2 JUNE 2011 - Balwyn High School
2 JUNE 2011 - Balwyn High School
NUMBER 8 2 JUNE 2011 Principal: Assistant Principals: School Captains: Deborah Harman David Nichols Michael Kelly Karen Harris Sam Dimopoulos Isabelle Hau DHR’s Principal’s Perspective 2 June 2011 Jin Cai High School, Shanghai – Visit to Victoria May 21‐27 The visit by the Jin Cai School was hugely successful and it was with much appreciation and some sadness that the staff and students farewelled us on Friday. Over the course of the week Catherine Quan, teacher in charge, and the nine students experienced homestay with some of our families, excursions to Sovereign Hill including a meal in Lygon Street on our way back, Healesville Sanctuary, Scienceworks and Victoria Market before departing to Sydney for three days prior to their flight home. The students were at the school for three days undertaking an enquiry based learning task in the Xplore Centre around the question – ‘How liveable is Melbourne?’ and comparing citizens’ experiences here and in Shanghai. The three final presentations were videoed for them to take back to the Jin Cai School. At the formal Farewell function hosted by DEECD’s International Education Division and the Eastern Metropolitan Region one of these was presented to reflect the students’ learning over the week. The response by those in the audience was extremely positive especially given that it demanded strong second language skills as well as the incorporation of detailed research and technology. The Principal Team and supporting staff – Andy Corr, Jonathan Heard, Amanda Clarke, Dale Welch and Alison Heathcote – were extremely proud of the Jin Cai students and our own students who collaborated so well over the course of the week. It has been a marvellous experience for all involved and has prompted discussions around future exchanges between the two schools. Thank you again to our homestay hosts – Zoe McNeice, Emma Roney, Joel Walmsley, Luke Singleton, Andrew Longo and Vincent Lau and to Rachel de Jong, Georgia Smith, Gerry Markesinis and Tim Mallis for supporting the students throughout their memorable time at BHS. 2 JUNE 2011 Espressivo, Eastern Metropolitan Region Youth Concert 2011 Following the farewell function for Jin Cai we moved onto the Youth Concert where many of our wonderful students were participating. It is was a thoroughly enjoyable evening and we were extremely proud of our student performers who de‐ lighted the large audience. Congratulations to the following students and thank you to Rick Freeman, Paul Jones, Carolyn Ondaatje and Alex Woliansky for their support. Symphonic Band: Xavier Watson, Jason Song, Carl He, Daniel Li VCE Music Performance Ensemble: (Teacher ‐ Rick Freeman) Alastair Cooper‐Golec, Freya Miller, Benjamin Lee, Holly Wang, Rob Hillman, Eliza Sdraulig, Sam Chee, Ning Shen, Xavier Watson, Alex Kwong Solo – Allegro from Cello Concerto by D. Kabalevski, Accompanist – Rick Freeman Alex Kwong Symphony Orchestra Samuel Brydon, Gabrielle Castelluccio, Samuel Chee, Vivian Chung, Frank Cirnigliaro, Peter Divitcos, Rob Hillman, Alex Kwong, Lynette Law, Benjamin Lee, Amy Leong, Haoyi Li, Josie Liu, Yerina Ma, Timothy Mallis, Aaron Ny, Jane Ny, Larissa Ng, Christine Pape, Winnie Pei, Alicia Puah, Alanna Scaramella, Eliza Sdraulig, Yi Tung, Harry Wang, Holly Want, Julian Wat‐ son VCE Premier’s Awards Ceremony 2011 On Monday 30 May I attended a ceremony at Melbourne Convention Centre with Tim Natoli, Denise Chan, Daniel Pham and Raelene Curwood to see Sam Di‐ mopolous, Rachel Bailes, Esther Lausbert and Janice Tang awarded VCE Premier’s Awards for their outstanding achievement in different areas of study in 2010. Student Rachel Bailes Sam Dimopolous Esther Lausberg Janice (Ka Yi) Tang Study Philosophy Economics (as a Year 11 student) IT: Software Development (as a Year 11 student) Food and Technology We congratulate all staff who contributed to the success of these four students over their time at Balwyn High School. Congratulations Chris Greig – JUA Innovation Award 2011 At last week’s Business Manager’s Conference Chris was awarded the prestigious JUA Innovation Award for 2011. Her project was an Induction Package/Program for Education Support staff transi‐ tioning into Balwyn High School. We have implemented a highly effective Teacher Induction Program over recent years but this project will now provide similar support to our non‐teaching staff. As Busi‐ ness Manager of BHS Chris