Nº 23. Septiembre - Plan Nacional sobre Drogas
Nº 23. Septiembre - Plan Nacional sobre Drogas
Su elaboración en formato electrónico, iniciada en julio de 2002, ha supuesto importantes ventajas de cara a ampliar y agilizar su difusión entre los profesionales del sector, permitiendo asimismo la localización de documentación relevante por parte de cualquier ciudadano interesado en el campo de las drogodependencias. Como en los números anteriores, en el boletín de septiembre se recogen las principales novedades bibliográficas que, sobre los distintos aspectos relacionados con las adicciones, han tenido entrada en el Centro de Documentación e Información de la Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo) en los tres últimos meses. El contenido del Boletín está estructurado en tres grandes epígrafes: Novedades Bibliográficas (clasificadas por su temática), Legislación y Sumarios de Revistas. Otros contenidos de interés como Reuniones, Seminarios y Congresos, y Noticias de prensa sobre drogodependencias no forman parte de este Boletín al tener un punto de acceso permanente dentro de nuestra página web: http://www.msc.es/pnd/index.htm. Esperamos que el Boletín, cuya difusión se realiza a través de listas de distribución de correo electrónico y de su presencia permanente en la página web de la Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas, sea de interés y quedamos a la espera de cualquier sugerencia y/o consulta que sobre el mismo queráis formular. Centro de Documentación e Información cendocupnd@msc.es 1 Aspectos Sociales ............................................................................ 4 Aspectos económicos....................................................................... 4 Delincuencia y Aspectos Penitenciarios ........................................... 4 Diagnóstico....................................................................................... 5 Farmacología.................................................................................... 5 Efectos de las drogas ..................................................................... 10 Epidemiología................................................................................. 13 Aspectos Legales ........................................................................... 18 Prevención-Familia......................................................................... 18 Prevención-Comunidad .................................................................. 19 Prevención Escolar......................................................................... 20 Prevención-Formación ................................................................... 20 Prevención-Medios de Comunicación ............................................. 21 Prevención-Factores de Riesgo ...................................................... 22 Sida ............................................................................................... 23 Control de la Oferta ....................................................................... 24 Recursos ........................................................................................ 24 Reinserción..................................................................................... 25 Alucinógenos .................................................................................. 26 Cánnabis ........................................................................................ 26 Alcohol............................................................................................ 30 Hipnosedantes................................................................................. 37 2 Anfetaminas......................................................................................... Opiáceos ........................................................................................ 37 Anfetaminas.................................................................................... 39 Cocaína ......................................................................................... 41 Inhalables ....................................................................................... 41 Tabaco ........................................................................................... 42 Farmacoterapia .............................................................................. 44 Psicoterapia.................................................................................... 48 Políticas de Actuación-Nacional ..................................................... 48 3 Aspectos sociales x BARRIUSO M. (2005). ABRIENDO BRECHAS EN EL MURO : DIEZ AÑOS DE MOVIMIENTO CANNABICO EN ESPAÑA. COLECTIVO INTERZONA; ed. lit. CANNABIS.- MADRID: AMARGORD. p. 99-106. R-5739 x CALAFAT FAR A., FERNANDEZ C., JUAN M., BECOÑA IGLESIAS E. (2005). COMO EL PROPIO CONSUMO DE DROGAS DE LOS MEDIADORES RECREATIVOS TIENE IMPLICACIONES PREVENTIVAS. Adicciones. v. 17; n. 2; p. 145-155. DGPNSD x GUILLEN LOPEZ E., MARTIN MORALES R., REQUENA LOPEZ T. (2001). REGIMEN CONSTITUCIONAL DE 'LA MOVIDA'. GRANADA: GRUPO EDITORIAL UNIVERSITARIO. 218 p. Serie : BIBLIOTECA DE DERECHOS FUNDAMENTALES. LINEA JURIDICA; 4. R-5723 x LIOTTA O., PRADOS Y., GIGENA D. (2001). CONSIDERACIONES PSICOSOCIALES SOBRE LOS PROBLEMAS DE ALCOHOL EN LA MUJER. Eradicciones. n. 8; p. 1-3. 04-209 x MEDICOS DEL MUNDO. IX INFORME DE EXCLUSION SOCIAL. MADRID: MEDICOS DEL MUNDO. 68 p. R-5741 x MEGIAS QUIROS I., RODRIGUEZ SAN JULIAN E., MENDEZ GAGO S., PALLARES GOMEZ J. (2005). JOVENES Y SEXO : EL ESTEREOTIPO QUE OBLIGA Y EL RITO QUE IDENTIFICA. MADRID: FUNDACION DE AYUDA CONTRA LA DROGADICCION, INJUVE. 208 p. R-5708 Aspectos económicos x NACIONES UNIDAS. OFICINA DE FISCALIZACION DE DROGAS Y DE PREVENCION DEL DELITO. (1999). REFUGIOS FINANCIEROS SECRETO BANCARIO Y BLANQUEO DE DINERO. NUEVA YORK: NAICONES UNIDAS. 107 p. R-5724 x TORRALBA NOVELLA L., DOMINGO SALVANY A., PUIGDOLLERS E., COTS F. (2002). PROGRAMAS DE MANTENIMIENTO DE METADONA CON SERVICIOS AUXILIARES : UN ESTUDIO DE COSTE-EFECTIVIDAD. Gac Sanit. v. 17; n. 2; p. 123-130. 12-246 Delincuencia y aspectos penitenciarios x GARRIDO GENOVES V. (2004). JUVENTUD Y VIOLENCIA EN LA ESPAÑA DE HOY. Proyecto. n. 54; p. 15-18. DGPNSD 4 x VEGUE GONZALEZ M., ALVARO BRUN E., STERNBERG F., MARTIN M., MARTINEZ. UTILIDAD DE LOS PARCHES PARA EL ANALISIS DE DROGAS EN SUDOR EN UN GRUPO DE RECLUSOS DE MADRID. Adicciones. v. 17; n. 2; p. 139-144. DGPNSD Diagnóstico x CHRISTOFIDES J., EGERTON M. (2005). DRUG SCREENING AND DETECTION. EN: GHODSE H. ADDICTION AT WORK : TACKLING DRUG USE AND MISUSE IN THE WORKPLACE.- BURLINGTON: GOWER. p. 151-169. R-5765 x CHUNG T., MARTIN C. S., WINTERS K. C. (2005). DIAGNOSIS COURSE AND ASSESSMENT OF ALCOHOL ABUSE AND DEPENDENCE IN ADOLESCENTS. EN: GALANTER M.; ed. lit. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ALCOHOLISM. VOLUME 17 ALCOHOL PROBLEMS IN ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS : EPIDEMIOLOGY NEUROBIOLOGY PREVENTION TREATMENT.- NEW YORK: KLUWER ACADEMIC, PLENUM. p. 5-27. R-5760 x VEGUE GONZALEZ M., ALVARO BRUN E., STERNBERG F., MARTIN M., MARTINEZ D. (2005). UTILIDAD DE LOS PARCHES PARA EL ANALISIS DE DROGAS EN SUDOR EN UN GRUPO DE RECLUSOS DE MADRID. Adicciones. . 17; n. 2; p. 139-144. DGPNSD Farmacología x ALONSO J. R., WERUAGA E., BALKAN B., KOYLU E. O., POGUN S. (2002). EFFECTS OF CHRONIC NICOTINE ADMINISTRATION ON NITRIC OXIDE SYNTHASE EXPRESSION AND ACTIVITY IN RAT BRAIN. J Neurosci Res. v. 67; n. 5; p. 689-697. 08-595 x BLAZQUEZ C., GONZALEZ FERIA L., HARO A., CASANOVA M. L., GUZMAN M. (2004). CANNABINOIDS INHIBIT THE VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL GROWTH FACTOR PATHWAY IN GLIOMAS. Cancer Res. v. 64; n. 16; p. 5617-5623. 12-243 x CABRAL G. A., STAAB A. (2005). EFFECTS ON THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 385-424. R-5766 x CAMI MORELL J., MCGEARY J., SWIFT R.M. (2005). DROGADICCION. RET. n. 42; p. 3-14. DGPNSD x COLADO MEGIA M. I., GREEN A. R., SANCHEZ V., CAMARERO SANTAMARIA J., O'SHEA E. (2002). STUDIES USING IN VIVO MICRODIALYSIS ON THE EFFECT OF THE DOPAMINE UPTAKE INHIBITOR GBR 12909 ON 3'4-METHYLENEDIOXYMETHAMPHETAMINE ('ECSTASY')-INDUCED DOPAMINE RELEASE AND FREE RADICAL FORMATION IN THE MOUSE STRIATUM. J Neurochem. v. 81; n. 5; p. 961-972. 02-272 5 x COLADO MEGIA M. I., ESTEBAN B., GREEN A. R., SANCHEZ V., CAMARERO SANTAMARIA J., MECHAN A.O., ELLIOT J. M. (2001). A STUDY OF THE MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN THE NEUROTOXIC ACTION OF 3'4-METHYLENEDIOXYMETHAMPHETAMINE (MDMA 'ECSTASY') ON DOPAMINE NEURONES IN MOUSE BRAIN. Br J Pharmacol. v. 134; n. 8; p. 1711-1723. 02-271 x COLADO MEGIA M. I., ESTEBAN B., GREEN A.R., SANCHEZ V., PETER M. J. (2001). MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN THE LONG-LASTING NEUROPROTECTIVE EFFECT OF FLUOXETINE AGAINST MDMA ('ECSTASY')-INDUCED DEGENERATION OF 5-HT NERVE ENDINGS IN RAT BRAIN. Br J Pharmacol. v. 134; n. 1; p. 46-57. 02-270 x DAVID D. J., FROGER N., GUIARD B., PRZYBYLSKI C., JEGO G., BONI C., HUNT S. P., FELIPE C. DE, HAMON M., JACQUOT C., GARDIER A. M., LANFUMEY L. (2004). SEROTONIN TRANSPORTER IN SUBSTANCE P (NEUROKININ 1) RECEPTOR KNOCK-OUT MICE. Eur J Pharmacol. v. 492; n. 1; p. 41-48. 02-277 x DIETZE P., JOLLEY D., FRY C., BAMMER G. (2005). TRANSIENT CHANGES IN BEHAVIOUR LEAD TO HEROIN OVERDOSE : RESULT FROM A CASE-CROSSOVER STUDY NON-FATAL OVERDOSE. Addiction. v. 100; n. 5; p. 636-642. 08-600 x ELPHICK M. R., EFERTOVA M. (2005). PHYLOGENETIC DISTRIBUTION AND EVOLUTIONARY ORIGINS OF ENDOCANNABINOID SIGNALLING. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 282-298. R-5766 x FERNANDEZ RUIZ J., GONZALEZ S. (2005). CANNABINOID CONTROL OF MOTOR FUNCTION AT THE BASAL GANGLIA. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 479-508. R-5766 x FITZJOHN S. M., COLLINGRIDGE G. L. (2004). ENDOCANNABINOIDS : LOSING INHIBITION TO INCREASE LEARNING CAPACITY?. Neuron. v. 43; n. 6; p. 762-764. 08-603 x FLORES J. A., BANOUA F. EL, GALAN RODRIGUEZ B., FERNANDEZ ESPEJO E. (2004). OPIATE ANTI-NOCICEPTION IS ATTENUATED FOLLOWING LESION OF LARGE DOPAMINE NEURONS OF THE PERIAQUEDUCTAL GREY : CRITICAL ROLE FOR D1 (NOT D2) DOPAMINE RECEPTORS. Pain. v. 110; n. 1-2; p. 205-214. 02-274 x FLORES J. A., RAMIRO S., GALAN RODRIGUEZ B., FERNANDEZ ESPEJO E. (2005). ROLE FOR DOPAMINE NEURONS OF THE ROSTRAL LINEAR NUCLEUS AND PERIAQUEDUCTAL GREY IN THE REWARDING PROPERTIES OF HEROIN. Neuropharmacology. v. xxx; n. xxx; p. xxx. 02-276 6 x FLORES J. A., RAMIRO S., GALAN RODRIGUEZ B., FERNANDEZ ESPEJO E. (2005). LESIONS OF EITHER MEDIAL OR LATERAL REGIONS OF THE VTA SIMILARLY DISRUPT CONDITIONED PLACE PREFERENCE TO HEROIN IN RATS. Psychopharmacol. v. xxx; n. xxx; p. xxx. 02-275 x GUZMAN M. (2005). EFFECTS ON CELL VIABILITY. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 627-690. R-5766 x HALSBAND S. A. (2001). ASPECTOS FARMACOLOGICOS DE LAS POLITOXICOMANIAS. Eradicciones. n. 8; p. Xxx. 02-279 x HERNING R. I., BETTER W. E., TATE K., CADET J. L. (2005). CEREBROVASCULAR PERFUSION IN MARIJUANA USERS DURING A MONTH OF MONITORED ABSTINENCE. Neurology. v. 64; p. 488-493. 08-596 x HOW. S. V., HILLARD C. J. (2005). MODULATORS OF ENDOCANNABINOID ENZYMIC HYDROLYSIS AND MEMBRANE TRANSPORT. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 187-208. R-5766 x HOWLETT A. C. (2005). CANNABINOID RECEPTOR SIGNALING. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 53-80. R-5766 x HUESTIS M. A. (2005). PHARMACOKINETICS AND METABOLISM OF THE PLANT CANNABINOIDS TETRAHYDROCANNABINOL CANNABIDIOL AND CANNABINOL. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 657-690. R-5766 x IZZO A. A., COUTTS A. A. (2005). CANNABINOIDS AND THE DIGESTIVE TRACT. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 573-598. R-5766 x LICTMAN A. H., MARTIN B. R. (2005). CANNABINOID TOLERANCE AND DEPENDENCE. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 691-718. R-5766 x LINDSEY K. P., GLASER S. T., GATLEY S. J. (2005). IMAGING OF THE BRAIN CANNABINOID SYSTEM. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER p. 425-444. R-5766 x MACCARRONE M., WENGER T. (2005). EFFECTS OF CANNABINOIDS ON HYPOTHALAMIC AND REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTION. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 555-572. R-5766 7 x MARTINEZ POVEDA R., VALANZO FERNANDEZ X. (2004). URGENCIAS POR DROGAS DE SINTESIS. JANO Med Humanid. v. 67; n. 1531; p. 45-48. 08-604 x MARZO V. DI, PETROCELLIS L. DE, BISOGNO T. (2005). ANALYSIS OF THE ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 187-146. R-5766 x MARZO V. DI, PETROCELLIS L. DE, BISOGNO T. (2005). BIOSYNTHESIS FATE AND PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 147-186. R-5766 x MECHAN A.O., COLADO MEGIA M. I., ESTEBAN B., O'SHEA E., ELLIOT J. M., GREEN A. R. (2002). PHARMACOLOGY OF THE ACUTE HYPERTHERMIC RESPONSE THAT FOLLOWS ADMINISTRATION OF 3'4-METHYLENEDIOXYMETHAMPHETAMINE (MDMA 'ECSTASY') TO RATS. Br J Pharmacol. v. 135; n. 1; p. 170-180. 02-269 x MORATALLA T. (2002). RECEPTORES DOMANIGERCIOS IMPLICADOS PLASTICIDAD SINAPTICA DEL ESTRIADO. Neurologia. v. 17; supl. 1; p. 1-6. 02-267 x O'SHEA E., CAMARERO SANTAMARIA J., COLADO MEGIA M. I., SANCHEZ V., GREEN A.R. (2003). ON THE PROTECTION AGAINST METHAMPHETAMINE-INDUCED NEUROTOXICITY BY BENZAMIDE : A PARP INHIBITOR. Psychopharmacology (Berl). v. 165; n. 3; p. 317-319. 02-268 x PACHER P., BATKAI S., KUNOS G. (2005). CARDIOVASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY OF CANNABINOIDS. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 599626. R-5766 x PEREZ CACHAFEIRO S., COSTA ANDRES R., CABERRA VELEZ R. (2005). INTOXICACION AGUDA POR ANFETAMINAS COCAINA Y OPIACEOS. JANO Med Humanid. v. 68; n. 1557; p. 28-30. 08-598 x PERTWEE R. G. (2005). PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIONS OF CANNABINOIDS. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 1-52. R-5766 x PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. (2005). CANNABINOIDS. BERLIN: SPRINGER. 770 p. R-5766 x RAMOS J. A. (2003). CANNABIS : ¿DROGA DE ABUSO O MEDICINA MAGICA?. Ars Med. v. 2; p. 210-226. 12-245 8 EN LA x RAMOS J. A., GOMEZ M., MIGUEL R. DE. (2005). EFFECTS ON DEVELOPMENT. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 643-656. R-5766 x REGGIO P. H. (2005). CANNABINOID RECEPTORS AND THEIR LIGANDS : LIGAND-LIGAND AND LIGAND-RECEPTOR MODELING APPROACHES. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 247-282. R-5766. x RIEDEL G., DAVIES S. N. (2005). CANNABINOID FUNCTION IN LEARNING MEMORY AND PLASTICITY. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 445-478. R-5766 x STEFFENS S., VEILLARD N. R., ARNAUD C., PELLI G., BURGER F., STAUB C., ZIMMER A., FROSSARD J. L., MACH F. (2005). LOW DOSE ORAL CANNABINOID THERAPY REDUCES PROGRESSION OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS IN MICE. Nature. v. 434; n. 7034; p. 782-786. 12-247 x SZABO B., SCHICKER E. (2005). EFFECTS OF CANNABINOIDS ON NEUROTRANSMISSION. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER p. 327-366. R-5766. x THAKUR G. A., NIKAS S. P., LI C., MAKRIYANNIS A. (2005). STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CANNABINOID RECEPTOR PROBES. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 209-246. R-5766 x VALVERDE O., KARSAK M., ZIMMER A. (2005). MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF CANNABINOID RECEPTORS. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 81-116. R-5766 x VAUGHAN C. W., CHRISTIE M. J. (2005). RETROGRADE SIGNALLING BY ENDOCANNABINOIDS. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 367-384. R-5766 x WALKER J. M., HOHMANN A. G. (2005). CANNABINOID MECHANISMS OF PAIN SUPPRESSION. EN: PERTWEE R.; ed. lit. CANNABINOIDS.- BERLIN: SPRINGER. p. 509554. R-5766 x WERUAGA E., AIJON J., ALONSO J. R. (2003). EUROBIOLOGIA DE LA NICOTINA Y EL OXIDO NITRICO : UNA RVEISION. Prev Tab. v. 4; n. 2; p. 95-103. 02-263 x WERUAGA E., AIJON J., ALONSO J. R., BARBADO M. V., BRIÑON J. G., PORTEROS A., AREVALO R. (2002). CHANGES IN IMMUNOREACTIVITY TO CALCIUM-BINDING PROTEINS IN THE ANTERIOR OLFACTORY NUCLEUS OF THE RAT AFTER NEONATAL OLFACTORY DEPRIVATION. Exp Neurol. v. 177; n. 1; p. 133-150. 02-264 9 x WERUAGA PRIETO E. (2001). NEUROTRANSMISION Y NICOTINA. EN: JORNADAS INTERNACIONALES DE LA ADICCIONA LA NICOTINA (1ª. SALAMANCA. 2001). I JORNADAS INTERNACIONALES DE LA ADICCION A LA NICOTINA.- Salamanca: Universidad. p. 51-56. 02-265 x ZILKENS R. R., BURKE V., HODGSON J. M., BARDEN A., BEILIN L. J., PUDDEY I. B. (2005). RED WINE AND BEER ELEVATE BLOOD PRESSURE IN NORMOTENSIVE MEN. Hypertension. v. 45; p. 874-879. 02-278 Efectos de las drogas x CAUDEVILLA GALLIGO F. (2005). EFECTOS Y RIESGOS DEL CANNABIS. COLECTIVO INTERZONA; ed. lit. CANNABIS.- MADRID: AMARGORD. p. 45-53. R-5739 x CORNELIUS J. R., CLARK D. B., BUKSTEIN O. G., SALLOUM I. M. (2005). TREATMENT OF CO-OCCURRING ALCOHOL DRUG AN PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS. GALANTER M.; ed. lit. EN: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ALCOHOLISM. VOLUME 17 ALCOHOL PROBLEMS IN ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS : EPIDEMIOLOGY NEUROBIOLOGY PREVENTION TREATMENT.- NEW YORK: KLUWER ACADEMIC, PLENUM. p. 351-368. R-5760 x CROFTS N. (2005). HEPATITIS C ASSOCIATED WITH INJECTING DRUG USE. EN: PATES R.; ed. lit., MCBRIDE A.; ed. lilt., ARNOLD K.; ed. lit. EN: INJECTING ILLICIT DRUGS.OXFORD: BLACKWELL PUBLISHING. p. 82-91. R-5761 x DORABJEE J.. (2005). INJECTING DRUGS : THE USER'S PESPECTIVE. EN: PATES R.; ed. lit., MCBRIDE A.; ed. lilt., ARNOLD K.; ed. lit. EN: INJECTING ILLICIT DRUGS.- OXFORD: BLACKWELL PUBLISHING. p. 170-178. R-5761 x FAVRAT B., MENETREY A., AUGSBURGER M., ROTHUIZEN L. E., APPENZELLER M., BUCLIN T., PIN M., MANGIN P., GIROUD C. (2005). TWO CASES OF 'CANNABIS ACUTE PSYCHOSIS' FOLLOWING THE ADMINISTRATION OF ORAL CANNABIS. BMC Psychiatry. v. 5; n. 1; p. 17-22. 08-599 x FERGUSSON D. M., HORWOOD L. J., RIDDER E. M. (2005). TESTS OF CAUSAL LINKAGES BETWEEN CANNABIS USE AND PSYCHOTIC SYMPTOMS. Addiction. v. 100; n. 5; p. 354366. 08-597 x GALANTER M.; ed. lit.. (2005). RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ALCOHOLISM. VOLUME 17 ALCOHOL PROBLEMS IN ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS : EPIDEMIOLOGY NEUROBIOLOGY PREVENTION TREATMENT. NEW YORK: KLUWER ACADEMIC, PLENUM. XXI, 456 p. R-5760 10 x HAEMMIG R., BEEK I. VAN. (2005). SUPERVISED INJECTING ROOMS. EN: PATES R.; ed. lit., MCBRIDE A.; ed. lilt., ARNOLD K.; ed. lit. EN: INJECTING ILLICIT DRUGS.- OXFORD: BLACKWELL PUBLISHING. p. 160-169. R-5761 x HEIMER R. (2005). HIV AND INJECTING DRUG USE. EN: PATES R.; ed. lit., MCBRIDE A.; ed. lit., ARNOLD K.; ed. lit. EN: INJECTING ILLICIT DRUGS.- OXFORD: BLACKWELL PUBLISHING. p. 92-110. R-5761 x INJECTING IN PRISONS. (2005). EN: PATES R.; ed. lit., MCBRIDE A.; ed. lilt., ARNOLD K.; ed. lit. EN: INJECTING ILLICIT DRUGS.- OXFORD: BLACKWELL PUBLISHING. p. 69-81. R-5761 x JAEN DIAZ J. I. GONTAN GARCIA-SALAMANCA M. J., LOPEZ DE CASTRO F., CORDERO GARCIA B., CALLEJAS PEREZ S. (2005). EFECTIVIDAD DEL CONSEJO ANTITABACO EN FUMADORES CON ESPIROMETRIA NORMAL Y CON ESPIROMETRIA OBSTRUCTIVA (EPOC). Rev Tab. v. 7; n. 2; p. 49-53. DGPNSD x KOMRO K. A., STIGLER M. H., PERRY C. L. (2005). COMPREHENSIVE APPROACHES TO PREVENT ADOLESCENT DRINKING AND RELATED PROBLEMS. EN: GALANTER M.; ed. lit. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ALCOHOLISM. VOLUME 17 ALCOHOL PROBLEMS IN ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS : EPIDEMIOLOGY NEUROBIOLOGY PREVENTION TREATMENT.- NEW YORK: KLUWER ACADEMIC, PLENUM. p. 207-224. R-5760 x LUCAS RAMOS P. DE, RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ-MORO J. M. (2005). CONSEJO ANTITABACO PULMONAR. Rev Tab. v. 7; n. 2; p. 42-43. DGPNSD x MCBRIDE A., WICHTER J. (2005). 'ODDE COMMOTIONS' : SOME OTHER HEALTH CONSEQUENCES OF INJECTING. EN: PATES R.; ed. lit., MCBRIDE A.; ed. lilt., ARNOLD K.; ed. lit. INJECTING ILLICIT DRUGS.- OXFORD: BLACKWELL PUBLISHING. p. 111-117. R-5761 x MCBRIDE W. J., BELL R. L., RODD Z. A., STROTHER W. N., MURPHY J. M. (2005). ADOLESCENT ALCOHOL DRINKING AND ITS LONG-RANGE CONSEQUENCES. EN: GALANTER M.; ed. lit. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ALCOHOLISM. VOLUME 17 ALCOHOL PROBLEMS IN ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS : EPIDEMIOLOGY NEUROBIOLOGY PREVENTION TREATMENT.- NEW YORK: KLUWER ACADEMIC, PLENUM. p. 123-142. R-5760 x ORETTI R., GREGORY P. (2005). WOMEN AND INJECTING. EN: PATES R.; ed. lit., MCBRIDE A.; ed. lilt., ARNOLD K.; ed. lit. INJECTING ILLICIT DRUGS.- OXFORD: BLACKWELL PUBLISHING. p. 59-68. R-5761 x PATES R., MCBRIDE A., ARNOLD K. (2005). NEEDLE FIXATION. EN: PATES R.; ed. lit., MCBRIDE A.; ed. lilt., ARNOLD K.; ed. lit. INJECTING ILLICIT DRUGS.- OXFORD: BLACKWELL PUBLISHING. p. 47-58. 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C., LENK K. M., TOOMERY T. L. (2005). POLICIES TO REDUCE UNDERAGE DRINKING. EN: GALANTER M.; ed. lit. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ALCOHOLISM. VOLUME 17 ALCOHOL PROBLEMS IN ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS : EPIDEMIOLOGY NEUROBIOLOGY PREVENTION TREATMENT.- NEW YORK: KLUWER ACADEMIC, PLENUM. p. 277-300. R-5760 12 x WHITE A. M., SWARTZWELDER H. S. (2005). AGE-RELATED EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL ON MEMORY AND MEMORY-RELATED BRAIN FUNCTION IN ADOLESCENTS AND ADULTS. EN: GALANTER M.; ed. lit. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ALCOHOLISM. VOLUME 17 ALCOHOL PROBLEMS IN ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS : EPIDEMIOLOGY NEUROBIOLOGY PREVENTION TREATMENT.- NEW YORK: KLUWER ACADEMIC, PLENUM. p. 161-175. R-5760 x WILLIAMNS H., NORMAN M. (2005). SAFER INJECTING : INDIVIDUAL REDUCTION ADVICE. EN: PATES R.; ed. lit., MCBRIDE A.; ed. lilt., ARNOLD K.; ed. lit. INJECTING ILLICIT DRUGS.OXFORD: BLACKWELL PUBLISHING. p. 135-148. R-5761 x WINDLE M., WINDLE R. C. ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION AND ITS CONSEQUENCES AMONG ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS. 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VILLAR ALVAREZ F.RODRIGUEZ ARTALEJO F. (2005). MORTALIDAD ATRIBUIBLE AL TABAQUISMO COMIENZA A DESCENDER EN ESPAÑA. Med Clin (Barc). v. 124; n. 20; p. 769-771. DGPNSD x CANCELO MARTINEZ J., LOPEZ DURAN A. (2005). SON TAN DIFERENTES LOS PACIENTES DE COCAINA? : ANALISIS DIFERENCIAL DE LAS VARIABLES SOCIODEMOGRAFICAS Y TOXICOLOGICAS DE LOS PACIENTES DE COCAINA Y DE HEROÍNA. Trastornos Adictivos. v. 7; n. 2; p. 80-89. DGPNSD x COLOM BELTRAN J. F., PEREZ TRULLEN A., RUBIO CALVO E., CLEMENTE JIMENEZ M. L., HERRERO LABARGA I. (2005). PREVALENCIA DEL HABITO TABAQUICO EN TRABAJADORES DE OFICINAS DE FARMACIA. Rev Tab. v. 7; n. 2; p. 54-59. DGPNSD x COMAS ARNAU D. (2005). TRAYECTORIA VITAL Y LA EXPERIENCIA TERAPEUTICA DE LOS ADICTOS A DROGAS ILEGALES EN CASTILLA-LA MANCHA. ALBACETE: FUNDACION PARA LA INVESTIGACION SANITARIA N CASTILLA-LA MANCHA. 199 p. Serie: INVESTIGACION. R-5733 x ESCUDERO BUENO C. (2005). 