
Miata Magic
March 2016
Volume 27
Number 3
Just a friendly reminder… SCMC Annual membership payment is due
By being a member of Space Coast Miata Club you get to enjoy your Miata, meet new friends, experience new places and events, and receive 20% discount on parts and 10% on service labor at BonifaceHiers Mazda.
February begins SCMC’s membership drive, and if you have not already paid for 2016, please forward
payment to Bill Grieco, Treasurer. Send a check payable to Space Coast Miata and mail to: Bill Grieco,
3440 Muirfield Dr., Titusville, FL 32780
Returning members:
$20.00 per person, (NOT PER FAMILY)
New members initial costs:
Jan.-Mar.,$20, April-June, $15, July-Sept.,$10, Oct.-Dec.,
$5, per person, (NOT PER FAMILY)
Membership needs to be established to participate in events, with exception to the Annual Linda Young Picnic, which is a family event.
For a list of events go to www.spacecoastmiataclub.org, www.facebook.com
SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2016
Held at Ft. Christmas Park
1300 N Fort Christmas Rd, Christmas, FL 32709
Enclosed Pavilion 1, (past end of paved parking lot)
RSVP to Cherye at ckw459@cfl.rr.com or 321/223-5364
by March 7, 2016 if attending
Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, buns, condiments, paper goods, and drinks will be supplied by the Club.
Please bring a dish to share.
Arrival time 11am or after.
Lunch will be served at 12 noon.
50/50 Drawing/Horseshoes
If you have a favorite game, bring it along.
Feel free to bring lawn chairs, but there are metal chairs at the pavilion.
The Official Newsletter of the
For Sale, 2005, 5 speed manual transmission, rare Razor Blue
color with leather seats, 71,250
miles, in excellent condition. Recently replaced battery, belts,
brakes, rotors, hoses, etc., asking
$7,900. Call Steve at (321) 6269545.
For Sale 2008 copper red,
retractable hard top Grand
Touring Miata. 31,000
miles, new tires Asking
14,990. Call Matt Bretz,321254-8101.
Thanks to our benefactors
Boniface-Hiers Mazda in Melbourne has generously
supported the Space Coast Miata Club since it was
founded in 1989 with discounts to members and door
prizes that are awarded at every monthly meeting.
They also help to promote our club by displaying and
enthusiasts. Thanks to A.J. Hiers & Staff.
How to enjoy your Miata more!
Join the Space Coast Miata Club.
Cherye Weintraub
Palm Bay
Just reading this newsletter tells you how much fun all of
us are having. Why not be part of the action? Once each
month we have a meeting in Cocoa plus a planned event
to somewhere that gets us out on the road in our Miatas.
Your membership entitles you to a 20% discount on parts
and 10% on service labor at Boniface-Hiers Mazda. You
also get an official membership card, which can be picked
up at the monthly meetings, a club logo window
Annual dues are $20.00 per person, not per family. All past
members, no matter when you renew—dues are $20.00.
WEBSITE ADDRESS: www.spacecoastmiataclub.com
The Space Coast Miata Club assumes no liability for any information
contained herein; or injury or damage resulting from the use of this information. The ideas, opinions, maintenance or modification tips expressed
are to be used at the reader’s discretion. Individual contributors and/or
editors express no approval, authentication, or endorsement. All events
are uninsured, informal gatherings for which the Space Coast Miata Club
assumes no liability.
New members initial costs: Jan.-Mar.,$20, April-June, $15,
July-Sept.,$10, Oct.-Dec., $5. Send a check payable to
Space Coast Miata and mail to:
Next SCMC Monthly Meeting
March 15, 2016
Regular meetings (Feb. through November)
Location: Central Brevard
Library, 308 Forrest Ave, Cocoa, FL.
Bill Grieco
3440 Muirfield Dr.
Titusville, FL 32780
Next Issue Submission Deadline
March 22, 2016
Send to: Cherye Weintraub
SATURDAY 3/19/16
10am departure.
Bring lawn chairs.
Questions, 321/632-5669 (H) or 321/501-1378 (c)
SCMC Events are what it’s all about, and we need participation from
ALL members to keep the Events Calendar full with scheduled events
that take us to places near and far that are fun, exciting & different . If
you have questions or want to schedule an event, please notify Steve
Saretsky, flsaretskyduo@hotmail.com . Include all details, dates, time, meeting place,
costs, RSVP dates, etc. Let’s keep these wonderful, fun-filled events coming.
March 13, 2016—Sunday, Annual Linda Young Picnic
March 15, 2016—Tuesday, Monthly SCMC Meeting
March 19, 2016—Saturday, Bluegrass Festival, Ft. Christmas, Park, hosted by the Yoho’s
April 8, 2016—Friday, Putt Putt Golf and lunch, hosted by the Dow’s
April 15, 2016—Tuesday, Monthly SCMC Meeting
May 17, 2016—Tuesday, Monthly SCMC Meeting
May 8-14, 2016, Deal’s Gap, Tail of the Dragon
May 21, 2016—Saturday, Dinner, after Full Moon Drive-Out, hosted by the Dow’s
June 21, 2016—Tuesday, Monthly SCMC Meeting
July 19, 2016—Tuesday, Monthly SCMC Meeting
December 10, 2016—Saturday, Holiday Party
If you love to drive scenic roads, and love to eat, the 16th Annual Ride to the Gap
is the trip for you. After a fun day of activities, sitting around in the evening we
meet new friends and catch up with old friends from the two Ohio Miata Clubs.
