“My Lord and my God!” - Holy Family, Inverness
“My Lord and my God!” - Holy Family, Inverness
CLIMB God’s mountain of justice during the Easter season. “My Lord and my God!” Second Sunday of Easter April 27, 2014 About A bout Us Us Holy Family Catholic Community 2515 Palatine Rd. Inverness, IL 60067 847-359-0042 (ph) 847-359-0639 (fax) holyfamilyparish.org Vision Statement Holy Family Catholic Community invites all to new life in Christ. Our response to God’s call is evident through full, conscious and active participation in our community. Mission Statement To engage all in the sacramental life through vibrant worship, life-long learning and passionate community. facebook.com/holyfamilyinverness Core Values Animated by our faith in God to evangelize, we live the following core values: • Integrity • Excellence • Unity • Service • Justice 2 Welcome to Holy Family Sacramental / Formation Ministers Holy Family Catholic community invites all to new life in Christ. Are you new to Holy Family? Are you considering becoming a registered parishioner? We welcome you to become engaged in carrying out our mission. New members are registered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month (excluding holidays) immediately following the 9:00 A.M. Mass. Welcome Ministers will be available at the Welcome Desk to walk you through the short registration process. If Sunday is not convenient for you, contact Susan Cabay at 847-274-4423. Saint Paul says, “We are the Body of Christ.” We look forward to experiencing that reality with you. Fr. Terry Keehan, Pastor Friar Johnpaul Cafiero Fr. Denis Carneiro Fr. Robert Erickson Schedule Masses Weekdays: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. Monday & Wednesday 7:00 p.m. First Friday of the month 7:00 p.m. (followed by Benediction and rosary) First Saturday of the month 9:00 a.m. Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. (interpreted for the hearing impaired) 11:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Holy Days 7:00a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Everyday 6:00 a.m. to Midnight Reconciliation (Available upon request) Communal Reconciliation with individual absolution First Saturday of the month at 4:00 p.m. in chapel) Individual Reconciliation (in Reconciliation Room) Other Saturdays from 4:00 p.m.-4:45 p.m. Nursery Available Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 and 11:00 a,m. Anointing of the Sick Please know that recent hospital privacy laws have significantly limited our knowledge of parishioners who are hospitalized. If you have a loved one who is ill, please contact our Pastoral Care office to request the Anointing of the Sick. The ideal time for anointing is when family is present and not necessarily in the final hours of life. Monthly Anointing of the Sick takes place on the First Friday of the month at 9:00 a.m. Mass. April 27, 2014 Fr. George Kane Fr. Bill Zavaski Fr. Brian Walker Fr. Medard Laz, Pastor Emeritus Pastoral Council e-mail: council@holyfamilyparish.org Linda Longmeyer Chairperson (At Large-Council) Al Clementi Vice-Chair (Pastoral Care) Fr. Terry Keehan Pastor (Staff) Carole Bulakowski Recording Secretary Sue Werner Adult Faith Eileen Neal Archdiocesan Rep Lori Bush At Large (Council) Bernie Schaeffer At Large (Pastor) Carla Rydberg Family Faith Judy Petrie Holy Family Catholic Academy Ken Dirnberger Knights of Columbus Mike Myers Operations Andrew McGovern Outreach & Justice Heidi Rooney Staff Alan Bosslet Teen Faith (Adult Rep) Sam Gundling Teen Faith (Teen Rep) Tyler Miles Teen Faith (Teen Rep) Sandy Stewart Worship Council meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. All are invited to attend and listen to the items on the published agenda. If you or your group have an item for discussion, it needs to be submitted in writing to the council chair one week prior to the scheduled meeting. Finance Council The Finance Council of Holy Family meets quarterly and its current members are: Edward Majerczak Kenneth Brzoski Daniel Rooney Maureen DeRosa Jeffrey Rotter Rosemary Goff Robert Growney Weekend Hospitality Donations Baked goods and bite-sized treats are needed each weekend for hospitality after masses. Please bring donations marked “Hospitality” to the kitchen. Contact Sue at 847-907-3443 with questions. Father F ather T Terry erry Keehan Keehan “On the evening of that first day of the week…” With these words the Gospel passage this week from John begins. That first day is the first Easter and, in a sense, these words tell us that it is still Easter. The day of Easter continues. The joy, hope, power and new life of Easter continues through the 50 days of this season of light, culminating with Pentecost. It is still Easter Day. Easter day goes on. The doors are locked where the disciples are because they are afraid, and Jesus came and stood in their midst to assuage their anxiety and much, much more. He appears to them, even though it is a physical impossibility for him to enter because of locked doors. So in a very basic physical way Jesus is different. That physical difference ushers us (the hearers) into the spiritual difference. Jesus is fully human and fully divine and we see this remarkable state illustrated in this passage. He transcends physical barriers, but is still in the flesh. He is divine, but somehow still human. He has suffered and died and yet he is alive. In this appearance Jesus goes on to offer peace, show the disciples concrete evidence that it is in fact he whom they know so well. He sends them as God sends him, breathing on them and giving them the gift of the Holy Spirit with this breath. This gesture, this breathing, complements God the creator’s actions in the second creation narrative in Genesis. God breathes life into the clay form of humanity and thus humanity is given life. Immediately following this Johannine breath of spirit Jesus gives some specific instructions for the spirit/life to be present in a resurrected world. The action item is forgiveness and Jesus intimates that forgiveness is a choice. Thus forgiven sins are forgiven and un-forgiven sins remain. The spirit is alive when we forgive. The spirit struggles when we don’t forgive. Christian people who bear the identity of Christ are called to forgive each other and that is a critical way that a world hungering for mercy and forgiveness will know the presence and message of a forgiving God. But this message, like almost everything in life, is not perfect. One of the disciples is not present for the reality of the risen Christ who bears a message of peace, breath, spirit and forgiveness. Thomas misses the encounter with Jesus the Christ. His absence overrides the critical entrusting that Jesus does with the other disciples and us. They, and we, are