4th Quarter 2008 - Jersey Shore Chamber of Commerce


4th Quarter 2008 - Jersey Shore Chamber of Commerce
Thurs. Feb 5, 2009
Thurs. Feb 12, 2009
SMCC 30th Anniversary Party at Spring Lake Manor- Host and Music Sponsor the
Spring Lake Manor, 415 State Route 71, Spring Lake; 5:30 – 7:30 pm. $30 for members
and $40 for non members. Price includes music, light fare and 2 drinks. We will be
honoring our SMCC members with 25+ years. Gift Sponsors: Promo Focus and All
Points Vacations. Please RSVP to the Chamber office at 732-280-8800; email
info@smcconline.org or register online at our event signup link.
Speed Networking with Belmar Chamber of Commerce – Location: 507 Main, 507 Main
Street, Belmar; 5:30 – 7:30 pm. $25 for participants and $20 for spectators. Price
includes networking before and after our timed speed networking event as well as light
fare and 1 drink. You will have the opportunity to network one-on-one with as many
participants as time allows. Contact the SMCC to RSVP 732-280-8800 or email
Tues. Feb 17, 2009
GMM Breakfast at Doolan’s – 8:30 – 10:00 – Sponsor: Chris Ruisi – The Coach’s Zone.
Speaker: Vince Capozzi of One on One Financial. Topic: How to Select & Value
Individual Stocks for Investments. Cost: $20 members in advance; $25 members at the
door and prospective members.
Thurs Feb 26, 2009
FREE TAX SEMINAR – Join the SMCC along with Brick and Howell Chambers for
this informative panel of experts that will be on hand to answer all of you tax questions.
Location: Sun National Bank, 2440 Highway 34, Wall, NJ (across from the Shop
Rite on Route 34) – 8:30 – 10:00 am. A continental breakfast will be served.
Editors: Evelyn Mars; Kelly Vostal –
Financial Advisor & Sarah Downey – JT
Lane Corporate Gifts
Winter 2008: Volume 24, Number 4
Message From the President
Dear Members,
I am very honored and privileged to serve another term as the President of the Southern
Monmouth Chamber of Commerce. I am so proud to be in this position again and I see it as
my continued opportunity to make an impact on both our area and on the surrounding areas
as well.
The past year had been filled with many accomplishments that I was extremely honored
to be a part of. From increased attendance at most of our functions to literally just missing
our goal of 100 new members (we had 99!) it has been quite the year for the SMCC!!!
During the 4th quarter of 2008, we set forth initiatives to take this wavering economy and
turn it into something good for our members to continue to be a part of our Chamber. Many
of you took advantage of the opportunity that we offered and it just shows the commitment
and support that we have within our membership.
We will continue to increase our benefits to our members by offering many opportunities
to network, learn about different business objectives and build relationships. One of the most
important things about SMCC is that we genuinely care for each and every member and will
do our best to make sure that you receive the most out of your participation with the
This year will be a big challenge as we continue to trudge through a time of economic
uncertainty. I have set forth goals that I want to accomplish for the Chamber and would like
to share them with you:
•Steadily grow our membership by showing our prospective members the many
benefits and opportunities that come with being a part of the SMCC.
•Develop no cost programs and seminars to provide to our members so they
may continue to succeed within their businesses.
Post Office Box 1305
Wall, NJ 07719-1305
2510 Belmar Blvd. · Unit 1-20
Wall NJ 07719
•Assure that the Chamber remains a tool for all members to utilize and to ensure
that all products and services we provide are helpful for positive growth.
•Continue to provide an open, friendly, and positive atmosphere at all times.
In addition to the aforementioned goals, I would also like to let you know that the SMCC
will have an ongoing collection for the Monmouth County Food Bank at all of our events in
2009 and our office will be a donation drop-off point as well. It’s just another way to help
our community during these challenging times.
On behalf of myself, the Board of Directors and Executive Staff, I want to thank you for
your continued support of the Southern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce.
Here’s to a healthy and successful 2009!
Kindest regards,
Phone: 732-280-8800 · Fax: 732-280-8505 · info@smcconline.org · www.SMCConline.org
Post Office Box 1305 · Wall, NJ 07719-1305 · 2510 Belmar Blvd. · Unit 1-20 · Wall NJ 07719
Phone: 732-280-8800 · Fax: 732-280-8505 · info@smcconline.org · www.SMCConline.org
Dana Gangemi
WayComm Consulting
SMCC President
Kristine Zulewski
Manasquan Savings Bank
SMCC 1st Vice President
Jim Dallas
SMCC 2nd Vice President
Jack Costello
Chadwick Financial Group
SMCC Treasurer
Joe Stroin
HarborPoint Bancard Corp.
