anamasters - Association of National Advertisers


anamasters - Association of National Advertisers
October 14–17, 2015 | Orlando, Fla.
Orlando World Center Marriott
Letter from ANA’s President and CEO
Letter from ANA’s Washington, D.C., Office
Major Initiatives from the ANA Washington Office
Conference Agenda
ANA Strategic Partners
ANA Thought Leaders
Conference Sponsors
Exhibitors 131
Attendees (by name)
Attendees (by company)
About the ANA
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 3
Letter from ANA’s President and CEO
Welcome to the 2015 ANA
Masters of Marketing Annual Conference!
On behalf of the ANA staff and our board of directors,
I would like to sincerely thank you for joining us. This
event, the highlight of our calendar, brings together the
industry’s top CMOs and thought leaders to engage
with each other and share the latest insights,
innovations, and best practices in an atmosphere
conducive to collaboration.
The ANA’s mission is to provide leadership that
advances marketing excellence and shapes the future
of the industry. The bedrock of marketing excellence is
great content — a staple of the Masters of Marketing.
During this year’s event, you will learn from, and be
inspired by, innovative companies that are rewriting
the marketing playbook, including Airbnb, Mondele-z
International, Progressive Casualty Insurance,
Lyft, AT&T Mobility, Calvin Klein, Harley-Davidson,
McDonald’s, TD Ameritrade, and GE.
This year’s range of topics will provide rich insight
into how senior brand marketers are creatively using
traditional and digital marketing tools, evolving tech­
nologies, content, and data to reach today’s distracted
consumers and expand their brands. Of course, brand
growth cannot be achieved by merely marketing to
consumers. You will hear how brands are involving
consumers in campaigns and through unique brand
4 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Our program would not be complete without some fun
and relaxation. We have a superb series of events and
entertainment to make this a memorable and enjoyable
conference experience, including:
• Opening night dinner, sponsored by A+E
Networks, with entertainment provided by
Universal Music Group
• Thursday night dinner and entertainment,
sponsored by iHeartMedia, with a special
performance by Grammy Award winner Seal
• Thursday After Hours Speakeasy, presented
by Mashable
• Evening of Passion, Purpose, and Performance,
presented by Meredith and Westwood One, with
special performances by Tony Award winner
Jessie Mueller and Grammy-nominated recording
artist Leona Lewis
• Fitness run/walk
• Golf and tennis tournaments
• CMO Roundtable, sponsored by Starcom USA
• Afternoon Tea with The Internationalist 1000
and the ANA
Also, be sure to take advantage of our new ANA Event
app, powered by DoubleDutch. It’s your ticket to the
full conference agenda, event-only social networking,
and much more. We hope that you have an absolutely
wonderful time. We will do everything we can to make
this a productive and enjoyable event for you.
Bob Liodice
President and Chief Executive Officer
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 5
Letter from ANA’s Washington, D.C., Office
The ANA’s Washington, D.C., office works to protect the
rights of advertisers and marketers to communicate
with consumers.
We actively oppose efforts by the government to tax,
ban, or otherwise restrict advertising and marketing.
We function as a key intermediary between the
advertising and marketing community and Congress,
federal agencies, state legislatures, and the courts.
We strive to educate policymakers at all levels on the
benefits of advertising to the economic health of the
nation and their states.
Our major accomplishments so far in 2015 include:
• Taking a leadership role in opposing legislation in
both the U.S. House and Senate that would restrict
the full deductibility of advertising costs, as well as
in opposing state ad tax proposals in California,
Illinois, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania
• Expanding and strengthening the Digital
Advertising Alliance self-regulatory program for
online behavioral advertising, including introducing
new guidelines for mobile marketing
• Fighting a seriously flawed data breach bill in the
Illinois General Assembly that, for the first time,
targets marketing and geolocation data
• Working with Congress to support language that
prohibits the Interagency Working Group on Food
Marketed to Children from publishing its
exceptionally restrictive guidelines for food, beverage,
and restaurant marketing unless it first conducts
a cost/benefit analysis
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• Continuing to keep a spotlight on the progress of
ICANN’s top-level domain program to protect the
trademark rights of brand-holders as new domain
names are rolled out
• Conducting a series of every-other-month webinars
on important legal and regulatory issues
• Producing a highly rated Advertising Law and
Public Policy Conference, featuring key government
and industry speakers
To ensure that we continue to effectively represent your
interests in Washington, we need to hear about the
advertising and marketing issues that affect how you
do business. Please have your legal and government
relations professionals reach out to us so we can work
together to protect your bottom line.
We can be contacted at 2020 K Street, NW, Suite 660,
Washington, DC 20006, by phone at 202.296.1883,
or by email at
Daniel L. Jaffe
Group Executive Vice President
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 7
Major Initiatives from the ANA Washington Office
Ad Taxes
The current tax deduction for advertising costs faces the most serious threat in
Congress that we have seen in several decades, in the context of overall corporate
tax reform. For the first time in history, draft proposals in both the Senate and the
House tax committees were put forward that would seriously restrict the ad
deduction. Marketers would be allowed to deduct only 50 percent of their ad
spending in the first year and be required to amortize the remaining 50 percent
over the next 10 years in the House bill and five years in the Senate bill. A revenue
estimate on the 10-year proposal concluded that advertisers would spend at least
$169 billion in increased taxes over that period.
We also face a shorter-term risk of being used as a potential “pay-for” because the
revenue estimates on ad taxes will make us a funding target for major government
initiatives that need substantial financial support.
The ANA has been actively involved in responding to these threats. We are a founding
member of The Advertising Coalition, which has held more than 30 “grassroots”
meetings over the past couple of years to help educate key members of Congress
on the importance of advertising to their districts. We provided the majority of funding
for an update of the IHS Global Insight study, which provides economic evidence of
the importance of advertising in every state and congressional district in the country.
We have also taken the lead this year in opposing state ad tax threats in California,
Illinois, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
Food and Beverage Marketing
We are continuing to work with our friends in Congress to ensure that the Interagency
Working Group (IWG), comprised of four federal agencies (the FTC, CDC, FDA, and
USDA), cannot issue its final guidelines for advertising to children without first
conducting a complete cost/benefit analysis. The IWG proposal would have seriously
restricted the marketing of a wide array of food, beverage, and restaurant products.
This language restricting the IWG was included in the 2011 budget, and we have
been successful in getting the restriction included in subsequent funding bills each
year. We are working with other industry groups to preserve it in the funding bill for
next year.
In June, the City and County of San Francisco passed two ordinances which impose
serious restrictions on advertising for “sugar-sweetened beverages.” Several industry
groups have filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging these ordinances on First
Amendment grounds. The ANA plans to file a “friend of the court” brief supporting
these lawsuits.
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Privacy, Online Behavioral Advertising, and Data Security
This year has seen a major ramping-up of concern about privacy and data security
issues. We have substantially expanded the efforts of the Digital Advertising Alliance
to ensure that high standards for consumer privacy and transparency regarding
interest-based advertising are addressed and enforced. The program is now
underway in the U.S. and in 31 other countries, including Canada and throughout
Europe. The program was also expanded to cover mobile media.
Working with other industry groups, we made a major push for federal data security/
data breach legislation that would pre-empt the 47 inconsistent and overlapping state
laws now on the books. The Data Security and Breach Notification Act (H.R.1770)
was approved by the House Energy and Commerce Committee on April 15 on a
party-line vote. The sponsors and leadership are working to build bipartisan support
for the bill, and we are hopeful that the legislation will reach the House floor this year.
In the meantime, we continue to oppose worrisome changes in state data breach
laws. The most serious proposal is a bill in Illinois, which would, for the first time,
target marketing and geolocation data. Working with a broad coalition of industry
groups, we convinced the Illinois governor to issue an amendatory veto to remove
the most onerous parts of the bill. We have worked to convince the Illinois General
Assembly not to override the veto.
It is also clear that the privacy concerns of policymakers and consumers have moved
far beyond online behavioral advertising. There are growing fears that federal laws
protecting the security of health and credit information can be subverted or
circumnavigated by data brokers or other entities. Also, in the growing world of the
Internet of Things, where everything from cars to toothbrushes to refrigerators are
collecting and sharing information, privacy concerns are greatly increasing.
We are working with our DAA partners and other industry groups to develop a
strategy to address the expanding universe of privacy issues raised by the Internet
of Things, addressable TV, and other new technological developments.
The ANA has taken a primary leadership role for several years in focusing a spotlight
on the serious unresolved problems with ICANN’s plan for a virtually unlimited
expansion of generic TLDs. We continue to actively monitor this area and alert our
members to the importance of protecting their brands through ICANN’s Trademark
Clearinghouse. We recently filed comments in opposition to a proposal from the
ICANN board to dramatically increase the amount of influence the Government
Advisory Committee has within ICANN.
For more information on our advocacy efforts, visit
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 9
*Open to ANA Members only
**Open to ANA Member Representatives only
***Limited Capacity
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
1:00 p.m.
Registration Opens
2:00 p.m.
Pre-Conference Workshops
• Creating a Business-Driven Content Strategy
• Building Brands Through Customer Experience
• Make Love, Not Ads: How New-World Brand Connections
Are Beating Old-World Advertising
• Mobile Accelerator Workshop
Grand Ballroom
6:30 p.m.
Let’s Get Connected Welcome Reception
Falls Pool Deck
7:30 p.m.
Opening Night Dinner
Palms Ballroom
9:45 p.m.
Crystal Ballroom
(H, J1-J2)
Central Atrium
Sponsored by BrightLine
Sponsored by A+E Networks
Entertainment provided by Universal Music Group
Sponsored by Yext
Thursday, October 15, 2015
7:00 a.m.
Palms Ballroom
Sponsored by AOL
Christian Kugel
Vice President, Consumer Analytics
8:00 a.m.
General Session
Bob Liodice
8:30 a.m.
Jeff Charney
9:15 a.m.
Dana Anderson
9:45 a.m.
Networking Coffee Break
10:15 a.m.
General Session Resumes
Bradley Jakeman
10:45 a.m.
Kira Wampler
11:30 a.m.
Mark-Hans Richer
President and CEO
Chief Marketing Officer
Progressive Casualty Insurance Co.
Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer
Mondele-z International
Sponsored by Investor’s Business Daily
Ballroom Foyer
President, Global Beverage Group
PepsiCo, Inc.
Chief Marketing Officer
Chief Marketing Officer
10 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
*Open to ANA Members only
12:15 p.m.
**Open to ANA Member Representatives only
***Limited Capacity
Luncheon presented by Google
Matt Lawson
Director of Performance Ads Marketing
Palms Ballroom
2:15 p.m.
General Session Resumes
Networking Coffee Break
2:30 p.m.
John Weston
3:15 p.m.
Melisa Goldie
4:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
ANA Members-Only Business Meeting/Reception*
Sponsored by Active International
Grand Ballroom
6:30 p.m.
Falls Pool Deck
7:30 p.m.
Dinner and Entertainment
Palms Ballroom
9:45 p.m.
Casino Night Post-Reception
Crystal Ballroom
(H, J1-J2)
11:30 p.m.
After Hours Speakeasy***
Hawk's Landing
Steakhouse &
Ballroom Foyer
Sponsored by The New York Times
Chief Marketing Officer
Mayo Clinic
Chief Marketing Officer
Calvin Klein, Inc.
Sponsored by Yahoo!
Sponsored by iHeartMedia
Featuring a Special Performance by Seal
Sponsored by Mashable
Friday, October 16, 2015
6:00 a.m.
Fitness Run/Walk
Hawk’s Landing
Golf Club
7:00 a.m.
Palms Ballroom
Sponsored by USPS
James P. Cochrane
Acting Chief Marketing and Sales Officer and Executive Vice President
United States Postal Service
8:00 a.m.
General Session
8:15 a.m.
Linda Boff
9:00 a.m.
Jonathan Mildenhall
9:30 a.m.
Networking Coffee Break
Executive Director, Global Branding
Chief Marketing Officer
Airbnb, Inc.
Cypress Foyer
Sponsored by AT&T AdWorks
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 11
10:00 a.m.
*Open to ANA Members only
**Open to ANA Member Representatives only
***Limited Capacity
General Session Resumes
Loren Angelo
10:45 a.m.
Robert Lynch
11:30 a.m.
David Christopher
Networking Coffee Break
Sponsored by Newspaper Association of America
Palms Ballroom
12:15 p.m.
CMO Roundtable Luncheon
Palms Ballroom
Director, Marketing
Audi of America
Brand President and Chief Marketing Officer
Arby’s Restaurant Group, Inc.
Chief Marketing Officer
AT&T Mobility
Sponsored by Starcom
Suzanne Vranica
Advertising Editor, The Wall Street Journal
John Costello
President of Global Marketing and Innovation, Dunkin’ Brands, Inc.
Marc de Swaan Arons
Chief Marketing Officer, Millward Brown Vermeer
Jerri DeVard
Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, ADT Corp.
Lisa Donohue
Chief Executive Officer, Starcom USA
Deborah Wahl
Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, McDonald’s USA, LLC
12:15 p.m.
Golf Tournament
in Partnership with LPGA
12:15 p.m.
Tennis Tournament
2:30 p.m.
Afternoon Tea with The Internationalist 1000 and the ANA
Deborah Malone
Hawk’s Landing
Golf Club
Tennis Courts
Crystal Ballroom
Founder, The Internationalist
Russell Findlay
Head of Marketing, Hiscox
Lori Folts
Head of Marketing Communication (Americas), DHL Express Americas
Johann Freilinger
Head of Marketing and Communications, SAP XM
Lee Nadler
Director/Marketing Communications Manager, MINI USA
Alexander Sneen
Global Marketing Director, Finlandia and Chambord, Brown-Forman
5:45 p.m.
ANA Member Representatives Reception**
12 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Grand Ballroom
*Open to ANA Members only
**Open to ANA Member Representatives only
***Limited Capacity
6:30 p.m.
Falls Pool Deck
8:00 p.m.
Evening of Passion, Purpose, and Performance
Palms Ballroom
Sponsored by AudienceXpress
Sponsored by Meredith and Westwood One
Special Performances by Jessie Mueller and Leona Lewis
10:00 p.m.
Post-Reception/Silent Auction to Benefit CARE®
Palms Foyer
Sponsored by Meredith
Saturday, October 17, 2015
7:30 a.m.
Sponsored by Time Inc.
Beth Kowitt
Senior Writer
Robert Lynch
Brand President and Chief Marketing Officer
Arby’s Restaurant Group, Inc.
Networking Coffee Break
8:30 a.m.
General Session
8:45 a.m.
Denise Karkos
9:15 a.m.
John W. Beeder
Chief Marketing Officer
TD Ameritrade Holding Corp.
President and Chief Operating Officer
American Greetings Corp.
Ballroom Foyer
Kristen Cavallo
Mullen Lowe Boston
10:00 a.m.
Robert Tas
10:30 a.m.
Tony Ambroza
11:15 a.m.
Conference Adjournment
Chief Marketing Officer
Pegasystems, Inc.
Senior Vice President of Marketing
Carhartt, Inc.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 13
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2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 15
Thursday :: 7:00 a.m.
Insights into Action.
Best Practices in Content Marketing
Christian Kugel
Content marketing is a priority for brands, but the
question is how to create content that is memorable,
sharable, and measurable. Join Christian Kugel as he
shares the culmination of three years of research at
AOL into what drives successful content marketing
programs. Learn techniques and tools for creating
programs that emotionally resonate with audiences,
understand why people use and engage with content,
and uncover how content marketing can create a new
depth of consumer engagement.
Vice President
Consumer Analytics
Christian Kugel oversees AOL’s market research and sales research teams,
and is responsible for infusing the voice of the consumer into the
organization and developing new advertising ROI solutions. Prior to joining
AOL, he was senior vice president, strategy and innovation at Vivaki, where
he worked with senior leadership to navigate new data and research
challenges posed by emerging media. Before Vivaki, Mr. Kugel served as
senior vice president at Denuo, where he created Searchlight, a proprietary
research and consulting tool that measures the degree and influence of
conversations and recommendations among groups of consumers. He won
the Best Overall Research award from ESOMAR Global Congress 2014, and
was recently recognized by the Advertising Research Foundation as Member
Ambassador of the Year. Mr. Kugel earned a bachelor’s degree in advertising
from the University of Texas at Austin.
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Thursday :: 8:30 a.m.
A Rebellion in the Insurance Industry
Jeff Charney
Not a presentation for the faint of heart. Progressive
Chief Marketing Officer Jeff Charney engages his
audience and tests their ability to stay ahead of the
times. Sure, he’ll talk about how he’s transformed
Progressive’s brand icon, Flo, but he’ll also catapult
outside of Progressive’s walls and transform how
marketers think about marketing. Mr. Charney will
explore today’s “new marketer” and what it takes to
succeed in the lightning-fast marketing world —
whether the budget is $500 or $5 million. Find out
how to evolve as a “programmer” or get left behind.
Chief Marketing Officer
Progressive Casualty Insurance Co.
As “Master of Disruption” at Progressive Insurance, Jeff Charney has
set out to prove you can run a marketing operation the same way you run
a Hollywood studio. Blending art and science, he has brought to life a series
of characters that live through plot twists, set changes, and spinoffs that
are chosen carefully to drive business results. A fan of outcreating vs.
outspending his competition, Mr. Charney encourages the kind of bravery
and risk-taking that won him “Marketer of the Year”: Brand Genius from
Adweek. He has also been named one of the most creative people in
business by both Fast Company and Advertising Age. Previously, Mr.
Charney was chief marketing officer at Aflac, QVC, and
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Thursday :: 9:15 a.m.
Organizing for Growth
“Moai” is an Okinawan term for a circle of people who
purposely meet up and look out for one another.
So what does Moai have to do with reorganizing for
growth in this highly challenging environment? How can
it possibly help when you’re an 800-pound gorilla living
in a unicorn world? Find out when Dana Anderson
recounts the lessons learned by the Growth Team
at Mondele-z.
Dana Anderson
Senior Vice President and
Chief Marketing Officer
Mondele-z International
Dana Anderson is redefining the future of marketing at Mondele-z
International, where she oversees agency relations, brand equity, brand
strategy, marketing capabilities, media, and digital. Ms. Anderson joined
Mondele-z International when it was created in 2012 as senior vice
president of marketing communication and strategy, a title she’d held at
Kraft Foods. Prior to Kraft, she worked at some of Chicago’s leading ad
agencies. She is one of Ad Age’s “100 Most Influential Women in
Advertising,” on the Forbes list of Top 50 CMOs, and a top innovator
according to Brand Innovators and PR Week. A gifted public speaker,
Ms. Anderson is the reigning Woman of the Year (AWNY) and the 2014
Advertising Person of the Year (Ad Club of New York), and is on the
boards of the ANA and the Twitter Influence Council.
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Thursday :: 10:15 a.m.
Designing for Disruption
Darwin said it’s not the fittest, but most adaptable to
change that survives. So how adaptable to change is
your organization? At a time when it’s never been easier
to reach consumers but harder than ever to connect
with them, Brad Jakeman answers fundamental questions
on the role of marketing in an age of disruption, and
shares insights from his experiences as leader of eight
of PepsiCo’s 22 billion-dollar brands and from working
at some of the world’s most renowned companies.
Bradley Jakeman
President, Global Beverage Group
PepsiCo, Inc.
Brad Jakeman, named 2015 “Advertising Person of the Year” by the
Ad Club of New York, oversees global category strategy, brand building,
design, advertising, marketing, innovation, and branded content for
PepsiCo’s global portfolio of beverages. He has led multiple first-ever
branding and marketing initiatives for PepsiCo beverages worldwide and
created the brand’s Design & Innovation Center; its designers have won
more than 50 of the industry’s most prestigious design awards. Prior to
joining PepsiCo, Mr. Jakeman was executive vice president, chief creative
officer, and chief marketing officer for Activision Blizzard Inc., the world’s
largest videogame and interactive entertainment company, and executive
vice president of marketing at Macy’s. His first client-side role was as
managing director of global advertising at Citigroup in New York. He is
a board member of the Ad Council, the Advertising Club of New York, and
the ANA. Mr. Jakeman holds a bachelor’s degree in mass communication
and psychology from Macquarie University, Sydney.
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Thursday :: 10:45 a.m.
On Being Disruptive
The most successful marketers don’t wait for disruption
to happen to them — they disrupt their companies,
their organizations, and their approaches, intelligently
and effectively. Learn from Kira Wampler, who’s been
accused of being disruptive more than a few times, as
she shares how to successfully disrupt categories from
personal finance to photography and real estate to
Kira Wampler
Chief Marketing Officer
Kira Wampler leads Lyft’s brand strategy, growth, communications, and
consumer engagement efforts. She joined the rideshare company in December
2014, bringing more than 20 years of marketing and product leadership and
having built great consumer experiences and accelerated business growth
across a wide variety of industries. Prior to Lyft, Ms. Wampler was chief
marketing officer at the real estate marketplace Trulia, where she launched
the company’s first-ever national marketing campaign and led all consumer
product and marketing efforts. Before Trulia, she served as vice president of
marketing at Lytro, where she oversaw marketing, product, sales, and
international growth while building a new category from the ground up. She
also spent six years at Intuit in a variety of brand, performance marketing,
and leadership positions.
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Thursday :: 11:30 a.m.
Fake Fight: Millennials vs Boomers
Mark-Hans Richer
Chief Marketing Officer
How does marketers’ usual obsession with youth not
cause them to lose sight of other generational
opportunities? Is growth really owned by only one
generation? And are “generations” even a meaningful
concept for marketers, or just shorthand for journalists?
Join Mark-Hans Richer, chief marketing officer at
Harley-Davidson, as he discusses his company’s
approach to these questions and answers how a
legendary brand so successful with one generation of
customers can become equally successful with another
without losing its traditional customer foundation.
Mark-Hans Richer has global responsibility for Harley-Davidson’s go-tomarket customer strategies and customer-centric operational capabilities.
Beyond traditional marketing areas, this includes motorcycle product
planning, sustainability, retail experience, service, systems, logistics, and
revenue-generating areas such as Harley-Davidson e-commerce, the Harley
Owners Group, and the Harley-Davidson Museum. Mr. Richer was named a
2014 “Industry Leader of the Year” by Powersports Business, and in 2013
received the Bessie Stringfield Award from the American Motorcycle
Association for expanding motorcycling to new, diverse audiences. Prior to
joining Harley-Davidson as chief marketing officer in 2007, Mr. Richer held
numerous marketing and advertising positions at General Motors. In 2006,
he was inducted into the American Advertising Federation’s Hall of
Achievement for high-impact, non-traditional marketing approaches that
received two Cannes Gold Lions, among other recognitions. He started his
career at DDB Chicago.
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Thursday :: 12:15 p.m.
The New Battleground for Brands
Matt Lawson
Director of Performance Ads Marketing
Mobile has fragmented the consumer journey into many
short bursts of interaction — some transactional, some
educational, and some of everything in between. The
nature (and the number!) of these digital moments
require marketers to fundamentally rethink how they
understand, reach, and meaningfully engage people
on their journeys, moment after moment. Join Matt
Lawson, director of performance ads marketing at
Google, as he shares consumer insights about the
“micro-moments” shaping today’s consumer journey
and examples of brands which have had success
catering to this new behavior.
Matt Lawson is responsible for a broad portfolio of ads products, including
search, shopping, display, and analytics. Prior to joining Google, Mr. Lawson
was the vice president of marketing at Marin Software, a leading platform
for digital advertising management, and held a variety of executive roles
at Coremetrics, one of the early innovators in web analytics. Mr. Lawson’s
passion for evangelizing digital marketing best practices has resulted in
regular speaking engagements at Ad:Tech, Clickz Live, and SES, as well as
numerous articles on both Search Engine Land and the Inside AdWords blog.
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Thursday :: 2:30 p.m.
Maintaining a Global Leadership Position
John Weston
Chief Marketing Officer
Mayo Clinic
For the past 150 years, the nonprofit Mayo Clinic has
defined its health care brand through word of mouth
— the experience of every patient and the stories those
patients have shared with others about their Mayo
experience. This is not enough, however, to maintain
Mayo Clinic’s position as a leading global brand. John
Weston shares how Mayo Clinic is “all in,” aggressively
using digital targeted marketing, social media, earned
media, and thought leadership to find compelling ways
to tell the Mayo Clinic story in an increasingly
undifferentiated, cluttered, and confusing health care
John Weston was appointed chief marketing officer for Mayo Clinic in July
2013. He began his career at Mars, Inc., where he held positions in strategic
planning, product marketing, sales management, and business development.
He conducted management strategy and market development consulting
in the consumer products and financial services industries. Mr. Weston led
the marketing, communications, strategic planning, sales management, and
business development for FedEx Freight. Just prior to joining Mayo Clinic,
he was the chief marketing and corporate development officer for a private
equity and valuation firm in Los Angeles. Mr. Weston has graduate degrees
from Brigham Young University and UCLA.
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Thursday :: 3:15 p.m.
Reinvention: How a 47-Year-Old Iconic
Global Brand Has Gone Back to Its Past
to Grow Its Future
Melisa Goldie
Chief Marketing Officer
Calvin Klein, Inc.
From stopping traffic in Times Square to generating
controversy and buzz, Calvin Klein has long lived in
the cultural moment. But as the brand approached
middle age, it struggled to remain relevant in a world
of disrupted consumer behavior and loyalty. Chief
marketing officer Melisa Goldie will tell the story of
the brand’s reinvention and growth in its new cultural
moment, one where digital-first is the new normal.
She will share insights behind the company’s latest
campaign, featuring Justin Bieber, and how it’s working
to create a new generation of brand evangelists.
Melisa Goldie oversees all global consumer-facing marketing initiatives
for Calvin Klein, Inc., the iconic $8 billion lifestyle brand. Ms. Goldie is
responsible for consumer engagement, media planning and buying, public
relations, and social media across Calvin Klein’s owned and licensed
businesses. She also leads the company’s in-house ad agency and creative
studio. Hired by the company’s founder in 2001, Ms. Goldie has risen
through the organization, first as a key member of Mr. Klein’s team, before
ultimately assuming his role as the brand’s creative marketing leader. She
began as vice president of broadcast and print production for CRK
Advertising and in 2009 was named the company’s executive vice president
and chief creative officer. Ms. Goldie was appointed chief marketing officer
in October 2014.
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Friday :: 7:00 a.m.
Increasing Direct Mail’s Potential
and Impact Using Technology
James (Jim) P. Cochrane
Acting Chief Marketing and Sales
Officer and Executive Vice President
United States Postal Service
How is the role of direct mail evolving as media
consumption trends change? How does direct
mail amplify your digital technology investments?
Join USPS’ Jim Cochrane as he discusses what’s
possible by merging mail with technology, data, and
digital, and even automation, measurement, and
campaign optimization. He’ll also demonstrate how
USPS is pushing direct mail to be more targeted,
predictable, behaviorally-based, and seamlessly
integratable than ever before.
Reporting to the Postmaster General, Jim Cochrane is responsible for all
USPS domestic and international product marketing, development, and
management. He is also responsible for the pricing, channel access, global
business, sales, and stamp services organizations. Prior to being named
chief marketing and sales officer this year, Mr. Cochrane served as USPS’
chief information officer and executive vice president, where he oversaw the
integration of technology and innovation in operations. In his 41-year postal
career, Mr. Cochrane has served in a variety of roles, including vice president,
product information, where he led innovations in technologies and tracking
systems (including the Intelligent Mail barcode and Intelligent Mail package
barcode) and increased the business intelligence they provide; vice president,
product visibility and operational performance; vice president, ground
shipping; associate vice president, marketing and strategy, for the expedited
package services strategic business unit; and associate vice president, sales,
for the former Northeast region, where he was responsible for commercial
sales of $12 billion annually.
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Friday :: 8:15 a.m.
From Jet Engines to GIFs:
Why GE Moves First
GE prides itself on being an innovator in both business
and marketing, and being first is part of the company’s
core DNA. The diversified infrastructure and financial
services giant is relentless in its pursuit of early
adoption and deliberate experimentation with all forms
of marketing — emerging platforms, technology, media,
and storytelling. GE’s global brand marketing leader
Linda Boff shares how unapologetically being out in
front has paid off for the iconic brand.
Linda Boff
Executive Director, Global Branding
Linda Boff is responsible for GE’s global advertising, digital and content
marketing, and brand, experience, sponsorship, and design strategies.
Previously, Ms. Boff was chief marketing officer at iVillage Properties, part of
NBC Universal. She joined GE in early 2004 with 18 years of experience in
marketing, advertising, and communications, including senior roles at
Citigroup, the American Museum of Natural History, and Porter Novelli. Ms.
Boff is a 2014 AWNY Changing the Game Award winner, B2B Magazine’s
2012 Digital Marketer of Year, and a 2012 Media Maven. She is on the board
of Partnership with Children, a NYC-based organization which provides
social support to 5,000 hard-to-reach schoolchildren. Ms. Boff is also on the
Ad Council’s Executive Committee and is a member of Digital 50. She
earned a B.A. in political science and psychology from Union College.
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Friday :: 9:00 a.m.
Behind the Rise of a Super Brand
In just seven years Airbnb has grown from three
Airbeds in an apartment in San Francisco to one of
the world’s most valuable private companies. With
more than one million homes and 40 million guests in
191 countries across 32,000 cities, Airbnb is without
doubt a 21st-century company. Chief marketing officer
Jonathan Mildenhall will share strategic and creative
insights on how Airbnb’s marketing agenda has helped
propel the company to the status of the world’s first
community-driven super brand.
Jonathan Mildenhall
Chief Marketing Officer
Airbnb, Inc.
Jonathan Mildenhall joined Airbnb in June 2014, and says he has never
worked harder or smarter or felt more creative. As chief marketing officer,
his job is to create the most pre-eminent 21st-century super brand
marketing organization, which he intends to do by inventing “a whole new
playbook.” Mr. Mildenhall joined Airbnb from Coca-Cola, where he was vice
president of global advertising strategy and creative. He led the introduction
of the global marketing platform “Open Happiness,” which contributed to
Coke’s most profitable growth period in 20 years. It became Coke’s mostawarded marketing platform, snaring the 2013 Creative Marketer of the Year
award at the Cannes Lions Festival. Mr. Mildenhall started his career at
McCann-Erickson and over 15 years rose rapidly through the London ad
industry, working at some of the world’s most respected creative agencies,
including BBH, Lowe Howard Spink, Howell Henry, TBWA, and Mother
before joining Coke.
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Friday :: 10:00 a.m.
The Power of Challenging
At Audi, Loren Angelo has been responsible for
transforming the brand from a niche player to a
premium brand through Super Bowl ads, strategic
partnerships, and dynamic publicity stunts. Join
Mr. Angelo as he candidly discusses the challenger
approach he has taken with Audi in building the brand
in America — elevating awareness, consideration,
and opinion levels to double-digit growth in the past
seven years.
Loren Angelo
Director, Marketing
Audi of America
Loren Angelo oversees Audi’s U.S. brand strategy, advertising and media
development, retail marketing, experiential programs and partnerships,
CRM, and branded entertainment, and the Audi social media strategy.
He is also responsible for aligning the brand strategy of Audi of America
with global AUDI AG brand priorities. Mr. Angelo led innovative brand
marketing for launches of key new Audi models in the U.S. and developed
important marketing relationships for the Super Bowl, the Emmys, and
the Iron Man film franchise. Mr. Angelo joined Audi of America in 2008
as communications and advertising manager. He was promoted to general
manager of brand marketing in 2010 and to director of marketing in 2013.
Prior to Audi, he worked for seven years at the New York advertising agency
Merkley & Partners.
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Friday :: 10:45 a.m.
Moving to an Exceptionally
Successful Organization
One law of marketing for every brand is to show how
you’re different. Standing out is nothing new. What is
new is how companies leverage their differences.
As Arby’s Chief Marketing Officer Rob Lynch tells the
restaurant chain’s success story of the past year, he
acknowledges what made it successful in the first place
(premium roast beef) and how that heritage drove the
core of Arby’s big difference in the marketplace (nine
kinds of meats).
Robert Lynch
Brand President and
Chief Marketing Officer
Arby’s Restaurant Group, Inc.
Rob Lynch leads all research and development, new product innovation,
brand marketing and positioning, advertising creation, and media planning
and delivery for the Arby’s brand. He also serves as president of the Arby’s
Franchise Association. Since joining Arby’s in 2013, Mr. Lynch has been a
key contributor to the Arby’s brand turnaround, with its best sales year in
the brand’s 50-year history in 2014 and same-store sales growth exceeding
industry rates. Previously, Mr. Lynch was a senior business leader for brands
and companies including Procter & Gamble, The HJ Heinz Co., and Yum!
Brands, where he served as vice president of brand marketing at Taco
Bell. He was part of the Taco Bell marketing team that won Ad Age’s 2013
Marketer of the Year award.
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Friday :: 11:30 a.m.
The Next Generation of Wireless Services
David Christopher leads marketing for AT&T Mobility,
an organization at the forefront of the mobile revolution.
He will outline how AT&T thinks about growth for the
next generation of wireless services and the steps AT&T
is putting in place to meet customer demands.
David Christopher
Chief Marketing Officer
AT&T Mobility
David Christopher leads all marketing for AT&T’s wireless business. He
also directs marketing for AT&T Digital Life, the company’s prepaid brands
Cricket Wireless and GoPhone, and the AT&T Developer Program. Previously,
Mr. Christopher served as chief marketing officer for AT&T’s mobility and
consumer markets, and he served as vice president of product management
for AT&T’s legacy mobility brand Cingular Wireless. Before joining AT&T, he
worked at Palm, Apple Computer’s Claris division, and Sara Lee Corp.
Mr. Christopher is vice chairman of the board of the Ad Council, is on the
Facebook and Twitter Client Councils, and is a member of the Marketing 50.
In 2014, he was named to Forbes magazine’s 50 Most Influential CMOs list.
He earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Virginia and an M.B.A.
from the Kellogg School at Northwestern University.
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Friday :: 12:15 p.m.
CMO Roundtable:
The Power of Data-Driven Insights
Marketers have never before had so much access
to so much data. Data has great potential to improve
marketing and ROI. But the risk of data overload is very
real, and confusion abounds on how best to leverage
and manage data. This session will provide a deep dive
on the power of data-driven insights and cover issues
such as developing business-building ideas from data,
managing data internally, data protection/ownership,
and working with partners for optimizing the use of data.
Suzanne Vranica has 15 years’ experience at the Wall Street Journal (WSJ)
covering marketing and the inner workings of Madison Avenue. She also
heads up a web vertical launched by the WSJ called CMO Today. The vertical
has a full-time staff dedicated to breaking news and analysis on the most
important developments in the advertising business. Designed for marketing
executives and specialists, CMO Today defines what matters — and what
doesn’t — in the chaos of today’s marketing business. Ms. Vranica also
makes frequent appearances on a wide range of media outlets such as Good
Morning America and CBS This Morning to discuss advertising topics.
John Costello has global responsibility for Dunkin’ Donuts and BaskinRobbins advertising; marketing; consumer engagement; digital, mobile, and
social marketing; and consumer and business intelligence. He also oversees
research and product development, the culinary team, and retail channel
development efforts for both brands globally. One of the early pioneers of
omnichannel marketing, Mr. Costello has served as the executive vice
president of merchandising and marketing at The Home Depot, senior
executive vice president at Sears, chief global marketing officer at Yahoo!,
and president and chief operating officer at Nielsen Marketing Research U.S.
He began his career at P&G, where he held a number of senior marketing
and brand management positions. Mr. Costello was named one of the 30
Most Influential People in Marketing by Ad Age, one of the Top 50 Marketers
by Adweek, one of the Top 10 Merchants by DSN Retailing Today, and was
elected to the Retail Advertising Hall of Fame. He was past chairman of both
the ANA and The Advertising Council.
Suzanne Vranica
Advertising Editor
The Wall Street Journal
John Costello
Global Marketing and Innovation
Dunkin’ Brands, Inc.
Marc de Swaan Arons
Chief Marketing Officer
Millward Brown Vermeer
Marc de Swaan Arons, an acknowledged global marketing leadership
thought leader, co-authored the 2014 Harvard Business Review article
“The Ultimate Marketing Machine” and the best-selling marketing book
The Global Brand CEO. Mr. de Swaan Arons co-founded EffectiveBrands in
2001 following a successful career with Unilever. EffectiveBrands merged
with Millward Brown Optimor in June 2014 to become MB Vermeer. As part
of WPP and Millward Brown, MB Vermeer is a member of the world’s largest
network of advertising and marketing consultancies. At MB Vermeer, Mr.
de Swaan Aarons spearheads the Marketing2020 initiative, an ongoing
project with contributions from more than 10,000 global marketers. He
serves as a volunteer on the board of The Andrew Glover Program.
76 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Jerri DeVard leads ADT’s marketing efforts across the residential, business,
and health business units. She is responsible for all strategic, operational,
and financial aspects of the company’s integrated marketing programs,
including brand, advertising, digital, communications, lead generation,
pricing, competitive intelligence, and sponsorships. Before joining ADT in
March 2014, Ms. DeVard served as Nokia’s first chief marketing officer.
As a member of Nokia’s executive committee, she oversaw all global and
local marketing, advertising, brand management, insights, retail, partnerships,
and sponsorship activities for consumer and small business. Ms. DeVard
currently serves on the board of directors for Belk Stores.
Lisa Donohue drives a true next-generation media agency focused on the
convergence of media, technology, and creativity to enable the design of
unique human experiences in the one-to-one era of marketing, at scale, with
impressive results. Under Ms. Donohoe’s leadership, Starcom has exceeded
challenges on behalf of the world’s leading marketers and new establishment
brands, including Airbnb, Allstate, Bank of America, Kellogg Co., Kraft Heinz,
Procter & Gamble, Samsung, and Visa. She has driven Starcom’s industryleading digital offering and invested heavily in the agency’s Data & Analytics
practice. Since becoming chief executive officer in 2009, Ms. Donohue has
led Starcom to be the most-awarded media agency in the country. In 2014,
this success led Starcom Mediavest Group to be named Most Effective
Agency Network by the North American Effies, and Media Network of the
Year at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.
Deborah Wahl, a 25-year marketing industry veteran, joined McDonald’s in
her current role in March 2014. As a member of McDonald’s U.S. leadership
team, Ms. Wahl is involved in the development of the company’s growth
strategies and overall brand positioning. She oversees execution of fully
integrated marketing plans and partnerships with franchisees, suppliers,
and agency partners. Previously, Ms. Wahl was senior vice president and
chief marketing officer of home builder PulteGroup Inc., and worked in the
automotive industry with brands such as Lexus, Toyota, and Ford. Ms. Wahl
serves on the boards of the ANA, InForum Michigan, and Henry Ford Health
Systems – West Bloomfield Hospital. In 2007, she was named by Fortune
magazine as one of four women to watch in business.
Jerri DeVard
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
ADT Corp.
Lisa Donohue
Chief Executive Officer
Starcom USA
Deborah Wahl
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
McDonald’s USA, LLC
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Friday :: 2:30 p.m.
Marketers around the World
Reshaping the Future of Marketing
Industry leaders who hail from the U.S. and elsewhere
are reshaping our understanding of marketing’s expanding
role throughout the world with innovative solutions to
today’s global brand possibilities.
Deborah Malone is an acknowledged marketing industry leader. She is
the founder of The Internationalist and a global partner of the ANA for
The Internationalist 1000 initiative. She is the author of The Reinvention
of Marketing (Vol. 1), with chapter collaboration from some of the world’s
top marketers, and The Reinvention of Marketing (Vol. 2), featuring a
new roster of marketing leaders, debuting later this year. Ms. Malone also
created Ad Age International and served as global chief executive officer
at the International Advertising Association.
Russell Findlay heads marketing at international specialist insurer Hiscox.
He was the first chief marketing officer in the history of Major League Soccer,
and previously a marketing executive for PepsiCo, where he helped launch
Sierra Mist and PepsiMax. Mr. Findlay started his career at Unilever as a
territory sales representative before moving into its brand marketing
department. He has twice won Effie Awards for effective advertising, and
currently serves as a final-round judge in the Effie Award process. Mr.
Findlay also was named as one of 2014’s 30 most influential marketers in
the world by The Internationalist.
Deborah Malone
Lori Folts has 20-plus years of multicountry leadership in all aspects of
marketing communications, including brand management, sponsorships,
promotions, and corporate communications. She is currently a senior member
of the Global Brand Communication Leadership Team at express delivery
logistics company DHL, where she directs the planning and execution of
high-profile advertising campaigns and sports and entertainment
sponsorship platforms. Previously, she was communication director at the
specialty retailer L Brands, owner of Victoria’s Secret, Bath & Body Works,
and Limited Stores. She was also group manager of marketing
communications and corporate communication at life science company
DuPont’s Mexico subsidiary. Ms. Folts earned an M.S. in communications
and business management from Syracuse University. She is currently on the
Internationalist Latin American Top 50 List and was recognized in New York
by the Women Executives in Public Relations with their annual Scholarship
Award for professional and academic excellence in the field.
Founder of
The Internationalist Magazine
Russell Findlay
Head of Marketing
Lori Folts
Head of Marketing
Communication (Americas),
DHL Express Americas
82 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Johann Freilinger is a marketing and communications executive with
an entrepreneurial mindset. He became an innovator in digital marketing
and transformation that is related to big data, analytics, mobile, and digital
networks. He has acquired a depth of knowledge across all disciplines of
marketing and communication, with a track record in innovative global
marketing and leadership of multicultural teams.
Lee Nadler is responsible for managing multichannel MINIcentric
marketing programs in the U.S. Overseeing MINI’s three agencies,
he has overall responsibility for online and offline advertising creative
and media, on all platforms, digital/video marketing, social
channels, multicultural marketing, and research. Prior to joining MINI USA,
Mr. Nadler ran a specialized consulting practice, Sherpa Marketing, Inc.,
named for the Nepalese guides who inspire him. Sherpa provided marketing
consulting for BMW, CNN, Gilt Groupe, and Yahoo! Previously, Mr. Nadler
held roles on the agency side, including as president/chief executive officer
of Digital Pulp, and on the corporate side as the first head of marketing
for DoubleClick.
Alexander Sneen is responsible for the global marketing programs at
Brown-Forman, including the Finlandia Vodka Cup and Midnight Sun events,
the Finnishing School, Homeplace Marketing, and the Drinks Strategy. He
also manages supplier relationships, the creative development of global
brand-building materials, and the brands’ online presence. Mr. Sneen has
worked on two category-defying campaigns: Finlandia’s “To the Life Less
Ordinary” and Chambord’s “Because No Reason.” Prior to joining BrownForman in 2006, Mr. Sneen worked at British American Tobacco, holding
various positions in the Nordics, Baltics, and Italy. He holds a bachelor’s
degree in international business administration from the Helsinki School
of Economics and Business Administration.
Johann Freilinger
Head of Marketing and
Lee Nadler
Communications Manager
Alexander Sneen
Global Marketing Director,
Finlandia and Chambord
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Saturday :: 7:30 a.m.
Fortune Live at the ANA
Join Time Inc. for breakfast and a live taping of
Fortune’s popular weekly video series, Fortune Live,
from the ANA. Fortune Senior Writer Beth Kowitt will
sit down with Arby’s Chief Marketing Officer Rob Lynch
to discuss how the company came to embrace Jon
Stewart’s Arby’s jokes on The Daily Show, the brand’s
widely buzzed-about decision to purchase R&B singer
Pharrell’s infamous hat (the one he wore at the Grammy
Awards last year), the company’s latest ad campaign,
and some of its biggest marketing challenges in the
quick-service restaurant landscape.
Beth Kowitt primarily covers the business of food for Fortune, where her
articles on Trader Joe’s and McDonald’s were named top stories by Longform
and the “War on Big Food” chronicled how shifting eating habits are shaking
up legacy food companies. She has also covered IKEA’s global expansion,
the secret success story of T.J. Maxx, the decline of Avon Products, and
trouble inside Lululemon. Ms. Kowitt, who joined Fortune in June 2008 and
is a co-chair of Fortune MPW Next Gen, has a B.A. in sociology and English
from Bowdoin College and an M.S. from Columbia University Graduate
School of Journalism.
Beth Kowitt
Senior Writer
Robert Lynch
Brand President and
Chief Marketing Officer
Arby’s Restaurant Group, Inc.
Rob Lynch leads all research and development, new product innovation,
brand marketing and positioning, advertising creation, and media planning
and delivery for the Arby’s brand. He also serves as president of the Arby’s
Franchise Association. Since joining Arby’s in 2013, Mr. Lynch has been a
key contributor to the Arby’s brand turnaround, with its best sales year in
the brand’s 50-year history in 2014 and same-store sales growth exceeding
industry rates. Previously, Mr. Lynch was a senior business leader for brands
and companies including Procter & Gamble, The HJ Heinz Co., and Yum!
Brands, where he served as vice president of brand marketing at Taco
Bell. He was part of the Taco Bell marketing team that won Ad Age’s 2013
Marketer of the Year award.
