Retired Lieutenants Association N.Y.C. Police Department
Retired Lieutenants Association N.Y.C. Police Department
NEW YORK CITY Retired Lieutenants Association N.Y.C. Police Department Est. 248-24 JERICHO TURNPIKE, FLORAL PARK, NEW YORK 11001 TEL. (516) 354-1843 • FAX (516) 326-6271 JUNE 2012 POLICE DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT THOMAS VEY VODA (516) 354·1843 . . . . . . . . . (718) 428-2251 . . . .. . . . .. . .. Cell Phone (917) 509-6808 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fax (718) 428-8424 . LBA OFFICE .. .. .... .... (212) 964-7500 1st Vice-President · JOSEPH MERCANTE ..... (516) 354-2494 Cell (516) 304-9469 2nd Vice-President .; . . GINO DelSIGNORE . . .... (516) 354-8925 " . Treasurer FRANK BRUCELLA . .. . .. (516) 328-7550 · Recording Secretary · JAMES MAGUIRE ... (631) 585·1260 . • Sergeant at Arms RICHARD KIERNAN ...... (718) 726-8523 Marshal • LAWRENCE ABRAMS .... . (516) 735-6483 ; , Trustee . LOUIS WEISER ... ... (954) 718-9739 ;' • ANTHONY FIORE . . .. ... (718) 743-3431 · HERBERT HOHMANN ... . . (516) 742-2871 PAT GALLAGHER ....... . (516) 485-7969 ,•.•. , EDWARD JORDAN ....... (516) 741-4837 >' · JOHN MOORE .. . . . ... . .. (516) 742-9244 . • EDWARD THOMAS ....... (718) 461-3078 . ;: : CHET LEVEy ., .... .. , ... (718) 229-2412 · GENE LOEWY .. ........ .(718) 224-2259 :~ . DOMINICK SACCO ......... . ........ . . • Albany Representatives . • JOSEPH GRIPPO . . ...... (518) 452-0752 '. ' , CHRISTIAN HEIrv'GAATNER .. (631) 223-3205 ., ",} President's Message Well summer is now here. The Blue Angels of the U.S . Navy are perfonning this Memorial Day weekend at Jones Beach and the crowd is enormous. Parking lots are full and many have been turned away to their dis may. It's the early bird that gets to park. Several parades are being held to honor our veterans and servicemen. This brings me to Congratulate and thank LBA President, Thomas Sullivan and 1st Vice President Louis Turco for honoring the last 37 remaining World War II retired Lieutenants at the Delegate and General Membership meeting held on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at the Villa Barone Manor in the Bronx. Each Lieut. was presented with a Congressional Proclamation, a special edition LBA Challenge Coin and a "Ruptured Duck" lapel pin. These items were pre sented to the honorees by LBA president Thomas Sullivan and recording Secretary Lou Carabetta. The "Ruptured Duck" lapel pin was placed on the lapel of each recipient by an active duty senior officer of their respective service. This pin is the official emblem of Honorable Discharge for all service branches. To be worn as a Badge of Honor indicative of honest and faithful service while a member of the Armed Forces. These men had more than 154 years of combined military service during a time in our nation's history when our very freedoms were being threatened. They served the New York City Police Department for a combined total of 1,122 years. These men members of "The Greatest Generation" and their families genuinely enjoyed and were appreciative of being recognized by their brother and sister Lieutenants. LBA President Thomas Sullivan spoke for the membership stating they were honored to be among these WWII veterans and to have the opportunity to recognize them for their service to this country and to the City. I commend LBA President Thomas Sullivan and his board for this gesture. It took a lot of time, planning and effort to put this project together. The logistics were profound. I and all the other honorees wish him and his board a healthy and happy tenure in the NYPD and to a long retirement. " . , Past President WILLIAM LEONARD' PLEASE READ OUR WEB PAGE http://" Fraternally and Semper Fi, MEMBERS TAKE NOTICE! NEXT MEETING AND RAFFLE There will be no meeting in June, 2012. The next meeting will be on September 19,2012,12:00 noon, a Wednesday. The Annual Fund Raiser Raffle will be drawn at this meeting. Enclosed in this newsletter