Annual Report - Shelburne Farms
Annual Report - Shelburne Farms
SHELBURNE FARMS Annual Report & Contributor Listing 2010 Shelburne Farms 1611 Harbor Road Shelburne, Vermont 05482 Your Farm, Your Community, You Make it Possible We extend our heartfelt thanks to our community of new and long-time friends whose generous support ensures the continued success and vitality of Shelburne Farms. Shelburne Farms 1611 Harbor Road Shelburne, Vermont 05482 802-985-8686 Shelburne Farms is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit education organization and National Historic Landmark Many thanks for use of photos to: Andy Duback, Deenie Galipeau, Senator Patrick Leahy, Sharon Monroe, Jordan Silverman, Marshall Webb, Shelburne Farms staff, VT FEED staff (see p.17) printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper. Winter Farmers Markets in Burlington! 41 trees were planted in Farm Barn triangle. 23rd Annual Art Exhibition & Sale Phase 2 of Formal Gardens Restoration Project began. Green Mountain Power installs solar orchard near Coach Barn. We built a new, energy-efficient home for dairy staff. “Bats in the Barn,” one of our many family programs in 2010. Your Farm, Your Community in 2010 We made repairs to the timber framing at the Breeding Barn. You’ll find more photos that capture the year inside the back cover. 77% of the food served at the Inn was grown or produced at the Farm or by Vermont producers. We hosted “Slow Money’s 2nd National Gathering. We hosted the National Tree Farmers’ “Forest Field Day!” We installed 96 solar panels at the Farm Barn. T H A N K S T O O U R S U P P O RT E R S A n annual contributor to the Farm recently remarked that he had always thought the goal of the nonprofit had been to save Shelburne Farms from wholesale development. It wasn’t until this spring that he realized the education organization here was created to help shape the future of the Earth beyond the Farm’s gates. The whole idea behind Shelburne Farms is to shift society onto a sustainable path, primarily by educating young people. As we steward the Farm’s land and buildings and strengthen local food and energy systems, we are building a living campus to support this vision. The development threat to the Farm’s future in the 1970’s and 1980’s presented the opportunity to solidify and exemplify values, principles and practices we believe are important for a sustainable future. Now, through our outreach and partnership projects serving educators and schools, we are using what we are learning to support sustainability education in nearby communities in Vermont and as far away as China. Propelling us forward is the dedication of our members, volunteers and staff. It is you – our donors and friends – who encourage, support and inspire us. We are grateful for your trust as year by year Shelburne Farms works to make a real and lasting difference and to care for this beautiful place. We have come a long way since the nonprofit was founded in 1972. Thank you for being part of the community supporting this hopeful endeavor. Mary Jane Gentry Casey Murrow Alec Webb BOARD CO-CHAIR BOARD CO-CHAIR PRESIDENT Shelburne Farms is a nonprofit education organization, 1,400-acre working farm and National Historic Landmark that is shared with the community. 2010 SHELBURNE FARMS BOARD Mary Jane Gentry, Co-Chair Casey Murrow, Co-Chair Charlotte Stetson, Vice Chair David Marvin, Treasurer Will Jackson, Secretary Alec Webb, President Julia Alvarez Bob Baird Fred Bay Birgit Deeds Δ David Hollenbeck Nan Jenks-Jay Steve Johnson Andrew Meyer Gail Neale Δ Ernie Pomerleau Lisa Steele Lola Van Wagenen Hub Vogelmann SHELBURNE FARMS, INC. Bill Bruett Ted Castle Allison Hooper David Marvin FORMER BOARD MEMBERS Crea Lintilhac Ron Allbee Ty Minton Mollie Beattie* Harry Mitiguy* Bob Bickford* Emily Morrow Polly Billings Marilyn Neagley+ Selma Bloomberg* Harriet Patrick Lenore Broughton+ David Phillips* Jonathan Brownell Tom Pierce+ Tom Cabot Remo Pizzagalli Jake Callery+ Robert Ransom* Rick Carbin Lisa Roberts Davis Cherington Pat Robins Amy Davenport Chuck Ross Jennifer DuBois Ray Sadler D’Ann Fago David Sheldon Larry Forcier Raeman Sopher* Eileen Growald+ Katrina Stokes* Paul Hawken+ Margaret Holden Marion Taylor* Emily Wadhams Mary Kelly L. Metcalf Walling* Bob Kinzel Charlie Kireker Marshall Webb+ Quentyn Webb Mark Lapping Samuel Webb, Jr. Jack Lazarowski Richard Whittemore* Jerry Leimenstoll Lyman Wood* Hunter Lewis+ + Honorary Director * deceased joined Board in 2010 Δ departed Board in 2010 The mission of Shelburne Farms is to cultivate a conservation ethic for a sustainable future by • • practicing the stewardship of natural and agricultural resources and educating young people to become ecologically literate and caring citizens who make choices that create a healthy and just world. W e extend our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the community of new and long-time friends whose generous support ensures the continued success and vitality of Shelburne Farms. In addition to listing Honorary Stewards, Land Stewardship Fund donors, Endowment Funds, and Stewardship Circle members, this listing includes individuals, businesses, founda- Memorial Gifts In Memory of Joseph & Alice Arruzza In Memory of Richard Humphrey Megan Humphrey & Terry Hotaling Tristan Cooke Leonard & Cecile Tyl In Memory of Dr. Henry A. Jordan In Memory of Joanna C. C. Bergson In Memory of Gilbert Stanley Kahn Andrew & Mary Meyer Philip Bergson Joan Duane tions and organizations who contributed to Shelburne Farms between In Memory of Selma Bloomberg Kendra Merrill In Memory of Karen Kelcourse Holmes January 1 and December 31, 2010. The accuracy of this listing is In Memory of John & Armande Boisvert In Memory of Harry Lang very important to us. Please let us know if you can’t find your name Jane Boisvert & Dana Twitchell Ann Lang In Memory of Elizabeth Buonanno In Memory of Mary Elizabeth Leua Michael Santosusso & Stacey Buonanno Eugene Emilio Monaco In Memory of Gayle Maloney In Memory of Captain Midnight Anonymous Vaughn Carney In Memory of Jane Martin Handy or if you are listed incorrectly so that we can correct our records. Thank you all! In Memory of Rodolfo Cipparone Honorary Stewards In Honor of Sandra Fary In Honor of David Marvin Oletha & Robert* Bickford Graeme & Nancy Freeman Doreen & Houghton* Freeman Paul & Eileen Growald Philip & Crea Lintilhac Lovelace Family Lois & J. Warren* McClure Gail Neale Sandra Nowicki Elizabeth Steele J. Watson Webb, Jr.* John Cawood Andrea Liberatore Ericka Popovich Patrick Robins & Lisa Schamberg Honorary Gifts In Honor of Annabelle, Emma & Eliza Neal & Pat Rodar In Honor of Jeanne Aske & Michael Cichy Deborah Wood In Honor of Nancy Bigelow Bayard Bigelow In Honor of Jane Boisvert Linda Wellings In Honor of Brian’s Birthday Brian & Erika Edwards In Honor of Charles M. Ferry In Honor of Gail Neale Julia Alvarez & Bill Eichner Pete & Martina Hayward Sylvia & Edward Smith In Honor of the Nicholson Family In Honor of Allison & Paul Gibson June & Ken Nicholson Anonymous Jerry & Margaret Aske Gerri & Sam Bloomberg Nathaniel Caldwell Jennifer Gurley Katherine Hays Robert & Tracey Higgins Thomas & Lucille Kovacik James Leary Barbara Loso Jean Rodie Polly Rodie Lane Sofman & Sue Michaels Hilary Sunderland Matthieu Van der Meer Sheila Wilmer Bert Yaeger & Mary Glenn Joyce Oakley In Honor of Grandparents Cecil & Elizabeth Cadwell In Honor of Kurt Gruendling In Honor of John Oakley In Honor of Parker’s 1st Birthday Deborah Schapiro & Louis Polish In Honor of Anthony Quintiliani’s Retirement Michael Joseph Kelcourse Maurilio & Cristina Cipparone Steve Dickens & Myra Handy In Memory of Bill Clapp In Memory of Betty McCarthy Dorothy Hawley Tom & Ebeth Scatchard In Memory of David Page Coffin In Memory of J. Warren McClure Elizabeth Coffin Cap Coyle In Memory of Anne B. Cozzens In Memory of Jack McDonald David & Cynthia Cozzens Pat McDonald In Memory of Margaret Curry In Memory of Marilyn Mendelsohn Maureen DiPace & Sarah Curry In Memory of Virginia “Puddy” Davis Christopher & Leslie Capano In Memory of Carolyn Miller Marjorie Davis Mangham Leonard Miller In Memory of Sylvia Ferry In Memory of Ron Nemcosky Ron Ferry Radetta Nemcosky In Memory of Kay Fiorenza In Memory of John Oakley Russell & Vicky Colvin Beverly Salm Joyce Oakley In Honor of Gene Richards’ 50th Birthday In Memory of Willett Foster In Memory of Ed & Maire Perkins David Gladstone In Memory of Nan Frymoyer In Honor of Thomas Schramm John Frymoyer Gail & Jeff Obstfeld In Honor of Scoot In Memory of Margaret Mary Gallagher Gregg & Caroline Marston Joseph & Kathleen Gallagher In Honor of David Sheldon In Memory of Forrest S. Gilbert-Barker James Sligar & Diana Sattelberger Carol & David Conard Nick & Cheryl Hyland In Memory of John P. Persons Mrs. Florence D. Persons In Memory of Jane Patterson Pflug Melissa Pflug In Memory of Doris F. Polk Alphonse & Linda Gilbert Monique Gilbert & Todd Barker Danielle Gilbert-Richard & Jason Richard Gary & Noel Nelson Sean O’Brien & Nicole GilbertO’Brien Bill & Nancy Polk In Memory of Charles R. Ross, Sr. In Memory of Leslie Raths Waitsfield and Champlain Valley Telecom In Honor of Shirley In Honor of Megan Camp In Honor of Janice Heilmann In Honor of Nia Spongberg Gail & Bob Neale Edward Babcock Margaret C. Green James & Marilyn Cummings In Honor of Carson Holloway’s Birthday In Honor of Lisa Steele Bob & Creel McCormack In Memory of Robert Glass David Krueger In Honor of Charlotte Stetson Rob Rivers Elizabeth Brooks Dennett In Honor of Birgit Deeds Julia Alvarez & Bill Eichner Nick & Lee Potter In Honor of Mark Horican Howard Colhoun In Memory of Binx T. Goat Phillip Horican In Honor of Alec Webb Judith Hammond In Memory of Fred, Esther & Jack Schrier In Honor of Jenny Djupedal’s Graduation In Honor of Sarah Kadden In Memory of Michael Gore Amy & Marc-André LaChance Ann Day William & Sarah Webb In Honor of Ann Kloeckner In Honor of Helen Webb In Memory of Martha Grady Andrew & Gisele Kloeckner Sara Wool Melissa Grady & Mark Pearce Anonymous Deborah Hamilton In Honor of Darryl Kuehne In Honor of Marshall Webb In Memory of Mary Elizabeth Spencer In Honor of Peter Bullock Dan & Patty Saunders In Honor of Tim Cummings Eivind & Gwenn Djupedal In Honor of Tess & Owen Drury Anonymous In Honor of Pat Dumont Kathy Siegel In Honor of Eva Edwards Stoll Marc Monheimer & Louise Stoll In Honor of Eli’s Birthday Robbie Dockswell *deceased 2 Anonymous Lenore & Ralph Budd Rev. Harald & Britta Kuehne William & Sarah Webb In Memory of Harold & Beatrice Greene In Honor of Sally Lincoln In Honor of Linda Wellings Anonymous Robin Lincoln Carol Wellings In Memory of Ginny Grover In Honor of Ellin London In Honor of Marissa Wilkens Anonymous J. Dinsmore Adams, Jr. David Jonah & Sue Dixon Dr. & Mrs. Roger London Scott & Kate Baldwin In Memory of Grant Hawley In Honor of Ruby Willis Dorothy Hawley Sarah Buermann In Memory of Kay Hubbard See Kay Hubbard Memorial Education Fund, page 5. James Raths In Memory of Anita Rocheleau Vanessa Brown & Timothy Fortune Anita Schrier In Memory of Kate Jennings Seemann Eleanor Schwartz In Memory of David P. Trueman Vicki Trueman In Memory of Steve Waltien Deborah Dalton Lynda Waltien WITH THANKS In Memory of Derick Webb Helen Webb In Memory of W. Osborn Webb Louise Riemer In Memory of Mr. Wiggin Rebecca Roth & Joe Barbieri In Memory of Susie Wilson Catherine Nguyen In Memory of Walter Wolverton George & Susan Ligon In Memory of Charles E. Woodley Mildred Woodley In Memory of Kit Wright Kate & Bill Schubart In Memory of Arlene Yankowski Robert & Takie Dean Karen & Michael Dunavin In Memory of Peter L. Yankowski Amy Yankowski Special Projects Adventures Pre-School Program Joan Duane Archives William Edwards & Julie Eldridge Edwards Kate Jennings Charitable Trust Marguerite Myers Dr. Alice Outwater Breeding Barn Structural Stabilization Project (2007-2010) The 1772 Foundation Cruise Industry Charitable Foundation The Forrest and Frances Lattner Foundation The Getty Foundation MSST Foundation Oakland Foundation Vermont Housing & Conservation Board Building & Grounds Equipment Kate Jennings Charitable Trust Cemetery Maintenance The Nash Foundation Children’s Farmyard Duncan Campbell Dr. & Mrs. Jerold Lucey Confluence Collaborative The Argosy Foundation Ittleson Foundation Cows Come Home to Burlington Project Anonymous Draft Horse Fund Paul & Eileen Growald Alec Webb & Megan Camp Bill & Cathy Wells Farm-Based Education Association SEE PAGE 6 Farm Staff Housing Lee Bickford The Forrest & Frances Lattner Foundation Farm to Institution in New England SEE VERMONT FEED ON PAGE 9 Food Systems The Forrest & Frances Lattner Foundation Forest for Every Classroom SEE PAGE 12 Formal Gardens Restoration Project Anonymous (2) Edward Babcock Barbara Bardin Hope Brown Robert & Takie Dean Karen Yankowski Dunavin & Michael Dunavin Gerry Charitable Trust Sylvia & Edward Smith The Lively Oak Garden Club Oakland Foundation Mary & Phil Von Bargen Harvest Festival American Flatbread Judy Christensen Vermont Tent Company Historic Resources & Publications Kate Jennings Charitable Trust The History of Shelburne Farms Judith Bellamy Kate Jennings Charitable Trust Inn Furnishings Dr. Alice Outwater Junior Iron Chef SEE PAGE 9 Landscape Improvements Bill de Vos The G.D.S. Legacy Foundation Paul & Eileen Growald Barbara Van Raalte Matthew Kelly Fund for International Programs Matthew & Mary Kelly Mr. Matthew E. Kelly Natural Resources Management Kate Jennings Charitable Trust Pedestrian Path Lintilhac Foundation Project Seasons for Preschool The A. D. Henderson Foundation, Inc. Remembering Our Nature Gail Holmes Wilcox Family Foundation Scholarships – Summer Camps Anonymous (2) Bridget & Phillip Bellizia Liesa & Lowell Berkson Charles & Jessica Biggio Stuart Braun & Colleen Kelly Meredith & Joseph Callanan Norman Carnick David & Katharine Cohen David Connery & Lynn Wilkinson Christie Crowe Annmarie & Donal Curley Lois D’Arcangelo Michelle & Marc DiMario Susan Dinitz Paul & Janet Dooley J.P. & Kara Dowd Steven Dunn & Christina Brodie Ray & Mima Esponda Michael Fallis & Amy Clapp Keith Franchetti & Kristeen Eliason Mika Frechette Penny Gibson Evan & Lindsay Goldsmith David & Heidi Groff Emmy Harvey & Marikate Kelley Steve & Jennifer Heroux Mark & Courtney Kagan Martin & Anne LaLonde James & Kerri Macon Henry Mah & Rita Angelo James & Alice McEnaney Joseph O’Neill Kathryn Perkins & Andrew Thurber Briggs & Amanda Phillips Jared & Megan Poor Nick & Lee Potter Lori Racha & Damon Silverman Claudia Renchy Morton George & Marilyn Richardson Lori Roberts-Williams & Valerie Williams Phil & Catherine Saines Deirdre Schaefer Steve & Mary Silverman John St Francis & Bridget Thabault Brian & Sandy Stearns Sonya Stern Kelly Story Christopher Terrien & Katie O’Brien Terrien Amy Trubek & Bradley Koehler Sarah Vakkur & David Kirby Reina & Will Warren Marshall & Katie Webb Jeff & Elzy Wick Antoine & Michelle Williams Peter Woodson & Kelly Sayre Matt Wormser & Amelia Gerlin Audrey Ziter Scholarships – Youth Programs MGN Family Foundation Marcia & Bob Nappi Solar Energy Production Lee Bickford Kate Jennings Charitable Trust Green Mountain Power Corporation Vermont Clean Energy Development Fund Spirit & Nature Program The Argosy Foundation Judy Brook Alicia Daniel Sarah Goodrich Rebecca Gould & Cynthia Smith Larry & Linda Hamilton Camilla Rockwell & Timothy Wick Holly Wilkinson-Ray Sustainable Schools Project SEE PAGE 7 Tree Planting Project Bruce Lisman Vermont FEED SEE PAGE 9 Foundations & Trusts Anonymous (21) The 1772 Foundation The A. D. Henderson Foundation, Inc. Andrew Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. The Argosy Foundation Ashoka Associated Jewish Charities of Baltimore Baltimore Community Foundation The Bay and Paul Foundations Bean Family Revocable Trust Ben & Jerry’s Foundation Canaday Family Charitable Trust The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation The Carmel Hill Fund Carol Colman Timmis Foundation Ltd. Shelburne Farms Stewardship Circle Shelburne Farms is deeply grateful to all the members of the Stewardship Circle for their commitment to creating a legacy that will benefit future generations. We thank the following Stewardship Circle members who have let us know that Shelburne Farms is included in their estate plans. Anonymous (3) Julia Alvarez & Bill Eichner Bob & Bonnie Baird Bob* & Lee Bickford Selma Bloomberg* Jane Boisvert & Dana Twitchell Judy Brook Tom Cabot Jake Callery Mrs. David H. Clement* Kitty & Allan Coppock Thomas Daniels Lois D’Arcangelo Andy & Birgit Deeds Sue Dixon & Dave Jonah Jennifer DuBois Mary Jane & Stokes Gentry Paul & Eileen Growald Mr. & Mrs. John Hebard+ Theresa Hyland & Rick Stoner Willard & Carolyn Jackson Gale Lawrence+ Sheila Lawrence* Rosalie Lombard+ Ken & Susie Mandelbaum David & Lucy Marvin Tracey & Stephen Morehouse Emily & Paul Morrow+ Casey Murrow & Meredith Wade Gail & Bob Neale Charlotte Newton Tom Pierce Angelo Pizzagalli Pat Reasoner+ Charles Ross, Jr. Sally Sample Kate Jennings Seemann* Clyde Smith* Elizabeth Steele Mary E. Stewart Ike & Katrina Stokes* Hilary Sunderland Julie Taylor Sarita Van Vleck Lola Van Wagenen Jean T. Walsh Alec Webb & Megan Camp Derick Webb* J. Watson Webb, Jr.