AUGUST, 2015 - miataclubofsouthwestflorida
AUGUST, 2015 - miataclubofsouthwestflorida
THE MIATA CLUB OF SOUTHWEST FLORIDA AUGUST, 2015 ZOOMZOOM... Board Members Dana Breda, President PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE BY DANA BREDA 336-416-7464 Jerry Williams, Vice President Hi everyone, 864-436-2902 Jean Fischer, Past President 305-389-7864 It's really, really summer here - Even I am riding around with the top up and the A/C on - and I usually keep the top down unless the storm has a name! Noni Cockrum, Treasurer 239-278-1729 Leslie Schmitt, Secretary 651-235-4803 Donna Noyes, Membership And Events Coordinator 239-454-5665 Sandy Bowers, Newsletter Editor 239-567-2149 Gary Blessing, Webmaster We've had a couple of great activities this past month our Facebook page has lots of pics of the trip to the museum at Marco Island and we had a great ride (in the driving rain) to Bradenton for Cox Miata's unveiling of the 2016 Miata. If you haven't seen a 2016 ND Miata, you should take a look - it's a bit smaller than the NC model, and really good looking. We made the newspapers in Marco Island and Bradenton this past month - hope you've all read the emails with the details. My personal thanks go to Donna Noyes, Ruth Brewer, Noni Cockrum and the others for all the work done to make these events happen for our club. 239-910-4610 Dealer Liaisons Please join us for the good rides we have coming up in August - details in the newsletter. Steve Bowers, Palm Mazda 239-567-2149 Ruth Brewer, Cox Mazda 517-331-4618 Ron Lindensmith,O’Brien Mazda 239-699-6339 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 25th OF EACH MONTH What a great club we have! We have lots of folks doing all kinds of work so we all can have a good time with our cars - and all I have to do is show up and give away the door prizes! Hope to see you at Victory Lane on August sixth! (you snowbirds should come back and play with us!) Dana NEXT MIATA MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 2015 WHERE: Victory Lane Café 239-995-2015 4120 Hancock Bridge Parkway on the Southwest corner of Orange Grove Blvd., next to CVS, N. Ft. Myers 33903 TIME: Meeting at 6PM, dinner preceding REPLY TO: Donna Noyes, 239-454-5665, or email PLEASE RESPOND BY TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2015 SAVE THE DATES Thursday, August 6, 2015 Monthly Miata Meeting Monday, August 10, 2015 Dinner at Three Fishermen Monday, August 31, 2015 Lunch at Columbia and Ringling Tour-Sarasota Friday-Sunday, Dec. 4-6, 2015 Key West Christmas Parade Friday, December 11, 2015 Annual Miata Club Christmas Dinner-Herons Glen Thursday, December 17, 2015 Punta Gorda Christmas Canal Cruise Tuesday, January 12, 2016 Three Suns Ranch Tour Saturday, March 19, 2016 Annual Miata Club Picnic When ordering from Duragloss Car Care Products1-800-638-7245 or use the promotion code #10-25 to receive a 10 percent discount on EVERYONE NEEDS A LITTLE SUNSHINE By Sandy Cole As I write this column, we are relaxing (?) and enjoying a visit with friends and family in Illinois and Michigan. Weather has been wonderful. And, I realize that August is just around the corner. The good news is, I have not heard from anyone of our members regarding needs for added sunshine. WOW, that makes two months in a row. I trust many of you were able to take advantage of the fun events planned for July, and/or have had safe travels. Yes, July is hot and often wet, but this is Florida in the summer! I trust you have made the best of things. As always, we have several members who are celebrating another year on this wonderful planet. We are all blessed and grateful. Please join me in wishing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to: Gary Blessing, Dana Breda, John Chapman, Ray Dezendorf, Marlene Erhardt, David Greenwood, Jerry Grego, Bob Gresh, Frank Kinslow, Fran Kinslow, Paul Marcuzzo, Rudy Munoz, Butch Reynolds, and Denny Small. Stay healthy and safe! Hope to see you all soon. SUNSHINE SANDY DINNER AT THE THREE FISHERMEN RESTAURANT BY SANDY COLE I have arranged for our club to have dinner at The 3 Fishermen Restaurant on Monday, August 10 at 5:30 p.m. The restaurant is located just north of the Caloosahatchee River in the Best Western Hotal off of Route 41 in N. Ft. Myers. They have Happy Hour from 3—6 pm, and an “All You Can Eat” fish dinner special (select the type of fish and