with the knowledge that we
have people who tirelessly analyze,
preserve, and further an important
part of culture. If all our academics were to leave their professions
for more “sensible” jobs like Neutill
did, the world would lose a lot of
the knowledge that has been accumulated over the years and possibly miss out on future discoveries.
Just like the Greek goddess Hestia
who gave up her spot as one of the
influential Twelve Olympians in
order to keep peace and to tend to
the hearth, we similarly need people here on earth to maintain the
hearth of the humanities, to make
sure that each small progress is
Sure, some academics may be
pretentious and hard to talk to,
but that might just come from the
very real fear that people view them
as irrelevant, even though they’ve
worked their entire lives to get this
far. There’s a sort of bravery in
choosing to be on the margins of a
society obsessed with apps and applicability. I know this because I’ve
realized that I’m not brave enough
to choose such a path. Somewhere
over the years, along with letting
go of wanting to be a piano-playing ice-skating ballerina princess,
I also gave up hope of becoming an
English professor.
No matter how much I loved English and wanted to contribute to the
field, I realized as I got older that I
simply didn’t have the courage to do
so. I wanted job security and to live
in the real world, where I would be
recognized for my work and be able
to see tangible, practical results in
whatever I did in the future. I was
scared of being drowned out by a sea
of voices all discussing “nothing.”
But I know now that it’s not nothing—whatever I do in the future is
in part made possible because I trust
that there are people out there safeguarding the literature I cherish.
So I guess what I’m saying is,
even if the rest of us “sensible” people can turn our noses up at those
pursuing “pointless” careers, we
still need rock stars to hold concerts
that make us happy, princesses to
stimulate the British economy, and
academics locked in ivory towers to
keep reading Hegel when no one
else wants to. Their bravery might
be imperfect—possibly accompanied
by arrogance—but it’s still enough
courage to tend a fire that people
might forget helps to keep them
warm, unless it disappeared.
Sophia Chen is a second-year in
the College majoring in economics
and political science.
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Photographer Wil Sands Shoots Ukraine’s Frozen War in Mother Russia
In early 2014, thousands of protesters converged on Kiev, the capital
of Ukraine. They demanded
the removal of President
Victor Yanukovych and the
cessation of his policies that
sought to strengthen the
former Soviet satellite’s ties
to Russia. Although there
existed widespread popular
support for Ukrainian economic liberalization through
agreements made between
Ukraine and the European
Union, Yanukovych’s presidency was a stark reminder
of the Soviet occupation and
Ukraine’s inescapable economic reliance on its Russian neighbor.
Documentary photographer Wil Sands, co-founder
of the Barcelona-based Fractures Photo Collective, was
in Ukraine as the protests—
known as the Euromaidan—
reached their chaotic, violent climax in central Kiev,
during which a pro-Russian
countermovement transformed eastern Ukraine
into the site of a separatist
insurgency. Speaking in the
International House Assem-
bly Hall on February 10 in wing nationalists chopping
advance of the opening of his firewood with anti-fascist
exhibit, Waiting for Mother punks in Independence
Russia – In Two Acts, Sands Square.
A lt hough s ome of
stressed the intricacies of
the Ukrainian conflicts— Sands’ photographs of the
nuance that he feels is ne- Kiev demonstrations were
glected by a media eager stunningly visceral—like
to resurrect the Cold War a picture of an older man
lighting a Molotov cocktail
Beginning his presen- to throw at state police, in
tation with sweeping photo- front of a wall of flames—
graphs of the huge crowds in his most evocative portraits
Kiev’s Independence Square, were those taken in warSands described the ideal- torn eastern Ukraine. Coal
ism and fervor with which miners in Donetsk loading
Ukrainians flocked toward the bodies of three of their
the center of the revolution. coworkers into a truck after
According to Sands, the In- a mining accident; displaced
dependence Square protest- elderly women picking up
ers saw themselves as the their weekly rations at a
revolutionary successors of gaily decorated circus tent;
the Orange Revolution pro- a World War II veteran
testers of 2004, who demon- dressed in his Red Army
strated against governmen- uniform adorned with war
tal corruption and electoral medals at a pro-Russian
fraud. Sands also discussed rally—these are the scenes
the unlikely confederation that made eastern Ukraine
of right-wing Ukrainian “the most visually stimulatnationalists, trade union- ing place” that Sands has
ists, pensioners, and disil- photographed.
To demonstrate the
lusioned youths that formed
the core of the Euromaidan brutality of the situation
in the East, Sands showed
“I couldn’t help but think a photograph of the body of
of the historic Paris Com- a slain fighter in Mariupol,
mune,” Sands said as he describing how passersby
described watching right- lifted the sheet covering him
Wil Sands
Last Wednesday, Chicago-born photographer Wil Sands previewed his newest exhibit,
Waiting for Mother Russia—In Two Acts, at International House.
in order to spit in his face. cably linked to the political resolve this. In terms of my
To acknowledge the Rus- and ethnic intricacies that own personal perspective…
sian separatists claim that continue to shape conflict. in order to reach a lasting
the Ukrainian government Nonetheless, Sands re- peace, Ukraine is going to
was planning a genocide of mained politically neutral, have to give up something.”