* Killian O. Webb* +Charitable gift annuity managed by the Vermont Community Foundation * deceased We hope you will consider including Shelburne Farms in your estate plans. For a pledge form, sample bequest language, information on charitable gift annuities, or to discuss other giving options, please contact Sue Dixon, Special Gifts Coordinator, 802-985-0322, 3 2010 CONTRIBUTORS Charles P. Ferro Foundation Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts Cooper Family Foundation Inc. The Dorchester Foundation, Inc. Eliot and Ann Weathers Charitable Trust The Evslin Family Foundation, Inc. Feldman Family Fund, Inc. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fitzgerald Family Foundation Five Twenty-Five Foundation, Inc. The Forrest & Frances Lattner Foundation Foundation For Our Future The Gaffney Foundation The G.D.S. Legacy Foundation GE Foundation The Gerald & Virginia Hornung Family Foundation Gerry Charitable Trust Gretchen V. & Samuel M. Feldman Private Foundation, Inc. Hoehl Family Foundation Hollis Family Foundation Trust Ittleson Foundation John W. Heisse, Jr. Revocable Trust Kate Jennings Charitable Trust The Kelsey Trust Kirk and Megan Kellogg Foundation Lintilhac Foundation The Louise & Arthur Malsin Foundation Malcolm Cravens Foundation The McDowell Foundation The Merrill Foundation, Inc. MGN Family Foundation The Michael & Karen Stone Family Foundation, Inc. The Morris & Bessie Altman Foundation The Nash Foundation National Philanthropic Trust Nelson Mead Fund The New York Community Trust Oakland Foundation Patricia P. Irgens Larsen Charitable Foundation The Peckham Family Foundation Phillips Family Fund Pomerleau Foundation Robbins Family Trust Robert F. Hunsicker Foundation The Ruth & Harvey Gelfenbein Charitable Foundation, Inc. Ruth M. Knight Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund The Shaw Family Endowment Fund Stannard & Dorothy Dunn Charitable Trust The Triton Foundation The Vanderbilt Family Foundation 4 The Vermont Community Foundation Vermont Farm Bureau Foundation Vermont Housing & Conservation Board Virginia Wellington Cabot Foundation Walter Cerf Community Fund Land Stewardship Fund We are profoundly grateful to everyone who has given so generously through cash and/or in-kind gifts and pledges to conserve and protect the Farm’s working landscape. Fletcher Allen Health Care Main Street Landing Company Monument Farms, Inc. R. F. Harris Woodworking & Construction Shelburne Builders Solutions Through Dialogue Vermont Tent Company Individual Gifts In-Kind Corporate Sponsors AllEarth Renewables, Inc. The Automaster The Bunbury Company Butternut Mountain Farm Cobble Hill Holdings Inc. Goldman, Sachs & Co. Green Mountain Power Corporation Hackett Valine & MacDonald, Inc. HVM Corporation IBM Corporation Lake Champlain Transportation Co. Neonatal Research & Technology Assessment, Inc. Professional Consultants Insurance Co., Inc. Queen City Printers Inc. Siliski & Buzzell Smith-Alvarez-Sienkiewycz Architects Splash At The Boathouse Third Coast Associates Treeworks Corporate & Other Organizational Contributors Anonymous (2) “Shear Fun” 4-H Group Abbott Employee Giving Campaign Action for Healthy Kids, Inc. Aetna Giving Campaign Annie’s Homegrown Balance Chiropractic & Acupuncture Barsen House Inn Black River Produce The Blodgett Oven Company Bond Auto Parts Cabot Creamery Cooperative, Inc. Casey Trees Champlain Title Company of VT, LLC Chira Orthodontics Co-Operative Insurance Companies Cosmos Hair Associates Cousins Camp Deep Root Organic Cooperative DGH Enterprises, LLC Environmental Hazards Management, Inc. Everybody Wins! Vermont Foulsham Farms Real Estate Gardener’s Supply Company Granite State Carriage Association Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Anonymous John & Mary Abele Jim & Cheryl Andrew Fred & Judy Buechner Tom Cabot Mrs. David H. Clement* Dorothy & Hubert Davies Bill de Vos Reg & Joan Gignoux Paul & Eileen Growald Frank* & Bambi Hatch Paul Hawken Bob* & Cindy Hoehl Theresa Hyland & Rick Stoner Jane’s Trust The JL Foundation Deana T. Klein Trust David & Lucy Marvin Stewart & Stephanie McConaughy Harriet Mitiguy Angelo Pizzagalli James & Judy Pizzagalli Remo & Donna Pizzagalli Redducs Foundation David Rockefeller Laurance Rockefeller* Ray & Martha Sadler Shelburne Open Space Fund Del & Skip Sheldon Peter & Margie Stern Fred Tiballi Katherine A. Tiballi Derick Webb Family Richard H. Webb *deceased Harrington’s of Vermont, Inc. Heritage Landscapes Home Instead Senior Care Hunger Mountain Coop Huz-Mars Farm Information Gallery It’s A Fine Mess! Productions The Lively Oak Garden Club Main Street Landing Company Middlebury College Miracle Corners Of The World, Inc. Network For Good New England Dairy & Food Council New England Federal Credit Union Northwestern Counseling & Support Services, Inc. Oh! Suzannah Organic Valley Family of Farms Patrick Dunn & Associates Ltd Patullo Consulting, Inc. PIA, Inc. Renaissance Development Company Sawabini & Associates Selin + Selin Architecture Shelburne Garden Club Truist Twinfield Union School United Way of Addison County Upstream Group, Inc. Vermont Cookie Love Vermont Department of Education Vermont Dietetic Association Vermont Principal’s Association, Inc. Waitsfield and Champlain Valley Telecom Matching Gift Companies Annie Casey Foundation Bank of America Ben & Jerry’s Foundation The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation Fairpoint Communications Matching Gifts The Ford Foundation GE Foundation Goldman, Sachs & Co. Goodrich Foundation Green Mountain Coffee Roasters IBM Corporation ING Financial Services Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program U.S. Bancorp Virginia Wellington Cabot Foundation Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company Foundation Corporate & Other Organizational Gifts In-Kind American Flatbread Company Autobahn Body Works, Inc. The Automaster Community Lutheran Christian Preschool The Final Connection Anonymous Kaitie Armstrong James Barbour & Marilyn Gillis Linda Beitz Judith Bellamy Judy Christensen Birgit Deeds The Estate of Dorothy A. Verchereau Rosalyn & Tom Graham Melinda Moulton Gertrude Perreault Robin Schempp Marion Kingsford Troussoff Claire Van Vliet Donations of Objects & Manuscripts Anonymous (3) Robert H. & Takie W. Dean Karen L. Dunavin Julie Eldridge Edwards Michael Gore* Roger & Diana LeClair Larry N. & Wendy K. Nelson Alice D. Outwater Marie A. Smith David & Landon Storrs Jane Boisvert & Dana Twitchell Mr. & Mrs. William Seward Webb IV Capital Fund Stewards ($1,000 or more) Anonymous (2) Michael & Karen Albert Andrew Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. Lee Bickford Rev. & Mrs. C. Frederick Buechner Butternut Mountain Farm Andy & Birgit Deeds Paul & Eileen Growald Theresa Hyland & Rick Stoner David & Lucy Marvin The Michael & Karen Stone Family Foundation, Inc. Stannard & Dorothy Dunn Charitable Trust David & Landon Storrs Vermont Housing & Conservation Board Contributors ($1 - $999) Anonymous (7) Carol Adams Peter & Susan Alden Eddie & Lois Anderson Samuel & Sheran Andrews Nancy & Spencer Baker Alexander Bassett Tom & Betsy Becker Liesa & Lowell Berkson WITH THANKS Margaret Biggar Frederica Botala John & Gena Boyden Vanessa Brown & Timothy Fortune Christine Brummer Karen Cady Lyndon Carew, Jr. Llewellyn & Heather Cobden Frank Constantino & Joanna Beall Bob & Bunny Daniels Dorothy & Hubert Davies James Davis Mr. & Mrs. Roland Deslauriers John & Alida Dinklage Thomas & Julie Drewes Richard Dubé & Lynn ButlerDubé Sylvia Ewerts Jean Falconi Walter & Joan Gates Ray & Suzanne Goodrich Ellis, Lucy & Willa Govoni Lesley Graham Joel & Ann Habener Laura Haight & Andrew Labruzzo Nancy Hayes Connie Hoffmann Frank & Nancy Holt Hanni Huber Jean & Terry Jones Jane Kessler Andrew & Gisele Kloeckner Ned & Regina Kopald Thomas & Ann Lawrence Thomas & Susan Little James Lyons Alan Matson & Dale Azaria Alan & Barbara McIntosh Kendra Merrill Beth Miller Sandra Mowry Radetta Nemcosky Joyce Oakley Jake Perkinson & Cate MacLachlan Beverly Prakelt Susan Quick Nancy & Peter Richardson Denise Scheinberg Kathy Siegel Emily Skoler & Nora Mitchell Paul Steinman Anita Tiemann Todd & Joanna Tilton John Traexler & Peggy Kane Barbara Van Raalte Keith & Tobi VanOrden Carol Wellings Johanna White Daniel & Carol Wilson Doris Wilson Gordon & Deborah Winters Stanley & Cynthia Wohlberg Lawrence & Connie Woolson Annual Fund Stewards ($1,000 or more) Anonymous (17) Brenda Alvarez & David Farrington Julia Alvarez & Bill Eichner James & Cheryl Andrew Don & Cheryl Appe Katherine Arthaud Mr. Vernon Baker & Rev. Katherine Fagerburg Fred & Chris Bay Bayard & Nancy Bigelow Caroline Birks Brown & David Brown Tom & Linda Birks Timothy Boggs Robert & Joan Britt Camm Broughton Archibald & Laura Brown, Jr. Hope Brown Rev. & Mrs. C. Frederick Buechner Bill & Karen Bruett Jim & Kristin Burns Robert Buzzell Thomas D. Cabot, III Jen & Michael Cairns Jake & Ti’an Callery Owen & Carol Clay Howard Colhoun Robert Cooper William Cowles Jeff & Mary Crowe Michael & Mary Darling Christopher & Susanne Davis Chris & Becky Dayton Andy & Birgit Deeds Bill de Vos Rolf Diamant & Nora Mitchell Joan Duane John & Heather Dwight Roger Earle William Edwards & Julie Eldridge Edwards Dan Ely Tom & Mary Evslin Linn & Robert Feidelson Vera Fitzgerald Larry & Anne Forcier Larry Forcier & Carmen Chamberlain Marc & Rebecca Gamble Emil Geering Glenn & Susie Good Jack & Lin Gotta Rosalyn & Tom Graham Margaret C. Green Hugh & Shana Griffiths Paul & Eileen Growald Chris & Christina Guido Fred & Sally Hackett Steve & Ruthann Hackett Samuel & Anne Hartwell Serena Hatch Peter & Alice Hausmann Pete & Martina Hayward Dr. John W. Heisse, Jr. Steve & Jennifer Heroux Aaron & Barbarina Heyerdahl Cynthia Hoehl Jan Hokenson & Sandra Norton Gerald & Virginia Hornung William & Lori Hume Gale Hurd Theresa Hyland & Rick Stoner Willard & Carolyn Jackson Paula & Stephen Johnson Sally Johnson Spencer Knapp & Barbara Cory Charlie & Adrea Kofman Augusta & Troy Krahl Electra & Peter Lang Adelaide Lapham Mr. & Mrs. David Lee Hunter Lewis & Elizabeth Sidamon-Eristoff Philip & Crea Lintilhac Donald Logan & Patricia Howard Sue & John Louchheim Jerold & Ingela Lucey Gerald & Dianne Lynch Ken & Susie Mandelbaum Chuck & Val Maniscalco David & Lucy Marvin Anne Massey & Jeanne Johnston Lois McClure Laura & Leslie McCurdy Dr. F. H. McDowell Doug & Lisa Merrill John Mitiguy Michael & Judi Mitiguy Marcia & Robert Nappi Charlotte Newton Meg O’Donnell & Patricia Orr Patricia Parsons Trey & Dominique Pecor Mrs. Florence D. Persons Richard C. Pillard James & Judy Pizzagalli Antonio & Rita Pomerleau Ernest Pomerleau David & Barbara Roby Lili Ruane Deborah Schapiro & Louis Polish Alan Schillhammer Jim Sharpe & Debby Stein Sharpe David Sheldon Jeff & Jodi Smith Steve Smith Haruo & Kumiko Soeda Brian & Sandy Stearns Endowment & Board Designated Investment Funds The funds listed below have been established to provide ongoing support for educational programs and general operations, and to preserve Shelburne Farms’ historic and cultural resources. Donors who made gifts in 2010 are listed in color. Acorn Fund Bickford Agriculture Education Fund: Lee Bickford Lois D’Arcangelo Education Innovation Fund: Lois D’Arcangelo Virginia H. Davis Education Fund The Farm Endowment Fund : Anonymous Dick & Pam Joho J. Dinsmore Adams, Jr. David Jonah & Susan Dixon Jane Boisvert & Dana Twitchell Dr. & Mrs. Roger London Forever Fund Kay Hubbard Memorial Education Fund: Peter Austin Home Instead Senior Care Catherine Boffa Ann Kugler Doris Bowen Jean Lamphear Judith Bowen Richmond & Nancy Mayo-Smith Debby Minkler The Camp Family Shirley & Roger Murray Chris Cook Marguerite Myers Caroline Fay Candis Perrault Kjelleren Jane Finn PIA, Inc Marylin & John Fletcher Don & Hope Schultz Dorothy Hawley Nancy Hinsdale Drs. John & Alice Outwater Summer Youth Program Fund Timmis Scholarship Fund in Honor of Mac McClure Doug Walker Work & Learn Program Fund J. Watson Webb, Jr. Endowment Fund Killian Webb Fund Charlotte Stetson Robert & Christine Stiller Charles Stone & Susan Atwood-Stone Michael & Karen Stone Hilary Sunderland Julie Taylor Stanford & Dorothea Taylor Peter & Jacqueline Treybal Chris & Lisa Van Allsburg Lola Van Wagenen & George Burrill Hubert Vogelmann Peter Walcott Lynn Walker & Mark Saunders Jean T. Walsh Lynda Waltien Richard & Mary-Jo Warren Knight & Mary Jane Washburn Ann Weathers Alec Webb & Megan Camp Richard & Betsy Webb Seward & Karen Webb Ann Wessel Jane Westervelt Keith & Karen Wheeler Patrons ($500 – $999) Anonymous (2) Ed & Katy Andich Dr. & Mrs. David Babbott Kimberley Berlin Gregory Brackett Robert & Marcia Bristow J. Stewart & Lissy Bryan Constance Clement Susan Cooke Kittredge Lois D’Arcangelo Elizabeth Darden Staige Davis Jonathan Davis & Laura Iglehart Eivind & Gwenn Djupedal J.P. & Kara Dowd Frank & Helga Doyle Mathias Dubilier Chris & Ann Dutton Samuel Feldman Frank & Christine Galipeau Frederica G. Gamble Reg & Joan Gignoux Reid & Jane Grayson Margaret Hall David & Dealey Herndon Dana Hudson & Steve Hagenbuch Charlie & Marie Kireker Ned & Regina Kopald Gale Lawrence Ron & Jessica Liebowitz Stewart & Stephanie McConaughy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morse Melinda Moulton Donald & Cynthia Murphy Casey Murrow & Meredith Wade Gail & Bob Neale Radetta Nemcosky Mr. & Mrs. John Opel John Pane & Elizabeth Bassett John & Amy Peckham Hans Pfister Briggs & Amanda Phillips Thomas Pierce & Lu Ann Dillon Peter & Kathleen Post 5 2010 CONTRIBUTORS Betsy Rich Diane Rooney & Louise Piche Charles Ross & Kathy Beyer Camille & Ian Schmidek David & Beth Shaw Del & Skip Sheldon Susan & Craig Sim James Sligar & Diana Sattelberger Christopher Small & Ann Ryan Small Frank & Ann Smallwood Roger & Kit Stone Charlie & Mima Tipper Sarita Van Vleck Doug Weaver & Sharon Richards Stanley & Cynthia Wohlberg Dr. & Mrs. William Wright Sponsors ($250 – $499) Anonymous (5) Cynthia Ainsworth & Robert Nyden Gail & Kenneth Albert Anne August Craig & Kelly Austin Ken & Dot Austin Tonya Bates & Donald Helgesen Tom & Betsy Becker Jeffrey & Mia Beer Bruce & Ruth Ann Beers Bill & Emily Boedecker Ted & Joan Braun Lucy Brown Steve & Elizabeth Caflisch Tony & Lynn Cairns Meredith & Joseph Callanan Ted & Anne Castle Dr. & Mrs. Paul Clouser Ed & Nancy Colodny Carol & David Conard David Connery & Lynn Wilkinson Frank Constantino & Joanna Beall Wesley Daum & Beth Thorpe Ann Day Wendy DelValle Charles & Jean Dunham Lane Dunn Bill Dunn Jon & Louise Fairbank Farm-Based Education Association The FBEA – of which Shelburne Farms is a founding partner – was established in 2006 to inspire, nurture, and promote farm-based education. It serves as a resource for professional development, networking, employment, education, programming, and facilities management for farm-based education practitioners, both nationally and globally. Founding Partners Delaware Nature Society - Coverdale Farm, Hockessin, DE Massachusetts Audubon Society - Drumlin Farm, Lincoln, MA Hawthorne Valley Farm, Ghent, NY Land’s Sake, Weston, MA Maysie’s Farm Conservation Center, Glenmoore, PA N. American Montessori Teachers Association, Burton, OH Northwest Youth Corp, Eugene, OR Shelburne Farms, Shelburne, VT Spannocchia Foundation, Portland, ME Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture, Pocantico Hills, NY Stonewall Farm, Keene, NH The FARM Institute, Edgartown, MA The Farm School, Athol, MA The Farms of the Trustees of Reservations, Ipswich, MA Additional Support in 2010 Anonymous (2) The 1772 Foundation, Inc. Associated Jewish Charities of Baltimore Feldman Family Fund, Inc. The Gaffney Foundation Caleb & Mary Stewart Loring George Record & Eileen Storey Laurence & Brice