you will find 3 tickets for $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00. This year we will have six equal $500 prizes for the winners. This will make more win ners and better your chances. If you would like more tickets, call 516-354-1843 and we will mail them. GOOD LUCK! - (Chainnan) Gino DelSignore JUNE 27, LBA BELMONT BREAKFAST MEETING Wednesday 11 :00 AM - LBA Delegate & General Membership Meeting, Belmont Racetrack Breakfast Buffet. Enter Gates 3 or 5. You will be directed to parking area. The meeting will begin at 11:00 AM. Recommend you arrive at 10:00 AM to ensure seating. Belmont has a dress code - collared shirts and long pants. NO shorts for clubhouse breakfast location. ALBANY REPORT We will continue our quest for state legislation to further protect our existing Health coverage. The primary aim of the Governor appears to be the adoption of a new pension level for future civil service employees. There is much discussion regarding revising the New York State Constitution. That matter has been brought forth for many years by almost every Governor and fortunately it has remained intact. Any matters of legislative importance will be mon itored by our New York State Alliance of Retired Public employees and reported herein. - Chet Levey rI MEMBERSHip-APPLICATION'I I I I I I I I I I I 248-24 Jericho Tpke., Floral Park, NY 11001 Tel. (516) 354-1843 • Fax (516) 326-6271 Applicant'S Name Date of Birth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Home Address City / State / Zip Tel. No . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Business Address Employed By Occupation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date Retired Type Medical ANNUAL DUES $25.00 VOLUNTARY $5.00 $30.00 0 NEW 0 RENEWAL .... _---------I Signature I I I I I I ·.· 1 ·'1 II I II I II at KOENIG'S I II I :J L ..J ----- NOTICE TO MEDICARE OVERPAYERS QUESTIONS QUESTION: When I pass away what will happen to my spouse as far as medical coverage? ANSWER: This will have to be a two part answer which I will try to explain. Incidentally, you question is one that comes up most frequently at our meetings. If the retiree has retired on 3/4 and dies from the condition that mandated the retirement (heart bill retirees included) the City will continue the same medical coverage that was in effect with the retiree. This will also include Health and Welfare benefits (dental, eyeglass . and prescription). If the retiree has retil~d for regular service or ordinary dis ability, the spouse will be able to continue the medical coverage but must pay for it at the group rate. The group rate is a bargain and is calculated at the cost of 102 per cent of the amount that the City was paying. Due to spe cial legislation that we were able to achieve several years ago this coverage does not expire after 36 months. This applies only to New York City Police and Fire retirees . Upon learning of the death of a police retiree the RetIree Benefits Section of the Office of Labor Relations sends the spouse an application which is referred to as "Cola For Life". The surviving spouse fills it out and sends it to the medical plan of choice and is thereafter billed and covered by that health carrier. The survivor also can con tinue the Health and Welfare coverage with the respec tive union - PBA, DEA, SBA, SOC - (based on retirement rank) only for a period of 36 months. but they must pay for that continuing benefit for a 36 month peri od. The Health and Welfare coverage is no longer avail able after the 36 months but it does not effect the medi cal coverage which is for life. QUESTION: I am receiving the Medicare rebate for myself and also m~ spouse. When I die will my spouse continue to receive the rebate? ANSWER: The survive or continues to be in the rebate program only if the City is paying the health coverage. If the City is not paying for the health plan then there is no justification for the City to provide the rebate. QUESTION: Do I have to notify