Quick guide
Quick guide
Quick guide (Note: Ceaa'1iearuE dswie ( may oot beavaiable iny@r@ntry or region-l i6)+8, U,+ttRltrE+4fi BEEfiE4EE+*Ei) Ea4tutr ) -iowto avoid making a callcare coc k er ? Lo c k t h e sc re en f irst f,ag.Pressthe Powerleyro o :s: r' : -; E o:. :-: ffift€ to,l+ AfffiI;:.. O6;E€ Power/Un lock the screen Earpiece .'----.'....'--'-' Front Camera i:riri:r':: ja.--:::'.i': ;tlfr i:!:j::&t!i,!:!jr!==_ 0BeBrrrtea e6Geerrate Enterintothemainmenu S6Gtetttt3 EEiegEE (Add Switch input method : ' numeric key------------- I soaie kevl l '----....--'-.' lVIenu key - - l (settingsI (Accounts&S,-r taptoaddGoogleaccountTap Ne!:- Create-Type First name, Last name and User name-T.:e password-select a Security question and type a Seco::;-, Emai l-Accept the Google terms of service- Next- Fio :' :/= Switching character inpui account) Home key ,'essthe :a.ii'.:. = -;::: -:: i: :. --: ::-::- ! slidebarfro- :a::- :-::.-,- ::. :-::-:-: rl: ding'rom--c^::: :'-::- :-:-:::-::-:-:::, 4+,1 €),F/ftH68+ji . : ---,-iliivl** iElE--/iE{fr E *+ t itE I - t fl(F-5Fl' ) - [ i^riE.= aaeerrrtaa t66AettatE 0EBAeeretg 683 @ eBA rt,4+ff4fr 44ff ^ :: .^ 'S+tK€+i6 )iigff H S T - + - dte- ffi E. +fi Brs- tsf++f i"ltr&ffi aHfiti€- l *+9- 61rlTt6!iqE. T-r^drQE. H '-iEE# T'16fi+ fr TJKEZ- *+# ft+qT€)F€, ttr It DE 6)E6t ^h E itEE===-. ===--==* ;. t= "l,E- . * = = ; i * + tl"tn h F , BIrEJ+C EHffiflr. --_ Enterintothe main menu I Settings ) - [wireless First make sure your phone connected with & networks n ) 1.Tick I WLAN ) ,enter into I WLAN settings ) ,seiec: one :' the wireless networks, type network passwords, ifthe lcoshown in the Status bar, the Wl-Fl networks is conneciec. r' theWl-Fl a is not able ffi ffEl r".-. 6ffiffi1s str to:a: ffii*ii SettingsI (Applicationsl tick(Unknownsourcesl: ra:rg a EDGE networks, the 1 'r' Advanced Task :: r Kiler rirr t## lalking Tom cat Free S,gi rii) .i:1 icol .: nLr i-:s not connect da:a ] ic be shown in the Status bar and visitlng website at time will cost flow rate. Select I Do turn offthe networks. ow the th i rd pa rty softwa re to i nsta I l. rog ra m s or g a mes with the"AP K"suffix down loa d e: viacomputercan becopytothephoneSDcard.Opee [:: File Browserl to select and install. to connect, pls disconnect and connec: : ) or I SlN4z ) toconnectto || 1. P ga in. ffi*ill 6i ffi ij'..{' z.ln ( settings ) interface, select I Data connection ) - tac I StVr Programs downloaded in the market can be installed directly while others downloaded via computer or othe' third partysoftwareshall beinstalled inthisway: ( etworks. ,SE+ il r Enode fiff s(anmr The wearher .- i z.Programs downloaded via N4arket ora third part\ !r€! can be installed s.