Past President
Evelyn Mars
SMCC Executive Director
Shanna Polignone
Administrative Assistant
Mary Kay Sales Director
Kathie Adams
Manasquan Savings Bank
Peg Berry
Nancy Conte
Crossroads Realty
Dr. Dan Donofrio
Christine Gray
Commerce Bank
Bernie Marciniak
The UPS Store
Vickie Pekarchik
1st Financial Federal Credit Union
Rich Shaklee
McLaughlin Gelson, LLC
John Spottke
C & A Financial
Linda Talbot
Central Jersey Bank
Monmouth Council, Boy Scouts of America
Celebrates Scouting’s 99th Anniversary
During February 2009 the Monmouth Council, Boy Scouts of America, will be celebrating the Boy Scouts of
America’s 99th Anniversary. Since it’s inception in 1910 the Boy Scouts of America has stood for service to youth and
families, and a proud tradition of participating citizenship, character development and community service. Over 100
million young people have been a part of Scouting and currently there are over 2.7 million Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and
Venture Scouts. As part of the 99th Anniversary many special events are planned, including Scouting Anniversary
Week, February 1-7, Pinewood Derby Races, Eagle Courts of Honor, Blue and Gold Banquets and Town Council
proclamations. Special activities this year include the “Wear Your Uniform to School Day” on February 4th where all
Scouts are encouraged to show their Scouting pride in school and a Scouting Themed “Window Display Contest” to
show off Scouting’s presence in every community in Monmouth County.
The Monmouth Council serves over 7,000 youth in all age ranges including young women in the co-ed Venturing
and Exploring programs, and has over 2,800 men and women serving as dedicated volunteer leaders. The Council
also owns and operates two year- round camping facilities, Quail Hill Scout Reservation, Manalapan, NJ, and
Forestburg Scout Reservation, Forestburgh, NY. Over 150 Scouts attained the rank of Eagle Scout in 2008 and
will be honored at the upcoming Annual Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner. For more information about the
Monmouth Council, Boy Scouts of America, please call the Scout Service Center at 732-536-2347 or
visit the Council website at www.monmouthbsa.org.
Insurance Company Approved
Free Pick up & Delivery
Kathy (k) Parker
Director of Operators
732-363-1759 Fax
Other Locations:
Point Pleasant
Corporate Headquarters:
First Street & Monmouth Ave.
Lakewood, NJ 08701
ADVERTISE ON www.SMCConline.org!
The Southern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce web site was
recently redesigned by inVisual New Media Design. The new
Chamber site is full of important information about upcoming
Chamber events, news and town information. There is a complete
member directory where businesses can be located alphabetically or
by category. We are offering all of our members exclusive
advertising opportunities on the web site. The business listings were
created using the information the Chamber had on file and include
business name, contact information, address, phone, fax, email, web
address, hours and a general description. If you would like to update
your listing or inquire about the many advertising opportunities
available on the web site, contact Rachel at Rachel@invisual.us.
Also, contact us for all of your advertising opportunities.
Rate Sheet:
Southern Monmouth Chamber of
Commerce Website (Smcconline.org)
**Generating over 100,000 hits a year
For the Year:
$250: Banner Ad
$350: Sponsorship
$600: Menu Page
$650: Jump Screen, only one per business
category. Available! Act fast!
$50 for two weeks Front Page Ad
**All graphic design is included in price if
Also available: One-time fee
$80: Logo or picture upgrade added to
your business listing
For more detailed info visit
www.southernmonmouthchamber.com/advertise.asp $100: Logo and picture added to your
business listing
The Southern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce was honored to join Santa Claus in an early
visit to some of Southern Monmouth’s most deserving children. Santa arrived to hand deliver the
teddy bears which were donated by the SMCC’s generous members at their Annual Holiday
Gala. Santa’s sled landed at the Growing Tree Day Care where he
visited with each classroom to sit and speak with the children,
making sure they all went to bed early on Christmas Eve and didn’t
leave too many cookies since Santa’s sled was getting very heavy!