the way it is cooked) with choice of 2 sides for $13.99. The regular menu is varied and reasonable, and includes some choices for you non-seafood eaters. The restaurant has a great location on the river, so come watch the dolphins and stay for the sunset! As a bonus, you can enjoy a relaxing evening with your friends in the Miata Club. By the way, guests are also welcome. You will need to make reservations by Aug. 8. You can sign up at the regular monthly meeting on Aug. 6th, or send Sandy an email:, or call 239-997-7679. The current plan is for everyone to just meet at the restaurant at 5:30. Hope to see you there. Three Fishermen Seafood Restaurant 13021 N. Cleveland Ave., North Fort Myers, FL 33903 BACK TO THE BEACH AND NERVOUS NELLIES By Dick and Lynn Wright On July 1st, we met at Publix on the corner of Bonita Beach Road for the beginning of a great event. Of course, any time it includes eating it is a great event. We had planned on having 10 cars for the 14 mile run up Estero Blvd, but when we pulled out we had 12 cars which was a nice turn out. We pretty much kept together, but I understand whoever followed Jean had some issues keeping up with her. We made reservations for 40 at Nervous Nellie’s and, low and behold, everyone showed up! The only minor setback is that they gave us the group room—with broken air conditioning. They were working on it and I asked them if they would have it fixed in 10 minutes and when they said no, I politely asked for the manager. In light of 40 paying customers vs whoever might be walking in at noon, he correctly chose to move us to the main dining room. It appears that everyone had a great time and many are ready to go back there again. Lynn and I have been there several times and we each order the lobster roll. How big is it? We each ate 1/2 and took the other halves home. We bought New England style rolls and had 4 more lobster rolls. Those who didn’t stuff themselves as much as Lynn and I did went up to Love Boat Ice Cream – about 15 folks. On the way out of Nervous Nellie’s, a gal coming in looked at me and said, “A Miata meet?” I said, “How can you tell?” Her reply was, “I’m pretty smart for a blond.” A great day…looking forward to the next outing. Members enjoying lunch at Nervous Nellie’s CONTINUED…. Club Members are enjoying ice cream at the Love Boat Don Cole, Paul Shilinsky, Sandy Cole Dana Breda and Sandy Rusin Elaine Weissbarn and Ron Lindensmith Jerry and Bonnie Friedman Steve and Sandy Bowers MIATA SHIRTS AND CAPS Embroidered shirts and caps available from Cathy, owner of the Golden Needle 941-743-4410 Port Charlotte Note to our members: You can bring in any type of clothing or a cap to the Golden Needle and have our club logo embroidered on it in your choice of colors! Let’s all show our club spirit! RIDE TO SARASOTA—COLUMBIA RESTAURANT AND RINGLING MUSEUM BY SANDY COLE SAVE THE DATE: MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 2015 We plan to have lunch at The Columbia Restaurant in St. Armands Circle followed by a tour of The Ringling Museum. Or, if you prefer, other options include: going to the beach, shopping in the Circle, stopping for ice cream or whatever!!!! The Columbia Restaurant is considered the 'Gem of Spanish Restaurants' and this is one of their seven locations. There is plenty of parking behind the restaurant. The menu is extensive and should satisfy both large and small appetites. So, even if you choose to just join us for lunch, it should be a worthwhile outing. Besides, Miata owners are great company and full of fun!! Following lunch, if you choose to go on to the Ringling Museum, there is NO charge for entrance. You will be able to wander the grounds, which are lovely, and visit the 'House of John', (which is the family residence on the Sarasota Bay). If you select a guided tour of the house, there is a $5.00 charge. You may also visit the Museum of Art which is free on Mondays. If you have not already done so, I would recommend you take the tour of the Circus Museum. There is a charge for that tour which is $23.00 (the normal entrance fee). However, If we should have 20 people interested in the tour, the cost would be $20.00. The museum is open daily from 10 am to 5 pm. We will meet at the McDonalds on Jones Loop Rd. in Punta Gorda at 9 am with plans to depart at 9:15 am. We will caravan to Sarasota and meet for lunch between 11:15 