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Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector Environmental Sustainability Assessment of an Innovative Process for partial Dealcoholization of Wines Rubén Aldaco1,*, Nazely Diban1, María Margallo1, Albert Barceló2, Inmaculada Ortiz1, Angel Irabien1 1 Departamento de Ingenierías Química y Biomolecular, Universidad de Cantabria, Avda. de los Castros s/n 39005, Santander, Spain. VITEC Parc tecnològic del vi. Carretera de Porrera, km.1 43730 Falset (Tarragona). Corresponding author. E-mail: 2 ABSTRACT Global warming, viticulture progress and customer demand in aromatic wines have led to an international production of more and more alcoholized wines. More and more wine consumers complain about these high alcohol wines that are getting too heavy and strong to drink. Besides, this increase of alcohol content in wine is maybe not negligible from the viewpoints of individual alcohol intake and harmful effects of alcohol on health and behavior. The quest for techniques for wine partial dealcoholization allowing minimal aroma compound losses is yet currently ongoing. The currently most used techniques applicable at industrial scale are Reverse Osmosis and Spinning Cone Column. Both processes present high energy consumption and the sensory quality spoilage has not been overcome yet. Therefore, the main drawback of these technologies is the high energy consumption required, either to create vacuum conditions and slightly increase the working temperature or to pressurize the system. In order to reduce energy consumption, partial dealcoholization by Evaporative Pertraction (EP) technology is presented in this work as adequate technology to reduce energy consumption, and therefore, to reduce environmental impacts related to the dealcoholization process. In order to state the environmental benefits of obtaining the dealcoholized wines by the ecoinnovative process, the evaluation of the environmental impacts is necessary. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach has been used in order to assess the environmental performance of the dealcoholized wines. Keywords: Dealcoholization, Membrane contactors, Wine, Environmental Sustainability 1. Introduction Wine is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks in the world. Mediterranean countries have a widespread culture of wine, being France, Italy and Spain the most important producers of this beverage in the world (Doering 2004). Quality of wine is a key issue for the wine makers. Great effort is being done in optimizing the production of specific aromas and flavors (i.e. cherry, chocolate, vanilla), and minimize the formation of non-desired flavors (i.e. wet dog, plastic, rotten egg) (López et al. 2007). According to the European Commission (EC) regulations, wine is defined as an alcoholic beverage resulting from fermentation of grapes or grape must with ethanol content higher than 8.5% v/v (Commission Regulation, 2009). Generally, the wines are composed of 10–15% v/v alcohol, sugars, proteins, antioxidant agents and vitamins. Alcoholic content has a strong impact on the quality of the wine affecting acidity, astringency and volatility of aroma compounds (Mermelstein 2000), altering the organoleptic properties of the product. The degree of ripeness of the grape conferring the optimum flavor characteristic matches normally the highest sugar content, and the resulting alcohol concentration. Therefore, a small adjustment in the alcohol content between 1 and 2% is currently and recently one of the most important objectives for the wine industry. Nowadays, some methods to produce low alcohol-content wines or to adjust the ethanol content are employed by many wine makers in particular in the United States, for instance, spinning cone column (SCC) (Makarytchev 2004) and reverse osmosis (RO) (Ferrari 1991). Nevertheless, RO leads to a wine concentration (water and ethanol transfer through the RO membrane) which requires diluting further with water issued from wine itself. Though SCC is performed at mild operation temperatures (26–35 °C), this operation takes place in two steps: a first stage of aroma recovery and a second stage of ethanol removal. After ethanol separation, the aromatic fraction is added back to the wine, what results in a long and expensive operation. Other technologies such as adsorption on zeolites and supercritical fluid extraction are being studied in the literature as possible alternatives to reduce the alcoholic content in beverages. Membrane technologies such as vacuum distillation, pervaporation and dialysis are also proposed to dealcoholize wine. A membrane-based technology known as evaporative pertraction (EP), also named as osmotic distillation, shows promising results (Diban, el al. 2008) for partial dealcoholization of wine. During the EP process the feed phase (wine) is circulated through a hydrophobic hollow fiber membrane contactor while a second phase/stripping phase (water) flows through the other side of the membrane inside the hollow fiber contactor. 