Texas Rose Steakhouse 2841 Perryton Pkwy 669-1009
Texas Rose Steakhouse 2841 Perryton Pkwy 669-1009
2012 Board of Directors Executive Board Members: Chairman: Christy Robinson Chairman Elect: David Hall Vice Chairman: Erica Guzman Budget Chairman: Heather Thompson Past Chairman: Bob Pendergraft Board Members: Jodi Allen Mac Smith Allison Watson Pam Dalton Debbie Heiser John Curry Alissha Jefferis Brett Watson Lindsey Been Kerrick Horton Lynn Hancock Shawn Boyd Steve Groomer 200 N. Ballard, Pampa, TX. 79065 admin@pampachamber.com We welcome you to stop by the Chamber offices and see our new look. We have done major updating with paint and furnishings provided by generous donors and local merchants. Even though we aren’t finished yet, we expect everything to be completed within the next couple of weeks with the installation of the awnings over both entrances and the re-framing of the past presidents to name a few remaining tasks. The lights on the front of the building are working and we have installed an additional light that will shine on the flags at night. Please offer a “Thank You” to the following donors of our project: Lilith Brainard Dona Cornutt Curtis Well Service Reed Echols Wesley Green Heard-Jones HealthMart Jane & Robert Jacobs JoAnn Jones M&H Leasing National Bank of Commerce Kim and Harold Price Pampa Regional Medical Center David Smith, CPA Top ‘O Texas Oilfield Services As well as to the following merchants and craftsmen: Brandon’s Flowers Debbie Davis Frank’s Hardware Johnson Home Furnishings Della Moyer Open Range Engineering Pampa Custom Framing Grady Rose Tom Short Sparrow’s Nest Joe Stephens Texas Furniture The Victorian Rose WalMart Betty Wilson Ex Officio: City of Pampa: Richard Morris Pampa Industrial Fdn: Dick Stowers Gray County: Judge Richard Peet Pampa EDC: Clay Rice Committee Chairs: Gold Coat President: Darville Orr Membership Chairman: Pat Mitchell Retail Chairman: Debbie Heiser Tourism Chairman: John Curry Pampa Young Professionals: Bryan Guymon Staff: Executive Director: Jane Steele Administrative Assistant: Lori Gyurnek Byrne Maintenance Tyrone Evans 806-669-3241 www.pampachamber.com And, thank you to Dr. Joe Donaldson, whose donation of three “Gold Medal Portfolios” from the Franklin Mint, featuring signed western and American art, has highlighted the beautiful furnishings and enriched the atmosphere of the Chamber. The Chamber offices represent Pampa and its citizens. If first appearance count, and I believe they do, our Chamber reflects the prosperity, energy and community spirit that exists in Pampa. We offer many thanks to Kim Price who worked to make this project a success. We couldn’t have done it without her leadership. Our Pampa community is full of generous, giving people. Thank you to each and every one. Hoagies Deli 1201 N Hobart 665-0292 Pampa Sleep Source 1203 N. Hobart #34 806-665-2528 Texas Rose Steakhouse 2841 Perryton Pkwy 669-1009 September 3 - Labor Day - Chamber will be closed September 3 - Pampa Fine Arts Association presents - Chautauqua - at Central Park Arts and Craft Exhibit and 5K Run/Walk September 7—Woody Guthrie Jam Night - 6:30pm All instruments welcome Dance - 9:00pm Featuring Gray County Line Band ($10 per person or $15 per couple) September 11—Diabetic Support - PRMC Hospital Cafeteria. 7pm. (2nd Tues of each month) September 18—Bariatric Support - PRMC Hospital Cafeteria. 7pm. (3rd Tues of each month) September 18—Chamber Luncheon - $10 per person. RSVP by Sept 17th(when rsvp’ing for multiple people, we need each name) Program - New Kids on the Block - main speaker, Dr. David Young PISD Superintendent Sponsor - M & H Leasing Caterer - Red River Steakhouse September 21—Woody Guthrie Jam Night - 6:30pm Acoustic instruments only September 25— Cancer Support Group - PRMC 2nd Floor Classroom. 6:30-8 pm. Led by Dietitian Cynthia Ackley. (4th Tues of each month) September 29—American Red Cross New Volunteer Orientation - 108 N. Russell - for more info call Molly Mabrey @ 669-7121 Month of September - Boy Scout Recruitment - Look for flyers from your son’s school for dates, times and locations or contact District Executive, Eric Byrne at eric.byrne@scouting.org Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 Labor Day 3 Chamber Closed 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 Executive Board 11:45 Pampa Young Professionals Noon @ Dixie’s Retail Committee 8:30am 17 18 19 20 21 22 Goldcoats Mtg/Luncheon Chamber Luncheon Noon 24 25 28 29 Chautauqua Central Park 9 10 16 23 30 Tourism Committee 4:00 Full Board 10:30 26 27 Pampa Chamber of Commerce 200 N. Ballard Pampa, TX 79065 NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE 1224 N. Hobart Pampa, TX 79065 (806) 665-0022 An office of First National Bank, Waupaca, WI Pampa/Gray County Crime Stoppers Up Coming Events September 18th Chamber Luncheon at noon Next Meeting Monday,, September 17th Noon at the Chamber