E - HealthCare Chaplaincy


E - HealthCare Chaplaincy
Administrative Center
315 East 62nd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10021-7767 Phone: 212-644-1111 Fax: 212-758-9959
Center for Pastoral Care, Education & Research
307 East 60th Street, New York, NY 10022-1505 Phone: 212-644-1111 Fax: 212-486-1440
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
The HealthCare Chaplaincy is a multifaith community of professionals committed to the
advancement of pastoral care, education, and research. We are dedicated to the spiritual
care of all persons who are suffering in body, mind, and spirit.
From the Chairman and the President
Building for Attainment
A Focus on Caring
Leadership through Education
Research and the Faith Connection
New Trustees
Treasurer’s Report
Financial Statements
A Gathering of Friends
Institutional Gifts
The Bridge Society
Individual Gifts
The Hope and Remembrance Society
Board of Trustees
Clinical Staff
Partner Healthcare Institutions
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
From the Chairman and the President
or more than four decades The HealthCare Chaplaincy has reached out to those in
need, enabling a ministry of professional chaplaincy to hundreds of thousands of
those facing health care crises.
At the same time we have reached out to those who needed to learn the art of spiritual
care, providing internationally recognized education programs for student chaplains
and for those wishing to become supervisors.
We have also reached out to those who sought answers to questions, playing a leading
role in furthering the body of research that finds increasingly strong and positive interactions among healing, health, and spirit.
“Reaching for the world, as our lives do, /
As all lives do, reaching that we may give /
It is through this reaching out that we realize our mission. At the
same time we continue to be grateful to those who reach out to us:
❍ Our partner healthcare institutions who allow us to help
The best of what we are and hold as true.”
them achieve best practices of patient care by ensuring spiritual
care as an integral part of the healing process.
❍ The world of post-graduate education that recognizes The HealthCare Chaplaincy as
one of the leaders in clinical pastoral education, and a center of professional excellence.
❍ The scientific community that has, through publication in its peer-reviewed journals
and through numerous citations, endorsed our research.
❍ The corporations and foundations that have reached out to us with support for our
innovative programs, helping us continue our pioneering initiatives.
❍ The religious communities and judicatories who have reached out with support for
us in so many ways, helping The Chaplaincy become the connective tissue that enables
their mandate to reach the patient’s bedside and the families’ heart.
❍ The individuals who, through their generous support, uphold our mission and encourage
our compassionate work.
Without these exceptional partnerships our commitment to pastoral care, education,
and research could not be sustained. By reaching, we touch. Through education, we
achieve knowledge and skill. In researching, we grow in understanding. Through support,
we extend our mission.
Thanks to all who, as noted by the esteemed British poet Phillip Larkin, made possible
our “Reaching for the world, as our lives do, / As all lives do, reaching that we may give
/ The best of what we are and hold as true.”
Lawrence J. Toal Chairman
Walter J. Smith, S. J. President and CEO
The Rev. Arlinda Derrick encourages a patient at the
Rehab Institute of New York at Florence Nightingale
Health Center.
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
Our mission keeps us focused on providing spiritual solace to the sick, the dying, and their loved ones.
And as we reach out to those in crisis, we continue to enhance our programs in pastoral care, education,
and research. And as we enable more professionals to be present for those in need, we know our
administrative structure must constantly evolve—focusing on stewardship, embracing technology,
using sound management tools.
build ng
for attainment
O ur
strategic plan envisions that The HealthCare
In 2002, chaplains at the Hospital for Special Surgery developed
Chaplaincy will be a passionate and innovative national
a data base program for clergy requests that helps track
leader through:
successful visits while collecting data for quality control and
research. At North Shore University Hospital, chaplaincy
❍ Creation of integrated models of health-related spiritual care
❍ Becoming a premier and preferred provider of spiritual
care in the tri-state area
requests are now downloaded into hand-held PC devices so
data are kept and configured in real time. And Lawrence
Hospital Center’s pastoral care department posted a schedule
of worship services on the hospital’s intranet, making it
available to all patients.
❍ Collaborating with national professional chaplaincy organizations to develop an acknowledged standard of excellence
During the year, The Chaplaincy’s new administrative
in pastoral care, education, and research.
offices were completed, occupied, and blessed. The new Joan
B. & William G. Spears Center for Pastoral Research is now
While many current partnerships and programs attest to our
fully configured with computer work stations; every study table
successes in these areas, we know we must do more: by develop-
has voice and data port capability; The Online Public Access
ing more spiritual care services in new patient care settings;
catalogue enables local, national, and international clergy and
by reaching out to underserved populations, and encouraging
others to access over 3,000 holdings; new videoconferencing
them to become involved; by continuing to add new pro-
equipment enables broad participation in meetings;
grams such as North General Hospital’s crisis training for
enhanced web presence includes video streaming; and a
local minority clergy, Beth Israel Medical Center’s clinical
new intranet provides instant access to forms, policies, and
pastoral education program for Buddhists, and the Jewish
procedures for all chaplains and administrative staff.
Institute for Pastoral Care’s (JIPC) continued development of
a pastoral education program for congregational rabbis
This efficient and forward-looking administrative structure
and cantors.
enables us to continue to achieve our goal of maintaining the
highest possible ratio of funds to programs: at least 80 cents of
For The Chaplaincy, technology is only useful when it supports
every dollar received goes directly to our core mission of providing
the spiritual journey, creating increased time for patient-
pastoral care, education for professional chaplaincy, and research.
chaplain interaction or the opportunity for more in-depth
Increasingly we look to technology, wisely applied, to enable more
communication among everyone involved.
chaplains to be present for more individuals and families in need.
Being present for patients in institutions throughout
New York’s Tri-State region is key to The HealthCare
Chaplaincy’s mission.
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
Patient care is at the center of our mission.
We are here to be present for patients and their families in times of illness, disability, aging, and
dying. But there is more. We know the importance of reaching out to physicians, nurses, and
other healthcare professionals who every day are on the front lines, dealing with those in crisis
while facing the complexities of an ever-changing healthcare system. We understand
the need to provide a healing presence to both individuals and institutions.
car ng
a focus on
O ur
outreach is non-denominational—sometimes
❍ At several hospitals, including St. Luke’s-Roosevelt,
chaplain and patient share the same faith tradition;
spirituality groups are now routinely offered on recovery
other times may demand reaching across faith boundaries.
and psychiatric units; the Emergency Room also is
The Chaplaincy’s multifaith clinical staff is trained to work
routinely staffed by a chaplain or intern.
with those of any faith, or of no faith.
Chaplaincy staff at many of our partner healthcare insti❍ At Lenox Hill Hospital, chaplains developed and led
tutions conducted educational workshops for medical
an inservice program on spiritual self-care for nurses
staff and interns; participated on numerous hospital
and nursing assistants.
committees related to bioethics, advanced directives
❍ At New York United Hospital Medical Center, chaplainled memorial services for those who died while in the
Skilled Nursing Pavilion continue to be a part of that
unit’s way to grieve the loss of patients.
❍ At North General Hospital in Harlem, one focus was on
such as health care proxies and living wills, staff morale,
and other issues; led bereavement groups for staff; and
established Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
teams, which are capable of addressing large-scale crises
that may occur both in the hospital and in the surrounding
care for families of the recently deceased: chaplains are
on call to help notify the next of kin and work with
There is an increasing need for professional chaplaincy
nurses to prepare the bodies of deceased individuals
services, making a difference to patients, families, and
for viewing by loved ones in the morgue; chaplains
staff as they face life’s most difficult challenges. As one
also helped refurnish the morgue, creating a more
patient wrote, “I have never forgotten you or your kindness.
supportive environment.
Your help, bringing God’s word, meant so much to me and my
❍ At Burke Rehabilitation Hospital in White Plains,
our chaplain developed a system in which local
wife, particularly when we are not of your faith.” As the need
grows, education provides a key.
congregations are notified when members are admitted,
when members are hospitalized and discharged, and
when patients need a connection to a congregation in
the community.
Supervisory Resident the Rev. Sergei Petrov
(Griffin Hospital, Connecticut) leads a CPE student
through reflective discussion.
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
Teaching and learning can take many forms.
