Spring 2016 Newsletter - Friends of Michigan Animal`s Rescue


Spring 2016 Newsletter - Friends of Michigan Animal`s Rescue
Spring 2016 friends Friends of Michigan Animals Rescue Look inside this issue! Mishka Finally Finds A Home Thanks to WXYZ‐TV 2 6 9 Le er from the VP Pet Profile TNR Report Kimberly Craig from WXYZ Channel 7 news braved a cloudy cold day on April 1, 2016 to come to FMAR to get the story on our beloved Mishka. As you probably know Mishka has been with FMAR since January of 2014 and before that she was in another shelter. Her family gave her up to a rescue group where they were volunteering because she was aggressive towards other dogs. Mishka is the most loving dog to people but she really wants to be the only dog in the household. Inside! The Cost of Dog Ownership When Kiimberly Craig heard her story she came out with her camera man Ramon Rosario to meet Mishka and see if she could help her find her forever home. Shortly a er the story aired, we received several inquiries for adop on. We’re happy to report, Mishka has found a new home! Thank you Kimberly, Ramon, and WXYZ‐TV. You truly are a blessing. Facebook.com/FMAR “Our mission is to protect animals and residents by promoting a healthy and safe environment for all”
1 Le er from the Vice President We would like to say Thank You to MBT Enlist for selec ng Friends of Michigan Animals rescue as one of their 2016 nonprofit fundraising recipients! We were invited to their Annual Social, where we met and helped celebrate a wonderful group of volunteers who work relessly to coordinate and raise money for nonprofits. It was amazing to see what they were able to raise for the 2015 recipients and we are so excited to be a part of 2016’s efforts! We would also like to extend a congratula ons to the other 2016 recipients, Metro Detroit Share * Monroe County An Human Trafficking Coali on * Black Swamp Pipe & Drums As a recipient, Friends of Michigan Ani‐
mals Rescue will be one of the bearers of all proceeds raised throughout the year from ENLIST fundraising efforts. ENLIST will hold internal fundraisers with MBT employees as well as external fundraisers where it is our hope that you will invite your families and friends to join us!! Please stay tuned for upcoming events!! Flyers will be posted at the shelter and online for all events. ENLIST began raising funds for nonprofit organiza ons in 2002. They are proud to say that 2015 proved to be a record breaking year! Help us break that rec‐
ord and make 2016 the best year yet!! I am sure most of you (with the excep on of our skiers and snowmobilers) are as pleased as I am for the warm winter. I am also sure all of the outside animals are happy as well. Even with the mild winter I am anxious to get out and start sprucing up the yard. The dogs are ge ng red of the snow and are ready to roll in the grass and play in a dry yard. FMAR is an cipa ng ge ng the new dog kennel area in the big barn ready for the plumbing, electrical and cement work to begin. We will send out an announcement when the frost weight restric ons are li ed and we can get a dumpster out to the shelter to start the heavy clean up job. It is going to take an army to get the area ready for renova on and we hope some of you can make it out to lend a hand. We will be pos ng our progress on Facebook and our website for anyone who would like to watch the transforma on. As we wrote in the last newsle er, this will be the second phase of our “big barn” project made possible to FMAR from The Petco Founda on. FMAR has been a part of the great team at the Petco store in Westand for over 11 years now and we are so blessed to know and work with each of them. The Cinco DeMayo Dinner Raffle is coming up on Saturday May 7th and the ckets are already SOLD OUT! We were so surprised to sell out in about 3 weeks. This year the Belleville Yacht Club will be hos ng, and we are excited to see everyone there. We have another great assortment of raffle items that we are sure you will love to have a chance to win. Deb’s Catering will be doing the cooking again this year so the food is a guaranteed hit. We will be hos ng several Meet & Greets and a ending our local fes vals this year as well so make sure to visit our website at www.fmar1.org for more details on up‐
