
Miata Magic
January 2016
Volume 27
Number 1
Saturday, January 9, 2016, Appetizers 6pm, Dinner 7pm
Café Unique, in Cocoa Village, opposite the new post office and diagonally across from the
new Cocoa City Hall at 607 Florida Avenue, Cocoa, FL
This is the Club’s only dress-up affair each year.
SCMC 2016 dues, of $20 per person, can be paid at the Annual Dinner. If you
wish to pay at this time, payments will be received between 6pm-6:45pm, or
can be mailed to Rich Hellenberg, POBox 361682, Melbourne, FL 32936.
Please make checks out to Space Coast Miata Club.
Annual Drive-Out, Sunday, 1/17/16
It’s that time of year! The 27th running of the SCMC inaugural event.
As the second-oldest Miata club in the United States (Puget Sound by 2 days!), we have been doing our best to recreate our very first driving event on an annual basis. That first event left Boniface Mazda in Melbourne, traveled
across the Eau Gallie Causeway and Mather’s Bridge, up South Tropical Trail to the Peking Gardens Restaurant, on
Merritt Island, for lunch.
This year the Annual Drive-Out will be led by Linda & Bill Grieco, Sunday, January 17, 2016. Meet at 9am at the
Melbourne Sonic (one block from Boniface Mazda), departing promptly at 9:30am. Since our first destination was a
Chinese restaurant, it is only fitting that we end at a Chinese restaurant, TBD.
DIRECTIONS: I-95 to Eau Gallie Exit (Exit 183). Travel East on Eau Gallie Blvd. 2nd light turn RIGHT onto Sarno
and go about 3 miles to Apollo Road. Turn right onto Apollo Road and proceed 1-1/2 miles to the traffic signal at
Babcock Road. Sonic is on the far left (northeast) corner of the intersection of Apollo and Babcock.
The Official Newsletter of the
Like us on Facebook
Follow link below for updated SCMC
Calendar of Events
Thanks to our benefactors
Boniface-Hiers Mazda in Melbourne has generously
supported the Space Coast Miata Club since it was
founded in 1989 with discounts to members and door
prizes that are awarded at every monthly meeting.
They also help to promote our club by displaying and
enthusiasts. Thanks to A.J. Hiers & Staff.
How to enjoy your Miata more!
Join the Space Coast Miata Club.
Cherye Weintraub
Palm Bay
Just reading this newsletter tells you how much fun all of
us are having. Why not be part of the action? Once each
month we have a meeting in Cocoa plus a planned event
to somewhere that gets us out on the road in our Miatas.
Your membership entitles you to a 20% discount on parts
and 10% on service labor at Boniface-Hiers Mazda. You
also get an official membership card, which can be picked
up at the monthly meetings, a club logo window
Annual dues are $20.00 per person. All past members, no
matter when you renew—dues are $20.00.
WEBSITE ADDRESS: www.spacecoastmiataclub.com
The Space Coast Miata Club assumes no liability for any information
contained herein; or injury or damage resulting from the use of this information. The ideas, opinions, maintenance or modification tips expressed
are to be used at the reader’s discretion. Individual contributors and/or
editors express no approval, authentication, or endorsement. All events
are uninsured, informal gatherings for which the Space Coast Miata Club
assumes no liability.
New members initial costs: Jan.-Mar.,$20, April-June, $15,
July-Sept.,$10, Oct.-Dec., $5. Send a check payable to
Space Coast Miata and mail to:
Next SCMC Monthly Meeting
January 9, 2016 (see page 1)
Regular meetings (Feb. through November)
Location: Central Brevard
Library, 308 Forrest Ave, Cocoa, FL. (January 2016 meeting will be at Annual Dinner Meeting 1/ 9/16)
Rich Hellenberg
PO Box 361682
Melbourne, FL 32936
Next Issue Submission Deadline
January 22, 2016
Send to: Cherye Weintraub
Saturday, January 23, 2016, 6:30 pm, hosted by Cherye & Steve Weintraub,
5087 Riveredge Dr., Titusville, FL 32780, 321/223-5364
Games night is a time to get together and relax, while visiting, snacking, and playing
games. (Not mandatory to play) Please bring a snack to share, and if you have a favorite
game, bring it along also.
Traveling from the South:
Driving North on Rt. 1, just 2 minutes north of Rt.
405 (Nasa Cswy) turn right