entrusted with not only the message but the reality of peace, breath, spirit and forgiveness extended in the name of a God who commissions us to share it with the world. Thomas doesn’t believe because he can’t simply take the others’ word for it. Our world is filled with such doubt. We often don’t believe because things aren’t so clear or convincing. The need for forgiveness and second chances are not always compelling for us, so we may miss many opportunities to spread peace and extend forgiveness. The next time you feel prone to violence, take a deep breath. Be reminded that the God who created you breathed life into you, and the spirit of that God gives you the gift of peace not violence. The next time you don’t feel like forgiving, take a deep breath and be reminded that the God, who first breathed life into you, needs you to extend forgiveness. Our attendance for Masses and services from Holy Thursday thru Easter Sunday was up this year from last. There are so many people to thank for making the Triduum last weekend so vibrant. Judy Klingner has directed the Passion Plays for our teens for the past eight years. She once again led our teens in not only quality acting but expressions of their faith that brought the passion of Christ so alive. Jill Piccolino and Sue Brach coordinate so many details of the many services. Ann Bzdawka is a constant source of support for our music and worship experience. Countless volunteers decorate our church. Our Footsteps (RCIA) leaders Robin Schreiner, Cathe Haran and Wendy Posy along with a dedicated team of adults walk with those preparing for full communion in our church. All of our liturgical ministers: proclaimers, ushers, greeters, Mass coordinators, table and light ministers, Eucharistic Ministers, sign language leaders, AV and loft folks, choir, musicians and visiting musicians work with our staff of Tom Meehan, Lorainne Soderlund, Marsha Adamczyk, Ro Geisler, Denise Logan and Colin Collette in providing an inspirational, creative and vibrant worship experience. Thanks to all of you! Please look for men and women speakers who will be sharing their wisdom, creativity, prayerfulness and passion during weekend liturgies and immediately following weekend liturgies in addition to weeknights during the coming months. My vision and hope is to invite quality speakers to talk about real world, relevant and important topics and issues to further enhance the sacredness of the Eucharist. We believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, so to further immerse ourselves in and celebrate the sacredness of life, our already high quality adult speaker offerings will be more connected with the weekend worship experience. Our first speaker will be on the weekend of May 31 and June 1, Deacon Tom Lambert will be with us to talk about mental illness during all weekend Masses. Please look for additional presentations and spread the word about our unique approach. If you have suggestions for topics and speakers, please contact Marsha Adamczyk in our Adult Faith office at madamczyk@holyfamilyparish. org or at 847-907-3458. This Sunday our Church celebrates the canonization of two great Popes, John Paul II and John XXIII. Please join us in the chapel immediately following 11 am Mass to watch a recorded version of the canonizations. www.holyfamilyparish.org 3 Living L iving Faith Faith 2nd Sunday of Easter Living Faith This is a prayer, reflection and resource page designed to help you reflect on this week’s gospel. Divine Mercy Sunday Acts 2:42-47 Luke describes the life of the early Christian community after Jesus was crucified and was resurrected. Their lifestyle is one of devotion, teaching, communal life, breaking of the bread and prayer. Many awesome signs are done by the apostles, and all believers share all things in common. The believers meet daily in the temple area and also in their homes where they break bread together. They live in harmony, unified in spirit, and the Lord blesses them as their communities grow. 1 Peter 1:3-9 Peter praising God, Father of Jesus, testifies to a new birth of hope that comes to believers because of the resurrection of Jesus. This hope is founded through the inheritance of an imperishable, unfading life in heaven, through the power of God, as yet to be fully revealed at the end of time. Peter encourages the believers to stay faithful as they endure their trials and sufferings, since it will serve to prove their genuine faith. John 20:19-31 John, the evangelist, describes today the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to return to his disciples by way of his resurrection, a gift of the Holy Spirit. Jesus greets his apostles who are in a locked room, fearfully avoiding the Jews and emotionally drained. He says, “Shalom,” and assures them that it is he, showing the scars on his hands and side. He then breathes on them and says, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” Then he sends them out, just as the Father had sent him out. The apostles then told Thomas, who was absent at that time, about Jesus’ return, but Thomas doubted it was Jesus. One week later, Jesus appears to all of them, including Thomas, as they gathered in the upper room. It is then that Thomas comes to believe Jesus had risen, saying “My Lord and My God!“ as he puts his finger into his wounds. 4 April 27, 2014 Weekly Readings Monday, April 28 Acts 4: 23-31; John 3: 1-8 Tuesday, April 29 Acts 4: 32-37; John 3: 7b-15 Wednesday, April 30 Acts 5: 17-26; John 3: 16-21 Thursday, May 1 Acts 5: 27-33; John 3: 31-36 Friday, May 2 Acts 5: 34-42; John 6: 1-15 Saturday, May 3 1 Corinthians 15: 1-8; John 14: 6-14 Sunday, May 4 Acts 2: 14, 22-33; 1 Peter 1: 17-21 Luke 24: 13-35 Scripture Reflection What would I wish Jesus to show me today, to energize my belief in his presence? God’s Nudge by Mimi Ferlita One cold winter day in November I was driving with my daughter Lisa to pick up my daughter, Laura, from college. As we were talking, I suddenly realized I was driving fast on black Ice. About a half mile ahead was a pick- up truck, stopped half off the road, with people standing around it. Aware that braking was going to be tricky, and that there was nowhere to go, since on my right was a 7’ deep ditch where our car could roll over and on the left was oncoming traffic, I pictured maneuvering the car using the car’s strongest supports. As our car slid toward the truck, the impact sheared off the right side of the car. I thought, God, “is this how it is going to end?” Well, gratefully, we all walked away without injury because the Lord guided and protected us. This experience was God’s nudge saying to me “I’m here, got you covered.” Thanks be to God who is there for us even before we ask! IImages mages from from tthe he E Easter aster