coming events. Summer is coming and FMAR has already been asked to host several group tours and volunteer projects. We are doing our best to schedule as many as possible however there are only so many Saturdays 2 in our very short Michigan summers. Thank you to everyone who has called and all of the future calls to come. We will do our best to accommodate as many groups as possible. FMAR is also looking for an energe c, project oriented person to volunteer with our groups on Saturdays. It needs to be someone who loves people young and not so young, who can organize, schedule and lead a group in cleaning and building projects. If you or someone you know may be interested in volunteering for this important task, please have them shoot Sandy Seaton an email at seatonsandra@yahoo.com, or Jessica Panko at pet_lover_77@yahoo.com, or give the shelter a call at 734‐461‐9458 to set up a me to visit and talk more about this very important opportunity. Thank you again to everyone for your support, encouragement, and blessings. Together we can make our communi es a be er place for all living beings. friends Published quarterly by Friends of Michigan Animals Rescue Editor Marcy LaFramboise Design Kenn Sheats Tri Fold Mail Johnwicki Mailing LLC Board of Directors President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Fundraising Volunteer Coord Shelter Liaison Educa on Pete LaFramboise Marcy LaFramboise Cathy Boa n Lori Bowerman Linda Luke Sandy Seaton Bob Smith Jessica Hassell Cinco de Mayo Fundraiser SOLD OUT! We are so grateful and astounded that the 9th annual Cinco de Mayo fundraiser has sold completely out! The annual event is a favorite of ours and it appears a favorite of our supporters! Thank you for all your support and we look forward to sharing photos of this great event in our next newsle er. Thank you, HDR, Inc! Jean Sircey Celebrates with FMAR Jean Sircey is a dedicated volunteer who not only helps in the dog shelter twice a week she brings her family out to visit whenever they are in town together; and they never come empty handed. For several years now Jean’s sisters have gone shopping for the shelter in honor of birthdays and their vehicles are full of dona ons. They buy everything from treats, office supplies, laundry supplies, food and anything else we need. If we men on something in passing it shows up in their dona ons. March was Jean’s birthday and as you can see in the picture they went all out again. We aren’t sure if it is because they love Jean so much or if it is their love of the shelter (we are sure it is a lot of both) but we appreciate it more than words can express. Thank you so much Jean, Sue, Chris, Mary and Pat. You are the best, and we love you all!!! FMAR would like to extend a warm thank you to the team at HDR Inc. for choosing us as your Jeans Day Charity for the month of March. This is the 4th year you have honored us with your Jeans Day Dona ons and we appreciate it more than you know. We just had an adorable puppy come to us with a broken leg from a pet store so your dona ons will help her get the post op care she needs and deserves. Blessings from all of us at FMAR. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEAN!!! 3 A Major Investment: The Cost of Dog Ownership An ar cle from the PetPlace Staff PetPlace.org A puppy or newly‐acquired dog typically costs considerably more during the first year of ownership when you must furnish ini al supplies, provide proper vaccina ons, and consider having your dog spayed or neutered. In general large‐ to giant‐sized dogs cost more on an annual basis (in large part due to greater food consump on) small‐ to medium‐sized dogs cost more overall based on a longer life expectancy. Small‐ to medium‐sized dogs: Es mated first‐year cost: $740 to $1,325 Es mated annual cost therea er: $500 to $875 Whoever said the best things in life are free must not have owned a dog. As most dog owners will tell you, the myriad benefits a dog brings to your life – including love, companionship, and entertainment – are simply priceless. But dog ownership, itself, o en comes with a he y price tag. Quite simply, dog ownership represents a major, long term investment. Large‐ to giant‐sized dogs: Es mated first‐year cost: $1,020 to $1,825 Es mated annual cost therea er: $690 to $875 Life me Costs of Dog Ownership When you calculate the es mated life me expense associated with owning a dog, the total dollar amount o en proves startlingly high. Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that these costs will likely be spread over a span of 10 to 15 years. It’s not a sum approaching the nearly quarter of a million dollars o en linked to raising a child to age 18 within a middle‐income family, but it’s substan al enough to make many prospec ve dog owners pause and rethink their decision. The goal of this exercise is not to reduce the human‐pet bond to a dollar figure, but rather to offer perspec ve to those considering dog ownership. In a perfect world, dog ownership would be dictated by care level rather than dollar amount. But un l this utopia presents itself, here’s a guide to the costs involved with incorpora ng a canine companion into your life. Small‐ to medium‐sized dogs: Es mated life expectancy: 14 years Es mated life me cost: $7,240 to $12,700 Large‐ to giant‐sized dogs: Es mated life expectancy: 8 years Es ‐