oversees a significant annual budget and other financial and organisational responsibilities and I congratulate her on this well‐deserved recognition. As part of the award Chris will receive a $5000 grant to pursue further professional development. Deborah Harman Principal 2 2 JUNE 2011 Snapshots School Sport Victoria’s Australian Football Team Ambrose Willet‐Fatnowna (Year 9) has been selected in the 15 years and Under Metropolitan Team to play in the ACT in July. This selection represents a terrific achievement and we offer him our congratulations and best wishes for the compe‐ tition. Southern Cross Cultural Exchange Ian Liyanage (Year 10) has been selected by SCCE to participate in a student exchange program to France for 10 weeks beginning in November 2011. He will live with a host family and attend the local school. Congratulations Ian and best wishes for a fulfilling experience. Assistant Principals Report During the course of last year, the Education Policy sub‐committee of the School Council reviewed the use of mp3 player and mobile phones at school. After exhaustive discussions it was decided to retain the current policy although the sub‐ committee will continue to investigate how such devices can be used for educative purposes. In general, students are not permitted to bring mp3 players and the like to school. However, in some cases, it is recognised that work for projects/assignments and SACs can be efficiently stored on these devices and assist in completing work in subjects like media. Where this occurs, an mp3 player can be used when under teacher supervision. mp3 players are not permitted to be used in any other circumstances at school. Should incorrect usage of an mp3 player occur, it will be confis‐ cated. Students are not permitted to use mobile phones for any purpose, anywhere while at school. Students may use a tele‐ phone in the relevant level office to make a call should an emergency arise and likewise important messages may be left for students at the level office. Students caught using a mobile phone anytime/anywhere at school will have the phone confiscated and will require a parent to collect it. If a further breach of this rule occurs, the student may be suspended. For safety reasons, students should not use mp3 players or mobile phones on the way to and from school. Your cooperation with adherence to the above rules is appreciated. Semester 1 Student Co‐Curricular Reports All students are to complete their co curricular report for Semester 1, 2011. While gaining academic success at school is very important, it is recognised that participation in a wide range of school based activities contributes to the develop‐ ment of the individual, the team and aligns with the vision and values of Balwyn High School. The purpose of the co cur‐ ricular report is to reflect your involvement in co curricular school based programs throughout this semester. Please note the following procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Go to www.balwynhs.vic.edu.au Select Compass from the left hand column Login using your Balwyn High School account Once you have logged in select the Cocurricular link from the Organise menu Select only the activities you have participated in at Balwyn High School during semester 1, 2011. (Place each ac‐ tivity in a new box). You should retain evidence of your participation in these activities. A separate co‐curricular report will be completed in October which will outline your semester 2 co‐curricular participation. Then click the “Submit my Activities” button. You are able to login to this page and change your activities up until the close date. Co‐Curricular Reports will be issued with your Semester 1 report. 6. 7. 8. This process is only for semester 1. Instructions on completing the semester 2 co‐curricular report will be distributed in October. The online closing date is 8.00 pm, 27 June, 2011. David Nichols, Michael Kelly and Karen Harris Assistant Principals 3 2 JUNE 2011 Senior School Report Change of subjects for Unit 2 A small number of students may wish to change subjects for Unit 2. This would be only for exceptional reasons. Students have been notified of the process and proforma that will need to be completed. Students will need to see Ms Manning and Mr Hobbs in person on Thursday 9 June, the final day of the examination period, in order to apply for a change of study. There is no guarantee that all changes can be implemented. Year 