HIGHLIGH T S • Corporate Brand Identity CASE STUDY: WATERTOWER THEATRE • Website Design • Direct Mail Season Brochure • Direct Mail Postcards Rainmaker Advertising has served as WaterTower Theatre’s agency of record for more than 20 years. We enjoy partnering with this iconic regional theatre as they promote their vital mission of opening minds with a diverse mix of plays and educational programs. Not only does Rainmaker assist with maintaining and communicating the theatre’s corporate brand and identity, but the agency is tasked with developing a unique and exciting season subscriber campaign each year. The 2015-2016 season campaign, Telling Stories, was introduced to their customer base with a dramatic direct mail piece that exuded colorful graphics and engaging photos that communicate the importance of the story-telling tradition in our society. This high-impact direct mail piece expands to reveal a huge 16” x 18” poster and calendar. To increase the shelf life of the marketing component, Rainmaker included a calendar-at-a-glance that details the show schedule and encourages recipients hang the poster for the duration of the season. Once the season brand imagery was established, Rainmaker communicated it throughout their website and via digital online banner ads, as well as with postcards, magazine and newspaper publications, utility inserts and other print media pieces. Rainmaker handles all components of the non-profit theatre’s marketing including strategy, design, print media and fulfillment. This includes the promotion of their annual theatre festival, fundraising events, and educational camps. Rainmaker has enjoyed watching the organization’s presence rise to a national level throughout our 20year history of assisting them with their marketing strategy and production. • Digital Banner Ads • Print Advertisements • Lobby Signage • 30+ Playbill Design and Fulfillment • Educational Brochures • Fundraising Brochures • Event marketing • Utility Insert brand BRAND DEVELOPMENT MARKETING STRATEGY DIGITAL BANNER ADS, WEB DESIGN PRINT ADS, DIRECT MAIL, POSTCARDS, UTILITY INSERTS, INVITATIONS welcome LOBBY SIGNAGE & EVENT MARKETING INCREASED ATTENDANCE TISH MUS Tish workeMusse SEY, y is Prop d 20 SA ertie years as a prohappy HENR Forei Sam to . 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Kyle Art a’s In an Mo ers of Actor erto stan and ea t ist, we gradiruate 2 Stage cur at and Educat s s al Mus in TV/ tion The tiva tr rt ion Managers s’ Equity Assoc Heigh in e.or film ren d tly Circleone Speical iation in the United he at , the aker.The with fromtou of ts. The video ring union of g . represTexa s Res the Moatre taping or States. re .or Professional st rec g other video ently entatio ident Actors and or audio n fro Ma tt wa recording m s see of this produ n ctionww is strictl w.wate y prohibited rto . we SPPR PR OO P NFS IL OERSSO F IL R O E S F IL WI LLI AM GO LD ING ES 'S This p ro prese duction o fL nt day on a re ord of the Fli mote uncha es is set in rted is land. rth eatre. or g BRAND DEVELOPMENT AND MESSAGING FOR THEATRE SEASON Ar ts Education SUPPORT LIVE THEATRE Arts education is an essential part of WaterTower Theatre ’s mission. Providing opportunities for students to learn important life skills through theatre is a goal that’s key to our organization’s aim to be an integral part of our community. Vibrant Keep Theatre DOGFIGHT 2014 king a Tax Contribution With Your Year-End Tax Deductible Contribution to WaterTower Theatre ers like you, WaterTower e nation’s leading regional fact atre is demonstrated by the unormances here, and it also your ou place on ensuring that rant place to live and work. Makes a Differen ce