119 (May/Jun/Jul/Aug 2014) - Promotional Glass Collectors


119 (May/Jun/Jul/Aug 2014) - Promotional Glass Collectors
Collector Glass 119
News May/June/July/Aug 2014
Page 3 Finds from Japan by Carl Sehnert
Page 5 Military Glasses by Dick Ladd
Page 10 President’s Msg by Fred Stepanian
Page 11 PGCA Annual Meeting/Fall Meeting
Page 13 Show and Tell Pictures
Page 18 - 20 Snow White Sets by C. Sehnert
Page 21 Mystery Glasses & Unusual glasses
By Carl Sehnert and Mary Gween
Page 22 Box Sets by Brian Callahan
Page 31 What’s New by Sean Will
Editor's Notes
This edition of Collector Glass News has information about the upcoming PGCA Fall meeting, in
Fogeslville, PA and New Issues Information in an article by Sean Will called What’s New. Also
included are articles by Carl Sehnert, Dick Ladd, Brian Callahan as well as PGCA club annual meeting
minutes, information and pictures from the meeting and show & tell. Thanks to President Fred
Stepanian for coordinating the Annual meeting and the President’s Letter, Marilyn Johnston for the
Treasurer’s Reports, Donna Maxwell for Secretary Reports and Photos, Mike Vath for membership
and web site access and Carl Sehnert, Sean Will, Dick Ladd for articles, Mary Gween for distribution.
The newsletter cannot survive without contributions, so please send articles, photos, new issue
information, classified ads and glass collecting information to Brian Callahan at 317-345-4547 or
bricall@att.net. We have a CGN committee which will produce the newsletter. The members are
Mary Gween, Mike Vath, Carl Sehnert, Sean Will, Doug Wright, Fred Stepanian and Brian Callahan.
This issue of Collector Glass News will be available as a pdf file, accessed through the web site at
www.pgcaglassclub.com/cgn. This issue of Collector Glass News is available on-line for those who
elected a discounted membership. The user name is pgca & password is wendy at
www.pgcaglassclub.com/cgn If you get a Postal black and white copy but wish to get the discount,
contact Mike Vath at pepsimike@visi.com.
It is very important to keep your email address up to date with the club. This will ensure that you will
receive the email announcing the availability of the latest CGN on-line. Use this link to make changes
to your information: fs11.formsite.com/pgcaglassclub/form192302838
So far we have newsletters on-line going back to issue # 106 (Dec 2010).
GlassnertAuction.com Glasses Auctions can be found at www.glassnertauction.com. The Glassnert
Auction is planning many regular auctions for 2014.
I’d like to thank Carl Sehnert and Mary Sehnert for working on the auction and newsletter, and thanks
to the authors of the articles. Also thanks to President Fred Stepanian, Secretary Donna Maxwell,
Mike Vath who maintains the club membership, Marilyn Johnston our club treasurer and Alice Clark
club VP, as well as Brent Sehnert and Matt Stoll, board members. Without their hard work we could
not send this newsletter to club members. Don't forget to browse and submit glasses to the glasses
database, at www.glass411.info developed and maintained by Steve Simek.
Collector Glass News is published four times a year by the Promotional Glass Collectors
Association. Subscriptions rates are
2 year - $25 (web access) 1 year - $15 (web access)
2 year - $35 (1st class USPS delivery) 1 year - $20 (1st class USPS delivery)
ALL subscriptions include membership in the PGCA along with all its benefits.
Payment information can be found on the back cover or on the PGCA website. Send changes of
address to: Mike Vath 13796 Fairlawn Ave, Apple Valley, MN 55124 or use
Staff Committee: Editor:Brian Callahan, Carl Sehnert, Fred Stepanian, Mary Gween, Sean Will,
Mike Vath, Doug Wright Auctions:Carl & Mary Sehnert
Promotional Glass Collectors Association Officers: President: Fred Stepanian
Vice President: Alice Clark, Treasurer: Marilyn Johnston, Secretary: Donna Maxwell
Board Members: Mike Vath, Matt Stoll, Brent Sehnert, Brian Callahan
Elections for club officers are held each May at the annual meeting. Each office is a two year term.
