Boletín 43 - Plan Nacional sobre Drogas
Boletín 43 - Plan Nacional sobre Drogas
Su elaboración en formato electrónico, iniciada en julio de 2002, ha supuesto importantes ventajas de cara a ampliar y agilizar su difusión entre los profesionales del sector, permitiendo asimismo la localización de documentación relevante por parte de cualquier ciudadano interesado en el campo de las drogodependencias. Como en los números anteriores, en el boletín de septiembre se recogen las principales novedades bibliográficas que, sobre los distintos aspectos relacionados con las adicciones, han tenido entrada en el Centro de Documentación e Información de la Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas en los tres últimos meses. El contenido del Boletín está estructurado en tres grandes epígrafes: Novedades bibliográficas (clasificadas por su temática y con indicación de su ruta en el caso de que estén disponibles a texto completo en Internet), Legislación y Sumarios de revistas. Esperamos que el Boletín, cuya difusión se realiza a través de listas de distribución de correo electrónico y de su presencia permanente en la página web de la Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas, sea de interés y quedamos a la espera de cualquier sugerencia y/o consulta que sobre el mismo queráis formular. Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas José del Val – E-correo: Jefe de Servicio del Centro de Documentación e Información 1 Aspectos Generales ......................................................................... 4 Aspectos Sociales ............................................................................. 4 Delincuencia y aspectos penitenciarios ............................................ 5 Conducta-Personalidad .................................................................... 5 Diagnóstico ....................................................................................... 7 Farmacología..................................................................................... 8 Efectos de las drogas ...................................................................... 10 Epidemiología.................................................................................. 12 Factores de riesgo........................................................................... 16 Aspectos Legales ............................................................................ 17 Prevención-General......................................................................... 17 Prevención-Comunidad ................................................................... 18 Prevención-Escolar ......................................................................... 18 Prevención-Medio Laboral............................................................... 18 Prevención-Formación .................................................................... 19 Control de la Oferta ......................................................................... 21 Recursos ......................................................................................... 21 Reinserción...................................................................................... 23 Alucinógenos .................................................................................. 23 Cannabis ........................................................................................ 23 Alcohol............................................................................................ 25 2 Hipnosedantes................................................................................ 26 Opiáceos ......................................................................................... 27 Anfetaminas..................................................................................... 27 Cocaína ........................................................................................... 28 Tabaco ............................................................................................ 29 Tratamiento y Rehabilitación ........................................................... 30 Farmacoterapia ............................................................................... 32 Psicoterapia..................................................................................... 32 Políticas de Actuación-Nacional ...................................................... 33 Políticas de Actuación-Internacional................................................ 38 CDs ................................................................................................. 38 DVDs ............................................................................................... 39 3 Aspectos generales Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos (España); Catálogo de medicamentos. Madrid: Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos. 2010 R-6929 Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos (España); Catálogo de Parafarmacia. Madrid: Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos. 2010 R-6929 Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos (España); Catálogo de plantas medicinales. Madrid: Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos. 2010 R-6929 Maisto S.A.; Galizio M.; Connors G.J.; Drug use and abuse. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. 2010 R-6950 Aspectos sociales Anitha S.; A cultural approach to understanding the stigma of drug use : the experience of prisoners in England and Wales. Fountain J.; ed. lit., Korf D.J.; ed. lit. Drugs in society : european perspectives.- Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing. 2007; p. 76-86. R-6103 Asmussen V.; Danish cannabis policy in practice : the closing of 'Pusher Street' and the cannabis market in Copenhagen. Fountain J.; ed. lit., Korf D.J.; ed. lit. Drugs in society : european perspectives.- Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing. 2007; p. 14-27. R-6103 Barendregt C.; Boom B.; Ephedra for fun, performance and losing weight. Fountain J.; ed. lit., Korf D. J.; ed. lit. Drugs in society : european perspectives.- Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing. 2007; p. 39-50. R-6103 Dahl H.V.; Methadone game : control strategies and responses. Fountain J.; ed. lit., Korf D.J.; ed. lit. Drugs in society : european perspectives.- Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing. 2007; p. 102-115. R-6103 Decorte T.; Characteristics of the cannabis market in Belgium. Fountain J.; ed. lit., Korf D.J.; ed. lit. Drugs in society : european perspectives.- Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing. 2007; p. 28-38. R-6103 Elzo Imaz J.; Megías Quirós I.; Rodríguez San Julián E.; Ballesteros Guerra J.C.; Valores sociales y drogas 2010. Madrid: Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción (FAD). 2010 R-6958 4 Fountain J.; ed. lit.; Korf D.J.; ed. lit.; Drugs in society : european perspectives. Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing. 2007 R-6103 Gomes M.C.; Perceptions of drugs and drug users in Portugal. Fountain J.; ed. lit., Korf D.J.; ed. lit. Drugs in society : european perspectives.- Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing. 2007; p. 1-13. R-6103 Instituto de la Juventud (INJUVE); Horizonte social y político de la juventud española. Madrid: INJUVE. 2010 R-6940 Klein A.; Khat and the creation of tradition in the Somali diaspora. Fountain J.; ed. lit., Korf D.J.; ed. lit. Drugs in society : european perspectives.- Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing. 2007; p. 51-61. R-6103 Muys M.; Characteristics of life in exile : vulnerability factors for substance use. Fountain J.; ed. lit., Korf D.J.; ed. lit. Drugs in society : european perspectives.- Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing. 2007; p. 62-75. R-6103 Springer A.; Diversification endangered. Fountain J.; ed. lit., Korf D.J.; ed. lit. Drugs in society : european perspectives.- Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing. 2007; p. 87-101. R-6103 Uhl A.; How to camouflage ethical questions in addiction research. Fountain J.; ed. lit., Korf D.J.; ed. lit. Drugs in society : european perspectives.- Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing. 2007; p. 116-130. R-6103 Delincuencia y aspectos penitenciarios Fornons Fontdevila D.; Prisión y drogas : doble condena. Zaragoza: de París. 2009 R-6951 Organizacion Mundial de la Salud (OMS); Prevention of acute drug-related mortality in prison populations during the immediate post-release period. Copenhagen: OMS. 2010 14-47e Conducta-Personalidad Antolín Cernuda V.; Gándara Martín J.J. de la; García Alonso I.; Adicción al deporte : el peligro de la sobredosis de ejercicio. Rev Esp Drogodepend. 2010; 35(2): 220-226. DGPNSD Bravo de Medina Hernández R.; Echeburúa Odriozola E.; Aizpiri Díaz J.J.; Características psicopatológicas y dimensiones de personalidad en pacientes adultos jóvenes dependientes del cannabis en tratamiento : un estudio comparativo. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 245-252. DGPNSD 5 Buddie A.M.; Parks K.A.; Role of the bar context and social behaviors on women's risk for aggression. J Interpers Violence. 2003; 18(12):1378-1393. 04-263e Convenio de Colaboración entre a Consellería de Sanidade-Servizio Galogo de Saúde e a Universidades de Santiago de Compostela na Subdirección Xeral de Saúde Mental e Drogodependencias e na R; Becoña Iglesias E.; coord.; Estudio sobre la percepción de riesgo, impulsividad, búsqueda de sensaciones y trastornos de personalidad en población juvenil de Galicia consumidora de psicoestimulantes. Santiago de Compostela: Universidad. Facultad de Psicología. Departamento de Psicología Clínica y Psicobiología. 2010 04-265e Galicia. Consejería de Sanidad; Protocolo de Abordaje Asistencial con Perspectiva de Genéro (PAPG). Santiago de Compostela: Consellería de Sanidade, Servizo Galego de Saúde. 2010 11-384e González V.; Merino L.; Cano M.; e-adicciones. Dependencias en la era digital : ciberjuego, cibersexo, comunidades y redes sociales. Barcelona: Nexus Médica. 2010 R-6953 Gorguet Pi C.M.M.; Esteva García S.; Ramos Gorguet D.; Intervención educativa comunitaria sobre alcoholismo y castigo corporal. Rev Esp Drogodepend. 2010; 35(2): 195-205. DGPNSD Mansukhani A.; Dependencia emocional y adicciones. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 63. DGPNSD Ménard K.S.; Nagayama Hall G.C.; Phung A.H.; Ghebrial M.F.E.; Martin L.; Gender differences in sexual harassment and coercion in college students: developmental, individual, and situational determinants. J Interpers Violence. 2003; 18(10):1222-1239. 04-262e Moral Jiménez M.V.; Sirvent Ruiz C.; Codependencia y heterocontrol emocional : el síndrome de Andrómaca. Rev Esp Drogodepend. 2010; 35(2): 120-143. DGPNSD Rodríguez Rubio M.; Sancho Acero J.L.; Torre Iglesias V.M. de la; Psicopatología y agresividad en población dependiente a la cocaína en tratamiento. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 73-79. DGPNSD Ruiz Sánchez de León J.M.; Pedrero Pérez E.J.; Olivar Arroyo A.; Llanero Luque M.; Rojo Mota G.; Puerta García C.; Personalidad y sintomatología frontal en adictos y población no clínica : hacia una neuropsicología de la personalidad. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 233-244. DGPNSD Tierno B.; Encarar las adicciones de manera positiva. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 6-14. DGPNSD Villanueva Meneses B.O.; Adicción a internet. Documento . 2004. 04-260e 6 Zanarini M.C.; Frankenburg F.R.; Bradford Reich D.; Fitzmaurice G.; 10-year course of psychosocial functioning among patients with borderline personality disorder and axis II comparison subjects. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2010; 122(2):103-109. 04-264e Diagnóstico Bermejo Barrera A.M.; Tabernero Duque M.J.; Strano-Rossi S.; Álvarez Freire I.; Cabarcos Fernández P.; Muestras biológicas en toxicología. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol), Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 285-308. R-6943 Concheiro Guisán M.; Castro A. de; Quintela Jorge O.; Cruz A.; López Rivadulla M.; Determination of illicit and medicinal drugs and their metabolites in oral fluid and preserved oral fluid by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2008; 391(6): 2329-2338. 10-125e Fernández Miranda J.J.; Pereiro Gómez C.; Adicciones en los sistemas internacionales de clasificación de enfermedades. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol), Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 151-182. R-6943 García-Portilla González M.P.; Bascarán Fernández M.T.; Paredes Ojanguren B.; Sáiz Martínez P.A.; Instrumentos de evaluación psicométrica. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol), Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 235-284. R-6943 Ochoa Mangado E.; Salvador Vadillo E.; Vicente Muelas N.; Madoz Gurpide A.; Comorbilidad psiquiátrica y adicciones. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol), Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 701-132. R-6943 7 Pérez Gálvez B.; García Fernández L.; Vicente Manzanaro M.P. de; Oliveras Valenzuela M.A.; Validación del Psychiatric Diagnostic Screening Questionnaire (PDSQ) en una muestra de pacientes alcohólicos españoles. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 199-206. DGPNSD Pérez Gálvez B.S.; García Fernández L.; Vicente Manzanaro M.P. de; Instrumentos de evaluación de las adicciones en adolescentes. Alicante: Diputación. Plan Provincial de Drogodependencias. 2009. R-6941 Reid A.; Nutt D.; Imaging. Miller P.G.; ed. lit.,Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 235-247. R-6956 Farmacología Alfonso Loeches S.; Pascual Lucas M.; Blanco García A.M.; Guerri Sirera C.; Pivotal role of TLR4 receptors in alcohol-induced neuroinflammation and brain damage. J Neurosci. 2010; 30(24):8285-8295. 02-415e Arias Horcajadas F.; Estudio de posibles factores de vulnerabilidad genéticos para la dependencia de cannabis y cocaína y para los trastornos psicóticos en dependientes de cannabis. Memoria 1ª anualidad. Madrid: Hospital Universitario de Alcorcón. 2010. 02-414e Fagundo A.B.; Cuyàs E.; Verdejo García A.; Khymenets O.; Langohr K.; Martín Santos R.; Farré Albadalejo M.; Torre Fornell R. de la; Influence of 5-HTT and COMT genotypes on verbal fluency in ecstasy users. J Psychopharmacol. 2010; 24(9): 1381-1393. 02-411e Graham D.L.; Self D.W.; Integrating behavioral and molecular approaches in mouse. Selfadministration studies. Kuhn C.M.; ed. lit., Koob G.F.; ed. lit. Advances in the neuroscience of addiction.- New York: CRC. 2010; p. 163-192. R-5747 Guardia Serecigni J.; Surkov S.; Cardús Moya M.; Neurobiología de la adicción. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol), Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 37-130. R-6943 Heinz A.; Beck A.; Mir J.; Grüsser S.M.; Grace A.A.; Wrase J.; Alcohol craving and relapse prediction : imaging studies. Kuhn C.M.; ed. lit., Koob G.F.; ed. lit. Advances in the neuroscience of addiction.- New York: CRC. 2010; p. 137-161. R-5747 8 Hong L.E.; Hodgkinson C.A.; Yang Y.; Sampath T.J.; Ross T.J.; Buchholz B.; Salmeron B.J.; Srivastava V.; Thaker G.K.; Goldman D.; Stein E.A.; A genetically modulated, intrinsic cingulate circuit supports human nicotine addiction. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2010; 107(30): 13509-13514. 02-402e Jordan Bueso J.; Papel de la mitocondria en las rutas apoptótics activadas durante la neurotoxicidad inducida por la metadona. Memoria final. Albacete: Centro Regional de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Universidad de Castilla La-Mancha. 2010 02-409e Li N.; Lee B.; Liu R.J.; Banasr M.; Dwyer J.M.; Iwata M.; Li X.Y.; Aghajanian G.; Duman R.S.; mTOR-dependent synapse formation underlies the rapid antidepressant effects of NMDA antagonists. Science. 2010; 329(5994): 959-964. 02-407e Lobo E.; Dufouil C.; Marcos G.; Quetglas B.; Saz P.; Guallar E.; Lobo A.; Is There an Association Between Low-to-Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Risk of Cognitive Decline?. Am J Epidemiol. 2010; 172(6): 708-716. 02-405e Manzanares Robles J.; Rubio Valladolid G.; Patrones de impulsividad en el consumo de alcohol y cocaína : modelización animal, regulación farmacológica y correlatos neuroquímicos. Memoria final. Elche: Universidad Miguel Hernández. 2010 02-408e Martín Santos R.; Evaluación de la activación cerebral en consumidores crónicos de cannabis mediante resonancia magnética funcional. Memoria final. Barcelona: Instituto de Asistencia Sanitaria (IMAS). Institut Municipal d'Investigació Mèdica (IMIM). 2010 02-413e Memmott R.M.; Mercado J.R.; Maier C.R.; Kawabata S.; Fox S.D.; Dennis P.A.; Metformin prevents tobacco carcinogen--induced lung tumorigenesis. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2010; 3(9):1066-1076. 02-403e O'Tuathaigh C.M.P.; Hryniewiecka M.; Behan A.; Tighe O.; Coughlan C.; Desbonnet L.; Cannon M.; Karayiorgou M.; Gogos J.A.; Cotter D.R.; Waddington J.L.; Chronic Adolescent Exposure to Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in COMT Mutant Mice: Impact on Psychosis-Related and other Phenotypes. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2010; 35(11): 2262-2273. 02-400e Peoples L.L.; Kravitz A.V.; Guillem K.; Application of chronic extracellular recording method to studies of cocaine self-administration : method and progress. Kuhn C.M.; ed. lit., Koob G.F.; ed. lit. Advances in the neuroscience of addiction.- New York: CRC. 2010; p. 27-98. R-5747 Pérez Álvarez S.; Cuenca López M.D.; Melero Fernández de Mera R.M.; Puerta E.; Karachitos A.; Bednarczyk P.; Kmita H.; Aguirre García N.; Galindo M.F.; Jordan Bueso J.; Methadone induces necrotic-like cell death in SH-SY5Y cells by an impairment of mitochondrial ATP synthesis. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2010; 1802(11): 1036-1047. 02-410e 9 Platt M.L.; Watson K.K.; Hayden B.Y.; Shepherd S.V.; Klein J.T.; Neuroeconomics : implications for understanding the neurobiology of addiction. Kuhn C.M.; ed. lit., Koob G.F.; ed. lit. Advances in the neuroscience of addiction.- New York: CRC. 2010; p. 193-215. R-5747 Sáiz Martínez P.A.; García-Portilla González M.P.; Paredes Ojanguren B.; Bascarán Fernández M.T.; Bobes García J.; Genética de las adicciones. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol), Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 131-149. R-6943 Sandberg S.G.; Garris P.A.; Neurochemistry of addiction. Monitoring essential neurotransmitters of addiction. Kuhn C.M.; ed. lit., Koob G.F.; ed. lit. Advances in the neuroscience of addiction.New York: CRC. 2010; p. 99-135. R-5747 Tierno B.; Encarar las adicciones de manera positiva. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 6-14. DGPNSD Weiss F.; Advances in animal models of relapse for addiction research. Kuhn C.M.; ed. lit.,Koob G.F.; ed. lit. Advances in the neuroscience of addiction.- New York: CRC. 2010; p. 1-26. R-5747 White J.; Lintzeris N.; Psichopharmacology. Miller P.G.; ed. lit., Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 223-234. R-6956 Yao L.; Fan P.; Arolfo M.; Jiang Z.; Oliver M.F.; Zablocki J.; Sun H.L.; Chu N.; Lee J.; Kim H.Y.; Leung K.; Shryock J.; Blackburn B.; Diamond I.; Inhibition of aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 suppresses cocaine seeking by generating THP, a cocaine use-dependent inhibitor of dopamine synthesis. Nat Med. 2010; 16(9): 1024-1028. 02-406e Efectos de las drogas Arias Horcajadas F.; Estudio de posibles factores de vulnerabilidad genéticos para la dependencia de cannabis y cocaína y para los trastornos psicóticos en dependientes de cannabis. Memoria 1ª anualidad. Madrid: Hospital Universitario de Alcorcón. 