exploring Burrator - Dartmoor National Park
exploring Burrator - Dartmoor National Park
T he evolution of a Moss-strewn clitter slope in broadleaf woodland Dartmoor Landscape exploring Burrator © Peter Keene © Peter Keene Clitter on the flank of Sharpitor For south west England enquiries phone Traveline: 0870 608 2 608 For DevonBus publications e-mail devonbus@devon.gov.uk visit www.devon.gov.uk/devonbus or phone 01392 382800 P P (cars only) Parking P Dartmoor granite Devonian country rock (mainly slates and sandstone, some lava) P 500 metres y railwa Riv er M ea vy 12 B3 2 + De von por t Sharpitor Lea t 550 yards The approach in this booklet is to concentrate on a series of viewpoints, all close to, or within easy walking distance of, roadside parking places. Convenient parking and access to every viewpoint is clearly marked on the inside rear cover map. Walking to one or any number of sites, and in any order, should bring some satisfaction and reward. Each viewpoint is regarded as a separate little excursion concentrating on one aspect of the landscape of the moor. However, as may be seen from the map, all the selected sites are clustered in the Burrator area, encouraging the prospect of visiting more than one site. In fact, if you intend to go to several of the viewpoints, there may be an advantage in doing the Sharpitor walk first, as the focus here is on broader aspects of the evolution of the upland landscape of Dartmoor. Princetown (2 miles) Toilets antled Dism Many of those visiting the moor are in cars, and with friends or family who may not wander too far into the moor. Yet, to appreciate and understand the nature of the landscape, we need to be there, standing on the tors or looking closely at the granite from which this landscape was made. In that way, what is being discussed can best be judged against what you see. Viewpoints with description in text Walks to viewpoints Footpath and cycle route Leather Tor Peek Hill Leather Tor Pit Cross Gate B3 Inn Norsworthy Bridge t Lea or t onp Dev To Walkhampton 21 P 2 DOUSLAND ton ver Yel mile) (1 Yennadon Down The booklet is suitable for anyone who is inquisitive about the scenery surrounding them. Some key words describing the Dartmoor landscape are in italics and are explained in a short glossary on page 34. In addition, Information Boxes found throughout the booklet carry more detailed discussion which provide a resource which can be referred to during any of the walks or later. Dismantled railway The smooth rolling uplands of Dartmoor, broken by distinctive bare rocky outcrops, give both enjoyment and an inner sense of contentment to many who walk, cycle, ride or drive across this sweeping moor. This booklet is written for those who experience this pleasure yet also seek some explanation for the underlying geology and landforms over which they pass. B3 212 About this book P Burrator Reservoir Pillow Mounds Yellowmead Down Sheeps Tor Burrator Dam Burrator Quarry Sheepstor Dam + Sheepstor Village P + Inn Meavy Front cover: Burrator Reservoir with surrounding viewpoints. © South West Water River Meav y or Brook Sheepst © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Dartmoor National Park LA 08908L/01/01 Use of this image is limited to viewing on-line and printing one copy. T he evolution of a Dartmoor Landscape exploring Burrator Written by Peter Keene Walking to the Peek Hill viewpoint 1 Contents Viewpoints around Burrator Each viewpoint listed below can be reached by a short walk from roadside parking (see inside rear cover map). Every listed viewpoint is regarded as a separate excursion concentrating on one aspect of the physical landscape of the moor so any number of viewpoints can be visited in any order. At each location attention is drawn to some interesting aspects related to the evolution of the moorland landscape. Viewpoints Focus Page Sharpitor The evolution of a granite landscape with tors 3 Burrator Dam The human impact 10 Burrator Quarries Looking at rocks in close-up 13 Norsworthy Bridge to Leather Tor Pit Finding evidence for violent environmental change 19 Burrator Dam to Sheeps Tor A longer walk designed for those wishing to venture a little further on to the moor, scrambling up to one of the more spectacular local tors. This walk may also be regarded as a review, pulling together aspects of landscape interpretation introduced on the other walks. 26 Information boxes More detailed information on the evolution of the physical landscape is presented in tinted Information Boxes (as listed below). These boxes are not essential reference material to the casual enjoyment of the walks but are designed to provide an interesting and more detailed discussion or explanation for some of the intriguing landscape features visited. Any box can be usefully referred to during any of the walks or after. Box Topic Dartmoor is born – a timescale The origin of the tors Plymouth’s water supply before the reservoir Identifying the main minerals in granite Landscape processes Newleycombe Brook - a stream at work Slope movements in a cold climate A pit reveals environmental change Jointing in granite A B C D E F G H I Page 4 6-7 10 15-16 19 20-21 22 23 29-30 Other information 2 Some key words describing the Dartmoor landscape34 Walking with Moor Care, Safety for the walker, and 35 the Geological Fieldwork Code inside rear cover Area map Sharpitor 400 metres The crest of the tor is a gentle walk of about 400 metres from the roadside parking areas on the B3212. It is about 3 miles (4.8 km) from Princetown and the same distance from Yelverton (see inside rear cover map). Sharpitor: grid reference SX 560 703. 0 350 P 2 B321 0 33 P 37 0 36 0 390 410m 38 12 0 Sharpitor 400m Peek Hill Leather Tor 340 Yelverton 2 miles 310 The short answer is GRANITE. Most upland surfaces are slowly reduced in height as they are eroded by slope processes and rivers. However, the granite of Dartmoor has proved more resistant to this attack than the surrounding, softer, sedimentary rocks. The result is that, after a long period of time, the granite moor stands higher than the surrounding Devon countryside. Despite its present elevation, Dartmoor granite originally formed over two miles (3km) beneath the earth’s surface. Overleaf an Information Box illustrates the birth of the moor in greater detail. Photo: Leather Tor and the high moor surface © Peter Keene Viewpoint - Sharpitor Beyond Burrator Reservoir the land drops steeply away from the moor. Twelve miles (19km) away, and 410 metres lower, is Plymouth Sound and the English Channel. In other directions, for example south-east (see photograph), the relief of the moor is relatively gentle. Although this is the ‘high moor’, the horizon looks quite level with many of the rounded summits reaching similar heights. With this view it is not difficult to reconstruct the ancient tableland or plateau into which the rivers and streams of Dartmoor subsequently eroded their valleys. Although it has been dissected by numerous streams radiating from the moor, Dartmoor stands proud of the surrounding Devon landscape. Why? 35 0 33 B32 Standing on the peak of Sharpitor you are 410 metres above sea level. On any clear day you will have sweeping views in all directions. “There is nothing I love so much as that which stretches before me and out of sight.” (André Breton) Princetown 2 miles © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Dartmoor National Park LA 08908L/01/01 Use of this image is limited to viewing on-line and printing one copy. The evolution of a granite landscape with tors 3 Box A Dartmoor is born - a timescale GEOLOGICAL PERIODS (Age in millions of years before present) DEVONIAN & EARLY CARBONIFEROUS In a vast east-west trough, sands and muds were deposited, compacting to form many beds of sandstone and mudstone. Some limestones and lavas were also present. LATE CARBONIFEROUS Continental collision: two super-continents (Laurasia to the north and Gondwana to the south) collide. The east-west trough between them is closed, intensely folding the sediments into a great mountain range. The mountains have long gone but the spectacular folding can still be seen on the coast (e.g. Hartland Quay, North Devon). Melting mantle: deep within the roots of these (Variscan) mountains, temperatures rose to about1000°C and parts of the mantle melted to form a large molten underground reservoir (batholith) of magma. Dartmoor pluton: in places the magma rose to within a couple of miles of the surface. One of these ‘plutons’ cooled to become the granite mass of Dartmoor. Alteration and mineralisation: the great heat and pressure altered (metamorphosed) the Devonian and Carboniferous ‘country rock’ surrounding the moor whilst, within the cooling granite, circulating hot water and vapours led to the local concentrations of minerals both on the moor and in the surrounding ‘metamorphic aureole’. Jointing formed: the cooling granite contracted and a strong jointing pattern developed (more detail on jointing in Box I, pages 29-30). PERMO-TRIASSIC Viewpoint - Sharpitor Dartmoor granite unroofed: there followed a period of rapid erosion. The granite had cooled about two miles (3km) underground and yet New Red Sandstone sediments deposited near Exeter in the Triassic already included fragments of Dartmoor granite, showing that by this time the granite must have already been exposed at the surface by erosion. 