Among other education and community programs, WaterTow WaterTower Theatre er offers is committed to exposdrama program, a summer an after school ing young people to the arts and, in doing so, conservatory, the Atmos performing arts enriching their lives. This lifelong commitEnergy Student Matinees, and adult ment includes programm acting classes. ing that makes live professional theatre Young people who are accessible to everyone exposed to the arts in our community. We have the enhanced offer discounted tickets potential of becoming to students, seniors, more creative, imaginat veterans, first respondive, empathetic, ers, and active members expressive, confident of , self-reliant, and critiwell as a pay-what-you-can the military, as cally thinking people. In these challenging each main stage productio performance for economic times, the n. arts are an even more powerful, life-affirm These programs are ing tool for students. made possible because you support us with your tax-deductible contribution. 3 5 PLAYBILLS, POSTCARDS, PRINT ADS Please consider making a year-end charitab le contribution to WaterTo wer Theatre in Addison to ensure that we can continue to provide valuable arts educati on programs for our community and youth. Theatre produced DOGFIGHT. ruggle, set alongside a beauti- ve, resonated with critics and ical like DOGFIGHT is essential the es engaged, but to keeping o providing a range of produc4-2015 season aptly illustrates like ALL esent an American classic & a local playwright, MANICURES the musical SWEET CHARITY, and part of e Loop Fringe Festival. As ry oduce new, more contempora o emerging young artists. ALICE IN WONDERLAN D 2013 Fill out the enclosed contribution form, or call 972-450-6227 or visit www.watertowertheatr DOGFIGHT 2014 1 11/19/14 1:43 PM 11/19/14 1:43 PM EDUCATIONAL BROCHURES DIGITAL BANNER ADS H ELP US 15 TH A NCELEBR ATE LOOP ’S NI V ER SA RY RCH F EBRU A RY 2 5 –M A “ of the highlights of the year in the Metroplex’s theater scene.” Addison Magazine One of the most highly acclaimed fringe festivals in the country, the 11-day festival of theatre, dance, and music is focused on celebrating new works, new artists and emerging voices in the arts! It’s dynamic, clever, original and always on the “fringe.” This will be one of the most exciting festivals yet as the Out of the Loop Fringe Festival celebrates its 15th anniversary of supporting creativity! Sponsored, in part, by The Town of Addison and the Texas Commission on the Arts, with additional support from and the Dallas Observer. Visit for tickets! Or call the WaterTower Theatre Box Office at 972-450-6232 OH JESUS or AN ACTOR, A CYNIC AND A SAVIOR WALK INTO A BAR A one-man show written and performed by John S. Davies and directed by Gene Ray Price, Oh Jesus or An Actor, A Cynic and A Savior Walk into a Bar is a dark comedy that explores the battle between our angels and our demons. Jesus (or, at least a guy who thinks he’s Jesus...) has come back to try to make things right with his Dad (i.e. God). Dad is disappointed because Man (i.e. us) keeps screwing up. But this time, the resurrection will be live streamed via GoPros so everyone can see and, finally, believe. The problem is Jesus needs to attract followers to handle the arrangements. The problem also is what if he’s not Jesus? Plus, God keeps trying to control him and some cynic keeps interrupting him. STONE COTTAGE: 2/26 - 8 pm; 3/2 – 7:30 pm; 3/5 - 2 pm Dallas Neo-Classical Ballet LE TRAIN BLEU STUDIO THEATRE: 2/26 - 8 pm; 2/27 - 2 pm; 3/5 - 5 pm Ebony Stewart HUNGER Ebony Stewart is a performance artist and spoken word poet. She has been active in Texas slam poetry and the theatre arts