and 11:30. We should be able to get to the Museum by 1:30 which should allow you ample time to explore the facilities. Directions will follow later. I will have a sign-up sheet at the next meeting on Aug. 2nd. Or, feel free to call or email me and I will sign you up. (email:, phone: 239-9977679.) Columbia Restaurant 411 St Armands Circle, Sarasota, FL 34236 The Ringling Museum 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota, FL 34243 St. Armands Circle Lido Key, Sarasota, FL 34236 MIATA CLUB TAKES MARCO ISLAND BY STORM! BY DONNA NOYES Luckily, there was no “storm” – only a light shower early in the drive to Marco Island, lasting just a very short time. However, the arrival of our 14 Miatas (and 26 folks) in Marco did cause a bit of excitement, especially after our drive from Mango’s Dockside Bistro to the Marco Island Historical Museum. The sight of our caravan of spiffy little roadsters caused several drivers to follow us to the museum parking lot to check us out. Our day started at Gulf Coast Town Center in Fort Myers and we took a leisurely drive along Three Oaks Parkway, Livingston Road, and Collier Blvd, passing through some lovely residential areas. Tables were set and ready for us when we arrived at Mango’s for lunch. Everyone seemed to enjoy their meals and the service was good. The restaurant is in a lovely location and I recommend it if you are ever down that way. The drive from Mango’s to the museum was just under 3 miles. When we arrived there, we were greeted by Pam Miner, Interim Manager of the museum, and Elaine Michaelis, a journalist from the Marco Island Sun-Times newspaper. They had us line up our Miatas so that Elaine – perched at the top of a ladder in the parking lot – could take a good photo of us to include with her article in the newspaper. Elaine subsequently talked to some of the folks who followed our caravan to the museum in curiosity. British tourist checks out a Miata CONTINUED …. MIATA CLUB TAKES MARCO ISLAND BY STORM! (CONTINUED) BY DONNA NOYES At the museum, Pam gave us a nice introduction and briefly discussed the other Collier County Museums and then showed us an interesting PBS film about the history of Marco Island and its development. We then had some time to walk around the museum to see some of their exhibits. The museum facility is an unusual structure, built to look like a typical Calusa Indian gathering place, and it contains several artifacts and displays of Calusa life. Replica of Key Marco Cat Our final stop – Ice Cream! Less than 2 miles from the museum is Beebe’s Ice Cream shop. Although a few members decided to skip this stop (maybe watching their waistlines?), the rest of us thoroughly enjoyed the homemade ice cream here. Picking among the various unusual flavors like Butterscotch Bomb, Garbage Can, Salty Caramel Peanut, Superman (wild colors!) and the more traditional ones was a tough job but someone had to do it! It was a nice ending to a lovely day on Marco Island – and we made the local news! Thanks to all that joined me on this trip. Parker and Elaine Moore are excited for their ice cream! Leslie Schmitt loves it! Yum! MEMBERSHIP MISSIVES –AUGUST, 2015 BY DONNA NOYES Our summer residents are sweltering, but so are many of our northern snowbirds. Those of you that thought you were escaping Florida heat and humidity found that you took some of that “H & H” with you! We full-timers tried to cool off this month by celebrating National Ice Cream month twice (or more) by visiting some of our local ice cream parlors. Meeting attendance continues to decline from the peak of the season due to many members taking vacations but we still had 32 members at the July meeting – extremely good for this time of year. The following new members joined us in July: Rayanna and Rick Edwards of Lehigh Acres. They just purchased a 1999 Twilight Blue Mica Miata to replace their previous Miata. Rayanna and Rick are new to the area, so when you see them at a future meeting or event, be sure to greet them and give them our typical friendly welcome to the club and area. As of July 22, 2015, our membership now stands at 76 cars and 142 people. If you know someone that has or just acquired a Miata, tell them about our club and encourage them to attend a meeting – as most of you know, I’m always ready to sign someone up! Another reminder - PLEASE wear your name badges at our meetings