To help others learn the ways in which healthcare chaplaincy is different from other forms of ministry
demands a special set of skills. We know we must help our students reach inside themselves to
discover their own truths before they can successfully become a presence with others. Our CPE
supervisors become the guides for this incredible journey—some 4,000 hours of
education leading to certification—using the inner resources they have developed
while on their own path.
leadership through
educat on
M any of our partner hospitals are renowned teaching
chaplains are included on rounds with medical residents. At
institutions; others are part of complex systems or important
North General Hospital, a course for medical residents,
community institutions. Our goal is to help each of them
“Multicultural Competencies in Death Notification,” helps
include chaplaincy and attention to the spirit in the context of
raise awareness in an important area.
their total mission. Thus, at many of our partner institutions,
chaplaincy is now included on rounds as part of the education
Education can take other forms as well, seen, for example
of medical residents and interns; and chaplaincy visits are
in inclusive actions. At Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
included in patient charts, further integrating the spirit
Center, eight new refrigerators were donated for use by
into patient care and education. At the same time chaplain
kashrut observant patients; at the same time Muslim pastoral
leadership is often included in committees responsible
care involved people from the community in sharing holiday
for such areas as disaster planning, general policies and
gifts with pediatric patients; the Church of the Epiphany
procedures, and educational programs.
developed a pilot Eucharistic Ministry program for
Episcopal patients.
During the year, The Chaplaincy continued as a leader in
providing clinical pastoral education (CPE), in preparing
Training of community volunteers—clergy and laity—in
students to become CPE Supervisors, and in providing
the complex art of hospital chaplaincy continues as an
educational programs about spirituality and healing to
important part of community outreach and education in
healthcare institutions and the community.
many hospitals. At Griffin Hospital in Derby, Connecticut,
a program trains increasing numbers of parish nurses in
At Beth Israel Medical Center and in its community-at-large,
the art of pastoral care. At Winthrop-University Hospital
the professional staff serve as resources for education around
on Long Island, in collaboration with the Diocese of
issues of death, bereavement, spirituality, and ministry. These
Rockville Center, a new program has opened dialogue on
programs can take the form of an outdoor worship service
medical, social, and theological issues surrounding visitation
for CPE students at Carl Schurz Park or the development of
by clergy and Eucharistic Ministers.
a first ever part-time CPE training unit for Buddhists.
As these multiple strands of care and outreach blend together,
At most hospitals pastoral care is now a routine part of new
we look to research to provide tangible evidence of their
staff orientation, with emphasis on newly employed nurses
positive impact, increasing the integration of matters of
and nurses’ aides. The education process continues as
the spirit with matters of science.
Chaplaincy researchers, JIPC students, and staff confer via
videoconference with colleague Dr. Kenneth Pargament,
Bowling Green University, Ohio, on a project examining
spiritual beliefs of the Jewish elderly.
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
The answers are in.
Over and over again, data strongly suggest that the connection between the body and the spirit—
once thought tenuous—is really quite strong. But much remains to be learned on this vast frontier,
where we must reach out with new studies and new methodologies to reach even more informed
conclusions. The more we know about the connection between the body and the
spirit, the more we can assure that the spirit, made whole, is an accessible and willing
participant in the healing process.
research and the faith
connect on
This year, working with students and chaplains in
Our research staff also made several successful presentations
our partner institutions, we conducted and participated
for the benefit of our clinicians and CPE students, and
in 22 research projects. The results were published in
for medical staff and medical students located at our
such peer reviewed journals as Journal of Pastoral Care
partner institutions. Additionally, our researchers spoke at
and Counseling, Psycho-Oncology, Journal of Psychology
such venues as the annual meeting of the National
and Christianity, Journal of Applied Gerontologist,
Association of Jewish Chaplains, the Eastern Psychological
American Journal of Family Therapy, and Cancer
Association, the Association of Professional Chaplains,
Nursing. These studies examined issues that are of
and the American Psychological Association.
interest to clergy, healthcare professionals, and others
in their daily work:
As these studies show, the connection between the spirit
and individual health is increasingly apparent, a strong
❍ Clergy with CPE training were more confident about
their ability to deal with pastoral and mental health
foundation that can and does provide positive outcomes
within our healthcare system.
issues among hospitalized patients.
❍ A majority of community clergy said they were “definitely
more likely” to refer parishioners to a hospital that
has a pastoral care department.
❍ There have been positive changes in the interest of
spirituality and religion among psychologists and
other behavioral scientists between 1965 and 2000.
❍ Critical incident debriefings can be effective in reducing
compassion fatigue and burnout, as evidenced by
caregivers during the 9/11 attacks
❍ Nurses were more likely than other staff to make
referrals to chaplains.
New Trustees
The HealthCare Chaplaincy is pleased to announce the election of six new members to its board of
trustees. Diverse in age, ethnicity, and professional expertise, these extraordinary individuals share a deep
commitment to The Chaplaincy’s mission of providing compassionate spiritual care to those in need.
The Rev. Canon George W. Brandt, Jr. is
John J. (Jack) O’Neil is a partner at the law firm of
the rector of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton and Garrison. He con-
in Manhattan. He has previously served as
centrates in international and domestic estate planning,
canon at the Cathedral of St. Phillip in
trusts and estates administration, matrimonial matters,
Atlanta and secretary for The Church of
and private foundations planning. He has extensive
the Province of Central Africa. Once a practicing attorney,
experience representing the develop-
the Rev. Brandt was a trial lawyer and a litigator. He is a
ment offices of two major medical
trustee of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine and a
centers. Mr. O’Neil is listed in Who’s
member of the Advisory Committee to the Anglican
Who in American Law and Who’s Who in
Observer to the United Nations.
Rosamaria (Mia) Carbonell is the director of corporate
Bob Weinstein is co-chairman of Miramax Films. He
communications for AOL Time Warner, Inc. Ms. Carbonell
founded the company in 1979 with his brother Harvey,
has also served as a communications director for Vivendi
naming it for their parents, Miriam and Max. Under
and The Seagram Company Ltd. She
their leadership, Miramax has received
has had an extensive career in television
205 overall Academy Award nominations,
news reporting at English and Spanish-
including 14 Best Picture nominations
speaking networks, including Telemundo.
over a span of 11 consecutive years, and
In 1992, Ms. Carbonell was the Hispanic
has earned 49 wins. The Weinsteins were
media coordinator for the United States presidential
also co-producers of Mel Brooks’ The Producers, which won
12 Tony Awards in 2001, including Best Musical.
David B. Case, M.D. is a physician specializing in
hypertension and internal medicine at New YorkPresbyterian Hospital, and a faculty member of the medical
schools of Cornell and Columbia. He is a
founding member of New York Physicians,
a multispecialty practice group at New
York-Presbyterian, and is president of its
New York Physicians’ Foundation.
With respect and gratitude, The Chaplaincy
bids farewell to the following board members
who have completed their terms of service.
Leslie McCall is a certified financial analyst who has
worked in the financial services industry for 15 years. She
is presently a senior analyst and portfolio manager with
HSBC Asset Management. Ms. McCall is
a member of the Junior League, providing
community outreach to the homebound
elderly and helping to develop the
League’s website. She is active in the
We are forever empowered with their wisdom,
guidance, and commitment.
The Rev. Andrew C. Mead
Michael M. Paese
Betty J. Lawson-Rose
Brick Presbyterian Church, teaching and coordinating
Daniel R. Tishman
toddler Sunday Church School classes.
R. Keith Walton
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
Treasurer’s Report
E nabling The HealthCare Chaplaincy to continue strengthening its mission –
reaching out in ever widening circles
to those in need through presence, programs, and research – is the overall goal of all who have provided such
generous support. And we are pleased to report that goal has been achieved.
In 2002, The Chaplaincy continued to build on the strengths of its past, forging new alliances, building new healthcare
partnerships, and developing new pastoral education and research initiatives. These successes have been possible
through the sterling generosity and visionary leadership of our trustees and benefactors – past and present – coupled
with the prudent stewardship of our board and staff.
Our ratio of program support to administrative expenses is once again exemplary, an accomplishment noted by
The Charity Navigator website (www.charitynavigator.org), which gave The Chaplaincy its highest four star rating,
noting that our “efficiency” rated among the highest of our peers. That efficiency continued in 2002, when 81 cents
of every dollar spent was provided to support The Chaplaincy’s core mission. This stewardship, combined with the
faith journey exemplified in all the religious traditions embodied within this institution, helps us as we continue to
fulfill our mission of bringing God’s love to all those who suffer in body, mind, and spirit.
Donald B. Christian Treasurer
shap ng
the future:
Building the Future: Education, Community Outreach, and Research Program Expenditures
Statement of Financial Position, 1998-2002 (in thousands)
Cash and cash equivalents
Accrued income receivable
Land, buildings, and equipment
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Pledges and grants receivable
Prepaid expenses and deposits
“When someone is sick, being alone
can be very frightening. Sometimes
the patients who come to us have no
family or friends to care for them.
Support from a chaplain who listens
and understands can make all the
difference.” –The Rev. Carlos Alejandro,
director of pastoral care and education
at North General Hospital.
Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Total Liabilities
Net Assets:
Net investment in land, buildings,
and equipment
Long term investment
Capital improvements fund
Imam Yusuf Hasan,
staff chaplain at Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
and Lenox Hill Hospital,
speaks to NYPD detectives at
the American Museum of
Natural History about Islamic
cultural practices.
Total Unrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
* Reclassified to conform with 2002 financial statement
“Having Jon (the Rev. Jon Overvold, director of pastoral care and
education at North Shore University Hospital) here makes a big
difference for the patients and the staff,” said Joyce Seelig, a
social worker on the hospital’s oncology unit. “Our patients are
facing their fears, thoughts and feelings surrounding their own
mortality. Often they’ll want to talk about these things from a
spiritual perspective, and that’s where Jon comes in. With him
here, I feel that, as a social worker, I don’t have to do this alone.”
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
Operating Results, 1998-2002 (in thousands)
Support and Revenue
Foundations & trusts
Religious organizations
Individuals & estates
Benefit & journal (net of expenses)
Total Contributions
Service Income
Other investment income
utilized in operations
Donated goods & services
Community outreach
Fundrasing, annual
Total Support Services
Congregational rabbis and cantors
from across the country participate in a
week-long Kallah, an intensive study
program in the development of pastoral
care skills offered by The Chaplaincy’s
Jewish Institute for Pastoral Care.
Investment income from restricted
funds utilized in operations
Tuition, student fees, miscellaneous
Total Other Income
Total Support and Revenue
Operating Expenses
Program Services
Patient/family care
Professional education
The Rev. Melody Meeter talks with
nursing assistant Ernestine Johnson
at Lenox Hill Hospital.
Total Program Services
“You know God has a plan,…and
Chaplain Meeter is included in that plan.”
said Ms. Johnson. “The other day
when my problems at home were
overwhelming me, she came running
up to me in the hallway. She seems
to always turn up when I need her.
She is a gift and a blessing.”
Support Services
Administration (including depreciation)
Total Expenses
Revenue (Under)/Over Expenses
Audited financial statements of The HealthCare Chaplaincy, Inc. are available by writing to The
HealthCare Chaplaincy, Development Department, 315 East 62nd Street, 4th Fl., New York, NY 10021,
or to the Department of State, Office of Charities Registration, Albany, NY 12331.
The Chaplaincy reminds all of us of the critical role
of spiritual care, and the importance
of treating the whole person.
–Bernadine Donahue, M.D.
speaking on behalf of the evening’s
eighteen patient care Wholeness of Life honorees.
A gathering of
The Wholeness of Life Awards
Frank J. Petrilli, president and CEO of TD
Waterhouse USA and a native New Yorker,
was the 2002 Wholeness of Life Community
Honoree. A pioneer in the field of online
investing, Mr. Petrilli has been named to
Institutional Investor’s list of the 40 most
influential executives in online financial services.
He was recognized for his commitment to the
youth and elderly of his home city.
Patient care honorees take the stage at the Wholeness of Life
awards dinner held at Cipriani 42nd Street
Frank J. Petrilli, president and CEO of TD Waterhouse USA,
accepts the 2002 Wholeness of Life Community Honoree award
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
E ighteen
exemplary patient care honorees were also honored for their compassionate work in The
Chaplaincy’s partner healthcare institutions. As a symbol of admiration and appreciation, each honoree was
presented with a newly commissioned HealthCare Chaplaincy commemorative medallion. “By your presence
and work,” said the Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J., The Chaplaincy’s CEO, “you are both a gift and a blessing
to all whose lives you touch.”
The Wholeness of Life award is presented each year to a community member and to patient care professionals
in The Chaplaincy’s partner institutions who show a deep commitment to caring for the whole person—body,
mind, and spirit.
Creating a new tradition, the patient care recipients were
also honored in special award ceremonies in their respective
healthcare institutions. Each award was presented by a
Chaplaincy trustee and a senior staff member before the
recipients’ colleagues, family, and friends.
The Rev. Canon George Brandt, Jr., Chaplaincy trustee, presents
the Wholeness of Life award to Dr. Crisanta Mosende-Reyes at
North General Hospital
Dr. Bernadine Donahue is affectionately
surrounded by her colleagues at the
Wholeness of Life award ceremony at
NYU Medical Center
Nick Ucci, The Chaplaincy’s
executive vice president and COO,
with life trustee Edee Bjornson
and her husband Carroll
Nick Ucci, The Chaplaincy’s
executive vice president and COO, with life trustee Edee
Bjornson and her husband Caroll
Trustee Dr. David Case and his wife, Dr. Jean Case
Rabbi Shira Stern, director of The Chaplaincy’s
Jewish Institute for Pastoral Care, gives
the evening’s invocation
The Rev. Meigs Ross, (right) director of pastoral care and
education at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center, proudly
poses with their honoree, Antoinette Mitchell-Fletcher
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
Institutional Gifts
Trustee Nancy Nielsen and
the Rev. Stephen Harding,
staff chaplain at Beth Israel
Medical Center
Institutional Gifts $100,000 and above
❋❏ Altria Group, Inc.
a portion to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ The Clark Foundation
❋ William Randolph Hearst Foundation
❋ The Henry Luce Foundation
❋ Fannie E. Rippel Foundation
❋ The Robin Hood Foundation
❏❖ TD Waterhouse Group, Inc.
❋ The Teagle Foundation
❋ UnitedHealth Foundation
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❏ Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
❏ Pfizer Inc.
❏ Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation
❏ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
❋ Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue
❋❏ The Evelyn Sharp Foundation
❋ Alan B. Slifka Foundation, Inc.
❏ St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center
❏ Tishman Construction Company
❏ Vivendi Universal
❏ Washington Mutual, Inc.
❏ Winthrop-University Hospital
Anonymous (2)
❏ American Tower Corporation
❏ Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield
❏ The Bank of New York
❋ The Bodman Foundation
❋❏ The Andrea and Charles Bronfman
Philanthropies, Inc.
❋ The Louis Calder Foundation
❋ The Hagedorn Fund
❋ Leo Burnett U.S.A., Inc.
in honor of William H. Webb’s retirement
❋ Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation
❋ The Ambrose Monell Foundation
❋ Edward S. Moore Foundation
❏ New York Stock Exchange, Inc.
❏ The Starr Foundation
❋ UJA-Federation of New York
Anonymous (1)
❏ American Express
❏ AOL Time Warner Inc.
❋ The Atlantic District, LC-MS
❋ The Rose M. Badgeley
Residuary Charitable Trust
❏ Beth Israel Medical Center
❋ Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
❏ Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center
❏ The Winifred Masterson Burke Rehabilitation Hospital
❋ Columbia/HCA Healthcare Foundation
❏ Deutsche Bank
❏ Ernst & Young
❋ Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church
❋ General Electric Company
❏ Griffin Hospital
❋❏ J.P. Morgan Chase & Company
a portion to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❏ Lawrence Hospital Center
❋❏ The McGraw-Hill Companies
❏ Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
❏ Mutual of America Life Insurance Co.
❏ The New York Hospital Medical Center of Queens
❏ New York Life Insurance Company
❏ North General Hospital
❏ NYU Downtown Hospital
❏ NYU Medical Center
❏ Rehab Institute of NY at
Florence Nightingale Health Center
❋ Varnum-DeRose Trust
❏ Verizon Communications Inc.
❋ Webb, Johnson Associates, Inc.
❏ Xerox Corporation
❋ The Winifred Masterson
Burke Foundation
❏ DeVito Fitterman Advertising
❏ GreenPoint Financial
❋ Congregation Emanu-El of the City of New York
❏ Hospital for Special Surgery
❋ DeWitt Wallace-Readers Digest Fund
❋ James N. Jarvie Commonweal Service
❋ Loeb Partners Corporation
❏ Lenox Hill Hospital
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Metzger-Price Fund, Inc.
❋ The Henry & Lucy Moses Fund
❏ New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Westchester Division
❋❏ Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
❏ Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
❋❏ Morgan Stanley
❋ The New York Community Trust
❋ Annual Fund
❏ Benefit
❖ Caring Partnerships Capital Campaign
Institutional Gifts
❋ Jeffry M. & Barbara Picower Foundation
❋ The Seth Sprague Foundation
❋ Tanenbaum Center for
Interreligious Understanding
❋ Victory SBSF Capital Management
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Weeden & Co., L.P.
Trustee Warwick Carter and
his wife, Lyle
❋ Alcide Corporation
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ J. Aron Charitable Foundation
❋ The Brick Presbyterian Church
❏ Cipriani 42nd Street
❋ Colgate-Palmolive Company
❋ The Constans Culver Foundation
❏ DeCicco, Gibbons & McNamara, P.C.
