Issue No 30_14th October 2011 Newsletter


Issue No 30_14th October 2011 Newsletter
14th October 2011
Issue No: 30
From the Principal
God invites us to live our life to the fullest. As with any invitation, we can respond in a variety of ways. One way can be by
responding with a commitment to live life with a change of heart, a change of attitude, a change of behavior - not just once but
many times over. By taking care about what we say and do, the way we relate to each other and the values by which we live our
lives at home, at work, at play, is how others see us as being really genuine about our faith.
Every day we are issued with an invitation to be ‘fair dinkum’ people of God, an invitation to the feast of life in Christ and in
one another. We are invited to be both givers and receivers, whereby to the best of our ability, we act as we profess.
God, giver of all and to all,
The hand of your loving kindness, powerful yet gentle,
Guides all the moments of our day.
Go before us in our pilgrimage of life,
Anticipate our needs and prevent our failing to meet the needs of others.
Send your Spirit to unite us in faith,
And strengthen us in our service to others.
May we all have enough to eat and enough comfortable clothes to wear,
So all may rejoice in your presence and party!
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Welcome back to Term 4 which is sure to be another busy term filled with many learning and extra-curricula opportunities for
the girls.
While most of us were enjoying a relaxing holiday, two groups of staff and
girls from MSCW were in Cambodia on an immersion trip. This journey
can be a life changing one for the girls as they are confronted by many
challenges. If you would like to read about their experiences there is a link
to their blog on the College Website. One girl reflected:
The next part of our day was one which was extremely sad and confronting
for many of us girls. We visited the HIV/AIDS and mentally disabled
orphanage … and we were all a little nervous in the beginning about
what to expect. As we arrived, we were met with a giant building and we
could see some children standing in the yard. It was very difficult to see
these orphans, with no family, having to live this way and it only became
more confronting where we were brought into a bedroom and three
children were lying in bed very sick. Most children couldn’t communicate and it was so touching when one child grabbed
onto Carrie’s hand and just held onto it. As we went upstairs, we were met by some absolutely beautiful boys whom we
talked to about their
schooling and their
life. It was amazing
to see how educated
they were and how
good they were at
English, one was only
a year or two older
than the majority
of our girls and we
soon forgot about the
barriers his disease
held and we could
just talk to him. It was, again, so touching to see them smiling at us and when we had to say goodbye, they all stood there and
waved and called out to us. It was disappointing that we were only there for a short amount of time and it was no surprise that
as we all climbed back onto the bus everyone needed their own space in order to
take in what we had just experienced.
Another thing that was so inspiring about the place was the carers and brothers
who looked after the children. Their dedication and hope was inspiring and they
were such resilient and patient people.
And from Ms Lee:
The girls were touched, saddened and brought to tears by some of the things
they saw - orphanages, genocide museum, killing fields and extreme poverty. We
planted an entire rice field for a type 1 family (the poorest in Cambodia). They
learnt to speak Khmer. Some of us ate tarantula spiders. We lived together in a
small slum home for two nights and shared a small bathroom with a cold rainwater
shower and squat toilet. We laughed, cried and sang together. When one was
down or getting homesick, the
others pitched in to lighten the
mood and help each other feel
like part of the family. We also
prayed and reflected together
every evening.
The girls have really grown it is amazing to witness their
personal development and
the change in their way of
thinking. I hope the trip has a
lasting impact on their lives.
I would like to thank the dedicated team of staff who prepared the girls and who shared the journey with them. Ms Dengate, Ms Lee,
Mrs Rush, Mrs Wallace, Mrs O’Reilly and Mr Powell. Particular thanks are due to Ms Dengate for her many months of organisation
in preparation for the trip. Such experiences would not be possible for our girls without the willingness of the staff to give of their time
and skills to provide this for the girls.
Thank you also for the support of the whole College community in making this trip possible.
HSC Dance
Each year the New South Wales Department of Education and Training presents Callback, a selection of outstanding performances and
projects from Higher School Certificate Dance students. Congratulations to our HSC Dance class and to their teacher Ms Melissa Cooper.
Six of the girls have been nominated for possible inclusion in Callback, with two girls, Annalise Buttitta and Christine Commisso,
receiving three nominations, which means they were nominated for each of their performances. This is an outstanding achievement.
During the first weekend of the Holidays a group of Year 9 and Year 7 students travelled to Hobart to compete in the National Robotics
Championships held at the University of Tasmania.