Santa then continued on to spend some time with the children at the
Jersey Shore University Medical Center. Stopping in each room
Santa found only smiling faces on the excited children. Each bear
was specially selected to bring joy to each child and Santa’s mission
surely was completed. A special thank you goes to Nicole from the
Growing Tree and to Ann Marie Conte from Jersey Shore University
Medical Center for being our guides for the day.
Authored by Shanna N. Polignone,
Sales Director, Mary Kay Cosmetics
Advice for the College Bound
I usually write for the high school student and his or her family, but as values shift and we all see things differently
now, many adults are considering a return to school for career change, graduate study or personal enrichment. So, these
thoughts are for the student in your life, whether that is your child or yourself.
The following advice is based on current insights and trends in higher education.
• Think outside the box. There are approximately 3,600 colleges in the U.S. Most students consider schools that
are familiar, either nearby or known through a relative. Though we are fortunate to live in the Northeast where
many of the best schools are located, they are also the most expensive and competitive. So do not limit your
choices. Open to new possibilities. At least consider schools outside of the area. Apply to them. See what kind
of financial aid you are offered. You do not have to attend. Just be open.
Think way outside the box. Some students are going abroad to save money and get invaluable international
experience. This is not study abroad, but goes to a college abroad. For example, St. Andrews in Scotland, where
Prince Harry attended, now has 1,230 American students compared to only 200 American students about a
decade ago. Universities from New Zealand, South Korea, Germany, Ireland, Canada and Britain are now
regulars at college fairs, actively recruiting U.S. students.
Don’t take our state schools for granted. Applications are increasing dramatically at state schools. A recent
study found that half of parents are limiting children’s college choices to public institutions and more than half
are considering in-state public colleges. We are, indeed, fortunate; to have high quality public institutions of
higher education in New Jersey, but the average student will find it harder to be admitted as stronger students
apply as back up. In other words, many students who are applying to top tier private universities are also
applying to state schools as back up which will affect admission standards.
Don’t turn down your dreams, just because of the economy. Almost every student attending college is eligible
for some of the $80 billion available from the U.S. Department of Education.
Dee Anderson, M.A. is an educational consultant in private practice. She offers comprehensive
college consulting from SAT prep, admissions counseling, essay writing and financial aid counseling.
D.M. Anderson Educational Consulting Group, P.O. Box 222, Spring Lake, NJ 07762.
www.DMAnderson.net - 732-685-9249 - educationalconsultant@DMAnderson.net
There is nothing like an Osprey Awards dinner to celebrate outstanding achievement! On October 24th,
SMCC members dressed in their evening best, gathered together at the 23rd Annual Golden Osprey Awards to
honor the 2008 winners.
The Riverview Pavilion in Belmar was the host to the event and welcomed everyone with big smiles and
friendly service. The room was arranged so all had a view of the podium, and cocktail tables in the bar area
created a place for networking and socializing. Each table had its own unique arrangement compliments of
Barlow’s that matched the gold and black theme. SMCC President Dana Gangemi began the event by
thanking the Osprey Award Sponsors Commerce Bank, Manasquan Savings Bank, New Jersey Natural Gas,
Waterford Glen Assisted Living of Wall, First Financial Federal Credit Union, The UPS Store, inVisual,
Barlow’s, Hytec Telephone and All is Sharp Photography for their part in making this event a success.
John Spottke was the Master of Ceremonies and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. The dinner guests dined
on either Breast of Chicken Florentine, Broiled Filet of Sole with Crabmeat Stuffing or Sliced Sirloin of Beef
with Mushroom Sauce. The evening’s Special guest, Freeholder Barbara McMorrow, presented the
proclamations to the Osprey winners. During dinner each winner was personally introduced by someone close
to them. They then shared a few words of thanks with the attendees.
The Aspiring Youth winner, Alexander Yee, was presented by his father, Ken Yee. He accepted the
award on Alex’s behalf. Alex is currently attending Lafayette College, where a mid-term exam kept him from
accepting the award himself. Alex is majoring in chemistry, with a minor in psychology, hoping to work to
prevent debilitating diseases in the future. Ken Yee was proud to accept on behalf of his son, crediting most of
Alex’s success to his mother.
The Outstanding Business Award went to Doolan’s. Dana Gangemi introduced Doolan’s by sharing a
little of the 54 year history. A family run business, Doolan’s was established in 1954 as a one room bar known
as the Village Barn. Through the years Doolan's has grown to a beautiful banquet facility, along with Mike’s
Restaurant and Motor Lodge. Doolan’s dedication to outstanding service kept them from being able to accept
the award personally as they were hosting a 300 person event at their facility that evening.