PGCA Web Site: www.pgcaglassclub.com - web site of Promotional Glass Collectors Association
Collector Glass News is the official publication of the Promotional Glass Collectors
Association. Benefits of membership include purchase of club glasses, newsletter, attending
meetings and voting on club issues, free wanted/for sale ads and classifieds and access to printed
auction information in the Collector Glass News newsletter.
Finds from Japan
By Carl Sehnert
Each year at the Coca Cola Collectors’ Club annual convention and the Coca Cola Springtime in
Atlanta meeting, my friend from Japan, Takao, brings me a large selection of glasses. Thought
you might enjoy looking at some from the recent Coca Cola Convention.
Hazel Atlas Military Glasses
by Dick Ladd
Last February I flew from Indianapolis to Texas with a dual purpose. First I visited the Vintage Flying
Museum in Ft. Worth where they were in the process of restoring an Air Force H-21 helicopter. Long
ago I was a helicopter pilot in the Air Force and had been assigned to that particular helicopter when I
was stationed in Goose Air Base Labrador. (I recommend anyone near Ft. Worth visiting the Vintage
Flying Museum).
My second reason was to go to a Depression Glass Show in Houston. While at the show I went into the
booth of a friend of mine and came upon a group of Hazel Atlas glasses that depicted various military
vehicles. These are definitely World War II vintage as the airplane glasses are referred to as Army Air
Corps. (The Air Force was created September 18, 1947). I bought the four glasses that had an airplane
on them.
When I talked to the dealer he told me the glasses came from the estate of Ken Sloan. Ken was a
member of the 20-30-40 Depression Glass Club for many years. He specialized in Hazel Atlas and he
knew more about Hazel Atlas than anyone else I have even known. He would talk to you about Hazel
Atlas as long as you would listen. He frequently would find something that wasn’t in any book.
I didn’t count how many glasses he had but it had to be at least 12. I can’t imagine how Ken found so
many. I know they existed but I had never seen one. They are on the same blank as the Hazel Atlas
nursery rhyme glasses. I was really pleased to get the glasses although I was a little concerned about
getting them home on the airplane.
On the way home I began to think “Why didn’t I buy them all?” When I got home I called the dealer who
now had three left and I bought those.
I did a search on various web sites, including the PGCA web site, looking for other examples but I haven’t
found any yet.
My favorite, by far, is the P-38 Interceptor, aka P-38 lightning. It was a World War II fighter with twin
engines. The propellers rotated in the opposite direction which eliminated almost all the torque. I have
been told it flew like a dream. I hope to take a ride in one someday. Here it is:
The pictures and writing wrap around over half the glass so my photos don’t do justice to the glasses.
The back of the glass says:
Lockheed P-38 Interceptor
Used by our Air Corps and by
the R. A. F. (Royal Air Force) with 2,300 H. P. from
two engines. This plane can
travel at 400 mph
and rapidly climb 35,000 feet
There is a lot of information about the P-38 on Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_P38_Lightning
The other three airplanes are:
The left glass says:
The new Curtiss dive bomber
is a fighting plane
with a 1700 H.P. engine
and a diving speed of
five miles a minute.
The center glass says:
Bombing planes in action (across the top)
The right glass says:
These twenty-ton patrol
bombers are the pride of
our Navy. They have a
tactical radius of over
1500 miles with a full
bomb load.
The three glasses that are not airplanes are:
The left glass says:
The U. S. Army “M-3” tank
weight – 28 tons
The tank is armed with
one 75 MM. cannon
one 37 MM anti-tank gun
& two cal. 30
machine guns.
Heavily armored yet
capable of high speed
The center glass says:
Destroyer “Selfridge”
speed exceeds 35 knots
armed with eight 5-inch
guns, four 1.57 – inch anti
aircraft batteries and
eight 21-inch torpedo tubes
- quarters for 210 men.
The right glass says:
U. S. Submarine “S-20”
Length is 300 feet.
Armed with six 21-inch
torpedo tubes and a
4-inch deck gun. It
also carries mines.
50 men comprise the
crew and officers.