❋ Gartner, Inc.
❏ Invemed Associates, LLC
❋ Jewish Funeral Directors of America, Inc.
❏ The Leonard & Evelyn Lauder Foundation
❋ Marble Collegiate Church
❋ The Vincent Mulford Foundation
❏ National Broadcasting Company, Inc.
❏ The New York United Hospital Medical Center
❋ Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo & Associates
to the Themla A. Dinkeloo Pastoral Education Fund
❋ Saint Peter's Lutheran Church
❋ Wyeth
❏ Z Group Design inc.
❋ Avatar Properties Inc.
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Church of the Heavenly Rest
❋ Church of the Holy Family
❋ Enpro International, Inc.
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Robert G. Hayhurst, Jr. Family Foundation
❏ Linear Technologies, Inc.
❋ New England Financial
❏ The New York Roofing Company
❏ New York-Presbyterian Hospital
❋ Norman Foundation, Inc.
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Park Avenue United Methodist Church
❋ PartnerRe Asset Management
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Annual Fund
❏ Benefit
$499 and Below
❋ Americon, Inc.
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Annex Young Men's Association
in memory of Alfred Pisano
❏ Chefs Extraordinaire
❏ Coastal Mechanical Corp.
❋ Congregation Or Zarua
❋ Creative Artists Agency
in honor of Craig Gering’s birthday
❋ DeWitt Stern Group Planning Services, LLC
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❏ The Employment Line
❋ ExxonMobil Corporation
❋ The First Baptist Church
❋ Flanders Management Company
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❏ The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, Inc.
❋ Hotel Le Toiny
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Mancini Duffy
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Pagosa Springs Area Chamber of Commerce
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❏ Michael Podesta Graphic Design, Inc.
❋ Quinnipiac University
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❏ R & S Floor Coverings Corp.
❋ Rudy's Limousine Service, Inc.
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❏ Starling Decorators
❏ Tele-Automation, Inc.
❋ Trachtenberg & Pauker, LLP
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❏ Trimark Group, LLC
❖ Caring Partnerships Capital Campaign
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
Individual Gifts
The Bridge Society 2002
A t the heart of The HealthCare Chaplaincy’s mission is bridge building—building bridges that
connect those in crisis with the spiritual resources that will lead them to the path of healing and
wholeness. To recognize those donors whose generosity has helped to build these bridges, The
Chaplaincy has created The Bridge Society.
The annual contributions and campaign pledge payments of these donors have qualified them to
be members of The Bridge Society 2002.
Life trustee Bill Spears
Sustainers of the Spirit - ($25,000.00 + )
❋ Virginia and Louis R. Benzak
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ The Dinkeloo Family
to the Thelma A. Dinkeloo Pastoral Education Fund
❏ Rosemarie and Roger A. Enrico
❖ Roslyn and Leslie Goldstein
❋❏ Margaret M. Hill
❏ Diana and Frank J. Petrilli
❖ Ann and Christopher C. Quick
❋❏ Josie and Julian H. Robertson, Jr.
a portion to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋❏ Laurance S. Rockefeller
❏❖ Susan and Jack Rudin
❋❏ Maria and Bill Spears
to the Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J. Fellowship Fund
in memory of Claire Dolleck Deskin
❖ Judith and Michael H. Steinhardt
❖ Sheryl and Daniel R. Tishman
❋❏ Sheila and Lawrence J. Toal
a portion to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋❏ Susan and Edgar Wachenheim
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
Anonymous (1)
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
Champions of Care - ($10,000-$24,999)
❏ Ann E. Clayton and Bob Weinstein
❋ Leisa S. and Charles G. Crane
❋❏ Caroline and Paul Cronson
❋❏ Mary Sharp Cronson
❋❏ Joan and Joseph Cullman III
❋ David F. DeLucia
❋❏ William W. Donnell
a portion to to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Phyllis and Richard L. Gelb
❋ Patty and Edward Herlihy
❋ Annual Fund
❏ Benefit
❋ The Peter T. Joseph Foundation
❋ The LB and TD Foundation
❖ Joan M. and William C. Mattison, Jr.
❋❏ Lucy Flemming McGrath
a portion to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❏ Anne Moore, M.D. and Arnold L. Lisio, M.D.
❋❏ Miriam K. Moran
❖ Constance J. and Dennis R. Purdum
❋❏ Janet W. and Charles J. Seidler
❋❏ Helen S. Tucker
a portion to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋❏ Carolyn A. and the Rev. John D. Twiname
a portion to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Kaaren Van Dyke
to the Thelma A. Dinkeloo Pastoral Education Fund
❏ Lawrence M. Waterhouse, Jr.
❋ William H. Wright II
(Anonymous 2)
Keepers of the Flame - ($5,000-$9,999)
❏ Mary W. Cashin
❋❏ Joan H. and Alfred C. DeCrane
a portion to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋❏ Ruth DeN. and Robert E. Diefenbach
❋❏ Audrey and Christiaan Dinkeloo
to the Thelma A. Dinkeloo Pastoral Education Fund
❋❏ Gladys and Carter Dinkeloo
to the Thelma A. Dinkeloo Pastoral Education Fund
❋❏ Antonia B. DuBrul
❋ Elizabeth and Joseph Engle
❋❏ Arlyn and Edward L. Gardner
❋ Monika and Charles A. Heimbold, Jr.
❋❏ Sherry Jacobson and Eugene I. Zuriff
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
in memory of Rose Singer
in memory of Ghity Lindenbaum Stern
in honor of Ethel and Samuel J. LeFrak
in honor of Tom Strauss
❖ Caring Partnerships Capital Campaign
Individual Gifts
The Bridge Society 2002
❋ Elizabeth and William R. Johnston
❋ Chantal and James Sheridan
❋ Francine and Samuel C. Klagsbrun, M.D.
❋❏ David E. Stutzman
❋ Barbara S. Levinson
❏❖ Catey and T. Michael Long
Terry Goodwin and Judy Donahue
❏ Michele B. and Matthew M. Ludmer
Circle of Hope - ($1,000-$2,499)
❋❏ Leslie McCall and Boris Borozan
❋ Charles E. Aysseh
❏ Carole and Edward D. Miller
❋ Stephen Bermas
❋ Suzanne and Thomas S. Murphy
❋ Edith C. and Carroll N. Bjornson
❋ Patricia R. and F. Herbert Prem, Jr.
❋ Marilyn and Richard Blair
to the Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J. Fellowship Fund
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋❏ Hope Bryce Preminger
❋ Catherine A. Rein
❋ Kimberly W. and Thomas J. Sheridan
❋❏ The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
in memory of Lillian S. Alexander
in honor of Joan B. Spears’ Birthday
❋❏ Karen and J. Nevill Smythe
❋ Linda and Thomas M. Taylor
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Hondi and Thomas Brasco
❏ Kay Brover and Arthur Bennett
❋ Jane G. Brown and Charles G. Grimes
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Robert L. Cahill, Jr.
❏ Drs. Jean and David Case
❋ Donna and Derrick D. Cephas
❏ Wende Cohen and Frederic Levin
❋ Emy Cohenca
in memory of Jacques Cohenca
❋ Marian H. Courtney
❏ Wendy and James Daras
❋ Barbara and Benjamin J. Denihan
in honor of Thomas N. Keltner, Jr.
❏ Hanni Dinkeloo
❋❏ Judith and Daniel J. Donahue
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Kathaleen M. Duffin
❋ Susan L. Fischer
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
in memory of Bertha and Julius Kulman
❏ Bette K. and Peter M. Fishbein
❋ Sharyn and Stuart Frankel
❋ Jacquie and William T. Friedewald
❋ Naomi Friedland-Wechsler and
Rabbi Harlan J. Wechsler
❋ Michael E. Gellert
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Diana and Harrison J. Goldin
❏ Linda and Ira J. Greenblatt
❋ Audrey and Anthony J. Grieco, M.D.
❏ Gretchen and Eugene P. Grisanti
❋ Robert S. Hatfield
❋ Margaret and James D. Hemphill
❏ Patricia Hill
❋❏ Ellen M. and James E. Hillman
❏ Rochelle and David Hirsch
❋ Joanne Jaffin Mason
❏ Carolina Jaramillo-Johnson and James Johnson
Torch Bearers - ($2,500-$4,999)
❋ Canary Charitable Foundation
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❏ Louise Carter
❋❏ Lyle and Warwick W. Carter, Jr.
a portion to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Diana and Marc Chazaud
❋ Dawna and Donald Christian
❋ Lavonne and David A. Cowan
❋ Suzanne Fawbush and Christopher Grisanti
❋❏ Candice and Terry W. Goodwin
to the Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J. Fellowship Fund
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
in memory of Alfred Pisano
❋ Sibyl C. Jacobson and Frank R. Rosiny
❋ Anne H. Johnson
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋❏ Lynn and Bud Johnson
in honor of the Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
❋ Margaret Ann and Thomas S. Johnson
❋❖ Paula and Thomas N. Keltner, Jr.