community for over 10 years. Ebony is the only adult female three-time Slam Champion in Austin, Texas. She is a published author and her work has been featured in the Texas Observer, For Harriet and The Agenda: working for LGBT economic equality. In 2015, Ebony debuted her first one woman show, Hunger, at The VORTEX Theatre. The show was nominated for a B. Iden Payne Award for Outstanding Original Script and Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama. Hunger is an emotionally challenging performance piece – disturbing, moving, yet filled with wit, laughter and joy. STUDIO THEATRE: 2/27 - 8 pm; 2/28 - 2 pm Front Line Cabaret Le Train Bleu originally premiered on June 20, 1924 at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées. It was choreographed by Bronislava Nijinska for Serge Diaghilev’s Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. The libretto was by Jean Cocteau, music by Whether it’s the 4th runner up to Miss America, the pop singer Darius Milhaud, set designs were by Henri Laurens, curtain with limited vocal skills, or the Walmart shopper who finds more by Pablo Picasso, and costumes were designed by Coco than she was looking for in the frozen food section, Down That Chanel. The title was taken from the night train called Le Train Road features songs about everyday people with big opinions, Bleu that transported wealthy passengers from Calais to the living life south of the Mason Dixon Line. Dallas-area favorite Mediterranean Sea; the ballet itself was set at the fashionable Catherine Johnson and music director James McQuillen resort of Deauville. The ballet has a sporting theme, with celebrate the brilliant lyrics and music of Dallas native Suzanne swimmers, tennis players, and weight lifters and is a study on Buhrer, who wrote for such luminaries as Kaye Ballard, Milton the wealthy youth of the time. Laurens supplied a Cubist beach Berle and Joan Rivers. scene, and Chanel outfitted the cast in sportswear. DNCB STONE COTTAGE: 2/27 - 8 pm; 3/4 - 8 pm; 3/6 - 2 pm restaged this delightful ballet for the Dallas Museum of Art last June while collaborating with Zachary Broadhurst and Danny Glass Half Full Theatre Skinner on set design and Nita Marie on costume design. DOWN THAT ROAD Lone Star Circus Word) Le Petit Lone Star Circus ing (One 2/25 - 7:30 pm; 2/27 - 2 pm e) lution Read MAIN STAGE: g Collectiv Dance Linkages Word Revo E One (Goat Son SOLA: WOMEN DANCING WOMEN (MS ) FRE Eyes Shut 7:30 pm With My Dance Linkages is a project created by Andee Scott designed (ST) $10 to build a contemporary network of artists connecting across us)new work. SOLA: WOMEN DANCING 7:30 pm disciplines to develop e StarisCirc 2 an evening of solo dances created by and for ie Bolling) (LonWOMEN RUA RCH us (Ang FEB ce MA ) Circ iew women, featuring performances and choreography by Y, Star Passage of Chavasse, Amy Tzveta Kassabova, Bliss Kohlmyer, Pamela THU RSDAY,FREE Art Show Prev Dancing Women (Dan WE DNE SDA) $10 Le Petit Lone ey Bunny (RitePietro, Andee Scott, and Mary Williford-Shade (performing en (L) CB) (MS Hon pm Wom choreography by Ursula Payne). (DN A: pm 6:30 ) Bleu SOL ) MAIN STAGE: 2/25 - 7:30 pm; 2/27 - 2 pm 7:30 I Love You tle Prod )/Le Train of Passage (MS ) $10 (ST) $10 s… (Cat ny (Rite Linkages 7:30 pm tre) 7:30 pm Oh Jesu Honey Bun Full Thea (SC) $10 Shakespeare Dallas I Love You (Glass Half 7:30 pm The King’s Face Position (ST) $10 ov) ry 3 pm Lank iona 7:30 (Jeff Miss MA RCH l Piano (SC) $10 THU RSDAY,) $10 The Theatrica (Shakespeare Dallas) 7:30 pm (MS ns) ’s Face RUA RY 26 Through Tradition 7:30 pm Productio The King (ST) $10 Mabel (Vox FRI DAY, FEB) $10 Innovation mbe r Ballet) 7:30 pm Jane