Just what that someethnic Russians in the East, portraying both those reSands presented a picture jecting Russian interference thing may be, however, reof two pro-Ukrainian fas- in Ukrainian affairs and mains to be seen as fighting
cists, their faces shrouded ethnic Russians in eastern continues in Donetsk and as
in darkness, giving an im- Ukraine who legitimately the fate of Ukraine, forever
in Russia’s shadow, remains
promptu Nazi salute to his fear for their safety.
“It’s an incredibly compli- unclear.
Waiting for Mother
Though he tried not to cated war, and I think that
overshadow his human sub- it’s going to go on for much Russia – In Two Acts will
jects with eastern Ukraine’s longer,” Sands concluded. be on display at the ART
complicated geopolitics, “There is no simplistic, sort WORKS Studio at 625
Sands acknowledged that of reductionist analysis… North Kingsbury Street
his collection was inextri- that is going to be able to through March 26.
Rozhdestvensky Shines in Last-Minute CSO Shuffle
Last Tuesday, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
(CSO) unexpectedly announced that music director
Riccardo Muti had suffered
a “minor accident” after the
CSO’s recent Asia tour, necessitating hip surgery and
withdrawal from two weeks’
worth of concerts. The unfortunate news means that
Chicagoans will have to wait
until April to see Muti in action, provided his recovery
goes smoothly.
As far as last Friday’s
concert is concerned, however,
the maestro’s absence offered
one hell of a silver lining:
84-year-old Russian conduc- couldn’t kill. The program
tor Gennady Rozhdestvensky, notes mention the composwho led an all-Shostakovich er’s obsessive reworking of
his early opus: beginning
program earlier this month.
Rozhdestvensky’s last- as an 1893 piece for unacminute substitution resulted companied men’s chorus, it
in only one program tweak: evolved through versions for
the replacement of György men’s chorus and strings
Ligeti’s ghostly Ramifications and mixed chorus. Its final
with a lesser-known Sibelius iteration, from 1911, stands
chestnut, Rakastava. The as a completely instrumenswap retained the program’s tal work for string orchestra
string-orchestra emphasis, and limited percussion.
Personally, I disagree
with Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto—featuring the CSO’s with the program notes’ asown superb Stephen Wil- sertion that Rakastava’s
liamson—as the sole outlier. “true brilliance” blossomed
Rakastava makes up once Sibelius abandoned vofor its occasional clunkiness cal writing—and with it, the
with sparse, simple emotive- source texts from the Finnness. Perhaps that’s why it ish Kanteletar—in favor of
was the darling Sibelius just strings. Luckily, the CSO and
Todd Rosenberg
CSO Principal Clarinetist Stephen Williamson comes to the fore with Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto, led by substitute conductor Gennady Rozhdestvensky (in back).
Rozhdestvensky succeeded
in making an otherwise unremarkable piece compelling.
In spite of its small ensemble
size (or perhaps because of
it) the orchestra produced a
sound of extraordinary depth
and acuity.
Next up was Williamson’s solo spotlight in Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto. His
interpretation showcased the
warmth of tone so recognizable in his orchestral solos.
While not necessarily breaking any interpretive ground,
Williamson impressed with
his vivacity and well-grafted
cohesion with the ensemble.
“Perseverance” is another
adjective that comes to mind.
During the third movement,
escaping air whistled audibly from Williamson’s clarinet, an issue that clearly
vexed him. He fidgeted with
a misbehaving valve at every
opportunity; unfortunately,
opportunities are too few and
far between in the inexorably
flowing Rondo for the soloist
to so much as change out a
reed or swab the instrument.
To his credit, Williamson
finished strong: it was an
altogether delightful offering
from a musician who never
fails to delight.
In its first-ever CSO performance, Arvo Pärt’s Orient
& Occident brought the pro-
gram back into string orchestra territory. True to its title,
Orient & Occident brilliantly
layers languid, harmonic-minor modalities that recall the
Middle East over a bedrock of
Western harmony.
Contrary to recent CSO
premieres I’ve heard, the ensemble sounded assured and
nuanced in its interpretation
of Pärt’s ethereal 2000 piece.
During Friday’s performance,
Orient & Occident’s enigmatic ending of a unison A,
sustained by all of the strings,
which never cadenced to D,
was satisfyingly hair-raising.