The competition was tough and there were over 160 teams competing in dance, soccer and rescue. The girls had many successes as
well as many testing moments, however they came away feeling very proud of their achievements and all the new knowledge they had
Congratulations to the girls competing in the Senior Dance competition who finished in 3rd place bringing home a trophy to add to their
collection. The Dance Theatre girls finished in 6th place. Our Soccer girls missed out by one point on reaching the quarter finals finishing
9th out of 22 teams. And in rescue – Kathryn Delavere finished 18th out of 33 teams, showing great resilience after a bad start to achieve
195 points in just two rounds. We are proud of your fighting spirit Kathryn!
Thank you to Mrs Arcidiacono who spends many hours training the girls and who accompanied them to Tasmania. For more information
and photos of the event see
The young writer’s competition known as TranSCRIBE is in its 8th biennial cycle. Since the first competition, TranSCRIBE has attracted
more than 2,300 young writers from across NSW. Congratulations to Francine Crimmins for winning a prize in the 12‑15 year old
category. Her entry will be published in the TranSCRIBE 2011 Young Writers Competition booklet to be launched by the Hon. Kevin
Humphries MP (Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Healthy Lifestyles, Minister for Western New South Wales).
Trivia Night
Please don’t forget our Trivia Night, next Saturday 22nd October. The P&F have
worked very hard to organise this fun night as a fundraiser for the College, with all
monies raised being used for the purchase of new lockers for the girls.
I hope to see you there!
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From the ASSISTANT Principal
Life Cycle of MSCW
This week I was reminded of a somewhat humorous yet confronting little poem called “Life Cycle” by Bruce Dawe, in which he
gently satirises the cycle of life and how we, nearly unwittingly and certainly speedily, get caught up in it. MSCW is most definitely
a microcosm of this larger cycle of life. No sooner have we farewelled our Year 12 girls in fine style and with much pomp and
ceremony in the last week of last term, than we begin all over again in the first week of this term with a similar rite of passage to
welcome our incoming Year 7 girls. And despite barely having time to breath between these two hugely significant events in our
College’s life and the lives of the girls, as much excitement, planning and importance needs to be given to one as to the other.
Of all the responsibilities that human beings take on in their lives, the education of the young is perhaps the one that is most significant.
What parents want for their children and what society requires for its future give rise to the type of school that is created to meet these
needs. In our Catholic education, the prime aim is to develop a learning environment that supports, complements and builds on the work
of parents and the expectation of society in raising children. To be a fly on the wall at some of our many planning meetings would give
parents much insight and hopefully huge confidence that we take this responsibility very seriously here at MSCW.
However, the school does not work independently. Community infers mutuality, common goals and ideas and strong inter‑personal
relationships and parents, staff and girls together comprise this community. It is the quality of our commitment to each other in the process
of education that will send to our girls the most positive messages about themselves and their world that we want them to take with them
into life. This is the enormity of the responsibility that we have in education and such is our contribution to that “Cycle of Life”.
On an equally serious but different note, I would like to reiterate the fact that CHEWING GUM IS BANNED AT MSCW.
A considerable amount of money has been spent cleaning chewing gum from many areas of the school during the last holidays. This
money could have been far more beneficially spent on resources and equipment if this school rule had been observed. On the spot
detentions will be issued to girls who have chewing gum at school. A reminder too, that a detention will be issued to any girl who is
not wearing the school uniform correctly. The new detention system has been in place for over a term now so there is no excuse for
any girl not knowing what is expected of her.
Year 12 Parent Information evening 7pm
HSC Examination period commences
Sat 22nd Oct
Allwell Test for 2012 Year 7
Tues 25th Oct P&F meeting and AGM 7pm
Tues 1st Nov
All Saints Day
Wed 2nd Nov
All Souls Day
Mon 7th Nov
School Certificate Exams
Year 7 Immunisations
Tues 8th Nov
School Certificate Exams
Wed 9th Nov
School Certificate Exams
Thurs 10th Nov School Certificate Exams
Fri 11th Nov
Swimming Carnival
Tues 15th Nov Year 10 Lifesaving
CGSSSA Aquathon
Wed 16th Nov Year 10 Camp
Thurs 17th Nov Year 10 Camp
Senior Girls’ Retreat
Fri 18th Nov
Year 10 Camp
Senior Girls’ Retreat
CSDA Debating State Finals
Mon 21st Nov Year 10 Surf school
Tues 22nd Nov Year 10 Macquarie Uni Experience Day
Year 8 ESSA Science test
Wed 23rd Nov Year 9 PDHPE Camp
Energy Breakthrough Challenge
Thurs 24th Nov Year 9 PDHPE Camp
Energy Breakthrough Challenge
Fri 25th Nov
Year 9 PDHPE Camp
Energy Breakthrough Challenge
Ms Ann Freeman, Assistant Principal
Tues 18th Oct
Congratulations to the following girls …
J.M.Balayboa (Jaricot), P.Brooks (Jaricot), T.Cameron (Chavoin),
M.Chan (Chanel), M.Edwards (Marcellin), D.Genua (Marcellin),
T.Gonzales (Perroton), C.Larcombe (Colin), A.Minutolo (Chanel),
K.Morris (Chavoin), G.Olivieri (Colin), J.Schafer (Perroton), D.Scibilio
(Chanel), R.Wickham (Colin), P.Wong (Perroton), K.Bardeleben
(Chanel), A.Bilotta (Marcellin), L.Cimilio (Chavoin), C.Dizon (Jaricot),
L.Ford (Marcellin), A.Hamilton (Jaricot), V.Jukic (Chanel).