and (MS Sheehan) (SC) $10 (Avant Cha 8:00 pm s (Diana ers) 7:30 pm han Sing ior Play ect (Jun Diana Shee 4 Prod ) (Cat tle (ST) $10 , MA RCH Transformation Proj Ain’t Shakespeare) DAY Jesus… 8:00 pm FRI Oh The ds (It ) (SC) $10 on Wor (MS ) $10 Cabaret ce 8:00 pm 8:00 pm Pun: A Play nt Line 27 en (Dan (Fro $10 RY d Wom Roa (ST) FEBRUA Dancing 8:00 pm Down That SAT URDAY,) $10 SOL A: WomenTrain Bleu (DNCB) han) (SC) $10 pm ) 8:00 )/Le (MS Shee Passage Linkages 2:00 pm s (Diana (Rite of han Sing MA RCH 5 ns) ey Bunny Productio Diana Shee SAT URDAY, $10 I Love You Hon tle Prod) (ST) $10 Mabel (Vox ov) han) (ST) s… (Cat 2:00 pm Jane and na Shee o (Jeff Lank 2:00 pm Oh Jesu (SC) $10 Sings (Dia trical Pian Dallas) (SC) $10 2:00 pm The Thea uctions) kespeare a Sheehan 2:00 pm Theatre) (MS ) $10 (Vox Prod Face (Sha $10 Dian Full ’s el pm (ST) Half King Mab ss 5:00 The (Gla 5:00 pm Jane and Guitarist (ST) $10 ry Position (SC) $10 d Moore, 5:00 pm Missiona arist 5:00 pm Ian Mea e) ival (SC) $10 uson, Guit (L) FREE Play Fest 5:00 pm g Collectiv Ian Ferg klyn 7:00 pm 24-Hour (Goat Son (L) FREE tre) High: Broo m) (MS ) $10 Eyes Shut 7:00 pm Prospect ie Fine Arts Thea Noteboo 8:00 pm With My Up (Kris (MS ) $10 Prair (ST) $10 I Woke (Grand 8:00 pm Stewart) 8:00 pm And Then aret) (Ebony Line Cab (SC) $10 Hunger us) d (Front 8:00 pm Roa (ST) $10 pm e Star Circ That 8:00 6 us (Lon Down espeare) (SC) $10 DAY, MA RCHLe Petit Lone Star Circ Ain’t Shak 8:00 pm SUN (It ds 28 on Wor (MS ) $10 aret) Tradition 2:00 pm Line Cab FEBRUA RY Pun: A Play Through d (Front SUN DAY, ) $10 Innovation mbe (ST) $10 r Ballet) n That Roa 2:00 pm (MS arist $10 Dow Players) (Avant Cha art) 2:00 pm uson, Guit pm (SC) (Junior theatre) ny Stew Ferg ect 2:00 Full Ian (Ebo Proj Hunger as) (Glass Half (L) FREE sformation eare Dall (ST) $10 4:00 pm ry Position The Tran (Shakesp 2:00 pm m) Missiona (MS ) $10 Guitarist ’s Face Noteboo (SC) $10 5:00 pm The King d Moore, Up (Kris 2:00 pm Ian Mea klyn (ST) $10 I Woke (L) FREE 5:00 pm tre) High: Broo And Then 4:00 pm Prospect ie Fine Arts Thea (SC) $10 ective) (MS ) $10 Prair 5:00 pm t Song Coll (Grand 5:00 pm Shut (Goa m) My Eyes Noteboo e Up (Kris $10 With Wok (ST) I 5:00 pm And Then (SC) $10 ing 5:00 pm Been Read 29 nce. or viole FEBRUA RY Now Or Have You Ever tions and/ cular MONDAY, sexual situa rding a parti E Are You tre) tickets. language, mation rega (MS ) FRE wer Thea infor idual Loop ain adult 7:30 pm (WaterTo ge Loop Frin Out of the RY 25 DIGITAL BRANDING ance 16 Perform Festival 20 TUESDAY, MARCH 1 Schedule ent cont indiv for cont uctions anges on Some prod ult the box officerefunds or exch no Please cons here are MISSIONARY POSITION: PLEASURE JOURNEYS FOR THE INTREPID LADY EXPLORER Amelia Weatherbeaten (Caroline Reck) and Eleanor Dangerbottom (Cami Alys) are Victorian-era Lady Explorers and Spokeswomen for Hartmann’s Hygienic Towelettes for Ladies, the first commercially available menstrual products for women. They travel around the world at the turn of the 19th century, hocking their products and lecturing hilariously on topics of interest to the Society of Learned Ladies, Where Ladies Share Knowledge with Ladies. (That’s you.) They have arrived with their collection of travel curios to set you straight on what you thought you didn’t think you needed to know. Part P.T. Barnum sideshow, part Victorian Geographical Salon, these ladies will offer a seat at their table but you won’t stay in it for long. Anticipate a raucous, interactive, inventive performance that kicks the stuffing out of stuffy, um, “period” theatre. STONE COTTAGE: 2/25 - 7:30 pm; 2/27 - 5 pm; 2/28 - 2 pm Diana Sheehan Diana Sheehan Sings: The Jerome Kern