V Vigil igil Photos courtesy of Bill Leece www.holyfamilyparish.org 5 Worship Worship Colin Collette Director 847-907-3425 CCollette @holyfamilyparish.org The Worship Community... creates a vibrant prayer and worship experience so that all may participate in a fully conscious and active way in the Liturgy. Wedding Banns Mass Intentions + Dirk Peterson & Samantha Quinn - III Monday, April 28 9:00AM Sue Griffin (Tom Luby) Tuesday, April 29 9:00AM Catherine Mambu (Jim & Ann Goodwin) 9:00AM Manuel P.A. Claudio (Family) 9:00AM Donald Kendzior (Family) Wednesday, April 30 9:00AM Fr. Pat (Knights of Columbus) 9:00AM Vance Nwankwo (Family) Thursday, May 1 9:00AM Manuel P. A. Claudio (Family) Friday, May 2 9:00AM Ruth Skorski (Chris & Jim Goodman) Saturday, May 3 9:00AM Pawel Gasiewski (Family) 5:00PM Regina Kaczmarczyk (Adamczyk Family) 5:00PM Matthew Tunzi (Vince & Marian Tunzi) 5:00PM Patridck Molohon (Erin & Doug James) Sunday, May 4 7:30AM Husband of Pat Bielet (Rob Marcocchio) 7:30AM Barbara Jane Lee 7:30AM Bruce Ventura (Stephanie & Tyler) 9:00AM Nancy Savino (Len & Ann Thomas) 9:00AM Helen Polkow (Judy & Ron Laboda) 9:00AM Joseph Bellino (Len & Ann Thomas) 11:00AM John Orilla (Olive Millan) 11:00AM Ann Riccio (Jim & Joanne Curtis) 11:00AM Kurt Cina (Costello Family) 11:00AM Kathy O’Brien (RCIA) 4:00PM Mary Rita Benson (Family) Mass intentions are available by contacting the Parish Office An essential part of our mission is vibrant worship. As part of this commitment, we have invited dynamic speakers who will address a variety of relevant, engaging topics during upcoming weekend liturgies. We believe these topics reflect the concerns people have in their everyday lives. May our shared faith experience help us as we journey together with greater awareness and compassion. On May 31 and June 1 Deacon Tom Lambert, co-chair of the National Council on Mental Illness will be speaking about how mental illness can be very isolating for every person in the family. Mental illness affects 6% of the population yet it is one of the least talked about and least supported medical issues. The Barrington chapter of NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Illness, will have representatives in the narthex following each mass to answer questions and present the many programs they offer individuals and families affected by mental health illness. For more information, contact Sue Geegan at 847-907-3443. Thank You! Our sincere appreciation to all of our Liturgical ministers for making Triduum and Easter so special for our community through all of your labors of love. Art & Environment CLW (Children’s Liturgy of the Word) Eucharistic Ministers Greeters Liturgy Prep Mass Coordinators Music Ministry Proclaimers Projection and Sound Sacristans Signing at Mass Table & Light Ushers Personal Prayer and Devotion (including Centering Prayer, Charismatic Prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, Marian Ministry) SCC (Small Christian Communities) Multicultural Ministry Sewing Ministry Peace be with all of you and your families during this season. Colin, Jill, Sue and Ann 6 April 27, 2014 Holy H oly Family Family Academy Academy Kate O’Brien Principal 847-907-3452 KObrien @holyfamilyparish.org Holy Family Catholic Academy... offers an innovative curriculum that focuses on cultivating critical thinking, problem solving and teamwork. Caring for God’s Creation HFCA Celebrates Earth Day and Announces 2nd Outdoor Classroom Grant Our growing Environmental Club, including over 30 students, held an Earth Day Fair attended by the entire school. Working in multi-age teams, students set up booths to raise awareness of 8 pressing environmental issues. “Our Environmental Club is yet another way that HFCA expands and enhances our curriculum’s focus on STEM,” explains Mrs. Kate O’Brien, Principal. “These students researched, planned and presented these topics working in teams as an extracurricular activity. This level of interest and commitment is amazing!” Special thanks to our parent moderators Lori Miller, Julie VonderHaar, and Beifei Yu. Earth Day 2014 is also the perfect occasion to announce our second Illinois Schoolyard Habit Grant which will be used to further our outdoor classroom initiative. The grant supports the Academy’s rain garden, an outdoor laboratory designed to study earth science in a hands-on manner for learners in kindergarten through eighth grade. Since we began the rain garden in 2013, our Daisy and Girl Scout troops have also contributed plants and a new tree to the space. Earth Day at HFCA is yet another example of our students developing as “leaders, thinkers, grounded in faith!” Learn more about our Nationally Recognized Curriculum on our website! HolyFamilyCatholicAcademy.net HFCA prepares students to be leaders and thinkers grounded in faith. To learn more about classes in 2-yr.old preschool through 8th Grade contact Deb Atkins 847-907-3461 or datkins@holyfamilyparish.org www.holyfamilyparish.org 7 Family F amily & T Teen een Faith Faith Denise Logan Director 847-907-3431 DLogan @holyfamilyparish.org The Family & Teen Faith Community... offers faith formation and catechesis to preschool through elementary school aged children and high school teens and their families. The Good Sam I Am Award Jesus taught us the “way to be.” He used the story of the Good Samaritan to tell us how we are to care for all people. This Good Sam I Am was caught doing something especially good… Catechists! Holy Family wants to thank you for your service. All catechists and their families are invited to join us for a BBQ in the Courtyard. Saturday May 17th Following the 5pm Mass Joey Gurskis Joey was excellent in class. He showed great participation and was a joy to teach. Submitted by: Zach Stewart SPIRIT CAMP 2014 June 23-27, 9am - 12:15pm Please RSVP to Sue Brach. sbrach@holyfamilyparish.org th for 3yr olds through 4 grade Join us for a week of Bible stories, crafts, games, songs and activities, as we learn about God’s love for ALL of us! ONLINE VOLUNTEER Registration is OPEN! We have begun planning for the FUN crafts and activities and need your help with the following items: OLD KEYS SHOE BOXES WATER BOTTLES Please drop them off in the bins under the Faith Table (in hallway, behind Chapel) st ALL Campers Registration starts on May 1 . st Registration for Spirit Camp 2014 closes on May 31 . Contact Missy Hauer at 847-426-6240 or Jen Knutsen at 847-705-6247 for more info! 8 April 27, 2014 Family F amily & T Teen een Faith Faith Help us congratulate our High School Seniors! Katy Barnick Dan Brandner Samantha Campbell Sara Dethloff On April 8th,34 Holy Family seniors were presented Joe Fasanella the Vicariate Youth Leadership Award. Kyle Fisher They received their awards in the fields of: Timothy