Freeholder Barbara McMorrow and her husband Pat graciously accepted the Osprey Award on Doolan’s
The Community Service award went to Douglas Sjonvall, Promotions and Marketing Director of
WRAT-FM (95.9) and WJRZ-FM (100.1), both Greater Media radio stations.
For the past 12 years Doug has made it his mission to give of
himself to organizations in need. Doug’s presenter shared how Doug acts
out of the good of his heart and shies away from recognition and praise.
During his acceptance speech, Doug shared the need for donations at the
Food Bank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties this year with supply being
down and demand on the rise. Freeholder McMorrow reiterated this point
and both asked that donations to be sent the Food Bank.
The Chamber Service Award went to Chamber member Joe Sharp.
Any one who has attended a chamber event during Joe’s twelve years of
membership has surely seen Joe behind the camera, photographing our
parties and meetings. Joe owns All is Sharp Photography in Howell. Joe
began his career in 1973 while still in high school. Photography has
always been a part of his life. Joe was presented by Neil Brodski, who
praised Joe’s work. Joe photographed his daughter’s wedding and made
him feel relaxed on one of the most
important days of his life.
Tax Services
The wonderful night came to a close with a
delicious desert and we danced the night
away to music provided by DJ Manny of
Accounting Services
Dancing DJ’s.
Authored by
Shanna N.
Mary Kay
Photos by Joe Sharp - All is Sharp Photography
Business Startups
Financial Planning Services
2009 Membership Dues Bail Out Event!
The rainstorm could not stop the success of our 2009 Membership Bail Out
Event at Crown Beer Distributors. Members and soon to be members poured
into Crown’s bar area to take advantage of the Chamber’s discounted prices and
to network with new and seasoned members.
Renewal forms and new member applications piled up as businesses know
that to ensure their success during these tough economic times they must
network. The mission of the SMCC is to create an environment for local
businesses to thrive. This is the reason
why the SMCC stepped up to the plate
and lowered their dues for this short
time. The SMCC wants to do all they can to keep Southern Monmouth’s
business community thriving.
This event was free by the generous donations of our members. Thank you to
Crown Beer Distributors and both Valente’s and Tuscany of Jackson for the
delicious wraps and salads and to Foodtown for providing the desserts.
Authored by Shanna N. Polignone, Sales Director, Mary Kay Cosmetics
to Our 2008
Osprey Winners
Outstanding Community Service Award
Doug Sjonvall
Greater Media, WRAT
Aspiring Youth Award
Alex Yee
Manasquan High School
Outstanding Business Award
Outstanding Chamber Service Award
Joe Sharp
All is Sharp Photography
United Way of Monmouth County Drive for Caring
United Way Collects over 4,700 Gifts for Those in Need
Thanks once again to the generosity of the Monmouth County community, corporations and non-profit
organizations, the United Way of Monmouth County was able to collect over 4,700 gifts for those in need this past
holiday season. The United Way held the 6th Annual SnowFlake Wishes Drive recently, which was generously
sponsored by J. F. Kiely Construction Co. and the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders.
United Way coordinates the SnowFlake Wishes drive by first collecting a “wish” list from each of the participating
agencies. The “wishes” of their clients are placed onto “wish” tags, which also include the recipient’s age and gender.
Tags are then distributed to corporations, individuals, and community organizations throughout Monmouth County. Tags
are selected and a new gift is purchased and dropped at a designated drop-off site. The Breeze Radio station, 107.1FM
ran a month long campaign on air in conjunction with their website where listeners could obtain a SnowFlake Wishes
tag, purchase a gift and bring it to the station. The station later delivered the gifts to the United Way at the facility where
the gifts were collected. United Way staff and volunteers counted, sorted and made ready the gifts for distribution.
Thanks to the generosity of Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Neptune, two vans were donated as well as the services of their
employees who donated their time and muscle to pick up approximately 80% of the donated gifts. At the site prior to the
distribution volunteers from Novadebt, Navesink Pediatrics, Child Care Resources, Seabrook Village, and United Way
Board Members along with other community representatives assisted in the process of sorting and counting. The final
step of the drive is agency pick up. The gifts are picked up by each participating agency and then hand delivered to the
recipients at pre-planned holiday events. This year approximately 58 agencies will receive gifts. Others who made this
drive successful included the Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore, Troop # 326. These 7 year old young ladies hand painted
wooden SnowFlakes which were given to those corporations who donated to the drive. The Mack-Cali Corporation,
Wall donated over 10,000 square feet of open office space for the drive. This is the third year in a row they have donated
the space.