the Pension Bureau when I become eligible for the pension COLA? ANSWER: NO. THEY HAVE ALL THE INFORMA TION ON YOU IN THEIR DATABASE. HOWEVER YOU SHOULD BE KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT THE QUALIFICATIONS, JUST IN CASE THAT THERE IS A COMPUTER SNAFU. - From 10-13 Gene Loewy We find that many of our Medicare members are over looking an opportunity to receive reimbursement for the year when they were charged more than the basic month ly charge for part B. Social Security monitors the tax returns each year for Medicare covered members and applies a surcharge for part "B" if gross earnings go over a certain level. The level is adjusted each year based on the cost of living. The City does a rebate with a second check, but you must apply for it. The instructions are contained in the letter attached to the rebate check which is sent out each August. The problem is that our retirees do not carefully read the letter before removing and cashing the rebate check. On Mach 13th, the Retired Employee benefit section started sending out the second checks for those persons who complied with the instruc tions. It will take the City about two months to complete the mailing. S PECIAL A LERT T O M EMBERS AND SPOUSES When either you or your spouse tum 65 or are grant ed Social Security disability, you must accept Medicare A&B. It is mandatory and not an option. Failure to do so may cause you to lose your city health coverage. SOC DEATH BENEFIT INFORMATION The Superior Officers Council provides a Death Benefit to its members. The provisions of the Benefit are based on when the member retired, and/or what option the "Retired" member selected. In December of 2009 the Trustees of the Superior Officers Council (SOC) discontinued the $5000 Death Benefit for all new retirees effective January 1,2010. The SOC Health and Welfare Fund now provides the Surviving SpouselDependent(s) SOC Health and Welfare Fund Benefit (Continuation of Coverage) to retirees. This benefit is provided to the deceased retired member's qualified dependents (defined at bottom of page) and includes prescription, optical and dental cov erage. (see note below) The coverage is provided for three years at no cost to the surviving spouse/depen dentes) and gives the survivors the added option of con tinuing the benefits indefinitely for a premium. (* PLEASE NOTE: "Continuation of Coverage" by the SOC does not include Major Medical, i.e. GHI, o HIP, Aetna, etc. It covers only prescription, dental, and optical.) If you retired between January 1, 1971 and December 31, 2009 you were offered the choice to con vert the $5000 Death Benefit during a One-Time Enrollment Period to a new benefit, the Surviving SpouselDependent(s) SOC Health and Welfare Fund Benefit. * If you opted to retain the $5 ,000 SOC Death Benefit, your named beneficiary(s) are entitled to this amount. * If you opted to convert the Death Benefit to the Survi ving Spouse/Dependent(s) SOC Health and Welfare Fund B ~ nefit your qualified dependents (defined below) are entitled to receive prescription , optical and dental coverage for three years at no cost, and gives the survivors the added option of continuing the benefits indefinitely for a premium. (Qualified dependents are defined as your spouse, or qualified Domestic Partner and eligible dependent chil dren. Eligible children include natural children , legally adopted, stepchildren (rules apply) and children for whom you have court appointed guardianship or legal custody and who live with you permanently. For the purpose of the Dental and Optical Benefit, eligible dependent children are covered to the last day of the month of their 19th or up tc, 23rd birthday (full time student). For the Prescription Plan dependent children who were previously enrolled in the Optional Prescription Drug Rider will be covered until December 31 st of the year they reach the age of 19 or 23 years (full time student) or until they graduate .) HOME 212.964.7500 