Foszcz Catechesis & Evangelization, Vivana Gonzalez Parish Leadership, and Prayer & Worship. Michael Graft Samantha Gundling Michaela Kapraun Kathryn Klonder Brenna Knippen Hannah Kuhl Madeline Lopez Camey Lovelace Amy Maniola Tyler Miles Lauren Polito Lauren Priebe Nick Ratajczyk Quinn Sammons Mary Kate Schiffer Emily Sienkiewicz Varsha Simon Alec Stadler Jenna Szczypta Allison Tomal Kathleen Tresnowski Kyle Trom Tiffany Walsh Jacquelyn Watson We will miss Danny Wilson you all! Emily Worthem Catechists! Thank you for all that you do! Join us for a BBQ in the courtyard. Saturday May 17th, following the 5pm Mass. Please RSVP to Sue Brach sbrach@holyfamilyparish.org www.holyfamilyparish.org 9 Family F amily & T Teen een Faith Faith Thank you to our teens for an amazing Passion Play. Gabi Arnieri Kristen Barnd Katy Barnick Jenica Baron Andrew Berryhill Lauren Berryhill Tommy Bobitz Kate Bodensteiner Dan Brandner Ellie Bruckner Ryan Cajandig Nicole Calvarisi Ally Cochran Hannah Cunningham Shannon Cunningham KristenDethloff Sara Dethloff Colin Dincher Haley Dirkes-Jacks Julia Dirkes-Jacks Jackson Dirnberger Katelyn Dirnberger Tim Dirnberger Khloe Drahos Benita Ekwanwa Joe Fasanella Kyle Fisher Arianne Floody Erin Floody Alex Gaul Allison Gile Sam Gundling Kellie Halloran Patrick Haugh Joey Homan Abby Iuorio Hannah Jozefat Michaela Kapraun 10 A special thank you to all the adults who helped make this year’s Passion Play a success. April 27, 2014 Allison Kiolbassa Vicki Klanang Katie Klonder Braden Kobeski Cam Kukla Carter Kukla Vincent Lobo Maddy Lopez Lizzi Lopez Emily McHugh Sam McPherrin Tyler Miles Grace Miller Kelly Niggeman Leon Peterson Kay Petrie Jack Rogers TJ Rogers Skyler Russell Madeline Scharm Amy Sedlak Alec Stadler Aidan Stadler Anders Stadler KatrinaStadler Jared Swenson McKenzie Sweno Jenna Szczypta Daniel Tokarz Amanda VanDuys Kevin Vizcarra Maddi Vogel HoldenWagner Tiffany Walsh Danny Wilson Aly Worthem Emily Worthem Adult A dult Faith Faith Marsha Adamczyk Director 847-907-3458 MAdamczyk @holyfamilyparish.org The Adult Faith Community... supports the mission of lifelong learning by providing educational, spiritual, and formational activities for the parish and the community. Attitude of the Beatitudes A Silent, Overnight Retreat for Women Presented by Fr. Michael Sparough, SJ and Mary McKeon May 16-17, 2014 Cost: $170 Spiritual Direction and Companioning Would a relationship with a Spiritual Director/ Companion make a difference in your life? The answer is yes, only if you desire to deepen your understanding in your unique relationship with the Lord. The trained spiritual director has the skills to not get in the way of your unique spiritual growth and yet be a gentle guide toward clarity in your “Call.” Your witness is privately held as sacred! To inquire or schedule an appointment with a Spiritual Director, contact Mimi at 847-907-3412 or mferlita@holyfamilyparish.org Bellarmine Retreat Center, 420 County Line Road, Barrington, IL 60010 Webcast Presentation with Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM This retreat begins on Friday night with food and fellowship and continues through Saturday evening, concluding at 8:00 pm. During the retreat, you can listen to the talks, walk the Way of the Cross, pray the Rosary, receive the sacraments of Penance, Eucharist and Healing, converse with a Spiritual Director or simply enjoy the beauty of 80 wooded acres set outside the grind of daily life. “Meeting the St. Paul You Never Knew” To register, contact Mimi Ferlita at 847-907-3412 or mferlita@holyfamilyparish.org Tuesday, May 20, 2014 7:00 -9:00 pm $10 suggested donation To register, contact Mimi Ferlita at 847-907-3412 or mferlita@holyfamilyparish.org Did you know that Holy Family Adult Faith offers many opportunities for growth and support? Bible Study Groups – Meet at various times and are ongoing, always welcoming new members. Contact Tom Toussaint at 847-818-8390 or tomtoussaint@ hotmail.com Retrouvaille – A program of support for couples experiencing difficulty in marriage. Contact Nancy and Ray at 847-907-3411 or nlacek@holyfamilyparish.org Annulment Support – A ministry of support for those going through the annulment process. Contact Jan Romanowski at 847-705-4909 www.holyfamilyparish.org 11 Adult A dult Faith Faith Congratulations to our Holy Family Newlyweds! Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass (for all couples married in 1964) Holy Name Cathedral 735 North State Street Chicago, IL Sunday, September 14, 2014 2:45 pm For further information or to register, please call 312-534-8351 or visit www.familyministries.org and click on “Married” and then on “Golden Anniversary Mass” to register. Janet and David Kerr S.M.A.R.T. 40’s+ SINGLES MINISTRY S.M.A.R.T. (Singles 40+ Ministry) Upcoming Events: Friday, May 2, 2014 – S.M.A.R.T. 1st Friday Social – Casual social beginning at 5:00 pm at Emmett’s Ale House, 110 N. Brockway, Palatine. Visit www.emmettsalehouse.com for more info. Friday, May 16, 2014 – S.M.A.R.T. TGIF Social – Casual social beginning at 5:00 pm at the Lucky Monk, 105 Hollywood Blvd., South Barrington. Look for us on the patio, weather permitting. Visit www.theluckymonk.com for more info. Sunday, May 18, 2014 – S.M.A.R.T. Cancer Walk Service Project – Join our team from 11 am-2 pm at South Barrington’s The Arboretum shopping center for the 5th annual Wellness Place community cancer walk & survivor/family celebration honoring individuals and families affected by cancer. Activities include a 1 mile walk, balloon release, food, games and a live performance by Modern Day Romeos. Proceeds raised benefit Palatine based Wellness Place who provides cancer related counseling, education and support programs at no charge to those living with cancer and their loved ones. Our team is a minimum of 10 participating members (friends are welcome!) and $200 in donations. Early bird registration is $35 by May 15. Use code CAL2014 for $5 off! Day of event registration is $40. To register as a “Holy Family S.M.A.R.T. Singles” team member visit www.wellnessplacewalk.kintera.org, then click on “View All Teams” under “Information” or call 847-241-5975 For more information about our S.M.A.R.T. Ministry, contact smartministry@gmail.com 12 April 27, 2014 Adult A dult Faith Faith Jewish-Catholic Dialogue (and Fun!): Coming to Know our Friends at Beth Tikvah Facilitated by Fr. Terry Keehan and Rabbi Taron Tachman Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - at Holy Family - 7:00-9:00 pm Wednesday, May 14, 2014 - at Beth Tikvah - 7:00-9:00 pm There is no charge for these two evenings. Please join Fr. Terry Keehan on Wednesday, May 7, 2014, 7:00-9:00 pm at Holy Family to discuss questions about Catholicism that Beth Tikvah congregants have submitted