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A COMMON LANGUAGE FOR A COMMON PROBLEM : THE DEVELOPING ROLE OF RUG EPIDEMIOLOGY IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT. SLOBODA Z.; ed. lit. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF DRUG ABUSE.- NEW YORK: SPRINGER. p. 161-176. R-5762 x GRIFFITHS P., TAYLOR C. (2005). SAMPLING ISSUES IN DRUG EPIDEMIOLOGY. EN: SLOBODA Z.; ed. lit. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF DRUG ABUSE.- NEW YORK: SPRINGER. p. 79-98. R-5762 x GRUND J. P. (2005). EYE OF THE NEEDLE : AN ETHNO-EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF INJECTING DRUG USE. EN: PATES R.; ed. lit., MCBRIDE A.; ed. lilt., ARNOLD K.; ed. lit. INJECTING ILLICIT DRUGS.- OXFORD: BLACKWELL PUBLISHING. p. 11-32. R-5761 x HSER Y. I., LONGSHORE D., BRECHT M. L., ANGLIN M. D. (2005). STUDYING THE NATURAL HISTORY OF DRUG USE. EN: SLOBODA Z.; ed. lit. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF DRUG ABUSE.- NEW YORK: SPRINGER. p. 29-44. R-5762 x HUBBARD R. L. (2005). ROLE OF TREATMENT DATA IN STUDYING THE EPIDEMIOLOGY OF SUBSTANCE USE AND ABUSE. SLOBODA Z.; ed. lit. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF DRUG ABUSE.- NEW YORK: SPRINGER. p. 225-234. R-5762 x JARLAIS D. C. DES, HAGAN H., FRIEDMAN S. R. (2005). DRUG ABUSE AND THE SPREAD OF INFECTION : HIV AND AIDS AS AN EXAMPLE. EN: SLOBODA Z.; ed. lit. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF DRUG ABUSE.- NEW YORK: SPRINGER. p. 193-210. R-5762 x KARACHALIOU K., KONTOGEORGIOU K., KITSOS G., TERZIDOU M. (2005). CONSUMO DE ALCOHOL Y PROBLEMAS RELACIONADOS CON EL ALCOHOL EN GRECIA. SITUATION OF ALCOHOL USE AND ABUSE IN GREECE. Trastornos Adictivos. v. 7; n. 2; p. 69-79. DGPNSD x LEFLAIVE G. (2004). CONSUMO DE DROGAS ILICITAS : ESTILOS DE VIDA RIESGOS Y REALIDADES. Polit Soc. v. 14; n. 2; p. 203-221. 04-201 x MINISTRA DE SANIDAD Y CONSUMO PRESENTA LOS RESULTADOS DE LAS ENCUESTAS DOMICILIARIA Y ESCOLAR 2004. Proyecto. n. 52; p. 54-56. DGPNSD x MALAT. PUNTO FOCAL. MALTA. NATIONAL COMISSION ON THE ABUSE OF DRUGS ALCOHOL AND OTHER DEPENDENCIES. MALTA DRUG SITUATION. VALLETTA: NATIONAL COMISSION ON THE ABUSE OF DRUGS ALCOHOL AND OTHER DEPENDENCIES. 71 p. R-5714 15 x NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DRUG ABUSE. (2001). EPIDEMIOLOGIC TRENDS IN DRUG ABUSE : V. I PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMUNITY EPIDEMIOLOGY WORK GROUP. HIGHLIGHTS AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; V. II PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMUNITY EPIDEMIOLOGY WORK GROUP. ROCKVILLE: NIDA. 2 v. (68, 235) p. R-5746 x NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DRUG ABUSE. (2002). EPIDEMIOLOGIC TRENDS IN DRUG ABUSE : V. I PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMUNITY EPIDEMIOLOGY WORK GROUP. HIGHLIGHTS AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; V. II PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMUNITY EPIDEMIOLOGY WORK GROUP. ROCKVILLE: NIDA. 2 v. (71, 328) p. R-5747 x NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DRUG ABUSE. (2003). EPIDEMIOLOGIC TRENDS IN DRUG ABUSE : V. I PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMUNITY EPIDEMIOLOGY WORK GROUP. HIGHLIGHTS AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; V. II PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMUNITY EPIDEMIOLOGY WORK GROUP. ROCKVILLE: NIDA. 2 v. (75, 336) p. R-5730 x NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DRUG ABUSE. (2003). MONITORING THE FUTURE NATIONAL : NATIONAL SURVEY RESULTS ON DRUG USE 1975-2001. V. II COLLEGE STUDENTS & ADULTS AGES 19-40. ROCKVILLE: NIDA. 253 p. 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Eur J Public Health. v. 15; n. 1; p. 43-50. 03-676 17 Aspectos Legales x ESPAÑA. DELEGACION DEL GOBIERNO PARA EL PLAN NACIONAL SOBRE DROGAS. 4MTA. DOCUMENTACION BASICA. MADRID: DGPNSD. (pag. var). R-5725 x GORDON NUEVO B. LEY DEL MENOR : POSIBILIDADES DE INTERVENCION. Proyecto. n. 54; p. 59-64. DGPNSD x GUILLEN LOPEZ E., MARTIN MORALES R., REQUENA LOPEZ T. (2001). REGIMEN CONSTITUCIONAL DE 'LA MOVIDA'. GRANADA: GRUPO EDITORIAL UNIVERSITARIO. 218 p. Serie : BIBLIOTECA DE DERECHOS FUNDAMENTALES. LINEA JURIDICA; 4. R-5723 x MANCHESTER C., POPPLESTON S., ALLEN J. ALCOHOL & ENTERTAINMENT LICENSING LAW. LONDON: CAVENDISH PUBLISHING LIMITED. 788 p. R-5759 x OZCOIDI VAL M. (2005). CONSIDERACIONES HISTORICAS DE LAS NORMATIVAS SOBRE EL CONSUMO DE ALCOHOL DROGAS Y MEDICAMENTOS EN EL MODELO ESPAÑOL DE VALORACION PSICOFISICA DE LOS CONDUCTORES. Trastornos Adictivos. v. 7; n. 2; p. 97103. DGPNSD x RAMOS RODRIGUEZ R. (/2005). CONSUMIDOR DE CANNABIS ANTE LA LEY. EN: COLECTIVO INTERZONA; ed. lit. CANNABIS.- MADRID: AMARGORD. p. 107-116. R-5739 Prevención-Familia x PUEYO B. DEL, PERALES A. (2005). Y SI MI HIJO SE DROGA? : CLAVES PRACTICAS PARA PREVENIR SABER Y ACTUAR. BARCELONA: GRIJALBO. 239 p. R-5705 x RODRIGUEZ SAN JULIAN E., MEGIAS QUIROS I. (2005). BRECHA GENERACIONAL EN LA EDUCACION DE LOS HIJOS. MADRID: FUNDACION DE AYUDA CONTRA LA DROGADICCION. 162 p. R-5769 x ROLDAN FRANCO M. A. (2004). MENORES VIOLENCIA Y FAMILIA. (2003). Proyecto. n. 54; p. 40-43. DGPNSD x SUELVES JOANXICH J. M., ABELLA PONS F., LARRIBA MONTULL J., DURAN GERVILLA A., BELLO S., SANCHEZ TURET M. (2004). OBSERVACION NATURAL DE LA INTERACCION FAMILIAR : UNA HERRAMIENTA DE EVALUACION EN LA PREVENCION DE LA CONDUCTA DISOCIAL. LLEIDA: UNIVERSIDAD. 04-200 18 x VILLAR P., LUENGO M. A., GOMEZ FRAGUELA J. A., ROMERO E. (2004). EVALUACION DE UN MODELO DE INTERVENCION FAMILIAR NO PRESENCIAL DENTRO DEL PROGRAMA 'CONSTRUYENDO SALUD'. An Mod Conduct. v. 30; n. 131; p. 405-436. 06-326 x VILLAR TORRES P., LUENGO MARTIN M. A., GOMEZ FRAGUELA J. A., ROMERO TRIÑANES E. (20039. PROPUESTA DE EVALUACION DE VARIABLES FAMILIARES EN LA PREVENCION DE LA CONDUCTA PROBLEMA EN LA ADOLESCENCIA. Psicothema. v. 15; n. 4; p. 581-588. 06-324 x VILLAR TORRES P., LUENGO MARTIN M. A., GOMEZ FRAGUELA J. A., ROMERO TRIÑANES E. (2003). ASSESSMENT OF THE VALIDITY OF A FAMILY RELATIONSHIP AND PARENTING CONSTRUCT USING THE MULTITRAIT-MULTIMETHOD MODEL. SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA: UNIVERSIDAD. 25 h. 06-325 Prevención-Comunidad x ACERO ACHIRICA A., JIMENEZ FUENSALIDA A. (2004). EVALUACION DEL PROGRAMA 'ENTRE TODOS' : CONFIMACION DE EVIDENCIAS METODOLOGICAS EN LA IMPLEMENTACION DE PROGRAMAS DE PREVENCION. Proyecto. n. 52; p. 44-47. DGPNSD x ALVAREZ GOZNALEZ; coord., GONZALEZ BRIONES E.; coord., ROBLEDO DE DIOS T.; coord. (2004). CUADERNO DIDACTICO SOBRE EDUCACION VIAL Y SALUD. MADRID: MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION Y CIENCIA. 246 p. 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REY ALAMILLO R. DEL. (2004). ESTRATEGIAS DE PREVENCION DE LA VIOLENCIA EN EL AMBITO ESCOLAR. Proyecto. n. 54; p. 49-54. DGPNSD x Prevención-Formación x ANDALUCIA (COMUNIDAD AUTONOMA). CONSEJERIA PARA LA IGUALDAD Y EL BIENESTAR SOCIAL. GUIA DE PRACTICA CLINICA BASADA EN LA EVIDENCIA PARA EL MANEJO DE LA ADICCION A OPIACEOS. SEVILLA: CONSEJERIA PARA LA IGUALDAD Y EL BIENESTAR SOCIAL. 232 p. R-5777 20 x ARAQUE SERRANO F., DIAZ SALABER J. (2005). TRATAMIENTOS PSICOLOGICOS. EN: ANDALUCIA (COMUNIDAD AUTONOMA). CONSEJERIA PARA LA IGUALDAD Y EL BIENESTAR SOCIAL. GUIA DE PRACTICA CLINICA BASADA EN LA EVIDENCIA PARA EL MANEJO DE LA ADICCION A OPIACEOS.- SEVILLA: CONSEJERIA PARA LA IGUALDAD Y EL BIENESTAR SOCIAL. p. 105-191. R-5777 x FUNDACION DE AYUDA CONTRA LA DROGADICCION (FAD). FAMIRED. (2005). FAMIRED. HERRAMIENTAS PARA EL AGENTE COMUNITARIO : GUIA METODOLOGICA, COMUNIDAD, SITUACIONES DE CONFLICTO, SALUD, GRUPO FAMILIAR, DESARROLLO PERSONAL, ESPACIO EDUCATIVO. 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ASSESSMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS.- NEW YORK: GUILFORD. p. 274-304. R-5754 x LOGAN D., O'CONNOR J. (2005). CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP : DEFINITIONS HISTORY AND ISSUES. EN: GRANT M.; ed. lit., O'CONNOR J.; ed. lit. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ALCOHOL : THE NEED AND POTENTIAL FOR PARTNERSHIP.- NEW YORK: ROUTLEDGE. p. 5-28. R-5758 x MOLINA B. S. G. (2005). HIGH RISK ADOLESCENT AND YOUNG ADULT POPULATIONS : CONSUMPTION AND CONSEQUENCES. EN: GALANTER M.; ed. lit. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ALCOHOLISM. VOLUME 17 ALCOHOL PROBLEMS IN ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS : EPIDEMIOLOGY NEUROBIOLOGY PREVENTION TREATMENT.NEW YORK: KLUWER ACADEMIC, PLENUM. p. 49-65. R-5760 22 x MORAL JIMENEZ M., RODRIGUEZ DIA F. J., SIRVENT RUIZ C. (2005). MOTIVADORES DE CONSUMO DE ALCOHOL EN ADOLESCENTES : ANALISIS DE DIFERENCIAS INTERGENERO Y PROPUESTA DE UN CONTINUUM ETIOLOGICO. Adicciones. v. 17; n. 2; p. 105120. DGPNSD x RAWSON R. A., SODANO R., HILLHOUSE M. (2005). ASSESSMENT OF AMPHETAMINE USE DISORDERS. EN: DONOVAN D.M.; ed. lit., MARLATT G.A.; ed. lit. ASSESSMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS.- NEW YORK: GUILFORD. p. 185-214. R-5754 x SHADEL W. G., SHIFFMAN S. (2005). ASSESSMENT OF SMOKING BEHAVIOR. EN: DONOVAN D.M.; ed. lit., MARLATT G.A.; ed. lit. ASSESSMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS.NEW YORK: GUILFORD. p. 113-153. R-5754 x STEPHENS R. S., ROFFMAN R. A. (2005). ASSESSMENT OF CANNABIS USE DISORDERS. DONOVAN D. M.; ed. lit., MARLATT G. A.; ed. lit. ASSESSMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS.- NEW YORK: GUILFORD. p. 248-273. R-5754 x WESTPHAL J., WASSERMAN D. A., MASSON C. L., SORENSEN J. L. (2005). ASSESSMENT OF OPIOID USE. EN: DONOVAN D.M.; ed. lit., MARLATT G.A.; ed. lit. ASSESSMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS.- NEW YORK: GUILFORD. p. 215-247. R-5754 Sida x COMISION NACIONAL DE COORDINACION Y SEGUIMIENTO DE PROGRAMAS DE PREVENCION DEL SIDA (18ª.2003. MADRID). MEMORIA DE ACTIVIDADES 2003. MADRID: PLAN NACIONAL SOBRE EL SIDA. 75 h. 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CONSUMO DE TABACO EN IATALIA Y EL PAPEL DE LA EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY SOCIETY. Rev Tab. v. 7; n. 2; p. 39-41. DGPNSD x WERUAGA E., AIJON J., ALONSO J. R. (2003). NEUROBIOLOGIA DE LA NICOTINA Y EL OXIDO NITRICO : UNA RVEISION. Prev Tab. v. 4; n. 2; p. 95-103. 02-263 x WERUAGA PRIETO E. (2001). NEUROTRANSMISION Y NICOTINA. JORNADAS INTERNACIONALES DE LA ADICCIONA LA NICOTINA (1ª. SALAMANCA. 2001). I JORNADAS INTERNACIONALES DE LA ADICCION A LA NICOTINA.- Salamanca: universidad. p. 51-56. 02-265 x ZORRILLA TORRAS B., GARCIA MARIN N., GALAN LABACA I., GANDARILLAS GRANDE A. SMOKING ATTRIBUTABLE MORTALITY IN THE COMMUNITY OF MADRID : 1992-1998. Eur J Public Health. v. 15; n. 1; p. 43-50. 03-676 Farmacoterapia x ABANES S. (2005). CANNABIS TERAPEUTICO. EN: COLECTIVO INTERZONA; ed. lit. CANNABIS.- MADRID: AMARGORD. p. 31-44. R-5739 x ANDALUCIA (COMUNIDAD AUTONOMA). CONSEJERIA PARA LA IGUALDAD Y EL BIENESTAR SOCIAL. (2005). GUIA DE PRACTICA CLINICA BASADA EN LA EVIDENCIA PARA EL MANEJO DE LA ADICCION A OPIACEOS. SEVILLA: CONSEJERIA PARA LA IGUALDAD Y EL BIENESTAR SOCIAL. 232 p. R-5777 x BALLESTEROS RODRIGUEZ J., GONZALEZ PINTO A., QUEREJETA AYERDI I., ARIÑO VIAR J. (2003). BRIEF INTERVENTIONS FOR HAZARDOUS DRINKERS DELIVERED IN PRIMARY CARE ARE EQUALLY EFFECTIVE IN MEN AND WOMEN. Addiction. v. 99; n. 1; p. 103-108. 11-347 x BLUME A. W., GARCIA DE LA CRUZ B. (2005). RELAPSE PREVENTION AMONG DIVERSE POPULATIONS. EN: MARLATT G.A.; ed. lit., DONOVAN D.M.; de. lit. RELAPSE PREVENTION MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS.- NEW YORK: GUILFORD. p. 45-64. R-5753 44 x BROWN S. A., ANDERSON K. G., RAMO D. E., TOMLINSON K. L. (2005). TREATMENT OF ADOLESCENT ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS. EN: GALANTER M.; ed. lit. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ALCOHOLISM. VOLUME 17 ALCOHOL PROBLEMS IN ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS : EPIDEMIOLOGY NEUROBIOLOGY PREVENTION TREATMENT.NEW YORK: KLUWER ACADEMIC, PLENUM. p. 329-350. R-5760 x CARROLL K. M., RAWSON R. A. (2005). RELAPSE PREVENTION FOR STIMULANT DEPENDENCE. EN: MARLATT G.A.; ed. lit., DONOVAN D.M.; de. lit. RELAPSE PREVENTION: MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS.- NEW YORK: GUILFORD. p. 151-178. R-5753 x CATALUÑA. ORGANO TECNICO DE DROGODEPENDENCIAS. ESTUDIO DE LA EFICACIA DE LA DIACETILMORFINA ORAL EN EL MANTENIMINETO DE PACIENTES DEPENDIENTES DE HEROINA QUE HAYAN FRACASADO EN PROGRAMAS DE METADONA. BARCELONA: ORGAN TECNIC DE DROGODEPENDENCIES. 64 h. R-5726 x COLLINS R. L. (2005). RELAPSE PREVENTION FOR EATING DISORDERS AND OBESITY. EN: MARLATT G.A.; ed. lit., DONOVAN D.M.; de. lit. RELAPSE PREVENTION : MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS.- NEW YORK: GUILFORD. p. 248-275. R-5753 x DELGADO PICH M. C. (2001). NALTREXONA EN EL TRATAMIENTO DEL ALCOHOLISMO. Eradicciones. n. 9; p. 27-28. 12-242 x DODGEN C. E. (2005). NICOTINE DEPENDENCE : UNDERSTANDING AND APPLYING THE MOST EFFECTIVE TREATMENT INTERVENTIONS. WASHINGTON DC: AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. 263 p. R-5756 x ESPAÑA. DELEGACION DEL GOBIERNO PARA EL PLAN NAICONAL SOBRE DROGAS. (1999). DIRECTRICES PARA LA IMPLEMENTACION DE UN PROGRAMA DE MANTENIMIENTO CON LAAM. MADRID: DGPNSD. 28 h. R-5717 x FISHER E. B. (2005). 7 PASOS PARA DEJAR DE FUMAR. BARCELONA: VIAMAGNA. 259 p. R-5748 x GARCIA RODRIGUEZ O., SECADES VILLA R., FERNANDEZ HERMIDA J. R., CARBALLO CRESPO J. L. (2004). CRA+TERAPIA INCENTIVO PARA EL TRATAMIENTO DE ADICCION A LA COCAINA. Proyecto. n. 52; p. 21-26. DGPNSD x GODLEY M. D., WHITE W. L. (2005). A BRIEF HISTORY AND SOME CURRENT DIMENSIONS OF ADOLESCENT TREATMENT IN THE UNITED STATES. EN: GALANTER M.; ed. lit. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ALCOHOLISM. VOLUME 17 ALCOHOL PROBLEMS IN ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS : EPIDEMIOLOGY NEUROBIOLOGY PREVENTION TREATMENT.- NEW YORK: KLUWER ACADEMIC, PLENUM. p. 369-384. R-5760 45 x HAUG N. A., SORENSEN J. L., GRUBER V. A., SONG Y. S. (2005). RELAPSE PREVENTION FOR OPIOD DEPENDENCE. EN: MARLATT G.A.; ed. lit., DONOVAN D.M.; de. lit. RELAPSE PREVENTION : MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS.- NEW YORK: GUILFORD. p. 151-178. R-5753 x KADDEN R. M., COONEY N. L. (2005). TREATING ALCOHOL PROBLEMS. EN:MARLATT G.A.; ed. lit., DONOVAN D.M.; de. lit. RELAPSE PREVENTION : MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS.- NEW YORK: GUILFORD. p. 65-91. R-5753 x KILMER J. R., CRONCE J. M., PALMER R. S. (2005). RELAPSE PREVENTION FOR ABUSE OF CLUB DRUGS HALLUCINOGENS INHALANTS AND STEROIDS. EN: MARLATT G.A.; ed. lit., DONOVAN D.M.; de. lit. RELAPSE PREVENTION : MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS.- NEW YORK: GUILFORD. p. 208-247. R-5753 x LDEWIG D., DURSTELER MACFARLAND K. M., SEIFRITZ E., STOHLER R. (2002). NUEVOS ASPECTOS EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE LA DEPENDENCIA DE LA HEROINA CON REFERENCIA ESPECIAL A LOS ASPECTOS NEUROBIOLOGICOS. Eur Psychiatry (Ed Esp). v. 9; n. 7; p. 458-462. 12-249 x LUENGO MARTIN M. A., ROMERO E., GOMEZ FRAGUELA J. A., VILLAR P. (2004). ANALISIS DE FACTORES DE PREVENCION DE RECAIDAS Y EVALUACION DE LOS TRATAMIENTOS DE DROGODEPENDENCIAS. Proyecto. n. 52; p. 13-16. DGPNSD x MARLATT A., WITKIEWITZ K. (2005). RELAPSE PREVENTION FOR ALCOHOL AND DRUG PROBLEMS. EN: MARLATT G.A.; ed. lit., DONOVAN D.M.; de. lit. RELAPSE PREVENTION : MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS.- NEW YORK: GUILFORD. p. 1-44. R-5753 x MARLATT G.A.; ed. lit./ DONOVAN D.M.; de. lit. (2005). RELAPSE PREVENTION : MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS. NEW YORK: GUILFORD. XIV, 416 p. R-5753 x MARTINEZ POVEDA R., VALANZO FERNANDEZ X. (2004). URGENCIAS POR DROGAS DE SINTESIS. JANO Med Humanid. v. 67; n. 1531; p. 45-48. 08-604 x MAS A., FARRE M., TORRENS MELICH M., MORENO V., CAMI MORELL J. (2005). INDICE DE RETENCION Y USO ILEGAL DE OPIACEOS DURANTE INTERVENCIONES DE MANTENIMIENTO CON METADONA : UN META-ANALISIS. RET. n. 42; p. 27-32. DGPNSD x PEREZ DE LOS COBOS J., FIDEL G., ESCUDER G., HARO G., SANCHEZ N., PASCUAL C., VALDERRAMA J. C., VALERO S., TRUJOLS J. (2005). ENCUESTA DE SATISFACCION ENTRE USUARIOS DEPENDIENTES DE OPIACEOS EN PROGRAMAS DE MANTENIMIENTO CON METADONA EN CENTROS DE ESPAÑA. RET. n. 42; p. 15-22. DGPNSD 46 x ROFFMAN R. A., STEPHENS R. S. (2005). RELAPSE PREVENTION FOR CANNABIS ABUSE AND DEPENDENCE. EN: MARLATT G.A.; ed. lit., DONOVAN D.M.; de. lit. RELAPSE PREVENTION : MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS.- NEW YORK: GUILFORD. p. 179-207. R-5753 x RUBIO VALLADOLID G., PONCE G., JIMENEZ ARRIERO M. A., PALOMO ALVAREZ T., MANZANARES ROBLES J., FERRE NAVARRETE F. (2005). EFECTOS DEL TOPIRAMATO EN EL TRATAMIENTO PARA LA DEPENDENCIA AL ALCOHOL. RET. n. 42; p. 23-26. DGPNSD x SAAVEDRA CASTILLO A. (2000). AFRONTES FARMACOLOGICOS ACTUALES EN EL ALCOHOLISMO. Eradicciones. n. 7; p. Xxx. 12-248 x SHAFFER H. J., LAPLANTE D. A. (2005). TREATMENT OF GAMBLING DISORDERS. EN: MARLATT G.A.; ed. lit., DONOVAN D.M.; de. lit. RELAPSE PREVENTION : MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS.- NEW YORK: GUILFORD. p. 276-332. R-5753 x SHIFFMAN S., KASSEL J., GWALTNEY C., MCCAHARGUE D. (2005). RELAPSE PREVENTION FOR SMOKING. EN: MARLATT G.A.; ed. lit., DONOVAN D.M.; de. lit. RELAPSE PREVENTION : MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS.- NEW YORK: GUILFORD. p. 92-129. R-5753 x TORRALBA NOVELLA L., DOMINGO SALVANY A., PUIGDOLLERS E., COTS F. (2002). PROGRAMAS DE MANTENIMIENTO DE METADONA CON SERVICIOS AUXILIARES : UN ESTUDIO DE COSTE-EFECTIVIDAD. Gac Sanit. v. 17; n. 2; p. 123-130. 12-246 x TRUJOLS ALBET J., CASAS BRUGUE M., PEREZ DE LOS COBOS PERIS J., BATLLE BATLLE F., TEJERO POCIELLO A., BOSCH R., COLOM FARRAN J. (2000). PROGRAMAS DE MANTENIMIENTO CON HEROINA : EXPERIENCIAS DIFICULTADES Y JUSTIFICACION. Enf Emerg. v. 2; n. 2; p. 80-87. 12-252 x WHEELER J. G., GEORGE W. H., STONER S. A. (2005). ENHANCING THE RELAPSE PREVENTION MODEL FOR SEX OFFENDERS : ADDING RECIDIVISM REDUCTION THERAPY TO TARGET OFFENDERS' DYNAMIC RISK NEEDS. EN: MARLATT G.A.; ed. lit., DONOVAN D.M.; de. lit. RELAPSE PREVENTION : MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS.- NEW YORK: GUILFORD. p. 333-362. R-5753 x ZAWACKI T. M., STONER S. A., GEORGE W. H. (2005). RELAPSE PREVENTION FOR SEXUALLY RISKY BEHAVIORS. EN: MARLATT G.A.; ed. lit., DONOVAN D.M.; de. lit. RELAPSE PREVENTION : MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS.- NEW YORK: GUILFORD. p. 363-386. R-5753 47 x ZUNZUNEGUI PASTOR M. V. (2000). ENSAYOS CLINICOS SOBRE TRATAMIENTO DE MANTENIMIENTOS CON HEROINA : UNA RESPUESTA CIENTIFICA A LA ADICCION A OPIACEOS. Enf Emerg. v. 2; n. 2; p. 70-72. 12-250 Psicoterapia x LOREA CONDE I., TIRAPU USTARROZ J., LANDA N., LOPEZ GOÑI J. J. (2005). DESHABITUACION DE DROGAS Y FUNCIONAMIENTO CEREBRAL : UNA REVISION INTEGRADORA. Adicciones. v. 17; n. 2; p. 121-129. DGPNSD x KAMINER Y., SLESNICK N. (2005). EVIDENCE-BASED COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL AND FAMILY THERAPIES FOR ADOLESCENT ALCOHOL AND OTHER SUBSTANCE SE DISORDERS. EN: GALANTER M.; ed. lit. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ALCOHOLISM. VOLUME 17 ALCOHOL PROBLEMS IN ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS : EPIDEMIOLOGY NEUROBIOLOGY PREVENTION TREATMENT.- NEW YORK: KLUWER ACADEMIC, PLENUM. p. 385-408. R-5760 x MARTINEZ DELGADO M., FERNANDEZ-REPETO GUILLOTO M. (2005). TRATAMIENTOS FARMACOLOGICOS DEL ABUSO Y DEPENDENCIA DE OPIACEOS. EN: ANDALUCIA (COMUNIDAD AUTONOMA). CONSEJERIA PARA LA IGUALDAD Y EL BIENESTAR SOCIAL. GUIA DE PRACTICA CLINICA BASADA EN LA EVIDENCIA PARA EL MANEJO DE LA ADICCION A OPIACEOS.- SEVILLA: CONSEJERIA PARA LA IGUALDAD Y EL BIENESTAR SOCIAL. p. 42-104. R-5777 x ARAQUE SERRANO F., DIAZ SALABER J. (2005). TRATAMIENTOS PSICOLOGICOS. p. 105191. R-5777 Políticas de Actuación-Nacional x COLMENARES F. DEL. (2005). ENTREVISTA A CARMEN MOYA GARCIA. DELEGADA DEL GOBIERNO PARA EL PLAN NACIONAL SOBRE DROGAS. Not Med. año 39; n. 3866; p. 24-29. 5. 17-12 x COMISION NACIONAL DE COORDINACION Y SEGUIMIENTO DE PROGRAMAS DE PREVENCION DEL SIDA (18ª.2003. MADRID). (2003). MEMORIA DE ACTIVIDADES 2003. MADRID: PLAN NACIONAL SOBRE EL SIDA. 75 h. R-5721 x COMISION NACIONAL DE COORDINACION Y SEGUIMIENTO DE PROGRAMAS DE PREVENCION DEL SIDA (18ª.2003. MADRID). MEMORIA DE ACTIVIDADES COMUNIDADES AUTONOMAS 2003. MADRID: PLAN NACIONAL SOBRE EL SIDA. (h. var.). R-5722 48 x ESPAÑA. MINISTERIO DEL INTERIOR. GABINETE DE ANALISIS Y PROSPECTIVA SOBRE TRAFICO DE DROGAS BLANQUEO DE CAPITALES Y DELITOS CONEXOS. (2005). ESTADISTICA ANUAL SOBRE ACTUACIONES CONTRA EL TRAFICO ILICITO DE DROGAS: AÑO 2004. SISTEMA DE ANALISIS EVALUACION Y EXPLOTACION DE DATOS SOBRE DROGAS (SENDA). MADRID: DELEGACION DEL GOBIERNO PARA EL PLAN NACIONAL SOBRE DROGAS. 254 p. R-5709 x ESPAÑA. PLAN NACIONAL SOBRE EL SIDA. (2003). ICAP 2002 : INFORME DEL CUESTIONARIO DE ACTIVIDADES DE PREVENCION DE LA INFECCION POR VIH\SIDA EN LAS COMUNIDADES AUTONOMAS EN EL AÑO 2002. TEXTO PROVISIONAL. MADRID: PLAN NACIONAL SOBRE SIDA. 36 h. R-5719 x EXTREMADURA. CONSEJERIA DE SANIDAD Y CONSUMO. (2005). PLAN DE SALUD DE EXTREMADURA 2005-2008. BADAJOZ: CONSEJERIA DE SANIDAD Y CONSUMO. 528 p. R-5703 x FUNDACION ANDALUZA PARA LA ATENCION A LAS DROGODEPENDENCIAS. (2005). MEMORIA DE ACTUACIONES 2003. SEVILLA: FUNDACION ANDALUZA PARA LA ATENCION A LAS DROGODEPENDENCIAS. 94 p. R-5607 x GAMELLA MORA J. F., JIMENEZ RODRIGO M. L. (2004). A BRIEF HISTORY OF CANNABIS POLICIES IN SPAIN (1968-2003). J Drug Issues. v. 34; n. 3; p. 623-659. 01-403 x KARACHALIOU K., KONTOGEORGIOU K., KITSOS G., TERZIDOU M. (2005). CONSUMO DE ALCOHOL Y PROBLEMAS RELACIONADOS CON EL ALCOHOL EN GRECIA. SITUATION OF ALCOHOL USE AND ABUSE IN GREECE. Trastornos Adictivos. v. 7; n. 2; p. 69-79. DGPNSD x MADRID (COMUNIDAD AUTONOMA). AGENCIA ANTIDROGA. MEMORIA 2004. MADRID: AGENCIA ANTIDROGA. 251 p. R-5737 x SALAS L. F. (2004). ENTREVISTA A CARMEN MOYA GARCIA. DELEGADA DEL GOBIERNO PARA EL PLAN NACIONAL SOBRE DROGAS. Proyecto. n. 52; p. 5-7. DGPNSD x VALENCIA. AYUNTAMIENTO. CONCEJALIA DE SANIDAD Y CONSUMO. (2005). PLAN MUNICIPAL DE DROGODEPENDENCIAS Y OTROS TRASTORNOS ADICTIVOS. MEMORIA DE ACTIVIDADES 2004. VALENCIA: AJUNTAMENT. CONCEJALIA DE SANIDAD Y CONSUMO. 62 p. R-5710 x VELAZQUEZ BUENDIA L., GUIRAO GARCIA A. L. (2005). PLAN REGIONAL DE PREVENCION Y CONTROL DEL TABAQUISMO DE LA COMUNIDAD DE MADRID. Rev Tab. v. 7; n. 2; p. 35-38. DGPNSD 49 BOE, 18/07/2005 MINISTERIO DE ASUNTOS EXTERIORES Y DE COOPERACIÓN ENTRADA EN VIGOR del Acuerdo entre el Reino de España y la República de Letonia sobre cooperación en materia de lucha contra el terrorismo, la delincuencia organizada, el tráfico ilícito de estupefacientes, sustancias psicotrópicas y precursores y otros delitos, hecho en Madrid el 24 de noviembre de 2003. Página: 25481 BOE, 15/08/2005 MINISTERIO DE ASUNTOS EXTERIORES Y DE COOPERACIÓN ENTRADA en vigor del Acuerdo entre el Reino de España y la República del Paraguay sobre cooperación en materia de prevención del consumo y control del tráfico ilícito de estupefacientes y sustancias psicotrópicas, hecho en Asunción el 1 de agosto de 2003 Página: 28468 BOE, 23/09/2005 MINISTERIO DEL INTERIOR Resolución de 7 de septiembre de 2005, de la Secretaría General Técnica, por la que se dispone la publicación del Acuerdo sectorial en materia de drogodependencias entre la Consejería para la Igualdad y Bienestar Social de la Junta de Andalucía y el Ministerio del Interior. Páginas: 31654 – 31657 50 Addiction ..................................................................................................................... 