Tchaikovsky’s Serenade
for Strings was a concluding feast for the ears, richly
played by the 40-piece orchestra. There were moments where one wished for
a mellower, more flexible
interpretation in the outer
movements, but the inner
movements presented Tchaikovsky at his lissome, lyric
Though the CSO traversed a wide-ranging program Friday night, one
observation was reaffirmed
with each and every piece on
the program: the CSO could
not have arranged a better
substitute than Rozhdestvensky. Eschewing a podium
and, now and again, his obligation to actually beat time,
the legendary conductor is
nothing short of idiosyncratic. He wields an almost
comically long, 20-plus-inch
baton, and apparently isn’t
one to take any time between
movements. I was amused by
his tendency to whip to the
next page of the score and
coolly lift his arms, ready for
the downbeat, leaving the orchestra scrambling to catch
But it’s precisely these
idiosyncrasies that made for
a truly remarkable evening.
Rozhdestvensky was the goto interpreter and dedicatee
of works by Soviet composers
like Shostakovich, Schnittke,
and Prokofiev, and his expertise showed. He savored both
detail and structure in equal
measure; so palpable was
the rapport he had with the
CSO that one wouldn’t have
guessed he’d been asked to
substitute last-minute.
Most importantly, by occasionally lowering his baton
altogether, Rozhdestvensky
appeared to be challenging
the orchestra throughout
to not only play more sensitively, but also to listen more
sensitively. It certainly paid
off in this chamber-heavy
program: the results were
nothing short of marvelous,
even by the CSO’s standards.
Silver lining, indeed.
Poetry Foundation Opens Doors Downtown and Beyond
zine into its present form.
“[Lilly] really wanted
the magazine to use the
“The Open Door will money to keep poetry in
be the policy of this mag- our culture because poetry
azine—may the great poet has fallen out of favor as a
we are looking for never mainstream art form,” said
find it shut, or half-shut, Elizabeth Burke-Dain, the
against his ample genius!” Poetry Foundation’s MarSo begins the Harriet Mon- keting and Media Director.
Today, the Poetry Founroe quotation printed onto
the wall that one sees upon dation aims to create “a
walking into the Poetry more vigorous presence
of poetry in our culture”
First published in 1912, through workshops, events,
Poetry Magazine is one of and extensive resources
the most prominent poetry on its website. Google
monthlies in the literary searches of poems and poworld. From 1941 to 2003, ets are quick to direct readthe Modern Poetry Associ- ers to www.poetryfoundaation produced the maga-—after all, the site
zine, struggling from time includes an archive of over
to time to keep the founda- 13,000 poems, discussion
guides, podcasts, and more.
tion financially afloat.
However, not everyone
But when the philanthropist Ruth Lilly donated who uses the site knows
more than $100 million to that the Foundation itself
the magazine in 2003, the is located in Chicago, in a
Poetry Foundation replaced beautifully designed glass
the Modern Poetry Associ- building on 61 West Supeation, shaping the maga- rior Street.
There is a sense of alongside two of their stu- “Wednesday Poemtime” sesmodernity about the place dents. It also hosts Forms sions it hosts to introduces
that unites the traditional and Features, a series of children to poetry in an inand progressive. The room free creative workshops teractive way.
is filled to the ceiling with which focuses on different
The Foundation is also
poetry books while Apple elements of poetry. The part of an initiative dicomputers line the long most recent workshop dis- rected towards high school
desk on the first floor. The cussed similes: a group of students called “Poetry
exhibition currently on 15 people sat around a ta- Out Loud,” which draws
display, Volatile!: A Poetry ble to analyze how different over 365,000 students per
and Scent Exhibition, in- poems incorporate similes, year. The competition culvites visitors to smell cer- ultimately incorporating minates in Washington
tain scents before or after them into their own poems. D.C., where one student
reading poems to see how On a more performative from each state recites
their understanding is col- level, the Foundation col- verse over a two-day peored by sensory experience. laborates with entities like riod to compete in national
A s Bu rke -Da i n ex- the Steppenwolf Theatre championships.
plains, the Foundation Company and the Prison
Unsurprisingly, as edthus creates programs and Neighborhood Arts ucational institutions in
which “appeal to both Project to bring poems to the same city, the Poetry
readers and non-readers of the stage through theater Foundation and the Unipoetry,” allowing visitors and dance.
versity of Chicago are also
to “experience poetry in a
At the same time, the frequent collaborators. As[way] they hadn’t expected.” Fou ndation ma kes it- sociate Professor of English
T h e F o u n d a t i o n ’s self accessible to young Srikanth Reddy has spomonthly Open Door Read- audiences that may not ken at the Bagley Wright
ings, appropriately named formally study poetry. A Lecture Series on Poetry
after Monroe’s words, fea- whole section of the Foun- and will be one of the facture readings by two Chi- dation’s fi rst-floor shelves ulty members leading the
cago-based graduate writ- features children’s poetry Foundation’s Summer Poing program instructors to be read aloud during its etry Teachers Institute this
year. Additionally, on April
19, Hanna Holborn Gray
Disting uished Ser v ice
Professor Rosanna Warren
and her student Tim DeMay will share their work
at the Open Door Reading.