The glasses are approximately 4 1/8” tall and are signed HA (Hazel Atlas) on the bottom which was a
characteristic Ken looked for. I would be glad to hear any comments and/or questions especially if you
have any examples of these glasses. I can be reached at rplindy@sbcglobal.net.
Dick Ladd
Fishers, IN
Where do Glasses come From ?
by Brian Callahan
A silly question, really, since we all know glasses are made at a factory, somewhere, maybe here in the
USA, especially in the older eras, and perhaps overseas in current times. And then the glasses are
distributed by restaurants, gas stations, fast food places, food products manufacturers, and other places
that are looking for a promotional tie in. I have found several glasses related ephemera that do show,
more precisely, how several glass promotions were distributed.
The poster shown below, is for Coke Holly Hobbie glasses, and shows that the glass was free with 10
Proof of Purchase seals, that could be cut out of the paper cup, from the restaurant. This sounds like a
somewhat hard way to get the glass, especially seeing as these are fairly common glasses.
The other item that I found, and thought was quite interesting, was a 1976 Pepsi Can, promoting the
USA Bicentennial, with this information on the side … Get your limited edition set of 4 12 oz glasses
depicting this eagle design. Send your name, address and zip, plus a check for $2.76, to Glass Offer, P.O.
Box 14602, Baltimore, MD 21203 Offer expires 9/30/76. … The other can has a similar offer for a
Bicentennial Tray, with the same Eagle design. This shows at least one way the Pepsi Bicentennial Eagle
design glasses were distributed, and are a nice go-with for the Pepsi glasses.
Hello fellow members,
My thanks go out to everyone who had the opportunity to attend our 2014 Annual
meeting in Columbus, Ohio this year. It seems like it takes forever to arrive but just a
moment to be over. Seeing everyone again, checking out all the different glasses that
were there, deciding which glasses to purchase to add to your collection, it just doesn’t
get any better than that.
Again, my thanks go out to everyone who contributed their time to help make this
meeting a success. From the informal get together on Friday to the membership
meeting on Saturday a lot of people worked hard to make sure everything ran smooth.
The snacks, cookies, pizza, refreshments, games, PGCA trading cards, door prizes,
interesting show and tell items, and so on, just doesn’t appear on its own, club members
make it happen. Thank you all for making this year’s annual meeting a success.
To all of our club members who never attended a Regional meeting or an Annual
meeting, I encourage you all to try one. I am sure you will have an enjoyable time, find
some glasses to add to your collection and meet some members who share the same
interests as you. You may even find yourself becoming a regular at these events. Give it
a try.
Now to get everyone’s interest to attend next years annual meeting. I will be offering a
$50.00 gift certificate to one lucky club member. The way it works is easy. If you are in
attendance on Saturday night’s membership meeting your name will be put in a hat for
a drawing. If your name is drawn you will get $50.00 to spend in any club member’s
room that is selling glasses. This will help both you and a club member who is selling
Happy glass hunting,
Fred Stepanian
PGCA New Members August 2014
Michael Anderson
Morton Grove IL
Travis Roberts
Michael Scholl
Frederick Thomas
May 16 & May 17, 2014
The annual PGCA meeting was held at the Best Western motel in Columbus, Ohio.
On Friday, May 16, there were 26 people present for the evening social. Cookies , chips, and soda
were available for the members enjoyment. The attendees introduced themselves and told what glasses
they like to collect. Carl and Mary Sehnert created a new set of 15 glass collector trading cards. The
sets were handed out at the social to anyone who didn't pick them up when they arrived. One set was
handed out per person or per couple A second set was available for purchase for $5.00. The trading
cards were a big success again this year. Everyone enjoyed trading cards with other members,
hopefully finding the one needed for that complete set. Barbara Tippett brought a new A & W root beer
mug to show. It was the 95th anniversary mug, available at A & W root beer establishments.
On Saturday, May 17, the annual meeting was held. There were 28 people attending, including 2
officers. Club members started to bring their donations for the silent auction in before the pizza party
began. There were quite a few glasses up for the bidding. The bidding continued while we had the pizza
dinner, which started around 6:00 p.m. There were also cupcakes, grapes, cookies, and soda. I
believe everyone was satisfied with the pizza. Donations were collected to help offset the cost of the
pizza. We got $109. The silent auction was then closed. This auction brought in $143, all profit for
the club.