or events so that we know who you are. I try very hard to recognize and remember each of you . . . but my “senior” memory sometimes fails, so please help me out. I suggest keeping your badges in your Miata – then you will always have them handy. I look forward to seeing you soon. Until then, ZOOM-ZOOM! UNVEILING OF THE 2016 MIATA AT COX MAZDA BY DONNA NOYES AND SANDY BOWERS The weather was not the best – in fact, it was pretty much miserable. But a little – or even a lot – of rain would not dissuade Miata lovers from attending the Unveiling of the new design 2016 Miata. Cox planned a big event to celebrate the occasion, inviting our club as well as the Gearheads from Sarasota and other interested folks from the area. The MCSW was well represented in the large crowd that assembled inside the dealership. A total of 39 members attended, 21 traveling to Cox on their own and 18 caravanning from Punta Gorda. The Punta Gorda caravan actually split roughly in half. Donna Noyes (a rain-chicken who won’t drive her Miata on I-75 in the rain) took a group of 5 cars on a leisurely and uncrowded “rural” route to Bradenton. The remaining 6 cars from the Punta Gorda group bravely stormed up I-75, rain be damned! We all arrived unharmed at Cox, just in time to get soaked as the rain started coming down in earnest. In the middle of the showroom sat the object of our travels, elevated slightly, cordoned off by barriers and ropes, covered in cloth. We all anxiously awaited the unveiling. The time finally came to see what we all drove so far in the rain for. Even the buyer of this new 2016 Miata (Gary Fischman) had not seen his new car! Cox managed to keep it covered and hidden. Our president, Dana Breda, gave a brief speech in which our club honored Joe Centofanti, the first liaison to Cox (see separate article). Then the unveiling began, with Kelly Cox (Dealership owner), Frank Underwood (Sales Manager), and Gary slowly removing the cover from the Miata. Many oooo’s and ahhh’s followed, with applause. That shiny red beauty was worth the wait. The ropes came down, and we all had the opportunity to walk around the Miata for a closer look (but do not touch!). Cox provided us with sandwiches, beverages, and goody bags. We had the opportunity to talk to the staff and members of the general public who came for the event. Perhaps we even convinced a few of those Miata owners to join our club! The heavy rain did not dampen our spirits, and I think several of us drove home with visions of a new fourth generation Miata in our garage. Thank you Cox Mazda for a great event!! Our Miatas got a free car wash in the Cox parking lot A rainy drive to Cox CONTINUED…. Anxiously waiting….. Finally, the unveiling, as Gary and his wife see their new Miata, and the Club members “ooo” and “ahh”! Donna Noyes takes a picture of the little red beauty Noni Cockrum with Larry Larson’s “fur baby” Gracie Club members admire the interior Pam Wilson, Lynn Soller, Leslie Schmitt, Sandy Rusin But will 40 pounds of candy fit in that trunk for the Key West Parade??? JOE CENTOFANTI AWARD PRESENTED TO COX MAZDA BY NONI COCKRUM Just before the unveiling of the new fourth generation Miata, our Club President (Dana Breda) and Christin Commons (Joe Centofanti’s daughter) presented Cox Mazda with a plaque in Joe Centofanti's memory, our first liaison for Cox Mazda. When Joe passed away he left a great tradition of love and friendship that still lives in the Miata Club of Southwest Florida. Joe loved the club and working with Cox Mazda. His son said it best in a letter to Ruth Brewer, “He was quite proud of the relationship he built with Cox Mazda and really loved the people there. When he got a nice sponsorship from them, he was delighted. Had a big grin that day. Said it was like being back at work, but without the stress.” Joe was a true word artisan; some of us still use his old letters as a blueprint for the letters we need to write. He helped many of the club members when they needed advice on how to approach a dealership for sponsorship, put a car show together, or just a new approach to a car problem. Joe’s daughter (Christin) and her husband (John Commons) attended the celebration of Joe’s life and the unveiling of the new fourth generation Miata. The new Miata on the show room just happened to be Joe’s favorite color combination, bright metallic red with beige interior, which