The Foundation has even
collaborated with the University for its next exhibition, Bernadette Meyer’s
Wa l k i n g i nt o T he
Poetry Foundation and
seeing the books lined
on its shelves, I was immediately reminded of all
the books that there are
to read in the world, and
all that I have yet to open.
The Poetry Foundation
encourages us to read,
but to also smell, perform,
and write. One can take
comfort in knowing that it
is less than an hour away
from campus, ready to invite people of all ages and
disciplines into the world
of poetry with an open
Opera’s Morbid Valentine: Puccini and Poulenc
Relatives double over
at the bedside of a dead
man. They look inconsolable —trembling hands,
wan faces, low moans.
They mourn.
Hands wrestle drawers,
tear envelopes. Faces peer
into corners, squint at
loose paper. Where, where
is it? The will! The will!
Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi is a masterpiece of
black comedy. Fast-paced
and deeply ironic, the oneact opera packs a twisted
world of music and text
into only 50 minutes. Pity
that the latest production
at Chicago Opera Theater (COT)—which ran on
February 6 and 14—chose
slapstick over nuance.
So this Buoso Donati
fellow is very rich and very
dead. His family finds his
will unfavorable to their
purposes: in particular,
handsome Rinuccio (Christopher Tiesi) cannot marry
poor Lauretta (Emily Birsan) without an inheritance. The Donatis call
on her wily dad, Gianni
Schicchi (Michael Chioldi),
to mitigate the will…but
may get more than they
bargained for.
I’m not a libretto purist. By all means, translate away—a Mozart or
Donizetti or Lehár can
be just as fun and smart
in English. But Schicchi
loses a lot in translation,
especially as Puccinian
comedy relies so heavily on
the text. Punchy wordplay
(“vecchio / Fucecchio”) so
natural to Italian becomes
labored at best (“oldest ment belongs to Lauretta:
/ Fucecchio”). Question- Her aria, “O mio babbino
able decisions are made caro” (“Oh my beloved
to better suit the mean- father”), breaks the chaos
ings to an audience: the for a moment of sincere
choice to translate “da beauty. This was Emily
morto son rinato” (“I have Birsan’s moment. Her
returned from the dead”) silky soprano delivered
as “I feel like a different innocence through deft
man” swaps menace for phrasing and dynamic
mockery, which in context control.
I don’t agree with.
--More forgivable but
Poulenc’s La voix hustill baffl ing was produc- maine is poignant where
tion designer Andreas Mi- Schicchi is cynical. A onetisek’s use of video projec- act drama with one singer,
tion. The backdrop looked Voix at COT showcased the
like the ’60s as a Windows formidable voice and char95 screensaver—tie-dyed acter abilities of soprano
and distastefully neon; its Patricia Racette.
animation synced neither
A woman, Elle, speaks
with music nor with plot. with her ex-lover over the
My theory? The wallpaper phone. She is cool, frivkilled old Buoso.
olous…at first. As their
Michael Chioldi played conversation continues we
the titular F lorentine hear her growing vulnertrickster with robustness ability—is the phone cord
and magnetism. His am- between them a noose or a
ple baritone added bite to lifeline?
Schicchi’s wry sarcasm,
As Elle, Racette nareasily projecting over a rates half the story. She
sometimes unruly orches- questions and confesses
tra. I found his slapstick through voice and body
delivery at times exagger- language. Her soprano is
ated but generally enter- remarkable for its spectaining throughout the trum of expressive color.
Racette understands that
R i nuc c io wa s h o t . desperation and volume
Christopher Tiesi’s boyish don’t have to be the same:
good looks lent his char- her trembling pianissimo
acter visual realism, for carries as much weight as
sure. Yet his tenor lacked her full-force belt.
There’s also a sensiheft, pairing an attractive
middle register with a top tivity to Racette’s interthat dispersed like soap pretation that extends
bubbles. The orchestra to the words themselves.
was partly at fault—over- Trying to get through to
zealous brasses drowned her ex, Elle repeats cerout Rinuccio’s showpiece tain phrases: “tu es gentil”
“Firenze è come un albero (“you are kind”); “tout est
fiorito” (“Florence is like a ma faute” (“all my fault”);
“je t’aime” (“I love you”).
flowering tree”).
The opera’s pivotal mo- Racette worked subtle al-
chemy in the meaning of
what she sings. She combines explicit cues—text,
voice, body language —
with implicit characterization. What Elle hears
is unknown to us. Her responses give context while
preserving ambiguity: it is
Racette’s indirect reacting
that lends so much power
to her performance.
The orchestra in Voix
is active, not atmospheric:
it underlines Elle’s psychological state from calm
to pique to panic. Conductor Ari Pelto led the
Chicago Sinfonietta in an
intelligent and balanced
reading of the score that
complemented Racette’s
COT stakes its mission in realizing “new and
rarely performed works.”