At 7:00 p.m., president Fred Stepanian called the meeting to order, welcoming everyone. Fred
mentioned that this is an election year for president and treasurer. Both Fred and treasurer Marilyn
Johnston agreed to hold their office for another term. There were no other nominations from the floor.
Next year, the vice president and secretary positions will be up for election.
There was much discussion regarding the newsletter editor job. There was a motion made and
passed at an April 2014 regional meeting that the newsletter job should be broken up into 4 or 5 parts.
One person would be assigned to work on a certain part of the newsletter, each taking care of 3 or 4
pages. Brian Callahan has been doing the newsletter for about 3 1/2 years. Brian explained what all is
involved with the production of the newsletter. It was decided that a committee would be formed for the
making of the newsletter. Mary Gween volunteered to take over the mailing and e-mailing end of the
newsletter. Mike Vath would be assisting Mary with the information necessary for the mailings and
e-mailings. Fred Stepanian, Doug Wright,Sean Will, Carl Sehnert and Brian Callahan agreed to take
over a section of the newsletter. Each one would be responsible for 3 or more pages. Since the
newsletter will be done by a committee now, Brian also agreed to be the editor for the next 2 issues.
Fred Stepanian made a suggestion that every person could, and should write an article and contribute to
the club newsletter. Mike Vath reminded the members to be sure and check the label on their postal
copy of the newsletter or the e-mail for the electronic version for the date that their dues should be paid
by. Carl Sehnert suggested that if someone is not current on their membership dues, that a
complimentary newsletter be mailed to them with a reminder to renew. There was a motion made by
Carl to pass this, and seconded by Chris Webster .
Chris Webster talked about how the club can grow. Handing out the glass club business cards,
making others aware of the club, can be done by all members.
Carl also mentioned that Chris Webster is now helping him with the glass auctions. There will be
about 6 auctions a year. Carl stated that there will not be any weekly auctions.
Sean Will sponsored an ugly glass contest. Three people had entries for this. Chris Webster had
a McDonald's Mayor McCheese glass that was missing the black paint and black lines. Bev Erlich
brought in a Dwight D. Eisenhower glass. Brian Callahan brought in two friendly animal glasses. There
were two winners, Chris Webster and Bev Erlich. Each won a toon tumbler glass from Sean.
The show & tell session was next. It was the most glasses at show & tell that I can remember.
Fred Stepanian showed a bell shaped Canadian coke glass - the 80th anniversary of Fresh Fest.
Brent Sehnert showed a Mexican glass with Woody Woodpecker and other characters done in red, a
glass with names of the New England bottled carbonated beverages on it, and a cartoon network boxed
set of 4 glasses from the year 2000. Topcat, Yogi, Snagglepuss and Huck Hound were etched on the
Sean Will had 2 Green Arrow toon tumblers. He pointed out all the variations between the
two glasses.
Mary Gween brought a glass with Snoopy & brothers - since 1950- Spike, Marbles &
Snoopy. Also a glass of London Bugs Bunny in a suit drinking tea was shown.
Mike Trainer showed a very old and unique glass, over 100 years old. It was a Pan American
exposition 1901, Buffalo USA.
Brian Callahan showed 2 boxed sets, one of Snoopy eating spaghetti,
and the other was Snoopy in a class room. He also had 2 Christmas mugs, 1970 & 1971, made by the
Jeanette glass company, a neat boxed set of 6 Davy Crockett glasses by Jeanette glass, and a 1986
Eat N Park glass for a Pittsburg marathon.
