Pure quality makes the difference


Pure quality makes the difference
Dr. Clark Zentrum
Pure quality
makes the difference
Technology for Better Health – Special Offers
All special offers remain valid until 05 October 2014!
Discount code SE14
How Dr. Clark‘s Zapper Changed My Life
Before I got to know Dr. Clark personally in
1996, I had read her book and tried her frequency invention: the Zapper. And the results I
experienced with it led to my visit with Dr. Clark
and to everything that followed. I did not need
to be convinced once I had seen it work for me!
American biophysicist, physiologist and natural
health professional Dr. Hulda Clark held two
strong convictions: First, that we can do something for our own health, and second, that we
can use technology for better health.
In the 44 years that she worked with patients,
Dr. Clark did the latter in many ways – amongst
them through the development of her Zapper
and other „weird and wonderful“ devices such
as her bio frequency testing unit, the Syncrometer.
Dr. Clark Zentrum, Zieglerstrasse 44, CH-3007 Bern
Telefon +41 31 868 31 31, Fax +41 31 868 31 32
info@drclark.com, www.drclark.com
From my own experience, I was most impressed by her techniques and the numerous findings derived therefrom. The time spent with
Dr. Clark allowed me to develop the best equipment available on the market, so that you can
worry about your health, rather than about the
intricacies of technology.
This newsletter is all about devices. Use technology to improve your health – and now with our
special offers, do so at a great bargain!
Kind Regards,
David P. Amrein
Founder, Dr. Clark Center
The VariGamma
Easy-to-use and sturdy – VariZapper provides all applications
according to Dr. Clark and more!
The all inclusive frequency generator!
The VariZapper
The fact that every living being emits its own
unique frequency range was one of the most basic
findings by Dr. Hulda Clark. Dr. Clark termed this phenomenon “bioradiation”, an energy similar to the Asian
Chi or to what European scientists used to call “vital
force” or “elan vital”. As a result of this discovery, the
Zapper was designed – and became one of the
mainstays of Dr. Clark’s protocol.
Dr. Clark Research Association has advanced the original Zapper to a contemporary device of attractive
design, available at an affordable price.
This frequency device comes with a large display and
can be used with Driver Cards programmed for specific applications. It is easy to handle and is pre-programmed with three standard programs (Standard zapping,
Duration zapping, and Zappicator Program). The perfect device for home use!
Special offer until 05 October:
EUR 253.30 instead of 298.00
VariGamma offers the same three standard programs as
VariZapper and the same Program Drivers can be used
with it. Additionally, frequencies ranging from 1Hz to 1MHz
can be programmed individually and saved on blank
Programm Driver Cards (such as the Dr. Clark frequencies,
Dr. Rife frequencies, or other applications).
Since its use requires a bit more background knowledge,
we recommend this device for those who have a good
understanding of frequency concepts and how to apply
VariGamma’s scope of delivery includes the same
accessories that come with VariZapper. Additionally, it
comes with an alligator clip needed to make homeographic copies (a technology related to homeopathy and
invented by Dr. Hulda Clark) and for connecting VariGamma to Dr. Clark’s Zincrometer or any other bio-frequency testing device.
Special offer until 05 October:
EUR 506.60 instead of 596.00
Buy 1 device to get a 15% discount – receive 25% discount if you buy two or more units
from this brochure. This offer applies to the devices listed in this brochure only.
The Silver Smart
The Oxygenius Ozonator
State-of-the-art equipment to make colloidal
silver at home!
Produce your own ozone!
For millennia, people have been using silver for disinfection purposes. In former times, people used to throw a silver coin into milk to keep it from turning sour. Nowadays,
silver is mostly used in its colloidal state, which means
“finely dissolved in water”.
Laboratory tests show that silver is able to kill bacteria, fungi
and viruses. It stimulates bone growth and improves the
body‘s wound healing capacities, also in cases of severe
burns. Therefore in alternative medicine colloidal silver is
often used instead of antibiotics.
Ozonated oil and water have become an important
element in the Clark protocol, being that they are able to
bind and eliminate toxins (e.g. PCBs) found in our
bodies. Also, Dr. Clark’s bioenergetic tests showed that
the consumption of ozonated olive oil helps kill tapeworms and other pathogens such as anaerobic bacteria.
Dr. Clark recommends ozonated olive oil as part of the
„mop-up program“ for tapeworms, roundworms and
other hardy invaders, and ozonated water to get rid of
unwanted harmful toxins such as PCBs.
This generator produces 100cc of colloidal silver in a
short amount of time right in your home.
The Oxygenius Ozonator generates up to 300 mg of ozone per
hour. It can be used to make ozonated oil (30 minutes) or
ozonized water (7 minutes).