Russian The Triton Foundation 6 Gary & Jane Farrell Suzanne Fay Jerold & Kathleen Fernee Ron Ferry Kimberly W. Findlay Linda & Ken Fishell Daniel & Juliane Foley Jerry & Anne Francis William & Katharine Gahagan Nadine Galland Mrs. David Gamble Prospero Gogo & Amy Lilly Andrew Goodwin William & Debra Gottesman Jason & Troy Grignon Jennifer Gurley Jeremy Hatch & Charlene Young Barbara & Richard Heilman Joyce & Paul Henderson Patrick & Heather Henry Jeff & Amanda Herzberger Connie Hoffmann Laurence & Crystal Howard Claudia Huntington & Family Barbara Israel Norman Johnson Charles & Megan Kellogg Robert & Lorraine Kennedy Don & Martha Kent Lila Kirkland Peter & Joyce Klinkenberg Tina Kurrelmeyer Katherine Lampton & Norman Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Lapham Susan Lenz & Dean McCormick Bill & Alison Lockwood Joan Madison Robert & Judi Manchester Richard & Lisa Mann Earl & Katherine Markland Kathryn Martin Bob & Creel McCormack David & Ann McKay Jack McVicker Emilie Mead Pryor & Joseph Pryor Shani Mekler & Drew Gelfenbein Andrew & Mary Meyer Ruth Mickey Robert & Holly Miller Edward & Christina Murphy Ray Myers & Celeste Andrews Nicholas Nash Charles & Liane Neuhauser Ron & Martie Newell Tom & Clara Nold Gail & Jeff Obstfeld Patricia O’Donnell & Jim Donovan Linda Olson Jenane Patterson Patricia & Robert Phillips Vicky Phillips & Cindy Yager Aimee Picchi & Peter Dodds Remo & Donna Pizzagalli Andrew & Kathleen Prescott Patrick Robins & Lisa Schamberg Andrea Rogers & Avery Hall Catharine Rogers Charlotte Ross John Ryan Susan Sanford Kate & Bill Schubart Benjamin Schweyer Deborah Sherrer & Jason Cadwell Kathy Siegel Dr. Ethan Sims* Elizabeth Smith Steve & Happy Spongberg Barry & Carol Stone Randall Stratton & Francesca Cinelli Sarah Taylor Roger Teese & Jody Baker Carol & Jack Timmis Dana Valentine & Todd Sarandos Bruce & Lil Venner Dale & John Wadhams John & Donna Walcott Paul & Nina Warren Brenda Wettergreen Bill & Pat Wiese Bruce & Gretchen Willitts Dr. & Mrs. Washington Winn Donors ($100–$249) Anonymous (38) Robert & Elise Achilles David Adair & Barbara York Peg Adams Michael & Judith Adler Russell & Susan Agne Douglas & Deborah Alexander Robert & Kathryn Althoff Thomas Amidon Carol Ankerson Lawrence Apolzon Maryann Arlt Joe & Kathryn Arterberry Jerry & Margaret Aske Jonathan & Lorelei Atwood Janet & Ned Austin Jason & Nina Bacon Theodore & Megan Baker Scott & Kate Baldwin David & Doris Bard Jonathan & Joyce Barnes Andrew Becher & Deb Chisholm Jeff & Jamie Becher Kimball & Patricia Belknap Kathryn Benford Dick & Donna Benson Laura Benz Philip Bergson Liesa & Lowell Berkson John Berman & Kerry Voss Jane Bertoni Paul Bettendorf Anne & Matt Bijur Eugenia Bishop David & Marty Black Gerri & Sam Bloomberg Amanda Bodell & Jeffry Glassberg Hans Boerner Charles & Julie Bolton Robert & Leslie Botjer Steve Boutcher & Lisa Denatale Michael & Camilla Bowater Dennis & Barbara Bowen Terry Boyle & Robin Worn Gayl Braisted Pat & Dick Branda Howard & Melanie Brandston Stuart Braun & Colleen Kelly Michael & Maureen Breen Richard Brewer & William Davidson Glen & Jacqueline Brooks Alan & Laurel Broughton Alice Brown & Andrew McClellan Lori & Scott Brown Margaret Brown George & Beverly Bryson Jeff & Meera Buckman Lenore & Ralph Budd Charles & Ann Bunting Jocelyn Burchfield Laurie & Tim Burke Thomas Burke Grace Burr Grant & Nancy Bush Hack & Ellie Bushweller Julie Cadwallader-Staub Charles & Margaret Cammack Patricia Camp Mary & Thomas Candon Lyndon Carew, Jr. Norman Carnick John & Connie Carpenter Robert & Elsa Carpenter Steven Carpenter & Amy Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Catlin, Jr. Thomas & Christina Cavin Steven Cerasale Mark & Jamie Charlson David & Brianne Chase Henry Chauncey, Jr. Davis Cherington Jim Chiasson Robert & Aileen Chutter Maurilio & Cristina Cipparone Greg & Sheila Clairmont Delia Clark & Tim Traver Gill Coates David & Katharine Cohen Sherryl & Gerard Cohen Dorothy F. Cole Robin & Robert Coleburn Peter & Bernadine Collins Terrance & Sara Collins Russell & Vicky Colvin Paula Conru & Kip Knudson Jack & Mindy Conry Charles & Lindsay Coolidge Thomas Cosinuke & Anne Kelton Tom & Jeanie Cottingham Ann & Barry Cousins Gretchen Coward Evan Cowles & Brie Quinby Nick & Cindy Cowles Tim & Waew Cowles Dan Cox & Casey Blanchard Cap Coyle William Crangle Caroline & Todd Crocker Christie Crowe James & Marilyn Cummings Bob & Bunny Daniels Noah Dater & Vanessa Price-Dater Derrick & Lynn Davis Doug & Robyn Davis Gregory & Lynn Davis James Davis Scott & Marguerite Davis Timothy & Susan Davis WITH THANKS Rocki-Lee DeWitt & Josephine Herrera Adam & Beth Deyo Mr. Remmel T. Dickinson Louise Dietzel Robert Dilts Sue & Lou Dion Ellen Dixon Sue Dixon & David Jonah William J. & Leonora A. Dodge Frank & Ducky Donath Pete & Lory Doolittle Thomas & Julie Drewes Kyle & Pam DuBrul Steven Dunn & Christina Brodie Tessa & Michael Duquette Chloe & Adam Durant Robert Dyson Derick & Kelly Eastman Jean Eisenhart Joseph & Roberta Emmons Rick Englert Robert Ertel & Ron Awde John Ewing Thérèse Fafard & Nathan Heilman Barry & Diane Faigel Michael Fallis & Amy Clapp Robert Fallon & Joan Leenig Carrie Farmer Leona Fawaz Theodore & Jan Fink Mitch & Kim Fleischer Chris & Gloria Flinn Kiernan & Karen Flynn Tony Folsom & Jaimi Potter Willett S. Foster* Frances Foster Jim & Liz Foster Mr. & Mrs. William H. Foulk, Jr. Florence Fowlkes Isabel Fox Warren Francis* John Frymoyer Carlo Fugazzi Naomi Fukagawa & Richard Galbraith Louise Gagnon Joseph & Kathleen Gallagher Robert Gannett John Garber & Diane Owen Garber John Gardner & Betsy Barefoot Shirley Garrison Mrs. Grenville Garside Mary Jane & Stokes Gentry Alphonse & Linda Gilbert Monique Gilbert & Todd Barker Danielle Gilbert-Richard & Jason Richard Scott Giles & Kate Lalley Jim & Barbara Gilmore Peter & Cynthia Gilmore Tom & Jill Glaser Phyllis Gleason Michael & Susan Golden Amy Golodetz & Gregory Leech Arnold & Virginia Golodetz Bill Good & Lulu Laubenstein John Gorman & Andreana Lemmon Christine Graham Alex Graham James & Sharon Granito Elliot & Mollie Gray Michael Green & Sarah Muyskens William & Christine Griffin Charles & Natasha Grigg Elmer & Pam Grossman Judy Gucker Jamieson & Cheryl Gump Bill & Laurie Gunn David & Patty Hallam Deborah Hamilton Eric & Debby Hanley Greg & Cara Hanson Bob & Karin Hardy Sarah Harrington & Kate Morrissey Cliff & Maria Harris Mary Harry Christian Havemeyer Richard & Marcia Hawkins Dorothy Hawley Katherine Hays Mrs. Patricia Johnston Hayward Dawn Hazelett Robert & Carolyn Hazen Julia Healy Richard Hecht & Sharon Panitch David & Ann Heider Richard & Susan Hermann Ted & Jo Herstand Carl & Carlanne Herzog Robert & Tracey Higgins David & Luce Hillman Martha Hoar Harrison & Janell Hobart Mary Hoffman Margaret Holden & Douglas Hyde Britt Holmen & Lisa Aultman-Hall Alan Homans & Lynn Reynolds Allison & Don Hooper Thomas Hudspeth & Virginia Mullen David & Barbara Hume Fred Hunt & Mary MacVey Peter & Allison Hurd Jim & Susan Hyde Jeffrey Jackson Penrose & Schuyler Jackson Janine & Paul Jacobs Sandy & Susan Jacobs Robert & Susan Jenkins Susan & Kirk Jenkins Nan Jenks-Jay & Carl Phelps Annice Jennison Daphne & Peter Jensen Dean & Ann Jewett Dennis & Holly Jones Jean & Terry Jones Stephan Jost & William Scott Margaret & Boniface Kadima-Mazela Benjamin & Josephine Kaestner Richard Kalb & Karl Laird John & Lisa Kapitan Elizabeth Karet Joy Karnes Limoge & Ed Limoge Stephanie Kaza, Ph.D. Thomas & Irene Keating Sustainability Academy students paint a sign for their school garden during their annual “Service Day.” (photo: Andy Duback) Sustainable Schools Project Shelburne Farms’ Sustainable Schools Project (SSP) is an innovative school-wide model that uses the big ideas of sustainability for curriculum development, campus ecology, community partnerships, and collaboration. The goal of SSP is to improve student academic achievement and increase civic engagement through place-based education and service-learning. Lead Supporter: The Bay and Paul Foundations Additional Support to Date The A.D. Henderson Foundation Jan & David Blittersdorf Foundation Jessie B. Cox Charitable Trust Middlebury College The Nathan Cummings Foundation The Redducs Foundation Ruth M. Knight Foundation Starbucks Foundation Turrell Fund United States Environmental Protection Agency Vermont Community Foundation Warren & Barry King Heather Kingston Jeffrey & Amy Kinneston Del & Georgette Kinney Brenda Kissam Suzanne Kissell Bonnie Knight Andrew & Amy Korb Thomas & Lucille Kovacik David Kriesel Robert & Patricia Kroepke David & Carlie Krolick Alexander & Phyllis Kroll Julian & Lisa Kulski Amy & Marc-André LaChance Rene & Margaret Lachapelle Gara Lamarche & Lisa Mueller Paul Lamberson & Ruth Burack-Lamberson Per & Debbi Larsen Cricket Laun Guy & Nadia Leadbetter James Leary James & Susan Lehane David & Alice Leland Howard & Phillipa Lewis Robin Lincoln Robert & Sally Linder Grant J. Linnell & Karina Perusse Stephen Lipkins Thomas & Susan Little Richard Longstreth Barbara Loso Merrily Lovell Janet Lucas & Sherrill Howard Lynda Lundstrom Deborah & Robert Maggs Henry Mah & Rita Angelo Marjorie Davis Mangham Douglas & Barbra Marden William Maris Peter & Isabella Martin Jacques & Wendy Marton William & Margaret Mather Jeremy & Catherine Matosky Alan Matson & Dale Azaria Carol Matzke Barbara Mautz Karl & Nicole Mayr Rebecca McCauley Mary McClements Robert & Barbara McClements Iris McDonald Pat McDonald Robert & Barbara McDonald James & Alice McEnaney Bob & Mary McKearin John McKernon Philip & Ann Mead Larry & Karen Medsker Jane Mekkelson & John Sealy James Menk & Danielle Conlon Menk Bob & Kate Mesaros Joseph & Aileen Messina James & Lee Metzger Lisa Meyer & Jeffrey Hughes Lynn Miles Robert & Donna Millay Bruce Miller Claudia Miller Leonard Miller Ron Miller Sid & Tracey Miller Vincent Miller & Michelle Young John & Robin Milne Gerald Mingin & Monika Modlinski Gus Mininberg Suzanne Mink Gael & Ty Minton Marc Monheimer & Louise Stoll Amalia Morehead Katharine Morgan Paul & Nancy Morgan Peter & Jerry Morgan Patrick Moriarty Kenneth & Nan Morrison Marybeth Morrissey Bob & Ellen Morrow Ken & Ginger Morton Patty Motch Joe & Jan Mount Sandra Mowry Linda Mullestein Grayson Murphy Jack Murray Marguerite Myers David Namerow Marilyn & Mark Neagley Richard Nicholas Dr. Alice Outwater Nancy Oxfeld Peter & Colette Ozarowski Allen & Rosemary Palmer Brad Palmer & Marilynn Roth Mrs. William Pannill Serena Parnau Paul & Kristi Paulson Paul & Dorothea Penar David & Virginia Pennock Terry Perkins Scott & Tracy Perrapato Greg & Diane Peters Rick & Jan Peterson Nancy & Bill Petty Syd & Cheryl Pierce Victoria Pillard Jay Pingree Lisa Pizzagalli & Daniel Johnson Pat Pizzagalli Robert & Althea Platt Paul & Gina Plunkett Bill & Nancy Polk Constance Porteous Samuel & Stephanie Porter Susan Porter Nick & Lee Potter Karen & John Poulin Alison & Brian Precourt David & Nancy Pricer Ronald & Waverly Purdum Will & Lynette Raap William Racolin & Alison Williams Tuck & Erin Rainwater John & Catherine Randall Louise Ransom James Raths Judith Raven & Lee Suskin *deceased 7 2010 CONTRIBUTORS Patricia Reasoner Paul & Louise Reed Peter Regan Bob & Gail Regan Ellen Reid Kyle & Kim Reis Michelle Reiter & Dana Bolton Tom & Faith Reney Carol & Terry Reynolds Mrs. Eleanor Richmond Louise Riemer Rob Rivers Jeffrey Roberts & Cari Clement Robert & Sara Jane Roe Janet Rood & Fred Herbolzheimer Joyce Rosenstein Larry & Andrea Ross Valerie Ross Debra Royce Jan Rozendaal Deborah Rubin & Philip Ades John & Rebecca Ruid Sally Sample Mary Ann Samuels & Andrew Naughton Annelise Sanders Robert & Martha Sanders John & Suki Sargent Dorian Sarris Sandi Savage Deirdre Schaefer Richard Schillhammer Gene & Athenia Schinto Francis Schlueter & Mary Welsh Dave & Ann Schmidt Fred & Ann Schmidt Jeff & Dawn Schneiderman Jeff & Beth Schoellkopf Don & Hope Schultz Kurt Schulz & Marielle Goossens Kathleen Schwallie & Eric Chen Eleanor Schwartz Michael & Mary Scollins Jane Selzer & Marc Johnson Rachel & Steve Seremeth Gene Sessions & Carole Bandy Paul Seyler & Suzanna Miller Sally & Buck Shane George Sharp Jason & Clara Shattie Elizabeth Shattuck Michael Sheeser & Jessica Nordhaus Marguerite K. Shepard, M.D. Bill & Nancy Sherman Greg & Allie Sicard John & Nancy Skadberg Nanette Smith Sam Smith Jessie Snyder Nancy Snyderman Robert & Barbara Sofferman Lane Sofman & Sue Michaels Jeanette Sopher Anne Spencer Nia Spongberg & Mollie McDermott Albert & Marie St. Amand Hollis & Heidi St. Peter Michael & Elinore Standard Sonya Stern M.E. Stewart 8 Dr. & Mrs. Robert Stipek John & Peggy Stoll Kelly Story Gail Straith Sebastian Sweatman & Alison Beckwith Jerry Switzer & Mary Alice Giannoni Robert & Anna Taggart Arnold & Sally Tannen Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Thackara Elias & Constance Thomas John & Ellen Thompson Nathalie Thompson Warren & Cecile Thompson Joseph & Cornelia Tierney Martin & Linda Tierney Todd & Joanna Tilton Bill & Leanne Tingay Pat Tivnan & Scottie Ginn Tracy & Peter Towers Barbara Trillich Richard & Jody Tritt Gordon & Robin Troy Jeffrey & Wendy Tweedy Eileen Underwood Catherine & Alyssa Urban Sarah Vakkur & David Kirby Fremonti & Lynn Valenti Laurie Valentine Barbara Van Raalte Peter & Amanda Van Vranken Ned & Kay Van Woert Ronald & Janet VanMynen Stephen Vock Margaret Wagner Mike & Molly Walsh W. C. & Mary Ward Duncan & Amy Wardwell Elizabeth Wardwell Michael & Beth Waring Reina & Will Warren Cynthia Warshaw David Watts & Lynne Bond Wade & Marcy Weathers Helen Webb Dr. & Mrs. Samuel B. Webb, Jr. William & Sarah Webb Terri Webster Christie Weiner Josh & Bebe Welch Georgia Welles Carol Wellings Linda Wellings Thomas & Jennifer Whalen John & Gemma White Robert & Nancy Wible Charles & Anne Wiebe Brett & Krista Wilbur Jill Williams & William Truex Joanna Williams John Wilmerding Daniel & Carol Wilson Gordon & Deborah Winters Mary & Tom Wittke Ann Wittpenn Martin Wolf Roman Wolny Nancy Wood Mildred Woodley Kevin & Trude Wright Bert Yaeger & Mary Glenn Tyrone Yee James Young & Diana Val Preda Jaime Yturriondobeitia & Robert Allan Families ($65–$99) Anonymous (53) James & Barbara Abbott Jonathan Abbott & Shari Malyn Carol Adams & Don MacIntosh Paul & Kelly Adams Susan & Duncan Adamson Edward & Jennifer Adrian Teddy & Emily Adriance Elliot Agisim Bill & Wendy Agnew Afi & Amanda Ahmadi Catherine Aikman Ryan & Jeff Albertson Paul & Krista Allaire Seth & Christie Allen Elise Alling Michele & Matthew Altadonna Dorothea & Matt Alter Mané & Holly Alves Juan Alvez & Ursula Georgeoglou Erik & Heather Amaliksen Beth & Matt Ames Melinda Anderman & Vince Franke Ellen Andersen & Susan Marie Harrington Kristin & Rich Anderson Robert Anderson & Stacey Sigmon Amy & Andy Apgar Michelle & Gary Appleby Steve & Monece Appleton Jennifer Appleyard Christopher & Tracy Applin Randall & Gretchen Argraves Colleen Armstrong & John Quinney Tim & Amy Armstrong Linda & Dennis Arnold Andrew Arp Igor & Kathryn Arsovski Christopher & Rebecca Ascoli Adam & Jennifer Ashe Michael Ashooh & Sarah Nilsen Sarah Ashworth & Elaine Charpentier Jon & Amy Averill Robert Ayres & Lea Williams Nat Bacon & Jeri Wohlberg Bruce Baker & Mary Lee Donald & Emilie Baker Nancy & Spencer Baker Scott & Becca Baker Ken & Jennifer Ballard Kenny & Kelly Ballard Mike Ballard & Caroline Beer Brenda Balon & Douglas Smith Lynn Banach Andy Barker & Ana Ruesink Andrew Barnaby & Lisa Schnell James & Roberta Barrett Jim & Gina Barrett Hoyt & Nancy Barringer Eyal Barsky & Gretchen Terrien Steven Barth & Michelle Anderson Joseph & Martha BartonRivera Lennie & Gretchen Bates Heather Bauman Greg & Teresa Bazan Mike & Caryn Bazemore Erik & Lisa Beal Nathan & Molly Beams Paul & Jennifer Beauchamp Andrew Beerworth Jeff Beerworth Mark & Jennifer Behr Richard & Lucinda Bellino Don Bellunduno & Debbie Finnigan David & Joyce Benjamins Shaun & Susan Benoit Christian & Marie Berg Jack & Cathryn Bergeron Debby Bergh Abe & Elizabeth Berman Ellen Bernhardt Daniel & Kirsten Bertges Roland Beshiri & Valerie Du Plessis Elissa Best & David Epstein Carolyn Bever Mohan & Sheela Bhatnagar John & Maria Bialas Kristine Bickford Amy & Karen Bielawski-Branch Charles & Jessica Biggio Robert Blais & Lydia BuslerBlais Timothy & Kimberly Blake David & Maureen Blanck David & Carol Blanshine Jeff Blasius Brent & Lynn Blevins John & Robin Blomstrann Josh & Luiza Bloomberg Brian Bock Gail Bock Tyler Boddie Kevin & Andrea Boehmcke Chris & Beverly Boget Elaine Boissevain Eric & Susan Bokelberg Jennifer & Craig Bond Scott & Carla Bond Carolyn Bonifield Steve Booth & Joanne Palmisano Peter & Darlene Bordeau Matt & Erin Borick Nick Borland & Lyn Munno Marian Bosley Joseph & Karin Bourassa Matt Bourgault & Marsi Foster Christine Bourque & Adam Farris Harry & Kelly Bowen Scott & Kendra Bowen James & Suzanne Boyd Aubrey Boyles Mark Bradley & Catherine Hamilton Robert & Maria Bradley Jamie & Katrina Breen Peggy Breen Ryan Brennan & Jennifer Abustan Skip & Dari Brennan Matthew & Allison Bresette Kellie & Patrick Bresnehan Matthias & Amy Brewer Stewart & Kathleen Brinegar Marcela & Bill Bronk Helena Brooks Mark Brooks & Mary Powell Bruce & Mei Mei Brown Ernest Brown & Katherine Delaney-Brown Hyde & Mead Brownell Jim Brumsted & Maria McClellan Mark & Lauren Bruneau Eric Brunvand & Kathleen Kennedy Gregory Bruss Tara & John Bruss Dan & Ashley Bryan Michelle Brzoza Suzanne Buck Nicole & David Buckland Hadley & Matt Bunting Elizabeth & Bernard Buonanno Kyle & Mary Burford Annette Burger Wells David & Leah Burke Claire Burlingham Christopher & Liza Burns Michael & Alicia Burris Barbara Burroughs & Joel Goldberg Matthew & Karen Bushey Scott & Sarah Bushweller Bryce & Jenn Busier Dawn Buswell Daniel Butler & Giovanna Boggero Jeffrey & Anya Byam Kelly & Sara Byers Chris & Debbie Byrne James Byrne & Cecilia Redmond Cecil & Elizabeth Cadwell Dale & Kristine Caldwell Catherine Camp & Joel Gardner Anne & Ben Campbell Brian & Kara Campbell Jane Campbell Tom & Sam Candon Mark & Megan Cannella Jan Cannon & Mary Lee McIsaac Christopher & Leslie Capano Peter & Tara Carini Penelope Carlisle Bradley & Jennifer Carlson Jason & Lori Carmichael John Caron & Laureli Morrow Galen Carr & Jennifer Allaire Nate Carr & Stacy Fraser Richard & Allison Carr James & Allison Carroll Tim Carroll & Jeanette Voas David & Cheryl Carter Thomas Case & Alice Stokes Beth Casey Chris & Hilary Casillas John & Kara Cassani Michael Cassidy & Karen Bates Jill & Mike Castillo Wright & Bridget Caswell Scott & Jill Cerreta Diane & Forrest Chamberlain Greg & Britnee Chan Justin Chapman & Kerry Walker Andrew & Amanda Chaulk Wei Kian Chen & Shen Mien Teo WITH THANKS Niko Chernyshov Barbara Cherubini Chris & Marcella Chiarello Peggy Chickanosky Mark & Elizabeth Christensen Joseph & Emily Christian John & Jennifer Churchman Bruce & Kristen ChutterCressy Carla Cinti Alberto Citarella & Nadya Beck-Conger Dave & Julie Clark Steve Clark & Laurie Parker Jeffrey Clarke & Deborah Blom Benjamin & Rachel Clarkin Todd Clason & Maeve McBride Tom Clavelle & Wendy Saville Abigail Clay & Elizabeth Streib Allison Cleary & Richard Watts Tree & Joe Cleary Lynn Cleary & David Duggan David & Laura Clements Patrick & Jenn Clifford Tobin & Rebecca Clough Gene & Susan Cloutier Holly Cluse & Charles Reeves Elly Coates & Robert Farley Llewellyn & Heather Cobden Mark & Debra Coel Gary Coffey & Barrie Silver Lynda & Corbin Cogswell Amy Cohen Bruce Cohen & Rebecca Wilcox Jonathon & Jennifer Cohen Paula Cohen Cory & Steve Colangeli Dan & Kristen Collins Wenli Collison Robert & Tammy Colquhoun Ainee & Chris Commichau G. Conklin Howard & Anne Connolly Tom & Kathy Connolly Moira Cook & Carlton Yoder Alan Cooke Annick & Jeff Cooper Doug & Lisa Corman Warren Cornwall & Shala Erlich Alan & Michele Corriveau Rodger & Evelyn Coupe Adam Courcy Lisa Courcy Gerald & Ginny Couture Jana Cowan Esther Cowles & Peter Gauthier Gerard & Susan Craft Jamison Craft Jesse & Ellen Crary Maura & Stephen Crawford Fernando & Tracy Cresta Robert & Suzanne Crews Sharon & Kenneth Crites Carolyn Crouch Sharon Crowley Kenneth Cudney Julie Cunningham Annmarie & Donal Curley Sarah Curry Paul & Nina Curtiss Mary Cushman Justin & Heidi Cutroni Michael Dabroski & Jill Rinehart Dabroski Joe & Susan D’Alessandro Paul & Rita Daley Renee & Tim Dall Michael D’Amico & Danielle Robillard D’Amico Leon Danco Alyson Dandrea Fred & Judi Danforth Carol Danielson Harold & Kimberly Dauerman Mark & Joya Davidson Torrey & Jillian Davila Erika Davis Jed & Noelle Davis Renée Davitt Karen Dean & Chris Webb Lawrence Dean Lillian Dean & Russell Smith Mary & Bernie Dee Cliff & Kim Deetjen Kenneth & Lori Degree Terrence Delaney & Giovanna Sassi Joseph & Tara Deller Matt & Eileen DeLuca Peter DeMasi & Linda Rhines William & Phyllis Deming Brooke Denis JoAnne Dennee & Larry Sommers Louis deRosset & Mary Beth McNulty Dan & Carolyn Desch Jerrod & Sarah Deshaw Chris & Rachel Destito Robert & Jeanne Detenbeck Daniel & Karen Detterman Bernie & Phyllis DeVarney Amy Devin Antonio & Laura Di Carlo Matt & Greta Diagostino Joshua & Catharine Diamond Jennifer Dickinson Joe & Nicole Diebold Sean Diehl & Sandra DiehlMusters Christopher & Abigail DiehlNoble Peter & Eileen Dietrich Sasha & Sarah Dietschi Susan Dinitz Brant Dinkin John & Alida Dinklage John & Stephanie Dion Maureen DiPace & Sarah Curry Edward & Anne Dixon Sam & Anne Dixon Robbie Dockswell Bryan Dodge Joy Dodge Tyler & Teal Doggett Jason & Ellisa Doiron Jessica Donahue Andrew & Jessica Donehower Kiley Donlan-Kite & Kim Kite Kate & Kieran Donnelly Michael Donofrio & Kelly McCracken Jim & Diane Donohue Paul & Janet Dooley Andy & Heidi Dostal Ann Dotoli & Aster Pieters Vermont FEED Vermont FEED (Food Education Every Day), a collaboration of three nonprofit organizations, acts as a catalyst for rebuilding healthy food systems, and for cultivating links between classrooms, cafeterias, local farms, and communities. The mission of VT FEED is to raise awareness about healthy food, the role of Vermont farms and farmers, and good nutrition. Partners Food Works at Two Rivers Center Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont Shelburne Farms 2010 Supporters Anonymous Annie’s Homegrown Ashoka Ben & Jerry’s Foundation Cabot Creamery Cooperative, Inc. Canaday Family Charitable Trust Center for Nutrition & Health Food Systems at FAHC Center for Rural Studies, University of Vermont The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Fletcher Allen Health Care Hunger Mountain Coop David Krueger Rebecca Roth & Joe Barbieri Vermont Department of Education Vermont Energy Investment Corporation With special thanks to Senator Patrick Leahy for all his work in support of Vermont FEED. Junior Iron Chef Action for Healthy Kids, Inc. Ashoka Black River Produce The Blodgett Oven Company Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont Cabot Creamery Cooperative, Inc. City Market Co-Operative Insurance Companies Deep Root Organic Cooperative Fletcher Allen Health Care Gardener’s Supply Company Healthy Living Natural Foods Hunger Free Vermont New England Dairy & Food Council New England Federal Credit Union Organic Valley Family of Farms Patullo Consulting, Inc. Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets Vermont Department of Education Vermont Dietetic Association Vermont Farm Bureau Foundation Vermont Fresh Network Vermont Principal’s Association, Inc. Richard & Lucy Ann Doucette Kelly & Jed Dousevicz Sarah Doyle & Ed Juckett Alex Draper Brian & Jill Drinkwater Richard Dubé & Lynn ButlerDubé Mike & Amy Dubie Burton Dudding & Pauline Mills Peter & Erin Dufault James & Maria Duggan Glenn Dukes & Annis Marney Daniel & Linda Dulleba Bruce Dumelin Karen & Michael Dunavin Maurice Dunne Barbara DuPont Mark & Sandra Dupuis Benjamin & Amy Durant Rita Dussault Marc & Jean Dysinger Andrea Eaton Jacob Edgar & Deirdre Holmes Caroll & Gordon Edmunds Brian & Erika Edwards Kenneth Edwards & Beth Kuhn Eric & Mindi Ellicock Chris & Christina Ellis Warren Ellison & Anna Vaserstein Jennifer & Eric Elsinger Judy Elson & Nicholas Patch Bill & Linda Embick Nancy Emory Sandra & David Enman Anne Ensor Paul & Andrea Erena The Erickson Family Neal & Sara Erickson Elizabeth & Chris Evans Hal & Chea Evans Lynn Evans Alec & Emily Ewald Sean & Penny Fairhurst Will & Denise Farmer Jonathan & Regina Farrell Susan Farrell Steve Faust & Mary Alice Favro Kristen Fehlhaber & Sophie Godley Chad Fellows Clark & Susan Fenn Toby Ferdyn & Kristen Deshaies James & Maryellen Ferranti John & Pauline Fife Brian Fina & Lesley MinehanFina Robert Finnegan Brian & Melissa Finnigan Maureen Finnigan & Dan Madison Jenny & Rich First Sara Fitch & John O’Leary Colleen Birner & Evan Fitzgerald Harry & Christine Fitzgerald Joseph & Bethany Fitzgerald Kevin & Carla Fitzgerald Paul & Alison Fitzgerald Kathy Flanagan Tom & Cathy Fleck Daniel & Joan Fleming Douglas & Melissa Fletcher 9 2010 CONTRIBUTORS Aaron & Sara Flinn Richard & Teena Flood Florian & Tarn Foerg Hollie Foley Andrew Fontanez Dan & Rhonda Forcier Christopher Ford & Kelli Shonter Jon Ford & Heather Bates Mark & Kelly Foster Ewing & Heather Fox Rachel Foxx Scot Foxx Marc & Dawn Fragola Julie Frame & Kenneth Peck Keith Franchetti & Kristeen Eliason Gary & Jessica Francis Oli & Cindy Francis Steve & Sarah Francisco Mathew & Jennifer Francois David Frank Marge & Dick Frank Jarrett Frankel Tim & Annette Franklin Janet & Paul Franz Edorah Frazer & Michael Rubin James & Katharina Frazier Mika Frechette Naomi Freedner & Robyn Maguire Jan & Lois Frivoll Gavin & Christina Frost Paul Fucci & Christina Dutton Fucci Mark Gabel & Susan MacLennan Mary & Daniel Gade David & Kathy Gage Eric & Jennifer Gagnon Gary & Christine Gagnon Chris & Leigh Galipeau Annemarie & Tony Gallucci Toben Galvin & Susan Moegenburg Sean & Kimberly Gammon Jared Gange & Virginia Loughran Eric & Amy Ganguly Zechariah Gardner & Jaina Clough Randy Gates & Lou McLaren Walter & Joan Gates Gregory & Cynthia Gause Vexler Gavriel Dennis & Trisa Gay John & Emily Gennari George & Lara Gentchos Jennifer & James Gernander Rob & Joy Gess Albert & Marjory Gherardi George & Carol Gibson Pamela Gibson Penny Gibson Philip & Cathy Gibson Thomas Gibson Josh & Cailin Gidlewski Pat & Kay Gil Julia Gilbert & Nathan Cleveland Ross & Judith Gillanders Tim Gillespie & Anne Goldman Marybeth Gilliam Danielle Gingras Kari & Jason Giroux 10 James & Faith Gist Gordon & Suzanne Glover Rebecca Golden & Andrew Carlo Jesse & Tracy Goldfine Jim & Catherine Goldsmith Evan & Lindsay Goldsmith Amy Goldsweig Arthur & Shelli Goldsweig Josh & Mary Golek Pete Golovacit & Karen Breen Courtenay Good & Matthew Riven Dale & Lois Good Steve & Dina Goodfriend Doug & Lauren Goodman Eric Gorman & Laura Schned Ryan & Kristina Goslin Charlie & Diane Gottlieb Ellis, Lucy & Willa Govoni Melissa Grady & Mark Pearce Danielle Graham & Andrew Pedersen Robert & Kathleen Grazier Randy Greenspon & Francesca Sparacio James & Sheila Greenway Susan Gregoire & Kate Canas Ken Gregory Jim Grevatt & Beth Hartmann Steve & Christine Greve Matt Griffin & Colleen Crowley-Griffin Adam & Veronica Griffis Douglas Griswold & Lori Rowe Roland & Lisa Groeneveld Amy Gruber Erica Gruber Steven & Kelly Grunberg Thomas Guinan Amy Guptill Rena Gurski Gaby Gurt & Markus Thali David Guy & Jennifer Kepnes Michael & Diana Guyer Mary Guyette Daniel & Rebecca Gwozdz Rick & Deanne Haag Peter & Mary Ellen Habitz Jason Hackerman & Anne Marie Andriola Andrew Haigney & Sarah Scranton Carleton & Josephine Haines Dave & Jane Hakins Josh Halberg & Patricia Bliss Art & Stephanie Hall Patrick & Juliet Halladay Cory & Cecilia Halliburton Ned & Ellen Halpin Lila Hamel Andrew & Amy Hamme John & Dorrice Hammer Judith Hammond Sarah & Brian Hammond Barbara Hampton Geoff Hand & Marina Tal Matt & Kara Hankes Donita Hardy Ernest Harrington Jay & Tracey Harrington Kimberly Harrington & Jonathan Hughes Theresa Harris Kristin Harris Peggy Harris Laurie & Scott Harrison Emmy Harvey & Marikate Kelley Michael & Shannon Hassenberg Chris & Sarah Haviland John & Lindsay Hawkins Julie Hayes Debra & David Hazel Michael & Alison Healy James & Mary Ellen Hebert Jonathan Hebert & Lori Bentley Erik & Vicki Hemmett Audrey Hendee Joyce Hendley & Henrik Lumholdt Nathan & Kim Henry Sachi Hergesheimer & Mark Kuemerle Brad & Bobbie Hesla Jim & Darlene Hester Pauline Hickey Miles Hickok & Tia Ganguly Darren Higgins Tim & Jenn Higgins Andrea Hildebrand Jeff & Laura Hill Geff Hinds & Barbara O’Donovan Candace & Michael Hines Kim & Brett Hinson Robert & Erica Hintze Stephanie Hodgeman Johnine Hoehn & Roman Vogel Evan & Amy Hoeltge Mark Hoge Donald & Marilyn Hollis Doug Holmes Julie & Todd Holmes Michael Holmes & Lois Trombley Tom & Lorin Holmes Caroline & Andrew Homan Gene & Judy Homan Christopher Hood & Karen Quinn Tim & Laura Hoopes Charles & Carolyn Hosley James & Laura Howard Jackie Howe Alexandra Hubbard & Michael Gourlay Kathy Hunt Lawrence Hunt & Lisa Shaw Ron & Cara Hunt Brian & Sarah Hurley Jonathan & Amanda Hurliman Terri & Mitchell Hurst Joan Hutson Jake & Amy Ide A. Michael & Lisa Imobersteg Mike & Patricia Ireland Michael Irrera Bryan Jackson & Nancy Jenkins Chris Jackson Woody & Ingrid Jackson Jesse & Amy Jacobs Mark & Beth Jacobs Erik & Molly Jacobson Mark & Nancy Jaffe Paul & Joan Jagielski Cill Janeway & Catherine Leiser Ben & Joanne Jastatt Bill & Shirley Jenks Ned & Melissa Jennison Ryan Jensen & Jody Kamon Paula & Justin Jensvold Carolyn Jeppsen Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Johanson Kristen Johanson Dave & Liz Johansson Renée Johnson Robert Johnston & Jennifer Ungaro Erik & Imogen Jolly Gray & Christy Jones Peter Jones & Terri Donovan Michael & Hilary Jordan Maureen Joyce & Susan Comerford Tom & Micheline Junas Mark & Courtney Kagan Robert & Amy Kakalec Amanda & Avi Kalichstein Bill & Emily Kallock Ramzy & Rebecca Kanaan Michael Kanarick & Liz Kleinberg Kristin Kany Matt & Sharon Kaplan Jeff & Rebecca Kapsalis John & Michelle Kapusta Sandeep & Jessa Karki Gary & Tonia Karnedy Jon Kart & Lauren Esserman Erich & Joan Kasprik Mark Kautzman & Halle Sobel Tom & Marybeth Kellogg Lisa & Chris Kelly Mike & Jamie Kelly Bob & Lorraine Kelm Tim Kemerer & Stephanie Teleen David & Vanessa Kennedy Ted Kenney & Lucy Miller Michael & Marie Kerbaugh Nikolas & Susannah Kerest Paul & Andrea Kerin John & Nancy Kerr Jaap & Regina Ketting Stephen Kilbon Chong-Ho Kim Randy & Tricia Kimball Christine Kimock David & Meredith King Nicholas King Jeffrey & Allison Kingsley Rebecca Kingston Patrick & Keren Kinner Bill & Mary Kinville Josh & Anne Klein Andrew & Gisele Kloeckner Arthur & Paula Klugo Zach Knaub & Heather Trautwein Holly Knipp & Binh Nguyen Matthew & Karen Knudsen Darryl & Aimee Koch Mark Koenig & Erin Roche Susan Koenig David & Christine Kogut Jonathan Kohn & Abigail McGowan Matt Kolan Christine Koster Derek & Kris Kouwenhoven Reone Kraemer Martin & Avis Krag Josh & Sara Kruk Chris & Leslie Kuenne Adam & Jane Kunin Chris Kurek & Deborah Andrews Paul & Sara Kutchukian Stacy Kutter Jonathan & Heidi LaBate Jessica LaClair & Cheryl Swanson Malitta Lacy Thomas Lahiri & Julie Adams Martin & Anne LaLonde Russell & Rebecca LaMantia Roland Lamer & Linda Boissonneault Jean Lamont Mark & Jessica Lamorey Michael & Dawn Lancaster Bryan & Kristen Landerman Daniel & Holly Lane Jessica Lane & Brian Goetz Sara Lane Ann Lang Chris & Josie Lang Brian & Tasha Lansbury Michael & Kathleen Laramee Stephanie Larkin & Josh Fairfax David & Erin Larsen John & Sarah Lavoie Thomas & Ann Lawrence Benjamin Lawton & Christena Obregon Chris Lazar & Tish Linstrom Todd Leach Patrick & Anna Leavey John & Dayna LeDuc Claude Lehman & Sona Iyengar Evelyn Lemak Martina & Charles Lemieux Brendan & Susan Leonard Mary Leonard William & Mary Leonard Kathryn & David Leo-Nyquist Jennifer & Christopher Leopold Drew & Susan Lepple François & Ashley Letourneau Andrew & Amy Levi Rick & Tina Levinson Barbara & Martin LeWinter Jamie Libby John & Anne Lika Beth Limoge Stvan Dennis & Sandra Lindberg Henry & Jill Lindenmeyr Eric & Angela Lindstrom Marty & Helen Linseisen David & Jennifer Lisle Jeff & Betsy Lloyd James & Jennifer Lomax Linda & Paul Lomberg Mike & Vicki Loner Kate Longmaid & Stephen Baad Ivyrose Lopez Jason Lorber & Nathaniel Lew Amy Lord & Karl Goetze Jeffrey & Susan Lord Lewis Lord Carole & Amy Lothrop John & Lindsey Louchheim Edward & Jolene Lovejoy Chris Lowell & Stephanie Desautels John & Marcia Lowenstein Will & Alana Lowry WITH THANKS Kelly Lu Jeffrey & Karen Lubell Monica Lubic & Todd Haire Marilyn Lucas & Jonathan Huener Lizzyann Lucena-Moore Sharon Luck John & Nancy Ludden Ida & Sayre Ludlow Ms. Maryann Ludlow & Ms. Doria Prince Derek & Ellen Ludwig Amy Ludwin & Stephen Peery Mesha Luksan Amelia & Matthew Lutz Jay & Carrie Lyon Molly & Sean MacArdle Robert & Pam Macauley Margaret MacAuslan & Richard Kujawa Garrit & Harriet Mace Leslee Mackenzie Roderick MacLennan & Wan Li James & Kerri Macon Paul & Judith Madison Molly Madore John & Kelli Magnier Stephen & Emily Magowan Hervé Mahé & Shelly Rayback Michael & Mieneke Maher