Larre Eckert brought the most glasses for show & tell. Larre said that he started collecting in 1971 ,
and he had quite a variety of glasses. He had green Grecian glasses that he got from a gas station,
Four Marsh glasses in a box, found at a Goodwill store. Pepsi glasses with coasters, the 12 days of
Christmas with RC cola & Pepes restaurant on them. There was a 1977 McDonald's store manager
glass with a guy riding a bronco horse on it and a McDonald’s mug with Milwaukee under the golden
arches. Also, a Pepsi pitcher from Pepsi bottling company, Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach, a diet
Pepsi glass that has a test sticker on bottom. There is a girl on the front that shows up when there is
Pepsi in the glass. There was a 4 glass set of 2004 Taco time of Wyoming 30th anniversary , 4
textured Coke glasses from Israel, a Coke Christmas glass from Mexico, McDonald's Coke glasses
with wristbands at base of glass from London. Several glass sets from Japan such as Coke McDonald's
2010 South African soccer glasses, Coke crown glasses in 6 colors, McDonald's glasses in boxes that
can be put together to form a picture of a big mac. The glasses inside are different colors and shaped
like a can. He showed Coke glasses from the heritage collector series. The glasses had pictures of
colonial fire marks on them and also a story. Carl stated that these were test glasses.
After show & tell, Linda Hamblin reminded the members that there are still club glasses and club tee
shirts for sale. Scott and Linda are handling the sales of these items.
There was a motion made by Larre Eckert to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Chris
Respectfully submitted
Donna Maxwell
Promotional Glass Collector’s Association
FALL MEETING Fogelsville, PA
September 26, 2014
From Carl and Mary Sehnert –
We have reserved the meeting room and will have a PGCA meeting at the Comfort Inn in Fogelsville.
Date: Sept 26, 2014 6 to 10 PM
Location: Comfort Inn Lehigh Valley West
7625 Imperial Way
I-78 & Route 100
Allentown, PA (edge of Fogelsville
The meeting is in conjunction with the Renningers Antique show in Kuntztown, PA Sept 25, 26 & 27.
We are going to have a mini glass row in the Second covered pavilion. Dale will be in space 412 and Carl
and Chris will be in spaces 410 & 408. Brent will be in space 414. We are looking to have some very
exciting items from two recent collections with a lot of interesting glasses. Terry and Brent will plan to
bring glasses to the meeting and a number of members have already stated their intention to attend.
Last big show before winter (remember last winter) and the meeting always provides hundreds of glasses
for sale and trade. Let us know if you can attend. This is not one to miss.
Scott and Linda will be available to purchase club T-shirts and club glasses.
PGCA Annual Meeting – Columbus OH May 2014 SHOW and TELL
We had a nice grouping of Show and Tell glasses and various items at the annual
meeting, here are a few of them. Thanks to Donna Maxwell for the pictures.
Here is Larre Eckert with a wide variety of
Coca Cola glasses, in boxes. Also six McDonald’s glasses, in boxes, the boxes when put together make up
a picture of a Big Mac Sandwich. Larre also showed many newer box sets and other interesting finds.
This Marsh Supermarket set was one of Larre’s unusual glasses finds. Also brought in to the Show and
Tell was the set below, a four glass Pepsi set.
Two other great Pepsi glasses were shown, a Pepsi Mug from Lima Memorial Hospital and YMCA, and a
Pepsi Pitcher from Pepsi Cola Bottling Company Ft. Lauderdale – Palm Beach
Sean Will sponsored an ugly glass contest, and two glasses were the winners. One was from Bev Erlich,
an Eisenhower glass. The other winner was from Chris Webster, who had a Mayor McCheese glass with
missing black paint and black lines. Each won a ‘Toon Tumbler from Sean. The Eisenhower glass is shown
Various unusual glasses, including several Jeanette Company Christmas Glass Mugs and a Davy Crockett
glasses box set from Jeanette Glass Company, and an Eat N Park Pittsburgh Marathon glass were
brought in by Brian Callahan.
A few club members setup at the Springfield Extravaganza Flea Market, at the Springfield Fair Grounds,
which is a very large flea market that is held the same weekend as our annual meeting. Here is a picture
of Brent Sehnert, with his booth at the show.
