November - Hawaii Women Lawyers
November - Hawaii Women Lawyers
Hawaii Women Lawyers is a non-profit organization of men and women, founded in 1976, committed to improving the lives and careers of women in all aspects of the legal profession, influencing the future of the legal profession, and enhancing the status of women and promoting equal opportunities for all people. NOVEMBER 2012 Each year, Hawaii Women Lawyers sends a newsletter to the entire Hawaii State Bar Association to let you know more about our organization. As the thirty-third President of Hawaii Women Lawyers, I am excited about the year ahead and our wonderful dedicated Board of Directors. This year we aim to create opportunities for our members to get to know each other through networking events, a variety of programs, and volunteer opportunities. We have also taken new strides to make getting involved and finding out more much easier through our new membership website. On this website, with just a couple of clicks, members can easily update their information, post their pictures and biographies if they wish, share their expertise with the public and other members, sign up for HWL events, and renew their membership. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Hawaii Women Lawyers was founded in 1976 by women attorneys concerned about equality in the profession. In 2012, women still only make up 37% of active attorneys practicing in Hawaii despite M. Nalani Fujimori Kaina increases in law school enrollment (nationally at 46.8% and locally at 58%). As Hawaii Women Lawyers, our aim is to continue to improve the status of women attorneys in our profession. This year, expect programs aimed at looking at how far we’ve come and where we need to go as professional women; encouraging women to seek judgeships, and on-going professional development. Volunteer efforts and networking opportunities are also ways in which our members can get to know one another. This year, we will again be a part of the annual Breakfast with Santa sponsored by Prevent Child Abuse Hawaii where we will be manning the face painting area. We also partner each Spring with the Hawaii Women’s Legal Foundation to create Mother’s Day baskets for children in the child welfare system and in shelters across the state. Pau Hana events will be scheduled and we also continue our partnership with Ellen Godbey Carson’s Lady Lawyers Lunches as another way to network. Each Spring, we hold our signature Hawaii Women Lawyer Awards where we honor members of our community and our profession for their contributions to improving the lives of women and for outstanding performances that make us all proud. Whether a member or not, we humbly ask for your nominations, so that we can recognize outstanding people in our community. Finally, we encourage every member of the Bar to consider becoming a member. It is now easier than ever, go to and join us. The opportunities are limitless and now the power to be involved is just a click away. IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED AN E-MAIL FROM HAWAII WOMEN LAWYERS, YOU MAY NOT BE A REGISTERED MEMBER. PLEASE CONTACT US AT TO CHECK ON YOUR MEMBERSHIP STATUS OR BECOME A MEMBER AT REGISTERED MEMBERS WILL RECEIVE FUTURE NEWSLETTERS BY E-MAIL ONLY. PAST HWL AWARD RECIPIENTS Lorem Ipsum Outstanding Woman Lawyer Award 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 Shannon Wack and Jo Kim Kathryn Matayoshi Florence Nakakuni Dean Hazel Beh Sen. Colleen Hanabusa Colleen Wong Thalia Murphy Lea Hong Professor Mari Matsuda Congresswoman Patsy Mink General Coral Wong Pietsch Donna Tanoue Susan Ichinose Margery Bronster Beadie Kanahele Dawson Yuklin Aluli Stephanie Rezents Pamela Ferguson-Brey Mervina Cash-Kaeo Esther Kwon Arinaga Ellen Godbey Carson Lorraine Akiba Joyce Neely & Leslie Hayashi Joann Yukimura Elizabeth Jubin Fujiwara Susan Oki Mollway Sherry Broder Angie King Shelby Anne Floyd Carol Mon Lee Meredith Lennel Outstanding Judicial Achievement Award 2011 Hon. Faye Koyanagi 2010 Hon. Leslie Kobayashi 2009 Hon. Corinne Watanabe 2008 Hon. R. Mark Browning 2007 Hon. Karen Radius 2006 Hon. Sabrina S. McKenna 2005 Hon. Colleen Hirai 2004 Hon. Susan Oki Mollway 2003 Hon. Marie Milks 2002 Justice Paula Nakayama 2001 Hon. Frances Wong Lifetime Achievement Award 2011 Professor John M. Van Dyke 2010 Chief Justice (ret.) Ronald Moon 2009 Mahealani Perez Wendt 2008 Sonia Faust 2007 Hon. Marcia Waldorf 2006 Shimeji Ryusaki Kanazawa 2005 Melody MacKenzie 2004 Lois Yasui 2003 Alana W. Lau 2002 Shelby Anne Floyd 2001 Beadie Kanahele Dawson 2000 Bernice Littman 1999 Ah Quon McElrath 1998 Chief Justice William S. Richardson 1997 Hon. Evelyn Lance HWL 2012 Annual Awards Recognizing Achievement and Service in Hawaii 1996 1995 1994 Congresswoman Patsy Mink Hon. Betty Vitousek Naomi Campbell Distinguished Service Award Each year, HWL recognizes women and men in our community who have made significant contributions that help to advance HWL’s mission - improving the lives and careers of women in all aspects of the legal community, influencing the future of the legal profession, and/or enhancing the status of women and promoting equal opportunities for all people. HWL is soliciting nominations for its 2012 Annual Awards to be presented in March 2013. Nominations must be made in writing and sent via e-mail to Erin M. Kobayashi at Nominations must be received by Monday, December 1 7, 201 2. significant merit which accomplishments advance the mission of Hawaii Women Lawyers. Outstanding Judicial Achievement Award Criteria: Sitting Judge who has made significant contributions to the