mated life me cost: $5,850 to $7,950 Your Guide to the Costs of Pet Ownership Dogs prove to be such an integral part of many of our lives. They make us laugh and furnish us with uncondi onal love. In exchange for the in‐
credible level of enjoyment dogs bring us, we’re responsible for ensuring their health and well‐being. The decision to pursue dog ownership involves such an emo onal commitment that many people don’t stop to fully consider the financial implica ons. They’re readily aware of the ini al cost associated with obtaining their pooch from a pet store, breeder, or rescue organiza on, but haven’t considered the bigger picture – that of an emo onal and financial investment that will likely last 10 to 15 years. Before embarking on a lifelong commitment, it’s worthwhile to conduct basic research and know exactly what’s in store. The cost of owning a dog is an important considera on and may even help you decide which type of pet (dog or otherwise) is best for you and your budget. What It Costs to Own a Dog While some impulse purchases prove rela vely harmless, that’s certainly not the case when it comes to dog ownership. The expense of owning a dog is probably the most overlooked consequence of any pet‐owner rela onship. The costs of dog ownership vary based on many factors, including the age of your dog at the me you obtain him, his life expectancy, his size, what level of luxury (or lack thereof) you wish to provide, and whether that par cular breed requires any special needs. 4 Protect Your Pet Pet insurance can cover everything from broken bones to cancer treatment. There may even be a wellness op on that helps pay for your pet's rou ne care exams, flea/ ck/heartworm preventa ves, and more! Find out if it's right for you. The price for unexpected emergencies can be steep, but the benefits are truly priceless. When you prepare properly for the financial investment that is dog ownership, you can incorporate a new member into your family whose love and affec on will know no bounds. To adopt a deserving dog into your home Call for an appointment 734‐461‐9458 Where for art Thou, Romeo? Thank You, Birthday Girl! Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Our one and only Romeo (now lovingly referred to as Finn) has found his forever home with a family all his own! For those of you who don’t know our Romeo, he came to us from a local animal control over a year ago. He could have been called a bit “scary” with his short cropped ears and muscular physic, but we knew immediately that he was all bu wiggles and love. Nine year old Zola Dornier surprised us when she stopped by with plenty of food and toys for our shelter residents. This boy has waited pa ently for so long to meet the family who could see past his bully appearance and give him the chance to prove he really is a lover boy. Zola has a big heart for animals. At her birthday party she asked her friends to We couldn’t be happier for this boy and his new family and thank them for taking a chance on this awesome doggie. Please join us in wishing them all the best!! bring dona ons for the animals instead of gi s for herself. Congratula ons Pauline Family Thank you Zola from all the cats and dogs at FMAR! FMAR Adop on Report January 2016‐March 2016 Romeo (aka Finn) is doing very well with his new family. They report he has been fabu‐
lous and that he is sweet sweet sweet! He goes everywhere with them in the car and loves all the people he meets. They LOVE him and couldn’t’ imagine life without him. What a lucky dog! Dog Intakes: 39 Cat Intakes: 40 (includes 8 born at the shelter) Dog Adop ons: 36 Cat Adop ons: 36 5 Pet Profile: Natasha the Fluffy Are you looking for fluffy, feisty and fantas c then look no further than Natasha. She’s a beau ful solid grey ki y girl with a long, fluffy coat that makes all the other cats here posi vely green with envy. Natasha has a mellow personality to go along with her looks and has no problem pu ng on the charm if needed for visitors and volunteers alike. She has a laid‐back, low‐key energy level but can get a li le feisty and playful at mes when the mood strikes her. She mostly gets along with the other cats here but isn’t against ge ng a li le ca y with them if they invade her personal space when she’s trying to chill. Natasha will make a great furry companion with equal amounts beauty and charming personality you’re sure to enjoy sharing your me with. Call today to meet this fluffy and fantas c ki y girl. She’s spayed, vaccinated, tested neg. for FeLuk/FIV and micro‐chipped. Call Friends of Michigan Animals Rescue at 734 461‐