Special offer until 05 October:
EUR 198.90 instead of 234.00
Special offer until 05 October:
EUR 253.30 instead of 298.00
Buy 1 device to get a 15% discount – receive 25% discount if you buy two or more units
from this brochure. This offer applies to the devices listed in this brochure only.
The MagZapper
The Far Infrared Heating Pad
A professional device that generates a strong
pulsating magnetic field!
Pain relief and well-being
Magnetic fields are known to increase our well-being
and positively affect our energy. They have revitalizing,
relaxing and recreational effects.
MagZapper contains two large capacitors. They are
charged with electric power before a brief, powerful
pulse through the magnetic coil in the applicator head
discharges them again. Just hold the applicator head
to the part of your body to be exposed to the field
(right on your skin). The electricity will generate a short
but extremely powerful magnetic pulse that penetrates
deep into the tissues.
The device can be used over areas such as muscles,
bones, lymphatic nodes or inner organs. There is considerable scientific literature to be found on the application of pulsed magnetic fields, and Dr. Bob Beck highly
recommended them.
Special offer until 05 October:
EUR 283.90 instead of 334.00
For hundreds of years, mankind has been using heat to
ease pain. A hot bath relieves us from painful joints,
stiffness and other aches and pains.
FIR is the abbreviation for “Far Infrared Radiation“. The
benefit of infrared radiation is that it generates penetrating
heat that reaches deep into our tissues. Unlike ultraviolet
light, this kind of radiation doesn’t cause any damage to
the skin or tissues.
The heating pad can used to lay on or to wrap around
the area where the penetrating heat is needed. It is
available in four different sizes. Easy to use – the only
settings on the control are timer and temperature.
Special offer until 05 October:
(35x50 cm) EUR 137.70 instead of 162.00
(60x80 cm) EUR 203.15 instead of 239.00
(70x190 cm) EUR 559.30 instead of 658.00
(150x190 cm) EUR 1‘173 instead of 1‘380
Buy 1 device to get a 15% discount – receive 25% discount if you buy two or more units
from this brochure. This offer applies to the devices listed in this brochure only.
The WaterMaker Mini
The Water Distiller
Produce your own pure drinking water!
Distilled water easily made!
Tap water is often polluted with heavy metals, pathogens
and other undesirable pollutants. Our patented WaterMaker Mini is a reverse osmosis water purification
system that can be connected to the water tap directly
and will continuously wash out pollutants.
Pure and clean water is the basis of good health. Another
option for providing yourself with pure water is our Water
Distiller. Unlike the WaterMaker Mini, the Distiller is not
connected to the water tap. Simply fill it with tap water
and plug it in. 4 liters of water are distilled in about 4
It provides you with high quality reverse osmosis water.
You won’t have to tote heavy bottles any more – this
device produces up to 40 liters a day. Unlike carbon
filters that withhold pollutants and get polluted themselves over time, in the WaterMaker pollutants are
continuously washed away, because only clean water
can pass through the fine pores of the membrane.
Reverse osmosis makes the difference!
WaterMaker Mini features:
– Filters water by forcing it through tiny pores with the
help of standard tap water pressure
– Most solvents are also be filtered out
– Budget-friendly due to low purchasing price
– No electricity required
– 99% of all bacteria and 96 to 98% of all aluminum,
copper and nickel particles are filtered out
– Quick and easy to install
Special offer until 05 October:
EUR 164.90 instead of 194.00
To comply with Dr. Clark‘s requirements, we have
ensured that the distiller comes with a glass container
instead of the standard plastic container. Plastic can
seep unwanted substances into water, such as softeners, that can be damaging to health.
Water Distiller features:
– All solids and pathogens get filtered out entirely
– Solvents are absorbed by an active charcoal filter
– No installation is required – only mains current
– Cost-efficient in use
– Low water consumption
Special offer until 05 October:
EUR 186.15 instead of 219.00
Buy 1 device to get a 15% discount – receive 25% discount if you buy two or more units
from this brochure. This offer applies to the devices listed in this brochure only.
Special offers on our new products!
Full spectrum light
Papain 500 mg, 100 capsules
Dr. Hulda Clark recommends the use of full spectrum
light because she found that it can activate the white
blood cells, improving immunity.
A digestive enzyme mainly used to counteract
post-traumatic swellings and to promote digestion.
This product has not been part of our product range
for years. We have finally been able to source a high
quality full spectrum light solution to generate pleasant
and health-promoting light at your home or office!
Papain is found in papaya seeds and in green papaya
fruit skins.
15% off until 05 October:
15% off until 05 October:
EUR 336.60 instead of 396.00
EUR 14.10 instead of 16.60
Buy 1 device to get a 15% discount – receive 25% discount if you buy two or more units
from this brochure. This offer applies to the devices listed in this brochure only.
Expand your knowledge on Self Health and the Clark Protocol!
50% Discount on all Clark Books!