to us. Then, on Wednesday, May 14, 2014, 7:00-9:00 pm, please come to Beth Tikvah, 300 Hillcrest Blvd in Hoffman Estates, to have a discussion with our Jewish friends about Judaism. These will prove to be enjoyable and stimulating evenings. Holy Family Catholic Community Fr. Terry Keehan, Pastor 2515 Palatine Road Inverness, IL 60067 847-359-0042 www.holyfamilyparish.org To register, fill out the form below and return it to Holy Family, or contact Mary Whiteside at 847-907-3450 or mwhiteside@holyfamilyparish.org Jewish - Catholic Dialogue—May 7 and 14, 2014 Attn: Mary Whiteside Name ______________________________________________________________ Email _______________________________________Phone __________________ www.holyfamilyparish.org 13 Outreach O utreach & JJustice ustice Sue Geegan Director 847-907-3443 SGeegan @holyfamilyparish.org The Outreach & Justice Community... offers assistance programs, as well as ministries promoting peace and justice, respect for life and welcoming new parishioners CATHOLIC CHARITIES Hearts for Homeless Families MAY 3, 2014 Catholic Charities’ 25th Annual Hearts for Homeless Families benefit will be held Saturday, May 3 at Chevy Chase Country Club in Wheeling. This elegant dinner-dance will benefit the agency’s New Hope Apartments program, which provides emergency and transitional housing for homeless families with children, and the counseling and support needed to help them become self-sufficient. This is the main fundraising event each year for Catholic Charities’ Northwest Region. The evening will begin at 6 p.m. with cocktails, a silent auction and live music. An exquisite dinner planned by an executive chef will be served at 7 p.m., followed by dancing to the Stu Hirsh Orchestra. Tickets are $175 each, or a table of 10 for $1,650. Supporters also may help sponsor the event, donate items for the silent auction or purchase ads in the event program book. For more information or to reserve tickets, contact Northwest Regional Director Mike Waters at (847) 376-2118 or mwaters@catholicharities.net. This benefit supports the families in the New Hope Apartment Program that are published in our bulletin monthly to share their progress moving from homelessness to self-sufficiency. Host A Home Mass Celebrating Mass in a home setting is a very special opportunity to meet people in a more informal, intimate setting. Home Mass dates available are: Wednesday, May 28 and June 11, beginning around 6:30pm. Who to invite: Definitely invite your Catholic friends, but also consider this an opportunity to invite Catholics who may have drifted away from regular Mass attendance, no matter what the reason. Additionally, consider inviting non-catholic friends who might be curious about the Catholic faith or have questions about why we do certain things the way we do. Items needed to celebrate Mass: Use things that are already in your home: small table such as an end table for an altar, a goblet for wine, plate or bowl for hosts, small glass for water, plain cloth napkin for a purificator and a candle. Hosts will be brought to your home. If you have any questions about hosting a home mass, contact Linda Arthur at homemass@comcast.net. 14 April 27, 2014 HOLY FAMILY’S SPRING CLOTHING DRIVE For St. Vincent dePaul MAY 3 AND 4 Holy Family will hold its annual Spring Clothing Drive for St Vincent DePaul on Saturday, May 3 and Sunday, May 4. We are suggesting that you bring your donations of spring and summer clothing to the truck located in the parking lot before or after mass (except the Sunday 4pm mass). There will be volunteers there to take your donations and put them directly on the truck. Tax receipts will be available. PLEASE DO NOT BRING ANY DONATIONS TO THE CHURCH PRIOR TO SATURDAY, MAY 3. WE HAVE NO STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE. Please contact MaryFrances at mfconway94@comcast.net if you would like to help or have questions. Outreach O utreach & JJustice ustice FOOD PANTRY REPORT March, 2014 Ten families, including 21 Individuals, were served 680 meals and provided $95 in food certificates. Thanks to St. Theresa parishioners and our parishioners that continuously bring food to the shopping cart each week. Over 68 bags of food were collected! We are truly blessed to have such generous donors. All of our food pantry clients are so appreciative of the foods and other products you donate for their use. Thanks, also, to our pantry stewards who serve our clients with compassion and dignity. ANNUAL MOTHER’S DAY APPEAL Give to Keep a Family together: Mary was a single mother with six children. A series of events caused her to lose her home and she was scared she would lose her children too. Thanks to the Catholic Charities Samaritan House Shelter for women and children, Mary kept her family together. She now has a full-time job and is saving for a down payment on her own home. Each day Catholic Charities’ shelters are home to 240 formerly homeless families. Please give on Mother’s Day to support Catholic Charities. Learn more and watch a video at www.catholiccharities.net. Catholic Social Teaching – United States Catholic Conference of Bishops The Church’s social teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom about building a just society and living lives of holiness amidst the challenges of modern society. Modern Catholic social teaching has been articulated through a tradition of papal, conciliar and episcopal documents. The depth and richness of this tradition can be understood best through a direct reading of these documents. In these brief reflections, we highlight several of the key themes that are at the heart of our Catholic social tradition. Care for God’s Creation We show our respect for the Creator by our stewardship of creation. Care for the earth is not just an Earth Day slogan, it is a requirement of our faith. We are called to protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation. This environmental challenge has fundamental moral and ethical dimensions that cannot be ignored. The environment is God’s gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have a responsibility towards the poor, towards future generations and towards humanity as a whole. . . Our duties towards the environment are linked to our duties towards the human person, considered in himself and in relation to others. It would be wrong to uphold one set of duties while trampling on the other. Charity in Truth (Caritas in Veritate. . . ), #48, 51 www.holyfamilyparish.org 15 Pastoral P astoral Care Care Eileen Neal 847-907-3417 ENeal @holyfamilyparish.org The Pastoral Care Community... provides, through our ministries, compassionate pastoral care with support and guidance for those who suffer in mind, body and spirit. In a Special Way We Pray