Lauren Rizzo and Monica Ward
Alexandra Roberts and Alexandra Webb
Wednesday Brooke Rodgers and Casey Wells
Thursday Alannah Saab and Rebecca Wickham
Arielle Saar and Paris Wong
Girls report to Student Office by 8:50 am
Final 2011 Fee Reminder
For those families who are not on a Fee Payment Plan, please ensure your fees are paid in full immediately. Reminder statements
were sent out at the end of last term requesting fees be paid or contact the Business Manager.
Failure to pay fees or contact the Business Manager may result in the College adhering to its Debt Recovery Protocol. The College
needs to meet its 2011 financial commitments by the end of this term and we still have a large amount of funds to collect.
If you are experiencing financial hardship please contact me for an appointment. We appreciate your assistance with this matter.
Kathleen Badolato, Business Manager, 0457 595 418
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Annual Catechist Mass
On Sunday 25th September our Year 11 Catechists were presented with a
certificate by His Eminence, George Cardinal Pell at the Annual Catechist Mass
held at St Mary’s Cathedral. The girls are to be congratulated for their efforts
in spreading the Good News to the young students in our local public primary
schools. The girls have given of their time freely and generously this year and
have used their gifts and talents in this special ministry, sharing in the work of
proclaiming the Gospel.
The following students are to be congratulated:
Armine Arakelian, Elizabeth Bernard, Leana Boccanfuso, Natasha DeMarinisUlloa, Bernadette Ferlauto, Katie Haddad, Krystal Ledesma, Elisha Lorizio,
Carolin Margi, Joanna Sciancelpore, Gabrielle Songco.
Julie Bjazevich, Religious Education Coordinator
Congratulations to …
During the school holidays Natalie Payne (CHV 335) competed in the Showcase Regional
Dance Competition where she performed a classical ballet solo. Natalie achieved fantastic
results with a score of 94.2/100 (a ‘gold’ mark) and 1st place! Natalie will now compete in the
Showcase National Championships in Queensland, next January. Well done.
P&F Meeting and AGM
The next P&F meeting and AGM will be held on Tuesday 25th October at 7pm.
All current members of the P&F committee are retiring at the end this year, therefore we are
inviting nominations for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Being a member of the P&F committee is a great way to contribute to your daughter’s school.
If you have any queries or you would like to include an agenda item for the next meeting please
send an email to
Year 8 Language
Selection 2012
There are three language options in Year 8 –
French, Italian and Spanish. Girls will study
only ONE language in 2012.
Important Message from all Houses
In order for your daughter to select which
language she would like to study please see
the attached letter entitled “Year 8 Languages
letter to parents” and fill in the relevant details.
This form must be signed by both the student
and a parent and returned to the sealed box in
This year each House is responsible for putting together a fabulous hamper to
raise money at the P&F Trivia night. Each girl is asked to bring an INSTANT
LOTTERY TICKET and ONE ITEM FOR A HAMPER as per the theme for each
House listed below. Girls being girls, they can sometimes forget these things so if
you could gently prompt your daughter/s to bring these items in this would make life so much easier, as well as helping our College.
All donations are to be given to House Co-ordinators or Tutors only.
Themes and suggestions for each hamper (note these are suggestions only; please include any relevant item of your choice.)
Gifts for men
Family night in
Gloves, spades, seedlings,vouchers,
Aftershave, deodorant, socks, music, sport items/magazines
Decorations, fruit cakes, mixed nuts, bon bons
Sauces, jams, pickles, biscuits, chocolates
Face masks, perfumes, body creams, hand/nail creams
DVDs, snacks, board games, cards
Many thanks for your support, House co-ordinators
Page 4
MSCW wins 3rd Place at RoboCup Nationals
On Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th September, four teams from Marist Sisters’ College competed in the RoboCup Junior Australian
National competition. This event was held in Hobart at the University of Tasmania and had teams from all over Australia and New
Zealand competing. There were 164 teams, over 400 competitors that gathered for this event. MSCW competed in all three events,
Premier Rescue, Soccer and Dance.