10 Work Experience All Year 10 students will be participating in Work Experience during the last two weeks of this term. Students should have completed the specific paperwork required by Mr Ward who spoke in detail about Work Experience at last week’s level assembly. Students are encouraged to get in touch with their workplaces prior to starting the placement and should plan any special transport needed to get to the workplace as well as dress appropriately for their role. We wish students well as they embark on this experience and know they will be fantastic ambassadors for our school. My thanks to Mr Ward and his team who spent many hours in ensuring the success of this excellent program. Examinations Semester one examinations for students in Years 10 and 11 have commenced this week on Wednesday 1 June and will run until Thursday 9 June. Unit 3 examinations and the GAT (General Achievement Test) will be held in week 8, from Tuesday 14 June to Thursday 16 June. Letters regarding the examination period arrangements have been given out to students over the last two weeks at level assemblies. It is important that students and parents have a clear idea of the attendance expectations and special arrange‐ ments for the examination period. Students completing Unit 3 examinations have received an individual exam timetable. All students competing Year 10 and 11 examinations have been emailed the exam timetable. This timetable is also avail‐ able through the parent portal. We hope that students have been thinking ahead to these assessments and making arrangements for a study and revision program. Most teachers will talk to classes about revision techniques for their particular subject. If you are inexperienced in good study habits, it is worthwhile considering some different approaches. We all learn in different ways! Our memories re‐ spond in various ways and I have suggested these techniques to students in the past: Posting notes around your room Making up acronyms or acrostics to memorise information or approaches Colour coding information Reading information aloud Using graphic organisers such as concept maps, flow charts, tables Using physical movements to aid in memory Repeated writing out of points Making cue cards with short pieces of information on them We wish our students well during the examination period and hope that their efforts will be rewarded accordingly. Virginia Mitchell Director of Senior School 4 2 JUNE 2011 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools – Mathematics The international Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Mathematics testing is an initiative of the Educational Testing Centre of the University of New South Wales and provides an opportunity for students to gain a measure of their own achievement in an external assessment situation. The one hour competition will be held on Tuesday 16 August and all students from Years 7 to 11 are invited to participate. All competitors will receive a certificate and an individual results letter. Students in Years 7 to 11 have been emailed an entry form and additional entry forms and school envelopes can be ob‐ tained from the E18 Mathematics office. Interested students should return the entry form together with the entry fee of $8 in a school envelope to the general office by 4 pm on Friday 24 June. Andrew Mark Director of Mathematics and Numeracy ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) NEWS: YEAR 11 ESL EXAMINATION REVISION LECTURE As part of the Year 11 ESL Examination Revision, ESL students attended an Examination Revision Lecture on Wednesday May 25 at lunch time in Xplore organised and presented by Eleni Kane. Stu‐ dents were given an overview of the specific re‐ quirements of the examination as well as a practice exam activity on Using Language to Persuade with a sample response as a guide. It was very pleasing to see the large number of the ESL student cohort in attendance (about 55 out of our 67 Year 11 ESL students). Eleni Kane Head of ESL & Head of Languages 5 2 JUNE 2011 VICTORIAN FOOD DESIGN CHALLENGE Recently Home Economics Victoria conducted the Food Design Challenge, an innovative recipe competition for students. Year 10 students studying Food Technology at Balwyn High were required to complete the challenge as part of their major assessment task during semester one. This challenge required students to: • Design a sweet or savoury risotto using a base recipe from ‘Cookery the