
Miata Magic
December 2015
Volume 26
Number 12
Miata Christmas at
Hester Wagner Community House
The December meeting and Holiday party will be held once again at the Hester
Wagner Community House in Melbourne Village, Florida, 6100 Hall Rd, Melbourne,
FL 32904, on Saturday, December 12, 2015 starting at 6:00 PM. The December
meeting will be held at the Christmas Party, after dinner and before the gift exchange.
This year the Club will supply meat & cheese trays and chicken platters. Everyone
attending will bring a dish to share. Please keep in mind to bring enough to cover
around 25 to 30 members. Everything needs to be ready to serve. There are no
cooking facilities at this location and only one microwave oven. Drinks and paper
goods will be furnished by the Club.
Following items are still needed: Deviled eggs, olives & pickles, rolls, desserts
The evening will culminate with a gift exchange. Gift value to be $10.00 or less.
The key is to create the most fun wrapped package to place in high demand during the swap. One gift per person.
Please contact Steve at flsaretskyduo@hotmail.com, or 321/626-9545, with food
choices and number of people attending.
The Official Newsletter of the
Like us on Facebook
Follow link below for updated SCMC
Calendar of Events
Thanks to our benefactors
Boniface-Hiers Mazda in Melbourne has generously
supported the Space Coast Miata Club since it was
founded in 1989 with discounts to members and door
prizes that are awarded at every monthly meeting.
They also help to promote our club by displaying and
enthusiasts. Thanks to A.J. Hiers & Staff.
How to enjoy your Miata more!
Join the Space Coast Miata Club.
Cherye Weintraub
Palm Bay
Just reading this newsletter tells you how much fun all of
us are having. Why not be part of the action? Once each
month we have a meeting in Cocoa plus a planned event
to somewhere that gets us out on the road in our Miatas.
Your membership entitles you to a 20% discount on parts
and 10% on service labor at Boniface-Hiers Mazda. You
also get an official membership card, which can be picked
up at the monthly meetings, a club logo window
Annual dues are $20.00 per person. All past members, no
matter when you renew—dues are $20.00.
WEBSITE ADDRESS: www.spacecoastmiataclub.com
The Space Coast Miata Club assumes no liability for any information
contained herein; or injury or damage resulting from the use of this information. The ideas, opinions, maintenance or modification tips expressed
are to be used at the reader’s discretion. Individual contributors and/or
editors express no approval, authentication, or endorsement. All events
are uninsured, informal gatherings for which the Space Coast Miata Club
assumes no liability.
New members initial costs: Jan.-Mar.,$20, April-June, $15,
July-Sept.,$10, Oct.-Dec., $5. Send a check payable to
Space Coast Miata and mail to:
Next SCMC Monthly Meeting
December 12, 2015 at Christmas Party (see page 1)
Regular meetings (Feb. through November)
Location: Central Brevard
Library, 308 Forrest Ave, Cocoa, FL. (January 2016 meeting will be at Annual Dinner Meeting 1/ 9/16)
Rich Hellenberg
PO Box 361682
Melbourne, FL 32936
Next Issue Submission Deadline
December 22, 2015
Send to: Cherye Weintraub
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Join Bunnie & Ray Dow for a Miata Mystery Breakfast
Meeting time: 8:30am, Depart 8:45am
Meeting Place: County Line Saloon,
SR 192 & I-95, Melbourne, FL
SCMC Events are what it’s all about, and you can track the events through the monthly Newsletter, SCMC website, and the
Club’s Facebook page. If you have an event you would like to schedule, please notify Steve Saretsky,
flsaretskyduo@hotmail.com . Include all details, dates, time, meeting place, costs, RSVP dates, etc. The Newsletter deadline is the
22nd of each month, so please notify Steve in a timely manner. Let’s keep these wonderful, fun-filled events coming.
December 5, 2015—Saturday, MMB (Miata Mystery Breakfast), hosted by the Dow’s
December 12, 2015—Saturday, Annual Christmas Party, 6:00pm, Melbourne Village, FL
January 9, 2016—Saturday, Annual Dinner Meeting, Café Unique, RSVP and payment due by 12/5/15.