“I am once again amazed with the generosity of those participating in the SnowFlake Wishes drive throughout our
county. In spite of the economic recession the number of gifts donated to this drive was remarkable.” stated Christine
Jagerburger Director of Community Impact for the United Way. “It was a true community effort with volunteers coming
from the community, corporations and agencies to achieve a collective goal. This drive truly exemplifies the United
Way’s goal of advancing the common good,” continued Jagerburger.
United Way of Monmouth County is a non-profit umbrella organization that raises funds to assist agencies. Last
funding cycle, approximately one million dollars was distributed through the United Way’s annual resource investment
process to 63 health and human service agencies in Monmouth County. United Way is focused on the results: the lives
that are changed and the community that’s shaped. They know that’s what matters to you. To learn more about United
Way of Monmouth County, the SnowFlake Wishes drive or to volunteer visit the website at www.uwmonmouth.org.
Newsletter Ads
Don't miss the opportunity to advertise in SMCC's Southern Exposure.
. Business Card 2″ x 3 ½″ (per issue)
. Business Card 2″ x 3 ½″ (annual – 4 issues)
. ¼ Page Ad 4 ¼″ x 5 ½″ with ½″ framed border (per issue)
. ¼ Page Ad 4 ¼″ x 5 ½″ with ½″ framed border (annual – 4 issues)
. ½ Page Ad 5 ½″ x 8 ½″ with ½″ framed border (per issue)
. ½ Page Ad 5 ½″ x 8 ½″ with ½″ framed border (annual- 4 issues)
. Inserts 8 ½″ x 11″, provide 400 copies (per issue)
For More Advertising Information Contact the Chamber Office:
Telephone: 732-280-8800 Fax: 732-280-8505
E-Mail: info@smcconline.org
Website: http://www.smcconline.org/
2008 Holiday Gala at Barlow's
The dreary weather of Thursday December 11 did not dampen the festivities at the
Annual Holiday Gala of the Southern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce held at
Barlow’s Flower Farm.
Adorned with poinsettias, Christmas cacti, holiday lighting and wreaths, Barlow’s
Greenhouse served as the backdrop for the night’s festivities. Members gathered to dine
and shop while enjoying live music by Richard Bellia, sponsored by Egan, Amato &
True to the philanthropic nature of the membership, nearly one hundred brand new
teddy bears were collected for donation to children at the Jersey Shore University Medical
The Chamber’s 2009 Officers were installed. Leading the way in the New Year will be
Dana Gangemi of Waycomm Consulting as President; Kristine Zulewski of Manasquan
Savings Bank as 1st Vice President; James Dallas of Envirotactics as 2nd Vice President;
and Jack Costello of Chadwick Financial Group as Treasurer.
This well attended event was sponsored by the Coach’s Zone Chris Ruisi. The cocktails
were sponsored by Investor’s Savings Bank and desserts were sponsored by Super
Foodtown Circus.
Information on upcoming events or Chamber membership may be found at
www.southernmonmouthchamber.com or by calling the Chamber office at 732-280-8800.
Authored by Kelly L. Vostal,
Investment and Tax Specialist,
Integrity Tax & Financial
Photos by Joe Sharp - All is Sharp Photography
On November 18, 2008 Premiere Executive
Suites hosted the SMCC Women in Business
Committee’s bi-monthly meeting. The WIBC had
the pleasure of an intimate evening with Sylvia
Allen. Sylvia is the founder of both Allen
Consulting, one of NJ’s leading PR agencies, and
Sylvia’s Children, a charitable organization that
supports the Mbiriizi Primary School in Masaka,
Uganda. Sylvia shared the lessons and stories from
her life, which helped her to create her Top 10
Secrets of Success. She reminded everyone that
success is truly being happy in your heart with
wherever you are at the moment.
Thank you to Federico’s of Belmar who
provided a variety of wraps and to Premier
Executive Suites for the use of their conference
room. A very special thank you to Sylvia Allen for
taking time out of her busy schedule to share her
knowledge and inspire us all.
Member-to-Member Discount
Our Membership Committee is launching a "Member-to-Member" Campaign. We would like to
implement and advertise the use of these discounts to SMCC members. We should be aware of the
services we have to offer each other and look INSIDE the Chamber before going to another source.