52 Addiction Abstracts ..................................................................................................... 60 Addiction Research and Theory ................................................................................. 62 Addictive Behaviors .................................................................................................... 64 Adicciones................................................................................................................... 74 CDD DDZ ................................................................................................................... 75 Contemporary Drug Problems .................................................................................... 78 Drug and Alcohol Dependence................................................................................... 82 Drugnet Europe........................................................................................................... 85 Drugs: education, prevention and policy .................................................................... 86 European Addiction Research .................................................................................... 87 Journal of Drug Education ......................................................................................... 89 Journal of Drug Issues................................................................................................ 90 Journal of Psychoactive Drugs ................................................................................... 91 Journal of Studies on Alcohol .................................................................................... 93 Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment ..................................................................... 97 Prevención del Tabaquismo ...................................................................................... 100 Proyecto Hombre ........................................................................................................ 102 Psychology of Addictive Behaviours........................................................................... 103 RET ............................................................................................................................. 105 Revista de Estudios de Juventud ............................................................................... 107 Revista Española de Drogodependencias ................................................................. 109 Substance Use & Misuse............................................................................................ 110 The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse ................................................... 116 The American Journal on Addictions.......................................................................... 117 Tobacco control .......................................................................................................... 118 Trastornos Adictivos ................................................................................................... 120 51 Addiction VOLUME 100 • NUMBER EDITORIALS 'A good read': a new editor for Addiction but the same philosophy Roben West (UK) I A passion for publishing: Griffith Edwards and the creation of an institution Thomas F. Babor (USA) 3 Addiction Biology goes fast forward Grrffith Edwards (UK) 6 Substance misuse: what place for women-only treatment programs? Constonce Wesner (USA) 7 JOURNAL INTERVIEW 66 Conversation with Griffith Edwards 9 FOR DEBATE Impact of alcohol consumption upon medical care utilization and costs in men: 4-year observation of National Health Insurance beneficiaries in Japan Yukiko Anzai, Shinichi Kuriyama, Yoshikazu Nishino, Kohko Takahashi, Takayoshi Ohkubo, Kaori Ohmori, Yoshitaka Tsubono & Ichiro Tsuji (Japan) 19 COMMENTARIES I • JANUARY 2005 Primary medical care and reductions in addiction severity: a prospective cohort study Richard Saitz, Nicholas J. Hartón, Mary jo Larson, Michael Winter & Jeffrey H. Samet (USA) 70 Intoxicants and suicidal behaviour among adolescents: changes in levels and associations from 1992 to 2002 Ingeborg Rossow, Ber/t Greholt & Lors Wichstrem (Norway) 79 Matching of treatment-resistant heroin-dependent patients to medical prescription of heroin or oral methadone treatment: results from two randomized controlled trials Peter Blanken, Vincent M. Hendriks, Maarten W. J. Koeter, Jan M. van Ree & Wim van den Brink (Netherlands) 89 Non-medical use of prescription stimulants among US college students: prevalence and correlates from a national survey Sean Esteban McCabe, John R. Knight, Christian J. Teter & HenryWechsler(USA) 96 Does stage-based smoking cessation advice in pregnancy result in long-term quitters? 18-month postpartum follow-up of a randomized controlled trial Terry Lawrence, Paul Aveyard, K. K. Cheng, Cari Griffin, Carol Johnson & Emma Croghan (UK) 107 How nave smoking risk factors changed with recent declines in California adolescent smoking? Elizabeth A. Gilpin, Lora Lee & John P. Pierce (USA) 117 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Selection and self-selection: how to determine the real impact of alcohol on health-care utilization and costs? Jürgen Rehm (Canadá) 28 Alcohol consumption and health services costs Ingeborg Rossow (Norway) 29 Alcohol and in-patient utilization: what is the shape of the relationship? Mary Arme Armstrong (USA) 30 The relationship between alcohol consumption and health care utilization among men in Japan: a reply to the commentaries Yukiko Anzai (Japan) 30 The Portman Group and the AERC Jean Coussins (UK) 126 Membership of the Alcohol Education and Research Council (AERC) Noel D. L O/sen (UK) 126 The alcohol industry has a conflict of interest in alcohol research and policy Colín Drummond (UK) 128 The Portman Group and the AERC: a view from the United States of America Jomes F. Mosher (USA) 129 REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Electronic gaming machines: are they the 'crackcocaine' of gambling? Nicki Dowling, David Smith & Trang Thomas (Australia) 33 Heroin and diplopia Afeon Y. Firth (UK) 46 Drug use and Cultural Contexts 'Beyond the West* 131 Chilling Out: The cultural politics of substance consumption, youth and drug policy 131 Handbook of the Medical Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Abuse 132 Gambling in America: Costs and Benefits 133 RESEARCH REPORTS A comparison of the autonomic arousal of frequent, infrequent and non-gamblers while playing fruit machines Crawford Moodie & Francés Finnigan (UK) 51 Women's programs versus mixed-gender day treatment: results from a randomized study Lee Ann Kaskutas, Lixia Zhang, Mkhael T. Frenen & Jone Witbrodt (USA) 60 Matters of Substance 134 NEWS AND NOTES 135 ERRATUM 139 CORRIGENDUM 139 Addiction VOLUME 100 • NUMBER 2 • FEBRUARY 2005 EDITORIALS Reducing non-fatal overdoses among heroin users as an allof-society challenge Deborah Zador (UK) 141 The undeniable problem of recanting Michael Fendrich (USA) 143 EDITORIAL NOTE Alcohol in the wide world: a series of commissioned editorials Grífifth Edwards (UK) 145 NATIONAL EXPERIENCES Russia: alcohol yesterday and today Alexander Nemtsov (Russia) 146 REVIEW Decreasing International HIV transmission: the role of expanding access to opioid agonist therapies for injection drug users Lynn E. Sullivan, David S. Metzger, Paul j. Fudala & David A. Fiellin (USA) 150 MEHODS AND TECHNIQUES Cut-off levels for breath carbon monoxide as a marker for cigarette smoking Martin A. Javors, John P. Hatch & Richard J. Lamb (USA) 159 RESEARCH REPORTS Recent life problems and non-fatal overdose among heroin users entering treatment Joanne Neo/e & Michele Robertson (UK) 168 Unintentional methadone-related overdose death in New México (USA) and implications for surveillance, 1998-2002 Nina Shah, Sarah L Lathrop & Michaei G. Landen (USA) 176 Response consistency in young adolescents' drug use selfreports: a recanting rate analysis Andrew Percy, Siobhan McAlister, Kathryn Higgins, Patrick McCrystal & Maeve Thornton (UK) 189 Buprenorphine diversion and injection in Melbourne, Australia: an emerging issue? Rebecca A. Jenkinson, Nicolas C. Clark, Craig L Fry & Malcolm Dobbin (Australia) 197 General anaesthesia does not improve outcome in opioid antagonist detoxification treatment: a randomized controlled trial Cor A.J. De Jong, Roben J. f. Laheij & Poul F. M. Krabbe (Netherlands) 206 Do patient characteristics and initial progress in treatment moderate the effectiveness of telephonebased continuing care for substance use disorders? Jomes R. McKay, Kevin G. Lynch, Donald S. Shepard, Jon Morgenstern, Roben F. Forman & Helen M. Pettinati (USA) 216 The assessment of craving: psychometric properties, factor structure and a revised version of the Alcohol Craving Questionnaire (ACQ) Almut Raabe, Sabine M. Grüsser, Michele Wessa, Jan Podschus & Herto Flor (Germany) 227 Does alcohol advertising promote adolescent drinking? Results from a longitudinal assessment Phyllis L Ellickson, Rebecca L Collins, Katrin Hambarsoomians & Daniel F. McCaffrey (USA) 235 Increased risk of relapse after stopping nicotine replacement therapies: a mathematical modelling approach Jacques Medioni, Ivan Berlín & Alain Mallet (France) 247 CASE REPORT Cocaine-induced trichotillomania Sonju George & Hamdy Moselhy (UK) 255 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Defining quit attempts: what difference does a day make? MatthewJ. Carpenter & John R. Hughes (USA) 257 TV advertising of alcohol is not in the interests of public health: comments on Ellickson et al. (2005) Salfy Casswell (New Zealand) 258 NEW BOOKS 260 NEWS AND NOTES 263 Addiction VOLUME 100 • NUMBER 3 • MARCH 2005 EDITORIALS Only connect? Kathleen M. Corro// (USA) 267 Assessing the value of environmental prevention programmes in reducing driving under the influence (DUI) among college students Rob Tunbridge (UK.) 269 NATIONAL EXPERIENCES The USA: alcohol and young people today David Jernigan (USA) 271 JOURNAL INTERVIEW 67 Conversation with George Vaillant 274 FOR DEBATE Recovery from DSM-IV alcohol dependence: United States, 2001-2002 Deboroh A. Dawson, Bridget F. Grant, Frederick S. Stinson, Patricia S. Chou, Boji Huang & W June Ruan (USA) 281 COMMENTARIES Treatment and its correlates in the NESARC John W. Finney (USA) 293 Secrets and lies: comments on Dawson et al. (2005) George Vaillant (USA) 294 Time to tear down the wall: comment on Dawson et al. (2OO5) Mark B. Sobell & Linda C. Sobell (USA) 294 Still difficult to know what alcohol dependent individuals can return to controlled drinking: comments on Dawson et al. (2005) Deboroh Hosin (USA) 295 Recovery from alcohol dependence: response to commentaries Deborah A. Dawson, Bridget F. Grant, Frederick S. Stinson, Patricia S. Chou, Boji Huang & W June Rúan (USA) 296 METHODS AND TECHNIQUES Outcome criteria in smoking cessation trials: proposal for a common standard Robert West, Peter Hajek, Lindsay Stead & John Stapleton (UK.) 299 REVIEWS The role of the therapeutic alliance in the treatment of substance misuse: a critical review of the literature Petra S. Meier, Christine Barrowclough & Michael C. Donmall (UK) 304 Should nortriptyline be used as a first-line aid to help smokers quit? Results from a systematic review and meta-analysis EJ. Wagena, P. Knipschild & M.P.A. Zeegers (Netherlands) 317 RESEARCH REPORTS Reducing DUI among US college students: results of an environmental prevention trial John D. Clapp, Mark Johnson, Robert B. Voas, James E Lange, Audrey Shillington & Cristel Russe// (USA) 327 Preventing youth access to alcohol: outcomes from a multi-community time-series trial Alexander C. Wagenaar, Trací L Toomey & Darin J. Erickson (USA) 335 Associations between tobacco and cannabis use in remote indigenous populations in Northern Australia Alan R. Clough (Australia) 346 Tests of causal linkages between cannabis use and psychotic symptoms David M. Fergusson, L John Horwood & Elizabeth M. Ridder (New Zealand) 354 Brief cognitive behavioural interventions for regular amphetamine users: a step in the right direction Amanda Baker, Nicole K. Lee, Melissa Claire, Terry J. Lewin, Tanya Grant, Sonja Pohlman, John B. Saunders, Francés Kay-Lambkin, Paul Constable, Linda Jenner & Vaughan J. Carr (Australia) 367 Does parental smoking cessation encourage their young adult children to quit smoking? A prospective study Jonathan 8. Brícker, K. Bharat Rajan, M. Robyn Andersen & Arthur V. Peterson Jr (USA) 379 Context-dependency of cue-elicited urge to smoke Roy Thewissen, Marcel van den Hout, Remco C. Havermans & Anfto Jonsen (Netherlands) 387 Calling emergency medical services during drug overdose: an examination of individual, social and setting correlates Karin ETobin, Melissa A Davey & Carl A. Latkin (USA) 397 Influence of psychiatric comorbidity in alcoholdependent subjects in a representative population survey on treatment utilization and natural recovery G. Bischof, H.-J. Rumpf, C. Meyer, U. Haphe & U. John (Germany) 405 BOOK REWEVVS Publishing Addiction Science: A Guide for the Perplexed 414 The Troublesome Legacy of Commissioner Lin. The Opium Trade and Opium Suppression in Fujian Province, I820s to I920s 414 Over th Influence: The Harm Reduction Guide for Managing Drugs and Alcohol 415 Drug Treatment: What Works? 416 Helping Adolescents At Risk. Prevention of Multiple Problem Behaviors 417 NEWS AND NOTES 418 Addiction VOLUME 100 •SUPPLEMENT I • MARCH 2005 CLINICAL RAPIO EFFICACY SCREENING TRIALS (CREST) Cocaine Rapid Efficacy Screening Trial (CREST): a paradigm for the controlled evaluation of candidate medications for cocaine dependence Deborah B. Leiderman, Steve Shoptaw, Ann Montgomery, Daniel A. Bloch, Ahmed Elkashef, joseph LoCastro & Frank Vocci (USA) I Efficacy screening trials of paroxetine, pentoxifylline, riluzole, pramipexole and venlafaxine in cocaine dependence Domenic A Ciraulo, Ofra Sarid-Segal, Clifford M. Knapp, Ann Marie Ciraulo , Joseph LoCastro, Daniel A. Bloch, Margaret A. Montgomery, Deborah B. Leiderman & Ahmed Elkashef (USA) 12 Nefazodone treatment of cocaine dependence with comorbid depressive symptoms Domenic A. Ciraulo, Clifford Knapp, John Rotrosen, Ofra Sarid-Segal, Ann Marie Ciraulo, Joseph LoCastro, David J. Greenblatt & Deborah Leiderman (USA) 23 A placebo-controlled screening trial of celecoxib for the treatment of cocaine dependence Malcolm S. Reíd, Burt Angrist, Sherryl Baker, Caroline Woo, Marión Schwartz,Ann Montgomery, Dorota Majewska, James Robinson & John Rotrosen (USA) 32 A placebo-controlled screening trial of olanzapine, valproate, and coenzyme Q10/L-carnitine for the treatment of cocaine dependence Malcolm S. Reid, Paul Casadonte, Sherryl Baker, Michael Sanfilipo, Dania Braunstein, Robert Hitzemann, Ann Montgomery, Dorota Majewska, james Robinson & John Rotrosen (USA) 43 A medication screening trial evaluation of reserpine, gabapentin and lamotrigine pharmacotherapy of cocaine dependence S. Paul Berger, Theresa M. Winhusen, Eugene C. Somoza, Judy M. Harrer.Juris P. Mezinskis, Deborah B. Leiderman, Margaret A. Montgomery, R. Jeffrey Goldsmith, Daniel A. Bloch, Bonita M. Singal & Ahmed Elkashef (USA) 58 A placebo-controlled screening trial of tiagabine, sertraline and donepezil as cocaine dependence treatments Theresa M. Winhusen, Eugene C. Somoza, Judy M. Harrer, Juris P. Mezinskis, Margaret A. Montgomery, R. Jeffrey Goldsmith, Florence S. Coleman, Daniel A. Bloch, Deborah B. Leiderman, Bonita M. Singal, Paul Berger & Ahmed Elkashef (USA) 68 Randomized controlled pilot trial of cabergoline, hydergine and levodopa/carbidopa: Los Angeles Cocaine Rapid Efficacy Screening Trial (CREST) Steven Shoptaw, Donnie W. Watson, Chris Reiber, Richard A. Rawson, Margaret A. Montgomery, Maria D. Majewska & Wa/ter Ling (USA) 78 Retrospective analyses of pooled data from CREST I and CREST II trials for treatment of cocaine dependence Ahmed Elkashef, Tyson H. Holmes, Daniel A. Bloch, Steve Shoptaw, Kyle Kampman, Malcolm S. Reid, Eugene Somoza, Domenic Graulo, John Rotrosen, Deborah Leiderman, Ann Montgomery & Frank Vocci (USA) 91 Cocaine Rapid Efficacy Screening Trials (CREST): lessons learned Kyle M. Kampman, Deborah Leiderman, Tyson Holmes, Joseph LoCastro, Daniel A. Bloch, Malcolm S. Reid, Steve Shoptaw, Margaret A. Montgomery, Theresa M. Winhusen, Eugene C. Somoza, Domenic A. Graulo, Ahmed Elkashef & Frank Vocci (USA) 102 Addiction VOLUME 100 •NUMBER 4 • APRIL 2005 EDITORIALS Brother, can you spare a smoke? Sibling transmission of tobacco use Thomas H. Brandon & Karen Obremski Brandon (USA) 439 The value of different methods and models: comment on Slomkowski et oí. (2005) Jocqueline M. Vink (Netheríands) 440 Sibling effects on smoking in adolescence: evidence for social influence from a genetically informative design: comment on Slomkowski et al. 2005 Rand D. Conger (USA) 441 The significance of social connectedness: comment on Slomkowski et al. 2005 Kathleen R. Merikangas (USA) 442 Improving understanding of sibling effects on adolescent smoking: response to the commentaries Richard Rende, Cheryl Slomkowski, Elizabeth Lloyd-Richardson & Raymond Niaura (USA) 443 Impacts of federal precursor chemical regulations on methamphetamine arrests James K. Cunningham & Lon-Mu Uu (USA) 479 Nefazodone in out-patient treatment of inhaled cocaine dependence: a randomized double-blind placebocontrolled trial Son/o Regina Lambert Passos, Luiz. Antonio Bastos Camacho, Claudia S. Lopes & María Angélica Borges dos Santos (Brazil) 489 The rise of buprenorphine prescribing in England: analysis of NHS regional data, 2001-03 Comelis J. de Wet, Laurence J. Reed & Jennifer Bearn (UK) 495 Predicting the early therapeutic alliance in the treatment of drug misuse Petra S. Meier, Michael C. Donmall, Christine Barrowdough, Patrick McElduff & Richard F. Heller (UK) 500 Selection and socialization effects of fraternities and sororities on US college student substance use: a multi-cohort national longitudinal study Sean Esteban McCabe,]ohn E. Schulenberg, Uoyd D.Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, jerald G. Bachman & Deborah D. Kloska (USA) 512 Gender differences in the association between substance use and elevated depressive symptoms in a general adolescent population Christiane Poulin, Denise Hand, Brock Boudreau & Darcy Santor (Canadá) 525 Could the high level of cirrhosis in central and eastern Europe be due partly to the quality of alcohol consumed? An exploratory investigation Sándar Szucs, Attila Sárváry, Martin McKee & Róza Ádány (Hungary) 536 Adolescent drinking level and adult binge drinking In a national birth cohort B.J. M. H.Jefferis, C. Power & O. Manar (Israel) 543 Tobacco abstinence symptom suppression: the role played by the smoking-related stimuli that are delivered by denicotinized cigarettes August R. Buchhalter, Michelle C. Acosta, Sarah E. Evans, Alisan B. Breland & Thomas Eissenberg (USA) 550 HORIZONS: INTRODUCTION TO A SERIES LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Horizons of the treatment enterprise Keith Humphreys (USA) 445 Fatal opiate overdose following regimen changes in naltrexone treatment Phillip Oliver, Miche//e Horspool & Jenny Keen (UK) 560 Is level of interest among cannabis users in self-help materials and other services aimed at reducing problem use? John Cunningham (Canada) 561 Reporting bias and self-reported drug use John MacLeod, Matthew Hickman & George Davey Smith (UK) 562 Motivational interviewing and the incredible shrinking treatment effect WiIIiam R. Miller (USA) 421 Alcohol and intimate partner violence: when can we say that heavy drinking is a contributing cause of violence? Kenneth E. Leonard (USA) 422 NATIONAL EXPERIENCES South Africa: alcohol today Charles D. H. Parry (South África) 426 FOR DEBATE Sibling effects on smoking in adolescence: evidence for social influence from a genetically informative design Cheryl Slomkowski, Richard Rende, Scott Novak, Elizabeth LloydRichardson & Raymond Niaura (USA) 430 COMMENTARIES HORIZONS REVIEW Reconsidering the evaluation of addiction treatment: from retrospective follow-up to concurrent recovery monitoring A. Thomas McLellan, James R. McKay, Robert Forman, John Cacciola & jack Kemp (USA) 447 REVIEW BOOK REVIEWS Evaluating explanations of the Australian 'heroin shortage' Louisa Degenhardt, Peter Reuter, Linette Collins & Wayne Hall (Australia) 459 Choice, Behavioral Economics and Addiction 564 RESEARCH REPORTS Deterioration over time in effect of Motivational Interviewing in reducing drug consumption and related risk among young people Jim McCambridge & John Strang (UK) 470 Hideous Absinthe: A History of a Devil in a Bottle 564 Pathological Gambling: A Clinical Guide to Treatment 565 Treating Alcohol and Drug Abuse 566 NEW BOOKS 568 NEWS AND NOTES 571 ERRATUM 573 Addiction VOLUME 100 •SUPPLEMENT 2 • APRIL 2005 SMOKING TREATMENT SERVICES IN ENGLAND: IMPLEMENTATION AND OUTCOMES A national strategy for smoking cessation treatment in England Ann McNeill, Martin Raw, Janet Whybrow & Patsy Bailey (UK) I Implementing a national treatment service for dependant smokers: initial challenges and solutions Tim Coleman, Elspeth Pound, Catherine Adams, Linda Bauld, Janet Ferguson & Francine Cheater (UK) 12 Delivering the English smoking treatment services Linda Bauld, Tim Coleman, Catherine Adams, Elspeth Pound & Janet Ferguson (UK) 19 Targeting smokers in priority groups: the influence of government targets and policy statements Elspeth Pound, Tim Coleman, Catherine Adams, Linda Bauld & Janet Ferguson (UK) 28 How effective are the English smoking treatment services in reaching disadvantaged smokers? John Chesterman, Ken Judge, Linda Bauld & Janet Ferguson (UK) 36 The English smoking treatment services: short-term outcomes Ken Judge, Linda Bauld, John Chesterman & Janet Ferguson (UK) 46 The English smoking treatment services: one-year outcomes Janet Ferguson, Linda Bauld, John Chesterman &. Ken Judge (UK) 59 The cost-effectiveness of the English smoking treatment services: evidence from practice Christine Godfrey, Steve Parrott, Tim Coleman & Elspeth Pound (UK) 70 Lessons from the English smoking treatment services Martin Raw, Ann McNeill & Tim Coleman (UK) 84 Addiction VOLUME 100 •NUMBER 7 • JULY 2005 EDITORIALS Drinking volume and patterns: back to basics MartIn Bobak (UK) 883 Cannabis potency in Europe Leslie A. King, Chloé Carpentier & Paul Grifiiths (UK) 884 EDITORIAL NOTE 'Room with a view" Robert