4 TERTIARY Any sediments, such as a layer of chalk, which subsequently might have covered the granite have long been removed by erosion. At some time the granite and the surrounding landscape of Devon and Cornwall was planed-off by a series of plateau-like erosion surfaces. These surfaces, modified by uplift, tilting and faulting, form the distinctive plateau landscape of Dartmoor into which the high moor valleys have been carved. QUATERNARY (The last two million years) The Quaternary has been dominated by dramatic climatic oscillations which frequently plunged Dartmoor into cold arctic-like conditions. It can be argued that much of the physical landscape of Dartmoor is the result of the modifications which took place under these conditions. AGE Standing on solid rock Identifying solid granite Look around your feet to confirm that you are in fact standing on ‘solid granite’. To do this you need, first, to be able to recognise that the rock is granite. This may not be as easy as it sounds, even when bare rock is exposed. In winter the climate at 410 metres is severe, yet the rocks are covered in moss and lichens which discolour the stone and make it difficult to see individual rock crystals. The photograph on page 13 shows what local granite looks like when ‘clean’. Is the rock solid? Again, not as easy a question as it sounds. It is a characteristic of granite that it is criss-crossed by bold and widely spaced joints that give most tors the appearance of gigantic irregular blocks. More confusion might be caused by the great scatter of granite boulders (clitter) that surrounds most tors, and over which you must have scrambled to reach this summit. The photograph below shows the clitter field surrounding Sharpitor, here emphasised by a powdering of snow. The granite tors are the most distinctive and well-known feature of the Dartmoor landscape. Many of the surrounding hills have tors either on their summits or flanks. How were these remarkable landmarks created? Box B on pages 6 and 7 explains. Clitter on Sharpitor © Peter Keene Viewpoint - Sharpitor Dartmoor is made of granite, yet over much of the landscape the solid rock itself is obscured by soil, unconsolidated debris or vegetation. Exceptions to this are the tors, where solid granite is exposed at the surface. 5 Box B The origin of the tors Isolated rocky outcrops develop on many hard rocks cut by numerous joints. The origin and evolution of granite tors have been a matter of intense debate. However, there is strong support for models which emphasise the critical importance of climate in controlling the style of weathering and the movement of debris down the hillsides. Warm wet phases Massive blocks of granite, created by the jointing pattern, are often surprisingly well-rounded, a characteristic which is even more pronounced underground, where the joints between the rounded blocks (corestones) are filled with decomposed, weathered granite (growan). Deep chemical weathering can be an effective process whenever the climate is humid enough and warm enough to support chemical activity. Tropical forest environment Warm wet conditions very favourable to deep chemical weathering existed on Dartmoor within much of the Tertiary (page 4). This supports the idea that the ‘rotted’ weathered granite (growan), so common on Dartmoor, was created at this time. The sketch below visualises what Dartmoor might have looked like at this time, with a dense cover of trees and vegetation. In this environment, warm water, acid-rich from rotting vegetation, could percolate down the joints and interact with the granite, particularly the relatively weak feldspars (page 14) leaving the quartz (sand) relatively sound. Temperate phases Viewpoint - Sharpitor Close examination of growan has revealed that many of its characteristics match moderate chemical weathering in a more temperate climate such as we are experiencing today. It is likely that deep chemical weathering reoccurs whenever the climate becomes warm and wet enough to encourage chemical activity. Whatever its history, growan is very widespread and much of the buried granite is covered by this partly decomposed layer, as is suggested in the diagram below. 6 When the climate is warm, acid-rich water from the thick vegetation cover trickles down into the granite along its joints, rotting the surrounding granite into rounded blocks, or corestones. (continued on page 7) Box B (continued) Tors in the Ice Age Towards the end of the Tertiary (two million years ago) the climate deteriorated, plunging Britain into the Pleistocene Ice Age. The graph overleaf demonstrates that this was not an age of unrelenting cold but a series of very cold ‘glacial’ stages separated by warmer ‘interglacial’ stages. During some of these cold stages, ice sheets spread over much of Britain. At their maximum extent they reached south as far as the North Devon coast. Periglaciation: conditions on the margins of an ice cap Only 18,000 years ago, a 1,200 metre thick ice sheet spread from northern England as far south as the Bristol Channel. However, southern England remained ice sheet free. Dartmoor, only 70 miles (112 km) from the ice sheet edge was ‘periglacial’, experiencing cold tundra or steppe-like conditions with only short summer thaws. Water penetrating into restricted granite joints repeatedly froze and melted, a process thought to be capable of forcing granite blocks apart (frost wedging). Where the texture had been already weakened by chemical weathering, water could penetrate the grain structure of the granite causing it to break up (granular disintegration). During the coldest stages, the deeper subsoil remained frozen solid, even in summer (permafrost), so that when the seasonal thaw melted the surface snow and ice, the water could not percolate into the frozen ground. Some of this summer meltwater escaped by running down the hill-slope as ‘sheet wash’. Cold stage slope movement: solifluction Cold stages in the Ice Age caused movement of loose debris on the slopes (solifluction), which stripped away weathered debris to expose the granite corestones as tors. Clitter, smaller blocks of granite, litter the slopes. Viewpoint - Sharpitor Within the shallow zone of seasonally-melted ground, meltwater lubricated the soil and rock debris to such an extent that it became a pasty mush, which, under the force of gravity, slowly sludged down any slope. This mass movement process, known as ‘solifluction’, was extremely effective in transporting debris down-slope, denuding the granite corestones and exposing them as ‘tors’ which were then susceptible to rock failure and frost attack. Blocks of granite, detached from the tor or from hillside exposures, collected around the tors or were rafted down-slope by solifluction to become aprons of clitter surrounding the tor. More details on solifluction (head) are on pages 22 [Box G] and 23 [Box H]. 7 WARM The climate of southern Britain fluctuated violently In the ‘recent’ past. record of a cold past surface appearance of the moor. Dartmoor tors can thus be regarded as relics left over from a colder past. COLD 17 16 600,000 15 400,000 14 Years before present temperature ° C 850,000 13 200,000 Short interglacials when the climate was as today’s 12 A natural landscape? today A fossil landscape? Viewpoint - Sharpitor The very cold climate, which favoured the rapid movement of loose debris down hill slopes, so exposing the tors, ended abruptly about 10,000 years ago. The climatic improvement which followed heralded the present warm interglacial climate (see above). The warmer climate effectively ended rapid slope movement (solifluction). Look at the clitter surrounding Sharpitor. The lichencovered stones and well-vegetated slopes show little sign of being on the move today. Similarly, the dominance of mechanical frost action was replaced by chemical weathering associated with percolating water. This chemical weathering does little to change the 8 The fluctuations in the graph opposite, imply a number of cold stages when debris was progressively stripped to expose the tors. These cold stages alternated with less dramatic interglacial stages when chemical weathering was resumed. The notion of the moor as a ‘fossil’ tundra landscape is perhaps reinforced by the very bleakness of this high moor. This is misleading, for this is not a ‘natural’ landscape. By 8,000 years ago oak and hazel forest had invaded the moor to a height of about 410 metres, the height of Sharpitor. Mixed farming took place up to 450 metres in the later Bronze Age (4,000 years ago) by which time human impact on the moor was significant and much of the forest cover had been removed. Despite a deterioration in climate after 3,000 years ago causing farming to retreat © Peter Keene A lone survivor. Perhaps the tender first shoots were protected from grazing animals by clitter. to the lower more sheltered land, the moor has been a ‘managed’ environment ever since. This includes, of course, the return of the forests in the form of conifer plantations both surrounding Burrator Reservoir and below you to the east in the valley of the River Meavy. Walking to Peek Hill you leave the granite crossing onto the country rock (see rear cover map). Leather Tor Peek Hill has its own tor. The significance of this is that it demonstrates that, given a solid rock with plenty of joints, tors can develop on rocks other than granite. Should you wish to extend this landscape walk, Leather Tor is only 200 metres to the south-east. The jointing patterns in the granite are well developed here. There is more information on jointing in Box I (pages 29-30). The rocks of Peek Hill were probably once mudstones and lava but they became baked slates by being so close to the granite before it cooled. Burrator Quarries (page 16) are also on the junction between the granite and the Devonian country rock. In the old quarry face there, it is possible to see the junction in