For... Judith Anderson Natividad Parris Anne Mueller Shannon Craft FIRST FRIDAY ANOINTING Please join us on Friday, May 2nd for Mass and Anointing of the Sick. Invite those you know who are hurting in body, mind or spirit to share in prayer and sacrament. The 9:00 am Mass will be followed by hospitality in the Teenior Center. Disability Ministry Presents: Free Time for Parents We provide a fun, structured environment for children with disabilities and their siblings, giving parents a morning of free time. We meet on the first Saturday of each month, from 9:00am to 12:00pm in Multitorium West. Registration is required one week in advance! Registration and Volunteer Information: hfdisability@gmail.com Anne Bosslet 847-358-6318 Donna Rogers 847-310-0778 George Valentino Mary Colish Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetua light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. This Week at Holy Family TO BE JOYFUL AGAIN, a support group for widows and widowers will meet on Thursday May 1st from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. Call Elaine at 847-705-9886 for more information FIRST FRIDAY ANOINTING OF THE SICK on Friday May 2nd at the 9 am Mass. JOB SUPPORT–unemployed or underemployed meet every Saturday for networking and resume and interviewing preparation. Saturday, May 3rd from 7:30am – 9:30 am. AL-ANON – a support group for family and friends of alcoholics meets weekly. Saturday, May 3rd from 9:30am – 11:30 am. Contact Peggy at 847-917-7203 for more information. To Be Joyful Again, a non-denominational support group for widows, widow- ers, or anyone who has lost a significant other, meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 7 P.M. Following the support meeting on May 15, at 8:00, Cliff Petrak will present “Don’t Slow Me Down With That Calculator.” Neurons and synapses in the brain change as we age. How can we keep or minds active, alert, and clear? He will teach you to master a multitude of little-known, super-shortcut computational techniques involving addition, subtraction, fractions, squaring and multiplication. You will soon leave your calculator-dependent friends in the dust! And of course, his techniques are great exercise for the mind as we age. Keep sharp, keep smart! Cliff is a Teacher Emeritus, author, and a most enthusiastic, engaging speaker. Note: If you are interested in Cliff’s book, bring $15 for a fun investment in your mental health and functioning. All are welcome. Contact Elaine at 847-705-9886 for more information. 16 April 27, 2014 Pastoral P astoral Care Care Home Care vs. Assisted Living: Heath and Quality of Life By: Sarah Stevenson Eight reasons why an assisted living facility could be better than living at home when it comes to seniors’ quality of life and overall wellness. As the baby boomers continue to enter retirement in record numbers—a group that includes my own parents—more and more of us will face the question of how to handle their changing health needs. However, many of us will also face an even more urgent request from our parents themselves: “Please don’t put me in a nursing home.” The problem is this: when mom and dad start to need more daily care, it can put pressure on family caregivers and strain on relationships. That’s where assisted living comes in. In a residential facility where there is 24-hour access to personal care, as well as nutrition and wellness services designed specifically for older adults, seniors can enjoy social contact, security and support while still maintaining their independence. Assisted living is a great intermediate step for seniors who need more help than the family can provide at home, but who don’t need the round-the-clock medical care of a nursing facility. 1. Access to Physical Activity and Fitness With the latest in gym equipment, group exercise classes like tai chi and zumba, and personal trainers well versed in the needs of older adults, assisted living communities offer opportunities for physical fitness that go far beyond what family caregivers can easily provide at home. 2. Plenty of Opportunities for Social Activity Living at home can be isolating, particularly if a senior resides alone. It can be difficult for the elderly to maintain their social relationships when they are no longer working. In assisted living, residents can easily socialize with peers, not only in common areas but also through planned, structured activities like field trips, dancing, and cultural events. 3. Intellectual Stimulation Among the various activities that assisted living communities provide are plenty of chances for lifelong learning, from computer classes to book clubs to art classes. Many facilities even offer guest lectures from visiting scholars and professionals. Those communities located on or near a college usually enable residents to take advantage of the nearby campus resources, including courses and cultural events. 5. 6. Housekeeping and Transportation: All Taken Care Of Keeping the house clean, weeding the garden, getting to appointments and social engagements—these are day-to-day responsibilities that often fall on caregivers when a senior parent is living at home, whether they live alone or with the family. The vast majority of these burdens are relieved when older adults reside in assisted living, as the community generally includes upkeep and housekeeping in the monthly rent cost, and many facilities also offer transportation services. A Safe Living Environment For seniors to remain living safely at home, a wide range of home modifications might be needed if their physical health begins to wane—such as shower railings and medical alert systems, to name just two—and the expenses can quickly add up. Assisted living facilities are designed for mobility and accessibility, helping seniors avoid falls and accidents and providing rapid access to assistance. 4. lenging for family caregivers to monitor whether their loved ones are receiving the necessary nutrients. In assisted living, residents are served three meals a day tailored to the changing health needs of older adults. Some luxury communities even offer gourmet dining! Supervised Nutrition It can be very difficult to supervise senior nutrition at home. Seniors living alone may find it unappealing to cook for one, and it’s chal- 7. Help with Activities of Daily Living Family caregivers are also generally responsible for helping with activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing, dressing, and eating when a senior loved one lives at home. In other cases, the family or the senior themselves must bear the cost of a home care aide. Both of these options can cause personal and financialstrain on the family. In contrast, one of the most basic tenets of assisted living is helping older adults with these ADLs so that they can continue to function as independently as possible. 