West (UK) 887 ROOM WITH A VIEW Banning smoking in taverns and restaurants—a research opportunity as well as a gain for public health Robín Room (Sweden) 888 NATIONAL EXPERIENCES Australia and alcohol: living down the legend Richard Midford (Australia) 89 / JOURNAL INTERVIEW 69 Conversation with Elisaldo Luiz de Araújo Carlini (E. A. Carlini) 897 FOR DEBATE Effects of a sustained heroin shortage in three Australian States Louisa Degenhardt, Carolyn Day, Paul Dietze, Sophie Pointer, Elizabeth Conroy, Linette Collins & Wayne Hall (Australia) 908 COMMENTARIES Learning from uncommon events: comment on Degenhardt et al. 2005 Jerome H. Jaffe (USA) 921 More panic in needle park Michael Gossop (UK) 922 Avoiding simplistic interpretations: comment on Degenhardt et al. 2005 Mark Tyndall (Canada) 923 Availability as a law of addiction Robert E. Mann (Canada) 924 Heroin, supply side interventions and crime Peter Reuter (USA) 925 Supply control does work: the case from Australia Wei Hao (China) 926 Supply control policy, harm reduction and context dependence Don Weatherburn (Australia) 927 The benefits of structural modeling of the Australian heroin drought Jonathan P. Caulkins (USA) 928 Mapping the consequences of an unanticipated drug supply change of uncertain origins: response to the commentaries Louisa Degenhardt, Wayne Hall, Carolyn Day, Paul Dietze, Linette Collins & Sophie Pointer (Australia) 930 RESEARCH REPORTS Drinking patterns, drinking contexts and alcohol-related aggression among late adolescent and young adult drinkers Samantha Wells, Kathryn Graham, Mark Speechley & John j. Koval (Canada) 933 Level of impaired control predicts outcome of moderation-oriented treatment for alcohol problems Nick Heather & Sharon Dawe (UK) 945 Alcohol expectancies, conduct disorder and early-onset alcoholism: negative alcohol expectancies are associated with less drinking in non-impulsive versus impulsive subjects Peter R. Finn, Lyuba Bobova, Elizabetli Wehner, Susan Fargo & Martin £ Rickert (USA) 953 First cannabis use: does onset shift to younger ages? Findings from 1988 to 2003 from the Dutch National School Survey on Substance Use Karin Monshouwer, Filip Smit, Ron de Craaf, Jim van Os & Wilma Vollebergh (Netherlands) 963 Cannabis 'tinny' houses in New Zealand: implications for the use and sale of cannabis and other illicit drugs in New Zealand Chris Wilkins, James L Reilly & Sally Casswell (New Zealand) 971 Evaluating the impact of methadone maintenance programmes on mortality due to overdose and aids in a cohort of heroin users in Spain M. T. Brugal, A. Domingo-Salvany, R. Puig, G. Barrio, P. García de Olalla & L. de la Fuente (Spain) 981 The relationship between non-injection drug use behaviors on progression to AIDS and death in a cohort of HIV seropositive women in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy use Farzana Kapadia, judith A. Cook, Marge H. Cohén, Nancy Sohler, Andrea Kovacs, Ruth M. Greenblatt, Imtiaz Choudhary & David Vlahov (USA) 990 Depressive symptoms and smoking among Hong Kong Chinese adolescents I H. Lam, Sunita M. Stewan, Sai Yin Ho, Man Kin Lai, Kwok Hang Mak, Ka Vai Chau, Urna Rao & Farideh Salili (China) 1003 Reimbursement for smoking cessation treatment may double the abstinence rate: results of a randomized trial J. Kaper, E. J.. Wagena, M. C. Willemsen & C. P. van Schayck (Netherlands) 1012 Smoking habits and obesity in young adults Eyal Zimlichman, llan Kochba, Frands B. Mimouni, Tzippora Shochat, Itamar Grotto, Yitshak Kreiss & Dror Monde/ (Israel) 1021 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A comment on allowing Saturday sales in the Swedish retail monopoly Harold D. Holder (USA) 1026 Driving capacity of patients treated with methadone and slow-release oral morphine S. M. Giacomuzzi, M. Ertl, A Vigl, Y. Riemer, V. Günther, M. Kopp, W. Pilsz & W. Haaser (Austria) 1027 Blame the counselling, not the implant. A response to Oliver, Horspool & Keen (2005) Nikolaj Kunee & Philipp Lobmaier (Noiway) 1027 Overdose prevention counselling during naltrexone implant regimen changes Phillip Oliver, Michelle Horspool & Jenny Keen (UK) 1028 BOOK REVIEWS Message in a Bottle. The Making of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 1030 Understanding Drugs and Behaviour 1030 Drug Testing in the Workplace 1031 Addiction and Life Course 1032 Addiction VOLUME 100 •NUMBER 8 • AUGUST 2005 EDITORIALS RESEARCH REPORTS Opiate detoxification: what are the goals? Charles P. O'Brien (USA) 1035 Time for a change: putting the Transtheoretical (Stages of Change) Model to rest Robert West (UK) 1036 A multi-center randomized trial of buprenorphinenaloxone versus clonidine for opioid detoxification: findings from the National Institute on Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network Walter Ling, Leslie Amass, Steve Shoptaw,Jeffrey J. Annon, Maureen Hillhouse, Dean Babcock, Greg Brigham, Judy Harrer, Malcolm Reíd, Joan Muir, Betty Buchan, Debbie Orr, George Woody, jonathan Krejci & Douglas Ziedonis (USA) 1090 Comparative study of the effectiveness of slow-release morphine and methadone for opioid maintenance therapy Harald Eder, Reinhold Jagsch, Dominik Kraigher, Andjela Primorac, Nina Ebner & Gabriele Fischer (Austria) 1101 Impact of Federal drug law enforcement on the supply of heroin in Australia Michael Smithson, Michael McFadden & Sue-Ellen Mwesigye (Australia) 1 1 1 0 The impact of borderline personality disorder on 12month outcomes for the treatment of heroin dependence Shane Darke, Joanne Ross, Anna Williamson & Maree Teesson (Australia) 1121 Levo-alpha-acetylmethadol (LAAM) versus methadone: treatment retention and opiate use Douglas Longshore,Jjeffrey Annon, M. Douglas Anglin & Richard A. Rawson (USA) 1131 Five-year trends in patterns of drug use among people who use stimulants ¡n dance contexts in the United Kingdom Jim McCambridge, Luke Mitcheson, Adam Winstock & Neil Hunt (UK.) 1140 Alcohol and coronary heart disease risk—is there an unknown confounder? Kari Poikolainen,Jjussi Vahtera, Marianna Virtanen, Anne Linna & Mika Kivimäki (Finland) 1150 Alcohol price elasticities in control and license states in the United States, 1982-99 Björrn Trolldal & Wílliam Ponicki (USA) 1158 European Union scientific production on alcohol and drug misuse (1976-2000) Xavier Sánchez-Carbonell, Elena Guardiola, Ana Bellés & Marta Beranuy (Spa'm) 1166 When smokers are resistant to change: experimental analysis of the effect of patient resistance on practitioner behaviour Nick Francis, Stephen Rollnick,Jim McCambridge, Chris Butler, Claire Lane & Kerenza Hood (UK) 1175 Antisocial personality disorder is associated with increased severity of gambling, medical, drug and psychiatric problems among treatment-seeking pathological gamblers Rofaert H. Pietrzak & Nancy M. Petry (USA) 1183 COMMENTARIES When popularity outstrips the evidence: comment on West (2005) Thaddeus A. Herzog (USA) 1040 Theoretical tools for the industrial era in smoking cessation counselling: a comment on West (2005) Jean-FranÇois Etter (Switzerland) 1041 Weighing the pros and cons of changing change models: a comment on West (2005) David C. Hodgins (Canada) 1042 Another nail in the coffin of the Transtheoretical Model? A comment on West (2005) Stephen Sutton (UK.) 1043 A premature obituary for the Transtheoretical Model: a response to West (2005) Cario C. DiClemente (USA) 1046 What does it take for a theory to be abandoned? The Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change as a test case Robert West (UK) 1048 NATIONAL EXPERIENCES India: alcohol and public health Vivek Benegal (India) 1051 JOURNAL INTERVIEW 70 Conversation with Malcolm H. Lader (057 FOR DEBATE International Center for Alcohol Policies (ICAP)'s latest report on alcohol education: a flawed peer review process David Foxcroft (UK.) 1066 COMMENTARIES ICAP's latest report on alcohol education — A flawed process Sally Casswell (New Zealand) 1069 Fingers burnt: a comment on Foxcroft (2005) Peter Anderson (Netherlands) 1070 Research dissemination: the challenge to ensure quality Steve Allsop & Richard Midford (Australia) 1071 What to expect from a 'social aspects' organization, and what to expect from school-based alcohol education Robin Room (Sweden) 1072 REVIEW The feasibility of smoking reduction: an update John R. Hughes & Matthew j. Carpenter (USA) 1074 LETTER TO THE EDITOR The role of supply reduction in an evidence-based illicit drug strategy: comments on Smithson et al. (2005) Evan Wood (Canada) 1194 CLASSIC TEXTS REVISITED Similarities in Animal and Human Drug-Taking Behavior Roland R. Griffiths, George E. Bigelow, Jack E. Henningfield Maxine Stitzer (USA) 1196 NEWS AND NOTES 1198 CORRIGENDA 1201 Addiction Abstracts Volume 12 Number 2 May 2005 Page Author index Subject index 201 209 Abstracts PATTERNS OF USE Initial use; prevalence; drinking behaviour; cigarettes; illicit drugs; misuse of psychoactive drug……………………………………………….……….208-219 PSYCHO-SOCIAL ASPECTS Social context; economics; altitudes; beliefs and cognitions; crime; aggression; families; racial aspects…………………………………………………………220-268 THEORETICAL AND RESEARCH ISSUES Concepts; models and methods; measurement ……………………………………………269-302 HEALTH AND HEALTH BEHAVIOUR Pregnancy; physical health problems; mortality; neuropsychology; psychiatric aspects; accidents, driving, skills impairment ………………………………303-332 INTERVENTIONS Prevention/general, education, control policies; treatment/general; methadone treatments; detoxification and withdrawal; cessation and relapse; treatment/other ……………………………………….333-391 HIV/AIDS Prevalence; risk behaviours………………………………………….……………………..392-406 Addiction Abstracts Volume 12 Author index Subject index Number 3 August 2005 Page 301 309 Abstracts PATTERNS OF USE Initial use; prevalence; drinking behaviour; cigarettes; illicit drugs; misuse of psychoactive drugs……………………………………………………….407-422 PSYCHO-SOCIAL ASPECTS Social context; economics; altitudes; beliefs and cognitions; crime; aggression; families; racial aspects………………………………………………………….423-472 THEORETICAL AND RESEARCH ISSUES Concepts; models and methods; measurement…………………………………………….473-501 HEALTH AND HEALTH BEHAVIOUR Pregnancy; physical health problems; mortality; neuropsychology; psychiatric aspects; accidents, driving, skills impairment…………………………………..502-521 INTERVENTIONS Prevention/general, education, control policies; treatment/general; methadone treatments; detoxification and withdrawal; cessation and relapse; treatment/other…………………..…..522-599 HIV/AIDS Prevalence; risk behaviours………………………………………………………………600-610 Addiction Research & Theory Volume 13 - Number 3 - June 2005 Contents 201 Editorial: Theorizing normal drug use Richard Hammersley 205 Normalization as a barometer: Recreational drug use and the consumption of leisure by younger Britons Howard Parker 217 Subcultural evolution and illicit drug use Andrew Golub, Bruce D. Johnson & Eloise Dunlap 23l Applying cognitive policy analysis to the drug issue: Harm reduction and the reversal of the deviantization of drug users in Britain 1985—1997 Hervé Hudebine 245 The drug career of the older injector Judith A. Levy & Tammy Anderson 259 Reducing the risks of drug use: The case for set and setting Phil Dalgarno & David Shewan 267 Reduced drinking with age: Is it normal? Mary L. M. Gilhooly 281 Alcohol use in college: Limitations on the transformation of social norms Robert Granfield 293 Using an extended theory of planned behaviour to understand smoking amongst schoolchildren Brian McMillan, Andrea R. Higgins &. Mark Conner Addiction Research & Theory Volume 13 - Number 4 - August 2005 Contents Addiction as accomplishment: The discursive construction of disease 307 Craig Reinarman Multicultural contexts and alcohol and drug use as symbolic behaviour Robin Room 321 "I am not a drug abuser, I am a drug user": A discourse analysis of 44 drug users' construction of identity Sharon Rodner 333 An investigation of descriptive and experimental aspects of intrusive thoughts in a sample of substance-dependent inpatients 347 Martina Reynolds, Anton Valmana, Christos Kouimtsidis, Catherine Donaldson & Hamid Ghodse Retrieval strategies and cultural differences in answering survey questions on drinking: A cross-national comparison Kirsimarja Raitasalo, Ronaid Knibbe & Ludwig Kraus 359 Using multiple coders to enhance qualitative analysis: The case of interviews with consumers of drug treatment Lynda Berends & Jennifer Johnston 373 The relationship between cognitive preoccupation with alcohol and alcohol use in male and female college students 383 Cecile A. Marczinski, Rachel Bryant & Mark T. Fillmore Correspondance: Needle Foucation: Deux ou Trois Choses que Je Sais de Pica Manie (with apologies to Jean Luc Godard) 395 Andrew McBride & Richard Pates The power of naming: A reply to McBride and Pates Suzanne Fraser, Max Hopwood, Carla Treloar & Loren Brener 403 Book Review Straight from the heart Loma Templeton 405 ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (Incorporating Annual Review of Addictions Research and Treatment) Contents Vol. 30, No. 5, 2005 Page 865 875 Brief motivational intervention for adolescent smokers in medical settings Suzanne M. Colby Peter M. Monti Tracy O'Leary Tevyaw Nancy P. Barnett Anthony Spirito Damaris J. Rohsenow Suzanne Riggs Wi/liam Lewander Difficulty in demonstrating a risk from drinking pattern in fourteen years of coronary heart disease morbidity and mortality: The Lung Robert P. Murray John E. Connett Health Study Pía Mákelá Jürgen Rehm 889 Factors affecting American Indian adolescent tobacco use 905 Understanding the associations among education, employment characteristics, and smoking ManSoo Yu Arlene Rubín Stiffman Stacey Freedenthal David W. Wetter Ludmila Cofia-Gunn Rachel T. Fouladi Jennifer E. Irvin Patricia Daza Carlos Mazas Kelli Wright Paul M. Cinciripini Ellen R. Gritz Continued on page I ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS Vol. 30, No. 5, 2005 Continued from outside back cover 915 Replication of subtypes for smoking cessation within the contemplation stage of change 929 Friend's drinking behaviour and adolescent alcohol consumption: The moderating role of friendship characteristics 949 Implicit and explicit attitudes toward smoking in a smoking and a nonsmoking setting 963 The moderating effects of peer substance use on the family structure-adolescent substance use association: Quantity versus quality of parenting 981 Validation of English-language versions of three scales measuring Derek H. Chrístie attitudes towards smoking, smoking-related self-efficacy and the Jean-Frangois Efíer use of smoking cessation strategies 989 Comparison of the predictors of alcohol use and misuse among Mei-Yu Yeh l-Chyun Chiang Han and aboriginal students in Taiwan Milena D. Anatchkova Wayne F. Velicer James O. Prochaska Sander M. Bot RutgerC.M.E. Engels Ronald A. Knibbe Wim H.J. Meeus Jorg Huijding Peter J. de Jong Reinout W. Wiers Kirsten Verkooijen David Eitle SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 1001 Analysis of baseline by treatment interactions in a drug Matthew S. Fritz David P. MacKinnon prevention and health promotion program for high school male Jason Williams athletes Linn Goldberg Esther L. Moe Diana L. Elliot 1007 Contributions of attachment style and perceived social support to lifetime use of illicit substances Kristin M, Caspers 1019 Comparison of drug use and psychiatric morbidity between prostitute and non-prostitute female drug users in Glasgow, Scotland Gail Gilchrist Laurence Gruer Jacqueline Atkinson Remi J. Cadoret Douglas Langbehn Rebecca Yucuis Beth Troutman 1013 Cutting down substance abuse—present state and visions among Riitta Lappalainen-Lehto Kaija Seppá surgeons and nurses Isto Nordback Continued on page II ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS Vol. 30, No. 5, 2005 Continued from outside back cover 1025 Factors predicting 2-year retention in methadone maintenance treatment for opioid dependence Caro/ J. Strike William Gnam Karen Urbanoski Benedikt Fischer David C. Marsh Margaret Millson 1029 A psychometric evaluation of the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence in PTSD smokers Todd C. Buckley Susannah L. Mozley Dana R. Holohan Kate Walsh Jean C. Beckham Jon D. Kassel 1035 Consumption of higher numbers of cigarettes in Mexican youth: the importance of social permissiveness of smoking Lucia María Lotrean Luisa María SánchezZamorano Raydel Valdés-Salgado Edna Arillo-Santillán Betania Alien Mauricio Hernández-Avila Eduardo Lazcano-Ponce 1043 Illicit drug use and abuse/dependence: modeling of two-stage A. Agrawal variables using the CCC approach M.C. Neale K.C. Jacobson C.A. Prescott K.S. Kendler 1049 Under what circumstances are nurses willing to engage in brief Kjell Johansson alcohol interventions?: A qualitative study from primary care in Ingemar Ákerlind Sweden Preben Bendtsen 1055 Psychological distress and marijuana use before and after treatment: Testing cognitive-behavioral matching hypotheses 1061 Childhood adversity and poor mothering: consequences of polydrug abuse use as a moderator 1065 Predictors of attrition from day treatment of adolescents with substance-related disorders 1071 Impulsivity, negative expectancies, and marijuana use: A test of the acquired preparedness model Josephine M. DeMarce Robert S. Stephens Roger A. Roffman Michael D. Newcomb Thomas F. Locke Daniel Pagnin Valeria de Queiroz Edson G. Saggese Laura Vangsness Brenna H. Bry Erích W. LaBouvie ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (Incorporating Annual Review of Addictions Research and Treatment) Contents Page 1077 1086 1100 1111 Vol. 30, No. 6, 2005 A prospective, open-label trial of ondansetron in adolescents with alcohol dependence Michael A. Dawes Bankole A. Johnson Nassima Aii-Daoud Jennie Z. Ma Jack R Cornelius Factors associated with client-collateral agreement in substance abuse post-treatment self-reports Predictors of substance use among homeless youth in San Diego Satish Kedía Stephanie W. Perry Chad A. Bousman Elaine J. Blumberg Audrey M. Shillington Melbourne F. Hovell Míng Ji Stephanie Lehman John Clapp Gerald A. Bennett, Jacqueline Withers Peter W. Thomas David S. Higgíns James Bailey Lorraine Parry Eleanor Davies A randomised trial of early warning signs relapse prevention training in the treatment of alcohol dependence Continued on page I ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS Vol. 30, No. 6, 2005 Continued from outside back cover 1125 The effect of individual cocaine withdrawal symptoms on outcomes in cocaine users Mehmet Sofuoglu Susan Dudish-Poulsen James Poling Marc Mooney Dorothy K. Hatsukami 1135 The TPH intron 7 A218C polymorphism and TCI dimension scores in alcohol-dependent patients: hints to nonspecific psychopathology Ion Anghelescu Christoph Klawe Christoph Fehr Peter Singer Alexandra Schleicher Hubertus Himmerich Christoph Hiemke Norbert Dahmen Armin Szegedi 1144 The relationship of aggression to suicidal behavior in depressed patients with a history of alcoholism 1154 The effect of mianserin add-on, on the intensity of opioid withdrawal symptoms during detoxification program—a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, prospective study 1168 Feedback interventions for college alcohol misuse: What, why and for whom? Leo Sher María A. Oquendo Hanga C. Galfa/vy Michael F. Grunebaum, Ainsley K. Burke Gil Zalsman J. John Mann I. Hermán D. Shamir R. Bar-Hamburger C.G. Pick S. Schriber Scott T. Walters Clayton Neighbors 1183 Stages of smoking acquisition versus susceptibility as predictors of smoking initiation in adolescents in primary care Minnie Huang Jack Hollis Michael Polen Jodi Lapidus Donald Austin 1195 Depression in pregnant women seeking smoking cessation treatment Janice A. Blalock Rachel T. Fouladi David W. Wetter Paul M. Cincirípini Continued on page II ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS Vol. 30, No. 6, 2005 1209 Neurobiochemical and clinical aspects of craving in alcohol addiction: A review Giovanni Addolorato Lorenzo Leggio Ludovico Abenavoli Giovanni Gasbarrini on behalf of the Alcoholism Treatment Study Group SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 1225 Religiosity, social support, and smoking cessation among urban African American smokers 1230 Self-reported motivations to change and self-efficacy levels for a group of recidivist drink drivers Nicole L Nollen Delwyn Catley Gwen Davies Matthew Hall Jasjit S. Ahluwalia James Freeman Poppy Liossis Cynthia Schonfeld Mary Sheehan Vic Siskind Barry Watson 1236 Body image treatment for weight concerned smokers: A pilot study Matthew M. Clark J. Taylor Hays Kristin S. Vickers Chrísti A. Patten I Ivana T. Croghan Emily Berg Sheila Wadewitz Stefanie Schwartz Paul A. Decker Kenneth P. Offord Ray W. Squires Richard D. Hurt 1241 Social workers' ratings of comorbid personality disorders in substance abusers Morten Hesse 1247 Unaided smoking cessation among smokers in treatment for alcohol dependence Maher Karam-Hage Cynthia S. Pomerleau Ovide F. Pomerleau Kirk J. Brower 1254 A quality framework for addiction treatment programs Udo Nabitz Wim van den Brink Jan Walburg Continued on page III ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS Vol. 30, No. 6, 2005 1261 Explaining the link between violence perpetration, victimization and drug use Michelle D. Weiner Steve Sussman Ping Sun Clyde Dent 1267 Predicting children's level of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke based on two national surveys in Norway in 1995 and 2001 Jostein Rise Karl Erik Lund ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (Incorporating Annual Review of Addictions Research and Treatment) Contents Vol. 30, No. 7, 2005 Page 1273 Effect of nicotine replacement therapy on post-cessation weight gain and nutrient intake: A randomized controlled trial of postmenopausal female smokers Sharon S. Alien Dorothy Hatsukami Dawn M. Bríntnell Tracy Bade 1281 Ecological Assessment of Substance-abuse Experiences (EASE): Findings from a new instrument development pilot study Holly C. Matto Keith Miller Christopher Spera 1290 Prevalence and correlates of tobacco use and nicotine dependence among psychiatric patients in India Prabha S. Chandra Michael P. Carey Kate B. Carey K.R. Jairam N.S. Girish H.P.Rudresh 1300 Predictors of 5-year mortality following inpatient/residential group treatment for substance use disorders Jennifer E. Johnson John W. Finney Rudolf H. Moos Monica H. Swahn John E. Donovan 1317 Predictors of fighting attributed to alcohol use among adolescent drinkers 1335 Spirituality, mindfulness and substance abuse Janis Leigh Sara Bowen G. Alan Marlatt Continued on page III ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS Vol. 30, No. 7, 2005 Continued from outside back cover 1342 Sources of prescription drugs for illicit use Sean Esteban McCabe Caro/ J. Boyd 1351 Development and preliminary evaluation of a measure of support Janet L. Thomas provided to a smoker among