extension 1 233 Broadway Suite 1801, New York, NY 10279 REPORT OF A COMRO MEETING HELD ON MAY 9, 2012 On Wednesday, May 9, 2012, at 10:00 AM, Marshall Lawrence Abrams attended a Council of Municipal Retiree Organizations (COMRO) conference at 6 Harrison St., Manhattan. This year's budget includes $1.7B for health-care for retirees, with no reduction in health benefits or Medicare Part B reimbursements. We must keep in mind that health care benefits are not protected in the constitution as our pension benefits. For this year, we are safe. Social Security actuaries previously stated that the fund can meet 100% of payouts for the next 25 years. There would be enough for 75% of payouts after that. They have now reduced the tenn to 22 years - or the year 2034. It is the position of COMRO that benefits should not be reduced . Simply increasing the amount of income taxable for Social Security would keep "the payouts at 100% for many more decades. Hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking" , which involves pumping water and chemicals under pressure to crack rocks and get gas out of the wells created, was dis cussed. The chemicals used, which are highly toxic, having been causing severe problems. The water, which can contain radioactive elements, is then-ex-tr-aet ed, but in too many cases is not being disposed of prop erly. As a result, the poisons are become airborne caus ing severs health problems. The liquid is destroying water supplies both in underground wells and reser voirs . Some of the liquid and fumes coming up are flammable . COMRO requests that everyone in New York : call Gov. Cuomo each and every Monday, at 866 961-3208, to urge him to ban fracking. - Lawrence Abrams, Marshall Honorary Police Surgeon N.Y.C.P.D. Dr. Denise Vey Voda M.A.D.D.S. Dr. Robert West D.D.S. LOOK AT YOUR LABEL! Please look at your label on this newsletter. We will be discontinuing mail to members that are more than two years behind in dues payment. The label indicates the year you last paid dues. 123 South Street Oyster Bay, NY 11771 (516) 922-5730 Complimentary Gift on Bite Wing X-Rays Exam and Consultation ---------------------------1«t~---------------------------- rrfianl(~ou With sincere appreciation we salute the following members who have made donations over and above their annual dues. A~iSON RODNEY AD NA STEPHEN AHM bKATHERINE All N KENNETH AKER~N-JACQ MOIRA AL J,WAY THOMAS AL N EDWARD AND SON RUSSELL ANGELI EMILIO ANGELICO LOUIS ANGERHAuSER MICHAEL ARC.\\RI MICHAEL ARCHAMBAULT CHARLES AURICCHIO JOHN AZZI RI ROBERT BAGDZJ NAS ANDRIUS BAGGETTA FRANK BALDWIN BRYAN BARa CK MICHAEL BARCLoI'!Y JR DONALD BAR ES THOMAS BARQ CK MICHAEL BARR TT RICHARD B RRY ED BA SI FELICE BASSO NICK BATTI l AANTHONY BAUDI LE MICHAEL BAU~R WILLIAM BAVARO NICHOLAS BEC ANDREW BEC ER JOHN BENEDETTI ROLAND BENIN ENDO JOHN BENNETT BRIAN BEN N!:TT ROBERT BENS(i)N ROBERT BENSON JOSEPH BERRUTI ROBERT BERRY RANDALL BIONDO MICHAEL ROBERT BOEHM DAVID BONSIGNORE EDWARD BORMAN JAY BOSAK MICHAEL BOSHELL KEVIN BOYLE DONALD BRADLEY WILLIAM BRADY MICHAEL aRENNAN THOMAS BROOKS JOSEPH BROSNAN WILLIAM BROWN THERESA BROWN ERWIN BROWNE ROBERT BRUN ETTI STEPHEN BUATTI ST EPHAN BUDD DENNIS BUEBENDORFJAMES BURNS JOHN BURN S ST EPHEN BUSCEMI SALVATORE BUTLER APT 31 TURONE BUTTNER PATRICK BYRNES TIMOTHY BYRNES TIMOTHY SACCESE RICHARD CAFFERTY THOMAS CAIRO STEVEN CAMARDA SALVATORE CAMPBELL DONALD CANDA BENJAMIN CANTORE THOMAS CANTWELL JOHN CAPPELMANN JOHN CARAVELLO KATHLEEN CARBON E ROBE RT CARDAIO KERRY CARDAIO ARTHUR CAREY WILLIAM CARLEY JOSEPH CARLIN JAMES CARLO ANGEL CARLSEN BERNARD ~ARMICHAEL JAMES CARNEY THOMAS CARONE RALPH CARPEN ITO PHILLIP CARR TIMOTHY CARUSO ALEXANDER CASEY THOMAS CASSIDY STEPHEN CASTELLANO GUY CASTRO GERARD CAVOORIS THEODORE CERVELIN SHARON CHAMPAGNE NANCY CHERPAK ANDREW CHERUBIN JOE CHESTNUT RICARDO CHONG DAVID CHRISTIE ROBERT CIFUNI NICHOLAS CILENTI ANDREW CINO KENNETH CI RILLO DENNIS CLARK VERONICA CLARKE JOHN CLYNE LAWRENCE COFFARO ROBERT