cross-section. Peek Hill Burrator district as shown on an early Ordnance Survey map (circa 1850) Viewpoint - Sharpitor About the same distance to the southwest over level ground is Peek Hill. 9 Burrator Dam The human impact Access to Burrator is best from Dousland village on the B3212 Princetown to Yelverton Road (see inside rear cover map). At the crossroads in Dousland, take the road south-east (signposted to Burrator and Meavy). In under a mile (1.6 km) a road swings left to Burrator Reservoir and Dam (grid reference SX 552 680). Although no landscape in the British Isles is truly ‘natural’, one attraction of standing on a Dartmoor tor is the feeling of untamed wilderness, where human impact is muted. Burrator Dam, the resulting reservoir and the afforestation surrounding the lake, have created a very different ‘artificial’ landscape, although one which has its own attraction and its own intimate relationship to the moor. Box C Plymouth’s water supply before the reservoir Plymouth expanded rapidly as a strategic naval port in the 16th century and soon outgrew its local well-based drinking water supply. Nearby Dartmoor, an upland of impermeable granite and high rainfall (1,500mm or 60 inches per year) became a potentially attractive source of water. Drake’s Leat Viewpoint - Burrator Dam In 1585 an Act of Pariament authorised the town of Plymouth to divert, for its own use, the waters of the River Meavy. The Meavy passes through the Burrator Gorge draining a good part of the south-west flank of Dartmoor. The water was soft and pure and did not peat stain even after heavy rain. It also continued to flow in dry weather. 10 Sir Francis Drake (mayor of Plymouth at the time,1590) was instrumental in driving the scheme through. Drake’s Leat (Plymouth Leat) diverted some of the River Meavy at a point now covered by the reservoir, although the course of the leat can still be traced downstream of the dam. The Ordnance Survey map (circa 1850), on page 9, shows the leat as a thin black line, skirting the western side of the gorge between the road and the valley floor. Plymouth was 10 miles (16 km) away as the crow flies, but the leat was an open gravity-controlled channel and so had to maintain a regular gradient. The resulting contour-hugging channel took 18 miles (29km) to reach Plymouth. This was a considerable engineering feat as the valley floor here is only 200 metres above sea level – an average gradient of 1 in 145 or 0.7%. Devonport Leat In 1793, responding to continued drinking water demands, the Devonport Leat was opened. It tapped the Meavy catchment on its eastern heights and then follows the northern flank of the valley (see map on page 9). This leat is again gravity-controlled and it is worth a walk to see the smooth speed of its rushing waters. Although now superseded by the Burrator Reservoir, the leat still supplies water to Dousland Water Treatment Works for the Yelverton area. Choosing a dam site 2 21 PRINCETOWN B3 2 Miles (3 km) 1000 metres Walkhampton A3 86 B3 Inn 21 2 Dousland 21 2 TAVISTOCK 5 miles (8 km) B3 Dam Burrator Reservoir Yelverton Sheepstor Inn Meavy A38 6 PLYMOUTH 10 miles (16 km) © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Dartmoor National Park LA 08908L/01/01 Use of this image is limited to viewing on-line and printing one copy. The 19th century expansion of Plymouth prompted a search for a reservoir site in the Meavy catchment to replace the supply from Drake’s Leat which suffered from evaporation in summer and became frozen in winter. Where would you site a dam? With the benefit of hindsight you might suggest, “Right here”. The map ‘hatching’ on page 9 shows a narrow gorge at this point. Looking down-stream from the parapet of the dam gives you a good impression of the gorge through which the Meavy tumbled - an ideal site for a dam? In fact, the two sites initially suggested in the 1880s were higher up the catchment. The favoured site was the old Head Weir of Drake’s Leat, now in the middle of the reservoir. A 13 metres earth embankment was planned, holding 1,360,000m 3 of water. However, geological investigations revealed ‘rotten’ unconsolidated weathered granite at this site to a depth of 30 metres (100 feet). The second choice was further upstream, across Hart Tor Brook (GR: SX 562 715), but overwhelming public opposition blocked this option. The present dam was therefore a compromise site, rather than one determined purely by engineering or geological considerations. The foundations of the Burrator Reservoir. February 1896 © South West Water Viewpoint - Burrator Dam Getting to Burrator Dam 11 Building the dam Work began in 1893 and took five years to complete. Unlike most modern dams, it is of gravity construction, relying for its strength on the sheer bulk of the dam itself rather than on an arch or buttress wall. The extensive use of granite, both as rubble blocks (some of 8 tonnes) within the dam and as masonry blocks on the dam face, was in part to provide rock of sufficient density to make such a gravity construction sound. Before the foundations were built, a trench, in places 15 metres deep, was cut into the solid granite along the line of the dam. The photograph (page11) shows this trench in February 1896. The massive natural joints were cleaned and filled with concrete. The granite for the dam came from a quarry 200 metres upstream, now on the floor of the reservoir. Some 60,000 tonnes of granite were removed. The hole increased the capacity of the reservoir, which, when opened in 1898, was 2,720,000m3. Twenty-five years later (1923) work began to raise the dam height by three metres, increasing the reservoir capacity to 4,650,000m3. The original quarry now being drowned, granite for new masonry was cut into the hill in a roadside quarry only 200 metres from here, on the road back to Dousland (Lower Burrator Quarry). Clean blocks of this stone are well displayed in the roadside parapets of the dam. The photograph opposite shows one of these granite blocks in detail. Box D (pages 15 and 16) describes the common crystals which you can identify in any granite block here. Burrator Reservoir P + Quarry P from Dousland (B3212) T Burrator Dam River Meavy Old Burrator & Sheepstor Halt 250m © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Dartmoor National Park LA 08908L/01/01 Use of this image is limited to viewing on-line and printing one copy. 12 dismantled railway (cycle way) Viewpoint - Burrator Dam Burrator Dam - Burrator Quarries and old rail halt Burrator Quarries Looking at rocks in close-up Feldspar Mica Quartz A close up of a granite block in the parapet of Burrator Dam. Access to Burrator Quarries is best from Dousland village on the B3212 Princetown to Yelverton Road (see inside rear cover map). At the crossroads in Dousland, take the road south-east (sign-posted to Burrator and Meavy). In under a mile (1.6 km) a road swings left to Burrator Quarries, the reservoir and dam. The floor of the disused upper quarry, on the left as you curve down the hill towards the dam, has a spacious parking area (grid reference SX 550 677). Alternatively you may prefer to park by the dam, 300 metres further on, where the walk starts at the roadside wall of the dam. Granite exposed The granite exposed in the parapet of the dam was quarried only 200 metres from here (we will pass the quarry shortly). Although some local variations occur in Dartmoor granite, the composition of the granite in this wall is typical. Granite is an example of an igneous rock, one that has cooled from molten material. As such it is made up of minerals in a crystalline form. The crystals here can be picked out with the naked eye. Large interlocking crystals Why does granite have large interlocking crystals? Crystal size is controlled by the rate of cooling of the magma, the molten material from which igneous rocks form. Viewpoint - Burrator Quarries © Peter Keene 13 Slow cooling at depth in the Earth’s crust gives plenty of time for crystals to grow. Those crystals which were the first to form in the molten material, could grow and expand without interference from other crystals. Those formed later on had to make do with whatever space was available. Eventually all the available space is filled with angular interlocking crystals. Mica, feldspar and quartz The photograph, on page 13, shows part of a block of granite in the parapet wall on the northern side of the road across the dam. It displays well the three main minerals of which granite is composed. The large crystal of feldspar measures 3cm by 1cm. Viewpoint - Burrator Quarries Choose any block of granite in the wall. Can you recognise the three minerals? Box D, opposite, provides some detail to help identification and a little more information about each mineral. 