january, 2016 - Miata Club of Southwest Florida
january, 2016 - Miata Club of Southwest Florida
THE MIATA CLUB OF SOUTHWEST FLORIDA http://www.miataclubofsouthwestflorida.com JANUARY, 2016 ZOOMZOOM... Board Members Dana Breda, President PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE BY DANA BREDA 336-416-7464 dbreda@earthlink.net Jerry Williams, Vice President 864-436-2902 Hi everyone, hdjdub@hotmail.com Jean Fischer, Past President 305-389-7864 turrbo@comcast.net Noni Cockrum, Treasurer 239-278-1729 nonicmh@gmail.com Leslie Schmitt, Secretary 651-235-4803 leslieschmitt@comcast.net Donna Noyes, Membership And Events Coordinator 239-454-5665 djn4mm@yahoo.com Sandy Bowers, Newsletter Editor Well, if you weren't at the Key West Christmas parade in December, you really missed a great time. It rained on us a bit on the way down, but overall the weather was fine. This was my second time in this event and it was even better than last year. We had more cars and the crowd seemed even more merrier. Sandy was under the weather so I went alone and even though I hated she wasn't there, it was still a blast. I realized I was running out of candy about 3/4 of the way through the parade and was tossing one piece at a time. If you haven't done the parade, you would never believe how big the parade is and how many kids there are in Key West. I don't know what was up with all those halfdressed guys on the balcony... 239-567-2149 halseaon@embarqmail.com Gary Blessing, Webmaster 239-910-4610 lanciabeta@hotmail.com Dealer Liaisons Steve Bowers, Palm Mazda 239-567-2149 Our Christmas party was very recent as I write this. It was a fun time and some great presents were shared. The cane with the rear view mirror and horn was a hit; the welding helmet was a favorite, too. I guess you had to be there to appreciate them. It was a fun time! I'm really looking forward to the Christmas Canal Cruise, too. halseaon@embarqmail.com Ruth Brewer, Cox Mazda 517-331-4618 ruthbrewer78@gmail.com Ron Lindensmith,O’Brien Mazda 239-699-6339 mrhandyrsl@hotmail.com NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 25th OF EACH MONTH As I mentioned last month, it's really important that you let us know if you're coming to the monthly meeting, particularly now that have a new venue. Hope to see you all at our meeting on January 11! Dana OUR CLUB IS MOVING !! We have made some important changes to our meeting location and meeting dates for 2016. To accommodate our growing club and the great turnout we get during season, we have changed our meeting location to Capt’n Fishbones at the Shell Factory in North Fort Myers. Capt’n Fishbones has a large parking lot, a good varied menu that should appeal to everyone, reasonable prices, a liquor license, and – most important – a separate meeting room that can handle our group in comfort and privacy. The restaurant is a part of the Shell Factory complex located on Rt. 41 in a separate building on the west side of the Shell Factory itself and should be easily accessible for most of us. The Shell Factory is about 1.5 miles north of Pine Island/Bayshore Rd. The meeting room has its own entrance to the right of the actual restaurant. Moving to this new location does affect the dates of our meetings. The only consistent day of the month that is available for our meetings is the second Monday of the month. So, beginning with our January meeting and continuing until May 2016, we will meet on the second Monday. The dates are January 11, February 8, March 14, April 11, and May 9. It is possible that we will be able to change back to the first Thursday of the month during the off-season and the fall of 2016, but that is not guaranteed. The Officers and Board of Directors are hopeful that the members will agree that this new location offers a better arrangement for our meetings and that the new meeting dates are acceptable. We hope to see you at our first meeting at Capt’n Fishbones on January 11. Dinner at 5:00 p.m., the meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. We’ll see you there! Check out the Shell Factory at www.shellfactory.com. Capt’n Fishbones Restaurant Meeting Room entrance next to restaurant Tour of the Center for Great Apes Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 1:00 pm $25 per person donation ORGANIZED BY SANDY DUNHAM The following information is from the Center….. Thank you for your interest of a tour to the Center for Great Apes sanctuary in Wauchula, Florida. It is truly a special place and we hope that after your visit, you will help us spread the mission of the Center. As you may already know, the Center for Great Apes is not open to the public and we only provide tours under special circumstances and for educational purposes. Therefore, we are sure you will understand that all tours, including yours, are subject to certain parameters. Tours begin at 1:00 pm on your scheduled day and the donation is $25 per person. All visitors will be required to sign our guest book, as well as sign the Visitor Consent and Release form. Tours will last approximately 1 ½ hours. Your scheduled tour will be a walking tour of about ¼ mile on shell-rock paths with limited sitting spaces. Be prepared to be in the Florida elements including sun, rain, bugs and other critters. Please wear comfortable clothes, hats and walking shoes and bring your own bottled water. Please note that your scheduled visit may be cancelled, rescheduled or interrupted at any time due to an emergency, staff availability, weather, routine care of the apes or other reasons deemed necessary. Details about the event……... TOUR OF THE CENTER FOR GREAT APES CONTINUED BY SANDY DUNHAM Details continued….. We will meet at the McDonalds at 26570 Jones Loop Rd. Punta Gorda, FL on Saturday, January 30, at 9:30 am and leave at 9:45 am for the first leg of our adventure to Nicholas’ restaurant in Wauchula where we will have an early lunch at 11:00 am prior to going to the Center for Great Apes. Our route (about 60 minutes) will take us up US-17. Once in Wauchula and after crossing Main Street, we will turn left at Townsend Street and then make another left onto US-17 South. Nichola’s restaurant is on the right just after you make the turn. After lunch, we will make a right turn onto US-17 south and go to the light at Main Street where we will turn left and follow the road to Maude Rd. (about 9 miles) Turn left onto Maude Rd. take it for about 1and ½ miles, parking is just after Van Simmons Rd. on the right. Bring your cameras. If you plan on attending, please contact Sandy Dunham at 239-731-8226 or matchpointsmd@aol.com prior to January 22, 2016. It is only by special invitation that we are able to tour this sanctuary. It doesn’t happen often! For those who have a GPS here are the addresses. McDonald’s- 26570 Jones Loop RD. Punta Gorda, FL. Nichola’s restaurant- 615 N. 6th Ave. Wauchula ,FL. Center for the Great Apes- 1065 Maude Rd. Wauchula, FL. 33873 NEXT MIATA MEETING JANUARY 11, 2016 WHERE: Captain Fishbones (Meeting Room) at the Shell Factory 2787 N. Tamiami Trail North Ft. Myers, FL 33903 TIME: Dinner 5pm (optional) Meeting 6pm REPLY TO: Donna Noyes djn4mm@yahoo.com 239-454-5665 PLEASE RESPOND BY FRIDAY, JAN. 8, 2016 SAVE THE DATES ! Monday, January 11, 2016 Monthly Miata Club Meeting — New Location —Capt’n Fishbones Tuesday, January 12, 2016 Three Suns Ranch Tour Saturday, January 30, 2016 Center for Great Apes Tour Monday, February 8, 2016 Monthly Miata Club Meeting Saturday, February 27, 2016 Palm Mazda Car Show and Event Monday, March 14, 2016 Monthly Miata Club Meeting Saturday, March 19, 2016 Annual Miata Club Picnic — Franz Ross Park, Pt. Charlotte Monday, April 11, 2016 Monthly Miata Club Meeting Monday, May 9, 2016 Monthly Miata Club Meeting EVERYONE NEEDS A LITTLE SUNSHINE By Sandy Cole I assume your December has also been a busy and hectic month. We are feeling overwhelmed, even though we are enjoying all the festivities. It would seem every club, neighborhood and friend or family has decided to arrange a Holiday Gathering. Therefore, it becomes a challenge to squeeze in the activity and be rested and reserve enough energy to get the house decorated, gifts bought, wrapped and mailed. WHEW!!!! Of course, if you are traveling, that will add another dimension to the situation. At any rate, we are blessed to be well enough to be able to enjoy all the fun. We are not complaining, just stating the obvious. We have continued to have a pretty healthy membership. My only request in December has been for Cindy Reynolds. She had knee surgery on December 11th. With no report to the contrary it would indicate all went well; she had to miss our Miata Holiday Dinner. (Sorry Cindy, it was a fabulous time. And, we missed you.) Please keep up the good record for good health and safe travels. Once again we have members who are celebrating another birthday. PLEASE join me in wishing the following a HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Gary Bedwell, Al Busche, William Dunstone, Jean Espenchied, Jean Fischer, Jerry Friedman, Delores Golob, and Parker Moore. We trust you will enjoy a happy and safe year ahead. God bless all of you and your loved ones. HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you. May 2016 continue to bring about new friendships and happy memories of the Miata Club of SW Florida. See you all soon. Sunshine Sandy PALM MAZDA CAR SHOW AND EVENT BY STEVE BOWERS The Palm Mazda event will be on Saturday, February 27, 2016. There will be food, giveaways, music, and a chance to show our cars to the community. Let’s see if we can break last year’s record attendance of 52 cars! Stay tuned for more details! KEY WEST CHRISTMAS PARADE BY JESS DUNHAM As always, we started our trip down to the Keys from the Cracker Barrel restaurant in Naples, FL. We had 14 cars signed up this year; one of the largest numbers we have had. Those in attendance this year were Steve & Sandy Bowers, Dana Breda, Jess & Sandy Dunham, Dick & Jean Fischer, Rick & Charlene Hayman, Carol Ross and Bev Davis, John & Karen Chapman, Francis & Frank Kinslow, Sherry & David Moore, Parker & Elaine Moore, Brent & Pat Mosher, Jay & Leslie Schmitt, and Rich & Judy Yando. I want to thank all of you for joining us this year; you made this event a success. We made our way down to the Keys via U.S.