Saw it on Ebay – Green Hornet Radio Promotion Glasses Brochure
Brent Sehnert saw on Ebay a very rare Radio Promotion brochure from the Green
Hornet radio show, which shows four Green Hornet character glasses from Jersey
Milk. This item was offered for $500.00, the auction was ended because the item
was no longer available.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Ruby Pitcher and Glasses Set
By Carl Sehnert
Easy to tell the items you are about to look at are not a Disney authorized project and despite all
efforts we are unable to read the name of the artist. What we can tell you is that he was
extremely talented and that he had a fascination for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. In
addition to this work we know of several other works featuring Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs including an extremely well done and beautiful candle holder.
Done on commercially purchased Royal Ruby Anchorglass, the set consists of a round, 9”
pitcher with Snow White etched on it. On the base are the artist’s name and a heart shaped “To”
emblem. Along with the pitcher, there are eleven ruby red 4 1/4” glasses. Each of the Dwarfs
appears on an individual glass with their name on the side. The other four glasses also feature an
individual character from the story: Witch, Queen, Prince and Huntsman. Rarely if ever seen,
they really add depth to this set.
If you have seen this set before or know anything about the set, please let us know as it must be
an interesting story. And to answer another question, “Yes, it is for sale.”
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Clear Pitcher and Glasses Set
By Carl Sehnert
While the back story on this set is not as interesting, this pitcher and six glasses set is also very well done, pleasing
to look at and again features Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Etched on clear glass, Snow White and Dopey
appear on the 10 3/8” pitcher. Each of the six glasses, 5 1/2”, features a different Dwarf. Authorized by Disney and
believed to have been sold at the Disney Stores, this set appears to be a very limited issue.
Pleasing to the eye and will look great on any collector’s shelf.
Mystery Glass Set
By Carl Sehnert
This is a rather unusual set of baseball glasses with no other information than what you see.
Anybody with information as to where these came from or where they were issued, please
advise. Glasses are 5 5/8” tall.
Mary Gween found several interesting character glasses and sent some photos. In the left photo,
there is shown a Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park glass. On the right is a very neat Peanuts Snoopy
glass, showing different puppet scenes with Snoopy as director and puppeteer. This glass has the
United Feature Syndicate copyright.
Box Sets, and Glass Displays by Brian Callahan
Page 22
Many collector glasses, from the 1930’s, through the 1970’s and into the modern era, have been made
in box sets. Sometimes the boxes have very colorful graphics, sometimes not. Often glasses are found in
carriers, an open top holder with slots, similar to the carriers for pop bottles. In the stores where the
glasses were sold, or advertised, there were displays, with one or more glasses to interest the customer
and encourage them to buy a glass or a set.
A box “set” is not always a set of glasses, though. Sometimes it is several glasses that are the same,
because there was only one glass made, and sometimes it is the same glass, even though there are
different other glasses in the set. The store displays usually show just one glass, sometimes a full set,
and sometimes a group of related glasses.
In any event, these hard to find boxes and displays add lots of color and interest to a glass collection and
look great with your displays of collector glasses.
Another aspect to note is that modern glasses, mostly sold retail at stores or through the internet, have
lots and lots of box sets – there will be a few shown in this article, but if you want to see a lot more
check out the internet sites and sales lists from club members.
In terms of older glasses, in my area the Midwest, several sets approach the common or easy to find
status. The first is the ubiquitous Apollo 11-14 set of 4 glasses, from Libbey. These are found often in
shops, and come in “sets” of 4 where usually it is 4 of the same glass, and sometimes 4 glasses, 1 of each
different Apollo mission. These are so common that the ones I have in my collection were found at a
thrift shop, 4 boxes for each different glass.
Apollo 14 Box set from Libbey
Bicentennial 200 Collection box set of 6, 3 different
Another box set often seen is from the Bicentennial National Flag Foundation set of glasses, a box with 6
glasses, 2 each of 3 different glasses. These 3 glasses correspond to the series of the various flags. The
lower the number (which means the earlier the flag in USA history) the easier it is to find the box set.
About 20 or more years ago I went to a garage sale at a house right in back of mine, and bought a carrier
set of McDonald’s tall action series – garage sale price was $1.25, which was a bargain then and now. I
still see this carrier set sometimes, and think it is offered on the internet quite often. Here is a picture
that Mary Gween supplied of this set. Six different glasses, from McDonalds, from the late 1970’s.