COHEN MICHAEL COLEMAN CHARLES COLLINS TERRENCE COLLINS PATRICK COLLINS DANIEL COMO ROBERT CONDIOTTIIRVING CONDOLFF EDWARD CONFORTI MICHAEL CONKLIN BOX H RONALD CONLON RICHARD CONNOLLY JOHN CONNOLLY WILLIAM CONNOLLY JOHN CONRY CAROL COOK KENNETH COOK JAMES COOLEY CATHERINE CORBIERE JR GEORGE CORSO WIlliAM CORTESE MICHAEL COSGROVE JAMES CRAIG KEVIN CROWE ROBERT CROWLEY JOHN CRUZANGEL CUNNINGHAM WILLIAM CURRAN JR JOHN CURTIN PETER CURTIN JOSEPH CUSICK VINCENT CUSSEN SEAN DAIDONE JR ANTHONY DALE O BRIAN DAMIANA FRANKLIN DANIELS REINALDO DARCY JOHN DATO STEPHEN DAVIN TIMOTHY DAVIS JAMES DAVIS BERNARD DAVI S WILLIAM DAVIS GRANVILLE DE CARLO JOSEPH DE GAETA JOSEPH DEANGELIS DANIEL DEBONA JOHN DEFINA BERN ICE DELANEY APT 5 JAMES DELAPP EDWARD DELGADO JOSEPH DELMONICO ROBERT DELROSARIO SAL DEMARTINIS LOUIS DEMEG LIO RAPHAEL DEMENT WILIAM DENTALE DINO DERIENZO DOMINICK DEVINE JAMES DEVOY ROBERT DIECIDUE PATRICK DIEGNAN JOHN DIETZ THEODORE DIMARCO ANDRE DIMINO SR MI CHAEL DIRESTO GLENN DISPENSA ADRIAN DOBBINS RAYMOND DOCU THOMAS DOHERTY GARRETT DOHERTY BRIAN DOHERTY EUGENE DOLAN EDWARD DONAGHER THOMAS DONAHOO STEVEN DONATO ROBERTO DONNELLY EUGENE DONOFRIO ROBERT DONOVAN EDWARD DONOWAN TIMOTHY DOOLEY JOAN DOUGHERTY EDWARD DOVIKEN ROBERT DOYLE ROB ERT DRISCOLL ROLAND DROGIN C:JNALD DUANE WILLIAM DUFRESNE RAYMOND DUNCAN ROBERT DUNCAN STEVEN DUNN MARTIN DUTRA RICHARD DUVAJOHN DWYER MICHAEL EBERT DAVID EGAN JOHN ENG ERNEST ESPOSITO RALPH FAGAN GARY FAJFER STEPHEN FARRELL JAMES EFENEY GERARD FEE RICK JOHN FENNELL PATRICK FERBER STEVEN FERGUSON BRIAN FERNANDEZ ALFRED FERRARA CHARLES FERRARA JOSEPH FERRARA JOHN FERRAZZOLI KELLY FICHTER JOHN FIESEL JOSEPH FINKELSTEIN NORMAN FINN JAMES FIORE JOSEPH FIORI LOUIS FISCHER DAVID FITZGERALD JOHN FITZGERALD EDWARD FITZGERALD JAMES FITZPAT RICK JAME S FLANAGAN ROBERT FLOOD PATRICK FLYNN DENNIS FOGARTY BRIAN FOGLIA BRUCE FOLEY BARTHOLOME FORNINO JOY FOWLER JOSEPH FOYJOHN FRANKEL JONAS FRANZ ROBERT FRAYNE MICHAEL FRIESE HERBERT GABELMAN JOHN GABRIELSEN KARL GALLAGHER STEPHEN FALLO JOHN GALLUCCI ROBERT GAMBA JOSEPH IMMITTI JOHN GAMBELLO JOHN INGUI ANTHONY GANNON JOHN INTERLICCHIO ALFRED GARCIA RALPH lORIS WILLIAM GARRY THOMAS JACOBS MURRAY GARVEY MICHAEL JANTZEN WILLIAM GASPERIN JOHN JARMAN-BROW MICHELE GAYNOR DAVID JEDLICKA BRUCE GEOGHEGAN ROBERT JENSEN JOSEPH GEORGIOU ARTHUR JENSEN KEVIN GERAGHTY MICHAEL JOHNSON JOHN GERRITY DAVID JOHNSON JAMES GERVASIO LOUIS JOHNSON BRUCE GIACOPPI SR MICHAEL JOHNSTON KENNETH GIAMMUSSO VINCENT JONES KENN ETH GIBBONS ROBERT JOYCE THOMAS GIBBONS PATRICK KALLASH ANAS GILCHRIST JOHN KAMINTZKY FRED GILLEN DAVID KAPLAN STEPHEN GOMEZ DONNA-MARIE KAPLOWITZ CARL GONZALEZ RODNEY KASZOVITZ JASON GOODRICH JOSEPH KATZ ROBERT GORMLEY PATRICK KEARNEY RONALD GRADY KEVIN KEHOE MATTHEW GRANT WILLIAM KELLEY HENRY GRANVILLE SR STROMME KELLY PAUL GRASSER DANIEL KELLY AUSTIN GREEN KEVIN KEOGH DENNIS GREGREY LENNY KIELY WILLIAM GROSSMAN STEVEN KIERNAN JOHN GUERIN- APT 2 GEORGE KILCULLEN KEVIN GUINA VINCENT KI LLEEN MI CHAEL GUTHRIE CHARLES - - ; (ILROY THOMAS HADDICAN EDWARD KIMPEL HENRY HAGGERTY RAYMOND KING THOMAS HALLAHAN GLEN KING ALFRED HALLINAN KEVIN KING ROBERT HANDA ROHIT HANISH MARTIN KING EDWARD KINGSBURY KENNETH HANNA WIlliAM HANNON JOHN KIRCHMEIER ROBERT HANRATTY FRANCIS KIRSCH ALAN HARNAN CHARLES KISLING ARNOLD KITSON WALTER HARRIGAN UNIT BERNARD KIVLEHAN DONALD HARRI S THOMAS KLEV RICHARD HARTIGAN THOMAS HASSAN CHRISTOPHER KOBELSKI FRANK HASSETT JOHN KONEKE ROBERT HENNESSEY DAVID KOOPMAN FRANCIS HERING PAUL KOPP JR JOHN HERMANCE WIlliAM KOZLI K DOUGLAS HERNANDEZ HECTOR KRAMER EDWARD HERNDON RI CHARD KRAMER ROBERT HILBERT THOMAS KRYGER ROBERT HOLDEN ROBERT KU BERSKI RICHARD HOLLOWAY STEPHEN KUNAK STEVEN HOLM ROBERT KUSHNER ABRAJA, HOLTZ PETER LA TOUR WILLIAM HOLUB PETER LABARBERA JOHN HOOVER RICHARD LAFEMINA THOMAS HORMAN FREDERICK LAIL STEPHEN HOWARD JR WILLIAM LAMBERT SUSAN HUBER EDWARD LAMBKIN JOHN HUDOR MICHAEL LAMSTER NORMAN HULLER THOMAS LANE JAMES HURLEY EDWARD LANG ANDREW