9458 or visit our website fmar1.org for more infor‐
ma on. Pet Profile: Sweet Girl Sadie Bringing home sweet Sadie will make a great way to celebrate the start of spring. She’s a 1 ½ year old Boxer/Shepherd mix that has a whole lot of sweetness, doggie kisses and love to give a fur‐ever family. Her sweet, loving nature is only matched by her abundant energy level. Sadie has a ton of playful puppy energy and is eager to play fetch or chase, take walks and whatever else you want to challenge her to do. She’s smart, strong and a li le stubborn which are all traits that will benefit from some training to help her put them to good use. Just a heads up, Sadie likes being expressive with her love and will happily smother you with doggie kisses and hugs whenever she gets a chance. She mostly shows eager and excited reac ons to other dogs and would probably do well with other dogs once everyone gets proper introduc ons. She’s got a solid, athle c build perfect for being ac ve and her pre y brown and black brindle coat gives her the unique look of a small friendly gress. Overall she’s a great dog that with a li le training will be a terrific addi on to help welcome in spring. She’s spayed, vaccinated and micro‐chipped. Call Friends of Michigan Animals Rescue at 734 461‐
9458 or visit our website fmar1.org for more informa on. 6 For More Informa on on our work, events, and adoptable pets: FMAR1.org Sponsors and Partnerships at FMAR Do you have a departed dog, cat, family member that you would like remembered? Would you like your current pets honored? Why not sponsor a kennel at FMAR. There are several op ons including a monthly sponsorship for $25, a quarterly sponsorship for $75, $150 will get you 6 months and $300 will show your support for your loved one and for FMAR for an en re year. If you would like your dollars to go to a specific program or fundraiser (fundraisers usually have a set amount exp. A Golf sponsorship is $100 per hole), we can do that as well. Just give us the details and we will make it personal to you, your family or business. Thank You Delta Zeta Ladies! FMAR would like to extend a huge thank you to the Eastern Michigan Delta Zeta ladies for coming out and spending their Saturday walking dogs and cleaning up for us. Emmy (pictured on the far le ) volunteered for FMAR when she was in elementary school. She convinced some of her friends that FMAR was a great place to spend a Saturday a ernoon. By the look of their sweet smiles in the picture, we think they had a good me. We enjoyed having all of you and hope you come out again soon. We also have “Partnership” opportuni es for families and businesses that would like to donate a larger amount for some of our renova on projects or programs such as our Trap/Neuter/Return (TNR) program, medical, or spay/neuter expenses. FMAR currently has a Giving Grid dona on site where you can buy a square for any amount to support our new dog kennel project. The square will allow you to post a picture of yourself, pet or business for any amount you wish. For each dona on of $2000 or more your family or business will receive a metal plaque on the wall of one of our newly renovated dog ken‐
nels (in progress). The opportuni es are limitless and FMAR appreciates all of the support past and present. We have gone from a 5 kennel shelter, dogs and cats living together in one building to a separate cat and dog area with 14 dog kennels. We are now adding 24 more dog kennels, a get acquainted area, and training area with more to come! Thank you to everyone who has helped make this possible for the animals we take in. Please follow us on facebook and at our website at fmar1.org. Thank You Canton Township Employees Canton Township held a “Denim Day” fundraiser to benefit FMAR. “Denim Day” allows employees to wear denim to work if they donate to the sponsored charity. There was a lot of denim worn on the day it was dedicated to FMAR because they raised a total of $265.00. Thank you so much Canton Township Employees! This will go a long way to feeding, housing and giving medical care to our adoptable pets. Chewy.com is partnering with FMAR! Order your pet food at chewy.com ,
enter the special FMAR code and we will receive a donation!