Please let us know the applicable discounts you wish to offer other members!
A brief description of discount to be offered:________________________________________________
Fax: 732-280-8505 Ë Email: Info@smcconline.org
Marina Grill 3 Chamber
Networking Event
Three Chambers came together for one great night of networking! On
October 14, 2008 the Southern Monmouth, Point Pleasant Beach and
Point Pleasant Boro Chambers teamed up for an after hours event at the
beautiful Marina Grill in Brick, NJ. The setting was fantastic, with views
of the sunset from the vast windows of the restaurant.
Approximately 100 local businesses were represented, giving the
attendees an opportunity to meet plenty of new contacts and generate
new business leads. The nominal $5.00 fee included an abundant buffet
that was continually replenished throughout the evening.
All of our Chamber staff agrees that a multi-chamber event must be
scheduled again soon to guarantee our members' future success. Thank
you to both Point Pleasant Beach and Point Pleasant Boro for sharing the
night with us and to the Marina Grill staff for their great service and
“sure to please” attitude.
Authored by Shanna N. Polignone,
Sales Director, Mary Kay Cosmetics
Authored by Shanna N. Polignone, Sales Director,
Mary Kay Cosmetics
November General Membership Meeting
Shogun Legends of Wall welcomed SMCC for our November General
Membership meeting. The Legends staff provided a private hibachi lunch, complete
with individual chefs who entertained guests at each table, while serving a delicious
Dana Gangemi, of WayComm and President of the SMCC, opened the meeting
with congratulations to Board Members, Nancy Conte of Crossroads Realty, Christine
Gray of TD Bank and Jack Costello of Chadwick Financial for renewing their terms.
Dana then introduced the newest members of the SMCC who each gave a 1 minute
“commercial” on their business or service.
John Nicklin represented Two River Community Bank, the luncheon’s sponsor. He
stated that during this tough economic time Two River is a safe and stable organization,
with money to lend.
The guest speaker for the day was Kevin Farley of Walsh Benefits. Kevin spoke
about Health Savings and High Deductible Health Plans. He explained why the cost of
insurance is so high, how a health savings plan works and who is eligible for this type of
The event ended with door prize drawings consisting of a $25 Legends gift card from
Legends, a $50 American Express gift card donated by Two River Community Bank,
and a free General Membership Meeting ticket and golf shirt compliments of the
Thank you to Patrick, Paul and Sue of Shogun Legends for providing a great venue
and a fantastic lunch. Thank you to Debbie Francis, Renee Green, Ron Bellicose and
John Nicklin of Two River Community Bank for sponsoring this event.
Authored by Shanna N. Polignone, Sales Director, Mary Kay Cosmetics
Going forward with a Reverse Mortgage
It seems not a day passes where the news does not report doom and gloom about real estate finance. One bright spot,
among this news is the Reverse Mortgage. Available to homeowners 62 years and older, this product has become a
valuable financial tool which enables homeowners to maintain a secure independence. With many of our retirement
portfolios in decline, a Reverse Mortgage enables access to equity in homes, without making monthly payments. A
person does not need to repay the loan as long as one of the borrowers continues to live in the house, keeps the taxes and
insurance current, and maintains the property. The homeowner always retains title to their home and no other asset can
be affected by a Reverse Mortgage.
Federal legislation this past fall raised the maximum lending limit to $417,000.00. For example, a 62 year old
homeowner with a home value at $417,000.00 can have access to approximately $260,000.00 of their homes equity.
These funds can be used for any purpose by the borrower including paying off an existing home mortgage. A Reverse
Mortgage is a line of credit secured by the home. This line of credit guaranteed by the U.S Government and unlike a
home equity line of credit, it cannot be reduced if property value falls in the future.
Richard Booth is a member of the Southern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce and a Wells Fargo Reverse
Mortgage Consultant. He has earned the Certified Mortgage Banker designation from national Mortgage
Bankers Association, the highest professional designation in the real estate finance industry.
Richard E. Booth
401 Grassmere Avenue, Interlaken, New Jersey 07712
Telephone 732.859-7986
Email: richardebooth@gmail.com
Wells Fargo Bank is the largest Reverse Mortgage lender in the United States.
Reverse Mortgage Consultant
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Toll free 888-434-1008
Business Expo:
Wed., June 3, 2009
Annual Golf Outing:
Monday, July 28, 2009
More Information coming
soon. Keep an eye on
SMCCOnline.org for the
most up-to-date details!

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