8. The Rewards of Independence Being able to maintain one’s independence is rewarding in and of it—and sometimes that requires accepting a bit of help now and then. Assisted living helps seniors care for them while also offering access to an active and rewarding lifestyle. At the same time, when families no longer bear sole responsibility for meeting all of their loved ones’ needs, it can reduce everyone’s stress level and even improve family relationships. The time that adult children spend with their senior parents can then become truly meaningful quality time. www.holyfamilyparish.org 17 Operations Operations Ro Geisler Director 847-907-3424 RGeisler @holyfamilyparish.org The Operations Community... oversees the parish business and infrastructure activities to ensure they operate efficiently. SUNDAY ATTENDANCE & COLLECTIONS - Week 42 April 20 ATTENDANCE: COLLECTIONS: $40,000 $20,000 $ To Date 6,330 103,126 25,069 $ 1,607,878 Cumulative Collections Vs Last Year $0 -$20,000 Vs Budget -$40,000 -$60,000 -$80,000 -$100,000 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Week Other Collections (to Date): Easter Easter Flowers St. Paul Mission Holy Thursday $ $ $ $ 125,967 7,325 44,315 2,038 HOLY FAMILY BOOKS & GIFTS – (847) 907-3413 COMMUNION MMUNION 18 April 27, 2014 CONFIRMATION Family Album Baptism Baptism is the Church’s Sacrament of Initiation. We warmly welcome our newest members. Josephyne Loretta Pearce Child of Michael & Jennifer Dylan James Rogers Child of Derek & Melanie Cash Michael Breslin Child of Sean & Valerie Morgan Lee Mescha Child of Keith & Amy www.holyfamilyparish.org To schedule a Baptism, contact Christine at 847-359-0042. 19 Family Album Baptism Baptism is the Church’s Sacrament of Initiation. We warmly welcome our newest members. To schedule a Baptism, contact Christine at 847-359-0042. Nathan John Cipolla Child of Matthew & Kathleen Nathan Owen Wisniowski Child of Marcin & Renee Dennis Bruce Webster III Child of Dennis & Jodi 20 April 27, 2014 Relax. You’re at Great Clips.® Hair Cuts • Updos Open 7 Days 34 S. Northwest Hwy. Palatine (NW Hwy & Palatine Rd.) 847-991-1776 Anthony, Dan and Ross Morizzo Proud Parishioners Since 1989 • Traditional Funeral Services • Traditional Cremation Services • Memorial Services • Pre-Arrangement & Pre-Planning • 24/7 Availability • At Need & Pre-Arrangement As a family owned and operated business, we take great pride in the service we offer to the families in our community. We are more than caretakers, we are your neighbors and friend. We are privileged to be a part of this community and your family. We provide unparalleled guidance, unmatched care and unwavering support for the families we serve. 2550 Hassell Road • Hoffman Estates • 847-752-6444 4 Life Animal Wellness Center • Free Estimates • Bonded & Insured Parishioner M.J. Miller & Co. 1730 W. Algonquin Rd. Hoffman Estates 847-701-8377 • Rehab therapies post surgery or injury. • Healthy Pet Lifestyle counseling. • Older Pets-stiffness or weight problems. • Holistic Veterinary Medicine. • We can help you keep your pets. • Healthy and happy for years to come!!!! Fine Jewelry & Gifts We Buy Estates, Old Gold & Giftware 847-381-7900 123 W. Main St. Barrington www.mjmillerjewelers.com Nova Fire Protection Inc. Fire Sprinkler Installation, Repairs, Testing & Inspections for Commercial & Residential 847-885-1605 www.novafp.com Happy Murray Age 14 years Miller Wealth Law Group LLC (847) 466-1045 MillerWealthLaw.com Office in Schaumburg Estate Planning: Wills & trusts. Help when a parent, spouse or loved one passes away. Business Planning: Succession & owner exit strategies. Executive & key-employee benefits. Tax Planning & Preparation: Reducing taxes to protect family wealth & create charitable trusts. American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries American Family Insurance Company Home Office – Madison, WI 53783 ©2012 006441 - 9/12 Michael Sparks Agency 33 W Higgins Rd, Suite 3010 South Barrington, IL 60010 Bus: (847) 985-0121 mspark1@amfam.com Jeff Miller, Attorney Pam Miller, CPA Parishioners since 1995 Jeff is an adjunct estate planning professor at Tents • Tables • Chairs • Linens • Moonwalk • Games DePaul law school and admitted to practice 500 S. Hicks Road, Palatine 847-394-8213 www.arlingtonrental.com before the United States Tax Court. HEATING • COOLING GENERATORS 847-987-9738 Insured Parishioner www.mechanical24.com 5% OFF ANY SERVICE W/AD Parishioner Plumbing Contractor Wants Your Work No Job too Big or Small 5% of all sales will be donated Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1175 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA G. D. DECORATING Painting Interior/Exterior • Wood Finishing to the building fund 847-358-5377 • Paper Removal & Hanging www.intelligentplumbing.com PL13556 • Wood Staining • Drywall Repairs JANINE VAINISI • Water Damage/Repairs REALTOR®, ABR • Deck Cleaning & Staining Keller Williams Success 847-303-1413 847-609-9578 George Darby, Parishioner www.HomesByJanineV.com FULLY INSURED CORCORAN HEATING AIR CONDITIONING INC. Sales • Service • Installation Commercial & Residential HOFFMAN ESTATES 397-5888 TOM AUTO • HOME • LIFE BUSINESS LONG TERM CARE CHUCK BRAZELTON Agent & Parishioner chuck@brazeltoninsurance.com 2549 W. Golf Road Hoffman Estates 847-882-4800 www.brazeltoninsurance.com Kathy L. French, D.D.S. FAGD Kevin Sullivan M.D. Parishioner Deborah L. Kleskan O.D. Brent Ostoich O.D. Parishioner Laser Vision Correction • Contact Lenses • General Eye Care Parishioner Serving Families in Our Community Since 1985 Teacher, Presenter and Member of Numerous Dental Associations and Institutes 630-773-6966 500 Park Blvd., Ste. 180C Itasca 1415 Palatine Rd. Hoffman Estates 847-776-8900 009247 Holy Family Church (C) www.HAMILTONLAKESDENTISTRY.COM www.jspaluch.com Air Conditioning & Heating Corp. $15.00 Off On Service Call $50.00 Off On New Furnace Or Air Conditioner Not Good W/Other Offers 500 East N.W. Hwy., Palatine 847-359-4500 KEVIN BUDINGER-Parishioner For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Owned and operated by the Bob Smith Family Since 1912 MARY ANN ROSANOVA-KAPER, MD MARK A. ROSANOVA, MD DIPLOMATES, AMERICAN BOARD OF OPHTHALMOLOGY Parishioner Surgery & Disease of the Eyes 330 E. Main St., Ste. 1W, Barrington 381-4300 • Complete funeral arrangements • Cremation services • Funeral preplanning • Out-of-town arrangements • Monuments RAYMOND LA VIGNE, DDS Dental Care for the Entire Family WE Evening & Saturday Hours 637 First Bank Dr., Palatine CARE 847-359-1292 A LOT (At Hicks & N.W. Hwy.) PALATINE SHELL SERVICE All Repairs Guaranteed 7 East Palatine Rd., Palatine 847-358-4299 www.palatineshellservice.com Dentistry For: New Patients Welcome! • Children • Adolescents • Special Needs Our promise is to provide customers with good old-fashioned personal service. Come visit your hometown bank for all your personal and business needs. We offer a full range of deposit, loan and trust services. 