Market Structure -


Market Structure -
Instytut Ekonomii
Market structures and
Prof. Tomasz Bernat
Microeconomics Department
Institute of Economics
Instytut Ekonomii
Neo-clasical economics
• Basic teorem:
• Competition is good solution but monopolisation
is bad solution for the economy:
– The perfect competition is a market structure where
economics resources are allocated in optimal way
– Monopoly lead to wrong resources allocation
• Questions: Is it right? For whom? For what? In
what conditions?
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Market Structure
• Market Structure – those characteristics of
the market that significantly affect the
behavior and interaction of buyers and
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Market structure – criteria of describing
Number and size of sellers and buyers
Type of the product
Conditions of entry and exit
Undertaken form of competition
Transparency of information
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Number and size of sellers and buyers
• The example:
10 companies in a single market
Case 1: all companies have the same market share
Case 2: the first company has 91%, all others 1% each
Question: where the competition is stronger?
• Kind of competition:
– Quantitative competition
– Qualitative competition
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Type of the product
• The kind of product’s groups
– Standard
– Differented
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Undertaken form of competition
• Price competition
• Non-price competition
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Conditions of entry and exit
Structural barriers
• High capital cost
• Economies of scale
• Product differentiation and brand loyalty
• High switching cost
• Ownership/control of key factors or outlets
Strategic barriers
• Limit pricing
• Excess capacity
• Vertical integration
• Sleeping patents
• Predatory pricing
• Tying sales
Institutional barriers
• Patents
• Regulations
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Transparency of information
• Full information
• Non-transparent information
• Problem of information asymmetry
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Market Structures
• The four market structures
– perfect competition
– monopoly
– monopolistic competition
– oligopoly
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Perfect Competition - structure
• Many and small sellers, so that no one can
affect the market
• Homogeneous product
• Free entry to and exit from the industry
• Transparent and free information
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Pure Monopoly- market structure
• Only one producer in the industry
• The product does not have close
• Blocked entry
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Monopolistic competition - structure
Many and small sellers
Differentiated product
Free entry and exit
Transparent and free information
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Oligopoly – market structure
• A) Tight oligopoly – a few big firms in the
industry with comparable market shares
B) Dominant firm oligopoly – one of the
big firms in the industry is recognized as
the price leader
• Homogeneous / Heterogeneous oligopoly
• Significant barriers to entry to and exit
from the industry
• Significant barriers to
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SCP Paradigm
Basic Conditions
Market Structure
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raw material
product durability
business attitudes
price elasticity
rate of growth
marketing type
purchase method
cyclical and
seasonal character
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Market structure
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Market Conduct
• Market Conduct – a firm’s policies
toward its market and toward the
moves made by its rivals in that
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pricing behavior
product strategy
research and innovation
legal tactics
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Market Performance
• Market Performance – how well does
an industry do what society might
reasonably expect it to do
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allocative efficiency
static production efficiency
dynamic efficiency - progress
full employment
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Perfect Competition - Performance
P = MR
P = MC
P = AC
AC minimum
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Perfect Competition - Performance
Static Efficiency
• Efficiency in allocation
• Efficiency in motivation
• Efficiency in distribution
MC = P
AC = P
The Perfect Competition achieves static efficiency
Dynamic Efficiency
There is NO potential and motivation for innovations and technological progress
The Perfect Competition does not achieve dynamic
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Pure Monopoly - performance
Static efficiency
Efficiency in allocation
Efficiency in motivation
MC < P
excess capacity
Efficiency in distribution
AC < P
The pure monopoly does not achieve static efficiency
Dynamic efficiency
There is a potential and motivation for innovations and technological progress
The pure monopoly is motivated to achieve dynamic efficiency at the
presence of potential competition
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The most innovative companies in the World 2015
The Forbes ranking
Questions: are the companies SME or big?
What marekt structure they represent?
Slajd nr 26
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No 1
Tesla Motors
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No 2
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No 3
Alexion Pharmaceuticals
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No 4
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
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No 5
ARM Holding
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No 6
Unilever Indonesia
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No 7
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No 8
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No 9
Under Armour
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No 10
Biomarin Pharmaceutical
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Summary of 10 the most innovative
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Competition vs monopolisation
• Questions:
Is it right?
For whom?
For what?
In what conditions?
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