14 Having examined the wall and perhaps admired the view, return to the western end of the dam and walk south along the road, away from the lake (toilets on the left). After some 200 metres, on the right, is the tall face of an old abandoned roadside quarry. Abandoned roadside quarry Do not approach the quarry face but stand on the grassy floor close to the road. All observations made about this quarry can be appreciated from a safe distance. Do not walk under the quarry face. This is the quarry that, in 1923, provided the blocks of granite used to increase the height of the dam (page 12) and build the parapet. Box D Identifying the main minerals in granite Mica The little black dots Small, black gleaming plates (thin flakes) with a splendent lustre. This black or bronze-like biotite mica is rich in the metallic elements of iron and magnesium which modify the colour of the mica when it is attacked by chemical weathering. The mineral is relatively soft (hardness 2.5 to 3) and even softer when attacked by chemical weathering. The mica weathers into clay which lacks the strength and coherence of the original mineral. Some of the black dots you see may be tourmaline crystals. These also occur locally in veins, as in Burrator Quarry where they will be discussed under that heading. Tourmaline is similar in colour to biotite mica but a lot harder (hardness 7) and, when the crystals are well-formed, develop characteristic curved three-sided prisms. Feldspar The large white rectangles The white rectangular feldspar crystals clearly dominate the example shown in the photograph on page 13. They would have begun early on in the process of crystallisation and grew steadily within the molten ‘soup’. Its texture, large feldspar crystals set in a finer-grained background, is characteristic of many South West granites. The large crystals are called phenocrysts and the whole texture, porphyritic. Some of the smaller white crystals are also feldspar but with a more opaque, irregular shape. China clay (kaolinite) is the end product of intense alteration largely derived from the decomposition of feldspar. This is considered to have occurred in some of the granite by the action of hot circulating solutions after the granite was emplaced. Quartz Colourless and glassy, here without any distinctive shape This hard mineral (hardness 7) has a vitreous lustre. In the sample shown on page 13 it seems to have moulded itself around the other minerals and is without any distinctive shape although when in veins its crystal structure can be quite distinctive. Quartz (silica SiO2) is generally very stable and resistant to weathering. When chemical weathering has altered the feldspar and mica content of the granite, the quartz retains its strength and coherence. At the foot of blocks of granite exposed either to chemical weathering (rain water) or physical weathering (frost action producing granular disintegration), it is common to find a residual accumulation of sand (quartz). The same sand may be found on the beds of most Dartmoor streams, on its way through the drainage system to Plymouth Sound. (continued on page 16) Viewpoint - Burrator Quarries All the minerals in the blocks remained hard but feldspar is particularly vulnerable to chemical breakdown and, in chemically weathered granite that you might come across elsewhere, the feldspars become soft enough to be scratched with your finger nail – it is on its way to becoming a clay. 15 Lower Burrator Quarry Not surprisingly, this quarry face exposes granite which is identical to that which we saw at the dam, a typical Dartmoor granite. However, some 75 years have elapsed since this face was worked. The rock surface has weathered. It is covered with lichens and, in particular where water is seeping from joints, blackcoloured algae. The best place to see a clean granite face today is, in fact, back at the dam. Joints parallel with quarry faces Joints parallel with land surface Quarry Jointing The quarry face is cut by a series of massive, well-developed joints, similar to those seen on the photograph on page 11. These represent fractures formed by stresses set up in the molten rock as it cooled and contracted. Viewpoint - Burrator Quarries A second group of joints are those which formed when erosion removed overlying rocks to expose the granite (page 4). The reduction in the confining pressure was so great that the rocks expanded and a series of fractures (joints) developed roughly parallel to the land surface. These sheet structures can be seen in most tors. In this quarry it is likely that many of the horizontal joints running across the quarry face were formed in this way. 16 A quarryman’s nightmare Sheet jointing (pressure release) is a process which is operating today. When this ‘cube’ (the quarry) was cut from the hillside, the release of pressure on the rocks behind was such that a series of potentially dangerous sheet joints would have developed. As too many quarrymen know to their cost, this can lead to accidents when a whole quarry face peels away and crashes to the quarry floor. (More detail on jointing, Box I, pages 29-30) Joints developing around a quarry due to pressure release. Box D (continued) Tourmaline During the final stages of cooling of the magma, the circulation of active, hot fluids and volatile gases led to the deposition of veins of important minerals such as tin, copper, lead and zinc, both within and on the margins of the granite. Veins of non-economic minerals, such as quartz and tourmaline, were even more common. Tourmaline is a hard, black mineral deposited by super-heated boric vapours that followed the joints and fissures in the already consolidated granite - proof that the joints were already there when the vapours arrived. Small clusters of hard black crystals and thin veins (stringers) are common. The wholesale replacement of mica and feldspars can result in very resistant masses of tourmaline and quartz. The Upper Burrator Quarry Now continue to walk up the roadside and, after a few metres, turn right into the wide parking area in front of the Upper Burrator Quarry. This quarry has a relatively low rear wall and is safe to approach to examine the rock closely. The contrast between the two quarries could hardly be greater. We have crossed the boundary between the Dartmoor granite and the surrounding Devonian country rock into which the granite was intruded (page 4). What makes this site so special (it is a Site of Special Scientific Interest) is that the junction between these two rock types is exposed in the quarry face. The country rock is best seen towards the left-hand (south) end of the long rear wall of the quarry. These rocks were once muddy marine sediments which compacted into a mudstone. Later, uplift and folding altered this sediment into a slate. Later still, when the granite was intruded, the immediate proximity of the molten granite meant that the Devonian slate became baked to a hornfels. The contact is not clear-cut and to appreciate what is happening involves getting close up to the exposure. The contact is sharp but very irregular and consists of a series of intrusive veins of fine pink granites which have penetrated the country rock along joints. Thin veins of tourmaline (black) and quartz (white) are also recognisable. The veins of granite have much smaller crystals than the granite from the Lower Quarry (photograph, page 13). Here, in the Upper Quarry, the molten granite The northern end of the quarry, showing the line of a large vein of fine-grained granite. seeping into the country rocks in thin veins, cooled relatively quickly so had little time to develop large crystals before it solidified. The component crystals mica, feldspar and quartz - can still be picked out, but the thinner the vein, the finer the granite crystals. This is the outermost frontier of the granitic invasion. Perhaps, to the geologist, this is like visiting Hadrian’s wall, the feeling of being on the edge of the Roman Empire. Viewpoint - Burrator Quarries Walking along the face from south to north, the altered slates are more and more affected by the proximity of the invading granite. The actual contact zone is towards the right-hand end of the quarry. 17 From the northern end of the quarry there is an easy scramble upslope to reach, within a minute or so, a level track which used to be a railway line. Try locating yourself on the map on page 9. This may not be an easy exercise. The first edition of the Ordnance Survey map (circa 1850) predates the dam and the reservoir. The site of the Burrator Dam was close to Sheepstor Bridge. Contours are not included but the steep gorge below you is shown by tight hatching. The Princetown Railway The map also predates the railway (now a cycleway). A ‘railway’ is shown on the map as a parallel black line but the route shown is to the west of here. This was the Plymouth and Dartmoor Railway, a horse-drawn tramway to Princetown, completed in 1826. In 1881 this tramway was acquired by the Great Western Railway in preparation for the opening of a full ‘steam’ train service to Princetown. This line was fully opened in 1893. The dismantled railway line that you are standing by was a rail loop around Yennadon Down, added to the original Yelverton to Princetown railway by the GWR because the new steam trains could not take the tight curves which were part of the old tramway system. The steam railway closed in 1956. Solid black lines on the old map show the route of Drake’s Leat and Devonport Leat (see Information Box C, page 10). The panorama From the little outcrop of jointed granite nearby, there is a good view of the reservoir and surrounding countryside. Keep clear of the unfenced back wall of the quarry. Most of the viewpoints shown on the inside rear cover map can be seen from this spot. Why was the Burrator dam built in this location? The topography may give you a good enough reason but other priorities were also involved (see page 11). Now the option is to return to the road by the way you came or follow the dismantled railway a little way, passing the old Burrator Halt (see photo below) and taking the path which slants down the hillside to the right. Once on the lakeside road, turn right to complete the circuit. Viewpoint - Burrator Quarries Burrator Halt (1955 photograph by Eric Hemery, © Pauline Hemery). 