Songbook Goat Song Collective John S. Davies Oh Jesus or an Actor, A Cynic and A Savior Walk into A Bar Ebony Stewart Hunger Kris Noteboom And Then I Woke Up www.w atertow erthea /outofl oop.asp x Junior Players Shakespeare Dallas WITH MY EYES SHUT THE TRANSFORMATION PROJECT THE KING’S FACE Two people – who’ve been found to be on the autism spectrum – find themselves stuck in clown school to learn social skills. Naomi, a dance prodigy in her twenties, feels in colors and refuses to wear a clown nose. Cole, a percussion virtuoso, can recite a complete history of the xylophone, but won’t meet your eyes. Measured against scales of social competence, they’ll push the boundaries of compliance to find connection in an isolating world and shatter the complacency of the nameless faces and disembodied voices running the show. Goat Song Collective is a new theatre company of early-career and multidisciplinary theatre artists based in the Dallas area. The Transformation Project provides a glimpse of what challenges exist within our teen communities and family ecosystems. The Transformation Project pairs these lighthearted and life altering struggles to music, stage combat, and choreography for a thought provoking production performed entirely by a cast of teen dancers. The issues are real, the teens are real, and the experience is life changing. The King’s Face is loosely based on the true story of a wounded warrior. It is 1403, a time of war and terrorism. At the battle of Shrewsbury, King Henry IV finally secures his crown, only late in the battle to have his son and heir to the throne, Prince Harry of Monmouth, struck down by an arrow to the face. The impact of the arrow is no glancing blow. The wound festers and the life of the future monarch is in jeopardy. The story reflects the universal ordeal of all wounded warriors. STUDIO THEATRE: 2/28 - 5 pm; 3/1 – 7:30 pm; 3/5 - 8 pm Grand Prairie Fine Arts Academy PROSPECT HIGH: BROOKLYN Conceived by Daniel Robert Sullivan (Tommy DeVito in Jersey Boys, Author of Places Please!) and co-written by a team of New York City teenagers, the play focuses on four intelligent, highly charged students and one seriously apathetic teacher. Prospect High: Brooklyn was created with the intent of offering a new collection of serious, true-to-life material for teenage actors. The play addresses themes of apathy, revenge, deep friendship, trans acceptance, casual racism, self-harm, and the power of both good and bad advice from teachers, all against the backdrop of an enormous Brooklyn high school. Prospect High: Brooklyn was developed in partnership with Roundabout Theatre and the Fox Foundation Resident Actor Fellowships. Prospect High: Brooklyn received a workshop presentation at Roundabout Theatre Company in April 2014. MAIN STAGE: 2/27 - 8 pm; 2/28 - 5 pm It Ain’t Shakespeare PUN: A PLAY ON WORDS, A STAGED READING Pun: A Play on Words is an energetic, meta-theatrical comedy following the desperate final rehearsal of a new play’s staged reading in the minutes before its only public performance. As the clock ticks down, the Director’s sanity shatters in a maelstrom of hilarious despair and the actors find themselves caught in an epic battle of wills between two unstoppable theatrical forces. STUDIO THEATRE: 3/4 - 8 pm; 3/6 - 2 pm Jeff Lankov THE THEATRICAL PIANO: SONGS, SIRENS, AND SOCIAL ISSUES This new interdisciplinary concert-theatre piece by pianist Jeff Lankov highlights some of the imperative and provocative social challenges facing our society today, including homelessness, body image, AIDS, gun rights, and patriotism. Weaving together a musical narrative of cutting-edge compositions by today’s most