Australian Way’ • Prepare a Food Order for all the ingredients and specialist equipment required • Produce their risotto at school in a limited amount of time • Plate, present and photograph their risotto Evaluate their time management, food prepara‐ tion techniques and the quality of the final product There were an enormous number of entries, of a very high standard from students across the state from Prep to Year 12. I am delighted to announce that the winner of the third prize in the Year 9‐10 division of the 2011 Food Design Challenge was Millie Ivanov and Tess Moran of Year 10. Congratulations to both girls for an excellent Food De‐ sign. Millie and Tess created a delicious Mediterranean Risotto with fresh rosemary, grilled lamb, sweet roasted vegetables and creamy goat’s cheese. Both girls received prizes including their own copy of Cookery the Australian Way and the school received new equipment to utilise during practical classes. Well done to Millie and Tess and all the other year 10 Food Technology students who created fantastic sweet and savoury dishes. Keep Cooking! Miss Fanariotis (Head of Food Technology) 6 2 JUNE 2011 What’s up in ALPs? During Week 1, Mr. Gin’s 7D Mathematics class finished performing role plays based upon the topic, Percentage. Role play fosters creativity, collaboration and co‐operation. Performance of understanding in mathematics need not be limited to written tasks. Students were peer‐assessed in the areas of Creativity, Mathematical Content, and Performance. All of the five‐minute role plays were outstanding; however I could not have envisaged being transported to a mock courtroom, the set of a current affairs program, or to witness parents patiently tutoring their child, all within the space of less than one period! Each role play made excellent use of the open classroom space in the DeZign building, in order to illustrate motion and changes in time. 8D and Mr. Heard are currently undertaking a unit on humour in English. A major factor in writing successfully is identify‐ ing the intended audience and purpose for the text, and writing specifically to these. In addition to identifying and analys‐ ing various genres of humour such as slapstick, exaggeration, gross out and irony, the students have been given the task of writing a humorous short story about a character with a phobia, for an intended audience of primary school‐aged children. To assist in this task, the 8D students have visited Balwyn North Primary School to conduct ‘market research’ surveys of the grade 5/6 students about what they find funny. This information will be taken back into English classes, analysed and then applied to their short story writing. Once the short stories are written, they will be sent over to the primary school, where the 5/6 students will create illustrations for the stories, including a front cover. At the conclusion of the term, the 8D students will re‐visit the primary school to read out their stories to the 5/6 students and to receive their stories’ illus‐ trations. 9M and Mr. Curigliano recently completed their English study of Sidney Lumet's classic debut film, 12 Angry Men (1957). Their summative assessment involved writing a series of journal entries from the perspective of a juror. Students were randomly allocated to a juror, and they were then required to write the entries that their juror was (theoretically) keeping during the trial before the deliberations started. This task provided a means by which the students could examine a par‐ ticular character in depth, and establish creative new links between the character, their behaviour and the events and interactions within the film. The following are the thoughts of some of the class: I found while working on this assignment that getting into character was quite difficult. I would try and work the trial into my writing but also found that I had trouble keeping to the character while doing this. Overall I found the assignment quite fun. Making up little things and 'trying' to get into character. It was a good mix of fact that was already given and being creative that it wasn't too strenuous, making it enjoyable. ‐ Jess I definitely have enjoyed this assignment, as all of my assignments so far are ones from a third‐ person perspective instead of stepping into a person's shoes and writing what they feel about an event. When I first knew about the assignment, I felt really excited to do it. It was challenging in that