on to Riveredge Dr. Townhouses are on left (East) side of road. (Second set of townhouses)
Traveling from the North:
Turn left on to Riveredge Dr.
approximately 3/10 mile south
of SR 50, Cheney Hwy/ Rt. 1., 321/223-5364 PARK ACROSS STREET IN OFFICE PARKING LOT
“Chip-In” MMB (Miata Mystery Breakfast)
We are encouraging any of our members to "chip in" and volunteer to
host this event. All you need to do is select a breakfast venue, determine when and where our members will meet up for the drive over,
and contact Steve Saretsky, flsaretskyduo@hotmail.com, with the details. We'll get the word out to club members.
SCMC Events are what it’s all about, and you can track the events through the monthly Newsletter, SCMC website, and the Club’s Facebook page.
If you have an event you would like to schedule, please notify Steve Saretsky, flsaretskyduo@hotmail.com . Include all details, dates, time, meeting place,
costs, RSVP dates, etc. The Newsletter deadline is the 22nd of each month, so please notify Steve in a timely manner. Let’s keep these wonderful, fun-filled events coming.
January 9, 2016—Saturday, Annual Dinner Meeting, Café Unique
January 17, 2016—Sunday, Annual Drive-Out
January 23, 2016—Saturday, Games Night, hosted by the Weintraub’s
January 30, 2016—Saturday, “Chip-In” MMB, host TBD
February 7, 2016—Sunday, Super Bowl Party, hosted by the Bretz
February 12, 2016—Friday, Angell & Phelps Chocolate Factory & lunch, hosted by the Saretsky’s
February 16, 2016—Tuesday, Monthly SCMC Meeting
March 13, 2016—Sunday, Annual Linda Young Picnic
March 15, 2016—Tuesday, Monthly SCMC Meeting
March 19, 2016—Saturday, Bluegrass Festival, Ft. Christmas, Park, hosted by the Yoho’s
May 8-14, 2016, Deal’s Gap, Tail of the Dragon
Mark your calendars for Super Bowl Sunday,
2/7/16. Sports (and commercial) fans join
Peggy & Matt Bretz for their annual Super
Bowl get-together. Bring a “tailgate” snack
to share. Game starts at 6:30pm.
Congratulations to SCMC member, Danny Statter, for his accomplishments this past November during the 2015
SCCA Turkey Trot, races in Sebring, Fl.
On Saturday, November 28, he came in 2nd racing in his 1995 1.8 Miata, and on Sunday, November 29, he
came in 2nd to a Porsche 911.
Well done Danny!!!!
Saturday, December 5, was a cooler sunny day, and 8 Miatas and 1 OTM (other than Miata) joined Bunnie & Ray for a drive
through parts of Melbourne and Palm Bay back roads to our MMB (Miata Mystery Breakfast) destination, Chekmarc's Restaurant in Palm Bay. Our table was waiting, hot coffee served immediately, and breakfast was served in a timely manner, and the
hungry MMB crowd ate their fill. This event had two new members joining us and it was great having them. Thanks to Bunnie
& Ray for hosting this MMB event.
The December Meeting and Holiday Party was held once again at the Hester
Wagner Community House in Melbourne Village, Florida, on Saturday, December
12, 2015. Thanks to Chris & Steve Saretsky, and the party committee for organizing this fun and yummy event.
There were around 25 attendees, and all brought side dishes and desserts to accompany the meat platters supplied by the Club.
A short business meeting was held after dinner, and before the holiday gift exchange was held. Much fun was had while participants selected the gift they
wanted, and watched (sometimes in horror) as another party-goer took that gift for
themselves, just to be surprised to have that gift taken by someone else. Much
laughter, and good times were experienced through the evening.

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Miata Magic - SPACE COAST MIATA CLUB editors express no approval, authentication, or endorsement. All events are uninsured, informal gatherings for which the Space Coast Miata Club assumes no liability.

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Miata Magic - SPACE COAST MIATA CLUB contained herein; or injury or damage resulting from the use of this information. The ideas, opinions, maintenance or modification tips expressed are to be used at the reader’s discretion. Individu...

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