young adults Christi A. Pairen Paul A. Decker Ivana T. Croghan Margaret L. Cowles Carne A. Bronars Liza M. Nirelli Kenneth P. Offord 1370 Methamphetamine and alcohol abuse and dependence symptoms: Jeffrey S. Simons Associations with affect lability and impulsivity in a rural treatment Matthew N.l. Oliver population Raluca M. Gaher Gerald Ebel Patricia Brummels 1382 Cannabis use to enhance sportive and non-sportive performances Fabríce Olivier Lorente among French sport students Patrick Peretti-Watel Laurent Grelo On the importance of distinguishing shame from guilt: Relations to 1392 Ronda L. Dearing problematic alcohol and drug use Jeffrey Stuewig June Pnce Tangney Unaided smoking cessation and predictors of failure to quit in a 1405 J. Lee Westmaas community sample: Effects of gender Karen Langsam SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 1425 Lack of effect for decisional balance as a brief motivational intervention for at-risk college drinkers Susan E. Collins Kate B. Carey 1431 Treatment outcomes for alcohol dependence among middle-aged and older adults David W. Oslín Valerie J. Slaymaker Frederic C. Blow Patricia L. Owen Carol Colleran Van Wang Dorothy C. Browne Carla L. Storr Fernando A. Wagner 1437 Gender and the tobacco-depression relationship: A sample of African American college students at a Historically Black College or University (HBCU) Continued on page IV ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS Vol. 30, No. 7, 2005 1442 Identifying a negative mood subtype in incarcerated adolescents: Relationship to substance use Aaron P. Turner Mary E. Larimer Irwin G. Sarason Eríc W. Trupin 1449 Sensation seeking and negative affectivity as predictors of risky behaviors: Olivier Desrichard A distinction between occasional versus frequent risk-taking Virginia Denarié 1454 Gender differences in the causal direction between workplace harassment and drinking 1459 Effects of community substance abuse treatment services on cllents' criminal arrests Sally A. Freels Judith A. Richman Kathleen M. Rospenda Lois A. Ventura Eríc G. Lambert 1464 Estimating the prevalence of cannabinoid use urine testing: A preliminary study in Kerman, Iran Manzume Shamsi Meimandi Nouzar Nakhaee Kouros Divsalar Shahriar Dabirí 1468 Ecstasy and cocaine: Patterns of use among prime age individuals in Jan C. van Ours Amsterdam 1474 Comparison of the Heavy Smoking Index and of the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence in a sample of 749 cigarette smokers Henri Chabrol Michel Niezborala Evelyne Chastan José de León Adicciones 2OO5 - Vol. 17, nº 2 17, n' Editorial Editorial ¿Qué podemos esperar de una revista especializada en el tema de la adicción? What can a speciality Addiction journal be expected to Achieve? Edwaids, G. 93 Edwaids, G. 93 Originales Originals ¿Qué quieren saber los usuarios de éxtasis?: estudio de una lista de correo de internet. What do ecstasy users want to know? Study based on an internet mailing list Caudevilla Gálligo, C. Caudevilla Gálligo, C. 97 97 Motivadores de consumo de alcohol en Motivations for alcohol consumption in adolescentes: análisis de diferencias inter-género adolescents: analysis of gender differences y propuesta de un continuum etiológico. and an aetiological continuum proposal. Moral Jiménez, M'1 V. Rodríguez Díaz, F.J.; Sirvent Ruiz, C. 105 Moral Jiménez, M3 V; Rodríguez Díaz, F.J.; Sirvent Ruiz, C. 105 Deshabituación de drogas y funcionamiento cerebral: una visión Integradora. Drugs treatment and cerebral operation models: an integrative framework. Lorea Conde, /.; Tirapu Ustárroz, J.; Landa, A/.; López-Goñi, JJ. 121 Lorea Conde, /.; Tirapu Ustárroz, J.: Landa, N.; López-Goñi, JJ. 121 Perfil emocional de los consumidores de "revuelto" en comparación con consumidores de heroína y de cocaína. Emotional profile of "speed-ball" abusers white regard to heroin and cocaine abusers. Aguilar de Arcos, F.; Verdejo García, A.; Sánchez Barrera, M.B.; López Jiménez, A ; Pérez García, M. 131 Aguilar de Arcos, F; Verdejo García, A.; Sánchez Barrera, M.B. López Jiménez, A.; Pérez García, M. 131 Utilidad de los parches para el análisis de drogas en sudor en un grupo de reclusos de Madrid. Usefulness of sweat collection patches for the drug analysis in a group of inmates m the penal population in Madrid. Vegué, M; A/varo, E.; Sternberg, F.; Martín, M.; Martínez, D. 139 Vegué. M.; Alvaro, £.; Sternberg, F; Martín, M.: Martínez, D 139; Cómo el propio consumo de drogas de los mediadores recreativos tiene implicaciones preventivas. How the recreational mediators use of drugs has preventative implications. Calafat, A.; Fernández, C.; Juan, M.; Becoña, E. Calafat, A.; Fernández, C.; Juan, M.; Becoña, E. 145 145 Sección Latinoamericana Latinoamerican Section VIH, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C y VDRL en usuarios VIH, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and VDRL ¡n non de cocaína no inyectable en Uruguay inyection cocaine users in Uruguay. Osimani, Mª L.; Latorre, L.; Garíbotto, G.; Scarlatta, L Chipparelli, //., Vidal, J. Boletín Socidrogalcohol Otras noticias 157 Osimani, M:< L.;L.atorre, L.; Garíbotto, G.; Scarlatta, L; Chipparelli, //., Vidal, J. Socidrogalcohol bulletin Other news 157 CDD DDZ Centro de Documentación de drogodependencias boletín 118 Mayo 2005 INDICE RESEÑAS x Muturreko bi eredu Europako droga politikan: Holanda eta Suedia berrikuntza bidean..2 x Fenómenos emergentes en Burdeos: baja la edad de los usuarios de programas de bajo umbral y se multiplica la oferta de drogas naturales .............................................3 x La reducción de riesgos y las alternativas de ocio, claves para proteger a los preadolescentes frente a las drogas ...............................................................................3 x La 'agenda oculta' de las salas de consumo: un toxicómano disciplinado en una ciudad excluyente ......................................................................................................................4 x Mezu okerra igorri: cannabisaren erabilera terapeutikoa arautzeak ba ote du eraginik erabilera ludikoan? ........................................................................................................5 ENCUENTROS..........................................................................................................................6 LA CITA x 3a Conferencia latina de reducción de daños relacionados con los usos de drogas (CLAT3)..........................................................................................................................6 HERRAMIENTAS x Atender a los drogodependientes en los centros de emergencia..................................7 ESTUDIOS x -La mortalidad causada por las drogas en la CAPV registra en 2002 un mínimo histórico.........................................................................................................................8 EXPERIENCIAS x Cómo advertir a tiempo las tendencias emergentes en el consumo de drogas: el sistema Fore Var.....................................................................................................10 BIBLIOGRAFÍA...............................................................................................................................................11 CDD DDZ Centro de Documentación de drogodependencias boletín 119 Junio 2005 INDICE RESENAS x Anai-arreba nagusiaren eragina drogen kontsumoan..................................................2 x Gurasoak drogen aurrean: debekatu, beste aldera begiratu ala mugak ezarri ...........2 x Geografía de la juventud urbana en España: estilos de vida y riesgos..................3 x Cómo ha evolucionado la dependencia a la heroína y su asistencia en el Estado español ...........................................................................................4 x Tratamiento de las drogas en la prensa juvenil francesa: entre la banalización y la recuperación de la libertad de expresión.......................................................5 x Factores de riesgo y patrones de consumo de drogas de los menores inmigrantes:..........................................................................................5 ENCUENTROS.................................................................................................................6 LA CITA x Deporte, dopaje y educación .....................................................................................6 HERRAMIENTAS x Detectar e intervenir con menores en riesgo..................................................7 ESTUDIOS x El botellón: un conflicto postmoderno de efectos peligrosos.................................8 EXPERIENCIAS x Droga erabilera hautemateko testak eskoletan: prebentzioa ala intimjtatearen urratzea?..................................................................................................................10 BIBLIOGRAFÍA .....................................................................................................11 CDD DDZ Centro de Documentación de drogodependencias boletín 120 Julio 2005 INDICE RESEÑAS x Alkoholaren kontsumitzea unibertsitateetan, kontrolpean ........................2 x Dime con quién andas y te diré cuánto bebes: la capacidad de moderar el consumo de algunas amistades.........................................................3 x Drogen erabileran gizabanakoa eta ingurunearen garrantzia ....................3 x Prevención selectiva con jóvenes en riesgo: una revisión de la literatura ....4 x Recursos educativos frente al consumo de cannabis entre los escolares ....5 ENCUENTROS..................................................................................6 LA CITA x Primeras Jornadas Dianova "Menores y Drogas". Pamplona, 28 al 30 de Septiembre..........................................................................................................6 HERRAMIENTAS x Cómo elaborar un Plan de Prevención de drogodependencias en la empresa ................................... ....................................................................7 ESTUDIOS x Una revisión de la evidencia científica sobre las consecuencias negativas del uso habitual de cannabis.............................................................................8 EXPERIENCIAS x Revisión de los programas de intercambio de jeringuillas y de sus evaluaciones ..................................................................................................10 BIBLIOGRAFÍA ............................................................................................11 VOL. 32, NO. 1 SPRING 2005 CONTEMPORARY DRUG PROBLEMS AN INTERDISCIPLINARY QUARTERLY DRINKING AND PUBLIC PLACE 1 3 Notes on Contributors Editor's Introduction: Drinking and Public Place An introduction to four papers and two commentaries on drinking places and their worlds ,from early modern times to the late 20th century. PETER CLARK 9 Drinking and Public Space in Early Modern German Lands After a sketch of the main occasions for alcohol consumption in Bavaria and Bern in the 1500s to 1700s, the paper explores the dynamic relationship between public and private space in drinking establishments, concluding that taverns at the same time both challenged and stabilized the social order. BEAT KÜMIN 29 Taverns in the Public Sphere in 18th-Century Paris Three types of drinking places in Paris under the old regime attracted distinct clienteles. The artisanal taverns that served the bulk of the Parisian population evolved as a public sphere, developing from a space monopolized by royal control to one in which the populace behaved increasingly autonomously, with latent political implications. THOMAS BRENNAN 45 Public Drinking Then and Now A commentary on the papers of Kümin and Brennan. KATHRYN GRAHAM 57 Drinking and Public Space in Leningrad/St. Petersburg and Helsinki in the Interwar Period As the Soviet Union and Finland both retreated from prohibition, authorities in both Leningrad and Helsinki emphasized strong control of public drinking places, pushing traditional male drinking toward more private space. JUSSI WACKLIN 93 Moral Regulation of Public Space and Drinking in the Media and Legislation in Finland The ban on public drinking was lifted in Finland in 1995. Intended as a civilizing measure, the result was more obtrusive public intoxication. The paper examines themes of moral regulation in the ensuing media and legislative debate. JUKKA TORRONEN AND THOMAS KARLSSON 127 Societal Response and the Moral Regulation of Public-Space Drinking A commentary on the papers of Wacklin and Törrönen & Karlsson. DAVID R. RUDY ISSUE EDITOR: PETER CLARK 131 A Typology of Toronto Nightclubs at the Turn of the Millennium Drawing on 1,056 nights of observation in 75 high-capacity nightclubs in Toronto, the paper delineates 10 types of clubs on the basis of the music genre featured. Particular subcultures tend to be associated with the different types. JOHN PURCELL AND KATHRYN GRAHAM VOL. 32, NO. 2 SUMMER 2005 CONTEMPORARY DRUG PROBLEMS AN INTERDISCIPLINARY QUARTERLY 169 Notes on Contributors 171 Patterns of Alcohol Consumption Among Older Persons in Botswana A national sample of Botswanans (n=372) ages 60 and over was interviewed in 1998. Over half of males and three-quarters of females currently abstain, while 17% of males and 8% of females are hazardous drinkers (AUDIT score 8+). Hazardous drinkers were more likely to drink Western-style beverages and less likely to have high socioeconomic status and to be religious. THOMAS CLAUSEN, TOR INGE ROM0REN, INGEBORG ROSSOW, BENEDICTE INGSTAD, ROBERT M. MOLEBATSI AND GERD HOLMBOE-OTTESEN 195 Toward a Comparative Analysis of State Alcohol-Control Systems: The Triadic Model Drawing on various national histories of alcohol control, the paper constructs and explicates a triadic model of the interplay of three interests: public health and social order; government revenue; and private profit. It is argued that the model provides a means for judging the potential from implementing new policies. M. LAWRENCE SCHRAD 225 The OxyContin Epidemic and Crime Panic in Rural Kentucky Oxycodone, a synthetic opioid medication, first carne onto the U.S. market in 1996. Nonmedical use rose quickly over the next five years. By 2000, a panic was under way in the Kentucky media, linking Oxycontin to a "crime wave. " But, as the paper shows, the crime rate did not infact rise. KENNETH D. TUNNELE 259 The Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) and Governance in the Australian Drug Policy Arena In the context where Australian states were supporting initiatives such as heroin prescription trials, the new and conservative federal government set up the ANCD in 1997 to allow more direct federal control of drug policy. Resistance to this, in the context of a complex federal system, has resulted in strain and stalemate. JOHN L. FITZGERALD 295 "It Might Be a Scummy-Arsed Drug but It's a Sick Buzz": Chroming and Pleasure In-depth interviews with 26 Melbourne youths explore the meanings for them of chroming, the Australian term for inhaling fumes from spray paint. Themes included bodily experiences (the "rush"), escaping from reality, imagining, risky action, socializing, communicating, and consuming. Using often gives a sense of personal power and autonomy. SARAH MACLEAN 319 Syringe Acquisition, Peer Exchange and HIV Risk Patterns by which Toronto injection drug users acquire syringes are studied in qualitative interviews with 120 users and with staff of a syringeexchange program. The most problematic pattern for HIV infection, obtaining a syringe at the time of drug injection, is associated with being homeless and staying in shelters or with relatives or friends. CAROL STRIKE, WALTER CAVALIERI, ROBERT BRIGHT, TED MYERS, LIVIANA CALZAVARA AND MARGARET MILLSON DRUG and ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE Volume 78, issue 3, 1 June 2005 CONTENTS Editorial Drug and Alcohol Dependence adopts new editorial structure R.L. Balster ………………………………… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 2 33 Full length reports Self-rated everyday and prospective memory abilities of cigarette smokers and non-smokers: a web-based study T.M. Heffernan, J. Ling, A.C. Parrott, T. Buchanan, A.B. Scholey, J. Rodgers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . 235 Profiling (he subjective, psychomotor, and physiological effects of a hydrocodone/acetaminophen product in recreational drug users J.P. Zacny, S. Gutierrez,, S.A. Bolbolan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … … … … . … … … … … . 243 Early onset inhalant use and risk for opiate initiation by young adulthood C.L. Storr, R. Westergaard, J.C. Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … … . . 253 Temporal dynamics and determinants of whole brain tissue volume changes during recovery from alcohol dependence S. Ga/dzinski, T.C. Durazzo, D.J. Meyerhoff . . . . . . . . . . … … … … … … … … … … … … … . 263 Do research payments precipítate drug use or coerce participation? D.S. Festinger, D.B. Marlowe, J.R. Croft, K.L. Dugosh, N.K. Mastro, P.A. Lee, D.S. DeMatteo, N.S. Patapis…………………………………... . . . . . . . . . . . . … … … . … … … … … … … . … 275 Neuropsychological functioning in methadone maintenance patients versus abstinent heroin abusers A. Verdejo, I. Toribio, C. Oro/.co, K.L. Puente, M. Pérez-García . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . . . . . . 283 Effect of selective antagonism of mu(l)-, mu(l/2)-, mu(3)-, and delta-opioid receptors on the locomotor-stimulating actions of ethanol R. Pastor, C. Sanchis-Segura, C.M.G. Aragón . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Drinking refusal self-efficacy questionnaire-revised (DRSEQ-R): a new factor structure with confirmatory factor analysis T.P.S. Oei, P.A. Hasking, R.McD. Young. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … . . 297 Depression among entrants to treatment for heroin dependence in the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS): prevalence, correlates and treatment seeking M. Teesson, A. Havard, S. Fairbairn, J. Ross, M. Lynskey, S. Darke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … . 309 Memory performance in polyvalent MDMA (ecstasy) users who continue or discontinue MDMA use E. Gouzoulis-Mayfrank, T. Fischermann, M. Rezk, B. Thimm, G. Hensen, J. Daumann …….. 317 Utilizing Recovery Management Checkups to shorten the cycle of relapse, treatment reentry, and recovery C.K. Scott, M.L. Dennis, M.A. Foss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … . . . . … … . . . 325 Wine preference and related health determinants in a U.S. national sample of young adults M. Paschall, R.I. Lipton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … … … … … … . . . . … . … 339 Use of specially substance abuse and mental health services in adults with substance use disorders in the community R.Mojtabai .…. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … … . . 345 Calendar of forthcoming meetings………………….………………………………………….….355 Volume contents ............……………………………………………………………………...…..357 DRUG and ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE Volume 79, issue 1, July 2005 CONTENTS Full length reports Buprenorphine versus methadone in the treatment of pregnant opioid-dependent patients: effects on the neonatal abstinence syndrome H.E. Jones. R.H. Johnson, D.R. Jasinski, K.E. O'Grady, C.A. Chisholm, R.F,. Choo, M. Crocetti, R. Dudas, C. Harrow, M.A. Huestis. L.M. Jansson, M. l.antz. B.M. lester, L. Milio.………………………….…..1 Who becomes cannabis dependent soon after onset of use? Epidemiological evidence from the United States: 2000-2001 C.-Y. Chen, M.S. O'Brien, J.C. Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … … 11 Prevalence and correlates of cocaine physical dependence subtypes using the DSM-IV in outpatients receiving opioid agonist medication E.R. Disney, M. Kidorf, V.L. King, K. Neufeld, K. Kolodner, R.K. Brooner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . 23 Validation of the timeline follow-back in the assessment of adolescent smoking J.M. Lewis-Esquerrc, S.M. Colhy, T.O. Tevyaw, C.A. Eaton, C.W. Kahler, P.M. Monti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … 33 Validation of the nicotine dependence syndrome scale (NDSS): a criterion-group design contrasting chippers and regular smokers S. Shiffman, M.A. Sayette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . . . . 45 Correlates of nonmedical use of prescription benzodiazepine anxiolytics: results from a national survey of U.S. college students S.E. McCabe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Alterations of the vascular basal lamina in the cerebral cortex in drug abuse: a combined morphometric and immunohistochemical investigation A. Büttner, C. Kroehling, G. Malí, R. Penning, S. Weis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … 63 Depression syndromes with risk of alcohol dependence in adulthood: a latent class analysis R.M. Crurn, C.L. Storr, Y.-F. Chan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 The level of response to alcohol in daughters of alcoholics and controls M.Y. Eng, M.A. Schuckil, T.L. Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 The effect of buprenorphine and benzodiazepines on respiration in the rat S. Nielsen, D.A. Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Alcohol intoxication and sexual risk behaviors among rural-to-urban migrants in China D. Lin, X. Li, H. Yang, X. Fang, B. Stanton, X. Chen, A. Abbey, H. Liu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Short communication The practice of office-based buprenorphine treatment of opioid dependence: is it associated with new patients entering into treatment? L.E. Sullivan, M. Chawarski, P.G. O'Connor, R.S. Schottenfeld, D.A. Fiellin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . 113 Calendar of forthcoming meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . 117 DRUG and ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE Volume 79, issue 2, 1 August 2005 CONTENTS Full length reports Reinforcement-based therapy: 12-month evaluation of an outpatient drug-free treatment for heroin abusers H.E. Jones, C.J. Wong, M. Tuten, M.L. Stitzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … . 119 The impact of a reduction in drug supply on demand for and compliance with treatment for drug dependence L. Degenhardt, 1:. Conroy, C. Day, S. Gilmour, W. Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . 129 Mortality in heroin-assisted treatment in Switzerland 1994-2000 J. Rehm, U. Frick, C. Hartwig, K Gutzwiller, P. Gschwend, A. Uchtcnhagen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … … … 137 Are judicial status hearings a "key component" of drug court? Six and twelve months outcomes D.B. Marlowe, D.S. Festinger, K.L. Dugosh, P.A. Lee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … … … … … . 145 Efficacy of dose and contingency management procedures in LAAM-maintained cocaine-dependent patients A. Oliveto, J. Poling, K.A. Sevarino, K.R. Gonsai, E.F. McCance-Katz, S.M. Stine, T.R. Rosten. . . . . … . . . . 