McDonald’s Six Pack Action Glasses
Phillies Commemorative Glass set with pitcher Display
The world of sports and sports glasses have provided quite a few box sets – many will be found generally
in the area that the sporting event is held, easy to find in that area and scarce otherwise. Around my
town, Indianapolis, we find the Indianapolis 500 glasses, in “sets” of the same glass, usually 4 or 6
glasses. A complete box will have some paperwork included, as these were Christmas gifts from the
track management. In the last 15 years of so other sets have included pitchers, wine goblets, decanters
and other glass pieces.
The Philadelphia Phillies 100th Anniversary Commemorative Glass Set display shown above is an example
of a display box setup at the store, showing the glasses and prices. In this case you can get a glass and a
pitcher. You have to also buy a drink to get the glass for 69 cents or pitcher for $4.99.
A harder to find box set, that does show in the Midwest, is the Big Ten College glasses, distributed by
Marathon Gas stations. The glasses are all over, very common. The box set is not common.
Shown below is (left, top) Indianapolis 500 box set, (right top) Marathon Big Ten box set
(left, bottom) Peanuts Snoopy Spaghetti Box set, (right bottom) Peanuts Classroom box set
Among the favorite characters that find their way onto glasses, and box sets, are the Peanuts characters,
Tom and Jerry, and Disney characters. Shown below is a box set that looks cool, but sadly all I have in my
collection is the box, no glasses. This is for Tom and Jerry. Disney glasses are sometimes seen in boxes,
especially the newer glasses, shown are a couple multi character glasses sets in boxes.
The set above is, I think, the same glasses as shown below – however the set above is all in clear glass
and the set below is in different colors for each character. The glasses are Goofy, Donald Duck, Mickey
Mouse, Minnie Mouse and Pluto. Pluto the Pup for you old timers. I believe these were distributed at
the theme parks. You can see that the clear glass set box is in red, the color glass set box is in blue, both
have the same style graphics on the boxes. Also shown far below is a display for the Pepsi Pizza Hut
Dinosaurs glasses, they were a set of 4 different Dinosaurs. Bring home a new pet for just 59 cents!
Coca-Cola and Pepsi glasses can be found in box sets, in many different sets. Mike Vath provided a
picture of a two glass box with 2 modern swirl bottom Pepsi glasses. These were free when you bought
four 12 pack of cans or four 8 packs of Pepsi bottles. I have several Coke boxes in my collection, one is a
12 glass box, all the same glass, Coca-Cola 75th Anniversary glasses, fountain shape, 5" white letters
with Enjoy Coca-Cola / 1902 - 75 Years of Bottled Refreshment – 1977 / 75th Anniversary /Coca-Cola
Bottling Company, Inc. Mobile, Ala AND on reverse Enjoy Coke. The other set I have is a HouzeArt box
set of 4 Coke is It! short glasses.
Above Pepsi swirl btm Box Set of 2, Left Coke 75 th Anniversary set of 12, Right Coke is It! Houze Art set
I received a couple great pictures from club members Steve Simek and Pam Stice – something old and
something new. From Steve, we have a box set of 5 different glasses from Pixar 20 years of animation
exhibition in Taiwan with frosted glasses with black and white animated characters, a real neat set. The
set ID is DISPX01 in the glasses data base at www.glass411.info. Pam sent a wonderful and rare display
for a measuring glass, a Jiffy measuring glass. The glass was free with purchase of two items totaling 25
Shown above is Pixar box set of 5, Jiffy Measuring glass display, and Libbey Classics box set of 4.
Obviously, Libbey glass made a lot of different sets that glass collectors are looking for!
Below are some pictures of older sets. They include two frosted ice tea souvenir tumbler sets, The
Arizona Cactus Tumblers and the Texas Flags set, shown as Texas Tumblers on the box. The Pinocchio
box set is an example of a box with very little interest, as there are no graphics or info, but of course the
Pinocchio glasses from Disney are a wonderful, classic set. Dick Ladd provided pic of Pinocchio glasses.