Code: 1040
7 We really appreciate you. CALENDAR OF
May 7 Cinco de Mayo Fundraiser Belleville Yacht Club Meet and Greet Saline Farmers Market 14 21 28‐30 Meet and Greet Saline Tractor Supply Meet and Greet Petco, Westland Visit us at Sumpter Fest! June 4 11 17‐19 Meet and Greet Saline Farmers Market Meet and Greet Pet Emporium, Ann Arbor Visit us at the Belleville Strawberry Fes val! July 2 8 9 16 8 Meet and Greet Saline Farmers Market Car Wash Fundraiser, Model Elementary Bemis Road, Saline Meet and Greet Tractor Supply, Saline Golf Ou ng Fundraiser Green Oaks Golf Course, Ypsilan Meet and Greet Petco Westland Keystone Academy Students give to FMAR Friends of Michigan Animals Rescue (FMAR) would like to say thank you to the students and staff at Keystone Academy for the awesome dona ons for our cats and dogs! Mrs. Burden’s 7th and 8th grade news team chose FMAR as their non‐profit charity to raise dona ons for. They were able to collect dog and cat food as well as raise money to help provide food, shelter and medical care to our shelter animals. Is the TNR Program Working? The FMAR TNR program has been a great success. In the last 4 years FMAR has trapped, spay/neutered and returned 2238 feral cats. In addi on to the feral cats returned FMAR has kept over 500 cats and ki ens from this program, spay/neutered, vaccinated, tested and microchipped them and put them up for adop on. While they were here, they spent some quality me interac ng with all the ki es and doggies. It is always the best feeling to see the smiles and hear the laughter by everyone who visits our shelter. The dogs and cats just can’t stop talking about it! Thank You to all of you! This program usually keeps FMAR in ki ens from March to December and in 2016 we are happy to report that ki en season has been slower in coming. We have brought in ki ens from only 2 females so far in March with no prospects for April as I type this ar cle. Kathi and Cindy have done an amazing job trapping and caring for the animals they trap and return and I know that are excited to see their efforts are visibly star ng to pay off for the community. Thank you to everyone who reports the feral/stray cats in their neighborhoods and feed and care for them when they return a er they are spayed/neutered. Together as a community we have made a huge difference in the unwanted cats and ki ens. Kathi Tincher and Cindy DeRosia 9 Qdoba ‘Pay What You Want’ Fundraiser a Huge Success! Wholly Guacamole, it was so amazing to receive a grand total of $3705.00 from the recent Qdoba restaurant fundraiser held for FMAR. When the Qdoba chain contacted us to say it wanted to hold a so opening for the staff of the new Belleville loca on and would like to donate all proceeds for the night to the shelter we thought it was a great idea. Qdoba Employees Do More! Qdoba employees also volunteered their me to work with our animals and clean up an en re wall of our 8400 sq barn! This was no easy task and it is greatly appreciated! As part of the Belleville community, FMAR welcomes Qdoba and we feel blessed to be a part of community that gives back to those in need. What an amazing team! We would like to extend a hear elt thank you from all of us at FMAR On March 14th from 5p ‐9p, Qdoba Belleville held a “Pay What You Want” community event where they offered the en re menu for free but asked for a dona on to the shelter instead. The lines were out the door most of the night ensuring the staff got a good taste of what a busy night felt like. The en re staff of Qdoba handled the night well keeping up with the demand by working non‐stop through the four hour event making sure all were served. Thank you to the Qdoba chain, staff and all the hungry supporters that stood in line to eat. We are truly blessed to have events like these held for us and to have such amazing s upporters. Our Thanks! FMAR would like to extend a huge thanks Adina St John Photography and Uptown Poochie Parlor in Canton for holding a fundraiser for FMAR. Thank you for dona ng your space, me, and talents for a Pet Pictures fundraiser in February. We feel very blessed. The event raised over $300 and we promise to put it to great use. Many thanks!! 