18 Norsworthy Bridge to Leather Tor Pit Finding evidence for violent environmental change Access to Norsworthy Bridge is best from Dousland village on the B3212 Princetown to Yelverton Road (see inside rear cover map). At the crossroads in Dousland, take the road south-east (sign-posted to Burrator and Meavy). In under a mile a road swings left to Burrator Reservoir. Passing the dam on your right, keep straight on, ignoring any junctions coming in from the left. After some 1.5 miles (2.4km) the road crosses two stone bridges spanning two streams in quick succession. Stop just beyond the second bridge where there is convenient parking for cars or minibus. The walk starts by the side of the stream, Newleycombe Brook, which flows under the bridge closest to the car park. Natural processes (Box E) are always changing the landscape. For example, material weathered from the tors is transported down-slope, either as solid debris or in solution. Slopes lead to the streams that will eventually transport this ‘load’ off the moor. All the material that travels down slopes anywhere in the stream catchment above this point will eventually find its way under this bridge. Dartmoor is gradually being carried away. Boulders and stones are trundled or bounced along the stream bed. Finer material such as silts and clays Walk from Norsworthy Bridge to Leather Tor Pit 0m 36 500 metres Leather Tor 330 m at rt Le onpo Dev De vo np or t Cross Gate Old Newleycombe hardwood Brook Newer Norsworthy hardwood plantation Bridge P Ri 240m from Burrator Dam, Dousland and Yelverton eavy River M 270m Le at Pit 300m Burrator Reservoir rM ve vy ea From Sheepstor & Burrator Dam © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Dartmoor National Park LA 08908L/01/01 Use of this image is limited to viewing on-line and printing one copy. are kept in suspension by the turbulence of the water. Some dissolved minerals or other chemicals are carried in solution. What is today’s load? Look at the stream closely. Do you think the stream is moving any of its load at this moment? Box E Landscape processes The landscape is constantly being modified by a variety of processes acting upon it. These include:Weathering processes whereby rock decomposes or disintegrates in situ and becomes available for transportation by other processes. Transport processes involving agents such as running water, wind and gravity, which transfer debris from one location to another. Erosion processes where debris in transport wears down the land surface. This material is then added to the load being transported. Depositional processes where the transported material is laid down as accumulations of debris. This happens when the transporting agent, for example a stream, no longer has the energy to move all the load which it has acquired. A stream loses power when it enters the sea, a lake or, temporarily, when sediments enter a sheltered backwater. Viewpoint - Norsworthy Bridge . . . Carrying away the moor 19 Box F Newleycombe Brook - a stream at work Bedload The most obvious sediments visible are the boulders and stones in the stream bed. Much of this bedload is covered in lichens or algae, hinting that it doesn’t spend much time trundling along the stream bed. The boulders are in ‘temporary store’, waiting for storm water (spate) to move them downstream a little further. Such storms may only happen between 5 and 25 days a year. Quartz sand is also a common sediment on the stream floor. This too is only stirred into movement by the turbulent water of spate. Although prominent, sediment movement along the stream bed probably only accounts for about 10% of the total ‘load’ transported by the stream. Suspended load Fine sediments such as silts and clays can be carried along in suspension by currents flowing as slowly as 1mm per second. The main stream at your feet is certainly flowing faster than that and yet the water probably looks clear and therefore is not carrying a solid suspended load. Why is this? Viewpoint - Norsworthy Bridge . . . Platy silt and clay particles tend to stick to the stream floor and it requires a considerable velocity of water (such as that resulting from a rain storm) to pluck these particles from the bottom. However, once in suspension, the fine sediment can be supported easily by the turbulent water and carried downstream even if the stream loses a lot of its power. The suspended load will only sink to the channel floor if, by chance, it is diverted into a quieter backwater. 20 The clear water, seen in the stream, simply means that all the fine sediment lifted into suspension by the last storm has passed through here and that the flow of water is not sufficient to entrain new sediment from the stream bed. The flow of the stream at this moment is probably fast enough to carry fine sediment, if only it were freed from the stream bed. With a stick, try stirring up a little fine sediment from a backwater. Does the current carry it away? If the water was not clear in the first place, it is probably raining! Dissolved load Newleycombe Brook may appear clear, but it is full of chemicals which have been dissolved from the surrounding hillsides and have entered the stream in solution. Long term monitoring of these streams, by Plymouth University, indicates that chemical weathering and the removal of material by solution is an important process in the present climate. Measurements of contemporary weathering rates suggest that the volume of material being removed in solution, mainly due to the dissolution of feldspar, is three times greater than that removed by mechanical processes such as bedload and suspended load transport. (continued on page 21) Box F (continued) w a t e r s u r f a c e STREAM FLOW DISSOLVED LOAD Invisible chemicals in solution are being carried by the stream at all times SUSPENDED LOAD (mud, silt, clay) Muddy water full of fine sediments picked up by fast flowing water. These sediments are slow to settle, even in calm water. Pure stream water Environmental change Natural chemicals and minerals in solution dominate the load carried by Newleycombe Brook today. This is typical of most streams in the temperate climate of present-day Britain but this has not always been the case. The visual evidence of such change is all the more pleasing because the ‘clues’ are there for all to see and require no particular skill to appreciate their significance. However, it does help to have an idea of what to look out for! If the weather permits, now might be a convenient time to sit by the brook and read the panel on the next two pages before setting off to look at the exposure in Leather Tor Pit. A small pit dug into the hillside about 300 metres from here provides visual evidence for some of the dramatic environmental changes which gripped Dartmoor over the last few thousand years. Viewpoint - Norsworthy Bridge . . . BEDLOAD Stream bed stones, only moved by storms (when the river is in spate). 21 Box G Slope movements in a cold climate During the coldest stages of the last Ice Age (page 8) Dartmoor was an arctic-like tundra and the ground was deep-frozen. Only the top metre or so of the ground would seasonally thaw in the desperately short summers. Water, melting from the winter’s snowfall, together with melting groundice would not be able to percolate down into the still-frozen deeper ground (permafrost) and so the upper ‘active layer’ would soon become saturated with water. That which could not be held in the saturated ground would flow down the slope as a surface sheet of water (run-off), carrying small grains of debris with it. As today, the ground surface around the tors at that time consisted of dislocated loose slabs of granite (clitter) and smaller angular rock fragments, all mixed within a matrix of finer debris. Lubricated with meltwater, this pasty mess oozed downslope at a rate of anywhere between 10 to 100 cm each summer season. This cold stage slope process is known as gelifluction, or solifluction. These moving slopes commonly settled on lower less steep ground as layers of angular debris called ‘head’. This layer of head often buried and disturbed the weathered ‘rotten’ granite which lay beneath. The weathered granite, growan, was the product of earlier warmer conditions pre-dating the head (Box B, pages 6 and 7). Viewpoint - Norsworthy Bridge . . . Head deposits overlying growan together give clear visual evidence of environmental change on the moor. The section (opposite) is typical of what lies under the soil all over the moor. The description gives enough information for you to recognise these layers when you come across them exposed elsewhere on the moor. Of course, every layer may not be present in the exposure you examine elsewhere. 22 SOLIFLUCTION ON DARTMOOR A cross-section of a Dartmoor hillside during a cold stage of the last Ice Age. ACTIVE LAYER - The surface layer, a metre or so deep, froze each winter but thawed each summer to produce a saturated mess of debris which slid gently down any slope. Angular stones embedded in a Clitter rafted downslope matrix of finer material slipped gently downhill a few centimetres each summer. Movement down the slope decreased with depth. AYER of r limit Lowe EL CTIV the A PERMAFROST LAYER - The deep sub-soil and rock remained frozen throughout the summer so 'active layer' water could not escape by sinking down through this impermeable barrier. Box H A pit reveals environmental change 4 3 2 1 5 SOIL Soil penetrated by roots. A block of clitter protrudes. Environment indicated: mild chemical weathering in a temperate climate such as we have experienced for the last 10,000 years. 