157 Drug use practices among MDMA/ecstasy users in Ohio: a latent class analysis R.G. Carlson, J. Wang, R.S. Falck, H.A. Siegal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … … . . 167 Circumstances of witnessed drug overdose in New York City: implications for intervention M. Tracy, T.M. Piper, D. Ompad, A. Bucciarelli, P.O. Coffin, D. Vlahov, S. Galea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … 181 Determinants of methadone treatment assignment among heroin addicts on first admission to public treatment centres in Italy A.M. Bargagli, P. Schifano, M. Davoli, F. Faggiano, C.A. Perucci, The VEdeTTE Study Group . . . . . . … … 191 fMRl response to spatial working memory in adolescents with comorbid marijuana and alcohol use disorders A.D. Schweinsburg, B.C. Schweinsburg, E.H. Cheung, G.G. Brown, S.A. Brown, S.F. Tapert. . . . . . . . … … . 201 Transdermal nicotine alters some of marihuana's effects in male and female volunteers D.M. Penetar, E.M. Kouri, M.M. Gross, E.M. McCarthy, C.K. Rhee, E.N. Peters, S.E. Lukas . . . . . . . . … … . 211 Alcohol and benzodiazepines in falls: An epidemiological view I. Kurzthaler, M. Wambacher, K. Golser, G. Sperner, B. Sperner-Unterweger, A. Haidekker, M. Pavlic, G. Kemmler, W. Wolfgang Fleischhacker……………………….……………………………………………..225 Prediction of relapse to frequent heroin use and the role of methadone prescription: An analysis of the Amsterdam Cohort Study among drug users F. Termorshuizen, A. Krol, M. Prins, R. Geskus, W. van den Brink, E.J.C. van Ameijden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Telephone self-monitoring among alcohol use disorder patients in early recovery: a randomized study of feasibility and measurement reactivity T.L. Simpson, D.R. Kivlahan, K.R. Bush, M.E. McFall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … … . . 241 Short Communications Alcohol use and H1V risk behaviors among HlV-infected hospitalized patients in St. Petersburg, Russia E.M. Krupitsky, N.J. Horton, E.C. Williams, D. Lioznov, M. Kuznetsova, E. Zvartau, J.H. Samet . . . . . . . . 251 An evaluation of the reinforcing effects of memantine in cocaine-dependent humans S.K. Vosburg, C.L. Hart, M. Haney, R.W. Foltin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . . . … . 257 Relationship between blood alcohol concentration and carbohydrate-deficient transferrin among drivers B.M.R. Appenzeller, S. Schneider, A. Maul, R. Wennig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … 261 Contingency management treatments that reinforce completion of goal-related activities: Participation in family activities and its association with outcomes M.W. Lewis, N.M. Petry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … … 267 Deficits in response inhibition associated with chronic methamphetamine abuse J.R. Monterosso, A.R. Aron, X. Cordova, J. Xu, E.D. London . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . . 273 Calendar of forthcoming meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … … . . 279 Nº 50 - Abril-Junio 2005 Drugnet Europe Boletín de noticias del Observatorio Europeo de las Drogas y las Toxicomanías En este número 2 Benzodiacepinas entre clientes en tratamiento por consumo de drogas 3 Introducida la entrada número 500 en el sistema EDDRA 4 Crónica: Nueva estrategia sobre drogas de la UE para 2005-2012 5 La Comisión de Estupefacientes destaca los retos del VIH y el SIDA 6 El OEDT alerta sobre intoxicaciones de cocaína adulterada con atropina 7 Nuevos productos y servicios del OEDT 8 Visitas al OEDT Drugs: education, prevention and policy Volume 12 Number 4 August 2005 Articles Abstinence and harm reduction: Two roads to one destination? Neil McKeganey 251 Comment on 'What are drug users looking for when they contact drug services: Abstinence or harm reduction?' by Neil McKeganey, Zoë Morris, Joanne Neal & Michele Robertson Bill Nelles 255 Critique of 'What are drug users looking for when they contact drug services: Abstinence or harm reduction?' by Neil McKeganey, Zoë Morris, Joanne Neal & Michele Robertson Peter Martin 257 Comment on 'What are drug users looking for when they contact drug services: Abstinence or harm reduction?' by Neil McKeganey, Zoë Morris, Joanne Neal & Michele Robertson Marcus Roberts 261 Comment on 'What are drug users looking for when they contact drug services: Abstinence or harm reduction?' by Neil McKeganey, Zoë Morris, Joanne Neal & Michele Robertson Robert Newman 265 Comment on 'What are drug users looking for when they contact drug services: Abstinence or harm reduction?' by Neil McKeganey, Zoë Morris, Joanne Neal & Michele Robertson Mike Trace 267 Housing and heroin use: The role of floating support Paul Gray & Penny Fraser 269 Four groups of illicit substance users amongst the adult 'hidden' non-problematic community Caitlin Not/ey 279 A case-linkage study of comorbidity in mental health and substance misuse care populations Jan Keene 291 The usual suspects: Alcohol, tobacco and other drug use in 15- to 16-year-old school pupils—prevalence, feelings and perceived health risks Alastair Roy, Christopher Wibberíey & Jon Lamb 305 The barriers to illegal anabolic steroid use Bruce Maycock & Peter Howat 317 Substance misuse training among psychiatric doctors, psychiatric nurses, medical students and nursing students in a South London psychiatric teaching hospital Colin O'Gara, Francis Keaney, David Best, Jennifer Harris, Annabel Boys, Feargal Leonard,Michael Kelleher & John Strang 327 Book Reviews 337 European Addiction Research Vol. 11 /3 / 05 Research Reports 107 Interpersonal Aspects of Personality Disorders in Opioid-Dependent Patients: The Convergence of the ICL-R and the SIDP-IV Damen, K.F.M.; DeJong, C.A.J.; Nass, G.C.M.; VanderStaak, C.P.F.; Breteler, M.H.M. (Nijmegen) 115 Individuals Seeking Treatment for Cannabis-Related Problems in Ontario: Demographic and Treatment Profile Urbanoski, K.A.; Strike, C.J.; Rush, B.R. (Toronto) 124 Tracing Selection Effects in Three Non-Probability Samples Barendregt, C.; van der Poel, A.; van de Mheen, D. (Rotterdam) 132 Efficacy of an Intensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Program in Alcoholism: Predictors of Outcome 6 Months after Treatment Bottlender, M.; Soyka, M. (Munich) 138 Risk Factors and Predictors of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection among Injection Drug Users Backmund, M.; Meyer, K.; Henkel, C. (Munich); Reimer, J. (Hamburg); Wächtler, M. (Munich); Schütz, C.G. (Bonn) 145 Use of Slow-Release Oral Morphine for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence Kraigher, D.; Jagsch, R.; Gombas, W.; Ortner, R.; Eder, H.; Primorac, A.; Fischer, G. (Vienna) Case Report 152 Within-Patient Variability in Clinical Presentation of GammaHydroxybutyrate Withdrawal: A Case Report Glasper, A. (London); McDonough, M. (Dublin); Bearn, J. (Beckenham) 155 Alcoholic Case of Central Pontine Myelinolysis with Mainly Cerebellar Signs Ozgur-Ilhan, I.; Demirbas, H.; Yalcin, G.A.; Yucesan, C.; Dogan, Y.B. (Ankara) 131 Announcement European Addiction Research Vol. 11 / 4 / 05 Research Reports 157 The Client Satisfaction Questionnaire: Psychometric Properties in a Dutch Addict Population De Wilde, E.F. (The Hague); Hendriks, V.M. (The Hague/Utrecht) 163 Group Psychotherapy for Opiate Addicts in Methadone Maintenance Treatment - A Controlled Trial Scherbaum, N.; Kluwig, J.; Specka, M.; Krause, D.; Merget, B.; Finkbciner, T.; Gastpar, M. (Essen) 172 Validity and Reliability of the German Version of the Short Understanding of Substance Abuse Scale Moggi, F.; Giovanoli, A.; Sutter, M. (Berne); Humphreys, K. (Palo Alto, Calif.) 180 Completion of Long-Term Inpatient Treatment of Drug Abusers: A Prospective Study from 13 Different Units Ravndal, E.; Vaglum, P.; Lauritzen, G. (Oslo) 186 The Swedish DOC System - An Attempt to Combine Documentation and SelfEvaluation Jenner, H. (Vá'xjó); Segraeus, V. (Stockholm) 193 Use of Illegally Acquired Medical Opioids by Opiate-Dependent Patients in Detoxification Treatment Scherbaum, N.; Kluwig, J.; Meiering, C.; Gastpar, M. (Essen) 197 A Randomised Clinical Trial of In-Patient versus Combined Day Hospital Treatment of Alcoholism: Primary and Secondary Outcome Measures Weithmann, G.; Hoffmann, M. (Ravensburg) 204 Influence of Socio-Economic Status, Parents and Peers on Smoking Behaviour of Adolescents Madarasová Gecková, A. (Kosice); Stcwart, R.; van Dijk, J.P. (Groningen); Orosová, O. (Kosice); Groothoff, J.W.; Post, D. (Groningen) 210 Acknowledgement 211 Author Index Vol. 11, 2005 212 Subject Index Vol. 11, 2005 212 Contents Vol. 11, 2005 Volume 34, Number 4 - 2004 JOURNAL OF DRUG EDUCATION CONTENTS Integrating Mailed Personalized Feedback and Alcohol Screening Events: A Feasibllity Study Trisha A. Benson, Carne Ambrose, Amanda M. M. Mulfinger, and Christopher J. Correia………………………………………………………………..……………327 Sociodemographic Correlates of Public Perceptions Regarding a Smoking Ban in Bars and Restaurants Mohammad R. Torabi and Dong-Chul Seo . . . . . . . . . . . … … … … … … … … … . 335 Friends Don't Let Friends ... Or Do They? Developmental and Gender Differences in Intervening in Friends' ATOO Use Constance A. Flanagan, Elvira Elek-Fisk, and Leslie S. Gallay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 Feasibility Study for Collecting Alcohol and Other Drug Use Data among Secondary School Students: A Web-Based Survey Approach Sean Esteban McCabe, Carol J. Boyd, Amy Young, and Scott Crawford. … … … … … … … . . . . 373 Programa Shortstop: A Culturally Focused Juvenile Intervention for Hispanic Youth Richard C. Cervantes, Karen Ruan, and Norma Dueñas. . . . . … …………………………………..….385 Index — Contents of Volume 34. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … … … … … … … … … . 407 JOURNAL OF DRUG ISSUES SPRING 2005 . VOL 35, Number 2 Still at Risk for Substance Abuse: Transitions, Risks, and Opportunities for prevention of drug Abuse During Emerging Adulthood CONTENTS 229 Introduction to the Special Issue Susan Martin, Helene R. White 235 The Developmental Context of Substance Use in Emerging Adulthood Jeffrey J. Arnett ETIOLOGICAL ISSUES IN DRUG USE TRAJECTORIES IN EMERGING ADULTHOOD 255 Heterogeneity of Drug Abuse: Processes and Pathways John Schulenberg, Alicia Merline, LloydD. Johnston, Patrick M. O 'Malley Jerald R. Bachman, Virginia Laetz 281 Changes in Substance Use During the Transition to Adulthood: A Comparison of College Students and Their Noncollege Age Peers Helene R. White, Erich W. Labouvie, Vasiliki Papadaratsakis 307 Substance Use Trajectories From Early Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood: A Comparison of Smoking, Binge Drinking, and Marijuana Use Joan Tucker, Phyllis Ellickson, María Orlando Steven Martina, David Klein EXPLORING THE HLGH RLSK ÜROUPS AND CONTEXTS FOR DRUG USE AMONG EMERGING ADULTS 333 Preventing Progression in Drug Abuse With "Indicated" Populations: From "Soft" to "Hard" Drugs Luanne Rohrbach, Steven Sussman, Clyde Dent, Ping Sun 357 Emerging Adults' Substance Use and Risky Behavior in Club Settings BrendaA. Miller, Debra Furr-Holden, Robert Voas, Kristin Bright 379 Vulnerability, Social Networks, Sites, and Selling as Predictors of Drug Use Among Urban African American and Puerto Rican Emerging Adults Jean Schensul, Gary Burkholder INTERVENTIONS AND OTHER OCCURRENCES AFFECTING DRUG USEAMONG EMERGING ADULTS 409 Changes in Marijuana Use Over the Transition Into Marriage Kenneth Leonard, Gregory G. Homish 431 College Student Drug Prevention: A Review of Individually-Oriented Prevention Strategies Mary Larimer, Jasan Kilmer, Christine Lee Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Volume 37 (1), March 2005 CONTENTS Prevalence of Substance Use Among White and American Indian Young Adolescents in a Northern Plains State — Suzanne Spear, M.S.; Douglas Longshore, Ph.D.; Daniel McCaffrey, Ph.D. & Phyllis Ellickson, Ph.D............................................................................... 1 Using Motivatinal Activities to Facilitate Treatment Involvement and Reduce Risk — Michael Czuchry, Ph.D. & Donald F. Dansereau, Ph.D........................................................................ 7 Stage Model of Recovery for Chemically Dependent Adolescents: Part 2—Model Evaluation and Treatment Implications — Dean Blumberg, Ph.D., M.F.T. .............................................................................................................. 15 Sexual Risk Behaviors and Substance Use Among Alcohol Abusing HlV-Positive Men Who Have Sex With Men — Jeffrey T. Parsons, Ph.D.; Alexandra H. Kutnick, M.A.; Perry N. Halkitis, Ph.D.; Joseph C. Punzalan, B.S. &JosephP. Carbonari.................................................................................. 27 Injecting Shared Drugs: An Observational Study of the Process of Drug Acquisition, Preparation, and Injection by Puerto Rican Drug Users — H. Ann Finlinson, Ph.D.; Héctor M. Colón, Ph.D.; Mayra Soto López; Rafaela R. Robles, Ph.D. & John G. H. Cant, Ph.D. ............................................................................. 37 The New Heroin Users Among Manhattan Arrestees: Variations by Race/Ethnicity and Mode of Consumption — Andrew Golub, Ph.D. & Bruce D. Johnson, Ph.D. ............................................................................... 51 The Relationship Between Sense of Coherence and Attribution of Responsibility for Problems and Their Solutions, and Cessation of Substance Abuse Over Time — Rena Feigin, Ph.D. & Yaffa Sapir, Ph.D. .............................................................................................. 63 A Combined Cognitive and Behavioral Intervention for Cocaine-Using Methadone Clients — GraceA. Rowan-Szal, Ph.D.; Norma G. Bartholomew, M.Ed.; LoisR. Chatham, Ph.D. & D. Dwayne Simpson, Ph.D......................................................................... 75 The Combined Effects of Treatment Intensity, Self-Help Groups and Patient Attributes on Drinking Outcomes —Stephen Magura, Ph.D., C.S.W.; Chunki Fong, M.S.; GrahamL. Staines, Ph.D.; Charles Cleland, Ph.D.; Jeffrey Foote, Ph.D.; Andrew Rosenblum, Ph.D.; Nicole Kosank, Ph.D. & Alexander DeLuca, M.D....... 85 Node-Link Mapping in Individual Counseling: Treatment Impact on Clients with ADHD-Related Behaviors —Dianna Newbern, Ph.D.; DonaldF. Dansereau, Ph.D.; Michael Czuchry, Ph.D. & Dwayne Simpson, Ph.D. ................................................................................ 93 SHORT COMMUNICATION Seven Year Follow-up of Smoking Cessation with Smokeless Tobacco — Ken Tilashalski, D.M.D.; BradRodu, D.D.S. & Philip Colé, M.D., Dr.P.H. ...................................... 105 Psychoactive Properties of Galbulimima Bark —Benjamin Thomas, Grad. Dip. (Addiction Studies)............................................................................. 109 INTERNATIONAL ADDICTIONS INFOLINE —Richard B. Seymour, M.A; David E. Smith, M.D. & Terry Chambers, B.A. ......................................... 113 COVER ART — New Garden by Sandra Stevens Schoenberg (rouquinel@aol.com) Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Volume 37 (2), June 2005 CONTENTS Ayahuasca Use In Cross-Cultural Perspective Editors' Introduction: Ayahuasca Use in Cross-Cultural Perspective — Marlene Dobkin de RIOS, Ph.D. & Charles S. Grob, M.D. ................................................................. 119 Ayahuasca in Adolescence: A Neuropsychological Assessment — Evelyn Doering-Silveira, M.Sc.; Enrique Lopez. Psy.D.; Charles S. Grob, M.D.; Marlene Dobkin de Rios, PhD.; Luisa K. Alonso, PhD.; Cristiane Tocia, Psy.; "• Itiro Shirakawa, M.D., PhD.; PauloH. Bertolucci, M.D., PhD. &DartiuX. DaSilveira, M.D................................................................ 123 Ayahuasca in Adolescence: A Preliminary Psychiatric Assessment — Dartiu Xavier Da Silveira, M.D., Ph.D.; Charles S. Grob, M.D.; Marlene Dobkin de Ríos, Ph.D.; Enrique López, Psy.D.; Luisa K. Alonso, PhD.; Cristiane Tocia, Psy. & Evelyn Doering-Silveira, M.Sc. …...... 129 Ayahuasca in Adolescence: Qualitative Results — Marlene Dobkin de Ríos, Ph.D.; Charles S. Grob, M.D.; Enrique Lopez, Psy.D.; Dartiu Xavier da Silviera, M.D., PhD.; Luisa K.Alonso, PhD.; Evelyn Doering-Silveira, M.Sc. ............………..……………. 135 Report on Psychoactive Drug Use Among Adolescents Using Ayahuasca Within a Religious Context — Evelyn Doering-Silveira, M.Sc.; Charles S. Grob, M.D.; Marlene Dobkin de Rios, PhD.; Enrique Lopez, Psy.D.; Luisa K. Alonso, Ph.D.; Cristiane Tacla, Psy. & Dartiu Xavier Da Silveira, M.D., Ph.D....................................................................................................................................................... 141 Phytochemical Analyses of Banisteriopsis Caapi and Psychotria Viridis —J.C. Callaway, Ph.D.; Glacus S. Brito, M.D. & Edison S. Neves, M.D............................................. 145 Various Alkaloid Profiles in Decoctions of Banisteriopsis Caapi —J.C. Callaway, PhD. ......................................................................................................................... 151 Fast and Slow Metabolizers of Hoasca —J.C. Callaway, Ph.D. ........................................................................................................................ 157 EEG Gamma Coherence and Other Correlates of Subjective Reports During Ayahuasca Experiences — David E. Stuckey, Psy.D.; Robert Lawson, M.S. & Luis Eduardo Luna, Ph.D............................... 163 Psychedelic Sacraments —John R. Baker, Dr.Phil.......................................................................................................................... 179 Interview with Jeffrey Bronfman, Representative Mestre for the Uniâo do Vegetal Church in the United States — Marlene Dobkin de Rios, PhD. & Charles S. Grob, M.D. .............................................................. 189 Altered States of Consciousness and Short-Term Psychological After-Effects Induced by the First Time Ritual Use of Ayahuasca in an Urban Context in Brazil — Paulo Cesar Ribeiro Barbosa, M.Sc; Joel Sales Giglio M.D., PhD. & Paulo DalgalarrondoM.D., PhD. . 193 Interview with Guillermo Arrévalo, a Shipibo Urban Shaman, by Roger Rumrrill — Translated and Edited by Marlene Dobkin de Ríos, Ph.D............................................................... 203 Drug Tourism or Spiritual Healing? Ayahuasca Seekers in Amazonia — Michael Winkelman Ph.D., M.P.H................................................................................................... 209 Bringing Ayahuasca to the Clinical Research Laboratory — Jordi Riba, PhD. & ManelJ. Barbanoj, M.D., Ph.D. .................................................................... 219 Ayahuasca and Human Destiny — DennisJ. McKenna, Ph.D...........................................................................................................…... 231 BOOK REVIEWS LSD, Spirituality and the Creative Process — Reviewed by David E. Smith, M.D....................................................................................................... 235 O Uso Ritual da Ayahuasca — Reviewed by Christian Frenopoulo, M.A.(c)....................................................................................... 237 COVER ART — Aspen Couple by Jerry Downs Journal of Studies on Alcohol VOLUME 66 NUMBER 2 MARCH 2005 CONTENTS MAONUSSON, Á, GORANSSON, M. AND HEILIG M. Unexpectedly High Prevalence of Alcohol Use among Pregnant Swedish Women: Failed Detection by Antenatal Care and Simple Tools that Improve Detection Assessing Alcohol Misuse during Pregnancy: Evaluating Psychometric Properties of the CACE, T-ACE and TWEAK in a Brazilian Setting 157 MORAHS, C.L., VIELLAS, E.F., AND REICHENHEIM, M.E. 165 SCHUCKIT, M.A., SMITII, T.L., DANKO, G.P., ANDKRSON, K.G., BROWN, S.A., KUPERMAN, S., KRAME.R, J., HESSELBROCK, V. AND BLJCIIOLZ, K. Evaluation of a level of Response to Alcohol-Based Structural Equation Model in Adolescents 174 HLNDERSHOT, C.S., MACPHERSON, L., MYERS, M.G., CARR, L.G. AND WALL, T.L. Psychosocial, Cultural and Genetic Influences on Alcohol Use in Asian American Youth 185 COOK, T.A.R., LUCZAK, S.E., SHEA, S.H., EHLERS, C.L., CARR, L.G. AND WALL, T.E. Associations of ALDH2 and ADHlB Genotypes with Response to Alcohol in Asian Americans 196 RAMISETTY-MIKLER, S. AND CAETANO R. Alcohol Use and Intimate Partner Violence as Predictors of Separation among U.S. Couples: A Longitudinal Model DRAPKIN, M.L., MC-CRAUY, B.S., SWINGLE, J.M. AND EPSTEIN, E. E. 205 Exploring Bidirectional Couple Violence in a Clinical Sample of Female Alcoholics 213 McAWEENEY, M.J., ZUCK ER, R.A., FITZGERALD, H.E., PUTTLER, L.I. AND WONG, M.M. Individual and Partner Predictors of Recovery from Alcohol-Use Disorder over a Nine-Year Interval: Findings from a Community Sample of Alcoholic Married Men 220 BRAY, R.M., BAE:, K.H., FEDERMAN, E.B. AND WHEELESS, S.C. Regional Differences in Alcohol Use among U.S. Military Personnel 229 LINK, M.W. AND MOKDAD, A.H. Effects of Survey Mode on Self-Reports of Adult Alcohol Consumption: A Comparison of Mail, Web and Telephone Approaches 239 Continued overleaf Contents (continued) BOTT, K.., MEYER, C., RUMPF, H.-J. HAPKE, U. AND JOHN, U. Psychiatric Disorders among At-Risk Consumers of Alcohol in the General Population 246 ROSENBLOOM, M.J., O’REILLY, A., SASSOON, S.A., SULLIVAN, E.V. AND PFEFFERBAUM, A. Persistent Cognitive Deficits in Community-Treated Alcoholic Men and Women Volunteering for Research: Limited Contribution from Psychiatric Comorbidity Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Association between College Attendance and Heavy Alcohol Use: A National Study 254 PASCIIALL., M.J., BERSAMIN, M. AND FLEWELLING R.L. Alcohol Use in Early Adolescence: The Effect of Changes in Risk Taking, Perceived Harm and Friends' Alcohol Use 266 HENRY, K.L., SLATER, M.D. AND OETTING E.R. WHRCH, C., JOBLI, E., MOORE, M.J., DICLEMENTE, C.C., DORE, H. AND BROWN, C.H. A Brief Experimental Alcohol Beverage-Tailored Program for Adolescents NEAL, D.J., SUGARMAN, D.E., HUSTAD, J.T.P., CASKA, C.M. AND CAREY, K.B. 275 284 It's All Fun and Games . . . Or Is It? Collegiate Sporting Events and Celebratory Drinking 291 NEIGIIBORS , C.J., ZYWIAK, W.H., STOUT, R.L. AND HOFFMANN, N.G. Psychobehavioral Risk Factors, Substance Treatment Engagement and Clinical Outcomes as Predictors of Emergency Department Use and Medical Hospitalization Diagnostic Usefulness of Brief Versions of Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) for Detecting Hazardous Drinkers in Primary Care Settings 295 GÓMEZ, A., CONDE, A., SANTANA, J.M. AND JORRÍN, A. 305 Journal of Studies on Alcohol VOLUME 66 NUMBER3 MAY 2005 CONTENTS WIND LE, M., MUN, E.Y. AND WINDLE, R.C. Adolescent-to-Young Adulthood Heavy Drinking Trajectories and Their Prospective Predictors 313 ANDERSON, K.G., SCHWEINSHURÜ, A., PAULUS, M.P. BROWN, S.A. AND TAPERT, S. Examining Personality and Alcohol Expectancies Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (ÍMRI) with Adolescents CURTIN, J.J., BARNHIT, N.P., COLBY, S.M., ROHSENOW, D.J. AND MONTI, P.M. 323 Cue Reactivity in Adolescents: Measurement of Separate Approach and Avoidance Reactions 332 HUSSONCÍ, A.M., GALLOWAY, C.A. AND FEAGANS, L.A. Coping Motives as a Moderator of Daily Mood- Drinking Covariation 344 THOMAS, S.E., DROBES, D.J. AND DEAS, D. 354 Alcohol Cue Reactivity in Alcohol-Dependent Adolescents BABOR, T.F., HIGGINS-BIDDLE, J., DAUSER, D., HIGGINS, P. AND BUREESON, J.A. Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention in Primary Care Settings: Implementation Models and Predictors 361 EPSTEIN, E.E., DRAPKIN, M.L., YUSKO, D.A., COOK, S.M., MCCRADY, B.S. AND JENSEN, N.K. Is Alcohol Assessment Therapeutic? Pretreatment Change in Drinking among Alcohol-Dependent Women 369 FUNK, M., WUTZKE, S., KANER, E., ANDERSON, P., PAS, E., McCoRMicK, R., GUAL, A., BARFOD, S. AND SAUNDERS, J. A Multicountry Controlled Trial of Strategies to Promote Dissemination and Implementation of Brief Alcohol Intervention in Primary Health Care: Findings of a World Health Organization Collaborative Study Brief Physician Advice for Problem Drinking among Older Adults: An Economic Analysis of Costs and Benefits 379 MÜNDT, M.P., FRENCH, M.T., ROEBUCK, M.C., MANWELE, E.B. AND BARRY, K.E. 389 BKENNAN, P.E. AND GREENBAUM, M.A. Functioning, Problem Behavior and Health Services Use among Nursing Home Residents with Alcohol-Use Disorders: Nationwide Data from the VA Minimum Data Set 395 Continued overleaf Contents (continued) CONNER, K.R., SORENSEN, S. AND LEONARD, K.E. Initial Depression and Subsequent Drinking during Alcoholism Treatment 401 LIPSKY, S., CAKTANO, R., FIELD, C.A. AND LARKIN, G.L. Is There a Relationship between Victim and Partner Alcohol Use During an Intimate Partner Violence Event? Findings from an Urban Emergency Department Study of Abused Women GUSSLLER-BURKHARDT, N.L. AND GIANCOLA, P.R. Alcohol-Related Aggression A Further Examination of Gender Differences in • ROOTMAN, D.B., MANN, R.E., FERRIS, L.E., CHALIN, C., ADLAF, E. AND SHUGGI, R. Predictors of Completion Status in a Remedial Program for Male Convicted Drinking Drivers 407 413 423 CHERPITEL, C.J., YE, Y., BOND, J., BORGES, G., CREMONTE, M., MARAIS, S., POZNYAK, V., SOVINOVA, H., MOSKALEWICZ, J. AND SWIATKIEWICZ, G. Cross-National Performance of the RAPS4/RAPS4-QF for Tolerance and Heavy Drinking: Data from 13 Countries 428 K.ENNA, G.A., LONGABAUGH, R., GOGINENI, A., WOOLARD, R.H., NIRENBERG, T.D., BECKER, B., MINUGH, P.A., CARTY, K., CLIFFORD, P.R. AND KAROLCZUK, K. Can the Short Index of Problems (SIP) Be Improved? Validity and Reliability of the Three-Month SIP in an Emergency Department Sample 433 CORRESPONDENCE 438 Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment Volume 28/Number 3 Contents April 2005 REGULAR ARTICLES 213 Substance use disorder patients who are mandated to treatment: Characteristics, treatment process, and 1 - and 5year outcomes John F. Kelly, John W. Finney, and Rudolf Moos 255 Factors associated with 12 months continuous heroin abstinence: findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS) Shane Darke, Joanne Ross, Maree Teesson, Robert Ali, Richard Cooke, Allison Ritter, and Michael Lynskey 225 Illicit use of opiod analgesics by high school seniors Sean Esteban McCabe, Carol J. Boyd, and Christian J. Teter 265 Characteristics of older opioid maintenance patients Michelle R. Lofwall, Robert K. Brooner, George E. Bigelow, Kori Kindbom, and Eric C. Strain 231 When treatment meets research: Clinical perspectives from the CSAT Methamphetamine Treatment Project Jeanne L. Obert, Alison Hamilton Brown, Joan Zweben, Darrell Christian, Jenn Delmhorst, Sam Minsky, Patrick Morrisey, Denna Vandersloot, and Ahndrea Weiner 239 Training substance abuse treatment staff to care for co-occurring disorders Sarah B. Hunter, Katherine E. Watkins, Suzanne Wenzel, Jim Gilmore, John Sheehe, and Belle Griffin 247 Influence of psychotherapy attendance on buprenorphine treatment outcome Ivan D. Montoya, Jennifer R. Schroeder, Kenzie L. Preston, Lino Covi, Annie Umbricht, Cario Contoreggi, Paul J. Fudala, Rollev E. Johnson, and David A. Gorelick 273 Adoption of naltrexone to treat alcohol dependence Bret E. Fuller, Traci Rieckmann, Dennis McCarty, Kevin W. Smith, and Helen Levine 281 Developing GASPAR: A computer-assisted system for patient assessment and referral Ozge Gurel, Deni Canse, Connie Kendig, and A. Thomas McLellan BRIEF ARTICLE 291 Length of outpatient addiction treatment and risk of rehospitalization Anders Romelsjö, Tom Palmstierna, Helen Hansagi, and Anders Leifrnan Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment Volume 28/Number 4 Contents REGULAR ARTICLES June 2005 297 Increases in hyperactive-impulsive symptoms predict relapse among smokers in nicotine replacement therapy Margaret Rukstalis, Christopher Jepson, Freda Patterson, and Caryn Lerrnan 331 The integration of tobacco dependence treatment and tobacco-free standards into residential addictions treatment in New Jersey Jill M. Williams, Jonathan Foulds, Martha Dwyer, Bernice Order-Connors, Monifa Springer, Padma Gadde, and Douglas M. Ziedonis 305 Computer-based brief motivational intervention for perinatal drug use Steven J. Ondersma, Sara K. Chase, Dace S. Svikis, and Charles R. Schuster 341 Nonmedical drug use among stimulant-using adults in small towns in rural Ohio Russel S. Falck, Harvey A. Siegal, Jichuan Wang, Robert G. Carlson, and Paul J. Draus 313 A survey of PTSD screening and referral practices in VA addiction treatment programs Helena E. Young, Craig S. Rosen, and John W. Finnev 351 Treatment during transition from prison to community and subsequent illicit drug use Clifford A. Butzin, Steven S. Martin, and James A. Inciardi 321 An overview of systematic reviews of the effectiveness of opiate maintenance therapies: Available evidence to inform clinical practice and research Laura Amato, Marina Davoli, Cario A. Perucci, Marica Ferri, Fabrizio Faggiano, and Richard P. Mattick Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment Volume 29/Number 1 EDITORIAL 1 New procedures, priorities, opportunities and requirements at the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment A. Thomas McLellan Contents 39 Adolescents in private chemical dependency programs: who are most at risk for HIV? Lyndsay Ammon, Slacy Síerting, Jennifer Mertens, and Constance Weisner 47 Knowledge of hepatitis among active drug injectors at a syringe exchange program Jeanne Carey, David C. Perlman, Patricia Friedmann, Wend\ M. Kaplan, Ann Nugent, Meredith Deutscher, Carmen L. Masson, and Don C. Dea Jarlais 55 Addiction Counseling Self-Efficacy Scale (ACSES): development and initial validation Tamera B. Murdock, Alicia M. Wendler, and Johanna E. Nilsson 65 Involvement of Alcoholics Anonymous and other self-help groups in professional treatment of substance abusers: an Indian perspective Om Prakash Jhinval and Debasish Basu REGULAR ARTICLES 5 Addressing intimate partner violence in substance-abuse treatment William Fals-Stewart and Cheryl Kennedy 19 Involving significant others in the care of opioid-dependent patients receiving methadone Michael Kidorf, Van L. King, Karin Neufeld, Kenneth B. Stoller, Jessica Peirce, and Robert K. Brooner 29 Alcohol dependence and posttraumatic stress disorder: differences in clinical presentation and response to cognitive-behavioral therapy by order of onset Sudie E. fíack, Joan L. Jackson, Susan Sonne, and Kalhleen T. Brady July 2005 LETTER TO THE EDITOR Prevención del Tabaquismo Vol. 7 Núm. 1 Enero-Marzo 2005 SUMARIO EDITORIAL I El tabaquismo pasivo. F. Camón Valero 3 Inclusión de la revista Prevención del Tabaquismo en las grandes bases de datos bibliográficas españolas. J.l. de Granda Orive, M. Barrueco Perrero, A. Pérez Trullén, S. Solano Reina, C. Jiménez Ruiz 6 Anamnesis de tabaquismo y consejo antitabaco a pacientes ingresados en un servicio de neumología. J. Salas Felis, A. Huergo, E. Malmierca, J. Santianes, E. Bustillo 11 Características de los fumadores que acuden a una unidad de tabaquismo en régimen ambulatorio. R. Bustamante Navarro, C. Lobregad Espuch, M.J. Hidalgo Quites, H. Schwarz Chavarri, E. de la Cruz Amaros ORIGINALES ARTÍCULO ESPECIAL 17 31 Morbilidad y mortalidad derivadas del consumo de tabaco. Especial referencia a España. L. Díez-Gañán, J.R. Banegas CARTAS AL DIRECTOR Prevención del Tabaquismo Vol. 7 Núm. 2 Abril-Junio 2005 SUMARIO EDITORIAL 35 El Plan Regional de Prevención y Control del Tabaquismo de la Comunidad de Madrid. L. Velázquez Buendía, A.L. Guirao García 39 El consumo de tabaco en Italia y el papel de la European Respiratory Society. G. Viegi 42 Consejo antitabaco y función pulmonar. P. de Lucas Ramos, J. M. Rodríguez González-Moro ORIGINALES 44 Diferencias evolutivas en las actitudes respeto al tabaquismo en médicas y enfermeras de la Comunidad de Madrid según el nivel asistencial. M. .A. Arias Álvarez, M. Sánchez Bayle, M.L. Fernández Ruiz 49 Efectividad del consejo antitabaco en fumadores con espirometría normal y con espirometría obstructiva (EPOC). J.I. Jaén Díaz, M.J. Gontán García-Salamanca, F. López de Castro, C. de Castro Mesa, B. Cordero García, S. Callejas Pérez 54 Prevalencia del hábito tabáquico en trabajadores de oficinas de farmacia. J.F. Colom Beltrán, A. Pérez Trullén, E. Rubio Calvo, M.L. Clemente Jiménez, I. Herrero Labarga REVISIONES 60 Evolución histórica del consumo de tabaco en España: personal sanitario, neumólogos y cardiólogos C. Escudero Bueno 63 67 Las batallas históricas perdidas en la lucha contra el tabaquismo. Sauret Valet CARTAS AL DIRECTOR Nº 54 - Junio 2005 PROYECTO HOMBRE EDITORIAL .................................................4 PRESENTACIÓN ..........................................5 Delegada del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas PONENCIAS LOS ADOLESCENTES DE HOY: CONSUMOS DE ALCOHOL Y DROGAS Y SU RELACIÓN CON LOS COMPORTAMIENTOS VIOLENTOS........8 Javier Elzo JUVENTUD Y VIOLENCIA EN LA ESPAÑA DE HOY................................15 Vicente Garrido Genovés BULLYING EN EL ÁMBITO ESCOLAR.....19 Fuensanta Cerezo LA FORMACIÓN DE LOS EDUCADORES.........................................24 Eugenio González González MENORES Y AGRESIVIDAD: RELACIONES CON LOSTIEMPOS DEDICADOS A TV, VIDEOJUEGOS Y ACTIVIDADES INTELECTIVAS ................30 Carmen Santisteban MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN, VIOLENCIA, DROGAS Y MENORES.................................36 Begoña del Pueyo TALLERES MENORES, VIOLENCIA Y FAMILIA.........................................................40 M" Angustias Roldan Franco INTERVENCIÓN EDUCATIVA Y LABORAL CON MENORES EN CONFLICTO..................44 Gorka Moreno ESTRATEGIAS DE PREVENCIÓN DE LA VIOLENCIA EN EL ÁMBITO ESCOLAR .................................................49 Rosario Ortega Ruiz, Javier Ortega-Rivera, Rosario Del Rey Alamillo ADOLESCENTES, INMIGRACIÓN E INTEGRACIÓN SOCIAL............................55 Mhamed Mazouzy LA LEY DEL MENOR: POSIBILIDADES DE INTERVENCIÓN.................................59 Berta Cordón Nuevo MESAS NECESIDAD DE EVALUACIÓN PARA MEJORAR INTERVENCIONES PREVENTIVAS EN POBLACIÓN DE RIESGO.....................66 Uxua Ardanaz Elcid PROGRAMA MENORES INMIGRANTES DE VIDA INDEPENDIENTE .............................69 Javier Nechiy Daniel Rodríguez LA CALIDAD PARA MEJORAR LA INTERVENCIÓN ........................................71 Mercedes Muñoz LA FORMACIÓN PARA INTERVENIR CON MENORES: LA CONSTRUCCIÓN DE COMPETENCIAS PARA EL PUESTO DE TRABAJO ...................................................74 Lucía Pérez LA FORMACIÓN PARA LA INTERVENCIÓN CON MENORES..........................................77 Ana González LA FORMACIÓN PARA LA INTERVENCIÓN CON MENORES EN LA ESCUELA UNIVERSITARIA "CARDENALCISNEROS".............................82 Josué Llull Peñalba, Antonio Pinto Rodríguez y Pilar Royo García UN TRABAJO PREVENTIVO CON ADOLESCENTES EN MEDIO ABIERTO ....87 Félix Martínez Ortega EXPERIENCIAS DE INTERVENCIÓN CON MENORES EN EL MEDIO ABIERTO...........90 Lucia Soledad Jubells ANTECEDENTES Y SITUACIÓN DE MENORES MAGREBÍES NO ACOMPAÑADOS EN LA COMUNIDAD DE MADRID .................................................93 David López Gallego COMUNIDAD TERAPÉUTICA DE MENORES CANTALGALLO .....................97 Ricardo Pardo EXPERIENCIAS DE INTERVENCIÓN CON MENORES EN MEDIO CERRADO............101 José Luis Otano INTERNET, MENORES Y VIOLENCIA.....105 José del Val PLAN NACIONAL SOBRE DROGAS (PNSD) .............................108 CRÓNICA......................................................112 AGENDA ........................................................114 PSYCHOLOGYOFADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS Volume 19, Number 2 June 2005 Articles 123 Association Among Parental Substance Use Disorder, P300 Amplitude, and Neurobehavioral Disinhibition in Preteen Boys at High Risk for Substance Use Disorder* Miguel E. Habeych, Roben J. Sclabassi, Prophete J. Charles, Levent Kirisci, and Ralph E. Tarter 131 Increasing Substance Abuse Treatment Compliance for Persons With Traumatic Brain Injury* John D. Corrigan, Jennifer Bogner, Gary Lamb-Hart, Alien W. Heinemann, and Dennis Moore 140 Daily Fluctuations in Self-Control Demands and Alcohol Intake* Mark Muraven, R. Lorraine Collins, Saul Shiffman, and Jean A. Paty 148 Psychological Processes Underlying Risky Decisions in Drug Abusers* Julie C. Stout, Stephanie L. Rock, Meghan C. Campbell, Jerome R. Busemeyer, and Peter R. Finn 158 Development of the Athlete Drinking Scale* Matthew P. Martens, Jack C. Watson II, Elizabeth M. Royland, and Niels C. Beck 165 Shared Predictors of Youthful Gambling, Substance Use, and Delinquency* Grace M. Barnes, John W. Welte, Joseph H. Hoffman, and Barbara A. Dintcheff 175 Self-Reported Gambling-Related Suicidality Among Gambling Helpline Callers* David M. Ledgerwood, Marvin A. Steinberg, Ran Wu, and Marc N. Potenza 184 Drink and Be Merry? Gender, Life Satisfaction, and Alcohol Consumption Among College Students* James G. Murphy, Meghan E. McDevitt-Murphy, and Nancy P. Barnett 192 Effects of Transdermal Nicotine During Imaginal Exposure to Anxiety and Smoking Cues in College Smokers* Sandra Baker Morissette, Tibor P. Palfai, Suzy Bird Gulliver, David A. Spiegel, and David H. Barlow 199 Working Alliance, Treatment Satisfaction, and Patterns of Posttreatment Use Among Adolescent Substance Users* Brooke T. Tetzlaff, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Susan H. Godley, Mark D. Godley, Guy S. Diamond, and Rodney R. Funk Brief Reports 208 Psychological Distress Tolerance and Duration of Most Recent Abstinence Attempt Among Residential Treatment-Seeking Substance Abusers* Stacey B. Daughters, C. W. Lejuez, Christopher W. Kahler, David R. Strong, and Richard A. Brown 212 Alcohol Consumption Moderates the Link Between Cannabis Use and Cannabis Dependence in an Internet Survey* Sara Smucker Barnwell, Mitch Earleywine, and Elana B. Gordis 217 Measuring Developmental Changes in Alcohol Expectancies* Terry L. Schell, Steven C. Martina, Phyllis L. Ellickson, Rebecca L. Collins, and Daniel McCaffrey (contents continue) 221 Reduction in Amount Smoked Predicts Future Cessation* Andrew Hyland, Dave T. Levy, Hamed Rezaishiraz, John R. Hughes, Joseph E. Bauer, Gary A. Giovino, and K. Michael Cummings 226 Childhood Maltreatment in Male and Female Treatment-Seeking Pathological Gamblers* Nancy M. Petry, Karen L. Steinberg, and The Women 's Problem Gambling Research Group 230 A Controlled Study of a Cigarette Smoking Cessation Intervention for Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment* Mark G. Myers and Sandra A. Brown Other 216 139 234 207 American Psychological Association Subscription Claims Information E-Mail Notification of Your Latest Issue Online! Instructions to Authors Subscription Order Form *Accepted under the term of Thomas H. Branden RET revista de toxicomanías nº42 – Primer trimestre - 2005 SUMARIO Drogadicción Pag. 3 Encuesta de satisfacción entre los usuarios dependientes de opiáceos en programas de mantenimiento con metadona en centros de España Pag. 15 Efectos del Topiramato en el tratamiento para la dependencia del alcohol Pag. 23 Indice de retención y uso ilegal de opiáceos durante intervenciones de mantenimiento con metadona: un meta-análisis Pag. 27 RET revista de toxicomanías nº43 – Segundo trimestre - 2005 SUMARIO Adicción a cannabinoides: modelos de comportamientos y correlaciones neuronales. Pag. 3 Consecuencias psicológicas y sociales del cannabis y otras drogas ilícitas consumidas por los jóvenes: informe sistemático de estudios longitudinales de la población general. Pag. 11 La Marihuana. Pag. 23 El tabaquismo en pacientes con otras drogodependencias. Pag. 29 REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS DE JUVENTUD 67 - Diciembre 2004 Parejas y formas de Convivencia de la Juventud ÍNDICE El Tema Páginas 7 Introducción .................................................................................................... 7 1. Las parejas jóvenes Inés Alberdi ...............................................................................................................13 2. Nuevas parejas para viejas desigualdades Mª Ángeles Duran Meras y Jesús Rogero García .................................................25 3. La pareja en los proyectos vitales de las nuevas generaciones: Deseos y realidades Gerardo Meil Landwerlin............................................................................................39 4. Cohortes decrecientes e inmigración como factor de cambio en los mercados matrimoniales españoles Pau Miret Gamundi y Ana Cabré Pla...........................................................................55 5. Las relaciones de pareja en la juventud española: Entre la tradición y las preferencias individuales Mª del Mar Rodríguez-Brioso Pérez............................................................................71 6. Juventud y parejas en la nueva Europa: Pautas sociodemográficas. Diego Becerril........................................................................................................85 7. La construcción de la igualdad en las parejas jóvenes: De los deseos a la práctica cotidiana Sandra Dema Moreno y Capitolina Díaz Martínez..................................................101 8. Trabajo y Familia: Un conflicto en las parejas Luis Navarro Ardoy................................................................................................115 9. ¿Una nueva organización familiar? Madres trabajadoras y servicio doméstico inmigrante: Percepciones e implicaciones Magdalena Díaz Gorfinkiel y Constanza Tobío Soler.........................................127 10. Los retos de la maternidad en solitario Mª del Mar González, Irene Jiménez y Beatriz Morgado....................................145 MATERIALES.................................................................................................165 REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS DE JUVENTUD 68 - Marzo 2005 Jóvenes y Medios de Comunicación ÍNDICE Páginas El Tema 5 1. Introducción: Juventud y medios de comunicación frente a frente. Concepción Naval y Charo Sádaba..................................................................................9 2. Medios de comunicación y socialización juvenil. Julio Vera Vila.....................................................................................................................19 3.Medios de comunicación, participación y juventud David Reyero García..............................................................................................................33 4 La juventud en los medios. Aurora García González....................................................................................................45 5. Comunicación efectiva en circunstancias difíciles: el público entre 14 y 19 años. Francisco J. Pérez Latre y Xavier Bringué...................................................................53 6. Pantallas y juegos: de la observación de modelos a la participación, Begoña Gros Salvat...............................................................................................................61 7. Cine y juventud: una propuesta educativa integral. Carmen Urpi Guercia y Carmen Pereira Domínguez..................................................73 8. Medios digitales: donde la juventud tiene la iniciativa. David Domingo......................................................................................................................91 9. La juventud en la publicidad. Alfonso Méndiz Noguero..............................................................................................104 10. Ocio en los nuevos medios de comunicación. Ignasi de Bofarull...................................................................................................................116 MATERIALES......................................... .................................................... ...........................129 COLABORACIÓN ........................................................................................147 REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE DROGODEPENDENCIAS Monográfico Cannabis Volumen 30 Número 1 y 2 2005 ÍNDICE Presentación Amando Vega Fuente. .......................................................................................................................... 5 ORIGINALES Tráfico de drogas blandas o que no causan grave daño a la salud. Vicente Baeza Avallarte. ................................................................................. ................................... 7 Comercialización sin legalización: Políticas públicas y consumo/comercio de cánnabis en España ( 1 968-2003). Juan F. Camella, María Luisa Jiménez. ..........................................................................................17 Los contextos del uso de marihuana en Latinoamérica y culturas juveniles urbanas en México. Alejandro Sánchez, Alfredo Nateras. ............................................................................................. 50 Algunas prácticas en torno al uso terapéutico del cannabis en Catalunya. Cristina Lirios Aparisi. ......................................................................................................................72 El cannabis y la reducción de riesgos y daños. Iñaki Martínez. ......................................................................................................................87 Cannabis, cerebro y adicción. Iñaki Lorea, Natalia Lando, Javier Tirapu-Ustárroz José Javier López-Goñi. ......................104 Salud pública y política: a propósito de un plan antidroga. MikelValverde. ............................................................................................................................128 Intervención socioeducativa de los educadores sociales en una sociedad interdependiente: formación pre-grado en drogodependencias. Encarna Ras. ........................................................................................................................................138 Cannabis en las escuelas: recursos para la acción educativa Amando Vega. ................... .................................................................................................................159 SOCIEDAD Mediante la profundización en los derechos de las personas consumidoras, hacia la normalización del cannabis: génesis de un Manifiesto. Xavier Arana, Iñaki Márquez. ................................................................................................. 