HYLAND JAMES LASALA THOMAS HYMAN ROBERT LASKY LESLIE HYNDMAN PATRICK LAURICELLO PETER IGNERI PATRICK LEAVEY GEORGE IMBORNONI ROBERT LEICHT JAN LENNIHAN DOUGLAS LENNON GERARD LENNON JOHN LEONE STEVEN LESTER RICHARD LEVIN LAWRENCE LINDELL ROBERT LINDSAY MATTHEW LINKLETTER DAVID LONGO ROBERT LONGWORTH GREGORY LOYAL BERNARD LUCIANO ANTONIO LUNGARO ERNE ST LUONGO ALBERT LUTCHA STEVEN LYDON THOMAS LYKE JOHN LYNOTT DAVID LYONS FRANCIS LYTTLE JOHN MAGILL KEITH MAGLIONE DOMINIC MAHON PATRICK MAJOR GILBERT MALINOWSKI CHRISTO PHER MANCUSO DOMINICK MANDELBAU M STEVEN MANENTE RALPH MANNING CHRISTOPHER MANNIX THOMAS MANNONE JOHN MANTONE RICHARD MARACOTTA ERIC MARCH RICHARD MARCHESE JOSEPH MARCHIONE LOUIS MARGIOTTA PHILIP MARINO CHRISTINE MARTElli DAVID MARTIN FRANES MARTIN JAMES MARTORANO WILLIAM MARUCCI RALPH MASCIA MICHAEL MASON ROBERT MASON ROBERT MATERA MICHAEL MftllA DANIEL MftllARA ANTHONY MCCAFFREY OWEN MCCAFFREY THOMAS MCCANN RICHARD MCCARTHY EUGENE MCCARTHY WILLIAM MCCARTHY JOHN MCCARTHY PATRICK MCCAULEY HAROLD MCCRINK THOMAS MCDERMOTT EDWARD MCDONAGH JAMES MCELLIGOTT JAMES MCFEE JOHN MCGINN TIMOTHY MCGOLDRICK JAMES MCGOVERN MARK MCGOWAN MARTIN MCGRANAGHA MICHAEL CONnNUED... rrhantYou With sincere appreciation we salute the following members who ave made donations over and above their annual dues. MCGUI IlLiAM ICHAEl JEFFREY GERALD MEDIAVll JR JOSE MINOGU MOLE JOSEPH MOOREH P MATHIAS MORAN JOHN MORGIG~ ROBERT MORIAR WilLIAM MORRIS RANCIS MOYNI DENIS MUlLA~ MICHAEL MULLI THOMAS MUlLl ~THOMAS MULLI GAN JAMES MUlVIHl1ll PATRICK MUNDEjr. MARK MURPH'i IMOTHY MURPH! BRIAN MURPHY DENIS MURPHY EUGENE MURPHY JOHN MURRA ~ICERO MURRAY RAN CIS MURRA~' HOMAS MUSMACHr ROBERT MYLES ONALD NACCHI 0 1CARMINE NADEl! DAVI D NAPOLlT~ EUGENE NARDS I GINO NASTR@FRANK NEGRON BASILIO NELS <ll~ DREW NEVI LL JOHN NEWCO~RAYMOND NICHOL~pN BRIAN NICHOL ~N DANIEL NIEVE EVELYN NONNENM~ N GREGORY NORMO'l\Ii.£ WILLIAM NOVELl # JOSEPH NUNE S ~ CHAEl OATES~ ILLIAM OBRIE KEVIN OCCHIOGR0 SS ROBERT OCON ~IllRJAMES OCONN 'R JOANNE OCON~ RSEAN OCON R BRIGID OFLAH ERTY JAMES I OKEEFE JAMES OKEEFE VINCENT OMAllEY THOMAS ONEill THOMAS ORCHANIAN lEROY OROURKE KEVIN OROURKE WilLIAM OSHAUGHNESS JEREMIAH OSHEA MICHAEL OSTROMECKI WALTER OTERO JUAN OWENS BENJAMIN PACCIONE MICHAEL PAGANO JAMES PALLADINO LAWRENCE PANETTA DAVID PANICO ANDREW PANZElLA THOMAS PAPPAS MICHAEL PARLATO ALAN PARONICH RONALD PAROUlEK EDWARD PASCALE SAVE RIO PASSERO NICHOLAS PATARIU NICKY PENAJENERO PERINI BERNARD PETERS JOSEPH PETERSEN CHRISTINE PETRillO KENNETH PIACENTE TIMOTHY PICACARI PIEl SOSA PIGNATARO JOSEPH PINCUS RICHARD PLANAGAN CARL PLATT EDWARD PLUMB PRESTON POlLiNI JOSEPH POllOCK RALPH PRICE JEFFREY PRICE ROBERT PRUCHA WAYNE QUINN JOHN QUINN JAMES QUINN JOHN RAFFERTY JOHN RAMOS JESUS RAPESS APOSTLE RATH WilLIAM RAVELO ALBERTO RED DOCK BRUCE REEVES SCOTT REILLY MICHAEL REILLY JOHN REillY PATRICK REillY FRANCIS RESTIVO TIMOTHY REYNOLDS PATRICK RICCARDI JOHN RICHARDSON LAWRENCE RICHARDSON THOMAS RIEDY WilLIAM RilEY WilLIAM RIUO STEVEN ROBBINS GERALD RODGERS WilLIAM ROEDER JOHN ROSADO VICTOR ROSE RONALD ROSEllO KENNETH ROSENTHAL RICHARD ROSSI HELEN ROTH HENRY ROWAN THOMAS RUBINO ARTHIR RUOTOLO RONALD RYAN JAMES SALVATO JOSEPH SAM WARREN SANANGElO ROBERT SANDMAN RUSSEll SANTANGELO MICHAEL SATANIEllO ROBERT SANTIAGO DAVID SANTIAGO JOSEPH SARKUS PETER SAVAGE RICHARD SCANLON DANIEL SCEUSA PETER SCHEDElJOHN SCHICK JOHN SCHMUCKER SHARON SCHRUHl ROBERT SCHULTZ RAYMOND SCHULTZ STEVEN SCHULZE PAUL SCHUMANN WilLIAM SCHWACH ROBERT SEBRING JOHN SEERY THOMAS SEIDEL GRAHAM SEIDENSTEIN WilLIAM SEIDL CHARLES SEKUNDAARTHUR SERPICO JOSEPH SEVERIN RONALD SHAUGHNESSY ROBERT SHEDDEN STEPHEN SHERIDAN GERARD SHIELDS EUGENE SHINE JOHN SIALIANO FRANK SilVERMAN ANDREW SINGH MIT SITRO JR JOSEPH SKOLNIK JOHN SMARSCHJACQUELINE SMITH PETER SOBA GEORGE SOBOCIENSKI ROBERT SOLOFF ROBERT SOMRAJ BRIJNAND SONN PAUL SOPER WilLIAM SOTO RAUL SPEDDEN THOMAS SPINELLI MICHAEL STAINKAMP ROBERT STAMP GEORGE STAS WilLIAM STEGMAIER WilLIAM