-:f,: -; "lnstall". *5 3.Enterinto (settingsl IApplications) (Ma^:;: ApplicationsL tap programsinthe IDownloade:I ;-chooseto " Uninstall" or"Move to 5D card", or\ cL ::-::: IRunning) and (OnSDcard) tovieworunins:: :-: channel r)ii .Nil l|r{ GooSle sky Map 8,,,:i.: automaticallytothe phone bytapp .c!: phone programs, 'p al"r. missed ca clo^ck seL; ll; W a]Frll e ^erwork dara Com puter synch ron .onn".tud;ffiwt-Ft battery; 1flvobi log out; barre'v; € izing;ffiu chanc:: e & co s - Ei r -:e r $laattery depletio.C-a oine; ff! B r: ffi vou eeeTwo-(od.at-d-\m,, "-o- El JC:- ',', Lo',,. :'. -: -i:.,---. -: \ ::S:3:a r. :':: :- -ode. tos, trlure;5) card;fli ffi trarsmitring;ffie'-od";;f r."-:i: transmitting; *+ tiqE)-lt&,ffiW+-l When first time to enter into the market, you need to register or log in a Google mailaccount. (The suffix is @gmail.com) After successfully setting, there will be Google verification, then you can see the marketAgreement, tap "confirm" to enter into it. 6fi ir IWLAITI ;'&tSE. =' [.',-:'.'.;= I = -+ fittF{4, ffi E i+==.,-r'- t * :,- 7 i;, l Ce F itxT.A a-x7r.:=:;. i'=-a= =-=: 2 frt+ l+lrrEEl+ ) F--=E'== ts'.'- I == I SIM2 ) EDGEE?F, )i<fx 4=L 4{:. ::: i_iu F)+FE)hE. &ft l^=d'-rrE== I 4=r=r1 il + tJ1 8E +r.. = z4E _L$ abE€ to Eq+fr 6T*.8!E,FE X E=i* . €:;:r a ,t,?Efb*=ft{+Tfl.6!x'tH==.'. t :i I - i - # = 6EFt€ ,.:s: EB +Lr &Egfir:* i.lo:tt .l'::r';;;,i:-::: ': . ti{ffi*{*iS*l..-i.i,:: ffi"+## r I E d ir 1=:ii-r+;=E@1i- P.o Al XunKeeoer Ll .... .; . , w2& " ll JEFIr - worbut.Fitnss o::11r1'.j'1ff1 ffil ts ( x it tr 4. h@ € 7 fi ra E E )ifffr s m a tl. c o mA! fr13 di. *# qa xlliti::u* **; E6 [fi A* EF ffr It( ffr ) i9 E fir,h tr +t tE? B. kE fr.^+.+i7ra. E,\ t,vETEri I 4E t ffilkl frt+E EA!IF E H+ "q*" . EEUft I Tfi6J6 I -E+ E -E T & d 94,=.ffl h B E + a!I?l+. r.Ai+HtllffiT+tF! U "APK" ,6tr'i=::E =d .ffi*.njr\E_fi\E\+tri.6#+,+Ifr (ESil=r. j= I n avffF-fr"-+* 2 Eq+fi raii?H+bffi = )1 +114T* 5 E = tr *'Ee-"h*#El]+dli" 3 d I iSE I - t rnffiEl? I - [ HIgTiFZ= : Hfr IETfi lrtJ#-+$1€Fqfrt+ "f[h' .= 'i ESD+" , bEl.\ft.lEft.sTt I& [sD++ ] == fritw++)L] $ER : ,k*E FI Daily Ab wo'kout FREE ffi 9,". &;,E'rrfr+,ffi trr^** Eil {;-';e,E:l 1=k*,\ GPS&+Ei€ffi+' ffizrrA+, ffrrsrva; [$ ma, "*, eae* : Enterinto IApplications) or (Games) toselectyour X+ x€ ffi e + e frl ++t fr^t? "h w t& *\+E u tr.g. dt; El ^,* *6 use= itHdl ;€i*itHt'L;ft E, +,fff rt*N# W *;ffi €Effi B; {ft eezre; Q eeex;{pi €lJia; ., favorite item to "install".You also can see the downloading progress in the (Download contentl oryou can uninstall the installed programs. r ft illl Google system supports multi-interface change. Changing the default interface when powering on/ you need to enter r:Et into (settingsl (Applicationsl - (Manage Applicationsl -Select the default interface- in (Default Startl tap (Cleardefaultinhomesettingsl . lnthe homescreenmenuinterface,pr"rr 4 Homepagekey, ( Complete action usingl willappear in the home screen, then selectone interfacesystem.Tick".f " for [s i2z 8g EiETG lM Import from slM l Impoft from SlM2 [Use by Import from SD .ard default forthis action) , the system selected will be applied by default when powering On. k s #l *q.