1375 Palatine Road, Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 (847) 963-9500 Russell S. Pollina D.D.S., P.C. Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics 601 W. Central Rd. Ste. #4 18 E. Dundee Rd. Bldg. 5 Mt. Prospect Suite 100 - Barrington 847-392-2457 847-382-1720 www.grins4kids.com Inc. Door Closers • Safes • Sales & Service Commercial • Residential • Industrial Locksmith Services Since 1963 339 W. Northwest Hwy., Palatine, IL 60067 847-359-0557 EDWARD HENNING BONDED & INSURED ROBERT HENNING Il. Lic# 0192-000118 www.henningbros.com 847-815-5040 Ron Kolze CENTRAL PLUMBING COMPANY, INC. Mailing Center 1590 W. Algonquin Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 847-934-6700 • Mail Box • Fax • Copy • Boxes • Packaging • Laminating Services • Gift Wrapping • Notary Public and Much More DAILEY ELECTRIC CO., INC. Since 1980 4 Generations of Plumbers Repairs & Remodeling - Water Heaters Disposals - Sump Pumps - Rodding 847-705-9054 (847) 359-9789 Jim Dailey — 3701 Berdnick-Unit C 10% PARISHIONER DISCOUNT Parishioner Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com Tom Ryan ~ Kevin Ryan IL. LIC # PL16019 FAST - FRIENDLY - AFFORDABLE - EMERGENCY SERVICE RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL HIGH QUALITY & SERVICE HARDWOOD FLOORING New Installation Dustless Sanding Refinishing Free Estimates • Insured No Job Too Small! Residential & Commercial • Exterior & Interior 331 West Northwest Hwy Suite 204 Palatine www.certapro.com 847-963-1820 Pack “N” Mail KOLZE FLOORING LIC. # 055-012918 ASK FOR THE PARISH DISCOUNT! ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS 55 YEARS OR OLDER! CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING SPECIALISTS Parishioners Discount 10% Off With Ad (847) 426-1900 R. BONO & SONS Parishioner JNL CLIMATE CONTROL, INC. Heating & Air Conditioning 27 Years Experience 847-358-2251 CREATIVE PAINTERS Nicole Kosciuk, O.D. Expert Interior & Exterior Painting • Drywall Repair Reliable Craftsmanship at Honest Prices 847-650-2714 John Beening Parishioner $35 Off Service Call (1 hr. min. not valid on clean & check special) www.jnlclimatecontrol.com ASK FOR PARISH DISCOUNT! Comprehensive & Cosmetic Dental Care Michael A. Lovda, D.D.S., Ltd. & Associates www.drlovda.com 1644 W. Algonquin Rd. • Hoffman Estates (847) 991-0790 Emergencies Seen Promptly 009247 Holy Family Church (B) 24 Hour Answering Service 1605 Colonial Parkway Inverness, IL 60067 847.907.9600 Securities and Advisory Services offered through LPL Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor. Member FINRA/SIPC www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Law Offices “Chores By Chip” Robert J. Ross of Robert J. Ross, Parishioner, - Wills & Trusts 30 Years Experience - Business Law www.RobertJRoss.com (847) 358-5757 Office in Inverness HANDYMAN SERVICE ELECTRICAL • FAUCET REPAIR • CARPENTRY QUALITY WORKMANSHIP South Barrington resident 847-551-1767 OVER 45 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED FACILITIES ALL ON ONE LEVEL — CREMATION SERVICES William Haberichter • Melissa Nelson • Matthew Haberichter • Directors 3615 Kirchoff Road • Rolling Meadows Funeral Home 847-253-0224 MICHAEL HARRY MINTON Parishioner Leadership in Family Law • Exceptional Trial Advocacy Family Matters...Matter to Us “Realize An Accomplishment” In The Dissolution Process Achieving Emotional & Economic Security • • • • Daniel Baeten Our 2nd Century of Service 847-963-0099 Family Owned & Operated by CONTESTED FAMILY LAW & CUSTODY LITIGATION The Ahlgrim Family (Parishioner) Douglas R. Ahlgrim Owner & Director 630-846-0020 Sales Solutions For Small Business Owners www.isesales.com SUPERB HOME CARE CORP Provides Home Caregivers To Assist Anyone Of Any Age Especially The Elderly In Activities Of Daily Living WWW.SUPERBHOMECARECORP.COM Stephen Alekna (224) 650-0991 (847) 803-8873 Parishioner and Knights of Columbus Holy Family Council #11981 Dr. Richard M. Mruz, MD PARISHIONER Member of American College of Pro-Life Obstetrician Gynecologist Contact: Gina Eagler or Christopher Haering From every season, to every reason...Life Celebrations, cultural events, trainings, ceremonies, retreats, seminars, trade shows Enhancing your special occasion 4800 Hoffman Blvd, Hoffman Estates, IL 119 N. Northwest Hwy. PALATINE, IL 60067 dbaeten@isesales.com THE MINTON FIRM 847-645-9500 ATTORNEY AT LAW Independent Sales Executives National Trial Lawyers Top 100 - 2014 Legal Network Top Lawyer in Illinois - 2014 Chicago’s Top Rated Lawyers - 2014 AV Highest Peer Review Rating for Legal Ability & Ethical Standards - 25 Yrs. 1051 Perimeter Drive, Suite 400 • Schaumburg, IL 60173 847-874-7278 • www.minionlawfirm.com JOHN C. VOJTA ALEXIAN BROTHERS MEDICAL CENTER 810 Biesterfield Rd., Ste. 102, Elk Grove Village 364-0040 Are you ever alone? You’re never alone when you have a medical alert! "I feel more independent, safe, and secure with my medical alert." Lake Zurich 415 S. Buesching Road 847-540-8871 Palatine 201 N. Northwest Hwy. 847-358-7411 www.ahlgrimffs.com PROBATE RESEARCH MISSING/UNKNOWN HEIRS LOCATED Domestic & International Services for: Courts, Lawyers, Trust Officers, Administrators, Executors Laurie Harris, parishioner 847-519-3600 www.landexresearch.com Less than $1 per day • • • • Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. No Long-Term Contracts Price Guarantee A+ Rating with BBB Made and Monitored in the USA Call Today to learn more about our Special Offer. For further information, please call the Parish Office. 1.877.801.8608 Toll Free SKIN WELLNESS Providing Skin Care through Customized Facials & Treatments • Anti-Aging • Acne • Sensitive/Rosacea • Waxing Procedures Come In for a Complimentary Skin Analysis and Learn More About Your Skin’s Needs & Solutions JIM SCHARFE 1246 W. Northwest Hwy., Palatine 847-359-2770 www.jimscharfe.com 847-525-3640 SHINGLES • WOOD SHAKES FLAT ROOFING • GUTTERS CALL US TODAY! 847.797.0404 Renee Diak-Witek, Licensed Esthetician skinwellnessbyrenee.skincaretherapy.com 118 Wood Street, Barrington IL License #104-009220 Inc. HOME IMPROVEMENT & REMODELING Kitchens • Bath • Additions • Basements Interior & Exterior Renovations Family Owned and Operated Since 1987 847-202-9496 CELL 847-417-1278 ron@saboco.com Parishioner - Veteran SENIOR DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE! NO JOB TOO SMALL 009247 Holy Family Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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