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Saturday :: 8:45 a.m.
Creating a Differentiated Brand
Denise Karkos
Chief Marketing Officer
TD Ameritrade Holding Corp.
Every day, brands step on the field to compete, and
winning is more challenging than ever. The game has
become so complex — with advanced media choices,
growing targeting capabilities, and our ability to
measure almost everything — that it takes a lot of effort
to keep up. In a competitive category where consumer
trust is lacking, Denise Karkos, chief marketing officer
at TD Ameritrade, will share her approach to creating
a differentiated brand that can win in the marketplace.
Through a mix of art and science, she will share her
brand’s story of growth, competition, and lessons
learned along the way.
Denise Karkos is responsible for the overall management of TD Ameritrade’s
marketing to the long-term investor, trader, and advisor segments. In this
role, she oversees segment strategy, brand and advertising, social media
and content marketing, marketing analytics, and marketing technology
and operations. Prior to joining TD Ameritrade in 2010, Ms. Karkos was
senior vice president of marketing at TD Bank, where she managed the
retail marketing strategy and helped expand the business. Ms. Karkos has
received multiple marketing awards, including a Clio, numerous Webby
Awards, ADDYs, and Financial Communications Society awards. This year
she received the Advertising Women of New York Changing the Game —
Paradigm Shift award. She received a bachelor’s degree in marketing from
the University of Notre Dame.
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Saturday :: 9:15 a.m.
Even 110-Year-Olds Can Get Makeovers
John Beeder and Kristen Cavallo team up to discuss
how 110-year-old American Greetings made a key
decision five years ago that led to a seismic shift at the
greeting card company, not only allowing it to remain
relevant, but driving all key decisions throughout
product development and marketing. The decision to
focus on a core mission led American Greetings to
become the industry leader — and also one of the most
effective advertised brands in the U.S.
John Beeder, named president and chief operating officer in 2013, joined
American Greetings in 2008 as senior vice president, executive sales and
marketing officer, overseeing product, sales, and marketing efforts for the
greeting card, gift packaging, stationery, partyware, and online businesses.
In 2012 he assumed leadership of the company’s core operating group that
aligned the product, marketing, production, procurement, distribution, sales,
and planning activities into one organization. He became a member of
American Greetings’ board of directors in 2014 and is a former president
of the U.S. Greeting Card Association. Prior to joining American Greetings,
Mr. Beeder served as managing partner and chief operating officer of Compact
Clinicals, a medical publisher in Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Beeder earned a B.S.
in editorial/broadcast journalism from Northwestern University and a
master’s degree in marketing and finance from the Kellogg Graduate School
of Management at Northwestern University.
John W. Beeder
President and Chief Operating Officer
American Greetings Corp.
Kristen Cavallo
Mullen Lowe Boston
Kristen Cavallo leads Mullen Lowe Boston, an agency built to work with
ambitious thought-leader brands. Recently named a Woman to Watch
by Advertising Age, Ms. Cavallo is a brand planner by background and
a two-time winner of the Jay Chiat Award, the industry’s highest honor
for strategic excellence, for her work on Volkswagen and Coca-Cola. She
has also led strategic brand planning for Acura, American Greetings, Saab,
adidas, Charles Schwab, Kohler, and Miller Brewing.
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Saturday :: 10:00 a.m.
Building Strong Brands Through Digital
Technology, Not Digital Advertising
In today’s era of digital Darwinism, it’s not the brands
with the biggest advertising budgets that will win over
those with smaller ones — it’s the brands that are faster
and better at adapting to rapidly changing customers
and consumers. Robert Tas will outline a new model for
building strong brands based on his experience as the
chief marketing officer of Pegasystems as well as his
work with clients including American Express, RBS,
and Sprint.
Robert Tas
Chief Marketing Officer
Pegasystems, Inc.
Robert Tas is responsible for Pegasystems’ global marketing efforts,
including brand, advertising, communications, product marketing, industry
business lines, and global programs teams. He advocates for the use of
digital technology to drive customer engagement. Previously, he was managing
director and head of digital marketing at JP Morgan Chase & Co. Mr. Tas
also held sales, product, and marketing positions at Tacoda Systems, 24/7
Real Media, Sybase, CommerceOne, and eGain. He founded Sportgenic,
an advertising technology company that was sold to Glam Media in 2010.
Mr. Tas serves on the boards of the ANA and ShiptomyID. He has spoken
and written about marketing issues for the ANA, MMA, MIT, The Conference
Board, The CMO Club, Webit, The Economist, and In 2015, he was
named one of the Top 20 Greater Boston “Growth CMOs” by the AdClub and
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Saturday :: 10:30 a.m.
Building the Carhartt Legacy
It’s been 126 years since the first pair of Carhartt
workwear bibs outfitted Michigan railroad engineers,
and the family-owned brand continues to be purposebuilt for the toughest jobs around the world. Tony
Ambroza discusses how the company pursues founder
Hamilton Carhartt’s original vision and mission for doing
what’s never been done by standing with and
celebrating the original doers, makers, creators, and
pioneers who tackle life at the rugged corners.
Tony L. Ambroza
Senior Vice President of Marketing
Carhartt, Inc.
Tony Ambroza is responsible for preserving the Carhartt brand, building
brand equity, and driving sales through strategic marketing plans designed
to support Carhartt’s omnichannel business initiatives. He also serves on
the senior management team helping to craft the corporate strategy. Since
joining Carhartt in 2010, Mr. Ambroza and his marketing team have built
brand awareness and affinity to an all-time high and launched three
successful multi-million-dollar integrated national brand campaigns. Prior
to Carhartt, Mr. Ambroza worked at Under Armour, Inc. as director of
men’s brand marketing and director of retail marketing, and at Nike, Inc.,
as the strategic planning manager for the U.S. brand marketing division and
its Foot Locker, Inc. business. He was previously director of marketing for
Planet Hollywood International. Mr. Ambroza earned a B.A. in economics and
political science from Columbia University and a master’s of science in
sports marketing and management from Indiana University at Bloomington., Ind.
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ANA Strategic Partners
A+E Networks
A+E Networks®, LLC is an award-winning global
media content company offering consumers a
diverse communications environment ranging
from television networks to websites, DVDs,
gaming, watch apps, and educational software.
A+E Networks is comprised of A&E®, Lifetime®, History®, LMN®, FYI™,
H2™, A+E Studios™, History en Español™, Crime & Investigation
Network™, Military History™, Lifetime Real Women®, A&E IndieFilms®,
A+E Networks International®, A+E Networks Digital® and A+E
Networks Consumer Products™. A+E Networks channels and branded
programming reach more than 350 million households in over 200
territories. A+E Networks, LLC is a joint venture of Disney-ABC
Television Group and Hearst Corp.
108 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Active International
Active International, the global leader
in corporate trade, enables the world’s leading
brands to leverage their corporate assets,
typically excess consumer packaged goods, real
estate, and capital equipment, to purchase
media, retail marketing, events and hospitality, freight and logistics,
and LED lighting and displays. Active places more than $1 billion in
media annually on behalf of its clients and has successfully helped
many of the world’s leading brands recover value, reduce costs, and
fund new initiatives. Active International is based in New York and has
offices in 14 countries.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 109
ANA Strategic Partners
AOL is a media technology company with a
mission of simplifying the Internet for
consumers and creators by unleashing the
world’s best builders of culture and code. As
one of the largest online properties in the U.S.,
with approximately 200 million monthly consumers of its premium
brands, AOL is at the center of how content is being produced,
distributed, consumed, and monetized by connecting publishers with
advertisers on its global programmatic content and advertising
platforms. AOL’s opportunity lies in shaping the future of the digitally
connected world for decades to come.
110 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
BrightLine is the leading interactive ad solution
for connected TV, with the only ad products, ad
server, and analytics dashboard designed
exclusively for connected TV and OTT services.
BrightLine’s solution suite allows marketers to
further enhance premium CTV/OTT advertising with interactivity,
including long-form video; localized dynamic content (store/dealer
locators, local pricing); social engagement with Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram; and a host of other interactive options that extend ad
encounters beyond 15 or 30 seconds. Clients already working with
BrightLine to enhance their TV advertising include AMEX, The Home
Depot, Estée Lauder, GM, Unilever, and Nat Geo. BrightLine’s reach
spans over 100 of the top apps across all major CTV devices,
including Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and Samsung Smart TVs.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 111
ANA Strategic Partners
Collective is a marketing technology company
that helps brands acquire customers through
multiscreen programmatic media.
Using patented technology, Collective offers
clients a unified view of consumers in order to
seamlessly message across channels and devices, then analyzes
the data to attribute results. Available through its VISTO marketing
platform and managed service or as individual media solutions,
Collective offers data and campaign management, audience targeting,
analytics, and industry-leading transparency across platforms, with
unique performance, placement, quality, and cost insights.
112 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Google’s innovative search technologies connect
millions of people around the world with
information every day. Founded in 1998 by
Stanford Ph.D. students Larry Page and Sergey
Brin, Google today is a top web property in all
major global markets. Google’s targeted advertising program provides
businesses of all sizes with measurable results while enhancing the
overall web experience for users. Google is headquartered in Silicon
Valley with offices throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 113
ANA Strategic Partners
Mashable is the leading global media company
that informs, inspires, and entertains the digital
generation. Mashable is redefining storytelling
by documenting and shaping the digital
revolution in a new voice, new formats and
cutting-edge technologies, with a dedicated audience of 43 million
monthly unique visitors and 24 million social followers.
114 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Meredith Corporation uses multiple distribution
platforms — including broadcast television,
print, digital, mobile, tablets and video — to
provide consumers with content they desire and
to deliver the messages of its advertising and
marketing partners. Meredith reaches a multichannel audience of 220
million consumers monthly, including more than 100 million
unduplicated American women and over 60 percent of U.S. Millennial
women. Meredith creates content across media platforms in areas
such as food, home, parenthood, and health through well-known
brands such as Better Homes and Gardens, Parents, Shape, and
Allrecipes. Meredith Xcelerated Marketing is a leader at developing
and delivering custom content and customer relationship marketing
programs for many of the world’s top brands, including Kraft, Lowe’s,
and Chrysler.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 115
ANA Strategic Partners
The MMA is the world’s leading global non-profit trade mobile
marketing association, comprised of more than 800 member
companies from nearly 50 countries around the world. Our members
hail from every faction of the mobile marketing ecosystem, including
brand marketers, agencies, mobile technology platforms, media
companies, and operators. The MMA’s mission is to accelerate the
transformation and innovation of marketing through mobile, driving
business growth with closer and stronger consumer engagement.
Members include American Express, Colgate-Palmolive, Dunkin’
Brands, Facebook, Ford Motor Co., Google, Group M, Hewlett-Packard,
Hilton Worldwide, iHeartMedia, J&J, Kellogg Co., MasterCard,
McDonald’s, Pandora Media, Pinterest, P&G, Razorfish, R/GA,
The Coca-Cola Co., The Weather Co., Unilever, Visa, VEVO, Walmart,
and xAd.
116 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Starcom MediaVest Group
Starcom Mediavest Group designs connected
human experiences to create value for our clients
through precision marketing, content, and
technology solutions. Ranked the No. 1 global
network by Ad Age, SMG partners with the
world’s leading marketers and more digital disruptor brands than any
other agency network. With 8,000 employees and 110 offices
worldwide, SMG’s network includes our three agency brands Starcom,
Mediavest, and Spark; content brands LiquidThread, MRY, and
Relevant24; and ad tech units RUN and Audience On Demand. In
2014, SMG was named the top media network at Cannes, Eurobest,
Dubai Lynx, and Festival of Media Global.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 117
ANA Strategic Partners
Time Inc.
Time Inc. opens stories, experiences, and
passions to your brand through our iconic
properties online, on video, in print, or in
person, so you reach the right people in just the
right way. Our storytelling, scale, and breadth of
brands — from PEOPLE to Sports Illustrated, from Fortune to Real
Simple — offer deep insights and rich data both online and off.
That knowledge allows us to create custom solutions that are highly
targeted and contextually relevant, driving more efficiency and
effectiveness for marketers. It’s that intersection of content, context,
data, and scale that fuels our portfolio of creative
marketing solutions.
118 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
The U.S. Postal Service
A self-supporting government enterprise, the
USPS is the only delivery service that reaches
every address in the nation and has more than
31,000 retail locations.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 119
ANA Thought Leaders
Centro is creating a platform to make
digital advertising easier. Its enterpriseclass software centralizes, organizes,
and automates all digital media campaigns across all channels,
accessing both guaranteed and biddable inventory, to achieve any
objective. Our holistic approach gives advertisers a single system
of record to fulfill their research, planning, buying, optimization, reporting,
and reconciliation needs. Since 2001, Centro has successfully
planned and executed more than 250,000 campaigns across all
digital display platforms and ad format types. Headquartered in
Chicago with 32 offices in North America, Centro has received
numerous accolades for its commitment to employees and workplace
Decideware provides major advertisers with the world’s best Agency
Lifecycle Management Platform. Featuring five software modules
and a complete range of expert services, we help advertisers grow,
save, and improve at every stage of the client-agency relationship.
Decideware offers advertisers an unrivaled opportunity to select
the best agency for each assignment, control the scopes of work,
deliver great briefs to every agency every time, spend effectively in
production, and manage a highly productive relationship. To enable
high-quality decision-making, we launched Decideware BI, a business
intelligence solution featuring graphical data visualization tools and
expert services.
120 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Ease Commercial Services is the industry’s
authority on state production incentives.
No one can match our level of expertise,
relationships, and commitment to your success. With our affiliates,
we have helped administer and place more than $500 million in
production incentives since states began offering them, and serve
some of the nation’s largest advertisers and film and television
studios. Ease Commercial Services only represents you, the advertiser,
providing direct access to these state programs and unprecedented
control. Most programs contain stringent restrictions and complicated
qualification procedures. We manage the complexities. You reap the returns.
Lippincott is a creative consultancy that helps organizations achieve
meaningful and enduring impact. We bring to our clients’ toughest
challenges the acumen, rigor, and preparedness of a blue-chip
business consulting firm, and the spirit, courage, and imagination of
a world-class creative agency. We integrate the disciplines of strategy,
design, innovation, and organizational engagement to build complete,
authentic brands. An industry pioneer for over 70 years, we are
relentless in our commitment to our clients and to uncovering new
possibilities to help shape their brands for the future.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 121
ANA Thought Leaders
Millennial Media
Millennial Media is the leading independent
mobile ad marketplace, making mobile
simple for the world’s top brands, app
developers, and mobile web publishers.
The company’s unique data and technology assets enable its advertising
clients to connect with their target audiences at scale. Millennial Media
also drives monetization for its publisher and developer partners by
connecting them to networks, advertisers, and an RTB exchange.
Rocket Fuel Inc.
Rocket Fuel combines the science of
artificial intelligence with the scale of big
data to improve the effectiveness of
programmatic marketing. Customers trust
Rocket Fuel’s Marketing That Learns technology to achieve brand and
direct-response objectives in diverse industries across North America,
Latin America, Europe, and APAC. With the acquisition of marketing
technology firm [x+1] in September 2014, Rocket Fuel now offers a
complete programmatic marketing platform for the world’s most
innovative always-on marketers. The platform includes data management, programmatic media buying, site optimization, and predictive
analytics capabilities that extend across a marketer’s paid and owned
channels and personalize every customer interaction. Rocket Fuel
operates in more than 20 offices worldwide.
122 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Simulmedia, Inc., a New York-based
marketing technology company founded
in 2009, is the leader in driving guaranteed
business outcomes for advertisers through
traditional TV marketing. Simulmedia’s platform is powered by the
world’s largest database of information on what people watch and buy
combined with access to TV inventory that reaches 110 million U.S.
households. Using its proprietary science and software, Simulmedia
reaches specifically-defined audience segments on TV at massive
scale, matches consumer purchase data to TV viewing data, and
determines the actual sales impact of the advertiser’s TV campaign.
The results Simulmedia delivers are guaranteed.
TVB is the not-for-profit trade association of
America’s local broadcast television industry.
Its members include television broadcast
groups, advertising sales reps, syndicators,
international broadcasters, associate members, and over 700
individual television stations. TVB actively promotes local media
marketing solutions to the advertising community, and in so doing
works to develop advertising dollars for the medium’s multiple
platforms, including on-air, online, and mobile. TVB provides a diverse
variety of tools and resources, including, to support its
members and to help advertisers make the best use of local ad
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 123
ANA Thought Leaders
The U.S. Postal Service
A self-supporting government enterprise,
the USPS is the only delivery service that
reaches every address in the nation and
has more than 31,000 retail locations.
The Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal is a global news
organization that provides leading news,
information, commentary, and analysis.
Published by Dow Jones, which has
nearly 2,000 journalists in more than 75 bureaus around the world,
The Wall Street Journal engages readers across print, digital, mobile,
social, and video. Building on its heritage as the pre-eminent source
of global business and financial news, the Journal includes coverage
of U.S. and world news, politics, arts, culture, lifestyle, sports, and
health. It holds 36 Pulitzer Prizes for outstanding journalism.
124 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
The Weather Company
Through The Weather Channel,, Weather Underground,, and third-party publishing partners, The Weather
Company provides millions of people every day with the world’s best
weather forecasts, content, and data, connecting with them through
television, online, mobile, and tablets. Through WSI and Weather
Central, the company delivers superior professional weather services for
the media, aviation, marine, and energy sectors. The Weather Company
is owned by a consortium made up of NBCUniversal and the private
equity firms The Blackstone Group and Bain Capital.
Yahoo! is a guide focused on informing,
connecting, and entertaining our users.
By creating highly personalized experiences
for our users, we keep people connected to
what matters most to them, across devices
and around the world. In turn, we create value for advertisers by
connecting them with the audiences that build their businesses.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 125
Conference Sponsors
Dedicated to producing quality programming and movie content for
more than 30 years, AMC Networks Inc. owns and operates several of
the most popular and award-winning brands in cable television. AMC,
IFC, SundanceTV, WE tv, and IFC Films produce and deliver distinctive,
compelling, and culturally relevant content that engages audiences across
multiple platforms. The company also operates BBC America through
a joint venture with BBC Worldwide. In addition, the company operates
AMC Networks International, its global division.
AT&T AdWorks is a leader in audience-targeted advertising. We enable
advertisers to reach and engage a target audience while measuring
response to their ads across screens. We combine unparalleled scale
in addressable TV advertising with the ability to reach those same
audiences across premium mobile and online video inventory. The
AT&T AdWorks product suite includes Addressable TV Advertising,
TV Blueprint, AddressablePlus, Interactive TV, and Premium Digital
Video Advertising (including Otter Media properties).
AudienceXpress is the leading national programmatic TV buying platform,
which automates the end-to-end execution of data-driven linear TV across
a national footprint. Fully automated execution of media using advanced
audience data maximizes the value of linear TV inventory for both the
inventory owner and the TV media buyer. Bringing flexibility to national
TV buying creates unique opportunities previously only associated with
digital media.
126 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Clear Channel Outdoor is one of the world’s largest outdoor
advertising companies, with more than 640,000 displays in over
40 countries across Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, and North
America. Reaching millions of people monthly, including consumers in
45 of the top 50 U.S. markets, Clear Channel Outdoor enables advertisers
to engage with consumers through innovative advertising solutions. Clear
Channel Outdoor is pioneering the integration of out-of-home with mobile
and social platforms, and the company’s digital platform includes more
than 8,000 screens worldwide, with 1,110 digital billboards across 38
U.S. markets.
DV is a recognized market innovator with the technology and tools that
authenticate the quality of digital media and drive ad performance for
the world’s largest brands. DV Impression Quality solutions protect brand
equity and maximize media investment by providing the transparency
essential for accurate pre-bid and post-buy decisions regarding ad
viewability, brand safety, and fraud protection. Since 2008, DV has
helped Fortune 500 companies achieve their digital performance.
Founded in 2004, Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to share
and make the world more open and connected. People use Facebook to
stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the
world, and to share and express what matters to them.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 127
Conference Sponsors
With 245 million monthly listeners in the
U.S., 87 million monthly digital uniques, and
196 million monthly consumers of its Total
Traffic and Weather Network, iHeartMedia
has the largest reach of any radio or
television outlet in America. It serves over
150 markets through 858 owned radio stations, which can be heard on
AM/FM, HD digital radio, satellite radio, the company’s radio station
websites, and its mobile app, in enhanced auto dashes,
on smartphones, on tablets, and on gaming consoles. The company’s
operations include radio broadcasting, online, mobile, digital, social
media, and live concerts and events.
Investor’s Business Daily is an authoritative financial news and research
organization recognized for its proprietary investing screens, exclusive
Stock & Fund ratings, and strong record of identifying market leaders as
they emerge. Its award-winning website,, offers premium
subscriber-based tools, expert analysis, and personalized research
features for investors of all levels. Founded in 1984 by famed Wall Street
investment expert and entrepreneur William J. O’Neil, both Investor’s
Business Daily and provide passionate individuals and
performance-driven professionals with distinctive content and institutional
grade research that cannot be found elsewhere.
The LPGA is the world’s leading professional golf organization for
women. Founded in 1950, the association celebrates a diverse and
storied membership with more than 2,300 members representing 30
different countries. With a vision to inspire, empower, educate, and
entertain by showcasing the very best of women’s golf, LPGA Tour
Professionals compete across the globe while dedicated LPGA Teaching
and Club Professionals directly affect the game through teaching,
coaching, and management. The Symetra Tour consistently produces
a pipeline of talent ready for the world stage. The LPGA is
headquartered in Daytona Beach, Fla.
128 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
The Newspaper Association of America is a nonprofit organization
representing nearly 2,000 newspapers and their multiplatform
businesses in the United States and Canada. Members include daily/
non-daily newspapers, other print publications, and online products.
Headquartered in Arlington, Va., the association focuses on issues such
as public policy/legal matters, advertising revenue growth, and audience
development across the medium’s broad portfolio of products and
digital platforms. It is an advocate for the industry by working with the
government, advertising community, media outlets, and Wall Street. It
promotes industry innovation, research tools, and informational forums
for leaders both inside and outside the industry.
The Teradata Integrated Marketing Cloud empowers data-driven
marketers to create better customer experiences in real time, across
all channels, while improving marketing agility and efficiency. Teradata
helps companies get more value from data than any other company.
Our big data analytic solutions, integrated marketing applications, and
team of experts can help your company gain a sustainable competitive
advantage with data. Teradata helps organizations leverage all their data
so they can know more about their customers and business and do more
of what’s really important.
The Girls’ Lounge champions, supports and inspires women. If we could
have done it alone, we would have by now. We believe that the more we
advocate for one another and embrace what makes us different, the
better business and life will be for everyone.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 129
Conference Sponsors
The New York Times Company is a global media organization dedicated
to enhancing society by creating, collecting, and distributing high-quality
news and information. The company includes The New York Times,
International New York Times,,, and related
properties. It is known globally for excellence in its journalism, innovation
in its print and digital storytelling, and its business model.
Undertone is the leader in high-quality cross-screen digital brand
advertising at scale. Our proprietary high-impact advertising formats
enable brands to stand out online and engage users with stunning
creative experiences on top mobile and desktop properties. Through our
innovative technology platforms, we deliver attention-grabbing
advertisements on every device through traditional and programmatic
methods while aggressively protecting advertisers from digital advertising
Universal Music Group is a global music leader with wholly owned
operations in 60 territories. Its businesses also include Universal Music
Publishing Group, one of the industry’s premier music publishing
operations worldwide. The Universal Music Group owns the most
extensive catalogue of music in the industry, which includes the last
100 years of the world’s most popular artists and their recordings. UMG’s
catalogue is marketed through two distinct divisions: Universal Music
Enterprises (in the U.S.) and Universal Strategic Marketing (outside the
U.S.). Universal Music Group also includes Global Digital Business, its
new media and technologies division, and Bravado, its merchandising
company. Universal Music Group is a fully owned subsidiary of Vivendi.
130 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
UP is the television destination for “Feel-Good TV for You and Your
Family,” promising to always be uplifting with original dramatic and
reality series, movies, comedies, and specials filled with uplifting stories
and characters with character. One of the most trusted networks in cable
and 100 percent family-friendly, UP can be seen in 70 million homes on
cable systems and satellite providers. As part of our mission to entertain
and lift people up, the network’s pro-social initiative “Uplift Someone”
inspires simple acts of kindness. UP is the true place for people who
want more out of their entertainment choices.
Yext is the global digital location management leader, helping over
500,000 business locations engage mobile consumers across a network
of more than 100 app, map, directory, search engine, and social media
partners, including Apple, Bing, Facebook, Foursquare, Yahoo!, and
Yelp. Based in the heart of New York City with a growing team of over
400 employees worldwide, Yext ranks No. 212 on the Inc. 5000, is one
of Forbes Most Promising Companies (2014 and 2015), and is one of
Fortune’s Best Places to Work (2014). Yext’s mission is to inspire and
enable the world’s 50 million business locations to harness the power of
location to drive face-to-face and digital interactions that boost customer
engagement, build audiences, and increase sales.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 131
132 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 133
Conference Attendees
Abnee, Nina
Chief Client Officer
Leo Burnett Company, Inc.
Abney, Lauren
Senior Account Executive
Kargo Global Inc.
Abraham, Tammy
Director, Brand Solutions
National Geographic Society
Abruzzese, Joseph
President, U.S. Networks Ad Sales
Discovery Communications, Inc.
Abubakar, Darlene
Aksman, Rob
Ambroza, Tony
Alburitel, Cristiano
Amram, Ron
Aldredge, Keith
Amundson, Chris
Chief Experience Officer
Director of New Business
Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners
Vice President Marketing
Flowers Foods, Inc.
Alekman, Betsy
Director, Trade Marketing
Senior Director, National Advertising
and Marketing Programs
Amtrak-National Railroad Passenger
Alex, Paula
Ackerman, Dan
Alexander, Paul
Senior Vice President
Programmatic TV
Ackerman, Gretchen
Manager, Marketing Research
Centene Corporation
Acton-Bond, Simon
Global Chief Marketing Officer
BBDO Worldwide, Inc.
Adam, Karen
Group Director, Growth
Sullivan NYC
Adams, Dana
Senior Vice President, Content
Pace Communications
Adams, Roger
Senior Vice President,
Chief Marketing Officer
Adams, Ryan
National Sales Executive
Clear Channel Outdoor
Adamski, Jason
Director U.S. Media Investments
Ferrero USA, Inc.
Aduba, Chioma
Senior Vice President
New Business Group Director
McCann Erickson Worldwide
Ahn, Ray
Vice President, Marketing
The Capital Group
Ahntholz, Lars
Product Marketing Manager
Plantronics, Inc.
Akinasi, Jay
Chief Revenue Officer
Sorted by Name :: As of 9/18
Chief Executive Officer
The Advertising Educational
Foundation, Inc.
Comcast Cable
Alfaro, Sandra
Managing Director
Alfieri, Paul
Senior Vice President
Marketing and E-Commerce
Carhartt Inc.
Senior Media Director
Heineken USA, Inc.
Q+A Events and Production LLC
Andersen, Monne
Director, Consumer Insights
King’s Hawaiian Bakery West, Inc.
Anderson, Dana
Chief Marketing Officer
Mondelez International, Inc.
Anderson, David
Senior Vice President
MediaLink, LLC
Anderson, Lori
Social Marketing Manager
WhiteWave Foods Company
Anderson, Matthew
Senior Vice President, Marketing
Turn Inc
Executive Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Ali, Carolina
Anderson, Michael
Allen, Laurie
Anderson, Scott
Allen, Lori
Angelo, Jesse
Account Supervisor
LMO Advertising
Senior Vice President
Integrated Marketing
The Capital Group
Assistant Vice President
Integrated Marketing
The Hartford
Allison, Kristin
Field Marketing Manager
Rocket Fuel Inc.
Allman, JD
Business Development and Sales
Alter, Iwona
Vice President, Marketing
Jack in the Box, Inc.
Altersohn, Andrew
Chief Executive Officer
Alvarez, Michael
Senior Vice President
Advertising Sales - Telemundo
Amato, Anna
Marketing Communications Manager
Millward Brown Vermeer
134 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Senior Media Manager
Kao USA Inc.
Senior Vice President
Partner Integration
Seed Company
Chief Executive Officer and Publisher
The New York Post
Angelo, Loren
General Manager, Brand Marketing
Audi of America
Angulo, Cesar
Senior Vice President, New Business
Mediabrands Worldwide
Anhalt, Joerg
Anson, Kasey
Account Executive
Triad Retail Media
Anthony, Barry
Director, Marketing
McKee Foods Corp.
Anthony, Jeanne
McKee Foods Corp.
Anton, Georgine
Chief Client Officer
Meredith Xcelerated Marketing (MXM)
Apprendi, Joe
Avitabile, Amy
Arakaki, Kristen
Ayres, Stephanie
Archambault, Jason
Bacharach, James
Chief Executive Officer
Brand Manager - Nut Thins
Blue Diamond Growers
First Vice President
Brand Strategy and Insights
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Arden, Allison
Advertising Age
Ardini, Kate
Brand Director
John Hancock Financial Services,
Arfalk, Erik
Vice President Integrated Marketing
Toys ‘R’ Us, Inc.
National Vice President, Marketing
Standard Pacific Homes
Vice President, Content Partnerships
Executive Vice President
America’s Strategy
Backer, Julie
Manager, Strategic Partners
Target Corporation
Badian, JR
Arrieta, Julio
Managing Director
Lopez Negrete Communications, Inc.
Arthur, Steve
Head of U.S. Financial Services
Asche, Eric
Chief Marketing Officer
American Legacy Foundation
Atakhanov, Sharaf
Digital Marketing Manager
Auerbach, Abby
Executive Vice President
Chief Advocacy Officer
Augustine, Jared
Chief Executive Officer
Thuzio, Inc.
Austen, Danielle
Chief Marketing Officer
CIGNA Corporation
Vice President
Digital Marketing and Social Media
MasterCard Worldwide
Baehr, Laura
Vice President Marketing
Television Bureau of Canada
Baer, Andrea
Manager, Business Development
Crispin Porter + Bogusky
Baeth, Sara
Marketing Manager, Global Events
Millennial Media
Baez, Laura
Brand Analyst, U.S. Brand
National Grid
Bagley, Sarah
Director of Marketing Insights
Kaiser Permanente
Baidoo, Elizabeth
Marketing and Management Specialist
Vision Service Plan, Inc.
Bailey, Ken
National Manager, Business Alliances
United States Postal Service
Managing Partner
Chief Executive Officer
Team Ignition Pancultural Marketing
Baiocco, Robert
Autrey, Tara
Bair, Tom
Senior Project Manager
Aetna Inc.
Aversano, Daniel
Vice President
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Senior Director Brand Experience
Arby’s Restaurant Group
Bachmann, Kathy
Argentino, Bo
Bank of America
Baker, Jeff
Baker, John
Bacus, Lisa
Arons, Colleen
Executive Vice President
Ad Sales, Lifetime/LMN
A+E Networks
Vice President
Brand Marketing and Creative Services
John Hancock Financial Services,
Vice President
Communications and Branding
Atlas Copco
Senior Vice President
Advertising Sales - TV Distribution
Baker, Amy
Chief Creative Officer
The BAM Connection
Vice President of Corporate Sales
Baiz, Nada
Director, Market Intelligence
LifeLock, Inc.
Chief Marketing Officer
Baker, Lauri
Baker, Michelle
Digital Project Manager
Vanguard Group, Inc.
Baldursson, Hallur
Executive Chairman
Baldwin, Diana
Product Segment Marketing Manager
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Baldwin, Kate
Senior Director, Marketing
Balen, Michael
Fields Marketing Associate Manager
Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc.
Bamberger, Jack
Head of Agency and Industry Relations
Bampa, Alessandro
Category Marketing Director
Ferrero USA, Inc.
Bamundo, Paul
Head of Business Development
North America
ESP Properties
Banahan, Brendan
Managing Director
The Internationalist
Banda, Melyssa
Western Digital Corporation
Bannell, Scott
Vice President
Brand Management and Licensing
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
Banning, Maaike
Senior Advertising Strategist
Barbaro, Sheryl
Marketing Manager
Vanguard Group, Inc.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 135
Conference Attendees
Barbour, Jenne
Bazante, Jennifer
Barbour, Kristin
Beatty, Laura
Barcus, Dan
Bechtold, Jim
Barlow, Michele
Beck, Shayna
Barnett, Kenneth
Begal, Andy
Vice President
Senior Vice President
Chief Business Development Officer
Meredith Xcelerated Marketing
Barossi, Cecilia
Beispel, Rick
Berger, Alexis
Director, Global Marketing
Strategy and Evangelism
Teradata Operations, Inc.
Group Account Director
DDB California
Executive Director
Acquisitions and Direct Marketing
Comcast Cable
Senior Vice President, Enterprise
Marketing and Execution Executive
Bank of America
Global Chief Executive Officer
The Mars Agency
Vice President
Director Media Relations
Active International
Barto, Mary Ellen
Vice President, Media Impact
Arby’s Restaurant Group
Bartron, Lynne
Vice President Advertising and Strategy
LifeLock, Inc.
Bartyzel, Sean
Executive Vice President
Koeppel Direct
Basney, Barbara
Vice President
Global Advertising and Media
Xerox Corporation
Bastiaanse, Gerard
Vice President of Marketing
Farmer Brothers
Bate, Kate
Executive Producer, Partner
Relish Editing, Tendril Design and
Battista, Rich
People and Entertainment Weekly
Time Inc.
Battistini, Angela
Senior Vice President
Account Management
Alma DDB
Bauman, Anna
Associate Marketing Director
Align Technology, Inc.
Baxter, Michael
Digital News Editor
Vanguard Group, Inc.
Enterprise Vice President
Enterprise Marketing
Humana Inc.
Online Marketing Manager
ANA, Alliance for Family
Advertising and Communications
Senior Manager
Vanguard Group, Inc.
Senior Vice President
Cross MediaWorks
Bejan, Bob
Global Executive Creative Director
Bell, David
Pegasus Capital Advisors, L.P.
Bell, Tom
Group Account Director
Bella, Michelle
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
ESPN Deportes
Ben-Canaan, Ari
Senior Manager, Global Advertising
The Hershey Company
Bender, Robin
Benedict, Mark
Vice President, Advertising Associate
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Benedict, Tessa
Marketing Program Manager
Chumash Casino Resort
Benfield, Vanessa
Senior Vice President
Advertising Sales IFC
AMC Networks
Bennett, Allison
Chief Marketing Officer of Business
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Bennington, Rick
Executive Vice President
Finance and Operations
Leo Burnett Company, Inc.
136 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Bension, Catherine
President and Chief Executive Officer
SelectResources International
Benton, Lynda
Director, Corporate Equity
Johnson & Johnson
Benway, Megan
Corporate Marketing Specialist
Berberich, Adam
Vice President, Sales Strategy and
Social Advertising
Berenson, Rich
Senior Vice President
Sales Midwest / West
Kargo Global Inc.
Bergstrom, Rochelle
Manager, Advertising and Promotions
Alaska Airlines, Inc.
Berlin, David
Director, Digital Offer and Business
BP / Castrol
Bermudez, Ana
Group Account Director
Alma DDB
Bernard, Julie
Chief Marketing Officer
Verve Mobile
Berner, Mary
President and Chief Executive Officer
MPA - The Association of Magazine
Betron, Patricia
Senior Vice President
Multimedia Sales
ESPN Customer Marketing & Sales
Bevington, Erin
Senior Director Agency Management
and Advertising Planning
Microsoft Corporation
Bhaduri, Serena
Director, Sales
Simulmedia, Inc.
Bhamla, Asaad
Senior Account Executive
TubeMogul Inc.
Bhandal, Kamal
Director of Consumer Marketing
Align Technology, Inc.
Bhaskaran, Vikram
Blacker, Liz
Bollen, John
Executive Vice President
Business Operations and Strategy
Blackmar, Angie
Bologna, Anne
Bialecki, Lisa
Blackwood, Joan
Bonadonna, Gabriela
Blake, Bridgette
Bond, Jon
Blamer, Steve
Bond, Yvonne
Blankenship, Cathy
Bone, Rachel
Blankenship, Sean
Bonifer, Nikki
Blender, Anna
Borbolla, Karla
Block, Jacqueline
Borges, Stephanie
Blunt, George
Borgmeyer, Anita
Manager of Partnerships East
Bhatia, Krishan
Senior Director
Integrated Communication
Rust-Oleum Corporation
Biancalana, Anthony
Vice President
G/O Digital
Bianchi, Kerry
Chief Operating Officer
Bierman, Tim
Senior Director, Brand Partnerships
The Rubicon Project
Bifulk, Stacy
Marketing Communications Specialist
Boston Scientific Corporation
Bigley, Deirdre
Chief Marketing Officer
Bloomberg L.P.
Binder, Laura
Marketing Coordinator
Alaska Airlines, Inc.
Binkley, Craig
Executive Vice President
Hispanic Strategy and Sales
Marketing Content Writer/Producer
Chief Marketing Officer
University of Phoenix
Vice President, Enterprise Sales
Yext Inc.
Managing Partner
Blamer Partnership
Regional Manager, Business Alliances
United States Postal Service
Chief Marketing Officer
Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corp.
Vice President, Account Director
BAV Consulting
Senior Director Business Insights Sales
Cardlytics, Inc.
Chief Executive Officer
Northstar Research Partners
Senior Vice President
Account Director
Active International
Binks, Livia
Boasberg, Jules
Vice President, Integrated Marketing
Fidelity Investments
Birks-Hay, Paul
Managing Director
Venables Bell & Partners
Biro, Talma
Attorney, General Manager
Advertisers Association of Israel
Biro, Yohan
Bruchstein, Biro & Co
Biskin, Anne
Regional Lead, Client Engagement
Corbis Entertainment
Bitan, Eliav
Associate Marketing Manager
Land O’ Lakes, Inc.
Bitensky, Jason
Vice President of Global Video Sales
Millennial Media
Blackburn, David
The Depository Trust & Clearing
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Consumer Orbit, LLC
Bober, Andrew
Director, Product Management
SAS Institute Inc.
Boff, Linda
Executive Director
Global Brand Marketing
General Electric Company
Bogan, Karen
Director Strategic Marketing
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Bogie, Patty
Vice President
Creative Services and Events
MPA - The Association of Magazine
Boland, Peter
Senior Vice President
Chief Digital Officer
MGM Resorts International
Chief Strategy Officer
iCrossing, Inc.
Director of Corporate Marketing
Land O’ Lakes, Inc.
Chief Executive Officer
Tomorro LLC
Global Communications Director
Havas Worldwide
Graphic Designer and Videographer
Vantage Mobility International
Vice President, Enterprise Marketing
Humana Inc.
Regional Marketing Manager
Formica Corporation
Director, Corporate Alliances
Six Flags Entertainment.
Manager, Marketing
Centene Corporation
Boudazin, Janick
President and Chief Executive Officer
Boullin, Greg
Strategy Director
Bourland, Joe
Strategic Insights and Analytics
Johnsonville Sausage LLC
Boutot, Holly
Marketing Communications Manager
Atlas Copco
Bouyea, Matt
National Account Director
Triad Retail Media
Bovenizer, Rick
Field Marketing Manager
Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc.
Bowen, Angela
Senior Vice President
Brand and Advertising
Charles Schwab & Company, Inc.
Executive Producer
Nice Shoes
Bolding, Marcelle
Senior Director
Microsoft Corporation
HR Business Partner, Marketing
The Clorox Company
Bown, Brenda
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 137
Conference Attendees
Boxer, Matt
Vice President
Business Development
Bradford, Hunter
Senior Director
Agency and Advertiser Development
Pandora Media, Inc.
Bradley, Cara
Senior Communications Consultant
FM Global
Bradshaw, Brent
Vice President Marketing
Flowers Foods, Inc.
Brady, Caitlin
Hearst Magazines
Briggs, Rex
Chief Executive Officer
Marketing Evolution
Brinegar, Brad
Brown, Lee
Chief Revenue Officer
BuzzFeed, Inc.
Brown, Natalie
Senior Manager, Brand Marketing
See’s Candies Inc.
Partner, Chairman
Chief Executive Officer
Brown, Scott
Brinkman, Amanda
Brown, Traci
Chief Brand and Communications
Deluxe Corporation
Brojerdi, Ed
Chief Creative Officer
The Company of Others
Senior Marketing Strategist/Creative
Edward Jones
Brownstein, Michael
Marketing Specialist
Kantar Media
Chief Executive Officer
Kirshenbaum Bond Senecal +
Brady, Christopher
Brokaw, Carter
Vice President
Executive Creative Director
Fidelity Investments
Digital Revenue and Strategy
Brady, Eileen
Broll, Janet
Director of Marketing
Katz Media Group
Customer Marketing Director
Hallmark Cards Inc.
Senior Vice President, Global Media
and Marketing Operations
Kellogg Company
Brady, Katy
Bronson, Vicki
Director, Advertising and Brand
Bank of New York Mellon
Vice President Marketing
Duke Realty Corporation
Brunelle, H. Fletch
Brambilla di Civesio, Antonio
Brooks, Sarah
Customer Marketing Manager
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
Branch, Andre
Chief Marketing Officer
NBTY, Inc.
Brawner, Trish
Assistant Vice President, Creative
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Brecher, Melissa
Advertising and Brand Management
Aetna Inc.
Brot, David
Executive Vice President
Leo Burnett Company, Inc.
Brothers, Lance
Senior Vice President
Business Development, Digital
The Nielsen Company
Brown, Ann
Executive Vice President, Chief
Revenue Officer
Meredith Corporation
Bruce, Andrew
Chief Executive Officer
Publicis North America
Bruck, Larry
Senior Vice President
Marketing Guest Strategy
MGM Resorts International
Brusatori, Paul
Vice President, Group Account Director
Intermark Group, Inc.
Buchanan, Scott
Vice President - Business
Development, Sales and Marketing
Buckley, Sheila
Senior Vice President, Sales
Business Insider Inc.
Chief Marketing Officer
iCrossing, Inc.
SRP Marketing Communications and
Brand Management Consultant
Budig, Jennifer
Breen, Ken
Brown, April
Managing Director
Director, Corporate Relations
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
Burgart, Jonathan
Brener, Maureen
Brown, Ben
Vice President of Corporate Marketing
Land O’ Lakes, Inc.
Senior Strategist
Brenner, Michael
Brown, David
Head of Strategy
NewsCred Inc.
Bressler, Richard
Executive Vice President
Meredith Xcelerated Marketing
Director, Global Multimedia Sales
The Wall Street Journal
U.S. Marketing Manager
Abbott Nutrition
Burger, Tim
Manager, Digital Advertising
Alaska Airlines, Inc.
Burnham, Cameron
Regional Director, Enterprise Sales
Burns, Kris
President, Chief Operating Officer and
Chief Financial Officer
Brown, Francisca
Multicultural Marketing Manager
American Family Insurance
Director, Integrated Marketing
Land O’ Lakes, Inc.
Brien, Nick
Brown, Jason
Burrell, Mark
Chief Executive Officer, iCrossing &
President Hearst Magazines Marketing
Vice President, Head of National Sales
138 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Burton, Alayna
Caplan, Amy
Burton, James
Caplan, Claudia
Caddell, Jon
Caputo, Lisa
Associate Account Director
Chief Marketing Officer
Fidelity Investments
Director, Enterprise Sales
Rocket Fuel Inc.
Cadman, Mark
Executive Vice President
Managing Director
BBDO Worldwide, Inc.
Caffrey, Kelly
Vice President Ad Sales Marketing
Univision Communications Inc.
Senior Vice President
MDC Partners Inc
Executive Vice President
Marketing and Communications
The Travelers, Inc.
Cara, Phil
Senior Vice President, Brand
BuzzFeed, Inc.
Cashman, Leigh
Powell Communications
Caspar, Abigail
Vice President - Marketing
Comcast Cable
Cassell, Stephen
Global Head
Brand and Sponsorships
CIGNA Corporation
Castellano, Rick
Vice President
Corporate Communications
Sallie Mae
Castellanos, Cheri
Institutional Acquisition Marketing
Caracciolo, Toni
Cafiero, Paul
Carens, George
Kantar Media
President of National Sales,
Marketing, and Partnerships
Caid, Aaron
Carfagnini, Ed
Cauley, Brian
Manager, Corporate Communications
Chief Marketing Officer
PLS Financial Services, Inc.
Caine, Paul
Chief Global Revenue Officer
Bloomberg L.P.
Calhoun, Kathy
Manager, Marketing Communications
Wilsonart LLC
Callahan, John
Vice President Marketing
Zep Inc.
Callan, Cheryl
Senior Vice President, Marketing
New York & Company
Cambria, Tony
Healthcare Innovations Manager
Stryker Orthopaedics
Cambron, Steve
Vice President
Marketing Brand Development
Time Inc.