January 17, 2016—Sunday, Annual Drive-Out
February 7, 2016—Sunday, Super Bowl Party, hosted by the Bretz
May 8-14, 2016, Deal’s Gap, Tail of the Dragon
Toys for Tots Collection and Lunch at Lou's Filling Station,
November 15, 2015.
Our hosts, Bunnie and Ray Dow led our group of 17 members, in 8 Miatas, and one OTM (other than Miata), that
were loaded with Toys for Tots gifts. The group met at the Target parking lot, on Merritt Island, and traveled south on
scenic South Tropical Trail, down to the Mathers Drawbridge, on to South Patrick Drive and the Melbourne Causeway,
to our lunch destination, Lou’s Filling Station in Melbourne. Lorrie and Randy Barnes, the Marine representatives for
Toys for Tots, met us at Lou’s and gathered all the gifts our members collected for the Toys for Tots organization. It
was a great day, wonderful weather and tasty food at Lou’s. This really was a “feel good” event for all involved and a
job well done by Bunnie & Ray Dow for organizing this event and to all who participated in helping to make Christmas
a happy one for the kids who benefit from this wonderful charity.
Saturday, January 9, 2016, 6pm—RSVP by December 5, 2015
Café Unique, in Cocoa Village, opposite the new post office and diagonally across from the
new Cocoa City Hall at 607 Florida Avenue, Cocoa, FL
This is the Club’s only dress-up affair each year. Please join us for this fun and “Unique” event.
Cost is $26 per person. Make checks payable to Space Coast Miata Club and please include food choice on memo line of check. Mail to Cherye Weintraub, 5087 Riveredge Dr.,
Titusville, FL 32780. RSVP by December 5, 2015 to Cherye at ckw459@cfl.rr.com, or
321/223-5364 (call or text)
A motion was passed at the SCMC October meeting to refund $10, per paid
member that attends the Annual Dinner Meeting. Refunds will be handed out
at the Annual Dinner Meeting. Make your reservation NOW!
SCMC drive-out to Boomer Fest, Port Canaveral, FL and
Lunch at Harbortown, Merritt Island, Friday, November 6,
Our hosts, Chris and Steve Saretsky guided a group of 24
members in 13 Miatas and one OTM (other than Miata)
from Cocoa’s Central Library to the Exploration Tower in
Port Canaveral, FL for a tour of the Tower and visits with
many of the healthcare providers and other vendors that
were there to present overviews of their products and facilities. The Boomer Fest was well organized, with plenty
of parking, and well attended by many Brevard County
residents. The vendors provided many handouts
(freebies) including some free delicious chocolates.
After our visit, we gathered for a short drive to the Nautical Spirits Bar and Grill in Harbortown on Merritt Island.
The staff at the Nautical set up long tables and benches
for our group in a screened area with a great view of the
dock overlooking several upscale boats. The beverages,
food and conversation were enjoyed by all.
Our hosts, Chris and Steve, would like to thank everyone
for attending and making this event a great success and
one to remember.
For those SCMC members who live in Titusville, many may remember the early years of
Tico Airport and the Valiant Air Command. What began in the early 1970's as a small
group of interested folks and a few old war planes in need of refurbishment, has grown
into a well-researched and a most authentic history from the beginning of aviation to
present day. The Valiant Air Command (VAC) offers education about and preservation
of the Warbirds, as well as commemorating the men and women who flew them!
On Saturday, October 24, 2015, eight of our Club members followed the leadership of
Greg and Mary Smith from Central Brevard Library in Cocoa, FL, north to Titusville and
the Warbird Museum. Three other members joined the group there. A volunteer
named Randy made a great host and provided lots of information and some very interesting, detailed anecdotes about the planes and crew members. After several hours of
looking around, our group had worked up an appetite and was ready for lunch!
Greg and Mary once again took the lead and within minutes we arrived at the Shiloh
Steak & Seafood Restaurant on US-1 in Titusville. As always, good food and good conversation ensued. Thanks to Greg and Mary for a wonderful lunch and a most interesting day!

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