anachronisms had to be avoided, as well as trying to imitate someone else's thoughts, which is defi‐ nitely hard to achieve. ‐ Whitney I enjoyed being able to use creativity in order to describe what Juror 10 thought about the trial and all the other people surrounding him. It provided more freedom as to what I was allowed to write instead of just following a specific topic. ‐ Sara I thought that the 12 Angry Men Assignment was really interesting and was a good way to analyse the character. I found it challenging to try and make the entries as accurate to the character as pos‐ sible but this was also the enjoyable part because we could be a little bit creative with our writing. I liked the fact that we wrote from the character's point of view rather than writing a paragraph on the information we already know about them. ‐ Maia 7 2 JUNE 2011 8 2 JUNE 2011 MUSIC NEWS Over the last two weeks the music area has been busy with once again with many exciting events happening! EMR CONCERT THURSDAY MAY 26/” EXPRESSIVO” Congratulations to the Senior Strings,VCE Performance class, Alex Kwong and to Xavier Watson, Daniel Li, Carl He and Jason Song ( who performed in the Symphonic Band) for their outstanding performances at the regional concert at the Melbourne Conven‐ tion Centre last week. The feedback has been excellent and these students are to be congratulated on their outstanding perform‐ ances. Thank you to Rick Freeman and Paul Jones for their work in preparing the students for this performance. EMR SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL AMEB PRACTICAL EXAMINATION FORMS The AMEB examination forms are due by June 24. Instrumental students need to have the forms signed by their instru‐ mental teacher before the forms can be processed. The forms all need to be into the accounts office by June 24. African Drumming Workshop On Monday May 23 the Year 7 students were treated to a fan‐ tastic workshop on African Drumming. The students gained information about the African culture, the range of instruments and they also performed and played drums in the workshop. This workshop ties in with the Year 7 curriculum unit on Music of Other Cultures. Today we had the best experience; we were visited by an African drumming group called ‘Salaka’, which means sharing in African. The members of the group were from Ghana. They wore colourful traditional clothes that stood out on the stage. We learnt that all the African drums have different names, no African drums are called bongoes they had more interesting names like Jembi or sa‐sa. We learnt that the drums were very important tools in African villages. They were used to warn people about storms and fires. They were used as bells in school grounds and used as phones/contacting people. Each dif‐ ferent beat represented different feelings and expressions. They performed little performances to show what all instru‐ ments sounded like and then put them all together. They taught us to sing some traditional songs while they were playing their instruments and showed us some traditional dances that looked so funny. They even called up kids and teach‐ ers to dance along. And boy they were funny! We were then told that there was a surprise under our chairs so we all looked under our chairs and we found African drums, we were actually allowed to play along. So we all started playing along with the band Salaka. It was the best experience I have had in Balwyn high so far. Yianni Palios 7J MUSICAL PRODUCTION/ FAME The rehearsals are well underway and the cast and band are now working together. The show promises to be an exciting, energetic production which is to be staged in August. The tickets for the production will be on sale very soon…watch the website for further details! LOVE NEVER DIES/Year 8 Musical Theatre excursion The Year 8 students studying music this semester with be attending the musical production of Love Never Dies on June 8 .This is an excellent opportunity for the students to watch a live musical performance as part of the Year 8 curriculum Music Theatre unit. We look forward to hearing more about this excursion in the next newsletter. 