innovative composers, The Theatrical Piano combines live music with theatre, dance, spoken word, and computer-generated sounds. Featured guest performers include actor/director Anne Healy, dancer/choreographer Amanda Jackson and Big Rig Dance Collective, singer/actor Niel Mowles, and actor Sara Shelby-Martin. MAIN STAGE: 2/27 - 5 pm; 3/3 - 7:30 pm MAIN STAGE: 3/4 - 8 pm; 3/6 - 5.00 pm Kris Noteboom STUDIO THEATRE: 2/27 - 5 pm; 3/3 - 7:30 pm; 3/6 - 5 pm Vox Productions AND THEN I WOKE UP Vampires! Demons! Sex! Billy Idol! And seriously, what is up with the husband in Paranormal Activity? He sucks and gets what’s coming to him. Kris has an issue with dreams. Well, nightmares. Well, really, if we’re getting technical, it’s somewhere in the middle. Oh, and all the existential dread. So, in a series of anecdotes, Kris takes on these dreams - both his and America’s - because he’s also super patriotic. It’s really quite selfless; especially considering how personally embarrassing it tends to get for him. The dude just wants a good night’s sleep for the love of Cthulhu! STONE COTTAGE: 2/28 - 5 pm; 3/5 - 8 pm; 3/6 - 5 pm Lone Star Circus LE PETIT LONE STAR CIRCUS Whether you dream of contorting, climbing, flying, flipping, balancing, bending, and rolling on the circus stage or you want front row seats to the amazing feats of physical prowess, acrobatic agility, and captivating contortion, Lone Star Circus has your ticket. Under the creative direction of 8th generation circus artist Fanny Kerwich, Lone Star Circus puts a unique Texas twist on traditional European circus arts. MAIN STAGE: 3/2 - 7:30 pm; 3/6 - 2 pm One Word Revolution ONE WORD REVOLUTION: A NEW MUSICAL A STAGED READING With book, music and lyrics by Kelly Marie Schaaf and directed by Marianne Galloway, this new musical will be brought to life in a one-night only staged reading. The story centers on a fugitive who is on the run and ignites an uprising in those who have been held in a government-established internment camp for two decades. One of the captives, Evelyn, risks her life to send a note to the other side that reads ‘hello’. Evelyn’s note is found by a young reluctant soldier, Riley. Motivated by Evelyn’s letter, Riley chooses his allegiance when the fugitive, Moyra, arrives in their city to fan the flames of revolution. A staged reading. JANE AND MABEL Jane and Mabel, written by Pamela Cuming, is a play about two homeless women and the funny, deep and interdependent nature of their friendship. It uses humor and a mystery to examine the life of two women who have nothing but each other. Without homes, family, healthcare or employment, Jane and Mabel examines the cost of living in a world that isolates them and makes them invisible, resulting in an almost mandatory redirection of each woman’s moral compass to ensure their survival. Directed by Angela Wilson and starring Nancy Sherrard and Allyn Carrell, Vox Productions is a new company dedicated to work that gives voice to women “of a certain age.” STONE COTTAGE: 2/27 - 2 pm; 3/3 - 7:30 pm; 3/5 - 5 pm WaterTower Theatre 24-HOUR PLAY FESTIVAL Playwrights, directors and actors will come together to create 4 brand new plays in just 24 hours. Four playwrights will be chosen via submission, after which they will be assigned a director and a group of actors who will then inspire them to write a 15-minute play. The 24-HR Festival will culminate in a one-time only performance at 8pm on Saturday, March 5 in the Main Stage where each of the new plays will be performed for the public! The 24-HR Play Festival serves to provide a creative opportunity for local artists to work collaboratively. MAIN STAGE: 3/5 - 8 pm WaterTower Theatre