Heather & David Main Theron & Anna Main Lynda & John Maitland Carl & Karen Maklad Chris & Amanda Maley Bonnie Mallin Gerald & Carolyn Maloney Michael & Melissa Maloney Joseph & Nancy Mangi Jeffrey & Sarah Mangini Robert Manning Scott & Stephanie Mapes Dan Marchessault Jamie Marchessault Peter & Kimberly Marcia John & Anne Marcoe Shawn Marcotte & Lisa Kuehn Brian Marczak & Jane Mardis Judith Marczak Alan & Kate Margulius Elaine Marino Paul & Susan Marino Linda Marquardt Alfred & Katherine Marsella Paul & Margaret Marsh John Martenis & Alicia Kroll Jacob & Christine Martin Jay & Lisa Mark & Debbie Mast Catherine Maurer Brett Maxwell & Lisa Condon Kevin & Ellen Maxwell Josh May & Rachel Daley ToniAnn Maynard Christopher Mazur & Alison Card Nicholas & Kelly Mazza Mark & Robin McCaffrey Richard McCaffrey Melissa & Chris McConnell Holly McCreary & Whitney Calkins Mike & Windsor McCutcheon Jean McDowell Samuel & Deborah McDowell Jesse & Rachel McEntee John & Caroline McEntee Kevin & Sarah McGarghan Matt & Kaki McGeary Mary McGoldrick John & Alexandria McGuire Francis & Marie McHenry Alan & Barbara McIntosh Tom & Laurel McLain David McLean & Justine VietsMcLean Sheila McLean Mei & Kevin McMahon David & Jackie McMakin Paul McManus & Charlene Tallman Alane & Bill McNamara Joe & Donna McNamara Katherine McNamara Kevin & Carol McQuillen David Meek & Melanie Bilodeau-Meek John & Joan Mendelson William Mentor & Wendy Jacob Joe Mercadante & Emily Van Nort TJ & Deanna Merola Bentley & Susan Merrick Aron Merrill & Sacha MayerMerrill Kendra Merrill Pat & Ron Messer Alex Messinger & Kim Hunt Uwe Mester & Julie Kaplan Stuart & Laura Meyer Alganesh Michael & Abiy Ambaye Pete & Patricia Michaels David Mickenberg & Tara Chasnoff Cristin & Ted Milks Alan Miller Dennis & Laura Miller Gary & Robin Miller Jon Miller & Jennifer Gibb Kristy & Aaron Miller Max Miller Robert Miller Alice Mills Jean Paul & Beth Mills Claire Milne Curran & Andrea Milne Ann Mindell Richard & Jane Mittelbusher Jason Mittell & Ruth Hardy Anne Mollo Justin & Julia Molson Robert & Toni Monsey Amy Moore Jeffrey Moorman & Suzanne Koch Dave Mora & Alissa Fromkin Holly Morehouse Frederick & Cynthia Morgan Bill & Jen Morin Eric & Deb Morris Julien Moutte & Karine Walther John & Rachel Mower Mark & Shanna Moyer Barbara Moylan Jerome & Juscarine Mpongui Joachim Mueller & Lisa Burns Susan Munkres & Jason Van Driesche James & Bethany Munn Anthony & Teresa Murphy Joseph & Elizabeth Murphy Kathy Murphy & Anthony Vigneau Melissa Murray & Rebecca Gurney Miriam Murray Matt & Stacy Myers Lou & Katie Natale Jennifer Neary Adam & Diana Necrason Katherine Nelke Chris & Laurel Neme Hilary Neroni & Todd McGowan Robert & Julia Nesbit Nancy Nesbitt Matt & Kim Odachowski Tom & Suzanne O’Dea Todd & Jaime Odit Michael & Elaine O’Grady Deanna O’Leary Jim Olinger & Meg Brook Betsi Oliver Erik Oliver & Tess Stimson Scott Oliver & Sarah Turner Sean O’Neil & Kathleen Boland Jarlath & Julie O’Neil-Dunne Byron & Jennifer O’Neill Robert & Wendy Oppenheimer Peter & Shirley Opstrup Bradford & Emily Orben Stephanie Osekoski In loving memory of long-time friends & supporters who passed away in 2010 Barbara Austin Elizabeth Bland Ruth Bogorad Lincoln Brownell Francis Campbell Francis Coward Hank Delorey Dorothy Diebold Willett Foster Houghton Freeman Robert Frothingham Nan Frymoyer Michael Gore Frank Hatch Bill Hazelett John Nestor & Erin Roland Maureen & Thomas Neumann Gardner & Suzanne Newberry Deborah Newell-Robinson Tsering Ngudu & Marisa Volino Catherine Nguyen Allan Nicholls & Nancy Bercaw Michael & Valerie Nick Bill & Tracey Niquette Alison Noakes Michael & Michele Noonan Kim & Jeff Norris Alison & Jeffrey Novak Matt & Rachel Novak Melissa J. & Noel L. Nutting Hawk & Monica NygaardOstby Colleen O’Brien & John Schaefer Sean O’Brien & Nicole Gilbert-O’Brien Julisa Ockert Elizabeth Hill-Sweet Bob Hoehl Kay Hubbard Henry Jordan John Kipp Louis Laun Doris Maeck Herbert Martin Jack McDonald Bill Osgood Platt Powell Ethan Sims David Trueman Mike Verchereau Steve Waltien Scott & Julia Osler Maureen O’Sullivan & Tom Griffith Harvey & Kay Ottinger Matthew & Margaret Ottinger Chris & Mia Ouellette John & Lisa Painter Matthew & Jennifer Palmer Kelli Palmisano Tom & Cari Papp Matt & Jennifer Paradee Michael & Bridgette Parascando Rich Parent & Karen Lebiecki Larry & Mary Parker Mimi & Sally Parker William & Lois Parmalee Steven & Dunia Partilo David & Holly Pasackow Melissa & Mark Pasanen Tom & Patty Pasley Michael & Magdalena Pastor Stuart & Lisa Patterson Chris & Hylah Patton John & Ritika Paul Grace Pauls & Bob Ritchie Jonathan Pauls & Laura O’Brien Timothy Pay & Heather Collins Jeffrey & Joni Pecor Mark Peicker Matthew & Tawnya Pell Jake Perkinson & Cate MacLachlan Thomas & Jill Perras Dawn Perreault Jason & Molly Peters Jonathan & Savannah Petterson Mark & Sheila Phillippe Courtney & Jonathan Phillips Spencer & Eliza Pickard Jason & Meghan Pidgeon Gillian Pieper & Karen Pike Howard Pierce & Wendy Sieczka Pierce Kristen Pierce Larry & Carolyn Pillsbury Mike & Liz Pillsbury Jon & Jennifer Pizzagalli Jorg & Sandra Pohlman Steven Poille & Susan O’Kane Mike & Leanne Poirier Susan Pollart Alice Pollvogt & Walter Brownsword Allison & Nathan Poore Krista & Derek Poquette Bruce Porth & Susan Lillich Steve Posner & Abby Still Carl & Lorna Possidente Kevin & Jane Pottmeyer Leslie & Chris Powell Arjun Prabhu Paul & Laura Pratt Steven & Susan Precourt Roger & Heather Preis Carl & Linda Prellwitz Christopher & Angela Premo Renae & Tom Presha Jason & Elizabeth Proia Charles & Kerrie Pughe Allen & Shira Purkiss Susan Quick Kara Quinn Jodi & Justin Rabidoux Lori Racha & Damon Silverman George Ramos & Alexandra Zorbas Jed & Darcie Rankin Robert Raut & Francine Jolicoeur Mark & Sarah Ray Brian & Liese Reagan Mildred Reardon & Patricia Connelly Courtney Reckord Ben & Katie Reed Jim & Jen Reed John Reese Gay Regan Ayr & Perry Rein Stephanie Reiskin Charles & Janet Remmey Jessica & Jesse Remmey Catherine Resmer & AnnElise Johnson 11 2010 CONTRIBUTORS Margaret Resmer Craig & Melissa Rexford Rick Rice & Lisa McCullough Michelle Richard & Diana Reilly Catherine Ricklefs Elizabeth Rider Anne Riechmann & Daniel Fischer Joshua & Mariah Riggs Brendon & Sarah Riley Ben Rinehart & Annie Howell Jane Ripley-Blin & David Blin Stephen & Karin Robbins Marie Roberts Julia Robertson Donald & Mary Lou Robinson Dana Robson Neal & Pat Rodar Jean Rodie Shannon & Ben Roesch Amy & George Rohrbaugh Tina Roper Paul & Margaret Rosenau David & Dawn Ross Heather Ross & Jeffrey McMahan Rick & Jolene Ross William & Nancy Ross Jane Rossi Jennifer Roth-Longe & Toby Longe Odie Routh & Kristin Fontaine Paula Routly & Tim Ashe Doug Royalty & Heidi Downey Adam Rubin & Jessica Ticktin Alan & Suki Rubin James & Kimberly Rubin Andy & Megan Rubman Catherine Rude & Mark Kennedy Thomas & Kate Rugg Jane Ruid Deb Runge Barry & Sarah Russell Ben Russell & Wendy Faulkner Craig & Tammy Russell Sam Russo & Arica Bronz Tom Rutz & Denise Verleur Stephen Ruzansky Chantal & Daniel Ryan Kathleen Ryan Karen Saal Kelley Sachs & Laura Wilkinson Sean & Melanie Saia Phil & Catherine Saines Eric Samuelsen & Cheryl Eaton Jenney Samuelson Oscar Sanchez & Kari Roberts Ellen Santos Dan & Patty Saunders Keith Saunders & Barbara Masterson Matt & Amy Sayre Marilyn & Kurt Schaefer Michael & Irene Schaefer Susan Schaefer John Schisler Carl & Tracy Schneider Peter Schneider & Jessie Donavan Josef & Cindy Schnell 12 Orrin Schonfeld Anita Schrier John & Therese Schroeder Rob & Jessie Schwartz Sarah Schwartzstein Scott Schwenk & Roxanne Bogart Geoff & Jessica Scriver Matthew & Jennifer Segel Florence Sehl Theodore & Judith Selfridge Stephen & Judith Selin Jennifer & Greg Sellers John & Kimberly Servin Nathaniel & Tyler Sessions James & Melanie Sestokas Joan Shannon & Ken Grillo John Shattuck & Gay Godfrey Michael Shea & Becky Adams Delise Shearer Robert & Karen Shearer Mike & Cathy Sheffield George & Rachel Shelley Richard Sheridan & Anastasia Orbacz Insup Shin & Karen Desmond Erik Shonstrom & Cynthia Cagle Phil & Lee Shorey Randy & Kristin Shover Dianne Shrier John & Anjanette Sidaway Warren & Melissa Sides Justin & Amy Siegel Rachel Siegel & Jules Fishelman South & Julie Sigler Stephen & Rachel Silver Steve & Mary Silverman James Silvia & Melissa Levy Cara Simone & Michael Rapaport George & Amy Simone George & Charlene Simone Polly & Brad Simpkins Amy & Max Skapof Philip & Vicky Skidd Patrick & Caroline Slater James & Gloria Slauterbeck Paul & Marni Slavik Miriam Slusky Brett & Elisa Smith David & Barbara Smith Joe Smith & Molly RobinAbbott Karen Smith Lance C. Smith & Margaret Overman Michael & Gabrielle Smith Nate & Sarah Smith Niente Smith Hill & Elizabeth Snellings Daniel & Sarah Snow Chris & Elizabeth Snyder Margaret & Stephan Socia Trista & Edward Soh Albert & Betty Solbjor Heather & Lucas Soler Stephen & Elaine Sopchak Myron & Lenore Sopher David & Kate Spence Jeff & Lori Spooner James & Debbie Squires Herb Srolovitz & Eva Strofova John St Francis & Bridget Thabault Forest For Every Classroom Forest for Every Classroom (FFEC) is a year-long professional development series for educators, aimed at providing the inspiration, knowledge, and skills required to transform class-room teaching into effective and exciting place-based education. Founding Partners & Supporters Green Mountain National Forest Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park National Park Service Conservation Study Institute The Northeast Natural Resource Center of The National Wildlife Federation Shelburne Farms Additional Support in 2010 John Cawood Andrea Liberatore National Park Service New Hampshire Charitable Foundation – Wellborn Ecology Fund Ericka Popovich USDA Forest Service Carrie St. Amour Eric St. Pierre & Marie Claude Beaudette Cathy & Gabriel Stadecker Sam & Laura Standard Jason & Kerry Stanley Todd & Liz Staples Justina Starr & Kay Kasanga Carrie Steele & Beth Wasmund Michael Stein & Kathleen Blair Stein Dean & Caroline Stephens Mark Stephenson & Linda Jones Anne Stetson Emily Stetson & Don Jackson Will & Karie Stetson Jennifer Stevens Julie & Bill Steves Carla Stewart Thomas Stich & Kim Maxwell Didi & Allan Stier Sean Stilwell & Tamara Jones Thomas & Stephanie Stoddard Craig & Rebecca Stowe Rick & Beth Stram Daniel Streeter Marielle & Rodney Strong Rodger & Rose Strong Eileen & David Stroupe Jason & Veronica Stubbs André & Sharon Sturm John & Jennifer Sullivan Samuel & Kathleen Sullivan Lowrey & Karin Sullivan Tiffany & Christopher Sullivan Phoenix Suskin Nathan Suter & Morgan Lloyd Valerie & Bob Suter Edward & Lynn Sutton Meghan Swan Kathy Swartwout Andrew & Jean Swayze Brian Sweeney & Carrie Fox Meghan Sweet Melissa Sweetser Jim & Pam Tallmadge Maureen Tansey Jeffrey Taras & Kim Maley Taras Don & Desiree Taylor John & Nanci Taylor Beth Taylor-Nolan John & Carmelle Terborgh Anna Thelemarck & Judith Klima Denis Thibouthot & Louise Labbe Marcia & Larry Thomas Kurt & Hillary Thomits Chris & Cinder Thrane Christian & Stephanie Thwaites Peter & Angela Timpone Jeffrey & Christine Toback Zsolt & Kristi Tölgyesi Abby Tolin Chris & Cathy Townsend Landa Townsend Philip & Mario Trabulsy Karen Trombley Steve & Shana Trombley Austin Troy & Sheryl Glubok Amy & Brent Truchon Beth & Tracy Truzansky Louhon & Carolyn Tucker Gabriella Tufo-Strouse Robin & Bob Turnau Jackie Tuxill Jessica Udvardy Remo & Janice Valgoi Veronica Valz Eric & Kim Van Buren Lydia Van Buskirk Dennis Van Noy & Sandra L. McGuire Keith & Tobi VanOrden Nelson & Susanne Vargas Christopher & Autumn Veilleux Gregory & Jessica Veltkamp James & Mary Venezia Carl Vernlund & Nellie Filippopoulos Susan Vigsnes Chris & Kelly Vinger Eric Viscito & Laura McCormick George & Anne Voland Gary & Nora von Stange Stanley Vonaek Stefan VonBuren & Vilma Faccani-VonBuren Andrea Voyer & Jason Czarnezki Jessica Voyer Adam Wager & Laura Haines John & Dena Wager Jacob & Jennifer Wagner Lynn Wagner Martin & Donna Waldron Dave & Marcie Wallace Jim & Micaela Wallace Nancy & Gregory Waples Robert Ward & Jennifer Sauter Burr & Lisa Warne Tod & Eileen Warner Wayne Warnken & Megan Munson-Warnken John Warren & Vivian Liu Robert & Ann Warrington Jeremy & Ruth Watson Gabrielle Watters-Smith Anna Webb Heidi Webb & Ave Cook Nancy Weber Patrick & Carolyn Weber Daniel & Katrina Webster Emily Webster Susan Weeks David Weinberg & Rebecca Perlstein Dan Weinstein & Joanna May Adam Weiss & Becca Cunningham-Weiss Melissa Welch Matthew & Caisil Weldon Elisabeth Wells Chris West & Anita de Waard Kurt & Julie Wetzell Kevin & Dian Wheeler Mike & Jennifer Wheeler George & Patti White Stuart & Patricia White Markus & Lisa Whitley Linda & Maurice Whittingham WITH THANKS Mr. & Mrs. Stuart K. Wichert Michelle Wiederman & Zak Rouse Sara Wigdor Robert Wilczynski Ellen & Tom Wilkins Stephen Willett & Sonja Austin-Willett Antoine & Michelle Williams Stanton & Naomi Williams Keith & Susan Willis Douglas Wilson Kathryn Wilson Steffani Wilson Jason & Dena Wimette Jeffrey & Lea Wimette Thomas & Kristin Winrock Jon Winsten & Liz Pinel Larry & Robin Winters David & Tammie Wirtz Kevin Wise & Kim Dittus Shana Witkin & Jason Frishman Melissa & Morgan Wolaver William & Maureen Wolpert Cheung Wong & Sally Twente Wong Enid Wonnacott David & Hannah Wood Don Wood & Rachel Sanborn Jared & Beatrice Wood Michael & Valerie Wood-Lewis Peter Woodson & Kelly Sayre Lawrence & Connie Woolson Kirstin Worden Matt Wormser & Amelia Gerlin Catherine WoronzoffDashkoff Amy Wright Todd & Maureen Wulfson Anja Wurm & Jaris de Boer Ian & Carrie Wyatt Chris & Suzanne Wyckoff Kathryn & Douglas WysockeyJohnson Renee Yagoda Vanessa & Jon Yamaguchi Justin & Teresa Yandow Peter Yankowski Mark & Kristin Yardley Matt Young Suella Young Michael & Christine Zahm Korin & Scott Zigler Paul & Nilgun Zimakas Caitlin Zinsley Audrey Ziter Rick & Jennifer Zubarik Randal Zuwallack & Tanya Marshall Duals ($50–$64) Anonymous (32) Michael & Bridget Abler Jim & Christine Abrams Bonnie Acker & John Davis Jane Ackerman David & Jennifer Adsit Shirley & Richard Ahern Manuel & Jennifer Albers Eric & Suzanne Albinson Lisa Alexander Hiram & Lois Allen Kenneth & Deanna Allen Montserrat Almena & Frank Lee Eddie & Lois Anderson Jon & Kristen Anderson Elisabeth Andrews Penny Andrews & Alan Davis Samuel & Sheran Andrews Bill & Andrea Andrus Katharine & Steven Antinozzi Jeannette Armell Susan & Glenn Arnold Jeanne Aske & Michael Cichy David & Jeanne Atkinson Robert Atwell Mrs. J. Burchenal Ault Dan Ayers & Tony Seguino Nancy & David Babbott Jeremy & Sheilla Bachelder Dallin & Betsy Bagley Jack & Christy Bahrenburg Nancy Baker & Brian Flynn Stannard Baker & Peter Harrigan Sheri & Gavin Bannister James Barker & Susan Hong Donald & Caroline Barney Linda Barry Ryan & Erin Barry Heidi Bartlett Robin & Particia Bartlett Angus & Kimberley Beal Larry & Marie Bean Albert & Ellen Beaudoin Tom & Dorie Bechtel Deborah Beer Mike Beganyi & Jennifer Cubino-Beganyi Alice Beisiegel Barbara Belknap Diane Bell & Dennis Hendy Jim Bellino & Carol Rose Matthew & Laura Bellmay Ben Benedict & Heidi Humphrey William & Barbara Benedict Jerilyn & Dale Bergdahl Genevieve & Peter Bergendahl Amy & Ritch Berger John Berino & Jean HarveyBerino Lorraine & Stephen Berkett Bob Bernreuter & Jenelle Birnbaum Rick & Candy Bessette Kathlin Bibens John & Joyce Bicknell Donald Bidwell Dana Bingham & Patrick Biddiscombe Roger & Janet Binkerd Edwin & Jennifer Bitter André & Suzy Blais Mike Blake & Margaret Killough Tony & Sara Blake David & Joan Boehm Jim Boger & Mary Swenson Carl Bohlen & Kristy McCleod Paul O. Boisvert & Ellen McShane John & Marguerite Bolog Theodore & Donald Boniface Les & Michelle Borodinsky Dennis & Judy Bosch Tim Bourne & Brad Blanchette Mr. & Mrs. William A. Boyd John & Gena Boyden Mark Boyer Gary Boynton & Kathy Davis Eric Bradford & Jennifer Maclellan Theron & Lois Bradley Eileen Brady-Whitney Steven & Martha Braff Bill & Peg Brakeley Alexander & Sengdeune Braun Clarence & Tracy Braun Darren Breese & Alison Kraus Louis & Lois Bresee Starr & Sandy Brinckerhoff Eugene & Mary Jane Brisbane Benjamin Broe & Amber Barber Benjamin & Abigail Brown Raymond & Roxanne Brown Christine Brummer Clara & Robert Bryan Nancy & Alex Bryan Sarah Buermann Leonard & Angela Bull Robert Bullock & Janet Stickler Nate Burbank & Elizabeth Maynard Fritz & Bridget Burkhardt Chris & Lindsey Burnett Merilyn Burrington Fass Greta Busch Larry Bushey & Nermin Khalil John & Kelly Butnor John & Marge Butterfield Joseph & Claire Cafaro Duncan Campbell Diana Carlisle & James Inman Mary Carlson John & Bridget Carney Jeffrey Carr & Patricia Bunt Barbara Carson Dan & Robin Catlin Dean Cerutti & Angela Festa Aaron & Kristina Challenner Charles & Evelyn Chapman Robert Church & Elizabeth Mercer Travis Clairmont Bryan & Christy Clark James & Arlene Clark Karen Claxton & Maura Mathers Tori Cleiland Zach & Cindy Clements Laurence & Roberta Coffin Clodagh Coghlan & Norah Sears Casey & Ellen Cogut Art & Anne Cohn Michael Colburn & Mary Esther Treat Richard & Rose Colletti James & Judy Collins Seamus Collins & Dana Sehovic Susanna & Ferdinand Colloredo-Mansfeld David Colman & David Clark Paul & Mary Colombo Steve & Mags Conant Beach Conger & Trine Bech Jack & Rosemarie Conn David & Sally Conrad Kevin & Kristin Cook Russell Cook Tristan Cooke Rod & Glenna Copeland Dean & Jane Corrigan W. Edwin & Wanda Cosman Charles Côté Chris & Karen Cotter Nancy & Paul Cotton Keith & Peggy Coutu Cory & Geni Cowles Louis Cox & Ruah Swennerfelt David & Cynthia Cozzens Laura Crandall Dave Crane & Karen Waters Mary Crane David Crossman & Jane Roodenburg Miles Crow Kelly & Tom Cullins Fred & Ann Curran Linda Cysz Eric Darling & Sarah Pribram Edmond Daudelin Chris Davis & Bonnie Reichelt Bill Davison & Kathleen Schneider Lauren-Glenn Davitian Hector de Leon & Christine Bilbrey Robert & Takie Dean Dorothy Delaney & Maxamed Ibrahim Robert & Aline deLaricheliere Edward & Mary Jean Delfoe Ed & Debbie DeMulder Elizabeth Brooks Dennett Paul Deslandes & Jeffrey Hodgson Brad & Ashley Dewey Jennifer Dextradeur Steve Dickens & Myra Handy Joseph & Jennifer Dickerman Mary & Robert Dill John & Ann Dinse Bernie & Jill Dion Burgess & Minot Dole Kelly & Lorraine Donley Erica Donnis Susan Donnis Thomas & Adrienne Donohue Ruth Drake Andy & Alison Duback Jim & Marlene Dudley Joshua & Jodi Duggan Doug Dunbebin & Trina Magi Charles & Heather Dunn Patricia Dunn & Victor Morrison Sarah & Carlton Dunn George Ebert & Charlotte Brody Mary Anne Eckhardt William & Shohreh Eckhardt Jamie & Merle Edwards-Orr William Eichhorn & Lisa Bernardin Bruce & Donna Ellison Kim Emerson Stanley & Ann Emery Michael & Dana Engel Lionel & Elizabeth Epstein Eileen Ernest Betsy & Paul Eschholz Alexa & Laurie Euler John Evans Sue Evans Bill & Pat Everts John & Nancy Ewen Robert Fahey & Mary Ellen Sullivan Dr. & Mrs. Robert Faith Dick & Sue Falkenbush Geoffrey & Therese Farrell Cedric & Katherine Farrow Craig & Kathleen Farrow Charles & Charlotte Faulkner Jed & Barbara Fawaz Michael & Ann Feinberg Arnold Feldman & Brenda Irons Robert & Sally Fenix Dave & Carrie Fenn Roy & Kathy Ferland Elizabeth Ferry Liz Fillo & Chris Coucill Barry Finette & Sharon Mount Jane Finn Joe & Sue Finnigan Robert & Irene Fischer David & Crystal Fisher John & Jean Fisher Nick & Liz Fisher Mark Fitzgerald & Wendy Fichtner Eric & Libby Flegenheimer Robert & Jenny Florence Patricia Fontaine Bill & Gale Foote James & Joan Ford Rex & Lell Forehand Timothy Forester Art & Ann Forsythe Jeff Forward & Patty Brushett Tim & Heather Fowler Joseph & Cathy Frank James & Victoria Fraser Peter Frelinghuysen Seth & Megan Frenzen Marian Fritz John & April Fuller Joseph & Betty Furlong Barbara & Joseph Gaida Gretchen Gaida Connell & Nancy Gallagher Ed Gallagher & Pam Savely Roger & Terry Gardner Allen & Sandra Gartner Martin Gawron & Cara Taussig Elizabeth Getchell Shanti Giampa & Michael Plante Elizabeth Gibbons & Judith Chalmer Robert & Marjorie Gibson Jeffrey Gilbert & Janet Epstein SGM(R) Stan & Monika Gillaspie Barbara Glade Wayne Glaser & Pamela Skinner David Goldberg & Cathy Bell Ken & Sue Golden Robert & Francine Goldfarb Irving & Sheila Goldman Richard & Christine Goldsborough The Hon. Yoine & Elaine Goldstein 13 2010 CONTRIBUTORS Scott Gonge & Lisbeth Larsen Philip & Barbara Goodman Ray & Suzanne Goodrich Cheryl Goodwin Robert & Beverly Goodwin Russell & Terri Goodwin Rebecca Gould & Cynthia Smith Jed Graef Irving & Jantha Gray Kenneth Gray Rosanne Greco & Higley Harmon Harvey Green & Susan Williams Joseph & Moneer Greenbaum Arthur & Virginia Greenblott Robert & Katherine Grenier Troy & Danielle Griffis Paul & Georgene Grover Sam & Paula Guarnaccia Judith Guden & Nora Peverly Dieter & Valerie Gump David Gurtman & Katherine Batty Tina & Ed Haase Joel & Ann Habener Laura Haight & Andrew Labruzzo Addie Hall & Harold Reindel Larry & Linda Hamilton William & Nancy Hand Amy Hanninen Ross & Fran Hanson Nick & Sue Hardin William & Donna Harrington Joe Hastings & Louis Whechsler Lisa Hatch Wendell & Charlotte Hatfield Larry & Jane Haugh Anne Hauke Lindsay Hay Robin & Jon Hayden Roger & Susan Hayes Janis Heald Paul Heald Charles Hedrick & Jennifer Lynn Jaime & Erin Heins Miles & Nancy Heller Thomas & Elaine Helmstutler Emmet Helrich & Kristin Kelly John & Brigitte Helzer Ryan Henry & Amy Spalding Elaine & Richard Henzler Gloria Herman Phyllis Hewitt & John Kipp Bruce & Ginny Hiland Carol Hinson & William Parkhill Sam & Eve Hoar Jeremy & Sarah Hoff Hillary Hoffmann & Bill Maris Robert & Patricia Hollinger Frank & Nancy Holt Bonnie Hooper Sara Hoopes & Joseph Walsh Alyce Hoskins Roger & Betsy Howland Theodore & Margot Hubbard Tom & Natalie Hubbs Joey Hughart Dan Hughes & Sara OhareHughes John & Susan Hughes 14 Dale & Alice Hyerstay Nick & Cheryl Hyland Jon & Mary Hysick Carol Irish & Peter Kassel Jon & Libby Isham John & Georgia Jeffers William & Mary Ellen Jeffries David & Susan Jenkins Andy Johnson & Sabrina Joy Milbury Chris Johnson & Maureen Harmon Glenn & Barbara Johnson Jack & Ellen Kadden Steven & Kelly Kalus Edward & Judith Keegan Michael Joseph Kelcourse Jack & Ann Kelly Josh & Heather Kelman Tyler & Carol Kendrick Robert & Karen Kennedy Woody Keppel & Andy Grayson Paul & Elizabeth Kervick John & Katherine Keshavan Amanda Kessler & Andrew Misener Marie Kilbride Dennis & Elizabeth Kilduff Deedle & Jane Kiley Aaron & Linda Kindsvatter Linus & Judy Kinner Delmore Kinney & Meg Davies Christopher & Roselyn Kinnick Jeff & Kimberly Kirkwood Carol Klepack Robert Kleszics & Karen Ashley Marvin Klikunas & Karen Cleary Alfred & Frieda Kloeckner Nancy & Joseph Klopfenstein Gwendolyn Knight Marianne Knight Christopher Knoop Erin Knox Toby Knox & Kathryn Boardman Robert & Carol Koch John & Karen Kohler Nathan Kokinda & Catherine Farrell Pete & Pat Koledo Matthew & Carla Kolesar Laurie Kotorman Gerrit & Ellen Kouwenhoven Lee & Suzanne Kowalski Pamela Kraynak Patricia Kraynak Sissel Ann & Thomas Kristiansen Rev. Harald & Britta Kuehne David & Maribeth Kuzia Paul & Eileen LaDuke Paul Lagoe & Stephanie Hosey Richard & Nancy Lamb Donna & Marshall Land Richard & Nancy Lang Patricia Lange Joe & Jennifer Larkin David & Sandra Larsen Gil Latz Robert & Brenda Lavalette Tim & Gillian Lavigne John & Jane Lawlis Chris & Don Lawson Diana Leinen Paul & Kate Lekstutis John & Eunice Lemkul Steve Levy John & Barbara Lewis Michelle Lewis John & Laurie Liberator Julie Mazza Charles & Donna Mazzucco Hugh & Christine McBride Robert & Gloria McEwen Bill & Noela McGroarty Mary McGuire Lynda McIntyre & Garret Batten Jim & Martha McKay Carolyn & Theda McKenzie In Loving Memory of KAY HUBBARD Shelburne Farms Volunteer 1995 – 2005 Philip & Susan Lincoln John & Oksana Locke Don & Betty Ann Lockhart Kevin & Kim London Grady & Lisa Long Jack Long & Delight Wing Dayna Lorentz Charles & Genevieve Lotz Darci & Rick Lunt Dennis & Carol Lutz John & Sara Lylis Peter Lyons & Kimberly Sansoucy Charlie & Theresa Lysogorski Monica & Brian Mac Robert & Marilyn Maddison Tom & Peg Maffitt George & Lois Mahan Deirdre Mahon Ron & Linnea Majewicz Hugh & Leslie Marble Lewis Markoff & Caroline Samuels Peter Marks Dale & Jeanne Marshall Gregg & Caroline Marston Angela Martin Delbert & Karen Martin Sanford Martin David Martini & Jane Rice Christina Marts Mary & Ted Mascott Robert & Anne Mason Dwight & Ellen Matthews James & Donna Mawson James & Merin Maxwell Tom & Denise McLaughlin Myrtle McLeod W. D. & Catherine McMains Karen McNally Dusty Mears & Heather Holiday Sandra Meidlinger Edward & Jean Melby Allan & Sarah Merritt David & Gabriela Meyer Wolfgang & Barbara Mieder Karen Mikkelsen & Ann Giombetti Paul Millette & Russ Symons Carolyn Millham & Jo Berry Chad & Emily Mitchell John & Sara Mitchell Paul & Sybil Moffatt Tony & Shirley Mongillo Sarah & Ted Montgomery Will & Colleen Moran Janice Morison Whitney & Margaret Morse Donald & Ann Morton Philip Mozeika & Nancy Zahniser J. Jeffrey Munger & Mary Billings Munger Raymond & Dana Murphy Craig Murray & Beth Tanzman Michael Murray Scott & Jill Murray Alexis & Rhoda Nason James & Lois Nassau Peter & Angela Nasveschuk Ronald & Luana Nedich Gary & Noel Nelson Sandra & George Nelson Scott Nelson & Laura McGevna David Nestico Beverly Nichols & Janice Lange Eric & Andrea Nielsen Susan D. Nielsen Warren & Anne Nixon Matthew & Laura Noonan Andrew & Bethany Norfleet Jon & Alice Normandin Peter Norstrand & Katherine Tallman William & Lisa Northup Steve Oakland & Susan Deppe Thomas O’Brien Lynn Ocone & Mike MacCaskey Albert & Patricia O’Donnell Stephen & Pauline O’Donnell Russell & Maxine Offenbach Bengt & Polly Ohman Jon Olin & Nicci Micco Brant Oliver & Rebecca Malila Keith & Marilyn Olson Kuno & Pat Olson Kevin & Karen O’Neill John & Ann Owen Richard Owens & Carol West Sharon & Stephen Padnos John Paolella & Elliot Davis Adrian & Judy Paris William & Lois Parmelee David & Dee Partridge Lisa Patnode Terese Patrin Marcia Patterson & Judy Gray Alan & Pamela Patunoff Hannah Peacock & Margaret Benson Clinton & Esther Pearson Ivan & Rose Pels Robert & Ingrid Pels Jack & Michelle Penca Hans & Anna Penner Agnieszka Perlinska Candis Perrault Kjelleren Scott & Sharon Perry Edwin H. Pert Darrilyn Peters & Charles Gluck Ann Pettyjohn Linnea Phillips & Andrew Verhelst Denise Pickering Marcia Pierce David Pierson & Jane Melrose Paul & Terry Pomeroy Rob Porreca George & Hania Powch Beatrice & Rinald Precourt Bernadine Prince Lynn & Nancy Pruitt Irving & Holly Puffer Frank & Maryann Purvenas Holly Puterbaugh & Lois Farnham Charlie & Jennifer Quavelin Anthony Quintiliani & Eleanor Liebman David Racusen George & Andrea Ragno WITH THANKS George & Carol Ramsayer Michael & Heather Randall Stacey & Jory Raphael Signa Read Wallis & Cornelia Reid David & Cindy Remley Philip & Kristine Reynolds Richard Ricard & John Young William & Gloria Rice George & Mary Richards Nancy & Peter Richardson Tony Ridgway Norm & Sandy Riggs Barnes & Helen Riznik Bill & Janet Robbins Gerald & Suzanne Roberts Jess Robinson & Claire Robinson-White Loretta & David Roby Skip & Kristen Rodgers Polly Rodie Martha Rojas & Peter Asen Tom & Molly Roland John & Amy Rooney Peter & Virginie Roper Alfred & Maggie Rosa Betsy Rosenbluth Daniel & Amanda Rosenfeld Peter & Diane Rosenfeld Bill & Nancy Ross Randy & Ginny Rowland Ronald & Nancy Rucker Robert Ruggiero & Elizabeth Stabler Megan Rupert & Ryan Ober Richard & Kay Ryder Bob Ryder & Abby Miller Susan Saferstein Linda Samter Linda Sanderson & Ben Stamatis Frank & Maureen Santoni Michael Santosusso & Stacey Buonanno Wadi & Mary Sawabini Tom & Ebeth Scatchard Joseph & René Schall Kay Frances Schepp & Ronald Schmucker George & Linda Schiavone Mark & JP Schittina Ute Schmidt & James McClintock Wayne Schneider & Paula Olsen James Scholten & Amy Lepak Dr. Steven & Mrs. Dianne Schreer Cynthia Schuneman Carol Scott Christopher Sechow Fred & Dawn Senftleber Joshua & Tiffany Shaw Allen & Carol Shepherd Ralph Shipley & Mary Gaskill-Shipley Paula & Avie Shuster Adam & Christina Sicard Brett Silverstein & Caitlin Chapman Kimball & June Simmons David & Angela Simpson James & Georgia Simpson John & Nancy Simson Veronica & Julia Sioss William Sioss & Jean McCarthy-Sioss For All You Do We want to extend a big thank you to all the wonderful people who volunteer throughout the year at Shelburne Farms or work seasonally in our education programs, special events, Children’s Farmyard, dairy and cheese, the inn and restaurant, Welcome Center and building and grounds. Together with our dedicated team of year-round staff, our volunteers and seasonal staff make all our regular programs and enterprises, as well as the Harvest Festival, Art Show, Winter Fest, Mother’s Day House Tours, Calf Open House and other special programs possible. Emily Skoler & Nora Mitchell Katrina Sliwka & Ben Johnson Petra Smejkal Don & Kate Smith Eric Smith & Polly Heininger Fred & Eleanor Smith Lori Smith Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Smith Stanley & Beverly Smith Lee & Pamela Sollenberger Joseph Sorenson & Larry Rudiger Bill Spalding & Susan Guillan Todd & Shannon Spellman Mary Ellen & Dana Spencer David Speranza & Kerri Bloom Rosalee Sprout & Bernard Ames Greg & Kerry Steck Daniel & Gabriel Stein Paul Steinman Mary Stern Fred & Donna Stewart John Stickney Roman & Claire Stienss Jean Stockdale Jeffrey & Kristen Stone Adam & Danielle Stoner Sarah & Matt Strauss Patty Strom Allan Strong & Lisa Nawrocki Mark Styduhar & Elise Cleary William & Larilee Suiter June Sundberg Ian & Erin Sutherland Neidi Suursoo Kim & Jennifer Swain Sam Swanson & Joyce Gallimore Oliver Sweatman & Emily Doyle Alan & Diane Sylvester Cathy Sylvester Douglas Talhelm Adam & Margaret Tarmy Caroline Tassey & John Moore Steve & Terry Taylor Larry & Diane Telford Mark & Ann Thermansen Joshua Thibault & Gregg Krantz David & Frances Thomas Jean Thompson Stephen Tilly & Elizabeth Martin David & Lisa Todd Randy & Faye Torcom John Traexler & Peggy Kane John & Rosemarie Trainer Robert & Mary Jane Travers Vicki Trueman Helen Trumbull Peter & Eleanor Tumulty Jerry & Pat Turner Leonard & Cecile Tyl Jere Urban & Robin Shalline Justin Urban & Kacey Dobert David & Carol Usher Betty Van Buren Matthieu Van der Meer Melanie Vaughn & Gary Nyman Ruud Vekemans Jacquelyn Veneto Sebastian & Cassandra Ventrone David & Jane Vermilyea Steven & Patricia Vogl Mary & Tim Volk Peter & Julia Voll Mary & Phil Von Bargen Sharon Von Bruns & Barry Conolly Jeanette Voss & Daniel Bean Rob Voss & Alesa Rubendall Richard Waddell & Pierre Fournier Diane Waldo & Sally Dunn Karen Waldron & Shawn Ricci Joan Wales & Leigh Steele Karen Walker & Bob Moore Keith & Molly Walsh Matthew & Heather Walterscheit Arthur & Anne Warwick Erin & Tonya Washburn Jeffrey Wasserman & Bridget O’Brien Bill & Mary Waters Katherine & Robin Watts Richard & Sally Watts Norman & Sondra Waxman Patrick Weaver & Coreen Woodbury Tom & Sheila Weaver Robert Webb Van & Robin Webb Willard & Anne Webb Allen & Martha Webster Davis Weigand & Joan Beato Joe & Karen Welch Chris & Samantha Wendel Gerard & Barbara Werle Kris & Stephanie Wernhoff Ruth Wester & Audrey Naylor Edward & Deborah Wheeler William & Karen Whitby Kristin & Daniel Whitcomb Jim White & Joy Congdon Jean White Jonathan & Jeanne White Paul & Won White William & Hilda White David & Carol Wilber Colby & Margaret Wilbur Burton & Patricia Wilcke James Wilcox & Hanna Bachrach Edward & Jill Wilkens Glenn & Denise Willette Agnes Williams Dean Williams & Barbara Russ Sheila Wilmer Walter & Vicky Wilmerding Jesse & Sara Wing Steve Wisbaum & Suzanne Lourie JoAnne & Robert Withington Daniel & Louanne Wood Deborah Wood Gene Wood Sara Wool Robert Wright & Sylvia Knight Amy Yankowski Bernard & Carol Young Betty Young Brett & Howie Young Doug & Lisa Young Nevin & Barbara Zablotsky Supporters ($1–$49) Anonymous (29) Rosemary Abele Banny Ackerman Carol Adams Peter Adelsberger May Affleck Natalie Albers Peter & Susan Alden Mary Alexandrides Judith Allard Jeffrey J. Allen M.A.C.P. Trudy Allstadt Michael Alonzo Barbara Altshuler Eleanor Angell Peter & Mina Angelos Anne Antell Dan Arrowood Betty Atwood Theresa Averill Barbara Babbott Marianne Balczuk Thomas Baran David Barbano Maryalice Barker Deborah Barnum Alexander Bassett Lynn Bates Lorna Bates Carol Bauer Sharon Beal Lucy Beck Marlys Beck Jane Becker Sarah Beers Viktoria Beggs Rich & Linda Bell Bridget & Phillip Bellizia Walter & Marian Benoit Gianetta Bertin Rosemary Bevan Margaret Biggar John Billard Sheila Bisaillon Hannah Blake Marianne Blanchard Lucy Blanton Carol Blattspieler Victoria Blewer Eleanor Bliss Barbara Bloom Nancy Bloomer Marion Blumberg Hillary Boardman Catherine Boffa David & Suzanne Bohn Laura Boldosser Barbara Bolton Nancy Boone Ellen Booth Virginia Borrok Kim Borsavage Frederica Botala Barbara Boyd Noelle Bramer E. Timm Brandhorst Maea Brandt Lucile Brink Judy Brook Robbe Brook Marlene Brown Susan Brown Gus & Kara Buchanan Stewart & Valerie Bucher Haydee Buck Jennifer Buckner Lee Buffinton Marianne Burke Sayde Burke Jim Burnham Maura Burns Amy Cadge Karen Cady Nathaniel Caldwell Carol