Its February double bill
made a persuasive case for
20th-century works outside
the grand opera repertory.
!# ) ,,,0)'#()$0$" $' # ) # . 8# !$$'. :;< 0 )0.
4)1. **
,$ '&*' $)' $""$)$#( ($*! $#))"- 0 '%. #'. $"%!# '$'"(. ) ('%2)'#()$0$". 9781;=718;6= $' !- -
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“A N
You have books,
but do you have a
book collection?
P O W E R F U L F I L M”
Bill Zwecker, Chicago Sun-Times
“P A U L D A L I O ’ S S C R I P T A N D D I R E C T I O N , A N D T H E
U S F A R B E Y O N D M O V I E - O F - T H E - W E E K T E R R I T O R Y.
đ Do you love searching for books
on a particular topic?
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features of books, such as
illustrations or bindings?
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books by a favorite author or on a
specific topic?
Y O U R S E L F.”
-Ben Dickin son, ELLE
P E R F O R M A N C E I N A F I L M T H AT ’ S A N
-Carly Metz, Nylon
F E R O C I O U S A N D F U L L O F L I F E.”
-Fred Topel, Crave Online
E M O T I O N A L L Y C O M P E L L I N G.”
If so, you may be interested in the
-Joe Leydon, Variety
+ + + + A M A S T E R F U L D R A M A
T. Kimball Brooker Prize
For Undergraduate
Book Collecting
W I T H A N I M P A C T U N L I K E A N Y T H I N G E L S E.”
-Jeff Nelson, DVD Talk
++ + +
-Mark Saldana, True View Reviews
+ + + +”
-Marlon Wallace, WBOC TV 16
Prizes awarded:
$2,000 to a fourth-year student
$750 to a second-year student
For details, visit
Applications are due
by 11:59 p.m., Friday, March 4, 2016
I N T H E AT E R S F E B R U A R Y 1 9
PhoeniX-Word: Shake! Shake! Shake!
Created by Daniel Ruttenberg
53. Master of all four
22. Deep rough on British
elements, in a 2005
golf courses
1. Garbage show?
Nickelodeon show
23. Holder of a helping
6. Choose
56. French vineyards
9. Underwater acronym
58. Bos., to NYC
25. Take time
14. Like 80% of Indians
61. They read notes loudly?
26. Jewish matriarch
15. Coin in Hanoi
62. 1969 Jim Henson
27. Molecules of only one
16. Epson fluid
teleplay (Add a D)
17. Rapper portrayed by
64. One is named Amber
28. Teenage worry
O’Shea Jackson Jr. in 2015
65. Suffi x with aunt
29. Retracts, as a
(Add a D)
66. Poet Thomas Stearns
19. Screwing up the curve
who taught at UChicago
30. Prep a road trip
20. Some Soviet guns, for
67. First names for “boring”
31. Dwelling
characters in fiction
32. Tool in geometry class
21. Eccentric one
68. Abbreviation in a
38. Really hate
22. Location of many a
corporation lobby
40. Like a half-hearted
romantic restaurant
69. Bar projectiles
23. Bic product
24. 2012 Miguel jam
43. Best part of a flower
26. Snack for Secretariat
for bees
45. Geronimo and his
(Add a D)
1. “Wait! He’s not dead!
33. Anoint with oil
___ Surprise!”
47. Cobb and Pennington
34. Pneumonic to
2. Half of clock sounds
49. Serves ribs?
remember the
3. They bring about
50. Not a close game
cardinal directions
53. Beginner in Biblical
35. “The forbidden
4. Start of century known
fragrance,” in advertising
as the “Rise of the West”
54. Home-improving Bob
36. Snitch
5. Prepared to peck
55. Affirm as true
37. Article written by Marx
6. State whose 3 largest
57. What’s left
39. Article written by Kafka
cities begin with “C”
58. Cause an uproar
41. Sound between “fa”
7. Shebang
59. My ___ (Song in
and “la”
8. Counting tool from 11
42. “I’ll give ya ___ for your
to 20
60. Prepares a finger for
9. Ringo’s family
44. Jezebel’s false god
10. Component of many a
62. Possible result of a
46. Difficult piece of music
Gilligan’s Island invention
soccer game, but not a
48. The most studied one
11. Apartment
baseball game.
has 32 edges (Add a D)
12. Determined or resolved
63. That lady, in Lisbon
51. Alabama river
13. Jason’s vessel
52. Post-WWII gp.
18. Ages and ages and ages
Team Places Second, Earns
Four Weight Class Victories at
Pair of Gold Medals at Midwest
Invitational Send No. 8 Squads
Into UAAs Confident
Chicago capped off a very competitive
weekend at the UAA championship meet
with a strong second-place finish after a
close final match with NYU. Four Chicago wrestlers earned UAA championships
individually on Saturday: second-year
Devan Richter (125 lb.), first-year Mason Williams (141 lb.), second-year Nick
Ferraro (165 lb.), and fourth-year Ryan
Walsh (197 lb.) all fi nished fi rst in their
respective weight classes. As a team, the
Maroons fi nished the dual meet portion
of their schedule with a 5–10 record and a
1–1 record in the UAA.