9 2 JUNE 2011 OPERA EXCURSION/ MIKADO On Tuesday 17th of May, a group of 11 students from year 7‐12 went to the Arts Centre to see the final dress rehearsal performance of Opera Australia’s production of The Mikado. Accompanied by Ms. Gilkison and Ms. McGillen we caught the tram into the city and arrived at the Arts Centre ready for a unique experience. Only one student in our group had seen an opera before. This production of The Mikado was a two‐act modernised version of the Gilbert and Sullivan classic with some hilarious musical num‐ bers and acts. We laughed along with the rest of the audience as Ko‐Ko, Nanky‐Poo and Yum‐Yum sang and danced their way through the story of love and tradition set in the fictional Japanese village of Titipu. It was a great experience and heaps of fun! Thank you also to Mrs Nisbet who organised the tickets for us. Jessie Baik 7K Bernadette Clayton Director of Music C ALENDAR O F E VENTS For further updates go to www.balwynhs.vic.edu.au Wednesday 1st June –Wednesday 8th June Year 10 & 11 Exams Friday 3rd June Division Cross country Monday 6th June Boys Netball Thursday 9th June Year 8 Round Robin Monday 13th June Queen’s Birthday Tuesday 14th June—Thursday 16th June VCE Exams Friday 17th June Report Writing Day Monday 20th June –Friday 1st July Year 10 work Experience Wednesday 22nd June Year 7 Round robin Friday 24th June Regional Cross Country Tuesday 28th June Junior Girls Football Friday 1st July Last Day Term 2 10 2 JUNE 2011 Parents Association News The Parents Association Trivia Night, the major fundraiser for the year, was held last Saturday night. It was a tremendous success socially as well as financially. About 140 parents, teachers, students and friends of the school joined in the keen competition and games during the night. The ‘wear a hat’ theme was popular with a wide range of exotic headwear being worn. In excess of $5000 dollars was raised through sale of tickets, games, auction and a silent auction. Many people need to be thanked ‐ those who helped plan, set up, clear away and to those who came and spent their money. The following people spent several hours on Saturday afternoon preparing: David Nichols, Debbie McLennan, Louise Tavlian, Sarah Tav‐ lian, James Tavlian, Meagan Aginfort, Aggie Ryan, Teresa Lam, Theodoor Steeman, Michael Gorman, Kim Gorman, Nadia Aggoon, Niranjan Ramijee , Graham Hobbs, Heather Hobbs. Special thanks to Debbie McLennan, Louise Tavlian, David Nichols and Josie Millard and the SRC. These people contributed an enormous amount of time and effort beforehand to ensure the success of the evening. All agreed that the new MC Peter Kos and his son Matthew did an excellent job. We are also very grateful to all those businesses who so generously donated their goods and/or services as prizes and auction items. Please take a moment to browse the list of donors at the end of this edition of The Lion. 11 2 JUNE 2011 12 2 JUNE 2011 13 2 JUNE 2011 SPORT TALK SENIOR SCHOOL BOYS AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL VENUE: TEMPLESTOWE RESERVE DATE: 17/5/11 TEAM MEMBERS: X.TROY, O.RAMADAN , Z.IVANOV, M.FONG, N.LIN , G.ABOU‐AFECH , L.WANG T.SHEEHAN , H.DONNELLAN , D.YOUNG, M.ABOU‐AFECH , S.PERKINS , G.THORBECKE, D.STORACI, J.KING, A. KNUDSEN, D.PROKSA, Assistants ‐ J.PELL, M.TROY. The late withdrawal due to injury and academic commitments of 8 players saw an undermanned team competing in the senior boys round robin. Despite these obstacles the team battled well and won easily against Camberwell High B, but were defeated in a close contest with Kew High. Fatigue was evident in their losses to Camberwell A and Doncaster High. For the year 12 students it was a disappointing end to their involvement in school footy, however the year 11 student s can be confident with the addition of some talented year 10 students that 2012 may be a successful year . MVP – Daniel Storaci in each game was consistently hard at the ball, full of run. His second effort chasing and tackling pro‐ vided a benchmark to his teammates throughout the day. Mr Hobbs 14 2 JUNE 2011 Year 7 Interschool Tennis, Division Wednesday 30th March Year 7 Girls On Wednesday the 30th of March, seven year 7 girls competed in the Interschool Division Tennis Competition down at the Boroondara Tennis Centre. It was a great day with both the ‘A’ team and the ‘B’ team convincingly winning in their divi‐ sions. All of the girls put in a great effort at training and it was pleasing to see such great results. We look forward to working with the A team towards the end of the year when they com‐ pete in Regionals. Congratulations girls! Lily Porceddu and Erica McNeice, Student Coaches Our Year 7 ‘A’ Girls Team Winners with Coach Erica McNeice Year 7 Boys On the Wednesday morning the ground