❋ Manitoba Foundation
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❏ Ronay A. and Richard L. Menschel
❋ Diane S. and Steven C. Parrish
❋ Annual Fund
❏ Benefit
❖ Caring Partnerships Capital Campaign
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
Individual Gifts
The Bridge Society 2002
❋ Ellen and Howard C. Katz
❋ Nancy and Henry Schacht
❏ Mimi and Donald J. Keller
❋ Oscar S. Schafer
❋ Mary and Kenneth L. King
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❏ Alan D. Schwartz
❋ Betty and H. Virgil Sherrill
❋ Abby Simpson and Todd Mydland
❋❏ Kathleen and Michael J. A. Smith
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Margaret and Alexander J. Smith
❋ Eugenia W. Stillman
to the Eugenia W. and
P. Gordon B. Stillman Family Fund
❋ Debra and J. Frederick Stillman
to the Eugenia W. and
P. Gordon B. Stillman Family Fund
❋ Carolyn and William C. Stutt
❏ David Teiger
❋ B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D.
in honor of Margaret Phelan Reed
❋ Suzanne and Stephen H. Weiss
❋ Barbara and W.W. Williams, Jr.
in honor of the Rev. Paul D. Steinke
and the Rev. Ann Williams
❋ Lisa Woods
❏ Barbara G. and George M. Yeager
❋ Arthur Zankel
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
Anonymous (1)
❋ Carole R. and George C. Kulman
in memory of Bertha and Julius Kulman
❏ Elaine and Kenneth G. Langone
❋ Ethel and the Honorable Samuel J. LeFrak
❏ Lawrence Leuzzi
❏ Ann Marie and Bruce Logan, M.D.
❋ Elizabeth J. McCormack and Jerome I. Aron
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋❏ Conna and John F. McGillicuddy
❋ Clare and Howard McMorris III
❏ Margaret L. Moline, Ph.D. and Neil McDonnell
❏ Gloria and Sheldon W. Moline, M.D.
❋ Nancy Nielsen
❋ Diane A. Nixon
❏ Shirley and Jonathan O’Herron
❏ John J. O’Neil
❏ Qadriyyah and Imam Izak-El Mu’eed Pasha
❋ Catherine S. and Thomas J. Pierce
❏ Marc E. Platt
❏ Christina Prunier and David Doss
❋ Urvi and John Prunier
in honor of the Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
❋ Julie and David Ricciardi
❋ Margaret Robson
in honor of Carolyn A. and the Rev. John D. Twiname
❋ Jane and Kevin Roche
to the Thelma A. Dinkeloo Pastoral Education Fund
❏ Marcella Rosen and David G. Sacks
Individual Gifts
Melissa Eisenstat and trustee
Leslie McCall
$500 to $999
❏ Julie P. Cho, D.M.D.
❋ Cathy and Hall Adams
❋ Cheryl A. Clarke and Larry Orrico
❋ Lilyan H. Affinito
❏ Arturo Constantiner, M.D.
❋ Barbara A. and Theodore B. Alfond
❋ Patricia and Donald T. Coughlin
in honor of Judith and Daniel J. Donahue
❋ Andrea and Renato Berzolla
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Margaret and Edward H. Bragg
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ David J. Callard
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ John K. Castle
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Karen and David E. Cowan
❋ Annual Fund
❏ Benefit
❏ Drs. Charlotte and Ward Cunningham-Rundles
❏ The Rev. Dr. John S. Damm
❋ Peggy and Richard M. Danziger
❋ Lynn and Brian Ebzery
to the Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J. Fellowship Fund
❏ Melissa Eisenstat and Jonathan Blau
❋ Barbara Evans
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Clotilde and Vincent Farrell
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❖ Caring Partnerships Capital Campaign
Individual Gifts
❋ Catherine Y. and Harold B. Finn
Board chairman Larry Toal and his wife, Sheila
❋ Susan Brainerd and Alan R. Quinby
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Susan and Thomas Fitzpatrick
❋ Dr. Kathleen M. and Charles Foley
❋ Candice and John Frawley
in honor of Carolyn A. and the Rev. John D. Twiname
❋ Laura and William R. Jarnagin, M.D.
❏ Marian B. and Bernard P. Long
❏ Cassie and Robert C. MacFarlane
❋ Craig F. Magher
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Christine and Joseph T. McLaughlin
❋ Elizabeth W. and Clement C. Moore
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❏ Cathy and the Rev. Canon Andrew Mullins
❋ Nancy and Morris W. Offit
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Judith A. and James P. Owens
to the Thelma A. Dinkeloo Pastoral Education Fund
❏ Peyton Patterson
❏ Annie F. and Eric S. Poon, M.D.
❏ Ralph U. Price
❏ Suzanne and John Prunier
in honor of the Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
❋ Harriet Cary Ross
❋ Nancy and James Sheed
❋ Yvonne and Tony Silva
in memory of Lynette Overton
❋ Bonnie and Nick Verbitsky
❋❏ Susan and George Vojta
❋ Julia and Laurie J. Warder
❋ Michael Weir
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Mildred and George Weissman
❏ Kim A. White and Kurt John Wolfgruber
❋ Ann S. and William G. Whitney
❋ Mrs. Thomas A. Williams
in honor of the Rev. Martha R. Jacobs
$250 to $499
❋ Johanna and Laurent Alpert
❋ Susan B. and Philip J. Bergan
❋ Andrea and Bob Berger
in memory of Jeremy Palley
in memory of Rhoda Zuriff
in honor of Sherry Jacobson and Eugene I. Zuriff
❋ Elizabeth and the Honorable Edward Biester
❋ Nancy and George Bodeen
❋ Daryl F. and Joseph L. Boren
in honor of the Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
❋ Annual Fund
❏ Benefit
in memory of Constance Twiname Briggs
❋ Anne L. Bryant and Peter H. Ross
❋ Lorraine M. and Richard J. Buoncore
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Walter M. Cain
❋ The Rev. Edward I. Carey
to the Thelma A. Dinkeloo Pastoral Education Fund
❋ The Rev. Carol C. Cruikshank
in memory of the Rev. Dr. John W. Pyle
❋ Mary and Marvin H. Davidson
❋ Diane de Coppet
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Linda Dombrowsky and Ronald Rosensweig
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Jennifer and Paul Donahue
in honor of the Rev. Curtis W. Hart
❋ Nina H. and James R. Donnelley
❋ Jane I. and Larry D. Droppa
❋ Laura Delano Eastman
❋ Margaret G. Eichorn
❋ Eleanor T. and John Elliott
❋ Doris B. and Raymond E. Farrelly
❏ Jean M. and Colin Fergus
❋ Barbara and Noel Morrow Flagg
❋ Alexander D. Forger
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Mary Jane and Frederick W. Gettler
❋ Robin L. and Peter A. Gish
❋ Heather A. Goodwin
❋ Suzan Habachy
in memory of Nelek Habachy
❋ Gigi and Stephen Hernandez
in memory of the mother of Kathy A’Hearn
in memory of Jamie Friedman
in memory of Anthony Monturori
in memory of Marcia Garland O’Connell
in memory of Evelyn Shanes
in memory of Victor Vaccariello
in honor of David Airey
in honor of Georgiann Chapman
in honor of Julia Corbin
in honor of Janet Fenton
in honor of Cheryl Flood
in honor of Sylvia Gertz
in honor of Amy Goldman
in honor of Gisela Granados-Carriero
in honor of Stephen Harrigan
in honor of the Harrison School District
in honor of Michael Hellman
in honor of Maritza Hernandez’s kindness
in honor of Steve Olivia
❖ Caring Partnerships Capital Campaign
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
Individual Gifts
Ken and Jennifer Missbrenner and
longtime Chaplaincy friend Toni DuBrul
in honor of Alonso Osorio, Sexton
in honor of Joan Phillips de Vives
in honor of Sylvia Ringel
in honor of the Rye Fire Department
in honor of Susan Sanders
in honor of Kristin Smith
in honor of Ralph Walker
in honor of Arlene Walsleben
❋ Anthony S. Hoyt
in honor of Edward L. Gardner
in honor of William H. Wright II
❋ Rebecca A. and Stephen M. Hudspeth
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Gina and Joseph Jannotta
❏ Sharon and Robert Jones
❋ Paul F. Jordan
❋ Donald W. Lundquist
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Goltra
❋ Sherry and Walter McDonald
in memory of Kiachi Tsien
❋ Vickie and Gregory McLaughlin
❋ Kathleen McLaughlin-Jerge
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Marjorie K. Nicodemus
❋ Marybelle and William O'Leary
in memory of Marcia and William Murphy
in memory of Carole and Barry Waters
❋ Helen Ouerbacker
❋ Muriel Palitz
❋ Paul J. Powers, Jr.