Dr. Hulda Clark discovered that
all diseases have simple explanations and cures once their true cause
is known (parasites and pollution). This
book describes the causes of both common and extraordinary diseases and
gives specific instructions for their cure.
With the help of her bio energetic testing
method, Dr. Hulda Clark discovered clues
as to the cause of cancer. Read more about
her conclusions, her advice for curing
cancer, her results and her methods.
Learn how to identify and remove the
causes of cancer.
„The Cure for All Diseases“
by Dr. Hulda Clark
„The Cure for All Cancers“
by Dr. Hulda Clark
Including over 100 personal Cases of cured patients. Read
about their recovery from all kinds of cancers.
With Many Case Histories of diabetes, high blood
pressure, seizures, chronic fatigue syndrome,
migraines, Alzheimer‘s, Parkinson‘s, multiple sclerosis, and others, showing that there are true underlying causes for all of these that can be addressed.
Special offer until 05 October:
Special offer until 05 October:
EUR 13.00 instead of 26.00
EUR 13.00 instead of 26.00
„The Cure for All Advanced Cancers“
by Dr. Hulda Clark
„The Cure and Prevention of All Cancers“
by Dr. Hulda Clark
The Cause of malignancy is explained in
the earlier book „The Cure for All Cancers“. But removing the malignancy left
behind the tumors as they were, prior to
the malignant development. So eliminating tumors became the focus of additional research, and is the subject of this
book. The 21 Day Program described in
this book does both. Dr. Clark said „once you win this
battle, even advanced cancer can be cured“.
As in her other books she describes her
results in a clear, easy to read style and
puts them all in the public domain for
your benefit. Learn how treat yourself,
your loved ones, and even pets for this
horrific disease.
Learn to avoid and destroy the cancer-complex using herbs and other low-tech methods to
bring a cure, not just a treatment, for our most dreaded
Including hard evidence of tumor shrinkage &
Includes a 2-week program for cancer; also a program for
Special offer until 05 October:
Special offer until 05 October:
EUR 13.00 instead of 26.00
EUR 13.00 instead of 26.00
Do you want to read a book in another language?
The 50% Discount offer applies to all the books of Dr. Hulda Clark until 05 October 2014
(also in Spanish, Italian, German and French).
50% Discount on all Clark Books!
„The Cure for HIV and AIDS“
by Dr. Hulda Clark
What really causes HIV/AIDS?
Read in this book how others recovered,
including some with clinical verification.
Even near terminal victims can recover.
Dr. Clark‘s 2-week program gives step by
step instructions on how to clear your
body of the five immunity-destroying toxins that cause AIDS. Your body will regain the ability
to kill the HIV virus in days and weeks.
„The Prevention of all Cancers“
by Dr. Hulda Clark
Learn the single epidemiological factor that
destroys immunity. Cancer has many
contributors, but the main actors form a
single chain of events. Pull out one link
and the whole cancer process is
blocked. Dr. Clark mentions that this kind
of prevention is more powerful than a
With Case Studies for Syncrometer Testers. Plus simple
instructions to make homeographic drops.
Includes a 3-week program for curing cancer; also a
program for pets.
Special offer until 05 October:
Special offer until 05 October:
EUR 13.00 instead of 26.00
EUR 13.00 instead of 26.00
„Syncrometer Science Laboratory Manual
Part 1“ by Dr. Hulda Clark
„Syncrometer Science Laboratory Manual
Part 2“ by Dr. Hulda Clark
Learn the experimental procedures for
biological investigations using Syncrometry. Plus applications in PlateZapping and other Zapping techniques for cancer therapy.
What could be more exciting than
searching your own stomach or head
for what might be causing pains
there; searching your heart and arteries for the beginning of heart disease; searching a tumor for what is
inside and why it‘s there! You can be a true scientist by
reading this book.
The freedom to pose her own questions
and pursue her own ideas led to the
breakthrough discoveries described in
this book.
Dr. Clark explained in her first book
„Syncrometer Science Laboratory
Manual Part 1“ how to use the
Syncrometer, along with 161 experiments and a multitude of other information. Throughout the years, she collected another 61 experiments that
she wanted to share with her fellow testers.
Special offer until 05 October:
Special offer until 05 October:
EUR 13.00 instead of 26.00
EUR 13.00 instead of 26.00
Do you want to read a book in another language?
The 50% Discount offer applies to all the books of Dr. Hulda Clark until 05 October 2014
(also in Spanish, Italian, German and French).
These special offers are valid until 05 October 2014. You can make use of them as many times as you like, but you must request the
discount at the time of the order. When ordering online at www drclark.com, please use the Discount code SE14. There is an additional 2% discount for all online orders. Shipping and Handling Euro 9 (islands Euro 30), acutal shipping costs outside of the EU. Payment outside of Switzerland and Germany by credit card or pre-payment by bank transfer only. This offer cannot be cumulated with
other offers.