bench which contributions advance the mission of Hawaii Women Lawyers. Lifetime Achievement Award Criteria: Individual in our community who has over her or his lifetime made significant contributions in areas that have advanced the mission of Hawaii Women Lawyers. Distinguished Service Award Criteria: Individual in our community who has made significant community contributions within the past year which contributions advance the mission of Hawaii Women Lawyers. Elizabeth Kent Amy Agbayani Adriana Ramelli Rob Perez Chris Chun Dean Carol Mon Lee Laurie Tochiki Nanci Kreidman Lorraine Robinson Denise Antolini Allicyn Hikida Tasaka & Annelle Amaral Ellen Godbey Carson Diane Yukihiro Chang Jacqueline Young Dorothy “Dolly” Ching Judy Weightman Reverend Pamela Vessels & Anne Clarkin Judy Sobin & Windward Spouse Abuse Coalition Outstanding Woman Lawyer Award Criteria: Individual attorney having achieved of 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 Please take the time to nominate an exceptional attorney, judge, or individual in our community, for the following awards: accomplishments 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1982 1981 Honorable Marie Milks Rep. Annelle Amaral & Sara Lyn Smith Chief Justice Herman T.F. Lum Hon. Helen Gillmor Senator Mary George Eleanor Pearce Naomi Campbell Congresswoman Patsy Mink C. Frederick Schutte Honorable Betty Vitousek Harriet Bouslog Rhoda Lewis President’s Award 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 Susan Ichinose Kimberlee Bassford Elisabeth Chun Melissa Pavlicek Louise K. Y. Ing Congresswoman Mazie Hirono Rep. Barbara Marumoto Dr. Laura Weldon Hoque Karen Char & June R. Lee Lynn Maunakea Patricia McManaman Rai Saint Chu & Emme Tomimbang M. Casey Jarman Sister Michelle McQueeny Gladys K. Aiona Brandt Hon. Marie Milks Madelyn Perry & Rev. Pamela Boyd Cynthia Thielen Trudy Burns Stone Sharon Burnham Takeuchi Susan Arinaga Li Michelle Tucker Susan Jaworowski 3 MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR … UPCOMING HWL EVENTS Brown Bag Session: “Life is a Presentation,” featuring Pam Chambers DON T BE CAUGHT ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE LAW PLEASE SAVE THE DATE! HAWAII WOMEN’S LEGAL FOUNDATION FUNDRAISER 2012 “SUPER HERO SMASH!” NOVEMER 17, 2012, Hilton Hawaiian Village H on orary co-cha irs R obe rt H iam (H aw aii Me dica l Serv ice Ass ocia tion ) a nd B arbra Ple ad we ll ( Ha stin gs & Plea dw ell) bring a n e nt ert ain ing n ight of exce pt iona l food , w ine , d an cin g, sile nt a uct ion, an d othe r surprises w orthy of a “super he ro.” Visit htt p://ww w.hw t-fun dra iser/curre nt-fun dra iser-2/ to purchase ticket s, re serv e a t able , or to make dona tion s. November 12, 2012 at 12 noon, Ashford & Wriston HWL brings back presentation coach and public speaker Pam Chambers. Visit for more information about Ms. Chambers. Brown Bag Session: The Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women December 7, 2012 at 12 noon, TBA Executive Director of the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women (HSCSW) and HWL Director, Cathy Betts, will discuss the mission and mandates of the HSCSW, ways the community can use the Commission as a resource, and discuss the current legislative priorities for the upcoming legislative session. EVENTS SUPPORTED BY HWL “Super Hero Smash!”, Hawaii Women’s Legal Foundation 2012 Fundraiser (top left) Breakfast with Santa, December 15, 2012 at the Japanese Cultural Center An annual fundraiser for Prevent Child Abuse Hawaii. RECENT HWL EVENTS HWL Pau Hana Networking Event, October 17, 2012 (Bambu2) The first informal, networking event bringing HWL members and supporters together. Don’t worry if you missed it, there will be more opportunities to come! ELIMINATING GENDER VIOLENCE IN EDUCATION: THE NEXT 40 YEARS OF TITLE IX (July 24, 2012) The event, co-sponsored by the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women, Hawaii Women Lawyers, Hawaii State Bar Association DEAL, and YWCA of O’ahu, focused on the intersection of civil rights, gender discrimination, and sexual violence on college campuses. Moderated by Justice Sabrina McKenna featuring panelists Linda Krieger (Professor of Law, University of Hawaii) and HWL Director Jennifer Solidum Rose (Gender Equity Specialist, University of Hawaii). Please visit to find out more about upcoming events and to register for an event. RECENT EVENTS SUPPORTED BY HWL Eliminating Gender Violence in Education (left), July 24, 2012 Fair Housing Outreach Event, presented by the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission, U.S. Dept. of Housing, Urban Development Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Legal Aid Society of Hawaii, and YWCA of Oahu, September 20, 2012 2012 Wahine Forum, presented by Hawaii Business and the Junior League of Honolulu, October 26, 2012 October 2012 2012-2013 HWL Officers and Board of Directors President: M. Nalani Fujimori Kaina Vice-President/President Elect: Shellie K. Park-Hoapili Secretary: Natalie Younoszai Treasurer: Shan Wirt Immediate Past President: Patsy Saiki Directors: Lori Amano Dianne Brookins Jacquelyn Tryon Esser Erin M. Kobayashi Kate Lloyd Tricia Nakamatsu Jennifer Rose Kristine Yoo Law Student Representatives: Sarah Beamer, Maria Calderon, Elika Stimpson Cathy Betts Cecelia Chang Mihoko Ito Yvonne Lau Lynne McGivern Zale T. Okazaki Laurie Tochiki For more information about Hawaii Women Lawyers, please visit our new website, We love hearing from our members. If you would like to submit information for the next HWL newsletter, please e-mail Erin M. Kobayashi at