Calhoun Debbie Carland-Purdy Laura Carlsmith Ansley Carnahan Vaughn Carney Wendell Carr Felicia Carreon Linda Carroll Pamela Cary Laura Cawley Marthaleah Chaiken Kylee Charbonneau Patricia Chaudhuri Ann Chauncey Robert Chiabrandy Jennifer Chobor Chrysanne Chotas Emmalee Churington 15 2010 CONTRIBUTORS Mindy Clawson Karen Cloutier John & Barbara Coates Elizabeth Coffin Nancy Coleman Malcolm Collins Carolyn Conner Jean Connor Sandra Conrad Marlene Conru Beth Cook Hugh Cooper Joey Corcoran Janet Cottrell George Coutrayer & Janet Harvey-Coutrayer Barbara Craig Anne Cramer Christopher & Johanna Crawford Jody Crosby Matthew Dall Deborah Dalton Anne Damrosch Alicia Daniel Amanda Daniels Linda Darrow Janice Dawley Helen de la Maza Deborah DeLadurantaye Carol Dell Jane Denker Ruth Dennis Diane Deschenes Lisa Desmond Linda Devlin Michelle & Marc DiMario David & Marjorie Doane Carol Ann Dobler David Doggett Henry Doremus Jean M. Dougherty Joan Dowd Linda & Patrick Dowd Christine Drewniak Mrs. David Druva Jeffrey Drzazgowski Rosella Duarte Mary Beth Dudley Jacquelin Duffek Mary Ellen Dugan Patrick & Susan Dunn Dr. Herbert A. Durfee, Jr. Jane Dworshak Peg Dyer Dick & Peggy Eastman Maureen Ecclesine Carolyn Edwards Diane Eisenhower Dorothy Eldred Anne Eldridge John Eldridge Julius & Carolyn Eldridge Llyn Ellison Thomas & Suzanne Engel May Engeman Christina Erickson Eric Esau Ray & Mima Esponda Jennifer Esser Jo Evelti Sylvia Ewerts Jean Falconi Elizabeth Farman Anya Farr Susan Farrar 16 Marian Feldman Donna Fialkoff Henry Fierman Frances Filshie Diane Fine Elizabeth FitzGerald Kristi Fogtman Pamela Folsom Dave Frey Frank Fuhrman Shirley Fuller Julie Gaboriault Alison Gardner Betsy Gardner Mrs. V. Gates Marie-Michelle Gaudreau Melodie Gay Corine Geldhof Barbara Gellner Mark Germain Donna Gettelfinger Wendy Gibson Staci Gilbert Paul & Georgianna Gipp Sallyann Girelli David Gladstone Stephanie Glock Lucy Goelet Cornelius Goes Constancia Gomez Jennifer Goodman Nancy Goodrich Abbott Gotshall, Jr. Elaine Grace Jennifer Grace Lesley Graham Andrea Gray John & Susan Greenall Sue Griessel David & Heidi Groff Linda Gross Ginny Grover Pat Haggerty Josh Hahn Susan Hall Amy Hamlin Janet Hancock Carolyn Hanson Carol Haraden Diana Harbour Margot Harrison Mary Hayes Nancy Hayes Kim Hazelrigg Shelby Hearon Marilyn Heilferty James & Priscilla Heininger Thomas Henneberger Gale Hepfinger Rachel Herbert Barbara Hibbitts Charles Hildebrand Connie Hitt Frances Hoadley Lee Hoehn Matt Holloway Jean Holmes Kristen Holverson Anne Hoover Phillip Horican Vicki Hornus Amy Houghton Gail Houghton Suzanne Houston Holli Howard Ann Howell Hanni Huber Dona Hudak-Satterlee Megan Humphrey & Terry Hotaling Holly Hungerford Leslie Hunt Margaret Hunt Tracy Huntington Kathy Hutchins Christina Hutchinson Cynthia Hutchinson Peter Idleman Janet Irons Barbara Irwin Florence Izzo Gretchen Jacob Jennifer Jany Sue Jennings Amy Jeschawitz Reid Jewett Anna Lee Johnson Ann Jolls Fran Joseph & Stanley Witkin Huz Joseph Karol Josselyn Kelly Kaeding Eva Kauppila Barbara Keeton Queenie H. Kemmerer Jane Kessler Maeve Kim Elizabeth Kimball Jane Kirby Arthur Klossner Kathleen Knauer Anne Knowlton Greta Krag Wanda Krause Eric Krawitt Peter & Anne Kreisel Greg Kriger Aileen Lachs Mary-Anne Lafayette Todd & Emily LaMothe Jean Lamphear Kathy Lamphier Mary Landon Nancy Lang Deb Languasco David & Faye Laniel Judith Larsen Joan Lauber Domenic Laudato Nancy Laun Jeanne Lavell Sandra Lawrence Sheila Lawrence Theresa Lawrence Christine Lebiecki Sarah Lenes Nancy Leon Karen Leonard Sabrina Leonard Miranda Lescaze George & Susan Ligon Sally Lincoln Garet Livermore Joy Livingston Adair Lobdell Sara Ann Loughran Jean Lovell Daniel & Vita Marie Lovett Valerie Lovett Jessica Lukas Kristine Lutters Jeanne Lynch James Lyons Patricia Mable Joanie Maclay Andrew MacPherson Bruce MacPherson Lynn Maley Julie Maltby Mary Lou Mannix Mary Ellen Manock Patricia Mardeusz Jacqueline Marlow Joan Martin Michelle Martin Kim Mastrianni Marcia Matheson Emilie Mattesich Paul Mayer Donna Maynard Ashley McAvey Helen McCabe Jane McCaffrey Ki McClennan Ann McCluskey Susan McCullough Beth McDermott Harry & Phyllis McEntee Kris McEntee Kristen McEvoy Thomas McFadden Jennifer McGowan Nancy McIntire Karen McKenna Kate McMahon Linda McMeekin Janet McSorley John & Barbara Mercure Stephenie Merrill Connie Metz Michael Metzger Aileen Meyer Sara Mikell Beth Miller Diane Millham Prue Milnes Ann Milovsoroff Maureen Mindell Nancy Minns Robert Mitchell Jane Mitiguy Eugene Emilio Monaco Katharine Montstream Marleen Moore Sara Morey Andrea Morgante Mika Moroi Barbara Morrish Sarah Morse Marilyn Moses Rick Moses Iris Muggenthaler Diane Muhr Marian Mumford Laura Murakami Jane Murphy Emma Murray Barbara Myhrum Mary Nackley Phyl Newbeck June & Ken Nicholson Cathy Nief Melayna Nieuwsma Catherine Nunn Joyce Oakley Martha Oatway Karen Obert Martha O’Connell Maureen O’Connell Kathleen O’Connor Doris Ofner Laurie O’Hanlon Kinna Ohman Joseph O’Neill Thelma Osgood Roberta Overson Susan Palmer Betsy Parker Joan Parrish Liz Pasti Ben Patrick Judith Patten Wendelin Patterson Ann Pearce Judy Peitscher Linda Pfeiffer Melissa Pflug Cathy & Jeff Phillips Katherine Phipps Nilda Pico Charlene Picucci Morris Pike Clinton Piper Bob Pittsinger Renate Plaut Adeline Polese Jared & Megan Poor Nancy Portnow Judy Poulin Star Poulin Hannah Powell Junius Powell Beverly Prakelt Hans & Judy Puck Frank & Linda Punderson Willynne Puretz Sophie Quest Jane Quilliam Susan Raimy Sam Rathbun Joanne Raymond Virginia Reeves Nancy Rehm Martha Reid Richard F. Reid Claudia Renchy Morton Linda Reynolds Dennis Rich Henrietta Rich George & Marilyn Richardson Megan Richardson Linda Rie Ramonde Rignall Courtney Rittenberg Jami Rivers Donald Roberts Lori Roberts-Williams & Valerie Williams Carol Robinson Deborah Robinson Dorothy Rodriguez Nelleke Rosenthal Walter Rosley Linda Roth Luba Routsong Anita Royer & Douglas Schneible Mary Beth Saffo Trish Salimi Beverly Salm Jane Sayer Denise Scheinberg R. Ann Schwab Lisa Schwartz WITH THANKS Brenda Scordo Jocelyn Secker-Walker Sandra Sensel Martha Seyler Alan Shalita Andrea & Stephen Sharp Fred Sheldon Diane Shortsleeve Cynthia Shuman Geraldine Siegel & Newton Van Derzee Jean Sievert Virginia L. Simmon Julie Simpson Gloria Singer Richard Sirola Hance Sitkus Chris Skilling Nancy Skinner Ellie Skolfield Beverly Slocum Ann Reynolds Smith Janice Smith John Smith Laura Smith W. G. Smith Eva Sollberger Julie Soquet Wendy Sorrell Carole Spaulding Stephanie Spaulding George Spear Kathleen Speedy Barbara Spencer Annemieke Spoelstra Glenn & Marga Sproul Adrienne St. Cyr Carol Stack Karin & Scott Stafford Josephine Stead Dana Stevens Mary & Carol Stevens Allie Stickney Robert Stock Frances Stoddard Mike & Kit Strang Victor Strauss Jean Stritter Eric Strong & Julie Wasserman Susan Stuck David Stuller Daniel Sullivan Hope Swanson Gus Swift Joan Sylvester Gale Synnott Dorothy Szwaja Christopher Tabor Kabir Tambar Valerie Tarren Simone Tefts Diane Terni Christopher Terrien & Katie O’Brien Terrien Heather Tetrault Rodolphe Thaud & Sonia Bluteau Lorraine Theil Patricia Thimm Shirley Thompson Patrick Thornton Anita Tiemann Chermarie Timmons Paul Tippett Margaret Titus David Tormey Amy Trubek & Bradley Koehler Michele Tulis & Jeff Salisbury Tracey Turner Elise Tuxbury Lynn Valeri Jeffrey Van Arsdall Linda Van Marter Ralph Van Woert George & Lea Vera Anne Vernon Thomas Vogelsang Beth Volker Lorraine Vorse Stephen Vukovich Sally Wadhams Marjorie Waggy Laura Wainer Anne Walby Ms. Sally Wales David & Nancy Walls Linda Walsleben Deane & Becky Wang Dee Wang Maxine Ward Thomas Ward Stephen & Wendy Wark Donald Waterous Brenda Waters Tanya Waters Jan Watt Gale Watts Marshall & Katie Webb Kent Weber Dorothy Weicker Geraldine Weiss James & Stephanie Wells Vivian Werner Erin Wertlieb Mrs. Davison White Johanna White Betsy Whyte Jeff & Elzy Wick Joan Wickersham Katharine Wiebe Sarah Wiebe Sarah Wiegel Monica Wiitanen Chris Wilkinson Malcolm Willard Glenn Williams Laura Williams Heidi Willis Tom & Pat Willis Doris Wilson Catherine Wisloski Nan Wolcott Susan Womersley Michael Wood Nancy Wood Sheryl Worrall Nancy Wright Gerald & Rose-Marie Wyman Ellen Zdyb James Ziemba Raymond Zirkler Tour Guides & Programs/Archives Volunteers Linda Barker Maryalice Barker Barbara Beaman Bob Blair Pat Branda Kailee Brickner-McDonald Mary Jo Childs Judy Christensen Roberta Coffin Paul Connor Bill Coon Dave Crane Colm Daly Lois D’Arcangelo Dave Davis Chris Erickson Caroline Fay Gail Feitelberg Jane Finn Ken Fishell Linda Fishell Joanne Foley Jerry Francis Linda Gilbert Meghan Giroux Jane Goodman Mary Gordon Steve Gronlund James Guiod Mary Harry Marcia Hawkins Dorothy Hawley Dana Hirth David Hirth Caroline Hobbs Trevor Hobbs Joan Holloway George Holonitch Betsy Howland Kathy Hudson Michelle Jackson Joan Jagielski Joann Kirby Linda Knight Rene Lachapelle Aileen Lennon Maggie Lisman Ellin London Jerre Longfellow Pam Lord Sandy Lord Sue Louchheim Judy Martini Iris McDonald Julia Melloni Mary Merges Shirley Murray Rita Myers Tica Netherwood Lorrie O’Donovan Margaret Ottinger Matt Ottinger Ruth Painter Deb Parella Gwen Pokalo Julian Post Connie Prendergast Pat Reasoner Gail Regan Sarah Rich Sharon Richards Mark Richter Harriett Rosenthal Len Rubin Karen Ryder Deborah Schapiro Annie Seyler Sally Shane Stan Shannon Shelburne Charlotte Rotary Shelburne Explorers 4-H Ann Sherman Suzanne Silk Jordan Silverman Noah Silverman Steve Silverman Julie Simpson Nancy Somers Walter Stein Mark Sustic Kandi Thermansen Mark Thermansen Sallie Thomas Mati Toom Pat Trongo Elise Tuxbury UVM CREAM Program Laurie Valentine Kathy Valiquette Barbara Van Raalte Mary Jane Washburn Becca Weiss Sydney White Win Whitney Heidi Willoughby Barbara York Pat Young Work & Learn Program (apprentices, interns, stewards-in-training, farmyard helpers) Rebecca Alpert Doug Altshuler George Altshuler Erin Balas Courtney Banach Chester Barber Mikaela Bartels Shawnee Beane Matthew Bennett Natalie Bennett Will Bennington Eric Benz Sarah Bigelow Elsa Boch Hannah Brennan Grace Cade Roz Calderon Tinesha Davis Conrad Demasi Willa Demasi Sarah Demers Chris Dexter Will Duffy Caroline Dunlap Kristin Dwyer Leah Epstein Allegra Fety Elizabeth Fields Paige Fisher Isabelle Flinn Callie Flynn Sydney Francois Justin Frawley Syd Frolick Zoe Frolick Anya Gedrath-Smith Abbie Giles Lucy Glaize Sophia Gorman Caitlin Grasso Elspeth Grasso Andrea Haney Dana Hartshorn Winter Heath Megan Henson Caitlin Hester Nicholas Horgan Will Howard Madeline Kaplan Elizabeth Khosravi Audra Kimball Laura Kujawa Victoria Kulwicki Eliza Lalley Sam Lalley Miles Lamberson Nina Lissarrague Zoe Lochheim Isabelle Lourie-Wisbaum Maraika Lumholdt Sally Matson Camille McCobb Beth Moore Hannah Myers Kiera O’Brien Jack O’Sullivan-Griffith Eva Paradiso Stephanie Podesta Demitra Potter Colene Reed Matt Rice Brian Rich Annie Robataille Lillian Roberts Katharine Roggeveen Caroline Rush Charlotte Rutz Emily Salitan Nora Salitan Alex Saunders Katie Serrell Amira Silverman Rayona Silverman Julia Sioss Veronica Sioss Evan Snow Talia Solomon Jackie Spitler Sarah Sturm Mariae Sweet Megan Tallmadge Jordan Thrane Grace Vincent Sadie Vincent Sarah Von Doepp Rose Watts Jake Woodyatt Anna Wulfson Samantha Wulfson Lyle Yoder Luci Young Photo Credits: All photos by Shelburne Farms staff except: Cows, front cover: Sharon Monroe; Boy with frog, front cover: Deenie Galipeau; Senator Patrick Leahy, inside front cover: courtesy of the Office of Senator Patrick Leahy; Market Gardener Josh Carter and Chef David Hugo, inside back cover: Jordan Silverman 17 Partners We gratefully acknowledge the support and assistance of the following organizations that collaborated with Shelburne Farms on program development or stewardship projects in 2010. 4-H All Souls Interfaith Gathering Antioch New England Institute Appalachian Trails Conservancy Beeken/Parsons Burlington Business Association Burlington Department of Parks & Recreation Burlington Electric Department Burlington School District Burlington School Food Project Cadwell Collaborative Castleton State College Center for Ecoliteracy Champlain Basin Education Initiative Champlain College Center for Service & Civic Engagement Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf Chittenden Solid Waste District Chittenden South Supervisory Union City Market City of Burlington Burlington Food Council Burlington Legacy Project Center for Community and Neighborhoods Community & Economic Development Office Department of Parks & Recreation City of Nishinomiya, Japan City of Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education Common Roots Community Food Security Coalition Community Works Connecticut Partnership for Sustainability Education Conservation Study Institute Creative Learning Exchange Diggers Mirth Collective Farm ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain Ecological Learning Institute Edge Academy Efficiency Vermont Farm-Based Education Association Fletcher Allen Health Care Flynn Center for Performing Arts Food Works at Two Rivers Center Fresh Air Fund Friends of Burlington Gardens Green Mountain Draft Horse Association Green Mountain Farm to School Green Mountain National Forest Green Mountain Orienteering Club Green Mountain Power Hunger Free Vermont Institute for Sustainable Communities Intervale Center Johnson State College King Street Youth Center Lake Champlain Basin Program Lake Champlain Land Trust Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce Lake Champlain Sailing Center LEAF (Learning and Ecological Activities Foundation for Children) Linking Learning to Life Litzsinger Road Ecology Center Local Motion Maplewood-Richmond Heights School District Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park McClure Multigenerational Center Middlebury College National Farm to School Network National Gardening Association National Park Service National Wildlife Federation The Nature Conservancy Networking Association for Farm Direct Marketing and Agritourism New England Environmental Education Alliance New Hampshire Charitable Foundation North American Association for Environmental Education Northeast Natural Resource Center of the National Wildlife Federation Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont Northern Forest Center O-Bread Bakery Ontario Farm Fresh Marketing Association Outreach for Earth Stewardship PEER Associates Pete’s Greens Place-Based Education Evaluation Collaborative Preservation Trust of Vermont Renaissance School & Heartworks Saint Michael’s College Santa Barbara County Learning Initiative Sarah Holbrook Community Center Shelburne Business and Professional Association Shelburne Museum Shelburne Natural Resources & Conservation Shelburne Parks and Recreation Shelburne Vineyards Slow Food USA Smart Growth Vermont Society for Organizational Learning Education Partnership South China Normal University Sterling College Sustainability Academy at Lawrence Barnes Synergy Learning Town of Shelburne, Vermont USDA Forest Service U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development University of Vermont Center for Rural Studies Center for Sustainable Agriculture College of Agriculture & Life Sciences College of Education & Social Services Department of Community Development & Applied Economics Department of Health & Food Sciences Department of Travel & Tourism Environmental Studies Program Extension Service Field Naturalist Program Master Gardeners Program Rubenstein School of the Environment & Natural Resources Watershed Alliance Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Vermont Attractions Association Vermont Butter & Cheese Creamery Vermont Cheese Council Vermont Community Works Vermont Council of World Affairs Vermont Department of Education Vermont Department of Health Vermont Department of Travel & Tourism Vermont Energy Education Program Vermont Family Forests Vermont Farm to School Arts Vermont Farms! Association Vermont Fresh Network Vermont Grass Farmer’s Association Vermont Housing & Conservation Board Vermont Institute for Artisan Cheese Vermont Institute on the Caribbean Vermont Land Trust Vermont Maple Producer’s Association Vermont Museum and Gallery Alliance Vermont Sheep and Goat Association Vermont Statewide Environmental Education Programs 2010 Shelburne Farms Year-Round Staff Kathy Allen, Gardener & Special Projects Support Wally Allen, Buildings & Grounds Manager Dega Anak, Janitor Leslie Armstrong, Assistant Inn Director Nat