Camelio, Jennifer
Senior Director
Sallie Mae
Camilleri, John
Senior Vice President
Harmelin Media
Campbell, Anne
Director of Business Development
Consumer Electronics Association
Canon Knolla, Margaret
Assistant Vice President
DR Project Manager
City National Bank
Vice President Marketing and Sales
SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment
National Account Executive
National Sales Group
Clear Channel Outdoor
Carion, Jenny
Manager, Industry Marketing
Pandora Media, Inc.
Carlisle, John
Account Director
Mullen Lowe U. S.
Carlson, Victor
Senior Vice President
Corporate Marketing
Hunter Douglas, Inc.
Carr, Louis
President, Media Sales
Black Entertainment Television
Carroll, Christopher
Senior Vice President
Marketing Director
Subway Franchisee Advertising Fund
Carter, Jennifer
Product Marketing Specialist
Plantronics, Inc.
Castelli, Tim
Cavedo, Jim
Marketing Solutions Consulting
Teradata Operations, Inc.
Celano, Kristin
Head of Advertiser Marketing
Millennial Media
Cellamare, Chelsea
Senior Vice President Media Services
Triad Retail Media
Cervantes, David
Director of Integrated Marketing
Silicon Valley Bank
Chalifoux, Julie
Agency Portfolio Manager
Aetna Inc.
Chamberlain, Kristie L.
Director, Brand Shipping
United States Postal Service
Chambers, Mark
Consumer Communications
Vision Service Plan, Inc.
Senior Vice President - Media
Fidelity Investments
Carty, Eileen
Vice President of Marketing
Cambria USA
Executive Vice President
Brand Partnerships
Cary, Julie
Champine, Melissa
Chang, Sean
Director IT
The Clorox Company
Chief Marketing Officer
Executive Vice President
La Quinta Inns and Suites
Chapdelaine, Jordi
Cascio, Lauren
Chapman, Will
Senior Manager, Brand and Marketing
Executive Vice President
Relevant 24
Chief Revenue Officer
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 139
Conference Attendees
Chappetto, Kathryn
Director of Partnership Strategy
WTA Tour, Inc.
Charles, Katy
Senior Consultant
Consumer Brand Strategy
BlueCross BlueShield Association
Christensen, Clint
Associate Producer
Assistant Brand Manager
Sour Confections
American Licorice
Charlton, David
The Capital Group
Christensen, Erik
Charney, Jeff
Chief Marketing Officer
The Progressive Corporation
Charriez, Laston
Senior Vice President of Marketing,
North America
The Western Union Company
Chartoff, Alyson
Senior Vice President, Internal
Communications and Creative Services
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
Chatigny, Justin
Head of Market Development
Grant Thornton LLP
Chaves, Mark
Director Media Intelligence solutions
SAS Institute Inc.
Chaves, Monica
SBL, Global Consumer Marketing
MasterCard Worldwide
Chernett, Kevin
Executive Vice President
Growth Development and Strategic
Live Nation, Inc.
Cheronis, Amy
Executive Vice President
Reputation and Communications
Leo Burnett Company, Inc.
Cherwony, Meredith
Marketing Manager
Manager, CI
WhiteWave Foods Company
Christiano, Kelly
Senior Vice President
Student Lending/Campus Solutions
Sallie Mae
Christianson, Eric
SBL, U.S. Marketing
Media Planning and Partnerships
MasterCard Worldwide
Chico, Michael
Senior Vice President
Telemundo Station Sales
Chin, Elaine
Charles Schwab & Company, Inc.
Vice President, N.A. Integrated Mktg.
Communications and Loyalty
Godiva Chocolatier, Inc.
Clark, Scott
Vice President Sales, America
Clarke, Jane
Chief Executive Officer
Managing Director
Clarkson, John
Director of Marketing
Rust-Oleum Corporation
Cleveland, Britta
Senior Vice President
Research Solutions
Meredith Corporation
Clinton, Michael
Senior Vice President, Marketing
Perdue Farms Incorporated
President of Marketing
Publishing Director
Hearst Magazines
Christopher, David
Clowes, Mark
Chung, David
Cocoma, Elizabeth
Chief Marketing Officer
AT&T Inc.
National Manager
Targeted Advertising and Strategy
Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A., Inc.
Church, Zoe
Global Chief Marketing Officer
Director of Business Development
Engine Group
Ciulla, Augie
Senior Vice President, Sales
Deluxe Advertising Services
Clachko, Jeffrey
Senior Vice President
Advertising Sales - Sports
Clair Williams, Catherine
Senior Manager, Brand Identity
Comcast Cable
Clark, Anne
Chibber, Seema
Chin, Michelle
Choate, Lauren
Vice President, Media and Advertising
Sterling Jewelers, Inc.
Clark, Donald
Assistant Vice President
Sponsorship Events and F2F
Clark, Joanne
Vice President Client Sales
North America
Clark, Keith
Managing Director
Lowe Campbell Ewald
Clark, Lyndsy
Assistant Manager
Shopper Marketing
The Western Union Company
140 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Global Head of Advertising
American International Group, Inc.
Vice President, Ad Sales
Coffin, Bill
Director, Content Communications and
Media Relations
Starr Companies
Cohen, Alan
Giant Spoon
Cohen, Bill
Senior Vice President, Global Business
Burns Entertainment
Cohen, Jennifer
Senior Vice President
Integrated Marketing
Turner Entertainment Group
Cohen, Lindsey
Associate Marketing Manager
Millennial Media
Cole, Ashley
U.S. Media and Advertising Manager
Intel Corporation
Cole, Lindsay
Account Director
Cole, Zvi
Media Manager
Beiersdorf Inc.
Coleman, Gregory
BuzzFeed, Inc.
Coleman, Joanne
Director, Media
Constellation Brands, Inc.
Collins, Amanda
Vice President
Corporate Communications
Collins, Shauna
Marketing and Communications
Unit Head
Aetna Inc.
Colon, Sandra
Director, Member Relations
Coltrin, David
Senior Director
Core Menu and Strategy
Denny’s Corp.
Condon, Brendan
Chief Executive Officer
Media Properties Holdings
Condon, Jeff
Live Nation, Inc.
Condon, Kathryn
Senior Vice President
Head of Digital Marketing
Fidelity Investments
Conklin, Craig
Vice President, New Products and
Monetization Strategy
Turner Broadcasting Sales, Inc.
Conklin, Rex
Media Leadership Committee Chair
Connell, Carrie
Senior Marketing Manager
Kiss Products, Inc.
Connors, Robert
Assistant Vice President, National and
Alamo Brand Marketing
Enterprise Holdings, Inc.
Conroy, Kelly
Director, Brand Management and
External Relations
Liberty Mutual Group
Constable, Valerie
Senior Director, Media,
Marketing Communication
LifeLock, Inc.
Conyers, Kristen
Cooke, Brandon
Chief Marketing Officer
Cooper, Gary
Vice President, Integrated Marketing
Kao USA Inc.
Corbelli, Jacqueline
Chief Executive Officer
Cormier, Darcy
Credle, Susan
Cornell, Harper
Cress, Jill
Associate Brand Manager
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts
PR Manager
Mizuno USA
Global Chief Creative Officer
FCB Global
Group Head and Senior Vice President,
Global Consumer Marketing
MasterCard Worldwide
Corrigan, John
Vice President, Corporate Development
Corwin, Daniel
Crossin, Eileen
General Manager, New York
Vice President Sales
eMarketer, Inc.
Crow, Justin
Costello, John
Crusen, Dunja
Global Marketing and Innovation
Dunkin’ Brands, Inc.
Coughlin, Lauren
Corporate Events
Meredith Corporation
Cournoyer, Jennifer
Senior Specialist
FM Global
Courtney, Kimberly
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
Group Brand Manager, Pralines
Ferrero Canada Ltd.
Cubeta, Christina
Vice President of Marketing
Quantcast Corporation
Cuffaro, Deb
Vice President, Ad Sales
Cukaj, Katrina
Director, Marketing Services
MillerCoors LLC
Executive Vice President
CNN Sales and Marketing
Turner Broadcasting Sales, Inc.
Cowan, Marlene
Cummings, Donald
Cowdell, Phil
Cummings, Matthew
Channel Manager, Advertising
Florida Power & Light Co.
Business Alliance Specialist
United States Postal Service
Lead Instructor IMC Graduate Program
West Virginia University
Cowles, Lisa
Senior Director, Corporate Events
A+E Networks
Cox, Bryan
Brand Manager, Cetaphil
Galderma Laboratories, L.P.
Cox, Trish
Vice President, Brand Communications
T-Mobile USA, Inc.
Coyle, Timothy
Brand Manager, Almond Breeze
Blue Diamond Growers
Crain, Rance
President, Editorial Director
Crain Communications, Inc.
Cran, Richard
Vice President
Marketing Communication
Jack in the Box, Inc.
Cranley, Christina
Cunningham, Sean
President and Chief Executive Officer
Video Advertising Bureau
Curry, Dave
The List Inc.
Curtin, Chris
Global Head of Partner Marketing
Visa Inc.
Curtis, Bill
Senior Brand Manager
V8 Vegetable Juice
Campbell Soup Company
Curtis, Gretchen
Director of Media
Panera Bread, LLC
Cusmir, Ioan
Marketing Director
Ferrero Canada Ltd.
Senior Vice President, Digital and
National Media Investments
Orion Capital
D’Arrigo, Anthony
Crawford, Karen
Daboub, Jorge
Media Advertising and Marketing
Nestlé USA
Director Global Sales
Corbis Entertainment
Senior Vice President
Business Development
Univision Communications Inc.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 141
Conference Attendees
Daija, Sheryl
Chief Strategy Officer
Mobile Marketing Association
Dalamangas, Emily
Marketing Director
Thomson Reuters
Dauberman, Mike
Vice President Marketing and
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Davar, Usheen
Daley, Joe
Chief Strategic Officer
GSW Worldwide
Dalton, Jill
Marketing Strategist
Key Corp.
Daly, Karin
Vice President, Advertising
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Damle, Shilpa
Director, Consumer Insights
Rent-A-Center, Inc.
Dan, Avi
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Avidan Strategies
Dancer, David
Executive Vice President
Head of Marketing
Danetz, Eric
Time Inc.
Senior Vice President
Corporate Development
Daniels, Brian
Vice President U.S. Marketing
The Capital Group
Daniels, Derek
Associate Marketing Manager
PepsiCo, Inc.
Vice President, Marketing and Events
The Depository Trust & Clearing
Dearing, Carla
Digital Sales Director
Meredith Corporation
Managing Director
Chief Executive Officer
IMC Partnerships
Davies, Neal
Decker, Michelle
President and Chief Executive Officer
Effie Worldwide, Inc.
Dávila, Gilbert
President and Chief Executive Officer
Davila Multicultural Insights (DMI)
Davis, Catherine
Executive Vice President
Account Director
Leo Burnett Company, Inc.
Davis, Gwynne
Business Development Manager
Davis, Joanne
Joanne Davis Consulting, Inc.
Davis, Mindy
Senior Vice President, Professional
Davis, Neil
Daniels, Alex
Deacon, David
Executive Vice President Integrated
Marketing and Sales
Pac-12 Networks
Davis, Robert
Executive Vice President
Managing Director
Starcom USA
Dawson, Harold
Vice President
National Client Solutions
Clear Channel Outdoor
Dee, Sean
Executive Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Outrigger Hotels and Resorts
Degtar, Viktoria
Global Group Publisher
Bloomberg L.P.
DeKunder, Jillian
Director Alliance Management
Corporate Alliances
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts
Del Rosario, Cynthia
Chief Marketing Officer
The Team Companies
DeLaney, Aniko
Managing Director
Bank of New York Mellon
DeLuca, Maria
Senior Vice President
Consumer and Trade Marketing
DeLuca, Peter
Senior Vice President
Brand and Advertising
T-Mobile USA, Inc.
Executive Vice President
Managing Director
Spark SMG
DeMaio, Anthony
Agency Business Development
Dawson, Luke
DeMaria, Dominic
Darden, Ahkeem
Day, Derek
Daniels, Tina
Senior Solutions Consultant
Teradata Operations, Inc.
Dashoush-Salam, Dina
Director of Global Event Operations
Mobile Marketing Association
DaSilva, Christie
Senior Sales Director - Enterprise
Rocket Fuel Inc.
DaSilva, Jennifer
Berlin Cameron
Director or Marketing, Global
Herman Miller Inc.
Day, Lisa
Marketing, Disney Corporate Alliances
Disney World
De Obeso, Alejandra
Brand Director, Strongbow Hard Cider
Heineken USA, Inc.
de Swaan Arons, Marc
Chief Marketing Officer
Millward Brown Vermeer
de Villiers, Andries
Vice President of Sales, East
142 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Vice President of Global Advertising
The Washington Post
Vice President, Product Development
and Consumer Marketing
DeMartino, Alison
Director, Marketing Communications
Wilsonart LLC
Dembowski, David
Vice President, Head of Tumblr Sales
Yahoo! Inc.
DeMuch, Nancy
Vice President Marketing
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Denham, Jon
Senior Director Brand Design
ConAgra Foods Inc.
Denneny, Brian
National Executive Director, Sales
United States Postal Service
Densmore, Mike
Dillon, Jeffrey
PLS Financial Services, Inc.
Dintenfass, David
Dorfman, Susan
Chief Marketing and Innovation Officer
Communications Media Inc. (CMI)
Chief Global Growth Office
Bartle Bogle Hegarty LLC
Head of Segment Marketing
and Acquisition
Fidelity Investments
Dorosin, Heidi
Denton, Nick
Diorio, Breanne
Dorrance, Elizabeth
Diskin, Eileen
Dorrler, Nicole
Distelburger, Brian
Douglas, Glenn
Dixon, Donald
Drazich, Cindy
Dixon, Jennifer
Drennan, Holly
Chief Executive Officer
Derbick, John
Global Advertising Director
The Principal Financial Group
Dermer, Simon
Managing Director
Essential Accessibility
Dern, Chad
Director of Brand and Advertising
Northwestern Mutual
DeSocio, David
Senior Vice President Ad Sales
Marketing and Partnerships
A+E Networks
Desrosiers, Hilary
Vice President, Global Brand Strategy
Franklin Templeton Investments
DeVard, Jerri
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
ADT Security Services
Devlin, Marie
Senior Vice President
Global Advertising, Media
Sponsorships and Insights
American Express Company
DeVries, Diana
Marketing Assistant
Bimbo Bakeries USA
DeWees, Jensen
Manager, Digital Marketing
See’s Candies Inc.
DeWees, Patty
Director of Media
Humana Inc.
Dickens, Erick
Vice President, Marketing
King’s Hawaiian Bakery West, Inc.
Diederich, Ann
Director, Corporate Marketing
Intuit Inc.
Dietrich, Adam
Economical Insurance
DiGennaro, Samantha
Chief Executive Officer
DiGennaro Communications
Dillman, Jeff
Agency and Strategic Partnerships
Manager, Editorial Services
John Hancock Financial Services,
Senior Vice President, Marcom
Comcast Cable
President and Co-Founder
Yext Inc.
Chief Marketing Officer City of Atlanta
City of Atlanta
Corporate Travel Manager
Advertising Production Resources
Dixon Jr., Robert E.
Director, Product Technology
and Innovation
United States Postal Service
Director of Marketing
The Clorox Company
Marketing Director, Media and
Expedia, Inc.
Assistant Vice President, Marketing
American Legacy Foundation
Director of Strategic Sales
Marketing Coordinator
Vantage Mobility International
Marketing Director, Meat Products
Hormel Foods Corporation
Dressler, Joe
Vice President
Dreyer, Maria
Media and Print Services Director
Boehringer Ingelheim
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Senior Vice President
Advertiser Sales and
Branded Entertainment
Sony Pictures Entertainment (SS&P)
Doliveira, Amy
Driscoll, Erica
Domonique, Hollins
Driscoll, John
Dobbins, David
Prudential Insurance Company of
SMD, Brand Marketing and Digital
Strategy Regions and Events
Teach for America (TFA)
Donahue, Nick
Vice President, Ad Sales, Detroit
A+E Networks
Vice President, Business Development
Univision Communications Inc.
Drouillard, Tom
Senior Account Executive
Simulmedia, Inc.
Chief Executive Officer
President and Managing Director
Alliance for Audited Media
Donnelly, Michael
Drury, Debbie
Senior Vice President
Group Head Global Digital Marketing
MasterCard Worldwide
Donohue, Lisa
Chief Executive Officer
Starcom USA
Donovan, Julie
Director of Sales, Enterprise - Boston
Rocket Fuel Inc.
Donvito, Chad
Brand General Manager
King’s Hawaiian Bakery West, Inc.
Doohan, Kevin
Chief Marketing Officer
DTS Incorporated
Director, Brand Communications
American Standard Brands
Du, Hue
Director of Marketing
Equipment Depot
Du, Niki
Senior Digital Marketing Manager
Align Technology, Inc.
Duff, Tom
Duffy, Brendan
Marketing Director
Caravan Tours
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 143
Conference Attendees
Duffy, Brian
Edwards, Paul
Ellis, Robert
Duffy, Patrick
Egan, Jocelyn
Enciso, Alicia
Director of Sales
TiVo Inc.
Vice President, Chevrolet Marketing
General Motors Company
Vice President, Corporate Partnerships
Monumental Sports & Entertainment
Dugan, Joseph
Senior Vice President
Discovery Solutions
Discovery Communications, Inc.
Business Alliances Manager
United States Postal Service
Chief Marketing Officer
Nestlé USA
Ennis, Tara
Senior Vice President
CNN Digital Sales
Turner Broadcasting Sales, Inc.
Egeland, Jennifer
Allstate Insurance Company
Senior Director
Consumer Commercial Procurement
Johnson & Johnson
Dumford, Heather
Ehle, Fred
Epstein, Daniel
Dunand-Zaloum, Nathalie
Ehlers, David
Epstein, Dara
Duncan, Craig
Ehresmann, Jen
Erdos, Lori
Dunn, Kristin
Eichner, Jessica
Erwin, Maya
Dunn, Logan
Einarsdottir, Holmfridur
Esguerra, Lorenz
Eirikis, Steven
Espejo, Vanessa
Media Director, Global Marketing
ConAgra Foods Inc.
Brand Manager
Bel Brands USA
Executive Producer
Marketing Strategist
Dunne, Carol
Vice President of Marketing
La Quinta Inns and Suites
Durette, Nicole
Vice President, Ad Sales, FYI
A+E Networks
Dwyer, Mike
Marketing Director, Strategic Initiatives
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Eames, Ward
The National Theatre for Children
Easter, Temeka
Director of Social Media
Sallie Mae
Eaton, Roger
Chief Marketing Director
Yamaha Corporation of America
Eaves, Matthew
Vice President of Engagement
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Eberhard, Ana
Advertising and Brand Marketing
Senior Vice President Brand Marketing
Dr Pepper Snapple Group
Eboli, Carla
Director, Marketing
Dieste, Inc.
Chief Executive Officer
Director of Marketing Retail/Deli
Jennie-O Turkey Store
Director of Marketing
PLS Financial Services, Inc.
Ebert, Regan
Vice President, Customer Officer
McDonald’s USA, LLC
Brand Marketing Manager
Expedia, Inc.
Executive Director
Head of Marketing and Service
Communications Specialist
Social Media
Florida Power & Light Co.
Eisenberg, Scott
Vice President, Sales
Pandora Media, Inc.
Eisenhardt, Robert
General Manager
Eitelbach, Andrew
Senior Manager
Marketing and Communications
Secret Agent
Elder, Rob
Vice President Digital Sales
Live Nation, Inc.
Elders, Brad
Senior Vice President
Eastern Sales
Ellard, Elizabeth
Executive Vice President, Media
The Advertising Council
Elliott, Jill
Senior Director, Global Marketing
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Ellis, Mark
Senior Vice President
Corporate Advertising Sales
Time Inc.
144 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Daniel Epstein & Associates, LLC
Sales Manager
Comcast AdDelivery
Smithsonian Magazine
Group Marketing Manager, Snacks
Blue Diamond Growers
Managing Director
Business Development
Associate Brand Manager
Bimbo Bakeries USA
Essex, Andrew
Vice Chairman
Estrada, Ravin
Expedia, Inc.
Etherington, Dave
Executive Vice President
Marketing and Mobile
Evanitsky, Janyne
Bimbo Bakeries USA
Evans, Abi
Senior Manager
Business Development
Evans, Andrews
Director of Production Management
Wilsonart LLC
Evans, Daryl
Senior Vice President Mobile Strategy
MediaLink, LLC
Evans, Kenny
Senior Regional Marketing Manager
Panera Bread, LLC
Everson, Carolyn
Fero, Brittany
Finston, Allison
Ferrara, Jerry
Fischer, Eric
Executive Vice President
Advertising Sales
Investor’s Business Daily
Falk, Kirstin
Ferro, Rita
Fischer, Lisa
Executive Vice President
Marketing and Communications
Fetter, Brad
Fisher, Jenn
Farber, Erica
Fetters, Aaron
Fisher, Mike
Vice President
Global Marketing Solutions
Faisst, Wolfgang
Managing Director, Brand
Charles Schwab & Company, Inc.
Fanelli, Duke
President and Chief Executive Officer
Radio Advertising Bureau
Farber, Samuel
Coordinator, Marketing
Farrell, Jim
Vice President, Digital Media
VeriFone Media
Farrell, Patrick
Chief Marketing and Communications
Enterprise Holdings, Inc.
Fasulo, Andrea
Chief Strategy Officer
Executive Vice President
Disney Media Sales and Marketing
The Walt Disney Company
Director of Digital Marketing
FLIR Systems, Inc.
Senior Vice President
Marketing and Sales
ComScore Inc.
Feyrer, John
Vice President
Strategic Growth Partnerships
Fierman, Stephanie
Chief Marketing Officer
Fife, Katharine
Manager, Corporate Digital Marketing
Mary Kay Inc.
Senior Vice President
Retail Marketing and CP Planning
Figliolini, Fabrice
Feinberg, Brad
Findlay, Russell
Media Director
MillerCoors LLC
Feldman, Brent
Executive Vice President
Hill Holliday
Feldman, Konrad
Chief Executive Officer
Quantcast Corporation
Felenstein, Scott
Executive Vice President, Ad Sales
Discovery Communications, Inc.
Fellows, Trevor
Head of Global Advertising Sales
The Wall Street Journal
Felton, Louise
Senior Director
Branded Campaigns and Programs
Intel Corporation
Feodoroff, Matthew
Vice President
Strategic Sales, Buyer Cloud
The Rubicon Project
Ferengul, Corey
Chief Executive Officer
Vice President of IT and Finance
Head of Marketing
Chief Marketing Officer
Fine, Ocean
Director, Agency and Partnerships
Fingar, Erica
Senior Campaign Manager
Penske Truck Leasing Co., L.P.
Finley, Mary
Director, Corporate Communications
and Marketing
MUFG Union Bank, N.A.
Finn, Beth
Director, Business Development
Finn Ridenhour, Colleen
Deputy Director, Corporate, Foundation
and Institutional Relations
Habitat for Humanity
International, Inc.
Fino, Alex
Vice President of Client Management
Team Ignition Pancultural Marketing
Manager, Conferences
Director, Media
Sponsorship and Media Analytics
The GoDaddy Group, Inc.
Executive Vice President
Advertising Sales
Director, Digital and Media
Pulte Homes, Inc.
Director of Strategy and Innovation
Fisher, Stephanie
Digital Marketing Manager
Plantronics, Inc.
Flamos, Ed
Senior Director - Advertiser Sales
Rentrak Corporation
Flanik, Kirsten
Managing Director
BBDO Worldwide, Inc.
Fleischhut, Oliver
Director, Online Communications
Siemens Corporation
Flood, Michelle
Reynolds Consumer Products
Flores, Georgina
Vice President Integrated Marketing
Allstate Insurance Company
Flynn, Brenna
Burns Entertainment
Fochetta, Tom
Vice President of Sales
Samsung Electronics North America
Fogarty, Mike
Executive Vice President
Consumer Sales and Marketing
WebMD Health Corporation
Fogel, Bennett
Executive Vice President
Sales and Marketing Partnerships
NCM Media Networks
Fogelberg, Mark
Director – UXTV
Forbrick, Melanie
Vice President, Corporate
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 145
Conference Attendees
Ford, Mark
Frieder, Jayme
Forsberg, Krista
Friedman, Jonathan
Fortin, David
Friedman, Peter
Senior Vice President, Global Accounts
Time Inc.
Vice President, Marketing
Senior Director
Production Marketing Global Ads
Microsoft Corporation
Fortlage, Kathryn
Senior Marketing Manager
Formica Corporation
Foster, Broocks
Marketing Manager
Blue Rhino Corporation
Foster, Dana
Senior Director of Sales
Simulmedia, Inc.
Vice President, Client Solutions Group
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
LiveWorld, Inc.
Frisbie, Dan
Executive Vice President, Media
Jun Group
Frohling, Kathryn
Senior Vice President, Brand Executive
Wells Fargo & Co.
Frohman, Trish
Business Alliances Manager
United States Postal Service
Executive Vice President, Advertising
Sales - Sports
Foster, Frank
Frommer, Rebecca
Senior Vice President
General Manager
TiVo Research and Analytics (TRA)
Foster, Linda
Blamer Partnership
Franchi, Eric
Chief Marketing Officer
California Pizza Kitchen
Franklin, Esther
Executive Vice President
Director, Cultural Identities
SMG Multicultural
Franklin, Tamara
Galietta, Laura
Senior Vice President
Ad Sales Marketing
Scripps Networks Interactive
Gallagher, PJ
Superintendent, Advertising
Air National Guard
Gallardo, Nelly
Senior Events Coordinator
Bank of New York Mellon
Gallegos, Sarah
Brand and Marketing
Galliher, Mark
Director, Member Relations
Galloway, Allison
Fruechte, Christine
Gangel, Rachel Kaplan
President and Chief Executive Officer
Fry, Lauren
Fuguitt, Gayle
Franco, Natalia
Senior Vice President
Consumer Digital Products
MasterCard Worldwide
Manager of Corporate Partnerships
Senior Account Executive
Simulmedia, Inc.
Galdieri, Marcelo
Chief Executive Officer and President
Advertising Research Foundation
Fuller, Chris
Vice President
Brand and Corporate Communications
Arby’s Restaurant Group
Furman, Andrew
Millennial Media
Senior Vice President, Channel
Strategy and Development Manager
Bank of America
Garbarino, Barry
Vice President, Corporate Marketing
Gardea, Michael
Product Manager, Omni-Channel
See’s Candies Inc.
Gardner, Jennifer
Director, Media Investment and
Partnerships North America
Unilever United States, Inc.
Senior Admin Assistant
AT&T Mobility LLC
Head of Sales
West and Central Region
Garduno, Christena
Frappier, Rob
Fusillo, Natali
Garner, Denise
Gabriello, Katie
Garrett, Jennifer
Content Strategist
Quicken Loans, Inc.
Fredericks, Erin
Director, Strategy
Navigate Research
Freilinger, Johann
Director Marketing
Lectures and Public Programs
National Geographic Society
Marketing Manager
Head of Marketing and
SAP America, Inc.
Galarza, Tania
Freitas, Stephen
Galbincea, Cynthia
Chief Marketing Officer
Outdoor Advertising Association of
America, Inc.
Frey, Barry
President and Chief Executive Officer
Digital Place-based Advertising
Association (DPAA)
Senior Director, Segment Strategy
Marriott International, Inc.
Director of Consumer Marketing
Winston Products
Galceran, Ignacio
Chief Client and Offer Officer,
146 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Chief Media Strategist
Koeppel Direct
Senior Vice President
Chief Innovation Officer
The Clorox Company
Executive Vice President
National Enterprise Group
XO Group Inc.
Garrubbo, Gina
President and Chief Executive Officer
National Public Media
Gath, Amy
Vice President
North America Marketing
Formica Corporation
Gattinella, Wayne
Chief Executive Officer and President
DoubleVerify Inc.
Gauthier, Greg
Global Procurement
Amway Corporation
Gaynor, Adam
Getman, Lawrence
Vice President
Strategic Marketing and Planning
Xilinx, Inc.
Vice President
Media Sales and Analytics
DISH Network
Getto, Gary
Gelb, Paul
Giancola, Sean
Geller, Harold
Gianelli, Silvia
Global Vice President
XAd Inc.
Chief Growth Officer
Gemma, Tony
Regional Vice President, West
Millennial Media
Gentry, Ron
Director of Marketing
Gentry, Shawn
Chief Business Development Officer
Gentzel, Kevin
Chief Revenue Officer
Gannett Co., Inc.
Geoffroy, Noel
Vice President Marketing, Morning
Foods Adult Brands and Masterbrand
Kellogg Company
Georges, Bill
Chief Operating Officer
Active International
Gerber, Hadassa
Senior Vice President
Chief Research Officer
Gerde, John
Product Manger - Deli
Jennie-O Turkey Store
Geringer, Marjorie
Senior Product Manager
Florida Power & Light Co.
German, Toni
Associate Brand Manager
Dairy and Innovation
WhiteWave Foods Company
Germinder, Maureen
Director - Digital Marketing
Germscheid, Joe
Senior Director
Business Intelligence and Outcomes
Simulmedia, Inc.
Gerth, Bruce
Manager, Partnerships and Programs
Be The Match
Advertising Benchmark Index
Chief Revenue Officer
The New York Post
Director, Integrated Marketing
Xilinx, Inc.
Giarrusso, Kristin
Marketing Manager
Kiss Products, Inc.
Gibbons, Crista
Senior Global Corporate Partnerships
National Geographic Society
Gibbons, Greg
Senior Vice President
Head of MarCom Siemens U.S.
Siemens Corporation
Gibbs, Jillian
Global Chief Executive Officer
Advertising Production Resources
Giovino, Mark
Director of Global Marketing and Sales
AS Roma
Gittlin, Grant
MediaLink, LLC
Glassberg, Richy
Chief Operating Officer
Glazov, Noah
Vice President, Enterprise Sales
Yext Inc.
Glenday, Greg
Chief Revenue Officer
Globerson, Jeremy
Director, Enterprise Sales
Yext Inc.
Godfrey, Bryce
Director, Business Development
Tree Top, Inc.
Gold, Adam
Senior Vice President, Global
Membership and Sponsorships
Mobile Marketing Association
Goldberg, Andy
Global Creative Director
General Electric Company
Goldberg, Steve
Gibeaut, Doug
Vice President
Associate Planning Director
Active International
Gielen, Sofie
Golden, Jason
Director, Sponsorships and Events
United Parcel Service, Inc. (UPS)
Marketing Communications Director
Atlas Copco
Giera, Christie
Director of Corporate Communications
DDB Worldwide
Gilbert, James
Director, Global Advertising, Soup
Campbell Soup Company
Gilbert, Timothy
Product Manager
Shire Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Gilman, Brett
Managing Director
Business Development
Meredith Xcelerated Marketing
Gilvar, Ted
Chief Marketing Officer
Vonage Holdings Corp.
Giordano, Peter
Vice President
Revenue Operations
Simulmedia, Inc.
Managing Director
Business Development
Richard Childress Racing
Goldie, Melisa
Chief Marketing Officer
Calvin Klein, Inc.
Goldman, Mark
President and Chief Strategy Officer
Consumer and B-to-B Division
Scout Marketing
Goldstein, Brooke
Head of Sales, North America
ESP Properties
Goldstein, Jay
Director of Sales
Golub, Alisa
Sales Director
Meredith Digital
Goodhart, Jonah
Chief Executive Officer
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 147
Conference Attendees
Goodlett, Debra
Grebstein, Marci
Grella, Lawrence
Goodman, Chris
Green, Allison
Grier, Stacey
Marketing Manager
Global Experience Specialists
Chief Marketing Officer
Goodman, Michael
Director, Marketing Capability
Campbell Soup Company
Goodrich, Brooke
Senior Marketing Manager
Tree Top, Inc.
Goodwin, Jeff
Senior Director
Global Digital and Social Strategy
Western Digital Corporation
Goojha, Kiran
Vice President of Advertising
Lowe’s Companies, Inc.
Director, Cause Marketing and
Workplace Giving
Habitat for Humanity International,
Green, Peggy
Greenberg, Elicia
Programs Director
The Advertising Club
Greenberg, Jen
Director of Marketing
Senior Manager
Marketing and Communications
Greenberg, Karl
Gorder, Jeffrey
Greenberg, Scott
Director of Business Development
Goss, Kelli
Director, Digital Marketing
Alaska Airlines, Inc.
Gotlieb, Irwin
Global Chief Executive Officer
Gotlin, Melanie
Vice President, Local Sales Director
Grace, Sean
Director of Sales
Nice Shoes
Senior Vice President
National Business
Greenberg, Tammy
Senior Vice President
Business Development
Radio Advertising Bureau
Greene, Emily
Vice President, Sales
Active International
Gralpois, Bruno
Co-Founder and Principal
Agency Mania Solutions
Granatstein, Lisa
Senior Vice President
Enterprise Media
Bank of America
Senior Director
Brand Communications
Moen Incorporated
Grimm, Brian
Director, Strategic Marketing
Grimm, Melissa
Senior Manager, Automotive,
Removers and Cleaners
Rust-Oleum Corporation
Grogan, Amy
Senior Advertising and Brand
Communication Specialist
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Groom, Brett
Senior Vice President
Content Integration and Activation
ConAgra Foods Inc.
Grose, Elizabeth
Senior Manager, Client Relations and
Industry Marketing
Grossman, Keith
Grusd, Cammy
Vice President, Media Director
MUFG Union Bank, N.A.
Director, Content Marketing
Pulte Homes, Inc.
Greenlee, Al
Director, Consumer Marketing
U.S. and Canada
Blue Diamond Growers
Greenlee, Vanessa
B-to-C Market Manager
Vision Service Plan, Inc.
Greer, John
Grant, Kimberly
Greene, Laurie
Greenia, Kimberly
Graham, Scott
Grignon, Perianne
Publisher, Bloomberg Digital and
Digital Products
Bloomberg L.P.
Senior Vice President of Sales
Senior Director
PepsiCo, Inc.
Chief Strategic Officer
DDB California
Global Brand and Advertising
Hewlett-Packard Company
Greenhouse, Julie
Graham, Nick
Gravely, Alan
Automotive Editor
MediaPost Marketing Daily
Vice President Shopper Media
Executive Vice President
Chief Creative Officer
Franklin Templeton Investments
Gregory, Sylvia
B-to-B HP/SA Market Manager
Vision Service Plan, Inc.
Greitzer, Matthew
Chief Operating Officer
Accordant Media
148 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Vice President, Client Relations and
Industry Marketing
Guanella, Mike
Senior Brand Manager
Grocery Products
Hormel Foods Corporation
Guang, Wade
Vice President Managing Director
Rezonate Media
Guarino, Laurie
Senior Communications Manager
Plantronics, Inc.
Gudding, Lisa
Executive Vice President
Business Development
Guerra, Rosy
Vice President, Marketing- Mexico
Mary Kay Inc.
Guidara, Nicole
Vice President, Manager Brand
Strategy and Insight
Liberty Mutual Group
Guilbault, Keith
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Jack in the Box, Inc.
Guilfoyle, Christine
Senior Vice President
Group Publisher
Better Homes and Gardens
Guiliano, Philip
Guillot, Alex
Director, Sales
Hagedorn, Becky
Hammer, Thomas
Hagen, Laura
Hammond, Stacy
Hagener, Suzanne
Hammond, Teresa
Director, Portfolio Sales Marketing
Senior Vice President, Connections
Senior Marketing Manager
Non Dairy Products
Blue Diamond Growers
Hagerty, Jessica
Senior Vice President, Sales
IBT Media
Vice President
Charles Schwab & Company, Inc.
Vice President Marketing
Hanan, Alex
Business Development Manager
Senior Director
Agency and Advertiser Development
Pandora Media, Inc.
Hahn, Janelle
Corporate and Cause Partnerships
Boys & Girls Club of America
Hanrahan, Sean
Hogarth Americas
Gulvik, Jen
Hahn, Kristina
Hansen, Julie
Guitart, Meritxell
Senior Vice President
Creative Director
Houlihan’s Restaurant, Inc.
Gupta, Sanjay
Marketing, Innovation and Corporate
Allstate Insurance Company
Gurumoorthy, Bala
Marketing Intelligence Manager
Ferrero USA, Inc.
Gustafson, Kristen
Senior Manager
Marriott Vacations Worldwide
Gutfreund, Jamie
Chief Marketing Officer
Deep Focus, Inc.
Haase, David
Executive Vice President
Triad Retail Media
Haber, Jack
Vice President
Global Advertising and Digital
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Haberacker, Eric
Marketing Manager
Vanguard Group, Inc.
Hackett, Chris
Senior Director
Kellogg North America Media
Kellogg Company
Haefling, Karen
Vice President Marketing
Vitamix Corporation
Hafsteinsdóttir, Hildur Björk
Director of Marketing
Siminn - Iceland Telecom
Hafststeinsson, Hafsteinn SV
Account Director
Head of Consumer Package Goods
Hahn, Mimi
Senior Vice President
Marketing Solutions
The Capital Group
Hansen, Mark
Vice President of Marketing
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Executive Vice President
Director of Account Management
DDB Chicago
Haines, Rob
Hansen, Naomi
Hajj, Chuck
Hanson, Stephanie
Manager, Marketing
Service Experts Inc.
Executive Director
Meredith Customs Solutions
Halford, Shumetris
Marketing Director
Dole Packaged Foods
Senior Vice President
Media Relations
Marketing and Strategic Alliances
The Recording Academy
Harding, Heather
Halivopoulos, E. Lori
Hardy, Marcus
Hall, Cathy
Hargesheimer, Justin
Senior Vice President, Marketing
Chief Marketing Officer
The Joint Corp.
Hall, Joanna
Chief Digital Officer
Hall, Kathleen
Corporate Vice President
Microsoft Corporation
Hallock, Susan
Vice President
Marketing Communications
The Capital Group
Hamill, Jeffrey
Executive Vice President
Hearst Magazines
Hamilton, Roland
Vice President of Sales
XO Group Inc.
Sponsorship Manager
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts
Account Coordinator
CooperKatz & Company, Inc.
Corporate Development Officer
Habitat for Humanity International,
Harkins, Sheryl
Senior Vice President
Consumer Package Goods Sales
TiVo Research
Harper, Allison
Senior Associate EMarketing and
Relationship Marketing
Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Harper, Jeremy
Senior Director
Kellogg Company
Harper, Marcus
Head of International Client
Quantcast Corporation
Harper, Sherry
Brand Manager
Flowers Foods, Inc.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 149
Conference Attendees
Harrington, Bethany
Hayden, Bill
Harris, Bethany
Hayward, Guy
Customer Experience and Digital
Marketing Associate Vice President
American Family Insurance
Senior Vice President
Managing Director
Active International
Harris, Jessica
Senior Manager, Customer Marketing
WhiteWave Foods Company
Harris, Rich
Chief Executive Officer
Harris Millard, Wenda
Senior Vice President Strategy,
Insights, and Brand Management
Universal Orlando Resort
Global Chief Executive Officer
Kirshenbaum Bond Senecal +
Hayward, Jennifer
CIGNA Corporation
Healy, Jean Marie
Vice President Consumer Marketing
MasterCard Worldwide
Hearne, Michael
President and Chief Operating Officer
MediaLink, LLC
Marketing Manager
Corporate Marketing
Land O’ Lakes, Inc.
Harrison, Gylise
Heffernan, Brian
Manager, Conferences
Harrobin, John
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Verizon Communications
Vice President Growth
Heidrich, Carol
Administrative Assistant
Marketing Division
American Family Insurance
Hartell, Richard
Heinemann, Leslie
Hartley, Jimmy
Heisser, Barbara
President, Human Experience Strategy
Senior Brand Manager
Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc.
Hartling, Gina
Director, Strategy and Development
CRN International
Teradata Operations, Inc.
Heitzman, Candace
Brand and Advertising Manager
Siemens Healthcare
Corporate and Cause Partnerships
Boys & Girls Club of America
Hartman, Jerard
Heitzner, Jordan
Chief Revenue Officer
The Washington Post
Manager, Marketing Planning
Marriott International, Inc.
Harty, Thomas
Hemmige, Harish
Hassan, Carla
Hendee, Ric
Meredith Corporation
Senior Vice President
Global Brand Management
PepsiCo, Inc.
The Boston Consulting Group
Senior Vice President
Consumer Marketing
Cotton, Inc.
Herrera, Maurice
Senior Vice President of Marketing
Weight Watchers International, Inc.
Herrick, Ann
Marketing Director
Hallmark Cards Inc.
Hetrick, Mark
Segment Manager
Pella Corporation
Hickman, William
Chief Growth Officer
Leo Burnett Company, Inc.
Hill, Nancy
President and Chief Executive Officer
Hinton, Charlie
Executive Director Marketing Analytics
AT&T Mobility LLC
Hintz, Tara
Brand Manager
WhiteWave Foods Company
Hirsch, Lee
Director, Strategic Marketing
NVIDIA Corporation
Hirschle, John
Director of Retail
Hitchcock, Deb
Director, Strategy and Plans
AAA National Office
Ho, Alex
Executive Director, Marketing
American Greetings Corporation
Hockenjos, Joseph
Regional Vice President, Eastern
Region and Business Development
Hodge, Casey
Tervis Tumbler Company
Hodges, Kelly
Vice President, Advertising
Hassan, Tariq
Henderson, Pamela
Hoey, Kimberly
Hastings, Brandt
Herd, Brent
Hogan, Joe
Hermalyn, Michael
Hogan, Julie
Senior Vice President, Customer
Insight and Brand Strategy Executive
Bank of America
Senior Vice President, Connections
Haugenes, Scott
Vice President Business Development,
Network Sales
Estrella TV
Hauteman, Wendy
Senior Vice President
Vision Care Marketing
Vision Service Plan, Inc.
Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer
Saint Joseph Regional Medical
Industry Director
Telco, Travel and B-to-B
Brand Marketing Director
Running Division
Mizuno USA
Executive Vice President
Sales and Marketing
Turner Broadcasting Sales, Inc.
Vice President and Group Leader,
CBS Altitude Group
Head of Events Marketing
Heroux, Melanie
Chief Marketing Officer
Kirshenbaum Bond Senecal +
Executive Director
150 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Hohman, Jennifer
Holland, Daniel
Houlahan, Penny
Hunter, Adam
General Manager
Consumer Package Goods
Oracle Data Cloud
Houser, Meagan
Hutchison, Halle
Hollander, Chris
Houts, Joe
Holler, Martha
Howard, Jeff
Vice President, Business Development
DAC Group
Holland, Robert
Vice President, Marketing
Panera Bread, LLC
Senior Vice President
Corporate Marketing and Comms.
Sallie Mae
Hollis, Michael
Senior Executive
Administrative Assistant
PETCO Animal Supplies, Inc.
Agency Manager
Visit Florida, Inc.
Market Research and
Planning Director
Ladies Professional Golf Association
Managing Director, Brand and
Marketing Communications
Alaska Airlines, Inc.
Hyde, Katherine
Account Executive
TubeMogul Inc.
Events Marketing Manager
Vanguard Group, Inc.
President, National Sales
Howard-Sarin, Stephen
Hyne, Kelly
Vice President, Strategic Partnerships
Ladies Professional Golf Association
Director of Sales
Head of North America Display
EBay, Inc.
Iaffaldano, Anthony
Holman, David
Howerton, Nicole
Iantosca, Mike
General Counsel
American Family Insurance
Holman, Sheila
Integrated Marketing and Sales
Pac-12 Networks
Vice President of Marketing
Chief Revenue Officer
Integral Ad Science
Ingram, Laura
Vice President
Portfolio Marketing Strategy
Marriott International, Inc.
Howland, Melissa
Holmen, Jennifer
Hoyland, Britt
Corporate Events
Meredith Corporation
Senior Vice President
Marketing Communications
Comcast Cable
Holmstrom, Terry
Huang, Cynthia
Israel, Tasha
Holtberg, Sara
Hughes, Diane
Italiano, Deborah
Graphic Designer
Tervis Tumbler Company
Vice President, Client Solutions
Advertising and Promotions Manager
Blue Diamond Growers
Honig, Jennifer
Associate Marketing Director
Shire Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Horn, Ina
Marketing Manager
Wells Fargo & Co.
Horowitz, Scott
Vice President Development
Repucom International
Horstman, Walt
Hosea, Paul
Chief Executive Officer
eg+ worldwide
Hosking, Simon
Business Development Director
Houck, Jonathan
Director of Digital Marketing
American Standard Brands
Lead Conference Coordinator
Shire Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Lead Marketing Brand Management
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
Director, Social Media and Digital
Florida Power & Light Co.
Hughes, Kevin
Vice President
Marketing Communications Operations
The Capital Group
Hughes, Magdalena
Director of Marketing for Latin America
Mary Kay Inc.
Hulquist, Dane
Senior Vice President
Head of Digital Advertising
Wells Fargo & Co.