❋ Ruth H. Prenner
❋ David L. Rawle
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Catherine and Francis P. Rich
❋ Barbara A. Rosenfelt
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Mary Anne and Douglas Schwalbe
❋ Betsy and Alfred L. Scott
❋ Mari and Kenneth Share
❏ Jill and Howard Sharfstein
❋ Mina L. Smadbeck
in memory of Louis Smadbeck
❋ Liliane and Jose Soriano
❋ Flora E. and G. Franklin South
❋ Lorene and Jackson E. Spears
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ David H. Strassler
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Jean and Richard Swank
❋ Gail P. and Samuel T. Telerico
❋ Annual Fund
❏ Benefit
❋ Donald J. Toumey
❋ Patricia Koo Tsien
❋ Patrick J. Waide, Jr.
❋ Joseph B. Walsh, M.D.
❋ Sandra and George Weiksner
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Barbara H. West
❋ Shelby White
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Joyce C. Williams
❋ L. Randall Yates
❋ Marion P. and Salvatore D. Zaffino
$100 to $249
❋ Roslyn Alexander
in honor of Sister Elaine Goodell, P.B.V.M.
❋ Dr. Gordon Wood Anderson
❋ Margaret and the Rev. Mark Anschutz
❋ Velma and Ted J. Balestreri
❋ William C. Ballard, Jr.
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Pamela S. Banker
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Patti and Charles C. Baum
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Jeanette Blader Reid
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Jean K. and Christopher G. Boland
❋ The Rev. Canon George W. Brandt, Jr.
❋ Rabbi Daniel S. Brenner
❋ Diane and Gert Bruning
in honor of Karen Smythe
❋ Beverly Buckner
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Diane and Norman Cannon
❋ Mr. and Mrs. John G. Cartier
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Lois and Daniel Chabris
❋ Margaret M. and Anthony C. Chevins
❋ Carol Collins
❋ Linda G. Conway
in memory of James S. Conway
❋ Allison G. and Daniel J. Costarene
❋ Sylvia Crouter and J.D. Hodgson
❋ Nathaniel B. Day
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❖ Caring Partnerships Capital Campaign
Individual Gifts
Trustee Hope Preminger with Board
vice-chair, Bill Wright
❋ Claire C. and Bipin B. Desai
❋ Ethan A. Jacobson
in memory of Roland Bouffard
in memory of the mother of Judy A. Bucey
in memory of Helen Barber
❋ Harriet R. DeWitt
❋ Phoebe E. and Charles F. Dey
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Karen and John M. Diefenbach
❋ Patricia Dillon
❋ Monica and Michael Dimino
in memory of P. Gordon B. Stillman
❋ Sydelle E. Diner
in memory of Dr. Sandford H. Eisenberg
❋ Milton H. Dresner
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Louise Dunn
❋❏ Annette and J. Donald Fairbanks
❋ Sharon M. and Andrew Fisher
❋ Linda A. and Mark D. Fitzpatrick
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Alan K. Gage
❋ Frances A. and Dr. William A. Gay, Jr.
❋ Sandra Gering
in honor of Catey and T. Michael Long
❋ Anne H. Gerli
❋ Marion M. and Roger Gilbert
❋ Stephen D. Gilkenson
❋ Josephina Gill
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Ann and Herbert Granath
❋ Kathryn and Erik Hanson
❋ Jean Harper
in memory of Carroll G. Harper
❋ Phyllis R. and Charles Hersch, Ph.D.
in honor of the Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
❋ Phyllis and Joseph C. Hinsey
❋ Margaret and Martin Hoffmann
❋ Lesley B. and Joseph C. Hoopes
❋ Raymond W. Houde, M.D.
in honor of Dr. Kathleen M. Foley
❋ Heidi N. and Joseph C. Hough
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Ruth Hoyt
in memory of Constance Twiname Briggs
❋ Jacquelyn M. and Thomas L. Hutchison
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Richard A. Jacobs
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Rosalind G. Jacobs
❋ Susan and Jonathan Jewett
❋ Annual Fund
❏ Benefit
❋ Dorothy R. and Bruce Johnson
in honor of Carolyn A. and the Rev. John D. Twiname
❋ Laura A. Johnston
❋ Debby and the Honorable Thomas H. Kean
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Shirley C. and David T. Kearns
❋ Narindar U. and Michael J. Kelly
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Brian Kim
❋ Drs. Rosalind and Sung Hou Kim
in memory of Kiachi Tsien
❋ Pat and Martin Koldyke
❋ Helen and Robert Kronman
❋ Fred Levine, Esq.
❋ Marcia M. and Bob Lewis
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Ruth and Robert J. Lindner
❋ Janice B. and Charles R. Lloyd
❋ Shana Lowitz
in honor of Carolyn A. and the Rev. John D. Twiname
❋ David J. Lubben
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Rita and John Lynch
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ The Rev. Margaret S. and Donald R. Mahaney
❋ Isabel W. and Peter L. Malkin
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Alice Maloney
❋ Betsy H. and Anthony P. Marshall
❋ Sherry and Raymond Mauer
❋ Barbara and Eugene J. McDonald
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❏ Dorothy L. and William F. McDonald
❋ Sally and John J. McNally
❋ Julia M. McNamara, Ph.D. and Richard Lolatte
in memory of Julia C. McNamara
❋ Marie and the Rev. William Meyer
❋ Jennifer and Ken Missbrenner
❋ Brenda and Tocher Mitchell
in memory of Virginia B. Mitchell
❋ Betty Jane and James R. Mitscher
❋ Wonny and Joseph Mullen
❋ Roger Noall
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Catherine L. O'Brien-Saynor, M.D.
❋ Thomas H. O'Leary
❖ Caring Partnerships Capital Campaign
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
Individual Gifts
Wholeness of Life honoree Annie
Baldwin Barnes with the Rev. Carlos
de la Peña, director of pastoral care at
Brookdale University Hospital and
Medical Center
❋ Andrea J. and Patrick G. O’Neill
❋ Elizabeth and Alfred H. Taylor
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
in memory of Lillian S. Alexander
❋ Charles L. Odence
in memory of Lois B. Odence
❋ Ann W. and Spencer T. Olin
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Janice and Roger Oresman
in honor of Thomas S. Johnson
❋ Dorothy and Howard Pack
❋ The Rev. Caroline S. and James T. Parkinson
❋ Roland F. Pease
❋ Lisa and Richard Perry
❋ Margaret Phelan Reed
in honor of B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D.
❋ Ann Pisano
in memory of Felicia and John Caporale
in memory of John Caporale, Jr.
❋ Danielle Prunier and Steven Herman
❋ Marion Ragsdale
❋ E. B. Robinson, Jr.
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Colleen E. and Douglas M. Rogers
❋ Robyn Cutler Rosenberg and David Rosenberg
❋ Lynn Rothstein, Ph.D.
❋ Lynn W. and John L. Roy
❋ Stanley J. Scher
in honor of Sister Elaine Goodell, P.B.V.M.
❋ Arlene B. Schwartz
❋ Delia C. and Morton K. Schwartz
❋ Judith F. Schwartz
❋ Wendy S. and Richard M. Schwartz
❋ Jane D. and Douglas C. Seaberg
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Catherine Elizabeth and Robert E. Sheridan
❋ Jane and Richard Slagle
❋ Gregg Slow
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Sue Smart
❋ Baldwin Smith, Jr.
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Ellsworth G. Stanton III
❋ Patricia C. and Charles T. Stewart
❋ David Stone
❋ Alice and John D. Tarpey
in memory of William D. Hawes
in memory of Mary Scott
❋ Barbara O. Taylor, Ph.D.