Bacon, Cheesemaking Manager Jeremy Bessette, Dairy & Woodlands Assistant Travis Bessette, Grounds Keeper Dana Bishop, Natural Resources & Assistant Woodlands Manager Bill Boedecker, Network Administrator Jane Boisvert, Development Clerk Rose Bourne, Dairy Assistant Judy Brook, Tour Guide Coordinator Holly Brough, Director of Communications Lenore Budd, Membership Coordinator Peter Bullock, Summer Camp Co-Coordinator/Educator Margaret Burke, Field Trip Coordinator/ Work & Learn Coordinator Megan Camp, Vice President & Program Director Josh Carter, Market Gardener Will Chadwick, Grounds Keeper Jen Cirillo, Director of Professional Development Jean Cross, Accounting Assistant Erica Curry, Educator & Community Involvement Coordinator Keely Deutsch, Education Coordinator, Children’s Farmyard 18 Sam Dixon, Dairy Farm Manager Sue Dixon, Special Gifts Coordinator Tashi Dolma, Janitor Matthew Dubel, Sustainable Schools Project Coordinator Julie Eldridge Edwards, Curator of Collections Kim Findlay, Publications Assistant, Annual Art Exhibition Coordinator Ellen Fox, Manager of Cheese & Catalog Thomas Gardner, Cheesemaker Allison Gibson, Dining Room Manager Carolyn Golojuch, Farm Products Sales Coordinator Rosalyn Graham, Community Relations Director Dakpa Gyatso, Janitor Joan Haley, Place-Based Educator Paul Hartnett, Cheesemaker Jamie Heinchon, Grounds Keeper Joanne Hekkers, Payroll & Finance Assistant Dana Hudson, Northeast Farm-to-School Coordinator David Hugo, Head Chef Andrew Johnson, Cheesemaker David Jonah, Welcome Center Assistant Manager Sarah Kadden, Educator Matt Kolan, Field Naturalist Renee LaCoss, Herdsman Tsering Lhayang, Janitor Sally Lincoln, Agricultural Educator Christine Lutters, Camp Co-Coordinator/ Work & Learn Coordinator Susan Marchand, 4-H Coordinator & Family Programs Ray Myers, Facilities Assistant Clara Nold, Accounting Manager Tom Nold, Director of Finance & Administration Allison Oskar, Payroll & Finance Assistant Julia Penca, Program Assistant Andrew Pinault, Production & Fullfillment Coordinator Danielle Pipher, Vermont FEED Education/Professional Development Coordinator Karen Polihronakis, Inn Director Sharon Richards, Receptionist Sam Smith, Children’s Farmyard Coordinator & Farmer Nia Spongberg, Development Systems & Grants Coordinator Hilary Sunderland, Executive Assistant Terry Taylor, Receptionist Tiffany Tillman, Healthy Neighbors/Healthy Kids Coordinator Andrea Van Hoven, Special Functions Manager Joanne Varricchione, Receptionist Laura Viani, Educator Alec Webb, President Marshall Webb, Woodlands & Special Projects Manager Carol Wellings, Welcome Center Manager Linda Wellings, Director of School Programs Marissa Wilkens, Assistant Inn Director Schools & Nonprofit Organizations We appreciate the following schools and organizations who either participated in one of our programs or used Shelburne Farms’ resources for their own programs in 2010. 4-H 7 Generations Ahead Acorn School & Childcare Addison County Parent Child Center Adventures in Early Learning Adventures of Young Minds Enrichment Center All Souls Interfaith Gathering Center Allen Brook School American Tree Farm System Antioch University New England Antioch New England Institute Apple Land Station Appleton Gist Foundation Bailey Avenue Primary School Bedford Garden Club Beekmantown Elementary School Beeman Elementary School Bellows Free Academy Bolton Central School Boy Scouts of America Brattleboro Food Coop Brattleboro Union High School Bridgewater Village School Brookline Elementary School Brookwood School Burlington High School Burlington School District Burlington School District’s Essential Early Education Program Burr & Burton Academy C.P. Smith Elementary Cadwell Collaborative Camel’s Hump Middle School Camp Gan Israel Carolyn’s Red Balloon Enrichment Center Casey Trees Catamount Children’s Center Chamberlin School Champlain College Champlain Elementary School Champlain Valley Quilters Guild Champlain Valley Union High School Charles River School Charlotte Central School Charlotte Children’s Center Chatham University Chazy Central Rural School Children Unlimited Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf Christ The King School Claremont Unified School District Clayton Valley Pumpkin Farm Club Brown Swiss du Quebec Colchester Parks & Recreation Community College of Vermont Community High School of Vermont Community Lutheran Christian Preschool Community Sailing Center Cornwall Elementary School Cozy Cottage Preschool Crown Point Farm & Education Center Cumberland Head Elementary School Dairy Marketing Services Delta State University Discovery Preschool Downey’s Farm Market & Estate Winery Early Years Child Development Center East Montpelier Elementary School Eden Central School Edmunds Elementary School Ed-U-Care EJ’s Kids Klub El Salvador Coffee Communities Fund at the University of Vermont Enosburg Elementary School Essex Community Players Essex County Adirondack Garden Club Essex Elementary School Essex High School Essex Junction Parks & Recreation Fletcher Allen Health Care Fletcher Allen Y’s Time Fletcher Elementary School Folsom Central School Founders Memorial School Four Season Early Learning Franklin County Early Childhood Programs Frederick Tuttle Middle School Friends of Burlington Gardens Gan Yeladim Preschool Georgia Elementary/Middle School Giggles Family Childcare and Preschool Good Ship Lollipop Daycare Grand Isle Elementary School Granite State Carriage Association Greater Burlington YMCA Green Chimneys School Green Mountain Draft Horse Association Green Mountain Farm-to-School Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity Guilford Central School Hand In Hand Childcare Center Head Start at JFK Elementary Head Start Middlebury Headstart Heatherlea Farm Market Heritage Line Herbs Hiawatha Elementary School Hinesburg Community School Hope Lodge Howard Center Humane Society of Chittenden County Inn at East Hill Farm Institute for Sustainable Communities Integrated Arts Academy Isle La Motte Elementary J. J. Flynn Elementary John F. Kennedy School Keeseville Elementary School Kids and Fitness Lake Champlain Waldorf School Leaping Deere Legends Leicester Central School Lincoln Community School Linwood Public School Little Feats Too Little Feet Childrens Center Little Feet Daycare Ludlow Elementary School Lund Family Center Lyme Nursery School Main Street School Malletts Bay School Maple Leaf Daycare Maplehill School & Farm Maplewood Richmond Heights School District Marin Country Day School Marion Cross Elementary Mary Hogan School Mater Christi School Maverick Lloyd Foundation McComb Public School McGill University McMaze Meadowbrook School Merck Forest & Farmland Center Middlebury College Milton Elementary School Milton Family Community Center Minerva Central School Miracle Corners of the World Missisquoi Valley Union Middle School Mobius, The Mentoring Movement Momot Elementary School Monmouth County Park System Montessori School 27 Moretown Elementary School Morrisonville Elementary School Nadeau’s Preschool National Wildlife Federation Native Energy New Beginnings Childcare New York Restoration Project Newton Elementary School North American Sun Dial Society North Avenue Christian School North Country School North Warren Central School Northwestern Counseling & Support Services, Inc. Orchard School Otter Creek Child Center Otter Valley Union High School Outside Girls Partners In Adventure Phillies Bridge Farm Project Pierson Library Pineland Farms Polly Fox Academy Poultney High School Precious Moments Preschool Preservation Trust of Vermont Proctor Academy Project Soar Providence Day School Punahou School Quinn Farm Race Vermont Radnor Middle School Rawson Creek Organization REAL School Gardens Red Gate Farm Renaissance School Richmond Elementary School Rick Marcotte Central School Ripton Elementary School Robinson Elementary School Rock Point School Run Vermont Rutland Town Elementary School Saint Michael’s College Saint Michael’s College Child Care Center Salisbury Community School Sara Holbrook Community Center Save Our World - Vermont School of the Holy Child School’s Out Summer Camp Second Spring Seton School Sharon Academy Shelburne Art Center Shelburne/Charlotte Garden Club Shelburne Charlotte Rotary Shelburne Community School Shelburne Museum Sheldon Elementary School Shooting Stars Slow Money Small Business Association Vermont South Burlington Parks & Recreation Department St. Albans City Elementary St. Albans Town Educational Center St. Francis Xavier School St. George’s School of Montreal St. John’s Academy St. Johnsbury Academy St. Joseph’s School St. Monica’s School State of Vermont Agency of Commerce & Community Development Stern Center for Language and Learning Stowe Elementary School Strafford Technical Center Summit Street School Sustainability Academy Swanton Central School Teacher Apprenticeship Program (TAP) Alumni Association Terhune Orchards Thatcher Brook Primary School The Construction Specifications Institute - Vermont Chapter The Farmer’s Museum The Little School The Nature Conservancy The Renaissance School The Rock Ranch The Trustees of Reservations Thetford Academy Town of Shelburne Trevor Day School Treworgy Family Orchards Trinity Baptist School Trinity Children’s Center Trinity School Trinity School of Durham & Chapel Hill Trust for Public Land Turner Farm Twin Valley Middle School Twinfield Union School U-Map Underhill I.D. Elementary School University of New Hampshire CREAM Program University of Vermont Adventure Day Camp Campus Children’s Center Office of International Education The Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources Upward Bound Vergennes Union Elementary Vermont Association for Psychological Type Vermont Cheesemakers Festival Vermont Children’s Trust Foundation Vermont Commons School Vermont Community Works, Inc. Vermont Council on World Affairs Vermont Dietetic Association Vermont Fresh Network Vermont Institute of Natural Science Vermont Mozart Festival Vermont Natural Resources Council Vermont Symphony Orchestra Vermont Women’s Fund Vermont Youth Conservation Corps Very Merry Theatre Visiting Nurse Association Wells Village School West Chazy Elementary School Westford Elementary School Weybridge Elementary School Whitcomb Junior & Senior High School White Mountain School Williamstown Elementary School Williston Central School Williston Enrichment Center Williston Parks & Recreation Department Willsboro Central School Windham Regional Career Center Winooski Family Center Woodstock Union High School & Middle School Yestermorrow Design/Build School Y’s Time at Edmunds Elementary YWCA 19 A N N U A L R E P O RT Year Ending December 31, 2010 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position Contributor Support Total Contributions by Fund Contributions to all funds totaled $4,317,936 in 2010. December 31, 2010, with comparative totals for 2009 ASSETS Cash & cash equivalents Restricted endowment Designated funds Other investments Accounts receivable Inventories Prepaid expenses & other assets Pledges & bequests receivable Contributions receivable from charitable remainder trusts Antiques & art Land, buildings & equipment TOTAL ASSETS 2010 2009 3,095,583 307,778 4,154,970 723,646 221,945 845,122 83,414 491,158 1,594,336 300,991 3,845,723 940,298 150,970 944,603 101,960 527,906 157,152 243,468 18,443,334 28,767,570 147,560 239,168 17,567,484 26,360,999 Annual Fund, 19% Program Special Projects, 20% Capital, Endowment, & Other Special Projects, 61% Total Contributions by Source Shelburne Farms depends upon support from diverse private and public funding sources. Trusts & Foundations, 41% Individuals, 48% Government, 9% LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS LIABILITIES: Accounts payable Deposits & other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES 402,878 767,525 1,170,403 342,764 773,644 1,116,408 NET ASSETS: Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted TOTAL FUND BALANCE 25,795,570 1,493,819 307,778 27,597,167 23,347,432 1,596,168 300,991 25,244,591 28,767,570 26,360,999 TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Corporations, 2% Contributor Demographics In 2010 Shelburne Farms received contributions from 3,594 individuals, businesses and foundations in 39 states and 5 foreign countries and territories. Shelburne Residents, 15% Other Vermont Residents, 57% Out-of-State Contributors, 28% Consolidated Annual Operating Cash Flow Program & Visitor Attendance Year Ending December 31, 2010 Program & Visitor Attendance Total Sources: $8,588,800 Shelburne Farms served 145,645 people in 2010 through its education and visitor programs, and by making its facilities available for use by others. Gifts & Grants: Buildings, Landscape, Equipment & Operations, 11% Earned, 68% Contributed, 30% Investment & Endowment, 2% Investment & Endowment Income, 2% Education & Public Program Tuition & Fees, 10% Annual Fund Contributions, Unrestricted Gifts & Grants, 10% Total Uses: $8,588,800 General Operations & Program Support, 14% Program-Related Support Activities (Dairy, Cheese, Catalog, Farm Store, Inn & Special Events), 47% Education, Public Programs & Special Projects, 23% Capital Expenditures, 11% This is an internally prepared consolidation of all programs and operations at Shelburne Farms in 2010 for simplified presentation purposes only. Operating revenue and expenses include both the nonprofit entity --- Shelburne Farms --- and its wholly-owned subsidiary, which operates the Inn and other program related supporting activities. Land stewardship, endowment, campaign gifts and campaign capital improvements and other expenditures are not included. Total consolidated depreciation of $685,544 is also not included. A copy of Shelburne Farms’ audited financial statement is available for inspection at Shelburne Farms, 1611 Harbor Road, Shelburne, Vermont 05482, 802-985-8686. 20 Property Tours, 7% Gifts, Grants & Cooperative Agreements: Programs, 9% Program-Related Support Activities (Dairy, Cheese, Catalog, Farm Store, Inn & Special Events), 58% Grounds & Facilities Maintenance, 5% Inn & Restaurant, 18% Nonprofit Organizations & Community Events, 22% Children’s Farmyard & Walking Trails, 32% Education Programs, 21% 1,061 Professional Development: Curriculum support for educators in schools, nonprofit organizations and government agencies in Vermont, the U.S. and abroad 2,167 4,155 27,284 32,193 78,785 Adult Programs: Life-long learning programs, volunteers, educational tour groups & visitors, archive researchers Overnight Guests: The Inn at Shelburne Farms & Guest Cottages Youth & Family Programs: Early childhood and school programs, summer camps, 4-H, Work & Learn, campfires, Renaissance School Nonprofit Organizations & Community Events: Meetings, conferences, special functions, concerts, weddings, festivals, Art Show Day Visitors: Children’s Farmyard, Walking Trails, Property Tours, Restaurant Winter Farmers Markets in Burlington! 41 trees were planted in Farm Barn triangle. 23rd Annual Art Exhibition & Sale Phase 2 of Formal Gardens Restoration Project began. Green Mountain Power installs solar orchard near Coach Barn. We built a new, energy-efficient home for dairy staff. “Bats in the Barn,” one of our many family programs in 2010. Your Farm, Your Community in 2010 We made repairs to the timber framing at the Breeding Barn. You’ll find more photos that capture the year inside the back cover. 77% of the food served at the Inn was grown or produced at the Farm or by Vermont producers. We hosted “Slow Money’s 2nd National Gathering. We hosted the National Tree Farmers’ “Forest Field Day!” We installed 96 solar panels at the Farm Barn. SHELBURNE FARMS Annual Report & Contributor Listing 2010 Shelburne Farms 1611 Harbor Road Shelburne, Vermont 05482 Your Farm, Your Community, You Make it Possible We extend our heartfelt thanks to our community of new and long-time friends whose generous support ensures the continued success and vitality of Shelburne Farms. Shelburne Farms 1611 Harbor Road Shelburne, Vermont 05482 802-985-8686 Shelburne Farms is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit education organization and National Historic Landmark Many thanks for use of photos to: Andy Duback, Deenie Galipeau, Senator Patrick Leahy, Sharon Monroe, Jordan Silverman, Marshall Webb, Shelburne Farms staff, VT FEED staff (see p.17) printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper.
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