10 Paint and Pour Fun! This past March’s Pain ng Fundraiser proved yet again that pain ng and drinking pair up perfectly for a very fun night out. It was held again at the Paint and Pour in Dearborn with the night’s pain ng theme a bright flower trio to help welcome in spring. Paint and Pour generously opened up both rooms for FMAR allowing for a total number of 64 pain ng or maybe just drinking enthusiasts to a end. FMAR received a grand total of $904 for the night to help care for the pets that come through our doors. There were lots of jokes, smiles and laughs through out the night which ended with some pre y amazing masterpieces of art. We would like to extend a grateful thank you to Paint & Pour and all it’s amazing staff for again hos ng such a fun and entertaining fundraiser for us. We would also like to give thanks to all the people that a ended to help support what we do. We truly appreciate each one of you and couldn’t con nue without your generous support. Un l next me, keep pain ng and drinking (responsibly of course) if only to prac ce for next me. Cheers! Thrivent Financial to Help FMAR Want an idea for an Ac on Team service project? We have a big clean‐up project coming this spring and could use your help! Learn more at www.thrivent.com/ac onteam Do you have choice dollars you need to distribute? How about nomina ng Friends of Michigan Animals Rescue (fmar)! FMAR is a non‐profit 501 c 3 organiza on and meets eligibility requirements for Thrivent Choice charitable grants. Thrivent Choice Dollars®
directions can help Friends
of Michigan Animals Rescue
Are you a member of Thrivent Financial who’s eligible to direct Choice Dollars®? Choice Dollars charitable grant funds can make a world of difference to our no‐kill animal shelter as we work together to feed, house, and provide medical care to our shelter dogs and cats. By direc ng Choice Dollars, eligible Thrivent members recommend where they feel Thrivent should distribute a por on of its charitable grant funds. Direc ng Choice Dollars is easy. Simply go to www.thrivent.com/thriventchoice to learn more and find program terms and condi ons. Or call 800‐847‐4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” a er the prompt. 11 FMAR Wish List 2016 We always appreciate everyone’s prayers and encouragement! Special Needs **Monetary dona ons are always welcome 
Sponsor our u li es Electric $600.00 Monthly Water $500.00 every 3 Months Phone $175.00 Monthly Internet $120.00 Monthly Trash $80.00 Monthly 
Gas Cards 
Gi Cards 
Postage stamps General Opera ons 
Cat Li er (Clumping and non clumping) 
Canned and dry dog food 
Canned and dry cat food / treats 
Laundry detergent/Bleach/fabric so er 
Small / large paper plates/8 ounce paper trays 
Tall Kitchen garbage bags 
33 & 55 gal heavy duty trash bags 
Bathroom ssue/ facial ssue 
Medical/surgical supplies/x‐large disposable bed pads Office Supplies and Equipment. 
Printer paper, card stock, s cky notes of all types and sizes 
Highlighters, White Out, Dry Erase Markers, Black Sharpies 
Furnace filters (16X20X1”,16X16X3, 16X20X4, 10X20X2”) 
Fluorescent bulbs (T8 32 Wa 48” and regular screw in bulbs) Construc on/landscape Supplies 
Mulch /clean fill dirt/top soil/gravel/Sand 
Power tools Volunteers 
Dog Walkers Mobile Adop on Event workers 
Cleaning help Grant Writers 
Fundraisers Carpenters 12 FMAR 13 marketplace