The UAA championship meet opened
up with Case Western dropping its fi rst
match against the top-seeded NYU 36–12.
The Maroons were next up as they took on
Case in the second match of the day. The
squad came out strong as it took the first
four matches against Case with Richter,
fi rst-year Louis DeMarco, and Williams
all winning their respective matches. Despite third-year Justin Klein dropping his
match 17–0 at 157 pounds, the Maroons
were able to resume their streak, winning
their next four matches. The Maroons
would conclude their match over Case with
a 36–11 win and the chance to compete
against NYU for the UAA championship.
The South Siders went into the match
looking to dethrone the Violets as NYU
came into the day as the four-time defending UAA champions. The matches
between the two teams were hard fought
as each team was battling for every inch to
claim a UAA championship for its squad.
Both teams traded off pins to start off the
match as Richter pinned third-year Wayne
Yuan of NYU but third-year Nathan Pike
of NYU pinned DeMarco. With the score
knotted at 6–6, Williams provided a huge
spark as he came from behind to win
his match 4–3 with a takedown with 12
seconds left. The matches would go back
and forth as the Maroons went into the
197- and 285-pound matches down 19–13.
Walsh won decisively 4–3 at 197 pounds to
cut NYU’s lead down but first-year Santino Pelusi of NYU clinched a NYU victory
by defeating fi rst-year Patrick Mulkerin
While the Maroons suffered a tough
defeat to the Violets, there were many
positive takeaways from the meet for the
South Siders. Walsh came away with his
first individual crown after he had many
key wins for the Maroons in the both of the
meets this weekend.
“I am happy with my performance,
winning the individual crown and extending our chances of defeating NYU to
the final match. Even though we did not
pull out the team title, I could not be more
proud of how our team wrestled,” Walsh
The Maroons will look to continue
their success at the NCAA Midwest Regional at Wabash on February 27. They
will face a slew of teams that they have
already competed against this season, including Wheaton, Elmhurst, North Central, Trine, and Wabash. The wrestlers
will look to repeat or best their past performances.
University of Chicago Athletics Department
Third-year Paul Papoutsis competes against Wheaton in a match earlier this season.
According to the College Swimming
Coaches Association of America, both
the men’s and women’s squads are a
part of the elite; both teams are currently ranked No. 8 in the nation,
meaning their talent and hard work
can compete with the best of the best
on a national level. Both teams advanced their status as top contenders
this weekend by taking the gold at
their very own Midwest Invitational.
This placing exceeded previous performances at the meet, as last year the
women earned second while the men
placed third.
The Midwest Invitational brought
top competition to the South Side, with
Wash U, UW–Milwaukee, Olivet, and
Case Western all making the trip to
compete. Wash U stands at No. 9 for
both the men’s and women’s squads,
while the Case Western men are No.
20 and their women No. 21. Topping
off the field of tough competition, DI
UW–Milwaukee had previously edged
the Maroon men and women in a headto-head meet earlier this season.
This daunting lineup mattered little come time to compete. The Maroon
women earned 503 points, taking their
revenge against UW–Milwaukee who
came in second with 418 points. The
men’s side defeated conference rival
Wash U, which ended with 474 points,
in a dominant fashion with 538 points.
On the women’s side, young blood
led the Maroons, while veterans provided added depth. First-year Christina Cheng placed first in the 100-yard
breaststroke while fourth-year Jen
Law came f lying in right behind her
for second place. Second-year Florina
Yang also earned first in the 100-yard
butterf ly, with first-year Daria Wick
coming in .43 seconds after her to grab
second. Fourth-year Ciara Hu took
first in the 400-yard individual medley with a time of 4:41.32. First-year
Hannah Eastman, second-year Emma
Madden, and third-years Alison Wall
and Megan Wall all earned second in
their respective events to provide a
well-balanced scoring performance.
“I think that this past weekend was
more than just a win,” Law said. “Having our Midwest meet before UAAs this
year was so good because it really got
us excited for our upcoming conference meet this week. There were some
amazing swims at Midwest and the
team atmosphere on the pool deck was
unlike anything we’ve seen so far this
season. The excitement is tangible and
I believe our team is more than ready
to get up and race at Rochester.”
A mong the men, four f irst-place
finishes were earned on the day. The
Maroons took the top three places in
the 100-yard breaststroke, with second-year Alex Lin finishing in 59.05
for the win and third-year Rolland
Lee coming in at 59.08 to grab silver.
Fourth-year James Taylor and firstyear Keenan Novis took first in the
200-yard breaststroke and 400-yard
individual medley, respectively, while
the 400-yard medley relay earned first
as well. Four second-place f inishes
went to the Maroons, and the squad
walked away with a dominant win.