was a bit wet from previous night's rain, yet the Balwyn teams were out on the courts early, having a hit. Once the other teams arrived the competition began. Our 'A' team started very well in the open‐ ing round against Kew High, and won 5 sets ‐ only dropping 2 games. Loc Nguyen was very impressive, winning 6‐0. Our 'C' team was unfortunate as they had to play our Balwyn 'B' team in the first round, and was outplayed. The second and final round our first A's player Ozan was up against a very good player from Cam‐ berwell. He was 5‐1 down, but it was too late for a Our Year 7 ‘A’ Boys Team Winners and their comeback, but still ended 6‐ 4, saving 3 crucial games. This was helpful because we ended up winning by 3 games as Camberwell and Bal‐ wyn were on 2 sets a piece. The 'B' and 'C' team both had very convincing rounds, winning 6‐0 nearly every set against Camberwell B, C, and D teams. Balwyn 'B' and Camberwell 'B' had some disagreements over a couple of calls, but congratulations to Michael Yap and Daniel Trkujla who fought it out. Balwyn went home with all Year 7 Boys ‘B’ Team Winners the flags, but unfortunately the 'C' team was placed in the same draw as our B's and finished second. Congratulations to all that played, as the Balwyn A's go through to Regionals in November! Year 7 Boys ‘C’ Team – great participation guys! Year 7 Girls ‘B’ Team Winners with their Student Coach! Roy Mao and Aaron Chung, Student Coaches 15 2 JUNE 2011 CAMPAIGN AGAINST CHILDHOOD DROWNINGS A global campaign against child drowning has begun with a meeting of delegates in Vietnam recently. Statistics have shown that the number one cause of death for young Asian children is drowning. It is considered a hidden epidemic, and one that is highly preventable. AusAid and the Department of Foreign Affairs have provided funding for swim schools and other related projects in Thai‐ land, Vietnam and Bangladesh. The programs are concerned with educating children in the areas of survival swimming, swimming and rescue. Educating communities about supervision and the provision of barriers to prevent drowning are also considered. At Balwyn High School all Year Seven students complete a week long swimming program in November that is consistent with the above campaign. It too is concerned with water safe education and provides a valuable introduction to water safe education for our students. “Aussie crawl could save hundreds of thousands of Asian children” was printed in The Age newspaper on Thursday May 19, 2011 WHO ARE YOU BECOMING??? I have always been a bit of a petrol head. My early childhood memories are of going for a ride in the sidecar of my Godfathers 1927 Indian motorcycle. I can remember the sound and the feelings of being sat in this old machine, no helmet and my thruppence worth of chips (wrapped in news‐ paper) as we rode around the streets of Hawthorn. Since then I have always been fascinated by motorbikes, the first bike I ever rode solo was a 1971 sl70 along the banks of the Yarra River, since then I have ridden and owned a number of different motorbikes. Four years ago I thought it was time for a project bike so I scoured the internet, magazines and wreckers to find just the right bike for just the right price. Eventually I found a 1981 Suzuki GS1000g, and it was perfect and just the sort of bike I had wanted for some time. The fact that it didn’t have a seat didn’t start or run and had buffalo grass growing in and through the engine did little to dampen my enthusiasm. You see to me it was perfect, I knew that parts for this bike are still available both on eBay and through Suzuki. Today is it in perfect condition and shining, or even running, no it is in pieces in my workshop, but some parts have been sandblasted and repainted. The engine has been fully stripped and cleaned (and is in the process of being reassembled). Slowly it is starting to look like a motorbike again. There is a saying about beauty being in the eye of the beholder. To some people my bike would have sounded like a piece of junk; rusty, broken and lifeless. But to me, I was looking at a classic representing (in my opinion) the best touring bike Suzuki built. There are times in life when we feel rusty, we feel as though the shine of life has gone. At different times life is full of joy and other times it not so happy. Sometimes we can look at ourselves and not be happy with what we see, and yet we are not finished yet we are still becoming what we