seemed so fitting for this occasion. Christin and John enjoyed listening to club members’ stories about Joe and the warm feelings they have for Joe. Christin and John thought the club did a beautiful job thanking an old friend. President Dana Breda speaking, with Kelly Cox, dealership owner Christin (Centofanti) Commons with Kelly Cox and Dana Breda The award presented to Cox Mazda Christin and John Commons MEET YOUR BOARD! RUTH BREWER, DEALER LIAISON FOR COX MAZDA My husband Dick and I are probably the longest serving members of our Club since joining approximately August 1997. We had purchased a ’95 M Edition Merlot Mica a couple of months earlier and then discovered a Miata Club existed in our area (Punta Gorda). There were about 7 or 8 couples who had started the Club about a year earlier, and these couples along with the Founders, Bob Frantz and John Starke, set the stage for meeting wonderful down to earth people who enjoyed driving their roadsters, hosting tech sessions at Bob’s garage aka Sparkey’s Garage and at least once a year would hold a huge barbeque at Bob’s home. We would also frequently take long weekend trips together to such places as Mt. Dora and the Clermont Winery, swimming with the manatees in the Crystal River plus several runs to the Tail of the Dragon (U.S. 129 in Deals Gap, N. Carolina claiming 318 hairpin turns in 11 miles of road). Our 1st Generation M Edition led to a 2nd Generation 2001 SE Sunlight Silver Miata followed by a 3rd Generation 2012 MX-5 PRHT Crystal Pearl Mica which is our current Miata. We are curious to see the new 4 th Generation MX-5 Miata that has just entered the showrooms, but we’re so happy with our present Miata, I just don’t see us making a change, but who knows!! Prior to becoming snowbirds from Michigan in 1995, I spent my growing up years in Tiffin, Ohio, graduated from Bowling Green State University with a B.S in Spanish & Sociology and then received my M.A. in Guidance and Counseling from Eastern Michigan University. I met my husband Dick (now married 46 years!) while we were both employed as Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors for the State of Michigan. We later owned a career school in Lansing, MI from which we retired 5 years ago. We love wintering in southwest Florida, but we also love to summer in Laingsburg, MI to spend time with our 2 sons and their families. They have blessed us with 1 grandson and 3 granddaughters! Whether we are in Florida or Michigan, we enjoy boating, top down driving (in MI it’s an ’08 VW Convertible) and are active in volunteering in our communities and church. We both look forward to making more new friends in our Club and continuing to travel to new and exciting places in our little roadsters. We feel truly blessed to belong to such a great Club! STEVE BOWERS, DEALER LIAISON FOR PALM MAZDA I was born in Detroit a long time ago but grew up in the suburb of Allen Park. I went to Eastern Michigan University and received my B.S. degree in Psychology and my M.A. in Guidance and Counseling. (I just learned that Ruth Brewer and I were both in that same program at the same time at Eastern Michigan….we may have been in the same classes! It’s a small world afterall….). I then spent two years in the Army and ended up doing group counseling in the Fort Hood Drug Rehab program. After the Army, I worked for the State of Michigan doing Test Development Research with the Employment Service in a Department of Labor program. The best thing about the job is that is where I met Sandy (now my wife of 39 years). We enjoyed traveling, antiquing, and spending time on our 36-foot boat “Halseaon.” After we both retired, we moved to Florida in October, 2001 to the community of Herons Glen. I have always loved cars and working on them, since my father was an engineer at Fords and developed high performance parts. I was driving Ford factory experimental cars at the age of 16! I bought my first Miata (red 1999) because it fit in my garage behind my golf cart! We joined the club in Nov., 2006 and have thoroughly enjoyed all the people, places, and food! We now have a 2003 Garnet Red Mica Miata and plan on staying in the club as long as we can get in and out of our Miata! MEET YOUR BOARD! GARY BLESSING, WEBMASTER I have been sports car crazy since well before I could drive growing up in Omaha, Nebraska in the 50s. I have had over