2010 02-414e Barreiro E.; Peinado V.I.; Galdiz J.B.; Marin Corral J.; Sánchez F.; Gea J.; Barberà J.A.; Cigarette smoke-induced oxidative stress: A role in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease skeletal muscle dysfunction. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010; 182(4): 477-488. 08-686e 10 García Burgos D.; González F.; Manrique T.; Gallo M.; Patterns of ethanol intake in preadolescent, adolescent, and adult Wistar rats under acquisition, maintenance, and relapselike conditions. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2009; 33(4): 722-728. 08-685e Kuhn C.M.; ed. lit.; Koob G.F.; ed. lit.; Advances in the neuroscience of addiction. New York: CRC. 2010 R-5747 Mackay D.; Haw S.; Ayres J.G.; Fischbacher C.; Smoke-free legislation and hospitalizations for childhood asthma. N Engl J Med. 2010; 363(12): 1139-1145. 08-687e Monras Arnau M.; Mondon Vehils S.; Jou J.; Estrategias de afrontamiento en enfermos alcohólicos. Diferencias según el consumo de benzodiaceinas, los trastornos de la personalidad y el deterioro cognitivo. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 191-198. DGPNSD Ochoa Mangado E.; Salvador Vadillo E.; Vicente Muelas N.; Madoz Gurpide A.; Comorbilidad psiquiátrica y adicciones. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol), Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 701-132. R-6943 Pando Fernández M.P.; García Escudero M.J.; Melero Cañadas R.; Isabel García L.; Montoya Crous I.; Estudio de caso clínico : diagnóstico dual. Rev Esp Drogodepend. 2010; 35(2): 227236. DGPNSD Parolaro D.; Consumo de cannabis de los adolescentes y esquizofrenia : evidencias epidemiológicas y experimentales. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 185-190. DGPNSD Pérez Gálvez B.; García Fernández L.; Vicente Manzanaro M.P. de; Oliveras Valenzuela M.A.; Validación del Psychiatric Diagnostic Screening Questionnaire (PDSQ) en una muestra de pacientes alcohólicos españoles. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 199-206. DGPNSD Serralta Gomis M.J.; Rueda López F.; Condes Balboa N.; Sánchez Pérez A.; Vela Higueras C.; Fernández Coll C.; Comorbilidad psiquiátrica en pacientes con dependencia a la cocaína. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 80-83. DGPNSD 11 Epidemiología Agencia de Salud Pública de Barcelona; Nebot Adell M.; coord.; Pérez A.; Continente X.G.; Informe FRESC 2008 : resultats principals. Barcelona: Ajuntament, Agència de Salut Pública. 2010 03-815e Añaños Bedriñana F.T.; Añaños Bedriñana K.G.; Arroyo S.; Añaños C.; Realidades y representaciones sociales de las niñas y los niños de la calle de Perú. Rev Esp Drogodepend. 2010; 35(2): 182-194. DGPNSD Austria. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Austria 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Vienna: Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, EMCDDA. 2010 20-401e Bélgica. Scientific Institute of Public Health; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Belgium 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues /Belgian National Report on Drugs 2009. Brussels: Scientific Institute of Public Health. Unit of Epidemiology, EMCDDA. 2010 20-413e Bulgaria. National Drug Council; National report to the EMCDDA : Bulgaria 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Bulgaria 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Sofia: National Drug Council, EMCDDA. 2010 20-383e Chipre. Monitoring Centre for Drugs & Drug Addiction; National report to the EMCDDA : Cyprus 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Cyprus 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Nicosia: Monitoring Centre for Drugs & Drug Addiction, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-466e Coggon D.; Harris E.C.; Brown T.; Rice S.; Palmer K.T.; Occupation and mortality related to alcohol, drugs and sexual habits. Occup Med (Lond). 2010; 60(5): 348-353. 03-816e Croatian National Drugs Information Unit; National report to the EMCDDA by the Croatian National Drugs Information Unit : Croatia 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Zagreb: Office for Comating Narcotic Drugs Abuse, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-414e 12 Dinamarca. National Board of Healht; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Denmark 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Copenhagen: Sundhedsstyrelsen, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-400e Eslovaquia. Slovak Republic Government Office National Monitoring Centre for Drugs; National report on drugs in Slovakia for the year 2009. Bratislava: Slovak Republic Government Office National Monitoring Centre for Drugs. 2010. 20-511e Finlandia. National Institute for Health and Welfare; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Finland 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Helsinki: National Institute for Health and Welfare, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-440e Finney J.W.; Moyer A.; Meta-analysis : summarising findings on addiction intervention effects. Miller P.G.; ed. lit., Strang J.; ed. lit.,Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 319-336. R-6956 Grecia. University Mental Health Research Institute; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Greece 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Atenas: University mental Health Research Institute; EMCDDA. 2010. 20-483e Holanda. Trimbos Instituut; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Netherlands 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Utrecht: Trimbos Instituut, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-415e Hungría. Drog Fókuszpont; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Hungary 2009. New Developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues. Budapest: Drog Fókuszpont, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-399e IFT Institute for Theray Resarch (Alemania); Alemania. Federal Centre for Health Educational (BZgA); Alemania. German Centre for Addiction Issues (DHS); National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Germany 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Munich: IFT, DHS, BZgA, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-472e Instituto da Droga e da Toxicodependência (IDT); National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Portugal 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Lisboa: Instituto da Droga e da Toxicodependência, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-430e 13 Irlanda. Health Research Borad; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Ireland 2009. New Developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues. Dublin: Health Resarch Board, EMCDDA. 2010 20-409e Italia. Dipartamento Politiche Antidroga; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Italy 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Roma: Dipartamento Politiche Antidroga; EMCDDA. 2010. 20-490e Letonia. Centre of Health Economics; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Latvia 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Riga: Centre of Health Economics, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-392e Lituania. Drug Control Departament; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Lithuania 2009. New Developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues. Vilna: Drug Control Departament, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-410e Luxemburgo. Centre de Recherche Public; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Gran-Duché de Luxembourg 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Luxembourg: Centre de Recherche Public, EMCDDA. 2010 20-398e Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Agencia Antidroga; Encuesta sobre uso de drogas en enseñanzas secundarias (Estudes) del año 2008. Informe de Resultados en la Comunidad de Madrid. Madrid: Agencia Antidroga. 2010. 03-814e 266187266&idListConsj=1109265444710&idOrganismo=1109266228185&language=es&pagen ame=ComunidadMadrid%2FEstructura&sm=1109266101003 Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Agencia Antidroga; Indicadores del consumo problemático de drogas en la Comunidad de Madrid 2009. Madrid: Agencia Antidroga. 2010. CD-299 266187266&idListConsj=1109265444710&idOrganismo=1109266228185&language=es&pagen ame=ComunidadMadrid%2FEstructura&sm=1109266101003 Martín Cazorla F.; Santos Amaya I.M.; Ramos Medina V.; Rubio Lamia L.O.; Palomo Rando J.L.; Muerte por síndrome de delirium agitado en Andalucía. Rev Esp Med Leg. 2010; 36(2): 62-67. 03-817e Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research (SIRUS); National report to the EMCDDA : Norway 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Norway 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-460e 14 Observatoire Français des Drogues et des Toxicomanies; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : France 2009. New Developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues. Paris: OFDT, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-408e Observatorio Español sobre Drogas; Informe 2009 Observatorio Español sobre Drogas. Folleto. Madrid: Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas. 2009. R-6858 Observatorio Español sobre Drogas; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Spain 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Madrid: Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas/EMCDDA. 2010. 20-518e Observatorio Vasco de Drogodependencias; Informe 9 : 2006-2007. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco. 2010. R-6949 del%20OVD%202009%20completo.pdf Pereiro Gómez C.; Díaz Vidal L.M.; Martínez Hervés M.; Costas González M.; Situación actual del consumo de drogas. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol), Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 15-36. R-6943 Polonia. National Bureau for Drug Prevention; National report to the EMCDDA : Poland 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Poland 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Warsaw: National Bureau for Drug Prevention, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-382e Reino Unido. Departament of Health; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: United Kingdom 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Londres: Departament of Health, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-391e República Checa. National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Czech Republic 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Prague: Czech National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-501e 15 República de Eslovenia. Institute of Public Health; Report on the drug situation 2009 of the Republic of Slovenia : new development trends and in-depth information on selected issues. Ljubljana: Reitox National Focal Point. 2010. 20-508e República de Estonia. National Institute for Health Development; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Estonia 2009. New Developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues. Tallinn: National Institute for Health Development, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-402e Rumania. National Anti-Drug Agency; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Romania 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Bucharest: National Anti-Drug Agency, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-411e Stoové M.; Dietze P.; Epidemiology. Miller P.G.; ed. lit., Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 299-318. R-6956 Suecia. Statens Folkhälsoinstitut; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Sweden 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Stockholm: Statens Folkhälsoinstitut, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-450e Turkish Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction; National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Turkey 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Ankara: Turkish Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, EMCDDA, Ministry of Interior. Turkish National Police. Department of Anti-Smuggling and Organized Crime. 2010 20-412e Factores de Riesgo Asociación de Trabajadores e Inmigrantes Marroquíes en España (ATIME); Procesos migratorios de menores y consumo de drogas : un análisis de los factores de riesgo. Madrid: ATIME. 2010. 03-808e Bryant J.; Treolar C.; Initiators: an examination of young injecting drug users who initiate others to injecting. AIDS Behav. 2008; 12(6): 885-890. 04-261e 16 Convenio de Colaboración entre a Consellería de Sanidade-Servizio Galogo de Saúde e a Universidades de Santiago de Compostela na Subdirección Xeral de Saúde Mental e Drogodependencias e na R; Becoña Iglesias E.; coord.; Estudio sobre la percepción de riesgo, impulsividad, búsqueda de sensaciones y trastornos de personalidad en población juvenil de Galicia consumidora de psicoestimulantes. Santiago de Compostela: Universidad. Facultad de Psicología. Departamento de Psicología Clínica y Psicobiología. 2010. 04-265e Elzo Imaz J.; Megías Quirós I.; Rodríguez San Julián E.; Ballesteros Guerra J.C.; Valores sociales y drogas 2010. Madrid: Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción (FAD). 2010. R-6958 Galicia. Consejería de Sanidad; Protocolo de Abordaje Asistencial con Perspectiva de Genéro (PAPG). Santiago de Compostela: Consellería de Sanidade, Servizo Galego de Saúde. 2010. 11-384e Pérez Gálvez B.S.; Factores de inicio y mantenimiento del consumo de cannabis entre adolescentes : su relación con la impulsividad, la búsqueda de sensaciones y las expectativas de resultados. Alicante: Diputación. Plan Provincial de Drogodependencias. 2010. R-6942 Aspectos Legales Carrión Olmos S.; Prodigalidad y adicciones. Rev Esp Drogodepend. 2010; 35(2): 237-256. DGPNSD Muñoz Sánchez J.; Soto Navarro S.; Uso terapéutico del cannabis y creación de establecimientos para su adquisición y consumo. Rev Der Pen Crim. 2001; (7): 49-94. 01-471e Prevención-General Galbe Sánchez-Ventura J.; Prevención del consumo de tabaco, alcohol y drogas. Madrid: PrevInfad (Grupo de trabajo AEPap-PAPPS semFYC). 2003. 06-388e García Averasturi L.M.; Prevención efectiva del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en chicos y chicas adolescentes : una revisión actualizada de la materia. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Las Palmas. 2010. R-6947 df Jornada de la Red Aragonesa de Esucelas Promotoras de Salud (1ª. 2009. Zaragoza); I Jornada de la Red Aragonesa de Esucelas Promotoras de Salud. Comunicaciones. Zaragoza: Escuelas Promotora de Salud (EPS), Gobierno de Aragón. 2010. DVD-49 17 Observatorio Europeo de las Drogas y las Toxicomanías (EMCDDA); Prevention and evaluation resources kit (PERK) : a manual for prevention professionals. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 2010. R-6933 Prevención-Comunidad Juan M.; Calafat Far A.; Duch M.A.; Blay N.; Tejera E.; Mayol Quetglas C.; Ocio nocturno en las Illes Balears. Diagnóstico y propuestas de calidad desde la Salud Pública. Palma de Mallorca: Plan de Acciones y Drogodependencias de las Islas Baleares (PADIB), Instituto Europeo de Estudios en Prevención. 2010. 06-389e Lastres García J.; Hernangil Perona E.; González San Frutos M.P.; Domingos de deporte. Madrid: Asocación de Técnicos para el Desarrollo de Programas Sociales (ADES). 2010. R-6944 Madrid. Ayuntamiento; Sportis; España. Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social; World Bike Tour 2010. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social, Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Sportis. 2010. R-6960 Prevención-Escolar Jiménez Iglesias A.; Moreno C.; Olivar A.; Ramos P.; Aproximación a la evalución de la eficacia de un programa de prevención de drogodependencias en Educación Secundaria en Andalucía. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 253-265. DGPNSD Sánchez Martínez F.; Ariza Cardenal C.; Pérez Giménez A.; Diéguez Ferrer M.; López Medina M.J.; Nebot Adell M.; Evaluación de proceso del programa escolar de prevención del consumo de cannabis '' en adolescentes de Barcelona en 2006. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 217226. DGPNSD Prevención-Medio Laboral Comisiones Obreras. Secretaría Confederal de Salud Laboral. Departamento de drogodependencias; Orientaciones sobre intervención sindical en drogodependencias. Madrid: Comisiones Obreras. Secretaría Confederal de Salud Laboral. Departamento de drogodependencias. 2009. R-6948 18 Prevención-Formación Asociación Proyecto Hombre (España); Abaitua Arana R.; López Salas E.; Guía de evaluación de programas de tratamiento de adicciones. Madrid: Asociación Proyecto Hombre. 2009. R-6946 Asociación Proyecto Hombre (España); Abaitua Arana R.; López Salas E.; Guía de evaluación de programas de tratamiento de adicciones. Cuestionarios de evaluación. Madrid: Asociación Proyecto Hombre. 2009. CD-291 Ball D.; Guerrini I.; Genes, genetics, genomics and epigenetics. Miller P.G.; ed. lit.,Strang J.; ed. lit.,Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 249267. R-6956 Best D.; Day E.; Applied research methods. Miller P.G.; ed. lit.,Strang J.; ed. lit.,Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 187-200. R-6956 Buhringer G.; Sassen M.; Reliability and validity. Miller P.G.; ed. lit.,Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 11-25. R-6956 Caulkins J.P.; Liccardo Pacula R.; Drug policy research. Miller P.G.; ed. lit., Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 355-371. R-6956 Darke S.; Scales for research in the addictions. Miller P.G.; ed. lit., Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 127-145. R-6956 Finney J.W.; Moyer A.; Meta-analysis : summarising findings on addiction intervention effects. Miller P.G.; ed. lit., Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 319-336. R-6956 Fundación para la Atención a las Toxicomanías de Cruz Roja Española (CREFAT); Guía para mediadores sobre prevención de drogodependencias. Madrid: CREFAT. 2010. DVD-50 Griffiths P.; Mounteney J.; Drug trend monitoring. Miller P.G.; ed. lit., Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 337-354. R-6956 Kakinami L.; Conner K.R.; Sampling strategies for addiction research. Miller P.G.; ed. lit.,Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 27-42. R-6956 19 Lemon J.; Degenhardt L.; Slade T.; Mills K.; Quantitative data analysis. Miller P.G.; ed. lit., Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 163-183. R-6956 McCrady B.S.; Ladd B.; Vermont L.; Steele J.; Interviews. Miller P.G.; ed. lit., Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 109-125. R-6956 Midanik L.T.; Drescher-Burke K.; Surveys and questionnaire design. Miller P.G.; ed. lit., Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 97-107. R-6956 Miller P.G.; Carter A.; Hall W.; Ethical issues in alcohol, other drugs and addiction-related research. Miller P.G.; ed. lit., Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 79-93. R-6956 Miller P.G.; ed. lit.; Strang J.; ed. lit.; Miller P.M.; ed. lit.; Addiction research methods. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010. R-6956 Naciones Unidas. Oficina contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC); Policing : Forensic services and infraestructure. Vienna: UNODC. 2010. R-6934 Northcote J.; Moore D.; Understanding contexts : methods and analysis in ethnographic research on drugs. Miller P.G.; ed. lit., Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 287-298. R-6956 Observatorio Europeo de las Drogas y las Toxicomanías (EMCDDA); Prevention and evaluation resoruces kit (PERK) : a manual for prevention professionals. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 2010. R-6933 Panlilio L.V.; Schindler C.W.; Goldberg S.R.; Animal models. Miller P.G.; ed. lit., Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 269284. R-6956 Reid A.; Nutt D.; Imaging. Miller P.G.; ed. lit., Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 235-247. R-6956 Rhodes T.; Coomber R.; Qualitative methods and theory in addictions research. Miller P.G.; ed. lit., Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: WileyBlackwell. 2010; p. 59-78. R-6956 20 Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol; el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol); Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación. Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010 R-6943 Stewart S.H.; Goldmann A.; Neumann T.; Spies C.; Biomarkers of alcohol and other drug use. Miller P.G.; ed. lit., Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 147-161. R-6956 Stoové M.; Dietze P.; Epidemiology. Miller P.G.; ed. lit.,Strang J.; ed. lit.,Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 299-318. R-6956 Tucker J.A.; Simpson C.A.; Conducting clinical research. Miller P.G.; ed. lit.,Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 201-220. R-6956 West R.; Experimental design issues in addiction research. Miller P.G.; ed. lit., Strang J.; ed. lit., Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 43-58. R-6956 White J.; Lintzeris N.; Psichopharmacology. Miller P.G.; ed. lit.,Strang J.; ed. lit.,Miller P.M.; ed. lit. Addiction research methods.- Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; p. 223-234. R-6956 Control de la Oferta Naciones Unidas. Oficina contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC); Policing : Forensic services and infraestructure. Vienna: UNODC. 2010 R-6934 Rastello L.; Yo soy el mercado. Teorías, métodos y estilo de vida del perfecto narcotraficante. Barcelona: Duomo. 2010 R-6952 Recursos Asociación Emet Arco Iris; Memoria 2009. Córdoba: Fundación Arco Iris. 2010 R-6937 Asociación Proyecto Hombre (España); Abaitua Arana R.; López Salas E.; Guía de evaluación de programas de tratamiento de adicciones. Madrid: Asociación Proyecto Hombre. 2009 R-6946 21 Asociación Secretariado General Gitano; Informe anual 2009. Madrid: Asociación Secretariado General Gitano. 2010 R-6931 Dianova España; Memoria de sostenibilidad 2009. Madrid: Dianova España. 2010 CD-300 Fundación Centro de Solidaridad de Zaragoza; Memoria CSZ 2009. Zaragoza: CSZ. 2009 R-6928 Fundación de Ciencias de la Salud; Memoria de actividades 2008-2009. Madrid: Fundación de Ciencias de la Salud. 2010; R-6930 Fundación Gizakia; Memoria 2008. Bilbao: Fundación Gizakia. 2009 15-180e García-Portilla González M.P.; Bascarán Fernández M.T.; Strano-Rossi S.; Álvarez Freire I.; Cabarcos Fernández P.; Historia clínica en adicciones. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol),Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 211-234. R-6943 Grupo Interdisciplinar sobre Drogas (GID); Fundación Atenea; Memoria 2009. Madrid: GID, Fundación Atenea. 2010 R-6938 Grupo Valenciano de Drogodependencias y otras Adicciones (GVDA); Memoria de actividades 2009. Valencia: GVDA. 2010 15-175e Pereiro Gómez C.; Miguel Arias D. de; Carrera Machado I.H.; Paredes Ojanguren B.; Sáiz Martínez P.A.; Bobes García J.; Asistencia al enfermo drogodependiente en los sistemas de salud. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (SOCIDROGALCOHOL),Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 183-210. R-6943 Pérez Sanz T.; Ventajas de la aplicación del EFQM en la gestión de un centro de drogas. Rev Esp Drogodepend. 2010; 35(2): 144-154. DGPNSD 22 Proyecto Hombre (Asturias); Memoria 2009. Oviedo: Proyecto Hombre. 2010 R-6936 Proyecto Hombre (Cataluña); Memoria 2009. Barcelona: Projecte Home. 2010 R-6945 Rodríguez Reinado C.; Millán Carrasco A.; Venegas Sánchez J.; March Cerdá J.C.; Oportunidades de mejora del servicio de metadona en atención primaria, desde el punto de vista profesional. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 207-216. DGPNSD Springer A.; Diversification endangered. Fountain J.; ed. lit.,Korf D.J.; ed. lit. Drugs in society : european perspectives.- Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing. 2007; p. 87-101. R-6103 Reinserción Fundación Atenea; Castaño Ruiz V.; Buenas prácticas para la reinserción sociolaboral de la población de mujeres ex consumidoras. Madrid: Fundación Atenea. 2010. R-6939 Alucinógenos Climent Díaz B.; González Vallés V.; Drogas emergentes. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (SOCIDROGALCOHOL), Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 637-668. R-6943 Cannabis Arias Horcajadas F.; Estudio de posibles factores de vulnerabilidad genéticos para la dependencia de cannabis y cocaína y para los trastornos psicóticos en dependientes de cannabis. Memoria 1ª anualidad. Madrid: Hospital Universitario de Alcorcón. 2010. 02-414e 23 Arias Horcajadas F.; Madoz Gurpide A.; Cannabis. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol), Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 613-636. R-6943 Asmussen V.; Danish cannabis policy in practice : the closing of 'Pusher Street' and the cannabis market in Copenhagen. Fountain J.; ed. lit., Korf D.J.; ed. lit. Drugs in society : european perspectives.- Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing. 2007; p. 14-27. R-6103 Bravo de Medina Hernández R.; Echeburúa Odriozola E.; Aizpiri Díaz J.J.; Características psicopatológicas y dimensiones de personalidad en pacientes adultos jóvenes dependientes del cannabis en tratamiento : un estudio comparativo. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 245-252. DGPNSD Decorte T.; Characteristics of the cannabis market in Belgium. Fountain J.; ed. lit.,Korf D.J.; ed. lit. Drugs in society : european perspectives.- Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing. 2007; p. 28-38. R-6103 Martín Santos R.; Evaluación de la activación cerebral en consumidores crónicos de cannabis mediante resonancia magnética funcional. Memoria final. Barcelona: Instituto de Asistencia Sanitaria (IMAS). Institut Municipal d'Investigació Mèdica (IMIM). 2010. 02-413e Martín Santos R.; Fagundo A.B.; Crippa J.A.; Atakan Z.; Bhattacharyya S.; Allen P.; Fusar-Poli P.; Borgwardt S.; Seal M.; Busatto G.F.; McGuire. P.; Neuroimaging in cannabis use: a systematic review of the literature. Psychol Med. 2009; 40(3): 383-398. 02-412e Muñoz Sánchez J.; Soto Navarro S.; Uso terapéutico del cannabis y creación de establecimientos para su adquisición y consumo. Rev Der Pen Crim. 2001; (7): 49-94. 01-471e O'Tuathaigh C.M.P.; Hryniewiecka M.; Behan A.; Tighe O.; Coughlan C.; Desbonnet L.; Cannon M.; Karayiorgou M.; Gogos J.A.; Cotter D.R.; Waddington J.L.; Chronic Adolescent Exposure to Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in COMT Mutant Mice: Impact on Psychosis-Related and other Phenotypes. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2010; 35(11): 2262-2273. 02-400e Parolaro D.; Consumo de cannabis de los adolescentes y esquizofrenia : evidencias epidemiológicas y experimentales. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 185-190. DGPNSD Pérez Gálvez B.S.; Factores de inicio y mantenimiento del consumo de cannabis entre adolescentes : su relación con la impulsividad, la búsqueda de sensaciones y las expectativas de resultados. Alicante: Diputación. Plan Provincial de Drogodependencias. 2010. R-6942 24 Sánchez Martínez F.; Ariza Cardenal C.; Pérez Giménez A.; Diéguez Ferrer M.; López Medina M.J.; Nebot Adell M.; Evaluación de proceso del programa escolar de prevención del consumo de cannabis '' en adolescentes de Barcelona en 2006. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 217226. DGPNSD Stolick M.; Otherwise law-abiding citizens : a scientific and moral assessment of cannabis use. Plymouth: Lexinton Books. 2010. R-6954 Ware M.A.; Wang T.; Shapiro S.; Robinson A.; Ducruet T.; Huynh T.; Gamsa A.; Bennett G.J.; Collet J.P.; Smoked cannabis for chronic neuropathic pain: a randomized controlled trial. CMAJ. 2010; 182(14): E694-701. 02-404e Alcohol Alfonso Loeches S.; Pascual Lucas M.; Blanco García A.M.; Guerri Sirera C.; Pivotal role of TLR4 receptors in alcohol-induced neuroinflammation and brain damage. J Neurosci. 2010; 30(24):8285-8295. 02-415e Alvarez Rodríguez H.; Abordaje del alcohol en tratamientos de adicción a la cocaína. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 70-72. DGPNSD Bravo F.; Gual Solé A.; Gómez Benito J.; Investigacion longitudinal del alcoholismo tratado : una revisión sistemática de los seguimientos a largo plazo. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 267-274. DGPNSD Flórez Menéndez G.; Sáiz Otero J.; Cuello Hormigo L.; Alcohol. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol), Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 309-420. R-6943 García Burgos D.; González F.; Manrique T.; Gallo M.; Patterns of ethanol intake in preadolescent, adolescent, and adult Wistar rats under acquisition, maintenance, and relapselike conditions. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2009; 33(4): 722-728. 08-685e Gorguet Pi C.M.M.; Esteva García S.; Ramos Gorguet D.; Intervención educativa comunitaria sobre alcoholismo y castigo corporal. Rev Esp Drogodepend. 2010; 35(2): 195-205. DGPNSD 25 Heinz A.; Beck A.; Mir J.; Grüsser S.M.; Grace A.A.; Wrase J.; Alcohol craving and relapse prediction : imaging studies. Kuhn C.M.; ed. lit.,Koob G.F.; ed. lit. Advances in the neuroscience of addiction.- New York: CRC. 2010; p. 137-161. R-5747 Lobo E.; Dufouil C.; Marcos G.; Quetglas B.; Saz P.; Guallar E.; Lobo A.; Is There an Association Between Low-to-Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Risk of Cognitive Decline?. Am J Epidemiol. 2010; 172(6): 708-716. 02-405e Manzanares Robles J.; Rubio Valladolid G.; Patrones de impulsividad en el consumo de alcohol y cocaína : modelización animal, regulación farmacológica y correlatos neuroquímicos. Memoria final. Elche: Universidad Miguel Hernández. 2010. 02-408e Ménard K.S.; Nagayama Hall G.C.; Phung A.H.; Ghebrial M.F.E.; Martin L.; Gender differences in sexual harassment and coercion in college students: developmental, individual, and situational determinants. J Interpers Violence. 2003; 18(10):1222-1239. 04-262e Monras Arnau M.; Mondon Vehils S.; Jou J.; Estrategias de afrontamiento en enfermos alcohólicos. Diferencias según el consumo de benzodiaceinas, los trastornos de la personalidad y el deterioro cognitivo. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 191-198. DGPNSD Pérez Gálvez B.; García Fernández L.; Vicente Manzanaro M.P. de; Oliveras Valenzuela M.A.; Validación del Psychiatric Diagnostic Screening Questionnaire (PDSQ) en una muestra de pacientes alcohólicos españoles. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 199-206. DGPNSD Rubio Valladolid G.; Martínez Gras I.; Manzanares Robles J.; Modulation of impulsivity by topiramate: implications for the treatment of alcohol dependence. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2009; 29(6): 584-589. 12-294e Hipnosedantes Fuste P.; Fusté Coetzee G.; Egido Polo A.; Rodríguez Pascual M.; Casas Brugué M.; Benzodiacepinas. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol), Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 569-612. R-6943 26 Opiáceos Dahl H.V.; Methadone game : control strategies and responses. Fountain J.; ed. lit.,Korf D.J.; ed. lit. Drugs in society : european perspectives.- Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing. 2007; p. 102-115. R-6103 Fernández Miranda J.J.; Pereiro Gómez C.; Opiáceos. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol), Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 471-534. R-6943 Jordan Bueso J.; Papel de la mitocondria en las rutas apoptótics activadas durante la neurotoxicidad inducida por la metadona. Memoria final. Albacete: Centro Regional de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Universidad de Castilla La-Mancha. 2010. 02-409e Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS); Guidelines for the psychosocially assited pharmacological treatment of opioid dependence. Geneva: WHO. 2009. 12-293e Pérez Álvarez S.; Cuenca López M.D.; Melero Fernández de Mera R.M.; Puerta E.; Karachitos A.; Bednarczyk P.; Kmita H.; Aguirre García N.; Galindo M.F.; Jordan Bueso J.; Methadone induces necrotic-like cell death in SH-SY5Y cells by an impairment of mitochondrial ATP synthesis. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2010; 1802(11): 1036-1047. 02-410e Rodríguez Reinado C.; Millán Carrasco A.; Venegas Sánchez J.; March Cerdá J.C.; Oportunidades de mejora del servicio de metadona en atención primaria, desde el punto de vista profesional. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 207-216. DGPNSD Anfetaminas Climent Díaz B.; González Vallés V.; Drogas emergentes. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol), Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 637-668. R-6943 27 Fagundo A.B.; Cuyàs E.; Verdejo García A.; Khymenets O.; Langohr K.; Martín Santos R.; Farré Albadalejo M.; Torre Fornell R. de la; Influence of 5-HTT and COMT genotypes on verbal fluency in ecstasy users. J Psychopharmacol. 2010; 24(9): 1381-1393. 02-411e Cocaína Álvarez Rodríguez H.; Abordaje del alcohol en tratamientos de adicción a la cocaína. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 70-72. DGPNSD Arias Horcajadas F.; Estudio de posibles factores de vulnerabilidad genéticos para la dependencia de cannabis y cocaína y para los trastornos psicóticos en dependientes de cannabis. Memoria 1ª anualidad. Madrid: Hospital Universitario de Alcorcón. 2010 02-414e Caballero Martínez L.; Tratamiento en adicciones a la cocaína. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 28-31. DGPNSD Cabrera Forneiro J.; Perspectivas futuras en el tratamiento de la adicción a la cocaína. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 32-33. DGPNSD Clará Roviralta S.; Canal Montiel S.; Bonet Feipe X.; Papel de la familia en el abordaje con adolescentes consumidores de cocaína y con perfil estructurado. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 56-62. DGPNSD García Fernández G.; García Rodríguez O.; Secades Villa R.; Fernández Hermida J.R.; Sánchez Hervás E.; Evolución de las funciones ejecutivas de adictos a la cocaína tras un año de tratamiento. Rev Esp Drogodepend. 2010; 35(2): 155-169. DGPNSD Ledo Rubio A.I.; Terán Prieto A.; Cocaína. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol), Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 535-568. R-6943 Li C.R.; Morgan P.T.; Matuskey D.; Abdelghany O.; Chang J.L.K.; Rounsaville B.J.; Ding Y.S.; Malison R.T.; Biological markers of the effects of intravenous methylphenidate on improving inhibitory control in cocaine-dependent patients. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2010; 107(32): 1445514459. 12-292e Mansukhani A.; Evaluación de los programas de tratamiento de cocainómanos de la Asociación Proyecto Hombre. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 66-69. DGPNSD 28 Manzanares Robles J.; Rubio Valladolid G.; Patrones de impulsividad en el consumo de alcohol y cocaína : modelización animal, regulación farmacológica y correlatos neuroquímicos. Memoria final. Elche: Universidad Miguel Hernández. 2010. 02-408e Pascale A.; Negrín A.; Laborde A.; Pasta base de cocaína : experiencia del Centro de Información y Asesoramiento de Toxicológico. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 227-232. DGPNSD Peoples L.L.; Kravitz A.V.; Guillem K.; Application of chronic extracellular recording method to studies of cocaine self-administration : method and progress. Kuhn C.M.; ed. lit.,Koob G.F.; ed. lit. Advances in the neuroscience of addiction.- New York: CRC. 2010; p. 27-98. R-5747 Rodríguez Rubio M.; Sancho Acero J.L.; Torre Iglesias V.M. de la; Psicopatología y agresividad en población dependiente a la cocaína en tratamiento. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 73-79. DGPNSD Schaefer A.; Im H.I.; Veno M.T.; Fowler C.D.; Min A.; Intrator A.; Kjems J.; Kenny P.J.; O'Carrollo D.; Greengard P.; Argonaute 2 in dopamine 2 receptor-expressing neurons regulates cocaine addiction. J Exp Med. 2010; 207(9): 1843-1851. 02-401e Serralta Gomis M.J.; Rueda López F.; Condes Balboa N.; Sánchez Pérez A.; Vela Higueras C.; Fernández Coll C.; Comorbilidad psiquiátrica en pacientes con dependencia a la cocaína. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 80-83. DGPNSD Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol; Historia de una adicción : la cocaína. Barcelona: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010. DVD-51 Yao L.; Fan P.; Arolfo M.; Jiang Z.; Oliver M.F.; Zablocki J.; Sun H.L.; Chu N.; Lee J.; Kim H.Y.; Leung K.; Shryock J.; Blackburn B.; Diamond I.; Inhibition of aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 suppresses cocaine seeking by generating THP, a cocaine use-dependent inhibitor of dopamine synthesis. Nat Med. 2010; 16(9): 1024-1028. 02-406e Tabaco Barreiro E.; Peinado V.I.; Galdiz J.B.; Marin Corral J.; Sánchez F.; Gea J.; Barberà J.A.; Cigarette smoke-induced oxidative stress: A role in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease skeletal muscle dysfunction. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010; 182(4): 477-488. 08-686e Hong L.E.; Hodgkinson C.A.; Yang Y.; Sampath T.J.; Ross T.J.; Buchholz B.; Salmeron B.J.; Srivastava V.; Thaker G.K.; Goldman D.; Stein E.A.; A genetically modulated, intrinsic cingulate circuit supports human nicotine addiction. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2010; 107(30): 13509-13514. 02-402e 29 Jornada de presentación de la Estrategia en EPOC del Sistema Nacional de Salud (2009. Madrid); Jornada de presentación de la Estrategia en EPOC del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Madrid: Agencia de Calidad e Innovación del Sistema Naiconal deSalud. Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social. 2010. CD-303 Mackay D.; Haw S.; Ayres J.G.; Fischbacher C.; Smoke-free legislation and hospitalizations for childhood asthma. N Engl J Med. 2010; 363(12): 1139-1145. 08-687e Memmott R.M.; Mercado J.R.; Maier C.R.; Kawabata S.; Fox S.D.; Dennis P.A.; Metformin prevents tobacco carcinogen--induced lung tumorigenesis. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2010; 3(9):1066-1076. 02-403e Pérez Bernal J.L.; Amigo J.M.; Fernández Torres R.; Bello M.A.; Callejón Mochón M.; Tracemetal distribution of cigarette ashes as marker of tobacco brands. Forensic Sci Int. 2010; xxx. 05-117e Pinet Ogué M.C.; Viñas Usan F.; Ribalta Corona E.; Nicotina. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol), Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 421-470. R-6943 Shafey O.; Eriksen M.; Ross H.; Mackay J.; Atlas del tabaco. Atlanta: Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. 2009 01-470e Volpp K.G.; Troxel A.B.; Pauly M.V.; Glick H.A.; Puig A.; Asch D.A.; Galvin R.; Corbett E.; Weiner J.; Audrain-McGovern J.; A randomized, controlled trial of financial incentives for smoking cessation. N Engl J Med. 2009; 360(7): 699-709. 11-383e Tratamiento y Rehabilitación Alvarez J.A.; Canal S.; Modelo ambulatorio de intervención en adicciones de Proyecto Hombre. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 22-27. DGPNSD Alvarez Rodríguez H.; Abordaje del alcohol en tratamientos de adicción a la cocaína. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 70-72. DGPNSD Arias Martínez B.; Gómez Sánchez L.E.; Verdugo Alonso M.A.; Navas Macho P.; Evaluación de la calidad de vida en personas drogodependientes mediante el modelo de Rasch. Rev Esp Drogodepend. 