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Kathy and David R. Tobin
❋ Annual Fund
❏ Benefit
❋ Joan and Nicholas J. Tortorello
❋ Dominic J. Ucci
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Janet S. and William N. Walker
in honor of Carolyn A. Twiname’s birthday
❋ Mary Kit Wallace
❋ Jo and Will Maitland Weiss
❋ Kurt D. Weyrauch and Paul H. Kim
in honor of the Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
❋ Gail R. and Robert J. Wilensky
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Dr. Barbara and the Rev. Fort Wilkerson
in memory of Constance Twiname Briggs
❋ Bessie Wilson
❋ Ann L. Woodfield and Ralph E. Wood
❋ Ginger and Geoffrey F. Worden
❋ Ying-Ying T. Yuan
in memory of Mary Niedzielski
in memory of Kiachi Tsien
❋ Theresa Zadrosny
in memory of Edith Ryba Dugdale
in memory of Anna Ryan
Anonymous (2)
$99 and below
❋ Lillian and Thomas Alberino
in memory of Alfred Pisano
❋ Marie K. Allen
❋ Rita and Sherwin Allen
❋ Ifa and Paul Allersmeyer
❋ Maire Allik
in memory of Viiu Allik
❋ Marie and Michael Barone
in memory of Alfred Pisano
❋ Richard Bernero
❋ Edith E. Bishop
❋ Susan H. and Anthony W. Bologna
in honor of Lauren Bologna
❋ Theresa and Anthony Bologna
❋ Perry S. Boynton
in memory of Dr. Mary H. Boynton
❋ Susan D. and Charles H. Boynton
in memory of Dr. Mary H. Boynton
❋ Barbara and Melvin L. Braun
❋ Adrienne L. Brown
❋ Mary L. Bundy
❋ Mary H. and John M. Callahan
in memory of the Rev. Neil E. Callahan, S.J.
in honor of the Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
❋ David W. Carsons, C.P.A.
❋ Ruth L. Cohen, Ph.D.
❖ Caring Partnerships Capital Campaign
Individual Gifts
❋ Ruthann Coleman
Trustee Ed Gardner and his wife, Arlyn
❋ Annual Fund
❋ Barbara Allen and William Kaiser
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Anne S. Connor
❋ Gayle M. and Richard M. Cooney
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Evan Jay Crane
❋ Louise S. and Robert E. Dailey
❋ Laura de Coppet
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Anne and Lyall Dean
❋ Lucille F. DeLucia
in memory of Felicia and John Caporale
❋ Maureen M. and Raymond F. DeVoe
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Gilda and Generoso DiChiara
❋ Martha J. Dodge
❋ Barbara J. and Patrick J. Dote
❋ Ruth Drazen
❋ Elizabeth A. and James J. Ebzery
❋ Christina J. Eldridge
❋ Muriel and C. Sims Farr
❋ Norma L. Fischer
in memory of Lillian S. Alexander
❋ Margaret M. Flaherty
in memory of Harold Flaherty
❋ Helen C. and James E. Fogarty
❋ Marian R. and Michael J. Foley
❋ Elizabeth C. Forster
❋ Edgar Garland
❋ Anne T. Gartner
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Miriam and Francis G. Geer
❋ Marjorie A. Geiger
❋ Rosemary B. Genovese
in memory of James J. Genovese
in memory of Anna Ryan
❋ John E. Gerli
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Fran and Gary Haber
❋ The Rev. Denise G. Haines
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Patricia and Joseph Hamilton
❋ Susan R. Hill
❋ Anne and G. Malcolm Holderness
❋ Dolores and William Ianniello
in memory of Alfred Pisano
❋ Fred Taylor Isquith
in honor of Sister Mary Owen
❏ Benefit
in memory of Constance Twiname Briggs
❋ Rabbi Susan Kanoff
❋ Irene Katris
❋ Laurie C. and Neil S. Kenagy
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Joan C. Key
❋ Barbara Z. and Robert M. Koppel
❋ Barbara M. and Walter G. Korntheuer
❋ Barbara S. Kraus
to the Thelma A. Dinkeloo Pastoral Education Fund
❋ Maureen and James Krinsley
in memory of Margaret Renahan
❋ Lorraine M. Krsulich
❋ Theresa T. Kudlak, M.D.
in memory of John F. Kudlak
❋ G. Bruce Leib
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Naomi D. Leszkiewicz
in memory of Dr. Sandford H. Eisenberg
❋ Josephine G. Levine
in memory of Morton Salzberg
❋ Jane and Jon R. Lind
❋ Robin Maitland
❋ Marfula Mandis
in memory of Dr. Sandford H. Eisenberg
❋ Robert G. McCreary III
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Laura and Colm McDermott
❋ Renee and Kenneth McKay
❋ Frances R. McKinley
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
in memory of the mother of Eugene L. Scott
❋ Grace Melillo
in memory of Alfred Pisano
❋ Barbara and Pat Melotto
in memory of Alfred Pisano
❋ Calvin M. Mew
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Susan J. Milamed and Jack L. Jacobs
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Anne and Kevin Mulvaney
❋ The Rev. Dr. Joan L. Murray
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Kathleen A. Novick
in memory of the daughter of
Rabbi and Mrs. Ephriam Karp
❖ Caring Partnerships Capital Campaign
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
Individual Gifts
❋ Gladys T. and Edward H. Novitch
❋ Abba Tor
in memory of Lillian Lefkowitz
in memory of Harry Zeid
❋ Marie C. Oddi
in memory of Alfred Pisano
❋ Dr. Herbert F. Oettgen
❋ Judith and Martin Ost
❋ Dianne B. and David F. Parker
❋ Jean A. and Frank P. Petrillo
in memory of Alfred Pisano
❋ Marian and Ben Pisano
in memory of Alfred Pisano
❋ Byrd Symington Platt
❋ Helen M. Polak
❋ Alice I. Porter
in memory of E. H. Lockwood
❋ Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Probert
❋ Jennie and Dominic Randi
in memory of Alfred Pisano
❋ Jeanne B. and Lawrence M. Riegel
❋ Carol A. Rotanz
❋ Drs. Carolyn and Albert Rubin
❋ Ruth and Jim Santos
❋ Ruth L. Schaefer
❋ Roberta and Raymond M. Schleicher
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Kuniko Schulein-Steel
❋ May and Leonard Schuyler
❋ Jane M. Seel
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Dorothy H. Segal
❋ Jane S. and Warren M. Shapleigh
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Coralie Huberth Sloan
❋ Bernice Slotnick
in honor of Mark Abrams
❋ Marlis and Harrison Smith
❋ Dolores and Louis Squeglia
in memory of Alfred Pisano
❋ Felicia M. and John T. Sterlacci
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Peter G. Stillman
to the Eugenia W. and
P. Gordon B. Stillman Family Fund
❋ Caroline Stone-Keating
❋ Mary and Lawrence Tagliatela
in memory of Alfred Pisano
❋ Anne H. Tahaney, O.P.
❋ Mildred and Phillips Talbot
❋ Lynn P. Thompson
❋ Phyllis and Edward Toohey
in memory of Ruth Scheidecker
❋ Margaret and James D. Vail
❋ Annual Fund
❏ Benefit
in honor of Carolyn A. and the Rev. John D. Twiname
❋ Mary Volpe
in memory of Alfred Pisano
❋ Helene and Francis M. Weld, M.D.
❋ Drs. Christine L. and Gary M. Williams
❋ Helen S. Wolfe
in memory of Alfred Pisano
❋ Frances and Philip Wrzosek
in memory of Alfred Pisano
❋ Jan A. Wysocki
to the Spears Family Fund
in memory of Joan B. Spears
❋ Caroline A. and Edwin Zimmerman
in memory of Madeline A. Thomas
Anonymous (1)
Gifts in Kind
Hogan & Hartson
Dr. Arnold L. Lisio
Pioneer Exterminating Co., Inc.
Scott’s Hallmark
Sylvia Weinstock Cakes, Ltd.
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
Wien & Malkin LLP
Chaplain Barbara G. Yeager
The Rev. Dr. Sarah Fogg (left), director of pastoral care at
Lawrence Hospital Center, with honoree Margaret “Missy”
Paolicelli and hospital CEO Edward M. Dinan
❖ Caring Partnerships Capital Campaign
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
The Hope and Remembrance Society
The following individuals have sought to ensure the future of The HealthCare Chaplaincy through a
planned or deferred gift. With their gifts, these special friends have made a commitment to sustain
the work of our chaplains, educators, and researchers for coming generations in need. Such donations
may include bequests, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts, real estate, life insurance, and
retirement benefits. The Chaplaincy is proud to honor these donors with membership in The Hope
and Remembrance Society. Inspired by the Mary and Laurance S. Rockefeller Chapel of Hope and
Remembrance, this legacy society recognizes the vision and dedication of these generous donors.
Former Board Chairmen Ralph Price (left) and Gene Zuriff (below)
are members of The Hope and Remembrance Society.