21 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector The partial pressure difference of the volatile components e.g. ethanol, between both phases creates the driving force of the process. The main advantages of the technology are: (i) the process can be conducted at room temperature, (ii) low energy consumption (no pressurization of the system is required) and (iii) a cheap and nonhazardous extractant, water, is normally used as stripping phase. The application of EP to get high dealcoholization degrees (> 2%, v/v) causes great sensory modifications on the wine. However, recently, the European Union (EU) regulation has fixed the maximum permitted dealcoholization level at 2% (v/v) (Commission Regulation 2009) for partially dealcoholized wines. Different red wine varieties partially dealcoholized (2%v/v) by EP were found to present an acceptable impact on the sensory properties (Diban et al. 2008). Moreover, the application of membrane contactors to the partial wine dealcoholization did not change significantly the presence of some of the main phenolic compounds and the color and total and volatile acidity of different red wine varieties studied (Gambuti et al. 2011). In order to state the environmental benefits of obtaining the dealcoholized wine by the ecoinnovative process, the evaluation of the environmental impacts by the reference and by the alternative process is essential. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a powerful tool used for assessing the environmental performance of a product, process, or activity that helps in identifying clean and sustainable alternatives in the process design activity. LCA also allows analysis at the different stages of the product life cycle. The present study focuses on the application of LCA for the evaluation of the dealcoholized wines by the different processes. NATURAL RESORCES Energy, water and materials Environmental burdens “cradle to gate” Energy, water and materials Environmental burdens PRODUCTION “gate to gate” Dealcoholized wine Ethanol/Water END OF LIFE “gate to grave” Environmental burdens System limits considered in this work Figure 1. LCA for the environmental performance of dealcoholized wine using the reference and the alternative processes. 2. Methods 2.1. Goal and Scope The main objective of the work is to quantify the environmental impacts of the conventional dealcoholization process (RO and SCC) and to evaluate the environmental benefits and drawbacks of EP process. The scope of the assessment was based on the “cradle to grave” life cycle of a product and entailed resources usage and environmental impacts (Figure 1). The LCA started with the “cradle to gate” step where the natural resources water, energy, and materials needed for the manufacture of the resources used in the process were con22 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector sidered. The “gate to gate” step included traditional or the eco-innovative dealcoholization processes. The LCA ended with the “gate to grave” step that consisted of the transfer of the ethanol stream to valorization process or discharge. 2.2. Functional Unit In this work, the functional unit (FU) was related to the dealcoholized wine, which is objective of the process under evaluation, the dealcoholization process. In order to compare the environmental performance of the traditional and eco-innovative process, the “cradle to grave” LCA of the different manufacture processes must be referred to the same quantity of the final product. The cubic meter of dealcoholized product was established as the most appropriate unit to describe the FU considering the available data. All the emission, consumption of materials, water, and energy during the scenarios are referred to this FU. 2.3. Description of Systems under Study. In this work has been considered tree scenarios. Figure 1 illustrates the boundaries of the three scenarios under study. Scenario 1: Evaporative pertraction (EP) The evaporative pertraction (EP), also called osmotic distillation, is a membrane technology less energy demanding than Spinning Cone Column (SCC) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) as it operates at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure. The gas transfer of volatile components (e.g. ethanol) is promoted from aqueous solutions through a micro-porous membrane. The wine is circulated through a hydrophobic hollow fiber membrane contactor while a second phase/stripping phase (water) flows through the other side of the membrane inside the hollow fiber contactor. The partial pressure difference of the components, between both phases creates the driving force of the process and permits the ethanol transfer. It has been determined that working under optimum operational conditions could minimize aroma compound losses below 20% during partial wine dealcoholization by EP. Therefore, the low energy consumption accompanied by the acceptable impact on sensory properties of wine make EP a promising technique to remove ethanol from wine at industrial scale (Diban et al., 2013, Lisanti et al., 2012 and Diban et al., 2008). Scenario 2: Reverse osmosis (RO) RO is the most used membrane separation process in wine industry for wine dealcoholization. However, the RO membranes allow the permeation of water and ethanol with high operation pressures (60 to 80 bar) which, in addition to considerable energy consumption, brings possible changes of the organoleptic properties of wine (Gonçalves et al., 2013). Two streams are obtained from the original wine: one of permeate containing water and ethanol, and one of retentate with the dealcoholized wine. The wine is slightly heated before the entrance to the membrane module from approximately 15ºC (wine storage temperature) to a temperature of 22-25ºC in order to facilitate the ethanol flux. The decrease in volume resulting from permeation is compensated by adding a large amount of water to the retentate. In this scenario, the water addition has been considered as an external income to simplify the calculations. Scenario 3: Spinning Cone Column (SCC) SCC is a two-stage distillation process used industrially for the production of wine with less 1% v/v of ethanol. In the first stage, the aroma compounds are removed at high vacuum conditions (0.04 atm), low temperature (26-28ºC) and collected in a high strength ethanol stream that represents approximately one percent of the original wine volume. The second stage in which ethanol is removed from the base wine is conducted at higher temperatures, usually around 38ºC. After ethanol reduction, the aroma fraction is added to the dealcoholized base wine. A number of ancillary devices are required for the SCC; heat exchangers to warm the product feed to operating temperatures, pumps and condensers to collect the gaseous vapor and collect the removed fraction. Therefore, this means a high capital outlay and operating costs (Belisario-Sánchez et al. 2009). 23 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector Figure 2. Flow diagrams of the “gate to gate” and “gate to grave” steps of the LCA: Scenario 1-Evaporative Pertraction (EP), Scenario 2-Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Scenario 3- Spinning Cone Column (SCC). Table 1 collects a comparison of estimative energy and water consumption and the type of waste stream generated by the tree technologies (EP, RO and SCC). The waste generated in SCC is a stream rich in ethanol (<80%) that is usually valorized in waste to energy plants. The waste streams in RO and EP are poor amounts of ethanol (3-4%) that should be possible to recovery by distillation and pervaporation processes. However, these processes have low yields and high energy consumption, so the valorization process it is not technically and economically possible. The limits of BOD and COD established by the Spanish regulations for waste waters allow their discharge to the municipal sewage network. 24 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector 2.4 Allocation The total emissions and consumptions associated with dealcoholization process has been allocated to the wine stream. Additionally, waste incineration as valorisation process in the SCC process involves waste treatment and energy production, providing to the system an additional function. This situation was handled through system expansion. In this study the electric power mix of Spain included in the ELCD-PE GaBi database was selected as the technology in the system expansion (PE International 2011). 