2010; 35(2): 206-219. DGPNSD 30 Bravo F.; Gual Solé A.; Gómez Benito J.; Investigacion longitudinal del alcoholismo tratado : una revisión sistemática de los seguimientos a largo plazo. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 267-274. DGPNSD Caballero Martínez L.; Tratamiento en adicciones a la cocaína. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 28-31. DGPNSD Cabrera Forneiro J.; Perspectivas futuras en el tratamiento de la adicción a la cocaína. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 32-33. DGPNSD Comas Arnau D.; Modelos de intervención en adicciones : la lógica de las políticas sobre drogas. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 15-21. DGPNSD Dahl H.V.; Methadone game : control strategies and responses. Fountain J.; ed. lit.,Korf D.J.; ed. lit. Drugs in society : european perspectives.- Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing. 2007; p. 102-115. R-6103 García Fernández G.; García Rodríguez O.; Secades Villa R.; Fernández Hermida J.R.; Sánchez Hervás E.; Evolución de las funciones ejecutivas de adictos a la cocaína tras un año de tratamiento. Rev Esp Drogodepend. 2010; 35(2): 155-169. DGPNSD Lagares Roibas A.; López Melendro A.I.; Gallego Montes M.J.; Perspectivas de futuro y propuestas de recursos terapéuticos para adictos de edad avanzada. Rev Esp Drogodepend. 2010; 35(2): 170-181. DGPNSD Mansukhani A.; Evaluación de los programas de tratamiento de cocainómanos de la Asociación Proyecto Hombre. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 66-69. DGPNSD Organizacion Mundial de la Salud (OMS); Guidelines for the psychosocially assited pharmacological treatment of opioid dependence. Geneva: WHO. 2009; 12-293e Prado Robles V.; Pereiro Gómez C.; Enfermo adicto en los servicios de urgencias. Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (SOCIDROGALCOHOL),Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 669-700. R-6943 Salvador Llivina T.; Pozo Irribarría J. del; Drogas y atención primaria. Guía práctica de intervención sobre el buso de alcohol y otras drogas. Logroño: Consejería de Salud. 2010. R-6959 31 Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol; el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol); Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación. Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; R-6943 Volpp K.G.; Troxel A.B.; Pauly M.V.; Glick H.A.; Puig A.; Asch D.A.; Galvin R.; Corbett E.; Weiner J.; Audrain-McGovern J.; A randomized, controlled trial of financial incentives for smoking cessation. N Engl J Med. 2009; 360(7): 699-709. 11-383e Farmacoterapia Arias Horcajadas F.; Ochoa Mangado E.; Guía Farmacológica Específica en Adicciones (Vademécum). Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol, el Alcoholismo y las otras Toxicomanías (Socidrogalcohol), Pereiro Gómez C.; ed. lit. Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación.- Pontevedra: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010; p. 733-774. R-6943 Li C.R.; Morgan P.T.; Matuskey D.; Abdelghany O.; Chang J.L.K.; Rounsaville B.J.; Ding Y.S.; Malison R.T.; Biological markers of the effects of intravenous methylphenidate on improving inhibitory control in cocaine-dependent patients. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2010; 107(32): 1445514459. 12-292e Organizacion Mundial de la Salud (OMS); Guidelines for the psychosocially assited pharmacological treatment of opioid dependence. Geneva: WHO. 2009 12-293e Rubio Valladolid G.; Martínez Gras I.; Manzanares Robles J.; Modulation of impulsivity by topiramate: implications for the treatment of alcohol dependence. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2009; 29(6): 584-589. 12-294e Psicoterapia Alvarez Rodríguez H.; García Fernández G.; Trabajo con incentivos. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 4143. DGPNSD Clará Roviralta S.; Canal Montiel S.; Bonet Feipe X.; Papel de la familia en el abordaje con adolescentes consumidores de cocaína y con perfil estructurado. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 56-62. DGPNSD Martínez González J.M.; Trastornos de la personalidad y cocaína. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 44-47. DGPNSD 32 Monras Arnau M.; Mondon Vehils S.; Jou J.; Estrategias de afrontamiento en enfermos alcohólicos. Diferencias según el consumo de benzodiaceinas, los trastornos de la personalidad y el deterioro cognitivo. Adicciones. 2010; 22(3): 191-198. DGPNSD Pasán E.; Piñero J.M.; Evaluación inicial y discriminación de perfiles. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 4855. DGPNSD Rodríguez Morejón A.; Terapia centrada en soluciones : una visión nueva de las personas de para trabajar en psicoterapia. Proyecto. 2010; (72): 36-40. DGPNSD Políticas de Actuación-Nacional Austria. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH; National report to the EMCDDA : Austria 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Austria 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Vienna: Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-401e Bélgica. Scientific Institute of Public Health; National report to the EMCDDA : Belgium 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Belgium 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues /Belgian National Report on Drugs 2009. Brussels: Scientific Institute of Public Health. Unit of Epidemiology, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-413e Bulgaria. National Drug Council; National report to the EMCDDA : Bulgaria 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Bulgaria 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Sofia: National Drug Council, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-383e Cádiz. Servicio Provincial de Drogodependencias; Memoria 2009. Cádiz: Servicio Provincial de Drogodependencias. 2010. 15-167e Chipre. Monitoring Centre for Drugs & Drug Addiction; National report to the EMCDDA : Cyprus 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Cyprus 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Nicosia: Monitoring Centre for Drugs & Drug Addiction, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-466e 33 Croatian National Drugs Information Unit; National report to the EMCDDA : Croatia 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Croatian National Drugs Information Unit : Croatia 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Zagreb: Office for Comating Narcotic Drugs Abuse, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-414e Dinamarca. National Board of Healht; National report to the EMCDDA : Denmark 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Denmark 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Copenhagen: Sundhedsstyrelsen, EMCDDA. 2010 20-400e Eslovaquia. Slovak Republic Government Office National Monitoring Centre for Drugs; National report to the EMCDDA : Slovakia 2009/National report on drugs in Slovakia for the year 2009. Bratislava: Slovak Republic Government Office National Monitoring Centre for Drugs. 2010 20-511e España. Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social; Estrategia en EPOC del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Aprobada por el Consejo Interritorial del Sistema Nacional de Salud el 3 de junio de 2009. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social. 2009 R-6932 Finlandia. National Institute for Health and Welfare; National report to the EMCDDA : Finland 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Finland 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Helsinki: National Institute for Health and Welfare, EMCDDA. 2010 20-440e Grecia. University Mental Health Research Institute; National report to the EMCDDA : Greece 2007/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Greece 2007. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Atenas: University mental Health Research Institute; EMCDDA. 2008 20-484e Grecia. University Mental Health Research Institute; National report to the EMCDDA : Greece 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Greece 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Atenas: University mental Health Research Institute; EMCDDA. 2010 20-483e Holanda. Trimbos Instituut; National report to the EMCDDA : Netherlands 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Netherlands 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Utrecht: Trimbos Instituut, EMCDDA. 2010 20-415e 34 Hungría. Drog Fókuszpont; National report to the EMCDDA : Hungary 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Hungary 2009. New Developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues. Budapest: Drog Fókuszpont, EMCDDA. 2010 20-399e IFT Institute for Theray Resarch (Alemania); Alemania. Federal Centre for Health Educational (BZgA); Alemania. German Centre for Addiction Issues (DHS); National report to the EMCDDA : Germany 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Germany 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Munich: IFT, DHS, BZgA, EMCDDA. 2010 20-472e Instituto da Droga e da Toxicodependência (IDT); National report to the EMCDDA : Portugal 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Portugal 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Lisboa: Instituto da Droga e da Toxicodependência, EMCDDA. 2010 20-430e Irlanda. Health Research Borad; National report to the EMCDDA : Ireland 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Ireland 2009. New Developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues. Dublin: Health Resarch Board, EMCDDA. 2010; 20-409e Italia. Dipartamento Politiche Antidroga; National report to the EMCDDA : Italy 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Italy 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Roma: Dipartamento Politiche Antidroga; EMCDDA. 2010; 20-490e Letonia. Centre of Health Economics; National report to the EMCDDA : Latvia 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Latvia 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Riga: Centre of Health Economics, EMCDDA. 2010; 20-392e Lituania. Drug Control Departament; National report to the EMCDDA : Lithuania 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Lithuania 2009. New Developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues. Vilna: Drug Control Departament, EMCDDA. 2010; 20-410e Luxemburgo. Centre de Recherche Public; National report to the EMCDDA : Gran-Duché de Luxembourg 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : GranDuché de Luxembourg 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Luxembourg: Centre de Recherche Public, EMCDDA. 2010; 20-398e 35 Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Agencia Antidroga; Memoria 2008. Madrid: Agencia Antidroga. 2008; R-6957 266187266&idListConsj=1109265444710&idOrganismo=1109266228185&language=es&pagen ame=ComunidadMadrid%2FEstructura&sm=1109266101003 Moza Zapatero F.; Resultados de la evaluación de la Estrategia Nacional sobre Drogas 20002008. Intervención del Secretario General de Política Social y Consumo Francisco Moza Zapatero ante la Comisión Mixta Congreso Senado para el Estudio del Problema de las Drogas (15 de abril de 2010). Proyecto. 2010; (72): 84-88. DGPNSD Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research (SIRUS); National report to the EMCDDA : Norway 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Norway 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-460e Observatoire Français des Drogues et des Toxicomanies; National report to the EMCDDA : France 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : France 2009. New Developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues. Paris: OFDT, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-408e Observatorio Español sobre Drogas; Informe 2009 Observatorio Español sobre Drogas. Folleto. Madrid: Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas. 2009. R-6858 Observatorio Español sobre Drogas; National report to the EMCDDA : Spain 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Spain 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Madrid: Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas/EMCDDA. 2010. 20-518e Polonia. National Bureau for Drug Prevention; National report to the EMCDDA : Poland 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Poland 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Warsaw: National Bureau for Drug Prevention, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-382e Reino Unido. Departament of Health; National report to the EMCDDA : United Kingdom 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: United Kingdom 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Londres: Departament of Health, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-391e 36 República Checa. National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction; National report to the EMCDDA : Czech Republic 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Czech Republic 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Prague: Czech National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-501e República de Eslovenia. Institute of Public Health; National report to the EMCDDA : Republic of Slovenia 2009/Report on the drug situation 2009 of the Republic of Slovenia : new development trends and in-depth information on selected issues. Ljubljana: Reitox National Focal Point. 2010. 20-508e República de Estonia. National Institute for Health Development; National report to the EMCDDA: Estonia 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Estonia 2009. New Developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues. Tallinn: National Institute for Health Development, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-402e Rumania. National Anti-Drug Agency; National report to the EMCDDA : Romania 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Romania 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Bucharest: National Anti-Drug Agency, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-411e Suecia. Statens Folkhälsoinstitut; National report to the EMCDDA : Sweden 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: Sweden 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Stockholm: Statens Folkhälsoinstitut, EMCDDA. 2010. 20-450e Turkish Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction; National report to the EMCDDA : Turkey 2009/National report to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point : Turkey 2009. New Developments, trends, detailed information on selected issues. Ankara: Turkish Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, EMCDDA, Ministry of Interior. Turkish National Police. Department of Anti-Smuggling and Organized Crime. 2010. 20-412e 37 Políticas de Actuación-Internacional Naciones Unidas. Oficina contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC); Manufacture of narcotic drugs psychotropic substances and their precursors 2009 : list of national manufacturers authorized to manufacture or convert specific narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and of the substances actually manufactured or converted by them during 2008 and manufactures of substances in table i of the United Nations Convention against illiccit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances 1988/ Fabrication de stupefiants de substances psychotropes et de leurs precurseurs 2009 : liste d par pays des entreprises autorisee a fabriquer ou a transformer des stupefiants et des substances psychotropes determines et repertoire des sibstances effectivement fabriquees ou transformees par ces entreprises en 2008 et des fabricants de susbtances de tableau i de la Convention des Nations Unies contre le trafic illicite de stupefiants et de substances psychotropes de 1988/ Fabricacion de estupefacientes de sustancias sicotropicas y de sus precursores 2009 : lista de fabricantes nacionales autorizados a fabricar o transformar determinados estupefacientes y sustancias sicotropicas y de sustancias efectivamente fabricadas o transformadas durante 2008 y de fabricantes de sustancias del cuadro y de la Convención de las las naciones Unidas contra el trafico ilicito de estupefacientes y sustancias sicotrópicas de 1988. Nueva York: UNODC. 2010. R-6935 Naciones Unidas. Oficina contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC); Policing : Forensic services and infraestructure. Vienna: UNODC. 2010. R-6934 CDs Asociación Proyecto Hombre (España); Abaitua Arana R.; López Salas E.; Guía de evaluación de programas de tratamiento de adicciones. Cuestionarios de evaluación. Madrid: Asociación Proyecto Hombre. 2009. CD-291 Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos (España); BOT PLUS : Base de Datos del Medicamento y Parafarmacia. Madrid: Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos. 2010. CD-302 Dianova España; Memoria de sostenibilidad 2009. Madrid: Dianova España. 2010. CD-300 Jornada de presentación de la Estrategia en EPOC del Sistema Nacional de Salud (2009. Madrid); Jornada de presentación de la Estrategia en EPOC del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Madrid: Agencia de Calidad e Innovación del Sistema Naiconal deSalud. Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social. 2010. CD-303 Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Agencia Antidroga; Indicadores del consumo problemático de drogas en la Comunidad de Madrid 2009. Madrid: Agencia Antidroga. 2010. CD-299 38 Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Agencia Antidroga; Memoria 2008. Madrid: Agencia Antidroga. 2010. CD-301 Observatorio Español sobre Drogas; Informe 2009 Observatorio Español sobre Drogas. Madrid: Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas. 2009. CD-285 Observatorio Vasco de Drogodependencias; Informe 9 : 2006-2007. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco. 2010. CD-296 Salvador Llivina T.; Pozo Irribarría J. del; Drogas y atención primaria. Guía práctica de intervención sobre el buso de alcohol y otras drogas. Logroño: Consejería de Salud. 2010. CD-297 DVDs Fundación para la Atención a las Toxicomanías de Cruz Roja Española (CREFAT); Guía para mediadores sobre prevención de drogodependencias. Madrid: CREFAT. 2010. DVD-50 Jornada de la Red Aragonesa de Esucelas Promotoras de Salud (1ª. 2009. Zaragoza); I Jornada de la Red Aragonesa de Esucelas Promotoras de Salud. Comunicaciones. Zaragoza: Escuelas Promotora de Salud (EPS), Gobierno de Aragón. 2010. DVD-49 Sociedad Científica Española de Estudios sobre el Alcohol; Historia de una adicción : la cocaína. Barcelona: SOCIDROGALCOHOL. 2010. DVD-51 39 No se ha publicado en el último trimestre normativa legal sobre drogodependencias de relevancia. Os recordamos que existe en la página web de la DGPNSD un punto de acceso sobre Legislación (estatal, autonómica...), actualizado permanentemente, con acceso a normativa legal a texto completo: 40 Addictive Disorders & their Treatment ......................................................... 42 Adicciones .................................................................................................... 43 American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, The ..................................... 44 American Journal on Addictions .................................................................. 46 CDD DDZ ...................................................................................................... 48 Contemporary Drug Problems ...................................................................... 50 Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy ......................................................... 51 European Addiction Research ...................................................................... 52 Journal of Addictive Diseases ....................................................................... 