-. Export to SD card Share visible contacG cdr. L I the prog ra ms to the home screen and change staticand livewallpapersfreely. Press the Men u key to open the h idden men u, se lect "Ed it" to defi ne the nu mber of pages. Tap the Men u icon in the Home screen to go the main menu, ln the menu list, touch one program icon and hold for a while, the shortcut forthe program will appear in the home screen. lfthe space is enough, the position of shortcuts in the home scree n can be moved freely. And you can press the prog ram icon a nd move toffiat the bottom to de lete it. ln the home screen interface, press the Men u ke, there wi I be a h idden menu or yo u ca n Use rs ca n add pl ug-ins, shortcuts for Th:s Dro^e sJpports dual SIM dual standby. Enter you sele::ed. PTess\ro other places 0Sl I via Card *'i; lE8ffis t ", ,-u^ r":rg n od ,i l"u O : rtl ,;,t $ll o= t 50 ;:n',4-, ao o. s -o :*i i@ E+ ,.'. .+ fft9 HE :6it i1d *li 'E# -+# ':+; as a ringtone. : or Card z. z.This chone supports automatic recognition ofSlM carc contacts.Youcanalsopress Menu keytoselect ( Accountsl tosyncGoogle phonebookor Ilmportl or Export) thephonebookto makea backuporuse. AElf:i.. rt*.ft a +ffi +n +*, E r4 ff tJl F,i il.n E iE lt t isE ) - LuEfEti ) - t HrErnEfE/B I -it?+EFJtilH! FEEI+-E I F,iil,E4t ) -tiHfr I,BFAtriIiSE I " trFE*+Hfr,d EE}?ffi, FEI3U4, t {E,H UT' fr &lX L itl+-f+FE €rtW A tr t PiillF "htnitu " H ft na& ix ) tufi a +d118 E . ^tn,Esi^ '.dffiA #xfrnn H ^s,fr*+#lr @tr)fr*." .fi fr Hffi 6+E*+ *+, trifr E sttul2 *E ll sD -F=A la* n *+4=+E'li H+E-tsTifi., E e-dtn&4| *@E[ EEntl*rErfr " 4 Er& i.1"1 fttr tr )RT, H m'R rE z' rt E t){ lrE.E iIfl # in E, +E ltffi'HE t\ffi He r r'fmE ?1tr{ ra. tr + E * +1q1i * + WffitflWffi*+4E1Eii*E=, EEE tl*lBrfr I I Enrj'El3if I I t1+X I I ErE) " Hfr t EzE) Ei4 tr IEE+48fr *4atAEzft . EfErF= *++l+ [effi *+ts "ffi+E" E1fr#I-€-frlDE" ,i iiE Er+ffi +EE u E EX # +*+, -FE 'ncdInfrgi^4^ H)^ir*E+fii+, fErii*}EEil, EtF ffi*." I ElFFG,.rz ,!t srMl lq. 6+rrn++{+u1+, EtrEU e-:e- l.PressiheCal keyortap icon inthehomescreentogo:: thecal ing interface,thentype numbersandselecttod:a Tap (Wallpapersl to change statics or live wallpapers. ln the main menu interface, open the hidden menu and select ""Ed it" to adj ust the position ofth€ progra ms. 3.19 key to adjust phone volume, or you can alsocan enterinto (Phone ringtonel and INotificatio. ringtone I to select other audio f les pre-stored or stor€c shortcutsl (WidgetsI (FoldersI (WallpapersI. @ ,+ ure into (5e:tingsl (eudio profilesl selectone mode. / tick IVoiume) tosetthevolumeof ringtoneand alarr-u: I touchand holdthe homescreen,then selecttoadd into f (Dual'SlM settings) , tickto activate ca.:s Setti.gs) it^ t isE ) - [ xs'.r- E ) 6iErO Fls I M+t+16 )H)6. +Aii+drEE=+t][EE.-tbEE7\ [ iqE I _ I,EFEN I _E=E: 6- tEE J iqEttF&imlf+EE, tbq6 I fr-.= & t iEtu*F I El+rf, #dEEiufEF&Er i!