-41 with rest stops at the Oasis rest center and RaceTrac gas station in Homestead, Fl. to top off our gas tanks. We had a fairly wet ride down and all wondered what the weather would be like in Key West for the parade. We stopped for lunch at the Islamorada Fish Company restaurant which is part of Bass Pro. Everyone must have liked the food, because there was nothing but crumbs left on the plates! It continued to rain while we ate but we had high hopes of a good weekend. After lunch we continued to our motel, the SugarLoaf Lodge; they were ready for us and check-in went smoothly. Oasis Rest Center More rain! Lunch at the Islamorada Fish Company Sunset at the Sugarloaf Lodge Friday evening we had dinner at Mangrove Mama’s which was located about three miles back up the highway from our motel. The only problem getting there was someone decided to drive into the mangroves! The police had one lane blocked, so as you might expect, there was a delay. We didn’t let that slow us down from having a great evening. Continued Saturday morning everyone was on their own to explore the islands. Many took advantage of that because the weather turned into sunshine just like we ordered. The Bowers, Dunham’s and Fischer’s along with Carol Ross & Bev Davis went to the No Name Pub where we had a great lunch. The Pub is located on Big Pine Key - home of the protected Key Deer. One needs to check out the wallpaper in the Pub! It is covered floor to ceiling with one dollar bills including one which Carol Ross left behind on behalf of our Miata Club. If there is one there are a million dollar bills. I hope they never have a fire! As we were leaving the pub, what do we see about a hundred yards up the road; nothing more than a six point buck standing on the side of the road. It is illegal to feed the deer but someone must have been feeding this one because it stood just inches away from our open car window and let us take pictures of him. We were quite excited. Then a little further down the road a doe stood on the side of the road to let us take a picture. She wasn’t as tame as the buck. Those driving in the parade met at the Horace O’Bryant Middle School to decorate our cars for the parade. Each car was decorated in a wide variety of styles, no two alike here. As always, the parade was a lot of fun and I’m sure there were sore arms from tossing out all that candy. I know Sandy & I had 4,500 pieces of candy and ran out before the end of the parade. After the parade we had dinner at the Pasta Garden Restaurant on Duval St. There is a big parking lot behind the restaurant where we could remove all the decorations from our cars. Continued The decorated cars The parade The crowds The Pasta Garden Sunday morning everyone was one their own whether returning home that day or spending more time visiting the Keys. The Dunham’s, Fischer’s, Carol Ross & Bev Davis made the trip back home on Sunday. A bit of excitement was added to our journey when about five miles east of the Oasis rest area we found the West lane of US41 blocked because a little Cessna airplane had made an emergency landing on the highway due to of fuel problems. No one was hurt and we heard they fixed the problem and flew it off the road back to Miami. I bet the semi and motorhome that had to take evasive action wondered if they had ventured onto a runway somehow. Next year’s Key West parade will be December 2-3-4, 2016; put it on your calendar now. Christmas is different in the Keys ! MIATA CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY BY SANDY DUNHAM Once upon a time, no,no! 'Twas the night before Christmas .... No,no! It was 5:30 and they started arriving until their numbers were 54 Miata members eagerly waiting to see what the night would bring. Excitement filled the air as we filled our "gas tanks" with a choice of chicken, steak or salmon followed by cheesecake. A big thank you goes to Dick and Ruth Brewer who started the fun by explaining the rules for a "white elephant" gift exchange. After drawing numbers, who was going to be the lucky member to draw #1 meaning that they would have their choice of which "white elephant" they would take home. With no #1 drawn, Rafael found that his #2 indeed was going to be the lucky number. The question would be, would the "gift” someone wanted be available since the rules of the gift exchange were the third owner of a gift could keep it! Some of the popular "gifts" that brought many comments were a welder's helmet, handbag (bustier), remote control (how to control a woman!), a chef figurine, the Better Homes & Garden New Cookbook (being a club that loves to eat out -- no one knew how to use that) and a coveted “boot” cover. It was now approaching 9:00 pm; the evening was drawing to a close. Would #2 find his perfect gift? Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus as Rafael found his boot cover was still available. With laughter and smiles all around, the evening came to a close with everyone wishing all a Merry Christmas Dick and Ruth Brewer moderate the gift exchange as Don Cole admires his welding helmet. The club members anxiously wait to see which beautiful gift they will get Continued….. Bob Cockrum and Frank Kinslow are both excited about their new hats! Leslie Schmitt got this beautiful (?) purse Rafael Marin was the first to get a gift, which was one of the evening’s most popular…. A cane equipped with a horn and side view mirror! Is Jean Espenschied excited about the can dispenser, or the beer can in it ?? Lynn Soller seems pleased with her nightlight MIATA CLUB ADVENTURE—WHERE THE BUFFALO ROAM! BY DONNA NOYES Did you know that the state’s largest bison herd is located on a 5,700 acre ranch just off of State Rt. 31 in Punta Gorda? Join us for a relaxing and educational tour of Three Suns Ranch where you will learn about American Bison, their history and their life here at the ranch. You will also learn about the ranch’s cracker cattle, descendants of the original cattle brought to the southern United States by the Spanish Conquistadors. The mission of Three Suns is to bring clean, wholesome, hormone and antibiotic free meats to the folks of SW Florida and beyond. We will have a 1-3/4 hour tour of the ranch on Tuesday, January 12 at 2:00 PM. A large wagon with bench seating along each side will take us out to the pasture to view the herds of bison and cracker cattle. The wagon has open sides so you will be able to get photos easily from all angles. The ranch has a market on site that sells ground bison, bison steaks, wild-boar sausages and cuts of grass-fed beef. The market will be open after our tour so if you think you might want to purchase something, consider bringing a cooler and some ice with you. Here are the important details. • The cost of the tour is $23.50 per person, tax included. To get this group rate, I need to pay the total amount for our group up front. • The tour is limited to a MAXIMUM of 20 people. If you want to sign up for the tour, send a check for $23.50 per person, made out to Donna Noyes, to the address listed below. • When I receive your check, your name will go on the sign-up sheet. Once I have 20 names on the list, I will start a waiting list. • The deadline for signing up is January 5. No refunds can be made after that date unless someone on the waiting list is able to replace you. Also, if you don’t clear the waiting list, your check will be returned. We will caravan to the ranch from McDonald’s on Jones Loop Road in Punta Gorda, leaving there at 12:30 pm. We need to arrive at the ranch by 1:30. After the tour, we will proceed to Hurricane Charley’s Raw Bar and Grill in Punta Gorda for dinner at 5 pm (and maybe a nice view of sunset on the river at 5:54 pm). This should be an interesting experience so I hope some of you can join me! Donna Noyes 17721 Canal Cove Court Ft. Myers Beach, FL 33931 239-454-5665 Three Suns Ranch website - http:// threesunsranch.com/ Hurricane Charley’s http://www.hurricanecharleys.com/ When ordering from Duragloss Car Care Products - 1-800-638-7245 or www.duragloss.com use the promotion code #10-25 to receive a 10 percent discount on your purchase of any of their products. This is available to all Miata Club members. MIATA SHIRTS AND CAPS Embroidered shirts and caps available from Cathy, owner of the Golden Needle 941-743-4410 Port Charlotte PUNTA GORDA CHRISTMAS CANAL CRUISE BY LESLIE SCHMITT We were so blessed with a warm and beautiful evening for our Punta Gorda Christmas Canal Cruise. We began our evening with dinner at Harpoon Harry’s in Fishermen’s Village. They provided our group of 51 with good food, good service and a great view of Charlotte Harbor and the setting sun. We had plenty of time to enjoy our dinner and get to the dock. In fact, we were all there with time to spare so the boat left for our cruise ten minutes earlier than the planned departure time. We Miata people are a prompt bunch! The Banana Boat took us on a short jaunt across Charlotte Harbor to the canals of Punta Gorda Isles. Captain JR narrated our cruise with lots of humor and stopped behind some of the displays that were his favorites, including Santa running from an alligator, and baby Rudolph. Festive Christmas music filled the air while we glided past the stunning homes and spectacular lights. The light displays were amazing and varied and covered homes, trees, docks and boats. Captain JR even pointed out the fish hanging around some of the snook lights along our journey. Our path took us up and back in each of the canals we traversed, so everyone was able to enjoy all the displays on both sides. Captain JR turned the Banana Boat around at the end of each canal with such skill and ease. The boat was comfortable, the water smooth, the air balmy, but the best part of it all was the Christmas spirit shared by our wonderful group. Dinner at Harpoon Harry’s Waiting to board Fisherman’s Village On board the Banana Boat …..Lights along the canals….. Santa’s dirty laundry!