55 Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse.......................................... 60 Journal of Drug Issues ................................................................................. 63 Journal of Psychoactive Drugs .................................................................... 64 Journal of Studies on Alcohol & Durgs ........................................................ 65 Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment ...................................................... 73 Prevención del Tabaquismo ....................................................................... 74 Proyecto Hombre ........................................................................................ 76 RET.............................................................................................................. 77 Substance Use & Misuse ............................................................................ 78 Tobacco Control....................................................................................................... 41 81 Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment Volume 9 Number 2 June 2010 Contents Original Articles 53 A Comparison Between Patients Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder With Versus Without Comorbid Substance Abuse Gummattira, Pushpa; Cowan, Katherine A.; Averill, Kelly A.; Malkina, Svetlana; Reilly, Edward L.; Krajewski, Kenneth; Rocha, Donna; Averill, Patricia M. 64 Smoking Cessation in Recovery: Comparing 2 Different Cognitive Behavioral Treatments Hunt, Yvonne M.; Rash, Carla J.; Burke, Randy S.; Parker, Jefferson D. 75 Success in a Canadian Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program Faulkner, Breanne M.R.; Vollick, David N.; Judson, Martyn Contents 87 Evaluating the Risk of Relapse for Adolescents Treated for Substance Abuse Ciesla, James R. 93 Pretreatment Characteristics as Predictors of Retention in Cocaine-dependent Outpatients Santonja-Gómez, Francisco-José; Sánchez-Hervás, Emilio; Secades-Villa, Roberto; Zacarés-Romaguera, Francisco; García-Rodríguez, Olaya; García-Fernández, Gloria Adicciones 2010 - Vol. 22, N° 3 Editorial EDITA: SOCIDROGALCOHOL Editorial Consumo de cánnabis de los adolescentes y esquizofrenia: evidencias epidemiológicas y experimentales D., Parolaro..............................................185 Adolescent cannabis consumption and schizophrenia: epidemiological and experimental evidences D., Parolaro...................................................185 Originales Originals Estrategias de afrontamiento en enfermos alcohólicos. Diferencias según el consumo de benzodiacepinas, los trastornos de la personalidad y el deterioro cognitivol M., Monras; S., Mondon; J., Jou......................191 Assessing coping strategies in alcoholics: Comparison while controlling for Personality disorders, Cognitive impairment and Benzodiazepine misuse M., Monras; S., Mondon; J, Jou.................191 Validación del Psychiatric Diagnostic Screening Questionnaire (PDSQ) en una muestra de pacientes alcohólicos españoles B., Pérez Gálvez; L., García Fernández; M. P., de Vicente Manzanaro; M. A., Oliveras Valenzuela.........................................................199 Validation of the Psychiatric Diagnostic Screening Questionnaire (PDSQ) in a Spanish sample of alcoholic patients B., Pérez Gálvez; L., García Fernández; M. P., de Vicente Manzanaro; M. A., Oliveras Valenzuela...................................................199 Oportunidades de mejora del servicio de metadona en atención primaria, desde el punto de vista profesional C.,Rodríguez Reinado; A., Millán Carrasco; J., Venegas Sánchez; J C, March Cerdá;..............207 Opportunities for the improvement of the methadone service in primary health care, from the professionals' point of view C., Rodríguez Reinado; A., Millán Carrasco; J., Venegas Sánchez; J. C., March Cerdá;...........................................................207 Evaluación de proceso del programa escolar de prevención del consumo de cánnabis “” en adolescentes de Barcelona en 2006 F.,Sánchez-Martínez; C.,Ariza Cardenal; A., Pérez Giménez; M., Diéguez Ferrer; M. José, López Medina; M.,Nebot Adell......................................217 Pasta base de cocaína: experiencia del Centro de Información y Asesoramiento Toxicológico A., Pascale; A., Negrin; A., Laborde;................227 Personalidad y sintomatología frontal en adictos y población no clínica: hacia una neuropsicología de la personalidad J. M., Ruiz Sánchez de León; E. J., Pedrero Pérez; Á., Olivar Arroyo; M., Llanero Luque; G., Rojo Mota; C., Puerta García;...................................233 Características psicopatológicas y dimensiones de personalidad en pacientes adultos jóvenes dependientes del cannabis en tratamiento: un estudio comparativo R., Bravo de Medina ; E., Echeburúa; J., Aizpiri.................................................................245 Una aproximación a la evaluación de la eficacia de un programa de prevención de drogodependencias en Educación Secundaria en Andalucías A., Jiménez-Iglesias; C., Moreno; A., Oliva; P., Ramos;................................................................253 Process evaluation of the school-based cannabis use prevention program "" in adolescents from Barcelona in 2006 F.,Sánchez-Martínez; C.,Ariza Cardenal; A., Pérez Giménez; M., Diéguez Ferrer; M. José, López Medina; M.,Nebot Adell....................217 Cocaine base paste: experience from the Montevideo Poison Control Center A., Pascale; A., Negrin; A., Laborde;...........227 Personality and frontal symptomatology in addicts and nonclinical population: toward a neuropsychology of personality J. M., Ruiz Sánchez de León; E. J., Pedrero Pérez; Á., Olivar Arroyo; M., Llanero Luque; G., Rojo Mota; C., Puerta García;...........................233 An approach to the assessment of the effectiveness of a drug use prevention program in Secondary Education in Andalusia A., Jiménez-Iglesias; C., Moreno; A., Oliva; P., Ramos;................................................................253 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE Volume 36, Number 3, 2010 CONTENTS Opium and Heroin Alter Biochemical Parameters of Human's Serum Divsalar Kouros, Haghpanah Tahereh, Afarinesh Mohammadreza, Mahmoudi Zarandi Minoo.....................135 Time to Relapse Questionnaire (TRQ): A Measure of Sudden Relapse in Substance Dependence Bryon Adinoff, Chelsea Talmadge, Mark J. Williams, Erica Schreffler, Patricia K. Jackley, Steven R. Krebaum.........................................................................................................................................140 The Role of Patient Satisfaction in Methadone Treatment Sharon M. Kelly, Kevin E. O'Grady, Barry S. Brown, Shannon Gwin Mitchell, Robert P. Schwartz...............150 Predictors of Attrition from a National Sample of Methadone Maintenance Patients Michael Mancino, Geoffrey Curran, Xiaotong Han, Elise Allee, Keith Humphreys, Brenda M.. Booth...........155 Hippocampal Volumes in Adolescents with and without a Family History of Alcoholism Karen L. Hanson, Krista Lisdahl Medina, Bonnie J. Nagel, Andrea D. Spadoni, Amanda Gorlick, Susan F. Tapert..............................................................................................................................................161 Alcohol-Related Injury and Driving while Intoxicated: A Risk Function Analysis of Two Alcohol-Related Events in the 2000 and 2005 National Alcohol Surveys Cheryl J. Cherpitel, Yu Ye, Thomas K. Greenfield, Jason Bond, William C. Kerr, Lorraine T. Midanik ........168 Drinking Game Behaviors among College Students: How Often and How Much? Byron L. Zamboanga, Seth J. Schwartz, Kathryne Van Tyne, Lindsay S. Ham, Janine V. Olthuis, Shi Huang, Su Yeong Kim, Monika Hudson, Larry F. Forthun, Melina Bersamin, Robert Weisskirch...........175 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE Volume 36, Number 4, 2010 CONTENTS Is Crack Cocaine Use Associated with Greater Violence than Powdered Cocaine Use? Results from a National Sample Michael G. Vaughn, Qiang Fu, Brian E. Perron, Amy S. B. Bohnert, Matthew O. Howard............................181 Fraternity and Sorority Leaders and Members: A Comparison of Alcohol Use, Attitudes, and Policy Awareness Anne M. Fairlie, William DeJong, John F. Stevenson, Andrea M. Lavigne, Mark D. Wood...........................187 The Longitudinal Pattern of Alcohol-Related Injury in a College Population: Emergency Department Data Compared to Self-Reported Data James Turner, Adrienne Keller, Jennifer Bauerle..........................................................................................194 Does Low Urine Creatinine Level Indicate the Presence of Urine Alcohol in Methadone Maintenance Treatment Patients? Michael Varenbut, Carolyn Plater-Zyberk, Andrew Worster, Jeff Daiter.......................................................199 The Relationship between Alcohol Consumption and Past-Year Smoking Initiation in a Sample of Undergraduates Mark B. Reed, Cameron McCabe, James E. Lange, John D. Clapp, Audrey M. Shillingto..........................202 Methamphetamine (“tik”) Use and Its Association with Condom Use among Out-of-School Females in Cape Town, South Africa Wendee M. Wechsberg, Hendree E. Jones, William A. Zule, Bronwyn J. Myers, Felicia A. Browne, Michelle R. Kaufman, Winnie Luseno, Alan J. Flisher, Charles D.H. Parry..................................................208 Risk and Protective Factors of Alcohol Use Disorders among Filipino Americans: Location of Residence Matters Wooksoo Kim, Isok Kim, Tom H. Nochajski..................................................................................................214 Behavioral Effects of d-Amphetamine in Humans: Influence of Subclinical Levels of Inattention and Hyperactivity Rajkumar J. Sevak, William W. Stoops, Craig R. Rush.................................................................................220 Evaluation of Prooxidant–Antioxidant Balance in Chronic Heroin Users in a Single Assay: An Identification Criterion For Antioxidant Supplementation Leda Kovatsi, Samuel Njau, Kakia Nikolaou, Konstantina Topouridou, Theodora Papamitsou, George Koliakos............................................................................................................................................228 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL ON ADDICTIONS VOLUME 19 NUMBER 4. July-August 2010 293 You have full text access to this contentA Tobacco Reconceptualization in Psychiatry: Toward the Development of Tobacco-Free Psychiatric Facilities Taryn G. Moss, Andrea H. Weinberger, Jennifer C. Vessicchio, Vincenza Mancuso, Sandra J. Cushing, Michael Pett, Kate Kitchen, Peter Selby and Tony P. George 312 Implication of Gender Differences in Heroin-Assisted Treatment: Results from the German Randomized Controlled Trial (pages 312–318) Francisco José Eiroá-Orosa, Uwe Verthein, Silke Kuhn, Christina Lindemann, Anne Karow, Christian Haasen and Jens Reimer 319 Club Drug Use in Hispanic College Students (pages 319–324) Michelle R. Resor and Theodore V. Cooper 325 You have full text access to this contentAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Confounds Nicotine Withdrawal Self-Report in Adolescent Smokers Kevin M. Gray, Nathaniel L. Baker, Matthew J. Carpenter, A. Lee Lewis and Himanshu P. Upadhyaya 332 Psychosocial Stress and Its Relationship to Gambling Urges in Individuals with Pathological Gambling (pages 332–339) Igor Elman, Evelyne Tschibelu and David Borsook 340 Modafinil Administration Improves Working Memory in Methamphetamine-Dependent Individuals Who Demonstrate Baseline Impairment Ari D. Kalechstein, Richard De La Garza, II and Thomas F. Newton 345 Use of Clergy Services among Individuals Seeking Treatment for Alcohol Use Problems Amy S.B. Bohnert, Brian E. Perron, Christopher N. Jarman, Michael G. Vaughn, Linda M. Chatters and Robert Joseph Taylor 352 You have full text access to this contentGender Differences in the Relationship between Depressive Symptoms and Cravings in Alcoholism Nelli Boykoff, Terry D. Schneekloth, Daniel Hall-Flavin, Larissa Loukianova, Victor M. Karpyak, Susanna R. Stevens, Joanna M. Biernacka, David A. Mrazek and Mark A. Frye 357 You have full text access to this contentCorrelates of Seeking Injection Assistance among Injection Drug Users in Tijuana, Mexico (pages 357–363) Angela M. Robertson, Alicia Y. Vera, Manuel Gallardo, Robin A. Pollini, Thomas L. Patterson, Patricia Case, Lucie Nguyen and Steffanie A. Strathdee 364 You have full text access to this contentValidation of a Short Version of the Revised Drug Use Screening Inventory in a Brazilian Sample of Adolescents Thiago Marques Fidalgo, Ralph Tarter, Evelyn Doering Da Silveira, Levent Kirisci and Dartiu Xavier Da Silveira ABSTRACTS 368 You have full text access to this content Poster Abstracts from the AAAP 20th Annual Meeting and Symposium Laura F. McNicholas DEPARTMENTS Letters to the Editor 382 You have full text access to this contentInsomnia in Dual Diagnosis Patients Mark J. Albanese and Ariana M. Albanese THE AMERICAN JOURNAL ON ADDICTIONS VOLUME 19 NUMBER 5. September-October 2010 REGULAR ARTICLES 385 You have full text access to this contentAnxiety Disorders among Methamphetamine Dependent Adults: Association with Post-Treatment Functioning Suzette Glasner-Edwards, Larissa J. Mooney, Patricia Marinelli-Casey, Maureen Hillhouse, Alfonso Ang, Richard Rawson and 391 You have full text access to this contentObesity, Smoking, and Frontal Brain Dysfunction Lance Bauer, Danielle Dick, Laura Bierut, Kathleen Bucholz, Howard Edenberg, Samuel Kuperman, John Kramer, John Nurnberger, Sean O’Connor, John Rice, John Rohrbaugh, Marc Schuckit, Jay Tischfield, Bernice Porjesz and Victor Hesselbrock 401 The Safety and Efficacy of Varenicline in Cocaine Using Smokers Maintained on Methadone: A Pilot Study (pages 401–408) James Poling, Bruce Rounsaville, Kishorchandra Gonsai, Kevin Severino and Mehmet Sofuoglu 409 You have full text access to this contentThe Timing of Onset of Pain and Substance Use Disorders (pages 409–415) Mark A. Ilgen, Brian Perron, Ewa K. Czyz, Ryan J. McCammon and Jodie Trafton 416 You have full text access to this contentCo-occurring Psychiatric Symptoms Are Associated with Increased Psychological, Social, and Medical Impairment in Opioid Dependent Pregnant Women Margaret M. Benningfield, Amelia M. Arria, Karol Kaltenbach, Sarah H. Heil, Susan M. Stine, Mara G. Coyle, Gabriele Fischer, Hendrée E. Jones and Peter R. Martin 422 You have full text access to this contentA Randomized Trial of Oral Naltrexone for Treating Opioid-Dependent Offenders (pages 422–432) Donna M. Coviello, James W. Cornish, Kevin G. Lynch, Arthur I. Alterman and Charles P. O’Brien 433 Applying the Transtheoretical Model to the Readiness to Change Blood-Borne Virus Transmission Behaviors among Drug-Dependent Inmates Nai-Ying Ko, Cheng-Fang Yen, Cheng-Hui Chen, Hsin-Chun Lee, Wen-Chien Ko, Hsi-Hsun Lin and Su-Ting Hsu 440 Independent Predictors for Lifetime and Recent Substance Use Disorders in Patients with Rapid-Cycling Bipolar Disorder: Focus on Anxiety Disorders Keming Gao, Philip K. Chan, Marcia L. Verduin, David E. Kemp, Bryan K. Tolliver, Stephen J. Ganocy, Sarah Bilali, Kathleen T. Brady, Robert L. Findling and Joseph R. Calabrese 450 Covariates of Craving in Actively Drinking Alcoholics Subhajit Chakravorty, Samuel T. Kuna, Nikola Zaharakis, Charles P. O’Brien, Kyle M. Kampman and David Oslin DEPARTMENTS Letters to the Editor 458 A Case Report of Transient but Clinically Relevant Interaction between Methadone and Duloxetine: A Reply to McCance-Katz et al. (pages 458–459) Florence Vorspan, Kamilia Ksouda, Vanessa Bloch, Jean-Louis Laplanche, Katell Peoc’h, Aline Hajj, Jean-Michel Scherrmann, Stéphane Mouly and Jean-Pierre Lépine 460 Medical Marijuana and Adolescent Treatment Steven L. Jaffe and Matthew Klein 462 Retrospective Review of Acute Acamprosate Exposures to a Poison Control System Sean Patrick Nordt, Lora Scaduto, Richard F. Clark and F. Lee Cantrell CDD DDZ Centro de Documentación de drogodependencias boletín 174 Junio 2010 INDICE NOVEDADES EDITORIALES.......................................................................................................2 ENTREVISTA • Pablo Llama: ‘Vivir en una familia sin conflictos graves, con adecuado apego y con actitudes en contra de las drogas protege de su consumo’................................................4 INVESTIGACIONES • Luces y sombras en la evolución del consumo de drogas y los problemas asociados......6 • Tabakoaren aurkako politikak, eraginkorrak al dira gazteekin?..........................................6 • El 2,5% de la población adulta tiene problemas con el juego, según un estudio del Gobierno Vasco..................................................................................................................6 MESA REDONDA • ¿Cuáles son las principales necesidades de las trabajadoras del sexo con problemas de adicción?.....................................................................................................................10 RECURSOS................................................................................................................................11 DOCUMENTACIÓN....................................................................................................................12 CONVOCATORIAS.....................................................................................................................16 CDD DDZ Centro de Documentación de drogodependencias boletín 175 Julio 2010 INDICE NOVEDADES EDITORIALES.......................................................................................................2 ENTREVISTA • Jabier Aranburu: ‘El equipo les aporta cierta contención, referencia y cobertura, pero lo importante es que ellas asuman su responsabilidad como madres’...................................4 INVESTIGACIONES • El acceso de las mujeres más vulnerables, un reto prioritario para la atención a las drogodependencias.............................................................................................................6 • ¿Cómo prevenir el consumo de drogas en población inmigrante?.....................................6 • Tabakoaren Eurobarometroa..............................................................................................6 MESA REDONDA • ¿Hasta qué punto las unidades terapéuticas educativas contribuyen a la reinserción y la rehabilitación de las personas encarceladas?...........................................................10 RECURSOS................................................................................................................................11 DOCUMENTACIÓN....................................................................................................................12 CONVOCATORIAS.....................................................................................................................16 VOL. 37, NO. 1 SPRING 2010 CONTEMPORARY DRUG PROBLEMS AN INTERDISCIPLlNARY QUARTERLY 1 3 39 57 Notes on Contributors Sweden, the EU and the Alcohol Traveller’s Allowances JENNY CISNEROS ÖRNBERG, PH.D. An Integrated Alcohol Control Policy: What, Why and How? TRYGVE UGLAND, The Extent of Global Alcohol Marketing and its impact on Youth DAVID H. JERNIGAN, PH.D. 91 109 Effectiveness of Responsible Beverage Service: The Norwegian Experiences INGEBORG ROSSOW AND BERGLIOT BAKLIEN Health Warning Labels and Alcohol Products- The Views of Australian University Students SANDRA C. JONES AND PARRI GREGORY 139 Addiction