2.5. Life Cycle Inventory The life cycle inventory (LCI) was developed using the data given by the dealcoholization unit supplier (AMTA, Alfa Laval), literature, regulation, ELCD-PE database (PE International. GaBi 4.4 Software and Databases for Life Cycle Assessment), chemical analysis, or was estimated by the authors using stoichiometric calculations. Further, Ecoinvent ELCD-PE database were mainly used for building the “cradle to gate” inventory. Table 1 encompasses the energy, water, and materials required in the scenarios, and Table 3 lists the generated outcome in the LCA steps. Table 1. Comparison of estimative energy consumption, additional raw materials and waste generation between Scenario 1 (EP), scenario 2 (RO) and scenario 3 (SCC). Dealcoholization process Scenario 1 (EP) Energy consumption Wine pump, water pump (<1 KWh/m3) Raw materials Water 0.5 m3/m3 Waste generation Water stream with ethanol (<4% v/v) discharge Scenario 2 (RO Wine pump, heat exchanger (approx. 1 KWh/m3 for water desalination) (AMTA) Water 0.1 m3/m3 (Labanda et al., 2009) Ethanol and water mixture (3.0-1.5% v/v) discharge SCC Vacuum pumps, heat exchangers, condensers (120 KWh/m3) (Alfa Laval) Ethanol stream (80% v/v) valorization 2.6. Life Cycle Impact Assessment Most LCA studies apply the conventional impact assessment methods, such as CML 2001 (Guinée et al. 2001), EDIP 97 (Wenzel et al. 1997), or Eco-indicator 99 (Goedkoop et al. 2000). These methods use a set of metrics, which in some cases is hard to understand and makes difficult process comparison (Margallo 2014). In this sense, the use of novel indicators that reduce the LCA complexity and assist the decision making process, will improve the compression of LCA results. In this regard, this work propose a technical way to carry out the environmental sustainability assessment (ESA) of dealcoholization process based on a LCA approach using two main variables: natural resources sustainability (NRS) and environmental burdens sustainability (EBS) (Figure 3). NRS includes the consumption of the final useful resources, such as energy, materials, and water for the considered process and/or product. Land as a NR is currently excluded (Margallo et al. 2014). EBS is given by the environmental sustainability metrics developed by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE). This set of indicators can be used to measure the environmental sustainability performance of an operating unit, providing a balanced view of the environmental impact of inputs (resource usage), and outputs (emissions, effluents, and waste) (IChemE 2002). In relation to the outputs, a set of environmental impacts to the atmosphere, aquatic media, and land was chosen. The environmental burden (EB) approach was used to estimate and quantify the potential environmental impacts (Garcia et al. 2013). In particular, the environmental impacts were classified in 12 variables grouped into the release to each environmental compartment: air, water, and land. These environmental impact categories chosen are a sub-set of those used internationally in environmental management, selected to focus on areas where the activities of process industry are most significant. 25 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector Figure 3. Life Cycle Impact Assessment methodology based on Natural Resources (NRS) and Environmental Burdens (EBS). However, as natural resources (NR) and environmental burdens (EB) are rarely normalized, a normalization procedure is proposed. The normalization of EB is based on the threshold values of the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register E-PRTR (E-PRTR Regulation 2006) leading to normalized variables, and a similar procedure based on the values given by Guide of Best Available Techniques of wine production (MTD Vi and Cava 2011) for the NR normalization. The E-PRTR regulation establishes the contaminants for which the European installations must provide notification to the authorities along with the threshold values of those pollutants. The threshold values can be used as an important aid in the normalization process because they provide an overview of the environmental performance of the installation at a European level (Margallo et al. 2014). This normalization procedure reduces the complexity and allows the decision maker to track the progress towards environmental sustainability and to clarify the optimization procedure at least for the environmental pillar. As illustrated in Figure 1, the LCA considered the use of primary