The dates for the event this year are May 8 through 14. You can stay as many or
as few days as you want.
Feel free to do as much or as little as you want of the planned activities. Some
days you may want to take off on your own rather than attend the planned activity.
This event is led by Bill and Rancie Titley, members of Space Coast Miata Club
and the Cleveland, Ohio Miata Club. Some of the planned activities are:
Drive to Mt. Pisgah on the Blue Ridge Parkway with lunch at Pisgah Inn.
Drive to The Gap, the Tail of the Dragon, 318 curves in 11 miles, along the
rural North Carolina/Tennessee border. It's one of the most technical and
challenging roads in the country.
A new day trip, this year, is the Devil's Triangle, North of Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Lots of twisty roads and rural Tennessee scenery.
We will be staying at the Highland Manor Inn, 7766 E. Lamar Alexander Parkway, Townsend, Tennessee,
near the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Please call Highland Manor Inn at 1-800-213-9462, for
reservations. The rate is $69.50 for all nights. A continental breakfast is offered. To check out their amenities go to www.highlandmanor.com. Please be sure to tell them that you are with the Miata Club in order to get this rate.
Thanks to Peggy & Matt for hosting the 2016 Super Bowl
Party. Yummy food, good friends, and a pretty good Super
Saturday, January 30, 16 SCMC members met our event leaders, Bunnie &
Ray Dow, at County Line Saloon in Melbourne for a short drive to the Steak
'n Shake on SR 192. Breakfast was fast, coffee was hot, and the price was
right. Afterwards, those that wished to attend, followed Bunnie & Ray to
the Space Coast Wood Carvers Club for their annual wood carving show at the Eau Gallie
Civic Center. Two SCMC members, Steve Weintraub & Norm Goyette, are active carvers
with the club. Congrats to Norm Goyette for winning third place for one of his bird carvings. It was a fun, top down, day. Thanks Bunnie & Ray.
Thanks to Nancy & Grady Vickers for leading SCMC members on a drive-out to McKee Botanical Gardens in Vero
Beach, for the 7th annual Motor Car Exhibition. Throughout the gardens you could view 40 carefully chosen
"extinct" but not forgotten cars by a manufacturer or division of a manufacturer that no longer exists. The vehicles
were displayed throughout the garden, coinciding with Guy Darrough's "ROAR of the Dinosaur" sculpture exhibit. In
addition, the completed Stickwork sculpture "The Royals" was on display, within the Royal Palm Grove and will continue to be displayed until they fall apart naturally. The beautiful sunny, cool weather enhanced the day, as it was a
perfect top down day. After a couple of hours spent at the gardens, we took a short ride over the bridge to the
Riverside Cafe, where we all enjoyed a delicious lunch.
Space Coast Miata Club Car Magnets are a wonderful way to show your SCMC enthusiasm and
pride. They measure 7 1/2” x 5 1/4”.
They can be purchased for $7 each. Our T-shirts
and logo chairperson, Bunnie Dow, will have
these magnets for sale at scheduled events, and
the monthly SCMC meeting the 3rd Tuesday of
each month, Brevard Central Library, Cocoa. Any
questions, contact Bunnie at 321/508-0559.
Attention Members:
If you have not done so, please provide your
email address, as well as your phone number
to our Treasurer, Bill Grieco, (
It may be necessary to notify you that there
has been unforeseen event changes, additions, or deletions to events and we would
like to make sure you get notified if any
changes occur.
Space Coast Miata Club would like to thank Moss
Miata Motors for their generosity to us and sharing
our Events Calendar on their Moss Miata Blog.
You can see SCMC’s scheduled events along with
other Miata Clubs throughout the US.
Check it out: http://www.mossmiata.com/blog/
Friday, February 19, Chris & Steve Saretsky led 26 SCMC members ,12 Miatas and 2 OTM's, (other than Miatas) to Daytona
Beach, where we learned how Angell & Phelps Chocolate Factory creates their wonderfully delicious chocolate creations.
Our guide, Faye, made the experience fun and informative. But most would agree, the highlight was having samples at the
end of the tour. Once in a while it is okay to have dessert first, as in this case, when we left the chocolate factory and walked
next door to Chef Papa's for a delicious lunch. The quaint restaurant, not only had good food, but a comfortable atmosphere.
Once lunch was over, some members headed over to Ponce Inlet Lighthouse. Others went back to the chocolate factory to
purchase goodies to take home with them. Thanks Chris and Steve for organizing this yummy and interesting event.