4 HEAD An unsorted scattered jumble of angular granite fragments embedded within a background (matrix) of mixed finer material including quartz-sand and clays. The are no indications of these particles having been moved by streams. For example, there has been NO sorting into beds of sand, clay, gravel etc. In a stream the stones would have settled quickly to the bottom where they would be in contact with (touching) other stones. In this diagram a block of clitter which must have been rafted down slope is shown integrated within the head. Environment indicated: thick deposits of head are associated with solifluction processes during very cold climatic episodes such as experienced on Dartmoor during the Ice Age (page 8). 3 GROWAN (DISTURBED) This exposure of growan (weathered granite) still looks like granite (page 13) but it crumbles to the touch and the interlocking crystal structure of sound granite has been disordered and disturbed by slope movements. Sometimes growan has been integrated into slope movements creating ‘bedded growan’ (see left) with hints of some surface water (run-off) on the slopes. Environment indicated: growan suggests mild chemical weathering of a warm or temperate climate. However, this example has been disturbed by subsequent cold-environment slope movements (see above). 2 GROWAN (IN SITU) Rotted granite. It still looks like granite but is incoherent and crumbles to the touch. Chemical weathering has caused some decay (softening) of the feldspar crystals which weakens the rock, allowing mechanical disintegration to occur. The interlocking crystal structure of granite has not been disturbed. For example, the black vein of tourmaline is still as it was in the sound granite. Growan excavated at Sheepstor Dam was 30 metres deep. Environment indicated: the mild chemical weathering of granite to produce growan is associated with warmer or temperate conditions pre-dating the last cold stage of the Ice Age. 1 SOUND GRANITE Hard angular interlocking crystals of mica, feldspar and quartz (page 15). A hard black vein of tourmaline is shown (see page 16). Weathering first shows up along hair-line joints as a faint discolouration or iron-staining as the biotite mica is chemically attacked by mildly acidic ground water. Clitter slope Growan Head Characteristics of a weathered tor Angularity of sound granite increasing with depth Viewpoint - Norsworthy Bridge . . . 55 23 Viewpoint - Norsworthy Bridge . . . Leather Tor Pit 24 Cross Newleycombe Brook by the stone bridge and then, after a few metres, cross a second bridge which spans the upper reaches of the River Meavy. Almost immediately on the right there is a stile and footpath which gently climbs the hill keeping the River Meavy to your right. What did you see? After 200 metres, you emerge onto a forestry track. Walk ahead, up-slope. Behind a small but steep bank, runs Devonport Leat (Box C, page 10). Turn right to follow the leat upstream. After less than 100 metres, cross the leat by a flat granite ‘clapper’ bridge and enter a small quarry, Leather Tor Pit. 2 The lowest layer presently exposed is undisturbed weathered granite (see growan, Box B, page 6). The granite is ‘rotten’ with a crumbly feel but the interlocking crystal structure is still intact. Undisturbed veins of black tourmaline (Box D, page 16) and reddish, weathered veins can both be followed up across the growan. Finding the evidence 3 The same growan continues upwards but gradually becomes more disturbed. The discoloured weathered veins show how some of the growan has been distorted, curving into near-horizontal beds. We might assume that this material has been influenced by solifluction, the down-slope mass movement which was so important in the cold stages of the Ice Age. If you would like to try some interpretation, the evidence is in front of you. Perhaps using the section on the previous page as a model and, assuming there are three or four layers that might be recognised, examine the rear wall of the pit closely for visual clues that the dramatic environmental changes previously suggested did actually happen. Do not disturb the face of the pit. When you are satisfied, read on. © Peter Keene Devonport Leat by Leather Tor Pit 1 Leather Tor Pit is an old gravel pit. At one time sound (solid) granite was exposed in the floor but this had become covered with debris, much of which has fallen away from the walls due to winter frosts. The bedded nature of the growan has also been interpreted as showing the influence of surface meltwater flowing down the hillside in early summer. At Cross Gate the leat passes beneath the road. Turn left to follow the road downhill. Within 500 metres you are back at Norsworthy Bridge. 4 Above the growan things change abruptly. There are angular granite stones embedded in a dark unsorted background of loose material. This is typical of ‘head’, a deposit laid down by solifluction slope movements in very cold conditions (Box G, page 22). 5 The head grades up into a thin layer of stony soil and subsoil. Now retrace your steps to Devonport Leat and follow the south bank westwards for 300 metres. The concrete hut by the path is a gauging station for measuring the water discharge along the leat. An inactive landscape? Clitter frozen in time Leather Tor Pit provides convincing evidence of a much colder past, yet the landscape about us contains similar clues. For example, the moss-covered boulders within the woods noted earlier were once active clitter slopes, granite boulders embedded within the once-mobile head deposits which moved downslope over the bare tundra-cold hillside. When the climate improved (10,000 years ago) and solifluction became much less active, the movement of head and rafted clitter virtually ceased. They remain on the hillside today, frozen in time. © Peter Keene Viewpoint - Norsworthy Bridge . . . Beside the leat, the well-vegetated slopes and sheltered woodland with moss or lichen coated boulders give the impression of an inactive landscape. This is misleading for, as we have seen, there are unseen processes at work wherever air or water penetrate the soil. However, because most of this weathering is chemical, the material is dissolved in ground water and removed in solution without any apparent change in the appearance of the hillside. 25 Burrator Dam to Sheeps Tor This longer walk is about 3 miles (5km) there and back. It is designed for those who wish to venture a little further onto the moor, scrambling up one of the more spectacular local tors. This walk may also be regarded as a review, pulling together aspects of landscape interpretation introduced on the other walks. Walk from Burrator Dam to Sheepstor 250m 250 m 301m Beechcroft Plantation m 350 Burrator Reservoir Pillow Mounds Sheeps 369m Tor P lk wa T Burrator Sheepstor Dam 300m Dam Pit 500m P Quarry +Sheepstor Village Viewpoint - Burrator Dam to Sheeps Tor from Dousland (B3212) 26 Access to Burrator is best from Dousland village on the B3212 Princetown to Yelverton Road (see inside rear cover map). At the crossroads in Dousland, take the road south-east (signposted to Burrator and Meavy). In under a mile (1.6 km) a road swings left to Burrator Reservoir and dam (grid reference SX 552 680). If you would like to know more about Burrator Dam before setting off, read pages 10 -12. Walk eastwards across the dam and follow the road, keeping the reservoir on your left. Take care as this road has no footpath. Ignore the first stile. After about 500 metres the second stile on the left gives access to a wide, gated track that almost immediately rises onto the low Sheepstor Dam. Take the track halfway across the dam and pause. Sheepstor Dam Sheepstor Dam was built at the same time as the main Burrator Dam, which opened in 1898. It was recognised that when Burrator Reservoir was filled, water would escape over a low watershed and into Sheepstor Brook. This water would be lost to the reservoir and so a low earth bank with a clay-filled core was proposed to prevent water escaping through Sheepstor Brook (see map on the inside rear cover). Dam trouble Although Sheepstor Dam was only a modest structure, it still needed good sound foundations. Two trial pits had found sound granite but, as soon as work began, excavations revealed widespread, © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Dartmoor National Park LA 08908L/01/01 Use of this image is limited to viewing on-line and printing one copy. Narrator Plantation Solid granite was located at a depth of 30 metres, necessitating the digging of a trench 32 metres deep which, when infilled with concrete, provided the foundations for the modest stone-faced bank upon which you are standing. Afforestation The local landscape was dramatically changed not only by the flooding of the valley but also by the afforestation of the surrounding slopes. The level of treatment of the public water supply at that time was such that it was considered essential to keep the water in reservoirs as pure as possible. Plymouth Corporation bought all the land within the catchment and in the 1920s conifers were planted on many of the surrounding slopes. This helped to retain the relatively thin soil and also acted as a filter for water percolating down the slope. The link between stands of conifers and the acidification of lake water was not recognised at that time. When severe storms blew down many acres of mature conifers in 1990, replanting was largely with deciduous, broad-leafed trees but, without effective management, these have not held their own against self-seeded, fast-growing conifers which, as you may see as you walk, threaten to overwhelm the slowergrowing deciduous trees. Now move on to the end of the dam. Here there is a choice. Either continue around the reservoir to the left, or take a brief diversion (a pit stop) some 100 metres into the woods to see the sort of soft granite that caused such problems for the builders of the