Humbard, Charles
President and Chief Executive Officer
Marketing Program Manager
American Licorice
Intermaggio, Peter
Senior B-to-B Marketing Manager
Yahoo! Inc.
Vice President, Chief Marketing Office
Stanford Health Care
Ives, Nat
Media Editor
Advertising Age
Jacknis, Jeff
Strategic Account Director
Agency Relationships
Jacko, John
Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer
Kennametal Inc.
Jackson, Cory
Senior Marketing Strategist
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
Jackson, Kristine
Powell Communications
Vice President
Marketing and Communications
National Rural Electric Cooperative
Humphrey, Thomas
Jackson, Scott
Hunsicker, Steve
Jacobs, David
Humphrey, Sloan
Inside Sales
Teradata Operations, Inc.
Director of Field Marketing
Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc.
Senior Director
Marriott Vacations Worldwide
Global Senior Director, Marketing
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 151
Conference Attendees
Jacobs, Ellen
SR Analyst, Research
Jacobs, Gerry
Senior Field Marketing Manager
Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc.
Jacobs, Kyla
Director of New Business Development
TBWA/Chiat/Day Advertising, Inc.
Jacobson, Sharon
Jasmin, Karen
Director, Global Branding and
Marketing Communications
iRobot Corporation
Jefferis, Rebekah
Director of Business Development
Jeffries, Daniel
Partner of Pile and Company
Jeffries Consulting
Johnston, Neil
Senior Partner
Johnston-Smith, Amy
Director, Marcom Operations
Comcast Cable
Jolly, Michael
Chief Revenue Officer
Jones, Andrew
Director of Client and Member
Vision Service Plan, Inc.
Jensen, Mike
Assistant Brand Manager
Bimbo Bakeries USA
Executive Vice President, Business
Jakeman, Brad
Jensen, Stephanie
Jones, Courtney
Jalandoni, Maripi
Jillson, Lisa
Jones, David
Jimenez, Marissa
Jones, Deleela
Jimenez, Michelle
Jones, Jeanne
Joachimsthaler, Erich
Jones, Jeffrey
President, PepsiCo Beverage Group
PepsiCo, Inc.
Group Executive - U.S. Marketing
MasterCard Worldwide
James, Teri
Managing Director
Vice President Brand Marketing
Arby’s Restaurant Group
Director - Integrated Marketing
Allstate Insurance Company
Senior Manager
Comcast Media 360
James, Wendy
Senior Project Manager – Silk
WhiteWave Foods Company
Janelli, Christian
Director of Category Strategy
Rocket Fuel Inc.
Janendo, Janice
Advertising Marketing Manager
Investor’s Business Daily
Jankauskas, Paul
Chief Revenue Officer
VeriFone Media
Jankoski, Joseph
Vice President, Merchandising
Hunter Douglas, Inc.
Jankowski, Benjamin
Senior Vice President/Group Head of
Global Media
MasterCard Worldwide
Janneman, Liz
Senior Brand Manager
Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Vivaldi Partners
Johannsson, Sveinn
Account Executive
Johne, Ryan
Manager of Email Marketing
Alaska Airlines, Inc.
Executive Vice President and Chief
Marketing Officer
Target Corporation
Jones, Mark
President - Global Solutions
Johnson, Ashley
Jordan, Jarrod
Marketing and Communications
Collegiate Church Corporation
Johnson, Brian
Jansky, Cindy
Johnson, Jennifer
Jarer, Jaime
Johnson, Shannon
Jarrell, Holly
Johnson, Ty
Chief Client Services Officer, North
Director, Industry Marketing
Pandora Media, Inc.
Jones, Tim
Johnson, Eric
Brand Manager
Matrixx Initiatives, Inc.
Global Chief Executive Officer of Havas
and Euro RSCG
Havas Worldwide
Marketing Manager, Campaign
Expedia, Inc.
Executive Vice President, Network
Director, Marketing
Centene Corporation
Marketing Program Manager
Associate Publisher of Marketing
Conde’ Nast Publications, Inc.
Marketing Director, Meat Products
Hormel Foods Corporation
Social Media Specialist
Alaska Airlines, Inc.
Vice President, Multicultural Ad Sales
Johnston, Ashley
Vice President, Marketing
Experian Marketing Services
152 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Chief Executive Officer
Zenith Optimedia
Executive Vice President, Thuzio 360
Thuzio, Inc.
Jordon, Lara
Vice President, Marketing and Brand
MassMutual Financial Group
Joseph, Alisa
Vice President, Advertiser Services
Josephson, Mark
Vice President, Publisher
Meredith Corporation
Joukoff, Stephanie
Agency Inside
Intel Corporation
Joy, Ryan
Senior Director of Menu Development
Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc.
Joyce, Brian
Senior Vice President Ad Sales, A&E/
A+E Networks
Juliano, Joseph
Director, Analgesics and Eye Care
Prestige Brands, Inc.
Jung, Peter
Senior Director, Marketing
Junger, Ellen
Senior Vice President Consumer
Solutions/Chief Marketing Officer
Hallmark Cards Inc.
Kabb, Julie
Director, Strategic Partnerships /
Business Development
General Growth Properties, Inc.
Kafkis, Maria
Senior Brand Manager
Reynolds Consumer Products
Kahlert, Florian
Managing Director
Kahn, Lisa
Director Assistant To Marie Devlin
American Express Company
Kahn, Michael
Kaplowitz, Marla
Chief Executive Officer, North America
Kargman, Harry
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Kargo Global Inc.
Karkos, Denise
Chief Marketing Officer
Karpenko, Chris
Director, Brand Mail
United States Postal Service
Kasprzycki, Andrew
Executive Vice President Managing
Director, Starcom
Starcom MediaVest Group
Kassan, Michael
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
MediaLink, LLC
Katz, Ralph
CooperKatz & Company, Inc.
Kaura, Varsha
Senior Vice President, Account
Leo Burnett Company, Inc.
Kayse, Kathleen
Global Chief Executive Officer
Vice President, Sales Strategy and
Yahoo! Inc.
Kain, Wylie
Kehrer, Daniel
Kammerer, Charlie
Keller, Jim
Vice President, Head of Brand
E*Trade Financial Corp.
Group Publisher, Real Simple, Food
and Wine, Health, Cooking Light,
MyRecipes and This Old House
Time Inc.
Kamon, Leah
Senior Vice President, Marketing and
Radio Advertising Bureau
Kanubaddi, Avani
Chief Executive Officer and Chief
Marketing Officer
Welmedix Consumer Healthcare
Kaplan, Jill
Supervisor, Consumer
Vision Service Plan, Inc.
Vice President, Marketing
Vice President, East and Mid-West
Kelley, Jacki
Chief Operating Officer of Media
Bloomberg L.P.
Kells, Kevin
Director, GCAS
Director of Brand Strategy
BuzzFeed, Inc.
Kelly, Colleen
Partner, Managing Director
Kelly, Jason
Kaplan, Keith
Kelly, John
Vice President, Sales
Vice President Global Agency Team
Yahoo! Inc.
Senior Influencer Program and Social
Media Manager
Plantronics, Inc.
Kelly, Sophie
The Barbarian Group
Kelly, Tyler
Senior Vice President, Client
Kendrick, Melissa
Communications and Marketing
Tri-State G&T
Kennedy, John
Chief Marketing Officer
Xerox Corporation
Kennedy, Sally
Former Chief Executive Officer
Publicis Hawkeye
Kennelly, John
Vice President, Global Multimedia
The Wall Street Journal
Kenny, Judy
Executive Vice President, Network
Sales and Marketing
Estrella TV
Kensinger, Ed
Director of Creative Strategies
Siemens Corporation
Kent, Harvey
Chief Strategy Officer
Talent Partners
Keown, Brad
Vertical Director, Consumer Package
Kerin, Donna
Vice President, Advertising Sales - TV
Kerr, Patty
Kelly, Brendan
Kaplan, Jonathan
Kelly, Michael
President of Managed Media Business
Millennial Media
Executive Vice President, Digital Sales
Univision Communications Inc.
ANA, Alliance for Family
Kershaw, Matt
Vice President, Client Strategy
Run Advertising
Kershner, Nancy
Manager Marketing Growth
Penske Truck Leasing Co., L.P.
Kershteyn, Yana
Media Strategy
Pulte Homes, Inc.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 153
Conference Attendees
Kertis, John
Klaassen, Abbey
Kollitides, Melissa
Keshmiry, Julie
Klee, Leigh Ann
Koosman, Brent
Assistant Brand Manager
Philip Morris USA
Global Media Director
Intel Corporation
Khan, Lisa
Senior Director Procurement
Kichen, David
Creative Director
Fidelity Investments
Kiczula, Phillip
Business Development Director
Kiernan, Eileen
Chief Marketing Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Pace Communications
Klein, David
Group Publisher
Crain Communications, Inc.
Klein, Julia
Coordinator, Corporate Partnerships
Klein, Lesley
Vice President
MediaLink, LLC
Kleinhans, Birgit
Global President
Kiernan, Matt
Retail Marketing Manager
Pella Corporation
Kightlinger, Brian
Vice President, Corporate Sales
Meredith Corporation
Kim, Jordan
Global Media Manager
Intel Corporation
Global Head, Marketing and
Kline, Allie
Chief Marketing Officer
Klugherz, Seth
Marketing Director - Strategic Initiatives
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Vice President
Fidelity Investments
Product Manager - Retail
Jennie-O Turkey Store
Global Growth Director
Havas Worldwide
Kornbluth, Ashley
MillerCoors LLC
Kosinski, Richard
President, U.S.
Kostakos, Nancy
Director of Marketing
Goodwin Procter LLP
Kotler, Alexander
Associate, Business Development
Kovacs, Karen
Publisher, People
Time Inc.
Kowitt, Beth
Writer, Fortune Magazine
Time Inc.
Knarr, Katherine
Kozak, Eric
Knecht, Fredrick
Kozero, Kirk
Knipp, Greg
Kozlow, Doug
Knopke, Richard
Krajewski, Elizabeth
Knotts, Doreen
Kramer, Justin
Kocer, Lori
Kramer, Louisa
Vice President, Strategic and Platform
DoubleVerify Inc.
Koeppel, Peter
Kramer, Sarah
Kirby, Rainbow
Koewler, Julie
Krasnoo, Eric
Managing Director
Global Advertising and Events
Vice President
Major League Soccer
Kiss, Patrick
Kohl, Ellen
Managing Director
Kim, Patti
Vice President
Business Development
Live Nation, Inc.
Kim, Stephen
Vice President
Global Agencies and Accounts
Microsoft Corporation
Kincer, Pam
Director, North America Marketing
Formica Corporation
King, Lisa
Vice President, Consumer Insights
American Standard Brands
Kint, Jason
Chief Executive Officer
Digital Content Next
Kintner, AJ
Director, Events Marketing and
Industry Communications
Clear Channel Outdoor
Managing Director
Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners
Kitchings, Kim
Licensing Manager
Tervis Tumbler Company
Director, Marketing Production
Chief Executive Officer
Dieste, Inc.
Senior Vice President, Sales
Gannett Co., Inc.
Regional Vice President, Southeast
Triad Retail Media
Marketing Manager
Land O’ Lakes, Inc.
Koeppel Direct
Director, Consumer Insights and
Marketing Intel
Hormel Foods Corporation
Cotton, Inc.
154 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
American Standard Brands
Senior Manager, Marketing Integration
Associate Brand Manager
American Licorice
Executive Producer
Executive Vice President
The Team Companies
Marketing Program Manager
AutoZone, Inc.
Chief Operating Officer
Kravitz, Howard
Kreckler, James
Kurnit, Paul
Kreibich, Dennis
Kwentoh, Crystal
Senior Vice President
Advertising Sales - Digital
Senior Communications Specialist,
Digital Experience
Florida Power & Light Co.
Kreis, George
Assistant Vice President
Business Development
Active International
Krivkovich, Peter
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Krok, Marc
Senior Vice President, Ad Sales
AMC Networks
Krueger, Kevin
Associate Marketing Manager
Land O’ Lakes, Inc.
Kruesi, Mitchell
Associate Brand Manager
WhiteWave Foods Company
Krug, Kellie
Senior Vice President, Enterprise
Marketing Services
Wells Fargo & Co.
Krull, Kelly
Marketing Director
AutoZone, Inc.
Kryzer, Jaycelyn
Director, Business Development
Ladies Professional Golf Association
Krzypow, David
Vice President Marketing
Kugel, Christian
Vice President
Consumer Analytics and Research
Kuh, Jody
Owner and Producer
Q+A Events and Production LLC
PS Insights, KidShop and Kurnit
Lacher, Jane
Laven, Michele
Executive Vice President of Strategy
Zenith Optimedia
LaFerla, Tara
Associate Marketing Manager
Land O’ Lakes, Inc.
Lafferty, Patrick
Chief Executive Officer
Bartle Bogle Hegarty LLC
Laline, Letitia
Director, U.S. Custom Solutions
Thomson Reuters
Lamadrid, Carlos
Vice President
Entercom Communications
Lamb, Tom
Chief Marketing Officer
Lowe’s Companies, Inc.
Lambert, LaMont
Vice President Advertiser Services
Lamborghini, Alia
Vice President Sales, East
Millennial Media
Landgraf, Shelley
The Landgraf Consulting Group
Lane, Brian
Senior Vice President
Agencies, North America
The Nielsen Company
Langona, Lori
Director, Consumer Marketing
Plantronics, Inc.
Langrehr, Keith
FM Global
Kuhn, Peter
LaPointe, Pat
Kuhn, Tom
Laramie, Elena
Kupiec, R. David
LaRocca, Lynn
Executive Vice President
Sales and Marketing
National CineMedia, LLC
Laux, Melissa
Vice President, Portfolio Sales
Senior Director, Institutional
and Service Line Marketing
Johns Hopkins Medicine
Vice President, Marketing Strategy
Professor Emeritus
University of North Carolina
Strategic Marketing Brand Manager
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
kuhar, ashley
Lauterborn, Robert
Executive Vice President
Director, Online Marketing
Chief Experience Officer
New York Racing Association
Laughlin, Cindy
President of Business Development
and Partnerships
Law, Christopher
National Vice President
UnitedHealthcare Asian Initiatives
Law, Edwin
E-Commerce Sales Manager
Lenovo Group Ltd.
Lawenda, Jim
Senior Director, Member Relations
Lawrence, Beth
Executive Vice President, Digital Ad
Scripps Networks Interactive
Lawson, Matt
Managing Director, Ads Marketing
Lazowski, John
Senior Director of Marketing
Insights and Innovation
ACH Food Companies, Inc.
Lazzaro, Alison
Vice President
Advertising and Creative Services
Prudential Insurance Company of
Leach-Rouvi, Amanda
Vice President of Marketing
North America
Robert Half International
Leahy, Leeann
The VIA Agency
Leavitt, Erica
Expedia, Inc.
Lederman, Jennifer
Vice President
Managing Director
Lee, John
Senior Director, Marketing and
Centene Corporation
Lee, Judy
Head of Industry Marketing
AT&T AdWorks
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 155
Conference Attendees
Lee, Michael
Managing Director
International Advertising
Association, Inc.
Leemis, Jennifer
Senior Manager, Brand Marketing
Lefton, Terry
Sports Business Journal/Sports
Business Daily
Legg, Elena
Media Manager
Harmelin Media
Lewis, Alison
Chief Marketing Officer
Johnson & Johnson
Lewis, Jeff
Vice President, Ad Sales
Lewis, Kim
Senior Vice President, Ad Sales
BET Networks
Lewis, Mary
Lewis, Melissa
Legros, Jean
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
The Mentholatum Company
Lehr, Tom
Group Manager Agency
Management and Alliances
Target Corporation
Lewis, Timi
Vice President, Marketing and
Housing Parnership Network
Lemkau, Kristin
Libero, Gisella
Lenard, Chantel
Licardi, John
Lent, Eric
Lick, John
Chief Marketing Officer
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Director, U.S. Marketing
Ford Motor Company
Vice President, Holiday Inn
InterContinental Hotels Group
Leone, Kristen
Vice President, Sales Strategy
The Weather Channel
Leshinsky, Barbara
Executive Vice President, Development
The Advertising Council
Leuer, Paul
Vice President, Sales
Young America, LLC
LeValley, Kyle
National Hot Rod Association
Levi, Dan
Chief Marketing Officer
Clear Channel Outdoor
Levin, Julie
Chief Marketing Officer
Publicis North America
Levine, Adam
Chief Marketing Officer
Levine, Ari
Head of New Business
Levine, Tara
Business Development Executive Vice
President, Chief Marketing Officer
Deutsch, Inc.
Administration and Planning Manager
Ferrero USA, Inc.
Business Development
Talent Partners
Advertising Executive Producer
Liebowitz, Jason
Vice President, Sales
LiveWorld, Inc.
Liebowitz, Tyler
Vice President Business Development
Light, Valerie
Broadcast Production Manager
Verizon Communications
Liguori, Steve
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Liguori Innovation
Limon, Kathy
Marketing Communications Manager
Vision Service Plan, Inc.
Lindell, Tom
Managing Director
Exponent PR
Linder, Ryan
Senior Vice President, Strategic Growth
MDC Partners Inc
Linger, Alexa
Coordinator, Sales and Marketing
Navigate Research
Linne, Dave
Senior Vice President, Advertising
ConAgra Foods Inc.
156 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Lins, Vicki
Executive Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Brand Strategy and Marketing
United Way Worldwide
Linton, Cathy
Senior Vice President
Director of Advertising and
Marketing Communications
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Liodice, Bob
President and Chief Executive Officer
Lipple, Traci
Marketing and Events Professional
Teradata Operations, Inc.
Lisook, Adam
Marketing Director - Snacking
Bel Brands USA
List, Karen
Executive Director
Agency and Industry Relations
The New York Times Company
Little, Carrie
Marketing Operations Director
MacNeil Automotive Products
Littman, Mark
Creative Director
Northern Lights
Liu, Ellen
Senior Director, Media COE
The Clorox Company
Livingston, Bob
The Nielsen Company
Livingston, Melissa
Marketing Manager
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts
Livingston, Paulette
Senior Communication Specialist
Florida Power & Light Co.
Lobdell, Chris
Chief Revenue Officer
Lobel, Richard
Executive Vice President and Chief
Marketing Officer
CBS Altitude Group
Lobosco, Donna
Director, Brand Communications
Hunter Douglas, Inc.
Lobpries, Lawrence
Vice President, Consumer Marketing
Lowe’s Companies, Inc.
Locke, Gordon
Senior Vice President
Chief Developement Officer
Pace Communications
Loeb, Elyse
LoVerme, Chris
Lundberg, Lars
Lovinger, Daniel
Lutz, Kristina
Brand Manager
Blue Diamond Growers
Sponsorship Coordinator
Executive Vice President
Advertising Sales - Entertainment
Loeffler, Chris
Low, Whitney
Executive Vice President
Account Director
Leo Burnett Company, Inc.
Logan, Christine
Franklin Templeton Investments
Lojo, Michelle
Senior Marketing Manager
Simulmedia, Inc.
Lokken, Dawn
Head of Client Development
Integral Ad Science
Lowe, Jamie
Xbox Group MarCom Manager
Microsoft Corporation
Lowenberg, Aaron
Lombardi, David
Long, Jeannette
Lozano, Jose
Long, Meredith
Lubar, Alex
Longobardi, Laura
Lubeck, Dave
Time Inc.
Director, Marketing Solutions
Clear Channel Outdoor
Lopez, Gustavo
Associate Brand Manager
Bimbo Bakeries USA
Chief Executive Officer
The Company of Others
Chief Marketing Officer
McCann Worldgroup
Executive Vice President
Executive Director of Client Services
Bernstein-Rein Advertising
Executive Vice President,
Brand Partnerships, Digital
and New Business Development
Universal Music Group
Lucas, Brittany
Lopez Negrete, Alex
Head of Global Marketing
Bloomberg L.P.
President and Chief Executive Officer
Lopez Negrete Communications, Inc.
Lopez Negrete, Patrick
Account Planner
Lopez Negrete Communications, Inc.
Lorenz, Lisa
Director, Creative Content
Panera Bread, LLC
Loria, Katy
Senior Vice President, National Sales
Screenvision Cinema Network, LLC
Lorizio, Keith
Associate Sales Events Manager
Lucke, Zazie
Ludcke, Isabel
Senior Communication Specialist
Florida Power & Light Co.
Lyle, Dustin
Head of North American Consulting
Repucom International
Lynch, Rob
Brand President and Chief Marketing
Arby’s Restaurant Group
Lyons, Anne
National Sales Executive
Clear Channel Outdoor
Lyons, Brett
Branded Entertainment Programs Lead
Intel Corporation
Lyons, Richard
Associate Bread Brand Manager
Flowers Foods, Inc.
Lytle, Lisa
Marketing Associate
Vanguard Group, Inc.
Macaluso, Paul
Senior Vice President Global
Marketing, Restaurants
FOCUS Brands
MacAvery, Sarah
Senior Manager - Field Marketing
Rocket Fuel Inc.
Macca, Jon
Development Coordinator
Vice President
Media and Customer Engagement
Ludwig, Elizabeth
Maccaro, Chris
Senior Vice President, Marketing
Sungevity Inc.
Ludwig, Ginger
Director of Agency Marketing
Arnold Worldwide
Lum, Elliot
Chief Revenue Officer
Vice President, Strategic Marketing
Columbia Records
Division of Sony Music
Loughney, Mark
Lundberg, Ann
Vice President, Research
Turner Broadcasting Sales, Inc.
Lutz, Vera
Lynch, Michael
Lowe, Julie
Vice President
Partnership Development
Fox Sports/Team Sports
Vice President, Brand Marketing
American Standard Brands
Senior Vice President, Connections
Director, Strategic Sourcing
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Chief Sales Officer
Director, Channel Marketing
Boston Scientific Corporation
Vice President Sales Engineering
FusionSeven, Inc.
Marketing Strategist
Vice President
North American Field Sales
Yahoo! Inc.
MacCarthy, Laura
Group Brand Director, Kinder
Ferrero Canada Ltd.
MacDonald, Gary
Global Head of Marketing
State Street Global Advisors
Senior Vice President Digital Ad Sales
Scripps Networks Interactive
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 157
Conference Attendees
MacDonald, John
Vice President
Marketing Analytics and Loyalty
Enterprise Holdings, Inc.
MacDonald, Libby
Senior Vice President
Kantar Media
MacGregor, Wendy
Chief Revenue Officer
Turn Inc
Mackay, Keith
Malone, Deborah
Markowitz, Jeffrey
Malone, Penny
Marks, Clifford
Maloney, Phillip
Marks, Elizabeth
The Internationalist
Director of Marketing Programs
Vantage Mobility International
Senior Advisor
Maltin, Samantha
Senior Vice President
Marketing Innovations
A+E Networks
Mandala, Steven
President, Strategy
Mackenzie, Christopher
Vice President, Digital Ad Operations
Clear Channel Outdoor
Macleod, Gay
Project Manager
Newspaper Association of America
MacPherson, Kerry
Category Manager
Marketing Strategic Sourcing
SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment
Madden, Rachelle
Executive Director
Maddux, Donna
Director, Member Relations
Maestas, AJ
President and Founder
Navigate Research
Maher, David
Executive Vice President, Advertising
Univision Communications Inc.
Mandel Dunsche, Maria
Chief Executive Officer
Creative Compound
President, Sales and Marketing
National CineMedia, LLC
Global President
Marks, Karen
Director Consumer Connections
Pepperidge Farm, Inc.
Markus, Eric
Brand Manager
Heineken USA, Inc.
Marobella, Paul
Vice President Marketing
and Media Innovation
AT&T AdWorks
President Chicago Group
Havas Worldwide
Maness, Laura
Business Development Senior
Cemusa, Inc.
Mangan, Christopher
Marques, Orlando
Manning, Jennifer
Marquina, Stewart
U.S. Chief Growth Officer
Havas Worldwide
Senior Partner, Director of Asset
The Midas Exchange
Marold, Robert
ABAP Association of Brazilian
Advertising Agencies
Agency Promotions and Co-op
Country Financial
Marketing Director
Red Lobster Management LLC
Manning, Kathleen
Brand Manager
Bimbo Bakeries USA
Director, CRM
Panera Bread, LLC
Marrone, Matt
Marshall, Mark
Mannino, Carol
Senior Vice President
Advertising Sales - Portfolio, Midwest
Maran, Enid
Martin, Brian
Vice President, Global Brands and
Marinodottir, Maria Hrund
Martin, Danielle
Maicon, Lee
Markey, Julie
Vice President, Production Services
Fidelity Investments
Maher, Jill
Vice President/Digital Marketing
Fidelity Investments
Maheu, JP
Chief Strategy Officer
Maida, Kevin
Email Channel Manager
Florida Power & Light Co.
Maldari, Maureen
Chief Executive Officer
The BAM Connection
Malley, Claudia
Executive Vice President, Marketing
National Geographic Society
Consumer Research Manager
Ferrero USA, Inc.
Managing Director
Marketing Effectiveness
The Nielsen Company
Marketing Director
VIS Insurance
Senior Director, Walmart Marketing
Walmart Stores, Inc.
Markfield, Barbara
Director, Member Relations
Markman, Ivan
Chief Operating Officer
Markowitz, Howie
Vice President, Production
Ease Commercial Services
158 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Senior Vice President
Marketing and Communications
Project: WorldWide
Marketing Director Enterprise
Marketing and Business Development
Deluxe Creative Services
Martin, Kim
Chief Strategy Officer
Meredith Corporation
Martincic, Stephen
Executive Vice President
Global Branding and Corporate Affairs
Martinet, Stacy
Chief Marketing Officer
Martinez, Carlos
Conill Advertising Inc.
Martinez, Marta
Maynard, Brian
McCourt, Jessica
Martini, Kristen
Mays, Nathan
McCoy, Wendy
Senior Vice President, AOL Advertising
America Online Incorporated
Director of Studio Operations
Martino, Christine
Vice President National Ad Sales
Screenvision Cinema Network, LLC
Marto, Phonishia
Marketing Manager
Wyndham Worldwide Corporation
Mason, Danielle
Senior Director, Consumer Marketing
Master, Rob
Vice President, Media Americas and
Unilever United States, Inc.
Masters, Jessica
Regional Sales Manager
Mastrangelo, Matt
Senior Vice President, Chief Revenue
Officer and Publisher
Playboy Enterprises, Inc.
Materacky, Mark
Senior Brand Manager, Chunky, Soup
and Chili
Campbell Soup Company
Materazzo, Lisa
Corporate Manager, Media Strategy
and Digital Engagement
Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A., Inc.
Mathew, Aley
Senior Brand Manager
Matrixx Initiatives, Inc.
Mathias, Peggy
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Matos-Becerra, Michelle
Vice President, Sales Development
Matthews, Louis
Farmers Insurance Group, Inc.
Mavo, Pedro
Director, LATAM and Caribbean
Motorola Solutions, Inc.
Maxwell, Heather
Director, Consumer Insights
ConAgra Foods Inc.
May, Lisa
Professional Marketing Manager
Align Technology, Inc.
Director of Marketing
Whirlpool Corporation
Bank of America
Director, Sales
Senior Vice President Marketing
Mazza, AJ
Director, Marketing Communications
Mazzucca, Daren
Vice President, Publisher
Martha Stewart Living
McAuliffe, Mary
Director of Integrated Marketing
CyrusOne, LLC
McAvoy, Dawn
Head of Brand Strategy
Aetna Inc.
McCaffrey, Sean
Senior Vice President, Client Strategy
Clear Channel Outdoor
McCain, Tina
Senior Sales Director
McCall, Holly
Senior Director, Regional Sales, Central
McCall, Steve
Chief Executive Officer - Canada Office
Kirshenbaum Bond Senecal +
McCarthy, Elizabeth
Group Account Director
Alma DDB
McCarthy, Gerard
Technical Director
CooperKatz & Company, Inc.
McCarthy, Nicky
Marketing Support Technician
American Family Insurance
McCauley, John
Senior Vice President
Strategic Alliances
Screenvision Cinema Network, LLC
McClain, Clint
Senior Director, Creative/Ideation
Walmart Stores, Inc.
McCollough, Todd
Director, Marketing and
Centene Corporation
McConnell, Colin
Chief Brand Officer
Prudential Insurance
Company of America
McCuin, Bob
President of Sales
Clear Channel Outdoor
McDermott, Carrie
Director, Project Marketing
AT&T Mobility LLC
McDonagh, Matt
Vice President of Agency Sales
The Onion | Onion Labs
McDonald, Steven
Vice President
Global Strategic Partnerships
Sesame Workshop
McDonnell, Maureen
Trade Marketing Manager
Chicken of the Sea
McDonnell, Meghan
Senior Vice President
Pile and Company
McDonough, Timothy
Vice President
Global Brand Marketing
Moen Incorporated
McFadden, Suzanne
Vice President Marketing and Strategy
Comcast Cable
McGonigle, Debbie
Chief Marketing Officer
Commercial Insurance
Liberty Mutual Group
McGovern, Daniel
Manager Marketing Growth
Penske Truck Leasing Co., L.P.
McGovern, Linda
Vice President, Global Marketing
USG Corporation
McGowan, Michelle
Senior Vice President, Director of
Corporate Communications
Starcom Worldwide
McGrath, Alex
Business Manager, Data and B-to-B
Advertising Age
McGuire, Tim
Chief Executive Officer
Mclean, Brant
Senior Vice President of Brand Strategy
BuzzFeed, Inc.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 159
Conference Attendees
McLean, Gordon
Global Managing Partner
Young & Rubicam Group
McLean, Stuart
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Content & Co.
McLellan, Alton
Director, Marketing Initiatives
Lowe’s Companies, Inc.
McMahon, Douglas
Senior Managing Director
Chief Marketing Officer
Tavistock Group
McMahon, Josh
Menicheschi, Edward
Chief Marketing Officer
President Conde Nast Media Group
Conde’ Nast Publications, Inc.
Meono, James
MUFG Union Bank, N.A.
Meraz, Lisa
Project Manager, Digital Marketing
Alaska Airlines, Inc.
Merna, Mike
Head of Brand Strategy
Consumer Package Goods
Oracle Data Cloud
Specialist, Consumer Engagement and
Marketing Services
Altria Group Distribution Company
Messeri, Marnie
McMahon, Naomi
Messinger, Greg
Senior Vice President
Strategic Marketing
Universal Music Group
McMillion, Angela
Manager - Marketing and Advertising
Advertising Director
Metcalfe, Alison
Business Alliance Specialist
United States Postal Service
Executive Vice President, North
Tourism Ireland
McMullen, Mark
Meth, Eric
Executive Vice President, Catapult New
The List Inc.
McNally, Chris
Senior Director New Business
DAC Group
Means, Holly
Vice President Corporate Equity
Strategy and Sponsorships
Johnson & Johnson
Meder, Mary
Harmelin Media
Meyer, Jed
U.S. Research Director
Annalect Omnicom Media Group
Meyers, Robyn
Vice President
Sales and Business Development
Consumer Electronics Association
Mehta, Abhilasha
Senior Vice President
Head/ Enterprise Brand and Marketing
Communications Research
Bank of America
Melani, Kristi
Digital Marketing Director
Plantronics, Inc.
Mellen, Amanda
Senior Director Integrated Marketing
LifeLock, Inc.
Director, Integrated Marketing
Allstate Insurance Company
Chief Marketing Officer
Mildren, Sally
Vice President, Customer Experience
Coordinated Care
Milenthal, Rick
The Shipyard
Milhano, Beata
Vice President, Marketing
Professional Products Division
The Clorox Company
Milke, Karen
Buying Manager
Mars Incorporated
Millard Ennis, Emily
Marketing and Sales Strategy Manager
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts
Miller, JD
Director of Marketing and
Strata Marketing, Inc.
Miller, Jeffrey
Senior Vice President
Citigroup Inc.
Miller, Leslie
Marketing Communications Manager
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
Miller, Matthew
Sales Director
President and Chief Executive Officer
Association of Independent
Commercial Producers
Mezrich, Abe
Miller, Robert
Head of Marketing Communications
Michael, Julie
Medved, Denise
Mena, Susan
Senior Vice President, Programmatic
Triad Retail Media
Mildenhall, John
Executive Director
Team One
Micolo, Steven
Senior Marketing Manager
Midha, Ashish
Deloitte Consulting
Midura, Todd
Category Director Tic Tac
Ferrero USA, Inc.
Migliorino, Michael
Brand Manager
Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc.
Milberg, Sandie
Senior Vice President, Platform Sales
Varick Media Management
Milch, Haley
Coordinator, Conferences
160 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Lead Marketing
Communications Manager
AT&T Inc.
Millerick, Shawn
Head of Marketing, U.S. OTC
Alcon Laboratories, Inc.
Milliken, Doug
Vice President, Brand Development
The Clorox Company
Milne, Stacey
Vice President Global Initiatives
and Marketing Services
Marriott International, Inc.
Mirande, David
Mirelez, Sara
Senior Vice President, Brand Elevation
WhiteWave Foods Company
Mitchell, Mary
Brand Manager
Sour Confections
American Licorice
Mitchell, Melissa
Director of Brand Strategy
Pulte Homes, Inc.
Mizrahi, Isaac
General Manager
Moe, Jason
Director, Partner Relations
Simulmedia, Inc.
Molen, Laura
Executive Vice President
Advertising Sales - Lifestyle
Molina, Sylvia
Project Manager Integrated Marketing,
Advertising and PR
Mary Kay Inc.
Monaco, Chris
Head of New Business
Universal Music Group
Monnie, Samuel
Marketing Capability Director
Campbell Soup Company
Monteferrante, Chris
Vice President
Head of Advertising Sales
AT&T AdWorks
Montes, Ed
Chief Revenue Officer
Montesano, Joe
Vice President, Sales
Monti, Steve
Senior Director, Customer Success
Moody, Dave
Director of Marketing
Service Experts Inc.
Moore, Brenda
Product Manager
Tree Top, Inc.
Moore, Jason
Division Manager
Bush Brothers & Company
Moorman, Robert
Chief Marketing Officer
Merkley + Partners
Mootz, Angela
Moran, Liam
Vice President
Associate Planning Director
Active International
Moran, Tim
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Morgan, David
Vice President of Sales
Mukaled, Rana
Brand Marketing and Research
Stanford Health Care
Muldoon, Arthur
Chief Executive Officer
Simulmedia, Inc.
Chief Executive Officer and
Accordant Media
Morgenstern, Harold
Mulhern, Mark
Senior Vice President
Digital Media Advertising Sales
Discovery Communications, Inc.
Morris, John
Vice President, Advertising and Media
Travelers Insurance
Morris, Mark
President, East
iCrossing, Inc.
Mulla, Natasha
Director of Events
Mullen, Deanna
Vice President Brand Partnerships
Universal Music Group
Supervisor, Consumer
Marketing Communications
Vision Service Plan, Inc.
Morrison, Christine
Munday, Tim
Morrone, Guillermo
Muntzner, Alicia
Group Social Media Manager
Intuit Inc.
Vice President
Merchant Marketing LAC
MasterCard Worldwide
Moses, Tracey
Chief Marketing Officer
Classic Party Rentals
Mottl, Kathleen
Director, Marketing
Centene Corporation
Moulton, Jeff
Director, New Business Development
The TEAM Companies
The Weather Channel
Muratore, Paul
President and Chief Executive Officer
Talent Partners
Murcko, Mary
Vice President
Publisher, SELF Magazine
Conde’ Nast Publications, Inc.
Murphy, Brian
Senior Vice President, FI Marketing
Fidelity Investments
Humana Inc.
Murphy, Kate
Mower, Eric
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Eric Mower and Associates
Muchnick, Hal
Chief Operating Officer
Mueller, Jim
Group Marketing Manager
Johnsonville Sausage LLC
Mueller, Kurt
Senior Vice President Operations
The Onion | Onion Labs
Director, Sponsorship and Partner
Mueller, Michael
Moran, Jonathan
Muhlstock, Rich
Product Marketing Manager
SAS Institute Inc.
Muir, Jeff
Vice President, Client Development
Univision Communications Inc.
Senior Vice President
Branding and Acquisitions
E*Trade Financial Corp.
Senior Director Global Ads
Microsoft Corporation
Murray, Carter
Worldwide Chief Executive Officer
Murray, Elle
Account Executive
Simulmedia, Inc.
Murray, Sue
Packaging and Brand Design Manager
Land O’ Lakes, Inc.
Murtha, Joli
Group Vice President, Advertising
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Mustafa, Shafi
Savveo, Inc.
Myers, Jack
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 161
Conference Attendees
Myszkowski, Marie
Managing Director
Spark Communications
Nadler, Lee
Marketing Communications Manager
Nagle, Quique
Senior Vice President
Enterprise Solutions
Napolitano, Anthony
Nelson-Helm, Jolene
Chief Marketing Officer
Senior Vice President
Bellisio Foods Inc.
Neslund, Scott
Executive Vice President
Client Services
Neumann, Shari
Marketing Director, Brand Center
Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Norman-Kotlova, Sarah
Global Head of Agency Relations
Northen, Janet
Partner and Director
Agency Communication
Norton, James
Global Head of Media Sales
Novak, Mari Kim
Vice President, National Sales
The Bump
XO Group Inc.
Newcomb, Leah
Napolitano, Brian
Newman, Lauren
Vice President, Corporate Sales East
Time Inc.
Senior Director
Global Brand Communications
PepsiCo, Inc.
Napolitano, Joe
Newman, Lee
Nowak, Tom
Narayanan, Krishna
Newton, Anita
Nowicka, Helen
Nash, Jason
Nicastro, Jeanne
Nathaniel, Jasper
Nichols, Wes
Vice President, Ad Sales
Vice President of National Sales
Senior Vice President Digital
Vonage Holdings Corp.
Director of Marketing
Vista Outdoor
Director, Strategic Relationships
Nayak, Priyanka
Lead Research Analyst
Altria Client Services
Chief Executive Officer
Mullen Lowe U. S.
Vice President
Hallmark Cards Inc.
Director, Business Development
Crispin Porter + Bogusky
Co-Founder and Chief Executive
Director WW Brand Strategy
and Content
Lenovo Group Ltd.
Niles-Lane, Sharifah
Naylor, Peter
Nolan, Bob
Senior Vice President, Sales
Neal, Paul
Senior Vice President
Global Business Development
Neff, Jack
Advertising Age
Neisewander, Brienne
Reynolds Consumer Products
Neiswonger, Jeni
Director, Member Relations
Nelissen, Jasper
Vice President, General Manager
Conill Advertising Inc.
Nelson, Brian
Marketing Strategist
Nelson, Parker
Manager, Advertising Solutions
EBay, Inc.
Director, Social Media
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Senior Vice President, Insights and
ConAgra Foods Inc.
Nolan, Tara
Chief Marketing Officer
The Rubicon Project
Novak, Susan
Chief Creative Officer
Best Buy Company, Inc.
Managing Director
Business Development
Meredith Xcelerated Marketing
Nunez, Susan
Vice President
Advertiser Services, Gfk MRI
Nye, Nicole
Senior Vice President Marketing
O’Brien, Mark
DDB Worldwide
O’Brien, Nancy
Director - Ad Agency
AbbVie Inc.
Director of Global Brand and Business
Mullen Lowe Group
O’Connell, Joanna
Nolan, Tim
O’Connor, Lori
Nolander, Jennifer
O’Connor, Tim
Nolen, Tommy
O’Connor, Tim
Senior Vice President, Marketing
Brand Manager, Grocery Products
Hormel Foods Corporation
Senior Vice President, Global
Managing Director
Noonan, Mark
Chief Creative Officer
World Surf League
Norian, Lori
Vice President, Marketing
Matrixx Initiatives, Inc.
162 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Lead Analyst
General Manager, Entertainment
Simulmedia, Inc.
Director of Sales
Accordant Media
Publisher, Shape
Shape Magazine
O’Donald, Jennifer
Vice President
Sallie Mae
O’Hea, Crystal
Corporate Director, Marketing and
Consumer Activation
SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment
O’Sullivan, Sharon
Osborn, John
Pajak, Matt
O’Sullivan, Tami
Osekoski, Christine
Pakizer, Kris
Oake-Libow, Lelan
Oshry, Olivia
Oddenino, Catherine
Osipow, Jo-Ann
Executive Vice President
Discovery Communications, Inc.
Senior Consumer Product Manager
Teva Pharmaceuticals
Manager, Marketing Communications
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
Odell, Patty
Senior Editor
Chief Marketer Network
Ogorzalek, Jennifer
Associate Director, Brand Marketing
Teva Pharmaceuticals
Ohno, Rob
Senior Vice President
Corporate Marketing
Okimoto, Kyle
Chief Marketing Officer
E*Trade Financial Corp.
Olekas, Bethany
President and Chief Executive Officer
BBDO Worldwide, Inc.
Executive Vice President, Marketing
Katz Media Group
Marketing Manager, Partnerships
Executive Vice President
Consulting, Brand and Customer
Experience, North America
Ostler, Clinton
Manager, Media and Market Strategy
Alaska Airlines, Inc.
Ostrowski, Deidre
Vice President, Corporate Marketing
Osuna, Fernando
Chief Creative Officer
Lopez Negrete Communications, Inc.
Otero, Elena
Vice President, Marketing, International
The Clorox Company
Associate Marketing and Events
Meredith Corporation
Overby, Michael
Oliver, Brian
Owen, Chris
Senior Vice President
Corporate Sponsorships
and Title Sponsor Relations
Olsen, Lindsey
Manager, Public Relations
and Social Media
Rust-Oleum Corporation
Olsen, Peter
Executive Vice President, Ad Sales
A+E Networks
Olson, Christine
Vice President, Ad Sales, Lifetime
A+E Networks
Olson, Jason
Brand Director
Rust-Oleum Corporation
Orlosky, Michael
Program Director
Czarnowski Exhibit Services
Orr, Stephen
Better Homes & Gardens Magazine
Ortiz, Catherine
Director of Marketing and
Collegiate Corporation
Director, Direct Sales
Country Financial
Vice President, Integrated Marketing
Owens, Ann
Principal Officer
National and Corporate Initiatives
Amtrak-National Railroad Passenger
Head of Industry, Financial Services
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
Palladino, Linda
Senior Brand Manager, Shavers
Palmer, David
Global Marketing Excellence
The Hershey Company
Palmer, Jim
Chief Executive Officer
Lowe Campbell Ewald
Pamukoff, Belen
Brand Director
Heineken USA, Inc.
Pandolfino, Justin
Manager of PR and Marketing
Nice Shoes
Papathanasakis, Spiro
Essential Accessibility
Paradis, Zachary Jean
Director Experience Strategy
Paranikas, Petros
Partner and Managing Director
The Boston Consulting Group
Pardes, James
Vice President
Marketing and Communications
Paredes, Victor
Managing Director
Spike DDB
Owens, Mark
Paretzkin, Jonas
Owens, Sam
Park, Korina
Pabst, Adrienne
Parker, Michael
Pack, Dan
Parks, Nicholas
Pack, Daniel
Parks, Sarah
Chief Revenue Officer
Corbis Entertainment
Brand Manager – Yogurt
WhiteWave Foods Company
Senior Vice President, Connections
Managing Director and Partner
We Fly Coach
Senior Vice President
Enterprise, Consumer and GWIM
Marketing Operations Executive
Bank of America
Pagan, Stephanie
Director, PR/Social Marketing
ConAgra Foods Inc.
Consultant - Marketing
Robert Half International
iCrossing, Inc.
Vice President Mktg - Advertising
MGM Resorts International
Events Coordinator
Parmiter, Ian
Senior Vice President
Discovery Communications, Inc.
Marketing Specialist
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 163
Conference Attendees
Parodi, Carolyn
Pearsall, Kaitlyn
Pflugh, Nick
Parody, Kristen
Peeler, C. Lee
Phelps, Brian
Parrish, Melissa
Peixoto, Shana
Phelps, Craig
Parrish, Meredith
Pena, Leopoldo
Group Strategy Director
Senior Account Manager
Executive Director
Event Planner
President and Chief Executive Officer
Advertising Self-Regulatory Council
Marketing Director - Brazil
Mary Kay Inc.
Principal Officer
Northeast Corridor Advertising
Amtrak-National Railroad Passenger
Paskalis, Louis
Senior Vice President
Global Media Executive
Bank of America
Paslar, Cristina
SBL, Global Consumer Marketing
MasterCard Worldwide
Pasternak, Kristin
Director of Marketing - Texas
Pulte Homes, Inc.
Pastrana, George
Chief Marketing Officer
Vice President, Marketing and
ACH Food Companies, Inc.