Janet C. Bosse❋
Dr. Mary H. Boynton❋
Rosemary Brough❋
Helen Watson Buckner❋
Lavonne and David A. Cowan
Leisa S. and Charles G. Crane
Florence Dutton❋
Susan L. Fischer
Louise Howell❋
Margaret M. Hill
Patricia Hill
Harriet Huber
Lillian W. Kay-Zulli❋
Betty Kranzdorf
Augusta Metz❋
Muriel Palitz
Iverdell Payne❋
Patricia R. and F. Herbert Prem, Jr.
Ralph U. Price
Marcella Rosen and David G. Sacks
Howard F. Sharfstein
Dallas B. Sherman❋
With appreciation and respect, The HealthCare Chaplaincy recognizes these deceased donors who included The Chaplaincy in their wills. May their families
find continued solace in knowing that their loved ones have made spiritual care possible for so many others.
The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
William G. Spears
Olga Steneck❋
Herman J. Stich❋
Sheila and Lawrence J. Toal
Patricia Koo Tsien
B. Gayle Twiname, Ph.D.
Carolyn A. and the
Rev. John D. Twiname
Eugene I. Zuriff
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
Board of Trustees 2002-2003
Lawrence J. Toal
The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
President and Chief Executive Officer
William H. Wright II
Vice Chairman
Donald B. Christian
Karen Smythe
The Rev. Canon George W. Brandt, Jr.
Rosamaria Carbonell
Warwick M. Carter, Jr.
David B. Case, M.D.
Charles G. Crane
Paul C. Cronson
Ruth DeNoyelles Diefenbach
David A. Doss
Francis K. Duane
Edward L. Gardner
Edward D. Herlihy, Esq.
Margaret M. Hill
Sherry Jacobson
Carolina Jaramillo-Johnson
John W. Johnson, Jr.
Thomas N. Keltner, Jr., Esq.
Edward J.T. Kenney
Arnold L. Lisio, M.D.
Rabbi Haskel Lookstein
Matthew M. Ludmer
William C. Mattison, Jr.
Leslie McCall
Miriam K. Moran
Mary O’Neil Mundinger, Dr.P.H.
George Nichols III
Nancy Nielsen
John J. O’Neil
Imam Izak-El Mu’eed Pasha
F. Herbert Prem, Jr., Esq.
Hope B. Preminger
Michael J.A. Smith
Michael H. Steinhardt
David E. Stutzman
Bob Weinstein
Life Trustees
Edith C. Bjornson
The Rev. Dr. John S. Damm
William W. Donnell
Donald J. Keller
Samuel C. Klagsbrun, M.D.
Mrs. Andrew J. Miller
Ralph U. Price
William G. Spears
Carolyn A. Twiname
The Rev. John D. Twiname
Rabbi Harlan J. Wechsler
President’s Advisory Council
John C. Beck
Geoffrey C. Bible
John S. Chalsty
Richard B. Fisher
Charlotte Ford
Thomas S. Johnson
Helene L. Kaplan
Martin Lipton
Edward D. Miller
Richard D. Parsons
Frank J. Petrilli
Philip J. Purcell
Jack Rudin
Frederic V. Salerno
Daniel R. Tishman
Stephen H. Weiss
Suzanne Wright
Healthcare Advisory Council
Gladys George
Herbert Pardes, MD
Harold E. Varmus, MD
Clinical Staff
Beth Israel Medical Center
Rabbi Jeffery Silberman
Rabbi Jacob Greenberg
The Rev. Stephen Harding
The Rev. Trudi Hirsch
The Rev. Peggy Muncie
Brookdale University Hospital &
Medical Center
The Rev. Carlos de la Peña
The Brooklyn Hospital Center
Chaplain Michael Moran
The Rev. Dr. Yvonne Valeris
The Winifred Masterson Burke
Rehabilitation Center
The Rev. John P. Bauman
DeWitt Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
The Rev. David P. Barrie
New York United Hospital Medical Center
The Rev. Martha R. Jacobs
NYU Medical Center
The Rev. Paul D. Steinke
North General Hospital
The Rev. Carlos Alejandro
North Shore University Hospital
The Rev. Jon Overvold
Rabbi Charles P. Rabinowitz
Griffin Hospital
The Rev. Jo Clare Wilson
Rehab Institute of New York at
Florence Nightingale Health Center
The Rev. Arlinda Derrick
Hospital for Special Surgery
Sister Margaret T. Oettinger, O.P.
Rabbi Ralph Kreger
St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center
The Rev. A. Meigs Ross
The Rev. Peggy Muncie
Lawrence Hospital Center
The Rev. Dr. Sarah Fogg
Winthrop-University Hospital
Chaplain Jane Mather
Lenox Hill Hospital
The Rev. Dr. John Bucchino, O.F.M.
Imam Yusuf Hasan
Rabbi Ralph Kreger
The Rev. Melody Meeter
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
The Rev. Dr. Joan Murray
Sister Elaine Goodell, P.B.V.M.
Imam Yusuf Hasan
Rabbi Stephen H. Shulman
The New York Hospital
Medical Center of Queens
Rabbi David M. Keehn
The Rev. Michael Carter
Sister Rosarine Quinn
The New York-Presbyterian Hospital
The Rev. Robert Anderson
The Rev. Amy Manierre
The Rev. Lynne Mikulak
Rabbi Stephen Roberts
The Rev. Dr. Carolyn O. Yard
Chaplain Barbara Yeager
The HealthCare Chaplaincy
Annual Report 2002
Administrative Center
The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith, S.J.
President & CEO
Robert Moulthrop
Interim Director, Communications & Public Affairs
Nicole LaRosa
Staff Writer, Publications Manager
Jacqui Burwell
Assistant to the President & CEO
Brian Kim
Web Master & Multimedia Specialist
Max Chen
Deputy to the President & CEO
Andrea J. O’Neill
Vice President, Development & Institutional Advancement
Susan L. Fischer
Chief Financial Officer & Senior VP,
Administration & Human Resources
Frances R. McKinley
Development Officer
Nina Goltsberg
Eric D. Sommer
Development Officer
Jason Lehrhoff
Systems Administrator
Rachel Jurisz
Development Associate
Maxcina Njorge
Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer and Senior VP
Alisa Bordonaro
Development Assistant
Winifred Osborn
Administrative Assistant/Receptionist
Haroon Khemrul
Maintenance Engineer
Salvador Soriano
Maintenance Engineer
Center for Pastoral Care, Education & Research
Dominic J. Ucci
Executive Vice President & COO
Anna Fewell
Assistant to the Executive Vice President & COO
Program Staff
The Rev. Denise G. Haines
Director, Education & Community Outreach
Gary Hess
Registrar/Program Administrator
Peter Brown
Education & Outreach Assistant
The Rev. George F. Handzo
Director, Clinical Services & Institutional Relations
Lavada Lindsey
Assistant to the Director of Clinical Services
& Institutional Relations
Rabbi Shira Stern
Director, Jewish Institute for Pastoral Care
Rabbi Bonita E. Taylor
ACPE Supervisor, Staff Educator,
Jewish Institute for Pastoral Care
Suzanne Stirnweis
Administrative Assistant,
Jewish Institute for Pastoral Care
The Rev. Dr. Andrew J. Weaver
Director of Research
Kevin J. Flannelly, Ph.D.
Associate Director of Research
Karen Costa
Research Assistant
Sharon A. Brown
D. Carole Holland
Michelle Hussey
Partner Healthcare Institutions
Beth Israel Medical Center
Brookdale University Hospital & Medical Center
The Brooklyn Hospital Center
The Winifred Masterson Burke Rehabilitation Center
DeWitt Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
Griffin Hospital
Hospital for Special Surgery
Lawrence Hospital Center
Lenox Hill Hospital
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York Hospital Medical Center of Queens
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
New York United Hospital Medical Center
NYU Medical Center
North General Hospital
North Shore University Hospital
Rehab Institute of New York at Florence Nightingale Health Center
St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center
Winthrop-University Hospital
The HealthCare Chaplaincy provides multifaith pastoral care services to healthcare institutions,
offers a variety of education programs – including a rigorous 1,600 hour course in clinical
pastoral education – and conducts research on the positive relationship between the spirit
and the health of mind and body.
Founded in 1961, The HealthCare Chaplaincy now annually provides professional pastoral
care from more than 30 denominations and faith groups to 300,000 patients in 40 healthcare
sites throughout the New York metro area.
The HealthCare Chaplaincy is one of the nation’s most efficient charities. In a typical year,
more than 80 percent of its funds go directly to education, training, and research programs
that support its mission, while less that 20 percent of funds are spent on administration,
development, and fundraising.