190 Manifiesto de Oñate: Bases para un consenso social sobre el fenómeno del cannabis, en clave de normalización Amando Vega. ...................................................... ............................................................................. 201 Afectadas por cáncer de mama reclaman la legalización del cannabis ACAMBI, Asociación de Cáncer de Mama de Bizkaia. ............................................................... 204 Adiós al guetto: el discreto encanto de la normalidad Martín Barruso Alonso, ...........................................................................................................206 ANEXOS Guía de Medidas Preventivas y Manejo de Situaciones Vinculadas a Usos Problemáticos de Drogas en Centros Educativos Junta Nacional de drogas/ Consejo de E. Secundaria/ Consejo de E. Técnico Profesional. .......................................................................................212 V Plan de Drogodependencias de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco 2004-2008, Departamento de Vivienda y Asuntos Sociales del Gobierno Vasco, 2004. ...................... 218 Substance Use & Misuse Volume 40 . Number 6 . 2005 Contents Articles Adolescents' Health-Related Behaviors in the Light of Their Value Orientations Bettina F. Piko............................................................................................................. 735 Health Care Among Insured Drug Users and Nonusers David C. Bell, Victoria Mosier, Janeene A. Patek, and Cheryl A. Dayton-Shotts . .. 743 The Action Plan-A New Instrument to Collect Data on Interventions in Secondary Prevention in Adolescents Gebhard Hüsler, Egon Werlen, and Jürgen Rehm.. ................................................................ 761 Are Questions from the Italian National Health Survey Adequate to Measure Prevalence of Smoking Among Teens Stefania Maggi, Gilat Linn, and Stephen A. Marion ...................................................779 Revision of the Self-Administered Alcoholism Screening Test (SAAST-R): A Pilot Study Kristin S. Vickers-Douglas, Christi A. Patten, Paul A. Decker, Kenneth P. Offord, Robert C. Colligan, Kayleen A. Islam-Zwart, Troy D. Wolter, Ivana T. Croghan, Daniel Hall-Flavin, and Richard D. Hurt ………………………………………..…..789 Pilot Study of the Relationship Between Drug Misuse and Violence Among Drug Addicts in Greater Accra, Ghana: The South of Saharan Africa Case Yahya H. Affinnih....................................................................................................... 813 Suicidal Ideation and Alexithymia in Patients with Alcoholism: A Pilot Study Shigeru Sakuraba, Masako Kubo, Takeshi Komoda, and Jun-Ichi Yamana............... 823 Incarceration, Addiction and Harm Reduction: Inmates Experience Injecting Drugs in Prison WiII Small, S. Kain, Nancy Laliberte, Martin T. Schechter, Michael V. O'Shaughnessy, and Patricia M. Spittal…………………………….……831 (Continued on inside back cover) (Continued from back cover) Promoting Healthy Choices: The Importance of Differentiating Between Ordinary and High Risk Cannabis Use Among High-School Students Jennifer E. Butters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845 Dependence on Cannabis—An Ever Lasting Issue Renate Soellner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … . . . . . . . . . 857 Efficacy of a Drug Prevention CD-ROM Intervention for Adolescents Christopher Williams, Kenneth W. Griffin, Araxi P. Macaulay, Tara L. West, and Elizabeth Gronewold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . . . . 869 Substance Use & Misuse Volume 40 . Number 7 . 2005 Special Issue on Innovative Strategies in Working with High Risk Youth Guest Editor: Richard Dembo Contents Articles Introduction Richard Dembo ………………………………………………………………………879 The Status of Health Services Research on Adjudicated Drug-Abusing Juveniles: Selected Findings and Remaining Questions Jerry Flanzer………………………………………………………………………….887 CASASTART: A Community-Based, School-Centered Intervention for High-Risk Youth Lawrence F. Murray and Steven Belenko…………………………………………….913 Diversion from the Juvenile Justice System: The Miami-Dade Juvenile Assessment Center Post-Arrest Diversion Program Joseph J. Cocozza, Bonita M. Veysey, Deborah A. Chapin, Richard Dembo, Wansley Walters, and Sylvia Farina........................................................................... 935 How Does the Canadian Juvenile Justice System Respond to Detained Youth with Substance Use Associated Problems? Gaps, Challenges, and Emerging Issues Patricia G. Erickson and Jennifer E. Butters…………………………………………953 Post- Treatment Outcomes Among Adjudicated Adolescent Males and Females in Modified Therapeutic Community Treatment Nancy Jainchill, Josephine Hawke, and Maria Messina .............................................. 975 Unresolved Issues Richard Dembo……………………………………………………….………..…….997 lnternational Abstracts ..............................................................................................999 Substance Use & Misuse Volume 40 • Number 8 • 2005 Contents Articles Spreading Interviews Over Time in Health Surveys: Do Temporal Variations of Self-Reported Alcohol Consumption Affect Measurement? Jean-Luc Heeb and Gerhard Gmcl ………………………………………………………………....1015 Dust in the Wind: The Growing Use of Embalming Fluid Among Youth in Hartford, CT Merrill Singer, Scott Clair, Jean Schensul, Cristina Huebner, Julio F.iscrman, Raúl Pino, and José García ..............................………………………………………………….1035 Concurrent Use of Alcohol and Cigarettes from Adolescence to Young;. Adulthood: An Examination of Developmental Trajectories and Outcomes María Orlando, Joan S. Tucker, PhylHs L. Ellickson, and David J. Klein . . . . . . . … ……….1051 Physician Beliefs About Substance Misuse and Its Treatment: Findings from a U.S. Survey of Primary Care Practitioners Timothy P. Johnson, Alyse L. Bonth, and Patrick Johnson . . ...............…………………………..1071 Single vs. Multiple Drug Prevention: Is More Always Better?: A Pilot Study Chudley E. (Chad) Werch, Michele M. Moore, Cario C. DiCIcmenlc, Deborah M. Owen, Joan M. Carlson, and Edessa Jobli...................…………………………….1085 Self-Reported Effects of Methadone on Cigarette Smoking in Methadone-Maintained Subjects Helena Baran-Furga, Karina Chmielewska, Anna Bogucka-Bonikowska, Boguslaw Habrat, Wojciech Kostowski, and Przemyslaw Bienkowski . . ..........……………….. 1103 Predictors of Current Depressive Symptoms in a Sample of Drug Court Participants Michelle Joosen, Thomas F. Garrity, Michele Staton-Tindall, Matthew L. Hiller, Cari G. Leukefeld, and J. Matthew Webster ................................……………………………... 1113 Adolescent Smoking: Are Infrequent and Occasional Smokers Ready lo Quit? Lindsey R. Türner, Cindy B. Veldhuis, and Robin Mermelstein...................………………….. 1127 Telescoping of Drinking-Related Behaviors: Gender, Racial/Ethnic, and Age Comparisons Patrick B. Johnson, Linda Richter, Herbert D. Kleber, A. Thomas McLellan, and Deni Carise ........................................................……………………………………..... 1139 Sociodemographic Disparities in Access to Addiction Treatment Among a Cohort of Vancouver Injection Drug Users Evan Wood, Kathy Li, Anita Palepu, David C. Marsh, Martin T. Schechter, Robert S. Hogg, Julio S. G. Montaner, and Thomas Kerr ......................………….………... 1153 Use of Dopamine Agonist Pergolide in Outpatient Treatment of Cocaine Dependence G. R. A. Focchi, M. C. Leite, A. G. Andrade, and S. Scivoletto .................……………….…... 1169 Substance Use & Misuse Volume 40 • Numbers 9-10 • 2005 Special Issue on Club Drug Epidemiology Guest Editors: Michael Fendrich And Timothy P. Johnson Contents Articles Editors' Introduction to this Special Issue on Club Drug Epidemiology Michael Fendrich and Timothy P.Johnson…………………………………1179 Foreward Yonette Thomas and Elizabeth Y.Lamber……………………………………………1185 Epidemiological Trends: Regional And Internacional Perspectives A Brief Over view of the clinical . Pharmacology of “Club Drugs” Gena Covell Britt and Elinore F McCance-Katz......……………………...1189 Party Drugs: Properties, Prevalence, Patterns, and Problems Jane- Carlisle, Maxwell…………………………………………………………..1203 Recent Trends in the Use of "Club Drugs": An Australian Review Louisa Degenhardt. Jan Copeland, and Paul Dillon ..............…………………...1241 The Rise of Club Drugs in a Heroin Society: Tbe Case of Hong. Kong Karen A. Joe Laidier. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . . . 1257 Club Drugs Use in Germany Renate Soellner .....………………………………………………………...1279 Epidemiology of MDMA and Associated Club Drugs in the Seattle Area Caleh Banta-Green. Gary Goldbaum, Susan Kingston, Matlhew Golden Richard Harruff, and Barr y K. Logan . . . ...............................……………………..1295 Epidemiology in Population Subgroups Club Drug Use Among Young Men who have Sex with Men in NYC: A Preliminary Epidemiological Profile Michael C. Clatts. Lloyd A.Goldsamt, and Huso Yi............………………..1317 Explanations for Methamphetamine Use Among Gay and Bixesual Men in New York City Perry N. Halkitis, Betlh N. Fischgrund, and Jeffrey T. Parsons ....………........1331 (Continued on inside back cover) (Continued from back cover) High Rates of Club Drug Use and Risky Sexual Practices Among Hispanic Men Who Have Sex with Men in Miami, Florida M. Isabel Fernández, G. Stephen Bowen, Leah M. Varga, José B. Collazo, Nilda Hernández, Tatiana Perrino, and Alfredo Rehbein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1347 Club Drug Use Among Delinquent Youth Christopher P. Krebs and Danielle M. Steffey . . . . … … … … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . 1363 Patterns of Polydrug Use Among Ketamine Injectors in New York City Stephen E. Lankenau and Michael C. Clatts …………………………………………….....1381 Ecstasy Use Among Hispanic and Black Substance Users in New York City Danielle C. Ompad, Sandro Galea, Crystal M. FuIIer, Vincent Edwards, and David Vlahov … … … … … … … … … ……………………………………….…....1399 Profiles of Club Drug Users in Treatment Jane Carlisle Maxwell and Richard T. Spence………………………………………....1409 Causes, Consequences and Correlates of Club Drug Use: Qualitative and Quantitative Explanations An In-Depth Qualitative Examination of the Ecstasy Experience: Results of a Focus Group with Ecstasy-Using College Students Kira B. Levy, Kevin E. O'Grady, Eric D. Wish, and Amelia M. Arria,………………....1427 Conceptions of Risk in the Lives of Club Drug-Using Youth Brian C. Kelly.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … … … … … … … . … … … … … . 1443 MDMA and Sexual Behavior: Ecstasy Users' Perceptions About Sexuality and Sexual Risk Karen McEIrath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … . . . . . . . . . … … . . 1461 Partying" Hard: Party Style, Motives for and Effects of MDMA Use at Rave Parties Tom F. M. ter Bogt, and Rutger C. M. E. Engels…………………………………………………1479 From "Candy Kids" to "Chemi-Kids": A Typology of Young Adults Who Attend Raves in the Midwestern United States Jill A. McCaughan, Robert G. Carlson, Russel S. Falck, and Harvey A. Siegal……….1503 Patterns of Simultaneous Polysubstance Use in Canadian Rave Attendees Sean P. Barrett, Samantha R. Gross, Isabelle Garand, and Robert O. Pihl. . . … … . . 1525 The Relationship Between Club Drug Use and Other Drug Use: A Survey of New York City Middle School Students Lloyd A. Goldsamt, Julie O'Brien, Michael C. Clatts, and Laura Silver McGuire ……1539 Criminal Involvement Among Young Male Ecstasy Users James C. Hendrickson and Dean R. Gerstein ……………………………………................1557 International Abstracts.....................................................................................................1577 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE Volume 31, Number 3, 2005 Contents Cognitive Ability as a Factor in Engagement in Drug Abuse Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . . . . . 359 E. C. Katz, S. D. King, R. P. Schwartz, E. Weintraub, W. Barksdale, R. Robinson, and B. S. Brown Interpersonal Discrimination and the Health of Illicit Drug Users . . . . . . 371 M. Young, J. Stuber, J. Ahern, and S. Galea A Comparison of Voucher Exchanges Between Criminal Justice Involved and Noninvolved Participants Enrolled in Voucher-Based Contingency Management Drug Abuse Treatment Programs . . . … … … … … … … 393 J. M. Roll, M. L. Prendergast, K. Sorensen, S. Prakash, and J. E. Chudzynski Childhood Trauma, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and the Perceived Risk of Contracting HIV in a Drug Using Population . . . … … . 403 M. A. Medrano and J. P. Hatch Reductions in HIV Risk Behaviors Among Depressed Drug Injectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … . . 417 M. D. Stein, B. J. Anderson, D. A. Salomon, D. S. Herman, S. E. Ramsey, R. A. Brown, and I. W. Miller A Novel Opioid Maintenance Program for Prisoners: Report of Post-Release Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … . . 433 T. W. Kinlock, R. J. Battjes, R. P. Schwartz, and The MTC Project Team Effects of an EEG Biofeedback Protocol on a Mixed Substance Abusing Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … . . . 455 W. C. Scott, D. Kaiser, S. Othmer, and S. I. Sideroff Preventing Alcohol and Drug Exposed Births in Washington State: Intervention Findings From Three Parent-Child Assistance Program Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … … . . . 471 T. M. Grant, C. C. Ernst, A. Streissguth, and K. Stark Understanding Prevention Effectiveness in Real-World Settings: The National Cross-Site Evaluation of High Risk Youth Programs ………. .491 S. Sambrano, J. F. Spinger, E. Sale, R. Kasim, and J. Hermann Substance Use Disorders and Cluster B Personality Disorders: Physiological, Cognitive, and Environmental Correlates in a College Sample .......……………………………………………….…………..515 J. Taylor THE AMERICAN JOURNAL ON ADDICTIONS VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 3 • May-June 2005 195 Treatment Compliance in Patients with Comorbid Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders Diane Ai. Uerímk, M.A., Diana J. Fitek, M.A., Dace S. Svikis, Pb.D., han D. Montoya, M.D., M.P.H., Steven C. Marcus, Pb.D., joyce C. West, P/j.D. 208 Use of Court-ordered Supervised Disulfiram Therapy at DVA Medical Centers in the United States Brandon Martin, B.A., Laura Mangum, M.S.W., Thomas P. tieresjord, M.D. 213 A Study of the Temporal Course of Phenomenology of Alcohol Dependence Satindra Kumar, M.B.B.S., M.D., R.K. Singb, M.D., l^RANZCP, Utpal Goswami, DPM, M.D., MRCPych, Udayan Khastgir, M.D., MKCPsycb 223 Males and Females Differ in Response to Opioid Agonist Medications Hendrée K. jones, Ph.D., Heather Fitgerald, E.A., Ro/¿ey E. Johnson, Pharm.D. 234 Israel 2000: Immigration and Gender Differences in Alcohol Consumption Miriam Schiff, Ph.D., Giora Rahav, Ph.D., Meir Teichman, Pb.D. 248 Patterns of Urges During Early Abstinence in Alcohol-dependent Subjects Dean D. Krabn, M.D., Michael]. Boh», M.D., Heniy J. Henk, M.S., jennifer L Grossman, B.S., Blake Gosnell, Ph.D. 256 Alcohol Use Disorder and Illicit Drug Use in Admissions to General Hospitals in the United States Barbara A. Smothers, Ph.D., Harold T. Yahr, Ph.D. 268 Factors Associated with Emergency Room Use among Injection Drug Users of African-American, Hispanic and White European Background Lena Lundgren, Ph.D., Deborah Chassler, M.S.W., IJnsey Ben-Ami, M.P.H., Timothy Puringfon, M.EíL, Robert Scbilling, Ph.D. 281 Trends in Alcohol- and Drug-related ER and Primary Care Visits, 1995-2000: Are Healthy People 2000 Objectives Met? Cheryl J. Cherpitel, Dr.P.H. 291 Dual Diagnosis: Impact of Family History Katherine Anne Comtois, Ph.D., W. Alee Tisdall, B.A., Laura C. Holdcraft, Ph.D., Tracy Simpson, Ph.D. DEPARTMENTS 300 Letters 302 Selected Poster Abstracts from the AAAP 15th Annual Meeting and Symposium 306 Information for Contributors TOBACCO CONTROL June 2005 - Vol 14 - Nº 3 Contents Editorial 145 Injecting greater urgency into global tobacco control D Yach News analysis 149 New Zealand: return of tobacco man « France: smoking in pregnancy consensus conference • China: iIlegal brand ads pulled « Saudi Arabia: Doll and Peto honoured . Research Assistance Matching (RAM) Project. Hong Kong, China: fears for health as business dominates • Guernsey (UK): size doesn't matter • The Internet Archive Special communication 155 The most cited authors and papers in tobacco control F Byrne, S Chapman 161 Toward a comprehensive long term nicotine policy N Gray, J E Henningfield, N L Benowitz, G N Connolly, C Dresler, K Fagerstrom, MJJarvis, P Boyle Research papers 166 Impact of UK policy initiatives on use of medicines to aid smoking cessation R West, M E DiMarino, J Gitchell, A McNeill 172 The Virginia Slims identity crisis: an inside look at tobacco industry marketing to women B Atoll, PM Ling 181 Smoking behaviour among young adults: beyond youth prevention D Hammond 186 How effective are tobacco industry bar and club marketing efforts in reaching young adults? E A Gilpin, V M White, J P Pierce 193 Understanding Philip Morris's pursuit of US government regulation of tobacco PA McDaniel, R E Malone 201 Cigarette advertising in Mumbai, India: targeting different socioeconomic groups, women, and youth R Bansal, S John, P M Ling 207 Adolescent smoking decline during California's tobacco control programme J P Pierce, M M White, E A Gilpin PostScript 213 Letters 215 Book review Miscellanea 154,200,212,216 The Lighter Side TOBACCO CONTROL June 2005 - Vol 14 - Supplement I Forcing open the market in Taiwan: lessons for tobacco control Contents Introduction i1 Facilitating the critical process in tobacco control C P Wen Research papers i4 The impact of the cigarette market opening in Taiwan C P Wen, T Y Cheng, M P Eriksen, S P Tsai, C C Hsu i10 Role of parents and peers in influencing the smoking status of high school students in Taiwan C P Wen, S P Tsai, T Y Cheng, C C Hsu, T Chen, H S Lin i16 Uncovering the relation between betel quid chewing and cigarette smoking in Taiwan C P Wen, S P Tsai, T Y Cheng, Cj Chen, D T Levy, H-J Yang, M P Eriksen i23 Reducing health disparity in Taiwan: quantifying the role of smoking T Y Cheng, C P Wen, S P Tsai, W S I Chung, CC Hsu i28 Excess injury mortality among smokers: a neglected tobacco hazard C P Wen, S P Tsai, T Y Cheng, H T Chan, W S I Chung,C J Chen i33 Workplace smoking related absenteeism and productivity costs in Taiwan S P Tsai, C P Wen, S C Hu, T Y Cheng, Sj Huang i38 Are marketing campaigns in Taiwan by foreign tobacco companies targeting young smokers? CP Wen, I Chen, Y-Y Tsai, S P Tsai, WS I Chung, T Y Cheng, D T Levy, C C Hsu, R Peterson, W-Y Liu i45 Increasing faxes to reduce smoking prevalence and smoking attributable mortality in Taiwan: results from a tobacco policy simulation model D I Levy, C P Wen, T Y Chen, M Oblak i51 Smoking behaviour in Taiwan, 2001 C-P Wen, O 7 Levy, T Yuan Cheng, C C Hsu, S P Tsai i56 The health benefits of smoking cessation for adult smokers and for pregnant women in Taiwan C P Wen, T Y Cheng, C-L Lin, H-N Wu, D T Levy, L-K Chen, C-C Hsu, M P Eriksen, H-J Yang, S P Tsai i62 Smoking attributable medical expenditures, years of potential life lost, and the cost of premature death in Taiwan M C Yang, C Y Fann, C P Wen, T Y Cheng i71 Effect of cigarette tax increase on cigarette consumption in Taiwan J-M Lee, D-S Liao, C-Y Ye, W-Z Liao i76 Smoking attributable mortality for Taiwan and its projection to 2020 under different smoking scenarios C P Wen, S P Tsai, C-J Chen, T Y Cheng, A/I-C Tsai, D T Levy trastornos adictivos Órgano Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Toxicomanías Volumen 7 • Número 2 • Abril-Junio 2005 SUMARIO Páginas EDITORIAL / EDITORIAL Alcoholismo en el arco mediterráneo: hacia un consenso sobre su abordaje / Alcoholistn in the Mediterranean are: towards a consensus on its boarding................................................................... M.T. Gómez-Talegón y E. García Usieto 55 ÁREA CLÍNICA / CLINIC SECTION Alcohol y problemas relacionados con el alcohol en Francia / Alcohol drinking and alcohol-related problems in France.........................................................................................................….... 59 P. Arvers Consumo de alcohol y problemas relacionados con el alcohol en Grecia / The situation of alcohol use and abuse in Greece................................................................................................................... 69 K. Karachaliou, K. Kontogeorgiou, G. Kitsos y M. Terzidou ¿Son tan diferentes los pacientes de cocaína? Análisis diferencial de las variables sociodemográficas y toxicológicas de los pacientes de cocaína y de heroína / Are the patients of cocaine so different?Differential analysis of the sociodemographic and drug abuse characteristics of the patients of cocaine and heroine................................................................................ 80 J. Cancelo Martínez y A. López Duran Características de personalidad en adolescentes como predictores de la conducta de consumo de sustancias psicoactivas / Characteristic of personality in adolescents as predictors of psicoactive drugs use........................................................................................................................ 90 N. Llorens Aleixandre, A. Palmer Pol y M.J. Perelló del Río ÁREA DE EDUCACIÓN, PREVENCIÓN Y SERVICIOS ASISTENCIALES / EDUCATION, PREVENTION AND ASSISTANCE SERVICES SECTION Consideraciones históricas de las normativas sobre el consumo de alcohol, drogas y medicamentos en el modelo español de valoración psicofísica de los conductores / Historie considerations of the guidelines on alcohol, drugs and medication consumption in the Spanish model of psychophysical assessment ofdrivers................................................................................... 97 M. Ozcoidi Val Mujeres drogodependientes maltratadas: análisis para la intervención / Battered female drug-addicts: analysis for intervention.......................................................................................................... 104 L. Chait y B. Zulaica Calvo AUTOEVALUACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN CONTINUADA EN TRASTORNOS ADICTIVOS / AUTOEVALUATION AND CONTINUING EDUCATION ABOUT TRASTORNOS ADICTIVOS ............................................................................................... 114