ARE YOU NOW OR HAVE YOU EVER BEEN – A STAGED READING In the mid-1950s, the House Un-American Activities Committee began investigating the communist influence in the entertainment industry. This searing docudrama from actual transcripts of the hearings reveals how decent people were persuaded to name names, and the steep price paid by those who refused. Written by Obie Award winning playwright Eric Bentley and directed by WaterTower Theatre’s Terry Martin. MAIN STAGE: 2/29 - 7:30 pm Angie Bolling MAIN STAGE: 3/1 - 7:30 pm; VISUAL ARTIST Rite of Passage Theatre Company I LOVE YOU HONEY BUNNY If you can afford couples therapy, that doesn’t automatically assume you can have a “date night” once a week, or go on a long weekend each quarter or take a week away once a year. But, if your marriage is important enough to you, then you’ve got to make sacrifices....or get creative. Inspired by the colors & textures of Mexico, Mardi Gras, and folk-art from many cultures, Angie creates original mixed-media pieces. Strongly influenced by her Deep South roots and love of family and friends, her drive to create and share continues to open endless channels of expression in the various studio arts, needlework, decorating & design, art directing, writing, and teaching. STUDIO THEATRE: 2/25 - 7.30 pm; 3/2 - 7.30 pm; 3/5 - 2 pm LOBBY: 2/25 - 3/6 EVENT MARKETING 25 February Diana Sheehan DIANA SHEEHAN SINGS: THE JEROME KERN SONGBOOK CELEB ERSA RY 15TH A NNIV 2016 -March 6, Avant Chamber Ballet INNOVATION THROUGH TRADITION Innovation Through Tradition is an evening of live music and innovative dance. The program features repertoire by Katie Two-time “Best of Loop” Winner Diana Sheehan returns to Cooper, including a new one-act version of the classic ballet the Festival this year with a world premiere cabaret show Raymonda as well as Caracole and Memories of Change. celebrating the legendary American composer Jerome Kern. The performance will be accompanied by a live music which Considered by many to be the father of the American Musical, includes music by composers Glazunov, Prokofiev and Bach. Kern collaborated with the greatest lyricists of his day leaving us MAIN STAGE: 2/26 - 8 pm; 2/28 - 2 pm a treasure trove of some of the most gorgeous melodies ever written. Songs include: “All the Things You Are,” “Smoke Gets Cattle Prod in Your Eyes,” “A Fine Romance,” “The Way You Look Tonight” and many others. Musical direction is by James McQuillen. HELP US Avant Chamber Ballet Innovation Through Tradition Our tha nks WTTGive_Trifold.indd tival fringe fes “The best D Magazine in Dallas.” to: not-for-profit WaterTower Theatre is a 501(c)(3) are tax-deductible. organization, so your gifts s all donations with WaterTower Theatre acknowledge In appreciation of your a receipt for your tax records. offers various gift, WaterTower Theatre also events and other exclusive opportunities to access VIP experience. theatre your privileges that will enhance Ticket revenue only covers Tower Theatre’s operating 40% of Waterexpenses. The remaining 60% must be raised through contributions, the majority of which comes from individuals like you. It’s because of our close circle of friends that WaterTow is able to produce world-cla er Theatre ss theatre and education programs that inspire and enrich our community. We invite you to become a part of this family of supporters with your year-end gift today. r Palye rs community. D 2013 The Junio great ndustry’s finest artists with artistic wer Theatre has become an We’ve ghts, designers, and directors. Texas – e arts community of North year-end Your or almost 20 years. of ential to maintaining the vitality ALICE IN WONDERLAN 6, 201 6