With UA A Championships starting
on Wednesday of this week, these victories come at a crucial time for the
South Siders. Chicago is hoping this
win will provide momentum heading
into the conference meet.
“ We’ve been working harder than
ever this season and the performances
at the Midwest Invite just go to affirm
that. We had some fantastic swims this
weekend, which only gives us more
confidence going into UA As. Team morale has never been higher and we’re
ready to dominate in Rochester this
weekend,” Madden said.
The UA A is one of the toughest conferences in the country; both the men’s
and women’s side boasting seven teams
on the conference’s eight teams ranked
in the top 25 in the nation. The meet
begins on Wednesday in Rochester and
will continue through Saturday.
Women’s Team Takes First out of 17 at Chicagolands
Continuing their quest to win the
UAA Conference meet just two weekends
from now, the Maroon track and field
squads traveled to Naperville to compete
in the Chicagoland Indoor Track & Field
Championships. Because there were so
many entrants in the meet, it was broken
up into two days. The women were the
fi rst to participate, competing on Friday,
while the men raced the following day.
The women excelled during the meet,
winning five races and capturing a slew
of podium appearances. In addition, each
of the victors fi nished in seasonal best
times, denoting a steady progression and
a well-timed coming of great form. Thirdyear Michelle Dobbs continued her dom-
inance in the 800-meter (2:14.10), winning the event for the second time this
season in as many attempts. Fourth-year
Brianna Hickey slimmed down her best
mile time this year by a little over two
seconds en route to a 5:02.48 victory.
Third-year Minnie Horvath took first
in the 3k, setting a PR with a wonderful time of 10:16.66, and second-year
Khia Kurtenbach posted the fourth best
time in the nation in the 5k running a
remarkable 17:20.86. The 4x400-meter
relay team also took fi rst place, smoking the competition, while putting up the
fi fth best time run so far by a Division
III team.
Kurtenbach’s event was of particular
note. “During the early part of the race,
I tried to focus on running as relaxed as
possible,” the second-year runner said.
She was unfazed by “two other runners
[who] really took out…and was able to
just run behind them early on.” However, once the lead runners had completed
about 3km, the pace began to slow, and
Kurtenbach “knew that [she] needed to
take the lead and push the pace if we
wanted to run under 17:30.” Eventually it
was just Kurtenbach and North Central’s
Megan Costanzo ahead of the rest of the
pack. “The last lap was really a great
race between myself and [Costanzo], and
we pushed each other to have a great kick
at the end of the race,” Kurtenbach said
of the electric fi nish.
The men also had a great meet,
though admittedly not as good as the
women’s. Of the 21 teams in the meet,
they finished sixth overall, while continuing to ramp into gear for the conference
meet just about two weeks from now.
Third-year Nick Nielsen took third
place in the mile with a 4:21.24 and continued his cutting trend. For the second
consecutive meet, the runner has sliced
three or more seconds from his mile time.
The distance medley relay team also
took third place in the meet. While the
4x400 team placed fourth, they are racing better at this time of year than they
were last year, when they shocked the
nation making it all the way to the Division III Indoor Track and Field Championships.
This coming weekend the University
of Chicago hosts the Margaret Bradley
Invitational, where both the men’s and
women’s teams will be looking to further
improve their times as the pursuit of the
UAA Championship nears its end.
IN-QUOTES... Cincinnati Bengals Quarterback Andy Dalton raising awareness about his lost luggage:
“We are going to find them. We have enough people raising awareness. #bagsearch2016 ”
Chicago Ends Weekend 1–1, Defeats Case Western
After making some changes to the starting lineup after dropping games to both
Emory and Rochester last weekend, the Maroons faced off against a duo of UAA opponents in Case Western and Carnegie Mellon
over the weekend. On Friday, the squad lit
up the scoreboard against Carnegie Mellon,
but eventually fell in overtime by a score of
93–90. Two days later, Chicago returned to
the court and bounced back against Case
Western. Defense was key in this low-scoring affair. The Maroons held their opponents
to 29 percent shooting en route to a 59–45
Against the Tartans, the Chicago offense
was efficient all night. The squad jumped out
to an early lead thanks to a 25-point first
quarter. However, Carnegie Mellon fought
back, and then stayed on pace with the
Maroons for the rest of the game. After a
last-second Carnegie Mellon layup, regulation ended with the score tied at 79–79, and
the game went into overtime.
Unfortunately for Chicago, at this point
in the game the squad had already been
whistled for 26 fouls. This meant that Carnegie Mellon would remain in the bonus for
the entirety of the extra period. Moreover,
many players found themselves in foul trouble, and by the end of the contest four Maroons would reach the five-foul limit.