Medicine and Addiction Psychiatry in America: Commonalities in the Medical Treatment of Addiction CHRISTOPHER R. FREED, PH.D. 165 Performing Cannabis in the Light of the Back packer Discourse MERETE HELLUM, PH.D Drugs: education, prevention and policy Volume 17 Number 4 August 2010 Polydrug use among 15- to 16-year olds: Similarities and differences in Europe Deborah Olszewski, João Matias, Karin Monshouwer, Anna Kokkevi 287 Idle and disorderly’ khat users in Western Uganda Susan Beckerleg 303 No one written off? Welfare, work and problem drug use Chris Grover, Ian Paylor 315 Social, health and drug use characteristics of primary crack users in three mid-sized communities in British Columbia, Canada Benedikt Fischer, Katherine Rudzinski, Andrew Ivsins, Owen Gallupe, Jayadeep Patra, Mel Krajden 333 Attitudes and knowledge of alcohol related harm minimization initiatives in a rural Australian city: A baseline survey Fredrik Velander, Andreia Schineanu, Richard Midford 354 Fitting a quart into a black box: Keyworking in quasi-coercive drug treatment in England David Best, Kelly Wood, Ruth Sweeting, Bill Morgan, Ed Day 370 Responsible management and use of a personal take-home naloxone supply: A pilot project Andrew McAuley, George Lindsay, Maureen Woods, Derek Louttit 388 Targeting single parents in preadolescent substance use prevention: Internet characteristics and information relevance Jennifer Warren, Michele Allen, Kolawole Okuyemi, Lynette Kvasny, Michael Hecht 400 The effectiveness of an innovative intervention aimed at reducing binge drinking among young people: Results from a pilot study Lester Coleman, Josephine Ramm, Richard Cooke 413 Using mindfulness to develop health education strategies for blood borne virus prevention in injecting drug use Carla Treloar, Becky Laybutt, Susan Carruthers 431 Sex, drugs and STDs: Preliminary findings from the Belfast Youth Development Study Kareena McAloney, Patrick Mccrystal, Andrew Percy 443 European Addiction Research Vol. 16 / 1 / 10 Research Report 1 Why Do the Clients of Georgian Needle Exchange Programmes Inject Buprenorphine? Otiashvili, D; Zabransky, T.; Kirtadze, I.; Piralishvili, G. ; Chavchanidze, M. ; Miovsky, M. 9 Craving and Attentional Bias Respond Differently to Alcohol Priming: A Field Study in the Pub Schoenmakers, T.M. ; Wiers, R.W. 17 Alcohol Expectancy and Hazardous Drinking: A 6-Year Longitudinal and Nationwide Study of Medical Doctors Grotmol, K.S. Vaglum, P.; Ekeberg, Ø.; Gude, T. ; Aasland, O.G. ;Tyssen, R. 23 Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff in Decision-Making Performance among Pathological Gamblers Kertzman, S.; Vainder, M.; Vishne, T. ; Aizer, A.; Kotler, M .; Dannon, P.N. 31 Suboxone® (Buprenorphine/Naloxone) as an Agonist Opioid Treatment in Spain: A Budgetary Impact Analysis Martínez-Raga, J.; González Saiz, F.; Pascual, C.; Casado, M.A.; Sabater Torres, F.J. 43 Population Drinking and Fatal Injuries in Eastern Europe: A TimeSeries Analysis of Six Countries Landberg, J. 53 Comparing Outcomes of ‘Voluntary’ and ‘Quasi-Compulsory’ Treatment of Substance Dependence in Europe Schaub, M. ;Stevens, A. ; Berto, D. ; Hunt, N. ; Kerschl, V. ; McSweeney, T. ; Oeuvray, K. ; Puppo, I. ; Santa Maria, A. ; Trinkl, B. ; Werdenich, W. ; Uchtenhagen, A. European Addiction Research Vol. 16 / 2 / 10 Research Report 61 Prevalence and Factors Related to Substance Use among Adolescents with Eating Disorders Castro-Fornieles, J.; Díaz, R.; Goti, J.; Calvo, R.; Gonzalez, L.; Serrano, L.; Gual, A. 69 Cost-Effectiveness of Home Visits in the Outpatient Treatment of Patients with Alcohol Dependence Moraes, E.; Campos, G.M.; Figlie, N.B.; Laranjeira, R.; Ferraz, M.B. 78 Dual Diagnosis Competency among Addiction Treatment Staff: Training Levels, Training Needs and the Link to Retention Schulte, S.J.; Meier, P.S.; Stirling, J.; Berry, M. 85 Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff in Decision-Making Performance among Pathological Gamblers Kertzman, S.; Vainder, M.; Vishne, T. ; Aizer, A.; Kotler, M .; Dannon, P.N. 91 Bioavailability of Buprenorphine from Crushed and Whole Buprenorphine (Subutex) Tablets Simojoki, K.; Lillsunde, P.; Lintzeris, N.; Alho, H. 99 Non-Injection Drug Use Patterns and History of Injection among Street Youth Hadland, S.E.; Kerr, T.; Marshall, B.D.L.; Small, W.; Lai, C.; Montaner, J.S.; Wood, E. 108 Clinical Characteristics of Central European and North American Samples of Pregnant Women Screened for Opioid Agonist Treatment Unger, A.S. ; Martin, P.R. ; Kaltenbach, K. ; Stine, S.M. ; Heil, S.H. ; Jones, H.E. ; Arria, A.M. ; Coyle, M.G. ; Selby, P. ; Fischer, G.. European Addiction Research Vol. 16 / 3 / 10 Research Report 115 The Influence of Drinking Pattern, at Individual and Aggregate Levels, on Alcohol-Related Negative Consequences Astudillo, M. ; Kuntsche, S. ; Graham, K. ; Gmel, G. 124 Is Heroin-Assisted Treatment Effective for Patients with No Previous Maintenance Treatment? Results from a German Randomised Controlled Trial Haasen, C.; Verthein, U.; Eiroa-Orosa, F.J.; Schäfer, I.; Reimer, J. 131 Long-Term Follow-Up of Orally Administered Diacetylmorphine Substitution Treatment Frick, U. ; Rehm, J. ; Zullino, D. ; Fernando, M. ; Wiesbeck, G. ; Ammann, J. ; Uchtenhagen, A. 139 Naltrexone Implants Compared to Methadone: Outcomes Six Months after Prison Release Lobmaier, P.P.; Kunøe, N. ; Gossop, M. ; Katevoll, T. ; Waal, H. 146 The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory II: Stability over Time? A Seven-Year Follow-Up Study of Substance Abusers in Treatment Ravndal, E.; Vaglum, P. 152 Alcohol Consumption in Southern Sweden after Major Decreases in Danish Spirits Taxes and Increases in Swedish Travellers’ Quotas Gustafsson, N.-K.J. 162 Smoking Cessation Interventions Offered to French Adult Light Smokers: A Heterogeneous Population with Specific Needs Baha, M.Y. ; Le Faou, A.-L. 170 Alcohol Consumption and Expectations of Its Effects in the Border Region of Pomerania: Comparison of German and Polish Adolescents Zimmermann, J.; Junge, C.; Niemann, J.; Wong, J.W.M.; Preuss, U.W. Journal of Addictive Diseases Volume 29 Number 1 2010 CONTENTS Methadone Maintenance Dosing Guideline for Opioid Dependence, a Literature Review Ayman Fareed; Jennifer Casarella; Richard Amar; Sreedevi Vayalapalli; Karen Drexler 1 Onsite QTc Interval Screening for Patients in Methadone Maintenance Treatment Ayman Fareed; Sreedevi Vayalapalli; Johnita Byrd-Sellers; Jennifer Casarella; Karen Drexler; Richard Amar; Jocelyn Smith-Cox; Tamara Shaw Lutchma 15 Provision of Ancillary Medications During Buprenorphine Detoxification Does Not Improve Treatment Outcomes Maureen Hillhouse; Catherine P. Domier; David Chim; Walter Ling 23 Favorable Mortality Profile of Naltrexone Implants for Opiate Addiction Albert Stuart Reece 30 Analytical Methodology and Assessment of Potential Second-Hand Exposure to Fentanyl in the Hospital Surgical Setting Brandon F. Law; Justin M. Hettick; Jennifer Hornsby-Myers; Paul D. Siege 51 Matching to Sufficient Treatment: Some Characteristics of Undertreated (Mismatched) Clients George De Leon; Gerald Melnick; Charles M. Cleland 59 Uni-Morbid and Co-Occurring Marijuana and Tobacco Use: Examination of Concurrent Associations with Negative Mood States Marcel O. Bonn-Miller; Michael J. Zvolensky; Kirsten A. Johnson 68 Investigation of Temporal Changes of Abuse and Misuse of Prescription Opioids Henry Spiller; J. E. Bailey; Richard C. Dart; Sarah S. Spiller 78 Heritability of MMPI-2 Scales in the UCSF Family Alcoholism Study Ian R. Gizer; Kimberley L. Seaton-Smith; Cindy L. Ehlers; Cassandra Vieten; Kirk C. Wilhelmsen 84 Survey of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Use in the French Army Catherine Marimoutou; Benjamin Queyriaux; Rémy Michel; Catherine Verret; Rachel Haus-Cheymol; Aurélie Mayet; Xavier Deparis; Jean-Paul Boutin 98 Book Reviews A Review of “Dialectical Behavioral Therapy with Suicidal Adolescents” Alec L. Miller, Jill H. Rathus, Marsha M. Linehan. Cheryl Seaman 107 A Review of “Psychotropic Drugs Fast Facts” (4th edition). Jerrold S. Maxmen, MD, Sydney H. Kennedy, MD, and Roger S. McIntyre, MD. Cheryl Seaman 109 A Review of “Tails of Recovery: Addicts and the Pets Who Love Them” Nancy A. Schenck. Nick Tartagliano 109 A Review of “A-Rod: The Many Lives of Alex Rodriguez” Selena Roberts. Harper Collins, Max Brizer President's Message R. Gregory Lande 110 111 Journal of Addictive Diseases Volume 29 Number 2 2010 CONTENTS Introduction to Women, Children and Addiction Loretta P. Finnegan 113 Women and Drug Addiction: A Historical Perspective Stephen R. Kandall 117 Women and Addiction: The Importance of Gender Issues in Substance Abuse Research Ellen Tuchman 127 Substance Use and Women's Health Abigail Kay; Trusandra E. Taylor; Andrea G. Barthwell; Jana Wichelecki; Vera Leopold 139 Ethical Issues and Addiction Binta Lambert; Melissa Scheiner; Deborah Campbell 164 Addiction in Pregnancy Joan Keegan; Mehdi Parva; Mark Finnegan; Andrew Gerson; Michael Belden 175 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Risk Behavior Among Female Substance Abusers Susan E. Ramsey; Kathryn M. Bell; Patricia A. Engler 192 Pharmacotherapy in the Treatment of Addiction: Methadone Mary Jeanne Kreek; Lisa Borg; Elizabeth Ducat; Brenda Ray 200 Gender Issues in the Pharmacotherapy of Opioid-Addicted Women: Buprenorphine Annemarie Unger; Erika Jung; Bernadette Winklbaur; Gabriele Fischer 217 Punishing Pregnant Drug-Using Women: Defying Law, Medicine, and Common Sense Jeanne Flavin; Lynn M. Paltrow 231 Prenatal Drug Exposure: Infant and Toddler Outcomes Emmalee S. Bandstra; Connie E. Morrow; Elana Mansoor; Veronica H. Accornero 245 Children of Addicted Women Barry M. Lester; Linda L. Lagasse 259 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE R. Gregory Lande 277 Journal of Addictive Diseases Volume 29 Number 3 2010 CONTENTS Anesthesiologists and Fentanyl: Fact or Fancy? Barry Stimmel 279 Second-Hand and Third-Hand Drug Exposures in the Operating Room: A Factor in Anesthesiologists’ Dependency on Fentanyl Mark S. Gold; Noni A. Graham; Bruce A. Goldberger 280 Reservations Concerning Second-Hand Fentanyl Exposure in the Operating Room Brandon F. Law; Justin M. Hettick; Jennifer Hornsby-Myers; Paul D. Siegel 282 ARTICLES Tobacco Use Prevalence and Factors Associated with Tobacco Use in New U.S. Army Personnel Tyson Grier; Joseph J. Knapik; Sara Canada; Michelle Canham-Chervak; Bruce H. Jones 284 Structural and Cultural Barriers to the Adoption of Smoking Cessation Services in Addiction Treatment Organizations Hannah K. Knudsen; Jamie L. Studts; Sara Boyd; Paul M. Roman 294 An Exploratory Study of Spiritual Orientation and Adaptation to Therapeutic Community Treatment Helen Dermatis; Tina James; Marc Galanter; Gregory Bunt 306 Caregiver Burden and Alcohol Use in a Community Sample Kathleen M. Rospenda; Lisa M. Minich; Lauren A. Milner; Judith A. Richman 314 A Comparison of Psychosocial and Cognitive Functioning Between Depressed and Non-Depressed Patients with Cannabis Dependence Alex M. Secora; David Eddie; Bertram J. Wyman; Daniel J. Brooks; John J. Mariani; Frances R. Levin 325 Sociodemographic and Substance Use Correlates of Gambling Behavior in the Canadian General Population Silvia S. Martins; Lilian A. Ghandour; Grace P. Lee; Carla L. Storr 338 Hopelessness, Temperament, and Health Perception in Heroin Addicts Paolo Iliceto; Maurizio Pompili; Paolo Girardi; David Lester; Caterina Vincenti; Zoltan Rihmer; Roberto Tatarelli; Hagop S. Akiskal 352 Hepatitis C Treatment Eligibility and Comorbid Medical Illness in Methadone Maintenance (MMT) and Non-MMT Patients: A Case-Control Study Steven L. Batki; Kelly M. Canfield; Emily Smyth; Robert Ploutz-Snyder; Robert A. Levine 359 Men in Methadone Maintenance versus Psychosocial Outpatient Treatment: Differences in Sexual Risk Behaviors and Intervention Effectiveness from a Multisite HIV Prevention Intervention Trial Donald A. Calsyn; Aimee N. C. Campbell; Paul Crits-Christoph; Suzanne R. Doyle; Susan Tross; Mary A. Hatch-Maillette; Raul Mandler 370 Characteristics of Opiate Users Leaving Detoxification Treatment Against Medical Advice Deric R. Kenne; Alec P. Boros; Rebecca L. Fischbein 383 Nonmedical Use of Sedative-Hypnotics and Opiates Among Rural and Urban Women with Protective Orders Jennifer Cole; TK Logan 395 BOOK REVIEWS A Review of “Pharmacology and Treatment of Substance Abuse” Greg Fernandez; Richard Gallagher 410 A Review of “A Clinician's Guide to Twelve Step Recovery” David W. Hunt 411 A Review of “Addiction: A Disorder of Choice” David W. Hunt 412 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE R. Gregory Lande 414 JOURNAL OF CHILD& ADOLESCENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE Volume 19 Number 1, 2010 CONTENTS The Relationship among Pubertal Stage, Age, and Drinking in Adolescent Boys and Girls Vivian B. Faden; Beverly Ruffin; Gabriella Newes-Adeyi; Chiung Chen 1 Reviewing the Connection Between Paradigms and Theories to Understand Adolescent Drug Use Trenette T. Clark 16 An In-Depth Survey of the Screening and Assessment Practices of Highly Regarded Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Programs Jeremy Gans; Mathea Falco; Bruce R. Schackman; Ken C. Winters 33 Examination of a Process Model of Adolescent Smoking Self-Change Efforts in Relation to Gender Laura MacPherson; Mark G. Myers 48 Adolescent Sexual Behaviors at Varying Levels of Substance Use Frequency Leah J. Floyd; William Latimer 66 Alcohol Use and Antisocial Behavior in Late Adolescence: Characteristics of a Sample Attending a GED Program Meredith Reesman Owens; Andrea Bergman 78 JOURNAL OF CHILD& ADOLESCENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE Volume 19 Number 2, 2010 CONTENTS Readiness to Change in Adolescents Screening Positive for Substance Use in Urban Primary Care Clinics Jack Stevens; Jennifer McGeehan; Kelly J. Kelleher 99 Components of Negative Affect As Moderators of the Relationship Between Early Drinking Onset and Binge-Drinking Behavior Robert S. McNamara; Randall C. Swaim; Lee A. Rosén 108 Crack and Cocaine Use Among Adolescents in Psychiatric Treatment: Associations with HIV Risk Marina Tolou-Shams; Sarah W. Feldstein Ewing; Nicholas Tarantino; Larry K. Brown 122 Trajectories of Substance Use Disorders in Youth: Identifying and Predicting Group Memberships Chih-Yuan S. Lee; Ken C. Winters; Melanie M. Wall 135 Agreement Between Parents and Youths on Measures of Antismoking Socialization E. Melinda Mahabee-Gittens; Lili Ding; Judith S. Gordon; Bin Huang 158 Self-Report Stability of Adolescent Cigarette Use Across Ten Years of Panel Study Data Audrey M. Shillington; Mark B. Reed; John D. Clapp 171 JOURNAL OF CHILD& ADOLESCENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE Volume 19 Number 3, 2010 CONTENTS Negative Reflected Appraisal, Negative Self-Perception, and Drug Use Intentions in a Sample of Suburban High School Students Alan J. Richard; Roberto A. Trevino; Marcia Baker; James Valdez 193 Alcohol Use Problem Severity and Problem Behavior Engagement Among SchoolBased Youths in Minnesota Brent E. Mancha; Vanessa C. Rojas-Neese; William W. Latimer 210 Alcohol Prevalence and Attitudes Among Adults and Adolescents: Their Relation to Early Adolescent Alcohol Use in Rural Communities Laura DeHaan; Tina Boljevac 223 Direct and Indirect Effects of Parental Influence Upon Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis Young-Mi Kim; James Alan Neff 244 Hook-Up Sexual Experiences and Problem Behaviors Among Adolescents Leanna Fortunato; Amy M. Young; Carol J. Boyd; Courtney E. Fons 261 JOURNAL OF DRUG ISSUES SPRING 2010 Volume 40 Number 2 CONTENTS 241 The First Injection Event: Differences Among Heroin, Methamphetamine, Cocaine, and Ketamine Initiates Stephen E. Lankenau, Karla D. Wagner, Jennifer Jackson Bloom, Bill Sanders, Dodi Hathazi, Charles Shin 263 Patterns of Youth Participation In Cannabis Cultivation Holly Nguyen, Martin Bouchard 295 Heavy Episodic Alcohol Use In Emerging Adulthood: The Role Of Early Risk Factors And Young Adult Social Roles David Eitle, John Taylor, Tamela Mcnulty Eitle 321 Pathways to Adult Alcohol Abuse Across Racial/Ethnic Groups: An Application Of Scott Akins, Chad L. Smith, Clayton Mosher 353 Drug Risk: A Cross-Sectional Exploration of the Influence of Family-Of-Origin and Current Situational Circumstances Molly Perkins, Kirk W. Elifson, Claire E. Sterk 379 Mother-Daughter Attachment and Drug Abuse among Latinas in the United States Mario De La Rosa, Frank R. Dillon, N. Emel Ganapati, Patria Rojas, Elsa Pinto, Guillermo Prado 405 Gender, Sexuality, and Ethnicity As Factors of Club-Drug Use Among Asian Americans Adam Fazio, Karen Joe-Laidler, Molly Moloney, Geoffrey Hunt 433 Religiosity, Spirituality, and Substance Abuse Thomas M. Allen, Celia C. Lor 461 Americans’ Attitudes toward Drug-Related Issues from 1975–2006: The Roles of Period And Cohort Effects Amie L. Nielsen 495 Self-Report Of Longitudinal Substance Use: A Comparison of the Ucla Natural History Interview and the Addiction Severity Index Debra A. Murphy, Yih-Ing Hser, David Huang, Mary-Lynn Brecht, Diane M. Herbeck 517 Research Note: Perspectives on the Hierarchy of Hiv And Hepatitis C Disease: Consequences For Drug Treatment Program Patients Corrine Munoz-Plaza, Shiela M. Strauss, Nelson Tiburcio, Janetta M. Astone-Twerell, Don C. Des Jarlais, Marya Gwadz, Holly Hagan, Andrew Osborne, Andrew Rosenblum ºLibo Li, Elizabeth Evans, Yih-Ing Hser Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Volume 42 (2), June 2010 CONTENTS Addiction and Related Disorders Editors’ Introduction: Addiction and Related Disorders — David E. Smith, M.D., FASAM, FAACT.................................................................................97 2010: U.S. Drug and Alcohol Policy, Looking Back and Moving Forward — Philip R. Lee, M.D.; Dorothy R. Lee & Paul Lee, M. Arch...................................................99 Parity and the Medicalization of Addiction Treatment — Ken Roy, M.D. & Michael Miller, M.D................................................................................115 Health Care Equality and Parity for Treatment of Addictive Disease — David E. Smith, M.D., FASAM, FAACT; Dorothy R. Lee & Leigh Dickerson Davidson ....121 Prescription Drug Abuse: An Epidemic Dilemma — Robert L. DuPont, M.D..........................................................................................................127 Food Addiction and Obesity: Evidence from Bench to Bedside — Yijun Liu, Ph.D.; Karen M. von Deneen, Ph.D.; Firas H. Kobeissy, Ph.D. & Mark S. Gold, M.D.............................................................................................................................................133 Sweet Preference, Sugar Addiction and the Familial History of Alcohol Dependence: Shared Neural Pathways and Genes — Jeffrey L. Fortuna, Dr.P.H....................................................................................................147 High Resolution Brain SPECT Imaging in a Clinical Substance Abuse Practice — Daniel G. Amen, M.D............................................................................................................153 Buprenorphine in the Treatment of Opiate Dependence — Donald Wesson, M.D. & David E. Smith, M.D ....................................................................161 Mindfulness Training Modifies Cognitive, Affective, and Physiological Mechanisms Implicated in Alcohol Dependence: Results of a Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial — Eric L. Garland, Ph.D., L.C.S.W.; Susan A. Gaylord, Ph.D.; Charlotte A. Boettiger, Ph.D. & Matthew O. Howard, Ph.D.........................................................................................................177 Managing Acute and Chronic Pain in a Substance Abuse Treatment Program for the Addicted Individual Early in Recovery: A Current Controversy — Joseph D. Markowitz, M.D.; Elie M. Francis, M.D. & Cheryl Gonzales-Nolas, M.............193 Editor’s Note:The Evolution of Addiction Medicine and Its San Francisco Roots — David E. Smith, M.D., FASAM, FAACT................................................................................199 Western Behavioral Health and Addictive Disorders Conference Faculty.........................203 COVER ART — Butterfly by Michael Zimmerman Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs VOLUME 71 NUMBER 1 JANUARY 2010 CONTENTS ANJA C. HUIZINK, ESKO LEVÄLAHTI, TELLERVO KORHONEN, DANIELLE M. DICK, LEA PULKKINEN, RICHARD J. ROSE, JAAKKO KAPRIO Tobacco, Cannabis, and Other Illicit Drug Use Among Finnish Adolescent Twins: Causal Relationship or Correlated Liabilities? 