fifty cars so far starting with an 1962 MG Midget, hardtop-no soft top, sliding screw on plastic windows, 42HP of 948cc engine. That didn't stop me from autocrossing it or driving around with the top off hoping it would not rain or snow. My dream car has always been a Lotus Elan, like Emma Peel's. I kept the MG and various English sports cars through college at the University of Nebraska. Most were project cars that made me money. That along with working as a mechanic for FIAT, MG, Triumph, Jaguar, Lotus, SAAB and Mazda dealerships paid for college. Learning to fly and marriage brought changes and a few sedans but always a sports car and almost no manual transmissions to my household . Even my wife, Jean's Mazda 6 wagon has a 5speed manual. A 93 Miata purchase in 2001 was so close to an Elan but without the pain of English cars that I was hooked on Miatas. Way back in 2002, before I moved here from Wichita, Kansas in 2007 for a job flying a corporate jet, I bought my first new sports car. At the end of warranty, a cold side supercharger and intercooler from Flying Miata just about doubled the horsepower. I up the boost, changed injectors and computer since then; Tim Allen effect “always more power.” So kind of hard core on cars. I even road raced an Austin Healey and a Fiat 124 Spyder. I still have my fire resistant underwear and driving suit but racing the FIAT ended with getting into sailboat racing. Sailing got me here and all three of my sons are now down in Florida with me. Number one son here has a 99 Red Miata that is autocrossed and number three has a 95 Black Miata with roll bar from when the wild driving number two son owned it. Number two drives like he is "Driving Miss Daisy", now in his Corolla automatic. They all can't have the same interests. At least he likes sailboat racing along with the other sons, their wives and my wife. Being a family affair, sailing events trump Miata events just like it did road racing. Its wonderful to do things with one's adult children. I am still flying, so my schedule precludes regular attendance to meetings or events, but I want to be one of the people who help keep things working for the club. My computer skills are laughable to my computer programmer son, but seem to be adequate for our web position. I took this knowing I would have Steven to back me up with any problems. I am always happy to help members with technical issues on the cars, so don’t be bashful to call me for help. I would even host a “Tech Day” with the Air Capital Miata Club I used to belong to in Wichita, KS. We would change oil, do tune ups, minor repairs, a top replacement, and even a limited slip differential install during the day. So this position and hosting an event or two keeps me in touch with the incredible people in our club. KEY WEST CHRISTMAS PARADE, December 4-5-6, 2015 I know it’s a little early , but time moves faster each day. I have reserved 10 rooms at the Sugarloaf Lodge again this year. If you are thinking about going this year, then you might want to reserve a room; please check their cancellation policy. The phone number is 1-305-745-3211 and tell them you are with the Miata Club of Southwest Florida. After you make your reservation, please email me at so I can make a list of attendees. That way I can keep you updated on any changes and get you an itinerary as things evolve. Thank you. Jess Dunham Miata Event – Punta Gorda Christmas Canal Cruise Thursday, December 17, 2015, 7:30 pm, Fisherman’s Village, Punta Gorda, FL Join the fun with the beautiful cruise through the canals of Punta Gorda Isles to oooh and ahhhh over the lovely Christmas displays on private residences. We will board the Banana Boat at 7:30 and enjoy this fun filled cruise with Captain JR. This is a covered, open air boat with tables and bench seats, perfect for your beverages and snacks that you are allowed to bring on board. The boat holds a maximum of 49 passengers. Cost is $17.00 per person. Call Susan at Kingfisher Charters, 941-639-0969, to make your reservation. Tell her you are with the Miata Group. She will mail your tickets to you. Tickets are refundable up to two weeks before the event. Dinner prior to event – details to follow. Please notify Leslie Schmitt at 651-235-4803 or when you make your reservations so we know how many to expect for dinner.
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