STEIN BARNARD STOKES THOMAS STOLLERMAN MARC STONE WALTER STRATOS ANDREW SULLIVAN JOHN SULLIVAN JOHN SULLIVAN DANIEL SWANSON ROBERT SZPICEK MITCHEll TAll MARTIN TANCREDI MICHAEL TARIQ AHMED TARPEY TERENCE TETI ANTHONY THOMPSON RONALD THOMPSON JAMES THOMSON SCOTT TIBAlDI GARY TIERNEY THOMAS TIERNEY JR DONALD TIETJEN GEORGE TORON MICHAEL TORRAlES WilLIAM TORRElLAS lOUIS TORRES HENRY TRABUCCO ANTHONY TRAPANI WILLIAM TREGLIA ROBERT TRIEF GEORGE TRINIDAD ROBERT TROEllER JOHN TUFFEY THOMAS TURCIC STEFANIE TUTHill lESlER UPTON RAYMOND UTSEY ROBERT VELEZ DAVID VERLIZZO ALFRED VERSACI BRIAN VERWOERT JOHN VIGNOLA MICHAEL VIRGILIO PETER VISOKY NEil VOlBERG PETER VOLINO MICHAEL WALSH JOHN WALSH JOHN WATERS WILLIAM WATTS EDWARD WATTS MARY WEINBAUM NATHAN WENDLER CHRISTOPH WEXLER RUBEN WHELAN WILLIAM WITHERSPOON GERALD WOJCIK STANLEY WOJNO RICHARD WOLF JOHN WOLFF JOSEPH WRIGHT JOHN WRYNN NANCY Ifo/YSZINSKI PAUL YEE DWIGHT YOUNG RICHARD YOUNG JAMES ZARRIFO ALFRED WAFONTE DAVID ZELNICK FRANK ZION JOHN THANK YOU! • George E. Hall 10/28/11 Abraham Zapson 11/14/11 George P. Smith 12/06/11 Robert E. Sussek 12/19/11 : :~ Dominick Derienzo 12/30/11 Martin Stern 1/1/11 Roderick J. Minogue 1/4/12 Edward D. Cerrone 1/16/12 Carl W. Cruicshank 1/18/12 Richard J. Kafka 1/23/12 Francis J. O'Connor 2/1/12 John P. Layden 2/1/12 Murray B. Liebenheim 2/2/12 John Lett 2/22/12 Robert A. Kirchmeier 2/25/12 Claude A. Henry 3/17/12 Walter J. Hopper 3/26/12 Frank M. Visconti 4/2/12 Paul F. Russell 3/30/12 Thomas J. Cassata 4/6/12 William J. Shannon 4/14/12 William Heffernan 3/16/12 Willard F. Whitney 4/30/12 REST IN PEACE :,~~ .;.': ~: POLICE ARLINGTON BURIAL SITE AT CYPRESS HILLS CEMETERY FINALLY GETTrNG ATTENTION On several occasions, over the years, I have written articles, in the RPA Newsletter, about the deteIiorating condition of this forgotten New York City Police buIi al ground, in an effort to generate interest of police retirees, in assisting the handful of police volunteers, who are attempting to restore it to its rightful dignified state. Recap: The Police Arlington or Police Gardens; as this buIial site is sometimes referred to, was established over 100 years ago, originally as a resting place for members of the Metropolitan Police Force - the pre decessor of the New York City Police Department. It was later utilized for buIial of New York City Police Officers . At one time it was reported to be an awe-inspiring place. A six foot tall bronze statue of a Metropolitan Police Officer in uniform, stood atop a pedestal. Massive plaques, also fashioned from bronze, with some in the shape of police shields, surrounded the pedestal. But, the Police Officer statue was stolen in the mid-1960 and th~ plaques suffered the same fate . They were never restored. Vandalism and neglect contributed to the deterioration and eventually the site was forgotten. At some point, the site was transferred to the New York City Police Honor Legion. They have not partic ipated in its restoration or the annual Memorial Service, recently organized by volunteer police sup porters. Lisa Colangelo, a Civil Service columnist for the NY Daily News, first brought attention to the Police Arlington burial site and its deteIiorating condition, in one of her columns in early 2009. Since then she has regularly wIitten about the site and the efforts of volunteers to restore some semblance of dignity to it. In her Civil Service column of February 21, 2012 (NY Daily News, Brooklyn Section) Lisa Colangelo reported that in early March, the NYPD Police Arlington Cypress Hills Garden Group, was created by several retired members of the NYCPD, dedicated to preserving this little-known piece of New York City Police Department history, is turning to E-mail and Facebook to get it:, message out, about the site and it's restoration effort. To secme this information, e-mail or check out Facebook page "NYPD Police Arlington Cypress Hills Gardens." Mentioned as being active in this effort are Joe