5 ROBERT M. BRAY, JANICE M. BROWN, MICHAEL R. PEMBERTON, JASON WILLIAMS, SARAH B. JONES, RUSS VANDERMAAS-PEELER Alcohol Use After Forced Abstinence in Basic Training Among United States Navy and Air Force Trainees 15 MICHAEL F. FLEMING, STACEY L. BALOUSEK, PAUL M. GROSSBERG, MARLON P. MUNDT, DAVID BROWN, JENNIFER R. WIEGEL, LARISSA I. ZAKLETSKAIA, ELIZABETH M. SAEWYC Brief Physician Advice for Heavy Drinking College Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial in College Health Clinics 23 KIM BLOOMFIELD, MATTHIAS WICKI, NINA-KATRI GUSTAFSSON, PIA MÄKELÄ, ROBIN ROOM Changes in Alcohol-Related Problems After Alcohol Policy Changes in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden 32 MEGAN E. PATRICK, JOHN E. SCHULENBERG Alcohol Use and Heavy Episodic Drinking Prevalence and Predictors Among National Samples of American Eighth- and Tenth-Grade Students 41 ALEXANDER PABST, SEBASTIAN E. BAUMEISTER, LUDWIG KRAUS Alcohol-Expectancy Dimensions and Alcohol Consumption at Different Ages in the General Population 46 MEREDITH A. TERLECKI, MARY E. LARIMER, AMY L. COPELAND Clinical Outcomes of a Brief Motivational Intervention for Heavy Drinking Mandated College Students: A Pilot Study 54 JAIMEE L. HEFFNER, GIAO Q. TRAN, CANDACE S. JOHNSON, SUZAN WINDERS BARRETT, THOMAS J. BLOM, RACHEL D. THOMPSON, ROBERT M. ANTHENELLI Combining Motivational Interviewing With Compliance Enhancement Therapy (MI-CET): Development and Preliminary Evaluation of a New, Manual-Guided Psychosocial Adjunct to Alcohol-Dependence Pharmacotherapy 61 STEPHANIE A. GAMBLE, KENNETH R. CONNER, NANCY L. TALBOT, QIN YU, XIN M. TU, GERARD J. CONNORS Effects of Pretreatment and Posttreatment Depressive Symptoms on Alcohol Consumption Following Treatment in Project MATCH 71 M. CHRISTINA HOVE, MICHELE R. PARKHILL, CLAYTON NEIGHBORS, JENNIFER MOLLOY MCCONCHIE, NICOLE FOSSOS Alcohol Consumption and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Among College Students: The Role of Self-Determination 78 JOAN S. TUCKER, SUZANNE L. WENZEL, DANIELA GOLINELLI, GERY RYAN, ANNIE ZHOU, ROBIN BECKMAN, DAVID P. KENNEDY, HAROLD D. GREEN Is Substance Use a Barrier to Protected Sex Among Homeless Women? Results From Between- and Within-Subjects Event Analyses 86 JULIE A. PATOCK-PECKHAM, ANTONIO A. MORGAN-LOPEZ Direct and Mediational Links Between Parental Bonds and Neglect, Antisocial Personality, Reasons for Drinking, Alcohol Use, and Alcohol Problems 95 HASKE VAN DER VORST, RUTGER C. M. E. ENGELS, WILLIAM J. BURK Do Parents and Best Friends Influence the Normative Increase in Adolescents' Alcohol Use at Home and Outside the Home? 105 KIMBERLY L. HENRY, TERENCE P. THORNBERRY Truancy and Escalation of Substance Use During Adolescence 115 JANE WITBRODT, ANDERS ROMELSJÖ Gender Differences in Mutual-Help Attendance One Year After Treatment: Swedish and U.S. Samples 125 TYRONE F. BORDERS, GEOFFREY M. CURRAN, RHONDA MATTOX, BRENDA M. BOOTH Religiousness Among At-Risk Drinkers: Is It Prospectively Associated With the Development or Maintenance of an Alcohol-Use Disorder? 136 AUDREY Y. CHU, LUCY A. MEONI, NAE YUH WANG, KUNG-YEE LIANG, DANIEL E. FORD, MICHAEL J. KLAG Reliability of Alcohol Recall After 15 Years and 23 Years of Follow-Up in the Johns Hopkins Precursors Study 143 JOHN R. KRAMER, GRACE CHAN, VICTOR M. HESSELBROCK, SAMUEL KUPERMAN, KATHLEEN K. BUCHOLZ, HOWARD J. EDENBERG, MARC A. SCHUCKIT, JOHN I. NURNBERGER, TATIANA FOROUD, DANIELLE M. DICK, LAURA J. BIERUT, BERNICE PORJESZ A Principal Components Analysis of the Abbreviated Desires for Alcohol Questionnaire (DAQ) 150 Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs VOLUME 71 NUMBER 2 MARCH 2010 CONTENTS PENNY L. BRENNAN, KATHLEEN K. SCHUTTE, RUDOLF H. MOOS Retired Status and Older Adults' 10-Year Drinking Trajectories 165 ALYSSA PLATT, FRANK A. SLOAN, PHILIP COSTANZO Alcohol-Consumption Trajectories and Associated Characteristics Among Adults Older Than Age 50 169 HEATHER A. BRISTER, REAGAN R. WETHERILL, KIM FROMME Anticipated Versus Actual Alcohol Consumption During 21st Birthday Celebrations 180 RICHARD A. SCRIBNER, KAREN E. MASON, NEAL R. SIMONSEN, KATHERINE THEALL, JIGAR CHOTALIA, SANDY JOHNSON, SHARI KESSEL SCHNEIDER, WILLIAM DEJONG An Ecological Analysis of Alcohol-Outlet Density and Campus-Reported Violence at 32 U.S. Colleges 184 KRISTIN CASPERS, STEPHAN ARNDT, REBECCA YUCUIS, LOWELL MCKIRGAN, RUTH SPINKS Effects of Alcohol- and Cigarette-Use Disorders on Global and Specific Measures of Cognition in Middle-Age Adults 192 MATTHEW O. HOWARD, BRIAN E. PERRON, MICHAEL G. VAUGHN, KIMBERLY A. BENDER, ERIC GARLAND Inhalant Use, Inhalant-Use Disorders, and Antisocial Behavior: Findings From the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) 201 KEVIN L. DELUCCHI, CONSTANCE WEISNER Transitioning Into and Out of Problem Drinking Across Seven Years 210 CAROLYN A. SMITH, LAURA J. ELWYN, TIMOTHY O. IRELAND, TERENCE P. THORNBERRY Impact of Adolescent Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence on Substance Use in Early Adulthood 219 SHARON M. SMITH, DEBORAH A. DAWSON, RIS B. GOLDSTEIN, BRIDGET F. Grant Examining Perceived Alcoholism Stigma Effect on Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Treatment and Quality of Life Among Alcoholics 231 PAUL J. GRUENEWALD, FRED W. JOHNSON Drinking, Driving, and Crashing: A Traffic-Flow Model of AlcoholRelated Motor Vehicle Accidents 237 SUTHAT LIANGPUNSAKUL, RONG QI, DAVID W. CRABB, FRANK WITZMANN Relationship Between Alcohol Drinking and Aspartate Aminotransferase:Alanine Aminotransferase (AST:ALT) Ratio, Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGT), and Apolipoprotein A1 and B in the U.S. Population 249 KATHERINE A. BELENDIUK, BROOKE S. G. MOLINA, JOHN E. DONOVAN Concordance of Adolescent Reports of Friend Alcohol Use, Smoking, and Deviant Behavior as Predicted by Quality of Relationship and Demographic Variables 253 BRENDA M. BOOTH, GEOFFREY CURRAN, XIAOTONG HAN, PATRICIA WRIGHT, SARAH FRITH, CARL LEUKEFELD, RUSSEL FALCK, ROBERT G. CARLSON Longitudinal Relationship Between Psychological Distress and Multiple Substance Use: Results From a Three-Year Multisite Natural-History Study of Rural Stimulant Users 258 OSCAR H. HERNÁNDEZ, MURIEL VOGEL-SPROTT Alcohol Slows the Brain Potential Associated With Cognitive Reaction Time to an Omitted Stimulus 268 TIMOTHY C. DURAZZO, VARSHA PATHAK, STEFAN GAZDZINSKI, ANDERSON MON, DIETER J. MEYERHOFF Metabolite Levels in the Brain Reward Pathway Discriminate Those Who Remain Abstinent From Those Who Resume Hazardous Alcohol Consumption After Treatment for Alcohol Dependence JIAN HU, YAN XIA, ZHENG WU, LEI LIU, CHUNLING TANG Fluoxetine Might Alleviate Brain Damage and Hypercortisolemia Related to Chronic Alcohol in Rats 278 290 ERIKA LAINE AUSTIN, JAY A. IRWIN Age Differences in the Correlates of Problematic Alcohol Use Among Southern Lesbians 295 KATHRYN E. GALLAGHER, DOMINIC J. PARROTT Influence of Heavy Episodic Drinking on the Relation Between Men's Locus of Control and Aggression Toward Intimate Partners 299 Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs VOLUME 71 NUMBER 3 MAY 2010 CONTENTS SHAWN J. LATENDRESSE, RICHARD J. ROSE, RICHARD J. VIKEN, LEA PULKKINEN, JAAKKO KAPRIO, DANIELLE M. DICK Examining the Etiology of Associations Between Perceived Parenting and Adolescents' Alcohol Use: Common Genetic and/or Environmental Liabilities? 313 PING WU, HECTOR R. BIRD, XINHUA LIU, CRISTIANE S. DUARTE, CORDELIA FULLER, BIN FAN, SA SHEN, GLORISA Trauma, Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, and Alcohol-Use Initiation in Children 326 SARA L. SIMON, ANDY C. DEAN, XOCHITL CORDOVA, JOHN R. MONTEROSSO, EDYTHE D. LONDON Methamphetamine Dependence and Neuropsychological Functioning: Evaluating Change During Early Abstinence 335 REBECCA GILBERTSON, ROBERT PRATHER, SARA JO NIXON Acute Alcohol Administration and Placebo Effectiveness in Older Moderate Drinkers: Influences on Cognitive Performance 345 MIKE MALES Traffic Crash Victimizations of Children and Teenagers by Drinking Drivers Age 21 and Older 351 GRÁINNE COUSINS, HANNAH MCGEE, RICHARD LAYTE Suppression Effects of Partner Type on the Alcohol– Risky Sex Relationship in Young Irish Adults 357 JORIS J. VAN HOOF, NICO VAN DER LELY, ROB RODRIGUES PEREIRA, WIM E. VAN DALEN Adolescent Alcohol Intoxication in the Dutch Hospital Departments of Pediatrics 366 CHRISTOPHER SPERA, KEITA FRANKLIN, KAZUAKI UEKAWA, JOHN F. KUNZ, RONALD Z. SZOC, RANDALL K. THOMAS, MILTON H. CAMBRIDGE Reducing Drinking Among Junior Enlisted Air Force Members in Five Communities: Early Findings of the EUDL Program's Influence on Self-Reported Drinking Behaviors 373 CHARLES J. NEIGHBORS, NANCY P. BARNETT, DAMARIS J. ROHSENOW, SUZANNE M. COLBY, PETER M. MONTI Cost-Effectiveness of a Motivational Intervention for Alcohol-Involved Youth in a Hospital Emergency Department 384 SONJA PASCHE, BRONWYN MYERS, MOHAMED ADAM Factors Associated With Retention in Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Among Disadvantaged Communities in Cape Town, South Africa 395 DOUGLAS C. SMITH, LEAH CLEELAND, MICHAEL L. DENNIS Reasons for Quitting Among Emerging Adults and Adolescents in Substance-Use-Disorder Treatment 400 THOMAS C. HARFORD, HSIAO-YE YI, BRIDGET F. GRANT The Five-Year Diagnostic Utility of "Diagnostic Orphans" for Alcohol Use Disorders in a National Sample of Young Adults 410 CHERYL L. BESELER, LAURA A. TAYLOR, ROBERT F. LEEMAN An Item-Response Theory Analysis of DSM-IV Alcohol-Use Disorder Criteria and "Binge" Drinking in Undergraduates 418 RONALD B. COX, ADRIAN J. BLOW, KIMBERLY S. MAIER, JOSÉ RUBÉN PARRA CARDONA Covariates of Substance-Use lnitiation for Venezuelan Youth: Using a Multilevel Approach to Guide Prevention Programs 424 JOHN F. KELLY, ROBERT L. STOUT, J. SCOTT TONIGAN, MOLLY MAGILL, MARIA E. PAGANO Negative Affect, Relapse, and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): Does AA Work by Reducing Anger? 434 ALAN VENDRAME, ILANA PINSKY, REBECA SOUZA E SILVA, THOMAS BABOR Assessment of Self-Regulatory Code Violations in Brazilian Television Beer Advertisements 445 SUSANNE E. TANSKI, SONYA DAL CIN, MIKE STOOLMILLER, JAMES D. SARGENT Parental R-Rated Movie Restriction and Early-Onset Alcohol Use 452 AMANDA J. ABRAHAM, PAUL M. ROMAN Early Adoption of Injectable Naltrexone for Alcohol-Use Disorders: Findings in the Private-Treatment Sector 460 Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs VOLUME 71 NUMBER 4 JULY 2010 CONTENTS MARK A. ILGEN, KENNETH R. CONNER, MARCIA VALENSTEIN, KAREN AUSTIN, FREDERIC C. BLOW Violent and Nonviolent Suicide in Veterans With Substance-Use Disorders 473 SILVIA S. MARTINS, KATHERINE M. KEYES, CARLA L. STORR, HONG ZHU, RICHARD A. GRUCZA BirthCohort Trends in Lifetime and Past-Year Prescription Opioid-Use Disorder Resulting From Nonmedical Use: Results From Two National Surveys 480 SYLVIE MRUG, JOANNA GAINES, WEI SU, MICHAEL WINDLE School-Level Substance Use: Effects on Early Adolescents' Alcohol, Tobacco, and Marijuana Use 488 CECILIA MATTISSON, MATS BOGREN, VIBEKE HORSTMANN, LEIF ÖJESJÖ Incidence of Alcoholism in the Revisited Lundby Population, 1947-1997 496 RUDOLF H. MOOS, PENNY L. BRENNAN, KATHLEEN K. SCHUTTE, BERNICE S. MOOS Spouses of Older Adults With Late-Life Drinking Problems: Health, Family, and Social Functioning 506 WILLIAM C. KERR, YU YE Relationship of Life-Course Drinking Patterns to Diabetes, Heart Problems, and Hypertension Among Those 40 and Older in the 2005 U.S. National Alcohol Survey 515 MICHAEL R. FRONE, AMY L. BROWN Workplace Substance-Use Norms as Predictors of Employee Substance Use and Impairment: A Survey of U.S. Workers 526 TRACI M. SCHWINN, STEVEN P. SCHINKE Preventing Alcohol Use Among Late Adolescent Urban Youth: 6-Year Results From a Computer-Based Intervention 535 STEPHEN J. BAHR, JOHN P. HOFFMANN Parenting Style, Religiosity, Peers, and Adolescent Heavy Drinking 539 ROLF LOEBER, STEPHANIE D. STEPP, TAMMY CHUNG, ALISON E. HIPWELL, HELENE R. WHITE TimeVarying Associations Between Conduct Problems and Alcohol Use in Adolescent Girls: The Moderating Role of Race 544 MEGAN E. PATRICK, CHRISTINE M. LEE Comparing Numbers of Drinks: College Students' Reports From Retrospective Summary, Followback, and Prospective Daily Diary Measures 554 KULBIR SINGH BIRAK, PHILIP TERRY, SUZANNE HIGGS Effect of Cues Associated With an Alcoholic Beverage on Executive Function 562 NICOLE M. BEKMAN, KEVIN CUMMINS, SANDRA A. BROWN Affective and Personality Risk and Cognitive Mediators of Initial Adolescent Alcohol Use 570 PRASANTHI NATTALA, KIT SANG LEUNG, NAGARAJAIAH, PRATIMA MURTHY Family Member Involvement in Relapse Prevention Improves Alcohol Dependence Outcomes: A Prospective Study at an Addiction Treatment Facility in India 581 MOIRA M. HALLER, LAURIE CHASSIN The Reciprocal Influences of Perceived Risk for Alcoholism and Alcohol Use Over Time: Evidence for Aversive Transmission of Parental Alcoholism 588 ORLA MCBRIDE, MAREE TEESSON, TIM SLADE, ANDREW BAILLIE Theoretical and Observed Subtypes of DSMIV Alcohol- and Cannabis-Use Disorders in the Australian Population 597 BRIAN E. PERRON, MICHAEL G. VAUGHN, MATTHEW O. HOWARD, AMY BOHNERT, ERICK GUERRERO Item Response Theory Analysis of DSM-IV Criteria for Inhalant-Use Disorders in Adolescents 607 DAVID H. EPSTEIN A comment on van der Vorst et al. (2010) 615 HASKE VAN DER VORST, RUTGER C.M.E. ENGELS, WILLIAM J. BURK The authors respond 616 MIRIAM G. GERLICH, JÜRGEN REHM Recall bias in case-crossover designs studying the potential influence of alcohol consumption 619 GERHARD GMEL Case-crossover designs for alcohol use: The potential for more than one bias 620 DANIEL C. VINSON Studying associations between alcohol and acute events: Problems and promise 622 Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment Volume 39/Number 1 Contents REGULAR ARTICLES 1 Barriers and facilitators for alcohol treatment for women: Are there more or less for rural women? Original Research Article Jeon Small, Geoffrey M. Curran, Brenda Booth 14 Extended-release naltrexone for treatment of alcohol dependence in primary care Joshua D. Lee, Ellie Grossman, Danae DiRocco, Andrea Truncali, Kathleen Hanley, David Stevens, John Rotrosen, Marc N. Gourevitch 22 Trends in methadone maintenance treatment participation, retention, and compliance to dosing guidelines in British Columbia, Canada: 1996–2006 Bohdan Nosyk, David C. Marsh, Huiying Sun, Martin T. Schechter, Aslam H. Anis 32 Is the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales appropriate for the assessment of symptom severity in patients with substance-related disorders? Sylke Andreas, Karin Harries-Hedder, Wolfgang Schwenk, Maria Hausberg, Uwe Koch, Holger Schulz 41 Self-treatment: Illicit buprenorphine use by opioid-dependent treatment seekers Original Research Article Zev Schuman-Olivier, Mark Albanese, Sarah E. Nelson, Lolita Roland, Francyne Puopolo, Lauren Klinker, Howard J. Shaffer July 2010 51 Factors associated with complicated buprenorphine inductions Original Research Article Susan D. Whitley, Nancy L. Sohler, Hillary V. Kunins, Angela Giovanniello, Xuan Li, Galit Sacajiu, Chinazo O. Cunningham BRIEF ARTICLES 58 Variation among state-level approaches to addressing alcohol abuse in opioid treatment programs Gavin H. Harris, Shiela M. Strauss, Carina Katigbak, Bhupinder S. Brar, Lawrence S. Brown Jr., Steven S. Kipnis, Steven A. Kritz, Mark W. Parrino 65 Chasing change talk: The clinician's role in evoking client language about change Lisa H. Glynn, Theresa B. Moyers 71 Effectiveness of adding relapse prevention materials to telephone counseling Christine E. Sheffer, Maxine Stitzer, Thomas Brandon, Zoran Bursac 78 Improving client engagement and retention in treatment: The Los Angeles County experience Beth A. Rutkowski, Steven Gallon, Richard A. Rawson, Thomas E. Freese, Alexandra Bruehl, Desirée CrèvecoeurMacPhail, Wayne Sugita, Todd Molfenter, Frances Cotter Prevención del Tabaquismo Vol. 12 Número 1 Enero-Marzo 2010 SUMARIO EDITORIAL Nuevos aspectos epidemiológicos en la relación tabaquismo carcinoma broncogénico Francisco Roig Vázquez Nueva proposición de ley de medidas sanitarias frente al tabaquismo: una nueva decepción CA Jiménez Ruiz, J Ruiz Manzano ORIGINALES La adherencia al tratamiento grupal más vareniclina y el éxito al año en el abandono tabáquico Carmen Adell Aparicio, Carmina Gombau Baldrich, Llorens Quintó Domech, Mónica Susana Mateu García, Mario A. Castillo Pena. Estudio de la relación entre el tipo de recompensa y el grado de dependencia por la nicotina con la tasa de abstinencia Carlos A. Jiménez-Ruiz, Ana Cicero Guerrero, Noelia Amor Besada, Marisa Mayayo Ulibarri, Maribel Cristóbal Fernández, Jose Ignacio De Granda Orive REVISIÓN Documento de la Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica (SEPAR) en relación con la modificación de la actual ley de medidas sanitarias frente al tabaquismo J. Ruiz Manzano, CA. Jiménez Ruiz, S. Solano Reina, JC. Serrano Rebollo, C. Esquinas, JA. Riesco Miranda CARTAS AL DIRECTOR ¿Quién debe realizar la consulta de tabaco? A. Santa Cruz Siminani Papel de la terapia grupal en deshabituación tabáquica Susana Flórez Martin, Agata Roa Marco, Ángela Sánchez Grande Prevención del Tabaquismo Vol. 12 Suplemento 1-Mayo 2010 SUMARIO EDITORIAL 7 Situación actual del control y abordaje terapéutico del tabaquismo en nuestro País (2005-2010) S. Solano Reina, CA. Jiménez Ruiz, C. Esquina López, JC. Serrano Rebollo, J. Ruiz Manzano ARTÍCULOS 10 Atención al tabaquismo en las Islas Baleares A. Cascales Garcia 14 Situación del Tabaquismo en Asturias. Actividades de prevención y tratamiento, presente y futuro MA. Martínez Muñiz, F. Álvarez Navascués, MA. Villanueva Montes 20 Prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo en la Comunidad Canaria LM. Pérez Negrín 23 Prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo en la Comunidad de Madrid JL. Rodríguez Hermosa, CA. Jiménez Ruiz, S. Solano Reina, JM. Rodríguez González Moro 27 Situación actual del Tabaquismo en Andalucía PJ. Romero Palacios 34 Estado actual de la prevención y tratamiento del tabaquismo en la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón A. Pérez-Trullén, MP. Cascán Herreros, C. Bartolomé, ML. Clemente Nº 72 Mayo 2010 PROYECTO HOMBRE Monográfico XII Jornadas Asociación Proyecto Hombre SUMARIO EDITORIAL.........................................2 CONFERENCIAS Encarar las adicciones de manera positiva Bernabé Tierno....................................6 Modelos de intervención en adicciones Domingo Comas................................14 El modelo ambulatorio de intervención en adicciones de Proyecto Hombre Juan A. Álvarez..................................22 Tratamiento en adicciones a la cocaína Luis