Pathak, Shareen Pathak
Brands Editor
Product Strategy Manager
Bimbo Bakeries USA
Penn, Deanna
Manager, Brand Management
and External Relations
Liberty Mutual Group
Pereira, Fabian
Vice President
Johnsonville Sausage LLC
Perlberg, Steven
The Wall Street Journal
Perry, Kendria
Group Account Director
LMO Advertising
Personette, Sarah
Vice President Global Business
Pessagno, Francis
Paul, Tonise
President and Chief Executive Officer
Energy BBDO
Pavlovsky, Stan
Senior Vice President of Meredith
National Media Group, President of
Allrecipes, Meredith Food
Pawlak, Bernadette
Director, Loyalty and CRM
AutoZone, Inc.
Payton, Alexa
Business Development Manager
TBWA/Chiat/Day Advertising, Inc.
Peacock, Myles
President, Americas
Global Brand Leader
eg+ worldwide
Peacock, Owen
Pesut, Elliott
Campaign Strategy Mgr
Alaska Airlines, Inc.
Petelle, Cynthia
Lyft Inc.
Petersen, Lena
Executive Vice President
Global Product and Partnership
Starcom MediaVest Group
Peterson, Susan
Promotions Specialist
Alaska Airlines, Inc.
Petralia, John
Head of Marketing Operations
Bloomberg L.P.
Petrillo, Pete
Segment Marketing Manager
Vanguard Group, Inc.
National Manager Service, Parts and
Accessory Marketing
Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A., Inc.
Petrusson, Valerie
Pearlstein, Mark
Pezzullo, Jessica
Chief Revenue Officer
DoubleVerify Inc.
Chief Growth Officer
GALE Partners
164 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Director Marketing Strategic Channels
Kennametal Inc.
Director, Business Development
Lowe Campbell Ewald
Senior Assistant Vice President
Marketing Director
Amica Mutual Insurance Company
Philbin, Tim
Vice President
Advertising Sales - WE tv
AMC Networks
Picard, Leslie
Senior Vice President
CNN Sales and Branded Solutions
Turner Broadcasting Sales, Inc.
Piccone, John
Chief Revenue Officer
Simulmedia, Inc.
Pike, Kevin
Media Planner
Vanguard Group, Inc.
Pine, Lynn
Senior Director, Sales
Pineda, Jennifer
Vice President, Business Development
Networked Insights (NI)
Piper, Pat
Creative Director
Hallmark Cards Inc.
Pippen, Bret
Senior Vice President
Regions Corporate Marketing
Regions Financial Corp.
Piscatelli, Tori
Executive Assistant
Meredith Corporation
Pittman, Robert
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Pitts, Brandi
Senior Director, Integrated Marketing
Reynolds Consumer Products
Planchard, Cathy
General Manager/Senior Partner
Allison & Partners
Plank, Torrey
Senior Vice President
Account Director
Roberts & Langer DDB
Plesser, Andy
Executive Producer
Pociask, Ryan
Preschern, Matt
Quinn, Ryan
Podiak, Dick
Preston, Sally
Quiroga, Luis
Pollak, Todd
Price, Ben
Group Marketing Manager
Johnsonville Sausage LLC
Senior Director, Marketing
Kellogg Company
Industry Director, Finance Insurance
Pollock, Andy
Director, Client Services
Polonsky, Leonora
Brand Strategist
Leonora Polonsky & Associates
Porcarelli, Jim
Chief Strategy Officer
Active International
Porta, Drew
Senior Vice President
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Posey, Maureen
Group Media Director
Nestlé Purina
Post, Shari
Senior Vice President
Network Entertainment Sales
Poster, Simon
Manager, Conferences
Poulter, Matt
Director of Retail Sales
Pella Corporation
Poveromo, Maria
Director, Social Media
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Power, Lynn
Managing Director
J. Walter Thompson
Pratt, Robert
Manager Marketing Growth
Penske Truck Leasing Co., L.P.
Pratta, Mitch
Marketing Manager
Vanguard Group, Inc.
Pray, Trisha
Executive Vice President
Network Sales
Univision Communications Inc.
Precourt, Geoffrey
World Advertising Research Center
Pred, Nancy
Vice President, Account Management
Ease Commercial Services
Chief Marketing Officer
HCL America Inc.
Resident, N.A.
Orion Capital
Account Executive
Simulmedia, Inc.
Senior Director
Corporate and Digital Marketing
Senior Vice President, Advertising
Discovery Communications, Inc.
Racine, Nicole
Price, Jim
Radcliffe, Lauren
Price, Steven
Radin, Aaron
Empower MediaMarketing
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Townsquare Media, LLC
Pridmore, Michelle
Senior Product Marketing Manager
Abbott Laboratories
Pritchard, Marc
Chief Brand Officer
The Procter & Gamble Company
Puebla, Rafael
Vice President, Marketing
MasterCard Worldwide
Punchatz, Shelly
General Manager
Brand Marketing and Market Research
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Punter, Clive
Account Executive
Vice President Client Solutions
Senior Vice President
Partnerships and Portfolio Products
Raftus, J.B.
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Rahim, Hasan
Senior Vice President, Sales
Raible, Marci
Director, Global Media
Campbell Soup Company
Raidt, Robert
Arc Worldwide
Executive Vice President, Chief
Revenue Officer
Raikundalia, Sheevani
Pyper, Andy
Raiser, Tracy
Vice President, Merchant Marketing
MasterCard Worldwide
Pyper, Scott
Strategic Accounts Director
Quinn, Adam
Vice President Sales Northeast
Washington Post, The
Vice President/Head of Agency and
Partner Development
G/O Digital
Raj, Wilson
Principal Product Marketing Consultant
SAS Institute Inc.
Rajagopal, Sumana
Director, Sales
Simulmedia, Inc.
Director, Media Strategy
Comcast Cable
Quinn, Brian
Chief Revenue Officer
Triad Retail Media
Quinn, Dennis
Rajaratnam, Raj
Vice President of Global Insights
The Clorox Company
Executive Vice President
Chief Media Strategy Officer
Active International
Ralls, Cindy
Quinn, John
Rampley, Gaetana
General Manager, East Coast Region
DISH Network
Quinn, Kendall
Account Executive
Simulmedia, Inc.
Product Marketing
Group Vice President
Marketing Communications Manager
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Ramsey, Geoffrey
Chairman, Co-Founder
Chief Executive Officer
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 165
Conference Attendees
Rancatore, Ryan
Reed, Adrienne
Riess, Daniel
Senior Vice President
Business Development
Univision Communications Inc.
Reese, Bryan
Ring, Kathy
Ranere, Jaclyn
Reese, Dave
Campaign Integration Manager
Franklin Templeton Investments
Randall, Jack
Director, Marketing
and Strategic Alliances
The Recording Academy
Chief Marketing Officer
Foster Farms, Inc.
Senior Vice President
Marketing and Promotions
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
President, Chief Operating Officer
Los Angeles Office
Starcom USA
Director, Tire Labeling
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Riordan, Allyson
Rani, Yin
Reeth, Lina
Ripp, Brendan
Rasmussen, Andrea
Reid, Colin
Ratterman, Linda
Reid, Dana
Vice President
Global Marketing and Communications
Vice President, U.S. Marketing
Campbell Soup Company
Managing Director
Blue Ridge Partners
Director, Brand
McKesson Corporation
Ravanas, Suellen
Chief Financial Officer
Leo Burnett Company, Inc.
Ray, H.L.
Principal Brand Manager
Intuit Inc.
Industry Strategy
Teradata Applications, Inc.
Rish, Becky
Managing Partner, Executive Director
Arnold Worldwide
Ren, Liv
Raym, Carol
Repicci, Greg
Global Business Development Officer
Omnicom Media Group
Reali, D.J.
Senior Vice President
National Ad Sales
The Weather Channel
Reardon, Sean
Chief Executive Officer
Moxie and Roar
Moxie USA
Reblin, Gary
Vice President
New Products and Innovation
United States Postal Service
Reckart, Lisa
Director of Owner Communications
Marriott Vacations Worldwide
Redman, Jonathan
Senior Director, Client Services
Chief Executive Officer
Time Inc.
Reilly, Barbara
Ray, Kelsey
Razor, Jennifer
Ripp, Joe
Ripperger, Phil
Reitkopf, Aaron
Communications Manager
Senior Vice President
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Vice President
Publisher of Sports Illustrated
Time Inc.
Marketing Manager, ECP
Transitions Optical, Inc.
Senior Director
Business Development / Entertainment
Gilt Groupe, Inc.
Marketing Strategist
Chief Executive Officer Americas
Lowe Profero
Meredith Corporation
Account Executive
Reynolds, Eric
Chief Marketing Officer
The Clorox Company
Rich, Allegra
Director of Brand/Identity
Comcast Cable
Richer, Mark-Hans
Senior Vice President
Global Chief Marketing Officer
Harley-Davidson, Inc.
Richter, Deidre
Senior Vice President, Connections
Richter, Shirley
Vice President, Client Services
Corbis Entertainment
Ridgeway, Kristie
Department Leader
Edward Jones
Riegelhaupt, Alexandra
Director of Marketing and
166 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Senior Vice President, New Business
Mediabrands Worldwide
Assistant Product Manager
Consumer Package Goods
Tree Top, Inc.
Rivenburgh, Rob
Partner, Chief Operating Officer
The Mars Agency
Rivera, Jamie
Director, Marketing Programs
Hunter Douglas, Inc.
Rivera, Mayra
Assistant Vice President Brand
Sponsorship Media
Rivers, Anne
Senior Vice President
Global Director of Brand Strategy
BAV Consulting
Rivir, Valerie
Field Marketing Manager
Teradata Operations, Inc.
Rix, Crystal
Executive Vice President
Director of Business Development
BBDO Worldwide, Inc.
Robbins, Wendy
Vice President
National Client Solutions
Clear Channel Outdoor
Roberts, Jolie
Omnicom Media Group
Roberts, Stone
Chief Executive Officer
Roberts & Langer DDB
Robins, Joy
Robinson, John
Senior Vice President
Chief Creative Officer
Fidelity Investments
Robinson, Krystina
Trade Marketing Manager
Heineken USA, Inc.
Robinson, Stuart
Senior Vice President, Commercial VFX
Method Studios
Rockwood, Beth
Senior Vice President
Market Resources
Discovery Communications, Inc.
Rodgers, Mary
Director, Marketing and
Rodgers, Zach
Managing Editor
Rodney, Dawn
Senior Vice President, Global Brand
National Geographic Society
Rodnick, Stu
Client Marketing Director Incorporated
Rodrigues, Alicia
Amtrak-National Railroad Passenger
Rodriguez, Ana
Executive Vice President
Managing Director- LA
Conill Advertising Inc.
Rominger, Amy
B-to-C Market Manager
Vision Service Plan, Inc.
Ronda, Jill
Rook, Jennifer
Senior Marketing Manager
Elkay Manufacturing Company
Roscioli, Ruby
Corporate Advertising Manager
Vanguard Group, Inc.
Rose, Mike
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Ease Commercial Services
Rosen, Michael
Vice President, Sales
Rosen, Mike
Executive Vice President, Advertising
Sales - Hispanic and News
Rosen, William
VSA Partners, Inc.
Rosenberg, Lisa
Chief Creative Officer
Allison & Partners
Rosenberg, Scott
Vice President Advertising
Roku Inc.
Rosenberg, Zachary
Chief Growth Officer
Horizon Media, Inc.
Rosenblatt, Steven
Rogers, Lori
Rosenfield, Laurie
Senior Planning Analyst
Rogers, Scott
Chief Marketing Officer, N.A. Tire
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Rogin, Seth
Chief Revenue Officer
Rohrs, Jeffrey
Chief Marketing Officer
Yext Inc.
Romansky, Maureen
Senior Brand Manager
Nutella, Media and PR
Ferrero Canada Ltd.
Romeo, Bill
Chief Marketing Officer
Deluxe Creative Services
Chief Revenue Officer
Senior Vice President
Executive Search
MediaLink, LLC
Rosenthal, Mark
Chief Executive Officer
Katz Media Group
Rosier, Amy
and Marketing Manager
Tri-State G&T
Roskowski, Scott
Chief Development Officer
Marketing Evolution
Roskowski, Scott
Chief Development Officer
Ross, Anna
Corporate Development Officer
Cause Marketing
Habitat for Humanity International
Rossi, Laurel
Rofe, Meital
Manager, Strategic Cause Partnerships
Ross, Erica
Director, Global Integrated
Marketing Communications
Combe Incorporated
Havas Worldwide
Rossmiller, John
Account Director
Talent Partners
Roth, Jarrett
Associate Director
U.S. Oncology Marketing
Merck & Co.
Rotherham, Jack
Chief Marketing Officer
Rothschild, Marc
Senior Vice President, Meredith Digital
Meredith Corporation
Rothweiler, Julie
Account Director
Arc Worldwide
Rothwell, James
Vice President
Agency and Brand Relations
Rousseau, Kara
Senior Vice President
Disney Consumer Products, Inc.
Rowan, Pat
Vice President
Production and Operations
The National Theatre for Children
Rowley, Jillian
Domestic Marketing Strategy
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts
Royal-Pascoe, Chad
National Vice President
Corporate and Cause Partnerships
Boys & Girls Club of America
Rubin, Judd
Vice President, Revenue Development
Strata Marketing, Inc.
Rucker, Cliff
Vice President, Sales
United States Postal Service
Rueckert, Joe
Digital Consultant
Land O’ Lakes, Inc.
Ruegg, Amy
Managing Director
Charles Schwab & Company, Inc.
Ruelas, Alejandro
Chief Marketing Officer
Managing Partner
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 167
Conference Attendees
Ruesga, Rich
Sadd, Patrice
Sanders, Karen Wright
Ruffi, Matthew
Sadowski, Wiesia
Sandoval, Edgar
Vice President, Business Development
Univision Communications Inc.
Senior Vice President of Operations
Deluxe Advertising Services
Ruiz, Roberto
Vice President, Brand Solutions
Univision Communications Inc.
Rumph, Kristen
Director, Strategic Brand Partnerships
Pandora Media, Inc.
Rumpler, Tim
Chief Marketing Officer
TM Advertising
Russell, Jordyn
Russell, Mike
Chief Growth Officer
iCrossing, Inc.
Russell, Steve
Business Development Director
Russo, Jennifer
Marketing Coordinator
Millennial Media
Russo, Melanie
Marketing Consultant
Key Corp.
Ruta, Pat
Vice President, Business Development
Visible World
Rutstein, Matt
Director, Enterprise Sales
TubeMogul Inc.
Ryan, John
Vice President, Finance
Ease Commercial Services
Ryan, Mike
Online Marketing Director
Lowe’s Companies, Inc.
Ryan, Nancy
Media Director
Allstate Insurance Company
Ryu, Julie
Marketing and Events Coordinator
MPA - The Association of Magazine
Saalfeld, Trent
Director, Campaign Management
Fidelity Investments
Co-Founder/Chief Creative Officer
Sacchi, Tom
Vice President, Integrated Marketing
and Communications
Fidelity Investments
Saeger, Rebecca
Safran, Michael
Senior Vice President Advertising Sales
Sage, Jan
Vice President
Marketing and Promotions
ABC, Inc.
Sagers, Elaine
Vice President, Marketing
Pella Corporation
Plantronics, Inc.
Sabean, Sandy
Director of Corporate Communications
American Greetings Corporation
Salazar, Alma
Senior Marketing Manager
Align Technology, Inc.
Salens, Lindsey
North America Marketing and
Programs Manager
Herman Miller Inc.
Salinas, Carlos
Content Manager
Vanguard Group, Inc.
Director Strategic Insights
Centene Corporation
Sanger, Sherry
Senior Vice President Marketing
Penske Truck Leasing Co., L.P.
SanGiacomo, Linda
Senior Director of Advertising
Dunkin Donuts, Inc.
Santangelo, Caroline
Vice President
Marketing Insights and Analytics
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
Santora, Jim
Executive Vice President
Senior Account Director
BBDO Worldwide, Inc.
Santoro, Jes
Senior Vice President
Enterprise Sales
TubeMogul Inc.
Santos, Cilmara
Executive Director, Advertising
AT&T Inc.
Vice President
Director of Client Services
Conill Advertising Inc.
Salmon, Ron
Saperstein, Michael
Salomon, Dee
Sarofian, Stephanie
Marketing Research Director
Senior Vice President
MediaLink, LLC
Saltiel, Al
Senior Vice President, Marketing
AutoZone, Inc.
Sam, Ivy
Corporate Consumer Marketing
Mary Kay Inc.
Samet, Marcy
Executive Chief Global Growth Officer
MRM McCann
Sampaio Neuville, Rafael
ABAP Association of Brazilian
Advertising Agencies
Samuel, Dorothy
Communications Coordinator
Atlas Copco
San Juan, Idalia
Account Director
Lopez Negrete Communications, Inc.
Sanborn, Kyle
Creative and Media Director
Enterprise Holdings, Inc.
168 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Head of Media Sales
Executive Director
Brand and Agency Partnerships
Saulnier, Erin
Senior Vice President
Portfolio Sales Marketing
Saunders, Fred
Senior Vice President
Head of Brand, Advertising and
Marketing Communications
Bank of the West
Savic, Sasha
Chief Executive Officer, U.S.
Sayed, Khalil
Director, Global Category Manager
Teva Pharmaceuticals
Scanlon, Virginia
Manager, Disney Corporate Alliances
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts
Schafer, Ian
Chief Executive Officer
Deep Focus, Inc.
Schanzer, Alan
Schulman, Stacey Lynn
Senese, Jodi
Scharf, Mitch
Schultz, E.J.
Sensibaugh, Chris
Senior Vice President
Agency and Advertiser Development
Pandora Media, Inc.
Executive Vice President
Client Management
Moxie USA
Scheglov, Melissa
Director of Brand Marketing
Economical Insurance
Scheifele, Todd
Executive Post Producer/Partner
We Fly Coach
Schenck, Cami
Manager - Media and Digital
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
Scher, Emily
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
Scherer, Paul
Lyft Inc.
Schiekofer, Rich
Executive Vice President
Strategy, Analytics and Research
Katz Media Group
Advertising Age
Schuster, Linda
Assistant Marketing Manager
Blue Diamond Growers
Schwartz, Gerry
President and Chief Executive Officer
The Team Companies
Schwartz, Robert
Chief Executive Officer
TBWA/Chiat/Day Advertising, Inc.
Scott, Julie
Vice President
Account Management
The Onion | Onion Labs
Scott, Matthew
Senior Vice President, Strategy and
Business Development
Senior Vice President, Business
Newspaper Association of America
Scott, Norris
Schildkraut, Linda
Scott, Tim
Director, Business Development
Talent Partners
Schiller, Scott
Executive Vice President, Advertising
Sales - Digital
Schimpf, Karen
Executive Director
Schlesinger, Jon
Director, Marketing
The Clorox Company
Schlesinger, Lynn
Director, Marketing
Schmitz, Jeff
Senior Director Variety Franchise
The Hershey Company
Schreer, Arnold
Partnership Development
Fox Sports/Team Sports
Schreiber, Curt
VSA Partners, Inc.
Schulman, Alan
Deloitte Consulting
Vice President, Partnership Marketing
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Land O’ Lakes, Inc.
Scotti, Diego
Executive Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Verizon Communications
Scuderi, Tiffany
Communications Associate Director
Louisiana Public Health Institute
Seamen, Karen
President/Chief Operating Officer
Sedlak, Keith
Executive Vice President, Media
Business Development
Seideman, Jay
Senior Vice President, Central Sales
Microsoft Corporation
Seiler, Pam
Senior Vice President, Sales
House Party, Inc.
Seitter, Brad
Executive Vice President
Business Development
Seitz, Kari
Executive Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Director, Market
Research and Innovation
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Sermons, Michelle
Vice President
National Client Solutions
Clear Channel Outdoor
Serrano, Carla
Chief Strategy Officer
Publicis USA
Sexton, Donald
Professor of Marketing
Columbia University
Sgrizzi, Frank
Executive Vice President, Turner
Entertainment Ad Sales and Marketing
Turner Entertainment Group
Shabelman, Douglas
Burns Entertainment
Shafer, Kristi
Director of Marketing
American Licorice
Shaffer, Jennifer
Manager of Corporate
Consumer Marketing
Mary Kay Inc.
Shaffner, Cathy
Vice President Client Strategy
Empower MediaMarketing
Shafter, Erin
Sponsorship Manager
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts
Shah, Niharika
Vice President
Marketing and Advertising Strategy
Prudential Insurance Company of
Shah, Umang
Director - Global Social Media
and Digital Marketing
Campbell Soup Company
Shames, Irina
Sales Director, CNN International
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Shanaman, Brett
Vice President, Marketing
AutoZone, Inc.
Shankman, David
Director of Client Services
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 169
Conference Attendees
Shao Collins, Jeannine
Shetty, Baba
Simm, Daryl
Shapiro, Will
Shnider, Steve
Simons, Don
Shorey, Morgan
Simpson, Cleary
Executive Vice President, Publisher
More Magazine
Associate Program Manager
Marketing Communications
Liberty Mutual Group
Sharma, Navin
Vice President
Brand Insights and Analytics
Arby’s Restaurant Group
Sharpe-Ross, Kathi
The Sharpe Alliance
Sharwarko, Mark
Senior Vice President
Director of Client Services
Talent Partners
Shaw, Jennifer
Marketing Research Analyst
Brand Strategy and Communications
John Hancock Financial Services
Shaw, Kristi
Senior Manager
Merchandising and Creative Services
Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc.
Shearer, Matt
Director of Business Development
Richard Childress Racing
Chief Strategy and Media Officer
Web Manager
Florida Power & Light Co.
Senior Vice President
Strategic Development
Shrivastava, Manish
Chief Marketing Officer
Pulte Homes, Inc.
Shriver, Sarah
Vice President, Digital Ad Sales
A+E Networks
Shulman, Matt
Managing Director, Marketing
Shulman, Melissa
Events Assistant
Shults, Wil
Director of Enterprise Sales
StudioNow, Inc.
Shumaker, Chris
Chief Marketing Officer
FCB Chicago
Shurman, Anthony
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Omnicom Media Group
Managing Director, Consumer
Senior Vice President
MediaLink, LLC
Singer, Gary
Chief Marketing Officer, Partner
A.T. Kearney, Inc.
Singh, Anupam
Digital Marketing and Media
Teva Pharmaceuticals
Singh, Manjit
Senior Vice President, Chief
Information Officer
The Clorox Company
Singleton, Deana
Senior Director Global Ads
Microsoft Corporation
Sites, Shawn
Assistant Producer
CooperKatz & Company, Inc.
Slattery, Lee
Vice President, Publisher
Family Circle Magazine
Slench, Chloe
Vice President
Head of Social Media for Chase
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Vice President, Marketing
Post Foods, LLC
Vice President of Midwest Agency
The Onion | Onion Labs
Siciliano, Sarah
Global Marketing Director / Partner
We Fly Coach
Slingluff, Nathan
Shefrin, Elissa
Sieben, Barbara
Sloan, Craig
Siegal, Bob
Sloan, Pat
Siegel, Marc
Sluk, John
Silkworth, Lia
Smith, Ashley
Sheehan, Jessica
Brand Manager
LifeLock, Inc.
Shen, Fred
Director, Professional Marketing
Align Technology, Inc.
Shen, Jon
Senior Director
Interactive Marketing and CP
ConAgra Foods Inc.
Sheperd, Tawnya
Director, Marketing
Centene Corporation
Sherman, Howard
Global Chief Executive Officer
U.S. Seeds Marketing Director
Doremus Worldwide
Sherman, Jaynee
Brand Manager
Hormel Foods Corporation
Sherman, Lisa
President and Chief Executive Officer
The Advertising Council
Marketing Communications Specialist
Boston Scientific Corporation
Senior Director, Sales
Simulmedia, Inc.
Executive Vice President
Managing Director, Tapestry
Starcom MediaVest Group
Silva, Victor
Director, Sales
Simulmedia, Inc.
Silvera, Juan
Market Research
Senior Vice President
Fox Sports/Team Sports
Sloan Hunt Communications
Associate Director
Shire Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Associate Bread Brand Manager
Flowers Foods, Inc.
Smith, Carole
Brand Advertising Manager
T. Rowe Price Investment Services
Smith, Duane
Senior Vice President, EMarketing
MUFG Union Bank, N.A.
Vice President
Brand Strategy and Advertising
Vonage Holdings Corp.
Silverman, Corey
Smith, Elmer
Senior Vice President, Global Sales
Corbis Entertainment
170 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Vice President, CRM/Loyalty
Smith, George
Director, Digital Marketing
PepsiCo, Inc.
Smith, Kristen
Manager, Brand Identity
Comcast Cable
Smith, Nancy
President and Chief Executive Officer
Analytic Partners, Inc.
Smith, Nicole
Director, Growth Segments Marketing
Smith, Sherry
President, Walmart and Sam’s Club
Triad Retail Media
Snead, Heather
Senior Marketing Specialist
United States Postal Service
Sneider, Mark
Squiers, Sarah
Foundation, Inc.
Vice President, Business Development
Univision Communications Inc.
Soltani, Zahra
Stabnick, Joseph
Song, Rick
Executive Vice President
Global Head of Media Solutions Sales
Sonn, Alison
Marketing Manager
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts
Sozio, Elisa
Hitachi America, Ltd.
Spangenberg, Karl
Senior Vice President
MediaLink, LLC
Spanos, Emmanouil
Vice President, Marketing
Stallings, Jeff
Senior Director - Media
Walmart Stores, Inc.
Stanley, Christopher
Chief Executive Officer
Alcance Media Group
Steiber, Art
Director, Marketing Communications
Quicken Loans, Inc.
Stein, Lindsay
Consumer/Marketing Reporter
Owner and President
Senior Director
Global Innovation
PepsiCo, Inc.
Steinbach, Eric
Snyder, Andrew
Sparks, Justin
Steinberg, Jeremy
Director, Fresh Meats Marketing
Hormel Foods Corporation
Vice President
Content Strategy and Solutions
Yahoo! Inc.
Director, Digital Strategy and Solutions
Snyder, Ceci
Vice President of Domestic Marketing
National Pork Board
Executive Vice President
Product and Strategy
Nielsen Catalina Solutions
Snyder, Jeff
Speciale, Donna
Account Executive
Global Experience Specialists
Snyder, Mark
Chief Marketing Officer
Church’s Chicken
Snyder, Michelle
Senior Marketing Director
PepsiCo, Inc.
Snyder, Parrish
Executive Vice President of Global
Snyder, Terri
Chief Marketing Officer
Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc.
Socci, Melissa
Senior Vice President, Strategic Client
LPL Financial
Soifer, Brian
Regional Vice President, Midwest
Jun Group
Sokoloff, Amy
Events Manager
Yahoo! Inc.
Soling, Marcia
Vice President, Content Manager
The Advertising Educational
Spaulding, Carl
President, Turner Entertainment and
Young Adult Ad Sales
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Spector, Janice
Executive Vice President
Managing Director
Advertising Educational Foundation
Spencer, Trip
President and Publisher
Advertising Database
Speros, James
Executive Vice President and Chief
Brand Acceleration Officer
Fidelity Investments
Spiegel, Andrea
Partner, Client Engagement
VSA Partners, Inc.
Spiegel, David
Senior Vice President, Brand Strategy
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Spiegel, Matt
Senior Vice President
General Manager, Marketing and
Technology Solutions
MediaLink, LLC
Spowart, George
Chief Marketing Officer
Head of Sales
The Weather Channel
Stern, Alisa
Director of Sales
The Rubicon Project
Stern, Rory
Director, Enterprise Sales
Yext Inc.
Stettler, Amy
General Manager Global Media
Microsoft Corporation
Stewart, Doshia
Director Corporate Brand and Digital
Stewart, Mark
Executive Vice President
Chief Strategy Officer
Townsquare Media, LLC
Stewart, Russ
Director of Sales
Jun Group
Stimmel, Carrie
Senior Vice President
Advertising Sales, Lifestyle
Stinchcomb, Josh
Senior Vice President
Sales Strategy and Partnerships
Conde’ Nast Publications, Inc.
Stirratt, Nada
Chief Executive Officer
Verve Mobile
Stoewahse, Martin
Vice President, Marketing
Ferrero USA, Inc.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 171
Conference Attendees
Stokes, Tracy
Sundararaman, Kit
Tamberrino, Kinsey
Strober, Michael
Susman, Andrew
Tanabe, Michiko
Sutton, Gerry
Tarnok, Deborah
Sutton, Rich
Tartaglia, Gabe
Svoboda, Kim
Tas, Robert
Senior Vice President Advertising
Eastern Bank Corp.
Senior Vice President
Entertainment Ad Sales
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Stuart, Ben
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Surescripts, LLC
Stuart, Courtney
Head of Sales, North America
XAd Inc.
Stuart, Greg
Chief Executive Officer
Mobile Marketing Association
Stuart, Katie
Director, Market Insights
Edward Jones
Studio One
Chief Executive Officer
Adstream America
Chief Revenue Officer
Reader’s Digest Association, Inc.
Corporate Development Officer
Habitat for Humanity International,
Swaebe, David
Senior Vice President
Business Development and Agency
Mullen Advertising, Inc.
Accounts Director
LGdirect, Inc
Sturgis, Wendi
Executive Vice President
Sales and Services
Yext Inc.
Swanson, Michelle
Sturm, Steven
Swanson, Steve
Executive Advisor
Executive Vice President, Sales and
Moxie USA
Sturtz, Stan
Director, Marketing Communications
Pella Corporation
Su, Betty
Executive Director, Brand Marketing
United States Postal Service
Suarez, Diego
Director, Global Marketing Finance and
Burger King Corporation
Suarez-Davis, AnneMarie
Vice President
Marketing and Innovation
Kellogg Company
Suhler, Caitlyn
Senior Brand Analyst
U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company
Sullivan, Andrea
Chief Marketing Officer, North America
Sullivan, Jason
Managing Director
SullivanStoesser, Kristin
Vice President Advertiser Sales
Sulock, Sara
Assistant Director of Advertising
The Principal Financial Group
Global Events Marketing
Millennial Media
Sweet, Kristina
Vice President
Sponsorships and Media Sales
Swift, John
Chief Executive Officer
President, North America Investment
Omnicom Media Group
Swissman, Joshua
Vice President Loyalty Marketing
MGM Resorts International
Swope, Christopher
Senior Vice President, Sales
Live Nation, Inc.
Szporn, Noah
Regional Sales Manager
Director, Marketing
Stanford Hospital & Clinics
Senior Director, Ad Sales Marketing
A+E Networks
Vice President, Sales
Pandora Media, Inc.
Chief Marketing Officer
Pegasystems, Inc
Tauber, Ben
Executive Vice President
Director of Business Development
Grey Global Group Inc.
Taylor, Jim
Senior Vice President, Product
Development and Innovation
Arby’s Restaurant Group
Taylor, Kelsey
Marketing Manager, Events
Yext Inc.
Taylor, Patrick
Vice President, Communications
Meredith Corporation
Telliho, Nancy
Senior Vice President
Marketing and Digital Initiatives
MPA - The Association of Magazine
Terkelsen, Brian
Chief Executive Officer
Terry, Laura
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Martin|Williams Advertising
Tettamanti, Edgardo
Category Director Nutella
Ferrero USA, Inc.
Senior Vice President
Group Head, LAC Marketing
MasterCard Worldwide
Szumowski, Kathryn
Theimer, Patrick
Tachna, Jeremiah
Theisen, Pete
Senior Director of Media
Vonage Holdings Corp.
Senior Vice President Multimedia Sales
ABC, Inc.
Taira, Courtney
Consumer Care Lead
King’s Hawaiian Bakery West, Inc.
Taira, Mark
Chief Executive Officer
King’s Hawaiian Bakery West, Inc.
172 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Director, Demand Generation
Kennametal Inc.
Vice President
Purina Animal Nutrition LLC
Land O’ Lakes, Inc.
Thoennissen, Brian
Marketing Research Analyst
Tervis Tumbler Company
Thomas, Charlie
Executive Vice President
Client Development
Thomas, Chris
Chief Executive Officer of BBDO
Americas, Chairman of Proximity
BBDO Worldwide, Inc.
Thomas, Heather (HT)
Advertising Strategic Consultant
Humana Inc.
Thomas, Jenna
Senior Consumer Marketing Manager
Align Technology, Inc.
Thomas, Krystina
Senior Marketing Consultant
Key Corp.
Thompson, Page
Chief Executive Officer, Omnicom
Media Group North America
Omnicom Media Group
Thomson, Dave
Vice President Media and Sponsorship
The List Inc.
Thornton, Michele
Vice President, Centric, TV Ad Sales
BET Networks
Tiffany, Michael
Chief Executive Officer
White Ops
Tifford, Gail
Senior Director of Media
North America
Unilever United States, Inc.
Tomovich, Lilian
Troni, Naomi
Toms, Liz
Trontz, Bari
Chief Experience Officer
MGM Resorts International
Director of Business Development
The Martin Agency, Inc.
Toner, Mark
Chief Marketing Officer
R2C Group
Tongur, Eileen
Channel Marketing Specialist
Plantronics, Inc.
Torreggiani, Heather
Chief Marketing Officer
VSA Partners, Inc.
Torres, Al
Vice President
Business Development
Tosto, Louis
Senior Vice President Digital
Townsend, Eoin
Chief Product Officer
Travaglini, Christine
President, Christal Radio
KRG Partnerships
Katz Media Group
Travis, John
Vice President, Brand Marketing
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Trebilcock, Jim
Executive Vice President, Marketing
Dr Pepper Snapple Group
Tigert, Sandra
Treichler, Ryan
Tilghman, Mark
Trepinski, Melissa
Marketing Communication Manager
Siemens Corporation
ANA, Alliance for Family
Director of Product Management
SAS Institute Inc.
Group Account Director/Business
Development Director
Tillman, Mac
Treves, Pamela
Toller, Michele
Tricarico, James
Tomei Zwolinski, Nicole
Trivedi, Ritu
Vice President, Marketing
Big Heart Pet Brands
Senior National Media Manager
Empower MediaMarketing
Vice President, North America
Marketing Communications
Tomich, Sebastian
Senior Vice President
Innovation TBrand Studio
The New York Times Company
Executive Director, Brand Marketing
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Chief Revenue Officer
Cross MediaWorks
Vice President
Packaging and Solutions
Troberman, Gayle
Chief Marketing Officer
Global Chief Marketing Officer
Mullen Lowe Group
The Depository Trust & Clearing
Trujillo, Sebastian
President of Sales
FDP Radio Inc..
Tucker, Bill
Executive Vice President
Media Relations
Tunnicliffe, Mike
Executive Vice President Business
Development and Partnerships
Universal Music Group
Turner, Matt
Senior Vice President, Ad Sales
Turner, Megan
Vice President. Account Director
Mullen Lowe Group
Turner, Scott
Executive Vice President
Agency and Advertiser Sales
Ueberle, Diane
Corporate Brand Leader
Intuit Inc.
Ukman, Lesa
Chief Insights Officer
Ullman, Sarah
Associate Brand Manager
Flowers Foods, Inc.
Utzschneider, Lisa
Chief Revenue Officer
Yahoo! Inc.
Uva, JC
Vice President
MediaLink, LLC
Vala, Daniella
Assistant Brand Manager
Bimbo Bakeries USA
Valentino, Lisa
Senior Vice President, Conde Nast
Digital and Chief Revenue Officer, CNE
Conde’ Nast Publications, Inc.
Valls, Nicolas
Executive Vice President Ad Sales
Hemisphere Media group
Valls, Priscilla
Regional Vice President, Sales
Pandora Media, Inc.
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 173
Conference Attendees
Van Auken, Ethan
Vincent, Meredith
Van Rooyen, Emma
Vitas, Ovid
Chief Marketing Officer
Goodwin Procter LLP
Van Valkenburgh, David
Senior Communications Specialist
Siemens Corporation
Vargas, Lauren
Senior Director, Social Media
Aetna Inc.
Vargas, Valerie
Vice President of Advertising
AT&T Inc.
Vas, Kevin
Marriott Vacations Worldwide
Vojkovich-Bombard, Audriana
Marketing Communications Manager
von Germeten, Ann
Chief Marketing Officer
Bank of the West
Vos, Jennifer
The Capital Group
Vosseller, Denise
Senior Product Manager
Shire Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Director, Marketing
Vasilchik, Tiffany
Partner, New Business Development
Vass, Barbara
Director of Marketing, Fruit Bowls,
Dole Packaged Foods
Dole Packaged Foods
Vazirani-Helsel, Kavita
Vice President, Media
Comcast Cable
Vein, Jon
Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder
Venegas, Rylan
Senior BDM
Corbis Entertainment
Venenga, Steve
Vice President of Marketing
Meat Products
Hormel Foods Corporation
Ventura, Elizabeth
Senior Vice President
Consumer Marketing
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Verdone, Meredith
Brand, Advertising,
Research and Sponsorship Executive
Bank of America
Viale, Silvina
Marketing Director, Argentina
Mary Kay Inc.
Villasenor, Michael
Creative Director, Ad Innovation and
Experience and Advertising
The New York Times
Vincent, Chad
Executive Director - Advertising
AT&T Mobility LLC
Chief Marketing Officer
Retail Business Leader
Sartori Cheese
Vreeland, Garret
Chief Revenue Officer
Accordant Media
Wade, Trevor
Global Marketing Director
Wadia, Daniel
Managing Director
Wahl, Deborah
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
McDonald’s USA, LLC
Wahl, Wendy
Head of Digital Marketing
Aetna Inc.
Waidelich, Kirk
Senior Vice President
Sales, Promotion, and Marketing
Wakeman, Scott
Senior Director of Marketing
Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc.
Waldman, Gina
Vice President
National Client Solutions
Clear Channel Outdoor
Wales, Steven
Chief Revenue Officer
Decideware, Inc.
Walia, Vic
Senior Director of Brand Marketing
Expedia, Inc.
Walker, Doug
Executive Vice President
Managing Director
BBDO Worldwide, Inc.
Walker, Shawn
Vice President, Ad Sales, Chicago
A+E Networks
174 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Wallace, Betsy
Senior Vice President
Marketing Services Manager
Key Corp.
Wallace, Jason
Graphic Designer
CooperKatz & Company, Inc.
Wallace, Karen
Vice President
Corporate Marketing Communications
Fidelity Investments
Waller, Craig
Pace Communications
Wallin, Ian
Vice President, Sales
Integral Ad Science
Walsh, Ann
Vice President
Market Growth and Development
Penske Truck Leasing Co., L.P.
Wampler, Kira
Chief Marketing Officer
Lyft Inc.
Wampol, Leslie
Alabama Power Company
Ward, Judith
Director Marketing
University HealthCare Alliance
Stanford Health Care
Warnke, Suzanne
Senior Executive Assistant
Microsoft Corporation
Waters, Dan
Chief Marketing Officer
Bel Brands USA
Watkins, Bill
Head of Partnerships, West Region
Wayt, Dawn
Director of Marketing
American Greetings Corporation
Weaver, Brian
Senior Creative and Design Director
Tervis Tumbler Company
Webber-Gatto, Susan
Vice President, Business Development,
National Ad Sales, Lifetime
A+E Networks
Weber, Nancy
Executive Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Meredith Corporation
Webster, Frances
Chief Operating Officer
Webster, William
Wells, Scott
Wehner, Michael
Welsh, Chelsea
Corporate Marketing Manager
Gibraltar Industries
Vice President, Agency and Advertiser
Pandora Media, Inc.
Weigman, Becca
Wenzel, Kelly
Wieser, Brian
Weinberg, Maggie
Werkheiser, Jill
Wiggan, Aaron
Weinkle, Spencer
Wertz, Kevin
Wiggins, Verchele
Weinsten, Liz
Wesley, Jennifer
Brand Development
Reputation and Marketing Operations
AXA Equitable
Vice President, Global Enterprise Sales
The Rubicon Project
TM Advertising
Marketing Director
Katz Media Group
Vice President, Strategic Partnerships
CBS Altitude Group
Corporate Marketing Specialist
Weir, Rick
Senior Director, B-to-B Marketing
Yahoo! Inc.
Weirick, Michael
Hispanic Marketing Manager
Bush Brothers & Company
Weisberg, Laurie
Vice President, Consumer Package
Goods Client Partnerships
Oracle Data Cloud
Weisenthal, Sara
Senior Vice President, Development
The Advertising Council
Weisman, Tony
Chief Executive Officer
North America
Weiss, Khartoon
Chief Executive Officer
Clear Channel Outdoor North America
Clear Channel Outdoor
Chief Marketing Officer
Marketplace Information
WhiteWave Foods Company
Managing Director
Lowe Campbell Ewald
Head of Industry
Consumer Package Goods
West, Mary Beth
Executive Vice President
Chief Customer and Marketing Officer
Westermark, Gary
Senior Marketing Manager, Marketing
Westgaard-Cooley, Heidi
Vice President, Brand Marketing
The Sports Authority
Weston, John
Public Affairs Department Chair
Chief Marketing Officer
Mayo Clinic
Wheal, Ian
Global Strategy Director
Adstream America
Senior Vice President
Business Development
MDC Partners Inc
Wheaton, Ken
Weiss, Matt
Wheeler, Robert
Welch, Mike
Whitaker, Brite
Welch, Robert
White, Jeff
Global Chief Marketing Officer
Havas Worldwide
AT&T AdWorks
Vice President
Global Multimedia Sales
The Wall Street Journal
Welday, Rick
AT&T AdWorks
Weller, Scott
Chief Revenue Officer
Collective Digital Studio
Managing Editor
Advertising Age
Reports Editor
Wierzbinski, Phil
Senior Analyst
Pivotal Research
Group Strategy Director
Wilk, Thomas
Manager, Creative Services Marketing
Wilke, Richard
Senior Partner, Director of Global
Business Development
Wilkison, Jeff
Vice President, Marketing
Hefty Waster and Storage
Reynolds Consumer Products
Wilkov, Willie
Chief Marketing Officer
Tomy International
Willey, Jennifer
Vice President, Sales
Williams, Christi
B-to-B/B-to-C International Market
Vision Service Plan, Inc.
Williams, Jamie Lee
We Fly Coach
Williams, Marc
Associate Director
AT&T AdWorks
Director of Five Points of Life
LifeSouth Community Blood Centers
Chief Marketing Officer, North America
Deutsch, LA, Inc.
White, Margaret
Advertising Manager
Alabama Power Co.
White, Neil
Whiteside, Steve
President and Chief Executive Officer
BBDO Worldwide, Inc.
Vice President
Creative Services Group Director
Prudential Insurance Company of
Williams, Matt
Chief Executive Officer
The Martin Agency, Inc.
Williams, Shelley
Director, Brand Expression
Alaska Airlines, Inc.
Williams, Tim
Williams, Timothy
Vice President
Brand and Broadcast Marketing
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 175
Conference Attendees
Williquett, Danielle
Wood, Douglas
Yokogawa, Jon
Wilson, Donna
Wood, Lawrence
York, Oana
Wood, Leslie
Young, Amber
Woodlock, Allison
Young, Jennifer
Woollard, Marc
Young, Mark
Worth, Susan
Young, Martha
Wozniak, David
Young, Nicole
Senior Global Product Manager
Boston Scientific Corporation
Senior Director
Global Diversity and Inclusion
Johnson & Johnson
Wilson, Julie
Director Corporate Research
Wilson, Paul
Senior Vice President
Advertising Sales - Sports
Wilson, Rudy
Vice President
Brand Management and Advertising
AT&T Inc.
Windahl, Jeff
Senior Vice President Brand
Management and Financial Education
PNC Bank, N. A.
Winkel, Ashley
Account Supervisor
Winter, Amy
Executive Vice President
General Manager
Wise, Ed
Manger of Partnerships
Witmer, Carey
Executive Vice President
Meredith Parents Network
Witschi, Thomas
Reed Smith LLP
Director, Strategic Sourcing
Intuit Inc.
Chief Research Officer
The Nielsen Company
Manager, Product Marketing
Latin America
Mary Kay Inc.
Director of Design
Venables Bell & Partners
Strategic Sourcing Manager II
CSAA Insurance Services LLC
Vice President, Advertising and
Corporate Partnerships
Lincoln Financial Group
Wright, Andy
Senior Vice President
Publisher, The New York Times
The New York Times Company
Wright, Cheresa
Senior Brand Marketing Manager
Intuit Inc.
Wyman, Christina
Director, Corporate Partnerships
Yaccarino, Linda
Vice President, Managing Director
InterTrend Communications, Inc.
B-to-B Automation Campaigns
Vision Service Plan, Inc.
Account Director
Senior Director, Advertising and
Consumer Research
Robert Half International
Chief Marketing Officer
Strategic Communications Consultant
FM Global
Marcom Specialist
Boston Scientific Corporation
Yu, Tom
Director, Head of Ad Tech Marketing
Yahoo! Inc.
Yun, Ted
Executive Director - Media
Yungmeyer, Laura
Manager, Corporate Marketing
The Wall Street Journal
Zalis, Shelley
Chief Executive Officer and Founder
TFQ Ventures - The Girls’ Lounge
Zandri, Justin
Meredith Women’s Lifestyle Group
Chairman, Advertising Sales
and Client Partnerships
Wofford, Monique
Yancy, Telisa
Zane, David
Wohl, Jessica
Yasko, Bryan
Zarate-Bayani, Ronalee
Marketing Business Development
Teradata Operations, Inc.