Kathryn Delavere competed in Premier Rescue. Premier Rescue requires the robots to complete an obstacle course including bridges,
speed bumps, obstacles and the challenging “gridlock”. Once in the chemical spill, the Premier rescue robot is required to find and
lift the victim out to the safety of a raised platform. This competition consists of five rounds. In each round the course becomes
more and more difficult, truly testing the ability of the robot and its designer. Kathryn encountered a few difficulties in the first three
rounds, but came back in the final two rounds to finish 18th. There were 33 teams competing in this event. Congratulations Kathryn.
Our Soccer team ‘Robohobos’ – Francine Crimmins, Katherine Field and Alexandra Der, competed in the Novice Soccer competition.
This competition consisted of 22 teams and required the girls to only use Lego in the design of their robots. The girls were the only
girls’ team in the competition. The first day of competition required the girls to play two games. They lost their first game 2‑0, but
came back to win their second game 5‑0. The second day of competition was very intense. The girls played another two games. At
the end of these games the girls were one point short of the quarter finals. Congratulations in finishing in 8th place.
Two of the teams competed in Secondary Dance in both the performance and theatrical categories. The girls had to perform their
robots twice and attend an interview, where the judges questioned them on all aspects of designing, building and programming their
After a day of intense competition, one of the MSCW teams was announced as finalists. Congratulations to both the teams who
‘The Poppins People’ – Victoria Moliterno and Georgina Tanner who competed in the Dance Theatre and finished in 6th place.
Huge congratulations to our Dance Performance team: ‘Wizards of Woolwich’ – Olivia Naim, Caitlin Story and Madison Toohey,
who achieved 3rd place. The girls were very excited after all their hard work. What a great result in a National competition.
Overall, all the girls had a rewarding experience. Not only was the competition a fantastic opportunity, the girls were able to meet
and socialise with other students from all over Australia and New Zealand. They were rewarded with a tour of Hobart and the
excitement of visiting the Cadbury chocolate factory. Congratulations on the wonderful results and achievements.
Mrs A. Arcidiacono (TAS Coordinator)
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Performing Arts News
HSC Dance Results
Each year, outstanding students from all the schools in NSW who study Dance, can be nominated for the showcase ‘Callback’. In
order to receive a nomination, a student must achieve an ‘A’ Band result in all their components. It is very rare for a student to be
able to achieve an A band result in all three components, Core Performance, Core Composition and Major Study Performance.
This year, not only one girl, but SIX of our HSC dancers received nominations for Callback – Christina Commisso and Annalise
Buttitta were nominated for ALL THREE components. Aimee Mursell was nominated for TWO components, and Jessica Pruscino
and Cassandra Malecki were nominated for one component each.
This is a great honour for our girls, as it is indicative of all the hard work they, and of course Miss Cooper, put into each
performance. Thank you also to the Junior girls who danced the HSC compositions as well.
Congratulations to Olivia Cipriano who was nominated, and is an accelerated student from Year 11.
Ms Spata, Creative Arts Coordinator
Girls from Years 7‑10 were emailed last week regarding auditions for the College Musical Grease.
Audition forms were due in to the Student Office by today as auditions start next week. If you missed
out, late audition forms will only be accepted until RECESS on MONDAY. (Audition form attached)
The list of auditions will be up on the notice board outside J1 music room and on the door of 115 dance
room. Please check the list for your audition times.
This year you can audition to be a soloist or in the chorus, or just as a dancer. Also, if you know any
boys who would like to be involved, please email Ms Spata with an email contact so she can pass on the
relevant information.
Ms Spata, Creative Arts Coordinator
YEAR: _______
Why do some have basics like a meal to eat at
TUTOR’S NAME: _______________
night, an education, a home with a warm bed
to sleep
in at night, a safe community,
others do not? And especially children who can’t
choose their circumstances, but are born into
: ___________________________
There are lots of charities doing excellent work
to improve these inequalities, but they need
ER: _________________________
more money. A group of everyday Australians
have launched a phenomenal fundraising
: ___________________________
initiative, named 1$Day, in an attempt to
collectively change these inequalities. So, we
are asking everyone who can to give just $1 for
FEE who can’t on Thursday 20th October.
You applies
may think,
my $1
count …
if or participation:
e following
to your
of but
everyone in Australia with a population of over
21 million people,
this Dance
and donated
their dollar … we would have the potential to
Junior Jazz
Band in such a
raise a phenomenal
of money
simple and inclusive way.
Senior Jazz Band
So, next Thursday, during period 1, please help
us help others
$1 for those who
! by donating
Vocal Group
For more information
about 1$Day,
Rock Band
Miss Kelly Hobson, Science Department
ords for extra-curricular ensembles will be checked with teachers.
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