Finally, we have shown below one of my favorite box sets/displays in my collection, as it is both a box
and display, and has several “sets” of the Bobby Benson glasses. One tumbler in colors was free with
purchase of two boxes of Force toasted wheat flakes. I wonder what “Force” tasted like – if it was as
nice as these cool Bobby Benson glasses it was a good cereal! The other two sets shown, to wind up this
article, are a great set of the 1960’s Batman glasses, the picture is from hakes.com, and a combo
box/carrier of Brockway Glass Company Inc. Plant #4 promo glasses. Stay tuned to this station for more
box sets and displays. If you have any pictures or information to share please send to
Bobby Benson Force Toasted Wheat Flakes Box and Display with four sets of 3 different glasses.
Below: 3 dozen Batman Glasses Box and Brockway Plant #4 Box Carrier with 6 glasses.
Page 30
What’s New
For starters, I’m new, or at least new to writing this article. So let me introduce
myself. My name is Sean Will and I live in Somerset,
PA. I’ve been a club member for over 10 years. I collect
superhero glasses but deal in all kinds of collectible
glasses. You may have seen me at Renningers or
Springfield shows/ Meetings, set up with Carl.
I have an Antique Mall, which I run with my
A small sampling of
glass at Sugar Grove
parents. The mall, Sugar Grove Shoppes, is located off
interstate 70, PA Turnpike, in Somerset. In the mall I
have a space with over 500 glasses for sale. Most glasses are vintage, but some
are the newer releases. I’m a dealer for Toon Tumblers and try to have all current
releases in stock. I try to carry the new releases from ICUP Inc. and Vandor. I list
many glasses on eBay through my eBay store, sugargrovecollectibles.
Enough about me, on to the glasses.
PopFun has the largest selection of new glasses. Recently at the July 2014 San
Diego Comic-Con they unveiled 12 new “DC Comics Bombshells.” They also had a
Con exclusive “Harley goes to the Comic-con” glass. The glasses have a great 40’s
vintage artwork style and feature the ladies of the DC Comics universe. Marvel
Comics had exclusive glasses from the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie. These
glasses were made by PopFun exclusively for Marvel and were only available at
the 2014 San Diego Comic-Con.
“Harley Goes to the Con.” 2014 SDCC
Marvel Exclusive for SDCC 2014
Design art for the DC Comic Bombshells.
ICUP Inc’s Summer Catalog has a few new glasses listed, but I’ve found in the
past not everything in the catalog gets made. They have a Deadpool 2 box set that
I have seen at FYE Stores. They changed
the design on the Marvel faces and DC
Logo sets and these have shipped out.
The other new glasses I’ll list if I see
them physically. Also they have updated
their Marvel Classic Covers box set. If
you see this in stores look closely. They
removed the Incredible Hulk glass and
replaced it with The Mighty Thor and the
Amazing Spider-man glass shows a new
Vandor has a few new releases as well. I do not order from them anymore but
I still get their catalog. I’ll have more on that later. They have a new Star Wars box
set along with an Avengers
box Set. These sets were
available at Target Stores.
The catalog shows some
new Deadpool glasses and
Above shows the two sets from Vandor available at Target Stores.
Dr. Who glasses as well
Left and below are catalog pictures of glasses to be released by
On a Personal find, after 8 years of searching for a 70’s Steelers Franco Harris
glass, I found three in a span of four weeks. This set features a face of an
individual player on each glass. The Franco and Bradshaw glasses are harder to
find and tend to be a bit more expensive. I finally have a complete set.
Should anyone find any unusual or new glasses, please feel free to send me
pictures and/ or information. I will be sure to include this in future newsletters.
You can always contact me at seanwill@comic.com.
The Seattle Seahawks as Super Bowl XLVIII winners are shown on a glass
From 02-02-2014. The glass celebrates their 2014 Football Championship.
Page 34
PGCA Membership Application
Collector Glass News is the official publication of the Promotional Glass
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PGCA. These benefits include:
· The purchase of club glasses (limited edition we only make 144!)
· Attend club meetings
· Voting on club issues
· Place free wanted/for sale ads
· You may also bid in the club auction by phone or email. This is a great
opportunity to add to your collection without extensive travel.
· The opportunity to meet great people!
- Club Newsletter Collector Glass News sent 4 times a year
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