resources energy, water, and materials for obtaining the raw materials needed in the process or “gate to gate” cycle. This step generated some environmental burdens (EBs) caused by the substance upon the receiving environment. Further, the use of the resources needed in the process produced new EBs. The “gate to grave” step refers to the waste stream transfer to end of life process and also produced EBs, which refers to the discharge or energetic valorization. In this step, no materials as natural resources were considered. EBs for emissions to air and to water were estimated using GaBi 4.4. Related to the outputs, a set of environmental impacts to the atmosphere and aquatic media was chosen. The EBs approach was used to estimate and quantify the potential environmental impacts. The EB caused by the emission of a range of substance was calculated by adding the weighted emission of each substance. The weighting factor of the impact is known as the potency factor. In particular, the environmental impacts were classified into atmospheric and aquatic impacts. The EBs for emission to air were divided into atmospheric acidification (AA), global warming (GW), human health (carcinogenic) effects (HHE), stratospheric ozone depletion (SOD), and photochemical ozone (smog) formation (POF). The EBs for emission to water were defined by the aquatic oxygen demand (AOD), ecotoxicity to aquatic life (metals to seawater) (MEco), ecotoxicity to aquatic life (other substances) (NMEco), and eutrophication (Eutroph). The environmental sustainability indicators used in this study had different units depending on the environmental impact. In order to compare the EBs to air and water, the threshold values stated in the European regulation EC No 166/2006 for the main contributors to the environmental impacts were considered as weighting factors to obtain dimensionless impacts indicators. Table 2 shows threshold values from E-PRTR for Normalization and Impact Weighting purposes (Azapagic and Clift 1999, Regulation EC No 166/2006). 26 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector Table 2. Threshold Values from E-PRTR for Normalization and Impact Weighting purposes AA (Kge SO2) GW (Kge CO2) HHE (Kge benzene) POF (Kge Ethylene) SOD (Kge CFC-11) Threshold Value (kg/year) 150000 100 million 1000 1000 1 AOD (Kge H+) Meco (Kge Cu) NMEco (Kge formaldehyde) Eutroph (Kge phosphate) 50000 50 50 5000 Environmental Burden (EB) EB to air EB to water No. of substances 6 23 52 100 60 14 11 18 8 Abbrev: AA, atmospheric acidification; AOD, aquatic oxygen demand; EB, environmental burden; Eutroph, eutrophication; GW, global warming; HHE, human health effects; MEco, ecotoxicity to aquatic life (metals to seawater); NMEco, ecotoxicity to aquatic life (other substances); POF, photochemical ozone (smog) formation; SOD, stratospheric ozone depletion. 3. Results and discussion The majority of the materials and energy used in scenario 1 (EP) are needed in the “cradle to gate” step to obtain water and primary energy: 100% of the materials and 64.7% of the energy as can be seem in Table 3. The energy used in the “gate to grave” step is neglected. Further, 78.0% of the water demand happens during the “cradle to gate” step. The “gate to gate” contributes to 20.0% of the water usage, mainly as second phase/stripping phase. It is important to note that the water footprint was out of the scope of this work, and only the use of natural resources has been considered when comparing the dealcoholization processes. Similar results has been obtained in scenario 2 (RO), where the natural resources to obtain water and primary energy (100% of the materials and 86.6% of the energy) has been mainly used in the life cycle or the process. Table 3. Natural Resources Usage (NRS) in Scenario 1 (EP), Scenario 2 (RO), and Scenario 3 (SCC). Energy Water Materials Basalt Bauxite Bentonite Clay Copper ore (0.14%) Gypsum (natural gypsum) Heavy spar (BaSO4) Inert rock Iron ore (56-86%) Lead - zinc ore (4.6%-0.6%) Limestone (calcium carbonate) Magnesium chloride leach (40%) Natural Aggregate Quartz sand (silica sand; silicon dioxide) Sodium chloride (rock salt) Soil Zinc - copper ore (4.07%-2.59%) Zinc - lead - copper ore (12%-3%-2%) Air Carbon dioxide Energy Water Materials Energy Water Materials “cradle to gate” units EP (MJ) 7.76 (kg) 1.95 (kg) 14.16 1.90E-05 7.00E-03 7.31E-05 2.99E-05 4.56E-04 1.33E-05 1.80E-04 1.06E+00 3.00E-03 4.38E-04 4.21E-02 4.88E-03 7.49E-03 1.28E-01 6.51E-03 4.27E-02 2.14E-04 4.96E-05 1.29E+01 1.54E-02 “gate