going to become. Like my bike at the moment, it is looking better but still not complete; it is changing as I slowly restore it. Think of this, your true value is in who you are, and who you are becoming. Don’t hold on to the rust that clogs life with negativity. One of my favourite Quotes from CS Lewis is “There are far, far better things ahead, than any we leave be‐ hind”. Roy Hamer School Chaplain PS. I have 4 motorbikes, 1 I ride, 1 I’m restoring (GS1000g) and 2 others that have future aspirations of new life. 16 2 JUNE 2011 2XHBOOKSTORE will be CLOSED for WEEKS 4, 5, 6, 7 (17th May – 7th June) OF TERM 2 (re-open 14 June) During my absence queries may be made to Mrs Pieters in the Middle School Secretary Office. If she has time she may be able to assist in simple requests. Verna Woods (secondhandbooks@balwynhs.vic.edu.au) 17 2 JUNE 2011 18 2 JUNE 2011 BALWYN HIGH SCHOOL CHAPLAINCY 2XHB (SECOND HAND BOOKS) Balwyn High School Café Weekly Special Menu New Location: F16 Below the McGrail Theatre Tuesdays 11:00‐12:00pm Please go to the Balwyn High School website (Parents → School Books) to download the following information: 1. ALL CURRENT BOOKS AT THE START OF 2011 2. SELLER SHEET (if depositing books) 3. GENERAL INFORMATION BROCHURE Note: Books new to school in 2011 are NOT available until end of 2011 (unless owner changes subjects or leaves school.) QUERIES Verna Woods: 9836 0163 or 0408 534 307 vernawoods@ekit.com secondhandbooks@balwynhs.vic.edu.au Volunteers needed!! BALWYN HIGH SCHOOL CHAPLAINCY SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP Volunteers needed!! Location: Canteen Thursdays 3:15 ‐ 4:30pm Winter uniforms are now available Due to the introduction of the new logo in 2007, we will no longer be accepting any uniform items with the old logo. If you wish to update your blazer for sale, it can be fitted with a new logo pocket at Bob Stewart's Please remember if you are bringing in clothes for sale, all items must be washed or dry‐cleaned For more information contact Andrea Vorlicek: 0408 178 341 19 2 JUNE 2011 Balwyn High School Café Weekly Special Menu Week 6th June to 10th June 2011 Week 13th June to 17th June Monday Monday Honey Mustard Chicken and Rice Southern Fried Chicken, Mash and Gravy Flame Grilled Meat Balls and Mash Shepherds Pie Tuesday Tuesday Barbecue Sausages and Mash with Peas Beef Pasties and Mash Beef Stir Fry Chicken, Leek and Bacon Casserole and Rice Wednesday Wednesday Country Chicken and Vegetable Pie Roast Pork and Vegetables Lasagne Potato Pancakes and Bolognaise Thursday Thursday Pork Ribs in Plumb Sauce and Rice Sweet Chilli Tuna Patties and Rice Savoury Mince and Macaroni Sausage Casserole and Mash Friday Friday Teriyaki Beef Noodles Sweet and Sour Chicken with Rice Hawaiian Chicken Parmagiana and Vegetables Crumbed Garlic Cheese & Beef Balls with Veg Price per portion : Small $3.50 / Large $5.00 Price per portion : Small $3.50 / Large $5.00 Also available daily are a variety of freshly made sandwiches, rolls and wraps, salads and fresh fruit. 20 2 JUNE 2011 ‘Days You Can Rely On’ SET MENUS FOR BREAKFAST/RECESS/LUNCH Does not include our daily special lunch meals Monday Breakfast Toasted Egg & Bacon Rolls Variety - Toasted Sandwiches Choc/Banana Muffins Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Toasted Egg and Bacon Rolls Toasted Egg and Bacon Rolls Toasted Egg and Bacon Rolls Toasted Egg and Bacon Rolls Variety - Toasted Sandwiches Variety - Toasted Sandwiches Variety - Toasted Sandwiches Variety - Toasted Sandwiches Apple/Cinnamon Orange/Poppy Triple Choc Choc/Berry Scones Recess Scones Hash Browns Fried Rice Potato Wedges Hash Browns Potato Bites Nachos Chicken Drumettes Pizza - Meat lovers - Americana Garlic Bread Garlic Bread Sweet Crepes Hash Browns Pastizzi Fried Rice Chicken Drumettes Dim Sims Pizza - Meat lovers - Americana Dim Sims Chicken Tenders Mini Frank Rolls Pastizzi Sweet Crepes Dim Sims Singapore Noodles Mini Frank Rolls Pastry Wheels Chicken Tenders Pastry Puffs Sushi Mini Apple Pies Lunch Friday Salad Pastry Wheels Sushi Pastry Puffs Mini Apple Pies Falafel Wraps Mac Cheese Falafel Wraps Souvlaki Wraps Zucchini Potato Fritters Chicken Parma Wraps Zucchini Potato Fritters Jacket Potatoes Fish Cakes Jacket Potatoes Fish & Wedges Mac Cheese Fish & Chips (With Tomato or Tartar Sauce) Assortment Pies Falafel Wraps NB: All menu items are ‘Go for Your Life’ Compliant 21
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