Advertising Age
Global Business Director
Wolf, Mark
Yazdani, Bita
Wolfe, Jenny
Advertising Manager
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Wolfe Pereira, Steven
Vice President, Brand Strategy and
Marketing Solutions
Oracle Data Cloud
Wollen, Chris
Vice President, Marketing
American Family Insurance
Head of Business Development
Senior Consultant
Ernst & Young LLP
Yeadon, Greg
Brand Manager
Central Garden & Pet Company
Yeh, Judy
Executive Director of Media and
Integrated Marketing
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
Yohannan, Jonathan
Director, PR
Panera Bread, LLC
176 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Vice President - Brand Strategy
Director, Brand Marketing
Head of Global Digital Marketing
The Hershey Company
Zavoral, Jeremy
Brand Manager, Grocery Products
Hormel Foods Corporation
Zemon, David
National Sponsorship Specialist
The Taubman Company LLC
Zenofsky, Steven
Manager, PR and Advertising
FM Global
Zerathe, Nathalie
Senior Marketing Specialist
Zimak, Avi
Vice President of Sales
Zimbalist, Michael
Senior Vice President
Ad Pdts Founder R&D
The New York Times Company
Zimmerman, Stuart
Executive Vice President, Sales
Sony Pictures Entertainment (SS&P)
Zornow, Leslie
Manager, Advertising and Branding
ESL Federal Credit Union
Zoeller, Chris
Senior Director
Brand Strategy and Marketing
Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 177
Conference Attendees
Jones, Andrew
Executive Vice President
Business Development
Sorted by Company :: As of 9/18
Joyce, Brian
Senior Vice President Ad Sales
Maltin, Samantha
Senior Vice President, Marketing
Innovations, A+E Networks
Accordant Media
Greitzer, Matthew
Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer
Muldoon, Arthur
Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder
Klaassen, Abbey
Chief Marketing Officer
Olsen, Peter
Executive Vice President, Ad Sales
O’Connor, Tim
Director of Sales
Maicon, Lee
Chief Strategy Officer
Olson, Christine
Vice President, Ad Sales, Lifetime
Vreeland, Garret
Chief Revenue Officer
Dunn, Logan
Marketing Strategist
Lundberg, Lars
Marketing Strategist
Nelson, Brian
Marketing Strategist
Ray, Kelsey
Marketing Strategist
Hill, Nancy
President and Chief Executive Officer
Tucker, Bill
Executive Vice President, Media Relations
Hammond, Teresa
Vice President Marketing
Shriver, Sarah
Vice President, Digital Ad Sales
Tarnok, Deborah
Senior Director, Ad Sales Marketing
Walker, Shawn
Vice President, Ad Sales, Chicago
Webber-Gatto, Susan
Vice President, Business Development,
National Ad Sales, Lifetime
AAA National Office
Hitchcock, Deb
Director, Strategy and Plans
ABAP Association of Brazilian
Advertising Agencies
Marques, Orlando
Sampaio Neuville, Rafael
Abbott Laboratories
Davis, Gwynne
Business Development Manager
Jefferis, Rebekah
Director of Business Development
Kiczula, Phillip
Business Development Director
A.T. Kearney, Inc.
Singer, Gary
Chief Marketing Officer, Partner
Pridmore, Michelle
Senior Product Marketing Manager
Abbott Nutrition
Burgart, Jonathan
U.S. Marketing Manager
AbbVie Inc.
O’Brien, Nancy
Director - Ad Agency
ABC, Inc.
A+E Networks
Baker, Amy
Executive Vice President, Ad Sales,
Cowles, Lisa
Senior Director, Corporate Events
Sage, Jan
Vice President Marketing and Promotions
Tachna, Jeremiah
Senior Vice President Multimedia Sales
DeSocio, David
Senior Vice President Ad Sales Marketing
and Partnerships
Cauley, Brian
Driscoll, Erica
Vice President, Ad Sales, Detroit
Koewler, Julie
Managing Director
Global Advertising and Events
Durette, Nicole
Vice President, Ad Sales, FYI
Grignon, Perianne
178 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
ACH Food Companies, Inc.
Lazowski, John
Senior Director of Marketing
Insights and Innovation
Pastrana, George
Chief Marketing Officer
Vice President
Marketing and Innovation
Active International
Barossi, Cecilia
Vice President
Director Media Relations
Blunt, George
Senior Vice President, Account Director
Georges, Bill
Chief Operating Officer
Goldberg, Steve
Vice President
Associate Planning Director
Graham, Scott
Vice President, Sales
Harris, Bethany
Senior Vice President
Managing Director
Kreis, George
Assistant Vice President
Business Development
Moran, Liam
Vice President
Associate Planning Director
Porcarelli, Jim
Chief Strategy Officer
Quinn, Dennis
Executive Vice President
Chief Media Strategy Officer
Geller, Harold
Chief Growth Officer
Ackerman, Dan
Senior Vice President, Programmatic TV
Advertising Age
Harris, Rich
Chief Executive Officer
Arden, Allison
Muchnick, Hal
Chief Operating Officer
Ives, Nat
Media Editor
O’Connell, Joanna
Lead Analyst
Oddenino, Catherine
Parrish, Melissa
Executive Director
Rodgers, Zach
Managing Editor
Van Auken, Ethan
Altersohn, Andrew
Chief Executive Officer
Liebowitz, Tyler
Vice President Business Development
Greenhouse, Julie
Senior Vice President of Sales
Goldstein, Jay
Director of Sales
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Moran, Tim
Poveromo, Maria
Director, Social Media
Travis, John
Vice President, Brand Marketing
Adstream America
McGrath, Alex
Business Manager, Data and B-to-B
Neff, Jack
Wheaton, Ken
Managing Editor
Wohl, Jessica
Advertising Benchmark Index
Getto, Gary
Advertising Club, The
Greenberg, Elicia
Programs Director
Advertising Council, The
Ellard, Elizabeth
Executive Vice President, Media
Leshinsky, Barbara
Executive Vice President, Development
Sherman, Lisa
President and Chief Executive Officer
Weisenthal, Sara
Senior Vice President, Development
Advertising Database
Spencer, Trip
President and Publisher
Advertising Educational
Foundation, Inc., The
Alex, Paula
Chief Executive Officer
Sutton, Gerry
Chief Executive Officer
Wheal, Ian
Global Strategy Director
Spector, Janice
Executive Vice President, Managing
DeVard, Jerri
Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing
Advertisers Association of Israel
Biro, Talma
Attorney, General Manager
Fuguitt, Gayle
Chief Executive Officer and President
Advertising Self-Regulatory
Peeler, C. Lee
President and Chief Executive Officer
Schultz, E.J.
Soling, Marcia
Vice President, Content Manager
ADT Security Services
Advertising Research
Advertising Production
Resources (APR)
Dixon, Jennifer
Corporate Travel Manager
Gibbs, Jillian
Global Chief Executive Officer
Eisenhardt, Robert
General Manager
Granatstein, Lisa
Aetna Inc.
Autrey, Tara
Senior Project Manager
Brooks, Sarah
Advertising and Brand Management
Chalifoux, Julie
Agency Portfolio Manager
Collins, Shauna
Marketing and Communications Unit
McAvoy, Dawn
Head of Brand Strategy
Vargas, Lauren
Senior Director, Social Media
Wahl, Wendy
Head of Digital Marketing
Blackmar, Angie
Marketing Content Writer/Producer
Agency Mania Solutions
Gralpois, Bruno
Co-Founder and Principal
Lobdell, Chris
Chief Revenue Officer
Madden, Rachelle
Executive Director
Air National Guard
Gallagher, PJ
Superintendent, Advertising
Mildenhall, John
Chief Marketing Officer
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 179
Conference Attendees
Alabama Power Co.
White, Margaret
Advertising Manager
Alabama Power Company
Wampol, Leslie
Alaska Airlines, Inc.
Bergstrom, Rochelle
Manager, Advertising and Promotions
Binder, Laura
Marketing Coordinator
Burger, Tim
Manager, Digital Advertising
Goss, Kelli
Director, Digital Marketing
Hutchison, Halle
Managing Director
Brand and Marketing Communications
Johnson, Shannon
Social Media Specialist
Jones, Jeanne
Manager of Email Marketing
Meraz, Lisa
Project Manager, Digital Marketing
Ostler, Clinton
Manager, Media and Market Strategy
Pesut, Elliott
Campaign Strategy Mgr
Peterson, Susan
Promotions Specialist
Williams, Shelley
Director, Brand Expression
Alcance Media Group
Stanley, Christopher
Chief Executive Officer
Alcon Laboratories, Inc.
Millerick, Shawn
Head of Marketing, U.S. OTC
Align Technology, Inc.
Bauman, Anna
Associate Marketing Director
Bhandal, Kamal
Director of Consumer Marketing
Du, Niki
Senior Digital Marketing Manager
May, Lisa
Professional Marketing Manager
Salazar, Alma
Senior Marketing Manager
Shen, Fred
Director, Professional Marketing
Thomas, Jenna
Senior Consumer Marketing Manager
Stewart, Doshia
Director Corporate Brand and Digital
Alliance for Audited Media
Drouillard, Tom
Chief Executive Officer
President and Managing Director
Allison & Partners
Planchard, Cathy
General Manager/Senior Partner
Rosenberg, Lisa
Chief Creative Officer
Allrecipes, Meredith Food
Pavlovsky, Stan
Senior Vice President of Meredith
National Media Group, President of
Allstate Insurance Company
Egeland, Jennifer
Flores, Georgina
Vice President Integrated Marketing
Gupta, Sanjay
Marketing, Innovation and Corporate
Jillson, Lisa
Director - Integrated Marketing
Mena, Susan
Director, Integrated Marketing
Ryan, Nancy
Media Director
Mizrahi, Isaac
General Manager
Alma DDB
Battistini, Angela
Senior Vice President, Account
Bermudez, Ana
Group Account Director
McCarthy, Elizabeth
Group Account Director
180 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Altria Client Services
Newcomb, Leah
Lead Research Analyst
Altria Group Distribution
McMahon, Josh
Specialist, Consumer Engagement and
Marketing Services
AMC Networks
Benfield, Vanessa
Senior Vice President
Advertising Sales IFC
Krok, Marc
Senior Vice President, Ad Sales
Philbin, Tim
Vice President, Advertising Sales- WE tv
America Online Incorporated
Martinez, Marta
Senior Vice President, AOL Advertising
American Express Company
Devlin, Marie
Senior Vice President, Global Advertising,
Media Sponsorships and Insights
Kahn, Lisa
Director Assistant To Marie Devlin
American Family Insurance
Brown, Francisca
Multicultural Marketing Manager
Harrington, Bethany
Customer Experience and Digital
Marketing Associate Vice President
Heidrich, Carol
Administrative Assistant
Marketing Division
Holman, David
General Counsel
McCarthy, Nicky
Marketing Support Technician
Yancy, Telisa
Vice President, Marketing
American Greetings Corporation
Ho, Alex
Executive Director, Marketing
Sadd, Patrice
Director of Corporate Communications
Wayt, Dawn
Director of Marketing
American International Group
Clowes, Mark
Global Head of Advertising
American Legacy Foundation
Amway Corporation
Gauthier, Greg
Global Procurement
Asche, Eric
Chief Marketing Officer
Beaulieu, Ken
Vice President, Marketing
Dorrler, Nicole
Assistant Vice President, Marketing
Becker, Erin
Creative Director
American Licorice
Christensen, Clint
Assistant Brand Manager, Sour
Ingram, Laura
Marketing Program Manager
Kozlow, Doug
Associate Brand Manager
Mitchell, Mary
Brand Manager--Sour Confections
Shafer, Kristi
Director of Marketing
American Standard Brands
Drury, Debbie
Director, Brand Communications
Houck, Jonathan
Director of Digital Marketing
King, Lisa
Vice President, Consumer Insights
Kozak, Eric
Long, Jeannette
Vice President, Brand Marketing
Amica Mutual Insurance
Phelps, Craig
Senior Assistant Vice President,
Marketing Director
Amtrak-National Railroad
Passenger Corp.
Abubakar, Darlene
Senior Director, National Advertising and
Marketing Programs
Owens, Ann
Principal Officer
National and Corporate Initiatives
Parrish, Meredith
Principal Officer
Northeast Corridor Advertising
Rodrigues, Alicia
Colon, Sandra
Director, Member Relations
Eitelbach, Andrew
Senior Manager, Marketing and
Fanelli, Duke
Executive Vice President
Marketing and Communications
Finston, Allison
Manager, Conferences
Galliher, Mark
Director, Member Relations
Goojha, Kiran
Senior Manager, Marketing and
Harrison, Gylise
Manager, Conferences
Knecht, Fredrick
Director, Marketing Production
Lawenda, Jim
Senior Director, Member Relations
Liodice, Bob
President and Chief Executive Officer
Loeb, Elyse
Sponsorship Coordinator
Kerr, Patty
Tilghman, Mark
Analytic Partners, Inc.
Smith, Nancy
President and Chief Executive Officer
Annalect Omnicom Media
Meyer, Jed
U.S. Research Director
Baker, Lauri
Vice President, Content Partnerships
Bamberger, Jack
Head of Agency and Industry Relations
Bejan, Bob
Global Executive Creative Director
Elders, Brad
Senior Vice President, Eastern Sales
Kline, Allie
Chief Marketing Officer
Kugel, Christian
Vice President, Consumer Analytics and
Norton, James
Global Head of Media Sales
Oshry, Olivia
Marketing Manager, Partnerships
Trivedi, Ritu
Vice President, Packaging and Solutions
Arby’s Restaurant Group
Maddux, Donna
Director, Member Relations
Baker, Jeff
Senior Director Brand Experience
Markfield, Barbara
Director, Member Relations
Barto, Mary Ellen
Vice President, Media Impact
Milch, Haley
Coordinator, Conferences
Fuller, Chris
Vice President
Brand and Corporate Communications
Mootz, Angela
Director, Sponsorship and Partner
Neiswonger, Jeni
Director, Member Relations
Poster, Simon
Manager, Conferences
Sweet, Kristina
Vice President
Sponsorships and Media Sales
ANA, Alliance for Family
Jensen, Stephanie
Vice President Brand Marketing
Lynch, Rob
Brand President and Chief Marketing
Sharma, Navin
Vice President, Brand Insights and
Taylor, Jim
Senior Vice President, Product
Development and Innovation
Bechtold, Jim
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 181
Conference Attendees
Arc Worldwide
AT&T Inc.
Raidt, Robert
Christopher, David
Chief Marketing Officer
Rothweiler, Julie
Account Director
Miller, Robert
Lead Marketing Communications
Arnold Worldwide
Ludwig, Ginger
Director of Agency Marketing
Reilly, Barbara
Managing Partner, Executive Director
AS Roma
Giovino, Mark
Director of Global Marketing and Sales
Frommer, Rebecca
Manager of Corporate Partnerships
Klein, Julia
Coordinator, Corporate Partnerships
Rofe, Meital
Manager, Strategic Cause Partnerships
Wyman, Christina
Director, Corporate Partnerships
Association of Independent
Commercial Producers
Miller, Matthew
President and Chief Executive Officer
Germinder, Maureen
Director - Digital Marketing
Mirande, David
Quiroga, Luis
Senior Director
Corporate and Digital Marketing
Slingluff, Nathan
Market Research
Wolf, Mark
AT&T AdWorks
Laughlin, Cindy
Mandel Dunsche, Maria
Vice President
Marketing and Media Innovation
Salinas, Carlos
Executive Director, Advertising
Vargas, Valerie
Vice President of Advertising
Wilson, Rudy
Vice President
Brand Management and Advertising
AT&T Mobility LLC
Franklin, Tamara
Senior Admin Assistant
Hinton, Charlie
Executive Director - Marketing Analytics
McDermott, Carrie
Director, Project Marketing Management
Vincent, Meredith
Executive Director - Advertising
Atlas Copco
Arfalk, Erik
Vice President
Communications and Branding
Repicci, Greg
Account Executive
AutoZone, Inc.
Kramer, Louisa
Marketing Program Manager
Krull, Kelly
Marketing Director
Pawlak, Bernadette
Director, Loyalty and CRM
Saltiel, Al
Senior Vice President, Marketing
Shanaman, Brett
Vice President, Marketing
Avidan Strategies
Dan, Avi
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Eberhard, Ana
Director of Advertising and Brand
AXA Equitable
Webster, William
Brand Development
Reputation and Marketing Operations
BAM Connection, The
Boutot, Holly
Marketing Communications Manager
Baiocco, Robert
Chief Creative Officer
Gielen, Sofie
Marketing Communications Director
Maldari, Maureen
Chief Executive Officer
Samuel, Dorothy
Communications Coordinator
Audi of America
Angelo, Loren
General Manager, Brand Marketing
Burnham, Cameron
Regional Director, Enterprise Sales
Guillot, Alex
Director, Sales
Green, Peggy
Monteferrante, Chris
Vice President, Head of Advertising Sales
Horstman, Walt
Welch, Mike
Muir, Jeff
Vice President of Sales
Welday, Rick
Rahim, Hasan
Senior Vice President, Sales
Wheeler, Robert
Associate Director
182 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Bank of America
Arons, Colleen
Barlow, Michele
Senior Vice President, Enterprise
Marketing and Execution Executive
Gangel, Rachel Kaplan
Senior Vice President, Channel Strategy
and Development Manager
Grant, Kimberly
Senior Vice President, Enterprise Media
Hassan, Tariq
Senior Vice President, Customer Insight
and Brand Strategy Executive
Mays, Nathan
Mehta, Abhilasha
Senior Vice President
Head / Enterprise Brand and Marketing
Communications Research
Pack, Daniel
Senior Vice President
Enterprise, Consumer and GWIM
Marketing Operations Executive
Paskalis, Louis
Senior Vice President
Global Media Executive
Rix, Crystal
Executive Vice President
Director of Business Development
Verdone, Meredith
Brand, Advertising, Research
and Sponsorship Executive
Santora, Jim
Executive Vice President
Senior Account Director
Bank of New York Mellon
Brady, Katy
Director, Advertising and Brand
DeLaney, Aniko
Managing Director
Gallardo, Nelly
Senior Events Coordinator
Bank of the West
Saunders, Fred
Senior Vice President, Head of Brand,
Advertising and Marketing Comms.
von Germeten, Ann
Chief Marketing Officer
Barbarian Group, The
Kelly, Sophie
Bartle Bogle Hegarty LLC
Densmore, Mike
Chief Global Growth Office
Lafferty, Patrick
Chief Executive Officer
BAV Consulting
Thomas, Chris
Chief Executive Officer of BBDO Americas,
Chairman of Proximity Worldwide
White, Neil
President and Chief Executive Officer
Be The Match
Gerth, Bruce
Manager, Partnerships and Programs
Petrusson, Valerie
Charles, Katy
Associate Producer
Plesser, Andy
Executive Producer
Beiersdorf Inc.
Dunand-Zaloum, Nathalie
Brand Manager
Rivers, Anne
Senior Vice President
Global Director of Brand Strategy
Waters, Dan
Chief Marketing Officer
BBDO Worldwide, Inc.
Walker, Doug
Executive Vice President
Managing Director
Acton-Bond, Simon
Global Chief Marketing Officer
Cadman, Mark
Executive Vice President
Managing Director
Flanik, Kirsten
Managing Director
Osborn, John
President and Chief Executive Officer
Thornton, Michele
Vice President, Centric, TV Ad Sales
Better Homes & Gardens
Orr, Stephen
Better Homes & Gardens Real
Estate LLC
Zoeller, Chris
Senior Director
Brand Strategy and Marketing
Better Homes and Gardens
Guilfoyle, Christine
Senior Vice President, Group Publisher
Palladino, Linda
Senior Brand Manager, Shavers
Big Heart Pet Brands
Bimbo Bakeries USA
Bel Brands USA
Lisook, Adam
Marketing Director - Snacking
Grella, Lawrence
Vice President Shopper Media
Lewis, Kim
Senior Vice President, Ad Sales
Tillman, Mac
Vice President, Marketing
Cole, Zvi
Media Manager
Blender, Anna
Vice President, Account Director
BET Networks
Bellisio Foods Inc.
Nelson-Helm, Jolene
Chief Marketing Officer
Senior Vice President
Berlin Cameron
DaSilva, Jennifer
Bernstein-Rein Advertising
Lubeck, Dave
Executive Vice President
Executive Director of Client Services
Best Buy Company, Inc.
Nowak, Tom
Chief Creative Officer
DeVries, Diana
Marketing Assistant
Espejo, Vanessa
Associate Brand Manager
Evanitsky, Janyne
Jensen, Mike
Assistant Brand Manager
Loya, Fernanda
Associate Brand Manager
Marrone, Matt
Brand Manager
Pena, Leopoldo
Product Strategy Manager
Vala, Daniella
Assistant Brand Manager
Black Entertainment Television
Carr, Louis
President, Media Sales
Blamer Partnership
Blamer, Steve
Managing Partner
Foster, Linda
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 183
Conference Attendees
Bloomberg L.P.
Bigley, Deirdre
Chief Marketing Officer
Caine, Paul
Chief Global Revenue Officer
Boehringer Ingelheim
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Dobbins, David
Media and Print Services Director
Aksman, Rob
Chief Experience Officer and Co-Founder
Chapman, Will
Chief Revenue Officer
Degtar, Viktoria
Global Group Publisher
Atakhanov, Sharaf
Digital Marketing Manager
Corbelli, Jacqueline
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Grossman, Keith
Publisher, Bloomberg Digital
and Digital Products
Boudazin, Janick
President and Chief Executive Officer
Fisher, Mike
Director of Strategy and Innovation
Figliolini, Fabrice
Vice President of IT and Finance
Fogelberg, Mark
Director – UXTV
Gentry, Ron
Director of Marketing
Hall, Joanna
Chief Digital Officer
Zerathe, Nathalie
Senior Marketing Specialist
Hollis, Michael
Director of Sales
Kelley, Jacki
Chief Operating Officer of Media
Lucke, Zazie
Head of Global Marketing
Petralia, John
Head of Marketing Operations
Blue Diamond Growers
Arakaki, Kristen
Brand Manager - Nut Thins
Coyle, Timothy
Brand Manager, Almond Breeze
Erwin, Maya
Group Marketing Manager, Snacks
Greenlee, Al
Director, Consumer Marketing
U.S. and Canada
Hagener, Suzanne
Senior Marketing Manager
Non-Dairy Products
Holtberg, Sara
Advertising and Promotions Manager
LoVerme, Chris
Brand Manager
Schuster, Linda
Assistant Marketing Manager
Blue Rhino Corporation
Foster, Broocks
Marketing Manager
Blue Ridge Partners
Rasmussen, Andrea
Managing Director
BlueCross BlueShield
Choate, Lauren
Senior Consultant
Consumer Brand Strategy
Lederman, Jennifer
Vice President and Managing Director
Boston Consulting Group, The
Hemmige, Harish
Paranikas, Petros
Partner and Managing Director
Boston Scientific Corporation
Bifulk, Stacy
Marketing Communications Specialist
Bruchstein, Biro & Co
Biro, Yohan
Burger King Corporation
Suarez, Diego
Director, Global Marketing Finance and
Burns Entertainment
Lokken, Dawn
Director, Channel Marketing
Cohen, Bill
Senior Vice President, Global Business
Sieben, Barbara
Marketing Communications Specialist
Flynn, Brenna
Williquett, Danielle
Senior Global Product Manager
Shabelman, Douglas
Young, Nicole
Marcom Specialist
Boys & Girls Club of America
Hahn, Janelle
Director of Corporate and Cause
Heitzman, Candace
Director of Corporate and Cause
Royal-Pascoe, Chad
National Vice President
Corporate and Cause Partnerships
BP / Castrol
Berlin, David
Digital Offer and Business Development
Bush Brothers & Company
Moore, Jason
Division Manager
Weirick, Michael
Hispanic Marketing Manager
Business Insider Inc.
Buckley, Sheila
Senior Vice President, Sales
Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners
Alburitel, Cristiano
Director of New Business
Kiss, Patrick
Managing Director
BuzzFeed, Inc.
Brown, Lee
Chief Revenue Officer
Guiliano, Philip
Cara, Phil
Senior Vice President, Brand Engagement
Pollock, Andy
Director, Client Services
Coleman, Gregory
184 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Kelly, Brendan
Director of Brand Strategy
Mclean, Brant
Senior Vice President of Brand Strategy
California Pizza Kitchen
Franco, Natalia
Chief Marketing Officer
Calvin Klein, Inc.
Goldie, Melisa
Chief Marketing Officer
Cambria USA
Champine, Melissa
Vice President of Marketing
Campbell Soup Company
Curtis, Bill
Senior Brand Manager
V8 Vegetable Juice
Gilbert, James
Director, Global Advertising, Soup
Goodman, Michael
Director, Marketing Capability
Materacky, Mark
Senior Brand Manager
Chunky, Soup and Chili
Monnie, Samuel
Marketing Capability Director
Raible, Marci
Director, Global Media
Rani, Yin
Vice President, U.S. Marketing
Shah, Umang
Director, Global Social Media and Digital
Cancer Treatment Centers of
Brawner, Trish
Assistant Vice President
Creative Services
Daly, Karin
Vice President, Advertising
Eaves, Matthew
Vice President of Engagement
Grogan, Amy
Senior Advertising and Brand
Communication Specialist
Capital Group, The
Ahn, Ray
Vice President, Marketing
Allen, Laurie
Senior Vice President
Integrated Marketing
Charlton, David
Daniels, Brian
Vice President
U.S. Marketing
Hallock, Susan
Vice President
Marketing Communications
Hansen, Julie
Hughes, Kevin
Vice President, Marketing
Communications Operations
Vos, Jennifer
Jansky, Cindy
Director, Marketing
Lee, John
Senior Director
Marketing and Communications
McCollough, Todd
Director, Marketing and Communications
Mottl, Kathleen
Director, Marketing
Sandoval, Edgar
Director Strategic Insights
Sheperd, Tawnya
Director, Marketing
Central Garden & Pet Company
Yeadon, Greg
Brand Manager
Caravan Tours
Duffy, Brendan
Marketing Director
Cardlytics, Inc.
Block, Jacqueline
Senior Director Business Insights Sales
Carhartt Inc.
Ambroza, Tony
Senior Vice President
Marketing and E-Commerce
Leemis, Jennifer
Senior Manager, Brand Marketing
CBS Altitude Group
Hermalyn, Michael
Vice President and Group Leader, Sales
Lobel, Richard
Executive Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Weinkle, Spencer
Vice President
Strategic Partnerships
Cemusa, Inc.
Marold, Robert
Business Development Senior Executive
Centene Corporation
Kelly, Tyler
Senior Vice President
Client Development
Monti, Steve
Senior Director, Customer Success
Neslund, Scott
Executive Vice President
Client Services
Pearsall, Kaitlyn
Event Planner
Thomas, Charlie
Executive Vice President
Client Development
Wenzel, Kelly
Chief Marketing Officer
Lorizio, Keith
Chief Revenue Officer
Charles Schwab & Company
Boland, Peter
Senior Vice President
Brand and Advertising
Chin, Elaine
Falk, Kirstin
Managing Director, Brand
Ackerman, Gretchen
Manager, Marketing Research
Hammond, Stacy
Vice President
Borgmeyer, Anita
Manager, Marketing
Ruegg, Amy
Managing Director
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 185
Conference Attendees
Checkers Drive-In Restaurants
Balen, Michael
Fields Marketing Associate Manager
Bovenizer, Rick
Field Marketing Manager
Hartley, Jimmy
Senior Brand Manager
Hunsicker, Steve
Director of Field Marketing
Jacobs, Gerry
Senior Field Marketing Manager
Joy, Ryan
Senior Director of Menu Development
Migliorino, Michael
Brand Manager
Shaw, Kristi
Senior Manager
Merchandising and Creative Services
Snyder, Terri
Chief Marketing Officer
Wakeman, Scott
Senior Director of Marketing
Chicken of the Sea
McDonnell, Maureen
Trade Marketing Manager
Chief Marketer Network
Odell, Patty
Senior Editor
Citigroup Inc.
Miller, Jeffrey
Senior Vice President
City National Bank
Canon Knolla, Margaret
Assistant Vice President
DR Project Manager
City of Atlanta
Dixon, Donald
Chief Marketing Officer City of Atlanta
Classic Party Rentals
Moses, Tracey
Chief Marketing Officer
Clear Channel Outdoor
Benedict, Tessa
Marketing Program Manager
Church’s Chicken
Snyder, Mark
Chief Marketing Officer
CIGNA Corporation
Bacus, Lisa
Chief Marketing Officer
Cassell, Stephen
Global Head of Brand and Sponsorships
Hayward, Jennifer
Clarke, Jane
Chief Executive Officer
Managing Director
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Raym, Carol
Communications Manager
Senior Vice President
Liu, Ellen
Senior Director, Media COE
Milhano, Beata
Vice President, Marketing
Professional Products Division
Milliken, Doug
Vice President, Brand Development
Otero, Elena
Vice President, Marketing, International
Rajaratnam, Raj
Vice President of Global Insights
Reynolds, Eric
Chief Marketing Officer
Carfagnini, Ed
National Account Executive
National Sales Group
Schlesinger, Jon
Director, Marketing
Decker, Michelle
Vice President, National Client Solutions
Kirby, Rainbow
Director, Events Marketing
and Industry Communications
Levi, Dan
Chief Marketing Officer
Lyons, Anne
National Sales Executive
Mackenzie, Christopher
Vice President, Digital Ad Operations
McCaffrey, Sean
Senior Vice President
Client Strategy Partnerships
Singh, Manjit
Senior Vice President
Chief Information Officer
Coldwell Banker Real Estate
Blankenship, Sean
Chief Marketing Officer
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Haber, Jack
Vice President, Global Advertising and
Esguerra, Lorenz
Managing Director, Business
Fruechte, Christine
President and Chief Executive Officer
McCuin, Bob
President of Sales
Ludcke, Isabel
Development Coordinator
Robbins, Wendy
Vice President, National Client Solutions
Young, Amber
Account Director
Sermons, Michelle
Vice President, National Client Solutions
Waldman, Gina
Vice President, National Client Solutions
Garner, Denise
Senior Vice President
Chief Innovation Officer
Adams, Ryan
National Sales Executive
Longobardi, Laura
Director, Marketing Solutions
Chumash Casino Resort
Dorosin, Heidi
Director of Marketing
Wells, Scott
Chief Executive Officer, Clear Channel
Outdoor- North America
Clorox Company, The
Bolding, Marcelle
HR Business Partner, Marketing
Chang, Sean
Director IT
186 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Apprendi, Joe
Chief Executive Officer
Benway, Megan
Corporate Marketing Specialist
Bianchi, Kerry
Chief Operating Officer
Garbarino, Barry
Vice President, Corporate Marketing
McCain, Tina
Senior Sales Director
McCall, Holly
Senior Director, Regional Sales, Central
McFadden, Suzanne
Vice President Marketing and Strategy
Nagle, Quique
Senior Vice President, Enterprise
Rajagopal, Sumana
Director, Media Strategy
Sparks, Justin
Director, Digital Strategy and Solutions
Townsend, Eoin
Chief Product Officer
Weinsten, Liz
Corporate Marketing Specialist
Collective Digital Studio
Weller, Scott
Chief Revenue Officer
Collegiate Church Corporation
Johnson, Ashley
Marketing and Communications Manager
Collegiate Corporation
Ortiz, Catherine
Director of Marketing and Comms.
Columbia Records
Division of Sony Music
Lum, Elliot
Vice President, Strategic Marketing
Columbia University
Sexton, Donald
Professor of Marketing
Combe Incorporated
Ross, Anna
Director, Global Integrated Marketing
Comcast AdDelivery
Epstein, Dara
Sales Manager
Comcast Cable
Alexander, Paul
Barcus, Dan
Executive Director
Acquisitions and Direct Marketing
Caspar, Abigail
Vice President - Marketing
Clair Williams, Catherine
Senior Manager, Brand Identity
Diskin, Eileen
Senior Vice President, Marcom
Intermaggio, Peter
Senior Vice President
Marketing Communications
Rich, Allegra
Director of Brand/Identity
Smith, Kristen
Manager, Brand Identity
Vazirani-Helsel, Kavita
Vice President, Media
Comcast Media 360
Jimenez, Marissa
Senior Manager
Communications Media Inc.
Dorfman, Susan
Chief Marketing and Innovation Officer
Company of Others, The
Brown, Scott
Chief Creative Officer
Lozano, Jose
Chief Executive Officer
Menicheschi, Edward
Chief Marketing Officer
President Conde Nast Media Group
Murcko, Mary
Vice President
Publisher, SELF Magazine
Stinchcomb, Josh
Senior Vice President
Sales Strategy and Partnerships
Valentino, Lisa
Senior Vice President, Conde Nast Digital
Chief Revenue Officer, CNE
Conill Advertising Inc.
Martinez, Carlos
Nelissen, Jasper
Vice President, General Manager
Rodriguez, Ana
Executive Vice President
Managing Director - LA
Santos, Cilmara
Vice President, Director of Client Services
James, Teri
Managing Director
ComScore Inc.
Fetters, Aaron
Senior Vice President
Marketing and Sales
ConAgra Foods Inc.
Denham, Jon
Senior Director Brand Design
Constellation Brands, Inc.
Coleman, Joanne
Director, Media
Consumer Electronics
Dumford, Heather
Media Director, Global Marketing
Campbell, Anne
Director of Business Development
Groom, Brett
Senior Vice President
Content Integration and Activation
Medved, Denise
Vice President
Sales and Business Development
Linne, Dave
Senior Vice President, Advertising
Maxwell, Heather
Director, Consumer Insights
Nolan, Bob
Senior Vice President
Insights and Analytics
Paretzkin, Jonas
Director, PR/Social Marketing
Shen, Jon
Senior Director
Interactive Marketing and CP
Conde’ Nast Publications, Inc.
Consumer Orbit, LLC
Boasberg, Jules
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Content & Co.
McLean, Stuart
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Bender, Robin
Vas, Kevin
Director, Marketing
Johnson, Eric
Associate Publisher of Marketing
Johnston-Smith, Amy
Director, Marcom Operations
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 187
Conference Attendees
CooperKatz & Company, Inc.
Hardy, Marcus
Account Coordinator
Klein, David
Group Publisher
Katz, Ralph
Krivkovich, Peter
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
McCarthy, Gerard
Technical Director
Seamen, Karen
President/Chief Operating Officer
Sites, Shawn
Assistant Producer
Winkel, Ashley
Account Supervisor
Wallace, Jason
Graphic Designer
Coordinated Care
Mildren, Sally
Vice President, Customer Experience
Corbis Entertainment
Biskin, Anne
Regional Lead, Client Engagement
D’Arrigo, Anthony
Director Global Sales
Owens, Mark
Chief Revenue Officer
Richter, Shirley
Vice President, Client Services
Silverman, Corey
Senior Vice President, Global Sales
Venegas, Rylan
Senior BDM
Cotton, Inc.
Hendee, Ric
Senior Vice President
Consumer Marketing
Kitchings, Kim
Country Financial
Manning, Jennifer
Manager, Agency Promotions and Co-op
Overby, Michael
Director, Direct Sales Incorporated
Rodnick, Stu
Client Marketing Director
Evans, Abi
Senior Manager, Business Development
Hagerty, Jessica
Business Development Manager
Crain Communications, Inc.
Crain, Rance
President, Editorial Director
Creative Compound
Markowitz, Jeffrey
Chief Executive Officer
Crispin Porter + Bogusky
Baer, Andrea
Manager, Business Development
Nicastro, Jeanne
Director, Business Development
CRN International
Heinemann, Leslie
Director, Strategy and Development
Cross MediaWorks
Beispel, Rick
Senior Vice President
Tricarico, James
Chief Revenue Officer
Davis, Mindy
Senior Vice President
Professional Services
Nathaniel, Jasper
Director, Strategic Relationships
Scott, Matthew
Senior Vice President
Strategy and Business Development
CSAA Insurance Services LLC
Worth, Susan
Strategic Sourcing Manager II
Rodgers, Mary
Director, Marketing and Communications
Duncan, Craig
Executive Producer
Krajewski, Elizabeth
Executive Producer
McGuire, Tim
Chief Executive Officer
188 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
CyrusOne, LLC
McAuliffe, Mary
Director of Integrated Marketing
Czarnowski Exhibit Services
Orlosky, Michael
Program Director
DAC Group
Holland, Daniel
Vice President, Business Development
McNally, Chris
Senior Director New Business
Lehr, Tom
Daniel Epstein & Associates,
Epstein, Daniel
Gabriello, Katie
Marketing Manager
Montes, Ed
Chief Revenue Officer
Davila Multicultural Insights
Dávila, Gilbert
President and Chief Executive Officer
DDB California
Barbour, Kristin
Group Account Director
Grier, Stacey
Chief Strategic Officer
DDB Chicago
Hansen, Mark
Executive Vice President
Director of Account Management
DDB Worldwide
Giera, Christie
Director of Corporate Communications
O’Brien, Mark
Breen, Ken
Managing Director
Decideware, Inc.
Wales, Steven
Chief Revenue Officer
Deep Focus, Inc.
Gutfreund, Jamie
Chief Marketing Officer
Schafer, Ian
Chief Executive Officer
Deloitte Consulting
Midha, Ashish
Schulman, Alan
Ranere, Jaclyn
Vice President
Global Marketing and Communications
Riordan, Allyson
Deluxe Advertising Services
Ciulla, Augie
Senior Vice President, Sales
Ruffi, Matthew
Senior Vice President of Operations
Deluxe Corporation
Brinkman, Amanda
Chief Brand and Communications Officer
Deluxe Creative Services
Martin, Danielle
Marketing Director Enterprise Marketing
and Business Development
Romeo, Bill
Chief Marketing Officer
Denny’s Corp.
Coltrin, David
Senior Director, Core Menu and Strategy
Pagan, Stephanie
Marketing Specialist
Depository Trust & Clearing
Corporation, The
Blackburn, David
Deutsch, LA, Inc.
White, Jeff
Chief Marketing Officer, North America
Dieste, Inc.
Eboli, Carla
Director, Marketing
Knipp, Greg
Chief Executive Officer
DiGennaro Communications
DiGennaro, Samantha
Chief Executive Officer
Digital Content Next
Kint, Jason
Chief Executive Officer
Digital Place-based Advertising
Association (DPAA)
Frey, Barry
President and Chief Executive Officer
Shetty, Baba
Chief Strategy and Media Officer
Weisman, Tony
Chief Executive Officer, North America
Brown, Jason
Vice President, Head of National Sales
Hockenjos, Joseph
Regional Vice President, Eastern Region
and Business Development
Discovery Communications, Inc.
Abruzzese, Joseph
President, U.S. Networks Ad Sales
Egan, Jocelyn
Senior Vice President, Discovery Solutions
Felenstein, Scott
Executive Vice President, Ad Sales
Deacon, David
Vice President, Marketing and Events
Trontz, Bari
O’Sullivan, Sharon
Executive Vice President
Levine, Tara
Business Development Executive Vice
President, Chief Marketing Officer
Gaynor, Adam
Vice President, Media Sales and Analytics
Quinn, John
General Manager, East Coast Region
Soltani, Zahra
Disney Consumer Products, Inc.
Rousseau, Kara
Senior Vice President
Disney World
Pathak, Shareen Pathak
Brands Editor
Morgenstern, Harold
Senior Vice President, Digital Media
Advertising Sales
Deutsch, Inc.
DISH Network
Parmiter, Ian
Senior Vice President
Price, Ben
Senior Vice President, Advertising Sales
Rockwood, Beth
Senior Vice President, Market Resources
Day, Lisa
Marketing, Disney Corporate Alliances
Dole Packaged Foods
Hansen, Naomi
Director of Marketing
Vass, Barbara
Director of Marketing
Doremus Worldwide
Sherman, Howard
Global Chief Executive Officer
U.S. Seeds Marketing Director
DoubleVerify Inc.
Gattinella, Wayne
Chief Executive Officer and President
Kintner, AJ
Vice President, Strategic Platform Sales
Pearlstein, Mark
Chief Revenue Officer
Dr Pepper Snapple Group
Ebert, Regan
Senior Vice President Brand Marketing
Trebilcock, Jim
Executive Vice President, Marketing
Brown, Ben
Senior Strategist
Cole, Lindsay
Account Director
Essex, Andrew
Vice Chairman
Wiggan, Aaron
Group Strategy Director
Wollen, Chris
Head of Business Development
Yasko, Bryan
Global Business Director
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 189
Conference Attendees
DTS Incorporated
Doohan, Kevin
Chief Marketing Officer
Duke Realty Corporation
Bronson, Vicki
Vice President Marketing
Dunkin Donuts, Inc.
SanGiacomo, Linda
Senior Director of Advertising
Dunkin’ Brands, Inc.
Costello, John
President, Global Marketing
and Innovation
E*Trade Financial Corp.
Kain, Wylie
Vice President, Head of Brand
Muhlstock, Rich
Senior Vice President
Branding and Acquisitions
Okimoto, Kyle
Chief Marketing Officer
Ease Commercial Services
Markowitz, Howie
Vice President, Production
Pred, Nancy
Vice President, Account Management
Rose, Mike
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Ryan, John
Vice President, Finance
Eastern Bank Corp.
Stokes, Tracy
Senior Vice President Advertising
EBay, Inc.
Howard-Sarin, Stephen
Head of North America Display
Nelson, Parker
Manager, Advertising Solutions
Beatty, Laura
Online Marketing Manager
Economical Insurance
Dietrich, Adam
Scheglov, Melissa
Director of Brand Marketing
Educational Testing Service
Bogan, Karen
Director Strategic Marketing
Kwentoh, Crystal
Strategic Marketing Brand Manager
Engine Group
Church, Zoe
Global Chief Marketing Officer
Director of Business Development
Mathias, Peggy
Baldursson, Hallur
Executive Chairman
Punchatz, Shelly
General Manager
Brand Marketing and Market Research
Hafststeinsson, Hafsteinn SV
Account Director
Treves, Pamela
Executive Director, Brand Marketing
Edward Jones
Brown, Traci
Senior Marketing Strategist
Creative Services
Ridgeway, Kristie
Department Leader
Sundararaman, Kit
Director, Market Insights
Effie Worldwide, Inc.
Davies, Neal
President and Chief Executive Officer
eg+ worldwide
Hosea, Paul
Chief Executive Officer
Peacock, Myles
President, Americas, Global Brand Leader
Elkay Manufacturing Company
Rook, Jennifer
Senior Marketing Manager
Ramsey, Geoffrey
Chairman, Co-Founder
Chief Executive Officer
eMarketer, Inc.
Corwin, Daniel
Vice President Sales
Empower MediaMarketing
Price, Jim
Johannsson, Sveinn
Account Executive
Entercom Communications
Lamadrid, Carlos
Vice President
Enterprise Holdings, Inc.
Connors, Robert
Assistant Vice President
National and Alamo Brand Marketing
Farrell, Patrick
Chief Marketing and Communications
MacDonald, John
Vice President
Marketing Analytics and Loyalty
Sanborn, Kyle
Creative and Media Director
Equipment Depot
Du, Hue
Director of Marketing
Eric Mower and Associates
Mower, Eric
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Ernst & Young LLP
Yazdani, Bita
Senior Consultant
ESL Federal Credit Union
Zornow, Leslie
Manager, Advertising and Branding
ESP Properties
Shaffner, Cathy
Vice President Client Strategy
Bamundo, Paul
Head of Business Development
North America
Toller, Michele
Senior National Media Manager
Goldstein, Brooke
Head of Sales, North America
Energy BBDO
Paul, Tonise
President and Chief Executive Officer
190 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Hanrahan, Sean
Senior Vice President
Marketing Solutions
ESPN Customer Marketing &
Betron, Patricia
Senior Vice President, Multimedia Sales
ESPN Deportes
Bella, Michelle
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Essential Accessibility
Dermer, Simon
Managing Director
Papathanasakis, Spiro
Estrella TV
Haugenes, Scott
Vice President Business Development
Network Sales
Kenny, Judy
Executive Vice President
Network Sales and Marketing
Expedia, Inc.
Lee, Judy
Head of Industry Marketing
Gurumoorthy, Bala
Marketing Intelligence Manager
Personette, Sarah
Vice President Global Business Marketing
Libero, Gisella
Administration and Planning Manager
Dillman, Jeff
Agency and Strategic Partnerships
Fine, Ocean
Director, Agency and Partnerships
Family Circle Magazine
Slattery, Lee
Vice President, Publisher
Farmer Brothers
Bastiaanse, Gerard
Vice President of Marketing
Farmers Insurance Group, Inc.