Sheepstor Dam. A pit stop Just after the end of the dam, by a low concrete-block bunker used for storing sand or gravel, two paths lead into the wood. Take the path which swings to the right. Soon, after about 50 metres you enter a small clearing. A side wall exposes the ‘bedrock’. Is this the rotten granite (growan) that lay beneath the Sheepstor dam? A close examination answers that question. Below is a check list of the main characteristics of a growan which is still in-situ (i.e. like the growan under the dam, not disturbed or transported by later surface processes). It crumbles easily in your hand. The original interlocking crystal texture of the granite is undisturbed (see Box D, page 15). Any black tourmaline veins (page 16) are still in-situ and have not been broken up. The quartz (sand) remains hard but the pale feldspars have been partly decomposed in the weakly acidic ground water. (Another typical pit section containing growan is described in Box H, page 23). When you are ready, return to the path beside the reservoir. Follow the track north, keeping the reservoir on your left. After 150 metres a gate and stile lead onto a surfaced road. Turn right. After 100 metres the narrow lane opens out into a small grassy area. On the left a stone-walled path heads directly uphill. After another 150 metres a gate and stile lead on to open moorland. Viewpoint - Burrator Dam to Sheeps Tor soft weathered granite, growan, which ‘could be dug out manually with a spade as if it were compacted sand’. (Growan, Box H, page 23). 27 Viewpoint - Burrator Dam to Sheeps Tor An eye for landscape 28 © Peter Keene Ahead lie the slopes of Sheeps Tor. Many of the characteristics of a typical Dartmoor tor can be recognised as you climb towards the summit. Some of the more distinctive landscape features are outlined in Information Boxes within this booklet. If the weather is pleasant and there is a convenient boulder to sit against, this may be an opportunity to prime yourself on what to look out for as you climb. You may like to consult the boxes listed opposite, or look at the diagram which reviews the range of features which are typically found on the flanks and summits of Dartmoor tors. A granite floored track beneath established deciduous trees leads you on to the open moor The origin of tors (Box B, page 6). Tors in the Ice Age (Box B, page 7). Moving slopes (Box G, page 22). Jointing in granite (Box I, page 29-30). Vertical joints Sheet joints (pressure release) Avenue Tor Clitter Stepped outcrops of granite Head Head, valley deposits Stream downcutting into deposits Weathered granite (growan) What to look out for on the flanks and summits of Dartmoor tors (after Gerrard 1983) Box I Jointing in granite The castle-like appearance of many tors is clearly related to the imposing joints that define the great blocks of granite which make up the rock mass, some the size of houses. It seems likely that these massive joints developed as a result of the initial cooling and contraction of the once molten granite. Tourmaline veins (page 16), related to the volatile gasses which penetrated the granite at a late stage in its cooling, do not cross these joints, suggesting that the main joint pattern was already established by this early stage. A route for weathering Joints provide routes by which air and water can penetrate otherwise solid granite encouraging both chemical and mechanical weathering along the joint planes. Chemical attack, in particular the carbonic acid in ground water, can react with the feldspars in the granite, weakening the structure and making mechanical granular disintegration easier. Both have the effect of widening the joints and rounding the edges and corners of blocks. The resulting growan chokes many of the joints. Water freezing in restricted joints can wedge granite blocks apart, contributing to the general disintegration of the rock mass of the tor. Examples Sharpitor seems to be in an advanced stage of disintegration (page 3) and it needs some imagination to reconstruct the tor from the ruin of surrounding clitter. The nature of the more massive joints is well displayed in Lower Burrator Quarry (page 16) and in the photograph of the foundations for Burrator Dam (page 11). On the south facing wall of Sheeps Tor, it is the vertical joints that are the more pronounced. (continued on page 30) Viewpoint - Burrator Dam to Sheeps Tor Massive rectangular jointing 29 The south facing wall of Sheeps Tor Sheet joints or pseudo-bedding planes on Sheeps Tor © Peter Keene Sheet jointing on the flanks of Sheeps Tor Viewpoint - Burrator Dam to Sheeps Tor © Peter Keene 30 © Peter Keene Box I (continued) Jointing in granite - sheet joints Where granite is exposed on the flanks of tors, thin sheets of rock can be seen curving over the hillside roughly matching the surface landscape. These granite sheets, separated from one another by joint planes, are the result of the expansion of the granite as pressure was released when overlying rock was gradually removed by erosion. Because of this they are often called unloading structures. There are well-developed examples of sheet jointing on the flanks of Sheeps Tor (see photograph above). When the horizontal joints are close together, the result is a mass of closelyspaced layers which resemble the beds found in sedimentary rocks and so are sometimes called pseudo-bedding planes (see photograph above). The unloading mechanism of pressure release occurs parallel to the rock surface at a variety of scales whenever rock pressure is released. It is a problem experienced in modern quarry faces (page 16). To reach the crest of Sheeps Tor you could scramble straight up the hill ahead. However, a gentler route and one with a greater range of features, is to bear right (east) and, choosing a safe route, clamber diagonally up the slope. Either way, achieve the southern summit, overlooking Sheepstor village and church. Sheeps Tor, south end On your climb did you recognise the variety of jointing patterns that dominated the shape of the hillside on the walk up? Everywhere the form of the surrounding rock seems defined by joint patterns. Avenues There is evidence that the frequency with which vertical joints cut the slopehugging sheets of granite increases towards the curved hilltop. Since frequent jointing encourages weathering and rock failure, it is suggested that the closejointed hilltops would be particularly susceptible to destruction. One piece of evidence supporting this idea is that the summits of many tors, including Sheeps Tor, are missing. Instead they are cut by grassy hilltop avenues. The destroyed rocky summit may then have been swept down slope in the form of clitter to form an apron of debris at either end of the avenue. Clitter fields The flanks of the hillside are covered in fields of clitter. Some of these blocks may have originated from nearby hillside shelves of granite such as those crossed on the climb up the western slope of Sheeps Tor. The pattern of other clitter spreads suggests that they were derived from blocks shed by the tor itself and then swept to their present location by the extremely mobile slope movements (solifluction) active in cold stages of the last Ice Age (Box G, page 22). Human impact In the satisfaction of developing an eye for reading the physical landscape, it is easy to overlook the human dimension. For example, when standing beneath the most impressive southern face of Sheeps Tor it may not be apparent today that this was once an active quarry. From here granite blocks were taken down to the village of Sheepstor, seen below. An interesting detail on the quarry floor are the converging lines of up-ended stones which were constructed as runs to lead unsuspecting vermin into, now vanished, slate traps which once graced the apex of each funnel. The purpose was to protect rabbits, at one time an important ‘crop’ on the moor hereabouts. To further encourage the rabbit population, low mounds of boulders were constructed to provide ready-made rabbit warrens in an otherwise inhospitable environment. Today, these elongated piles of boulders look for all the world like a natural phenomenon. On the rear cover map they are shown to the west of Sheeps Tor as ‘Pillow Mounds’. Viewpoint - Burrator Dam to Sheeps Tor When you are ready, follow the path straight up the slope until, after about 400m from the stile, there is a granite boundary post inscribed PCWW (Plymouth Corporation Water Works) 1917. 