Despite this stark disadvantage, Chicago fought hard throughout overtime. The
team got a couple of key defensive stops and
managed to score 11 points in the five-minute period. But in the end, this effort wasn’t
quite sufficient as the Tartans secured a
three-point victory. That being said, the
Maroons’ performance was nothing short
of admirable. Second-year guard Elizabeth
Nye scored a game-high 26 points before
fouling out of the game. Third-year forward
Britta Nordstrom came off the bench to add
18 points of her own. Finally, first-year forward Olariche Obi recorded a double-double
with 10 points and 18 rebounds.
On Sunday, the Maroons returned to
Ratner to face the Spartans of Case Western. Unlike the game on Friday, this matchup was a low-scoring, defensive affair. Chicago locked down its opponent for the entire
game. This was especially true in the second
quarter when the team held the Spartans
The University of Chicago Law School Presents
Money in Law and Literature:
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to the Great Depression
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Alison LaCroix,
Saul Levmore, and
C. Nussbaum
The University of Chicago
Lawrence H. Summers
Harvard University
Friday, February 19
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February 18-20, 2016
The University of Chicago Law School
1111 East 60th Street
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This conference is free and open to the public. No response is required
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to just five points. On the day, the Maroons
forced 23 turnovers and allowed a total of
just 45 points.
In just her second start of the season,
first-year forward Rachel West led the team
in both points (11) and rebounds (seven).
Nordstrom also made a big offensive impact
with eight assists. On defense, no single
player stood out as the Maroons worked as
a team to shut down the Spartans. All in all,
this was a quality victory for Chicago and
helped the team snap a three-game losing
“The Carnegie game felt like déjà vu,”
Nye said. “But this time we bounced back
and played Case so much harder and beat
them more handily. That’s a good team who
beat NYU, so there’s no reason we can’t do
the same if we work hard and give our best
Looking ahead to this weekend, the
squad will be away for its final road trip of
the season. The Maroons will be traveling
to the New England area to take on both
NYU and Brandeis. The Friday matchup
with NYU is sure to be a hard-fought contest. The Violets are the No. 14 ranked team
in the nation, and defeated Chicago 71–55
earlier this season. This game tips off at 5
p.m. on Friday in New York City.
University of Chicago Athletics Department
Third-year forward Stephanie Anderson rebounds against Emory earlier this season.
South Siders Back on
Track With Two Wins
After struggling over the course of
the last two weeks, the Maroons had
a huge weekend, racking up two wins
at home against UA A competition to
break their four-game losing streak.
The Maroons’ offense was explosive,
tallying 94 points against Carnegie
Mellon (9 –13, 2–9 UA A) and 89 points
against Case Western Reserve (10 –12,
3 –8 UA A).
T he Maroons improved to 16 – 6
overall with a 7– 4 conference record,
putting them in fourth place in the
UA A. After losing four straight UA A
games, the team is fighting back in
hopes of a potential NCA A tournament
“ It was an exciting weekend for
the team. We shot the ball really well
and we were able to get two wins and
make up some ground in the UA A,”
second-year guard Jake Fenlon said.
In the first game of the weekend,
Chicago took down the Carnegie Mellon Tartans 94 – 59. With the scored
tied at 27, third-year point guard Tyler
Howard made two free throws to take
the lead and spur an 11– 0 run to close
out the first half. Howard finished the
game with 20 points and seven assists.
The South Siders ended the game
with a plus-20 rebound margin, led by
second-year forward Collin Barthel,
who grabbed 10 rebounds of his own.
The story of the day, however, was
the Maroons tying the school record
of 17 three-pointers in a single game.
Fenlon came off the bench to hit five
behind the arc. Collectively, the squad
shot 51.5 percent from deep.
The offense stayed hot against Case
Western, beating the Spartans 89 –72.
A fter jumping out to a quick 17– 8
lead, the Maroons went into halftime
up 50 –36 and never looked back. This
time, fourth-year guard Jordan Smith
led the offense with 22 points and six
Fenlon hit another five three-pointers against the Spartans, scoring 15
points for the second consecutive game.
“I’m glad I was able to shoot well,
but it really just shows how much the
offense is clicking— guys like Tyler
and Jordan are finding ways for the
team to score,” Fenlon said.
With such big leads, the squad was
able to utilize more of its depth. Firstyear guard Noah Karras scored eight
points coming off the bench Friday
night against Carnegie Mellon.
“It shows how well the team is playing that we are getting more guys into
games,” first-year forward Ryan Jacobsen said. “Noah had a big night and
now Max [Jacobs] is pushing Tyler at
M a x Jacobs, a nother f i rst-yea r
g uard, got increased play ing time
behind Howard due to backup guard
Scott Herlihy suffering a concussion on
Friday. Jacobs saw his playing time increase from 10 minutes against Carnegie Mellon to 17 minutes against Case
The Maroons’ next game is at NYU
this Friday at 7 p.m. (8 p.m. EST) followed by their game against Brandeis
on Sunday at 10 a.m. (11 a.m. EST)