to gate” units EP (MJ) 3.60 (kg) 0.5 (kg) “gate to grave” units EP (MJ) 0.40 (kg) 0.15 (kg) - 27 RO 12.30 1.85 7.34 1.00E-05 1.41E-03 7.50E-05 4.33E-05 2.58E-04 2.21E-05 1.81E-04 1.76E+00 7.34E-04 1.00E-04 1.21E-02 1.14E-03 4.98E-03 2.55E-02 1.31E-03 9.24E-03 5.53E-05 1.73E-05 5.52E+00 3.02E-02 RO SCC 432 - RO SCC -2,394.5 - 1.80 0.1 - 0.11 0.03 - SCC 1,433 195 601 8.32E-04 9.72E-04 8.06E-03 4.97E-03 2.22E-02 2.60E-03 1.93E-02 2.06E+02 1.78E-02 1.68E-03 4.85E-01 2.23E-02 4.64E-01 2.69E-03 1.09E-03 9.34E-02 1.67E-03 9.84E-04 3.93E+02 3.61E+00 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector As can be seem in Table 3, energy in the “gate to grave” step of the scenario 3 (SCC) is negative related to the valorization process of the waste stream to energy. It is possible to check that scenario 3 (SCC) has a greater impact on energy consumption in the gate to gate step than RO and EP, but lacks of the necessity of any additional raw material, while RO and EP needs to supply water to perform the alcohol adjustment. Energy consumption appears as a key factor in the wine dealcoholization process. In this sense, energetic impact is environmental friendly when energetic valorization of the waste stream is possible. AA 1000 Eutroph GW 100 10 1 NMEco HHE 0 MEco POF AOD SOD (a) “cradle to gate” and “gate to gate” AA 10 0 Eutroph GW -10 -20 -30 -40 NMEco HHE -50 -60 MEco POF AOD SOD (b) “cradle to gate”, “gate to gate” and “gate to grave” a) “gate to grave” Scenario 1 (EP) Scenario 2 (RO) Scenario 3 (SCC) Figure 4. Weighted and normalized environmental impacts (EBS) of Scenario 1 (EP), Scenario 2 (RO), and Scenario 3 (SCC). The weighted and normalized environmental impacts referred to the E-PRTR threshold are shown in Figure 4. Figure 4 (a) shows the environmental impact considering “cradle to gate” and “gate to gate” steps. From figure 4 (a) it is possible to check that the total environmental impact of scenario 1 (EP) is similar to scenario 2 (RO). However, the environmental impact of scenario 3 (SCC) increased significantly. The environmental impact to water and to air were mainly based on the contribution of the energy consumption of SCC technology. 28 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector From Figure 4 (b) it is possible to note that, when the valorization process of the water/ethanol stream is considered, environmental impacts of the scenario 3 (SCC) are drastically reduced. However, the actual energy valorization of ethanol should account on an additional evaporation of water that has not been considered in the present scenario. This should be further analyzed. According to this, AA, GW and POF impacts decrease about 130%. The environmental impacts of the scenario 3 (SCC) are negative, which is related to the avoided burdens on the generation of energy in the valorization process of the waste stream. 5. Conclusion The LCA assessment of the dealcoholization practices demonstrated that the environmental profile of the “cradle to gate”, “gate to gate”, and “gate to grave” steps are directly related and that the “cradle to gate” and “gate to grave” (when valorization process in considered) steps of the scenarios contributed significantly more to the environmental impacts than the “gate to gate” step. The production of primary energy has the most important contribution to the environmental impact of the scenarios. In this work, the reduction of the environmental impact of the partial dealcoholization of wines was obtained by reducing energy consumption. However, other measures may be implemented to the “cradle to gate” and “gate to grave” in order to further reduce the environmental impact of the overall LCA of the EP process. These measures may consist of some valorization process, avoiding the discharge of the waste stream. This work concludes that the eco-innovative dealcoholization EP process is positive in terms of resource usage and EB. Finally, this work shows that future research should focus on evaluating the economic and social costs related to the eco-innovative dealcoholization process, in order to assess the sustainability of the process. 6. References Alfa Laval. Spinning Cone Column data sheet:, last accessed April 2014. AMTA America’s Authority in Membrane Treatment:, last accessed April 2014. Azapagic A, Clift R (1999) Allocation of environmental burdens in co-product systems: Product-related burdens (Part 1). Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 4 (6): 357-369. 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