Matthews, Louis
Dorrance, Elizabeth
Marketing Director, Media and Analytics
Martincic, Stephen
Executive Vice President
Global Branding and Corporate Affairs
Eichner, Jessica
Brand Marketing Manager
Murray, Carter
Worldwide Chief Executive Officer
Estrada, Ravin
Shorey, Morgan
Senior Vice President, Strategic Dev.
Johne, Ryan
Marketing Manager, Campaign Analytics
Leavitt, Erica
Walia, Vic
Senior Director of Brand Marketing
Experian Marketing Services
Johnston, Ashley
Vice President, Marketing
Exponent PR
Lindell, Tom
Managing Director
Gallegos, Sarah
Brand and Marketing
Greenberg, Jen
Director of Marketing
Everson, Carolyn
Vice President
Global Marketing Solutions
Hogan, Julie
Head of Events Marketing
FCB Chicago
Shumaker, Chris
Chief Marketing Officer
FCB Global
Credle, Susan
Global Chief Creative Officer
Trujillo, Sebastian
President of Sales
Ferrero Canada Ltd.
Crusen, Dunja
Group Brand Manager, Pralines
Cusmir, Ioan
Marketing Director
MacCarthy, Laura
Group Brand Director, Kinder Masterbrand
Romansky, Maureen
Senior Brand Manager, Nutella
Ferrero USA, Inc.
Adamski, Jason
Director U.S. Media Investments
Bampa, Alessandro
Category Marketing Director
Mannino, Carol
Consumer Research Manager
Midura, Todd
Category Director Tic Tac
Stoewahse, Martin
Vice President, Marketing
Szporn, Noah
Category Director Nutella
Fidelity Investments
Binks, Livia
Vice President, Integrated Marketing
Brady, Christopher
Vice President
Executive Creative Director
Burton, James
Chief Marketing Officer
Chambers, Mark
Senior Vice President - Media
Condon, Kathryn
Senior Vice President
Head of Digital Marketing
Dintenfass, David
Head of Segment Marketing and
Kichen, David
Creative Director
Kollitides, Melissa
Vice President
Maher, David
Vice President, Production Services
Maher, Jill
Vice President, Digital Marketing
Murphy, Brian
Senior Vice President, FI Marketing
Robinson, John
Senior Vice President
Chief Creative Officer
Saalfeld, Trent
Director, Campaign Management
Sadowski, Wiesia
Vice President, Integrated Marketing and
Speros, James
Executive Vice President
Chief Brand Acceleration Officer
Wallace, Karen
Vice President, Corporate Marketing
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 191
Conference Attendees
FLIR Systems, Inc.
Fetter, Brad
Director of Digital Marketing
Florida Power & Light Co.
Cowan, Marlene
Channel Manager, Advertising
Eirikis, Steven
Communications Specialist
Social Media
Geringer, Marjorie
Senior Product Manager
Hughes, Diane
Director, Social Media
and Digital Experience
Kreibich, Dennis
Senior Communications Specialist
Digital Experience
Livingston, Paulette
Senior Communication Specialist
Lutz, Vera
Senior Communication Specialist
Maida, Kevin
Email Channel Manager
Shnider, Steve
Web Manager
Flowers Foods, Inc.
Aldredge, Keith
Vice President Marketing
Bradshaw, Brent
Vice President Marketing
Harper, Sherry
Brand Manager
FOCUS Brands
Macaluso, Paul
Senior Vice President
Global Marketing, Restaurants
Ford Motor Company
Lenard, Chantel
Director, U.S. Marketing
Formica Corporation
Borbolla, Karla
Regional Marketing Manager
Fortlage, Kathryn
Senior Marketing Manager
Gath, Amy
Vice President - North America Marketing
Kincer, Pam
Director, North America Marketing
Foster Farms, Inc.
Reese, Bryan
Chief Marketing Officer
G/O Digital
Biancalana, Anthony
Vice President
Consumer Package Goods and Retail
Raiser, Tracy
Vice President
Head of Agency and Partner Development
Galderma Laboratories, L.P.
Cox, Bryan
Brand Manager, Cetaphil
GALE Partners
Pezzullo, Jessica
Chief Growth Officer
Gannett Co., Inc.
Knopke, Richard
Senior Vice President, Sales
Fox Sports/Team Sports
Lowenberg, Aaron
Vice President, Partnership Development
Schreer, Arnold
Partnership Development
Sloan, Craig
Senior Vice President
Desrosiers, Hilary
Vice President, Global Brand Strategy
Ullman, Sarah
Associate Brand Manager
Greer, John
Executive Vice President
Chief Creative Officer
Logan, Christine
Rancatore, Ryan
Campaign Integration Manager
kuhar, ashley
Lombardi, David
Vice President Sales Engineering
Rosenblatt, Steven
Chief Revenue Officer
Franklin Templeton Investments
Cournoyer, Jennifer
Senior Specialist
FusionSeven, Inc.
Gentzel, Kevin
Chief Revenue Officer
Smith, Ashley
Associate Bread Brand Manager
Bradley, Cara
Senior Communications Consultant
Jolly, Michael
Chief Revenue Officer
Rosen, Michael
Vice President, Sales
Lyons, Richard
Associate Bread Brand Manager
FM Global
Young, Martha
Strategic Communications Consultant
Rotherham, Jack
Chief Marketing Officer
Zenofsky, Steven
Manager, PR and Advertising
Rothwell, James
Vice President
Agency and Brand Relations
192 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Denton, Nick
Chief Executive Officer
General Electric Company
Boff, Linda
Executive Director
Global Brand Marketing
Goldberg, Andy
Global Creative Director
General Growth Properties, Inc.
Kabb, Julie
Director, Strategic Partnerships
and Business Development
General Motors Company
Edwards, Paul
Vice President
Chevrolet Marketing
Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Neumann, Shari
Marketing Director, Brand Center
Godiva Chocolatier, Inc.
Gudding, Lisa
Executive Vice President
Business Development
Halivopoulos, E. Lori
Senior Vice President, Marketing
Jarrell, Holly
Chief Client Services Officer
North America
Kahlert, Florian
Managing Director
Kleinhans, Birgit
Global Head
Marketing and Communications
Chin, Michelle
Vice President, N.A. Integrated Mktg
Communications and Loyalty
Goodwin Procter LLP
Kostakos, Nancy
Director of Marketing
Van Rooyen, Emma
Chief Marketing Officer
Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Company, The
Dauberman, Mike
Vice President Marketing and Interactive
Lambert, LaMont
Vice President Advertiser Services
Dwyer, Mike
Marketing Director, Strategic Initiatives
Osipow, Jo-Ann
Executive Vice President, Consulting,
Brand and Customer Experience, N.A.
Klugherz, Seth
Marketing Director - Strategic Initiatives
Simons, Don
Managing Director, Consumer
Tomei Zwolinski, Nicole
Vice President
N.A. Marketing Communications
Turner, Scott
Executive Vice President
Agency and Advertiser Sales
Nunez, Susan
Vice President
Advertiser Services, Gfk MRI
Giant Spoon
Cohen, Alan
Gibraltar Industries
Welsh, Chelsea
Corporate Marketing Manager
Gilt Groupe, Inc.
Ray, H.L.
Senior Director
Business Development and Entertainment
Global Experience Specialists
Goodlett, Debra
Marketing Manager
Snyder, Jeff
Account Executive
GoDaddy Group, Inc., The
Fischer, Eric
Director, Media, Sponsorship
and Media Analytics
Reese, Dave
Director, Tire Labeling
Rogers, Scott
Chief Marketing Officer, N.A. Tire
Sensibaugh, Chris
Director, Market Research and Innovation
Arthur, Steve
Head of U.S. Financial Services
Cherwony, Meredith
Marketing Manager
Daniels, Tina
Director, Agency Business Development
Hahn, Kristina
Head of Consumer Package Goods
Grey Global Group Inc.
Tauber, Ben
Executive Vice President
Director of Business Development
Gotlieb, Irwin
Global Chief Executive Officer
Lewis, Mary
Raftus, J.B.
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
GSW Worldwide
Daley, Joe
Chief Strategic Officer
Neal, Paul
Senior Vice President
Global Business Development
Habitat for Humanity
International, Inc.
Finn Ridenhour, Colleen
Deputy Director, Corporate,
Foundation and Institutional Relations
Green, Allison
Director, Cause Marketing
and Workplace Giving
Hargesheimer, Justin
Corporate Development Officer
Kaplan, Jonathan
Vice President, Sales
Ross, Erica
Corporate Development Officer
Cause Marketing
Kells, Kevin
Director, GCAS
Svoboda, Kim
Corporate Development Officer
Lawson, Matt
Managing Director, Ads Marketing
Pajak, Matt
Head of Industry, Financial Services
Pollak, Todd
Industry Director- Finance Insurance
Wesley, Jennifer
Head of Industry
Consumer Package Goods
Grant Thornton LLP
Chatigny, Justin
Head of Market Development
Hallmark Cards Inc.
Broll, Janet
Customer Marketing Director
Herrick, Ann
Marketing Director
Junger, Ellen
Senior Vice President Consumer Solutions
and Chief Marketing Officer
Newton, Anita
Vice President
Piper, Pat
Creative Director
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 193
Conference Attendees
Harley-Davidson, Inc.
Richer, Mark-Hans
Senior Vice President
Global Chief Marketing Officer
Pamukoff, Belen
Brand Director
Robinson, Krystina
Trade Marketing Manager
Hemisphere Media group
Harmelin Media
Camilleri, John
Senior Vice President
Legg, Elena
Media Manager
Valls, Nicolas
Executive Vice President Ad Sales
Herman Miller Inc.
Dawson, Luke
Director or Marketing, Global
Meder, Mary
Hartford, The
Allen, Lori
Assistant Vice President
Integrated Marketing
Havas Worldwide
Bond, Yvonne
Global Communications Director
Jones, David
Global Chief Executive Officer
of Havas and Euro RSCG
Korn, Daniel
Global Growth Director
Maness, Laura
U.S. Chief Growth Officer
Marobella, Paul
President Chicago Group
Rossi, Laurel
Salens, Lindsey
North America Marketing
and Programs Manager
Hershey Company, The
Ben-Canaan, Ari
Senior Manager, Global Advertising
Palmer, David
Global Marketing Excellence
Schmitz, Jeff
Senior Director Variety Franchise
Zarate-Bayani, Ronalee
Head of Global Digital
Marketing Advancement
Hewlett-Packard Company
Greene, Emily
Global Brand and Advertising
Hill Holliday
Weiss, Matt
Global Chief Marketing Officer
HCL America Inc.
Preschern, Matt
Chief Marketing Officer
Hearst Magazines
Brien, Nick
Chief Executive Officer, iCrossing
President, Hearst Magazines Marketing
Clinton, Michael
Marketing and Publishing Director
Hamill, Jeffrey
Executive Vice President
Heineken USA, Inc.
Amram, Ron
Senior Media Director
De Obeso, Alejandra
Brand Director, Strongbow Hard Cider
Feldman, Brent
Executive Vice President
Findlay, Russell
Head of Marketing
Chief Marketing Officer
Hitachi America, Ltd.
Sozio, Elisa
Martini, Kristen
Director of Studio Operations
Hogarth Americas
Guitart, Meritxell
Horizon Media, Inc.
Rosenberg, Zachary
Chief Growth Officer
Markus, Eric
Brand Manager
194 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Hormel Foods Corporation
Drennan, Holly
Marketing Director, Meat Products
Guanella, Mike
Senior Brand Manager, Grocery Products
Johnson, Jennifer
Marketing Director, Meat Products
Kohl, Ellen
Director, Consumer Insights
and Marketing Intel
Nolander, Jennifer
Brand Manager, Grocery Products
Sherman, Jaynee
Brand Manager
Steinbach, Eric
Director, Fresh Meats Marketing
Venenga, Steve
Vice President of Marketing
Meat Products
Zavoral, Jeremy
Brand Manager, Grocery Products
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Niles-Lane, Sharifah
Director, Social Media
Houlihan’s Restaurant, Inc.
Gulvik, Jen
Senior Vice President, Creative Director
House Party, Inc.
Seiler, Pam
Senior Vice President, Sales
Housing Parnership Network
Lewis, Timi
Vice President
Marketing and Communications
Keller, Jim
Vice President, East and Mid-West Sales
Lucas, Brittany
Associate Sales Events Manager
Masters, Jessica
Regional Sales Manager
Naylor, Peter
Senior Vice President, Sales
Parks, Sarah
Events Coordinator
Tamberrino, Kinsey
Regional Sales Manager
Humana Inc.
Bazante, Jennifer
Enterprise Vice President / Enterprise
Bonifer, Nikki
Vice President, Enterprise Marketing
DeWees, Patty
Director of Media
Brokaw, Carter
President, Digital Revenue and Strategy
Castelli, Tim
President of National Sales
Marketing, and Partnerships
Grose, Elizabeth
Senior Manager
Client Relations and Industry Marketing
Intel Corporation
Cole, Ashley
U.S. Media and Advertising Manager
Felton, Louise
Senior Director
Branded Campaigns and Programs
Joukoff, Stephanie
Agency Inside
Moulton, Jeff
Grusd, Cammy
Vice President
Client Relations and Industry Marketing
Thomas, Heather (HT)
Advertising Strategic Consultant
Hagen, Laura
Senior Vice President, Connections
Kim, Jordan
Global Media Manager
Hastings, Brandt
Senior Vice President, Connections
Lyons, Brett
Branded Entertainment Programs Lead
Hunter Douglas, Inc.
Carlson, Victor
Senior Vice President
Corporate Marketing
Jankoski, Joseph
Vice President, Merchandising
Lobosco, Donna
Director, Brand Communications
Rivera, Jamie
Director, Marketing Programs
IBT Media
Hammer, Thomas
Senior Vice President, Sales
iCrossing, Inc.
Bologna, Anne
Chief Strategy Officer
Brecher, Melissa
Chief Marketing Officer
Mulhern, Mark
President, East
Parker, Michael
Russell, Mike
Chief Growth Officer
Ukman, Lesa
Chief Insights Officer
Williams, Tim
Blacker, Liz
Executive Vice President
Hispanic Strategy and Sales
Bressler, Richard
President, Chief Operating Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Howard, Jeff
President, National Sales
Laven, Michele
President of Business Development and
Lutz, Kristina
Senior Vice President, Connections
Pabst, Adrienne
Senior Vice President, Connections
Pittman, Robert
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Richter, Deidre
Senior Vice President, Connections
Troberman, Gayle
Chief Marketing Officer
IMC Partnerships
Dearing, Carla
Managing Director
Chief Executive Officer
Meyers, Robyn
Sales Director
Sarofian, Stephanie
Executive Director
Brand and Agency Partnerships
Keshmiry, Julie
Global Media Director
Redman, Jonathan
Senior Director, Client Services
Sullivan, Andrea
Chief Marketing Officer, North America
InterContinental Hotels Group
Lent, Eric
Vice President, Holiday Inn
Intermark Group, Inc.
Brusatori, Paul
Vice President, Group Account Director
International Advertising
Association, Inc.
Lee, Michael
Managing Director
Internationalist, The
Banahan, Brendan
Managing Director
Malone, Deborah
InterTrend Communications
Yokogawa, Jon
Vice President, Managing Director
Intuit Inc.
Clark, Scott
Vice President Sales, America
Integral Ad Science
Iantosca, Mike
Chief Revenue Officer
Low, Whitney
Head of Client Development
Wallin, Ian
Vice President, Sales
Diederich, Ann
Director, Corporate Marketing
Morrison, Christine
Group Social Media Manager
Reeth, Lina
Principal Brand Manager
Ueberle, Diane
Corporate Brand Leader
Wood, Lawrence
Director, Strategic Sourcing
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 195
Conference Attendees
Wright, Cheresa
Senior Brand Marketing Manager
Investor’s Business Daily
Ferrara, Jerry
Executive Vice President
Advertising Sales
Janendo, Janice
Advertising Marketing Manager
iRobot Corporation
Jasmin, Karen
Director, Global Branding
and Marketing Communications
Jeffries Consulting
Jeffries, Daniel
Partner of Pile and Company
Jennie-O Turkey Store
Ehresmann, Jen
Director of Marketing Retail/Deli
Gerde, John
Product Manger - Deli
Koosman, Brent
Product Manager - Retail
Joanne Davis Consulting, Inc.
Davis, Joanne
Einarsdottir, Holmfridur
Executive Director
Head of Marketing and Service
John Hancock Financial
Services, Inc.
Ardini, Kate
Brand Director
Burton, Alayna
Associate Account Director
Parody, Kristen
Senior Account Manager
J. Walter Thompson
Power, Lynn
Managing Director
Kiernan, Eileen
Global President
Jack in the Box, Inc.
Alter, Iwona
Vice President, Marketing
Cran, Richard
Vice President, Marketing Communication
Guilbault, Keith
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Macca, Jon
Vice President
Media and Customer Engagement
Smith, Elmer
Vice President, CRM/Loyalty
Waidelich, Kirk
Senior Vice President
Sales, Promotion, and Marketing
West, Mary Beth
Executive Vice President
Chief Customer and Marketing Officer
Bacharach, James
Vice President
Brand Marketing and Creative Services
Pereira, Fabian
Vice President
Pociask, Ryan
Group Marketing Manager
Joint Corp., The
Hall, Cathy
Chief Marketing Officer
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Bennett, Allison
Chief Marketing Officer of Business
DeMuch, Nancy
Vice President Marketing
Lemkau, Kristin
Chief Marketing Officer
Sheehan, Jessica
Vice President
Head of Social Media for Chase
Jun Group
Frisbie, Dan
Executive Vice President, Media
Diorio, Breanne
Manager, Editorial Services
Soifer, Brian
Regional Vice President, Midwest
Shaw, Jennifer
Marketing Research Analyst
Brand Strategy and Communications
Stewart, Russ
Director of Sales
Johns Hopkins Medicine
Langrehr, Keith
Senior Director
Institutional and Service Line Marketing
Johnson & Johnson
Benton, Lynda
Director, Corporate Equity
Ennis, Tara
Senior Director
Consumer Commercial Procurement
Lewis, Alison
Chief Marketing Officer
Johnson and Johnson Consumer
Means, Holly
Vice President
Corporate Equity Strategy & Sponsorships
Wilson, Donna
Senior Director
Global Diversity and Inclusion
Johnsonville Sausage LLC
Bourland, Joe
Director, Strategic Insights and Analytics
Mueller, Jim
Group Marketing Manager
196 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Kaiser Permanente
Bagley, Sarah
Director of Marketing Insights
Kantar Media
Brady, Caitlin
Marketing Specialist
Carens, George
MacDonald, Libby
Senior Vice President, Agency/Advertiser
Kao USA Inc.
Anderson, Michael
Senior Media Manager
Cooper, Gary
Vice President, Integrated Marketing
Kargo Global Inc.
Abney, Lauren
Senior Account Executive
Berger, Alexis
Senior Vice President
Sales Midwest/West
Kargman, Harry
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Katz Media Group
Brady, Eileen
Director of Marketing
Osekoski, Christine
Executive Vice President, Marketing
Rosenthal, Mark
Chief Executive Officer
Schulman, Stacey Lynn
Executive Vice President
Strategy, Analytics and Research
Travaglini, Christine
President, Christal Radio and KRG
Weinberg, Maggie
Marketing Director
Kellogg Company
Dickens, Erick
Vice President, Marketing
Donvito, Chad
Brand General Manager
Taira, Courtney
Consumer Care Lead
Taira, Mark
Chief Executive Officer
Kirshenbaum Bond Senecal +
Kennametal Inc.
Jacko, John
Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Pflugh, Nick
Director Marketing Strategic Channels
Theimer, Patrick
Director, Demand Generation
Key Corp.
Dalton, Jill
Marketing Strategist
Russo, Melanie
Marketing Consultant
Thomas, Krystina
Senior Marketing Consultant
Wallace, Betsy
Senior Vice President
Marketing Services Manager
King’s Hawaiian Bakery West
Andersen, Monne
Director, Consumer Insights
Bonadonna, Gabriela
Director of Corporate Marketing
Burns, Kris
Director, Integrated Marketing
Hohman, Jennifer
Chief Marketing Officer
Kiss Products, Inc.
Suarez-Davis, AnneMarie
Vice President Marketing and Innovation
Bitan, Eliav
Associate Marketing Manager
Hayward, Guy
Global Chief Executive Officer
Geoffroy, Noel
Vice President Marketing, Morning Foods
Adult Brands and Masterbrand
Podiak, Dick
Senior Director, Marketing
Land O’ Lakes, Inc.
Brener, Maureen
Vice President of Corporate Marketing
McCall, Steve
Chief Executive Officer
Canada Office
Harper, Jeremy
Senior Director
Kryzer, Jaycelyn
Director, Business Development
Brojerdi, Ed
Chief Executive Officer
Bruck, Larry
Senior Vice President
Global Media and Marketing Operations
Hackett, Chris
Senior Director
Kellogg North America Media
Hyne, Kelly
Vice President
Strategic Partnerships
Connell, Carrie
Senior Marketing Manager
Giarrusso, Kristin
Marketing Manager
Koeppel Direct
Hearne, Michael
Marketing Manager
Corporate Marketing
Kocer, Lori
Marketing Manager
Krueger, Kevin
Associate Marketing Manager
LaFerla, Tara
Associate Marketing Manager
Murray, Sue
Packaging and Brand Design Manager
Bartyzel, Sean
Executive Vice President
Rueckert, Joe
Digital Consultant
Garduno, Christena
Chief Media Strategist
Scott, Tim
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Koeppel, Peter
Goodman, Chris
Chief Marketing Officer
Ronda, Jill
Schimpf, Karen
Executive Director
Theisen, Pete
Vice President
Purina Animal Nutrition LLC
Landgraf Consulting Group, The
Landgraf, Shelley
Wade, Trevor
Global Marketing Director
Siegal, Bob
La Quinta Inns and Suites
Cary, Julie
Chief Marketing Officer
Executive Vice President
Ruelas, Alejandro
Chief Marketing Officer
Managing Partner
Dunne, Carol
Vice President of Marketing
Trepinski, Melissa
Group Account Director
Business Development Director
Ladies Professional Golf
Hunter, Adam
Market Research and Planning Director
Lenovo Group Ltd.
Law, Edwin
E-Commerce Sales Manager
Nayak, Priyanka
Director WW Brand Strategy and Content
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 197
Conference Attendees
Leo Burnett Company, Inc.
Abnee, Nina
Chief Client Officer
Bennington, Rick
Executive Vice President
Finance and Operations
Williams, Timothy
Vice President
Brand and Broadcast Marketing
LifeLock, Inc.
Baiz, Nada
Director, Market Intelligence
Brot, David
Executive Vice President
Bartron, Lynne
Vice President Advertising and Strategy
Cheronis, Amy
Executive Vice President
Reputation and Communications
Constable, Valerie
Senior Director
Media, Marketing Communication
Davis, Catherine
Executive Vice President
Account Director
Mellen, Amanda
Senior Director Integrated Marketing
Hickman, William
Chief Growth Officer
Kaura, Varsha
Senior Vice President, Account Director
Loeffler, Chris
Executive Vice President, Account Director
Ravanas, Suellen
Chief Financial Officer
Leonora Polonsky & Associates
Polonsky, Leonora
Brand Strategist
LGdirect, Inc
Shefrin, Elissa
Brand Manager
LifeSouth Community Blood
Centers, Inc.
Whitaker, Brite
Director of Five Points of Life
Nolan, Tim
Senior Vice President, Marketing
Liguori Innovation
Liguori, Steve
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Lincoln Financial Group
Stuart, Katie
Accounts Director
Liberty Mutual Group
Conroy, Kelly
Director, Brand Management and External
Guidara, Nicole
Vice President
Manager Brand Strategy and Insight
McGonigle, Debbie
Chief Marketing Officer
Commercial Insurance
Penn, Deanna
Manager, Brand Management and
External Relations
Shapiro, Will
Associate Program Manager
Marketing Communications
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Chartoff, Alyson
Senior Vice President, Internal
Communications and Creative Services
Oake-Libow, Lelan
Manager, Marketing Communications
Santangelo, Caroline
Vice President
Marketing Insights and Analytics
Wozniak, David
Vice President
Advertising and Corporate Partnerships
Cascio, Lauren
Senior Manager, Brand and Marketing
Johnston, Neil
Senior Partner
Kotler, Alexander
Associate, Business Development
Wilke, Richard
Senior Partner, Director of Global
Business Development
List Inc., The
Curry, Dave
McMullen, Mark
Executive Vice President
Catapult New Business
Thomson, Dave
Vice President Media and Sponsorship
Live Nation, Inc.
Chernett, Kevin
Executive Vice President - Growth
Development and Strategic Partnerships
198 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Condon, Jeff
Elder, Rob
Vice President Digital Sales
Kim, Patti
Vice President - Business Development
Swope, Christopher
Senior Vice President, Sales
Dressler, Joe
Vice President
Pardes, James
Vice President
Marketing and Communications
LiveWorld, Inc.
Friedman, Peter
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Liebowitz, Jason
Vice President, Sales
LMO Advertising
Ali, Carolina
Account Supervisor
Perry, Kendria
Group Account Director
Lopez Negrete Communications
Arrieta, Julio
Managing Director
Lopez Negrete, Alex
President and Chief Executive Officer
Lopez Negrete, Patrick
Account Planner
Osuna, Fernando
Chief Creative Officer
San Juan, Idalia
Account Director
Louisiana Public Health
Scuderi, Tiffany
Communications Associate Director
Lowe Campbell Ewald
Clark, Keith
Managing Director
Palmer, Jim
Chief Executive Officer
Phelps, Brian
Director, Business Development
Wertz, Kevin
Managing Director
Lowe Profero
Reitkopf, Aaron
Chief Executive Officer Americas
Lowe’s Companies, Inc.
Grebstein, Marci
Vice President of Advertising
Lamb, Tom
Chief Marketing Officer
Lobpries, Lawrence
Vice President, Consumer Marketing
McLellan, Alton
Director, Marketing Initiatives
Ryan, Mike
Online Marketing Director
LPL Financial
Socci, Melissa
Senior Vice President
Strategic Client Communications
Lyft Inc.
Petelle, Cynthia
Scherer, Paul
Wampler, Kira
Chief Marketing Officer
MacNeil Automotive Products
Little, Carrie
Marketing Operations Director
Major League Soccer
Krasnoo, Eric
Vice President
Sedlak, Keith
Executive Vice President
Media Business Development
Greenberg, Scott
Senior Vice President, National Business
Pyper, Scott
Strategic Accounts Director
Russell, Steve
Business Development Director
Marketing Evolution
Briggs, Rex
Chief Executive Officer
Roskowski, Scott
Chief Development Officer
Bachmann, Kathy
Executive Vice President
America’s Strategy
Kehrer, Daniel
Vice President, Marketing
Markman, Ivan
Chief Operating Officer
Mezrich, Abe
Head of Marketing Communications
Nichols, Wes
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Schlesinger, Lynn
Director, Marketing
Vein, Jon
Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder
Marriott International, Inc.
Galarza, Tania
Senior Director, Segment Strategy
Heitzner, Jordan
Manager, Marketing Planning
Holman, Sheila
Vice President
Portfolio Marketing Strategy
Milne, Stacey
Vice President
Global Initiatives and Marketing Services
Marriott Vacations Worldwide
Gustafson, Kristen
Senior Manager
Williams, Matt
Chief Executive Officer
Martin|Williams Advertising
Terry, Laura
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Mary Kay Inc.
Fife, Katharine
Manager, Corporate Digital Marketing
Guerra, Rosy
Vice President, Marketing- Mexico
Hughes, Magdalena
Director of Marketing for Latin America
Molina, Sylvia
Project Manager
Integrated Marketing, Advertising and PR
Peixoto, Shana
Marketing Director - Brazil
Sam, Ivy
Corporate Consumer Marketing
Shaffer, Jennifer
Manager of Corporate Consumer
Viale, Silvina
Marketing Director, Argentina
Woodlock, Allison
Manager, Product Marketing
Latin America
Jackson, Scott
Senior Director
Berberich, Adam
Vice President
Sales Strategy and Social Advertising
Reckart, Lisa
Director of Owner Communications
Cafiero, Paul
Manager, Corporate Communications
Vitas, Ovid
Hodges, Kelly
Vice President, Advertising
Mars Agency, The
Barnett, Kenneth
Global Chief Executive Officer
Rivenburgh, Rob
Partner, Chief Operating Officer
Mars Incorporated
Milke, Karen
Buying Manager
Martha Stewart Living
Mazzucca, Daren
Vice President, Publisher
Martin Agency, Inc., The
Toms, Liz
Director of Business Development
Martinet, Stacy
Chief Marketing Officer
Matos-Becerra, Michelle
Vice President, Sales Development
Messinger, Greg
Advertising Director
Mulla, Natasha
Director of Events
Riegelhaupt, Alexandra
Director of Marketing and
Rogin, Seth
Chief Revenue Officer
Shulman, Melissa
Events Assistant
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 199
Conference Attendees
MassMutual Financial Group
Jordon, Lara
Vice President, Marketing and Brand
MasterCard Worldwide
Badian, JR
Vice President
Digital Marketing and Social Media
Chaves, Monica
SBL, Global Consumer Marketing
Chibber, Seema
SBL, U.S. Marketing Media Planning and
Cress, Jill
Group Head and Senior Vice President,
Global Consumer Marketing
Donnelly, Michael
Senior Vice President,
Group Head Global Digital Marketing
Galdieri, Marcelo
Senior Vice President
Consumer Digital Products
Healy, Jean Marie
Vice President Consumer Marketing
Jalandoni, Maripi
Group Executive - U.S. Marketing
Jankowski, Benjamin
Senior Vice President
Group Head of Global Media
Morrone, Guillermo
Vice President, Merchant Marketing LAC
Paslar, Cristina
SBL, Global Consumer Marketing
Mayo Clinic
Weston, John
Public Affairs Department Chair
Chief Marketing Officer
McCann Erickson Worldwide
Aduba, Chioma
Senior Vice President
New Business Group Director
McCann Worldgroup
Lubar, Alex
Chief Marketing Officer
McDonald’s USA, LLC
Ehle, Fred
Vice President, Customer Officer
Wahl, Deborah
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Cooke, Brandon
Chief Marketing Officer
McKee Foods Corp.
Anthony, Barry
Director, Marketing
Anthony, Jeanne
McKesson Corporation
Ratterman, Linda
Director, Brand
Puebla, Rafael
Vice President, Marketing
Brinegar, Brad
Partner, Chairman
Chief Executive Officer
Pyper, Andy
Vice President, Merchant Marketing
Levine, Adam
Chief Marketing Officer
Tettamanti, Edgardo
Senior Vice President
Group Head, LAC Marketing
Northen, Janet
Partner and Director
Agency Communication
Matrixx Initiatives, Inc.
MDC Partners Inc
Media Properties Holdings
Condon, Brendan
Chief Executive Officer
Mediabrands Worldwide
Angulo, Cesar
Senior Vice President, New Business
Ripperger, Phil
Senior Vice President, New Business
Cowdell, Phil
Fierman, Stephanie
Chief Marketing Officer
Savic, Sasha
Chief Executive Officer, U.S.
Jones, Mark
President - Global Solutions
Glassberg, Richy
Chief Operating Officer
MediaLink, LLC
Anderson, David
Senior Vice President
Evans, Daryl
Senior Vice President Mobile Strategy
Gittlin, Grant
Harris Millard, Wenda
President and Chief Operating Officer
Kassan, Michael
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Klein, Lesley
Vice President
Rosenfield, Laurie
Senior Vice President, Executive Search
Salomon, Dee
Senior Vice President
Simpson, Cleary
Senior Vice President
Jarer, Jaime
Brand Manager
Caplan, Claudia
Senior Vice President
Mathew, Aley
Senior Brand Manager
Spangenberg, Karl
Senior Vice President
Linder, Ryan
Senior Vice President, Strategic Growth
Norian, Lori
Vice President, Marketing
Weiss, Khartoon
Senior Vice President
Business Development
Spiegel, Matt
Senior Vice President
General Manager
Marketing and Technology Solutions
Marks, Elizabeth
Global President
Kaplowitz, Marla
Chief Executive Officer, North America
200 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Uva, JC
Vice President
MediaPost Marketing Daily
Greenberg, Karl
Automotive Editor
Hartell, Richard
President, Human Experience Strategy
Kramer, Sarah
Chief Operating Officer
Nolen, Tommy
Senior Vice President
Global Managing Director
Rothschild, Marc
Senior Vice President, Meredith Digital
Taylor, Patrick
Vice President, Communications
Weber, Nancy
Executive Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Meredith Customs Solutions
Pessagno, Francis
Hajj, Chuck
Executive Director
Terkelsen, Brian
Chief Executive Officer
Meredith Digital
Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center
Scher, Emily
Mentholatum Company, The
Legros, Jean
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Merck & Co.
Roth, Jarrett
Associate Director
U.S. Oncology Marketing
Meredith Corporation
Brownstein, Michael
Executive Vice President
Chief Revenue Officer
Cleveland, Britta
Senior Vice President
Research Solutions
Coughlin, Lauren
Corporate Events
Davar, Usheen
Digital Sales Director
Harty, Thomas
Hoyland, Britt
Corporate Events
Josephson, Mark
Vice President, Publisher
Kightlinger, Brian
Vice President, Corporate Sales
Martin, Kim
Chief Strategy Officer
Olekas, Bethany
Associate Marketing and Events Manager
Piscatelli, Tori
Executive Assistant
Ren, Liv
Golub, Alisa
Sales Director
Meredith Parents Network
Witmer, Carey
Executive Vice President
Meredith Women’s Lifestyle
Witschi, Thomas
Meredith Xcelerated Marketing
Anton, Georgine
Chief Client Officer
Berenson, Rich
Senior Vice President
Chief Business Development Officer
Brown, David
Executive Vice President
Gilman, Brett
Managing Director
Business Development
Nowicka, Helen
Managing Director
Business Development
Merkley + Partners
Moorman, Robert
Chief Marketing Officer
Method Studios
Robinson, Stuart
Senior Vice President, Commercial VFX
MGM Resorts International
Bollen, John
Senior Vice President, Chief Digital Officer
Brunelle, H. Fletch
Senior Vice President
Marketing Guest Strategy
Parks, Nicholas
Vice President Marketing - Advertising
Swissman, Joshua
Vice President Loyalty Marketing
Tomovich, Lilian
Chief Experience Officer
Microsoft Corporation
Bevington, Erin
Senior Director, Agency Management and
Advertising Planning
Bown, Brenda
Senior Director
Fortin, David
Senior Director Production
Marketing Global Ads
Hall, Kathleen
Corporate Vice President
Kim, Stephen
Vice President
Global Agencies and Accounts
Lowe, Julie
Xbox Group MarCom Manager
Murphy, Kate
Senior Director Global Ads
Seideman, Jay
Senior Vice President, Central Sales
Singleton, Deana
Senior Director Global Ads
Stettler, Amy
General Manager Global Media
Warnke, Suzanne
Senior Executive Assistant
Midas Exchange, The
Mangan, Christopher
Senior Partner
Director of Asset Acquisitions
Millennial Media
Baeth, Sara
Marketing Manager, Global Events
Bitensky, Jason
Vice President of Global Video Sales
Celano, Kristin
Head of Advertiser Marketing
Cohen, Lindsey
Associate Marketing Manager
Galloway, Allison
Gemma, Tony
Regional Vice President, West
Kelly, Jason
President of Managed Media Business
Lamborghini, Alia
Vice President Sales, East
Russo, Jennifer
Marketing Coordinator
Sulock, Sara
Global Events Marketing
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 201
Conference Attendees
MillerCoors LLC
Mondelez International, Inc.
Courtney, Kimberly
Director, Marketing Services
Feinberg, Brad
Media Director
Kornbluth, Ashley
Millward Brown Vermeer
Amato, Anna
Marketing Communications Manager
de Swaan Arons, Marc
Chief Marketing Officer
Nadler, Lee
Marketing Communications Manager
Baker, John
Chief Marketing Officer
Norman-Kotlova, Sarah
Global Head of Agency Relations
Mizuno USA
Cornell, Harper
PR Manager
Hoey, Kimberly
Brand Marketing Director
Running Division
Anderson, Matthew
Executive Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Goodhart, Jonah
Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder
Mobile Marketing Association
Anderson, Dana
Chief Marketing Officer
Gorder, Jeffrey
Director of Business Development
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Hahn, Mimi
Vice President of Marketing
Monumental Sports &
Duffy, Patrick
Vice President, Corporate Partnerships
More Magazine
Shao Collins, Jeannine
Executive Vice President, Publisher
Krzypow, David
Vice President Marketing
Motorola Solutions, Inc.
Mavo, Pedro
Director, LATAM and Caribbean Marketing
Moxie USA
Reardon, Sean
Chief Executive Officer, Moxie and Roar
MUFG Union Bank, N.A.
Finley, Mary
Director, Corporate Communications and
Greene, Laurie
Vice President, Media Director
Meono, James
Silvera, Juan
Senior Vice President, EMarketing
Mullen Advertising, Inc.
Swaebe, David
Senior Vice President
Business Development/Agency Comms.
Mullen Lowe Group
Nolan, Tara
Director of Global Brand and Business
Troni, Naomi
Global Chief Marketing Officer
Turner, Megan
Vice President
Account Director
Mullen Lowe U. S.
Carlisle, John
Account Director
Newman, Lee
Chief Executive Officer
Scharf, Mitch
Executive Vice President
Client Management
Swanson, Steve
Executive Vice President
Sales and Marketing
MPA - The Association of
Magazine Media
Myers, Jack
Khan, Lisa
Senior Director Procurement
Daija, Sheryl
Chief Strategy Officer
Berner, Mary
President and Chief Executive Officer
Jung, Peter
Senior Director, Marketing
Dashoush-Salam, Dina
Director of Global Event Operations
Bogie, Patty
Vice President
Creative Services and Events
Scott, Norris
Vice President, Partnership Marketing
Gold, Adam
Senior Vice President
Global Membership and Sponsorships
Stuart, Greg
Chief Executive Officer
Moen Incorporated
Gravely, Alan
Senior Director, Brand Communications
McDonough, Timothy
Vice President, Global Brand Marketing
Ryu, Julie
Marketing and Events Coordinator
Telliho, Nancy
Senior Vice President
Marketing and Digital Initiatives
MRM McCann
Samet, Marcy
Executive Chief Global Growth Officer
Shulman, Matt
Managing Director, Marketing Platforms
Smith, Nicole
Director, Growth Segments Marketing
Zane, David
Director, Brand Marketing
National CineMedia, LLC
Kupiec, R. David
Executive Vice President
Sales and Marketing
Marks, Clifford
President, Sales and Marketing
202 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
National Geographic Society
Abraham, Tammy
Director, Brand Solutions
Fusillo, Natali
Director Marketing
Lectures and Public Programs
Gibbons, Crista
Director, Senior Global Corporate
Malley, Claudia
Executive Vice President, Marketing
Rodney, Dawn
Senior Vice President, Global Brand
National Grid
Baez, Laura
Brand Analyst
U.S. Brand Implementation
National Hot Rod Association
LeValley, Kyle
National Pork Board
Snyder, Ceci
Vice President of Domestic Marketing
National Public Media
Garrubbo, Gina
President and Chief Executive Officer
National Rural Electric
Cooperative Association
Jackson, Kristine
Vice President
Marketing and Communications
National Theatre for Children, The
Linger, Alexa
Coordinator, Sales and Marketing
Maestas, AJ
President and Founder
Farber, Samuel
Coordinator, Marketing
Alvarez, Michael
Senior Vice President
Advertising Sales - Telemundo
Argentino, Bo
Senior Vice President
Advertising Sales - TV Distribution
Bhatia, Krishan
Executive Vice President
Business Operations and Strategy
Boxer, Matt
Vice President of Business Development
Chico, Michael
Senior Vice President
Telemundo Station Sales
Clachko, Jeffrey
Senior Vice President
Advertising Sales - Sports
Collins, Amanda
Vice President
Corporate Communications
DeLuca, Maria
Senior Vice President
Consumer and Trade Marketing
Friedman, Jonathan
Vice President, Client Solutions Group
Eames, Ward
Frohman, Trish
Executive Vice President
Advertising Sales - Sports
Rowan, Pat
Vice President, Production and Operations
Hagedorn, Becky
Director, Portfolio Sales Marketing
Buchanan, Scott
Vice President
Business Dev., Sales and Marketing
Grimm, Brian
Director, Strategic Marketing
Ostrowski, Deidre
Vice President, Corporate Marketing
Wilk, Thomas
Manager, Creative Services Marketing
Wilson, Julie
Director Corporate Research
Navigate Research
Fredericks, Erin
Director, Strategy
Kerin, Donna
Vice President
Advertising Sales - TV Distribution
Kreckler, James
Senior Vice President
Advertising Sales - Digital
Laux, Melissa
Vice President, Portfolio Sales Marketing
Lovinger, Daniel
Executive Vice President
Advertising Sales - Entertainment
Marshall, Mark
Senior Vice President
Advertising Sales - Portfolio, Midwest
Molen, Laura
Executive Vice President
Advertising Sales - Lifestyle
Napolitano, Joe
Vice President of National Sales
Post, Shari
Senior Vice President
Network Entertainment Sales
Radcliffe, Lauren
Vice President Client Solutions
Radin, Aaron
Senior Vice President
Partnerships and Portfolio Products
Rosen, Mike
Executive Vice President
Advertising Sales - Hispanic and News
Saulnier, Erin
Senior Vice President
Portfolio Sales Marketing
Schiller, Scott
Executive Vice President
Advertising Sales - Digital
Stimmel, Carrie
Senior Vice President
Advertising Sales, Lifestyle
Tosto, Louis
Senior Vice President Digital
Wilson, Paul
Senior Vice President
Advertising Sales - Sports
Yaccarino, Linda
Chairman, Advertising Sales
and Client Partnerships
NBTY, Inc.
Branch, Andre
Chief Marketing Officer
NCM Media Networks
Fogel, Bennett
Executive Vice President
Sales and Marketing Partnerships
Nestlé Purina
Posey, Maureen
Group Media Director
Nestlé USA
Crawford, Karen
Director, Media Advertising and
Enciso, Alicia
Chief Marketing Officer
Networked Insights (NI)
Pineda, Jennifer
Vice President, Business Development
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 203
Conference Attendees
Jacknis, Jeff
Strategic Account Director
Agency Relationships
New York & Company
Callan, Cheryl
Senior Vice President, Marketing
New York Post, The
Angelo, Jesse
Chief Executive Officer and Publisher
Giancola, Sean
Chief Revenue Officer
New York Racing Association
LaRocca, Lynn
Chief Experience Officer
New York Times Company, The
List, Karen
Executive Director
Agency and Industry Relations
Tomich, Sebastian
Senior Vice President
Innovation TBrand Studio
Pandolfino, Justin
Manager of PR and Marketing
Fasulo, Andrea
Senior Vice President
Retail Marketing and CP Planning
Joseph, Alisa
Vice President
Advertiser Services (Audio)
Nielsen Catalina Solutions
Spaulding, Carl
Executive Vice President
Product and Strategy
Nielsen Company, The
Brothers, Lance
Senior Vice President
Business Development, Digital
Lane, Brian
Senior Vice President
Agencies, North America
Livingston, Bob
Villasenor, Michael
Creative Director Ad Innovation and
Experience and Advertising
Maran, Enid
Managing Director
Marketing Effectiveness
Wright, Andy
Senior Vice President
Publisher, The New York Times Magazine
Wood, Leslie
Chief Research Officer
Zimbalist, Michael
Senior Vice President
Ad Pdts Founder R&D
NewsCred Inc.
Littman, Mark
Creative Director
Northstar Research Partners
Brenner, Michael
Head of Strategy
Newspaper Association of
Macleod, Gay
Project Manager
Schiekofer, Rich
Senior Vice President
Business Development
Vojkovich-Bombard, Audriana
Marketing Communications Manager
Nice Shoes
Binkley, Craig
Chief Executive Officer
Northwestern Mutual
Dern, Chad
Director of Brand and Advertising
Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals,
Harper, Allison
Senior Associate
EMarketing and Relationship Marketing
Jimenez, Michelle
Senior Brand Manager
NVIDIA Corporation
Bowen, Angela
Executive Producer
Grace, Sean
Director of Sales
Northern Lights
Hirsch, Lee
Director, Strategic Marketing
Hosking, Simon
Business Development Director
204 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Kuhn, Peter
Nye, Nicole
Senior Vice President Marketing
Parodi, Carolyn
Group Strategy Director
Seitz, Kari
Heroux, Melanie
Executive Director
Omnicom Media Group
Razor, Jennifer
Global Business Development Officer
Roberts, Jolie
Simm, Daryl
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Swift, John
Chief Executive Officer
President, North America Investment
Thompson, Page
Chief Executive Officer
Omnicom Media Group North America
Onion | Onion Labs, The
McDonagh, Matt
Vice President of Agency Sales
Mueller, Kurt
Senior Vice President Operations
Scott, Julie
Vice President of Account Management
Slench, Chloe
Vice President of Midwest Agency Sales
Ehlers, David
Chief Executive Officer
Mackay, Keith
President, Strategy
Duff, Tom
Oracle Data Cloud
Holland, Robert
General Manager
Consumer Package Goods
Merna, Mike
Head of Brand Strategy
Consumer Package Goods
Weisberg, Laurie
Vice President, Consumer Package Goods
Client Partnerships
Wolfe Pereira, Steven
Vice President
Brand Strategy and Marketing Solutions
Orion Capital
Cranley, Christina
Senior Vice President
Digital and National Media Investments
Preston, Sally
Resident, N.A.