=fi 1*1Fh**n. 1 ."] tX H +Efi+di E + trH E H! tr,, * BfiS, E1++r4E+2fi.f.n2 fr +tniEifr iEEE, EHI*ffi 2.6+dt q,+s IV+qX < ,\ E i*4r. tbEJ U ^,1 == ) E,A+TEiTL€4E I g I I= E! iE i+L tr # {f6 (,. ru ilEl,q . }?+XtsI+ I IKF + tn + t I Tap IGmailI to enter into Mailbox A. Receiving mails (push mail) automaticallyTap - r Isettingsl Bffiffir ffiro,+s (Accounts & sync) tick (Auto_syncL then you can receive Email real time. ln general, the notice forthe push maiJcosts little flow rate and normally it doesn,t download attachments. lt,s suggested to download attachments by B. Sync r.Tap [*, r avyakel -.ll-:; ij:_ (settings) [Applications) (]:.: ilck (UsBdebugging) and (Stay 1 z.Connectthecomputerwith i USB : .-: : car ofcontacts, SMS and Files can be use: 3.ln the pull-down Status bar,seleci _:: Emailmanually ::: :_.:: 1..to cc:, . : -, conne(ted". rLrnonUSBDev;cea- r.PresstheMenukeyonthephone,select (refresh) to you can open the phone SD card update EmaiJmanually. 2.Ortap Isettings) - [Accounts & sync) (Manage accounts) selectoneaccount_ (Data&synchronizition) - (5ync Gmail) to receive an Email il r::t.d EEffilfflc !,.1-3 E.i Bftft; :::.r0. EE5lmc u,:r ldnuaryle2!11 ':i.r ff ::i: :: . : .i: uss debuggin5 \.--.. r\;.; a:. -r.: )r r PARKTR : x.n iato (;,asn. You are usrng Googl! '] in:eoiy ,: :t:o-a l 2rti.3 J iarji!... Yn! are uring coogte , noreJll L.iit!. . :rlJ 6 : -: ieior-ll 2609_3":l :e5:'51 J, =.r,.ErfE - ==;1='IEEif (push mait) thffi is I IH_ra+l+ta, t?.11 B ( ==:j/ri1+ffigT+tErl,H)fiE:" f+ijt _.=:-l;=l I I*+€1, Er+ I,EU+.,[] tr 3.trtusBri. idE U+0itHtlltriIL, ts;, =.. fs1=, x1+fr\rh6e" l =- 5lEtrt.rnr *+:, itl+ "usBEEJ*" .. =,: Iifi GiTA, H E rA.E i.t E t\ft it Htn fi ++Ti1 .- txg_5 lE4), H#ts# :- --' r- ) Fr*_r++T I lblg :6EiE€ == ) trE]IA, I i*]v*r4BE]t* I :... _: = 4. ifE == ii*+, E?ft3Ef;l]ats" ll:,. : ai2t l.lfEE?*'efitr*+rttE_A,, {f, .,..=.tl .fF*n. 2 Hfr+rTH! t isE I _ I eHfE,B _ I t usB ildit A, r,.=:: .. :. '- ,-- ,rir € € rEQftftGi.r:oz .-.-:,.: . jt,r. _Es.6fUE!.t=e;F,r.. E ' j-=:-. . the current posjtion), -',End point;,:Type yourtarget location to getthe route. location. This Direction function reference only. 2ni9 3-?s tt(B_5 IAf l.ria:i You can select drjvrng routes. bus routes and v,,alking routes to get to the target :asi -.-..-. _= c:--t::; &I Turn off JsB s:cf;:. IMap) , press Menu key, tap I Directions) type "Mylocation,;lDefault Tap a ==l;:El. ; l 2Dja-g.2 ::..r.::10 eftE, r- Op€n Advance. -a!{ r !, E:jl r:.,.@ EEH:Fie,=s,:a 2oil+tEi4ts .r EEE = +l+ I jtK ), .€+#++e, +tJ+ lffirtl ifr^+\ FlinE (PJii *ffi&E ) tAF., +frxlfrE!Ef,rjiL.fi, #r Et\*wffitt@. EmEuEr++ +ffi ,i, +t1wr*ffr E i* f { E fr5 ttu,,,}1. Efr 4iU AZ ^iiffirt, lxl* > t, iE* +q + [r E6 rt i; il ..::i 0pen Advan.ed Task Killer a ial Pil., ,!eir t.:ir;:::r, er: UsB debugging ron.ected !i rri:4 Jnai.r:a air:riinE *I *:, lsa itiiEii& i:+,iitri ii:, Egra =
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