Wolff, retired Lieutenant, NYPD, Dan Carlone, retired Deputy Inspector, NYPD, and Bobby Bell, retired Patrolman, NYPD . On Saturday, May 19, 2012, the Traffic Squad Benevolent Association will be holding the Police Arlington Remembrance at the Cypress Hills Cemetery. The PBA Canteen will be there, as well as reps from most line organizations. This is an officially recognized ceremony by the Police Department, so unifonn is authoIized for those acti ve members of the service. Invitation is extended to retirees, families, fIiends and members of the public. It will be a wonderful day to pay tribute and honor to those laid to rest in this hal lowed ground." - Ed Curran BEST WAY TO TRANSFER BROKERAGE ACCOUNTS What's the best way to transfer stocks, bonds and mutual funds from one broker to another? Let the new broker handle the-transfer of your assets. That broker will ask you to fill out and return a form with basic information, including how each account that you are transferring is owned-individually, jointly or as an IRA . You also will need to send a copy of the most recent statement from your old account. The process generally takes six to 10 working days. But you need to be careful about several details ... The new account should be set up as a mirror image of the old one. If the old one is a joint account, the new one must be joint as well. If you used your middle initial in the old account, use it in the new one. If the old account is an IRA, so must the new one be, and it must be the same kind of IRA. Discrepancies could require additional documents and slow down the transfer process. Any changes you want to make can be made after the new account is open. Make sure there are no "open positions" in your old account. If you have any open orders to buy or sell assets, cancel them or wait until they are complet ed before you begin the transfer. If you want to buy or sell before the transfer is likely to be complete, do it before you begin the process . You won't have access until the transfer is complete. G Make sure your new broker can handle all of your old assets. Not all brokers handle all mutual funds, for their passports and head to a foreign land. But more and more of them are becoming a different kind of tourist. instance. If your new broker doesn't deal in one of your The government estimates that 750,000 U.S. residents old mutual funds, you'll have to sell it before you initi this year will take part in what has become known as ate the transfer of accounts. medical tourism. The main reason - often the only rea Request a "full cost-basis history" for the old son - is to save money on medical ..,are. account from inception to date of tennination if this is The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says not available on the old firm's Web site. you should do extensive research on the hospitals and Keep tabs on dividends for at least six months. Any country where you're thinking of having a medical pro dividends or interest payments should be sent to your cedure to minimize these potential risks: new account. • If the health-care practitioners don't speak fluent Your old broker may charge a closing fee. Your new English or you don't speak the local language, misun broker probably will reimburse you if you ask before derstandings could arise about the care you ant. the transfer is made. If you are transferring an IRA • Medications may be of poor quality. account, the old custodian often will assess the annual • Infections from drug-resistant bacteria may be more IRA custodial fee, if applicable, at the time the account · widespread than in U.S. hospitals. is being prepared for transfer. . • The blood supply in some countrj~s may not be ade If you need to take a distribution or write a check, quately screened. do so several days prior to transferring your account so that there is time for the transaction to be completed. LEAVING THE COUNTRY FOR MEDICAL CARE Every spring and summer, millions of Americans grab