Pac-12 Networks
Davis, Neil
Executive Vice President
Integrated Marketing and Sales
Howerton, Nicole
Director, Integrated Marketing and Sales
Pace Communications
Adams, Dana
Senior Vice President, Content Solutions
Klee, Leigh Ann
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Operating Officer
de Villiers, Andries
Vice President of Sales, East
Locke, Gordon
Senior Vice President
Chief Developement Officer
Furman, Andrew
Head of Sales, West and Central Region
Waller, Craig
Zimak, Avi
Vice President of Sales
Outdoor Advertising Association
of America, Inc.
Freitas, Stephen
Chief Marketing Officer
Feyrer, John
Vice President
Strategic Growth Partnerships
Punter, Clive
Executive Vice President
Chief Revenue Officer
Senese, Jodi
Executive Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Outrigger Hotels and Resorts
Dee, Sean
Executive Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Cocoma, Elizabeth
Vice President, Ad Sales
Cuffaro, Deb
Vice President, Ad Sales
Janneman, Liz
Executive Vice President
Network Strategy
Lewis, Jeff
Vice President, Ad Sales
Napolitano, Brian
Vice President, Ad Sales
Racine, Nicole
Account Executive
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
Jackson, Cory
Senior Marketing Strategist
Pandora Media, Inc.
Bradford, Hunter
Senior Director
Agency and Advertiser Development
Carion, Jenny
Manager, Industry Marketing
Eisenberg, Scott
Vice President, Sales
Hanan, Alex
Senior Director
Agency and Advertiser Development
Jones, Deleela
Director, Industry Marketing
Rumph, Kristen
Director, Strategic Brand Partnerships
Schanzer, Alan
Senior Vice President
Agency and Advertiser Development
Tartaglia, Gabe
Vice President, Sales
Valls, Priscilla
Regional Vice President, Sales
Wierzbinski, Phil
Vice President
Agency and Advertiser Development
Panera Bread, LLC
Curtis, Gretchen
Director of Media
Lorenz, Lisa
Director, Creative Content
Manning, Kathleen
Director, CRM
Yohannan, Jonathan
Director, PR
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
Brown, April
Director, Corporate Relations
Day, Derek
Pegasus Capital Advisors, L.P.
Bell, David
Pegasystems, Inc
Tas, Robert
Chief Marketing Officer
Pella Corporation
Hetrick, Mark
Segment Manager
Kiernan, Matt
Retail Marketing Manager
Poulter, Matt
Director of Retail Sales
Sagers, Elaine
Vice President, Marketing
Sturtz, Stan
Director, Marketing Communications
Penske Truck Leasing Co., L.P.
Fingar, Erica
Senior Campaign Manager
Kershner, Nancy
Manager Marketing Growth
McGovern, Daniel
Manager Marketing Growth
Pratt, Robert
Manager Marketing Growth
Sanger, Sherry
Senior Vice President Marketing
Walsh, Ann
Vice President
Market Growth and Development
Pepperidge Farm, Inc.
Marks, Karen
Director Consumer Connections
Evans, Kenny
Senior Regional Marketing Manager
Hollander, Chris
Vice President, Marketing
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 205
Conference Attendees
PepsiCo, Inc.
Johnson, Brian
Daniels, Derek
Associate Marketing Manager
Watkins, Bill
Head of Partnerships, West Region
Graham, Nick
Senior Director
Wise, Ed
Manger of Partnerships
Hassan, Carla
Senior Vice President, Global Brand
Jakeman, Brad
President, PepsiCo Beverage Group
Novak, Susan
Senior Director, Global Brand
Smith, George
Director, Digital Marketing
Snyder, Michelle
Senior Marketing Director
Spanos, Emmanouil
Senior Director, Global Innovation Pepsi
and Mountain Dew
Perdue Farms Incorporated
Christianson, Eric
Senior Vice President, Marketing
Pivotal Research
Wieser, Brian
Senior Analyst
Plantronics, Inc.
Ahntholz, Lars
Product Marketing Manager
Castellanos, Cheri
Product Marketing Specialist
Fisher, Stephanie
Digital Marketing Manager
Guarino, Laurie
Senior Communications Manager
Kelly, Michael
Senior Influencer Program
Social Media Manager
Langona, Lori
Director, Consumer Marketing
Melani, Kristi
Digital Marketing Director
Kahn, Michael
Global Chief Executive Officer
PETCO Animal Supplies, Inc.
Houlahan, Penny
Senior Executive Administrative Assistant
Kuhn, Tom
Vice President, Marketing Strategy
Ohno, Rob
Senior Vice President, Corporate
Oliver, Brian
Senior Vice President, Corporate
Sponsorships and Title Sponsor Relations
russell, jordyn
Tongur, Eileen
Channel Marketing Specialist
Playboy Enterprises, Inc.
Mastrangelo, Matt
Senior Vice President
Chief Revenue Officer and Publisher
PLS Financial Services, Inc.
Caid, Aaron
Chief Marketing Officer
Dillon, Jeffrey
Dunn, Kristin
Director of Marketing
PNC Bank, N. A.
Bell, Tom
Group Account Director
Philip Morris USA
Kertis, John
Assistant Brand Manager
Pile and Company
McDonnell, Meghan
Senior Vice President
Windahl, Jeff
Senior Vice President
Brand Management/Financial Education
Spowart, George
Chief Marketing Officer
Carty, Eileen
Executive Vice President
Brand Partnerships
Bhaskaran, Vikram
Manager of Partnerships East
206 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Pine, Lynn
Senior Director, Sales
Post Foods, LLC
Shurman, Anthony
Vice President, Marketing
Powell Communications
Cashman, Leigh
Humphrey, Sloan
Prestige Brands, Inc.
Juliano, Joseph
Director, Analgesics and Eye Care
Kravitz, Howard
Managing Director
Principal Financial Group, The
Derbick, John
Global Advertising Director
Swanson, Michelle
Assistant Director of Advertising
Procter & Gamble Company, The
Pritchard, Marc
Chief Brand Officer
Progressive Corporation, The
Charney, Jeff
Chief Marketing Officer
Project: WorldWide
Martin, Brian
Senior Vice President
Marketing and Communications
Vasilchik, Tiffany
Partner, New Business Development
Prudential Insurance Company
of America
Doliveira, Amy
Lazzaro, Alison
Vice President
Advertising and Creative Services
McConnell, Colin
Chief Brand Officer
Shah, Niharika
Vice President
Marketing and Advertising Strategy
Williams, Marc
Vice President
Creative Services Group Director
Stein, Lindsay
Consumer/Marketing Reporter
PS Insights, KidShop and Kurnit
Kurnit, Paul
Messeri, Marnie
Manager, Marketing and Advertising
Fero, Brittany
Chief Strategy Officer
Sullivan, Jason
Managing Director
Publicis Hawkeye
Kennedy, Sally
Former Chief Executive Officer
Publicis North America
Bruce, Andrew
Chief Executive Officer
Levin, Julie
Chief Marketing Officer
Publicis USA
Serrano, Carla
Chief Strategy Officer
Pulte Homes, Inc.
Fisher, Jenn
Director, Digital and Media
Greenia, Kimberly
Director, Content Marketing
Kershteyn, Yana
Media Strategy
Mitchell, Melissa
Director of Brand Strategy
Pasternak, Kristin
Director of Marketing - Texas
Shrivastava, Manish
Chief Marketing Officer
Q+A Events and Production LLC
Amundson, Chris
Kuh, Jody
Owner and Producer
Quantcast Corporation
Cubeta, Christina
Vice President of Marketing
Feldman, Konrad
Chief Executive Officer
Harper, Marcus
Head of International Client Dev.
Relish Editing, Tendril Design
and Animation
Bate, Kate
Executive Producer, Partner
Robins, Joy
Quicken Loans, Inc.
Frappier, Rob
Content Strategist
Steiber, Art
Director, Marketing Communications
R2C Group
Toner, Mark
Chief Marketing Officer
Radio Advertising Bureau
Farber, Erica
President and Chief Executive Officer
Greenberg, Tammy
Senior Vice President
Business Development
Kamon, Leah
Senior Vice President
Marketing and Communications
Reader’s Digest Association, Inc.
Sutton, Rich
Chief Revenue Officer
Recording Academy, The
Halford, Shumetris
Marketing and Strategic Alliances
Reed, Adrienne
Marketing and Strategic Alliances
Red Lobster Management LLC
Marquina, Stewart
Marketing Director
Rent-A-Center, Inc.
Damle, Shilpa
Director, Consumer Insights
SullivanStoesser, Kristin
Vice President Advertiser Sales
Rentrak Corporation
Flamos, Ed
Senior Director - Advertiser Sales
Repucom International
Horowitz, Scott
Vice President Development
Lynch, Michael
Head of North American Consulting
LaPointe, Pat
Executive Vice President
Heffernan, Brian
Vice President Growth
Hanson, Stephanie
Senior Vice President of Media Relations
Reynolds Consumer Products
Flood, Michelle
Kafkis, Maria
Senior Brand Manager
Neisewander, Brienne
Pitts, Brandi
Senior Director, Integrated Marketing
Wadia, Daniel
Managing Director
Reed Smith LLP
Wood, Douglas
Regions Financial Corp.
Pippen, Bret
Senior Vice President
Regions Corporate Marketing
Relevant 24
Chapdelaine, Jordi
Executive Vice President
Wilkison, Jeff
Vice President, Marketing
Hefty Waster and Storage
Rezonate Media
Guang, Wade
Vice President Managing Director
Richard Childress Racing NASCAR Team
Golden, Jason
Managing Director, Business
Shearer, Matt
Director of Business Development
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 207
Conference Attendees
Robert Half International
Leach-Rouvi, Amanda
Vice President of Marketing
North America
Park, Korina
Consultant - Marketing
Young, Jennifer
Senior Director
Advertising and Consumer Research
Roberts & Langer DDB
Plank, Torrey
Senior Vice President, Account Director
Roberts, Stone
Chief Executive Officer
Rocket Fuel Inc.
Allison, Kristin
Field Marketing Manager
Caddell, Jon
Director, Enterprise Sales
Run Advertising
Kershaw, Matt
Vice President
Client Strategy
Rust-Oleum Corporation
Bialecki, Lisa
Senior Director
Integrated Communication
Clarkson, John
Director of Marketing
Grimm, Melissa
Senior Manager
Automotive, Removers and Cleaners
Olsen, Lindsey
Public Relations and Social Media
Olson, Jason
Brand Director
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
DaSilva, Christie
Senior Sales Director - Enterprise
Brambilla di Civesio, Antonio
Customer Marketing Manager
Donovan, Julie
Director of Sales, Enterprise - Boston
Crow, Justin
Janelli, Christian
Director of Category Strategy
MacAvery, Sarah
Senior Manager - Field Marketing
Roku Inc.
Rosenberg, Scott
Vice President, Advertising
Finn, Beth
Director, Business Development
Sneider, Mark
Owner and President
Rubicon Project, The
Anhalt, Joerg
Faisst, Wolfgang
Boullin, Greg
Strategy Director
Paradis, Zachary Jean
Director Experience Strategy
Sartori Cheese
Vincent, Chad
Chief Marketing Officer and Retail
Business Leader
SAS Institute Inc.
Chaves, Mark
Director Media Intelligence solutions
Schenck, Cami
Manager - Media and Digital
Moran, Jonathan
Product Marketing Manager
Yeh, Judy
Executive Director
Media and Integrated Marketing
Raj, Wilson
Principal Product Marketing Consultant
Saint Joseph Regional
Medical Center
Henderson, Pamela
Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer
Sallie Mae
Castellano, Rick
Vice President
Corporate Communications
Novak, Mari Kim
Chief Marketing Officer
Christiano, Kelly
Senior Vice President
Student Lending/Campus Solutions
Akinasi, Jay
Chief Revenue Officer
Freilinger, Johann
Head of Marketing and Communications
Jacobs, David
Global Senior Director, Marketing
Feodoroff, Matthew
Vice President, Strategic Sales, Buyer
SAP America, Inc.
Bober, Andrew
Director, Product Management
Camelio, Jennifer
Senior Director
Wehner, Michael
Vice President, Global Enterprise Sales
Fochetta, Tom
Vice President of Sales
Huang, Cynthia
Lead Marketing Brand Management
Bierman, Tim
Senior Director, Brand Partnerships
Stern, Alisa
Director of Sales
Samsung Electronics
North America
Easter, Temeka
Director of Social Media
Holler, Martha
Senior Vice President
Corporate Marketing and Comm
O’Donald, Jennifer
Vice President
208 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Treichler, Ryan
Director of Product Management
Savveo, Inc.
Mustafa, Shafi
Scout Marketing
Goldman, Mark
President and Chief Strategy Officer
Consumer and B-to-B Division
Screenvision Cinema Network,
Loria, Katy
Senior Vice President, National Sales
Martino, Christine
Vice President National Ad Sales
McCauley, John
Senior Vice President, Strategic Alliances
Scripps Networks Interactive
Galietta, Laura
Senior Vice President
Ad Sales Marketing
Lawrence, Beth
Executive Vice President, Digital Ad Sales
Honig, Jennifer
Associate Marketing Director
Giordano, Peter
Vice President, Revenue Operations
Lundberg, Ann
Senior Vice President, Digital Ad Sales
Howland, Melissa
Lead Conference Coordinator
Lojo, Michelle
Senior Marketing Manager
Sluk, John
Associate Director
Moe, Jason
Director, Partner Relations
Vosseller, Denise
Senior Product Manager
Morgan, David
Chief Executive Officer
SeaWorld Parks and
Caracciolo, Toni
Vice President Marketing and Sales
MacPherson, Kerry
Category Manager
Marketing Strategic Sourcing
O’Hea, Crystal
Corporate Director
Marketing and Consumer Activation
See’s Candies Inc.
Brown, Natalie
Senior Manager, Brand Marketing
DeWees, Jensen
Manager, Digital Marketing
Gardea, Michael
Product Manager, Omni-Channel
Seed Company
Anderson, Scott
Senior Vice President, Partner Integration
SelectResources International
Bension, Catherine
President and Chief Executive Officer
Service Experts Inc.
Haines, Rob
Manager, Marketing
Moody, Dave
Director of Marketing
Sesame Workshop
McDonald, Steven
Vice President
Global Strategic Partnerships
Shape Magazine
O’Connor, Tim
Publisher, Shape
Sharpe Alliance, The
Sharpe-Ross, Kathi
Shipyard, The
Milenthal, Rick
Shire Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Gilbert, Timothy
Product Manager
Murray, Elle
Account Executive
Siemens Corporation
Fleischhut, Oliver
Director, Online Communications
O’Connor, Lori
General Manager, Entertainment
Gibbons, Greg
Senior Vice President
Head of MarCom Siemens U.S.
Piccone, John
Chief Revenue Officer
Kensinger, Ed
Director of Creative Strategies
Quinn, Adam
Director, Sales
Tigert, Sandra
Marketing Communication Manager
Quinn, Kendall
Account Executive
Van Valkenburgh, David
Senior Communications Specialist
Quinn, Ryan
Account Executive
Siegel, Marc
Senior Director, Sales
Siemens Energy & Automation,
Forbrick, Melanie
Vice President, Corporate
Silva, Victor
Director, Sales
Six Flags Entertainment.
Miller, Leslie
Marketing Communications Manager
Pakizer, Kris
Borges, Stephanie
Director, Corporate Alliances
Siemens Healthcare
Hartling, Gina
Brand and Advertising Manager
Silicon Valley Bank
Cervantes, David
Director of Integrated Marketing
Siminn - Iceland Telecom
Hafsteinsdóttir, Hildur Björk
Director of Marketing
Simulmedia, Inc.
Bhaduri, Serena
Director, Sales
Donahue, Nick
Senior Account Executive
Frieder, Jayme
Senior Director of Sales
Fry, Lauren
Senior Account Executive
Germscheid, Joe
Senior Director
Business Intelligence and Outcomes
Daniels, Alex
Senior Vice President
Corporate Development
Sloan Hunt Communications
Sloan, Pat
SMG Multicultural
Franklin, Esther
Executive Vice President
Director, Cultural Identities
Smithsonian Magazine
Erdos, Lori
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Dreyer, Maria
Senior Vice President, Advertiser Sales
and Branded Entertainment
Lyle, Dustin
Director, Strategic Sourcing
Zimmerman, Stuart
Executive Vice President, Sales
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 209
Conference Attendees
Spark Communications
Starcom MediaVest Group
Myszkowski, Marie
Managing Director
Kasprzycki, Andrew
Executive Vice President
Managing Director, Starcom
Spark SMG
Dawson, Harold
Executive Vice President, Managing
Spike DDB
Paredes, Victor
Managing Director
Sports Authority, The
Westgaard-Cooley, Heidi
Vice President, Brand Marketing
Sports Business Journal
Sports Business Daily
Lefton, Terry
Petersen, Lena
Executive Vice President
Global Product and Partnership
Silkworth, Lia
Executive Vice President
Managing Director, Tapestry
Starcom USA
Davis, Robert
Executive Vice President
Managing Director
Donohue, Lisa
Chief Executive Officer
Ring, Kathy
President and Chief Operating Officer
Los Angeles Office
Starcom Worldwide
Banning, Maaike
Senior Advertising Strategist
Brown, Ann
SRP Marketing Communications and
Brand Management Consultant
Jacobs, Ellen
SR Analyst, Research
Jones, Courtney
Marketing Program Manager
Rogers, Lori
Senior Planning Analyst
Standard Pacific Homes
Ayres, Stephanie
National Vice President, Marketing
Stanford Health Care
Italiano, Deborah
Vice President, Chief Marketing Office
Mukaled, Rana
Director, Brand Marketing and Research
Ward, Judith
Director Marketing,
University HealthCare Alliance
Stanford Hospital & Clinics
Tanabe, Michiko
Director, Marketing
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
Bannell, Scott
Vice President
Brand Management and Licensing
McGowan, Michelle
Senior Vice President
Director of Corporate Communications
Starr Companies
Coffin, Bill
Director, Content Communications
and Media Relations
Baldwin, Kate
Senior Director, Marketing
State Street Global Advisors
MacDonald, Gary
Global Head of Marketing
Sterling Jewelers, Inc.
Clark, Anne
Vice President, Media and Advertising
Strata Marketing, Inc.
Miller, JD
Director, Marketing and Communications
Rubin, Judd
Vice President, Revenue Development
Stryker Orthopaedics
Cambria, Tony
Healthcare Innovations Manager
Studio One
Susman, Andrew
210 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
StudioNow, Inc.
Shults, Wil
Director of Enterprise Sales
Micolo, Steven
Senior Marketing Manager
Zandri, Justin
Vice President- Brand Strategy
Subway Franchisee Advertising
Fund Trust
Carroll, Christopher
Senior Vice President
Marketing Director
Sullivan NYC
Adam, Karen
Group Director, Growth
Sungevity Inc.
Ludwig, Elizabeth
Senior Vice President, Marketing
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Archambault, Jason
First Vice President
Brand Strategy and Insights
Baldwin, Diana
Product Segment Marketing Manager
Benedict, Mark
Vice President, Advertising Associate
Linton, Cathy
Senior Vice President
Director of Advertising and Marketing
Murtha, Joli
Group Vice President, Advertising
Porta, Drew
Senior Vice President
Rampley, Gaetana
Group Vice President
Marketing Communications Manager
Ventura, Elizabeth
Senior Vice President
Consumer Marketing
Wolfe, Jenny
Advertising Manager
Surescripts, LLC
Stuart, Ben
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Clark, Joanne
Vice President Client Sales
North America
Young, Mark
Chief Marketing Officer
T-Mobile USA, Inc.
Cox, Trish
Vice President, Brand Communications
DeLuca, Peter
Senior Vice President
Brand and Advertising
T. Rowe Price Investment
Smith, Carole
Brand Advertising Manager
Talent Partners
Caffrey, Kelly
Director, Institutional Acquisition
Karkos, Denise
Chief Marketing Officer
Mazza, AJ
Director, Marketing Communications
Teach for America (TFA)
Domonique, Hollins
SMD, Brand Marketing and Digital
Strategy Regions and Events
Team Companies, The
Kent, Harvey
Chief Strategy Officer
Del Rosario, Cynthia
Chief Marketing Officer
Licardi, John
Business Development
Kramer, Justin
Executive Vice President
Muratore, Paul
President and Chief Executive Officer
Munday, Tim
Director, New Business Development
Rossmiller, John
Account Director
Schwartz, Gerry
President and Chief Executive Officer
Schildkraut, Linda
Director, Business Development
Sharwarko, Mark
Senior Vice President
Director of Client Services
Target Corporation
Backer, Julie
Manager, Strategic Partners
Jones, Jeffrey
Executive Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Lewis, Melissa
Group Manager
Agency Management and Alliances
Taubman Company LLC, The
Zemon, David
National Sponsorship Specialist
Tavistock Group
McMahon, Douglas
Senior Managing Director
Chief Marketing Officer
TBWA/Chiat/Day Advertising, Inc.
Jacobs, Kyla
Director of New Business Development
Payton, Alexa
Business Development Manager
Schwartz, Robert
Chief Executive Officer
Team Ignition Pancultural
Austen, Danielle
Managing Partner
Chief Executive Officer
Fino, Alex
Vice President of Client Management
Team One
Michael, Julie
Executive Director
Dancer, David
Executive Vice President
Head of Marketing
DeMaria, Dominic
Vice President
Product Development/Consumer Mktg.
Mason, Danielle
Senior Director, Consumer Marketing
Corrigan, John
Vice President, Corporate Development
Torres, Al
Vice President, Business Development
Television Bureau of Canada
Baehr, Laura
Vice President Marketing
Teradata Applications, Inc.
Reid, Colin
Industry Strategy
Teradata Operations, Inc.
Barbour, Jenne
Director, Global Marketing Strategy
and Evangelism
Cavedo, Jim
Director, Marketing Solutions Consulting
Darden, Ahkeem
Senior Solutions Consultant
Heisser, Barbara
Humphrey, Thomas
Inside Sales
Lipple, Traci
Marketing and Events Professional
Rivir, Valerie
Field Marketing Manager
Wofford, Monique
Marketing Business Development
Tervis Tumbler Company
Hodge, Casey
Holmen, Jennifer
Graphic Designer
Knarr, Katherine
Licensing Manager
Thoennissen, Brian
Marketing Research Analyst
Weaver, Brian
Senior Creative and Design Director
Teva Pharmaceuticals
O’Sullivan, Tami
Senior Consumer Product Manager
Ogorzalek, Jennifer
Associate Director, Brand Marketing
Sayed, Khalil
Director, Global Category Manager
Singh, Anupam
Digital Marketing and Media
TFQ Ventures
The Girls’ Lounge
Zalis, Shelley
Chief Executive Officer and Founder
Thomson Reuters
Dalamangas, Emily
Marketing Director
Laline, Letitia
Director, U.S. Custom Solutions
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 211
Conference Attendees
Thuzio, Inc.
Augustine, Jared
Chief Executive Officer
Jordan, Jarrod
Executive Vice President, Thuzio 360
Kozero, Kirk
Senior Manager, Marketing Integration
Ralls, Cindy
Product Marketing
Stabnick, Joseph
Vice President, Marketing
Westermark, Gary
Senior Marketing Manager, Marketing
Time Inc.
Battista, Rich
People and Entertainment Weekly
Cambron, Steve
Vice President
Marketing Brand Development
Danetz, Eric
Crossin, Eileen
General Manager, New York
Etherington, Dave
Executive Vice President
Marketing and Mobile
Gotlin, Melanie
Vice President, Local Sales Director
Lowe, Jamie
Chief Sales Officer
TiVo Inc.
Duffy, Brian
Director of Sales
TiVo Research
Harkins, Sheryl
Senior Vice President
Consumer Package Goods Sales
TiVo Research and Analytics (TRA)
Foster, Frank
Senior Vice President
General Manager
TM Advertising
Rumpler, Tim
Chief Marketing Officer
Ellis, Mark
Senior Vice President
Corporate Advertising Sales
Ford, Mark
Senior Vice President, Global Accounts
Kammerer, Charlie
Group Publisher, Real Simple, Food and
Wine, Health, Cooking Light, MyRecipes
and This Old House
Kovacs, Karen
Publisher, People
Weigman, Becca
Galceran, Ignacio
Chief Client and Offer Officer, Americas
Tomorro LLC
Bond, Jon
Chief Executive Officer
Tomy International
Kowitt, Beth
Writer, Fortune Magazine
Long, Meredith
Wilkov, Willie
Chief Marketing Officer
Newman, Lauren
Vice President, Corporate Sales East
Begal, Andy
Vice President
Ripp, Brendan
Vice President
Publisher of Sports Illustrated
Burrell, Mark
Ripp, Joe
Chief Executive Officer
Snyder, Parrish
Executive Vice President
Global Accounts
Tourism Ireland
Allman, JD
Director, Business Development/Sales
Metcalfe, Alison
Executive Vice President, North America
212 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Townsquare Media, LLC
Price, Steven
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Stewart, Mark
Executive Vice President
Chief Strategy Officer
Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A., Inc.
Chung, David
National Manager
Targeted Advertising and Strategy
Materazzo, Lisa
Corporate Manager
Media Strategy and Digital Engagement
Peacock, Owen
National Manager
Service, Parts and Accessory Marketing
Toys ‘R’ Us, Inc.
Avitabile, Amy
Vice President Integrated Marketing
Transitions Optical, Inc.
Reid, Dana
Marketing Manager, ECP Communications
Laramie, Elena
Director, Online Marketing
Travelers Insurance
Morris, John
Vice President, Advertising and Media
Travelers, Inc., The
Caputo, Lisa
Executive Vice President
Marketing and Communications
Tree Top, Inc.
Godfrey, Bryce
Director, Business Development
Goodrich, Brooke
Senior Marketing Manager
Moore, Brenda
Product Manager
Rish, Becky
Assistant Product Manager
Consumer Package Goods
Tri-State G&T
Kendrick, Melissa
Communications/Marketing Specialist
Rosier, Amy
Communications and Marketing Manager
Triad Retail Media
Anson, Kasey
Account Executive
Dugan, Joseph
Senior Vice President
CNN Digital Sales
Bouyea, Matt
National Account Director
Hogan, Joe
Executive Vice President
Sales and Marketing
Cellamare, Chelsea
Senior Vice President
Media Services
Loughney, Mark
Vice President, Research
Haase, David
Executive Vice President
Knotts, Doreen
Regional Vice President, Southeast
Picard, Leslie
Senior Vice President
CNN Sales and Branded Solutions
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Meth, Eric
Senior Vice President, Programmatic
Aversano, Daniel
Vice President
Quinn, Brian
Chief Revenue Officer
Riess, Daniel
Senior Vice President
Marketing and Promotions
Smith, Sherry
Walmart and Sam’s Club
Kelly, Colleen
Partner, Managing Director
Douglas, Glenn
Director of Strategic Sales
TubeMogul Inc.
Bhamla, Asaad
Senior Account Executive
Houts, Joe
Account Executive
Rutstein, Matt
Director, Enterprise Sales
Santoro, Jes
Senior Vice President
Enterprise Sales
Turn Inc
Alfieri, Paul
Senior Vice President
MacGregor, Wendy
Chief Revenue Officer
Turner Broadcasting Sales, Inc.
Conklin, Craig
Vice President
New Products and Monetization Strategy
Cukaj, Katrina
Executive Vice President
CNN Sales and Marketing
Shames, Irina
Sales Director
CNN International
Speciale, Donna
President, Turner Entertainment and
Young Adult Ad Sales
Spiegel, David
Senior Vice President
Brand Strategy
Strober, Michael
Senior Vice President
Entertainment Ad Sales
Turner Entertainment Group
Cohen, Jennifer
Senior Vice President
Integrated Marketing
Sgrizzi, Frank
Executive Vice President
Turner Entertainment Ad Sales/Marketing
Auerbach, Abby
Executive Vice President
Chief Advocacy Officer
Gerber, Hadassa
Senior Vice President
Chief Research Officer
Roskowski, Scott
Chief Development Officer
Sturm, Steven
Executive Advisor
Herd, Brent
Industry Director
Telco, Travel and B-to-B
Hirschle, John
Director of Retail
Keown, Brad
Vertical Director
Consumer Package Goods
Maheu, JP
Vice President
Global Brands and Agencies
U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Co.
Suhler, Caitlyn
Senior Brand Analyst
Ferengul, Corey
Chief Executive Officer
Franchi, Eric
Glenday, Greg
Chief Revenue Officer
Iaffaldano, Anthony
Vice President of Marketing
Unilever United States, Inc.
Gardner, Jennifer
Director, Media Investment and
Partnerships North America
Master, Rob
Vice President
Media Americas and Europe
Tifford, Gail
Senior Director of Media
North America
Sacchi, Tom
United Parcel Service, Inc. (UPS)
Gibeaut, Doug
Director, Sponsorships and Events
Salmon, Ron
Marketing Research Director
Seitter, Brad
Executive Vice President
Business Development
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 213
Conference Attendees
United States Postal Service
Bailey, Ken
National Manager, Business Alliances
Blankenship, Cathy
Regional Manager, Business Alliances
Chamberlain, Kristie L.
Director, Brand Shipping
Cummings, Donald
Business Alliance Specialist
Denneny, Brian
National Executive Director, Sales
Dixon Jr., Robert E.
Director, Product Technology
and Innovation
Ellis, Robert
Business Alliances Manager
Foster, Dana
Business Alliances Manager
Tunnicliffe, Mike
Executive Vice President
Business Dev./Partnerships - U.S.A.
Universal Orlando Resort
Hayden, Bill
Senior Vice President of Strategy,
Insights, and Brand Management
University of North Carolina
Lauterborn, Robert
Professor Emeritus
University of Phoenix
Blackwood, Joan
Chief Marketing Officer
Univision Communications Inc.
Caplan, Amy
Vice President Ad Sales Marketing
Johnson, Ty
Vice President, Multicultural Ad Sales
McCoy, Wendy
Senior Vice President Marketing
Turner, Matt
Senior Vice President, Ad Sales
Winter, Amy
Executive Vice President
General Manager
Alekman, Betsy
Director, Trade Marketing
McCourt, Jessica
Director, Sales
Safran, Michael
Senior Vice President, Advertising Sales
Karpenko, Chris
Director, Brand Mail
Daboub, Jorge
Senior Vice President
Business Development
Adams, Roger
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
McMillion, Angela
Business Alliance Specialist
Driscoll, John
Vice President, Business Development
Reblin, Gary
Vice President
New Products and Innovation
Kelly, John
Executive Vice President, Digital Sales
Clark, Donald
Assistant Vice President
Sponsorship Events and F2F
Rucker, Cliff
Vice President, Sales
Mandala, Steven
Executive Vice President
Advertising Sales
Snead, Heather
Senior Marketing Specialist
Mueller, Michael
Vice President, Client Development
Su, Betty
Executive Director, Brand Marketing
Pray, Trisha
Executive Vice President, Network Sales
United Way Worldwide
Lins, Vicki
Executive Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Brand Strategy and Marketing
UnitedHealthcare Asian
Law, Christopher
National Vice President
Universal Music Group
Lopez, Gustavo
Executive Vice President
Brand Partnerships, Digital
and New Business Development
McMahon, Naomi
Senior Vice President
Strategic Marketing
Monaco, Chris
Head of New Business
Morris, Mark
Vice President
Brand Partnerships
Randall, Jack
Senior Vice President, Business
Ruesga, Rich
Vice President, Business Development
Ruiz, Roberto
Vice President, Brand Solutions
Squiers, Sarah
Vice President, Business Development
Conyers, Kristen
Owen, Chris
Vice President, Integrated Marketing
Rivera, Mayra
Assistant Vice President
Brand Sponsorship Media
Yun, Ted
Executive Director - Media
USG Corporation
McGovern, Linda
Vice President, Global Marketing
Vanguard Group, Inc.
Baker, Michelle
Digital Project Manager
Barbaro, Sheryl
Marketing Manager
Kosinski, Richard
President, U.S.
Baxter, Michael
Digital News Editor
Montesano, Joe
Vice President, Sales
Beck, Shayna
Advertising and Communications
Senior Manager
Fischer, Lisa
Executive Vice President
Advertising Sales
Holmstrom, Terry
Vice President, Client Solutions
Humbard, Charles
President and Chief Executive Officer
214 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Haberacker, Eric
Marketing Manager
Hyde, Katherine
Events Marketing Manager
Lytle, Lisa
Marketing Associate
Petrillo, Pete
Segment Marketing Manager
Pike, Kevin
Media Planner
Pratta, Mitch
Marketing Manager
Roscioli, Ruby
Corporate Advertising Manager
Sanders, Karen Wright
Content Manager
Vantage Mobility International
Bone, Rachel
Graphic Designer and Videographer
Drazich, Cindy
Marketing Coordinator
Malone, Penny
Director of Marketing Programs
Varick Media Management
Milberg, Sandie
Senior Vice President, Platform Sales
Levine, Ari
Head of New Business
Venables Bell & Partners
Birks-Hay, Paul
Managing Director
Woollard, Marc
Director of Design
VIA Agency, The
Leahy, Leeann
Video Advertising Bureau
Cunningham, Sean
President and Chief Executive Officer
VIS Insurance
Marinodottir, Maria Hrund
Marketing Director
Visa Inc.
Curtin, Chris
Global Head of Partner Marketing
Vivaldi Partners
Joachimsthaler, Erich
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Vonage Holdings Corp.
Gilvar, Ted
Chief Marketing Officer
Narayanan, Krishna
Senior Vice President Digital
Smith, Duane
Vice President
Brand Strategy and Advertising
Szumowski, Kathryn
Senior Director of Media
VSA Partners, Inc.
Visible World
Ruta, Pat
Vice President, Business Development
Vision Service Plan, Inc.
Baidoo, Elizabeth
Marketing and Management Specialist
Carter, Jennifer
Supervisor, Consumer Communications
Greenlee, Vanessa
B-to-C Market Manager
Rosen, William
Schreiber, Curt
Spiegel, Andrea
Partner, Client Engagement
Torreggiani, Heather
Chief Marketing Officer
Wall Street Journal, The
Gregory, Sylvia
B-to-B HP/SA Market Manager
Budig, Jennifer
Director, Global Multimedia Sales
Hauteman, Wendy
Senior Vice President
Vision Care Marketing
Fellows, Trevor
Head of Global Advertising Sales
Jacobson, Sharon
Director of Client and Member Marketing
Kennelly, John
Vice President
Global Multimedia Sales
Farrell, Jim
Vice President, Digital Media
Kaplan, Jill
Supervisor, Consumer Communications
Perlberg, Steven
Jankauskas, Paul
Chief Revenue Officer
Limon, Kathy
Marketing Communications Manager
Welch, Robert
Vice President,
Global Multimedia Sales
VeriFone Media
Verizon Communications
Harrobin, John
Senior Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Light, Valerie
Broadcast Production Manager
Scotti, Diego
Executive Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Elliott, Jill
Senior Director, Global Marketing
Verve Mobile
Bernard, Julie
Chief Marketing Officer
Stirratt, Nada
Chief Executive Officer
Mullen, Deanna
Supervisor, Consumer Marketing
Rominger, Amy
B-to-C Market Manager
Williams, Christi
B-to-B/B-to-C International Market
York, Oana
B-to-B Automation Campaigns
Visit Florida, Inc.
Houser, Meagan
Agency Manager
Vista Outdoor
Nash, Jason
Director of Marketing
Vitamix Corporation
Yungmeyer, Laura
Manager, Corporate Marketing
Walmart Stores, Inc.
Markey, Julie
Senior Director, Walmart Marketing
McClain, Clint
Senior Director, Creative/Ideation
Stallings, Jeff
Senior Director - Media
Webster, Frances
Chief Operating Officer
Walt Disney Company, The
Ferro, Rita
Executive Vice President
Disney Media Sales and Marketing
Haefling, Karen
Vice President Marketing
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 215
Conference Attendees
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts
Cormier, Darcy
Associate Brand Manager
DeKunder, Jillian
Director Alliance Management
Corporate Alliances
Harding, Heather
Sponsorship Manager
Livingston, Melissa
Marketing Manager
Millard Ennis, Emily
Marketing and Sales Strategy Manager
Rowley, Jillian
Domestic Marketing Strategy
Scanlon, Virginia
Manager, Disney Corporate Alliances
Shafter, Erin
Sponsorship Manager
Sonn, Alison
Marketing Manager
Whiteside, Steve
Reports Editor
Washington Post, The
DeMaio, Anthony
Vice President of Global Advertising
Hartman, Jerard
Chief Revenue Officer
Raikundalia, Sheevani
Vice President Sales Northeast
We Fly Coach
Pack, Dan
Managing Director and Partner
Scheifele, Todd
Executive Post Producer/Partner
Siciliano, Sarah
Global Marketing Director/Partner
Williams, Jamie Lee
Weather Channel, The
Leone, Kristen
Vice President, Sales Strategy
Muntzner, Alicia
Reali, D.J.
Senior Vice President
National Ad Sales
Steinberg, Jeremy
Head of Sales
Willey, Jennifer
Vice President, Sales
WebMD Health Corporation
Fogarty, Mike
Executive Vice President
Consumer Sales and Marketing
Weight Watchers International, Inc.
Herrera, Maurice
Senior Vice President of Marketing
Wells Fargo & Co.
German, Toni
Associate Brand Manager
Dairy and Innovation
Harris, Jessica
Senior Manager, Customer Marketing
Hintz, Tara
Brand Manager
James, Wendy
Senior Project Manager – Silk
Frohling, Kathryn
Senior Vice President, Brand Executive
Kruesi, Mitchell
Associate Brand Manager
Horn, Ina
Marketing Manager
Mirelez, Sara
Senior Vice President, Brand Elevation
Hulquist, Dane
Senior Vice President
Head of Digital Advertising
Owens, Sam
Brand Manager – Yogurt
Krug, Kellie
Senior Vice President
Enterprise Marketing Services
Welmedix Consumer Healthcare
Kanubaddi, Avani
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Marketing Officer
West Virginia University
Cummings, Matthew
Lead Instructor
IMC Graduate Program
Western Digital Corporation
Banda, Melyssa
Goodwin, Jeff
Senior Director
Global Digital and Social Strategy
Western Union Company, The
Charriez, Laston
Senior Vice President of Marketing
North America
Clark, Lyndsy
Assistant Manager of Shopper Marketing
Whirlpool Corporation
Maynard, Brian
Director of Marketing
White Ops
Tiffany, Michael
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
WhiteWave Foods Company
Anderson, Lori
Social Marketing Manager
Christensen, Erik
Manager, CI
216 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
Werkheiser, Jill
Marketplace Information
Wilsonart LLC
Calhoun, Kathy
Manager, Marketing Communications
DeMartino, Alison
Director, Marketing Communications
Evans, Andrews
Director of Production Management
Alfaro, Sandra
Managing Director
Shankman, David
Director of Client Services
Winston Products
Galbincea, Cynthia
Director of Consumer Marketing
Sabean, Sandy
Chief Creative Officer
World Advertising Research Center
Precourt, Geoffrey
World Surf League
Noonan, Mark
Chief Creative Officer
WTA Tour, Inc.
Chappetto, Kathryn
Director of Partnership Strategy
Bair, Tom
Vice President of Corporate Sales
Wyndham Worldwide Corporation
Marto, Phonishia
Marketing Manager
XAd Inc.
Gelb, Paul
Global Vice President
Stuart, Courtney
Head of Sales, North America
Xerox Corporation
Basney, Barbara
Vice President
Global Advertising and Media
Kennedy, John
Chief Marketing Officer
Xilinx, Inc.
Getman, Lawrence
Vice President
Strategic Marketing and Planning
Gianelli, Silvia
Director, Integrated Marketing
XO Group Inc.
Garrett, Jennifer
Executive Vice President
National Enterprise Group
Hamilton, Roland
Vice President of Sales, XO Group Inc.
Napolitano, Anthony
Vice President, National Sales, The Bump
Forsberg, Krista
Vice President, Marketing
Yahoo! Inc.
Dembowski, David
Vice President
Head of Tumblr Sales
Globerson, Jeremy
Director, Enterprise Sales
Rohrs, Jeffrey
Chief Marketing Officer
Israel, Tasha
Senior B-to-B Marketing Manager
Stern, Rory
Director, Enterprise Sales
Kaplan, Keith
Vice President Global Agency Team
Sturgis, Wendi
Executive Vice President
Sales and Services
Kayse, Kathleen
Vice President
Sales Strategy and Solutions
Maccaro, Chris
Vice President
North American Field Sales
Snyder, Andrew
Vice President
Content Strategy and Solutions
Sokoloff, Amy
Events Manager
Utzschneider, Lisa
Chief Revenue Officer
Weir, Rick
Senior Director, B-to-B Marketing
Yu, Tom
Director, Head of Ad Tech Marketing
Yamaha Corporation of America
Eaton, Roger
Chief Marketing Director
Yext Inc.
Blake, Bridgette
Vice President, Enterprise Sales
Distelburger, Brian
President and Co-Founder
Glazov, Noah
Vice President, Enterprise Sales
Taylor, Kelsey
Marketing Manager, Events
Young & Rubicam Group
McLean, Gordon
Global Managing Partner
Young America, LLC
Leuer, Paul
Vice President, Sales
Saperstein, Michael
Head of Media Sales
Song, Rick
Executive Vice President
Global Head of Media Solutions Sales
Zenith Optimedia
Jones, Tim
Chief Executive Officer
Lacher, Jane
Executive Vice President of Strategy
Zep Inc.
Callahan, John
Vice President Marketing
Gentry, Shawn
Chief Business Development Officer
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 217
About the ANA
Tony Pace
Andrea Kislan
Bob Liodice
Tracy Owens
Marc Pritchard
Lan Phan
Mark Baynes
Nick Primola
Christine Manna
Keith Scarborough
Bonnie Carlson
Ken Beaulieu
Bill Duggan
Christina Curry
Dan Jaffe
Lisa Guhanick
Duke Fanelli
Mike Kaufman
President and Chief Executive Officer
Vice Chair
Chief Operating Officer and Secretary
President, Brand Activation Association
Group Executive Vice President
Group Executive Vice President
Executive Vice President
Michael Palmer
Senior Vice President
Senior Vice President
Senior Vice President
Senior Vice President
Senior Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Brand Activation Association
Executive Vice President/GM
Business Marketing Association
Shepard Kramer
Robert Rothe
Mark Liebert
Brian Davidson
Kristen McDonough
Marni Gordon
Kristina Sweet
Executive Vice President
Senior Vice President
Senior Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Kathleen Hunter
Senior Vice President
General Counsel
Douglas J. Wood, Esq.
Reed Smith LLP
218 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing
2015 ANA
Masters of Marketing Conference :: 218
Board of Directors
Roger Adams
Jeffrey Jones II
Dana Anderson
John Kennedy, Jr.
Mark Baynes
Kristin Lemkau
Chris Brandt
Chantel Lenard
David Christopher
Alison Lewis
Eduardo Conrado
Bob Liodice
Chris Curtin
Rob Master
Marie Devlin
Tony Pace
Mondele-z International
Keurig Green Mountain
Taco Bell
JPMorgan Chase
Motorola Solutions
Johnson & Johnson
American Express
Marc Pritchard
Roel de Vries
Procter & Gamble
Stephen Quinn
Paul Edwards
General Motors
James Speros
Alicia Enciso
Fidelity Investments
Andrew England
Robert Tas
Natalia Franco
Brad Taylor
California Pizza Kitchen
Jack Haber
John Travis
John Harrobin
Jim Trebilcock
Dr Pepper Snapple
Jack Hollis
Meredith Verdone
Bank of America
Jon Iwata
Deborah Wahl
Bradley Jakeman
Verchele Wiggins
Rodney Williams
Gerald Johnson II
Moët Hennessy
American Heart Association
2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference :: 219
220 :: 2015 ANA Masters of Marketing Conference
2015 ANA Multicultural Marketing
& Diversity Conference presented by Time Inc.
BAA’s 37th Marketing Law Conference
Walking the Line: Between Innovation and Regulation
2015 ANA Digital & Social Media East Conference
presented by MediaVest
2016 ANA Brand Masters Conference
2016 ANA Media Leadership Conference
708 Third Avenue, 33rd Floor | New York, NY 10017
212.697.5950 |

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