Caballero....................................28 Perspectivas futuras José cabrera......................................32 SEMINARIO PRÁCTICOS Terapia centrada en soluciones.........36 Alberto Rodriguez Trabajo con incentivos Heli Álvarez Rodríguez, Gloria García Fernández..........................................40 Trastornos de personalidad y cocaína Jose Miguel Martínez González.........44 Evaluación inicial y discriminación de perfiles Esther Pasán y José María Piñero.....48 El papel de la familia en el abordaje con adolescentes consumidores de cocaína y con perfil estructurado Susana Clará y Sergi Canal...............56 Dependencia emocional y adicciones Arun Mansukhani...............................62 COMUNICACIONES DE 20 MINUTOS Evaluación de los programas de tratamiento de cocaína de Proyecto Hombre..............................................67 Comisión de Evaluación Asociación Proyecto Hombre Abordaje del alcohol en tratamientos de adicción a la cocaína Helí Álvarez Rodríguez......................70 Psicopatología y agresividad en población adicta a la cocaína en tratamiento Mercedes Rodríguez..........................72 Comorbilidad psiquiátrica en pacientes adictos a la cocaína..........................80 Félix Rueda PLAN NACIONAL SOBRE DROGAS (PNSD)..............................................84 RET Revista de Toxicomanías y Salud Mental Nº 61 –Tercer trimestre 2010 SUMARIO Pág. 3 Estrategias psicológicas en el tratamiento de fobias específicas. Un metanálisis Pág. 21 Disfunción orbitofrontal en pacientes con Trastorno Obsesivo Compulsivo y sus parientes no afectados Substance Use & Misuse Volume 45 - Number 9 - 2010 Contents Measurements Instruments Scales Tests The Development and Validation of a Transformational Leadership Survey for Substance Use Treatment Programs Jennifer R. Edwards, Danica K. Knight, Kirk M. Broome, Patrick M. Flynn..............1279 Two Scales to Evaluate Cocaine Craving Miguel Ángel Muñoz, Julia A. Martínez, María Carmen Fernández-santaella, Jaime Vila, Antonio Cepeda-Benito..........................................................................................................1303 Medicinal Misuse Abuse and Misuse of Prescription and Nonprescription Drugs Sold in Community Pharmacies in Jordan Abla Albsoul-Younes, Mayyada Wazaify, Al-Motassem Yousef, Linda Tahaineh....................1319 Morbidity:Inhalants Accidental Deaths Due to Inhalant Misuse in North Carolina: 2000–2008 Martin Thomas Hall, Jeffrey D. Edwards, Matthew O. Howard.....................................1330 Original Article Contributing Factors in Self-Poisoning Leading to Hospital Admission in Adolescents in Northern Finland Janne Henrik Liisanantti, Tero Ilmari Ala-Kokko, Teija Sinikka Dunder, Hanna Elina Ebeling.....................................................................................................................................1340 Harmful Microinjecting Practices Among a Cohort of Injection Drug Users in Vancouver Canada Beth Rachlis, Elisa Lloyd-Smith, Will Small, Diane Tobin, Dave Stone, Kathy Li, Evan Wood, Thomas Kerr........................................................................................................1351 Family and Personal Protective Factors Moderate the Effects of Adversity and Negative Disposition on Smoking Among Chinese Adolescents Thalida Em Arpawong, Ping Sun, Megan Chia-Chen Chang, Peggy Gallaher, Zengchang Pang, Qian Guo, C. Anderson Johnson, Jennifer Unger...................................................1367 The Melding of Drug Markets in Houston After Katrina: Dealer and User Perspectives Joseph A. Kotarba, Jennifer Fackler, Bruce D. Johnson, Eloise Dunlap.....................1390 Pain Interference in Individuals in Driver Intervention Programs for Driving Under the Influence Offenders Mark Andrew Ilgen, Christopher McLouth, Kristen L. BARRY, Maureen Walton, Phyllis A. Cole, Michael P. Dabrowski, Brenda M. Booth, Frederic C. Blow...............................1406 Research Note: “Doping” and Dancing Substance Use and Misuse Among Professional Ballet Dancers Damir Sekulic, Mia Peric, Jelena Rodek.......................................................................1420 Sleep Quality and Apnea in Stable Methadone Maintenance Treatment Adrien Charpentier, Sebastien Bisac, Isabelle Poirot, Jean Vignau, Olivier Cottencin.1431 Substance Use & Misuse Volume 45 - Number 10 - 2010 Contents Binge Drinking, Gender, Ethnicity Binge Drinking in African American Males From Adolescence to Young Adulthood: The Protective Influence of Religiosity, Family Connectedness, and Close Friends’ Substance Use Danelle Stevens-Watkins, Sharon Rostosky........................................................................1435 Cocaine Use and Depression Changes in the Association of Drug Use with Depressive Disorders in Recent Decades: The Case of Cocaine Amy S. B. Bohnert, Richard A. Miech...................................................................................1452 Gender: Therapists Big Five Personality Traits and Interpersonal Functioning in Female and Male Substance Abuse Therapists Pekka Saarnio.............................................................................................................................1463 Intervention Barriers Health Professionals Addressing Alcohol Use with Pregnant Women in Western Australia: Barriers and Strategies for Communication Kathryn France, Nadine Henley, Jan Payne, Heather D'Antoine, Anne Bartu, Colleen O'Leary, Elizabeth Elliott, Carol Bower...............................................................................1474 Measurements Instruments Scales Tests Visual Versus Written Cues: A Comparison of Drug Injectors’ Responses. Have Surveys Using the Written Word Underestimated Risk Behaviors for Hepatitis C? Caryl M. Beynon, Avril Taylor, Elizabeth Allen, Mark A. Bellis...........................................................................................................................................1491 Medicinal Misuse Validity of Self-Reported Misuse of Prescription Opioid Analgesics Meredith Smith, Andrew Rosenblum, Mark Parrino, Chunki Fong, Salvatore Colucci............................................................................................................................1509 Original Article Cross-Addiction on Campus: More Problems for Student-Athletes Stephen Weiss.................................................................................................................1525 The Fast Alcohol Screening Test (FAST) is as Good as the AUDIT to Screen Alcohol Use Disorders Carolina Meneses-Gaya, José Alexandre S. Crippa, Antonio Waldo Zuardi, Sonia Regina Loureiro, Jaime E. C. Hallak, Clarissa Trzesniak, João Paulo Machado De Sousa, Marcos Hortes Nisihara Chagas, Roberto Molina Souza, Rocio MartínSantos.............................................................................................................................1542 The Gateway Hypothesis of Substance Abuse: An Examination of Its Applicability in the Nigerian General Population Victor Adesola Makanjuola, Bibilola Damilola Oladeji, Oye Gureje.............................................................................................................................1558 Parenting and Maternal Substance Addiction: Factors Affecting Utilization of Child Protective Services Karine Lussier, Myriam Laventure, Karine Bertrand...................................................1572 Why Do Adolescents Drink? Motivational Patterns Related to Alcohol Consumption and Alcohol-Related Problems Erika Comasco, Kenneth Berglund, Lars Oreland, Kent W. Nilsson............................1589 Needle Sharing Among Puerto Rican Injection Drug Users in Puerto Rico and Massachusetts: Place of Birth and Residence Matter Lisa De Saxe Zerden, Luz Marilis López, Lena M. Lundgren.......................................1605 Gender Differences in Body Consciousness and Substance Use Among High-Risk Adolescents David Scott Black, Steve Sussman, Jennifer Unger, Pallav Pokhrel, Ping Sun............1623 Predicting the Urge to Smoke in a Population-Based Sample of Adolescent Smokers Deniz Tagmat, Judith Wolff, Jeannette Ruege, Ulrich John, Jochen René Thyrian...........................................................................................................................1636 Pregnancy and Buprenorphine Treatment Pregnancy Under Subutex (Buprenorphine): Opinions Expressed on French Internet Forums Laurence Simmat-Durand..............................................................................................1652 Special Populations: Street Children Nontobacco Substance Use, Sexual Abuse, HIV, and Sexually Transmitted Infection Among Street Children in Kolkata, India Baishali Bal, Rupa Mitra, Aiyel H. Mallick, Sekhar Chakraborti, Kamalesh Sarkar...1668 Tobacco Forbidden Fruit Forbidden Fruit and the Prediction of Cigarette Smoking Steve Sussman, Rachel Grana, Pallav Pokhrel, Louise A. Rohrbach, Ping Sun...........1683 TOBACCO CONTROL February 2009 / Vol 19 – No 1 Contents Editorial 1 China's chances, China's choices in global tobacco control Ruth E Malone News Analysis 3 Tob Control Research papers 7 Smoking-attributable deaths and potential years of life lost from a large, representative study in China Jingmei Jiang, Boqi Liu, Freddy Sitas, Junyao Li, Xianjia Zeng, Wei Han, Xiaonong Zou, Yanping Wu, Ping Zhao 13 Smoking among rural and urban young women in China Michael G Ho, Shaojun Ma, Wanxing Chai, Wan Xia, Gonghuan Yang, Thomas E Novotny 19 Secondhand smoke exposure (PM2.5) in outdoor dining areas and its correlates Melissa Cameron, Emily Brennan, Sarah Durkin, Ron Borland, Mark J Travers, Andrew Hyland, Matthew J Spittal, Melanie A Wakefield 24 Legislating tolerance: Spain's national public smoking law Monique E Muggli, Nikki J Lockhart, Jon O Ebbert, Carlos A Jiménez-Ruiz, Juan Antonio Riesco Miranda, Richard D Hurt 31 A simulation model to predict the fiscal and public health impact of a change in cigarette excise taxes Corné van Walbeek 37 Tobacco coverage in print media: the use of timing and themes by tobacco control supporters and opposition before a failed tobacco tax initiative Jenine K Harris, Sarah C Shelton, Sarah Moreland-Russell, Douglas A Luke 44 Quit smoking advice from health professionals in Taiwan: the role of funding policy and smoker socioeconomic status Fong-ching Chang, Teh-wei Hu, Shu-ying Lo, Potswen Yu, Kun-yu Chao, Mei-ling Hsiao 50 The effects of smoking and smoking cessation on mortality from cardiovascular disease among Japanese: pooled analysis of three large-scale cohort studies in Japan Kaori Honjo, Hiroyasu Iso, Shoichiro Tsugane, Akiko Tamakoshi, Hiroshi Satoh, Kazuo Tajima, Takaichiro Suzuki, Tomotaka Sobue 58 The role of taxation in tobacco control and its potential economic impact in China Teh-wei Hu, Zhengzhong Mao, Jian Shi, Wendong Chen 65 Smoking estimates from around the world: data from the first 17 participating countries in the World Mental Health Survey Consortium Carla L Storr, Hui Cheng, Jordi Alonso, Matthias Angermeyer, Ronny Bruffaerts, Giovanni de Girolamo, Ron de Graaf, Oye Gureje, Elie G Karam, Stanislav Kostyuchenko, Sing Lee, Jean-Pierre Lepine, Maria Elena Medina Mora, Landon Myer, Yehuda Neumark, Jose Posada-Villa, Makoto Watanabe, J Elisabeth Wells, Ronald C Kessler, James C Anthony Special communication 75 Achieving fire-safe cigarette legislation through coalition-based legislative advocacy Adam O Goldstein, Ernest Grant, Anna McCullough, Bruce Cairns, Ann Kurian 80 Recent tobacco tax rate adjustment and its potential impact on tobacco control in China Teh-wei Hu, Zhengzhong Mao, Jian Shi Brief reports 83 Awareness and impact of the ‘Bubblewrap’ advertising campaign among Aboriginal smokers in Western Australia Terry Boyle, Carrington C J Shepherd, Glenn Pearson, Heather Monteiro, Daniel McAullay, Kristina Economo, Susan Stewart PostScript: 87 Letters: Electronic nicotine delivery devices: ineffective nicotine delivery and craving suppression after acute administration Thomas Eissenberg Miscellanea TOBACCO CONTROL April 2009 / Vol 19 – No 2 Contents Editorial 89 Electronic nicotine delivery systems: emerging science foundation for policy J E Henningfield, G S Zaatari News Analysis 91 Tob Control 95 A life-saving precedent: protecting public health policy against Big Tobacco Kathy Mulvey Research papers 98 Effect of an electronic nicotine delivery device (e cigarette) on desire to smoke and withdrawal, user preferences and nicotine delivery: randomised cross-over trial C Bullen, H McRobbie, S Thornley, M Glover, R Lin, M Laugesen 104 Patterns of dual use of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco among US males: findings from national surveys Scott L Tomar, Hillel R Alpert, Gregory N Connolly 110 Local smoke-free policy development in Santa Fe, Argentina Ernesto M Sebrié, Stanton A Glantz 117 Regional differences in awareness of tobacco advertising and promotion in China: findings from the ITC China Survey Yan Yang, Lin Li, Hua-Hie Yong, Ron Borland, Xi Wu, Qiang Li, Changbao Wu, Kin Foong 125 Pattern of tobacco use among the Iranian adult population: results of the national Survey of Risk Factors of NonCommunicable Diseases (SuRFNCD-2007) Alipasha Meysamie, Reza Ghaletaki, Mehrdad Haghazali, Fereshteh Asgari, Armin Rashidi, Omid Khalilzadeh, Alireza Esteghamati, Mehrshad Abbasi 129 Comprehensive smoke-free legislation and displacement of smoking into the homes of young children in Hong Kong Sai Yin Ho, Man Ping Wang, Wing Sze Lo, Kwok Kei Mak, Hak Kan Lai, G Neil Thomas, Tai Hing Lam 134 The impact of a 100% smoke-free law on the health of hospitality workers from the city of Neuquén, Argentina Veronica Schoj, Mariela Alderete, Ernesto Ruiz, Santiago Hasdeu, Bruno Linetzky, Daniel Ferrante 138 Indoor secondhand tobacco smoke emission levels in six Lebanese cities Georges Saade, Andrew B Seidenberg, Vaughan W Rees, Zaher Otrock, Gregory N Connolly 143 Public support in England for a total ban on the sale of tobacco products Lion Shahab, Robert West 148 Can you please put it out? Predicting nonsmokers' assertiveness intentions at work Eleftherios Aspropoulos, Lambros Lazuras, Angelos Rodafinos, J Richard Eiser 153 Human electroencephalography and the tobacco industry: a review of internal documents Vincent C Panzano, Geoffrey Ferris Wayne, Wallace B Pickworth, Gregory N Connolly 160 Quit attempts in response to smoke-free legislation in England Lucy Hackshaw, Andy McEwen, Robert West, Linda Bauld Brief reports 165 Understanding the impact of the SmokeFree Ontario Act on hospitality establishments' outdoor environments: a survey of restaurants and bars Ryan David Kennedy, Tara Elton-Marshall, Seema Mutti, Jolene Dubray, Geoffrey T Fong Ad watch 168 Tobacco packaging as promotion Crawford Moodie, Gerard Hastings PostScript: 171 Letter: Association between tobacco vendor non-compliance with youth access and point of sale restrictions Jolene Dubray, Robert Schwartz 173 Letter: First exploratory descriptive study on adherence to and compliance with the Portuguese smoke-free law in the leisurehospitality sector Maria de Fátima Reis, José Precioso, Luís Rebelo, Rita Carrola, Pedro Aguiar TOBACCO CONTROL April 2009 / Vol 19 – Issue Suppl 1 Contents Editorial i1 The California Tobacco Control Program: introduction to the 20-year retrospective Todd Rogers Research papers i3 The quarter that changed the world April Roeseler, David Burns i16 Policy-driven tobacco control John A Francis, Erin M Abramsohn, Hye-Youn Park i21 Tobacco marketing in California and implications for the future April Roeseler, Ellen C Feighery, Tess Boley Cruz i30 An evaluation of the California community intervention Mary V Modayil, David W Cowling, Hao Tang, April Roeseler i37 Assessing the relationship between ad volume and awareness of a tobacco education media campaign David W Cowling, Mary V Modayil, Colleen Stevens i43 Evaluation of California's in-school tobacco use prevention education (TUPE) activities using a nested schoollongitudinal design, 2003–2004 and 2005– 2006 Hye-Youn Park, Clyde Dent, Erin Abramsohn, Barbara Dietsch, William J McCarthy i51 The impact of social norm change strategies on smokers' quitting behaviours Xueying Zhang, David W Cowling, Hao Tang i56 Using a cessation-related outcome index to assess California's cessation progress at the population level Hao Tang, Erin Abramsohn, Hye-Youn Park, David W Cowling, Wael K Al-Delaimy i62 Smoking-attributable cancer mortality in California, 1979–2005 David W Cowling, Juan Yang i68 Evaluation of the economic impact of California's Tobacco Control Program: a dynamic model approach Leonard S Miller, Wendy Max, Hai-Yen Sung, Dorothy Rice, Malcolm Zaretsky TOBACCO CONTROL June 2009 / Vol 19 – No 3 Contents Editorial 173 Smoking in movies: when will the saga end? Jonathan M Samet News Analysis 175 Tob Control Research papers 179 Trends in US movie tobacco portrayal since 1950: a historical analysis Patrick E Jamieson, Dan Romer 185 Exposure to movie smoking, antismoking ads and smoking intensity: an experimental study with a factorial design Zeena Harakeh, Rutger C M E Engels, Kathleen Vohs, Rick B van Baaren, James Sargent 191 The role of reported tobacco-specific media exposure on adult attitudes towards proposed policies to limit the portrayal of smoking in movies Kelly D Blake, K Viswanath, Robert J Blendon, Donna Vallone 197 Exposure to smoking in movies among British adolescents 2001–2006 Stacey J Anderson, Christopher Millett, Jonathan R Polansky, Stanton A Glantz 201 Parental smoking and pretend smoking in young children Rebecca N H de Leeuw, Rutger C M E Engels, Ron H J Scholte 206 ‘The missing picture’: tobacco use through the eyes of smokers Rebecca J Haines, John L Oliffe, Joan L Bottorff, Blake D Poland 213 Acceptable rebellion’: marketing hipster aesthetics to sell Camel cigarettes in the US Yogi Hendlin, Stacey J Anderson, Stanton A Glantz 223 Semi-volatiles in mainstream smoke delivery from select charcoal-filtered cigarette brand variants Bryan A Hearn, Yan S Ding, Christina Vaughan, Liqin Zhang, Gregory Polzin, Samuel P Caudill, Clifford H Watson, David L Ashley 231 Reduction of secondhand tobacco smoke in public places following national smokefree legislation in Uruguay Adriana Blanco-Marquizo, Beatriz Goja, Armando Peruga, Miranda R Jones, Jie Yuan, Jonathan M Samet, Patrick N Breysse, Ana Navas-Acien 235 Health warning labelling practices on narghile (shisha, hookah) waterpipe tobacco products and related accessories Rima Nakkash, Joanna Khalil 240 Bar and restaurant workers' attitudes towards Norway's comprehensive smoking ban: a growth curve analysis Marc T Braverman, Leif Edvard Aarø, Daniel E Bontempo, Jørn Hetland 248 Burden of smoking on cause-specific mortality: application to the Nurses' Health Study Stacey A Kenfield, Esther K Wei, Bernard A Rosner, Robert J Glynn, Meir J Stampfer, Graham A Colditz Brief reports 256 The association of tobacco marketing with median income and racial/ethnic characteristics of neighbourhoods in Omaha, Nebraska Mohammad Siahpush, Pamela R Jones, Gopal K Singh, Lava R Timsina, Judy Martin Industry watch 259 Environmentally friendly’ brand promotion activities: cigarette butt clean-up campaigns Constantine I Vardavas, Giacomo Mangiaracina, Panagiotis Behrakis PostScript: 260 Letter: Use and outcomes of a statefunded in-person counselling program John R Hughes, Catherine Suiter, Theodore Marcy Electronics pages e1 British American Tobacco on Facebook: undermining article 13 of the global World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Becky Freeman, Simon Chapman
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