31 On the margins of economic farming Because of its altitude and exposure, Dartmoor has always been a marginal farming area. Most of the land provides, at best, rough grazing. From the summit of Sheeps Tor, the view includes both high moor and valley margins. It is an appropriate place to reflect on the ebb and flow of moorland farming and the extent to which its margins have fluctuated, driven by both climatic modifications and economic necessity. Colonisation Soon after the end of the Ice Age, 10,000 years ago, woodland crept up the sheltered valley below you, eventually seeping on to the moor. 8,000 years ago, woodland was lapping high isolated hills such as Sheeps Tor and supporting small hunting communities. By 4,000 years ago most of the trees had been cleared and Bronze Age people grazed sheep and cattle across the moor. The foundations of their circular stone-based huts (hut circles) can still be seen on the moor today. Viewpoint - Burrator Dam to Sheeps Tor Fluctuating conditions 32 Between 3,000 and 2,000 years ago, colder, wetter conditions forced farmers to abandon the high moor. Peat spread over the high, wet plateau surfaces. However, farms crept up onto the moor again in the warmer drier conditions of the medieval period when sheep farming was central to the Devon economy. Climatic deterioration in the 14th century combined with the ravages of the Black Death caused another retreat from the moor. Entrepreneurial farmers in the 19 th century enclosed large swathes of central Dartmoor attempting to ‘improve’ the rough moorland and create rich pastures. The long stone walls that contained these ‘newtakes’ can still be seen on the high moor but most of this ‘enclosed’ land has long since reverted to open moor. Sheepstor village The fields which flank Sheepstor village, demonstrate the present condition of farming on the fringe of the moor. Each small laboriously built stone-walled field represents an attempt to enclose and improve land. The green fields of improved pasture are usually easy to pick out but notice too the number of fields invaded by bracken and reverting to rough pasture. The rocks speak Before leaving Sheeps Tor and returning to Burrator Dam, why not choose a group of rocks or a distant landscape and reflect on what that view says to you? There is pleasure in simply absorbing a prospect but, as the introduction to this booklet suggests, there is also a satisfaction in being able to interpret what you see. As an example, look at the photograph below, which was taken on the western side of Sheeps Tor. A wealth of detail can be read into this scene, simply using information contained somewhere within this booklet. In the background, granite, cut by sheet joints, matches the curve of the hillside. The sheets are themselves cut by short near-vertical joints at right angles to the sheets. These vertical joints are probably the result of the release of pressure on the granite (pressure release) as the overlying rocks were eroded away. The joints have been exploited and widened by weathering. Clearly, the resulting isolated granite blocks have become candidates for impending collapse. Blocks collapsing in the past must have produced the tumble of clitter on the left of the photograph. The mat of vegetation partly engulfing the lichen-coated clitter suggests that today this slope is relatively stable. It is almost as if the photograph has caught that ‘moment’, 10,000 years ago, when the cold stage ‘engine of destruction’ was suddenly turned off. In the temperate climate that followed, cold stage processes such as frostshattering and rapid slope movements, solifluction, were largely replaced by chemical weathering and solution. Visible rock moving processes were put ‘onhold’ – dormant – but just awaiting a climatic change which could start the cold stage machinery up again. The easiest way to return to Burrator Dam is to retrace your steps. Viewpoint - Burrator Dam to Sheeps Tor © Peter Keene 33 Some key words describing the Dartmoor landscape CLITTER Detached blocks of rock which project above or rest on the surface of the ground. They commonly form localised spreads. CORESTONES Rounded blocks of sound rock surrounded by softer rock which has been partly decomposed by weathering penetrating along joints. COUNTRY ROCK The local rocks into which a mass of igneous rock, in this case Dartmoor granite, was intruded. GROWAN Coarse debris resulting from the partial decomposition of granite by weathering. HEAD Originally a local farming term for deep, rubbly subsoil. It is here used to describe the mantle of unconsolidated material produced by the action of solifluction. JOINTS Fractures in a rock that, unlike faults, show no movement on either side of the fracture. The large rectangular joints in granite are commonly related to contraction when the rock first cooled from a molten state. Joints parallel to the land surface (sheet joints) often formed later when the rock expanded as erosion relieves the pressure caused by the weight of overlying rocks. This process is called pressure release or unloading. LOAD Here used to describe all material transported by a stream and consisting of both solid debris (bed load and suspended load) and material in solution. PRESSURE RELEASE see joints. SOLIFLUCTION The slow downslope mass movement of surface material and subsoil when saturated by water. It is most effective in very cold conditions where a permanently frozen subsoil (permafrost) prevents water from percolating down from the surface. Under those circumstances it is termed ‘gelifluction’. It is responsible for moving clitter and huge quantities of ‘head’. WEATHERING 34 The decay of rocks on, or near the surface of the Earth, often in the presence of air or water. It is usually the result of mechanical breakdown (e.g. frost action) or chemical activity (e.g. solution or oxidation). Walking with Moor Care Travel with Moor Care – try and share transport and if possible use public transport. For south west England timetable enquiries phone Traveline 0870 6082 608; for DevonBus publications phone 01392 382800. If you do have to use a car, keep within the 40 mph speed limit on moorland roads and park sensibly using only hardened parking areas in wet weather. Walk only where you have a right, are allowed to do so or are clearly welcome. Come prepared with an up-to-date map. Always use gates and stiles to cross boundaries. If you are following the line of an eroded path stick to it and avoid widening it, by walking in single file if necessary. Respect signs asking you to avoid very badly eroded paths. Avoid climbing straight up or down steep hills. Take a winding route to avoid damage. When the ground is wet, plan your route carefully and use hard surfaces where possible thus avoiding vulnerable, waterlogged moorland paths. Take care not to cause disturbance to wildlife or livestock, particularly during the moorland lambing and bird breeding season (1 March to 15 July) and during the lambing season on enclosed farmland (1 December to 30 June). Please keep your dog on a lead during these times, and always under close control. Dartmoor is rich in archaeological remains and many sites are protected by law. Learn how to recognise archaeological features to ensure that you don’t disturb them; in particular never move stones, dig, light fires, or bivouac in or around archaeological sites. Respect local byelaws and footpath/bridleway diversions (as signposted) and follow the Country Code. Please remember that all of the National Park is owned by someone and respect the interests of those who own the land or make a living from it. Safety for the walker Check the weather before you start. Proper footwear is essential. Most of the moorland terrain is uneven. Some slopes around tors are strewn with rocks, which may or may not be covered with vegetation, and are particularly hazardous. Mist is a frequent hazard on Dartmoor. Be sure you know how to use a map and compass. When walking, know at all times exactly where you are. Unless you are experienced, do not walk alone in very remote country. Take care when walking along roads and lanes (some routes in this book do involve walking where there may be some traffic). Keep away from all moorland livestock to minimise disturbance. If the weather deteriorates do not hesitate to turn back. Take your litter home. Litter is not only unsightly - it can cause fires and may injure people, livestock and wildlife. Geological Fieldwork Code The Geologists' Association has published a Geological Fieldwork Code, copies of which are available from The Geologists' Association, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1V 9AG (Tel: 0171 434 9298). The adherence to this Code for any geological fieldwork is crucial to safeguard our geological heritage and its scientific interest and value. In particular, when on Dartmoor please: always seek permission before entering on to private land; avoid undue disturbance to wildlife. Plants and animals may inadvertently be displaced or destroyed by careless actions; when working in remote areas, follow the advice given in the booklet Safety on Mountains issued by the British Mountaineering Council, and in particular inform someone of your intended route; when exploring underground, be sure you have the proper equipment and the necessary experience and appropriate permissions sought. Never go alone. Report to someone your departure, location, estimated time below ground and then your actual return; remember that rock outcrops are important to science and should not be hammered or damaged in any way - please observe and read and do not hammer indiscriminately; keep collecting to a minimum. Avoid removing in situ fossils, rocks or minerals; never collect from walls, bridges, buildings or other structures; take care not to undermine fences, walls, bridges or other structures; remember that rock faces, quarry faces and old mine workings may be highly dangerous - always consider your personal safety and the safety of others. 35 This booklet has been published by the Dartmoor National Park Authority and Devon County Council in collaboration with Thematic Trails. Support has been provided by English Nature and the South West Lakes Trust. This publication fulfils one of the actions in Action for Wildlife: The Dartmoor Biodiversity Action Plan. Dartmoor National Park Authority Parke Bovey Tracey Devon TQ13 9JQ Tel: general information enquires 01822 890414 Fax: 01626 834684 email: hq@dartmoor-npa.gov.uk Dartmoor National Park Authority on the Internet: www.dartmoor-npa.gov.uk Devon County Council Lucombe House County Hall Exeter Devon EX2 4QW Tel: Conservation enquiries 01392 382257 email: nature@devon.gov.uk © Dartmoor National Park Authority / Devon County Council / Peter Keene 2001 ISBN 0 905981 111 Clitter on the flank of Sharpitor 36 © Peter Keene